. , ... .djE;.-, .. .. : ' , - -:: .!,-''"-', '- tiii.--i..,-,.:;. .'. ...i . . , .--.-!,: ,-., ... -. , T Wholesale ; Drugglsv T i J. hennin'ger, m.' d., ; MANUFACTUMNO f . DUlilGIST and PHARMACEUTIST. - DEALER IN . , .... Drugs, Chemicals, - ' ' Dye-Stuffs, ' Paints, Oils, PEEEUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES A ad KverjrtlilBgthtit Pertin to FIRST-CLASS DRUG BUSINESS. 49- Prescriptions Compounded with Utmost Cure at ALL HOURS. M&- PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO ORDERS BY MAIL. .: ... ...'1 . ' Bementber that . Em Removed to the . u h: i... MAGMFICENT NEW STORE N EXT.; DOOR TO SOUTHERN EXPEESS COMP p7-tf "if'-';-;i'-,.:','.' -; niot.;, Daguerrean.Artiststs. SECURE T H E S HAD 0 ,W ERE THE SUBSTANCE FADESL OWING to the increase of my hqsinesa I hare en larged my gallery by adding , . ; ; -. A LARGE OILPTION ROOM A Lady's Private Dressf ag Room Attacked, And hare spared no pains or expense- in furnishing the same, and would say to the public that X bare now the Largest and Best Arranged Establishment My Light is a large Worth ground- Skylight, with side Hpht attached. ; The only ground glass in this section of the country, which produces a clearer picture than plain glSKS. ' .. , - t - I am now making those beautiful gems known as the Ivorrtrpe, which for beauty and finish cannot be excelled. I have a large collection of all the principal Generals, j Dotn Mortnern ana southern; Fancy card Fnotograpns. plain and colored. Also, large and small riews .of the principal Streets and Buildings in Kewbern and vicinity. Having of late purchased at a great expense A LARGE GLOBE f KSTRCMKST, 1 3 Expressly for Yiewing, that I -defy competition in this Branchy I have a large assortment of Frames, Cases, Albums, Chemicals, and all kinds of Photograph goods, Wholesale and Retail, at . small advance on .New York prices. : " X(, Any person desiring i learn the' Art can do so by through a "course of sprouts", better and quicker, than any other, five man. . ' ; , i Having had Fifteen yean experience, I deem myself competent to do so. Thankful for past pstronsgel hope by person ally attending to business to merit the: same in the future. j ' j ;, :)Z J. J3u IIEYWOOD -2i East Side afGramm Street, . A few doors South of Follok, frewbern, N, C . ' aug 3,tf . : .'.,,. r I s.. . ; ..; ' L nllB L. 8. WILLIAMS.' : A. O.. BLACKVV'F, W, iWn.TJAM& Williams, mMi & m COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 126 Pearl st., New Yorjk. 7 KPECIAL ATTENTION OIVEN TO tHI SALE OF COTTON,' TOBACCO," i.tiif r ". : NAVAL STORES. : , 1 V : v,' YARN AND DOMESTICS,: O. F. VriTsbw,' Bichmond j T. S'.' Conrnxw, Norfolk vr. x . auuieriiu, jbiivhic, . . uiui n jojlsb, resiaenc Firrt National Bank, Charlotte,' N. O.J Chas. IDkwxt. Cashier State , Bank, Raleigh, N. C; R. M. Jqhhstom, n-eaiaeut l.x. canx, unnmi, d. v. ; r . 01. uiuos, Montiromerv. " Alabama : Vfr.i.zji, ADxra ft Co.. Atlanta. Oa.; P. A. 80RAWTOK, Augusta, Ga.j Wc ohkstom, President C. ft 8. 0. Railroad; B. R. Bbtdokbs, President W. ft W. Riilroad : B. W. -Lassweb. President B. ft O. Railroad: A B. Ruckeb. President First National Bank. Lynchburg; Ckexvt, Niokbbsow ft Co., New Orleans: W n nnnron TTii .lun 1MA1 .n if, .nil TltilMnuM' Bank, N. O.; Bkablxt, Hiu. ft Co., 8aTannh, Ga. ; B, I). Post. Mobile. Ala. - -- , . .. ... Consignments to us are covered by Fire and! Marine Insurance as soon as freighted, from all depots on, all railroads in North and South Carolina, and Georgia, and from all Bouthern shipping ports, through to flew J(or, whether advice ol shipment is received or not, j , wpt 19-lm SELECT ; SCflOOLl fOtftOMG LADIES ' -of the . ''' H K3 II IS W ''P 'At I T H , 173 and 175 West 39tn Street, Between 7tk and 8th Ateanee, New Tork. To the Israelites of North Carolina i ' I MRS. HE3RY SIMONS having been requested by many Southern and Was torn friends rwhose children School, announces to them that she receives Pupils from the ages oi I to ltt. ine tmpu can aoqulie the f nginh, French. German and , Hebrew LanKuaoes thoioushlv: Musioand Singing taught by able Professors: Sewina and Embroidery made an espe ial Instruction; Danotna and Qymnaetic Exercises taught during the Winter 8ea- ; ) son. - xne rupus aaenoing ne institute wll find it a borne in every respect, and every care will be taken with . weir snow ana nsngjous .training. i t. . Jf or mrouiars appv as sdovs, , , ang4oa2a : 11 1 . WTTRrj S r tKnirran itit, rr.n I - THE, popular and . well known DURHAM I nuniNt roJJAOCXJ, formerly made by WARD" & GREEN: Durham. N. 'O;. will bo farniHhad in future only bv the xaiAemitraKif in riankunia in . suit purchasers. : : .. : - To guard .against counterfeits each package 'will be labelled with a certificate signed by the manufacturer.' - 1. B. GREEN, Durham, N. a ' . . . WALKXR, FABRAB A CO., Agents, toX-Vr t Kewbern, H. a Business' Cards. Eooks;Slal:QCry Lid Fancy Articles, NEAYSPAPJJRS, PERIODICALSMD 'T:: MAGAZINES, v r . Wi f . ? -.i-.- j.-iT .,.-... a 1 imUV, 'AND PRAYER-DOpKS, school books; &c.,; ;, A fc : WEST'S NEWS DEPOTfT. . ' n S4f SO PoUok. street. O. P. L O O I LS . ' - ' ' ' - - , DEALER IH " t -DllY GOODS, CLOTHINQ, - 1 ' BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, J ; SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c. &o. - Dealers will find it to their Interest to examine the Stock. Store on 8eth Front street, new the Glutton House.. , (b 8-tf JOHN: PEARCE. GEAIK DEPOT AND , . FEED STORE. : CrsTtB Street, near Santa Front, NEWBEBN, N. C. ALWAYS ON HAND ' ' HAY, CORN, OATS, FEED, MEAL, &c, In any quantity desired., may 4-tf JOHUt PEARCE. i n38 T. POWERS & CO., SOUTH FRONT STREET, NE WBERN, ' NORTH CAROLINA, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS r- IN Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. THE CHOICEST BRANDS IS STORE. AGENTS FOR ' SMITff S Celebrated Present Use and Stock Ales. - ' - This ALE Is Brewed especially for South era Blsurfeieta, and i WARBAITTED 70 KEEP IN ANY CLIMA TE. Being exchudrelyengaged in the above business, we are prepared to offer Special ' Inducements to parties purchasing in oar line. v . - . . : julyiS-U , . .t r T. POWERS A CO. F. MKIflTINOESn j; DT.ATV.R XS df ' CO., BRICK, CEMENT, LIME, HAIR, . , DRAIN PIPES, ' FIRE BRICK, DRAIN AND FIRE TILE, &c, & . OJJice, South. Xrord Street, near Belt a Wharf, Hew Bern, If. C. Aug. 19. "t --J i ; M--11 . , .4 .,, lJU-tf;' IKKERSOIT, REED A CO w j i ncrOBTKBS or mo dkaucbs vm ; .. Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Copper, Wire, ZINC, AND ALL OTHER ARTI " CLES FOR TINNERS use, - .. and 31 CHIT ' Street, Corner Fulton . r NEW ; YORK. i.vn septW-ly . n . .... nm NEWTON - & REYES, Agents, J. N. ALLEN ; GROCERIES AND s PROVISIONS, . .4, , also, v."'-;'-. , t CORN : AND ; CORN - MEAL " ' Constantly on hand, and (or sale in lots to suit purcha sers, at AT.liKJPS Old Stand, on Hancock st between Follok and Broad. mar 1-tf " " - 1 : na89 ENGINEERS, .. . . i 1 IACfflNlSTS AND BLACKSMITHS, MAGLEEM& MAN WELL HAVE TAKEN THEIR OLD STAND, OPPOSITE TIMES OFFICE, on Craven street, where they are prepared to execute all work in Iron In the . . - Very Best Style of Workmanship, And on the SHORTEST NOTICE. 0 All orders received through Mitchell & Allen promptly attended to. ' V -' . , julyS-tf ' W; H. R O M A I N E, (j. G. CARVER'S OLD STAND,) - - AGENT FORI JOraTAYLbR'SJQNS' ALBANY TM?F,RTAL,CREAM ALE . . Dealers in the ChoiciiBrandi! of W . I N E S AND . L I Q U O R S ' In CasltJi, .arrela nd Casea, " FIIB CIOAB S, T OBACCO, &c. -BAR FlXTTJBEStJomplete, of every style. Crareii ttreet, Newbem, N. C. . ap5-tf TJ1TCC , ST. DOMINGO ; PREPARATIONS. :RuSSf St. Domingo : Bitters. ; An infallible remedy for Dysnensia. Loss of Apnetite. Indigestion, Sonera! Debility, etc. - : ;.- Ks peel ally recommended to weak and debilitated women and children. --... ,..'.".:.- pinaiDErjirBEi) bt the medical :St.' Domingo I o '.j'. rr . & !MMUIUI6tAJ- -r ".J Wine., J ";l c. a r. ' cvu - .'ifrt.' - I 2 -J b"''H .- . '.. .1. - ; . -1 I ; v ?rt.; .-n : :,.: ,-.TiMvHa. PM'nfn,Ji i r'i m HIIWHl A Delicions Beverage. 1: f kjjJirVV yiUliAvm J " wvwmmu n,w ivuIVw flaVaT Articles as we mborc Mnimte UERWIH. 4 CK- NEWBERN, ' N, a And by all Grocers and Dnutgists. - .( nov 29-1 y T O H OO A. WO T I C B ; TUB TRUSTEES ot the KEWBERIT ACADEMY would give notioe that they have seenred the services of MAJ. WH. M. BOBVOHi who - will open a Male School in the Academy on Monday, the 1st day of October next, Tni ttoh navable in advance. . , '- Eagnsh Branches per quarter of Tea Weeks ..IS.60 1' it i -,'i" i lead Classics IO.OO 1 ; --r -V.rw--v ;rts?n'B.-B, STANLY,- ;J Committee. WM. H. OLIVEB.1 .. B. Notice of the Female Department WO! be given a soon as we oemmiuee can secure a suitable teacher. ; r COTTOJS7 GINS, IVF Superior Manafaatare, on hand, for sale low by V ' --.: -.-? iAVlMUHB aug 23-tf . 61 and 63 Broad street ; A la. kinds of SUGARS and CRACKERS, Xa-ior ssie oy Sept 11 -lm s "WOOLLCOTT It XIHKEB. ladissdcods.. .i rv Corner Pollok' and Middle Streets, 1 ' - -.1 , i . ?Ji.-f,. i (ti-:f. i ..... I'.'rtP. .. . ' v r 'i Si ' , , NEWBEM, NORTH CAROLINA, - 1 5 i v 4 "! - 'v - : ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN . ' Dry Goods, Clothing, v Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, ...... . - - ,x,t , ;: Carpeting, Hatting, Rugs, Hats, Sa.i &c. A SPLENDID STOCK. OP, ' " . ;. . , LADIES SILK DASQFES, CLOAKS . . ' ' and Diwms,L v ''JUST-RECEITED, ALSO, A VERY- ELEGANT LOT OF PARASOLS, SILK UMBRELLAS, ML A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT. OF ;, WINDOW SHADES O N HAND. ALL STYLES AID SIZES OF , Bradley's Celebrated Duplex' Elliptic HOOP SrH:i IfT 'S'' THE BEST IN THE WjORL D. : Everything Sew and fashionable In any of the ahoT. Lines can always be found at our Store, and at Reasonable Prices. . McLE AN & CO . Cor. Pollok and Middle St., Newbern. DUPLEX CR DOUBLE SPRING SKIftT, THE GREAT INVENTION OF TnEAiE. ., mays-tf 88; 1866. FOR 1866- 1866: BE ADLETTS CELEBRATED OR OiEach HOOP beina composed of Two Perfectly Tempered Single Springs, braided tightly and firmly toeether. edse to edge, fornune one hootx. and making the . Strongest . and .most Flexible, the lilgntesl and most Inrable Spring made. hua They wui not oena or oreuiue tne single springs, but will always preserve their Perfect and Beantif nl Shape, la all , CROWDED ASSEMBLAGES, ' ' S - . CHURCHEb, 1HEATBES, -s-a a rw r a T a . ....... ' ' ' J TOR PROMENADE, y- ' . - OiJ HOUSE DRESS, In fact, they aze 'Superior to ill others. " ,:' ' ECONOMY, :. -, ... , t , LIGHTNESS, , " 5 1 - ?- ' 4AT1 DURABILITY, i -i . r s EWUIBE FOB ' .-, " Bradley's Daplex Elltptle or Double-Spring r- t 0 . SKIRT, - For sale Everywbere. Manufactured exclusively by the sols owners of the Patent 1 - . - WESTS, BRADLEY k CABY, . . -. vT Chambers and tt and Kl Beads Sts. ;Jaa 13-lt i fHewYcs.-" COTTON IS KIlG I Monticelia Cotton Farm 'far Rent lor Lease. T1' KINE HTJNDREltAiajREi1 i - -i-.. CLEARED, LN. FARMS -. FROM, ONE HUNDRED ..ACRES UI TO suit, with necetmaiv fiztnres. "Terms reasonable BespectfuUy refers, as to character of Land, to 1 laiui a. iiuim, new oerne, i Or address WMV W. OABBAVAT, anl-tf ; .Kinston.H..a. a 0 R N. . Ml 1,000 Bushels Up Rirer m(t Corn, TT'OB "ale from vessel this day. r WM. H." OLI7EB, X1 sept 21-15' ' , . Old Oottoto' Wharf, v r-A.. .... .--'."s: : v. ; 20 BAEBEL8 KEBOSE5E for sale low by . . unnnrva av. f --r i s ' : , . ) ''.-.. ; - ' - - - J jn.ii Jly814f vimo en bVii :. 'Jt - 61 a&d 63 Broad Btreet vv.' r- - - llnsi nnr3nfa t r j ft ' MitcMlMlFen; UNDERWETERS'rr: AGENCY, termahfaFanoVerV Niagara and -jRepi-wic" Fire & Mariv Insurance.Companies , ,T ... 0 TVJ? IT JORKi so. agents For : p M p"" w 'i it(f . ;ajo) eor. CCIDEMAl OTB'CE -COMPANY. . ABB FXtXpfeD TO UTECT IMSUSABCX OK ' Dwellings, Sores and , Merchandise On farorable term) Also insure against loss by either Railroad or Ocean taneportation. Short time Polict issued, insuring against accidents to Life or Limb, oQiich' travellers will do weli' to avail, themselves. - , ( j ;-j r .. r - j-.i We issue Policieiln the JET'S A tot one year ar for Life. This Comp? has very large assets, and fay promptly. Fersoniwishing to secure a competency for their families will 4 well to insure at once. , : .3 dVi. W. UTJGHES ai son, ' feb R-tf . . . j . . . Examining Surgeons. HOME IJVSUjqjVCK CO. . t . , .' -.v "' j ' .. New ' Haven, Conn. NA80N ST ATNER, : AGENTS. The subscribers buld respectfully announce to the citizens of Sew Be ie and vicinity that they are pre. pared to insure protrty against loss by fire, in the above Company. .Call an! see them before you. insure else- where. - .aecu-tr Fertilizer; PiTKJSTKI 1859, MAPES'lNrTROGENIZED SUPER-PHISPHATE . OF LIME For Wheat andother Grain Crops, Cotton. l vorn, Tohaceofirrass, Vegetable Crops, etc fOMPOSEB OPf Calcined Bones, Biphurio Acid, Dried Blood, Soda, Potast Svlpftate Ammonia, '. t And other Amaonia-Producinir Materials. I So treated and finly Pulverized as to insure tbf most perfei ehemical combination; fi . The ammoniaoa and phosphatio portions are bo acted upon by pe acid as to be made soluble, at the same time (he ammoniseal portions arc protected from evboration and waste in. draught or exposure.'- n.4 - '"iV-- K,- WARRANTED FJEE FROM ADULTERATION, AND OF UNIFORM QUALITY, . . Does net . exhiist .the land :like t Peraviaii Guano and other itimalatine manures, bat per manently improtq it. The effects of one appli cation are risaile for nwre,Uiantteil; years. Te ordinary soils a yrly application of ?00 lbs. per acre, will maintaii its fertility for - any length Of time.';.-1 .. : y:: , A single applicion of from" 300 to, 60 lbs. per acre will rener ordinary exhausted land fertile for sereralrearsr 5 ' " This FertilizexiJ furnished, iri'.'a'finer powder than any other in the market, and is specially adapting for drillug. ' ' ; " " " r&liii' " ... LEiANDBIGLOWCOn " -" ' Corner Pollock and East Front sts., deo 12-tr ' d-li. ALBEN M P R O V EXT i TT"A vTBSfiS' rrfveStTf:ora Oie.'bii'established HoUbo XX AIEH tiKKPI.FA. of t'njlMgjihiaUhe KxcIm- iy agency in tna pitv jor una saxe. o .me aDove jusuy " " CELffBftATED FERTILIZER. we would :ean't&Tters, Kaetora and all interestedl to the snueriortt or cuw utsni. It not only stimulates a quick and healthy growth of vegetation, but itoennnnenl in its action in Vie toil. and. lurpisnes tne necessary components to produce - i i Voir' Cotton".' Sugar' t'sner Tobacco, Grain1 aud ail Root irops.-it is unsurpassed. ' r - . - tttt no new article, naving eeiannsnea. jm exceuence many years ago, the House of ALLEN A NEEDLED being the oldest firm-engaged in feis line of manufactur ing. . jf We respectfully request those interested to call and examine the article. It is packed in new bags of V30 J nonndseach. t .iHiroLl il ' i Price per Ton. ,.$BO I ".For further parnculsr. apply to ... . . r'. .71. i.nrivj G & CO., jan364f ,.5s' i jwj ,-Newbern, K. C. NETV'ERA IiV MEDICINE! DR.iMAGCIEL'S f .1 lSTD SALVE. i - f: i : T ETthe iSTTFFEBTKO and DISEASED lead the fol AJ lowing. t 1 t sa-.Let aB whevhave'been: alven tip by the doctors. and spoken of as incurable read'the following. t mw Let an who can believe tacts and can have faith in evidence.read.1he following .- -. .am Know all MM IbFlTtese ;Preseiitsa Vl That, on this, the 20th day of June, in the year'eT4ux' Lord, 1866,"personaH5 eame Joseph Haydock, to me knowa as spent and being dtdy swerni4eposed as follows: That he is the sole General Agent for. the. United States and dependencies ther eor for pteparationa or medicines knowa njjM"i'. id -njt'jH' :-lt' ; M AGrGIEL'S -PIjLLS AND SAlfJ, And t hit -the following CerJificaies are verba torn copies to the beet of his knowledge and belief. orfir f- Noiary Public, . v Wall street, Kew ork, ' Dr. Maqottl f I take my -pen to wriW ybw" Of my ereat ' Telief, and that (he awful pain in my side fiasUefk Tne at lastthanks to soar Atentoine. ' Oh, Doctor, how tuankfa 1 I am that I can get somesleeo. I can never write it T .! 1 1 . 7 . . cuuutju. , x uiau fiui ayaui ana again, auq, am sure mat Sou are really the friend of all sufferers; ', I, could not elp writing to yott, and bope.'VQu Will not take it amiss. tM3-J This is to certify ihat I was disoharced fronj-miie1!. Army with Chronic Diarrhoea aMve been cmWby K . WUa$05 HAKVEY, Mew A ui aa ouu I ui, lovu. iti tW The following is an interesting case of a man em ployed in an Iron Foundry, who, in pouring malted iron into a flask that was damp and wet, canned an explosion.' The melted iron was thrown around and ' en) his Jn m perfect shower, and he was buTnedf dreadfully. The fol lowing Certificate was given to me by him, about eight weeks after the accident Vv . ! ... J 1 i- ' 4i Sew Tobk, Jan. H, 186S. My name is Jacob Hardy ; I am an Iron Founder ; I was .badly burned, bv hot iron in November last : mv burns healed, but I had a running sortf on itiy leg that would not heal ; I tried ai:r j .. u' MvA aGI ELl&rS AilT jE, And -it cured me in a few weeks.-; Thia is all true, and anybody eaa now see me at Jackson's -Iron Works, ad Avenue. - J.-HABDY, r f r y-vv fi -r A19 0oerick!sireeK' Extracts from Various Letters. 'H. had no apppetite.'JtAGGI.EL.'H PirllS gmve me a hearty one." .--.-(.- , ."Your fllXS are jnarDElona." ,T . ? , .'it eend.f or another box and keep them-fn the Hdtise. "Dr. llAOOII has pared my headache that was chronic" I gave half cf one of yoor PtLLS to my babe for cholera morbus. The deal little thing got well in a day." "My nausea of a mornftg is now cured." ... - ! . "Tour box of JtAGOIEt'S 6 AXVE cured me of noises llObfi head.;' , toibbed e ct JDWi SALTS behind my ears, and the noise left." t s , j ,"8end me two boxes; I want one for a poor family." "I enclose a-4oJlar; year price is 25- eents, Arat the Mediciiie to me is worth s dollar. "Send me five boxes of your PILLS. -, V : U- rj , "Let me have three botes of your 8ALVS ;by retiirs mail.' . , i-, -.,..,..- Vr f have over Two Hundred inch Testimonials I as these, but want of compels me to conclude. !-'-- nt- ' ' .. .. -.1 r .' ' Are sold in Hwbern, N. O.; by ' - a-oiice-jone gamne .witnont tna engraTec trademark around each lot or box. sumedV-bv DR. J. thS en grated MAQGUOj, 11 Cine Ei., Hw York, to cennterfeit which is felony. . . I ,. -i S8old by an resptable Dealers in Medicines throughout the United Stffes and Canada at 25 cents per box or pot, , - . apX6-d4wly frcfessisnaK D Mfrrrvt DRS. FOOOA BAG BY; Surgeon Dentists, and Oradu. ates of the Pennsylvania College of Dental 8urgory, tea. pectfully offer their professional serrioes to the ciUxens r of Kewbern and vicinity. ' - M3 TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT FAIH OV in m-NITBOU&JOXlBm OAS. TUK$ and COLO HOrORM adminiatered if desired j , ' ..Office on PoIloK St opposite the Epic ' . t jjj : copat Chnrch, Kewbern, S, C '. S 8. FOGO, Dt D. S. f; G. K. BAOBT. D. Dsa -.. k: Of Kew Jersey, r r Q. Of Virginia. - may My n8 C. R. THOMAS, ATTORNEY ti JX. W, Office ncjtr coiner of Middle and New Sta, NEWBERN NOR Til CAROLINA. July 13-tf " ' n97 Wholesale - Dealers .: IWBAER. J 4 : : !.s EPPLER. JUST RECEIYED, AND CONTINUALLY RECEIVING, OUR FALL AND WINTER ; STOCK, MlCONSISTING OF DRESS G OO D S, Shawls, Cloaks, Prints, s ' Bleached Shirting; 4 V. Sheetings, Flannels, Woolen Goods, Blankets, Yankee Notions, White Goods, Emhroideries, . Millinery Goo d, vl 1 niu .jsii !nosiery,&c, CLOTHING-, Si.) s 1 -?- o G R A D E S IGmbracing FINE and MEDIUM tjyixfcssf suits SApKS ) r'. ALSO, CASSEIERES AND CLOTHS In Endle8 Varieties. WE WOULD CALL SPECIAL ATTKSTIOS TO OUB STOCK OF 'H.'il'! j il Oil ! - boots, m ,wm a we manraracraretne' largest portion or them and can recommend them. Mens', 'yBoy& omens,1 Misses ; aid OhUdrens', Sewedjand Pegged.1K .Ol fiMlW' Grades and Qualities. Ajk M t i li & 3 i -i ! t . HATS, CAPSy; GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. raT LATEST STYLES. irnVwhich'Wo WW offer "tOWTEST MARKET PRICK. We invite the attention of Wholesale Bayers from all sections of the State. -. BAER & EPPLER, 42 Pollok st., Newbern, IV. C. ept 26-tf ' ?"; PT. J. Mltclkell. Geo. Allen. D. T. Carra way. COTTON GIN S. THE S W fe GENUINE if S r J fe GnORGFV t C01T0IVS GINS, iilERY GIN'S, ' EAGLE GINS, : him MfciM RUBBER ANDXjATHER BELTING, CAST IRON GIN SEGMENTS Morse pcERg.,i ffi CORN SHELLERS, CH) (ivlT70v7 STRAW CUTTER, GRUB HOES, 'i; - ; ' I 51 Ufll. SHOVELS, SPADES,-J ; i - p" " AND AXB8, AT a ii t mitchell: allen Xco& P f in vlL I" KA ' a v Ssi a A LV v2T0l!0rf StA MeWDerh, Ns Cs ang26-tf nlSS MEEIJST & CO., j- WaKaAUt DSAUEBSnt , j1- j, - GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS : Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liqubrsj BOOTS NDIESMS'AND CAPS, NOTIONS; &0: &o;;';T 07110,8 1 T JO A 8 TO HO.UBX & front bt., Newbern, ir. c, i1 AGENTS FOR . I ,..,n Rtlss' Celebrated St. Domingo EinERS. WIHES ATID CORDIALS. P. MeRWIN. UkA . 'Wtfis. WALKER vrt 51 if - -v- - - mm--1 SATVb iffi TEKKE I , . , Boms Soaps bOTyoar fingers, T ' . f X Borne your clothing, and i. V tt i S All melt nis dew before a July Bun, v-'r Th Bavoh DXTxaaaOo's Daxx Bnowa FAULvfiDir . WONT DO EITHER! Oa the eontrary it iaT V A T ' -i-JLi- i FlaasaatrtoHsA hands, - " - - Harmless to your clothing, sad " ' "STANDS-. LIKE r A ,ST05mlLLs This article IS made frtmr a natnrdjprodnctrand is in every way superior to -the ordinary Family Soaps. Be sides its superior cleansing qualities, it softens -goods and brightens colors without in jury to either. Ontoaoand equal to one and a half of -ordinary soaj- X saving of ou per ceiis. oena iot circulars, -sola Of au trade oea 7 PKCrCIJPAI. PFFICE, TESET STv 'JflJW tOKKi. jmy -oia . aji, exiisrviiuu, jrresiaenb p o a S A I. K To close consignment. :- t v - r -t ... i sAKlEL8 BEETS, . . . - " , - TEN BABBELB TTJBNIPS. V. - f V- Daily expecting to arrive, to be sold from whart. THREE HUNDRED BACKS SALT. '-; ' ' '. w eeptas-iw -; , wHixroED, par, co. .rrLIedicines., VEGETABLE :'' Piin " KE1EE. 1 The Universal 5 Remedy ; . r.t., .1 - 'i FOB I').'.,,?'.,! ; Summer Complaints and . Dysentery. ... ennnenemssnm . Bowel complaints seems just now to be tho prevailing element, and any medicine that is everywhere acceptable. and that U reliable is a very desirable acqniBiUon. From what we have seen, heard and experienced, we believe DAVIS' PAIS wTT.T.irTt u this desideratam. For the best method of nsing it, we quote from PESSY SAYIS' pern. ..... ... j . .- v V". phtet of directions: . " For common bowel coaa plaints give one teaspoonful in a gill of new milk and molasses, in equal parts stirred well together ; lessen the dose for children acooruag to tbeage. If the pain be severe,', bathe the bowel and back with the medicine. This mode of treatment la good tn eases of the cholera morbos, sodden stoppages, fce. Bepeat the dose every hour. TThe quickest way I ever saw a dysentery cured was by taking one teaspoonful of the PAIS XTTJiER la one gm t ..... of milk and molasses stirred well together and drank not; at the same time bathing the bowels freely with the medicine. Let the dose be repeated every hour, until the patient (s relieved." , , ' j If every soldier and every other person who lias reason to fear this disease, woold provide .themselves with a bottle of this medicine, and use as occasion required. we believe a great amount of suffering and , sickness would be saved, as wen lathe tented field as the domes' tie borne circle. ' - ' , 1 Price 89 et.. SO eU and 1 per Bottle. - r 1 ' , SOLD BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE. . - Vi ; July 28 diwtf . : - ; ' TTiRKKCH MKDICINKS ; 1JI VOOVK. GRIMAULT &. CO.. CHEMISTS TO HIS IMPERIAL HIGHKESS PBIXCB - UAPOLEON, . ( '. r"iii-;-47 Ru liich-elieti, Parish '1 N 0 MORE ;;. CONS V MP Tt ON. GRIMAULT'S SYRUP OF HYPOPHOS- PHATE OF L1ME1 ,ti " " For an Diseases of the Chest this Medicine is Invaluable; it is largely used at tne ."BBOHFTUM" PITAL, in London, for Consamption, ; v . and generally approved by the: 1, -, Leading Medical Men in England and in - Franee. - -t NO MORE , COD LIVER OIL. . GROIAULT'S Syrup of : Iodized ;v Ilorge Radish! ' This Syrup is employed, with the greatest success, la place of Cod Liver Oil, to which it is infinitely superior. It cores diseases of the chest, scrofula, lymphatio disor ders, green sickness, muscular atony, and of appetite. It regenerates the constitution by purifying the blood. and is, tn a worn, tne most powerful depuraave xnown. It is administered with the greatest ffleaey to yeung children, subject to humors or obstruction of the glands. NO MORE tOVERTY OP THE BLOODAND PALE COMPLEXION. DE. LEEA'S PHOSPHATE OF. IRON. This new ferruginous medicine contains the elements Of the blood and bones, and IRON in s liquid slate. It is different from- all hitherto offered ' to the public, is liqnid, colorless and tasteless. It speedily cures CHLOROSIS, , 4- ' . . PAINS IN THE STOMACH, -1 ; J : . ; j TbirFICTJLT DIGESTION. D IS M E N 0 R R H (E A .AN B MIA. The majority of the Academies of Medicine of Pads recommend the Phosphate of Iron to ladies of delicate constitution, sunenng from Anemia; and all otner per. sons fatigued from over anxiety, nervous" emotions, over-work, general debility and poorness of Mood. It is tne only preparation which, never causes constipa Hon, and can I n oe borne by the most delicate stomachs. NERVOUS HEADACHES, NEtTRALQl A, Instantaneonaiw Cared by GRIMAULT'S GU ARAN A. A vegetable Brnilin substanoe,. entirely Innocuous; V INTERNAL OR 'LOCAL, i NE W G VR A TIVE A G E N T. M A'T. I C O i-T-i-, i GRIMAULT , & CO- Taris. ... ' This'new remedy is prepared from the leaves of a Peruvian pepper- shrub, called MATKXV and cures promptly and infallibly, without any fear of hi flam ma lory results. The great majority of Physicians In Paris, Bussia, Oermany and-Hew Tork now use no other remedy. Dr. Barlin Dn Bnlsson's Dfcestl ve trfwenges and Powders of the Alealine taitakes.1 'The Alkanne lactates exercise the most' beneficial in fluence over the derangements of digestion, either by their Peculiar action on the mnoons membrane of the stomach, or by affording to the latter through their com bination with the saliva to the gastric juice, a supply of Lmctie Acid which all English, French and other Phyti olo$ists admit to be an essential principle of digestion. For the information of those who may be without Medi cal advice, it may be stated here that the symptoms of imnaired digestion are : Headache. Pain la the Forehead. Jlemierania, Oaftris, Gsgtralia, Heartburn, Wind In the Stomach ana iieweis, liOss of Appetite, emaciation, etc. All these soon disappear under the action of the Alkaline lactates, which mar be always, had in Iozenires, . or J OESEBAIt DEPOT. In Paris, at GEIM1TJIJT OO.l Chemists, Ho. 41 Prince Napoleon. 49 Bus Richelieu. - In Kew York, at FOfGEEE TAK0EBKEIFT. 80 Worth William;treet; at CABTTIB A CO., 89 Franklin street. . : .-:) ..' " - i ' jO r-:. u In Kew Orleans, at DuOOUQK. '- j , , , In Kewbern, at H. 1. MEXSINaEB'S Drug Store. :' julylA-dAwtf- v'"' -'"ii- ' I)ll.!laIGAlTS, HAIR; j ... j DRESSING : A TOGETABU PEEPABAH03f dn i For liiieiillfying Mid prozaotin the iaxnrjant growth of the nair. , , r It prerenta the hair from faQing off or tanias; reaorn fltndrair. eleanses fn wem, eores uons roanoEQ. BjunsiawMiy wr atoqaotie saair Dressings. fj - - -..-.- ' -' . " lto invtetjrttftigf vjropertJew fnsnn nuturisnt X, Joeks, inclined to earl, and by Ha persistent nso , the hair is rrotored to bald Jieads Wbm such a ' result is possible. . ' ' Itls splendidly perftaned,irtrj not Stain or soil v the skin or say article of apparel, and is tmiver- m sally pproTed-.espeelaUy by iadie at)4 cbii ""- majstrr aro other t .. . . -T Prlea T5 Mats put Be. . ... en i .,. . '-i. j Prenared bwi." ! ,v . DE. S. B KSTGHT8, CflAallt, -. j .ty.io; Hfwrwrsnt. win. H2 iMDnrarSEB dad t. GOODDId, tewbera, & 1C A,-OAwBAinm HerfoTk; CEMAS, fcAEKEfl atXXySewSork; BaBlTB,AJa) A O0 Kew 'Orleans, JSJi.llflMwiU r 'tfl Tl """S ti-f 1 35S ,? )'. l.i' ni --.-i f. BcSZAn tb. Jr. Ain ABAaBOirKD jujlwds, .-. . - , tuxfas. ass t. U)i, watx or rt. c, . . Kaleioh. If. O- Bent 15. lsetl 'XHeompSanee Wifli 'orders from the Cotnmissieaes-of X the B miss a ot Befageesy Fiendiiien -and Abandoned lands, date war lepartment, .Bureau of Befugees, reeamen ana aoanaonea xanas, masnmgion, u. August 17th. 1866. and by virtue Of authority given in section Is of the set of 'Coagrese, passed July 36, 186oV Act to establish a Bureau for the Belief of Freedmen' and Befugees, and for other purpoees, " I will sell, at the Borden Howeo, in the eitr of Balisbury, S. Ci sit pobH e Actioa, to Uw&ighest bidder, tm Thmaday, the first day oi aovemDer, uea, Between tne nonrs m, xu o Ciocx, A. M-, and 9 o'clock, F. M., ail that certain, tract; of land known as the- - , - ' r ..-,, ---- .--" ?. .-j -.-.i,s-p-.-T a rs 0'-'sTi r nr ',--.;' fttuated ta the city of Salisbury; H. C., and conveyed by ne Trasteeoor- lavvMon uouego to tne so-called. Uon federai etates, bydeed dated the ad sy of Xovember, A. v. UCUcontainmg about fifteen (1S or. sixteen 116) acres," more -or less, baid tract of land was used daring the late war ir thevso-oaSed -Confederate Government. lor the rannneaioatifis prisoners of war. - it was for merly thei site of a large msnnfactariruf establishment. It has a railroad front of about three hundred 4300) yards On the Kortn Carolina railroad, making it a very desirable location for a xnannfacrnring site, or the establishment of a Store Bouse for the storage end shipment jef-the agricultural products of the country.- -. - . Tkxw :' Cub; tn Oovernment funds, oa the delivery of warranty deed therefor, in the name of the United :-uteai. : : . -'Anus. i'.-'rfUJa.Jitnua, "i 'l'Cact.'i A Q. 3d.. Bu. R.. F. A L.. -. z' ' ' ir ' - - 'PLOUK. of an orades. for sale bv J10IIS' . 3 1 hi A i OS 13 T .'f v. HAVING CEEN tfvil GREATLY ENLARGED, W t .'U.S . i in - -r,-:r. -AND 1 Ct Other wise: Improved, Is now acknowledged to be one Of ,UlO ' " HIDING JOURNALS OF THE COUNTRY i ' - ft . i .. s. tun .,' By candid men'' both Kortn and' South. ," PI if LARGEST DAILt in THE BODTn, And filled wita ths MOST SELECT READING MATTER, embracing H the leading topics of the daj, together wita the, latest ; Domcstlf, American and European " ' Telcgraptlc News,' Ik offers the GREATEST, INDUCEMENTS to the reading public of - ' - , i.iil iitniji!; .1 ii;.wl.l - 1 03 NORTH . CAROLINA, (- -tIi , 1 1 r.ii n'-i.t 'il y ' And ' should, b it does command, their most Iilern.l Support Having a ter iride and general , elroulatloa In the rich, fertile counties of the East, it is the ?-f :- v- - 1 .ji f r;...pt-;r'v,,t r i" . . t , i, ' .it. '. Best Medium for Advertising T BTE 8 T A T E . oJtr-i -'? . 1:117:'.'- ; . . . . ; A fact which is dulj appreciated, ai will be seen by refereiioe to its oolunna. ? - . , UIS OF rjffS JDIiF. TkDAILrriMXS,-inku''9nHtfa form, will be mailed to, subscribers oat of the city, or ieljjd 40 .h08:io,tt. th, YWYL0W PRICE, as follows t 5 '.?-. , Twelre montlis: . . ... ..Vi : .. t 8.00 Six, months . . . ; . y ,;-. . ,'X ... 4.00 Three months. . . : .i ,v....v;i 2.50 One month-. . .4 . i i. .4 i.',vi.. 1.00 To Cluiis of lO, one year, to : one Post OfiVce. i-f V.70,00 To Clubs of lO six months,. 35.00 " w Ave one Tear, .t as nn w ,. .3 v;x si months .. . 17.50 - ihfii .t' . i I NEWBERN WEEKLY TIMES IsBtill published on eletrant WHITE) PAPER mQUARTOFORJU UuSSSl being, devoted to. GKNERAr, tvtkt t di written in a CHASTE AN R ELEGANT STYLeT ittfs'; . 5iJfcVWw. ,'J-Mga iltfJl Ttr-i-Z -. : , ' Is Rapidly training IfaFor ara the puBLiri)a,L v ; Like the v$Mj, it is thavj-v , ui.i .u Cheapest. Paper of. its; Kind in : theoath, i-'lJffl - If not in the country. Singla subscribers; one year ! $ 2.50 f,08;"- h: . 1.50 u It 7 oneTrea'. j w. , r. . 20.00 5 One .VCisti '.iXC ; i n I m rr U Months, 5.00 2 SQCABES 8.00 1; t.?l 3 mnjxAES : 4'SQUAKM I COLUMir 1( I OOLCMJt (J, T HAr.TTlfW 7fi.OO 100.00 250.00 03,00 .,i20.W.l ,,fiOX)Q .Woa.jauoo, - T.,)L4o.OO w .WU.UU 135.00 ,s-vy-" :2G5XX 450.00 Advertisements In tn . wtwrv i . . ' ehrged one-foortb f abors fates. ) Jdt L -. iii J 1 1 ' THE :J QB ;DEPlkrllENT. fv. . i ; ,sra t( " i. - :i-j,,.t Id sarpuMd by bufrtslf My; ' It oomprisos ; i- ea.'. . ' . :.-w rr!'!i i Jt i'-!-, -. :. fi5.;f J i ''"i !T' J CTT,, TjJi M t.oJ.r mSFfAb DAILY. 1 BQCABa It 6.00 1 i 14 v a q ! . Aa la jonection -wlta ' vrnlcn' rare"constantlT kri4 tb BEST OF WOnKMET, end An ' abundant1 sttppry Of lh BEST QUALITY OF J03'' 8T0CK V -and the imflre8sions,ke the aelrrpapers, are all 'I 9 J f V "Si; Mostdliaprorcd Stcaa PcVcr rVesscs. : Ana. in tm y f .JWX J5XIJUE OF TCE ART - Cfat snotCtar being, - - 7 - ' , ! AKT We appeal to tno public for 'their patriae- V J the- MOST COMPLETE. 8ATI5FACXloS ' " fetors,;- and wspectfullj; wlioitlig iWncrMS ' ' rf patrooage ineffutare,;,e . - the peoples' obedient eerrant -i ' J -- - . - ' . . . i, ",.- .-' . . 47 X sept 11-lm W0OLL00TX 71323. .W. I. VESTAL; . . r - 6t i - - . A. m, 4 .-. 4