BY VESTAL l K 1 1 i ,;;. sis . I. VESTAL,. r;(;C SOKTH CAROMJTA TIMES A) 0 lOMtsca rill be published every; Morning, SMdays uwepted. on Crimen Street, ftew RemejT. a TE2MS OP THE PAPER, f " (10.00pr yew to advEnt; 3.00 for thro rami 1 1 aaia nM nl ntWvlM I ctepl sooowunj-'v. .Tw sib )fcn Umt ajkoaM fas -W JSBa to 1U1J U111U11 Ul UiUUiU) IUU muvi yt, tAi tt." wuw; vt;vjimw 'wm.inin -mtjn nrf?"'"!- "yv.i vi auwui iuu IU.1U Ul IU11UI.1W J OlMXTetrt triad to twW mS. Ul . iarfV' Pi isi 1 ! o Ka OsmUas, ar. tf met NlrmBi JULY 13 1865. ; months: VOU2 sixGLX cones psiricMirt&,; 3 7- .1 1 t4 COMMISSION ; AND FORW ARDING WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SiWHOLrEACh DE ALERS. . COMMISSION ' AND ; FORWARD L5Q FINANCIAL, H O C OH C. T7-ROSE & CO.; U.S. 7-30 ibiaiT. "NT 'I srocsssoa TO if C. pKUWM A CO., ISA SHIP CHANDLERS & DEALERS IN . . ; WOO. M. ,4 r A 1 M i .-c if Lr ? i 1 v ik, .W. 14 f P 5 ? - a A H i I v m 4 m b aHBH mm &a a r wk i w , r t w rvt'i i i mn a mm . m m m t a . . a a m mm ma m. i ii - m i ii 1 1 i - ; t 1 1 . i . . m . la w i i 1 1 1 1 -rrt;-:i rr?r a i i MH'tsi iiiirfvii Jir 11 ii i w ii;.-ii-r . aais 11 . TnrvtTrir mm HI llttiH I .11 U.VUUJJ. WAV A, owfj . r.,t Ktrtti' aw Diaanosireet, . u. heWO W&W. YORK. W. t H0JH. CONSIGNMENT :OTAVAI.' STORES. nr. wnnld invite the producers of jTUB- 'pSo TAB and ROSIN, to - W : Sou-t8 to us, wsuring themof LIBERAL AD- , WeVould refer those nmcqiiitted.trttb M ". ..fnnowiM individuate:,- - ; : J - Gfio.Mnxs jot." Editor 6fTDtES.wene. U. B. MaTitik, Pros. Ocean uao. ni;'. 21i. 1 I (HtSiV. DILL, ft' NW BERNj H. C. , nt of ' Cottotf.- Kvl 8torea sad nSiuvo, v. iU ha ve our prompt attention.! V-eutH tor Sturmy-e Uae of Stesmshlpe to nJ i' rk, and saiUng yesseia for Baltimore nd Allaawpttis. " g.- W. Dux, Morehead City, cjttlyC, 1865. ; 1 n90-y iriLUAM H, PUVBR St CO., Commission, Receiving and For- . warding MercliantSi r w Bern. N . O i Having resumed Business st their Old Btand, ; WILL GI 8TBICT PEB80NAL ATTENTION 1 TO THE SALE OR SHIPMENT OF 1 Cotton, Naval Stores, Cotton Yarns and Sheetings, Flour, unea Fruits, &c, c' AI.S0. TO RECEIVING AND rOBWABDING GOODS. . JUgular Lines of Steamers and Sailing Vessels - are now Running Between New Bern, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston. -. 'Julys. . W H OLESAUE i .. .; WHOLESALE &' EETAIL 'DEALERS,' i'x. -ANt)- RETAIL D."EALEK' WOULD IOTOBM A DISCBIKC5ATINO PUB- UO, THAT THEY HATE IMPOBTED ' A NEW AND FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES, STTTfiER'S GOODS, ALES, "WINES, j " ' " ; GROCERIES, A N D LIQUORS, AND CIGARS, I WINES WEPSON, MENDENHALL k CO., G E N k At. ! . OFj EXCELLENT QUALTTT, ' WHICH THEY I WILL BELL AT : A REASONABLE j ADVANCE TJPON COST. '. ' i CRAVEN STREBT, t&BRIC K IB L 0 C K-&l H A B !- JR0YISI0N& W A R E S : ALSO, 1 '" AND LIQUORSJ -J . .. 4.' . . . f . ' . . . ; . .... . . . .... . IN GROCERIES, ; 1.. - ! i-1 Vf PROVISIONa -a. r CROGEERY, a.i ill s:aU"iJf i-T : FURNITURE, 1 or Are receiving by 'S&unera r well ALL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. Corner Middle dt South Front Streets,' Jielefttl Stock dt COMMISSION AND 'tTHOLESALEEALEES, fo r war d i n g rTerchaWts, v ? 1 NEW BERN. 5. C, - : . i BRICK BLOCKJ GRAVEN SI. HAVE JC8T -BECETVEb' DIRECT FROAJ I ' Oonignmeots of Cottott. Karal Riorv. aad ssw yore; of all kind of IE; a Large aid wfcU SJoctl Stcx SUTLER'S GOODS, Prod nee, respectfully requested, fUtisfsctory returns Promptly ' ' GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. 5 j. ALSO -.v.'.' i WHOLESALE DEALERS LV ' : , . 1 TEAS, WINES, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, FISH, f AND PR0VISI0N& GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, Bf aaOkority of tat Bscrtlar bf tke iTreasurj, tis aAdtrslasd ks4 Gsatral 8ubscr!ptio Afeacj fW U sale f TJaitd 8ute Treasur Vstas, beari&s serea aai tbree-te&tas jtr sjsal r - t 1 laWrert per utto, ksm st Us SEYEN-TIIIRTY LOAN. Taese Notse are lseae4 Adcr. date af SUGARS,1 klC BERM, IS. C. , fj. - 0, R. COLQROVE, - TOBACCOS, -.-f . a. id rxLo. . . July 1, 1865. n87 R; B Whole IN SUGARS. MOLASSES, ' "L' ' ' SPICES. SNUFF, - Commission M erchants, FOR THE SALE OF TOBACCO, RAW COTTON, COTTON -l'ARNS, CLOTHS, ' ; ' AND NAVAL STORES. 1 j l Frojst Street, JTew York. Rob'x R. 8wpso, New; York City. Rim't. HrRPHT. New York City. Cxsos p. MESDRSHAixj - President Farmer's Bank, Greeuaboro, H.v. ' r Dam'l Wobth, Company Shops, N. C Gso. W. 8wEpoit, Haw River, P. O., X. O. , ( June 29, 1865. ' n85m 0, P. MEHDEKHAIi. , I. .' ,, . ULBX W0BOU8. riDlTC D Ut1Tn ?-frmV- MUirrrwa office. UlllliO ll lUliitDJUilllilLlll ; W j I i T OB AC C 0 ; AND GENERAL 'j ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS. TTr OULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE1 TO L JOHN McCONKEY & CO. If . the public that they have transferred their business rrom " j a-.:- , 4 .. .?-.. ... 1 1 .GREENSBORO', N. cLlO BALTIMORE, T Kew Bern April 31. 1865. V , , : 30-if. i'r? "Ji J"aU- PP1?. filled, if acoonv .Where they expect byttfceir promptrss anal : : , ; 1 -. . -'. U 1 ,: atriet attention to merit 'a' liberal share' of cat I . . I une 15", 1865. ; , , nT3...l 'ibs-r. , r ... . ? I HI ll IllH Ar CO BROOSlSr Omce, for tne present, at Messrs. jjiNfMOMi I v v - - . . c KlLU. .. .1 I -. - :; 1 ( - a 1 - . . i I i ' - ' . : - - , , j . "... . : r' A VERY FINE STOCK OF ""'"M Augusi 1501.1864, and are parable tarn .woansuugo.- , 1 Tears froa tAat Urns, la eurreaer. ar a ITfZff - SUGARS. FMTO.Lrtku a a, UU ; OHERRVJJRANDY, L1U, UlltJtri, V LiU - nuLu, p MACKXRELt AND '. , , ST. CKOIA RUM, SHERRY AND fPORT AVINES, j ASSORTED GROCERIES. - CLARET, CABINET, FINE . OLD : molasses. 3 GIN-COCK-TAILS, ; -I- - ' ATWfxrn'S oniNiNE BITTER3. 1 N. E. RUM, ( , , DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. . ' CLARET VTNES, Taste Vmds are new wertt a prexdaa ... -s T PAGNES, aiUSS' CELEBRATED " BOURBON WHISKY, ' OLD HOLLAND GIN, I C7. S. 5-iO Six Per Cmt. Gold-Bearing Bonds. IB - t i M .:. .V : HBWBSBM.H. ;,. i. : . I i;"SALT, 1 f ;;. BTASS' tONDON PORTER, &CL AO, &C of alae per eeat, iael4iaf jpU' 'iatareet s a I e ' ' 0 e a ve rj .asziii I sitrts celearated albant ale. . : ALSO, , A LARG E SIPPLY OF New Bern. TEA COFFEE, HAMS ft PORK,: BBOOkiS. - -i- i . , -i BASKETS t WOODEN WARE, FLOUK, CRACKERS, ; , , i h - HOTTER, ; CHEESE, LARD,, KEROSENE i OH ho "- 3 :----- ""'-i-u ' ALL i(. -KINDS .jZ OF, LIQUORS, WINES, CORDIALS, ; ,v -:, ; w.,; i I . . i T.VJ A PORTER. - r -. " Iti ie . A p jS 1 Cider. IN QUANTITIES TO BtJTT ' PURCHASERS. t HAMS, ' '-'i I ThK PATRONAGE of ! the Merchants and Cit- FAILS, i MF.fu?,rUl .CaroUn? U rePeotfun5' ,ol,rf- CITY AND COUNTRY ' J1XRCH ANT8, t . i wo, j jsvoig Deeu wui iuiutu u ouuwra iu i ti s'.f'.ici.n BAO0N, , . INVITED TO OA CRAVES SJTKKT, . i Ho.156 Pratt Street, Baltimore; I I ' . . HUGHES k DILL. New Bern, are our Agents, J LATE W. C. HAMTL.TOW A CO., ' KM . D It U W IN , . have prompt attention. I - i I 'V. 1 Commtssiom,'7fereB)skikt, aind Wfcole- . v. . ' f j . ; ; 1 : ' i ! CALL" ON ; I tiU city W past' thren1 w. we ffii Mti.fved j AND- SUTLERS, RESPECTFULLY I :! " I thai waoau suit the moM bartieuiar. 'I ' :: 10 J '.'ft- BLAGGE & CO. New Berne,0 JAl4 20. 1865. i . 61-tf.! 2 t J " . I r '. July 6, 1865. . Wilmington Herald please insert one moath, sad send bill to Baltimore. .-. CORNER SOUTH FRONT AND MIDDLE 8TS., 'KRAY & NEPHEW,; .... ' -i. ' 39 cRAvm srsjwr w' bkbvb,' s. c Feb.I.y!)j 4,4, j:-..iJi;-lf. FLOUR, ; Commission . and; Shipping Merchants, And Argents for Murray's North Carolina 62 SOUTH ' STREET, NEW YORK. - p. ixioans. JQTi"FjS A TjPj j i " cccteMoa to r. b. dibble,) , j WHOLESALE AND . RETAIL BASKETS, XJRACKERS, DEALERS IN Stores will receive dur special attention. GrOCeneSi1 PrOVISIOnS, CrOCkerV, 0 onsignmenis maae mrouga uw. ;n.i r urniture, ana naraware. iTXVfl CUCOUi TV 1AA ISC IV A TTOAWU AA W vr All orders oromotlv filled. Havine I Dec. 16. 'JS-tf. , been m the Worth (Jarolina trade for over Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots dr Sfroes, Hats ana laps, scnooi hooks, . Stationery, dc.. South Front Street, tfevo Berne, !iort Carolina. March 9.' , ...'15-tf." JOHN A. CHARLOTTE," I i' 1 . ' i tS (JAKES, U j. - PENS; INK AND STATIONERY KoT- wkkk .BkM pro1 os tie 730 loan, at current rates, la cladiag. interest, about tea per eeat. per annua, besidee its iwnyws ror Stu cud nmicipal Uzoaoa, wlicX asUt frvm e I Atm jwr eeaf . faere, scrdiaf to tAe rate levied ea oiksr property. The Laurest is psyable sea i-aaan ally by eovpoas m- C. Wr RQSE & CO.," juckei teeaca note, wbiek maybe rsi at Cravra .t bee So. r-t VHsW ld "7 or banker. streets, 5w Bm,.l . -juIyflSCS. The interest SJoouaU Is j-j.?1 I One cent per day on a $60 not e. Two cents " " S1O0 " - . Com'missiohincf' F(nwarrfink' Ten 44 $500 ' MEffpO, 20 - - - 81000 Trf.'- 151 ZbOOO J-KUAXD,' BlOIiOW di"- t . .1 . i " ' FTONTTURE Ill kflPY -(in; COTTON, . U AC TOKS, wf d.c;t . jiii r -I liuvli , ija4aaj w wuim , d ' , A Mi f-itiLLi-H i; '.'In'uflntvn pmv T-.. - Sv - ' 1 . T T .. - - ij.w V a wa- of every iie8criyti6B r . twenty years, we feel competent U eatis- j A n " r v " 1 UUI VUriWUBUCUIrO AAA ll aM as 1 M JOBBXBB OT "p WHOLESALE AB RETAIL GROCER, SATTEHLEE, LION & 10 ) I GRAVEN ST, OPPOSITE BILLIARD HALLS, I 8T sind 89 Leonard Street, 5ew York, :i3i i'earl Street, Xer York; I I jy3-im- ; wns uoor wesioi uroaaway. r - KS La I uouimibsiuu m e r i; ii a ii t,s . attention paid to com4g Naval Stores, and a oduce, and Quick Re Invariably the Rule,' I ? A i R E E K. c : POKING GLASSES, ' : :-,f. z; IIWINE. AND 0T11ER GOOWfitiflBiixjH . . . , . . : r t I KncrEsaoks tospriIullk. meeker a co. 1 1 r t nnrv 'T T,A f lT T? , , , , , , 1 I 7 - . A .a. A, J J A , x Aiiiio una u 114 ill be prcaij tly furo":h4 upn rsorij.t of sabseriptioM. This v J. CHABLOTTE, ,1 -with ; '.;, . J G!,K6sENi'5oiju HEW BKB!K.J. 0, . I niCEBO 1'artkular attention paid to constgnments of I .j ..iji1 k I V Cotton. Naval Stores, and all Kinds! t f, oW rn b Datum,' nl - w.w.uiAn W A' KIMIN HIIY DK.IM rfV H A T Vi riuuuvc) aiiuiuivn ium,.... "i - I JZLT w- T ' 1 I , -. ' i i 4 - JiANuragxuaxss aso vobskks or i aiso. MAKCracnmBS or rmsriso CITIZENS AND S r T L E R S I HATS, CAPS, FITIB, STRAW GOODS and dialurs in all kinds of paper and and paper I , . I UMBKtUAS anu kakasois. makers materials. Feltings Bleaching Powdors, I to hih ritBi-H and well sklectkd stock by jy3-lm : 375 Broadway, New York. . In. Vi.l Tmirm InnV Totnla I ! I ' ' 1 . - , REFERENCES: , i I annriRRTRS PTfAVTSTHMS t- 1 5 o tj l'd. : ; I liHuitJi 11' l n mtmi &dvji ua iiui mmm mwrwrmmwmi i i r I MANTJFACTURXRS OF, AND Pollock near iwaat ait Sew Bess. VC ' July C O0-tf. - . WINES AND LIQUORSJ GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, G o tj h d, IMPORTERS & TRADERS BANK, New York. I i ' I Ali . ; .. . . - . HUN. A. 8. HOPE, Cor. Greenwich & Warren I ' . ..: ... sta.. New York. assunng inem ina in quality ana rw prices,- e. b. cla ron, 66 jonn st., ew xoric Wb. coodg fil not suffer to comparison ! with I; V0 the ptjbchase of W A ItlVAl lllViV Vt 1'lUUbDl,, i.1QW AVia, I "I' ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Norfolk, Va. ., I any Stock in this city, j PETER H. WHITEHUBST. Norfolk. Vs. in int. Di&ifi ur nuuiu UAituiJiPtA New Bern. N. C. . COL. D. HEATON, Bern. N. O. L. D. H. BELT.. Ttcnf 'r r pL-S-T. CARROW. Beaufort. N. C. jnne29,186S. - ,Tre4ury Agent, ewj FAKCy GROCERIES CO., New Bern, N. C. A UTHORIZED ! AGENT !-- - ' -' ' i: ' --- ! I ill. .,.ii'.i a'ikVtmjik tl!fit khAiUmi. A. It,- VAL f STOKES r IHOLlSAliE -. c .i. JJ I CHARD BERRY', , 4 ; Forwarding and Commission M E R C H A N'T . Orrica 8. E.'CoaHaa or AND PERFUMERY, MIDDLE ArH SOUTH rRONT STREETS, NEW BERNR- "W rL A Choice Assortment. DKALEKS IX BORLAHD, BIO LOW 4i CO., , COnniBBIDIT'lIEECililiTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN BAGS AKFBi'G'tnG, So. 1 Beaver 8tM 'itew.YsM. Liberal Caoli AKatora mads oa oouaigBimnta . - "- -it of Cotton, Naval SJorrs sad oihrr ICerrHsadiss to thf above Hnose, by - . Kay 3 185. New Berne.1 Give us s call and we will try' to satisfy the ... . I Thankful for past favors, and hoping for a 63-tf.:' i i LELAND, BIG LOW & CO. j PoUerk HU, meavr Ksm PronC St i NEW BEEN, J. ci . , ... ; : Consignments of produce, 4c, to be shipped to New York, and goods consigned to my care from New York, to be forwarded, to -Merchants in the interior, attended to with' dispatch,' and st reasonable rates. I Having had charge (of the above branch of. Business witn tne oia nrm oi iaddio & isros. the friends of the above firm, and others, ' can rely upon having their business transacted with as attle delay, as possible Johh Dibble, i , - . j -1 Wm. P. Moobe, j References. Jans 15,1865. j . 73 yKW CODIMISSIUN HOTJSK, j. SALISBURY, N. C. . J ontinuance of the same, we subscribe oursolve's SwCCEBBOJB TO Ci THE UNDERSIGNED MISSION HOUSE IN SALISBURY, N. C, and solicits consignments of merchandiie',' Scran- '! iry produce, etc . i t ; W LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES MAIj5 nta ' ' - W. H. HOWKRTO. 15, 186S. , -.itaU.j the public's Most Q!bed',t. ANDREW COLLINS. New Berne, March 34. 1865. : " - 32-tf. NEW FIRM NEW GOODS. STERNS k Kiwi, . WHOLESALE AM . RETAIL i -' .-d' ' Tir vtei i - " . HAS OPENED ' A tJOM- TO M L INS 0 N, mini u WATCHES; JEWELRY ISD M i I i ;ta r V o b d s , j - Craven Stret,'Kew Bern, N, C. '- i watch work attended to promptly, and war ranted to cive satisfaction. .-. 1 June T3-. .,.' ;.n74-tfi DEALERS Di Oroeeries, Provrlsions, - Croekery' , Hardware, Boots and Skoea, nX U . . - Yankee Hottons. .i . . . TTTX shall koep our assortment fuR of all deM TV rs NTTED STATES STEEL PEN u MAN I R . . ESTERBROOK a.CO.i U:FA C TOB'Y ! 1 Ati WIT A fffPS m tl AB r;TR"lK.;ki.;5: f :x;iv'' i i MBHFSS. A r 1MB BUiSCTBTJ PTTOCX OF . ' ' Nrw Bees. July 6, 1866. H ENRT M. MORRIS, we nave cetaousiiea oirreimi permanentlr in BnsiiieaBV in- itas . . . ' - . citvand ' Tpectft31r8cit the ! patronage oi Aferchaats ce Nort CaroLma, aJWtlriIl1Si, 1ikuH ii:' ' - : i le'vW "T ,t- rabls (roods in our line, which we will sell at the lowest cash prices.. ... - - . Br strict personal attention to busmess.-we f s.Ws x-j.i': w - '' Jwps to secure our share of the moUc patronage. !7T" , 1 i?AarHK -"old; bryan store," -ea . t Jf--mosxxs. jaAXCBjST.,Pkia4aptaa Bouth Front Strsst. Neiw Bern. N. C. i ! " rokn Street, Hew York. : v MS Jtws 84, ISSS. -. ' " Mf. ' , 'y4.jbirts)sa" ; ' ' ' 1 SADDLERY a - Fnoe j and; QuaEly, ws . catisTy 'tbVdoiii! riarrictilAr. - i - ) . . t ? - - sr. - rr: 'N. !..-. - COM3I1S8IO 3T ' ME ft C1I A 31 T I - .. .. . tti prior ctdf rr vavtav vadk . -s vw a s4'ku a a vv & wv s iAA j !. Ma. WM.L. Hux, forniurijof BiRsVoHtort.1 t rkhmomL Ya std Mr.Cnaa.D.iin.t,cf North j C troUiu, are aao-Uti with sac. ' . AR oofinimrriU -M (XfTTOS. ' KAVAI. I rTOBES. Maonlactomt and Leal TXffl AO00 sad j other produee, will ri e sr prosspt HKntlis. ' We purchase on rird-r all artiues of Msrcbas)' , Ait. liberal advrttees made oa eoastEuaMDts, .Ml eonxnrotia far ear koaao Bssds rhrouk 1 New Berne. N. C. will forward4 free of Ichaw. HENRY H. MORRIS. ..." WM. L. BOX I - ' V" . - ' - THAS.D. HILL, JytAai . niDnwiDr , UiiiAAf IliLUAl, S PES' STREET, r. v Berlin White. Beer. Brewry - IMPORTERS OF BCGER ii , BUIREL, .AM' faTi. a rorxocE. stszxt, sras .TiiT Taojrr st. THE ONLY LOAN IN new offered by lae Oovrmmf nt, s4 it i eoa&deetlj expected that f.u superior 4- - i vantages will make it the Great Popular Loan bf the 1 People. ' To p revest tae natlUtio of tie Botea, .... , - 4 the Secretary of the Treaaary has five a aotioe. that the Botes are aot aegotiabU, . ; . ,1 '., '" ulees all the mtvrr4 coupons are at- Uebed. Is order that citUess f every tow a and tectlom of the country may be a5or- ded faeiliUas for takiag the loaa, the Na- iooal Ea&xs State Baals, aad Private Cankers throughout the coaatry hare generally agreed to receive su.bscripu-.4it at par. Sabeeribere will select their ;' ews ageats4n waosa they Lave eoaadeaea, -- and vho oaly are to be responsible frr delfvsry of the notes for trakh they re ; oelve orders. JAY 600KE, YORK - - "WjPSjLiaaaxxD.iip BaWcriptioTi AfentFHUaslpli'a. O- -.";' slwyaeool.od sa vU&jtstid ;riaA rr.. ilUi... i Sm fat s eases. iiSj s iw Afta ii-r. "7 ii i i 3 .