- i.'. . r . I 1 : . I. -i -..-.- . -". . .. ' t : If- ' -v 'U:. Tip- A Fr.-T TiTfP I l j I 1 W V I , , f i i i . ' m M 1 - - - . - 7 'tt?J;eIe brothers.? t . ,y, s-: , xr ! 'i(':;':r Vv -''; " ' ; ; tJ . ;v.l.;, -4-:. -r V-"-.- -5 - - ' . , 1 miu uic,pianaol ja, yi .y . " J " v ' ' ) ' . - ' " t . s. - 4 7TI .V' i i'. ' , . 1 1 iams l)oroii2:li cade i. i 1 ' A'A't FiVk Dollars per artnum-r-hj&lf in advance.. Not ciceetlHijr.l 0 finefs ; times for a dftllai ''succeeding' p'tiibfl ' leneth in the Varhi X NDING OF; WILLI VM PENNi ' ; ; Tbe4Sd; v iivas celebrated at Pjifade!pKia on Sfonf fiay-tlixiiltp'jAmon the Vuest were . . the Presideot r of f netfriited -States) Jude. 'V.ashJrtjrtiin off thai Supreme , Court,. and' the1 Duke Eernard' tffASaxe ; v',V;em6r;pt r ,-vj , : ';v :r";;-V,T f '0n bein ' given " by- the ; ve'nera ble - Jurle,''- Peters - his i Excellency rose; and s)f(;r thaf Ji -felt leeply se frl e in f ; f h ef k i n d n e a respect, shownrhini ;by t(e toast just , . g i y etri re n d e red as ir j.vya d ou b I y ea r to him , b y the, ire v ol u tiona r v lips from which it prtireeiJe'lft- He fhih he said,' ufii t ier 1 1 1m pressed -i ft h! theimpor- founder tjf Perinsylvania, anil' the lihp . py: consequences whicti had floweil ffoni the. principles tf Ii f s' gtU-e r n i ne n t. 1 1.i ;would nqt trespass'on thejtime. of ;;the ..xomp:ny,bv 'dil.-itln'-jj. upim; rtliej-topic "Svbi tri ha d already bee') .vtiiU ched by a ; rrj :fsf ers hantpitV. t Uj dlgcou nwTiI el i v er4 d in . the1 u-orntnif' he "courd add no thinir'but his'hear ty .c'mcn'rtence1 in' the. Fcnti jiif nts'es pi essed: in? that dUcgurse. 'H pea ti nv th c re fi ) re, h is th an k s f o r . t he ijciijd reception given him,.. he proposed tlic ftdlovyin toast : . - ; ; : ; - JtTie1-landing' of Wm. Penn, and : ." his great Town; the' City of Brotherly Loye.j r 3. Our Qistingiishd & enlightened guest, . Hhe'Xhjke ?;erna rd of S'axe "Weimar, in whom the virtues: of the'' tierman. pppulatiqu ' pf ''Pehnsylvania "are : 'finely -iUustratedi'-"';'',' J - The I)ukj of Saxe W eimar asked; .permission" to'Veturn4thanks'in FretfchV as beins raost fapiiliar to huii. We subjoin a th tiiatida of thi3 stnk- iu and eloquent speech. - r , enuemeri'J consider inyscit. partic lilarU f(rtijr,ate in" ajrrivin: here at tht moment . when-thft descendants of thnsi pHilihthfopic jiien who fir?t opened the: w ii d e rji i ess , i n. this h o v h ds pi t a b I e cou b ryxelebrafe the "anniversary of theirl an vent.; , fX ijia t ; i an u i ng was ; o n e y 1 1 in e .mnst'remarkable eventsof modern Ids tnryi'nVfttheyrtttJSt happy people "in 4 III; 11- I V V l OV, ) L. ft M lliVJl ...v,ftMWV Bu t i t i 1 1 becomes me , a st ra n'jjrer;; tout ,te in pt to u n fol I b f re ' voii.tj-p; p i e tt u re or your nappmess, ynn;n iixi's upon y on a he e yes of "1 1 h e .w h 1 e c i i I i z e 1 Avdf(U anu "drawsamdryou forii;n''rs: S eaec to investigate the. true sources of public ha'pptnesstrj in this point of -,yxew especiaii v, -anti -.yu.! .uit- uiiuusi plea sure, that I iinite.wifJt yoti ejnrce Jebratin; a festival'i.vhiqh ought to be that of all mankind ; v ''!. ;'.- 'A? stran'grr itf this countrfV fhe kind manner in which You have received me ' does vie. infinite?. honor, and 'gives me a fiatisfiction I. can not express. There is 'a sy m pa t by .of ojpi nions n 1 1 fc h ?ca U ves the distance that scnrlrates.'our ? birth places td dfsappear, and bnnjrs us near er to each 'other, and carnes the illusion so iar asiomaKe us nenevje mai: we are but .one Taniity ' -1 his is syinpathy; v Inch we -feel fn common with the jvise $an'd good of every jcoun try," S" onsi i tu tes iny; peculiar happiness, tho' 'it inakes me regre t t ha t circu in' stance's, v d d . no t . enable wife'.t dvfi x my- res id e n ce ' pe r m a - jaeotiy among you. ' . -' . r r.licarrr widi ;me, deeply, impressed upon iny heart, the remembrance of the Taec )The festival wd celebrate tins day can:tiever. beVeiracedTrom my inemory; amti ttit presence oj inejirsi magistrate of the pcoplcof . the people I repeat ike haiipiUt people on tfis face of. t'u carth adds still brighter tint 3 to V the picture. He assu rel, Geritlemen,- of the grateful isenttments; 1 cherish' to wards you , and allow me to carry across thcOcean the impression, ''-perhaps too 13atterinv to tne; that J4 feave behind me tome frieiids in whose memory' I shall continue to be present 3 X "AGinCtUIi URAL. At UhV late AnimalAleetiuof. the Pe n n s y I van i a A'gric u It itrafSd ct ety ;h e 1 d at Prp.pect Jiil liiif. hTlade1jhUiC0ti pt' al ui tist Ji ve ry vi me m t tli e p re nii u id '.tor neat Cattle were takeniby JoHk JIaee catioirf h6se of eater tor. tue benefit. m, t hc.oQCiel.T-Tr. ken a deeo iriterefetftl inihrtbe Of his urrp.ia tli nhiiv.. ttfiird Kutfioi' enr eviuence especially wnen KASKoutO tyM&iVFfr -were.jjpwurlsc' hundred head ol. cattle presentea fr compi tij tion. feverir ranTmal that V)btairie'd'7a premium, vhet!Tc btdim to tV!r. Pp.Vr ell ornUwas. pf 1 he breq. oF.-vIhji pnv et f. U u rha in Sh 'or.t 4 Imi -t ' fr on jVl r; Po w ell's .S t ir, fc.' : Toe $ e i p re i n i u m $ were-awarded by disinterested pracl'i f ca I" Farmers of hili "Sfafrid i t'ig; 'and1 tii nj be considered as a re waVd of 'fmer'LlL Vr l4o;3ylrv .PovYEtLi. also, was waIel sey e ralr premi u ins f(m; : Sieep, of tijth-j Dishley, SoutbdoWu & Tunisian breeds. J oxATifAM -UbB KiiTs, fu nuerty a Seria t'r of ' th e'-IXiVt'eVl TUi tes, Ms Presilen t of i his Society! and Dr. Miy."nLiNQ tonv formerly, a llepresentative in Con- irresiS, ilelivereu the Anuuul Audi'ss before iu- nriy :l ., ,. t ... miu-n ety jxi n ia, for the to conducted farm. a wa r d ed toll. , V To r n e i V E sq . o f J 'v f fersou couniy, updn cliiohv'he' -fiHttdr of the Am ricati remarks : Rich laud is a very good thing:, but La lints' aAid discernment oolycairui.ike me most of j u s Th jr.7e in iag't IdhTt u re a iii"oto'cr atl'lirs.1?. v ,;r , . , as PUNISHMENT-OF SCHOLAPtS. An action vasJMelv trieil betret Supreme L o u r t o r ' iN e v -11-. n i j & u l r e, a tj 'Guilford, fur an ailt'sred assauh -aud'blt-i teiy, 'rhe plaiuti.tif yas .a boy uf'tteti or eleven -years'' old, atnl th& defends pi; an instructor in a scnooi, or "wnicrt. PlVsintift'vvas a sfhiflah" Vor some mis- demeanor, the plaintiff ! had "been, chas-i iiatij, uv - inc. ui-ieiiuaiiL, iuri.g mviiuui hours'aail a,the close of hb school f iJ the day, tlie- 'scholars not ha' ing dispersed, the: plaint ijl as keif the dbj ferularjt w hy he v, hippetl. 'dm inore that? t Ii edthc r ' boy i ? ,t h e d vfe;,i I a u t re p f i d that he'ilid not whip him more 'thai other bovs who transi'resed the . rule of the schoid in atvenu d decree. Tide biy thrn told the - instructor.- he w;s G---d dd Uar9 and ran out of ti huse ;: the instructor foliovOfl, 'cau-;! a e- it him, and wnoned him fark to tie nouse. for which, die jilain if? jVou;ht this, suit It further .appeared, jjjat ,the-r jdanitiff was soundly'tlo'r ed, and .'that iStnp reiiTained on his back for ten days af- teru'ards. The chief iustiVe chlue thejurv. very' clearly oti the subiect, tlie" jury retired for a few moments, uiju rptorned a -verdiei. p.vcrv U!id iniaiU d man - would have; done,).of . not "smltw - rife5 law r laid down in thSs: case was, . thatln stru ct ors h vefu I L 10 puiiisn- ineir -pupiis. ior me iransgre: sion of the Vu!es of -tlie' rules, of: the schools, even thoujrh ;the school inav likve been dismissed; C the scholar o t ra iisi;essi rig, h.a.s Vio tgfrrie houie to his parents or inaster.- Boston Courier.. r - JL TP ROKK'Jail on the nWht;of the;28th ult Jl5 two Negroes, viz. -John' a mulatto 'fellow, about five feet, sii or eif-ht inches tigh, saiju he belonged to Dr. Green, of Coj imbia, S.C A ft row about five feet -'eight- or ten inches' hitrhl'about twentv years of asre, a's- ar 'ir his left cheek, "'extending to the corner ofhjs mouth said his name was Newton, and that he belonged to iV-bert 'Sooth, 6i Abbeyillltf District; S. C The above reward will bt- gi ven for the apprehending aniL securing m any jail in this State of said Negroes,; or. $10 fo.r either. ; . A. MYnus, nij. Anson C'tyv Nov. 3d; - s 6-5 w State of Nortli-Carulina '.'"ii '--. ' WiiEs-'" C ouicrir; ' ; ' . " lie 'larifr September. Term, 1325. ;yaugh;& Finley, ; ' ' -."','" ''. ' . .' . ' Charles P. Gordon Zach'h. II.-'Gortlon,(Ju's.-'U Gordon; . Original BilL ;eo.TW. Gordon, Thos. T. )and Bill of InL Nappi er St Rebecca his w.fe. Jn.Brow n & Mary his wife. junction. v f arali C.Gordhn; SarahGor- dgn,'' Na'.hahiel Gordon and Thomas Seawell: : -r : g T appearing to the satisfactiorrdf the. court 2 tliat the Defendants are, inhabitants of ano ther Stat e,-and notice by publication, beinii- wtived as to all save -Thomas Seawell: Orf dereil.theref-'rc, that publication be made in. the Raleighj Registt r for three inontli!s. requiring thi- said Thomas Seawell to appear at the next Court of Equity; to be held for! me .ijounjv; i ituKc$j ai me iuun-nouse m W'dkesboroogh, on thW second J Monday "of March next, and plead, answer or demur to saiiV'bilU or Judgment pro confesso will" 6e nt-ar in- paitc. .-. .C: BAnUIiTT, G. M. E. 1 I rlcultureHn 'VirinidlX Hre4 oil. Ted by "m- AiirK umira! .uci- of j he .Shenandoah Vallev of Vu- rrv si day last- wink- asleep in his waion, a7 ho U thre mihys from Ualeich, on th? Stage R ad to'lyet'viUehis P:ket Book, inside of (Jalf Skm, 'ail ' containing 'besides thi-jee uoijars anil seveiuy-nye: .penis,, in money,, u number of ' 'notes of hand ,aud dtber papefs, I nil f ..,1 ,:u !-.'..' moug- them(er die Fitowih for 25 .,00 ,Vr Cj , :S -: ; ;Vf'-' rr 7' - . ne fjdo pn;iin'or arhes AJ,df.V for S65 ' ' ;; ' . ' t'V . r-.. ' ' f . ntf a on mniei vogeii or dampson - i ' i , "" - - f for $23 vOne' do oh -laities Cennet ' J - r.un..f con ' v out S2Q.(V.. - J ' v - c : ' " ;'vf Thrr-e do dn jhji Whitfield of !Duplin, ml2ol8dollir$each.-: . . . from One no on r nn i nrner or sampson, -'v do on Alti ell I urner ,uo - S On. R ,',mom: 'vu-jri t .ric-y ,uu . I t. 1 , J & 1 'ii One - lOfon: liar well hutler. lo,t One.;rtofon'Aririur..Spei fine do WiTi. o- John Hurnes or Ji.ci5 One ; d- ou,.Mr. Clarke of Johnston be tween 2 and ?4 . ,i One da oh (Charles Stephens a;id Doctor Stron;-:, of fiampson ?20. Book ndjSJ)tes. if left tit the. Register Office. I in I?aV ijjfijMjd 1 h, ft hv fnrWarn ah perWiSi from triidingor the s-im'-., a il to pav then t'vno rrie ibut mvsetf, as they wre -stolen' from mV.1 , ' ' CRnudE KNOTT. ; Granvilte" county, Nov. 4, 1825.' ' ' 3w George ICnv.tt m;ikes oath before me th;jt e above is.' as' fur :is it iro-s. a collect list of r which his lost Pocket Book, ;coh th best ff his knowledge and" be -: tailed, to U'.'t. JNOV. o, 1S25. I. GALES, J. P. State 'of Nortli-Carolina, V Court of pleas and Quarter. Sessions, . . j . .September Term, 185..- The Petition oRarbary Day, widow pf John Dav, idee d.' ' ; , ..?. John 1lav, Jfenry Dav, El'iah Day, Phillip Dav, Ambrose Dav, Bol n Day, Richard Clavtori & his wife Nancy, Muford Sneep and Susannah his. wife,; James Satterneld and his wife, Frances Hiram . Oaklv 8c h.s wife Mlfzaheth, d?rar.ky Cochran, William f 'ochran, . Alex'r ( Jochran, Rabt.-Cochran, children -of John $1 oci.ran and his wife Sa rah, now deceased, which -said 'oclyan's ' children.aforesaid are minors. fv- their'next friend and gua.dian ; spending-. this suit, .'.'JpJm..Day; . N this case, it appearing to the Court, diat ? the DefejKlahts John Day," Henry Day,; Ambrose Day, Boling, Day ,;, Hiram, ,Oakie3 and his: wife Elizabeth, who reside n this CountVj.haye notice of th's petition for. dow er, and the pr ceedanjrs thereon, and that they, waive aV objection for the want of ser final thereon, it is ordered bv the Court, that publication fur three weekb-e made in the vice of a copy of the pet.iti on J.i i d other more publ isaleigh. Register, ,-for the ether defendants to appear at the next Term of this r-ourt and answer tins petition, or judgment will be en tered ajramst; to em.. ' r r Test,-i::; , . . .-' -. ; S J:;SSEDICKENS, C.C. C - 1 .. : ' ' - . ; . Fayettf.vii.i,k, N. C. . THE subscriber returns , his T i -4 - ... .sincere. thanks t; his friends and j ii fp. the public generally, f'tht, li Sfaa?a'i,aa beral support he has heretofore rec iv d, and, in soliciting a continuancet'of.l those fivers, assy res them that every exertion1 order to the comfort ad pleasure of ifravel lers an l Boaiders. t His Rooms are numerous, being pt w, e'ean, and large, are well adapt ed for comfort and .health, oening upon a gart Jen wnicii presents a tine prospect ; su- peraddeil are the comforts of ease and retire ment, which may be en joyed in spacious P;ir- loursbv.-Travt'Iling Families. This situation. beinjr on one of 'he most elev ated streets, is healthy ; attended with the advantage and convenience; arising from the important 'and extensive business transacted Qn that .fltreet, which will make it the interest of Country Merchants and Planters to call. It is con stantly supplied, by means of aqueducts,with pure w iter, issuing from one of the best foun tains in the State. His BAR wihjbe constantly supplied with the best and choicest of ....... L1QOURS His TABLE with the best the country, and market -iff orris; his Stables shdl be attended by faithful, steady,: and, honest Ostlers. Oth er Advantages are attendant upon this Esta blishment, rarely to be excelled in any other Public House in this Stsite. r - i' DILLON JORDAN. Fayetteville Nov. 2. f . 206 4t -N. B. Considerable preparations aTe mak ing for gentleme.i attending the next Supe rior Courts .. ,'-'." --" -.''" The above Hotel is the reprular Stage House for all tke'St.v-es that arrive at and depart from Favetteville. Notice. COMMITTED to the Jail o Anson County, a Negro Fel' w,ab"otit thirty years of age. hve . feet eight or ten inches klu Ii, verv roudi poclomarked, jiays his name is VANN, and belongs t William'Hood; of Lancaster District, S. C. . The owner. can take him oilt by proving, property and paying rharges. . - 4fAKliS DKAMON, Jailor. Nov. 3d, 1825, 6 5r ; v-v ;iav fK wiui.. sin m hK Wft?nk a; U-ne do on Mr. Ai'.iiist r orampson iu two years, f0 suit the purchaser. For furtl)-:7 9U1 "f'i'!jN1fWa''d r Sampson (not pnrticidars, apply toj- theucriber uiIta rpiiteviue- i - C , ' . letfirhw; either bv letter or otherwise - v Vdl'ffiv'-'aj-ewtd of $5 for the Poeket -A.- J. D. B VIR. i t.nnpi? nr v k o,i f tK j "jncorporatin? l hr.nrnoratinf t he' Stat e; Rank of North- I Carolina, an'Electiqn of nineteen Directorsdf f f he-Princift? Rank is 4o-aW-place annually Cn Jhe, nrst ioodayc in nepiberrrAit I teelcTiote'rs of twe ftaidlank, are therefore K.it i :i: j 'x.' 'i ' : ti-1a:1. ' as,may bfeJjirlg'elnedessaiyJn.Iond?y th? Tth of Decmbvvneit htfJock iii;!the . morning 'at.tht'.ttadcinIlicItrhiiH!.'i l t ' - r M . ' - wr j - . r - j a. - - - - - ' ' I J. (- u y oider;otJ!i4Joai:c!j7j i' : v v,l- I . . rt :. 1 " m. Uf"- lently attendithe meetppr will fdqase.to Vote hy pfoxy, V 'tieiii '' 'J ' T;Ctthf J .'. . V 'yi'Xi I - Jft.. . .J - J. -r w I -nrTii t np enr-n A c -n1.;? tK StK I -Ti,' EL' - . . . - i . 7 of Novrmber lnstint. Tat nubltc Tale. on the premises, avTract of Land, coptaini .g Creek,': -n Franklin , countr. adiosmnsg the lands of; Mr. diartKotoniew'FulllMrs. -'liar?' vevuanu tuners, anti nowi nccupiau . ty 4 aut J - .1 - J A r 1 Rl im Y-irborouh j i six miles east xf Colonel Soutlier'ands.' . r A negTO boyV will ,Jje-. taken in part p iyment, aud the balance, iniont- 'ct November 6, - irr ;vT ' 'T?' dk 1 'Vl ""iTi!1 A V . ; A' uMtTl V 1U IV' v ' f 'iV fT.&R ' ' I i 8 3 .f Cl ONTA.rNrNG besides the' Astronomical tind Weather Calculations, some valuable pieces "on Farmine' ad Rural Affairs'; man v useful and interesting Miscellaneous articles, -ytedical , Reciaipts', '. Anecdotes, ; &c4 a list of the Officers of the Governinejit of this Stated and of the " United States,i-with their salaries! tlie, times of hnldingv.all the, different Courts in'thUState tjie embers of Assembly kc . 5! old wholesale and retail hy the Publish ers ;? by .Charles. 'Stuart, Fay ettev'dle .; by Salmon Hall, Newbern, and retail by most of the S tore keepers in the State. Sept..22d, 1825 .if - THE DRAWINGS : : 'j;-f ' of tle ; Quantico Lottery, No. 7j pf , v .'"-t '-i'and iv.i"i -:i:i,1. ? Maryland State Lottery. , Are re'ceived,"and can be examined at this Office. C7? Wednesday meek. The Drawing of th'eTOxftml -Academy Lot rery vvm taK.e place, wnen rri?es amounting to 171,360 Dollars JJ?6 d"' to Fort u rtes Favor ! es mcky Packages and stngle.ckets, ?an yet be had by makin-r aoplieation to '. ; ; ; YATES & M'fNTYKE, v -I''--,-''J i '. .". " .. Raleigh Bank Notes bought & soldi November 17r ';-'!-J;V:v y New Estallishment ! T ITCMFORD &STANMI E, having con i nected themselves togetHer in the Tai loring business, take pleasure in; informing the public, that they have.jus received tron Ne w-Yok (se lected by o ne of 't he partne rs ) an 'elegant assortment of fine-'anfi'supeifine BIh' lllnck, and fashionable co!ore! Cloths, Cassiineres, Cnssinetts, and Fancy ! Vest i'njrs, with, every description of Trimmings j which vilely it.ciiu iu uia&,v up iiiiu vyuais, w 1 1 Pantaloons and Vests, or the most approved tkshions. 'i' f --. ;-'; '-v'" '. They will also make at the shortest notice, and in the most fVithful manner. Clot hps for an tuose wuo wm aavor tuem witn tneir cus- itom. . - . .' - i - - . N. B. One or two Journeymen, who can ciime well recommended, will meet with con stant employment v l ' L. St S. would take one or two Apprenti ces ol about 14 years ot ae - ii raose from the country would be preferred. V9tf ; Itleirh, Nov; 17. - i. ''f llE Subscriber wishes to inlTdrm the mem 3L hers of the approaching. Legislature, and others, that the LIVERY STABLE on Hills iiuroudi street is now occipiv,d by1 him, as usual, and will be wtll ' furnish evl willh pro Vendc r, and good att ention will he ' paid to horses. V ' W M. DANIEL. Nov'r,.9, 1S25. - y-y--"--1 f ..' 7 3w Exam i nation and Bail. y TH E subscriber returns thanks to his friends and the public for the very liberal patro nage heretofore extended to his house of P CJiLIC1 EJiTERTAIJVMEArP and he takes this mcthi.d i thus: publicly: to inform them, that the, examination, of the pupils of Mess s. Andrews and Jones will 'take pLce en the 28th of November iiextj and that on the 29th, he will furnish a Ball tol theCyisitors Arf this will be the last exhibition ibost gen tlemen will have in this Stite, it is txp' cted that the company . ill .be r.umerous and fash ionable. . . DAVID MITCHELL. . Oct. 15," 1825. "' . f 3 4w .. , -ft- , Louisburg Kemale Academy.; THE Examination" of the pupils f this Institution, closing the second sessio'.,' -will commence on Wednesday the7th December next. -. : - 1 ; - . - - : Parents,- Guardians and Friends, are res pectfully invited to attend." ' WM. TLUMMEH, Sec'y. ' Lotcsbtarg, Noy'r: 7, 1825. 1 ..tftD;. 1 A-fGREB BLY to the 2d section of the ct fll S Exanat ion of die, Students ra th s ; 'I'n's! JtutJoni will c?mnience!oii Thur ' iy, i7rh'Novemh'er', anid'etse on . the:follov iirr Saturday. - Paren ts and ' Guartlians . a-e , re-. 'quitted: to attend.; ym y AM WILSON. :.i ;4 The departnient- immediately und,ermy own. care, will . hhc.efqi th be ? div'deji into X 1 ' Viridtomac Maits introduction. SECOND C LAS Sk Ga4ars Cpmmen'tarh -i Ovid Ed.vExpurjr, jYlpvs U K, .rampiar, Latin pro sciy it , r&HfrfVi? i, THIRD, C L 'AS A ' yhplii .f.:,;; irfifSv, Greek-Testamrnfif. Grat-t 'Atinora ifx Roirian Anliqinties - todem Geography U En. dish 'Grainm:tT. : Sallust. : 0: Gr-ec i Maiora ? '- , Cicor-V T orition9 5S-AIge d,ma Anceriti ieo-f EilglishjGramnlar. f - trraphy & Iythohy5 ?:f j -:f'; - ?-r;i; " i i ie iijrne pi.aoenaanc -ar,in,'V. Acauemy, will be from 9 .'clock uj.tij three eeh day so that one and a halfhour will be occupied ' d the4 -instruction of each classM . v lAlr,ehrf,';Arittimi-tic, ' Enelish Grartimar, ; ;i t i u ., w.: sion inVthe t'lassic'al Department, in "-.;ve Eng- Jislw$8,andSl;.i:;w--.i-.yj'M'-;. .:-. , ( Xbe.kex rcises will he resumed on the first, Monday of January, .1826. A a; 5 . ' (V r , ' ALEXANDER WILSON, November 1. . h-.' 'A'5i-,. - New i Cheap Store ' - rj: LiPittshoMigh,iMU ; i? , yfpHE subscribers take -this method tpjin- 4l 4 ' form die public, that they aire! how open mjr;in rutsDorougn, a urgeano general is "spitment of Goods f consistin- of; a well, ie lected assortment Of Cloths, Casim'i s, and! , Woollen Goods of every desc' ptioii, toge th er with Cotton and Silk Goods China, GLia and Crockery Ware, Hard-ware ad Cutlery, Shoes of every description, and a g he ral as sortment of Groceriies. ; , ! i ' T- ' 'fThegoods hay very recently beep jmr chas'ed ut New-York by one'of the firm, ohf tlic lowest termi, and are Vjlfercd very ij f'T cash ' We hope'all those w ho; mayVva it any of the abye articles, will at least call . md examine their jquality and prices, j as Ue ;re c rifident we can.fseli as good ibargai-j ajj. can be iiatl in anr retail stf-'reja 4'feiUt-.. - AVe have Mso attached to our Vstablisli ment a Jeweflcr's Shop', in which we ;fTer for; sale,' on goo 1 terms, Gold 'and Silvir , Watches, Sil ve ' ; Ware, and a gent rat -assort-ment of Jewellery, r :,',;,;.;! :-; Watches auo! Clocks, of every 'description, repaired ari ; 'arr ; an(l alt otlierkiiids of work usually. done in a JewcJ leTs show, will b' exi cufed in the best ;tian ier and at tiu- Hhortenolice; - j ' "' , THO MP ON & ilUNTlNGTON. i. Pittsboroughybct: 24,825,! ,$Q$)im: THE Drawing of th. )xford Academy Lot- erj-, Second CJassi will take ; place in thi3 ' (itv on the 30th ?nstant.y r :.i ' mm m - - -1 . - . . ; p. . . - State of North-Carolina:. - , - PERON?CQ r.. Court of. Pleas and Quarter Sessions. ' September.. Term,- 1825. . of 'William; McKissack,; dec'dl '! . i . Sarah VilLhes, Rbbt. IcKissaclc, AVm. JEvans and his wife- f Mary, JaslcMuilm -and his wife Jaiiett, uvuittH ami- ins . wire i isiizabeth, the heirs of - Nancy Villines; the wife '. of Abram Vijhnes, and the heiri of liomp son McKissack, dee'd. ; -;, . f , , . ORDERED by the Coiirt; that publication be" made in Oneiof the Gazettes of thii tate, summonin-r the heirs 'who reside -wirti- out the limits of this 'State; to appear at the next term of this Court on the first Mondav of December next, i to shew, cause, if 'i an v they have, why the lands of Wm. McKissack deceased, seised and possessed, should not be divided amone his heirs at law. accordihr-. to the act of our General -Assembly, in such case'inade and. provided.'.-'; ';"'-';'' ..? v Test, - :- ; ' -l '" , y JESSE DICKINS C. C. C. Lands for Sale for Ttixcs. a -- '-1 -. -- - - ii .'.. - ONjVedh'e'fdav, the 7th day of D?cemhci- .'" . next, the following Lots in thejCitO of ' Raleigh, will be sold at the Court House m sd city, to satisfy the Taxes due th rt on. br the present year, and cost.of advertising-; Lot No, 143 property of David tfovs.er ' ' No. 187- . - i. r- . , - 1 .. 'i l M;Kethen'sheit9-M Denj. ingsdale : ; ! Jo!;Il'U,:g . - ' r Wm. Dennis , Martha Brickie - Heirs of J. Pride' Wm.'AUKetitrdy KrizabetirG;dJy James McKee Charles Parish Theatre Square -A.v S. IL B urges Will- a Hill " ' Wi;.. .m Raffia v John : . .Green. Dur;el , g t Jo' n I, sledge v Hehsot U'K then kNo. 236 Sc 250 . . ; No. so. ; : No. 253 ii; 5 "''::. " No'. 275, 276 & 187 'No.. 170 No. 186 " No. 182 -' No. 199. ; No.,273 . V N-Cri83 ' , No. 114 . No; 114 No. 211, 227 ,iK'i 258 ... y No. 563 No.' 272 y . No. 146 i 301LH yiillUY. Coj.&. r Ilaloigb, Oct: : 4- ;,I,wi'l always have an assistaotjwidl qliu- tfied. td :;ttnd 10 the --English Depar uienti . v fhe. price of Tuition will be 'J$'S'ptr ses 1 . V ii- .'in :'l - A - r