mil - - aHwwair.tK3ieaj SSr'ilayarMsSPSgg IjaUijSfcSamnwrriiiri laiasil ill T tiiuiSSSUMSJiLlijnia . linn usi mm g 1 1 ft i J .inrir ' ' B1M1""''""5MMMHWiBBMBBBBMBBBBHiWP wDS2E9B2f!!5!SE2BSflSrjS9BBSSSSSSBBBSSSSSBeu j -pnbHshedevery., !D3rijMxi:Uieiveeitiy."eTeit3r it, on CrTi Street. Newbepw North Owolina. -1 SUO To clubs of ten ono year. . ?. 1 : . v ................. 60.0O 'joeiuu UI. ItSIl Hit IUUUVI1S. ........ ,. .V...'. .. KVVU WeekW-oW yew:. . A X '. . '. II'.;. I . . .L : '.'.T v Sl.50 I ' six months.'. 1.50 1 clui extent weekly.-cw yearJ A dub of tea, weekly, six months THURSDAY, MAY 17.. LOCAL DEPARTMENT r JPoer Omo, Nnmn, N. X, 0,1 i fhe mail win close D ail t as follows r fr Boston, Hew York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Sorfolk. WashizisrtOB. D. C and all points - I Horth and East at. 4.00P.M. Uorebead and Deaufort, Vt c, at;.;..;....r..ii.uw a; M. Roanoke Island TueadaT'e, ThursdaTs and Bat- n y r-j'; nrday's at..' ....u.. ..iI.(IOXr'lU OoldsboroV Baleich, wiuningtoa and all polnta i -: x. West and South at...,......,...,.. ..,wi..4.00P. 3Cj Bar Biver. Tery Friday at. .. ....... . .... .i.. 1J ,00 M. Trenton and PoUoctarilie, erwy wetoeaday ana Batnrday at .v . .'."..S r. i A "A. V0O AJjUL Swift Creek, Washington and riymonth, N. C- , Tery Monday and Thnrdy at.. . 1.00 2H f Offloe open rrom bjl JLtosi-.m. OnnilniL from 1 to 9 P. M. f n All letters to be delivered in the United SUtea, in. orading drop letters, must be prepaio, or tney wui De tnn dead letter omce, vniess aaaresaea o aemaa wowwn, tWanhlnrtonuD. C. OKU. W. RAtXJX, WB., r. BU Telegraphic mevs rfc?iT?d at v this; office in the forenoon and up to a ojcIock of each aaj, Sundays excepted, Will appear , in our, erenins; edition, and can be had at oar counter or on the streets of the cevs lojs, at 3 J o'clock, , p. m also, the latent news by the Northern and Wes- trn mails. - - J 'A ' .1 ! It!? I J i H BcsitfKSS NotIce. From and after this date. all transient adrertising and job rworkr must be paid for promptly, when the order is handed in. pixpese ld treble of ,?cellecting little'Mil is so great that we are driren to this necessity . fhs ,ruj,e, of.oourBetrill not .apply regular monthly adrertising patrons. . We are requested to draw attention to an adi yertisement, in this ! day's paper, of the Ifirw Yobk DisnoxcTDia Company,' who hare (erected a large building in New York for the manufac ture of Disinfectants :ras this is a' matter of pub- uu iuiwobi wo uu no cxieenuiiy, ana beg our rea4ers to pay all the attention possibierto clfiant iinew ior, ouoiera or no cnoiera, cleanliness is a godly virtue), and spare no pains in assisting to ward off fearing YttUation a,tbis'jdisease, by tjie free use of disinfectants which are re coramettied thflrNe orkBoar4 of Bealthl fhis is a substantial company, we are told, and their article, coming recommended as it is, ' will be of incalculable benefit, to the. public. Satlkd. The steamer. & & : 7eryyv Chapei,, masiier, sailed yesterday evenino-Vnr WTftA with freight anoT passengers from C. P. Good- n A. f r x a X X 1 Theb? will be asEeligioBs Lecture by Key. A. A. EiirfwOBTHj iit the Congregational Chapel,' on thjnwday eyengi at 7 o'clociljfThe p'ub. 1M are invited to attend. M j - - i .- - -y jr-4K Two Rooms advertised Arbccklb's Cornet '. ethod now ready for sale. by OtiYBJt Ditson, Boston. 4 -f 4 . - X ' Cholera DisarmedEvery"ohe shonld read tka advertisement under the above leading. - ; To Let. afjaotice of House ana vol vrxxv on Metcalf street. For particulars i apply , at this 7?0Jf OUR EVENINOlEDJTION.- MAYOR'S COURT. r2ilay, Jfay 'lfij. Before ; His Honor, Mvor WiBHiNflTos i ' T. Ct'I Bobbins, for riding on tide walk, iodg? bent.misbe'nded. aviiiitHipu .;4swit..' Ellen Kelly, disorderly, judgment suspended. SP&CIAi HUGITRATK'S COtTRT. 1 3d. Iba, Scbxb3 was , arraigned before - Justice psooon. this morning at 14) o'clock to answer to ihe grave1 Charge of horse steaMgThere teing no evident against hint; he was discharged, i nd the complainant ordered, to pay coats.: '- Cobbectioii. -IVe understand the fees allowed the cityelerk over, and above the five, hundred dollars salary, are five per cent, on licenses' only, and Wand half-on-real "esute." We are glad to make this correction fori we like anything that looks to a reduction'of taxes. ' ChlvTe TQbaJi iT.-t-We learn from' lrierehan round town, that business is beginning to brighten bean-awful dull foratdonth passed.' Auction Sale. There was ah auction sale on raVen;stri6tletweenfSouihrit ahdtfie Hver this morning;! 10 o'clock.' at which sevei wd hundred bnshelsofijpatff. were sold at 55 cts. per. btuheL y A;pouplQ" of horses were pat up, but ais they did not bring ; as; much J as vthe npwnet thought them worth Jthey were bid in. One o: them, a fine Animal, was run tip to one hundred and seventy, odd-dollars, iilbe Mher to one h inn- Wired PABDONJ6D.-TrThe, .iollowinfit t citizens' of j thiss Stale Java been pardoned by the President, -fen1 er the first and thirteenth sections of the Pri clamation of amnesty, viz. 4 XJens. ! Bradley , T. JohnsoaMid'WLlL.nnY. nnd H..KBbjt4 gwin, J. O. King, W.icJUsSSon, Alfred WU- hams, J. G. Ctok, A.M.WSs, W. B. Eodman 4. W. Hall, 0. G. Lynch and Geo. V. Thonfpsoii.' Its PHrtoppj,-ozodo4t is antacid. Soze-, dbnt is an anti-putrescent: ; Sozodonsalonio, Sosodont is all vegetable and entirely harmless. Henoe U leanfles the , teeth from acetous concre- tionaatops the decomnosition of their substance, sweetehs', the. breath, stimulates ' the gnms, and is tine1 saflist tHdireBrgrg paTOoToCFV11, .Vislana. BlAH '- wwll. " 1 'ggiB 37. T A Model KstaDlishment; Whiie inlfewbeii last week, "we werevkindlH K A shown through the magnificent Dry- Hoods Bazaar irf -Messrs. McLean 4? Co ' corner of Middle and Pollok streets. ' at the old Cuthbert stand.! These' eenlleinjen have probably the largest and best stock of goods in the Stater and e wQuic-rgauwhO v,isifc Mewbera tor? anop !TnJ? purposes to call and examine it. Goods ipr ladies and gentlemens wear, boots and shoesi hatiiand inffiict alrv tinner Add fi'vervhiifi7 ahy ohe ms desire will be tdund In , the mam moth stock. And then the proprietors are gen- llenien of character. 'who drifil fairlv and Monora- tf y by alLl Progress. ; ) . , , , ,, , . , A little racsred urchin, beesine in the city the o Lherdaywas asked JJ a lady who -filled1? IriT bfwkeft U hi; parents wene'living?''-'-' ilOnln J.J . 1 j IV. I i vaujt uimx, iiiiu in, buiu iaio uuy. "Then you have enouch in vour basket now to d the family for some time, " said the lady. "Oh. no. I haven't neither. said tne buL fior ahd me -keeps five f boarders : he does theJ K a. l 1 -r 1 - . l ii m vr if , 1 wwra, ana x ao tiie mar&es n. jvarwem exchange. naily one year.... ' fix months W 1 i 1 III 1(1 til 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ", ' ? 1 1 1 !s I I H I T .i fl' I n I 1 If I I I Vi T 'till III ' f 11 1; ! it I I t Al I Tl r Yl f-T. i M I .7 I , AN I , P U U Ml J. - ! h ' Pi ' I W It " ' ; l' LLftl .aJiiS '"- '-.-''.,'-..-.. - .!! JHT 10 THOU EIIT .sci .?rk cVs3 vlo irsl : F.a Its tc. oi ....10.00 I " r"V ; p 13 If ft AM qn. ' iluik.u; o.-.'.a.H - , --, VOL 3 .N0;r48. FAEEDJIAN BUREAU. Official xnis report peing too long for.our issue with nni hmirilin An lt 2 . . . . v. vw-Kjugj u uuiw lmponuM matter, we publish this evening, a portion of! it, ; and will give the balance mprrojrevening : I Xf Wilminoton, N. C. May 8, 1866. tlon.Jti4. M. btanton. of UWr We have the honor to report that in ohiuAa toinstructionk of April .7 last, directing ns to inspect ' t eportjflptai thAjPxeede&iSurfiau me uuiiary departments of Vinnia -Ky. vvima, poum arouna, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, . Louisiana, Arkansas and rexas, that have performed that duty in the departments Of Virmnia anH Nnrfl, n i? . """""" iuuuwmK repon oi our observations. We deem it proper to commtuueate the result el - . M uh,w owwa veiure proceeding further in the performance of the duty assigned nas Deen pur endeavor to ascertain, by t thorough and limoaitial invARtiantiAn fKa per in which! the Bureau has been administered and conducted in these departments and to ob sexvaltbe s effect, produced, by t apon the rela, Uoha betweenf th whito- and rblack races. "Iri pursuing our investigations we have , endeavored to arrive at the trutn, and we feel that we have succeeded in dome so. bv thnrrmcrilx7 C'roT and conversindr with reoresenbitivea nf oil ia,t. of people, white and black, as.well as ofiBcers on duty lu the military service and in' the' Freed- men s bureau in said States. We have cyisited all the towns and Cities of any importance, and the headciuarters of each district of the Burean ' i w vaj.iuuja, , ana aiso nave taken advantage of everv ; ODtJortnnitv tr versewith and obtain the opinions with -rfctr,a to the Bureau, of citizens whom we haVA met nn the, streets at the hotels; and while traveling" oh" NOBTH CAROLINA. ' Having completed our duties in Tirsnnia. proceeded to the Department of JNorth Carolina, and arrived at Raleigh on the 23d of ApriL Here we saw the Assistant Commissioner nf tho Bureau for said s State. Colonel E. Whitti r and obtained from him the following inform D 4 .V 1 1 - r civilians employe d, and the number of freedmcn to whom rationk iiave been issued since the first of December last in said Mate j U - it Commissioned bfilcers ia t he military service: One colonel, onb lieutena! X colonel two maio'rs seventeen captains, six iust lieutenants. fioifc uecona iieuienants, ine cnapiaua. f li- . . . . r r - MEDICAL PBPABTMXNT. 9 contract surgeons at per month $100 00 26 hospital attendants, at average pay each pir month 11 25 77 20 19 civilian employees, clerks, agents, &e., hi an average pay per montn of 4 laborers at an average pay per month In addition to i the foreeroini?. enlist men nra detailed as orderlies, guards, &c., by Command ing officers of the different inilitarv posts where rteers of the7Bureau are Serving. " I tn jRauooji nave peen issued as follows: nni 4 Men. '" Wotnen. w " ChUdrei TotaL 6,662 5,932 December , ,518 2.465 , 3.679 March' '.fl ajzua a,4ut The same reasons that exist for issuing rations to the treedmen of Virginia, and the necessity for the continuance of this relief, apply to freed men of worth Carolina. We found the feeling towards the Bureau much the same as that already stated as prevail ing in Virginia, except that ther appears to be a more universal desire in this, department on th$part?of jail classes to have it removed. f fThis, feeling is no 'dohbt attributable to the mlscun- duct ot many ot the omcers of the Bureau, such as working plantations, running saw mills, man- uiaciarmg luryeiiiiue, tar, au. vyeinuuus uiuu bring them, armed with authority of their official I who are employing freedmen. a We have investigated some of the charges made against agents of the Bureau, and in pur suing our inquiries -on thia point; commenced with the Assistant Commissioner of the btate, Colonel E. Whittlesey, to whom we addressed the interrogaroryi--'Do you know of any person 111 me uiuimrjr-bci yjiuo uu vi uuijr fivcuuicu a jjiitcuu m into ucuanuicui has been since entering upon the duties of his office, engaged bra interested, either directly or indirectly, in .the! cultivation of any lands withm the department n "lie answered, ".wo, auose- quently he addressed! us a note, hereto appended, m wnicn ne suueti uiai, iu wuei w nssist me , , . i i . 1 1 a . - . : i j .1. a planters in hiring freedmen and trying fairly the experiment ot tree laoor, ne and some ptner om cers of the Bureau had loaned money, and thus indirectly ha4ah interest in cultivating farms OnirecfflY&gihis note we 'addressed. Colore I Whittlesey ;forther 'interrogations, a.lcopyl Off WDlCu 18 aerevu kuumvu, w vuiiu u xciicu iu a communication,) also hereto appended, disclo sing the fact that he is interested as an equal pio-tner rlth the Rev. Horace James, of f iassa--chusetts, formerly captain and acting' quarter master Freedmen's Bureau, and, with Mn; Win thrt p Tappan, of 'Maine..: in the cultivation of a large farm in Pitt county, N. C. lie also stated therein that F.'Ai Seeley, Superintendent of the Bureau. for ihe Jastern District, N. C.j is -interested in the cultivation of a plantation in Wayne cbanty, N. C, with a Mr,; Potter, and that Cap fain Isaac Kosekranz, Commissary Subsistence, is interested with a Mr. Brooks in the cultiva tion of alplant&tion in Pitt county) N. C. ' .From Jtaleighi. we'Vproeeeded -to Salisbury, where we found Major Clinton A. Jilley, ruper intendent in the Bureau, having charge of the embracing fifty-one counties Western District! of the State. This efficient and competent ofiv a Cer has aaminisiereu mo annua vi buy uunnu Jwithin his district with much ability and impar tiality' We conferred With - the leading white citizens, embracing both those who had ! formerly beeri rebels and those who had .been Union men, and also with a delegation of intelligent colored people "representing the freedmen, all f whom agreed in the' statement, that the freedmen were at work, were ' perfectly satisfied, and ! that good feeline and harmony; prevailed between the 1 whites and blacks throughout the district. Maj. CUley is not interested in the cultivatipn of any planwtion, or in any other business not directly connected with his official duties, an4 he has npohihite.1 all officers servioz under him within his rdistriet front engaging in any. enterprise Wkicn WOUia enaoie aemyto appropriate wr suu- trol the labor of freedmen under their junsdic tion o advance their private interests. We attri bute much of the order and contentment of the frd men in the-western -die trict to Cilley's judi- i Rous ana aonesi aaminutrauon. - After cbmDletu9jEL.our inspection-jof ihaopera- tOHS OI tne UUreau ui auaju vlucj b uiBUKt wo 'returned to Raleigh, where we remained 6ae day for the purpose of further interview with Colonel Whittlessey ; but he being absent we were obliged to address him peytain interrogatories inj writing to which be afterwards replied as before stated. On the 27th of April we left Raleigh for New a: t - r..: n:n MM bern, the headquarters of Captain' F. ' A. Seeley,1 ed to investifirate the conduct of its officers in this district. Cep- tAin rReeley) was interrogated as Wwhelher he interested in any manner, directly tormdi. rectlyci cnltiYation of lands or in any other Private business requirine the labor of freedmen. He answered that he was not, except indirectly r superintendent of the Bureau, of the Eastern rdistrict of North Carolina. f We at once proceed ed to inYestifirate the afiairs' of the", Bureau and ;:::,newbem;n;:c I inin ii i i ui. uianmactunng lumoer, 'Having prrrchased or being about to purchase with two of his clerks wmu aoont forty miles dow the, triyej; t Dfi Bosh, inedical purveyor, .'TJ.- S.y3L .i xtaiioned at Newbenv and a Mr;; Potter, a citizen, were sub sequentiy examined, both of whom stated that Captain Seeley, Superintendent of the Freed men' Bureau or the district, v entered -entc part- uerBuip' wnn -mem, oout-December last, ara contract to cultivate the farm of Mr. George upl. Her, citizen, of North Carolina jiear. Goldsboro They commenced operations by planting seven: hundred acres of cotton and some corn ; this work . . . - ... .. uecetiBaruj inquiring xne laoor ox a large number of freedmen.: Dr. Rush stated that some two weecs since he had conditionally purchased the interest of Captain Seeley in this plantation, but had not ? yet consummated the -contract, i Mr. Potter stated that about a fortnight ago Dr. Rush, he himself and others had conditionally purchase ed part of the interest of Captain Seeley, and that Captain Seeley still owned an interest in tb plantation, r ; Without being bl determine, from the testimony, how far Captain Seeley is in-i terested in this plantation, it is perfectly evMehf that he prevaricated in his answer to ,. our inter rogatory. . : , , -'' rujjctii Capt-us Rosekranz. Sub-Agent of the Burfiftn at Newbern under Captain SeelJ and Commis sary of Subsistence, as will be seen by reference to the paper hereto attached, is also engaged in. cultivating a large, plantation near Little Wash ington, N. C, with the labor of freedmen woiiY he supplies with rations as a part of their wages.' In one of our interviews with the freedmen at Newbern, eome Of them who were -employed in me tjommissary aepartment oi the .Bureau, sta ted that rations in bnlk hnil 'riAAn fronn taken from the supply warehouse at unusual hours, before the doors were opened for the transaction, of , business, and hauled off in -fiftrts turn vniiuns, ana xiiai on lone occasion tliev 7ia1 followed a cart containing four barrels of wrV , to see if it went to ..the freedmen's ration: honse. They ascertained that it did not We ravestiga- ax.: i z i . j-ia-? t. . W3 uiu pari o uuu uase. - vapuiin j&oseKranz, sta ted thate knew nottiing about it His brotb&. Citizen whont' he 'has employed to act as"" a commissary sergeant, stated that the fonr horrla oi porx aiiuaea to were ordered by himself to be taken from the storehouse to the building from which rations are issued to the freedmn Vmt that the driver of the cart had made a mistaVn and took ; the pork to the wrong place, a provi sion store kept by Mr. P. Merwin, and that im mediately on discovering the mistake hei had it rectified and the pork returned to the storehonm. Afterwards we called upon ! Mr. Merwin,,: who stated that at about the time' Mr. Rosekranz said the pork had been sent by mistake to bin store he borrowed four barrels "of TWITS" frtvm Capt Rosekranz, which he had not yet returned. He also stated that Cant Rosekranz on that Aav and after his examination before us, called at his store and requested him to return the four bar rels of pork immediately. Mr. Merwin further stated that he had exchanged with nantnin kranz two barrels of brown sncar for two han-eio of white fiufiar, and paid Captain Bknujz five cents per pound ror making the exchange. mmi h Opposite Newbern on the sonth hnnV 4Ka ; Trent river, there is a settlement riirannaui . chiaiyely of freedmen, and coutaining . a popu- i lation of about four thousand, whose condition ; is truly deplorable. These unfortunate people came withm our lines and were located there I during the war. a ihevar livine m srmll ntc gle room, each of which is occupied ; in most. cases by large families. The appearance of this settlement, recently scourged witn tne smau-pox, is well calculated to excite the deepest sympathy for the helpless condition of its inhabitants. The decrepit and helpless among- them "are sup ported by the Government of the United Stattv and the remainder procure an uncertain; ana scanty living from little jobs about' Newbem-f froni fishing with small boats, huckstering. See. The Rey. Mr. Fitz. formerly an army chaplain, presides over this colony as Assistant Superin- Undent of the liureau ior me xrent xuver oes-; tlemenL " This agent has exercised the most ar bitrary and despotic power, and practiced revolt ing and unheard oi cruelties on tne neipiess ireea men under his charge.. The outrageous conduct of this man was brought to our attention Dy a delegation of freedmen from the i settlement, 53 . ' . . 3- .A. A A 5 who called upon us ana maae braKioenui ixi re lation to his oppressions and outrages which wo could Bcareely credit.' After bearing : their statements we visted the settlement, convehed the freedmen; investigated the charges against this man. and ascertained that he l had been guilty of even greater wrongs' and oppres sion than bad been complained -ol.t in addition to the testimony of 'me-freedmerf 'We tooktheljojjolerable distinction at an age when- most A--i: A - .'jn,'A.ri IaJIaA hnm I . ' ', . ... i -1 . .J 1' a statements of four intelligent ladies from-the North, who are teaching school in the settlement, Among the many acts of cruelty V committed by Superintendent Fitz, we; found that be had - in two instances suspended freedmen with cords around their, wwsl.their feet not touching tha floor, and kept them in this position, in one case four, in the other case six, hours ; that he ! sen tenced a freedman toanTlniprisonment of three months for a trtval offence, that of wrangling with his wife. He kept another man who was arrested for debt Shut up in the block house- the prison for' months while This wife and two children, retraced to aojecx oesuiuwon, uieu with the small pox, and took him froinJstte' pris on under guard and compelled him to bury bis last child in the cradle in , which it died. On another occasion, whea 'one, of f his guards re ported to him that a colored womanhad spoken disrespectfully of him.S withoat even inquiring what the woman bad said, he ordered her to be 4 imprisoned until the next morning a -nine o'ciock, when she should be brought before him to answer for the indignity. In one instance he imprisoned six children, for ten days for playing1 in the streets on the Sabbath day. He imposed a fine of sixty dollars upon an aged ireedman for having told another freedman that he was! about to be arrested by Mr. Fitz. This poor old j man not having the money to pay ; the fine, was im prisoned nntil the next' day; Whenibis son i paid the same, with three dollars additional as jail fees. ''!' ; - ! j :: ?, j TO BX CONTINUJO. H I i i The Freshet is WrscoNsiH.i Accounts from Madison. Wis., represent that Wisconsin iver is two feet higher than during" the great flood of 1840. when it rose forty feet. " The low lands are inundated and appear like an extensive chain of lakes. Dams, bridges and habitations nave peen swept away and destroyed by the flood, and man v lives 4osU The to property will pro bably exceed. $l,0OaG0V -batasyotUia'.iBt'; possiDie to lorm any correct eBuuittio, vwunc v the complete interruption of communication. At a fair' in Massachusetts the average wei ght of men was found to be 141 i pounds : of women 124 i pounds. The largest man rejoiced in 203 pounds of flesh : the largest . woman in -274 pounds. The number weighed was.23000 per sons. tK 1 t Goon lDA.-An honest Hibernian, trundling along a hand cart containing his-valuables,' was accosted with irt i t f -n t''4- 1 Well, Patrick, you are moving agaia, 1 see.' "Faith, 1 am." he . replied, for the times are - so hard it's a dale cheaper "hiring hand-carts than paying reats.' ' - ' - -'-7 ' Jl A. Sad Ci.SE.'-4--A prominent bawyeri;in , conver sation with a friend, the other day, , remarked that' there was actually danger of his, bterally otervin? to death. "Why. is not your credit good at the butcher's?" asked his friend. j "It's 1 nat that, was the reply ; Tbe fact is,! have ol appetite for breakfast, l never have time to go home to dinner," and when I go home to am generally too drunk to eat J" tea. ' ' 1 111 ' 1 s. r RSDA? ;may i7.:i866r v a. .w X&rapsii 1 great Irish mogul, the' seven heads aid tet.prni with j . blood on em, of the Irish reroiutic has arrived hi Few York, and Gothua has. 1 sa and still fit iiT a , ferment. Greai lrUh:l7 d mall,!'old lrlah and oung are-all aUr, ad Stxphbhs t besieged from mora to night ind urgently entreated to1 lead itMl.fff ii a; Emerald. !s!9Soa.W glorbma A- very enthmaatio and poetic member of the Brotherhood hi written aa aU hail'to the great Head Cein,,wh)ch runsaa follows: ' A WJCLCen, Tf XAMKS 8TEPHESS. - Hi 'an ATI hail to jimmy Stephens, " if MM , . The herolhd the man, v b ' Whs Will Irirt nit An n vtAynv ' 'r " 4 iuTiv.i:-v-rv - ', t s . . u woy can. . , . r He has shopped his Irish' fingers ; ' And skedadUd to this country , tl trtvV at his aise; ' - .i i nnar no wasi it men and rtfies 'Quns to shoo tutu nuv 9 we aear oia aartj , with aim unerring, ; y r AttherWi n ton's nea-t, ' plenty of 'fm, And full we all shall see : d shall be numbered That oald ;W1J the nalons that are free. ; In his grave deeps Thomas; Davis,' 0ii But his to l is marching on ' Marching on o lead our heroes J Till ouldlteland's freedom's woa. And the wodU of Dan O'Coanell ' ; -" Kin r throh every loyal brain. ' if wf re only faithful, , j t: , independice we shall gain. a. a.."- '-r. t V m . .1.:..' juea me jontfn nuri ma curves ; , - If America; only : tTondeseinjl to give a 1 boosi ' f To bur heroi Jimmy Stephens. -J. - " li Who has abeae across the sea, r , : z : .: jyi to organize our forces ' ! l - ' sbtn'k "And to aafthe nnMUnil froa - I;, vm. aJs su.t f.-5 i i CarseatJh tie dirty quarrels t-. s , u Tliat havemade our effotta wake, Chirac on: tie beathen. UiratOrs Mi Who have tried our ranks to break.: iY-Butihercause bfdear .ould beland -! "; i:t? I not dead, and cannet be t -- h- yfhUe there throbs a singl4 thrue heart 4:i 1 1 To thotuneof liberty. . I , . Ml'ik&i-i tc-3 -?-ii :'m il. jifiooii thedruuis will be beating, . 4 tr 4 l f 7t j And Ihe green above the red ' waving in the sunshine , sti i Pver.Ireland s martyred dead ; , Ij:vAnd tbe.dear.onld land-grows dearer, - ,1.,; i j jaAnd ita-bopes become more bright, ,- . i a,, ;A woseej the etar of freednv , - i Jthrough,1he giooni pf lreiands night, ; . w , Soon thft star shall shine rn glory, r , 1 8oon the Saxon's power shall die, - - . - inJjialii black with dishonor j ' , , . ! .That theircoun&y shall .be free, Though ten thousand martyrs jieiish Li me cause of liberty. 1 1 i !i ' TJtien all hail to Jimmy Stephen I ": l : i Let us take him. by the hand, " And, forgetting all our quarrels, , ; .. ., t By his side e 'er firmly shtand, ... For he comes to lead us onward, ' , As no other hero can, . . : To the freedom of ould Ireland 1 ' i Founded on the Bights of Man ! ' ' ; i-ci - - i J t !Sk4el Jauci Stcpnema. James Stephens was born in the town of Kil kenny, Ireland, famed for , two things ; purty girls";, and black mar Die,.: tie is. aoout xorcy- three years oi age, tub a pieasanv genuenumiy appearance and a keen "and piercing . eye. . He received the benefit of an excellent, education. and cultivated, the belles letters to a very, great J ? extent. :jLi.-t ? '?.' -. !$ f The liberal sciences, however,, formed bis fayo rite study, and we consequently, find him adopt ing the profession of a civil , and mflitary en gineer, in which bis skill and genius won him men have scarcely acquired the., mdiments in. .IMIlfllllllT ' ' " , : , fvnririor tbA latter' veara of the repeal agitation. Mr. Stephens was professionally epgaged in .the, great Southern and Westerri railway works," 'at f Inchicore,' Dublin. At this period he entered into political hfe With many ?of the best and WOrst men of this genemtioiL , He was in con stant attendance at the Tourig Ireland Clubs,' where he wai always a welcome and distinguish ed speaker. From Dublin bis? professional du ties brought him to Thurles in theyear '48, and, in the summer of that" year be paid a holiday viait-to bi -parente at- Kilknny During -this visit, Mr. Patrick Donohue arrived is. Kilkenny from Dublin, and he soon attracted the attention of oner two of the Nationalists of the "marble city" by his vehement denunciation of the , gov ernment in the coffee-room bf'thd Rose" Inn. Mr. -Donohue was a total stranger ; in .Kilkenny, and wi8 suspeoted . by the few club . men - who happened to form part of bis audience to be any thfne but a disinterested patriot He was. ac cordinelv. ."persuaded", to appear - before the club ; but even to that body he appeared to be unable to give a satisfactory account of himself : whereupon the club appointed a "committee of two" to conduct the suspect before Smith O'Brien, who was at that time busily "takin notes" in the neiffbborhood of the Rocks of CasheL James Stephens" formed one of the committee,' and this was his first overt act A short interview a very cursory inspection only was necessary to give O'Brien an idea of Stephens's calibre, and we next find the active young engineer the most clear-sighted and indefatigable aide that sur 3 Smith O'Brien at Bldlingarry. When Stephens saw at a glance the futility of endeavor- . .. .. - Jf i. . ing to raiyr tne laitenng, . anur. wj uifipuo uuf dence in a mere phble, he: llt jBalungarry, in disgust ----- y r -1;, ,;.:'".t. After the disgrace of Balliuearry he left for FrraiiM in omnanv with Johh . OMahony, to l atndT revolution la tM most approvea crencn SCaOOlS. OB aXTIVUlSJ Hi lAO AJk,JUVA mwvv knmhu lodiripM in the Quarture Latin, and in company with CMahony earned a scanty liveli hood by literary pursuits.-traaslaUng and writ- 4B tor the press Stephens published several translations ox vaaries avicasne- www w wo literary feuiUcto of the tPruk, which at oae in attraeted mneh attention. Stephens and ri'nr Knn v haeaina f enrolled 1 laembers -; of the nromiment aeeret societies of the French capital. and learned all the details of their organizations for the purpose, of gaining information, which afterwards served him in organizing the Fenian Brotherhood After becomiwg thoroughly in fnnnfii stAnltenB left Paris fo Ireland, and, oa arriving commenced the greU work of organi ung the L B. B. After almosf Herculean labors he succeeded ia gaining' oyer the majority t mAnttil and Intelligent' yoanz men of TUfKf tfcw ; J-nmnanv. ' He Started the Irish t.j. k mint err and thoroueh Irish revolu tionary newspaper published; -ia- Irebtnd Jie viSited America tnree times, aMnainted and intimate with ail the Irish effieersia the Array of the Potomae, and VlV 1 ITbicb Tiyb Centb JT in the Army of the Westthe4 majority of whom became affliated members of cthe organ ixation aader his direction.. After his return to Ireland he was arrested, and imprisoned in .Richmond jail, from which he made his escape in the wonv oerrui manner known to every man who speaks the English language.; He escape 1 to France, and was there entertained, previous to his arri val in the .United, Sutes, by the Marquis de ixjuusjr, tno xrencn dignitaries.!ilwiU : Academician. and Other sifts, io -sa-i.l m: Dim Hew Advertisements. NEW BOUK;FOiTHS CORSET. "ARBUCKLE'S CORNET METHOD, t , , C01CPH.KD PASTI.T TBOM . . . . 0!fSS,;'' KOSKIG, LEVY A9TD OTIf KltS, . coyTAnmta - ; ' C7omplet, Progressive Instructions,! Followed by a series of Exercises, treasons. Stud ies, aad Arrangements from trie Best modern Opera., by MATHKW ARBUCKLE. Price $3 00. Sent oat paid. . i '4 OIaIVEB TITSON CO., Publishers, -. may 17-tf , v . Hit Washington Btrett, Boston. Gn0LERAv DISARMEI)!!! The Chief causes of Pestilence Destroyed. E. E. COURT AEET'S DlSISFECTINa TLUID3, secured by Letters Patent in the United 8tatea and France. Prepared solely by the New York - Disinfecting Company, at their Laboratory, Nos. , 298, 800, and. 802 Henry street, 51. Y. Office 43 Cedar street. This. Company organized on a permanent basis, with Dr. Courtaret. the celebrated French Chemist, in charge of its Laboratory, la prepared to furnish1 its lir-rarEcx-ino f hjtds for sick rooms, nurseries, . urinal, -water eioaete, privies, cesspools, sewers, giutenv. ships, rait road, hospitals, prisons, and pnblio iost.tutions of all kinds, slaughter-houses, offal end fat- boiling establish ments; all kinds of manures (immensely increasing the vaine of the latter to every farme,) and whererer pois onous and offe. sive gaes exist. These agents are deo dorirers, antisepUcs, antlputrescents,' and disiniectauts in tiia soientifio meaning of the words. .They remove noxious gases -an odors by chem cal principles lnarlng in their places keaUkful air; they are destroyers, and not. inertly abtorbeati ot poisonous gases --not injurious to utensils in which they are used. The attention of medi cal and scientific men is directed to th. se disinfectants. Attached are testimonials in Xavor of this great discovery, which, with hundreds of others can be seen at the Com pany's office i I j -M"" ; i SaXAVAK HotTSK, IXBAST,' March 80, 186. " To the Preti&ent cf ike Nev York Disinfecting Company i Dkab Kib :. It id all it is repesented to be. We have made many trials of disinfectant but now -consider that we have feund in arlMe which surpasses all others aa a remedy against all bad odors.! T. Eobssei. A Co. , ' ' New Yobk. April 0, 1866. To the President of ike New York Disinfecting Company : , 1 Dkab sib : we pronounce it witnout exception to ne the best w have ever known. ' Its effect upon every matter is complete and instantaneous. . . -! . .- c A. otkphxn, Ator uouse. I tar N. IS These Disinfectants are used by the scav engers, under the direction of the Sanitary Pe of the Metropolitan Health Department, New York. : rT" I 4 Cedar atrett, N. N. GeneriU and Sole Aaents for the United States and the Canadas, to whom all orders Bhould be addressed. - For sale by all Drnggiste and General Dealers in the United States and Canadas. ) , may 17-3m . . I J . u . F OR REN Tj TWO BOOHS, pleasantly looted. rifcA-r' w part of the city. For particulars, A HOUSE and LOT on Metcalf street. Apply at may l7-3t ,.f , ; ; . . " THIS OtTICX. . -'J. rpo AtiL WHOM XT. MAY COSCEllH. This ia to give -notice that I forwarded by "Flag of Truce," (during the late war) from Newbern, N. C, to EDWARD B. STANLY. Hillsboro', N. a, a certificate held by me, for ten shares of stock in the North Carolina Rail Road Company, numbered twelve hundred an" tuty one (1251), date not remembered. Said certificate haying been lost, this notice ia given with aview to making ap plication to said Company for another. May 16, 18A6. : mayie-im I utuaou iuiaU. At Auction. By geo. Marshall; Govern me n t A oc't. PUB LI C S iL E 1'KOPEHTY. j . V, at WILL BJB SOLD, at Public Auction, ' Tuesday, the gad of May, 1866, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the United - States - Commissary Storehouse, at Foster's Wharf, Newbern, N. C., a large quantity of 4 COMMISSARY PROPERTY, Consiating of ' i: ;'5 ' :l ' ' ' J" 'Jv Iron : Satea. : Platform' and Counter Scale, Spring Balances, Commissary Chests, Paulina. Pumps, mocks, Coffee Mills, Cauldrons, Hay Fork, Buckets, 1 ;-'fU f Whetstones, Screw Drivers. Gimblets, Bung Starters, Head Raisers, Rivets, Kails, Hammers, Plnenere, Viaea,'"': , r- j- r -jr .. Drivers, Adaes, Tap.. Borere, Butchers1 Steels and Knives. f j " .. , Meat Hooks and Savra.'Hatehets,' Cleavers, Scoops, Molaases Gates, Fuivnels Faucet k. Dry Meaaurea, Liquid 3Ieaures Reference Fllea Candle.Stleks, Rulers, Ink Stands, Manilla Hope and Stove Pipe; 2 Alfo, at the above sale, a large quantity of , i , . , ,. ' - HiaeS4 Tallow, Hops and Mali. TEItMS-Caah in Oovertment funds on the day of sale: ISAAC A. KOSfcKKANsJ, , may 15-31 ; ' Captain at C. H. V. JS. Y. i By . S. DUFFViAuctloueer, BUGGY WHEELS AT AUCTION. u "T7VI1IDAY, At io cidc M. Hay 25, 1866. WIIaL BE SOLD, AT PALACE HALL,' FIFTlr NEW -BUGGY WHEELS. maylS-lOt : , ,1 .! a JjRiCK MACHlSaV ;J , .. THE National Bnck machine Is a Clay Tcmptnas JIaenine, and makes, with onlyTwo Horse Power, , THIRTY 'THOUSAND' J3PLENDIB BRICKS 1 Per Day,1 with weltdefined-eges and uniform lengths. ' If the Machine don't perform what we claim, for it, we win take tt back and iru.nd the money. Unusual Indue tmeni s oirereci to pqrtna- xn mt Territoria I Rtatits. Address & , , . AJBxtAai lUXiVA, uen. agew. may 8-lm 141 Broadway. Sew lork. STEAM GIUST MILL. WE are prepared to grind COBS U any quaautyj . making the beat of meal, at our v . ' .i .yr;. I S TEAM' MILL Also, on hand aii d for sal. Hay,: u a l s . , . Co n and Meal J. A. HAHK1XL at CO- . . r3an--tT7 C EVEBSOS A 03 Buildins. E- Pront at. -KSlHni.T 'TgWKMgJi'g .FOR BEST, inn Apply at apU h. a YOUSO k CO'S, Pollok street. ?ntj anrceedfag lasefOon. .. . X . . . .. .T, Unateaeeraars. anall advdrtfsementa hm be oonunucj and ehargad accoriliufe.jljro.jKKurt they should )d':--fUMUfiMnetSo(M previous. AllbiUaaM tobs settled theist bf .every 'month.'' A Uberat disoount raades to those rho advertise largely. TheTlMEShaeslaiwcircnlatloninEastfrn North CsroThi" thai, any. If not all other papers combined, and reach tif every'p art j fhe fij'unlry, ia the BEST, medium i or a iveraaing m ' h tae. f Miscellaneous. A Certain Cuiv'ior (his Disease 1 s iMAY BX FOUND IHi THB tJSB W POT.DAVIS' Vegetable .Pain:KilIef! PEBBT CAVIS-Sib r Although personally a stranger to you. yet the benefits 1 have received irom the use Jt. your invaluable remt-dy, the Pain Killer, induces me to pen a word of praise for it. Experience baa convinced me that for Headache. Indigestion, pain in the Stomach, or any other part of the system, severe drills. Weariness, Oommou. Colds, Hoarseness, CHtLtKA.-CHOLERA ' MOKBU,,"Diarri cea, Pysentery Toothache. ter tts, making btUT tke ain KilStrf I have .this hour re- t covered from a severe attack of the Sick H adache by a sing up two teaspoonsiul. taken at thirty ininatee- iurr vals,nvwineglasa.fuil of warm watery , .r -.1 amiceiiildeufr that, through-the blessing of tJbarlt saved me from Ue .chplerduring the summer of 189. Traveling ami J hear, duet,itOil, change of diet and con stant exposure to an; infected atmosphere, my system was daily predispose to dysentery attacks accompanied ' with pain, for which i the Pain Killer was a severeim remedy, one teaapoonfal curing the worst case in an hour. or ai nmn, holj a aay. iy orotaera in tne caluistry iire need it with much aureeea in various diseases, V - I have heard many cases the country over, of dysentery being euTed by its use. 1 Put in the-teeth, it would stop UIJUU1KBB I . I (' Oratituae; and s dee ire : for its ! general use. has drawn from me thia unsolicited testimonial in its favor,; ... -u .. t. "--- 1 If. T.' TATLQB, Ja., " 'j .Minister of thetiospeL The, following latter Is from Mr.! Wood ward, "of "St. Louis, to J. N. Harris, Esq., New i London. Connecticut : Mr, Woodward ia a resident of jSt. Louis, s gentleman of high respeCtahilityJ and during the prevalence of ' the Cholera in that city, has watched the result of the application dl the Pain Killer for this disease, and his testimony can be reHed upon with the utmost co ndence, Pxab Sib : You reoolect when I Raw you in New Lon dou in January last, my expressing to on my most san guine expect stions that DAVIS' f PAIN. KILLER would have a tremendous sale in the West this season, and my anticipations have been mote than realized, and the teatt moiiy of thousands who have used it has been that they would not be , willing to go to bed at . night without it in the house; -".' ' i ' .1 "' ' ' On the appearance of the Cholera In this city, such was the confidence in the Pain Killer as a remedy, that many who puruhased it remarked to me that they had no fear or dread of the Cholera, as they had the Pain Killer by them, and hundreds took it daily aa a preventative for no person can have a derangement of the bowels or di arrhoea it they use thia moth sine, i Thia waa the security and confidence of nundreds acquainted with it, and when their fri nda were attacked with the .Cholera the) would administer this remedy in large quantities internally, and also externally by bathing and rubbing them with it, and in every case when it has been taken in any of the first augea or this disease it has proved successful. - I consider it an infallible remedy. 1 have not heard oi any individual in any family, who used the Pain Killer when attacked, but what sp -edilj recovered. - Ihe eJerk informed me that he administored It to par- -sons when cold atd in the cramps, and it gave immedi ate relief, but Hill it should be given quickly, for when the discharge of "rice water" has begun, the hope of life has fled. Should this disease make ita appearance among you. as in all p obability it Will, be not alarmed ; ' you- and all others there have the remedy, and I am confi dent if the Pain Killer Is used, not a death by Cholera will occur in your city, f r'av - v 1 Kespectfully yours, . . - :vn i.Uiui . 'A. P. WOOD WARD. Those using the Pain Killer should strictly observe the following directions ? s . . - , , At the commencement of the disease, take a teaapoon fal of Pain Killer lc sugar and water, and then bathe , freely across the stomach and bowels, and with ths Pain Killer clear. : '""j-'T'T r. . Should the diarrhcea or, cramps continue, repeat (he dose every fifteen minut a. In this way tke dreadful scourge may be checked, and the patient relieved ia, tue, course ol a few hours. 1 " .. N. K Be sure and get the genuine article ; and it ia recommended by those who have used the Pin Killer for the cholera; that in extreme eases the patient takstwo' or more teaspoonf ultnsteadof one. f ' . 8old by Drugglts, Grocers, tiBtr-ail-doftiqxs In family' medicine. ' "may 13-tf : inc unLH i iiLku , uuh""- v.'.Z nave been rubbed in by . the, pound. Jt. Mao- oiel's two grand spetifics aye putting an end to this wholesale system of medication. , One of his famous pills is 1 a dose. A box of his healing salve is of more value, as a i emedy for tdcerous ; and eruptive diseases, than a ships cargo of the Ointments advertised! to curd everything butare all, in fact, either useieai or deleteripns,..tar, , . Dr MaogexlS' moVto' i:i c(Axrdraikni. He has j placed in the smallest cc mpass the active princi ple of the most potent v getable specifics. There - is no mineral in his Pills- -thep,do notgtipeithey -dp not enfeeble "They :reate a vigorous , appe ' tite, and correspondingly strengthen , the diges- .. tibn. They tune the I Ih er, ciear , tie head and steady ttfe nerves' ;l,fMli 4 No form of scrofulous 'disease- can resist thip disenfectent operation of the Salve Tumor, . Ab scesses, Salt Bheum,, Soils,. Pimples, Pustules, . - 'Ac., are thouroughly eradicated by this.unfivale , medicine. In fact, Magoikis Bilious, Distep- me ana uiiEitHCKA itxlh cure wnere aaotners nui. While for Buli8;, Scalds, :lDlarnsn,r'ad"all ' abrasions of the skin, M4q6iels, Salvb is infalli-1 ble.,,Sold,.by J. Magoiel's 43 Fultdn street, at 25, oepts, tperrj New lork, ahd all Dfuggistsj box. Sold by - . , : ...,V. , Sole Ageht fori Newbern- N. .0. apl 10, CC d&wly) , i Jobs F. Foakd, FobwabdiSo IfcB 'COitMOWIOH ' ' Mebchant, has removed his dffice to ? the: Briak : s Warehouse, formerly used as an ice. house by A: T, Jerkins, i-sq.' located j on niSth strectftuil . the arm of the Railroad heading' t6i the itfvcr, 4 where he contemplates erecting a Flouring "Hilt 5 ,and opening a Lumber and Wd Yardi nhniX ' Ha is alno now nrenared to furnish vessels with , . NeuseBjver i;; r.3r'i;'kiisf; 1 11 .A '. K e E P :C Q O L iJA-NsDiB-TJ rl-. nil " ei ihfjiWii YO u Rh ST R A Wc H A T S j ! ? ! " .X ! : O F '. r. - . -1 ii ...... P II AIR One;irundred prrtt Htyles, ; x N O A H"; W H E A T O, N . Jf id Wholesale M4 jtetatt Jktr. ta i I j j i" ".B'tiW 'T i ,f. wa WOOD MOULDINGS, r BltlLDlNG ImXTEBULp. , S.srOr.adWs;'-: t'H-aW rink' A Large assortment on, various styles conaumiy pm .,. . , hsnd, and mads to order. Particular attention paid- to' ' ' 3 abipotng orders. . f , j V, Hr X ITEEti E X C H A Jf O k A If n vS'A LE i 'A OS -MIDDLE, -i BETWEkXl FOLLO 'CK' STDTt JOUSSQS II. BRTAJt, Proprietor. TEE public may rely upon being promptly and fully -aeeommodated. . feb 1-tf I i-s

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