"TrHCrKSDAY MORNING, JAN. 11, 18G6. . TELEGRAPfllCv LOCAL DEPAETMEMT." . Post Office. New Bebste, N. C, 1 i i : f . v : November 6, 1865. ' ' 1 The mail will close, Sundays excepted, as follows : ttoldsboro, Haleigb, and all points bouti).aud West at ' n i w. .4.00 P. 31. MoreUead and Beaufort, N. C, at. 11.00 A. M. vnannke Elizabeth City, Edciton, aiid Ply mouth,' N. 0., Tuesday, Thursday and Sturdav t ' 1-00 P. M. Boston New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, "Norfolk, and all points North , ' and East at;.- -.4.00 P. M. Office open from S 30 A. M. to 5 P. M. t Air letters to be delivered in the United States, in- eluding drop lette -s, must le prepaid, or thoy will be sent T , letter office, unless addressed to Heads of Uurms , t li n iH"V W -VAQO-VT T-n "T- XT t - GEUS. W. NASON. II., P. M. er A Good Compositor is Wanted at this Office. . Bumming with a Vengeance. A gentleman' of intelligence and reliability was -in our office yesterday, from the upper part of the county, who infornied us that, bands of armed, lawless negroes are prowling through the country, m the neighborhood of Bachelor 's Greek and Tuscarora, stealing and robbing ut a high -hand. .During Christmas week, they swept Mr., Wiijet .Aveey's farm of pretty nearly everything that they could carry off. At a later date they made a descent upon Mrs. Stevenson's premises, and gutted her smoke-house, carrying oSl every pound of meat she had. - " - Our informant assures us that no less than four highway robberies have been committed in broad day light on the public road, leading to Tusca rora, within the last twenty days. ' - ; ' : Now thi3 onght not to be, and under proper management, would not be. If we had civil law fully established,' outlaws would have to stand .from under. A great many persons imagine mat ue ireea men, if left without federal protection, would be oppressed and greatly abused. We don't believe aword of it. They would be made .to respect themselves and the law, and it would be better for them. White men, if left without law or , re straint, would be as bad as negroes. Law is ne cessary for all, and should be enforced. . fiEPOSTED ton' ' t THE ( NEW BEBNB pjjzX TIfiEES. J S r-': XXXIX Congre&.t 'r'fl'Jj ? .Washington; jXaitf 10, 186$ Senate.' Senator Wilson introduced a bill fix ing the peace e-ftablishnient ofthe ariny. It pro vides sc'en regiments of - artillery, tea regiments of cavalry, and sdxty regiments ;of infantry, each branch to have a proportionate nuiaber. of black troops, oGcered by whiffs-. .Senator Howe ' of fered a. resolution declaring that ' the. seceded delightful a Delightful. Yesterday was as day as one could wish for . in January. There was very little wind, and not a cloud to obscure the sun, while the streets were dry and pleasant. In our business office, which unfortunately we have no means of warming, the mercury at . day brake, the hour we always enter it, if not earlier, stood at 32 degi At 12 M. it had risen to 41 deg., and the temperature was considered by all ks exceedingly salubrious. States had forfeited" their tights, and made ' a speech denying the doc trine of the indestructi bility of State governments; he said' the Presi dent had no right to' restore the rebei States his1 duties were only executive. , - . HousE.-r-Wilson, of Iowa; made a "speech in support of the bill extending the'sufrragerin''the .District of Columbia; he ,; sjiid-thesopial element here fostered secession; v ,He -made a lengthjr speech on the'busmess.' BoverVof PennsylvaruaV opposed the' bIUontIie ground 'that this is a' white man's gpveiTimenthe .serid j the intention of the bill wits but to "effegt therequality.of races. S-hofield, of -Pennsylvariia,'1 w'as' in favor of the SENATEIn?response,Jtot.the Senate resolution asking "why Jefferson '.-Davis . has not -yet been "ried, the President i;o-day transmitted his mes sage, enclosing a letter from Attorney-General J Speed,"who .states that r no ICircuit Courts have been hed. in the late rehellidus districts since the terminajjipn of; hostilities and oids the opinion that the late .insurgents awaiting trial should be tried' bnly" before Civil Cour'tsJ ;when ; peace is fully and actually rs stored, and ,has not thought proper to advise the President to cause legitimate proceedings to ne instituted against Mr. Davis or any;other insurgents, -;in States ; or districts in which they were ; not -fully present during the prosecution of hostilities! ii! T 2 r 0 .i . 0 ; Washington, Jan. .0. Volum inous papers, relative to the Confederate emigration to Mexico, and the plan of Maury and Gwinn, were presented in the Senate to-day. Letters from Mr. Romero, showing an under standing between the traitors in Mexico and the insurgents in the United States, are produced. ' From Maryland. - Balttmoee, Jan. .10, 1866. The Maryland Legislature met to-day. Gov ernor Swan, elected a year ago, under the new Constitution, took his seat . . .. , Markets.. ' New York, Jan. 10. Cotton dull, with a de-' cline of l2c. Sales to-day at 4950. Peoples ; Line, Ths steamer Jupiter, -of th started from this port, on Tuesday afternoon, in her regular tnp.and on reaching Long Shoal' Lffieiently restored t resume his seat in the Light, about 27 miles from' Roanoke Island,, she Commons on the 18th,' in which body he cannot encountered fields of solid ice, through which she fail, from his great' experience ' and ability as a Hon. Kenneth Rayieb. The Raleigh Stan dard says : . We are gratified to have' -it t m our power to state tnat our mstinfims jcUoit-mWjh ixt Kenneth. Eavnor, -who has been confined for some time by sickness, is now convalescent, andrapia- lv recovennsr his'strength. Mr. Havner will be plunged. After proceeding about five miles' or 90, and finding the ice more solid, it was deemed prudent to return, as a passage through the Roanoke marshes was impossible. She reports having passed the steamer El Cid, riding' at anchor, off North West Point, waiting an oppor tunity to proceed to sea. statesman, to take a leading part Out xn the Coon, On Saturday night some of the police picked up -a little darkey in the street j in aoout tne same conaiuon, as to wearing ap parel, that Adam and Eve wasin - prior; to their manufacture of garments froni fig leaves. The pickaninny was taken to the guard house ana kept warm until Sunday morning, when he was transierrea to tne guaruiansuip oi tue x reeumeu Bureau, (probably snnderl the-i'idea ihat there might be found something in some bf the Adraw - MiuXasx Xitaies. Under this head - the Sal- Uhxxry Gazette, says : I ' : , ' ' Thelbttowing-rtLstribution of troops has just been made for, the State, west of Raleigh. 128th Indiana Volunteers the" only regiment left : r T a, .iapi. uampoeil, balisburjy ; B, Capt Bar nett,' Raleigh ; C, Capt Frazier, Morganton ; D, i;apt. Jieitn Charlotte; Capt 11 ills, Raleigh : F, Capt Bliss, Asheville ;. G, Cipiain. Corbin; Raleisrli : H. CapU RYwV?l : i-.iv.t? t rw BirnishalL Morganton ;?ig.Ciapt Hinton, Char lotte. The military, post at. Greensboro is dis continued. ? Capt Barnett, of Co. B, is detailed in the Freedmen's Bureau, at Charlotte. ' Bev. Thos. E. Sktnneb has resigned the pasr toral charge of the Baptist church mRaleigh. ' FATWTTEVrrJLE--Thfi- ftlfinfi fin fAr j.ATn.x'rti .nl Commissioners oi this town, last week, resulted in yr of thej ? old boird " hyj U. considerable SHIP NEWS. ABBTVED. ' Schooner James S. Wataon. irom Philaflfilnhia. to v.. w. Gould & Co., coal to Berry and Iron for N. C. B; R. Schodner Lizxie Taylor, coal to IL w. Oould & Co.. and Iron for A. & N. C. B. K. . fcJimr yixeh; Bafly, -mdse to Whitford, Dill and Co. "'-V''lV?r .jrrffifiiBT?'iy?WBW Amusemgi! s. T H E TV T Sol Lessee - - - - 31. i. J. H. ROGERS. StjfMiiiBer - - - DIR. JOHN DAVIS. GREAT SUCCESS LYKIC Mme i OF' 1HJ2 JJBILLIANT ARTISTE, CARLO!' T A POZZONI, yfha will appear this Evening as HADEii AIN k , Xn the; Operatic Drama entitled the '- DAU8H.TS R OF .THE REGIMENT, f! V- . .:. v ANO AS ;. i ' ' ; ' GK R T R V D El In the delightful OPESATTA entitled the LOAN O S A JU O V SB, iVXtOXXWD BX MS. AND MBS. JOHN DAVIS, mb.'.;.;k. bogxbs, . , and miss meredith. ' e -w---- VtinrBdsy Eivenlng, Janaar lltli, 1866, ' Will be presented the Operatic Drama, in jTwo Acts, en- utled the DAUGHTER QF THE REGIMENT. MASXLAnas..M . ....Dime. CARLOTTAPOZZONl, The. whole ts oonclade with the deUshtfal Operatta JtnttUcd ah . lifLAI O V A ItOVHR, GXBTSXISS. ....... i ,lbu. GARLOTTA POZZONI, Frldmx Bvemsng, Jm.uumjrj lStla, 1866, lime. C A R L)3T.T A T OZZON I. On whisk occaalon will to presented the Opera of the . , no HBUIAN :gibl. ABXm. ....Hmt. CARLOITA JPOZZOJVl ADMISSION. Private Boxes. . .. J. . . $30 iteaerred Beats........... ...Il.OO Dress Circle.... .....75 (iallary. ...... ..M Side Scats In Oallerr for colored persons 50 jan H-H ' "v f B225 WEEKLY SEW REVIEW; OF-THBi -: ; y" BKRHEJUARKETS.f j ; ,. , ' '-' . Kw Bmasa.: January 10, 1866. ; ; i - NEW BERNE -MONEY MARKET.. - ' CORRECTED BT S.T. JOJTES & CO., BANKERS, NEW - '. . : jJ ,1 ; j. BERNE. N. O. ., ; - :, -.v j : : EfclCES Oy BASI XOTIS. EOMDS..C, j ' . " isanic o. Worth Carolina : 1 f. Cape Fear,4.! n ,.r HerAtfYertismeftf&' 1 ikum 1 1 iiii. m a Lii j a n ijau uullux a.auaa amv vvmui jlw . .. , s : jivea. ap-Dearea1 Deiore ine nureau iio ciaim-5iiiui, puonsnea by tne town commissioners, nowever, statin& tw oh Saturdav n'ieht shexhad lintehded hasbaen corrected, as will be seen by reference 1 to give him a little sisterlyicorrection.foxisome of his lnlantile errors, and, nad stripped mm lor tnat nurrjose: but 'iust 'atthis critical juncture- ner- at i, A tention was'caued to some otnersousiness, wnen Drug? TTAVINd NEW,;; fsf$" Furniture for ' Sale. eceiyeti eompleU , r- .Vi . St j.;.- i--- . - ;- - -;- ET OF FURNITURE, r . -.6.-..,.': . '........ , I offer for-salall the GLASS WARE and other apparatus mtnerto useon my Store. H. J. MEN NIN (JE i C v jan n-tr . n24T to the same in Jins mornirig's paper. Cotton arm, 'Saw and Grist Mill 'Fa RENT i OR LEASE. 3 A f THREE DEED ACRE COTTON FARM, on the banks i in the' vicinity of Tar river, about "16 Stt n t i -, , , , .. . -, , . young Afnca not liking the Aspect of affairs wi &ls.C. Railroad held a meeting yesterday, but icef n 0w:sHnTOd out at the door and took vie v-ere unable to learn any thing of, their doings. U0 jg heels, aud was arrested in Jiis wild career, j miles below Tboro Facilities for maauring are adml . . . ... ' I t i.i;-i t: ; ,uA',4.r. xtic rtttttA-tiXnofa I rable. S3 tharliver low-cnronnd and mill nond mnd are IIV 1 I.I1H IHI1 if H ILlJLtlO RUUjCU. IXiiJ . UUVjVVIUUMVU I i - .. , 4-- . .... . - r-i V. . ... -:3.i. ' ' u l in aDunaance.un On Di. That Menningeb will soon open a relative took him home, to, hnisn, pernaps, tne I - . I , 1 A - .3 'l-i V k J L'Vtim-tiiHAM -nl new Drue Store and Chftmial Venthrv. whih! in mpieteu ux .tuxuajr f v . - - f f - 1 1 - jr--t: - ' .ix. fc1;.'?'. c -it- point of beauty and usefulness, will be second toi Th(S Jialeigh 'ogress, ?ol JJae Bin; says: "Bold Eobbeet Gbeat Hauii or liou) ihe Rogues at LAnoik The most daring and suc- -ThA hrirt rtvr thft Neuse oeswiu roouery.oi uie bcu w uxuugxiw t xigUc - o - in abundance . SA none in the United States. m the premises' is a AXIt GltlST MILL, At present retiring jepairon an nnfauidg stream of water. i s - , : . i a o (ft 'Vi w-T! j 't t r i? v. ,r - All Right Again. near emithneia is completed, and the trains on -f our merchants. It appears that .during Sat- the IN. (J. Kailroad are now runninc throueh nrdav nieht. some . unknown parties succeeded With nil f Vtinrli.annn . f7 V.. I 1T1 afTectino; an entrance into the store i of D. C. Murrav. west siae 01 j: ayeixeviue, Detween 4u.or- rjijj t;ixY ' I 8al1 anu xxargeii, street. ; j.. ruues ciigagv in the .exploit approacnea tne store in tne rear . m . -1 Hllil I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ifr bllvlA TtOY VlVUli aaaww V4VVV;uvia vw jjk g0(1 inning order, is aaver- j ugQ an gj. All boring the window blind. V This isea for sale. Also, a Boat, suitable for an i part of the performance gone through with, they easilv forced the lastenings ana noisung uie saso, Is at hand, andinnddant. There is no other mill within vesterday morning,- involving a neavy; loss to two I ten miles on theme side or the nver, Apply to i;jr . ArMI I fl Ti'rfl r III Q - Falkland, Pitt co. jan ll-9t tis Oyster Boat. See notice from Capt. Roskkkaks, in another column. ; . ... . H. J. Mennisger advertises Furniture for sale cheap. Db. R. Wiluams, of Falkland, Pitt county, Irishes to rent or lease his Cotton Farm and Saw J) AAA IRRELS OF ROCK jI-IME, FIVE HUNlED BARRELS PLASTER, FIVE HUNIED BARRELS CEMENT, ONE HUNlijD THOUSAND HARD BRICK; Also, HAIrIaTHS, And other buudianaterials, for sale by jan 11-lw O T I F. J. 4 MENNINGER k CO. E A HORSX, " suptd . to have- been stolen. was taken this mUag frr-m a negro man entered the premises. Lust of hlthy . lucre prompted the midnight prowlers to . search the mnnfiv-iocEer Deiore aoDroDriaiiiiti xu.i. jja. wares. Li mortunatei v ior our mercnani. ueiguutr, he had been paid a heavy amount of com the ai- ternoon precedine the- robbery; wmcn -ne care fully put up in a packages and unfortunately left giving his name arr KOONTZ. The owner iri fKa mwRr. ? SfiMiTiW this trie; ? no wonder can recover his hi by desadbing property,, and Grist Mill. ;This is a good chance to Invest the rogues quitted the house without taking any . gcA? in a profitable business. Read the advertisement f ' r iu nnoiar column. , . , Uk mnrica f Vi KnncVrrftkfirs. if -Tori, ban. ... S -, 1 ajAAV DUA A-A A V waw , v . v, -y j - f r A eood opportunity is offered bv Mr. Scott when, after so much labor, to find on opening to anyone desirous of engaging in the Wood theif, spoils that , theyhad secured,, instead of Dusiness. . T- . .- i Supfc Freedmenj jan U-lt charges. Apply at the oihee of ANS. C. S. U. Si. V. & Asst. u, Sub District of New Berne. -247 T I THE steamship sir for MV MnrravTifts ;rtnt been able to is- I cargo at the foot oi Wm. H. Oliver & Co. has quantity of Lime cover any other lossage. , it is. the best joke of 8ienee8 P1689 WUW VAAAA WW VAW - . - - " - for sale at low rates. 'All those wishing to witness a beautiful play better visit the Theatre this evening. F. J. Menningek .& Co. have for sale Lime, Plaster, Cement, Brick, &c. 03 ihe steamship Vtxen nas arrived. See notice to consignees. is discharging iven street. Con- td to their goods. "FORD, DILL & oo., aksT gratulate both parties on. the 'result . Owing to the paper covering and their greed of; gain, the desperadoes tailed most signauy ov uieir oojeui SStatk t .TRTt -rt a v.. Xt . is said rtha't" Governor Worth has appointed Mr. O. H. Perry to the. po sition of State librarian. '.'He was displaced some time since by reason, of, '.uniting its duties; with tnose oi Keeper oi uio capiw. i F O R S A Li! THE f asfeHng schooner SIDNEY, carries about 130 tela, in excellent running order. c Also, Titast Boat, suitable for an Oyster Boat Apji) THOMAS HEATH. jan .1-lw ''j'1 ", ' Ti South Front st. New Berne. ' Charlotte, ; Lexington. . , . n Boxborongh, . " Wadesboro... . Thornasville.. , WiluiingtonA ; , uommerce. .1..; WTshington, . . .. Fayetteyille. ,.,; . Clarendon.. u..t Yanceyville , Miners' ad Piantr Bank . : .- f . .'. . Farmer a Hank, w enseoro.. . . . Commercial BankWilmington.. 7. . . Merchant s. Bank, New Beme. . v . .r. . Greensboro Mutual . . Virginia Bank Notes, about South Carolina - , Georgia. fc : Gold.t. ..... iilyer .,. . . j.j, . riA r . , North Carolina Railroad Coupons. . . U Id Sixes, . Exchange on New .York 33 ......25 .20 25 .j'.;...i8 ..,,....35 1055 ...........lO i. . ... a t i . . 10(45 .... 140 435 . f. 55 . . . .. .95 80 WHOLESALE Ale, Scotch, pts iqts. ... . '. ', Axes, chopping, per' dozen Btttte, Goshen, . . . .' v. . ... - .- . Western. ... ...... ; Country. . . . .';'.. . Bacon, TVestern Sides. . . , ghoulders :.i Beeswax lb. ...v......' U.. Bsandy, Kochelle,per gallon. ...... , Renault " " . Catawba"" " .....I, French, is cases - B. L& Fils,. , Otard.,1860, r " ...... Beef a.. ............. .r.. . ... , i Bitters, Drake's, in cases, ... . . r. ; .. 4 Rubs " 1 .Self's. " - " .0,K. " Boker's " ' ........ Stougton's " -Bitters, Buss' Si Domingo .... . i , Punch, . Wine, - " Imperial Awac Punch, Buss' .. . , ...... v- PRICKS CURRENT. " f 007 00 19 0021 00- J..i -. -6052. ....... ... 40 2530 .....Ji.i 2123 i 30 35 4 505 00. 36 00 . ' 8 009 00 . 30 0050 00 .15 00 .15 0035 00 . ' -ioia! .11 50lfi00. . 11 0Q , . ..... 1060' ' i8oo . 9 0012 fi .$11,00 . . 13 50 .13 00 13 00 . e ' Msssina Punch, Buss' 13 40u Mint Julep, Buss' .... . .. '. . ...... .... . . 13 00 London uordiai um, ituas' 13 60m ft. . . Baling Rope, ft ft. craoxers id. Cheese E. D... State .. Corn ft bush... Candles, Adamantine, V ; Tallow. " ; Sperm, , , " " .. ..... Cow Pees P bush ....... Coffee, Hlo, ft Java. , .. Copperms, ft...... ......... Champagna, genuine qts. in eases.... " . " yU .... cider, pts. & qt. . Cotton Cards V doaen. 121X . 2630 3225. 70SQ: S235 24&2S 5060 lfl .' 86sa - S640 - 45:a 65i 45i'00'SO.O 47 00(52 08 5 607 00 1100(3112 50 . . . io ooi3 oa Wool. 9 0010 50 Assistance from Pbovidmtce. A Connecti- 1JIAE WOOJD R.SALJB. -1 .--. s HHcords of Pine Wood, excellent S HATE about Hmw "WiTk It is Isaid': the high water in cut deacon was attaching avery poor and feeble tRoanokeiriver, ;anotheir product of ,'late rains, fnpi J? iT,nV!l which T J fi v VT", L. tua WfoVir,r Lrh Anneetifi! with I vm BeU .on 4116 "P01 P"... Th od is sear " viuacu w a Terjr large iu vi nwu. a i .y b A . , I what is mown as "ip uuLaiX, ana the purchaser neighbor asked him how he expected to eet so the Kaleigh and Uaston tramsiasi oa-iuxuay, t v lean boat the wood to (city. Apply to 4 ' ; , large a load to market with so poor a team. The , . :7.;Q'.- - ; C : Jl.,: L:; aistance from Divine Providence. His, neighbor nieH .ot . the Fifth tThited states- valiy., serving: r4frn!t't ' fc ii " a sked him whether it woubl not be as well todis- in 1V vuMitv f fhiraberlaud. Md.. have been 1-Xv pense entirely with the oxen and.iet providence oj-deredtd reorttv the coSimarfdinoflleer tinf;'JSisTlluUSAXUltLAJMf'ors waw me wnole load.- I North Caroliua for ASbignment to oaiy. ... kj a-w Cotton, bleached. Dried Fruia V ft . . . ..... . . . . Flour, Family ' .. Fine ..;... .. Fodder cwt Flaxseed fJI bush............. Ford's Fertilizer, toe... luvuuurm . uutm...-. ......... ... Gin. Holland an oases. .............. - ecbDmpps. qt " ......i'.'i...:;t;ii .... ..' .Lh Gunny, Baggings... Guano, Peruvian, son.....,., Hay cwt...:... I.....:. Hams, .C. f lb................ r Canvassed Honey fk ft Herring, Kot flcoMa, fA bbl.... Smaked. in boxes Hake.::; Hoop Iron V ton. . . Hides, dry $ ft.... Ureen, V IB , Lard, N. Y. pressed H.C......;.., London Porter, per doaan Meal bush Lime fl bbl Xadder, ................. Molasses, fair svticle. ..... . Kaokesel, pr bbl.... ..... half bbl ' "V ' , Kitts, No. 1. - - " ' -'No.'-2. Mullets, Oak bbl. . .. i . . Pine bbl.. i.... Ndils keg Oats 9 sack . ......... . Onions, per' bbl ........ Osnaburgs yd V . . ... .... . . Mtt .. 40(250 10lO ll.flOU.0t- 10 0010 50 8 009r75 . . 10 1.35 75 00& . . r ,00 1500.35.00 13 60 -. i 14 50r 3032 , 175 00 2150 3035 80031 as 0 0011 00 60100 ' 9 160175 00 , 1012 - i - ; 2530 ' ' 3033 4 005 00 100 4 505 00 1721 : 60(75 1800 20 00 8 50?00 3 . .2 50(3)3 00 12 0015 00 10 001300 8 0010 00 ' a 65 4 505 00 2730 Shipping. pEOPLE'S LINK STEAMERS, CABRYtNG the u. And Great Southern S. MAIL, ? Express. (INLAND ROUTE.) FOR Elliabeth City, Edenton, Pljnonth, Mor folk. 'Richmond, ilaltiinore Washing, ton. Philsvdelphl, Ifw York. S T E A ' M E' R f S ..: JUPITER...... ARQO, ...... :. WASHINGTON GAZELLE,.,..'. Capt REUBEN WILLIS; .... . . . .Capt. WILLIS TILLETT. IRVING, JOHN PUGH, ........ ' "ROBERT UYASS. ..-..'; . v. : . 1 m. sr. acum. WAWENOCK.. , NKJKERSON. One of the above steamers wiB leave (5asou Hmae Wharf, New Berne, N. a. every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at P. M. Returning will leave Norfolk, I. TUESDAYS THURS DAYS and'SATURDAYS, on the arrival of the boats from Baltimore. , - FAR E: From New Berne to Elizabeth City. . . . ..tl0.0 " ". Plymouth 10G .. .. Norfolk 10.0t " " " ' " Richmond ........... 12.0 " " " Baltimore. v.... : 14.0O . Philadelphia..:............ 17.5- . . "iT New York... 20.5- Passengers -by this route can reach New York in 4 hours fr om New Berne; avoiding all sea dangers. For Freight or Passage, apply on Board, or to J. D. MYERS, Agent, at the Ofiiee Of JOHN D.; FLANNER, Old. County Wharf, foot of Craven Street. ' Government transportation received on this lire. GEO. OLNEY, Proprietor, oet 25 tf . . . ni83 JRRIVED-COAL, "CO Ali. SCHOONER EMMA L. DAY, from Phila delphia, with COAL,' now discharging at the fntf f , CV.ll V. T.T , 1 A. Jill all orders for coaL , aeo '-il-a WHTTFOBD, DILL CO. jpOR WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA AUD rNTERMEbLTE PLACES. . The Saperioa Steamer - BET TIE, JAS. L. CRANE, Captain.,. WILL be disnatchad fo tha kbmr noen every TUESDAY at 4 P.M. . For freight or passage, having superior accommodation s .apply to LELAND, BIGLOW & CO.. dec 15-tr corner pouock ana Kast ttom streets. TIONEEB LINE. OF STEAMERS, For Baltimore, Philadelphia New York and Boston Via A. & a Canal The Commodious Steamex. PIONEER and COMMODORE ADAMS, WILL leave New Berne for Iterf oik ea TTTVCn 4 V rxt o..l. A 4- U n.liA SESSSSi a. M., connecting with the different lines C steaftiers for the above-named points.. On and. after tb 1st dav of December next they will leave on Tuesday an Friday of each. week, making semi-weekly tripe. Bhippj of Goods will receive every facility ana accomxnoaaaotj for the transportation of the same, ae arrangement have been made with the different companies to forward geeAa to this line at low rates and withont dlay; Each of these LVTOaAAT-.A a . MaWJAV V VW J AU. vm v F-l" - w-w. Fifty Toms of Freight through the canal without: difficulty,' as they were built expressly for the trade. They are fitted up with State Rooms and. Berth capable of accommodating Thtrty-PIwepasaengersi. Every attention will be paid to the comfort of passengers, who will not be subject to the incoavssueneeof transfer to othex vessels, but will be taken through, direct witheqt, change. The tables of the Steamers are liberally supplied with, the best the market affords. Families travelling will find it to their interest to take fhis line, as they will thereby escape the danger and discomfort of a sea route, and the fatigue of railroad travel. ' On the 15th of December next, if the business of the line warrants it, the Steamer WILLIAMS will be put on the route, and tri-weekly trips will be made. For freight or passage apply to WHITFORD. DILL k CO., New Berne, N. C. New Berne, Nov. 15-tf DAVID WILLIAMS, Prop'r. Salisbury, Winsboro,' Charlotte, Goldsboro and Raleigh papers please copy and send bills to Times Office for payment. TXT ..tlBAMIAnrta fla & T lf GTlf VuaTTMT .rkTTlTkl. - ted, the Piokeeb Line will run vessels once a week only until further notice. . . dec 20-tf Pork, City Mess bbl........... ..i..l3eO04O00 . : Thin Mess . ." 36 0038 00- ..: - 'Prime Mess.:..., 84 003500 Jt'epperwain , , 4045 Potatoes, Irish, fi bbl.. 4 005 000 Sweet.; 8010tt xuce, uarouna.... - 1215 Ea8tlndia.:...-.v.......4.. - lo12 Rum, New England . . 3 504 60 . Jamaica, in cases. ......i. ....... 180022O Jamakica,Wolfe's, in cases ..." 14 00 St Croix, ' " . . . . . . ....... .13 5018 000 2325 ... 2223 1618 1516 12S17 1417 1215 - 13(a15 3445 1218 Sugars, Crushed A:, B. and C. Coffee P.R...... Muscovada Cuba.... . Havana, Brown. . .. . . Soda, Carbonate . , . . . Starch, pearl Saheratus.. . . . Spice.... Soap, Brown Shoes. Brogans...... 1 502 50 Spirit barrels, new - 5 0C Second hand 450 Salt, Liverpool, Sack $3 75400 Marshall, fine.. American.'... i.. Sheeting, F. F.,4-4 Tobacco, N. C. and Virginia Manufactured Fine1 Vinegar, McCandless & Smith's, pure malt Whiskey, Rye, gallon........ Bourbon " Rye and Bourbon, in cases Bourbon, Wolfe's " ..-'' old " " Scotch - . Wine, Madeira Sherry Port Claret Wood, oak, " old k fine :', f, 5 50 . 3 753 00 32i33 1230 507 85(40 . 2757 00 . , 30O7 00 12 0016 00 10 00 16 00 18 002500 13 00! 12 00&18 00 160020 00 16 00 90015 00 12 00t&18 00 12 002000 12 0015 00 6 50(a13 00 , 6 00 cord................ NAVAL, STORKS. Spirits Turpentine, per gal ..$ 55$ 0 juosin, common 2 00(9 4 uo well-strained and No. 2 . 4 60 6 50 " 1. 8 00 10 00 Crude Turpentine Dip.... ... 6 60 6 20 Scrape 3 60 4 00 Tar 75 1 60 I WM. JtL OLIVEB tL CO. - A LL of our friends will please call and settle their XjL' accounts with us during the present month, as .we shall mate a change ia our business on the first oi February. HULBERT k McLEAN. ; We shall sell goods at Very lxw Prices for thirty days f make room, forthe largest, Stock ever brought io Vorth Carolina. . ; ; . . jan 4-lm"' .i-TTtlttC t V"f X EJItVAJU. tor. IVL.'TaYLOE'S office has been removed t the Dm ftfaiv of Goading k Watklns, on Middle street. Jau 10-tf QUTSIDE LISB TO BALTIMORE. " Direct Communication by Steamer Between .BAIiTBIORE AND NEW BERNE. T h e Firs t-C 1 a s s S t e amihi E LIE H K N i GH T WHjL leave Baltimore for "New Berne J on WEDNESDAY, 10th day of January, ' '186G.r Returning, will leave" ew Barns on or before the following .Wednesday. i fthe ELLEN KNIGHT is the first steamer Of a perma nent line to plyHbetween .. . - ... , .iBALTJMORE AND NEW BERNE, Which offers the only direct means of steam communi cation between the two places. ! , v For . freight or passage, apply to., -. ;f , ' ' . TIDDY, HUTCHISON k CO., Ageht; jan2-tf New Berne, N-C Ship Masters Attention. ANDREW COLLmS. Arent for TARE & WONISON'S PATENT METALIC, OR COPPER PAINTS. TO OWNERS AND MASTERS OF VESSELS This Superior Article Is offered with the fullest confidence. It is a complete preservation from WORMS, BARNACLES, GRASS, SEA WEED, AND MUSCLES. Call and give it a trial. Craven Street, below the Times Offlee. New Berne, nov 7-tf JOTICE TO SHIPPERS. - We are now prepared to effect insurance on all descrip tions of property for shipment by steamer, from this place to New York. , ' Rate of one pr cent on cotton. . other produce. WHITFORD, DILL k CO., Agent. New Berne, N. C, July 25, 1865. . nl06 IMPORTANT CHANGE 4 LL of our friends will please call and ' XX. accounts with us settle their during the present month, as we shall make a change in our business on the first of February. HULBERT k McLEAN. We shall sell Goods at Very Low Prices for thirty days to make room for the largest Stock ever brought to North Carolina. jan 4-lm -piDWARP R STAKX.Y, Agent for Mrs.. SUSAN E. WINTHROP OFFERS for sale LOT NO. 347. with improvenoients. corner of Broad and Craven streets. Will lease for one year PLANTATION near Johnson-Point, adjoining the Lands of Gabriel Hardison. Also SIX LOTS in the fowB of Plymouth. , - , . . Being iier aa'horizea agent with full powers to act, a State, to call on nie. KffUe Hanrock street, near PollocW. . dec 30-1 m. n .