' f ii" t iMim'm" if ii iii i in I iim': i'juj.j ,. vk. '! ' " m J" " ' i.'imim"'!' 1 ti iliu snut "'"Jf t""11' ' i tiujimjiikj jiirn" j 'i ' : i I raicrn jinr'i 'i' iit TTTr i""J"i CTT". ", '"'"'IT' 1" "ZJi' 1Z --LLL' ' -J'" ".tl...".!!!'.-J!". .J.".' the WttWr wery Tncsdy. o fr Stmt. Newi-eni. North Carolina, ..... - v y, - v.. -v ..a; J I" , ' v .. km ..n arroo4blOirTflir. - J - nfly oneyear.a S7.00 l,.eix month,'.,. : Toclubt of ton onerearr.T........ .. ... SSmW-'--"""-""""-- 30.00 weekly ow yr;-77:vrv-?y1 . .ii a fen. weekly, an years.V.YA'";s;.'!.. .. 30.00 A club of ton,'weeklyMx innni v., ,. 10.00 rIX)0 Ala DEPABTMENT rr J - - ' ,rBKCiT24. 1800. T4 if til rtiiu fATt.T U foQOWl I :" ' I " i ! ! ' . irth ind Rut at .'. .V. ; i 5 r. -. - f .V. C i ? wnnliMd nd Beaufort, H. O.. t. . ... . . . . . ...I 1L00 4. M. 00 A. M. iardnp letter, murt be trepaid.Jor they will toe nt, . waahinston. ! C GEO. W. NASON, Jk.. P. M. Smid&ya excepted, wiU j)pearnow; erening editionr nlca'bohad ftt dur counted 6r on the greets of the news hoys, at 3J oocpw ; iao, the latest Mws thedrth :a4d i Wee ' tern mails. - - ' ' ; ' y Job Wobk. We keep constantly on hand a large andvariedptocomatejdal, also!nr8cla8s Job Printers, lor all Kinds oi wore ra.raw mw. "Orders in the city apd ftop the oonntry wi re- j jc4ve prompt unwed. BusrjrsBlNoTK.rrDmaid'afte5J this date, tll.ransient adTersing and Job work mpst be paid for romitly, Hen the order is Wnded in. The expense an trouble ot collecting ttle bills 'ts 'm great thit e ire driVen to 'this necessity. this rule of course .will not apply to regular . ntUy adTertising patrons, j ' Tmt CoiKKBTsnWr nnotinced, this moning, , , that he Boyejn;J(Iasical Society would repeat thai entertainment on next Tuesday Bight, but having learned that the 'June term of the county I court will be in session nexs wee, mey..ue uc tennined to hold,' orth " again; pn to-inprrbw, Friday evening kt 4 : o'clock'-ai -fitf neatre. Owing to1 the 'iriclemeney fther leather last Tuesday nighty quite a )itftntx- 'ot erstriS! ho ' had' bought tickets, did'not WfendV alisuch wiHl . be admitted on this occasion on the same tickets, iifrmillTfl TIBimiAllJ : - 1 1 I .I i ', " ' ;j. r f ;. r ji-r wewaa oaisjgrai power eetim from one Telegraphic 9na1,rci7edna jOffice-1 ;ta(fe into ' another, wnich would beVrendered by ' Witit forenoon and'up W 2 'clock of hMay, a crusty old bachelor, the peaceful state of while those, who did attend before will have eyefjl.. -Brill Via YirpfiantAd. TVie Ror.ip.tv haVft Tbonght a splendid instrumented as felaCkl ,hnnt n. hArA rioiUra of hi0ff i money to pay for it j they hojJe this coucer wiu enable them .to ft4i jjiug ;lt and leave a handsome dividend for'benevolent puTpoBes. ? I . . ..! l it . ' ;nt.Li.....i we nave no aonoi uie evciuxig wuaij ictmoub, anA VinrA tn raa A crowded honS6.: .i t'K 4''' t- The programmes will be out to-nigh; or early in the morning. - . ' : ; .. Sphot or Ektxstbiss. The auction house tn Middle street, kepitby 3 JtoBQMi was represented this mbrnmg by a-jiegro on mule, with a bell and a lUgTCopgop went jthe mule; ' tingle,' tingle,' Went the 'Jbelt; ' flopriop, went the flag. x Taking the whole in. cbnsidera- tion, it was quite k ftmny sightryet, it, was at-J tractive;arid;fihbws an enterprising spirit in Mr. f "J - rfli..j! ! from the New .York - Tribune, few days tince, an' ... v . a.j:?-:'jiJJ ..4-aaoll-ae-ft foil iasaeiiuei tof igHuf fUUHU V,ere official statement, made by Chaplain COUvis, Freedmen' 5n's Bureau.Agent at Goldsbo to thefff j Secretary of .lEarin. which said-GLami it seems, misrepresented Wk. K.Lakk, Esq., a very res- pectable and iofiuential citizen of Goldsboro'. The following is MrTjAwt's reply : j i H diuMiofN. cjjay 28r 1866. of the Freedmen's Bureau at this place, bearing date the loth insC, in. which Chaplain. Qlavis states that he encloses you the affidavit of .ItTr, Llh contridicting General's STxa5jftn4 FuixutTOK in t the report o -,the . managemeit of the Freedmen's Bureau, by the said . Gxo. 0. GLAVIS. U ; .'Jn'' '' ;;- I have' only to. say in reply that if the said Oxo. 0. G la vis htr furnished you any paper writing purporting to' be signed or sworn .to by, me, that It is a forgery; as I : have never iven Chaplain GLAVia orj ny one else for him any, such paper-writing. I would farther state that I did not see Chaplain Glatis after the report of General's 8TBMAKahdFraiaaTOK was pub lished in the newspapers, until the 18th inst., three days after the date i"Tf Chaplain! Glavis' letter, in whioh he states; Clhat he encloses Mr. La's affidavit. - : fVvHr';-. : and arowas. well is ,tfl,jysel&Aha,it should make the foregoing statemenfcTHT TiTX . iVVrytespectfuTlyll'; J Yonr'oVt 'servant, fi.it TIM The action of Congress, of, late, promises some thin c more liberal than was evincad a few weeks ago, the Senate having found; vUtthat the farof ite planklltiiho reconstrtotiob platform of Mr. ThacU Stevens was an offense to ail patriotic and liberal minded people,' such as would sink the whole thind beyond all chance ot being carried. Although rihe disgust of Mr, - Stevens is manifes ted by the parade of a new and special programme oi ms own yet day oy aay is piam uxo nauon is having less and less patience with his1 extrava gancies ; and had the more; liberal in Congress made Uie &ttco very of his utterly mischievous purposes little sooner it is possible sonv : Of the' "constitutional amendments . ' now f put forward in the way, of 'compromises" might of really stood some chance. . With past noble opportuni ties' wasted, however, we do not believe ;.the peo ple will look with much favor, hereafter on;; any scheme which favors continued irritation! and the postponement of; peace j and so it will hvppen that the radical mischief, will have wrought its own cure. We shall see. dtimor$ Commercial, WonE, MStaiwok Stortary ffaiCTTR&Ain 4ee Rothschild, of Frankfort, on Nathan Boaxs-' 'fon'"cdy i 11 ui A if A t fhiW5 ofLbhdon. TThe' Bank haU bAUhtifore- Newborn r, ovet the signature of. Gioegb O jtq de with bnO stronger thn thbaikJIIRi Glavis, ChaplamtJ. &: A., Jate Superintendent ate pea wns!" exclaimed Nathan Kothsch'ld, 1 . '. U 1 " ' T .. -JT' J. - . Ill1 m 703.-066. FROM OUR MORNING' EDITION THX MjssTijro raTo-NiGOT.---The imeet!nar to arrange fci ' fhVrourtb! o July Celebration: wilf take place this evening at 8 o'clock instead fit 3 o'clock, as before stated, at the Collector's Office, foot of Pollok street. t V r i i : Lost. Mr. Jamss Habbisok, out worthy foreman, (as Pat would say), came up missing 4 on day before yesterday, and not understanding I1e:f atf abouts, we instituted a search, feeling sure some thing had gone wrong. We traversed the city round and abcrat, could riot learn anything defi nite, but saw signs of preparation for a tre mendous storm or a beautiful clear sky, (could'pt quite tell which), in the way of Chousehoid and kitchen furniture, moving in a certain direction. At half-past eighl o'clock, at night, all was made plain to us by receiving the intelligence that a Ir. (took'her) Tcceeb, had laid violent hands upuu (xuu lUKKiwa, tuiu . mauciousiy, or oiner- singlerblessedne, into, the. state) of misery and vexation. But we can assure our friends that ,we,Ja , nsbeete; yordU of Jhis,r?orfW3iaye been swimming in the, sea of matrimony for yearay and we re to-day of Ihe' samebpinion' uppnc thej subject pi patrimony . as we were when free therefrom, and we doubt not that our friend ii hiappiest niarl, in jthe city" to-dayexcept one, and that one is our friend Hksdeeson, who WpM6 PiedicameitQ H O O T ; We take this method of congratulating our friend and his fa1rvrbtide and wish them great happiness through . life, hoping that , their Aetr-i-sbns may be conducive to , their pleasure in old age haC they see them sporting tthrongh their broad iteliis in joyous; youthful gfee. - ' I;" AsoTHn Alarm or Fike. At 10 o'clock last night, just as the firemen reached their respeo tive engine rooms fromr the turnout - at the false signal, the alarm of fire was again sounded from the Market Station and the Front Street M. ;E.. hur.ch. It prMeeded.jBnvthe warehouse lef mrj'flenry Nn Uie rne of Front Jilted Cross streets, 4n! orifinated from the spontkne1 ons combustion of a barrel of lime, large quanti ties of, v which, were, stored therein. Owing, to some difficulty in procuring water in the vicinity! the firemen failed to arrest the flames until the entire tenVof J the rehous'adl beeixo4 sumed. " The walls being fire-proof, only the roof and internal portion of the buildinV1 were . - : --V. . 'is 4 We could not ascertain the extent of the lossi H ffi&Wp hundred to three.. thousanddollar. The' prop- r.t v.' Wilmington Dispatch . 131 f . . & r t . -i- ' : 7TT -ttt w r k 3 4 i-; . - Chapel Hilii. the commencement exercises of the University of North Carolina.' at Hill, takes place this week o fcroi Y ance delivers the annual address laefore the two rLiterary So cieties., The services ? of the Salisbury Bros 1 a?w,; which is one of the best, if not the very best in the State, haye been called . into;jceCttisi tion ; they left here on-yesterday evening for the UrdvtySury SJafc, 5th. fronv'the 1UBarlotfis that the Catawba bridge completed and, hat trajus paqseaoTer is onuineoin ior tae nrst.iuna.i . ?SAluS)-The fine steamer a-tj' Oir commander, sailed yesterday , evening tfor? -New XT 1. ' OL. 1 1 'J -i 11'1 -w-a.pmgeg all fiUed and n'number f-'deck' psen'geW'be-' X to spend the .summer months..' -m eTenge of; uotbscnua. i.:n An amusing adventure is'related as hTavphac i pcucu ai uuib. aji pgiaou, , wxuca uau com mitted the griateet disrespectof refusing to dis- bvoui s uiu oi a oar go amount drawn' Dy Alist- when thwyireported td him. thef Taot) "Private Ersons ! I will make these gentlemen see what ad of private-persons we are. f . Three weeks afterwar s Nathan Bothschild. who had employed. the interval in. crtherinflr .All tee 'fivepcurrd notes he oould' procure in Engl sauu hiju i on me conuneni, preneniea mm sell at the bank at the opening of the office. He drew Lorn his pocket-book a five-pound note, and they nacuraiiy countea o.ut nve sovereigns at the same tinle ilootmei quit astonished that th)a Barbn Bothschild should have tronbled himself for such a:trifle. - The Baron examined oe bv one the )Bolnsv"apdpthem3nto a littlo. canvas bif Lherj a rawing out another note a tniraa tenth a hondredthTEe never put the pieceslbf gold into the bag without scrupulously examining them. and in some instances trying them in the balance, as, he said,: !"the law gave him the right to do so. " The firsl rocket-book beins : emptied, and the first bag full; h.t passed them to hisclerk and re ceived a Fecond, and thus continued untill the close ofihe tank.;. The Baron; had employed sfet en hours fbchange twenty-one thousand pounds. But as he-alsa had nine employees of his house engaged in the same manner, it recruited that the hoase of Bothschild bad drawn twenty-one thou sand in gold from the- bank, and that lie had so occupied the tellers that no other person could change a single note.'; ia .i. - . . :1 Everything, which bears the stamp of ecoentxi- citvtia4 always pleased the English ;They were therfforathe- first day very much aTUsed at the Eiqno- of r Baroa . JEtothschild, r They,- however, inghed less when they Baw him return the next day t the opening of . the bank - flanked hy his nine ' clerks, and lollowed " this time by many drays, destined to arry away the' species.;,: They laugehd no longer when the king of bankers said with ironic .simpl'city, "these gentlemen refuse cq pay my ouia a nave swora not to keep theirs. At their leisure, only, I notify, them that I haye enougn to employ uiem zor two months. fx For two months I" rt : ' '7TV(V 1 "Eleven millions in gold drawn from the Bank of England, which they have never possessed" The bank took alarm ; there was something to be done.. The next morning notice appeared in the journals that henceforth the bank would , pay xtothschiid s puis the same as their own. a; Negbo "' DBQWKEix--We learn "from the ... BichT mood Whig; that.a cLfficulty-arose tetween a onnad of federal soldiers and some nerojs a few A .v since in" that city, and' that a negro was thrown "into the dock . and ' drowned.,: Others would have been served likewise, but for their rapid flight from the scene or action. , i iii i il I f - ? . - -'St 'II ill hi V II II J 111 I r. r . a. -is. jJt ' ii ' I nn i i A poor unfortunate" out west h6 has, r no doubt, been the -victim off some ' of these horrid institutions, thus rids himself ' of ! his pent up feelings; ?. ..."-t A : . t Ohow these girls, when walking out, - nUpon the crowded street, ' i " Do all they can, in tiltint, skirts,"-1- -J l.-it .lit Wea To show their pretty- fee t - " ,a JJut Utile do they think that men' Jjoot iit tbese mammoth tents, - u -1 ' And think that while they show their heelv t ' - Than elini. ..n..A . I , ' ' ,""i- .UO" Jl-lTf -i 1 ll .There was a tame when irila did dress, But now. they only h&li , . r , j t And. really, to look at some," .."V J They're "choked to death around the waist - "With heel and shoulders bare -' i H ; And yet, wrapped Mp itf all their goods. ' ' ..There'a little woman there. ' They dare not eat a "good square meal." J L "! yr wais; a mue xignt quick ; -a . ? . u in ur aarn a sock, oj sew a shirt r JJnless it make them sick. - L f TbuBg 'man, if you would choose a wife ! We'll tell vou once f or all i " ' ' Don't take 'her in a tilting skirt " , These hot house plants will wither soon -i They're psetty thmes ttf see '-'t" " But-if youTd lead a happyiife,"- . You'd better letthem lm i t- " V - ; Tajt Baltimore kSuh, commenting upon the de- i cision of Judge Nelsonrsavs : ' v ' ... The high "judicial exposition of a ereat politi cal "question by" one of the most Venerable. earned, and upright judges of , the. Sunreme Court, who comes fresh from conference with his brethren, among whom all those great issues were considered, and before whom thev were de- bated.at the recent term of. the , Supreme Court is mu auinoniy equivalent, unaer tne, jcirc,um staoces, ' to ' decision by' the whole Supreme Court:? The oednle V will 1 acaen 'h ' nrh t . Judge Nelson's opinion as the . mariner noon the iracKiess ocean places his. faith in the.oompasS;4 waicu joints lnyanaoiy tne .true course in son shine and in darkness.:' '.O lf "With this decision the opinions of Stevens, of oumner, and ot&ers, that ,the Southern; ,8tate.a have forfeited their rights as States of the TJn on and are 'ho'louger entitled to the privileges of me vuuotituuuu, mu wuipieiei iodine ground. With this decjisio before .him every.reasonable and candid man is coprpeDed to admit that every condition, every restriction which is attempted; representation ii Congress,' is a plain infraction of the Constitution.'f jt the support of which the war wasj carrjedion. This decjsron iyttfsdlemn obdem'nationf Jthe Committee of ReoOostruo tion, and of each and every modification of their plan now or lately pending before Coagresi, jor which, under the pressure of their necessities, may be hereafter proposed: The language la pure and simple tha1 j under their present constitutiaos. and the Governors' and Legislatures elected under tbent, very state tional rahU and vTmUge$.'l-&$-criS'.tx vsM ? J These words of Judge Nelson ought to'be ' emr bodied in the resolutions of every political m et- mg ana inscribed upon every nag whioh floats as the emblem or a free and united people; f These words place the whole moral power of the' judi ciary of the United r-'tates a,longside the xecu tive,: and exhibit to .' the gaze , of the world the majorities inOoneress and1 their supporters as the only real enemies to the peace and perpetu lty or tne union to berund between the Atlantic and Pacific ocean s wt- sj. ' Tbe Trial of Mr. Davis. j : Nothing definite lias yet been learned concern ing the, time when the United States Uircmt Court .will meet, -or: whether the trial Of. -Mr, Davis will be expected to take. plac at ptbeXoreJ r .It 'appears .that the Grand Jury of the United States Court lately in session at Norfolk were not discharged; out were adjourned to! reassemble, in this city on ' to-day 1 .This,', however would seem v, jpe jiuormai.t as acueume mat tne- jury were so djouniecL; the act of Congress had not' been passea wnicu authorizes the holding or a ispeciai, session in xMcnmona. it u arguea, tneneiore, that an order must be made for special session, and nneTfrjury empannelledt befpre; any business can. ue iransaciiEft, oy.ine courts 1 0. t b & t , : Judge, -Underwood j iias not yet .reached1 the " Messrs: ujLuhdr,i and bhea counsel Jor Air. Davis, have not arrived; but the . other counsel for 4be fUiistmgnished TMsoner : are : stiH 1 at the EXCHoteLtt, Ko information -, can sbe-.; obtained as toi the course that the- Government intend to pursue: and in the trial of - Mr. Davis he most impor- MUll UliU bUilt UUUUliCUb tj VC fct)It feV&- t-T 1.1.: i.:.A ry one is left. jcompletelyvin the ; dark, f It ds hoped that something positive will sooh be pub lishedr' and from present indications it iH prpba- xnp wai no session 01 ine voiiea'.otatesijourt wilj be held in. this .city at this time, i2icAm?nd Dispatch, 5. The reports from the differeW'SOTtbniSbest do not justify, the belief that the ; coming' yield, especially 01 cotton win, , pe large, , The cotton growing States;" both East and West of the. Mis-. sissjppi river, have been visited ' by an unusual numoeroi neavy rams and nnd storms, and the bottom lands have1 been-' almost continually sufy jecteo toovemow, . ine; seed cotton 1 in .many cases has proved : defective. ' From all quarters comes this latter eorapiamt,Jmd.,ini, spme 'por tions the fields are being plbwedpp And .planted in corn. . Unless affairs speedily changa;tor:. tbe better,7tt.eoTOjmay?pas wenreparerfpr .nhrf rcrbp. Thewet' weather anoV bad' cotton jieed are, playing JiavoC rWitb , the, planters. ? ,Of grain: there is prospect of a good yield. ' Vixburg , -Southern ttaptlaf Coa Ventlon. ' ': I .' 'A convention blithe Baptists of the Southern States, is in sesmon. at. liussellville, Jentuckv. lAiiegates were present irom Diary land. District of Columbia yirgipm,- North and South Caroli- aivv vxeyrgia, awuuuis wnua, xioniBwna, - AX fcAiMam; Tennessee, -"Kentucky and Missouri. " 4 ...The following permanent officers were elected KtH. Mill. , President; S. L. Helm, of Ken tucky, J. B. Jeter, of .Virginia, B." B. ' HowelL of Tennessee, and A. Jr.' Williams, of Missouri, V lce-Fr endents ; lieorge J5,' ay lor, Ofc Virginia. and . W. Pope Yeoman, of. llentucky, Secreta- rieS.'" :"'" '"t.'C" ' " - jrV ' '-v'" - ' -v Itis'eTident tbaVthereii disl position in' this Convention to co-operate in any 'TV 'RnntiRt TiTimbr in tb ponntrv 13 ASA churches, &V379 mmWte1rs,'and"l,li 6070 bers. 5 xhr inciuo.es norm ana souin. f ,,r. . . tr. o r Genebal JoHSSTOS.-Genenal Joseph E. John ston has accepted the Presidency of the Alabama and Tennessee Stivers it railroad company, lie IS expeete,tin ie'ma soon. : -u, The road to which Gen. Johnston is elected exte-.ds from,, telnv. northeast, in tbe direction of. Chattanooga. 135 miles, toBiue. Mountain, whenoe there are stages to Kome. ii II ' . rii. I i r ill 'in Tiju ,t ' j n.r i . ". . 'in liitiU'- iR3w??F,p!?r 'Miff i -ru ". The value of courtesy in buisness men cannot be overrated "; nd this applies to retail lines of buisness. Most of our-suecssful buisness men are pre-emmsnt in courtesy ; and,,were it not for their modesty they would- te.I you how greatly their .success 4s 0 win . to it.' - W : know of bno in broadway, '"started on a large k capital, which 1 "rapi ky ruadiaV'lts-ilf.-simply because the headpf.the house is grhff Jihd snappish with the viotuu i ait psiaujasumeni. , an wares are excellent and elegant j his prices 'teasonable, nis rooms, -attractive,; bat all are of httle account without the t uavii r in tnodo. . On the other hand, let a trader however unsophisticated he may be, or however. limited, may appear Ihis prospective purchases, go into Claflin's,v who. does buisness to the extent of over ibrty millions' a year, and mark, the courtesy ,with which he s is received by the head of the house. , Let visitor enter the gigantic Duplex Elliptic stabiishment of Brad-' ley, , who manufactures .the , incomparable and unrivalled skirts thatencirclc the forma of more than half of Eve's tair daughtersiaow living; from the gorgeous Empress to the cpqhei8b.peasant girl and who expects before another year to put a 'duplex elliptid around the soul of ev&y ' maid andj matron on the planet-flet any .stranger, we say, enter Bradley's and he is' a stranger no long- , er. ' .-The attention, the suavity," the 'cdnrtesy of the active head, of the house, which neglects! body and overlooks, nothing transforms him into more than ft customer into a friend and devotee.! He becomes s enthuBiastahout duplex elrpticsi and writes sonatas to them and their inventor. It is the &me when; yon enter" the attractive precincts of Union Adams, or , Schuyler's c'oak house,; pr Steinway's palace, or many other establishments which we would name, but thatwtt fear to offend tbe native modesty, of those who but half recog nize their own1 virtues. AVe commend and tre ccommend. enforce and reenforce, the value of courtesy upon all business men, - HELMBOtll'S CONCENTKATKB- EXTRACT ' BUCHU mnn a: is pot bsLKBOLOe .fit; K.jJsi COKCKHTSATID KXTI s. ?M...t 1 AWth-awiprepareaceordiBg to the rules of Pharmacy f.apd . Chemistry, : and , are the most active that can be made, "., dec 7-3tawlj. t Por, non-retentionr orineontinence ) of -inrlne. irritation, inflammation or" ulceration -of the bladderiibri kidheysVdisaseof (the prdsfratel gianas, stoae . in tne bladder, calculus, gravel ejr. brick-dust deposit, and all diseases of the bladder, -kidney! and dropsical swellingsrii- vf .TTkr II tt.mtnT.n' Pr.rrtn. Rttiiot. TtrrnwTT.i ' . , Hellds tbctB0cbu' and' lfipaorBi IIosk .Wia cirea 'secret land delicate disorders ihC'all'tbeir stages; atr little expensev little or no, sure; It is pleasant in taste: and odor immediate in its action, tn 1 free from all. injurious proper 5ii W il ' T -V--fcMI -JO-i fi. Enfeebled .and .Pelicat CoHSTiTirriojr,:of hotS sexes 'use Helmbold's Extbact Buchu. r It iWili give brisk and enerjtetie feennc w you, wsieeftreiL ---...i:.r ' fltLMBOLP's foTilCYB'TOBglves 'iieaitnancl'' vigor to the frame and bloom to. the pallid cheek. Debility is accompanied . by ' many , alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is' submitted to, consumption, insanity lot epileptic fits ensue."-. ? Takb . )rb ''vonB ;K TJxr Eeasant Aitn Uns Ays Reubpixs I for unpleasant and dangerous- dis eases. , Use Helmbold's Extbact Btjchtt. and IMPROVED ROSK WASttV2-' i ,Si'' i;4" j 3 t Helmbold's Fluid Extbact BncHtfls pleasant injaSnApdor JeUroj ties, and immediate in its.acuop. ; " ."-'' J .Sulfiiti iQiUbiii '"..vv ".'"..if Manhood ahd. Jlouihfcl Vfooa .are regained byjilBLMBOLDiS JbXTACT;JUCHf. f 4 q ft 1 - - - - . 1 e THfeXOBTr Juff is BTEteoTrf.-iTBerefore the" nervtfuaiiidebnitater Should" i&mediately use Ubxholds Extract Boohtj Ri A Ii -. T CHATTKBBD VWNST1T BTIOHS lVKaTvKED UJ UIU. . -1 . , ww , i -. - , m BOIJ's.'ExTBAT'Bot3HP.i?.rt-' J:'i fe?a?YitI hua i i ii-A Rbapt Jtw CbNCtpgtVg KSTof th5 proper ties Of HEtKBOLD'S FlCID ExtEACt Bpchxt will be-? eomparisottJwlth: those 48et forth in 'the United States Dispensatory, wwwfw 1 - FlNMCULMDlC03niERCIAL. ! vVEiBiijv abVikw ok rnWi!-Jicw 1- ?f IB Tv rurmrnv JnnA 7 :1S&C We Iyo. butf last reporiv A u few v Articles i nave Advanced iUgouy ' i- "."" " - .... - . . s CoTTOlif. No transaction! thatwe'hear of.".w therefor? npyuiee qoUons,;for gwa mi tuning 3aak a-ii :t-aa: swf f : i4 Naval Stokes.v-No change to; make excepttn J cruVie turpentine, which has advanced. 'Fs; I NEWBERN MONEY MARKET. COBBECTED BY S-T; If C04 BANKERS, N Ei ' " J . rMCB80FBAjra:HoiKa.BOiDa,o, , BaWbf 'fcaTB Tear.' . -w Commerce: . . UUWKA AtVtM7l - ;12 -n-a a-t4 Charlotte.'. ft t-t : fr . .. ftftTfili ??f. -Fayettevffli ; nv.VSi. lif. . flH im-TM -s Jjexmelbh. at Lexingtonf FTt m &i 310 " .sill at Graham; I i'.vf k?.15 3?ortht3CarelinaXJ2i 28 4 Boxborough.-. . . . h . . :V. te.iH'f 15 " '"" ii;Wade6boro. v.,. .rtVA?Ttrv yashington,4, . .-5,; ? -j . Commercial BankWilmington. .........10 Parmer's Bank, "Greensboro.:. .:."., ; . : . . . ....:16 Greensboro Mutual fK V vil I;. "i-V 3 Merchant's Bank;" New BerherY? .V;Vr.. i35 Miners' and Planter's Bank f. f: ?i.;16 Virginia Bank Notes. :. .-.Vlr.-i rrom 5 to 75 Georgia' ? .J ...:. -firom 3 to 75 South Carolina .-s -m .i .'.. .i from 3 to 50 Alabama v. : ... i -v. i r.;' a 2 ; - from: 10 to .75 Tennessee . . .it; . sj.-'yr.:.Jo. : front 10 to 75 Louisiana .--i.. ..... ,v.i-from25 tollU North Carolina State . Bonds (old 6), , v75 Old Coupons. . .. ........ i.j..... r. 45 North Carolina Bailroad Ckvupons. , . . ..95 Gold. . . . .132 Silver..,., : '. , 126 Exchange on New York.. selling 4 per ct prem. ,WHOJLK? A IaF. ?PB1CB8 CUKttKBfT. ; K Ale, per M'iV.75f:.W?iV-V.S $18 00 2000 Ale, Scotch, bottled, ptt A U.:..;l iii'r.'. $ 267 08 Axta. chopping, per jaoeen.i... ........... 17 002000 Butter, Goaben,....-. ..'.;.v;.-fi4.i.i.:i.'...'-i 05 Western if 404 OoUllty.V.. ...... ....... 'r-4e Bacon, , Western Hides .;...i... ,,.4 ;120 Beeswax 1 ft....... .....i 5 s SO 34 Brand, KocbeUe,per gallon.. "4 p05 00 Hanaxdt M v " . . U.. Z4. sxm t t " Cata-ba'.-' " " ..;i.,.w-S 009 OU French, in caaea i.Vi.;k-:..-.ft.-fl8 : r;-'-it. t.a HBr''t........ isoo ' -v Otarti, I860, ,05 8026 00 -HrauU, yrp'l.... .............. .. $60 ... -XT 51 .; it ill Be ft ,i &4a azi&AiU Aii&zs, ax.b :-tw ism Bitten, Dnke'a, in cpaes...... 11S0120 5 Ronudne's ........ 1000U 00 O. K. , - , ..... -OtW.itJ...,100 . . Boker's - " .,...;............,n 001800 BIttertJ fEaar 8tDimiigo...'.;....tl 00W DO ' Ponch, . ............... .180 t "aoo mnauaunvs r... uw f Imperial Amck Pouch, KuM......i... 18 60 puesaim Panel Boss .iiit.U 60 Junwuiep,nM-.-,....,..,.)li..M . n 00 !iBCtorci10in,Bu'ii;. A.''..!..v.ii IS 50 Bran, f ck.i.i.-.V.....C.i....i.v, ffl&niiv nv Mnnn . . a a o Col. per ton.i....... .........:.....-....... ii oOtU 00 foaokera. ra.i.w......,.......,,. .(f?12W vuwno . ....... ...... ...... .. . .... . ..... oontbnah...5v:.:... v.. CaniUea, Adamantine, Hi. .. ... Tanow, ' '21QM4 1 UUiiO , asoo ,23 30 . 'eoco f m JT imu IITT. . . .................. 45 115 Coffee, Kid, lb.................. i .. '! Laguira.. ; vV... ...... bmmm.. oa . .. .. -.. . ..... -.SO35 4ft46 80 00MO0 - ' " - cider, pU.i qta.. 8SoT00 Codflah, pC,t..v4ii-Sili;-.Wi;f:4i.ai.l00ll 00 Cotton Cards V dozen...,. 8 OOtaUOO '.joiner . WotA.....i i.ii-..jj.'.......loeO(ail 00 Cotton,' bleached. aoca&o- Cooperage Btock, W. (X Barrel Staves... 15 0018 00 , . . - B. O. " 13 00 IS 00 .tU-J'! ''?i&iY Hhd.i.. .U.. t.'.V 8 00M 00 Aah Beading Barrel...... 13 0013 60 DiiedFtoit. "filt, Applea, .................. - 8a9 .Flour, Family. ... ... 12.00O17.00 ti.M 8aper.ii......,.i..;..f.w..V....; '9 0010tfl LFlonr, Fine.... i.. ........ ...... . 80O xxiaer j cwi. ......................... .... - - i,to Ford'a FertOicer, ton 75 00 Allen a Needle's Fertilizer. V ton Ground Peas yV buah. .... bin, Holland, in caaea.... ...T,.. 60 00 4 00 8 00, 16 00 23 00 rw ja SM aptar Bcnnappa,- qn ' 13 (dfO a ,- ....... .1460 0aano, .Peruvian, . ton. branny Bagging 12000 oui tvme per Hay.flr cwt...i. . .... , Hama, TS. C. V ft . : . . 170180 - . 1618 UVJi. I aw ............... .......... Herring, Nova Scotia, bpl. . . , . ; , . -, .. ... 38 9 00110o ir moicecL in Doxea. CM)60 y--norunjarouna0e.A,.,i... luyuoii uu r, Haddock ..Y;150O0000 Hoop Iron fV ton.. 160176 00 Hides, dry V i . i ,Vii. iJ. ,'.f .Ijr.C. ,JC1012X Oreen, V 4i larjU-K. y'.:-pwee4.Vj.w.u.Jrjri.ii..Vi;i.'vUi &XtH London Porter, -put .dozens. . .Uv.T. . . ' 'I ?68 00 Kape'a Phosphate, per ton, . . . $60.00, kteJt bnsh.vi . .iU . i i . y " 1 15 Lira bbl,,.. ...... ....... ....r i...i 3Q04Oi Waaner,;.':l..at.'.,la.iV 1721 Uolaasea, good artide,,..,...;..,.. 65t Mackerel, per bbli. ; AUi A. 15 00&M Ou half bbl...... 8S0C460 Kitta.No, 1.... MufietJ,Oak bbl a 60(43 OU i.l. ,10 0012 00 , . Pine bbl.. ttw.,M,.,.4v..,irVrrt 8'609 60 OaU 'eack... . ,.. . 8 B03 Oo ' . -Hvtj Black -for" aeed. - bnahel...,.- ' - 1 SO Onion a, per bbl. 2 00aoo Oanaburgaf) yd...... 27380 33 00 355ft 82 00330 Pork, City Mesa V bbl.-.. Fewer rai i Ji 1 J VM ,UU.iWJ f 04O - a, uuo iuvon routoes, inah. ft bo;.... .r., rr.,, 6xs ts 8weeWW.O.i JXU.. f 1 001 20 ' ; Vj .' J amaiea, in caaea ....... 18002200 1 'Jamaica, WbtfeVhtasea.'...Vw... HW ; - Si. Croiz. "-;.......,.,.. H501800 fingars. Crashed, Grain and Pow'd, ......... 1S20 a., i. ana u. Mneo., v.. k - m p. K......:.......;...,........:;.. i5ia , ' j, . iluscovada-....... j ...... ...4 IV'-14 16 cnba...::...:.. ...v..... . ni6 i Havana. Brown..Vvi.i...-.i.. 113(316 foda, Carbonate. ...... 1218 Btaccht rearlmt". iHX14 salaratua.... . 1315 Spiee. .......t. . . , ......... i . . . ' : .8448 Boap, Brown.... .................. ......... ., 12 18. Shoes, Brogans...i...ii. ...i.i. ...... .4.. v': 1752 M Spirit barrels, new. ... -4460 -i j ttMttMaemlLihmll.ii.i'k ?"-48 68: 8alt,JjTerpool, V Sack.... 7530Ci i Vj Marshall, aoeui. I iik'Ji X .'. . U UV. M: 60 . American. .....i 9 7iWa3 0(1 8baettB8V F.F43..;.lVi-ri'I;2wff'yT' KhoU.. r 1516 Koinglea, pe m....,......i...;..i.L 6 00 sow 4a. iMacz. v... ....v..,.s. vufio. i j Grem,v..i.i..':iiv.-. ...... .v..........fl.252 28 Tobacco, N. C and Tirginia ManaJactazed f , 128o .ti t i.(.fM' : .-jm i, T.j yjne "'I6070 Vinegar. lioCandlesa 4 Smith'a, pure malt , ; . - r 40 whiskey,Ky fV galloa.iiii...;.;;...'.' 6O7O0 ' ... Bourbon??., r,nr........;...v 2 60 7 00 ,fi 1 Bye i snd -iSomonf m caaea w 12 0016 00 , L,. -r; Bourbon JWolfe' . JT M ii. 7,10 00 Y , 18 00 26 09 is oor wme,ataaeuf , an . a r5MOO1800 ' 16 00(01 '20 00 Sherrj at - HUHlVA 9 00 15 00 t .' i . i8T 2.'..' U J WiilA A.t'-J" ,-.12 ODlSiia Oil L20018 0i 'PoriT 12 00(iD2044 J.fv,120180t K KV,1 An Claret" Wood, oafe 3 ordw '. ul. '600 4 1 . 8pirlts Tnrpeutme. per gal. ............. .8 ..68$ -00 itoaml commonisJ . . .. .iUV.'.t. s 00 t to - " f OHUNWl luviin itnMi Mi.tu . wvv wv. .: f?n i oj v Jui"i j liJ...;.....-? s oo-' 10 - . ii l . A J Vln n ki7 A fin Hope, Batiin. .. . . , . , .4... ...j...... ... , ltid Mannlia..; AV .".v ... .. . ; U'S2- CrndeTnrpentiBe Dip.... .........,.,.. . 2 003 00 .M.vtii 1-Scrape... ....... 75: 2 00 31 C, ; Pillft have bttewallowed.in millions. 1 Salves J orL ptwo grana Bpeeincs are putting an ena to : t ihis wholesale syBempf medication. '" One of his l4fannsrtn1li6M f-tW-aealing adveis-ofnlbr Value, as ajenie3y for' ulcerous land erupUve diseases than eslipaeaffgo of the Ointments ad vertised to enre everything, jout are all, in fact, either useless or xieieterious. ( : - v rir MAoxjDx's mottois conce&tiba.'' He has placed in the smallest compass the1 active' princi-t pie of the most potent vegetable specificsi There jsrno mineral in his Pills they doiioigripet-they da noienjfeeblev., vTjheyt create t ,,-mgqrofs appe tite,"and correspondingly strengthen the diges-; tion. They tune the liver clear j tta nead and r 'Ifo form of scrofulous disease -can resist the . . . ...w disenfectent operation pf the Salve Tamor. r AJb scesses. Salt lUieuni, JJoils, Pples Pustules, Ac?, 'are thounrnghly eradicated by this unrivaled medicine. ' In facOSlAbaiix's Bilious,' Dtspep nc and Diabbhou Pills cure where all others fail. While for Ban Scalds," Chilblains, Cata, and all abrasions of the skin, Maoodcls, Salvz is infalli ble.:' Sold by J. .Maggtel's 43 JFnlton street. New York, and ail Druggists, at 25 cents , per box;. Sold by - V ' 4 fi?AerT YilmZ 1tl HKMHIJIOKn,. j . Sole AgentfbrNewbern. a apl 10, 6eV dAwly - : f ; JOH3T F. FOABP, POBWABXIIHO , ACT ,CoiODBfiIOB MxBCHANT has removed' his office to the. Brick Warehouse; formerly used as an ice house by.X4 T4 Jerkins, Esq.; located on GniBth ; street and thei arm of the . Bailroad leading to the Biver, where he contemplates erecting a Flouring Mill and opening a Lumber and Wood Yard. , ... Hals also now prepared to furnish vessels with wood by the cargo 3U miles below Newbern, on Kense Biver.' i , ;apl 11 tf, 8iuare, one InsertioB ..."....,. . . . i. - ! .Oe -t-( ' ' - y-nrnrtliia tnaailkai."i.'.a.....lH Xaa-tthes make quare, and an advertisements will be eonUnued njnm iorbW.- nnlM tttherwise-erteed, sad charged acTingly; To aeenra taaertloa they ahoold be handed in1 by 8 O'clock, the afternoon praviooa, ill btUamMtoba settled on the iat of every month. A liberal discount madto' thoaa whoJ advextiaa' largely. The T I BI E g has larger drcuUtioa in Eastern Worth Carolina than any," tf,nctaJl pther "papers combined, sad reaching every pari of the" e juntry. is the BEST niadhua foradvertiainsin the State..; " " ( ;0' fT-TSf TIIE " GREAT! ESCUSII" RKUEDT. 4 i .7 : It. iJ ri o J ' X-.- i ii v rv o COMPOUND EXTRACT OF rCOPAIBA!! Aim ".SARSAPARILU - Has acquired the ntraoet fame in every part of the world; it has been examined, approved of and sano ioned by the faculty of medicine, and recommended bv the meat ami. nent of the profession. rv , .-4 f-c t-,. . ai SUKK and SPEEDY cure for all Pisxaasa of the Bladdeb, Kidneys, and; Cbqiabx Oboaks of sora sixes. TBB STAMT Q OK EACH POT ' . ' TO 8ZCT7BB THE GENUINE CffiBSTJ .-Wnt also bear Observe this "6 The KAMI LABEL, r'aaB ". PBOPBTJETOB BUBHED OM And covering the 4 AJSD TBB . VvrrxD . Statbs "AoBwr." V: bottom of Viae hp ox" ' . . Won ther IsClaaatae.-j'rjr-.-- J Observe these , precautions and address orders to 5';i-'-Jll:ti;"'il4;" TA1U1AJIT & CO., ...... f-.v No. T8 Oceenwich street, iKaw Ybrk. Sold by all Pragtiiata. .: . jane 64m OP ALL, MUSIC BOOKS FOR TUE YUVRO ;, "MERRY CHIMESc Is Universally Admitted to be the Best. ITHISceir book of Mr.Ll O. tiMEBSbS'B haa already met with a sale altogether unprecedented and though his previous work, "The Goldeat Vrrth," reached its tArr hundredth edition mi tktmtand eopim each.- present appearances indicate that the 'Marry CnlmeaV wihcobeyond ttV-. v. ,J -. .u 1 The Elementary Department contains Just tn Prrnllar. Klemeatta,that At travel and letala the Attention of cnildren. The in are not old and time-worff sang through a dosen booka but New and parkllac, Adapted t6 all Oecat. ratona. and. Allyct fWlth tha Spirit f Times. Price 60 cents a copy $5.00 a doxen. Specimen Pauea onappU cation.-, r t-i'tw. if , 'OUYEB DlTaOSr ic COPablishera, HWitm mWl Washington ajeraeJBesoa. 'TIHH nbscriben. have resumed the manufacture of Jj, .:.-:-V' ...... .... f ,J;, So leng known as an effectual remedy for II ; " Also AJB. T)UFFr'3 ANT1BILIOU8 FILLS. Apply 0 F. S. DUFFt. Newbeni, K. O.; to B M. DUFFT. Beaufort. N. C. and to MO KG AN a ALLEN. Druuffiata. 46 Cliff tit. New York, wholesale agenta 't ' ? ."HCCl - A liberal discount made .to Wholesale Xealers. 'dkwm.:..Iti; -h c) Jii"Tt tr ; r"it!i Fj3 MBAUBB ntlufri eJ-ClOT '' ,.ti, . AUlIK-iTEla-EVl. r r LIME. Bm , r v!i - HEEb, DRATN r A N D P IB E TP IL Ee?, 4 e . ". " : . a t t ceV SbufA Jrenf Strict Mcti BelF Wharf, i u Iwani;iJn'.Cifl:.- 1HAlfGE OF RAlLaOAI) 'sCHDtrLK OmOl AXLARTIO AWD N. C. B. B, COMVAKTil !0 axjiS. ;;.:wscbh.:M O.'.Uune 8; 1808; A Onaad after Monday next Mail Train win run daily as followr s ' ' ' . 7-' ' : ' " ' Xav Morehead City..., , . . i. . , ,k WiIIBaV M. Leave Vewpcrt . . ,.'. &rnvifliur,..,.. .................i.aj y . f. . -ri.. . ft w . 46 f Arrive at Mewtxarn .9.00 , Leave Hew bers.. ; .ij ,i,,... . . ..8.14 rr Arrive at ajnston. .......... ...in.es . IvekUnston...?..,v.vi.ia.'jn......'v.ll.Oftk1 Arrive at Mobety HaU,.,........... ll.SS - Leave UoeeyiiaiL..is...U::a.a..r.l.v,.lL49 Arrive at Goldsboro... .....M................ia.l5 p. M. -ft 6TH' t.K?fi BSTOSKIa'a't 4Ut V,j-'.id-.. . Si .1 1.1 " AMI.. . . tumyo. uuiUBwni . ... ....... ,,b.9u Jr. JCL. LtareMoaely AfalLUU .fit . Ii ; i . .4.10 Leave Kin ton.,... ..L. ....... A 83 .' faave VewberQ.w i. . . .'.; . .i . . j)i r. W.V.s'e 40 ; Leave Newport,.-. ....... .-.-.,8.iMt - Arrive at Marehaad CUy. A. i . ... .... .'. ..8.80 Pasa nger train eonnertf with North Caroliaa Bailroad Train gomWeef at 1X48 'P. t, and 'returning leaves after arrival ofitogtpn,.and.Wldoni UUroad, .train goiaitSoathi. tMjyApi ,u.'iiA. .ssengersm Wprfro 20 ta-8.80 The accommodation trai will leave forfhaad Cltf.on Mondays, ' Wednesdays and Fridays, returuing every altw-naie day as followr ;r.,r ;,-f.j f ?-T;.,. n!4f Leave Morehead City (Station) r..; A i.t.. ..8 00 A. M. Cj6Wo 1? wber4 f " "5 4 y Lalvo Kin8Vii. 0 M 1.3L Laavia Newbern at.. ...... Ual a iiiita,..X18P.X. Arrive at Morehead Citv ( Station 1 at ..4.00 This train leaves SkiJdboro' Tuesday ajTharaday4 Sad Saturday a alter arrival of Wilmington Weldofa Railroad train, gmgoNortbv'avBd arrives mvery-AitarhaXa day in Goldaboro' at 8 15 P. M, a later train than .mail train for.paaaengeragomgNortbDT unroo-iu mi'u " . - FARE REDUCED. , J. ! ThrTiga tfeketa wm.tas sold id prineipal statteBe'ea North Carolina Bailroad, Baltimore, New York. Ac 'i'Jnae-tt.-it?iwcUif i- C B. THOMAS, Presldens Middle Street. Tvre JDoors fraaa. Follean.. Ktixrox " ruttwitA-MV'- - i'i?u tu- rfiiiua' I Fife tMlikr. Ladles Ftae Ores Gods, -.tttJfWr-. Straw Hata. and Misses Hata, Parasols, Uaalircliaa, Calie,v(:u &U : Oinghama. ! a Snpplr oT. P,f Ldaea taeets. Cheap for CaaJs,arCeutr)rPtae.V rj june -Ina i ' - 'r , "': '; ": , SBEET: MUSIC 1, MUSIC! XX TTTB. pleasure wa take this opportanlty of lnVorm iff-tag theMDSIOAL PUBAlOthatw havwtecwd Into aatisfactory arrangementa with the; r ( j . 3 Largest Sheet Music Pnblisiing usa In the TJniied States, which enables na to offer tn the public SHEET MUSIC of .a i.'ji'.v Yi-tii Ewerr: AJescripUoil ? In press at tbe tresent time; in tct auything you jiff .VAlWmuA w ... y W - AT- . . ; NEW, RK.pniCES. And at the shortest possible notice. ;" ' ' ' , Wa have eonstatttlv. .'Mjir-tfl,MMirftiaii Mu. "LATEST PUBLICATIONS, and would moat nspaetfBUf wmaam m vuww ure v we puuepetrotsaffe - 6 E. B. xout a CO.. . may 20-1 m 4- rK-; Wwiv w w. fj."! -ajiiablB1 Propeny : for; Sale: rJIHE anbacribers offer for sale, in the city of Xewbern One Steam SawrMill, Portable Engine, Thirty Horse Power, in good running order. Alae :,t SOIOtf Feet Heart Pine La amber. . For further particulars enduin i' tha corner' of Haa. 00 and Qo n sueets. - ma39-Un MALLOBT 4 ET. .itONDOHV J8S-I4UHR A. I AIIASI I I settis ai a a atfe a'aaW 1 J f .'BBWTOlAV i VV voaVMa ' &f CHILLS CHILLS! frrivflat tiioldflboro. ...jUhiYtt-)liV JT vjst"'1 -c.i - RETURNING.-. , . . Leave Goldaboro at; . ,'tt4 .j!..ii.46 IxAvAltlnatAn .t It M -.s.-AA., V .(LuLiarJk!C4