if I II i. 11UU.I BOCA'S I f t j ' i -r n I J.1 - J.Xl T . T IF NEW BERNE, N. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1866. WL.l2:-N0r256. Pbicb Five Cents. It! W. flk. St' . at. r 1 ':.. . --w.. ..... . . ........... . .. . . 1. L Z A. V 7f T1 i A - A. V . : f : . . .. . a i ma: r .. m m . m oh a 5 4 . i It '. VV' V. v ' aBBBaMaaBMaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaM ! AO - - - -- ; - - - " - -- '- : ' " - v- - - - Inn selUBSS elsewh unto i. r.0i Whoie a ft siewj suetttc au www, SATURDAY MOBNING, JAN. 20, 1866. -555 ' LOCAL' DEPAETMENT. :.H0TSMBXBLl8eli;; -V The mail will dose, Sundays excepted m foUow : Goldboro, RMeigb, and all points 8outh and M Boanoke, Elizabeth City. Edenton, and FlT uth; M. a, .Tuesday, Thursday and r m oYo'PhUaip Washington, Norfolk, andall points North tad East at vHJir ""' Hia ai....."Y- to 5 P. M. OBlce open wm-;-- United States, In- vmce open , ln 0 , must be prepaid, or they wUl be sent be prepaid, TL'ttZZZ office, unless addressed to Heads of Bureaus to dead letter office, unless shtoKton. D. C. . GEO. W. NASON. Jb., F. M. Lawlessnb 88. Night before last, three men made a raid upon the premises of a Mr. Tibbets, about 5 miles from this city, beyond the Trent, and after knocking him down, took every - thing portable to be found on the place. They broke himjup in provisions clothing, furniture, and bedding, completely. . They were armed with re volvers, and he thinks they were white men with their faces and hands blacked. Anotheb School. The Rev. Mr. Foebes, rector of Christ Church, proposes the opening of a school for males and females, in the New Berne Academy, about the middle of next month. An erroneous impression having obtained in regard to the kind of school it is intended to be, we have the authority to state ; that it will not oe sec tarian. Whilst every effort will be made to im prove the scholars by moral and religions train IDS', OniV ue cuuuna wi ius isiisu ;irui . ire taught the doctrines , of the Episcopal Church The worshiper at the Catholic alter may send his son or his daughter there and the religion of the parent will be scrupulously , respected.' The Presbyterian," the Baptist or the Methodist, who cnoses vt patronize me insu.iu.iioa wm their children taught to: respect the" peculiar tenets of the denomination to which the mother or father may: lean. " r ? For the Last Time. The beautiful Drama of Guy Mannering," with Miss Diixikqham as Meg Merillia, will be placed before the : stage again this evening, and for the last time . ; Every effort will be made by the Stage Manager Mr. John Davis, to give . striking scenio aad stage effect to this piece. ' The little drawoacKS inci dent to its first presentation have been overcome by patient , study on the part of the members of the. Company; and we have ' not a doubt the piece iwill be well played ; to-night. ; The charming tausic incident to . the , piece, given by . uxx. Pozzoki," is alone worth the price of admission, to sav nothine of Mr. Booxbs M JJc JScmtitlam. . : , I Pabtieb possessing capital will find a rare shance for investment if they will go to' Captain Wexxleb's office this morning, and follow Foalx 3und in his professional wanderings during the ay. government buildings are to De Bold, and ven the lumber of which they are constructed aril f 'vn.lnn.KlA ' KA'TTirKaaAV 1 TVia uiila ia positive, and if somebody doesn't make money it is somebody's fault "x ' See the advertisement. ; I w Will Sail. Steamer ' Etteri 8. Term: will sail ibis P.M., at 5 o'clock for New York, with cot- an and naval stores from W. H. Olives & Co. SupBEME Court. His Honor Judge Bjeadx was qualified on yesterday.. Hon. Bicemond M. Feabsok was appointed Chief Justice. The ap- pointmenf of Reporter was postponed until the June term. ,-- 1 .- , .. . ,r i Gen. Kobt. D. Johnson, of Mecklenburg, is Jdmitted to practice law in the County Courts. jh aentmet. ; A sermon will be preached at the Methodist urch on Sunday evening at 7 o'clock, especial- y to yonngmen. -; . , . J Postponed. The sale of lot No. 23, advertised py Mr. H. A. Bbown to take place to-day, has jeen postponed ; ' . ' I kemembeb in thb Hour of Need, that those aDIOIIS remedies nren&reri hv TTpTMnm n re snlrr t Mbnnikgeb's Drug Store. , : Foundling. On theUOth instant, about nine clock at night, as Mrs. Polly Taylor and her puly, residing near Grimslev's Church.: :in rreene county, were seated in tVia hna o rnko Ike the crvincr nf oor, and upon opening the door, a white female s. Plant, entnely naked, was fonnd on the stens. the neighbors jjjjjoivjcm niu uaucu xu, auu pon exannnnfinn vo'v:u ' j xJ tL.j """" iuc vxiuu wfcia luuuu iaj ue uuu T burned or baked on one side, as if it had been lacea near a fire for the purpose of destroying I but, it is thoxight, its cries softened the hearts jven of the inhuman wretches connected with be affair, and induced them to take it from the p to dispose of in some other way. ' The phy tUuuyuC iiiooe about three days old The oor little outcast was dreR naA w f e kmd family into whose hands it had thus pen, and, our informant says; it is likely to do .me neignoors think the parents, or rather jhe Mother, does not reside neki- fna r,eW. food, but that the infant was brought from adis ance to the place where it was left The heart CKens at the contemplation of such a deecL and P shows to what nWr,. 1 VI lX AAA1C3 I n JIJA . WUUk. ALU fan nature is capable of descending, when once l T8 we turned to the paths of shame. vkigh Standard. The counterfeiter nf fnT-oiv. nmomr Vo hut a rU f"J i - fwr comniimAnt in v it locta ft American ladies, if they expect them to buy ,vr. , uvHf nucu A.1ASU.U.B Ight-Eloomhlff neTAnB"TVA a-H-ia ha "Appieton Orescent ' . . 3 taw Akotbxx Outkaok On Friday of last week, a negro man, whose name we did not learn, was BUUI. BWuMjr mc ij - xo. . 6 depot, under the following circumstances, as we gathered them from one who professed to be ac quainted with the facts. Mrs. Ball went into the kitchen, one day last week, in vrhich the ne gro had been staying, and found a number of ar tides belonging to a lady's wardrobe, including a fine cloth cloak, silk dresses, and other articles. Thinking the negro had not come fairly , by the things, she took them into the house, and 'when he returned she informed him that he eould not have them unless he explained how he came by them. The negro left, but returned on Fraday, in company with a youth by the name of Wil liam Hendrick, and having an ordex for the clothing, purporting to be given him by - some Federal officer. He was armed with a rifle, and when he reached the yard fence and. told her his 000, vxuCiCu ixxux w w i TT : J I uuuBC, wucreupou jruung xikxukl juiiipcv uw r j ' it. -: 1 K 1 bu lence anu lum me negro w come uu, Wuu tney docu. approacnea ine aoor, ine negro . using profane and threatening language. They entered the house, and the white boy caught down the gun of Mr. Ball, who was from home at the time. Mrs. Ball seized the sun at the same time and a scuffle ensued, during which, at one time, the gun was taken from her, but she seized it again, while in the hands of the negro, and as he was trying to get the muzzle of his own gun in a po sition to shoot her, she cocked the gun he was trying, at the same time to wrest from her, and pulled the trigger just as the muzzle was point ing at his neck. . The result .was. as stated he was instantly killed. ; ! - A coroner's jury was summoned, and rendered a verdict or justifiable homicide. The young man, Hendbick, we understand; : has decamped from the neighborhcKxL Standard. Don't Foeoet. If ;country merchants want oargains iney snouid Dear in mind that munt ixA wci.cuiiiguuai.cuuu i; Impebishable Teeth. Can the teeth be ren- f dered imperishable ? Unquestionably they can. J Sozodont, used daily, will render the enairiel ah-1 solutely proof against decay,- harden the gums I and expel Irom the whole dental apparatus every I offensive and pernicious element. . . ; . , . 3taw ; I THE-CITY. i I The schooner Sample wlU sail for Washington, N. C, shortly.-: See advertisement.- : J See card of E. W. Gould & Co,, shipping and commission merchants. - - - - J K W. Gould & Co. advertise a supply of vin-1 egar just received, ; '3 1 Bev. E. Fobbes proposes to open fa school 1 at the New Berne Academy; See advertisement dtebks, vrUNN &KXK advertise nay inst re- ' ' at m - a . ceived. ummiii :mmm?m See notice by Dr. John M. Davtes. Se advertisement of "Cotton Seed and Corn for sale. 4 ri ; ,, ; r.- Poalk & Mabshall, auctioneers, have an im portant sale to-day at 12 o'clock, comprising a small ;. schooner, a suit of sails, market house stock, &c. See advertisement. The Cengregational "Society" offer a hand- some reward tor we apprehension or the parties . m it . . who lately violated their church. See adv. i see advertisemenc 01 i. w. jjeriiedt, neaoea $i!5 Ueward. EvEBSoK & Co. advertise a wind mill for sale. An attractive bill is offered at the theatre this evemng. , see advertise ment. "I' 1ST OF LETTERS RESIAIBfTIf O ln tk JjPoct OHlcc at K eve Berne, If. C. Januir A" Gaston Sylvester Grace Mary " Graves Orlow W Green Bosanna r : . Oreen Thos A, ,; , j1 Grist Mary P , a Grist Patents ' Grove Wm ... . - :- -ii : !. .. ' Haywood Alford . Parker Wm H ' Paillyn Emily' Pewefoot Jane ; Potter John F ' Phisie George, f Qaidley Penny Atmore Qeo S Appling Geo Adftms it . " Brruit Amos . Bryan Ja A Bunch Betsy -, Burnett willia -Burley ChM Burgess Gideon ' Bichards Saml E G BiceMiBsH 2 Harris Bachael A Hammonds AW: Hang John? ;. Bogers Maria Lou- Brown Seneca D Brown Martha A Boyd Isabella '? 'ii ISA ': i . f . EoseWW; V Hatfield 8 Bobison Hannah Bonn Albert N Harrison BosrnnaBoses Artha Brown Miss AmerHellen Joseph T :: S ' Brumacrs H W , . Herris D H . Spate Marearet Brings Fannie ,A EHildebrand John .Small Thomas Brion James ; - mmonas caroune eaiier Kebecca w Best Milla " - Hooker Bobt 1- Shaffer Jos H Bennelt Abraham Hodges Henry M Stevens Smithy Barney Diley J - Brady Betsey , . 1 J ohnson Harriet Stephens W H Spencer' Geo , Barry Gracie Johnson Frank B&rbor Alfred A . . Johnson Wash Stella Jean Baptist Spencer John Simons Simon Simpson Richard b wil t Adam Smith Richard Skinner H Smith Richard -Spicy BB Snowden Carroll Barnes John Johnson C C Chandler OW Clark W HH -Jarman Delsey. ' Jackson John Jackson Noah James Mary : Johnson Alfred ; : Jones Samuel , : K. . Kirtland Asa Kidon Jerry King Wm KalleyMissB' ' Lane Miss T.irria Crawford Virgin Chiny Mary Clinton Wm Ti : Chileo Henry Cox Harriet - Snmralt MWH I CorbinBF T Turner WB 2 Turner Wiley S Tucker Marv Cohen J B Cole Miss M C " Crosby Chas ." Curtis Geo W , Cutler Claban Cross Francis Carhart Geo W . D .. Darby Susan Daniel HA Davis EE - -Daniels Richard Dempcey James ' Dennis Cordelia Dewey Watson .' Dudley James , . Duncan Henry " Dudley Alex Dunn Miss S : -Draper A H ' K Edmonds Martin PSVS- y-i . J iLtangrord jrannys man Laurence J Towman David Laughlia James Leurs John Lemon Gilbert Levy J P Loath Capt John Langston Prince . M - Moore Lucinda Moore Elicy . L Morgan Jennie ,, "Moore Serena ' Moses F " -Moolton John B McXiderVStO , Miller Morgaret. Tread well Denelpa ThmnPn Taylor Wm Taff John Taylor Geo W Taylor Eleck i - -vi r - Volevey Mrs- D -Yankelt Isaac 2 ' -W Walker W S Watts Mary ' Washington Wal ter , 3 Waters Henry Ward Henry .. Waters Dick Meyers Amey . Eleson Miss GraceyMelled GUles Ernels Eliza Jane McKae 8 H Everltt Calvin - - Marshall Thos E Emitt Byan Mossie Annie t Eason Wrn H MavaBoady -Edwards Morning ' ' I -' ' ' - a - F - . Kelms WHL,. Ferguson Geo E- KubleryM Fields Cap t Chas G i Fitzhdgh L H Olmstead F P Follman C ' - OXeary Sarah A G ' oBHenPatk' -Garland A B A- Co 1 , , , Ward Charlotte 2 Waters Baker Willmore Annie WUles Bebecca -Withy WmH Wilkinson Seith . WhitnevTimothy P Williams Franklin Wood W H k 8on Wtlson Julia . WhUford Hardy Witty J ; Persons eaUing for the above letters will please say. 'Advertised' q. w. MASON, Jr., P.M. jan2C.lt . TELEGRAPHIC. BKPOBTKD FOB THE SEW BEBOT DATXT TIMES. .GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. : ' : . jl. He Recommends the Early 5 Appointment of Civil i M agistrates. HE REVIEWS THE CONDITION OP THE , STATE BAHKS, HOW THE STATE DEBT SHOULD BE PAID. Baleioh, Jan. 19.Gkv. Worth's message was read before the General Assembly to-day. He recommends the early appointment of mag istrates, and that' all acts of. Provisional Clerks and Sheriffs, performed since the Provisional Governor was Telip.ved ha Tnnrta vlhU artH ivnrf. b t. kOIlfirmed bv the Lerfslatnre. - c HflMwnmnfls tKnf. tK Aff.mAV fAml Kva , ft regide at the Capitol, and not be required to ride the circuit. He also recommends that all laws passed during the war, unsuited to the present condition, or in conflict with the allegiance or with the Constitu tion of the State, or United States, be repealed The Governor hopes that the time is not dis tant when the United States will perceive that we are ready to perform all our ebligations to the National Government, and advises the adoption of an intelligible Judicious Militia Code, and the re-organization of the militia of the State. He reviews the condition of the banks, and ad vises an amendment to the charters of banks and railroads," and to allow them to take stock in the National Banks. The State debt, exclusive of the war debt, is near fourteen and half millions; and he advises the issue and sale of State bonds to pay the interest of the State debt taxes to meet the liabilities of the. Stata wonld - h mnre than double the former W a Lrv fKm Ka people in impoverished condition could pay The Governor wonld not be TiruWronrf na "hetn despondent in relation to State affairs. -assays we must rely chiefly .upon our virtue and persevering industry, and says we must pro- ec laborer and punish vagrants. The Gov- ernor says wnen uie legislature ' snail nave ap. pointed Justices of the Peace, and the courts are restored, the machinery of the civil government will De about complete.' Me recommends a stay law for the benefit of debtors, if a constitutional mode can be devised. Governor. Worth thinks there is no necessity for ; continuing the Freed- men's Bureau after thejurisdiction of tho courts is restored, as the blacks can get justice from the courts and prevent ia conflict of authority -He- referaf'the legislature to the ccann4ssion appointed by the Convention to review the" code touching the blacks ; he makes nonspecific recommenda- uons, dui leaves the matter with the assembly. He refers to the collection of taxes by Federal officers, and regrets that our Senators-and Rep resentatives have not been admitted, and closes as follows : I pray God that a returning sense of patriotism and justice will ere long correct the prejudice of the times, and carry out the wise system so successfully begun and perfected, so far as is depended on the executive authority for the restoration of the State to a constitutional and harmonious Union, and that he will inspire all of us with the wisdom and disposition to do right. Congress Washington, Jan. 19. -Senate. The creden tials pf Mr. Morvin, Senator elect from Florida, were presented and ordered to be laid on the table A bill enlarging the powers of the Freedmen's 1 Bureau was discussed, and an amendment was adopted making valid for three years, instead o: forever, as in the original bill, the title of lands given negroes by orders issued at Savannah, by Gen. Sherman, last winter. House.- Mr. Deering, of Connecticut, made speech maintaining that the. Government has right to hold and treat with! the Southern States ; as conquered rebels, ?He said the loyalty there was of little value, the submission of the people I being from necessity.;. He mentioneda series of guarantees which ought to be 'exacted of them before they shall be allowed a representation, including 'perfect equality of- the blacks before the law with the whites.5 ' ,rtC ''A Mr. Smith, of Kentucky, endorsed the; Presi dent's restoration' policy," ; and .denied that the Southern States were ever but of the Unibn, and claimed now that they are obedient to the law, buev uugub ui ub rereaeuveu. Adjourned till Monday.' ' ' -i From Mexico. Washington, Jan. 19.-The New York Herald's Mexican dispatch reports the u arrival of ": the Trench Admiral, Didelot, to confer with Bazino on relations of France, Mexico, and the United States. It is rumored that a large squadron will follow for objects which are variously stated Tolacco, the ancient capital of the Empire, has been taken by the Liberals. . New York Market. New Yobk, Jan. 19. Cotton "qnietj sales 950 bales; unchanged.. . ... ...... - Gold 38. nEun not after blessines: only walk in the com man dm ants of God, and blessings shall ran after yon, pursue and overtake you. 1 N T I C E ALL persons having claims against the undersigned are requested to present them for payment, and those who are indebted to settle, before the 1st day of February proximo. - , JOUJi x. wtui jan VM3L . - jonmrcou aw, utv jojuaie. COTTON SEED AND .CORNi " . ' T. ' SUPERIOR COTTOW SEED AND CORN for sale. Address BOX 133 NEW BERNE POST OFFICE. jan208t ' :.. n25 Shattebed Constitutions Restobxd byHsLK. bolb's Extbact Buchu. - EntEEBLED AND . DeUCATE COKSTITTTTIOirS. Of both sexes, nse'HxxiuoLD's Extbact Bcchtt. It will giT.e brisk and enereetie fee lines and enable you to sleep welL The Globt or Makxs Stbxnoth. Therefore he nervous and debilitated should immediately use Helmboxd'8 Extbact Bucmr. Helmbold's Fluid Extbact Buchtt is nleasant in taste and odor, free from all injurious proper ties, and immediate in its action. Manhood and Youthful Tioon are regained by Helmbold's Extbact Buohu. - - - THEATRE. Sole Lessee -i - - - . MR. J. II. ROGERS. Stage Manager - - - MR. JOHN DAVIS. Saturday Evening January 20th, 1866. SECOND VVEEK OP THE ENGAGEMENT OF THE BRILLIANT OPERATIC ARTISTE, . CARLOT T A P O Z Z0 W I. I m e . Who will appear as , ICCT BERTRAM. In the Celebrated Operatic Drama entitled G U Y M A W 1V ERI N G ; .. , OB, , ."v- The Gipsey's Prophecy. ' j SOPPOBTED BT ' '.-7, MR. and MRS. JOHN DAVIS, & , , MI8S A. E. DILLINGHAM, , . - . MR. J. H. ROGERS, The whole to conclude with, the roaring farce entitled P E p T R E BR I D E G R O O M . Monday Evening, January 2nd, 1866, . GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT OF CITIZENS MRS. STQ N KWALL" JACKSON. . . , ... ; ...... .. . , . pn which occasion will be produced : . , ' MAID OF CRQISST. PERFECTION', ' ' - 1 7-.,.:;.. LOAJf, OF A LOVER. , ADMISSIOBT. . .' PPrivate Boxes:......... ..i................ii3J)0 Beserred Seats -..$1.00 Dress Circle. ................. . . . . j j . v75 Gallery. ... ; i ..50 Side Seats in Gallery for colored persons....... ...,.!..50 jan 20-ic n225 New Advertisements; JIOR WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. The Fast Sailing Schooner SAMPLE WILL be dispatched, for the above port. For ireignt or passage apply to - ? F. J. MENNINGER & CO. Jan 20.1m . . s : n26 STOLEN front the subscriber at O. W. WEST'S, on Moseleys Creek, near Dover's DeooL A. k If. C Rail rvoaa, on xuesaay, loin inajk, a ' i i BAY MARE MULE, v " ADout nanus nign, wute month, and nose rather large body, in good order, mane and tail very closely uiewu. loot uiaaK- v - . t . The abore reward will be paid for the delivery of said Mule at J. M. WHITE'S, corner of Pollock and Hancock streets, or any information that will lead to its recovery. J AA S.aa K - . . - - "100 EEWAKJv. WILL be paid by the Trustees of the Congregational Society of New Berne for any information which will lead to the apprehension and punishment of the parties who interrupted the meeting of the Society on the evening pf January 18th,' by the throwing of missiles uiruugu sue wibuowb oi me vestry uuuamg. Jan 20-8t M ALE AND FEMALE SCHOOL. ABOUT the middle of February I will open a School, at the New Berne Academy, to embrace all the bkrher branches of education. Classical and Mathematical, for maies ana zemaies. t or further partiaulars. apply to the Principal, at the residence of Jacob Gooding, Sr., at head oi juaaie screes. . KUWABD M. FORBES, Jan 20-6t r r Rector of Christ Church, Principal. H a' -y SO BALES MOKBQSt janSO-lw HAT just arrived and for sale by A. STERNS, GUNN & CCS. n2S I N E G A R . SO Barrels McCANDLESS it SMITH'S Celebrated Malt Vinegar, just received from Philadelphia, and for sale ay K. W. GOULD CO., jan20-lm Corner 8. Front and Middle fits. JpATENT WIND MILL FOR SALE, IN good order, about Five Horse Power. jan 20-lm EYERSON tt CO. E. GOUID & C0V G E N JE HAL -; Shipping and Commission Merchants, . FUXCSASES8 OF . : 0017X010", N AVAL , STORES, &c.,; AGENTS FOR . REGULAR LINES TO NORTHERN PORTS. Corners. Front and Middle Sts., NEW BERNE, NORTH CARNL1NA. stptl2 tf . n262' . CARD TO THE PUBLIC. The undersiened. havnis this dav sold their stock of Goods, known as the Boot and Shoe Store, 35 Craven Street, slgnjof the "Mammoth Boot, 8910, to Capt; A. H. FOSTER, would respectfully request the public to extend to Capt F. the patronage which has been so liberally ex tended to us. . " , January 1st 1866-tf . . NASON A 8TAYNER, mHE SUBSCRIBER "HAVING PURCHASED FROM X Messrs. NASON & STAYNER, their stock of Goods, known as the Boot and Shoe Store. 33 Craven 8treet, siirn of the "Mammoth Boot 8910." would be pleased to welcome his friends and the public generally, to examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. - - Jan 1, 1866-tf A. H. FOSTER. SHIPPERS. , ' PARTIES desiring to do a coasting buai nessSr to ship Lumber, - sic, to West Indies, ' would do : well to examine the 8chooner UNITED, now lying in this port. m.h&if n, tv wrio1 of which is now offered for sale. This schooner has just undergone a thorough course of repairs, and is in splendid conoiuon xor a sea voyage, 1 For further particulars apply to '. . . . . - CAPT. HENRY ANDERSON, - janlMw At Howard Ship Yard. T Auction Sales: L. FOAIX GEO. HABSHAH. POAliK..&;CO., Auctioneers and Gflmnissioii KtlERCHANTS, CRAVEN BELOW POLLOCK STREET;' Consignments solicited of every descrip tion of Property. deo254f " n334 By POALUL Si MARSHALL, Auctioneers. gATURDAY, Commencing at-1 Of o'clock, A. f.l., JANUARY 20th, "oil OF All CAPT; VH BEL ER'S OFFICE. jan 19-2t 255 By POALK & MARSHALL, Anetlonneers. i - - . ..... .at' . "' - ' 1 '.n gATURDAY. At 12 o'clock, EI, January 20th, AT AUCTION, at the foot of Pollock street, J ONE SCHOONER BOAT, Known as the RAM. Capacity of Seventy Barrels. Alto, ONE SUIT OF SAILS, for a small boat. Also, ONE SHARE in the Market House, foot of Pollock street. Also, ONE YAWL BOAT, with sails and Oars complete. jan 20-lt NOTICE. Sales every evening This "Week, com mencing at early candle light, by ? dec 25-tf POALK & CO.. Auctioneers, QLOTILLWO. , , i A LARGE and choice assortment of Seasonable Clothing being opened for sale by POALK k CO, dec 25-tf B234 gPIRIT CASKS. . 150 New Spirit Casks on hand, and for saleby - dec 25-tf POALK & CO., Craven St LBAHY ALB . SO Casks Prime Albany Ale on hand, and for nlby, dec 25-tf ; . POALK CO. GiGARs. . 2 100,000 Choice Havana Cigars to Btorend for sale dec25-tf : FOALK VU EITEHSIVE SALE Groyernment Buildings I