-A v.- 7. f 1- ' V-' - . t -1 . v TUESDAY, NOVEMBEtl 29, i825Y ( i , -. . . " ' . ":n;electionfo vacancy occasioned dv tne deat h ot Sa muel Alston, Esq.' vas. n eld through- out J;isC6untylon Friday last. In con sequence of the short time: which elajps ed, between the; issuing of the writ and theel ection , .bu t .. com pa rati vety few votes were taken. The result was ; as folldws V For Henry Sea well, . - :tlAlle n ! W . Gilchris -I'-;'t j'!'':", Lwr ?-.lt ir' 5267 2331 Gilchrist, Majority, for Seawell, !-" 34' : In tlie House of Commons yesterday, " Mr.' Mart n . of Rocti ngham, ga ve jio ticertfia Vr(:TKu ihtrnduce aVdl 'for the establishmerit of a Bank,t' On the funds and Xaitlvof the " 5Botn? Houses were principally engage ed dufifig tiiefdaViri the transaction of pnvate buslif ess:; zj:t$3y K .2 .cV : l ; Geowgy.ofphe JaweKJJovntrgZln our Register of the? 1 5th i nstan't, for the nfdrtnationop. orreabfVtwe gave; a briefacouht .5f a part of the late Geo logical Surveys by t Professor Olmsied, of ;.t he Kastefn, part of this State, refer -ing the Report, atr large,-which will shortly be published under the direction of ilie.Boanl of Agriculture, for more satisfactory particulars. In addition to the discoveries then mentioned, we observe, r thatthe Professor found ait MrJ!Beckton'sin the north-west cor ner of Jones county, . on the highest ridgeeiween the waters of the Neuse and Trent, a deposit of hard, dark-co- iburedlXimestone, of a purer kind than any found Jin the low country, contain ing 93 per cent, of I4me; and in con- neciion with , this Limestone is an ex tensive arid valuable deposit of Stone Marl . i Near the, dividing-line between Lc noirand Vrayne, the south side of the river, at the depth of ten feet, is found a layer of very- fine White Sand, suita ble , for , maki ng flint-glass, similar to that at present imported from Demara- ra. In the. eastern part of Wayne, is Ca high ridge of land, called the Sarpony Hills,; extending lor several miles along the Sou th" side of the river, which is co vered jvith large round blocks of a fine Stone-Marl, beneath which, at the bed TV of the river, lies a formation of valuable Limestone. It crosses the river in a north-east arid south-west, direction, and probably tiaverses thejivhole State. The most favorable view of those rocks occurs at Mr. GriswohPs, on the bank of the river, 9 miles below Waynesbo rougli, where a bluff of 9Q feet high ful ly exposes them. 35 feet beloiv the Limestone in the side of the hill, the , blocks of ,MrI above-inentipned make their appearance This Marl is of a . close texture, , and does not fall to pieces like that fpund in Jynes county, on ex. posure to the; weather. ; When first removed Aom the bed, it is so soft as to be easil y cut with a knife, or sawed in to slabs 5 but on becoming dry, it be comes firm, snd assumes the appeaf ance;of a most elegant Building Stone - Should this- bed of Marl cross the other lar riyersas i-the. Professor thinks it probably does, it may be regaided as without a rival among the Building Stones hitherto discovered in this State. Professor Olmsted is fortified in .this opinion by that of Mr. Nichols, the cel Cebrated Architect of our Capitol, who ' pijSi that, bolh in its coloM qiajity it hast a strong resemblance- to the Bath . StoueWicWfbr its beauty,;duiHibility and the: facility with which' it can be wrought into ahy ornamental form, has . Jbniintaineil a'' superiority .' over ye:. ?other!s;tohe in'O chi&tai purpo speaking if the 1 sliel I rock and lime, stone ! which, aVeffou i says; " that had they been brought into ; use ten earsiago theroujd have bcen:kerit in jhe icountryy Vfeiny thpth '. ' mnd cfoZcfrAvtilcli hhhml paid for New- Rngland'Limestoncrwittiin that period, whicbbarf nut asmall proportion to what had been paid by others." 7 v-'tCoUV Waynesborbughthe best -view may bi had of a j deposit (bf Copras which nbou fids 'for a distance of inore than 1 00 ijiiley. along the? bahksf tliet Neuse,' and whitli th'rofessd be very easy ttd manufacture on a large scale. AVayne; thb roostesten? bed of kime stone on iKe Neuseime vltfc 'Thw source "of lime js lss puretbaivthebtheri which rhave been; mentioned; It cod tains' organic femalns, Jresemfcling ft Besidesthelihera cnbed, j$e? Professor stSeisI ihafcttere are several others; of the abiindarrcte of whicKf he ha4; received tif(tiofyrm' formation, although in making this ra pid sketch the Vdfd not happen to fall in ma Tay. ; uug iron, lor instance, is well known to occur in great quantities ro ue forming constantly in manv of the Swmpsrid Marsh Grounds V and though ore of iiis kind contains' only about SO per centJCof IronI bji the aid of, the Limestone, found near it, so well adajif ed ftjr :fluxes, this, ore; can llroba b!y be woi-ked to as 'great 'ad vanta'gei is ariclier" ore, ; not pssessiigtHe same conveniences. -Potterr Clayof diN fereht' -qualities ihav -alsuJbe- found though the Western Counties alone will probably produce such as is calculated for manufacturing fine fPorcelain. On reaching the western line of the Alluvial Country, the first notice which the traveller perceives of a change of geological : structured occurs ten miles east of Stoi thfiel d wli ere a ridge of il 1 - defined Granitic Rocks cross the road but the transition frouFthe lower to the upper Country i not sudden, but ve ry gradual. The sands and water worn pebblesmostly concealing the Rock for mation for more than ten miles after we come within their eastern limits. This observation is applicable to all pa rtsof tne aivuitng irne between the upper and lower sections of the State. Tcnncssee.-r-A. bill has passed the Legislature of Tennessc, for the i . - . ... V relief r of married women, whose husbands have either left them or driven, them frorn. their homes, and a bill giving to the builders of a house a lien upon the property until the work is paid for. A resolution is before it for an inqui ry into the' expediency of prohibiting free persons of colour from voting at elections, taxing them higher thlan at present, and in relation to the power of the Legislature, to cause their remo- val out of the State.- Cotton. The last Fayettevillel Sen tinel states, that a lot of Cotton was soldMri that market on Wednesday last, for thirteen cents. .me citizens or Miiieageviite mani- fested their respect for their distinguish ed fel low-citizen TViffiam If., Crawford by giving him a public dinner oh the 15th instant. ' Amendment to i the Co7istitutlo7i.-A Writer in a late National Intelligencer proposes to amend the Constitution in relation to the provision for the election of a President and Vice-President of the United States, by simply providing that instead of the Electors of each State meeting separately to vote, as at present, that . the Electors of all the States should be elected in Districts, and when elected, meet in one body, in some central place, on a certain day, not at,, but within 100 miles of Wash ington City, and then elect the officers, without having any thing to do with Congress ' ' -T ' We published about a week since,, an address, -said "to have been delivered by Mr. Everett, our Minister to the King of Spain. This speech as it then ap peared, was not only unworthy the re presentative of a. Republican people, but contained flattery which would- be deemed far-fetched even in the minions of a despotic monarch. It is but due to that gentlemah'to state, that another version of his address has been publish ed in the National Intelligencer, said to be official, which is free from many, if not all the objections rged, a against the one which has been so fruit ful a theme! of comment 1 We are iiri clineii toi think that : Mr Everett has been misrepresented, and if so, no pains should be spared to correct the ?rror, and do him justice. ; ; ' . , " The Legislature of Virginia meets at Richinondbn i the, firs Monday in De: cefnberv?rhe Constitutional term of Me present ihcunibeht being expired, a Governor, of that- State will have to be elected, at the approaching session.- Several names ', have been presented theiirintsof 'iZt-t that Statey as suitabl e to'fill tlie office! and amongst others, .it, is stated . in the late president of , the United Stales,,;is 8e!rJoVsIy'SpQert saw :it;nb- ticed a few days since,; that he had ciinedatid "with great" propriety too, by him. ' , . ! ; m T i. J" - . f . . f .nrtmPrtiriit lln f ho ilMn inefinf respectable citizens attended. They cession:: at noon, a salute Of-the old 13 was fired . I , , i :"i ,. r a t i inner, a soiuier oi rii.T regular toasts I U JliJlUVU unit inn wereg,ven out, all breathmg the Sp.r,t ; - ,1 Another Ban hrnkr wThp T nmlnfl nnoiner jjqnh. orohe. l neiomoaru oanK or in ew -jersey, stopped payment on the 18th instant. Colonel Solomon P. Sharpe was as sassinated at Fran k fort, d u n nir t he n 1 j;h t of Sunday . last, in the most horrible manner. He was called from his bed at two o'clock in the morning,. by Some ruinan, wno representee nimseii as an old and particular friend, residing in a distant part of the State, and who soli-1 citen loqgmgs, aueoging that he had been unable to procure them at any of the taverns ot tlie town; Uol. feliarn instantly arose fo give admission, as he .'f fancied, to an 01a acquaintance, anu n ' il .11 received a stab near the heart -..with. a knife, which, in a few minutes termi- naieii uis, existence. , anus lar ciew has been found by which the murderer can De discovered, suspicion nas iai- ten on an individual trpm a remote county, but it is impossible to divine what will be the issue of this calamitous affair. I Colonel Sharp was a man of fine ta! entsV for several years member ..of. Con gress, recently Attorney JGeneral for the state or Kentucky, and at the time of his death, memberof the .Legislature, of which it is presumed he -would - have been a conspicuous member. We do not recollect ever to have heard of anv occurrence which has given so severe a snocK to tne iceiings 01 ocietv, or which has so highly excited, its indig nant sensibilities. We hear from all MARRIED, In Wayne : county, on the 17th inst; Mr. Join Rhodes to Miss Kornegay. v In Pasquotank county, on the 29th ultimo, Mr. Michael Woollard, sen.' aged 105 years and 6 months. This old man was the father of eleven children" j eight : of whom were a live at the time of his death ; and the oldest of whom is" 70 years, and the youngest 15. His chil.iren, grand children,' and great errand children tyw number 16 persons. Eight or. ten years before his death, his eye- At rivmouth, omthe 15th Inst, in the 17th year of .her age, 'Miss Justina B. Smith, daughter of the late Mr. Nathan Smith of that town. . . 1 . North-Carolina Bible Society THE Anniversary Sermon in behalf of this Society, will be preached on thesecond Sun- th rough' me, in ed i u'm'of qualified as a Justice of the Peace for the of 9 and -12 X. M; and a and 5 M or at V?scres, Cassinetti ,an 1 PancyVestinffs. ntinfir AfT rtrittnn wKii Ka ui ;M is? Betsey Geddv's. x f: 3t -NoV26V l?KetW description orTrjmminCT;wicb ahdimniedrately6ok rtis s seat on thr -r 7"vJaftllU $ Scilev- -5 t r Intalbons and Vcst; of the most approved bench.asa Junior embel ofthe fTouU V - ' : 1 :V'WU -. . . 1 . ' . -. l -w--rTT nt enfn -1 . , ey will arsoimfceat tue snortest notice. The Chairof the presiding Magistrate, W J'J513 L-.s.?LB!'f abmlay Ahe&h hd i,, the Wtfaithfurmanner Clothes, for Was tendereiftoMr Monroe iUtde 'IJo fT 1 those who Will favor them with iheircus. lenuereu 10 lur. in on roe, out ae- the nremises. a Tract ofiLamL rontainino- m - . ' .- , i.'-. yunjivuicui. ine luui instant, cian iarDrou?n ; si miies east f-ot .Colonel ces of about t4 yeahi ofa Those frc-n alhandsome .entertainment was given Sqtheands. A nero hny will be taWeii in ihe emmtrv i!rbe pref&idV : "V ' n t ' V V.. part payment and the balance in one or two - Itateieh; Nor 17 i tf? - to the Revolutionary Soldiers residing years;- tsuiv'the puvclmr.Fop fuHher -v- -4'. , 4'' : . , : : , . , in Derby andlhe neigliboring tovvns.-. paicuTarappTy to the subscriber in Ralwgh, ;f; : State pf JTortU-Carolina. . S :. .: ..-v. . o ; ;.U -v -; . ; either by letter or otherwise. ; j . , 1 '-u Row-m Count v J f 1 Th.rtv-tw, venerable soW.ers, mostlv j j-.-;,?-.-, , - i . . . , J. U. BAim. , rn'diSFfeTissi. pensioners, anil, about three Imndred ,.I'ov. 6i . ; ,tii:i,.'; ri .'.6, St- ; " ' title. lli'ckersoni were escorted by a detachment nf the r'uay ,,etn lieceinoer. ,; txr; i a -u V - ? .! .Nov; 28. .1825. . 4 t , ;. 12 tds -Oxford Artillery ; twenty-nine of the -., . a v ; vetpfnr.Q wppp nitn . w itK lhi sficuhlir UtliVersitv of XJ Carolina 5 1 v':.""? "v. wm-vj..., wrjtjiu.iiic Fl I urSjHE . aninial me Siaes, one sponianeous, ana universal "er nonnern iowns. anu wncn tor tne ng ,n pittsboroua:h, a large and -general as. burst of horror and execration agdnst casb or Pn a &llort cdit to punctual custo- sortment of Goods, consisting of a well se- the perpetrator of this horrible crime, f rbes.ld ou (he most redsorable lected assoTtment of Cloths, Cassimere'sV ami r.t.i rrA.'n. te,l?'.' WoollenlGoods of every description, tojreth- sight became so strong" anu tiistmct, tnat ne j ; ; . could read the smallest print Viihout spec- a inf - - 1 " , ,, 4 . k - r 1 1 1 linn:A i 1 He wishes it to be noticed, that hereafter, tacles. and retained it unimpaired, until he ... , .... TT - ., . 1 - i ., . ' 1 1 -4- t, 11 i. 1 The annual meeting ot the Society for the appointment of QfRcers, &c. will be held in the Senate Chamber of the Capitol, on the bllowinsr evening-, at 7 o clock, when the attehdance of the members, and of others willingto become members, isrequested . j. AL.ii, aecrctai-v. November 28. 1825. "Pro spectws ? Of a new Paper, to be entitled the CAROLINA PATRIOT. .0 Carolina Patriot, to be devoted to the dis- semination of Republican principles, and the diffusion of correct information upon all such subiects as may prove interesting to the Plants. h Merc.Lnt. the AiechanicfMhe t 1. , ...... . man of science, the Moral and the KeKgious. TERMS. " It will lie published on good paper and brwarded to its- Subscribers at two dollars per 'ann. payable in advance, or, three "dol lars at the expiration of the" year. , The first number wtlf appear, as soon as a sumcienx nurooer 01 e-" t pcno crs rre- ouiain rr- - 1 : i rt 't -... rnTr Holders of snbscrpticn lists .are re quested to send them in by the 25"J)cccm bernext. , . , ..- "WJLL1A M POXTEU. - aay m i cce n ot rr . ."" peyes, and has a very pletsant countenauce: Church in Kaleigh. by the Rev. R; II. Mob-I t will '-thi. h,wo wr OrnHE Subscriber, proposes to pubhsh at W a Durn na several bean. 01 ..is uiy ir n. 11 Greensborough, Guilford county, North- the ame cause, an t ha., one toe off. -Lewis r.i:, rvw -KrnoT -niiUA and Pleasants are about the same age, quite f Nov. 28. gPPtheo rfllESPpCTFULminfbrmsil citizoisdf alei thauh takm Where he miv be found thonr "elying ?T lands of Mr. lUrthoofnewller,?Mr;-:Har- l vey; ana others, anci-.now hccjinietl :hv Mr, I K am Vitrhmiiirh cir mU. aoH.. f . he above sale is pstponed un; a. the University of Xarth-Caroliria, will be hp.M n th srltv. nt tr, P.TAP,,f,v nfl?,-n be held in this citv. at the KxerntivP- nffir.fi , on SatLfl9V tW !ntK jOTr rtf ' -7. Bv appointment, of the President.' : Louisburs Female -Acatleniy.' I nw, i,L'. - !- J,- l.:"'-:v .'!-V A'. t ' rin" or Vie PuP:i? 01 ins institution, closing the second sessioti, will v" .cujiwuaj ,uic ui uecemoer " ' I harems, vmaruians ana rnenas, are res pectfully invited to attend. V WM. PLU5IMER, Se'y . louisbur, Novr 7, I825V r:.t7thp:" THE DRAWINGS 01 tne UantlCO lottery J jSo. i? Of . "VirHlia. 1 1 I ' ; t.V ' , - vi? I , s. . - 'Maryland State Lottery, j Are received, and can be examined at tins Oflice un neanesaay next w j- TTT 1 t I The Drawing- of the Oxford Academy Lot-: terv w,a Pla?c. wllen Prizes amounting- 171,360 Dollars i Will be distributed to Fortune's Fjirnritps" A few lucky Packages and single' Tickets, can yet be had by rhakine application to I YATES & M'INTYiiE. 5 RaJeieh. . . jrV Tl l-Vii.Ll. ' .!. b: t i vi -panit lotes oou-ui oi soia. November 17. tioots imA felloes. TCTILLIAM S. McEWEN, has the plea T V Si sure of announcing to the public, that he has just returned from the north, with an excellent and extensive assortmonl ofJJoots knd Shoes of every description selected with OTpilE subscribers take this method to tu -great pains by himself in N. York and some il. form the public.that they are now open ..... a o- j ,Kaieigni.-tn iNoy.-.iaj. . . o-jv. Subscription Ball. fTTiFIERE Will be :. Ball given at Mr. Go- JL neke 5 Concert Hall on Friday even-1 neke55 Concert Hall onJ'Fritlav1 mo nPTt I if S11 Icrirkl inn I Ji t-ht tn - fa ! seen at his Confectionary Store. Kaleigh, Nov. 25. City de. OHN W. PULLEN; res- t?r pecttully informs the Public, that -he has reserved Rooms in his; House for transient Custom ryZ 7, Nov.24-tf R ANA WAY from the subscriber, on -the "12th of Sentember 1 last. !a neirr ? man named TOKEY. He is about 23 or 24 ve.rs of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches - high, is.yvllow cpmplected, with large, whiskers white full v who wilFdeliver the said negro to me living in Nash county; near York's Bridge, or se cure him in Jail so that I get him: again. . 'T- . . . . . WM. BRYAN, sen. Nash county, Nov. 21. 1-, 11 THE above "reward 'will be paid for appre hending and committing to; goal, my three Negro Men, to wii, BEN, PLEASANT, and LEWIS, or pfoportionately for each. Ben is a fellow of about 30 years of age, has a large scar on the top 6f his bead, on which there is no hair supposed to be occasioned . . . . : t' 1 i. f , . 1 I . 1 ! t .1 .1 Dla" rainer xaner, anu n.wriC..ucr u.. VsuaJ fj ir r Lewis was purchased a Mr. Williams of Warren County, and the others of Jackonias Yancey of Person County, and; they are pro- uaDl in tne,rne,6"?-??V? AV1IXIAM McWILLlE. Camden, S. C. Sept.T 1S25. 5 3 10 wl THE HOTEL.. ' "ARCHIBALD R. : RUFFIN, . 1 -i ihiTlt 1 Informs the public; that he has ! i i ' iL-it mcavixI all n? rtar.imi Rnnm$. 3tV- in the brick part of the HOTEL, furtive accomm odation of transient persons. M V Hi ' Nov. ' . IU ot . , BLANKS POR SAIiE HERK. lers. whom he will i'tel nleasnre in accommrv. e PAhat they have just received from Jvew Yory(seJecd by one of theartners) Black, and (ashionaJde colored Cloths- -7 n;vbne'r tro: Join slant emploVmnt: n ouroerni ert; ivli a -can will meet with cou- I t r- o ...T... iii . :-iJ r I i- - . ' . - Sarah Daltoiv ohn - Jackson; -arfl Swsann .nis wue, na jHe wner neus at jaw ot jo- , nathan Dalton, deceased. ji ; E compl unant havmsr shown that John J Jackson and Susanna liis wife, are not SUK u .-jacKson ana-. nna his wne, apperat we next Term ot Susanna his wrfe ; appear at the next ten this C'Airt. at Salrsburv;, on the first MnOar after the fourth Monday in March? ext, ami .'. ,iUbe utcn pro.jf&p to I - ItistiirtheT ordered; that this interlocutory decree be published for three orrth In the iih T?,ricti .-i r.-v , : ;t. t SAMrsiIxrMAN;:rM IT lour---. , r rr S late .of North- Garolink ; ' ,pEhsov:'couNi-!'' f.'--.;-. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions' ' . September Term, 1825. f : ' Y Thex Retition of Barbary Day,' widow of iohn JohnDav, Henry Day, Elijah Day, .JPiiiRip Day, Ambrose Day, Iloling-.Day, IticJiard 1 Clayton his wife Nancy, Mofard; Sneep ana Siisannah.his wife, Janies-Satterfield Day, dec d... and hjs wife Frances,' Hiram ' Oaklv & his ' wife Klizabeth; Franky Cochran,; William Cochran, Alex'isochran, Robt.j Cochran, children of John.Coclrran and his wif?;a- rah, now'deceased, which said Cochran's children aforesaid are minors,!y their next ' incnu uuu .. jjuau uui peiiuing ,vuis bun, Uohh Day. ' 'l)r- ij.v ' t r'.-l "N this case, it appearing- to the Court, that 1. tlie Defendants John, Day, '..Henry Day, Ambrose -Day, Boling- Day, Hiram .Oakley land his wife 'Elizabeth,'"' who reside in thi Countv, have notice of thispetition for dow- er, and the, proceedings thereon, and that they waive all obfection fQr;the. want cf ser- li:: iATrr:x: Ay puoiication toruiree weeKs oe maae m inc. Ualeiffh Ueeister, - for "the other defendants to appear at the next Term of this f '.ourt and answer tnis peution, or jutimeni wiujpc'cn tercd against tlicm. - , .Vi". . - . V',' f . 'i JFtS.SE t)ICKEXS, p. C. C. New C5 .Cheap Store ' " In 'PitfsboroUghmi C !- N ' er with Cotton and Silk Goods, China! Glass and Crockery Warej Hard-ware a;d Cutlery, sortment of Groceries anoes 01 every aescripuon, ana a general as- t!ip -n.r r.Artt,' t . .s-i - . 1 - l the lowest terms," and are rtfercd very cheap for 'cash ,We hope alltlibse who may want any of the abnvearticles,' will at least call nd examine their qualitynd prices, as e are confident we can- sell as : good bargains as . - can De nau in any reraa sicre in me state. We have also attached to our establish ment a. jeweller's Shop'Jn which fwe iTer for. sale, on - good terms; Gold 'ihd ISilver Watches, Silve-tWare and c gejiejal assort ment of Jewdlerv. ? ; t"- '"f.-1 -, Watches and Clocks, of everv description. repaired warranted to perfovmj ; and all oiner Kintw 01 worx usually aone nra jewel ler's shop, will b executed in the best man ner and at the shortest notice, - t t j t- i . - ' : THO Mpr,ON & HUNTINGTON. Pittsbor'iugh, Oct. 24, 1825. .205 Ira - - ' " ' . - - ; State' of North-Cavolina.; .. ' . . PERSON COUNTY. ; Court or,Pleasand Quarter: Sessions, f J . - September Term, 1825. t - - v Petition for "Chediv-iJion of the Real Estate? ' ' of William Mc Kissack," decdi ; ? v ' ,v ' 1 L- -1 Sarah Villines I Robt. IcKissack, ; Wm. Evan3 , and his wife ; V Mary, Jas. McMuIlm and his wife Janett, ;C ; Simeon Cochran and his wife Elizabeth. . the heirs of Nancy Villines, the wTe of Aorara v mines, anu uie ueirs Oti I r.cmn- i son McKissack, dee'di ;, f ; f " j - - 1 ORUERED-by the Court, that piiblicatiou be made in one of the Gazettes jf this - t tate, summoning the heirs whoreside with - out the limits of this Stre$ to appear the ' next term of this Court: oh the first Mondavi " of December next, to shew causes r ifan v- they have," why the lands of Wm. McKissack 1 aeceascu, scisca ami posscssea, . sliould not be divided among his heirs at IarV accordin--to the act of our General Assembly, ia uchl ' case made'and provided. - " , Test, -. ' - - .-i -1 ' JESSE 13ICKINS, p. f:.. I am regularly authorised to sell and con vey a small tract of land lying m the lit tle river of Neuse in ; the countv of Wavnp onginauy Deionmg 10 voram ana mow the property of Reddin Howell. - ; - persons aisposea to purenase may apply to" me in this place, by ! letter or otlierwi at any time previous to the 25th of December next . ' DAVID L. SWAIN. " Raleigh, 2d Nov. 1825. 1 1 ' K I i 1 t. H" v-;-iJ'Vv'.'.' . ;;:vVI;:-1v.'-! ; i A-- i ' -