'"n .wvaifc v-r -.' f-'r--.rjr-.lt.,,b?if'. S published' every' Day; lad the .Weekly every Tuesday, on Craven Street. Newlern. North Carolina. - aUVKKIHUQ RATES, , 8qura, onetniertlon.V.,..,,..,;.,., ...li.tn TW00eeitaaftion...........V.... 5 ran line, make a aquare, and an advortlsemenU will JrhJ othorwUe oi'.'ered, and Ari.H W K larger circuUtion in East. raNorti. Oarohna than any, if not all other papers mm hS ," ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Daily one year. . " i six month..i.ii..;. T.OO w..... ..A.'. ... : '3.50 ...60.0I ...30.00 . . S3.50 r To clubs of ten one year. . . . iguuww ien sitmonuiB.. ,........ Weekly om year. .....1......... six months.. ....... ....... V0L.3;---M 105. NEWBERN, N. C, SM DAY; JULY ,22. ,1866. ' 1.50 20.00 10.00 Price Fite Cents A crao oi ten, weeiuy, one year.'.. 1 club of ten. weekly, six month -A ; i i . . - ..... ... . 1 , M i I, i 1 1 1 'i SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1866. LOCAL DEPABTMENT " Foer Qmra, Kewbebs, JJ. C, 1 " '-"nilVf Jmw 10. 186. f i'jf the mall will blbseDAiLYas followe d i -.'u. FOr Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Sotfplk, Waahingtdhj D: a, and all poinU SfbrtliiM East at.i.. ..,v.....8.00A. M. Uorehead and Beaufort, N. C., t. .......... . . .5.00 P. M. Boanoke Island, .... Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Ooldsooro', Raleigh, Wilmington and all points . West and 8outh at. . ; .....8.00A.M. Bay River, every Friday at .12 00 M. Trenton and PaUocksviile, every Wednesday and Saturday at...... 6.00 A. M. Hattcras, Wednesday, at. A P. M. Swift Creek, Washington and Plymouth, N. C, every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday at . . . .6.00 A. U. Office open from 7 A- M. to 6 P. M.. and 7 to 7 P. M. Sundays, from 7 to 8 A. M., a id 7 to T P. M. - All letters to be. delivered in the United 8tates, in olnding drop letters, must be prepaid, or they will be sent to dead letter office, unless addressed to Heads ef Bureau t Washington. D. . GEO. W. NASON. Jb.. P. M. J&5 Job Wobe. We keep constantly on hand a large and varied stock of material, also first-class Job Printers, lor all kinds of work in that line. Orders in the city and from the country will re ceive prompt attention, and satisfaction is guar- anteed. " ' ? 5 BusiNksa Notios. -From and after this date. &U transient advertising and job work most be paid for promptly when the order is handed in. the expense and trouble of collecting little bills is so great that we are driven to this necessity. This rule of course will not apply to regular monthly advertising patrons. I. O O Fi ;. ' All Odd Fellows, at present in the City of New bern, are rt quested to meet at Odd Fellows' Hall, on Middle street; on Wednesday evening, the 25th mat., at 7 o'clock, to considei the propriety of re-.atablibhing the Lodge in this city; IV DISOSWA'T, July 22-3t . late Grand Master State N. C. . CHURCH JIOTICK. ; Services will be held in the Presbyterian Church by the Pastor, Kev. Ti C. Vass,' (until fur ther notice; ) on Sabbath, at 10 a.'m. and 5 p.:m. Sabbath School, 8 30 a. m. Lecture Thursday, 8 p. m. The public generally are invited to attend. Persons desiring Pews will please make appli cation to , " jyl3-satisunlm. Geo. Allen, Treas. 1 1 ? Clinrtli Dlreetory-Servlces To-Day. MethodUt Church Rev. J. WvTuckeb, at 10 a. m., and 8 p. m. ... Episcopal Church Rer. E. M. Foebes, 10 a. m., 1 and 8 p. m. ; Baptitt CAtmcA Rev. A. D. Cohen, 10 a. m., and 8 p. m. . -; Congregational C7twrc4-Rev. Al A. Ellswobth, 10 a. m., and 8 p.m. ' Presbyterian ChurcJi Services at 10 a. m. and 5 p. -m, .Seats free. ?, ? ; MAYOR'S COURT. . Bforo his Honor, Mayor isafwduy July, 21 Washington. V,- T Bryan Wiggins, colored, charged with stealing iron from the Depot, was detained 15 days to la bor for the good of the public Jas. Dudley, colored, su.-p.cioned of swindling, was discharged for cause. , ? ; : ; Moses Ticbor, colored, for soiling by wholesale before market hours, was fined $ 0. Alex; Gr ffin, colored, for buy ng by wholesale before market hours, was fined $1. i Henry Cobb, colored, eharged with burglary and larceny, j idgment withheld. BVENIH& SES3I01T, 4 o'clock P- H Washington Henirig and Ben "Moo.e, oolored, charged with disorderly conduct, and an affray, were sent to the next term of the County Court. Albert Miller, colored, for diaordeily conduct, and maliciously destioying the furniture of Jane Williams, was fined $10 and ordered to pay her damiges. "': , , ... . . .. ....... Jas. Boon and G. C. Wilaou, colored, disorderly conducts Bound over m the sum of $60, each for their personal appearance to the next term of the County Court for Craven County. , Good News vfob ' Everybody,' We( are very ' glad to know that the long sought for remedy to cure that dreaded disease "Sou. hern Diarrhoae," has finely been disarmed. What a great luxury it must be to parents to know that by giving a teaspoonful to their child at night, that they as well as the child, can' sleep all n;ght, and in the morning the child is so much better. The beauty of the medicine is that it is so ea y to take, and children love it. We are assu ed by parties who have used it, that it is infallible, and they would as soon think of being withoat vic tuals, as to be without this medicine in the house. See advertisement T :'J ( shall be recorded the iiames of the owners and numbers of the lots in taid Cemetery, and 'it slull be his duty from time to time to sell such vacant lots ia said cemetery as may belong to the Ci y. " - -- - sv; i i Sec. 6, Jt is further ordained, That ha corpse shall be exhum d ; from any burying ground witLin the limits over which the authorities of the U ty.of hewbern have jurisdiction, until a I ermlt has first been obta ned f om the City Clerk, under a penal y of Fitty Dollars for each offenee. The City Uerlc is hereby directed to is sue to permit for exhuming dead bodies except in the months of January, February, March No vember and December. J. C. STEVENSON, ' City Clerk. , See the card of J. & M. Pattebson & Co., in the advertising department." Tt.ey are doiug a large business, and are in a condition to offer superior inducements to the public. Line Down. Owing to the line being down between here andk Goldsboro,T we are without our usual amount of telegrams this morning. Depabtube. On yesteaday afternoon, our Senior stole the march on us, and betook him self to the sea coast, and ere this, we doubt not, has expanded his lungs to an enormous size by inhaling the fresh, strong sea breeze. We wish him and his better-half, who accompanied, him, all the pleasure that a trip to the sea-side can possibly afforct. Y i' ' i ' i . Tubnifs, &s. See adrer isement of Peimbose & Dillingham, who offer to supply seeds for the iall sowing. ' The lollowing City Ordinance was handed) us yesterday by the billposter, and finding it 6no of considerable interest, "we publish it for jthe benefit oi the publie, believing that such, things are mudmore generallyjread when published in the colnnins of the city papers than when posted, merely: . s f: , v , .' i CKtAR GKOVK CKJURTKRT. .. , CITY ORDINANCE. Mayob's Office, April 21, 1866. Section 1. It is ordained by ' the Mayor and Councinnen oi the City oi Newbern, that a Sex ton shall be appointed by this Board who shall have the custody oi Cedar Grove Cemetery. ,. . Sec. 2. It is jurther ordained. That no inter ment shall be made in said Cemetery until a peiinit shall have beeu obtained from the .City Clerk ; which' permit may. be obtained on the certificate of a Physician, or some responsible person, stating the name of the deceased and cunse of death; on' which certificate the 'City Clerk shall endorse the permit This certificate and permit shall be delivered to the Sexton, and imuiediately'after the interment, by him returned to the City Clerk. A record of each certificate aud permit shall be made by the C.ty Clerk, in a book to be kept for tuat purpose. - Any-person violaang thif , section shall be fiiaect Tyenty-five dollars far each" offence. y, , St c 3. 1 It is further ordained, Th&t ' the Sexton shall see that tlie gates oi said Cemetery are proper ly attended, and that no. depredatious are committed in the Cemetery .Sec. 4. It is fur her -,rd lined, Tat the Sexton of said Cemetery shall h ve' the exclusive f rivi lepe of dijrging thd graves ther in, aud may ch rge a price therefor not exceeding two c ol ars for an ordinary g.ave, and one dollar for a child's grave. ,k . , -, - . sc. 5. It i further ordained. That the Treasu rer of the City shll prepare a book in - which s STATEfNEWS. it, Our exchanges bring atc uuts of public meet ings from different paits of the State, making a r..n,emeats to send del gates to the Philadel phia Cjnvention. To pul l.sh tie report of all of tLem would ciowd our columns no j muph. We pubLh be o, howe.er, the rep -rt in lull o the mee ing in Raleigh, which we take from the Progress, &s e want it on record ior future le ;erjme; , 4, . . , , - . Public Meeting ih Wake A numerously at tenv.eu aud highly respectable mee iag of tht citize.is of iW?ke c OLty wan held in .hb ci.y, on y .'sutrdiy,' iFyiJ the puipjse of t aking he necess s-i-v stepTto secaie reprcsen a.l tn in the proposed N. t oDdl Union Conveiuion at PiiilauelpLia. On mot on oi H. ;W. Husted, Lsq , the Hon. John H. Bryan was call.d - to the chair; and on iurther n:Ot o a of P. F. Pescud, E q.. Seaton Ga.es, Esq.. ws rq estd to act as fcecr.try. The Hon Kenneth . Kayner.iLeirjg cled o.., appropj.tely xp.ioei the object of t.;e meet ing ; when, a committ e of nve, c ns siring of Hos- Ken'ueth Kayi.e.,Thus. Bra.g, fhas Manly, D. M. Ba ri. ger aud 1J. W. Hus e i, Jblsq. Were appuin.d to prepare resolutions ex,rosiv. uf the s nsd i f the me tiag. . . , . . Te committee, eurouh Air. Raynsr, reported the fol.Orting: : i ;;,..r .'.n..... - -' HesoLeJ, j hat whilst, as Southern men, we I fully apprec a.e our present d,preseii and uu-J nappy cunditi n, stiil, as prudent and pracdcai m.u, we submit with uue resignat oa to te grievance s unutr wh ch re, labor, rdying upon the eff .fts 6t coaVervative men in tue N. rth, up on time ann a returning sense' oi jus tic to oct op presao.s, tv secu.e to tue peop.e of the fcoutuer j ctatcs the constitutional rights and privileges of h ch they are deprived. , Retolad,: TLat we. regard ', Pre ident Andrew Joun. on as the lepreieruat v man of the const., u t onal yliuer ies.. of,te. peop e ot,-the,liited' States, asor caief hope f r;pre ervii.g wh..t is leit of the righU tf th etita e as p esent ug in his present position and hi-, pol cy, the main practicable rallyiLg point for the re toratiod of peace, Cuncord and coufideuce between the North und the So .th; and that it is the duty of all conservative men, without regard tj section or past, party affil.at.cn, to susta n aud support Lim in his pat iotio cffo.ts to retura to the old land marks of priuc. pie, and o restore the Union, upon th. se liotitatious of power and equality auuKig all the States, designed and provided for by the authors of thd Censtitut.on in 1789. . Resolved, Ihat we approve of the Convention pioposeu to be he.d in Padadelphi i on the 14 th of August nex , to be composed of conserva ive men f.om ah the 8tates, ana that we h.oi the as aembl.ng uf said C nventi n as the h .rbinger of Letter aud' more h ppy am.s when the civil Birue, wnicn a s s j long bCourged Our coun ry, Shall forever give way to ; peace and ha mony, and under a restored Union, se shall-all start anew on a career of prosperity ana h .ppiness. hts.Xvtd, Thai we uteiu it ess n inl that North Ca:bl.na, in common with ' ail the other South ern Staits, shoula be represented in said con vention ; that prudence and prosper ty require hat none but carit supp rters of Presiuen Johnson and his policy should be appointed as delegates to the same. Resolv.d, That the chairman of this meeting appoint twenty delegates to rep esent, the coua y of Yake in the inso-ic convention, to Le held in this c.ty, on the "zSth inst., for the pur pose of selecting iwo de.egates from this con gressional d.striot to ihe Philadelphia Conven. lion. : v' : He ;tlved. That we tender fur thank and con g atul.t.i .ns to Messrs. reward, McCuiloch a d Vells, of President J hns n's Cabinet for their supp nt cf 1 resident J bus n and their ma n. t, nance of ihe couatitutiona rights vf the Sta es . una me people, aua. that we rezard them .s -en titled to the tha ks and adrogation, of ah con servative Union men for teir independence and aevot.t n to principle. . v ' 'Rito vtd; That it be recommended to tie de e- gates appointed fr m the re pective congression al disu-icts, that they meet in haleiga ou the lOta of August n xt, a major ty of wum . hail be author zed to vppoiut four delegates from the state at large, as delegates to to said couven tion in 1 hiLrfieiphia. V i Which were uuauimous y adopted : and the following 'gentlemen ' were appointed by t chairm&n, us delegates to the district convention, Ho.:. Thos. Bragg, U n. K.. t ay e , Ja . L tchford. Sr., Uiuh'd D bm n, P. te so Dunn, J. J. h McCuers, J. rf. Youug, T. J. ttley, SJ V. U ill ams, liu us Joue , 3 The Lectcbe Last EvExrsa We confess to the fact, that the taste for literary lectures in this city does not prevail to an extent bordering on enthusiasm ; or, if it does, the lack of green backs in our midst is the grand stumbling-block to the enjoyment of such a repast when offered to our citizens, v Mr. Bryant, who lectured in the Commons Hall last evening,: on. "The Devil, " came among us with a good reputation as a pub lic lectuier, and a gentleman of fine . literary at tainments ; yet, his audiance was small, but comprised that portion of our citizens who fully appreciate a finished production. .The, subject was well handled,; and we. hear the effort well spoken of. Progress: ' " v ' t - v " - T J Sekiocb Affaib. It is with feelings of regret that we are called upon to refer to a fracas which occurred on Wilmington street last evening be tween Maj. W. F. Collins and Capt Parker, chief of the police corps of the city. It appears that Capt. Paiker, in the discharge of his official duties, was in the act of arresting a disturber of the peace, when Maj. C. interposed, and out of this, a difficulty sprang up between the Major and Capt. P., resulting in the wounding of. the latter in two places by a knife, and the fracture of an arm of the former. While we record the affair as one of a serious character, we are pleased to announce that both gentlemen appeared on the streets this morning, looking wtlL The matter was investigated, immediately after its occurrence, and the parties were "bound over.' Hal Progress, 20th. Sleeping Cabs on the Nobth Cabolina Rail Road. -Through the courtesy of Mr; J. S. oteveus, agent of the patentees, Messrs. ' Van Reiiselear & Van Nortwick Bordentown, N. J., we yesterday accepted an invitation to inspect a supero steeping car, one ot a number which have been placed on the North Carolina Railroad. Mr. btevens was exceedingly courteous and un der his guidance we made a thorough inspection of the car, which has been constructed on the most approved plan, and fitted up in elegant rttyle. It is 49 feet in length, has 44 seats or sleeping berths, has a ventilation; and between each window there is a fine mirror. The seats are so arranged that the drowsy can throw them selves back at any desired angle and sleep as comfortably as in a chamber. . . . i , These cars are luraished with ice water ; be sides, they contain washing rooms, one for the mdies and another for the gentlemen. But most admirable of ail as travelers will agree there is a dust and cinder catching machine, which contributes not a little to the coinlort of rail roading. . , , These cars have been entered by the manufac turers, who lumish Mr. Stevens for conductor, and the tariff is us follows : $1, 00 for over 90 miles ; 75 cents for over 60 miles ; 60 cents for 50 miles or under. i - It we except the Wilmington road, we believe no other in the State has introduced this new idea but the North Carolina. The rates are not exhorbitant andnj doubt the public will patro oize the s.eeping cars liberally. I We suspect that it is solely through the agency if our fiiend, Superintendent Wilkes, that this aew wrinkle has been made. He is always ac tive, vigilant and progressive, and his retention iy the company in his present position shows that he has been properly appreciated. Pro gress Settlement of the RoeaaGiinnell Case. y. The Rousseau-Grin net! matter was finally se -tied to-lay, after a ve.y tedious debate of three days, which lessens materially the prospect o: an adjournment next week. At 5 o'clock the vote was taken, i nd Mr. Stevens' subs note, which punished Rousseau and exculpated Grin nell on a tec. necical point of order, w..s voted do An yeas 35, nays 91. Then Mr. Raymond's amendment the majority report, which would h.ve reprimanded Rousseau and censured Gi in nell was lost Ayes 59, nays 69. rj hen the ma jority report expelling Rosseau was lost by aye.s 72, noes 49 not ' two-thirds. ' Then ensued a con used squabble of motions and . counter-motions, iastiug till near six o'clock, when General Banks got the fl or and offered Mr,", Raymond's original resolution, repr. minding Mr. Rosseau, wioh was adopted ayes 80, noes 1 9." The re solution bringing tLe .hree witnesses before he bar of the Hoase was adopted without a div.sion. 'i he House, in refusing to express even any dis approval of Mr. Grin ne IPs remarks, in substance v te.i them proper, and no violation of the pri vileges of debate. Gen. Rosseau will p.obably resLn. SHIPPING NEWS " PORT OF NEWBERN. . , AaarvED.' , July 21.8chr. O. A. Grant, Hickntan, for Philadelphia, with naval stores and lumber, by Tiddy, Flemmuig & Co. ; Sloop Ann Elm, DaOr. tor Hyde Co., light, by master. flew Advertisements. STOLEN From the Stable of , B. WHIT K, at Poliokville in Jones county, on Sunday aiht, the 8th but., my young da.; k iron gray STALLION, between two and three years old long, round body. A colored man from Baltimore, who was working for me, took the horse, and no doubt sold him to some one in this County, for money to nm away on. " Any one giving information of his whereabouts, so that I get him, will be liberally rewarded. - jy22w2t " - A. W. WHITE., FOUND AT LAST ! ! " FOUND AT LAST ! !! tsOUTHKRN DIARRHOSA. MEDICIJVKS U For Iiarrho3al Lipases. Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholrra Morbus, and i Cholera lafantnm. Aw infallible core for that dreaded Diarrhea, which prevails so tlarininuly loathe Sonth.ern States, and will safely carry a delicate child through his or her second 8ummer. . -It is a certain cure for DI AKRHE A in ADULTS. It is a certain cure for DIAHBUK in CtllLORE&K. It is a certain care for CHILDREN TEETHING. It checks the most violent cases and creates no fever. , It makes Children SLEEP ALL NIGHT free from pain. It is a perfect luxury to have in the h use. , It is perfectly simple and EASY to TAKE. It is perfectly HARMLESS. It is the best Medicine ever combined. It is the only safeguard against DIARRHEA. It is warranted to CURE in every I STANCE. r It is what CHILDREN take without TROUBLE. PRICE, 50 CENTS PER BO TTLE. For sale By Gooding, Watkins k Co., H. J. Mennin gee, Rich. BEa&t, and Woolcott & Tikkxb. J . REFERENCES : H. PORTER," Jr., WOOLCOTT k TINKER and CHAS. HIBBARD, Newbern, K. O. ; ' - ' July 22-tf. WANTED, A ERMIT to cut from one to two hundred tLousand Red 0;k BHD. STAVES.' P rsons having th- tiaiber near a watercourse will apply to M.' RCahe, at ; . iP. MERWIN & Co.'s Store, July 22-tf ; South Front street. TUENIP ANJJ EUTA BAGA SEED, . PEBSY , DAVIS' r , -' ; "- ' THE : I ' '"" Great Family Medicine of the Age. :.?:! i ; Taken Iaternally, cures - 8udden Colds, Coughs, tc., ' Weak Stomach, . ... , . ' ; General Debuity. Kursing Sore Mouth, Canker, . - -."- Liver Complaint, Di spepsia or Indigesttos, Cramp and Pain in th Stomach, Bowel Complaint, Painter's Colic, Asiatic Chole. DiarrlMBa and Dysentery. - Taken Externally, cures Felons, Boil and Old Sores, , Severe Burns and Scalds, . Cuts, Bruises and Sprains, ' Swelling of the Joints, Ringworm and Tetter, Broken Breasts, Frosted Feet and Chilblains, : , Toothache,: Pain In the Face, Neuralgia and Bkenmatism. The PAIN ETLLEB is, by universal consent, allowed to have won for Itself a reputation unsurpassed in the his tory of medical preparations. Its instantaneous effect in the entire eradication and extinction of PAIN in all Its various forms incidental to the human family, and the unsolicited written and verbal testimony of the masses in its favor, have been and are, its own best advertise mnt.fl'. , , ; : ; . The ingredients which enter into the PAIN KILLER, being purely VEGETABLE, render it a perfectly safe and efficacious remt dy taken internally as well as for externa applications, when used according to directions. The alight stain upon linen from its ussin external application, Is readily removed by washing with a little alchohoL This medicine is justly celebrated for the cure of so many of the afflictions incident to the human family, has now been before the publie over ywmi teabs, and has found its way into almost every corner of the world; and wherever it has been used,' the same opinion is expressed of its real medical properties. dec29-eoddwly TURNIP AND ., RUTA BAGA SEED, . 1 ' ' :- AT ;: ' '' .j PRIMROSli DILJLIKOIIAM. jy22-Dja ;; ' '' ' RANTED, I OOO Kerosene Oil Barrels. Highest Csb Price Paid. , WM W. OBMSBEE, July 1-oawtf nU AT PRIMROSE & DILLINGHAM. jyS-a-lin J. &M. PATTERSON, JIIDDLK ST.. NEWBERN, N, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 1. .ir..-,. , .-IN DBT GOODS Groceries, Boob", Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Crockery, Stoves and Tin Ware. ' ? ; . .' ' also, : ; ; , lV Commission and General Shipping Merchats. Liberal advances made on all articles of country pro duce shipped through them or through their. Branch House, in Einston, N. C. jy22-tf. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED , EXTRACT BUCHU ... . Is ihe -Great Diuretic - . , . ... : HELMB01.DS CONCENTBAXED EXTKACf eAKfr APABII.I.A Is the Great Blood Purifier. " For non-retention or incontinence of urine irritation, inflammation or ulceration of the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the prostrate glands, stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick-dust deposit, and all diseases of the bladder, kidneys, and dropsical swelling!), ' - Use llELUBOLn's Fluid Extract Buchu. IIklmbold's Extract Bcchu and Ixpboved Rose Wash cures secret and delicate - disorders, in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and no expo sure. . It is pleasant in taste and odor, immediat in its action, and free from all injurious proper ties.' '! -,--" - s Helmbold's Extract Bccuit gives health and vizor to the frame and bloom to. the pallid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and u no treatment is submitted to, consumption, insanity or epileptic fits ensue. , Thb Globtof ' Mah is STENOTH.-!-Therefore the nervous and debilitated should immediately use Helmbold's Lxtract Uuchu. - Mashood and YoujrHFCt Vioor ; are regained by UELMBOLD'S LliEACT UDCHC. Shattered Constitutions Restored by nsui- bold's Extract Bdchu 7. lion. Chas M J. 0 f .lmer. l'la ki Cuwper, " Wj. L fi, C B llarrifOJ, Nat. G. haud. II u n Bu i on, , lr. '1 hos Uioks, . J J ' M. Crenbaw, W. H. fop A RsAHTAxn Conclusive Test of the proper ties of Helmbold's Fluid Extract Buchu will be a comparison with those set forth in the United States Dispensatory. OnMn .t.on, .he meeting then . oun ed. j : JAO. 11. BtlYAs, Chm'n. " Siatos Qales, ec'y. . . N. C. MtrruAlLorE IsbUfuscE Co. We have Lereto.ore iuadverttntlyotnittedtoinintion that, at a meeting uf this inip 013 , at their office iu tii-i City, on the 2nd iusu." the folio x. g - gen-le-tnen -were elected D fetter tor tLe ensiii. g jenr, ; t.z ; Lr. Clias..Jb. Johnson, Kemp f. JShuI, i. J Busbee, John t. Wil jams, II. VV. dust d, J. K v Koot, Dr. V. H. McKee, Peter M. Hale, W. 1L j Jones, J. M. Twlta E. Hail, Dr; AVni. MdUer and R. U. Battle. . - . - i Dr. Cbas. E. Johnson was re-elected I resident, ! and E. H. Battle, Secretary. Lai tienlmeL Helmbold's Fluid Extract Bcchu is pleasant in taste and odor free from all injunoue proper ties, and immediate in its action, t yi Take no mobe D pleasant and Unsafe Remedies for -unpleasant an t -dauperoas -dis-eanes. Use Helmbold's Extract Bucuu and improved Ross Wash. 7 ' : ' 4 ' ' ; u Enfeebled a nd Delicate ; ConstitutwX'?. of botS exes, use Helmbold's Extract Brcuu. (t will givt brisk aud trnergetie feelings and enable jou to sleep well. . , ; : .( -' 1 Both are prepared according to the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry,' and are the most active that can be made. , : dec 7-3tawiy CHOICE IP COUNTRY ABUTTER JUST KECi 1TK1 AT . C LARK & C O.3, Foot of 3idile Slrcel,. ana lor sic si 38 OTS. PEE LB. BY THE HE julyll-lm W TO THE G L A M A T I O K PEOPLE OP NORTH CAROLINA. In obedience to sb Ordinance of the State Convention, ratified the 25th day of Jnne, 1866. entitled "An Ordi nance snbmitt ng to the qualified voters of the (State the ratification or rejection of the Constitution adopted by the ConvenUon," I, JONATHAN WORTH. Governor of North Carolina, hereby give notice that on rhnrsday, vhn second day of August next, pot's will be opened by the Sheriffs of ihe respective counties and kept open for three successive days, at the Bevel al election precincts in each and every county In the Bute, under t ie same rules and regulati.ms as now exist for the election of members of th tieneral Assembly ; at whin election all persons qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly may vote for or against the ratification of the same; those who wish a ratification of the Constitution voting, with a written . or printed ticket, "Ba'ification" those, of a contrary opinion, voting, with written or printed ticket, "Rejection. Sheriffs will observe the provisions of the Ordinance as to the duties thereby Imposed. In witness whereof His Excellency, Jonathan l. s. Worth, Governor of said State, has hereto set I his hand and caed the eiv.t seal of the State to be affixed. ' Done at the City of ltatigh, this the 1st d:iyuf?aly, A. D., 18"6. JONATHAN WOHTH. By the Govwuoe . j Wm. H. Baglet, Pilvate Seci-etary. July 8-td 1 .- ( - i ; n'jo u ;tv;:;'. MILLS & EL LI 8, CARR AGE 3IAKERS, Broad st. between George and Metcalf . NEWBERN, NORTII CAROLINA. WE keep constantly m hand different styles of work, which the public are, invited to call and exam nc, 3 "-d which we will sell or barter on n .e-uable terms. Cotton or produce delivered when ready fur market taken in payment. Work made to ordr, an : guaranteed to suit Also, repairing of all kinds done m a . SATISFACTORY MANNER. . B. MILtjS. 1 J. W. ELLIS. july6-w3m ' . nfll f JAMriS CONNfiirS SONS, United States Type Found ry 1 and- , PRINTERS' WAREHOUSE, Nos. 38, 30 aud 32 Centre Street, Sew York . Corner of Reade Street. ' Every Article necessary for a Country Printing Offiee on hand or fnrnlsned to Order.. , ' -:' i..- ' THE TYPBON WHICHfHlH PAPER IS PBtRTED . from the above FQuudry. . . ; nov 15wl0i LIST OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. TIIK fUowinc unclaimed Packages ' re maining In bands of Adamt' Kxprss Company, July 1st, 1866, If not previously railed for, will be sold .by . s. DUFFY, Anetioneer. at his Store, on Craven Street, on Ihe !t4th inst. K. JANNKY, Agent. Goldsboro. C Newbern, " Savannah, Ga. Xewbern. N C. Goldsboro, Newbern, Plymouth, Goldsboro, , Xewberu; . Goldsboro, " Newbern, Holy Springs, Goldsboro, NATIVE Git APE. TWO BBL8. choice 8CDPPERNONO from oldest Vineyard in Beaufort Co., for sale low, st jy21-. la&ff ..!'' p.. . s' T. POWERS is CO. TtlCIIAROSOBi'S NEW MJSTIIOO FOTL THE PIANOFORTE, Deserves our hearty recommendation." N. X. Musical Seview. "Unexceptionab'.e in taste and style." Dwight's Journal. We quite endorse "Mr. Dwight's opinion." new xorK jnusicai nono. A School that w 11 do excellent srrvine." Phil. Lvenins Bulletin. "A work of solid and enduring merit." ; PhiL City Item. "Will supersede every other of the kiad." Worcester ojj. "An improvement on all other Piano books." yracnse Journal. Xn inns lessons; ir wearisome eiercises. but Kprieht- ly Studies throughout, and harming Melodies f or prac tice, at evey s c-p. It is all Outl can be desired Price 54 75. Sent post-paio. t , .. , ULITER DITKON & CO., : jy 20-tf . Jj" ...... f , , Publishers, Boston. , PBOPEBT1 VALUABLE IlSIDKNCE FORsALE. ON Korthwest corner of Broad and llletcalf streets, with large and Mmmodious Dwelling and oat-hottses at tached. Apply to B. A. EN.tLY, tit , , - W. H. ' 8PENOEK, Craven st, mar J-'-tf One door north Natioual Bank, . ". 1 ' " 1 i. ri' .' ; 1 . . ClOH SALE. t RI VER u STEAM BO ATS .and TOW BOATS, of Tandu wzes n4 draft. " ' 1 Alwi. 8AILIKO VESSES.STEAM BARGES, &cS. Applj to" A. MJ Da COSTA. jan 3 i-d2tw6iU y: 4 Wster atreet. 8c Yurk tSty V,' - " - - " - r. : ' OF Euperlor qua!M, for ssl In t ts to suit purr ba tvi- v,. ' - LELAD Bif W 5 CO.. Jan ir-f ; I f t -. TWO STOKT DWTT-IJ3iO HOD -. situ J ted on Union 1 Puint, "newly eoropx-sd, and t thorough reparr. for j particuibrs apply to J. t M PAI TI-HjOS m CO., -I . July n-tf Uuldle St.. Sewbssn, N. C. U6T OF BOXES. M Shell, 'i it'n Beg't Ind Vols, J H bherman, co C, 1st Mich Eng'rs, Henry Long, co B, t3th Reg't 8 E Simmons, co A, 29th Mich Inf, S'gt A 8 Binith, co C, 23d J B WarreU, co D. 78 th Ills Vols, 0 Melcher. co F. 67th Ills ' Geo Shraw, co O, 47th Ohio " Wm Kentner, 83d . " T K Burns, co F, 82d " A G Blakesley, co C. 13th Conn " J B Jewell, co C 13th N J ' John A in. co H, 86th N Y ' " Danl Schnader, co C, 79th Penn A D PoUock, co H. 66th Ind " Otto Neiffer, co G, 10th His Inf, , WU1 Frank, co F, 36th N J , J Johnston, oo . 33d N J ' : ' J An Klin, co A, 13th Conn Bat, D Longfellow, co C, C9th Ohio Beg't, A C Williams, co B. 17th " -'' Geo F Kail, co C, 74tU Ind " Jno Armstn ng, U7th NY A T Wait, CO A, 102d NY E N Bouse, co C, 66th 111 i 8 W Butt, co D, Slst Ohio, 1 layman, co C, 108th J Cline. 63d " tJH Wesley, 6th '. I C Young, co I, Hth Mich, . ' the J Eaton, co C, 33d N J - J Thurston, co J&, i9-'h Mich, ' A Welffcr, co , 8tn Uhio, L M Lane, co B, 3 H& N J Vols, C M Harlburt, co K, 7th Ohio, , r ; H MnUoney, co A, 13lh J T W Wilson, Hth Army Corps, 6th Wis Bat F Killina. co A. 16t&Wis, Oarl F WeigeL oo H. 183d Ohio, . Jno Hamilton, co H l?th Wis, C Keicheo, co B. 1831 Ohio, Capt F H Smith, co B, lid Ohio, - H cassilmau, co A, 80th Ohio, ii F itddert, oo A, lttltt Ohio, J 1 Fries, co A. 26tta Penn, JE ng. coH 6th Conn, M W Watson, 1st Mich Bat,' A baver, co V. 13th Conn Bat, J Bapp. co L 87th Ohio. B Hart, co H. i5th Conn, Lt N Knady, co A. 82d Ohio, U E B Homer, oo H. -1th IB. U H Sw sha, cm G. 4oth Ohio, Lt F Hoyt. 12tu Wis, tx Bice, co F. 2ist Ohio, D Wt Ills, to K, 16th Iowa, 'gt W H Wheeler, co i. l3d Ohio, L umuer. co F, Slst Wis, win lajKr, lJh N T$sHa . J i. rdVy, ou B. Ut N Y , i . J Burnham, co C. GOth NY, A Uaruej. aa Iowa, O l avjj-, co L. I3tb Iowa, -, ; H ti Davis, co H, 3AUi Mass. J M Donald, co H. ftd Wis, A t. nhape, co B, 20th Wis. B C Shtrman. co U. 123d N Y. a U Demou-, co C, 25th Mass, ii V Buga'. 60th N' Y, i. Lstter. 134U Y, L Miiitr, eo Q 3d ias H'vy Art'y G Lyon, co 13 h Iowa A H fu.co H tth'lowa . J Hopkiuis co C 38th Mass - 2i, aiMi, eoii'Zd ldas H vy Art oeo 11 Uelutirt, ei 1 38 'n Atass . li N Pind- 1, i0ih Army t orps G V leia rest. II rt Mtr Vi ksbnrs il i uaone . u w sir uimsota i AfthmuB (xHlsDi cert troops Jadcson. - 1st U S el trora a . U n htmr bastdt'Oa. Hampton boaaa . . t , Tnsearora r ainnw " ' Oukraic Hampton Itoads : Sl'op . oixvtrora ' Ft Mtnroe . " FlfgteCokTrtoHmp'au Koada " 44 Stiur Orv Batkiugham orf'lk, , - ' K'r-jm : r Norlo k -' waaita, - : Fl Moaios , ' itnckingbam MMongomery Beaufort 310. l Iruman. J BXtTton Perty, . AGefi ch, ieo MeFourd J Duncoll, A William, -' H Bamnx-B Wm MeTeoa Fayerteville, Goldsboro, Newbern, Goldsboro. Kinst'U, Newbern, Goldsboro, Newbern, Goldsboro, Newbern, Fy-ttevilie, Goldsboro, BaMgb, Goldsboro, SIof head Cltr,-Goldsboro, , Charlotte, t Newbi-ru, ' -- Bal igh. " Ptinvmth .-. Golosboro " Morebead Ci'y , Pltmouth " Uoiebe-d' iry ,i eubern ' . . Fort Monroe V Beaufort, .: C Bossok Isiav'd M -j va. CLWDUston PL Fry, T Bums, -. O Carson, BFBee, Geo 8tevens, L Murphy, . T H tckett, J P Fisher. , r L Smith, T Golden, . J Fggleston, TJ Eraner. Et OWXeU8, G Bimmer, O O McLane, Cl V Cinnrmr G A Merrithew, OF Bates GeoPeifer, AT Gill, s . AKNox T Hayden, KJ Weber. Wm Hughes, ' Jno H Moora A Culver, Co K 16th Conn H L Steele. n A Ifttl, nmn R N Comthwait, TJ 8 Stmr Irie " Honaanock: ' rt Unn. MG.BFeqnot - - " " 8taf Key Stone SUta Wilmington N O ovT f ' " Monroe Va. Ship Montgomery Hamp. Roads Stmr Unadilla -7, ' 5w1ua Cape Fear River N a "StmrRI - .. "GBNyack -. " " ,. Frigate Wabash ' . - - .. 8tmr8enecam Ft Monroe " UnadUla " Vanderbilt ". "Osceola , " U"Ooiarado "OB Chickasaw ship Tnscarora :. PMmnl j t " 8 mr Frate Coferado "OBNyack " Stmr Q City -Ship Mohican Norfolk Ft Monn - Norfolk Ft Monroe Beaufort N C. G B Hetsel , v ' 8tmr MatubMsett " Q City " Matubessett "Tuscarora " Hunchback G B Shawnee Stmr Daylight "LiLan " Q City " Chicope " Osceola 8 A Kates. B P Steele, J Collins, J R Edwsr 's R Lannell, T F Dickson, B Lewis R Stinson, M Smith. 8 French, Danl M Gooly, R J SomervWe, Henry Morgan, E J Swords. R Burton, co 1 16th Conn j M Sixton, 96th NY Pat McDermott, co E 3d N Y J C Spalding, co G, 2d Mass, W F Sloveson, TJ 8 Stmr Kansas l R Trimmer. U 8 Stmr Gettysburg G C Boberts, U 8 Stmr M. uniee Capt John Dalor, U S Stmr Stanton M teuman, 1st Conn Art co G A Moi-sner, co G 16th Conn L U Williams, U S Htuir Nyack a vest, co a lain m x car J King, TJ S Stmr Sasaicus . J M Stiuth, co 1 16th Conn D i: Powers, 3d N 3. Lt ArtTy L Meodle, Bat f 3d N Y ArtTy B Roberts, co 1 132d N Y C O Clarof, oo A 9 h Vermont C H Talbot, co H Sd Mass W H Adams, co B 26th U8CT Wm Barts, D N Spencer, -; .,- V HWickham, T Highton, 27th USUI w inompson, I7tn a Corp : ' Newbern Plymouth Wilmington Newbera - i--? Beaufort Newbern - ; Beaufort Neabern Wilmington Beaufort Newbern Wilmington Newbern Beaufort INewbtrn . - Norflk Va. Smithnrld NC. Plvmonth An Wilmington Newbern ' Wilmington i Newbern do do Beaufort OapeFear River, do . newDern 5 do , do- do ' Baleigh do Newbern do do . do do - do Beaufort do Boanoke Island do t. Newbern do , , ; do , . do c do ' do . , Goldsboro do Newbern do NC. do do do do do do do do do do do do G H Calkins, co G vltli Mm, 8 Straeman. co B Hd'qrs. 2d Diy, 20th Corps. Goldsboro. a m jxenry, co D aoin U B U T Beaufort N fL H P Erry, co D Pth Vt i S d A H Reynolds, 13th TJ H Arfry ' Beaufort 4 do 8 P Bowman, Prov Gd 21 Div 2tth Corps d Pt do HP Head, co D 6th R I Art ly Newbe n do llc.!inP' U . ; f Biyn-oum do ax juuns, - Newbern R Brown do CTniby Brig Band 1 Goldsboro A C Ambler, Lan-fleld Genl Hospl Morehead 0-tr C F Co'e rgj O W Lathirp. Craven 8t Hospl K bran W Dotle, Amb Corps Beaufort r ' Newbern W L Palmer, Goldsboro H Veatch . , ; Goldsboro' J Ambler, r .Newbtrn JBrown.fSangAf'arp'trsCoustr'nCorpa- do J Mabony, Prov Gd Goldsboro t E Ke chum. Rig nicer . i . Wilmington J BeU. co G T6th Beg't Washington J W Albin. co H 102d N Y : G.iIdboro J Conai-d, TJ Mmr of War Jnueatta Wilmington A Fernandez, TJ 8 atm'r Wawtaxser Beautort 5 do do do do do do M F Go-itwy. U 8 Stm'r Louisa ' ' Nenbern H J ToodilL U 8 Stm'r P Beaufort J Doboq, oo H Car? ConMt'qi Corps ' - Golesbnro JFGass, Beaufort Wm TomUnson, TJ8 Ktm'r Kiphon Wilmii gton J Gal egher, U S Stm'r James C Ad ger Beaufort H Hoover, Goldsboro 8 Nelson, U 8 Stm'r Chicope Plymouth C I. Klamnei, Pror Gd Newborn H Jones, . Morehead City A L Frsflv. TJ 8 tm'r O Citv Kl.J, Jf AOOOtl . , ,.. 8 Bvown. U 8 Stm'r Pequot L W Smith, Tf 8 Stm'r Buckingham J v Ba-tick , TJ 8 G B Pautuckctt Dr G H Tayler, Foster Hospital Geo Bmwn Navy Yd W De Forrest. Foster Hospl C M RoMnson. oo A Bat TJnorg'd T H La Poind, co A th Vt no B Bennett V Vitim Wanl 17 TT fit Un.nl C H Adams, TJ 8 Stm'r Gov Buckingham Wilmington do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do .- . do Wilmington do -. Ft Mom oe Vs. do do ' ' Newborn 31 O " do ; do Morehead do Newbern .do do de . Beaufort do W O H Kan ford TI R Rtm'v Nlnhnn 8 N Mead, TJ 8 J C Monatraoe J D Tabor, Mansneld Hospl . -. ' G Gorse, TJ 8 Stm'r Nansemond T Cur'is, Foster Genl Hospl t 1 ?' M Kavaptugb, TJ 8 Stm'r Hahqus M W Stsnnard, Foster Hospl :. SBronty do do G Traha, TJ 8 Stm'r Dnnbartoo D L Huntington. Med Director J H Pauck, TJ8G B Dun barton J Shepperd, U s stm'r Jas Adger Pat Doran, TJ 8 Rtm'r Chipewa A He dcrson, TJ 8 Stm'r saasacun Wm Anderson F A Gas8elyn. Foster Hospl P Hf!riiu. Tf 11 fitm'r RpIi4m E 8 Locke, Hd'qrs H E Goodman, Med Director F Dmike, TJ 8 8lm'r, Q City , C Brown e H. 39th TJ8CT J W MegraL Foster Hospl . S H 1 1 wren cp. -' W GaUigher, U 8 Stm'r ISurbank J Dull, co H TJnorg Pat Capt J F Mackey, co H 103d Penn J C Cl tphan, Mansfield Hospl Mrs James Keben No Nvme, (small) A Wilson. U 8 Stm'r Daylight R D Bowe, co E, 16th Conn A N lark. U 8 Stm'r Setinel t Reynolds. TJ 8 Stm'r Maumes , Mark Eraocd, , 2 - t'--l 1 XL Ttannott. G MUler, TJnorg'd Troops f rf I No Mark. Dr C J Wood. ' ', , ' Stephen Young,. . Eugene Royoa, Jane Redan, care Rev Hood, Marcus Ltddle. co E 123d N Y BBoudor, . - f;v?. ' ; UST or FaCKAOKS. do .x do do . do f ' Morehead do Wil . ington do J T ' Newbern do . Wilmington do i ' i. Newbern ' do do ..do Wilmii'gton do Goldsboro do Ft Monroe Va. Beaufort NC. - do - " do Wilmington .do ' Newbern do do . do Wilmington' do . PI mouth .do ' --. Goldsboro do Be ufort do ' Carolina Cly do ,.-, Newbern do Gold boro do Newbern do Morehead City do ; Newborn do Beaufort do Newbern do Wilmington : do; Newbern do do ' do Beau ort do -;!.-.T : i Usknowa . Newbem o. .Morehead City . do Newlwrn do ' Morehead do Beaufort do do do Newbern do - do do . do oo Newborn N C. Nswbern c. Washington do . Newi.ern do 7 Ft Monroe Va. Beauf. rt , N. a Goldsboro do t. Wilmlng.oij ' Goldaboro Blank Goldabtiro Blank Goldsboro do Morehead 1 Goldsboro . i"! dO - do , Hauip'oii Bnads Ft Monroe do do do do do do do do do . do Va. do J SchandeL TJ 8 8tm'r Taoony L Anderson, 8tm'r Louisiana Bev N B Putchneld, - ' . O Falconer, ra H 128th NY F Graham, TJ Frigate , -J H Bedesk, U 8 Arreols A Dovine, eo A l&Ch X Y F 8 Purs, co E 3d TJ 8 Artly O A Ward, 14th Ky O Travis, co B 143d NT Y A H Robinson, eo 1 16th Cl 8 P Headman Bat O id Pena T 8 Chulst, co C 66tb Bl ; j f H Parris, co 1 67th HI HOCde.coGS8tb Hue G M Gil more. 9th IB G W Stevenson, 8d WU T Murphy, co K 3d Msas J Cusick. oo C 86th Lad t rfY E Renner. O 8 G B Seneca W M GuinJ V 8 Frigate twsquahaona C cnnunlnge, co G, lata Iowa, , t -oid o o . 0. !ommander 17ttt A C ' ' - HOI y 8pr;t gg : do 2tthNYBat . Boaa ike Ilnd oo HD White, oo BBKhDl -'"J' Ji Go!dsiHro- do J Johnston eo K 9 th Ind . .. , , Goldtbod do H H Hi ton, co H 60th ew York ' Sh rm -n's Army F P Frame, eo A -id Ind ... . . ,W oo A 8 Wadswnrtn, atm'r K Bntstwlcl Roanott Inland do H Smith, Stm'r Nansemond . i - .-m Braa'ort dt MaHt Eracen. ' - - ' . Goldxboro' do Col Max WoodhuU, Hd'qrs ntstman'f Amtr - dn . M B Cushing. btmr Cuahlng Ft Monrre Va KoName,' , - ... .... .'? r 1 '; 'Hi km wa a 5 K Bvn. eo B 2d Mass" , wv tM n c. b A Br; an, - - - . ; . n ewoarn : do i W H a .iison, f 7th Mass f . . Gr 1 t,o JTai n t, Hun Cherokee, ; ' riiti'-W. n ngtb t,o ' A WUstnrz. lOtKhObiO t'.U - n do Bev H Wjckerson. ; , ; u'lj BouAeloi ' da . ' ' Jnscxjxairiotja, . v Bale. TF Clark, Stih 111 jJ Goldsboro I) nm. M C Bawlison, 224 Beg't Ind Vols, do ...do, - T F Wood. 18th N Y . Newport Barracks Kit, T Mot sey, coB 6th Mass - Newbern N C srpei Bag B O, T McGdiefkia. . T - .do v-, do BilV Books. J Peto, u o Stm'r Vanderbilt do , T . do Valio Jo Manneu. ..y.2.x ."-1 Trunk. Weal in . do do Tin Hx, Mark Eraard, t - Cnknown Z ttunaie, (onunander aum uefTt do do CaptWLB Jenney, M JAretvleU. if -'p V Bagatd Uuuinvck, F'ltnn, . auin ock and iUu 'ich Ins Jones,' :ag and ' smmnck. J hn Albin, Pag and Hummock. B Crandle, ' .'Jajf, D Frun an, - ale, Mrs r e:as Fmith, oun Frcik Hmad, luSvh Ohio Beg't Jaly 10w " V I7n -nown ' do ' ' d J-tbern .. ' do : ' :;. do ; ? '' ' o . ' ' do- Bnnklrv 'le , .. Newborn 7S do do do 'o 'do do B8f ' -at. - t I j "A . K

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