& JOY: L..OEO. K. JOTf I t ill". NORTH CAROLES A TIMB9 I - K ill be published every Morlnf Sundays Oa taeh aaakiw a mm. m1 aB ad iepted,on Craven Stree Hew, Boras, M. ft ; ; ;;-EEEMa OP THE PAPEB tl v '; I'T'TV; V ''rfw w r ' i 3V4lMcrrer7r.oc;t!l. iloii i i a Wines -w ajm n hw-cis. 9iauaeper y in tdVKiw; f0 for ttiree TV. ' -. . J I ,sf SMtaA. mxQLx conns rxir. psjqra. KO!f 97 I M We tsiL Ltrr. - 1 A - BY VESTAL W. I. VESTAL....... e?A tit 1 r :0KT . TYTKTTh i i n. i 7 COMMISSION AND FORWARDING N Lg OH A!' H O V O gCCCKSSOR TO . C MSLSOV A OO., , gjup CHAftifiiisKo a vjuuJEtta ; us 'NAVAL r STORES, J 199 West Street, sear Dvaa Street, m. HELSos. NEW YORK. w. j. soua CONSIGNMENT OF NAVAL STORES. jgy We would invite the producers of TUB PENTINE, TAB and BOSLN, to consign then products to ub. assuring theitt of LIBERAL Alj VANCES and Pbomft Bxtubks TBQM SALES. ;, We would refer those unacquaintanted -with us to the following lndlviduala: i Geo. Mills Joy, Editor of TIKES, New pern. B.0.NBX8OS,New York. ! ' i W. C. Hamltoh, New Berne. . ' Capt. E. M. L0MA3rbor;Ma8ter, New Beroa D. B. Mabttk, Pres. Ocean Back, New York, j bqv.V 1 Vf JJCGHES PILL, Commission & Shipping Merchants, NEW BEEN. If. C. ' Consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores audi Tobacco, will nave our prompt uwuuuu. Agents for Murray's line of Steamships to Mew York, and sailing vessels for Baltimore and PhilidelDhiA. I T. J. Hughes, New Bern, a. W. Dux, Morehcad City. -July 6. 1865. I n0-tf ; WILLIAM H. OLIVER, dt CO., I. . ! Commission, Receiving and For warding Merchants, New B e r n , ; N . ' C . ; . Having resumed Business at their Old r .- BUnd, : ' : WILL GIVE 8TKICT PERSONAL ATTENTION TO THE SALE OB SHIPMENT OF" f Cotton. Naval Stores, Cotton Yarns an Sheetings, Flour. Dried Fruits, &c, icV H 1 ALSO, 10 RECEIVING - AND FORWARDIN& ' GOODS. :j C IfcguIor Lines of Steamers and Sailing Ve3ses' ara now Running Between . - f New Bern, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston. . July c i w-tfJ . gWEPSON, 3IEXDENHALL & CO., T O E N E R A A - C o m m i ss i on M ere ha n t s , FOR THE SALE OF TOBACCO, j RAW, COTTON, COTTON YARNS,, CLOTHS, AND NAVAL STORES, ' ' j 141 Front Street, New Yorlc. Rob'x R. SwiPsoM, New York City. , L. Sam'x G, Mubfhy, New York City. If 1 Crsus P. MENDrsHAix, President Farmer's Ttink nrAMnshnTa. Ti. ft i --t 'H , I . Dah'i. Wobth, Company Shops, N. 0. - f Geo, W. Swepson. Haw River. P. O.. N. O. June 20, 1855. ' n85-m! C. F. MEMDEKBAIX. dvsui turnout. MfTtlTfl Tl lfTWnm'n It I O.rtMl' T O B-AC. G O"! AND GENEBAL i COMMISSION MERCHANTS! .: WOULD BE8PECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO the public that they have' transferred their busineas from ; v :) 1-) ,lBEENSBQBg,,N. O. jTO,?ALrKa Where they expect by their promptness aid strict attention V merit a liberal share of jn U ronage. I '": r' Office, for the present, at Messrs. JDnrsvoM st Xtum, v. . . I JT . No. 15ft Pvavtt Street Baltimore, j - HUGHES A DTLf, New Bern,1 are our Agenfjt. and any Produce Shipped through them. w(U have prompt attention. - : . j July fl, 1888. 00-lm. Wilmington Herald please Insert tua sena diu to lumore. JJUERAY 4 NEPHEW, Commission "and. gliippin Merchants, v lad Agents for Murray's North Carolina Dteamahip Line, 62 SOUTH STREET, NEW YORK. . Conaignmenta - of Cotton' and Naval 8tores will receive oar special attention. Consiimmenta 1 made throncrh GEO; W. DILL, Morehead,will he forwarded free W charge. . ! , All orders promptly filled.:- Having been in the North Carolina trade for owav twenty years, we feel competent to satUh- ij our correspondents in ail particulars. a. D. Fall quotations of oar market turnianea. api-W SAITERLEE, LYON & Q j ji wan street, Hew York, Com mission M er c h ants 1 Particular attention paid to consignments pt cotton. Naval Stores, and all Kinds ot produce, ana Quick Returns Invariably tN-RulV t; ALSO, JfANUTACrOBXBS -OF '. FBIKTTKO "PAPim. and dealers in all kinds of paper and and papier materials, jreiongs sieacmng rowaens, raui, Tiiroi, uags, juue, metais, sc., ; IMPORTERS A TRADERS BANK, tttnr V, HON. A. 8. HOPE, Cor. Greenwich & Warren "., new lors. - ) r- u. uwiytuh, 66 jonn St., Mew York. ' J. A. RICHMOND, 6, Front stj New Yorkv . FIRS NATIONAL BANK, Norfolk, Va. PETER H. WHITEHHRST. Norfolk. Va. GEO. MILL8 JOY, North Carolina Timet, Dora, n, j, Bern,N.C. ' Agent New io'hwStF' New Bern, N. C. . HEX.L.. RMnfnrf vr n COL.S.T. CARRCYW n;Lirw n85-tf J I CHARD U K UH v, Forwarding and Commission .U U It U 11 A N T, JEW BERK, S. C. j . .(vrini-'umenU ef produce. Ac.j to te elii to"ew York, and goods consigned to my are Jroia New York, to be fiorwarded to Mei-cb&ntB in the interior, attended to with dispatch, and t ruiHouable rates. ,,, I . ; p ,' Having had charge of the above 'branch of btiHiness with the old firm of Dibble & Bros, the frionds of the above firm, and others, can rely .npoii having their business, transacted with as ;"uc aeiay as possible. , Johh Dibble, 1 - Wm. P. Moom, j Befereuces i -June 15, 1865. 1n73 EW COMMISSION HOUSE, SALISBURY, N. C. "THli UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A COM MISSION HOUSE IN SALISBURY, N. C, nd solicits consignments of merchandize, conn 7 produce, etc -: j LTBERAL CASH ADVANCES UADB.- W. H.. HOWERTOX. June 15, 1865. lm-73. W Hp Ii S 8 A L B ?. A Jf PRB TA I V T7H0EES ALE & EETAIL I;. SDEALEEBj', WOUL TflBM A DIKEIXpUJSM PUB- Lip, THAT TOST HAT1 IJCKWtTED -h;v; 1 A NXW AND FRafiH 8TOOX Of GROCERIES, - SUTLER'S GOODS, ALES, "WINES, 1 -' ' LIQUORS, AND CIGARS, T OF EXCELLENT .QUALITY, WHICH THEY ' ; . 1 WTLL , 8ELL AT A i BKASOWABLE ADVANCR UPON OQ0T. ' CRAYBN 8TK11T. .,..-. . .. , , .,-..:.! .. . BR I C K BL 0 CK -&l A . lew Bern. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -' i S JUilN UcOUMiLKX 4 CO. i Sew Bane, April SO. ises.. 80-tf.l . & CO., UTB Wi C. kLUIII,Tff CO., OOBNBB tOUf H FBOWf AX UWOLB. BTS.,' OBALBSaU Groceriesi Proviion, Grbckery, Furniture, and Harawtre. 1 Dec 14. 75-tf. KDKB W C O L 11 If 8, WHOLESALE AND RITAIL BIOCER; obavbn st oppoarra vauxtsy hallb, . a The adverttser would respectfAOy aoatcit the " 'V'T'' "' attention a CITIZBHB iBD IIVLBRS TO HIS FBJESB AMD WILL OUCin StMCK OP GROCERIES & ' PRoyiHlQNS, Assuring them that in quality tad sow prices, ua goooa wui not suffer m snat hi with any Stock in Oils city. FANCY 0R0CEKIE3 ; B ' AND P1BFUMEBY, A Choice h ssertmeat. Give us a call and we. will try o satisfy the most particular. " j-" Thankful for past favorsj- and hoping for a ontinuaaoe of the soma, we sufescrite ourselves the public's Moat Obedl. " ' . ANDREW COLLINS. Sew Berne. March ai, 1S65. 22-tf. NEW FIRMNEW GOODS. STERNS fe G UNN, ; ." ? DEALERS III'-1;-.""' Gvocerloa, " kwtatsms, Crlcer7, . Hardware, Boat aad Iksa, and f TTX shaB keep our aasortmaiit fal at an dmt. 'Triable goods In our Una, whist we wiB sell at thelowast cash prices. ' " By ktriot personal attentkm to smalness, we aepe to secure our snare or KiepnoiM patronage; M,THIOU) BJtYAX BTORJL" -6 s -0 it South Iro0gWwtx(swBrMb.C. ! JuMSd. X8. " as-tf. 1 ! 3 1 M -AND RET Alii t DEALERS', GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, . A N D W A. RL W Si : , . v " . ALSO, i ' ? ALL OBDEBS FILLED PROMPTLY. Corner JtlldOlc d Boatb. Front Streets, t sew: berk, k. c. J. M. BUL1FSON, . O. B. QOLQBOVEJ & TUTTLB.; July 1,1866V ' : n87? Ea r r r. x , man, m. 'c- W h oj esTft I e " D e ale r , ; i- . ni - ,' I" .... SUGARS, U0LA88X8, k ' . - - ' TEA. COFFEE, SPICES. SNUFF, . : j, - FL0UB.i - T. -f .m JBTTTEH, CHEESE, tARD ALL .KlUDSiti - OF, LIQUORS, QSAnttties to auft.- ; : ! paniei,yaa , .'. 4- June lKtwA.' t - j z n7S 39 Commlssioiart gareli ait, aua4 Waste 39 Febyl (BiTnrnaiuaJ to-o. a. Dmsue,! who: ;AOTH:IIETA1Tj " Mfiin ii,'" ' " " ! Dry OK)ida ClotIitnfy'BtaifcSkW, t 9M.cv: March 9. . 15-tf. JOHN A ;0BASLO77E, ' !v --WITH hamliii, ,pn s r v col 7' .; ,VeBSB OF ; ' ' :" V; J DRY. QOpZ8. HP8X RY, i : WHITEOOOOtS.iNOTlONS, fcO 87 and 69 Ls rd street, Kw York, jy31m"'v i' 0no4oo West of Broadway;. Q I C E B O 3 ..'CBABt 6 1 t b ;i ; 5 5 :-WITB;j' , WATROUSi BOYDEN & PAY, HANCFACTV&m AITJ 0BMBOF. f HATSCAX, FCRSi BTlLAW GOOtkS, UMBRELLAST AND ARASOLS.'r jy3-lmi c3T8 Broadway, iw Ysrk T7 W. ' -GiO V D,- A nTHQlizKu it A OBNT NAAIjvSTOKES IN THE BTATB' OFj NORTH T CAROLINA. ,0fficb 8.". CokkiMi:o? ? MIDDLE A HO StOUTH f RQN-p STREETS, NEW BERNI,1 S. a New Borne, May 23. 1865.- . -, - : 69-tf. C. Fj-53ITH, ;8 U COE860 R i1 T O F . C. v m l.i .n 'is o if. r - W A T G.B B 8V- B W E LSI I i I i tar y G o d fs .. CravHt 8teat,iBW- Bersa, B. Ci . Wateh Work attaadei to promptly, And war- ranted to giya sattsfaction. ' -June 16. - 5 -(. I n7-tf XJNrrEDSTATBB STEEL FEB :' '': !' ft ; ET n B Fl O O it; -CO.,.. f , , .WorkaCamdea, nI"."T;; - j .Samples oi nrlass aa&t,B application. . r VogtMeVKew Yoa-k. ' yt-jinttksLa : T' - ; i -Tj 1 j "ifny iiaia a ik in?. 3 -Wrf'''W w Cv-:fcj -! v! - i2i ! IliioROCimiQ: 0012 . . . i Jr. '. FURinTUBE," . "I" UNBjHjSOTPM '.is: -, if. ; eelected.Stoek'oi 1 SUGARS, A ' TPBAOOOS; "and'tT salt; . - i: tl " . CR LERX .Tit- - - . r. . I - - - - : t ' -; Bitooua '1-1 "'t . '. ... ..,' tWQOpENaTTAI FLOW4 3 i ) " BASiBTQ, L FURNITURE LCOKlGGL3a 5 VKipSEpiXV: if- WaalaekeepOB ...... i - . A FINE SCLBCTLCieWC . . i i; !-i Way sTBMUbl!44Cfate. ity;BB; yeisJtKtf Carolina, aurinff L4x tLa Inf. attico sua wuaiiiv, w oui aauAJTl Uui iBionpartacBlar. ITeeftitnitlayHilt -'fLlft -Ifft 0 1 E rJ AX B 4 "DEALERS. S'lBMGGEifeCBii TJuOLESALEviDEALERS; ilRIOk BLOCK, CRAVEN ST- EATS JUST EZCEITEJ) DIBECT FBOM S1W TORE, a Large and eakludso( well Selected Stoc OODS, .AJU XAJAJAb U il'. - . .- gnOCERIES;AND PROVISIONS. A L S O 3, ! . :. ' A VEBY FINE STOCK OF . t . f WINES AND LIQUORS, : ConaisHusr of-- I jtljB BQUfiBON . WillSKY, . V COGNAC BRAS )Y, CHERRY BI ANDY, ; . " -HOLLAIIUGIN, ST. CROIX RUM, SHERRY- AND PORT WINES, - CLARET, CABINET, AND CILLERY CHAM PAGNES, RcjsS' CELEBRATED f ' ..... t i 0XN-C0CK-TA1LS, 1 ATWOOD'S QUININE BITTERS, DBAXE'8 PLANTATION B1TTEBS, BY ASS' .LONDON PORTER, CU271 CBLEARATED ALBANY ALE. ,f ,. t ALSO, A LARGE SUPPLY OF ' ' AjiJ-; to 1 i I. .' TX PATRONAGE of the tMerchante and CSU jaan Of Narth Carolina ia respeetf ally aollcl- I4d.-21avmg beta esiabKshcd in Business tn City the past three, yeari, we feel satisfied tasav can ssut the moat iartiouiKr. Ll5i"::- .SBtAGGEjoi CO. fjlawSafna.K.-CU'Uay 0.1865. Cl-tf. . -i SUCCESSORS TO SPROULL. aiEERER & CO. MANUFACTURER OF,, AND DEALEIiS 1 1 , I ' !..,'--. .i) . ; : SADDLERY 1 AND HARMSS, ' .IMPORTERS or .' : i i v iCiBDLEBY BAEDWAEE; .i2T.TJSSHBEES STBEET, 1 a z - ;1 -.. NEW YORK, . t . ' ' ' . i , ' ' - . coMiiissioN.-.-jLjri) roaHruLDix " .qoinjnidK: ' . . ..: .? ss . - NBW,BBaJlilCC- -r- -.-..: .., f.j t--. -..t , Cooaignmacits of OoUon'X16toieE I Prodnoe, rerpaottuCy sbCOQ "l Baaafaaory astarna ... . . 1 -.is! ii Promptly WEOLESALE DMlERSi H r K i ! . . . , i . TEAS, WINES,. .JB, LIQUORS, FISH, ANDrRpvxsrbi GREEN AND BLACETTiAS, 1 ' COFFEE, SUGARS-FLOUB, LARD, CHEESE, - l MACEREIl'.aND ASSORTED GROCIIRTES.-' PIN old! . i BOURBON WHISKY! OLD HOLLAND ;QXX, N. K RUM, ! CLARET WINES, AC, AC, AC PENS, INK AOT WiXlGSrZX :iN 5lUAirnTra tuarrt - '"1 CITY AND COLTNTRY Vlf t rp . yjft tiND BUTLERS," aUaPECTTUtLll , lVrrKD TO . -CALL,OJ- : ( : 7 Crawea ., act Sa-fiesleV amW . ; streeta, new BeravW .'?." -.. jury, l, MM., , a.j .... JSLA.SL), BIOLOW, ?CtX.3. ." -.3 tc " : a' !' ' ' - it .'. - Commission (MiRriltiiJ cotto n'-;'p licran hi ,. AND TEAL3tSVCr T. ! BAGGING, ROPE, "' '( , - TWINS, AND , OTHER GOODS X3XT war COTTON" . PoQock St, new tast ff f1 " , . VxwBMavB.tL. JulyaWMf. gonUwDw BiaitdJt ;; ; j oomnBnoitLrini C A G AN D -BICGISG', No. 7 Drawer St., Vew Tawkw,- ; -Liberal Cash Advances aiado eaooriaigWaaate of Cotton, Karat Stores anc'-Aar BaMsWoVrt to.tlM; abotTi House, by , . J - ' " : . LELAND, BIGIDW & CO; t'oilmk St., ntmr Kt front Hti New Brsir. July 6, liui, ' T?r II MET'! si . Bonnrs. I GK5EKAX. CUMM18S.1U5.HE K.C II A N f , Ms. "Rn. I ntti, firnwrlt of E:n A V..nit j !:! Iiumrt. Va . anl lTr. Ch a. V. llux,vt X-rtit j "r!ina, a re associated with mr.1 SToRK.-. X-Jiaiaetarul ai4 Lrf Jjjfe ACvtf iad tbrr prodaoe, wui reccir --r propt f.a,Va. WepurcLaM oa ordes V -rt.- o uuwk ' AAberal uiocM sbaAe en silyawsis. All ccnxtrnmrala for owx h ss aaiAs tktMck T. 4. Hcnsa, Oiwral Ciws juiie atrrraacd aa lew Bermw, S.C win tie-SiaasMil.fr mt coarse. , bust sa. Moa.Ai a.. ' CH AS. I). HILL, f - ' .1 Jys- JjracCEB A , BOIREL, Berlin White Beer Brewry,' roU JRBBST, BBAB SAtf 'JtBTf ST. THE CXXJlESAXED P EBUN T TT2 ZZtX. always eooL aad the daSLgS Artaa Hha-4w PIHANCJAU; r - Bswteit7 of tlie Secretary CT Aa fMor, tte cndenl47e4 as agae4 iU Qemersi Bobacriptkm Age&ejfortts salt of Calted State Trtatury Bar. t4rif mvso and tAree-Untis m o v bterert Wianta, kxcTB as tit ' r . " Taos lTeta are bsued nnder tMi V Auguti 15th, 1864, and are r-arall tAra years from tbit time, in currency, w ao oofivertille at tie option of tka WblaV t law V. S. 5-( S.x l'er Ceut. Gold-Bear ing Bonds. Taeae boadj are new wort a j reamHs f tiae per aeat, Uelndinf Ud LaVarart fresa Xvn wkkk kaakaa tae aetaal predt a Ue T40 teen, u cjrt rAiaa, ta- alailaf Utcrert, aboot its per aC par a&iia, bealdea iu nmftkm fnm BU aW'mi tltSMfMAUdtnmmt as lfcwav if. aaort, aooordinf to As taaa Uri4 ea oUar property. TUUurawtk payable axaJ-aaaaally 1 owpoais' at. , . ' as svt aot. wkkk Buy U aat r ad aaU u aay ba&k or bakr. -' t i..-.. V...' Ta L&tareti aaaouta u . ,. t. . Oae ceatper dayoa at50 aou. Tvo cents r - $l6ol; - i- Tm " $500 Ct $1006 "J " tl 4 "$5000 T Bote of all the daomlaAtioas wHl be ?oaptf j faralahad apom rwcsifi of abeerlftkBS. 'Taisb V .'. ..... fc . - TJIUOirZTZOAIf xu otared ike Govtraaoeat, aard ft ia ooBade&tly azpsctad that its amperisr sl vwaaaKnaaAAettat Qircat Popnlar Loani of tin People. . To pmasii ike' nrttllatloa f iu"i too Satratary of ika Traaaary kaa yvaa Mioa, AArt2e tioua are bot ifriXUt uWi all tie vnwstrti Vcajxint rs a Lai crJer that itUena of every 'v ' ' ; .. .f r' uiaacUoa of the ouonuy mur bacaA,r. . . - ; , . . - dd fa2itkS fcr iailivg tLe lta tVe tiocal SaBas'Sutt Btki,anJ rrlvaae Bankers through out the country lav tesrrally afreoil to receive Knlerixv&aje at par." &lcriTi ttill'atW'i own aceau.ia wkota Uey kava ecaidae, aadwVoealyart to be wpoaaJUa" fsr iU delivery of Ut aotee for wkkh Ukey re- aveordera. I." : . JAY COOKE, ;j faawarjpOCT lpnt, nrflanafrVU, AprOlMf.