3 f VOL. 2. NO. 228. : NEW BERNE, ; .N. , C, MONDAY, DECEMBER. 18, ,1865. ! Price Fits Cents. 1 X X 1 &3 II I i III I ! r" I r ? - - - . - ; t . i JTi-MM'M""M''MWM,"'M"'"M""MM"""W,MMM""T" " 1 , '''''''M ------- ." v, . . r. THI. CITY. " - ' ' . ' I jIOXDAY' MORNING, DEC 18, 1865. LOO All DEPABTMENT. Pobt Office, New Berne. N. 0., 1 ' '- NoVKMBEB 6. 1865. .4.00 P. M 11.00 A. M. rhB mail will closeSuDdaysexcepteu, as follows: ntliead and Beaufort, N. C, at.. l. vu..Hi..h r.r-.-. Frin And Plv. .,h' N. C Tuesday. Thursday aurt SlTurdav at 1.00 P.M.! Vtun. New Yor Philadelphia, Baltimore , ,,. i ?WtoiiDRtoni Norfolk, and all" points North ?w vf . . ijEt at: : . . :.. . . . . .IT . . . : T.x. . .r. it; . . . .'.4.30 P. M. Office open from 8.00 A- M. to 5 P. M. in li-tters to be delivered in the United States, in- tinting drop lette s, must be prepaid, or they will be sent f jggd Latex office, unless addressed to Heads of Bureaus GEO.tW. NA50N. jb.;,P-M. X jtfaahintfoii' 1). a Foaxk are going., to sell, at Auction, in Front of their Btofe on Craven Street, 'at; 10 o'cloek Tuesday, 19. h instf-Hprses, Mules, Cow and Calf, Harness, Carriage, Seasonable Clothing, tb spicuuiu aruuie ui xrur auu ouerry 11 me, etc. , Heze is ft good enanee for those who need such things. V Don't fail to read advertisement. r ; c? J. W. Baxter keeps on hand , and for sale a large Stock -of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots and. Shoes, SoapsCandles, &c v His Stbre is 54 Ppllock. Street., Give him. a call, as he offers gooa Dargams. Aaverusemeni in anoiner coi. umn of this paper. , The Theatre is crowded nightly, r Mr..B,ogebs is sparing no pains "or expensflo "make the per formances' agr table and interesting. A splendid programme is. 'advertised to come; off I to-night, and we advise all to go early if they wish to' pro cure a seat, and witness a "ff4tbin9-"i'Lk :..sr ' ! f The card of G. K. Tfrnee, M. D., will be found in our paper to-day. - H office is at Mrs. Sum EELL!4;0n. Craven- Street, Henry, R. Betan offeriThrei Huiidred 'Acres of Good Land for Rent, two miles from New Berne. See Advertisement; X-C- r JTI? WEreterour reaaersfi;ito tne notice otyJti:Ev; GAEVEYTvhfch will be found in this issue' The Fenian. Explosion. 1 ' Prom ib.e N. Y. Times. s f ; -The Fenian movement in this country was of political birtH in this city. It ttas firt a weak or ganization of ambitious Irishmen, .who ' sought by combination to extort o3cs from the i Demo cratic party. : How far -it was successful in its political, schemes in 4this city, the schemes of Tammany, the leaders o'. Mozarf, and the disci ples of the impetuous McKeon may know; but. this cpurt, and that I will give an impartial ver dict m no aecision regarding all such . parties and causes. ; , . . - THE PEN1AN CONGRESS. which has been called by President OTIaBony, will not, it is alleged, assemble in obedience to ms mandate ; lor the call was ' made subs&mient to his formal deposition, and the appointment of air. wiiiiam li. Roberts as bis successor, and I President Roberts has, revoked the' Professional. PALMER'S1 I5M CHESTNUT S'. PHILADELPHIA. ACTno a. . . r . . n r .1 i i vuj ncic anaic tuai iuc ivmau unjiaerfluuu wuitu iicsiucm u jiaflonej Beni w euCu OI thft 1 1 NFW YORK I BOSTON uavc ever uiciaieu .terms 111 uuj. piug w ue Le mue uuiiureu delegates. iniS IS Uie SnOWing Of A00WCS4 TMC MVChTO mocracy here, they do disclose the fact. y';. President Robert adherents. Thej allege that B.FRANK.PALMER.LLD.PRES: A.A.UU3 C?. . vThe circle in this city struggled many.months the House of delegates cannot legally meetbefore tv... t . in obscurity; but at length its emissaries wrougut the time for their, annual session in September mTjSSi .ETtofi S ! the Irish immigrants up to enthusiasm in a new I next. .nc tnat, moreover, that body has no pow-1 world, the lnv ntor baring bet honored -rtih the tvtnl crusade against what the Feaiaa leaders 'stvle er m any event over the new-made President. SL rLJ "V1-0 mlveb mxdals (or -Jim the despotism - of , the British .down, and the They further allege that the O'Mahony meeting wx "SrtKltl!!. llUSvi-d wl.w movement soon became of far greater moment which was reported by; telegraph from Philadei- Tork; also the most Honorary Beport "of the great. than its leader.the adventurous John O'Mahoney, Phia to yesterday morning's newspapers, was a or SargtM or lrf . givta hi Patent had expected. Circle afteriras formed in meeting pf no significance whatever,.. called and P paVASJS fSS t. -4 -.i. tt' : I Cf.itnn " i ... PTimnoprprl Ktr fomnoroo : iJtt. 1'Ai.Mh.K glT personal altenti to the Trglne8 vvijf, puv ui.iue - uuin;u,uu"ca UU: we 1 o- . " nuv ui, icvclUl I OT HIS pFOfevSlOS, alCKa oT IMS Of ukS BCn QQali&CatlOtM tJanadas, until ,at.Iength . nine hundred-circles, 1 01 fei irum tne union square neouquarters, m Rreaet experteswe. Be is pcfeity e it Two Good -Compositors can get employment by: immediate ap- nlication at this Office. I 'i - . - . . ' .... . r , Th eatee. This establishment is now doing a flourishing business 'under the able management of Mr. J. H. Rogers, p-aring thelastveek'iie has; introduced to us Mr- and Mrs. John Davis,: . JErom the Wilmington and other Southern theatresJ Geo. Geeen offers for sale or rent .large.aid; Their Derformancesnpon both, evenings, stamp: Commodious House and "Lot on the cornefefxJ them as ornaments o their profession; and with South Front and Mefcalf. streets. Advertisedr the assistance . they receive from Mr. Rogers ' SEEnottce bf "Piano Wanted," whichwill -be Tuicii A1EREDITH. ana tne mi OI tneuiramaijc fnnnd n t.hialilOTniner'S' DarttTr. ( . ' i ,v ... w i . '.r ? i o - totopahy; our citizfehs aienbw eblev id witness some oi the best dramatic performances that? the city of New Berne has: been honored with, i, The, liberal patronage that Mr. Rogers is now receive iaz induces him to r still further. strengthfin Jiis wnen ne wiu produce a numoer oi ftf from lfK to fiiMi 'Irish ATnpricans pih' i I and whose sole object was to cet aTeDort of 'nm. I oy tte totzrnmut, and has the- pctronae of th es in' the De- peedinga in Mr, O'Alahony's behalf in; the great Ki' dailv commn"nica.tioh w.-triVth'S circle " r . . .. . l " i ; : t . vr tt i . partment of Manhattan. . It wass understood that juuxuais oi oew iorx. r t.h 'BritisK-'T.inn wa in Vih foiifrhfi t.ti&tl' t.ho I ' ' 'THE OTHER SIDE OP" THE FEXIAX XOVSK leaders in New York meant id ght,raud that the have also been-busy, particularly in the Depart- conflict was inevitably to result inun told bless- m-?-ntJ. Manhattan, where their great strength is ings to the Isle of Erin.'1 Money; bf coursesvas supposed to. lie, and onef the first oT their acts required: -there ;Was rWlacK'of : "that; .U" flowed s Reconvening ef theHami ton 'Rowan into the coffers of the Treasurer. with- marvelous ignomuaous expulsion taererrom TftTidifv nnt.U ro larrrfl sinum'Hrid ben --WMrtnrii.l 0tMe?8rsWiUiam R. Roberts. Patrick O'Rourke. . . . .. .. .. . ... . . .. . ,w.z 'i ,a v i : .i Tr ....... .... . i latedthat it waiffl?cravenient to hauaieland the tf','"'eenllu, unuer reTOioiiooa-amrming tj-r t a TTI0TTA. i.viilt.ir . t.'..l i!' I that the threa Viav reAi tifiont!os 'Ki -A I cstauusuuicm. ox it,ia gcruuicau ueuame neces- I -V . V ,V- V . ; . . 1 Late of Tarboro, S-C Nary. SDK diese dla- nmineBt Officers ef the Army and mJor-Gtenermla snA taore than thousand tin(ruished officers and soldiers hare worn the PAL3IER UMBS on active duty, while still greater numbers of eminent eaTiliana are,, fey their aid. flJ rqc Important posi tions, ana effectually conceal th ir misfortune. Advice And PsvmptxleLs GrsUts. To avoid the imposition of ' IMrstlral Copyist, applr only to DEL PAl.MF.lt, as above directed, or to his Agent, ' ' GEtX H. TAYLOR, nor 2341 - New Berne. M. a hqptt And thanrta wtaw rho. Knm:tn ;nvAnAi auu ngiiU UUiO OiUUJfa UriUUlUlHM W I) l n inA with its President and Cabinet and Executive' Brotherhood advocate in shot, that they have 1 mansion in Union square." . 7 , heenj tmi;7'to0diUon4 to; tbi; -action .we ' But scarcely had President O'Mahbny takn 80 not e following,lak:pnic. order. which4. was his seatin-i the f-luxurkfus ouartersv, near ,fli promulgated yesterday by. President, O'MahonV : Everett Housef when a lare' bodv of the FinUn ; GenerapOrder No. 1 New 4 Series -Orders BE. L S. P0GG. IaU of Philadelphia. I 1 !i - r m . 1 . . .... . ... Brotherhood, impatient oi the seeming delay of a miiuary anairs oi iae uromerno04.wiU.be dis- the-ieaders, began to inquire why the leaders, did 'fgM'aed. approved by the undersigned, not make immediate preparations for the shock Brothers, beware! y, of war, and seriously to douW Whether "it wis v Jo,HN O'Mahoht, President F. B,A. van u nfanilar otrx. r Grrh - - l ' P .. TUB UBUbT. - 'l'in' ecmpany, Then followed what President O'Mahony's ad- J " is believed by. the; body vwhiclt"-8itsat tht rei6RTEl for the new BERNE daiy ' Ti3fEs.l hel'eht style the conspiracy in Chicago to denose Jones :non8e tnM U1re mu" necessarily, .for uiiu auuruun a liuliici xubuiiis uiauc. dui uib real i --i - - - Bavins associated .themselves together in tb practice) of DENTISTRY, respectfully offer . their aerticee to the Office In triev 8tmnley Hi ofPoUMk4b ilsvnooelc St.- .lidlnirV Corner septll tf. &1S5 Corwin Washington City Frtfi Thos.: -.- j- ,1 i.: j mW Hifwo tr&geuies, coweuies, uuu sviiMtviuu vnaiiio.-t, nivu 1 . 1 1 mi- . J xl i. C I cost equal to, 11 nov . Bupur w; wv "Washington, Dec 16th, 1865, Ex-Gro-v. theatre outside of New York. Miss Dhxingha formerly Unite JStaSenatorSa'jaW will open during the coming week, and Mme; jiisto Mexicois-in a,aying--cond1tion-i' ; rozzoNi aoout tne xoiauuy. ; -rrj ; j proposition is to be introduced into Congress D R8. ISAAC IV. HUGHES i j'.JU UCGILKSv mi m a j T . . CI - . inis evening wiu oe proauceu -uua . WaRbinn citv charter inorderrto KNOWLEs'.beantifol play otkm T and -on tridQf the questioil of admitting jnegroes'to Tuesday evening the tragedy of, fmrro or, th m!u ' i X)eaA 0 Boll, with Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, Mr Rogers' and Miss Meredith in both ca&is. . Mr. Davis brings with him many letters of in troduction and commendation to the leading busioess men and citizens of New Berne, from conspiracy, as.,we hear, was a mqvement in the I . Bn ina l lenra wie ins a American puo direction of deprivin him of the . absolute power Q wH"lo confidence in the Union square orfca- : r . .J a. i a. ti ? j a. . wnicn ne exercised as Head Ufcntre He was first uu x-resiuen vaxanouy -05 uo 1 OITEB their profsaalonal aerrieet to the doxena reduced to a mere ' PresidftTir.v- rAsnfti.ihl -A a I after a brief career of contention, "With wanting I Sew Berne and surroandixur country. - RnnArvisnrv cmiTpi. nni th.n 't.t. fu.i,n.' ... funds, retire from the "field: leivinfir"Presidentl -.9 Btand on Middle street, between. . . . " " w 0 T?aKt i;o-vi- - v vj v. x..r. iuot ana south Frooitrwt----- created, wna autnority to impeach ana to appoint , "IKfv : vuw v, wo icuiaa at pleasure. The result may be seen in the foi-1 'Mw"c1J;rw"txm,6i - ? deolA-tf 4 I. At stlrage here. The Mexican Minister has received intelligence to the 10th.- Gen. Escobovo took Monterey, but was compelled to evacuate it by a strong French force. 3 rr -JrALY & ILACGIITOS. Attorneys and poun$el2 orsr at LcraL "WE have this day formed a Lav Co-Partnership and wui practice m the Courts of Craven. Jones, Lenoir. display. On going to , his door, he saw, ' with amazement, the sky lit up with the falling me teors, and he concluded at once that the world Court. M. K. MANLY, dee I4-lm J. XL HaUGHTON. valued friends elsewhere. j. The Cold Ssap. The sleet of Saturday nigbt was plainly visible in all its sUckne- upon the house tops and sidewalks- yesterday morning. There is a probability of snow, if the temperature suits and a snow cloud comes up. If it does not snow at all during the winter, it is likely there will be very little or no sleighing done. For the benefit of skaters we would remark thai if the Trent or Neuse does not freeze over before next Hon. B. T. Moore's Decision. Washington, Dec. 16th, 1865. The, President approves the decision made by the Hon. B.s T, Moore in a late opinion ' given to- the Governor on the Treasurers of the State of North Carolina, to the effect that the late State Convention had no right to impose retrospective taxes all right r t 4 nWf v -j '. V.. 011 e morning of the meteor shower, in 1832, -John (VMahony, President of the Fenian Broth- nll Ppvtr iwa wv,rt ;aa lSZ i :ti . , . j , , ,i "v u.uuu 1 1 r iiik o-lj. l wuiviKuoa iu vie vonris ox uraven. J ones. 1 nmr erhood, is hereby impeached for perfidy and mai- early start to his work, got up in the rnidsto? the Onslow, Beaufort., and Caxtard fCHAROE l. Violation of his oath of office. ''- Specification 1 In that he, the said John O'Ma hony, when duly notified of the assembling of the Senate of the Fenian Brotherhood, has refused to reoognize or communicate with said Senate on the affairs of the Fenian Brotherhood. Specification 2 In that he, the said John O'Ma- hony, has refused the Senate Finance Committee ail opportunity of inspecting the books of account was on fire ane the dav of iudement had i-nmft. I ITf . M He stood for a moment emiiner in mopVlAcc tr-1 . . ror at the scene, and thenwith a yell of horror, sprang out of the door, right in the midst of the falling stars, and there, in his effort to dodge them, be commenced a series of ground tumbling tnat would nave done honor to a rope dancer. tt; v i . i . BFER CEIl, ' . . . . f - ' ... . i ATTORNEY A T I A W- i OPPOSITE NORTH CAROLINA HOTEL. ' dec5-tf ' f- " - 118 ' Indiana R.aiifiHe Constitutional Amend- . - -ment., ' 1 . Washington, Dec. 15th,f . 1865. Indiana has or investigating the condition of the receipts and I His wife, being awakened in the .meantime, see II 1 J . . I - - 1 . . ... cpcuuibMrea ui toe nnanuiai uepanmenu Specification 3 In that he, he said Jobs O'Ma. hony, in violation of the Constitution of the Fe nian Brotherhood, has placed in official position at headquarters, at salaries paid out of the funds of the Fenian Brotherhood, parties whose names. D IU XJ. T, TATLUE, ing Pevton jumping and skipping about the yard, bawled out to him to know, 44what in the name of common sense he was doin out thar dancin' around without his clothes on?" But Peyton heard not. The judgement had Ions back accounts he would have to settle, made him I (Formerly er Washington Xorth.. Carol In a4) Tenders his professional services to the citizens ot New Berne and the surrounding country. . 1 Office with DVL IT. TAYLOR, EkenUst, Craven street, aext door to Times Omcx. Beaidenoe on Broad street. next door to W. U. OLITKU'S. deca-tfi when submitted to the Senate, were rejected by heedless of all terrestial things, and his wife, by I T K "T,.1 BJn' T May, there is hardly -a-.probability bf eitj cialrjr. notified the becretary otate, tpday. auigmg in vne xavonie amusenieuv -uunug j iu.i iuwvt. v : w --. rnminnr winter. Indeed those streams will not I menu be expected to freeze nnless thev weather should be sufficiently cold to congeal the water. . Should such be the case due notice of the fact will be givn, if we find it out in time. , A Bill-to Aoolish the Preedmen'g Bureau. ' " Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts, had better be looked after by his Radical .. friends. He. has not made such a pother with bills and resolu-. Unna ast bift ftolleBjome. Mr. 1 Sumner, the actinc One More. One more of the old merchants of , affaires . of Divine -Providence in this New Berne presents his card to the publio in this I country ; but he Has laid before the TSenate, and morning's paper. LMrJ-' W. Baxter1 has opened means, the telegraph tells' us; to J "press to an a well appoint: d stock of staple dry goods, this time becoming alarmed by his behavior, I pra t ot bed, - And. -running to th 8hieKea at the top orher lunes: s : . . a. . If ureyton i 1 say, reyton, ,wnai ao you mean jumping about thar Come in . and put your trousers on." . . . "Trousers! What the d Ps the use of trousers when the-world'8 on fire?" , 1 ej i The other night an inquest was held in London tnfirvn nrnvirl tlmf. nn Kiif.nHnn1ft cihn.11 Via volirl earlyvote" the following bill for th abolition; of unies8 signei by the Agent d the Irish. Republic Brocei:ie, uvuus, uui ne ti enacted, ec. xnat ail taws, suaaies, aas, O'Mahonytas improperly aid unconststutional- building recently occupied by W. L. Poalk as I ordinances rules and reavlaWorisi '$tany description : lythheld ftem.,,tte .Taaslter of the , Fenian . an auction home. . r . : wimso.uwioiyui. xorce or aem vauu m Brotherhood, Patrick O'Rouie, the greater por- nr. t, wmnvs-n Knnn nr.en.' TTa is any 0XW otates wnicn were deciarea to D&,m- tjon cf tne moBe3rS received bo. account of the ; - - surrecuon and repeuion by tne proclamation oi Feniall Brolhethood since th Duuding a capital new store, ua ouuiu x ruuh, tne jresident or tne nrst oi- l uly, loKiJ wnereoy which, when completed, will be quite an orna-! or wherein any inequality of civil rights, .and iiH ment to that portion df the town." 1 munmes among .inuaoitanis 1S recogiuu, isuiiuvMivMy vMVMvaawMVM) v awiawi uvuy 7 w-'- or in consequence of any distinction ordraerence that body. yaxtvnr.-iu-tnat-He, thJ" said- JOnn O'Mahony, in violation of the- provisions of the ... , J 4- - 1 ' ,J 5 !ll constitution, nas usurpeu w mmsen, ana wim-. ouf consent or confirmation by. the Senate,, the position of Agr nt of the Irish Republic, ,to which a salaiy of twelve hundred dollars ($1,21)0) a year is attached. . ' : Specification" 4. In tint he, the said John O'Mahonv. in violation of the constitntion. has caused to be printed and issued bonds,; purport- on the. body of a man ." who thought nothing of ing to be bonds of the .lrisa liepublic, and has ciruuiaieu ine; same, notwuistanoing uio, cqnsti- frtrrrrYr DZL WILLIAM ? S. aTAYLOR." : Z-JDT Jtaw BKRNg,y. gives BitlOtLS uiu m.m. maa, uuicu accui n uuua Pain, Fresh Oaa every day. - Persons desiring Artificial Teeth can get full seta cm Bubber for 915 la six boars after having the impression taken FILLINGS of all kinds PLUMP E3 to fill out the cheeks and restore youthful appearance. - Partial Sets inserted In the best manner at New Tork Prices. - ' v Office on Craven Street, next Door to live Time's Building. nov IS-tf gress.) ..." th Philadelphia. Con- Specification 8. In that ha, the said John 0'Mahoay,4a violation of Ak41, Section- 3 of j the constitution, has wast efuily expended the ftia Tjtoht Comtno. We were uleased to or in consequence oi any distinction or ainerence the constitution, has wrtKtfiilv o-rTnAl tne r learn from Mr. Jerkins. President of the gaslight ofc61ot7ace OT. descent, or by reason or-in conse- moneys of th reiBroth&rid in the extrav- x " iearn irom Jkir uerro,s, eam oi TT I queues a previous condition or status slaver? agantly hirineand furnishindtmansion in Union 0 ' company, on r naay la mat ui upproauu ux t iuoarv servitude ot such inhabUants, be and are "nw v-v t " s..wa n j-m, m st evt d ' wi an vivt nil rnnr in n arcmi TOfiToi mini rtm t. t m fm biti r -t uno i i nu 11 ti .r - - - . . . ,r v gno liLUV If UCai.at utnivi. xitXAjr cui vuav ao uun I iiki wy ulwui &u tae tuu v dauui ww uaa- i QiaQXCGll Hi OH til 3 IU fXQVtillCG voTit na 11 full meetincv nf the Ktockholders to "w """"" A"Cka-c Wi cautu"au drinking two or three pints of rum at a time. Some thirty or forty copper veins, some of them extending several miles, have been discovered at Starksboro, Vt. and steps are being taken to work them. . ! ; "1 : " John, why don't you stop crying and go to sleep ? What do you want ?" ' I've got the beller-ache, that's what I want" gxo. onxxic. 1 Q.REEN & CL ARK, . ATTdRNEYS AND COUNSELLORS NEW BERNE N. C csam. c ciuax. AT LAW, Hew Advertisements. ' UY .YOUB GROCERIES OF W . BAXTER WHOLESALE. AND ; RETAIL DEALER make some important preliminary arrangements, which it is hopel will be had to-night t the Ex change Rooms across x the way. See advertise ment . , If any body wants to buy gas ktock, let him call on us. We will dispose of a few shares on in Specification 9. In that le, . the . sa,id John GROCERIES. HARDWARE, good terms. ', r W were Mistaken. Jlr r at ai.i. J i J x- j i .: insurrection and rebeUion, any such law, statutfe?. rS?0? J out of thWds of the Fenian BOOTS AND SHOES, DRY GOODS, -x . j . .1 ..ii.: ; . ; Brotherhood the sum of t fivi fhrmKantl flnllnrs I -r . TTxTTrxr i tt itatt Tn oa or to attempt to enforce Ihe same. f TO as S?6 agaifet damages to the SEa 2. And be U further enacted, That any per-u , f . " kY3 Office on South Front Street, opposite the Gaston Honse. . . nov 22-tf LEXAXDER, JUSTICE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office on Sew Street, Formerly Occupied toy Judge Blanly, NEW BERNE, NORTH CAROLINA. . nov 3-6m -QK.. JOILS 51. DAV1ES. . -: JOHNSTON STREET, ' ' BETWEEN HANCOK AND MIDDLE STREETS son who shall viplate either of, the provisions of "l0-foJ eighteen mouthy diiskmg the-loss this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdejaeanor,' of vwho1 though ample sbiuritv 'in such case 54 LAUNDRY AND TOILET SOAPS, CANDLES, &c., &c., Pollock Street, New Berne, ti. -C. Hew Berne, If, C. declS-Cni AOBKUTS, Gust arelli was not bound to keep the. reace towards anybody except Mr. Geo. Evi R oh.';' : I Also about TAXEs,TThe rate of taxes levied upon real estate by the county court for the maintainance of ; the poor is .fiye-eighths of one per cent instead of one-eighth, as we erroneously had it.; : wtoyq.x'i.l'j-sti and shall five hundrec and by imprisohmenthot less than six months, 'XXtT 1 lSaV Ane otm norexceedingnveTearsianditshallbethe duty g.0 :ha SW Reniard Dpran j oi tne T:esident io enjorce tne provisions oi uiis r-Trrv', j j v art: fv 2 i Brotherhood, now under.. impeachment by the The direct ffeciolthis hiH, it.passed into a "c.""le iiooa, nme wium The subscriber having opened a large and well selected J fn mCVTT nTt A VT) A TTfi Tt VFT1 AT T A tock of GOODS, would be pleased to receive a call from VY UASl.lA.Uli AJD All UUAXX Al JAH, umee uraven si., xa uoor aoovs fofaocK, , NEW, BERNE, NORTH CAROLINA. . nov 3 2m - ' . "..:- .i ' . f j and the publio generally, at the above 'stand. i West of Middle street J. W. BAXTER. V. 18-lm n8 w ANTED TO BENT C apt; HEALTj ; of the j People's Line . steamer Jupiter, will please .accept :our thanks' for New York papers only' two days oldJ f , 'j Auction Frai.-:PoATjt and Marshaix, the two Crave a i treet auctioneers, have united their foi ces, antL in the future, will iua the auction busiinesst on joiit account. They will be hard t? .' com pete with, for they are both good talkers and are thoroughly posted In their bnkinesS. j ' Bulwer Lttton says .that.a refined gentleman may always be known by the perfumes he, uses; In American, society it isrecpgnized as a marl of elevated taste to IptroniietPHALON'sNighi Blooming Cereus." Its purity, freshness, and, delicacy commend it to.all per?onspf poetic taste and feeliDg, Concord Patriot. 3tawlw ,A Tesder Tete-a-Trtk loosear half . its charms, if the sweet words of either party are not mated ith a fragrant breath. Sozodont is the only article that will assure thia disideratum "by keep; o m0Uth pure'-aiid ugdfillliterally halms the dental substance, preserving it from decay, through life. Use it daily. Will find it a pleasure. i. J. j l-3tawiw?l law, of coursev will be to subjeit all the officials of the Freedmen's Bureau tbfine, and imprison- uicuii, uio xcg.uxauuus cuiuiycu ujuiwoo wuiiuw distinctly ?rexghizing, tauthonzmg, establisn- ' a .i.-T- -- .... i 11-jl mg, ana mainuuning very jieciaea mecpiauties ol civil rights and immunities" between the in habitants of the lately insrgent States H con- misdemartrs and malfeasances with which the said Bernard Do, Gillian ii charged. r Specification 11 In that he, the said John O'Mahoney, has arbitrarily febbidden the Secre tary of WJar of the Fenian Brbtherhood to com municate with the Senate of the Fenian -Brother hood, and has threatened the said Secretary of T TT a.. - a ..,. canr,n-.nfrnrhn. nt c.fr. nf ar wiin instant removal u He held commumca- slavery or ihvbluntary .Wwitude.'? Confinement faon either TOsonaily or though" Ins ' subordi- G at hard labor in :peniteitiarie being also a "con- the Senate of the Fenian Brother- to ditionor sUttin'lof,."involutry servitude," it "ova, wmie suung m session. . -wotdd be jproper ahdjiegal for any dis- ' Charge aalumniating tte C. L of the L B. charged convict in those States to demand, Under this bill, the punishment of registering officers who should ttefdse'ftinr hirightr'toir;Tote wher ever a conviction for felony draws with it perpet- A medium-sized, srood-toned Piano. Any one having I one to let on reasonable terms .will, please spplv at ..the Composing Boom of xma orjrii;- declS-lt rvroTicE. ROBBED on the night of the 15th inst, about 3 xnQes from Mew Berne, on the Trent road, of the following notes, to .wit.:' One note on. John 8mith for $84; 'another on uempsev wiiuams zor .ou; uouer on .ow Smith for $28; Another on Amos Moore for f 26! one Gold Watch, and $12. J All persons are hereby notified not trade for said notes and watcn, as tne. noiaer nas no title to the same. - - HEM BY GAKYEY. 'decl8-3t " ' " ' . - JH..P JP. 3IEDLL, s OFFICE ATTRE KLZEN BOUSE, COBKEB ? OF BBOAD AXD : GEOBGX BTBEET3, - Tf ew Berne, Jfortti Carolina Aug. 9, 1865. nll7-tf D IU WAJTKIX DUFFY, Having resomed the practice of medicine In Htm Berne, would rerpectfnlry inform the citizens of this Town' and vicinity, that be baa taken an ofiloe on th corner of Pollock: and Middle streets, recently occupied by Dr. Menninger, next door to the Drag Stors. Inly 17, 1865. . c99-tf K. TURNER; M. D. ' Charge 3.T-alttniating the Senate and mem- riersnf f Tia fe-nmn Tri.fr. mm. w iVi.iiVAM. , - I a -ns-a.-rt IT .T T - . f - B t Charge i.-Perfidyt in imiiedin. the obieets of l?." I Office at MRS. SU3IIIKIX.'S, on, Pravea, . . . ,i it . i . n . . . . - ... ' H. EOO-lCZ. : . .1.: the Fenian Brotherhood. i t i ? . .. . i . donn u manonv npinc? tn-n-nn t mitv nn ail ine uai cusquamicauou a a nt?u, jw eu ui . j - ,.r . . . "r i --! 1 .....-.. .. ... - - - .....- -it.rin.rcTnnriT.fi RTVPPlTlPflrintl K- . t.t( uriUI T.nH I between Pollock and Broad Streets. n328 a Attorney .; , and ' Counsellor at Law; County, J 1X At . . . . . asia-withesSrt fThaf-Senator Wilson .should' de- V xuat f onn u juauuujr, t?OR m&&sSiwm ssrt". . . . . -,,....ur-:.ijfifA4t4i.A i I incaable of noldinor nflfif A ViJrAo-f.-- Sifmed. I ... . v. k- .-r,- this'ider f f f ' m. Sulivan,,; 'PlOTlourke "-j i . ' . . .-. - , i . juicnaei canlan, vvl B. Boberts, - iw- - T .. . a vs r. v.f - Juiy6, 1S65. . . I hapsintemgiblentFugh"5utWmbtiVe.for asi Incapable of holding office hAeafter. Signed., LI II L UlD IICCUl-lCUO vuicau, iu yio, hapded subtle way we must leave it to, ithe iKadi- cals to discover, jtbr themselves way -not set Bntler. II.D.. noon this cunning Massachu setts Egyptian as a detectise? N. T. TTorid; . mrnm. . ' - fl RENT. THESE HTINDRID ACRES of Good Cotton Land f dr 4 Americai AS a PowES.-r-Aj London edito1:,in his leader on American affairs, says : " Ameri-j W1 v f. Bannon.. r. .... t..p.l.T Mahan.' iu Wk ib'leming,- - E . L. Carey. .iiUvuiY W FiraEaAii J ige Bdvocate.? -James Gibijons, Pi rsident . pf Court Wm. J. Hynes: aerlc . . PWrDhilKan.'Selretai of th e Trea ts a portion -of the Plantation occupied this year - by TAYLOR & DANIELS. HENBX B. BRYAN, dec 18-tf .. Oface at Mrs. Dunn's, on Ulddle street. ca'afeg riwfer.se be .agtvincfe4Sing ftl thVFeiiian-Brotherhiod, was;also, . by a n;v!i , Cno?npprin(J danger to tfie worldT v likeoctiment, impeached 4ddepo, -for al- Ullll LllglHCCl llig 'i Tfidatere aless than one W oaui i - r,i.rr,l.,"i...;AT.ti.J., f one oenators were under Ha followmg died tnousand aosentees uom jmns -i. t th ... t. .. . , .---1 -j- artz vn1lT1 ent time, in , conseouence of the, cholera. The "1" nuu . JjOK BENT OB SALE, ' v J , .- . - AXAKGE.nd f-OT"1""' TTnn f an.,r-t - tKa oomerof 8 nth Front and Metcalf streets. . , .... For particulars apply to --! - - GEO. pBEEN,' . dec 18-lw . n228 in o Da s By HOUGH &; CO. Jost arrived Ex. schooner pel Fan Zan4 TWO HUNDRED .: ONE HUNDRED . 5 and-'Surveying. .. . ;. . - casn loss to me mercnanus is leaxiui, i n.-rrrf eAii- '1.-.,. -.n Time works wondgfS, as the lady said when justice between the Fenianr Brotherhood and all Bhe. gotin-atte-'aa eigh-tyeittirtfibi ! such parties-and causes as nfcjy be brought before rTTHE undersigned having the appointments for City and I County Surveyors, are now ready to execute any work in their line with promptness. For the present ap plications for work will be made to T. H. Allen, at W. Ames', on South Front Street , -T H ' , T. H ALLEX, City Surveyor. septS tf . ' - H. JL BROWN, County Surveyor. f . X - , BARRELS ;- :!;--. :.. . : ' .i'i J TWO HtJNDRED-r . : 4 ! i f .t u'j-i.eJi : .ii Jr.' BARRELS FIFTY. BALES ONE HUNDRED dec 1 tf 1 BARRELS . uij . ri -;'APPLESL' f POTATOES ; - : 'si JrJ t ' MMEL ... - . m . . . I . . . 1 '-j i ) CLOTH; BALK.B0PIL GUNNY '..'.1 . ". COIIfi 5 i 1 , i 1 V -1 I! (i r V i .:m twwt it.- r .i .-... rsr ,.f jfc-jt J4i'-5

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