71 t. - hj . .A, V 1 . - - - -. L : -., ; r r . , .; ; ... . . ..- . v- ' : . -- - IT - v ... .v - ... ,-. 1 - . .. j' ; : ... " 1 - - y " - y r ;. ; - ; 7's--. '.v;v:i . 'V r l-sbllV.:" VD lv, ?V v CrOur are thelan of farr, delightful peace;.,' V. V'.r. .V V V -.r t - - - l""'-.; " ' ; V T"l .. 1 - i !.;.... . i .. V . V7 " . 7. . ' ' 1 ' ' - - . . " - . ' ' i li urn tmmmmm mm i 'V ;7 1 c r ).,'THE .REGTSTSTl V 13 published eTery'TcisDAT and FniDir, t JOSEPH GALES & SON, - . ' At litx Dollars per annumhltmadTanceJ vh.vci ucivir. v-tu;i-rehi..o rwur , i t . A,nvT'.T?TTs-F.xti?."Nrrr?5 . ' -s ? 1 Nbteisceeainff 1 6Ymeii,Tieatr inserted three ; timefof a dollar, and 25ents for every . succecaing-i puouvauyu , , vi-. greater ienpnuiiwba. nement ot our fhllerences -with the U. -ATToxs-diankfulIyrecived.s.LETTTJSiistoSfoto : 't -J k the, Editor mustepLOt.paid. ) , JLrliUltlbU, , y a"ai IUULC tyvviiB ui ' uaiuuicr, ' yvjiiiuroji-.iion- ' vinouth, arfdyieeHs :Karecentlyibeefi 5inades anH so favorable Hsa its restiit, icu -aiiu ner.essarv flrrnnrpmpn ' ' : . . - V-.vv , . r. j . ; ru""? wc' -T? M "MTO'' liu Vi if ih;vp oi ;; nosf on, iiavs puiu inro tfie; 'tatej i reasury for !ufies;pn' sales ,at auction, v about 70; Boston is mtO :said Jo tvrv OM land on theeckwhichvis tobea ;i!t!?J: .9 :Ffct' eu JMates. 7 1 here is anr estaousnmeni; . .... ..auu.j,. ........ - flours fb stainin- and paitVtmg paper ..mruH! .y,u uc60;,u. 9.ttnccd..toto5 cqUiaJi- to any imported from the workshops of - v V . i r " v "r Proyidencc Patriot) almost every color ' aaie m .eiewai squares, wirnvSTreeis or she has taken vr . , v - " : f-" WJnl nu; y WeFrom Pittiburjr to th e :lacfory cdiisutnes laiW 4000 :lbs. month of th? i;ss;in; iK? r-lJr wuuit 'lus Risieu i aiwesuuryyvjtiisv.uuq pieces rv dry seasrtis) with the exception lof -,v of nannelartp;bamifacturedwthe t!ie Rat of LoufsviHa oi the 'Ohiri.-t: mVTfp Cut a r.omp has recently been fbrrn- i ; aid savs. that these liannels have lustlv u;.r-t:f ri,...-..-.!, i -acquired a hiffh rcntjtatjon m the Unit-ivnf v tt n,.A w:7 7k ..,:L : Mapcy and ;vra(Jiance, snrMssyanyJsbars ,nbt taken does jibt : excee'd' 5'i "thinwe. have heretofore seenv"yheT bv the lasncrounts. 7Phe tvnri: is ?ire manufactured frora;tlie hoofsi Imrns, " ,Sndbones of cattle,' and tubs supply a yernanu ior. an article nt in erto cotnpara -7? t iy e 1 y Usel ess. -lhe -M ss r& A m esv of spriugiieiu, are saiu to nave lac . mos r extensive paper piuanu factory in tbe pnited,: States' ; they have 12i engines jn .operation, and employ tnore i than blv convened on the 51 st October. . An .election ivill be directed for the second rhembe'rof Congress, thechoice orone bn'l fTrTstraniBurtxess;) Ve1n-ff:erTecte"d - iat the last election. 7 Mr. Jas. DWoJf fo, ucsiMca vnc mwhc ujjui - i fOP the present year, and cost "OH Of, men atHI Doys.;: : t , Lot No. K3 property fOavi JiheJslanj. he jjeneraKAssem- yt No. 187-7 . : : C it'Ke JiaiJ erit in to the Governor his resig jiation'as Senator of the U. States ; and bffcoure'-the Assembly will have to Supply his vacancy. -An eitehsiye La bonitory has been, erected on Carpen -tef PointiiLFr . 'I;. jjuperintendencey of Dr. 7 Parsons : its ' 7 aqua fortis, bill, of vitriol,- and other 7acidS are . said toejjqual - to thevim- :rr . ported.;--:v;vgv,y yv y yr ;: ..-.v. y New-JrAAtfaveller, Jn theTN York Commerciai Advertiser states thatjpersorisbo.and toKcwTOrieans,now a the ;6anal: is,fihished, fi tl bu t IK) miles land travel I irijr between the" town.' of rie and Pittsburg ; that hecame that 7trm;:' i rrXV i:77 V77c the Mississippi ana Ohio to the city of IN e vy-1 orK in -ti4 days 5 expense auou t ' S0:4 TOe jourpey'throtrgh the Canal Avill be Ies$ expensive. 7 t ' .- ' , v fSfarylahd. --The insolvent law of this -yl state, proyiqes, tnai UTuponne aijega yTi itbn.pf a;crediior: tliata debtor hak coh- 'Aveyeu aya"y a part ohis-Jproberty; wiih 7 fraud u lent views; andy the tact -should be established bjiar t sliallbevfbr "ever precluded from all be - nefit .oF-the actl A- case- of this des cription!wasT lately (depided in the coun ty;0 court of , Baitimore," the debtor was found, 'Igailtj of 'thefrtid 5 the legal costs incurredT1 by theTfcreditbiiii v tlie prosecutiiv. ambunted y toy rnore tjiah S700 ; and tbe; court-decided that no .costs could bei'reeovired of the debtorM tjii trial of 1 such n zsswe.-The cbnse-j He v7 Arc fibishbh M a reschal , th ere were crition of. the Riglit Kev: li. Jbenwick, t as i Jioan nthol jc Bishop .ofV Boston, ; ; tookrplaeevOT , ' Church of Baltimore : besides' the inMt present Disijops iJonweH or irmiaaeipiua t 7a1id a ' nun'17 her of xhe.Rev.(ergyi71Ushop England wcheou; thPccallVo'n . ' -' , 7 f,fie$rjpa;& sugari from . , ( Tl outgo uierj.Oeb na -been shown at y vViialivisaid td bVoC as fine qualirjr 7: th-Ke w iOrl eanl..i tv is cu 1 ti vitcd .."I1? P'ueianu, ior aomesucconsunin-f tlOtl "TTh'A' 'rV'tinnn'l ri llihn IoUl,l . hne bavin- anthontvlV tliat' th? Crk by ' aftaip ; wouhl be adjusted to'tho sahsfac- ,on i,r Jeoria7"anU, without ckrryins: '.r,w'HJn,5we aiTacnen erv nine ere- i uti to-ine article itselr j 'the last Mil 'e,!?fy.iJJ. JoumarmakesTthe foUowjng remarks on it : The article which" we j vuuieu iast weeK, relative xo tnei set- i"7' &rrl irfta. iu, iur j Creek lands, seems to be understood have beeh undetL the rimpVession that limits prueorsjia pb ected to the treaty. land of1 tl Ilyi'pari stood th 'ties : to .the treaty, we unr t nffc6iin tA -r'olfita'In all tjaggithity boundafvl of Georgia. . IfV however, the fact should be othfrwie.1 if itv is ihtttiided ' bV I vt. i i r.. . v . . . i onuea iaies sovernmenTcto ,nve un I anvsiurt o the lam s of, Geonnn. we can say With the U (Jeoria1 will ii eve Inat n ' I cin Cap irrr-'fKk iitmnct inisfilnnt.i ep aree to if (yeor h a v bi w th e w hole of herlanirs. SHe has just ice"and t equity oa the crdund nav iation, for .Steaniboa ts (unless iu, 4- The bick of the canalSftrt the purpose j0r passing tlie largest Steamboats, vv I be, 190 leet " long anil 50 wide. A tached to the canaT will be erected drv docksin similardinensions,for the con- venient repair of vessels naviatin-those waters. snares or stocKin inin enai have been taken by a Mercantile House pected to commence early in the soring - : ''-''-- i lijuids-fbi Sale fof Taxes STS Wednesday; the 7th Iav of December next, the following . Lots in the Cjt of icaieign, will be sold at the Court House m sail city, fo satisfy ,the Taxes .due thereon, of auvertismi: d RoVser then's i.heirsi JSto.-236 &. 250 Benj. Kagsdale No. SO rf': ;---v No. "25J - , . No. 275, 276 &. 187 No: 170 i - . No. 186 : y No. 1827 'ryy;;; No. 199 : ,' No. 273 7 :. 7l! No. 583 ! John Suurg" AVm. D. nnis -Martha Brickie Heir3 of J. Pride Wm. Al. Kenedy , Elizabeth Goddy Janaes McKee' "Charles larish y Theatre Square A.S.yl Purges William. UiW " William Ruflln No. 114 No. 114 'No. 211, No. 258 No.' 163 No. 272 No. 1-16 227 John I Green Durrel Rogers Jo n P. Sledge Heirsof M'Ketlieri JOHN PERRY. Col'r. Raleigh, Oct. 26. GranvilIe.Counf?7'y y 'Court of :tequitySeRtembeiperm,..J825.';. Patsey, Elijah: Williams, Petition for sale of Land be- Adcock, Sibis wife. Fran- Monging to. the ces. Jolin Fbrd St. Rebecca (Estate of Absa Ford, ": . t7 lom Foro, de r WiltiamnVilliams & his wife Nancy. &, Sally Ford." ceased. S:'-: '? T .appearing to the Court, that the Delend anls William Williams and wife, and Sally Ford, are' hot inhabitants of this State ;'lt is therefore ordered, bv tire Court.'that publica tion he made in the lleigb legister,for six successive weeks, requiring the. said William Williams and wife and Sally Ford, to ap pear'atlthe Superior 4 Court of Equity f to oe held for the county -of. Granville at the: Court Mouse in Oxford; on" the first Monday of March next, then and there to answer or de. mur tothe said Petition, otherwise it will be taken pro co'rifessb, and be heard ex parte'. Witness,TUbmas B. LittU john, Clerk and Master of said Court at Oxford, the first Mon day of September 1825. ; V'c-Ii"'" - ff 7THO. B. LITfLEJOHN, C M. fc. akti,"5Ti'y " x&rx 7 : fk. ND committed ta the. Jail qf : Nashville, 'jljL Nash county; N.Ci Onihg 10th iiwtaiit, as I V" a ruiiawayV a negro fe!lo"W NED, who was sold by Mr.-Slietwood i Evans1; of,' this county to Mrl Matthews.- or Mr. ; Meriwether pP.Geor gia, . about & or 9 years go-'if he has: been about-in this audftheadjojnimng countfes ever siiice ; and," Junderst arid, .he: now be longs to Mr,, Hannah" of Alaharna r,The ow ner is. requested'' to come forward prove 7 GTl'ne .Editor of the- Cahawba Press, v- 1 VHIIUI UlSl I lit I IU1I. P.. ;7jk piuociijr, iy v.iai cv9) aiiu wic uiiu away. , -777 WILLING. WHITFlEtDVailor Nashville; .'NCjC, Oct yi6l 77? ylm ' t Louisbufg 'Female 'Acadctny r yTHE Examination of the pupilf ofthis iiu,vmvuj.. viuaui iuc scpuu session, iWiii rroTTfmnrf. nrv wntaV. nmk' - next. -7 - Parent. Gnardl VrWU pcctfullj. invited to attepd. " fc , - . ,WM. PJLUMMER, Spryl Xouisburs-. Nov'rr. 1825 71.t7thn B WTtT-aell f reat bargain in t Trarl. 1 of Landoneln this county, about 9 miles northwest of Kaleig-h; on the middle road to Hillsborough, containing 855 acres. , Tliere is a liirg-e proportion- of very trong land, and somen g-ood meadow and as well watered as khv land m the county, with a ood mill set. There are about 70 or 75 acre in Vd- tivatiom I" would . divide the tract to suit ie me iraci to suit purchasers?The other-Tract lies in Chat- ham counttabout 4 br 5 miles southwest of the town of Haywood, contairfng- 500 acres, r- f Anyt ne wisninef to see this land, will nlease thpo cttll on Major.Carlosi, who . will 'show the JU'ina and lntorm them the terms, which 1 consitlc r very low. A further descri otlon is deemed unnecessary. I would receive younar flegroes in part payment4 . . . ; y ; : :.';:' ;sV.'-'w -i N-"--'- J I S. BOND, a Italeiefh, Nov. 2. .' - . 51- . ' State of vNorth-Carblinay y '.. PERSOV ; CfVtJNl. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, i September Term, 1825.. The Petition of Baxbary l)ay, widow of John uav-iuec u. . . - John Day, Henry Day, Elijah Day, Phillip Day, Ambrose Day., Bolinar Day. .'Richard Clayton & his wife Nancy, Muford . Sneep and Susannah his wife, James Satterfield and his wife Frances, Hiram Oakly 8c'liis wife Klirabethj-Fmnky Cochran, William Cochran, Alex'r Cochran,' Rob t. Cochran! children of John Cochran arid his wne .' a . rah, now deceased, which-said Cochran's children aforesaid are minors,hy their next friend and guatdian peuding'ttliis. suit, John Day. '"; ,; . .'' , IN this.casei it appearing to the C"ourt, f hat a. the Defendants' John Day, . . tenry Dayi and his wife Elizabeth, xAto reside in jthis (Vuuiiiy, uave nouce.oi.uii8 pPuuon ior ao. t thereon, and that for the want of ser- they waive all objection vice of a codv of the oetitiori and other moro B- . 1 . 1 j r final thereon, it is ordered by the ('ourt, that' publication for three weeks be made in the ifalcigh Register, - for the other, defendants" to appear at tlie. next Term of this ,ourt and answer this petition, or judfrnient will bien- xereu. against tnem. m - . , ("- - .. Test,. . : ; ' ;- . . ' J RSSE DICKENS, C. C. C. New 6j Cheap Store , ' In Fittsborous;h. C. ijHE subscribers take. ..this .method to in iLl form the public,that they are now open ing in Pittshorough, a large.and general as sortment of Goods, consisting of a t well se lected assortment of Cloths, Ca3simeres,;and Woollen Goods o,f every description, togeth er with Cotton and Silk Goods, China, 'Glass and Crockery Ware, Hard-ware and Cutlerv, onoes or every uescnpuon, anu a general as sortment of Groceries. 7; 7 : ' ;yrhe goods have very recently been ,. piir- ciiaed at Ne w-x ork by one ot the hrm, on tre lowest ternis,,and are orfered very ciieap tor cash 7 We hope all those who may want any ot the above articles, will at least call and examine their quahty land prices', as we are conhdent we can sell as good bargains -as can be had in any retail store' in ;the state.1 We have : also '- attached to our .estabhsli- ment a Jeweller's Shop, in whiph we ffer for sale, on good terms, Gold and Silver uatcnes, Suve Ware, and a general assort ment ot Jewellery. Watches and Clocks, of everv description,' repaireo: ana warranted topertorm ; and all K other Kinds ot Work usually done ma Jewel liaf'l! ehrxn ti.'tll V avuniif.4 .n Ia kat.tmnn ner and at the, shortest notice. , ' THOMPSON U HUNTINGTON. Pittsborough, Oct.- 24, 1825. , 205 lm AVjliiainsborough Academy. nHHE Exafniriation of the Students at this ! ft .. Institution will commence on Thursdav, 17th November, and -close oa the following Saturday. fai-ents and Guardians are re quested to attend. y A. WILSON. i The. department immediately under-Tny own care, i willi henceforth be divided into four classes, preparatory to tbeUniversity: FIRST CLASS." ; 7 Latin Grammar . T .Historia1 Sacra -Viri Roma: ; - Mairs Introduction. v f. SECOND CLASS - -y- 77, Gjesars Commentaries Qvid Ed. Expurg".'. ' Valpy's G'k. Grammar Latin Prosody. v ' ,i iniRD class. .yl;-y'y7i Virgil : -.. .. Greek Testament 7.-7L Grxca Minora , y Roman Antiquities -Alodern' Geography ': English Grammar. 7 ' 7s7v' -: fo urth c Lass. 7 : yy-:: Sallust y y y Cicero. 7 orations 7 Gra;ca5Majora y 7 I 7 Algebra 7:. y-7V-y Adariis7Ancient Geo- English Granimar.' V graphySc Mythology.. . r, -s 7 , ",The4 time of att e ridance t at the Academy will be from 9 o'clock until three each day ; so that one arid a half hours will be occupied in the instruction of each class. ' . , '. ' r AlgebraV Arithmetic; En aiish: 'Grammar.' and Reading, w?ill be attended to on Friday?. : I will always h'ayejari, assistant, ? well 'qual ified to attend to the. English Department; '...m jjfiu wt 4.uiuua.wui .oCjxo,per sej iion in ihe 'Classiqal A'epartofeht,'. Hi the Eiie ibh-$8 and $12 yyy y -.yy y , ;,y y; ; The exercises will be' resumed on the first Monday ot Januarys 826, i , - rTT Ti'J.:- ' - V ". ' 2 V- f M lirawintr of the Oxford AcademvXnt- -iH' take place in this hClty the SOth insrant. t, . - , v. - YATES 8c McIrYKE, ; '. ; , 1 'j' ' ' ;UirA?Ets-? - Kaleigh, Novr. 10th, 1825. , X "r OUi H)Y - lieaSC - "jTIIX be SolcJ or Leased, . on niodernte r ' termsV the TAN YAKD lately occu- pied by Gabriel Dubruts, Esq: deceased, having all. the necessary, Out Houses, Work noP Barlv'ilijls, &c. On the premises are about Fifty Co'ds of ) excellent Tan 'Bark, which will like wise " be sold ' on mode- I rate terms, Any Derson wislvnjr ' to "com I itt" tcruis, juy person wisn'iif to'com- tnence the iTanning- business jwilldo well to call and examine the premisei. 7 For further j particulars apply to the subscribers.; JOHN CRUS01V rs. Faj-ettevi t. 10;.1825C .100 Ira gYoes tor Sale. ON Tuesdav the 1 5th of November next, , K . IT.. LL - - . at the Court House of Chatham countv. T Till be offered for sale, the Negroes ,1 ln. to the Estate of the late Jho: Hen- deiwn. Esn. fif Hlvatliam; rmVhtr-' nn e'r"w dit of Six and Twelve months nurchasers to give isotes witii satisfactory security. ive Noteswitlrsatisfactory security.' : On the same-day, ' arid on the same terpis, li the Household and Kitchen Furniture. - the 1 tock,;C rop, and Farming- lmplements, Avill be offered for Sale at the 1 welling House me, late j onn tl endCrson, Esq. ; r ; JAMES DONALDSON, S "'7 yiOctbbep.'-r-r-v-:-.'- - f.;. j; :98'tdsi-rf?'. State; of North-Carolina. y ; ..:'-v.:- PERSON COHNTY. -i" Cour of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Petition forthe division of the Real Estaie - . of William McKissact, dee'd. ; ' i , . Sarah Villines, RobtMcKissack, WmrEvan'lnd his wife Mary; Jas. McMullin and his wife'Janett. y Simeon Cochran and his wife Elizabeth, the heirs of Nancy Villmes, 1 the wife of Abram Villines, and the heirs of Thomn-1 rfRD ERE 1 1 by the ( :ourt that publication j y- iu uue vi uic vaevtes oi uus tale, summoning" the heirs who resicle with out the limits of this State; to appear at the next term ot this Cpurt on the first of December next, to shew cau.se first Monday unco e t the have, why the li lands of Wm.. McKissack d possessed, t should riotl deceased, seised and be divided among" his heirs at law, according to the act of our General Assembly, in such case made and provided? : . I 7 Test, JESSE Dir!KlNS, C. C.c Watches, Jewellery,. &c. &c. THE Suhscriber has just returned from NeW-Yotk,-with all additional surinl V-of Gikvls I in his line. ' His assortment vis noV Pretty complete, consisting in part of I I.ad'u s' Gold Lever. 'Watches' , V i r Gentlemens do. and Silver do. Plain Watches .Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Keys tu . 1 " rxT - - . ' -EarJting, Fingr-Uinand Breast-Plns : r?r.7fl uKW.n,iM. 1 rMa ti j 0:1.. i I Soup Ladled Sugar Tongs 8c Sdt Sp6onsd Silver Ppnc P!iP v -V M 'i r i ' With a gTeat varietyf other articles too uiuu,,,. "Fuin- fantrv arid CivaTrv Surorrls. RnW anr! S vii - Epauletts, Hoi Also,Britannia . -7 . - r : . - j - X r-'.. . 1 ,. sticks, Plate aUend toe cleaning & fe,lairiS of Watch- es Clocks of alldescnphcns. Job Work in the Jewellery line, punctually attended to. .t . .v,.- w..v, .Tv v ya?ae 7 Raleigh, Nov'r. 10th. 7 tiX smaifadvance for cash, or on a short credit to "punctual customers. His musical deiiai t- ment comprises a complete assortment of INSTRUMENTS , auriong which are-- 1 PEDAL HARPS, PIANOS ry;? VIOLINS,; CLARION ETTS, c. e j-1: first roual it v iIso lii r Cflne for rhlblron iM,ul,u ITIk additriitb ; his . Confectionfcadinar this 'd Pocket Pufol XW ar,.ir. sets, Plated Candlc-I tiof of Fruit TiW rnirh- . , d (lastorsv &-C. fi t ;i 1 Ornamental Tre jrtt:ntwr. cu.. . 4 eS PIs TuhnVHyacinths, andother BuIboS A rerms tor cash, . . x J 1: ; Flovvers. Also, abovel300 species ofGreen- ' The Subscriber hasAemployed a first rate lonse Plants," including the mosf splendid Watch and Clock Maker, and is prepared to rare kinds . nmnn ivWk .:?irn-a UAS just returneti from the North, with a F1 "i'1 . per wk meet prorr p t Ueu-' great variety of. Articles in his line; se- Von 7 ' , ' ". ;, y : Jected by himself, which will' be sold at a WILLIAM. II. MAFFETT, Agent. r rAlso, the most approved lie w: Music, Vio- Stockholders rT: i - ii v'--l?rV, v -linBows.aribuskinds of Screws & String, iled irp- shlf t.7J,.re1?. v.i-.Ny . 7 He has also received several newcasesvof fttftte educated. :; ri Jiti . w looking ahead y Gentlemens fashionable Beaver Hati of thej t;! "7yy .7 ''1'7 - 7 - rftVef. -I - y . Grocery Department, jwill enabf 7Wor ply. all orderl y He has on hncr lhat variety of Children's Toys. &tetl ine yc He -will furnish r Bau,. or -.- v .y h-:7-yy rglHE Subscriber wishes to infornr the rrenr- 4ers"of tlu; appro chinT.eIsl;ure, and others, that the EI VERY STAHLE7 n HiUs-boroiig-lt street h woyr occiiicd by-hiro, a usoa?, and will ie- wvllVfurnldietl with "pro vendvr, and good 'attention, vdl.'he paid to' horses".- u , , wxr.n lELi A : readier yantbd irv FaraiwelL . Orove .Aca'demv.. 7 - - "jJIl, BRAGG, the: present incumbent, bet. about to commence ' thimdt ot-' - the L w, tlie ; Trustees are HKirn of Vrrw ploying-; some suitable person : to succeed ' him. To a person of unexcentionahl mnr al character, competent to tlie.Huw.harcr sp . all .duties incumbent on the Irinein.it a rui ai. , . 1;- ?S C tf'S1?. " De promptly, attended, to.. - X CHANT.r Halifax county, N. C.-Oct. lst.'18257xv - 7 rTTHE Subscriber offers for sale n hkdt cT i.feV nd'l7insr oli WlibyVcreek, containing:: 1D00 acres., ;The land is.xvell adapted to i he culture ot cotton, corn and wheat i and h'aj on it a pod dwelling house, barn. ; stables, &c; and a good -appl6 6rcm.rd. Tor terms , apply, Q Jmes Nutt, who is authorize! tr7 e Property 5 HENRY PDUHKAt" - s I QraPge October,. 17, 1825. : 102 St 7. iiLVVIS. nivtVuii.i...iAlA r - is a fellow of about 30 years of age, has a jrffe scar on the top of his head, on which there no ha,r. supposed, to b-7 occasioned by a bum, and several scars on his body fr ,m the. same cause, jxn has one toe off. Lewis and Pleasaots are about the same ag duite4 -7 i"..uuerl. anQ more,, elender than: ,ua'1aitl Ee wis has a scaf on ne.; cii l;f Wls uas ptirchaseil ; of, a Mr. vqiian ee!:. V ms cT- k arren.uountv. and th nth-, f i-v..-..:' ancey of Person County; an'd they u.o pro oably i.i their neig-.hborhoodsV .t v 7 ' , : 7 wirxiAM mcwielieP 7 -Camden, S; C. iSept. 7, 1825.' 7 3 ,lbw. ' ' (jp AKENvtj and committed to the Jail bf. ' Tei I'm0"' :rtir Ngrb; Men, vl2 A . , IS H AM, 5 teet II inches high, veUow complected with a scar on his lip and nose, bays he belong lo - hinneviPoteetf..Llvfnr:- l? r -HJ.M, 5 teef inrhs lim-h yeUowconW , Pr " : Says ,,e beIon to R. K. ' Jlehton, h of D-tr,I,St- district. South- Carolina. I i v the law directs. - y. V fiT. DAN'L M'NEI LW; Sheriff, y 7 5 : of Moore Cbuntj-J " : : 100 if- October vl. iv Sale Rent . t '.I1E m . i - IE- subscriber intends Jeaving" Ralelp-h - fs 1 . this fall. He; wishes yto dispose pf hia' '7 ' r e and lot ;lt is an excellent &t-.mA fo ! house a store being in the centre 'of business. - It is ; y also well calculated for a family residence, a' good garden and out houses. 7 A greaibar- gain may be hadiif early applic-Ation be m,ide.; ' Any gentleman wishing: to urchase, can be ; ; . ' shewn ther premises, and informed j e terms. ' by applyiutoj-the subscriber, y . 7-. X V 777 7 ' '7 JAS 7 in absence to V . V y . CLARK Sept. 21, 1825. . ' .. r qij. :r - lint . m N. II. Tlie subscribtfr returns his thanks to those Gentlemen" who have ? hitherto .r iro.iizeu mm, anu requests all tliose wlo s aro . IO'P ne st or October and settle tt or.be- i ieir re- snective accounts and all those to tvKrr, u Si f1? for the w' - -- I. Jrt 17;' 7 f7 i. Wxi lio -&C. i.htm. - puince 'Proprietor of the Linnae i W.i. -j i .. 4 v " - wuniaa, , T Aa QrangesLemonnd GUmns. 2827 mellia Japonica or Japan Rose.OCTof GeW ; niums . Grn nrl n lrY inme couecuon are also several thouV-.n l and above 500 varieties of Roses. inrlnAirTl 54 Kinds of China Roses, : ,7 V 'Catalogues may be obtained of thesubscrii- i berand orders through him,- or snt to t!io 7 North-Carolina Slate vBanki 1 . anicn ana isurseries. 1 i :-V"A- " ' ' ' " I ' - - i , 4 GRF:ERLV he 2d section cf the Act" - 7 jfSL incorporatms the State Barit of tvt... " Carolina, an Electjon of nr' u a .7 4heJ Principal Bank iicjrs afc authorilsd io v, Uii uic iui i)10IJr-l thPlf TP4PU V ,rn..- I - ' " ' - " ' y-y.7;v DI3Iiv x ; lrithisciiy,v6n Sunday.nlbtlsts . 3 ;y y- f . - '.1 4 i . i ALEXANDER WILSON.: shortest notice -ii comed,'rc'6ai;'a: AViikhC3ter-.baper anl account for payment. Noverabet JL. -X. 7 r ' A" ' r .i .::.-7 - f" 5 ? v , 'X, . V v --yy ." . -7 r 1 - - :7y ...v 7'y;7yf y . ' -A-. 7" :7 7 v-;,.--. v-v . , 'Myvi:;S7- "-y7j: ..7v:; .y s i