.0 si Ji if t3 f J ' J . iff! II M'lii I f I " o K ft B VOL. B,-N0.:14.;-,;:n NE.VTBERN, N,., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 111, 1866: 3 Pbice IVE CENI3 1, i 1 ? 1 g i 1 1 in n i 7 i i. u i : i I' J u ' Ml - III. . " ' BBI t 1 Hmjfc Iill-.ll.iliiniiniil 1 ii I .1... UH!I1"I. . . IL.HIUH, IIIHIW i , ' JSDAY, . AFBILrll, 1866. LOCAL DEPARTMENT Post omcE, Newbkrn, N. 0.,1 TiBEUAKT 24. 1866. f -,.n will close Dailt as follows r . ;a ! 1116 ?T xpw York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,,, ... -; , 5oo!ffndBeaufort, . ft, at. .11.00 A. M. ' f?'?Sy t ... i.12.00 M. J fSrn?ndPiock8ville.everyW k'w'inrtoaand Plymouth; n!C.V s 1 ,ft crw. d Thursday at. ... ; i i .v r. . . :7.00 Ai M. TFT Tfm ft A. M. to 5.30 P. M. : WTfrom 9 to 10 A. M., and from 1 to 2 P. M. ?nn?Atlr. to be deUvered in the United States, in. , iL!iroo lette.-s, must be prepaid, or they will be sent ? WiS offloe, unless addressed to Heads f Bureau --mgr Telegraphic news receired at this office in the fo&noon and up to 2 o'clock of each day; . .i- nn-nteA will annear in our evenine tdition, and can be had at our counter or , on. the itreets or tne news wjq, "2 , v . ., lso, the latest news by the Northern and . Wes tern mails. " 1 - , BrsiiriiSS Notice. From and after .this , date, all transient advertising and job3 vrork, must be paid for promptly, when the order is handed in. The expense and trouble of collecting little bills is so great that we are driven to this necessity. This rule of course will not 'apply to regular monthly advertising patrons.' - - . "CrAiETr. "We were quite surprised," yesterday on taking a walk up Pollok and Middl&streets to see, notwithstanding the day was so chilly, : so cinch gaiety and fashion on the streets." - Almost every dry goods house was crowded with fair ones, tumbling, rumpling and crumpling silks, muslins and lawns, as you know, ladies always Will. ; t.,y. .;. fi ... ..7-,, At McLean & Oo's, Baits & Epplees, Phatr & FaSrs'. H. & B. Emantiels, and a number of other places, spring styles have already .made their appearance in copious quantities and at re markably low prices, and the Lidies are not slow in finding these things out. Our old ' friend Wein&teei, on the corner, also has an eye to bu- siTiwiR. and alwavs manages to -. catch a liberal chare of the trade. Unteepkising. Messrs. Tiddt, Flemm tsa& Ca, have improved the front Tiew of their store, corner of South Front and Middle Streets, by the application, a new and handsome coat of paint. shonld like to see their neighbors follow their example."' Indeed, these young men are wide awake, energetic fellows, and we bespeak for them, a brilliant run of good luck. . i . ; . TuttIiE & Colgbove, on the opposite corner, are also capital merchants and are doing a very large business. Ditto, E. W. Gould, & Co., and you'd be surprised to take a walk through the store and wear houses of P. Heswin & Co.- They keep one of the largest stocks of drinkables in this country, except it may be our neighbors S. Blagg &Co., and Kosseteb & Cooper, our. next door neighbors. - i . ' ;" Powei3 & Pool, whom we had like to have for gotten, on the corner below, also, do a handsome business in that line. Arrived. The steamship Ellen 8. Terry, Capt Chapin, of the Goodspeed Line, arrived yester day afternoon from New York, with a full freight and large passenger list . ' The Socl of Floweks. Poetry has given the title to the living breath of fragrant blossoms, and this floral soul this quintessence of olfac tory luxuries exists, in its full perfection, in Pialon's "Night-Blooming Eaglt. Cereus." Brooklyn aplll-eod3t A Neat Keplx. 4,I dislike your ' saying. that my teeth are going. So don't" Said a young lady to her beau. VNot 4So; don't,' but Sozo Host' you should have said, " he replied. " .The uamsel pouted, but took hint j Nor need it be said, that the balsomic preparation "arrested the etil; though it could not quite repair the damage wreaayaone. apl ll-eod3t . The Boabd oi Trade. At the meetine of the Board of Tn de Monday night, the proceedings of wwca came in too late for yesterday morning's is sue, the election of oflicers heretofore published, was duly announced, who proceeded to enter at once uponthe discharge of their respective duties An order passed for the printing of three hun dred copies of the Constitution snk Rv-TWs. "when there being no further business; the Boaid ujuurneo. , -. . THE CITY. hlZ wa m :Gmtti affairs should read the advertxsement of WM. G. Bryan. , - A. n at Auction, at 11 Vclock -jraisuuaing suitable for:a Photographic iZ urOTmJ wtail business; also a Store- 'r . with Segars, Liquors, and nous other articles. "See ad. , ' ersons m vn t a . . ' : JoS, TCr 8bould read ihe advertisement o; gi HfTC0KB' in ch these gentlemer ""u,ui guou Ajumoer. lor -any pur- - ,WUjis interested in the taxation of the iiS? sh0 read .the adver- "1. He.giyeseach tax- the ? e l(? reuew ense we coming month. before for iii; - xorce vtte .City offers --oua Pollok street uo vuy aiamet, : loot ,-n.nvertisea. j . . ... .. ... re--" S father to-cloud," '7:ii 5 jemmds me of a thun vsligu-nirfg S ,fether?" "Because it is FROM OUR EVENING EDITION. MAYOR'S COURT. Tuesday, April 10. Before His Honor. Mavor L, T w... - " 1 ne tirst case on the docket was that against I . QPAn ' 'nmiAW nH ltvk tVTw-. r MMkA. ' I "playing policemen" in the city. It turned out mat mey were mem oers 01 tne police force of "Hayti," across the Trent, and instructions were Cfivfin fhA .TiiAf vf rrHo in . nUoin nit-t I dence of the lact. They were sent back to their own headquarters. - v Robert Custis, colored, 'accused s of stealing flour, was committed for trial before the Supe rior Court ' ,;:'05: Aebested. Last Sunday morning a week ago, a young man by the name of John F. Dixon was shot by a negro whom he had caught in the act of stealing; This morning 1 the police arrested Godfret Becton on the charge of shooting him. The other negro who was with Godfbey at the time of the shooting is - supposed to be8 named, hatch, but he has not been taken into custody, the small-pox having .. already performed that duty. I Gopebey Becton says he cani prove that he has not been in Newbern in two weeks, until this morning. "Bain, ; Haii. Xn Snow. Verily winter" is lin gering in the lap of spring; The chilly,, rainy character of the weather yesterday: made people forget their summcrish apparel, and again over coat and fire was the order of the day.- But the "oldest inhabitant" must have felt gloomy this morning from - finding that during ' the night, there had been a storm m trio rain, hail and snow; now it will eflect gardening and fruit, remains 10 oe seen. A( an 1 events, tne ; sun ' is a--:- Mm . i . W ... out to-day and we hope for the best results for his seasonable appearing. - - 5 VT Trial or Maj. Gee. The Military Commis sion, sitting in the trial of Maj. ? John H. Gee, met again yesterday, and, after the reading of the journal, Mr. Holland, Counsel, for; the de- change "in diet, no inconvenience, and no expo fense, moved to quash the-proceedings, on the sure. It is pleasant in taste and odor, immedia ground that the late proclamation oi President n its action, and free from all injurious proper Johnson, declaring that hostilities had ceased and that the ordinary Judicial process coulcFbe executed by the civil authorities in this and other Southern States, late in rebellion, and restoring the writ of habeas corpus, and that, therefore, martial law had ceased, and the tribunals created to execute it had determined " within the States named. He argued in favor of the ' motion at considerable length, and cited numerous author ities to sustain the position he took. The Judge Advocate asked that the motion be not entertained, on lhaL ground ithat f the Court had no official evidence. of the genuineness of the The Court over-ruled the? objection. The Judge Advocate then asked time to prepare his answer to the argument of the defencein regard to the question oi jurisdiction, which Vas acceded til rt'l' l ' - - '"Vs" t"' The Court then adjourned to 10 o'clock to day- ve win enaeavor to give, m our next issue, a synopsis of the argument for and against' the motion of the defense. RaJeiah Standard, Military The Post of Kaigh. We learn that Major Carr, brevet colonel in the TJ. S. cav alry, is in command of this post, having relieved the late commandant CoL R. 3L Miller, 128th regiment Indiana volunteers. The troops stationed here comprise Light Bat tery E, U. S. artillery; companies A and B, of i the 8th regiment U. S. regular infantry, and com-1 panies A and G, of . the. 5th U. S. cavalry,-with VU. OLf UIU JUlMIUgnU lUlUUWiCt lUUIUUJi The 128th Indiana infantry, viz: companies B and have been relieved, preparatory to muster out. : !"J ' ' '' " : , The new post commandant - comes among us i with a fine reputation' as; a gallant ' officer,' strict i 1 ' 1 . I : J I. ! il . T 1 aiHCipiiiianuu, uuu wiuicuus teuueuiiui. xnu doubt he will enjoy the regard and commence ol our citizens Hal. Progress; Killed. Mr.. Jenkins Pritchett was instantly killed, near Greensboro, on the 30th nit, by be ing thrown from his buggy, his head striking a stump, while his horse was running away. John Harris, a native of North Carolina, com mitted suicide at Wilmington, Los-Angelos coun-J ty. CaL He had been. a soldier .in .the federal army, during the late war. THE GREAT NEED SUPPLIED!!! , Pills have beenswaUowed ia millions.; Sal ve - ttv1- tiZi? TLZIXa :irVJ -At. hav leen-rubbed in by .the.poojid. Mao gdeiab two grand specifics are pntung an end tp this wholesale system of medication.' One of his or famoua pills i& a dosev A box jof 4hia healing; salve is of more value, as a lemedy for ulcerous and eruptive diseases,- than a ships cargcTof tht Ointments advertised to cure everything, but are all, in fact, either useless or deleterious. .-j t Tir MAooBiii's motto is 'conchitratuml He.'has i placed in the smallest compass i the active' princi- nU nf fTiA mnat rotsn' vegetable firvecifics. ' There ! JAVy vmw m o is no mineral in his Pills-rthey do not gripe-they do not enfeeble.' f They created tigorous appe tit' and fiorresoondinclv strenethen the diges. tion. They tune tt. linr, p tear ft. steady the nerves. ' am p nMnma tisonsA, rth resist ihe disenfectent operation of tne baive a amor. . At- scesses. Salt Eheunu Pimples, f Pustules, oa;., a.ro tuuuxuuijiiijr ciuu.vv I bern instriot tneir respecuTe u , w medicine. In fa3t,.MAoaiEi.'s:Briaot;s; DttPtfMwj T''" "-T ' c.,kelley. tic and Diabbh(ea Pjixs core where all 6th era fail wit, , : T ft.-l J tl.;H.l! if o m4 oil wane ior naua, outuus, -v"" ? abrasions of the skin, Maggiels, Salve, is. mfalii- New York, and ,aU , Druggists t 23 cents j'perj box.' ' Sold by II. J. MKNNINGKR, rO jf ciw 'ii a,. tstKt. V f a-nstna.r at .a.ir.a. u n wa - " O apl 10, 66Y d&wly More Amendments. In view of the fact t.W ih ingress nave proposed some eis-htv odd Aminl. rnenta to J,he Constitution, a factions fellow, in eniuc,V: ollera the annexed amendments f ir liiocousiaerauon oi'tne Constitution tinkers- 1. Everv frflAmftti-Rinll V self, with a looking glass on the too. if he wants lite. -i." . - - 2. Every freeeman shall have a secretary. 3. Every freed bov'or'tnrl shall h SIVA U WilTil robe. 4. Every freed chUd-shall have everything it CneS :estor. - . White PeOPle. Whether frPA nr tint mnst. Iif- have themselves. , , . . tt 6. i. All people of every color, 'except red. must 1 TOte. 1 a , - -7 ; v J 7. Every free white male citizen of the aj?e of twenty-one years or under, and of sound min d or otherwise may vote ;if'he will take the oath he would be a negro if he could. - ' - . t , i The enormous profits of the National Bant Note Ccmpany of New York have come-ont in recent law suit. . During five months in 1863 it paid dividends from its accumulated surplus earn. ! ings, amounting to 310 percent - The $50 shares 01 tne company are now worth $735, " a When was beef-steak the cheapest ? When the cow jumped over the moon.' - -' HELMB0LD-S;CQCEJrrB4TED EXTRACT' BUCHU is me ureal jjiurmc. . . . . r j m t . HELlfllOLDS COSCEHTKATO EXTRACT imB.T.rTT. Is the (heat Blood Purifier. . - Both are prepaid according to the rules "of Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are the most j active that can be made. dec 7-Stawly.. r or non-retention or incontinence of, urine 1 nauuu, luuauiuiauuu ur ulceration 01 me 1 hlflfMor nf lrMnsvo Jiaaaaas nf il,. i: , . ... . fflanda: atone in th Mn.l,tF 'A1Anliia w ?i7,. ;;.rAT;: .. . , 1 r'r: brick-dust deposit, and all diseases of the bladder. kidneys, and dropsical swellings Use Uslhbold's Fluid Extract Bttchu. llELMBOItD S CLUID LxTRACT BUCHU 18 pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injurious proper ii. j ..... " uFiuu liuuieuiaie in lis action. Hei-mbold's Extract Bpchu and Improved Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders. in fl.ll thpil atflCTAa at. litfln oTnanou iWtla r nv EXFEEBLID ' AND s DELICATE CONSTITUTIONS, of I botn sexes, use Hklmbold's Extract Bochu. It Will give brisk and energetic fee lines and enable you to sleep well. Manhood and Youthful Vigor are regained by Helubold's Exibact Buchu Ihe Ulort or Man is'. Strenoth. Therefore the nervous and debilitated should immediately use Helm bold' Extract Buchu. j Helmbold's Extract Buchu gives health and vigor to the frame and bloom to the pallid cheek. symptoms, and if t treatmeSt is submitted to, Debility is accompanied, by IB einnmrnnm,! hn mnnn . consumption, insanity or epileptic fits ensue. A Ready and Conclusive Test of the proper ties of Helmbold's1 Fluid Extract Buchu will be a 'comparison with those set forth in the United States Dispensatory. Tiki - vn vai IJ'rLEA8ANT""A.ND UjksaeX Remedies for .unpleasant and ttanzerOUS ' nis- eas,es. use' helmbold's extract y improved Bosk Wash. SHIPPING NEWS 1 " ' i ... 1 . 1 . ' ' .. , PORT OF NEWBERN. ; ABB1VEJD. - April 10.-Steamer E. 8. Terry. Chapin, Master, from New York, with mdse. andpa8seners.toc f. uooapeea. 8U-amer Bettie, Crane, Master, from Washington, N. C, with freight to Leland, Biglow Co. lew Advertisements. L T I O- N r BY S. S. DUFFY, 30 OltA.'VBSN'' STREET, i Thursday, April 1 4: 1 1 o'clock A. -H. i in ir imam ' 'n' .M";y?J?",r'-'f . ".-" .-. '" A BUILDING WITH BAR AND SKYLIGHT, flnitable for Photographers or any other Betail Business. Also STORE HOUSE, 70 i eetAiong, convenient ior sto-atre. &c. " -'..s.f-w '.;-' One IRON Hi.tR, together with a variety, of CIGARS and LIQUORS. -J . "V-; ..'. Also. quantity of gFURNrrCRE, SUNDRIES. YAN SEE NOTION3, Jtc , , W .;; .0 ' ' P - RAVE'f COUSTY CODRT OP O . PLEAS AND QUARTER SESSIONS,! . Blareh. Term, A. D. 1866. PUDip Pipkin, Administrator, 1 - , fJZZS 01 I Pnon for Sale of John Brissington, deceased, Vbi EUtetomak Lewis B. Jones.et al. Heirs st Law J fl'. , . IT of John BriiiBington, deceased J' 4 J!; to toe B.arfictionof the'courtth. atroearins to the satisfaction of the Court that Lewis B. Jones and others, heirs at: law of John Bnssington, MMMd. reside bevond the limits of this State; it is. therefore, on motion, ordered by the. Court that adver tisement be made for six week, snecessireiy. in - some newsmner. f or the son-resident heirs of the said John i Brissington, notifying them of the petition and to appear at the next Term oi wis uoun, to oe neta on miu muu- dsv in June next, at- the Court House in Itewbern, and i that unless tney appear at ine saia term ot uxc wun wu . ... - ... . a . . . 3 answer the petition the same wiu d xaxenpro coniessq. nd heard expacte as toun'm. . Witness, W. U. Bryan, vuxk ox sua voun, tne zuu jaou day in March, 1866-, ap IMt V W. G. BRYAN, Clerk. I : JJ : O T I C E AGREEABLY to "transfer of ten shares of the Market House, at footef Pollok street, made by ex-Mayor Hough and City C-rancil to .the Polica Force for reasons therein SSfJJWSSgB? 'F!ES!P' I V1 1ST YOUR TAXABLES. H K't ,nTnLanMmmmm -ttehd at his nlace on iEast tron I gtreetfrom the 8th to the SOth inflt.fromlOto 1 and from A T"" At - T"-- AVCTlOR. i 'W.rr,-;,, ..i An rt ririn trt i I between Broad and Pollok, a - -s u Q n ieflnOSUaY. s APnl I I 111 1 866, I Army Waeons. a lot of Harness, Refrigerators, Me Chests, Mattresses and Pillows, Chairs and Tables, Cook- I Ing Utensils, &&, c ' ' y'T Flew Advertisements. May Vs Otfice, New Bebx, N. C.,1 Anril 7. 1 f Itis ordained byihe Mayor ' and' Coancilmen of ih. O ty oi Newbern, that the foUoft inff Uxea be. and the- Bmis are tiereny leried upon t e various busiur sa ocv pations and professions of the citizens of Newborn, loi t ,vl 01 lQe monta or April, to it : fffitoT T4 twent dollar. . y-r 2. On each anil t, ' - 1 wuose sales exceed fifteen thousan1 l?a twent7 thousand a year, four dollars and Hfti s whose sales exceed ten thou... ti rvr?r7 thn fteeB thousand a ytar. threa dollars. ' - whose sales LfZVI ?!ohnt, mercantile Arm. 0 fnts i , : MU Tw y v wi wa crery merchant or mercantile llrm. TfS1 Aye thousand dollars. 4id more toeta.' m wtj.- 0a 411(1 every msrebaut or mercantile firm. whose sales do not exceed two thousand dollars, and art more than five hundred a year, eighly-five cento! 7. On Mch and every merchant or merchants linn, or shop keeper, whose sales exceed two hundred dollars. o le,?8uth,Ln flTe bundred a year, sixty cents. r 8. On all bankers, express companies, oommission and .TJ?S mel5chafts- aucUoneers. lumh r dealers, wh. saw their lumber, bar-rooms ami hnfeia Mn.. exceed fifteen thousand dollars a year, six dollars 2 Pro! somTother business, ZZZile taToriy here bJS iinn una na a m o ' , . 0. On all still Tarda whr hra OM t., ..it.... gtillfl. Hix dnllAri o . ,m imT.T VI - " VT" Pf?18 additional stiiLs : v - : .r ., aiidtou flfteen thousand dollars a year, four dollars aad fifty. cents. 11. On all builders, fincludin? hnnsA .nA ahi cotton nressea. cawnpt. a.-.. .Ti.r .i".vr" v, " "" -x ubuuhs, eauug nouses, (lnciuaing oyster houses I gas fitters and Plumbers, crrist tnilla lnunran Tirr! rX ".DC"- i waicn-maxers, iamDer "T""- U9 UO- Bw tueir lumuer, lawyers, liTery stable keepers, physicians aud surgeons, painters, prini ing establishments, nlaninsr mil la. odical dealers, soda water mauufactirrt mri bash and blind makers, peddlara, steam railways, wajron- certs, shows other than circuses and menageries.' three ,u" " wueei-wngnis, : tneatrtcai exhibitions,' con uoi.ru rroTiaea. mat it dealing in newspapers and peridicals be combined with the sale of books, sta ion ery, &c, one-hal the tax herein specified shall be levied and provided further, that when a soda fountain is nsini I .VI . . 1 m . - In connection with other business, one-half of the tax oniy uereiu namea snau De collected. li. on ail barbers, book-sellers, drent anl 1ahm- gun-smiu8, snoomakers and tailors, two dolUrn. i. iiuwj oowune alleys, one dollar and fiftr rnt 14. On aU billiard tobies, when there are not more than two in one saloon, one dollar and fifty ceuts where there are more than two. one doLar for .each additional taoie. Id, On all hacks, two horse dravs. and nthA fwi h v icie8 epi ior nire, one dollar and twenty-fire cents. jo. un ail market stalls one dollar and twenty-five 17. On all fish stands seventy-five cents. 18. On all one horae dravs or carta, or nthr nnn imroA enicw s. ept iornire, sixty cent . - J IV. on ail hucksters, embracing eatin shanties, and iruit iuiu pie siauas, nity cents. rf. City Clerk. It is ordained by the Mayor and Board of Connnilmen of the city of .Newbern, that no live hows, sball be kept within the city limits from the first day of April to the iuufc. uy oi wctooer, uncier penalty of not exceediuic .weuyuTf auurs laMi ior tacn onenc. .. , It 18 ordained by the Mavor and Board of f!rmno.llmpn I vjr Ul licnucxu. UliH UU CVe 8DU1 CB QUE 111 . . 1 1 . i . . . . -. . .r . i .ttSS SXStlS dollars (501 for each offence. ' 1. It is ordauied by the Mayor and Board of Council- men oi ne city or AewDeru, that hereatter no sitJc shall be made and used for a privy more than two feet (2 feeti deep ; and that all sinks now used, which are more than two feet deep, shall be filled up to the prescrbied depth Deiore cne nrsc aay ox xoay proximo. r - , , i theSanitwry, insjwt. to infpertae .Sinks aforesaia. '2. It IS turtbtP ordainMl. That it hJl Kfc- Ahr n f ,rni tx w uu icri w w.u oauwary uommistee. mit duvu duim tuaj uo uiuiv uiau 1110 jitwuiiucu ucpd or that mif need o e mini out or repa rlnz, s. it l rurtlier ordained. That it shall be the duty of all occupants of premises within the city limits to have tbe sinks on their premis -s cleaned out whenever notified to do so by the bauitary Committee. - . .. . it is rurtner ordaine i. Tnas any person via a' ins any o the provisions of this ordinance, shall be subject to fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25) for. , each olence. J. C. STEVEN ON, City Clerk T f 1 iV h S Xt W TT TTPl 1 AT K i v juj w jljl j. x w -i-i-i- ifa7tufoc(urers and Dealers in all Descriptions of LUMBER, TIMBER, SCANTLING, &c On hand anJ for sale -..:-'. Seasoned Yellow Pine Flooring Dressedf WEATHER BOARDS, SHELVING, Vo - ONE INCH BOARDS, V' i STEP PLANE, DRESSED, WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, , ;( : SHINGLES, PICKETS, 4 " , LATHS, M0ULDSINGS, &c. DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS - Furnished at manufactures Prices. -' .Lumber Trd, Planing and Saw Mills on South Front Street, foot ot Muddy-. New . i . -'- Berne, N.C. - '''. " jy Orders Solicited. ap ll-3m JONES & AVIIITCOMD. v FEED T O JR ' . - , HA VINO j ust opened a flr8t-clas8 ; t . t t s - TT BED ST ORE In this elty, for the purpose of centering and supplying that trade, I would say to the public generally, thai I hare now and shall keep on hand a full supply of s- HAY,. : , . CORN, . . : OATS, 1 -, -. , . . GROUND ? i5 - v. FKKD, v - 1IEAL, H BRAN, - And would solicit the patronage of the it?: sr. vekd coirs of this city aai vicinity. - -, i; 4 U II B It , J. M.' RULTTSOJr, . Craven, near South Front sta. apl T-tf NEW .GOODS AT A. AlwJ, .... OOBJlEXJOr.-.. -i . - - 5 Middle mar 30-tf ' and PoUokjtrectSsf Auction Sales. .7. L. P0ALK. GEO. MARSHALL POALK &.-CO.,.': - ; ' " . ' . . - - I Auctioneers and Gommissioj rJERCHAWTS, GRAVEN BELOW POLLOK STREET r Consignments solicited or erery descrlp tlon o Property. j deo25-tf n284 - igY POALK M MARSHALL, Auctioneers. SINE RAILROAD CARS FOR SALE. KVJ'TM ft.iau..., : THERE will be offered for sale at PUBLIC at the Kailroad Depot, at Newbern, N. C, on AUCTI05, Tusday, April 1 7th, at 3 o'clock; p:m.f : THREE BOX AND SIX FLAT RAILROAD CARS. Said Property having been turned over to the undersigned by order of the War Department, as captured property. - All of said Cars can be put in Rood running order at a moderate expense; most of them are now fit for uJ xEHAliS CASH' ! D. HEATON, lapUO-tds t Sup'g Sp'l Ag't Treas. Dept Wholesale Grocers. 3 1 1 SUCCESSORS TO HOUG WHOLESALE 4 - AND TIDDY, HUTCHISON & CO., General Shipping and Commissica : y . . Merchants, SOUTH FRONT & MIDDLE STS., NEWBERN, N. a GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS f O TP A. T IV KINDS, SIJGAUS. , . ..sr. ! COFFEES, MOLASSES . ?y BUTTER, . CHEESE, LARD, " 1 BACON, t . PORK, or tne best quality always on band at sv Vmali Advance for CASH. ; i.. ' f 13 STORK -AJX POR HALH 300 barrels LIME, !250 , PLASTEE.V 250 " CEMENT, 1000 bushels OATS, 600r CORN.! Ample Storacre for Cotton and Naval Store, All goods stored by us covered by Insurance. Liberal advances made on consignments. Tit utmost despatch used in hhipping uoodscoa signed to our care. TIDDY, iXEUING 6 G0t : REFERENCES 1 CSABXOTTE,N.O, Oats. Williams it Co.. John W ikee. Esq.. President 1st Kational Bank,; join x. uoyce uo., ;w Eliaa & Cohen. " I s Robert , Hutchison Foster, ; " ' . . D. A. Davis, Cashier National Bank. ,., , , . . sTf. P. Moore, Zaq v - ; yf Hon. M. E. Manly. :i : -j. C- '- -J D. Heaton, Esq., President 1st Kational Bank. - t - S06W YORZ ' - . : n X TlMm.irHt Vas TSi.i-1 1..t r ..... VT.. II ... ,lll..t m Und street - . . . . . r TIOUV Ili.lllMI I CO., . W.OT f I AMU. WIIIIMIIWWM ULUUMUil I m 1 r Blossom itBros., 159 Front street, nelson ee tiougn, 193 west street. f- - - ; I;;! PHHiADELP0iA, pa. , JUeCandless ft 8raith, Broad and Prime streeta, " H. B. CoggshaU, Esq.. Girard House, ' I Gen. L J. Wistar, President Union Canal Company. ;imar29-tf V 3 R SALE AND TO LET CHEAP. About 400 bushels first-class COTTON SEED, tot vlttir ing. fleeted and warranted, at only forty cents , BMneLtoetoeeottttheloV''' ' Also a fine suite of Booms, m one of the most healthy aa pleasant locations in the city, to let cheap. Apply to HUBBS tt BRO., Grocers, aplft-St Middle st, just below oUsk O CI f-T- P o i 3H3 .f i3

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