I i .4 . 3. .ly , . ... :..... . I ! I ' r i 111 I I i - YOt 3.-N0. 2L NEVTBEM, rc.; WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18. 1866. Pmce Five Cents ? 7Tf- HAW ii 1 1 1! :n .X- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1866- LOOAL DEPAETMENT- Post Omci, Kkwbzbn, N. C, 1 - Febhtjaky 24, 1866. ' The mail will cloeeDAiLT as follows : ..' :ir tat Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, WaflMngton, D. C, and alf points jforth and East at 4.00 P. M. Vorelie&d and Beaufort, N. C., at. .......... . .11.00 A. M. Boanoke Island Tuesday's, Thursday's and Sat urday's at. - ... .7.00 A. M; fioldsboro', Raleigh, Wilmington and all points West ahd South at............... ............ 4.00 P. M. Bay Bifer, eyery Friday at. .. . . . . . .... ..... .12.00 M. Trenton and Pollocisville, every Wednesday and Saturday at......... .....7.00 A. M. gwift Creek, Washington and Plymouth, Jf. C, . - , every Monday and Thursday at.... ..........7.00 M. Office open from 8 A. M. to 6.30 P. M. Sundays, from 9 to 10 A. M., and from 1 to 2 P M." All letters to be deliTered in the United States, In; eluding drop letters, must be prepaid, or they will be sent to dead letter office, unless addressed to Heads f Bureau It Washington, D. C. GEO. W. NASON. jTb.. P. M. . 035 Telegraphic new received at this - office in the forenoon and up to 2 o'clock of each f day, Bondays excepted, will appear in our eyening edition, and can oe had at our counter or on the streets of the news boys, at 3J o'clock, p. m.; also, the latest newB by the Northern and Wes tern mails. - -' ; . . . - Business Notice. From and after this date, ' all transient advertising and job work must .be paid for promptly, when the order is handed in. The expense and trouble of, collecting little bills is so great that we are driven to this necessity, rhis rule of course will not apply to regular monthly advertising patrons. , ' , y i Zr. Wanted. Two active boys, of moral, indus trious habits, not over fourteen years old and can read well, to learn the printers trade..,,. Apply at this office, tf . . MAYOR'S COURT. Wednesday, April 18th. Before His Honor, Mayor "Washington: ,';-" " F. S. Bangert, for peddling' without license, was released on condition that he would procure them. - Nathan Edwards, colored, for jumping over the trail of the city cemetery, fined $5. -. Z - y-Xn'i-rZ-;-t:ZZiZi Fine Pictokes. "We noticed some albatypes yesterday at Mr. 0. J. Smtth's gallery, on Pollok street, hich for delicacy of finish and 'life-like appearance, excelled anything we have ever seen gotten up in this latitude. - Any one having 'a taste for examining specimens of the . fine arty can be gratified in part, at least, by calling in the reception rooms of either, Mr. SarriH on Pollok, or Mr. Hetwood on Craven streetv for they are both excellent artists. J" .. - ' r Taken Oft. We are sorry to learn that the steamer El CM has been taken off the Goodspeed line, and will run to Richmond, .Va., for the present The lerry will continue her regular trips to this port, and the El Od will again be put on as soon as business will justify. : - . - ImaoBATioN. Quite a number of the mechan ics and other citizens oi this place have left for Illinois, and others are contemplating a removal. They are industrious; good citizens, but the situ ation so straitens them that they have ; deter mined to seek better: country. . We cannot blame them. There are others, not quite so fond of work as they are, who would do well to follow tneir example, if they wbuld go to. work. In deed, new scenes, new society, would spur them, vvi the result would be good.J&zfeA Stntind. RAILROAD CASUALTIES. , Serious Accident on JLong Island The Be- : anlt of Recklessness. , ' " 1 At Xakeland, on Long Island,' yesterday, a Bohemian lad, about 14 years of age, attempted jump on a train of cars while it was running lowly, when he missed his hold and the wheels vent oyor both his legs, cutting one off about the anee, the other at the foot a a Mr. McLeish made a temporary tourniquet' to ! ?, v flow of blood m surgical assistance couia be procurcdto perform amputation.'' Dr. fgM0fwI?01ni a Pasenger on the train, WdMr. McL. had done all that could be accom plished without instruments ; but it was "ought the lad could live but a short time. 0' FATAL ACCI3DEJIT AT WILLSTOS, TT. - . iwfrif le8tday morning, on the Vermont atral , Road, near Willston, where a bridge wroas a carriage-way had been burned , the pre- Jious night, a train ran into the ehasnv and ifive in tWvr5,plled 0ne BPa another into the gap; ? . wrecked condition. A. frenchman; njaveunknown, was instantly killed.. ' The ctor was seriously injured . in the . spine, Xrl i in Pless condition. ; Six or eight sS.T. ve morei0r less hurt, one or two quite J hutnot fatolly. ' Shi bwreeks Reportert During the Month of jje loss of shipping during the past winter JT r11 neater than that reported in Jahy winl Mar 011ri, hlstoiT. and the stormy month ,of Jch SWella 3 reQrd up to : four milUons of ciS mr F ld VaJue'of the vessels alone, exT MTe of their cargoes; which have been wreck 30 J missing in a single month. Of, these nW rfn and 3 foreigners, bound to or United States ports, , in .which American 7 we?elerested. , r Four steamers, 2 ships, KstSSV ngJ?d 19 scbooners domprise the 5huSi i686 12 ere, wrecked, 3: abandoned, foJJndered, and 4 are missing.. Their toWL li?Sn!S!?nV?unted to at least $2,000,000; in a riXr0, a 18 amount to be destroyed C or Si nth- Theso losses, show.the ex hmr mm?Tce the resources of our Poseth?? .5cfs to ineet such losses, for we sup- According to vi.S: Jl Vcated bv T? chlldren in that State being edn plavfeholdera!11 emPloyers ho, ' were formerly FROM OUR EIORNING EDITION. Fikb. The denizens of our city were aroused from theirv apathy occasioned by the gloomy weather of the past 'two days by the alarm of fire about four o'clock yesterday afternoon. Our well regulated, prompt and efficient firemen were early upon the spot, and by their skill soon had pontrpl of ; the -flames, thereby keeping the fire from communicating with other buildings which were in close proximity to the one on fire, whieh was a small untenanted wooden building in the neighborhood of the North Carolina and Atlantic Railroad Depot. The following was communicated on the same subject: - : . i!-. "The fire department was on the sround earlv the hook and ladder first There was a ;case non com (mensheua.) The: arrival of the steam . r : . - - S eugine oonvincea ine citozens that they were able w control ine nre in .its onginaL building. The steam engine poured profusely on the fire as well as on the small sable race, moving contagion be yond a doubt on -the part of those present. Capt. Joe Miebs, having the pipe of the fire en gine, is entitled to all credit for thef sanitary measure. The hook and ladder company per formed feats for which there was not pp port uni ty to give- them- credit ' Mr. Tole exhibited I courage when others failed to' make a hook fast Uredit to the hook and ladder company, "fi ! . ' . ; .-Excitement on, Craten Steket. Yesterday afternoon there was quite an excitement on ! .1 . . ' . , . Craven street., in tnnRannAnnA nf An afFm-a t. I - ; v - i 1 a promiscuous' crowd gathered around, and these I ntm ,n oiuou utucnu-AUVUBi luerO was quite two chaps were , encouraged by various persons '.t...t!'..j.:.J . ; t present They showed that there was real cour age hid under theirblack exterior, and but for the interference of one of our most respected citizens, we have no doubt but one or the other of the chaps would have been whipped. , v i Spbing. All nature is wide awake. ; , Winter no longer, stalks abroad over our land pelting with her fierce unfriendly blasts, the unprotec ted heads of thousands of widows and . orphans who now gladly raise their hearts in thanks to Him who ruleth, for the return of a season of bright days and genial sunshine. Again the icy fetters of Grim Winter have been forced by balmy breezes to loose their hold on the vegeta ble kingdom and nature has again robed herself with the fresh tinted robes of beauty and : love liness. . , - - -The dark. cloud hangs for a moment like a pall o'er the face of the waiting thirsty earth, and then the rain" falls in torrents but" ere we can second the scene with our sluggish hand, it is uiuuigeu. ' A.uv viuuus aisperse, tne 4am ceases, and the bright, warm generating rays of the sun kiss the countless rain-drops, that lingeringly cling and sparkle on tie tips of leaves and buds of flowers. . The birds come forth, and with their sweet notes gladen the heart of man. Who can look around on this bright world and not admire the works of Nature ? . And who can apprecia tingly admire and not be led by. them to admire and adore Nature's God ? .- ; s - THE CITY. : See card of CD. Whits, -Architect and House Builder, &c. Persons who may want work done in his line will do well to give him a call, as he warrants satisfaction. ' ; ' ' " , ,5 ? Two Mules Taken Up-i-Advertisement else where. ' " ' ' " ' . - Applications tot Pardon. Washington, April 10. It has been reliably ascertained that: applications have been made and are .now pending for pardon by eighty-six ex-members of the Rebel Congress and one hun dred and thirty-two ex-graduates of West Point, bat whd served in the Rebel army; one hundred BragaIjongsbreeC1: Beauregard, and several of T.nn. .U. 1V! x - i x -r.t- .1 uio ircro, -Mfiu- uurtjr-iiwu pruuuuem ei-XVtJUei officers and one: hundred and sixteen ex-United States naval officers who held "positions 'in the Confederate service. Adjournment of the Pennsylvania Ieg ,j ilture. Z HABBisBTjBcf, April 13. The Pennsylvanhi leg islature adjourned sine die yesterday, after unan imously adopting resolutions of thanks on behalf of the State to Gov. Curtih for his fidelity to the interests of the country during the recent rebel lion, i Every member voted i,J"ea,'V and the re suit was received - withj loud and prolonged eheeruig. - Jfoiiticat Affairs at Jfrederleton, St. II. Prepiuuckton, N. B.,. April 13, The resigna- uvu vx iuc uini-vuiiicutiaTO Buuiuuouutuu ITCXO accepted unconditionally by Gov. Gordon yes- npw H rl m inif l-n firn Viqb vat Wn -fcifmart The House, of Assembly has adjourned until Monday, to give, the incoming party ' time' to or ganize. ? Do all in your power I to teach "your chUdrenvdentiJy 'the jwould-be-mufdererr and .measures Tf t.;m naBO;AM.a ihaVe alreadv" ben taken" to effect his arrest him. by gentle and 'patient means', to" curb his am bua&tb ir ii tt ri m iZZZil ZJ AwZ'AZiZzZZmmm ooHe?rtl0n, w iV onerous dnnea with alacntv. If onde come in to make, his 'obedience' reluctant,' subdue him your , children the ; habit of overcoming Uheir MWWWWAU V4WB Presentation, to au-Editor. New Tobk, 'Aprif' lO. magnificent gold watch, cold chain.' and a book, the latter con taining a complimentary address, weie presented to Mr. l redenck Mudson, managing editor oi tne Gerald, last evening, by his associates in the edi A. f.l n . . x x-x" 'xl..ir-aii rami department, .as a testimonial, vi uiviip preciation of his eminent abil ities5 'as an ' editor and his urbanity,, courtesy ; and , gentlemanly qualities. ,Mr. Hudson retires from his arduous post for a season for the benefit of his health. V -The following appointments for this State have been confirmed by the Senate : ; : -:Zr, ...... coxxectobs or rsTEnyAi; nEVEKUJK.' Edmund W. Jones; first district - r Xlewellyn 0. Estes, second district- - j Charles W. Woolen, third district j ; r William Morgan. Powell, fourth district1 Williaxa H. " Thompson, fifth district v; Samuel H. .Wiley, sixth district : , - John B. Weaver, seventh district - s " " ASSESSORS i OV , INTERN All REVENUE. ' Robinson Piemont, first district - Jennings Pigott. second district William H. Worth, third district " ' V " Solomon Pool, fourth district Jesse Wheeler, fifth district Hardie H, Helper, sixth district f ' - ' ' William" W; Anderson, seventh district ; " Test Csise under the Civil Rights Bill. A dispatch from Lafayette, Indiana, announces the, first easa irtvnlTin or flmtacf nf . ... Q V V UW XA V U iiights bill, as follows i A colored man 'J named Barnfts hrnnt. snif againstn prominent citizen , to enforce a con tracts "The defendant for an ftnawnr: pf nn that. the negro came into-the State in violation of the 13th article of the Constifmt.inn nf h Ktto - - MV PW VA Indiana, which, under pains and penalties,pro- debars them from all rights to enforce contracts. taining that the 13th article is void and of no ef- uvwauoo. J.. aw 40 Ml .tUUUaVCUUUu OX - 1113 letter and spirit of the constitution of the United stitutional amendment abolishinsr slivrerv Tt o v uuuet mo jLiib hbuuuu oi wie ylVU Xllgutl bill, which gives to all persons born in the Uni ed States fuUHght to make and enforce, con is void under the first section of the Civil Rights tracts, any law, statute, ordinance, regulation or i. l. x . Z. 6 , " v cusbum 10 me contrary norwitnstancung. : The first two points of the "demurrer are not worth consideration. w The statute .of Indiana has been in the Code of that State from time im memorial, and its conflict with the Constitution of the United States has never been snffcestA. heretofore, :- And the Constitutional amendment abolishing slavery ; simply abrogates servitude, and prohibits its re-establishment The third point will be sustained by the Court, for the reason that an adverse decision will snh. ject the Judge, under the second; section of the Cml Rights Bill; to-a penalty -of $1,000 uue ana imprisonment xut it Dy no means fol lows, therefore, that the 13th article of.: the In. diana Constitution is void." 'An appeal will aouotiess oe taxen to tne supreme court of the United Statefl.' and trn ffeftl1 nn thnf thst .;,, f " . WMMV. bttU IX nal, notwithstanding he radical proclivities of vuaoe uv . uu iara ubi orj uuiuial opinion, Wilt hold the Civil Rights Bill to be unconstitutional. We are elad that this test-case ha Wn ted in Indiana. It will thus go before the highest tribunal in the land, untrammeled by any of the prejudices which would attach to a similar case emanating from one of the Southern States. Rxhmoad Sentitul. f. 1 ' -' . '- Madame Pozzoni is taking-quite a circuit The Salisbury North State has the following ; . - . f jiA damk uARixOTTA- . jtozzojii. The above- named lady wiUcflemmence; a series of concerts Madame- Pozzoni has delighted the - citizens of . a x, ' newoern aunng. xn&f past winter montns, - and has just" concluded a most brilliant engagement of fifteen niorhts in Wilmington. &h will Ka . sisted by Mr. H. B. Coy, Baritone, and Messrs. ii vioivj auii imkuuuU) uu tuo piuuu UuU Vlulin. She was advertised to sing in the city of Ra leigh last night Retirement ot an Editor. L i Nat Tyler," one t)f the editors of the Richmond Enquirer, takes his leave of that paper in the fol lowing manner : : On yesterday I received an "order," by com mand of Major General Turner, to "forward by mail or carrier to Maior General' TVrrv." e.Tw manding the Department of Virginia, a copy of of the publication of the same." "Each issue" of the . jEaqxurer is .my private property, and should be paid for by those Who desire to read it If I do not comply with this order .my paper will be .suppressed ; if js I o do Z comply ;, with it, my property ia - taken from me without compensation. - I know of no right of law under which Lieutenant General Grant, or Maj or General Terry,' or Brigadier General Turner, has the right .to direct that copies of newspa pers shall , be. sent to , their t headquarters. As soon, therefore, as I read the late order of r Gen eral Grant, I determined that I would no longer remain connected with the press--where neither its liberty nor its property were safe from Gen eral ordersi A. week's absence from the city has prevented Hhe announcement .of my ;. retiring. Hoping that the days of "General Orders" will soon pasa away, 1 close my connection with the jiM'rer, wishing its readers . a speedy re turn ofthe happy day imd prosperous country which- we. 'all- enjoyed when that connection beiran-.-.i e ' - - 1 Oaring Outracc. , We are informed that about one o'clock last night . the proprietor of a restaurant opposite the Montague House, on Davy street was called up by heavy knocking at his -front door.' On open ing it, a burly negro made application for a quart of liquor, and when Mr. M. M. Shoflxaanptooped to draw it, he was struck witha heavy stick of WWU OUU IcilcU MJ UlO UUOr.' JLUO OlOW WHS UOE, however, sufficient to stun him and he cried out wooa ana ieuea to tne noor. ine diow was not, lustily for ,help.f' ? His vociferations had the de- oi his assailant, who has ' not since been heard from. The rascal who made the attack was ac companied by others, who, like their leader, es aaj t. a uiSa.aJ iiA. nr a iii ia .ui. This is one of the grossest outrages which has the iTeedmen's Bureau for the current mmiott fiTe tQndred thousand dollars, IN1 j TAKEN UP, near Jfort Spinous. TWO MULES, one dark bay, one rerr light; .manes ,nd tails. clipped, : The ' owner can hare tne same . on nroTinsr nrooertv and rayia charees on appli- catiottto - POOR, H ATX AM ft POVK, : ap 18-31 f , f c , Middle st, at Hubbs & Bro. , CI D. i W'HIiTE, ARCHITECT s AD HOUSE-BUILDER ;TS prepared to do All 'Slnda of ARCHITECTURE. HOUdE-BUUxDINQ, jBTAIR-RUNNlNQ, PORTICOS, ' AnyTie wia?-3 wdrlcacan call On 8. 21. WE1TU, ap 18-tf 7 . sry ai SPKCIAJ HOT1CKS. THE GREAT HEED SUPPLIED!!!' Pills have been swallowed in millions. Salves have been rubbed in by the 'pound, I Dr. Maq giel's two grand ! specificsare putting an end to this wholesale system of medication. One of his famous pills is a "dose. A box of his healing salve ia of nlorel value, as a lemedy for ulcerous and eruptive diseases, ' than a ships cargo of the Ointments advertised to cure everything, but are ell, in fact, either useless or. deleterious. ' ! Dr Maggetl's motto is concentration. He has placed in the smallest compass the active princi ple of the most potent vegetable specifics. There is no mineral in bis Pillsthey do not grip&Mhey do not enfeeble.. They create a vigorous appe tite, and correspondingly strengthen the diges tion. They tune the liver, clear ?the head and steady the nerves. No form of scrofulous disease can resist the disenfectent operation of the Salve Tumor. Ab scesses. Salt meuni,Boila,: Pimples, Pustules, &o., are thouroughly eradicated by this unrivaled medicine. In fact, Magxuel's Bnious, Dtspep tic and DiARRHcsA PiixLs cure where all others faill While for Buns, Scalds, Chnblains, Cats, and all abrasions of the skin, Maggiels, Salve is infalli ble. Sold, by J. Magxjiel's 43 Fulton street, New"york,nd all ; Druggists, at 25 cents per box. Sold.by- ... Sole Agent for Newbern, N, G r : apllD, '66. d&wly ' r. - v j Tampertnq with the Teeth is Madness! --Avoid the corrosive dentifrices, "submit to noscrapingi use nothing but Sozodont. . Orient herbs are its ingredients. It preserves the enameL It removes all impurities. It strengthens f the gums. , It deodorizes a tainted breath It is harmless as water, and more valuable than its weight in gold, an 18-eod3t. . - Fair and fashionable Young America has in stalled Phalon's "Night Blooming Cereus" as a speciality in all its drawing-rooms, dressing rooms, and boudoirs. Jit is well. , Beauty should breathe a fragrant atmosphere, and Nature, in all her bowers, has no richer perfume than this.- Newark Journal. , ap 18-eod3t Nevermore can the coarse gritty tooth powders and tooth-destroying chemical fluids find a plaee on the toilets of sensible people. The fragrant and preservative Sozodont has superseded them all. ,. ' : ... . " John Fv Foard, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, has removed his office to the Brick Warehouse, formerly .used as an ice . house by A. T.4 Jerkins, Esq., located on; GriSith street and the arm of the Tilroad leading to the River, where he contemplates erecting a Flouring Mill and opening a Lumber -and Wood Yard. .; Ho is also nOw prepared to furnish vessels with wood by the cargo 30 miles below ; Newborn, on Neuse River. aplll tf. HKLMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BUCHTJ Is the Great Diuretic HgT.MBOU8 COXCXKXBATED SXX&ACT SARSAPABTIXA Is the Great Mood Furifier. Both are prepared according to the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are the most active that can be made. . . dec 7-3tawly ; For non-retention or incontinence of urine irritation, inflammation or ulceration of the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the prostrate glands, stone , in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick-dust deposit, and all diseases of the bladder, kidneys, and dropsical swellings, Usx HBixMBOLn's Fltjto .Extract Bucht. - HeixHbolo'b Extract BrCHu and Ikfsoves Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders, in all their stages, at little expense; little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and no expo sure. It is pleasant in taste and odor, immediate in its action, and free from all injurious proper ties. Hkxxbou's Extract Buchtj gives health and vigor to the frame and bloom to the pallid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, consumption, insanity or epileptic fits ensue. ' . ., A Beady and Conclusive Test of the proper ties of Helxbold's Fluid Extract Buchv will be a comparison with' those set forth in tht United States Dispensatory ' ... - ;:-! j-. . , . j . ... . ,j B " - - - - Entxeblxd and Delicate CoNBTiTTmoNS, of both sexes, use Helmbold's Extract Bccmr. It will give brisk and energetie feelings and enable you to sleep well. ' V ! Z. t - r vr ' Take no mors Unpleasant : and Unsafe Remedies for unpleasant and dangerous dis eases. 4 Use Relmbold's Extract Buchtj: and ImTROVRn RjOSK-WASBi; f HrELMBOLrs Fltid Extract BrCHV is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injurious proper-, ties, and immediate in its action. - y r i it ' " ' : 'i tT " Manhood and YouTHurrn. Vigor are regained by Helmbold's Extract Btjchv. TheGlortov Man is Strength. Therefore the nervous and debilitated should immediately use Helxbold's Extract Bcchu. .. f ; , Sit 1 TTrTi m flnwa-piinniiw T? v mavt V.w 1Tmi BOLD'S .EXTRACT iSTJCHIT. NEW GOOD'Sv" ..:: AT'- .- - - - ..." .3-; Vi . ' . ., . ..' 'f I' M-b-L E AN, & O'o'sV;; .' - COBNEB OF y.. tt t.r t commi: rci a. r,. STATEMENT Olf THE NEW TORK AND EUE0PEAI, MAliKETS. . COBSECTID TOB IHS HEWBIB8 JXAXX.X TZMX8, BY Cotton Factors and General No. 20 Old Slip, KeT Tork. ' New York, WwoNesdat Morsiso, April llV 4C. : Cotton. -With tinfimhi.' j.. 'r;r - - --- r Niiun iruiu J-aVerDOO. kw uwcu Hiueujr at us lOiiOWlDg qaot- - -80 .80. .... .81 ....... .Y'aSI Tj Middling..33 85....86 ".s? Good Middling. .40. ... .,..40. .. 42 ' SEA ISIVTtR Wa him nn mn..iV. x- ? . . Keceiptsior week.......: U.S45bi xxm, tvr wetjx. ...... . 2u.H0 Exrxrta idnn Int J,mn ..... Exports same time Ust yeir..!.".'!..'.,!? "wovwi as pons in ut united States from - Close of war tn 1 t fbnfmiw An rtms Beceipts at ports in the United'states eSncir l,6U,DO0 , 1 no4 mj ii... ww. w.wituwa s:" irr .89,000 bales Mm.fnti aa M X' IMtC. ......... Exports to other Foreign ports ..139,000 ..43,000 - wuuuuc uuu ua Tjlioea ' are t &7SinqU0te! Pe SUte, iseoai1. Kxtrl : Wooix Contlnuea very much depressed; there Is little'' or nothing doing, and quotations are nominal. . HTDER- Th rnrAfnta hut tui t. . ' ' . .. market is dulL Dry Tx l4aTSS; wwra.-tte quote j standard, 26c. - , v Bopx. No. 1 bale, ltks. . . . s 5-, v. : NATAL 8TOBSS. ' . - -.&- quote : Selected White, 91c.. 89a90c, as it runs. Oof vjfjiHi-inacuTe and lower; $5 S for our last. We quote 2 75aJT87; stmiT,. w. vT 2-f62LNo-'$6a9 e a white vVgto. V mis: f . ii o 4 uows races ior s uotton to Uverpool at -a?.d; - per steamer, td. Tntt nni)u A V port 671. , u i Z T- Exchakob Has been very dull this Veek. until res today, when there was a firmer feeUng. Bankers quoted uolb.-viosea last evening at 126. - t; -' ; ' .i'- PKB STEAMER ENGLAND AT HALtTAX. ' - IxtVE&POOI. XT&mTi 07 P-ttv-vw .... ii. ica had a depressing effect on the market and prices re . viw iw uuug f xo. ojt38 on ue z7tn, ,0w bales, of which 800 were for speculation and export VEST LATEST VIA QUEKKSTOWH. ' '- '. 5 LlVSBPOOIx. Uirr.h "Q r,rt-rv TV TJ-1. .r '" fFJ fo?n B4lea ?f "ie week flve da ) fc S8-000 bales, OI WHICH 3.250 VfiFA taltATi hvananlafnTM mA O iw A. ' exporters. The market hu been heavy, and prices are v xi -liicniui, xiu ,aia lower I or other . descriptions. The authorized quotations are: Fair Or lS?n21di,MAddlin8 Orieaa". Wd; Fair Mobiles, 20. Middling Mobiles, 18&d; Fair Uplands, 20; Middling Up- i, c rJkHK4 The Bale8 toay (Thursday) are estimated at S.000 bales, t La martpt lnalnf Arm.. t-v. i . part by actual count amounts to 653.000 bales, beLsg 8.000 w wuiAiAiitco, ux wxuca oy.uuu are American. Shipping & Gommission Merchant. RICHARD BERRY, ' - , AND ' s COMMISSIOIV ElEItCDANT, Z AND WHOLESALE DEALEB IN Z.-Z-y '.. GROCERIES, DRUGS & LIQUORS : . leather Hay, Oats, &c, &c, . - -'FOBD-'S ; Phospliates or Ferdlizers, Will TOM OF 3,000 L.DS... ..tJOO, SALT. S3.00 SALT. FULL SIZE SACKS GROUND LIVERPOOL SALT, THREE .BUSHELS EACH, AT $3.00 PER SxlCK. ; ; ; A Liberal Deduction for Large Lots. At BERRFS B; BEERY; . AGENT FOB THE liosier Accidental Insmranee Company ' : ; . of americjl ' , ; THETRAVELLER&n OF HARTFORD. ' " AGENT FOB THE ; ? KNICKERBOCKER LIFE . INSURANCE CO.; t&- hZy. y - OF HEW T0BK," v.r? fk "Tfy PUTNAM FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 'HOME FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OT 8AVANVAH, OZOSaiA, r SOUTHERN INSURANCE & TRU8T COMPANT, I WJT BAT AAA AH, GEOBOIA. s companies sorrsro asd hates faux. AfVvl, MITUllllUlA A tlU A h. f Iff , .. Attended ' line of schooners to New York, or to JAMES L. DVAI8 to at as little expense to the owners as mcttk ' - JAMES L. DAVIS, New York,5 ' - 1 - -? WM. P. MOO BE, Esq., Newborn, N. a ' ' c ' E. K. BBYAN, Esq., Mansion House, Charlotte. K. O. ALEXANDEB WOOL, Einaton, N.d- - -4 RICHARD BERRY. febia-tf . - ? i FOB. SALE, . . - - -rii"",' ;t flTX T'.-i-'J -Jf-'" n6ethcabolinabacon .V.Vr trT.':::::;;" . ' i - ' v COTJI'TTBY LAED 4 iAL " WnilAM H. OLIYEB A ctrs.- - aprwt - - ti jQgro w OR 8 ALMS, :4t i FOTJB B ABBELS KOBTH CABOLTXA Tptttvv. . " w ouui'i'U'0,a WISE,--At - r . ,v. WILLIAM. H. OLIYEB t CCyS.- " ap l7-3t -1 SIS