1 i - , irm; ;i Stair n .f It published every Day, aid lis Weekly every - . n -.... - Tuesday, on Craven Street, JJewbern. North Carolina. '4 Hi 1 i v era 4 tJjfJ ""dB JiDTKRTIIIliO BATK8, ?jw W -J V, ...... .11.BO; TEBHI OF SUBSCRIPTION. "Et myitRS ill m viMaMatag tnjortion............i. . BaM suite a afuara, and aU advertisement win asnlinisil matQ forbid, unless otherwise orJered, and) gbargafl aoonrtlngly. To asouw tnaertion they should H ta by S O'elockc, tha afternoon prerinua . aB Una an tote eatttodoa tha 1st of every month. A Ifbsxaj laoount made to those wno advertise largely. TteT I ffK S au a larger circulation in Eastern North I-oUy one yer. ......,.,.(,,, $8.00 . i VT';v ; , t, , v . , , t s ' ' six months.;..; J...t.... 4.00 To olubs of ton one yesfu ..TO.0 To clubi of ten six months... 3S.OO JUL. -rr Weeklyone year.... .... Jt.50 .A " U months... , ....... ..ku;c 1.50 f ol: 3.-o::i69. 3 ' NEWBERjNV'N; ;c;.TRI:DAS'CT0BER'i5j'1866.-' ;;,:;i' : .' - ;;y,-CpiTO', Cots Oatoliaa ftea any, if aotaU other papers oomouiKi, au A club of ten, weekly, one year.... 80.00 raaeatef rrT part of the conntry, ia th BEST inedlnm lbrawatMtittttata''''' ; -. 1 i -i A club of ten, weekly, siz month 1O.O0 : III . - ' i - f AAA J AMAA V' rA i i v i i t tira iEi iva in i tim i inf. w ;. - . n 1 1 - r i ' is i r. j l vz ti m .111 .111 mis- ;. Ill 1 1 - : s - '. ' tiiii'jit LjtJwLls "'..-lilac . - ... - jaw. M s 1 fc vlt.l - -f : V i K to 16 do ,-..30 do $t on 7flt oof... 3 00 1 FKIDAY. OCT. 5, 1866. LOCAL DEPARTMENT 1 ' i i . -.'.I T,f . POST OmCI, ITrWBKBS, N. C, I ; Juhk 10. 1864. J riie mall win close Daelt ai follow 1 , for Boston, JCew York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, : . Norfolk, Washington, D. 0., and all points North and East at .,,.......,....,. 8.00 A. M. sorehead and Beaufort, N. C, at 5.00 P. M. Roanoke Inland,. . .. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Jolilaiioro', Kaleigh, Wilmington and all points , West and South at ...........8.00 A. M. day Kiver. every Friday at ........ 11.00 M. Irenton and P jUocksville, every Wednesday and .' fisturday t....;..... 6.00 A. M. UattcraH, Wednesday, at 4 P. M. Wwift Crek, Washington and Plymouth, N. C, - ' yvrry Tuesday, Thursday h Saturday at ... .6.00 A. M. Office open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M.. and T to 7) P. M. ' 1 Mnndays. from T to i A. it., a d 7 to T P. M. All letters to be delivered in the United 8tates, in cluding drop letters, must be prepaid, or they will be sent to dsd letter otace, unless addressed to Heads f Bureau . t WsshuiRton. D. . GKO. W. MASON. Jn.. P. M. iL "f WE ABE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE CAL 73 VIN KOONC, of Jones county, as a candidate for a eeat in the Senate of our next Legislature, from the District composed of Carteret and Jones, ; sept 38-tf p&'Soa Wobk. We keep constantly on hand a large and varied stock of material, also firsb-class Job Printers, ior all kinds of work in that line. Orders iu the city and from the country will re ceive promprattention, and satisfaction Is guar isiitced. fi.".-. i ' ' Bysisisss NoTica. From and after this date, all transient auYerUsing and job 'work must be paid for promptly, when the order is handed in. The expense and trouble of collecting little bills Is so great that we are driven to this necessity.1 f his rale of course will not apply to regular monthly advertising patrons, w ; f Delats are Danoeroc8 Diarrhoea, if neglec ted, leads to Cholera an hourt neglect will often insure a fatal termination. This "South ern Dianhoea Medicine," Is a tare protection against Cholera when taken in its earliest stages. aug 23-lm : , .. : , i Dr." Waltbb Dutjt. whose onoce on Pollok St, was destroyed in the recent conflagration, can be found for the present, at his residence! on Union Street. Sept 21-lm : y : ; , .;.(, . OmCZIlS OF THE TJ. S. DlSTBICT COUBT, ) -j '' . Pamuoo DisTBior, N. C Judge Hon. George W. Brooks, of Elizabeth City. '-,". -: . . U. S. District Attorney D. H. Starbuck, Si lem, N. C. .-. t - r-t r -j -. -r .Cle.rk-Chas. Hibbard, Newbern. f - v U. S. Marshal R. C. Kehoe, Newbern. Court will beheld October 29th, 1866. -i " Wfir die of the Cholera Morbus ? v Dysentery f Chronic Diarrhoea ? or any of the foul diseases when a bottle of th 'Southern Diarrhoea : Medi cine" will save your life ? : Warranted to cure in every case or the money refunded. ! , ' Full directions accompany each, bottle, ; Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by Gooding, Wat kins Jb Co., H. J. Menninger, Bichard Berry, and Woollcott & Tinker. ; - - - - eCountry orders promptly filled by any of the above-mentioned druggists. f : r sept27 lm Akt of" ouSr friends who may have facts and ' incidents connected with" the early history of ; Newborn in thir possession, would confer aaror by calling at this Office, or eommunioating with -'Vv:1 ' ' 1 . A. Sbotwxll. . . JT3??!fa pxoapAci3)j.im Um ibud page. -i fr- HATUR'S COURT. . " ' . ' Tlvwrtday, Oct, Before BUs Honor,' Mayor Washington. Charles Jones, a small Bureau knob, charged with disorderly conduct, was discharged by being properly whipped-by his mother. - Abner Powell, colored, charged with stealing cotton ; case laid over for further investigation. Samuel Dove, colored, charged with selling in market without a license ; 'button' investigation it appeared he had a license, and he was there fore discharged. , , . . Simon Moore and Charles Allen, two negxo boys, chnrged, with disorderly J conducte on the i 4 J xIv.' I 42 : ; Biieci, were ue utuiea ivi mo prcocuu Nothing) Htbtftjii 4 'about Them. While So many Articles of daily use have become so adul terated that one hardly dares believe anything pure, it is satisfactory to know that the Soaps with which we purify ourselves or , our clothing may be relied upon as being perfectly free froa hurtful substances. Colgate & Co. employ' none but the nost healthful ingredients in their many kinds ;of soap, and . rigidly exclude whatever migat narm aiun or eioui.. . ! . The Babbit on the WaiX. It has often been said that all mankind aie children, the difference being that some are grown-up children whije others are in tender years. There is one thing that we are sure of, and it is this "; that almost , every, grown-up person T takesgreat pride in childish sports. : This being the case, we .give the following beautiful lines a place in our paper, believing it will amuse and interest oar, readers. and cause many a bright memory ot childhood's hours to spring up with joy ai the remembrance, in the hearts of aged mothers and fathers. We do not concede that these lines contain a great amount of poetry, but they are so life-like that we excuse the want of poetical Ideas : Ti . , The cottage work is over, -xf ('. . ' : The evening meal is done ; . Hark I through the starlight stillness You hear the river run. t , , , The little children whisper,-!?; f ,r,. ' Theii speak out one and all ; i Come, father, make for Johnny r ' . " The rabbit on the walL ; . ; He smilingly assenting, ' - They gather round his chair ; ' : "Now, grandma, you hold Johnny f Don't let the candle flare." ; So speaking, from his fingers ' . tie threw a snadow tall,- : . That seems a moment after," A rabbit on the walL ' The children shout with laughter, ' T ; : ' ; The uproar louder grows : v ' Even grandma chuckles faintly, " j And Johnny chirps and crows: ) There ne'er was gilded painting, Hungup in lordly hall, Gave half the simple pleasure ; Of this rabbit on the walL ' Choleba Phenomena. Physicians off Nash ville, Tenn., say that during the height of the cnoiera ravages in that city a misty blue vapor. hardly visible, without any perceptible smelL hung over the town, being densest in the filthy places. Tbia phenomenon was not generally observed except by scientific gentlemen. It is related that some time aero, at Memphis, Tenn. a steamer's crew, being in perfect health, stopped eight hours near the lower part of the city, lying in the middle of a thin and almost invisible vapour.' The same day three deck hands oa , board sickened and died with cholera, and four others were prostrated, but recovered. change. , . , , f .virT 1 We learn that it has been ascertained by Dr. - Bat. Laneesteb, of England, that there- 4s "cholera mist" He has succeeded in analyzing it and finds it to contain minute .granular aggre gations. These granules present the appearance of fungoid growth, something like the snores of the y c:bt plant, '?;V':, . ShATTEBEO COKSTITDTIOirS KaSTOBED bj HELHi BOLO'S EXTKACT JiVCWU, .New Music. We are again brought under obligations to the popular bouse of Oxtveb D it son A Co. , of Boston, for ihree pieces of new and popular music: ' ; . ' ; . V -'- "Why was I looking out ?" . "The charming young widow 1 met on the train.- ? " ; ' ; V-" -Tll meet thee in the lane" "when : theiock strikes ten.") 1 v ; ; . i .i : f That very welcome monthly visitor, '"The Farmer," for October is on our table. , F4X10TT & ShteiIds, of Bichmond, Ta., are doing tbj country much good, service by this rjublication, which ought to find its way ;" to every farmer's liearth- stone in the land. ' . , -- - The Otsteb Siasos. Oysters have again made their appearanse in our market,1 and are eagerly sought afr by those fond of goodlivjug.. We had the pleasure of regaling our sense of taste on a fine stew of nice fat ones yesterday. r . ; , - " ' 1 '-- . ': The following 'recipe we elip from an ex change, and publish it tot the .benefit of those concerned without comment : To Cook a Husband. Many good husbands are spoiled in cooking ; some women keep them in hot water constantly,, while others freeze them by conjugal coolness;. some smot uer them in hatred, contention and variance, and some keep them in a pickle all their lives. . These women always'serve them up with tongue sauce. Now, it cannot be supposed that husbands wjJ.1 be tender and eood if managed in this way : but, on the contrary, very delicious when managed as fulness, fall good wives keep '-one'on hand,) put your husband in it, and set him near the fire of conjugal love; letthe fire be pretty hot, but especially let it be clear,1 and above alL the rest, be constant : . cover'' him with afifeotion, kind ness and subjection.- garnished with "modest, be-. oomlng familiarity, and spiced wita peasantry, and if you add kisses and other "confectioneries, let them be accompanied with a, safficient por tion Of secrecy, mixed with prudence and modera-. tion. We would jadyisejall good . wiyes to try this .recipe,i and realize what an admirable dish a husband makes when properly .cooked. t.: - THE .POISQAED FJLOWEIl. s. Am Incident lm the Lift -of one of tharEarly Klngt of Franet. There re various traditions as to the origin of the Golden -Lily -upon - the shield of France. Among these "is th followinzTineident,' said to have occurred in the- latter part of the eleventh century, during the reign of Phillip Augustus, t The Prince was only fifteen when he asoende the throne, but the strong hand? -with which "he seized the reins or , the government, awing the turbulent nobles and protecting the common, people against their aggressions,' soon convinced them that he was not to be despised for his youth. Though by this course he greatly "endeared himself to (he mass of his subject?, lis life was more than once threatened, and even attempted; but these plots Invariably originated among the naughty nobles, who were restive under the re straints imposed upon them by the King's strong arm, and his just and kindly heart. In the summer of the eleventh year of his reign, weary of the cares of ' state, Philip retired with his court to his royal residence at Chau- mont, which was a favorite resort to him. Among his train 1 was ; Geoffrey, Count ,cte Nenlle, to natural oa of IxmiB VII.. the Kintr'a I n&li-Drot nsr ? : no was a aau ana inonenBivrrKine's movement ftomTier retreat, and larseu man, apparently well contented with the title and estate conferred by tne late JUng upon his mother, and which he had inherited upon" her death; but, unfortunately, he married a haughty. ambitious woman, wno was but illy inclined to forego her elaims to royalty. At the death of .Louie, she openly asserted that there had been a secret marriage be- J tween him and tne late countess de .Neville, and upon the head of her son should rest the crown of France, he being the eldest born, and urged her husband to assert his claims. But this the Count refused to do, being ill fitted by nature to Oct a part requiring more than usual energy and ability, besides entertaining too strong an affeo- tion.for the young king, who bad treated him With unusual kindness, to seek-to V deprive him of his rightfu1 inheritance. . t m ni. ;i i- . 1 -. 11. . t .. u rouip nnsru vi vuo preteubions wnicn ine Countess set forth, he manifested no outward tosen or . aispieasure or distrust." un the con trary, hergave his brother many evidences, of. regard, appointing him to honorary offices 'near his person, although he took care that t hey .were- such, that they conferred Dut tittle power. This was a new. source of grievance to the I naughty countess, wno never relinquished the . . - r. . , . ..... ' I idea of becoming a yueen, and hnd fondly imag ined that,-on account of Phillip's youth, his brother wouid obtafa fetich a -strong ascendancy, over 'his -mind as would make bus 'King ill reality, if no tin nama j f ;o -,- y j: The disappointment - was felt with increased bitterness-when she became the mother of a son! in whom she centered all her -ambitious hopes, and all The love she was capable of feeling , for Unlike our modern fine .ladies, the dames of nigh degree of that : remote peried were early risers; and the (Jouutess- de- JMevilie ften took long ridea'bn horseback before the dew was off tne gram, unattended, except ty ner groom, wno kept at a respecful distance, just near enough to be within, .call, should his lady require assis tance. One morning she paused in front :of a little cottage, situated in a penect wilderness ot bloom; Aa an involuntary ejaculation of surprise and. ad miration escaped her lips, pretty,-, intelligent looKing girl rawed iter bright eyes trom.4hexose- trash she was pruning. ; x-Tsj: , r j ' " l have some handsomer within, arranged in bouquets," she said,' smiling if tnadame would like to examine them. " - i . Throwing the reins of her horse to her 'atten dant, the Countess alighted, much to the sur prise of the servitor, whehaii never, known his honghty mistress to be guilty of so much conde scension. Deiore. ....... ' 1 As the Countess enterea the little, low room, the brettv flbwer-cirl disnlaved her beautiful col lection 01 boquets with pardonable pride. : " All or any of them are at yoor service, with the exception of this," she said, pointing to one composed of golden lilies and white roses, and relieved by a few leaves of green;. it is for the King." H.Ti,r !M ;"So King 'Philip buys the 'flowers, pretty "Yes. madame; I have orders. tOibrjng them to the Palace dailyu ' The golden lily is hisj lav- orite flower; and there are only those in bloom to-day,; . , , . fi r ft "I will take ttii&I paid'the.pountess, selecting one of the bouauets. and takins from her purse a gold niece of more than double the value, " buf first bring met a cooi draught of water from the sprincr yonder." .'... :? With a light step the young girl took a pitcher and passed out to tne spring that was but a Bhort distance from the door. : As. she glided by the window on returning, she glanced m and saw, much to her surprise, her visitor bending over the stand of flowers, and apparency sprinkling something from her hand upon those, she had laid aside for the King. When she tooK it away,' hex eye caught a gleam of a small golden Bask; such aa the ladies of that period used for their cosmetics and perfumery, tint when she entered the room, she found her in the same position in which she had left her. v She oould not forbear an' exclamation of sur prise as she observed how deadly pale was hejv countenance. . . , " TiS but ; the' odor 'qf the flowers, said the Countess, si drawing ., her robes; around hr she turned to the door. - -,-, '. ..i -. h 4 . "Take-'niy advice, my -good giri;; place the stand nearer the window and, be not much over them; their perfume is quite too .strong for so small a room." ; " : -" .- k "' -v . ' j There was something about these words, care lessly spoken though they were, that deepened the undefined suspicions - in the young girl's heart; and following her suggestions, she placed tne stana oi nowers airecuy in irons oi the open . ' ','. w ; JJ . '1 - 1 ; . bouquet destined for the King, she detected the presence of a fine white powder, impalpable to the eye upon the white petals of the rose, but clearly visible noon the lilies, whose peculiar shape, by exposing the leaves to the full rays of ine sun as well as tneir vivid, coloring, threw it into strong relief; and as she bent over them, the faint but penetrating odor that arose made iter SO riddv that nha wmild Viva fallnrt tha! if n been for the tall shapely youth who had just en tered, and whose livery showed him to be in the service of the King, i A '.I hi ri I .? It was her lover, Francois King Philip's body servant, and who, passing by the house, called to have a chat with his betrothed. rr" - "How, now, Marie ?" he said,, looking into her faoe; "what has frightened the roses from your cheek, and given you such a strange look?'? The honest-hearted fellow was sineerely attached to his royal master, and-' he listened' gravely to Marie's account of the strange1 coil-' uuoi. 01 ner vieitorLana tne suspicions to wnicn it gave rise. O It has a bad look." he said thouehtfallv i "though I believe there is nothing in" it. Bv good, luck, I have orders to attend His Majesty in his private apartments -an hour-'hence-tt J will put him on his guard ; then surely no harm can come of it." - '' . ':. :fis i Somewhat to the surprise of Francois the wmuuw. xiitn, uy a ciose examination 01 tne King manifested ho disquietude atfthisdisoifrjHELsrBoitfaExTEACT Bucht; and Ihpbovbd sure, though the grave" look and attentive man ner with which he listened shewed that he eon; sidered it of no light import w Jle bade him charge Marie : ... "To tell no one what she had discovered, but to come to the Palace with her flowers an hear, earner man was ner. won;, Dy no means forget-. iniT h.R urnljlan I!)!.. . . .. i King Philip sat in his audience hallBnrrcrandp.il by his retinue. A number of the royal family stood near him among them tl e Count Neville, his wife, and the little son. a sweet boy of three. whose winning and sprightly ways made him a "And please .your Majesty, Marie, the flower girl, is waiting without," said one of the guard. "Aumnner," said tne rung. . ,. W!. Marie had never seen King Philip in his robes of state, and the royal pomp that -surrounded him impressed her with a feeling of awe as she entered. ' But, this was quickly i dissipated by approach. ;' .-.' r I see yon have not forgotton my! favorite flower," 'he said, taking the casket from' iey hand. ,." . . "Just admire these queenly. lilies, fair - Count ess, and inhale the fragrance from the roses." ' '' "But why do you start ' and ; turn pale ?" " he added, as with an involuntary shudder she dreV back from the flowers he would have placed' in her hand. 'itj i "I I"crave your Majesty's pardon.'f she stammered, ''but the odor of rosea, aflectscne ! The King's eyes followed the Countess as she retreatect to -th window, afe the s- farther, end of the hall, under the pretext of obtaining air. He trienT)fed them searchingly; on herhnsb4ndfs' lace, whose mind seemed to be entirely1 occupied bv the lannrhinc hnv h hnld in hia nrma . . tit' Attracted by the bright color of the lilies.--tBei' child stretched out its hand for them. A, sudden tnousht struck tne Kincr as he observed thi.t-- t "See how eagerly Louis is regarding them!" he said, turning to the Count, , "Let him hav them. .y . With ia fond smile the father took the flowers' and. held them before the boy, who catching theni-Vith both his dimpled hands, raised them- with a gleeful snont to his lips."'" ' - ! TJ hikntUr J..JWilln ...nti.s. J V.'rt A- and with a faint gasp he fell dead in his father's arms,-!-! ,'Va,. ' i -. TWo rWinfoea V.l l.nf fntivi watoft rtn .-rh ting eTerything.in her terror, 'Sprang forward to arrest her husband's arm. "Monster J?, she exclaimed, glaring on him like a tigress robbed of her young, "xoubare de- troyed your childl " ' , k; ' i "And yoo, said .Philip, pomtmff sicmificantly to the flower, still clasped in . ther child's ncid nnKere, 4tou would have murdered your Kine." ; -y.a uus ue woman mat caiiea ai your collage "Thfl Ranifl. vnnr' Mnifiatv. " ". -4-it J As soon as the Count comprehended the f nil meaning of these, words he cast a look tof horror and detestation npon his wife, then taking his dead boy, he laid him' on the pile of cushions at the Ring's feet. ;:.-: v y r'o- i'- "1 can lay before yoa no stronger nreef, sire. he faltered, "that I was ignorant of the existence of the base plot against yoarUfe.? u - jt As Philip looked npon the sweet features of the child,' and then upon his father," His to&s softened. " ' -? ' i" ; 0.i i 'Tton are right Goo! knows that I' would fain have spared your loyalty such a severe test" g ."A wish you all to hear witness, he said, ad dressing those around him, "that I fully exone-1 rate "Jonnt de Hernia trom alt-eomplicrty 1with his wile in this attempt upon the life of jour King." r c . : lt, . r , - "As to yon, he added, turning to the guilty woman, "I give yon twenty? days q leave the kingdom. If after that time' you -are" found in my domains yon shall sufler the fnll penalty : of your crime. . -..,.. rp. . io i Jiing Philip did not iorget the debt ' of grab- 1 tude he owed to Mafie and his faithful attendant rf lie was present at the marriage which ocoured a few days after, bestowing a dowery 'on the bride. and.ojber substantial marks of favor ; andieer) '. - . 1 " i - - '' . m -r ' , auuMTyTirua, iu commemoration oi.ms froviaen- taal dalivei-ance, he bore npon. bi shield : the "Golden Jjily." - - r J 'i ' ;. ' 1 A Warnlna to T.-wiis Men ! The Kavhvi'.le (Tenn.) Dispatchr j3epe.':2ftVoni tains the folio wins-sal storv : ,C. 'i. : toircj On Thursday last. Dr. TG. Morgan! died at the St. Nicholas Hotel, in this city, of cholera. About three years ago, Morgan was a surgeon in the 10th Missouri Infantry, United' States Vol unteers, and was looked npon- by all who knew him as a talented and promising young man. Good looking and an accomplished , musician, he mixed largely in society ; but in an evil hour he entered the' path of dissipation, and, as a conse quence for the last twelve months his course has been backward and downward. (Losing all self- respect and esteem, he became a bloted and mis erable drunkard, playing on the vrolln for a liv Ting at that ' moral nuisance,' now abated, the Sunnyside." Jatterly poor Morgan has he an so. reduced as to be without any home but the workhouse. A fortnight ago he was sentenced to this institution for twelve .days as a public vagrant: and it was just after being turned loose that he was attacked by the epidemic,: andi with a rained constitution, survived bat a few hours, Morgan was a native of the State of New York, and was born in one of those charming interipi towns where, no doubt, his family still resides all unconscious of the dismal and soul-hrarow- ing fate of the once noble and promising-: eon. There are hundreds or young men in our city to day who are, as it were, homeless. Without , the restraining influences of the family fireside they. plunge into the .incipient stages, of . dissipation and debauchery and ere tney are tuny aware or their condition, are on the downward, road to ruinr? The fate of the poor wretch whos edemia We record above, should serve as a warning to. others who are ' following," although ignorant, perhaps, of the fact, In his footsteps. Thi Dismal Swamp Cakal. We are informed by the, efficient Superintendent of this work. Captain James C. Choate that this important rnWimnnicarion with th Old North fitate. is now open for transportation purposes, having a depth. of four and a half feet of water. . Lighters loaded with Shingles, and others ' with wood and ma chinery Sox the use of the company of enterpris ing northern, men.' who will set to work as -soon as. possible in cutting out peat from the land re cently purchased by them... i a ; vJThia ia a new, enterprise.and.iis likely to .prove renumerative. Land which has heretofore been regarded comparatively worthless,' will thus be made the basis of a flourishing enterprise., A line cf 'steamers will soon be put in running throngn the canal daily to .unzaDetn wty, Jforfotk Jiay Beck. , l ' ' " ESFXXBLED AND DELICATE fJONSTITTJTIOKS, Of botH sexes, use Heijcbold'b Extract Buchtt. ' It will give brisk and energetic feelings and enable i you to sleep well. & , ' ' ... ... j. T7V. X T7T- X. i : " . (....' T5! resume the investigatjn-iroeirMiaetanoeii Of Hhe IcitTifig of ml KfATttillfer,!m Pnilade- phia, The adjournment, arose out o the belief that facts would be brought to light in afew days tending to strengtnen the case against tne pris oner, and the. Coroner is- awaiting theaction of the detective officers.'7 There has not Jet been any discovery of the ring taken from 'the finger of Mrs. Miller," nor' of the razor, "which was earn ried eff from the house; R Williams. 'the accused. admits that he was at the house early on the morning 01 tne murder, nurdenies that ne com mitted the deed. ; ; ai " ii 0EEEt FOE., NecEALOIA ; Ualuornia paper saysi Sometime sirce published,, atjhe rV quest of a irieno; receipt .toureneuraigia; Ialf drachm, nfj.sal 'hmmoniajj in an. ounce of camphor w?8r to be taten a teaspoonful at a doke, ano! the5 dose repeated 'several timesi at ,ia r. tervals pi five minutes if jfee J5ainbe not re lieved at S)hce.iH Half a irozen different' persons has since tried the recefpl,''and th every caseWm immediate cure f was effected,' A In' one, the suf. fwfitAf' had beh1teffected for mdire than ai her su Bering; when BlntSon -or sal ammonia itt camphor water relieved her in a !few min- VtSBi I e -a-l'sr i SB -? .. Rose Wash oures-secret aad-delicate disorders' in all their stagesj little-expense little or no ehange m diet, na inconreriience and 'no- expor sura: It is pleasani iw taste anAoddri immediat in.ils ftotion and free from U injaaoue proper ai BARGAINS !TN TOTeHES. f -THE VtiWTSt .WATCiB 0a,rttanttfa5turers. Broad- f way, Sew Tort, o6cr taeir entire stock at leu than cost. for caK Tnis. fclloras rare opportunity tot dealer wishing to replenish for holiday trade, tp select from 'gTeat'rlety', tmsrpssed'for richntat 'of ' design, time keeping qaritieg and and rsl worth? id hur.tff- fkJLDIilKH WATCilES- Hnronean mailft iTi Sfc.nt an. ver snd 'Gold rtatOiT Cases warranted correct tiiuekeep ersbeautifully engriyedi -white dial !siid" fancy finiah"d hands; a snperb ornament. t ;lic, Jibi case of six, $8. Thesame, gold pjai d, per case of sue, $18. BOLDQXL, BY THE CASE I '' We do not deviate from this rnls noon at. mMM.-'i' t.V.U'U. , VfJi'4 - HUNTTUG SILTEB- WATClUio, :nflsh- moveoaepr. perfectly adjusted, and warranted, correct , timekeepers; beautifully eneraved stout doable cases. White dial and fancy cat hands, si Sct'OBly by the case of (rixi-prioe $57. This is tlie cheapest ireally goo4arUol4 in the marker,' furnishing a stout hunting durable watch, which ; WILIi KEEP GOOD TIME; at a MOIXEBAT PRICE. " In jtlsUci to many retail idealers whom ' we ars npplyinc, these watches will not Ue sold to any onet; retail, or inranj 1 ?-GOLD PLaTED WATCHES','' irf opiate, same move. merrt as abovi8jnd;is precisely tile same style of .watch. with the exception that these are-heavuy plated .on eotn posi tipn metal . Price, per case of six, $57. Sold only ty ,j..BCiiTIXa SILVER WATCHES, in. sapftadar; finished il cases, tall engraved, such that eadily sell at - netaijl gt. I trom sa eacn npwaras, ner case el; st; J 1 Z.T name m gilt cases, per half dozen, $72. Sold only by tcaiet Improved tie j(6ilvr:4Jliirx 'liroiton iu tera tn XuU tvaibxiAetton iMoty-nevt. . Those wisl ine a wiperkoK time-piece, thatattt fee relied' udou in all seasons and weathers, should iuu v this :-, -Foi "BailroaI'men and others requiring an ftccnf ate time-Diece. hie IB nninirpassed. .-Cased in best saver ia a-Tt&ndsbine end durBl;iiiairBejri !pe se of , $'itffmA smpje. wut m.W.u jfge watcaes rjratuaj gepm w to AMERrd'ArJ WATOHES OFOUR OWN MAN- .: :-it's nirartier iinuitDBiiirFi.i . Two ounoe SUvep Caaef. Have h best running ,p. params oi any waicn in ejuaieiice. rer case Sintils ine $34. Retaa'if4o!aadhpwds. .tas of any vatcn in existence. Per case of aii, IlBb.' ;le ine $34l- Rett Af1$40 kail hbwds. - ,.:,.-r ? AlseColmd Siiven HTaMtist fcwrb 0tok,f SilTer War6( anKold,Platd aud eilraweirr to Uountry ti .i i l. . ; Oooda sent to any part of tha country by Express, (T. f ' av onoe, . J ., tTMOS. WATClt CO. -, 149 Broadway, New York, lj -tr ft nl. if! ..i, Y7 - i i ;r-f n tlXt . HEREAFTER all Cotton intended for shipment to New York by steamer, will" have to be weighed and marked u. b. 'lax rant, bear tne same will be receipted lor, or allowed on tfas steamer' .?whart i - ty '' S? .rf.i-.' .Ti .C ,!" '' - ,Jj in complete rnMinfe order f 'tfjfE COTTON'-PBE$Sk with Horse Power attacSWi Oat Kxpreas' Was and .optjMm. XL .Si.. A A OiJiriVISTKATOR'S SALE. J3u ff i vr I mut " T.i -- ' " ' THAT valuable property, heretofore advertised, be longing to the Estate of MARY M. MORSE, Win be Sold on tbe lUtn Inst., at 13 o dock, at tne uonrt House. ; . . eat-ltd r f lu. JAslEa, Administratrix. TTTZ fi ti. V.iJ : p,1 880I.VTI05. Mi THE otr-pirftdershrb heretofore eisting'iider the style psrftiiershrb if H, L. HA iloHsent.1 and firm of H. L. HALL & BBO., is this day dissolved by mutml '(ofiseht. Tb business wilHat Mature be con- ducted bx H. I: HAUj,:ho is hereby authoriaed to col lect all. assets due sua nrm. ana wno assumes aujia. DlimeS. - " . , - .. .. u. Ia. hat.t. oct4-2t C. A. HALL. Freish suppVes of I BCHOOLiBOOKS constartly on band at the above stand, and for sale cheap for cash. 'oct4-2t' s V7 " - -H. L.' HALX. ' $10 0 RDt" OTOEEN, from tne snoscriDers, nving on tne kebbt O Plantation, four mules. of NflvhArn. nn tli a mentor m or untnnAr. nnA hxkk"N )krri.--' MARE.; Saia' Mare U feet X ineheeihigh. inane ana xau same colors ,jooa maze lace. riirht ' hind foot white, nliphtlv swavhak. ia &, square trotter, shows therhite of Tier eyes, and backs her ear when strangers borne &bout her head, has'siddl'e nd gear marks, bnno brand, and,h! ght or aina yeara , oo. ... .... . .... , HOB8E MDLB,. hannging ot m Mack man: ou tne nlace. was taken rjiaid Jinie ia 4. feet ' nr W(tM 'Wn ,iui uMbil maris on tne uacx, Bna nss rosea oantsna xaii. ,. -T Said animals were tracked some two miles beyond? jrouomiu, on tne irenton roo,si y 7Hi '? i FIFTY DOLLAIta will be fiven for the recoverV of the Mar :, and FIFTY' for the1 -arrest and. oonvietion of the thief or thieves, i aept-lw(.--jj ' WOODBRIDGE k LE8UBE. - -.Tsfvi!-s n ib -..' i ' NEWBERN COTT&K EXCII GE. T HAVE made arrangements which wDl enable-, me to X advance in CASH, to any extent, on the-presept crop. or uuoun, on verv- traia iiioerat l erms to- the planters, I propose to keep an open policy of . Jn surance to cover Col-on by Insurance as soon aa it is de iivered at thef Bailroad Depot .provided the owners will notify ma they -wish it... I would Darticnlarlv call the attention of my customers to the importance of having their , ,-"""- : - . x wuiuu iiw Bavise uiem to aeeo separaie, as iar as possible, the different grades, andto Qfetinctiy mark-each Dale wito. tneir name or mmnn ; also, to send meunme diately" after idehverin it at the4ept be Railroad Agents recatpitott, If jmu . .- s Make t Liberal , Cas Adyances' On all Cotton, whethar lt is to be sesd in , Newbern or to be snlDDed. . . . ... . . wi.:vsu , J have made every arrangement to Ben or shh? Cotton to the vey best-'advantage, hnd -assure my customers tnateverytningsnan. be done- to advanoe their iaterasfe ,,AfnUsTirn of v ,,. . ,..., ' ' . Cotton B ae s In g and Rope. Genuine Georea. Cotton Gns.j3cins, Gin Castings, A,'?' Sept constantly on hand at lowest prices. : Stole Agent for W. O. CLEMONa" BROWN 4 ,cO'S GEORGIA COTTON GINS- i- -. : c , sept21-lSt.-r-,: -i ..WJH, Hj OLIVEU r "VTOR.T H RIVER AOllicptTCRAI, 58 and CO Cortlandt itrert, Sw Tork, AGRICrr.TTJRAX. IMPLEBIKIVTS. " f ' J lii SEEDS, AND FERTQilZEBSr Jlos.lO,H,50,55aiuJfiO Plowf, , ;' " r - -' . uicvrsus ussawk W alley ?;- ' ' n n.. i.." Vcs; rm Katrr'i OeleOrated Saw Gla. X. ... JleCartn'a Celebrated. ltollex Gin. waun Bsppucui Bisaisiiiircuart cT6ct8-2m- f ,i- - i 1,000 erosent on barrels. Highest Cash Prlee Paid.' ",A;V Wil. W. ORMSBEE, july 1-oawtf ... . . bK TRISH POTATOES and OiflOSS, just received airuiu imbw jura, ana ior sale Dy . septlVlm; W - "WOOUXCTI sf.TTSXEB, t" !" ' " : f -Jfiir- finriT vrrrrJpHnni'irri ill i .oinii uniA I niLU ourrucu ! . : . . Hlls have been swallowed in millions. . Salves have been rubbed in - by,, the pound. . Dr. Mao orzii's two grand specifics are putting an end' to . this wholesale system of medication. . One of bis famous pill is a dose. A box of bis. healing salve is of more value, as a lemedy for ulcerous and eruptive diseases, . than a ships cargo of the Ointments advertised to cure everything, but are alL in fact,-either useless or.deleterious. . . . " ; ' 1 frPr Maqoztx's motto, is jxneentration. He baa I , - . ll .11 . i " '. ' ' ' . ,' X ' ' . piacea in ine smtuie compass uie acuve pnno ple of the most potent vegetable specifics.. There is no mineral in bis Kllstney do not gripe they do pot enfeeble. They create .vigorous appe tite,' and'oorfesndingl' stireiigeaL the' digest tion. " They feme the- liyerclear the head and steady the nerves.' J - 'l?o form of scrofulous disease can, resist the denfecten't,operation of the Salve Tnmprt Ab scesses. Salt Kheurri, Boda)' Pimples, Pustules, ic., are thonroughly eradicated by this unrivaled me'dicine.: ' In fact, aii&ota's. Bilious I'Dtspep tio andDiAEEHCEAPriis cure where all others fail. P While for Buns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and all abrasions of the skin, Maooxels, Saivs is infalli ble.' ' Sold by J. MAoonx's 'tS Fulton street, New York) and all' Druggists! at'25 cents per box: ' Sold by f -------' ; : t:ff i.i .LamMmataamHt " . i t- :::, !' J J Sole Agent for Newbern. N. C. ' ftpio,'-6&''''o'iy'i'':a' :- , VALUABLE1 J PROPERTYic FOR SALE q m A UC TIO N. r i . - rt -rrt-i". i. f T WILL sell at auction, on the premises, on the First 1 nay oi floTfmDfr next, si u io, a., m., all that valuable Water Front of , Lot No. 7, and Half of No. 8. known as the W';01;'.- i.u: ,:I . ,.-d :,.. ; tJwbeftis Steam Cottdn MilIs,,, ; S3th WAREHOUSE, COOPEB-S50P. TWO WEEXTNGS'and Out-Bonses, together with a Three vStoryt W"lnn i Building, used , toe the Mills, and occupied at present by Messrs. Ever-. 'sonsuo. - hA1o; the Southern Half of Lot No. 8, and Lot No. 9, 'it present occupied by Messrs. Hubbs St Brother, for a ITUTienttne instulery. j : : -a: At the same time and place, I will sell - Fourtieen; Acres - of Land, '54i'the Sontniide'of Nehse river, near Newberri, adjoin iathe 8tem banning Lot of W. P. lloore, ilBq., known as the "fiosin Ojl Factory Lot," with Acres Water rSntaa3"oium,1Also, 1 ' .-' ' " I'., fri ri .i -.a--; '.. '.U,;!:: Oli ? -,-::i. ' i Fifty-Three ; Acres Between Neuseand Trent rivers, adjoining the" lands of Messrs. C Dowinff, S. L. Bhem and others an . excellent lorAti on f or a. vintvard or a cotton field. r .'-- All this property will' be s61d on favorable terms, wnicn wiifcbe made anow the sale.. onaisuiea bus given. ... ALEXANDEE MILLEB. , Kewborn,;6ct'5tlm i ,?2.!''- ; . j;.'. x-lzuf,.a3-!: ii vv .a , -. OUB FRIENDS, DURING THE NEXT THIRTY. SATS, WILL PLEASE CALL AND '., si i -jj !.ei 4-'.vi ii :" 13 fcJ:Si;'.;' .' PAY THEIR ACCOUNTS. -iirrM' pi's u-ut - a v .-hi-.-'n; We have eom. JMPOKTANT ENTEBKTflES on hand. i fill in HitiUy4sif. .. rvHfe. JlC'-yiJ-to WilP neecl-rall - Money due f Us; jrct ' ' McLEAN & 0(X LU. : 7 ffi ti.l 1 1 NOTICE, Q UR FRIENDS. DURING THE NElT THIRTY DAYS, WILL PLEASE CALL AND i 'PJY TEEIB "ACCOUNTS. We mwe some IMPORTANT ENTERPRISES on hand, Ud-jjtf i ' .' .-'1 - ''.;. ' . ' - Will need alh Money due Us. li j. .: - -. ' .si lo':'.,":r' -iiii. oct 2-2w McLEAN & 00. CORNED BEEF. -r- TOST received peVsieamerTerry, COfelTKDllMF, vJ and for sale at r ail, by - ' . j ": WOOLLCOCT TISKEB,V I ncts4f V If -iPoUok ai, aear East Front - U"0"iit"- s A 1 By 1j4;c;. Jk:- --ri ;o ra;.-:...:.- ;j?aernif. A. VERY DESIRABLE BUSINESS HOUSE, on Craven street. For particulars apply to oct 2-3t JONATHAW WHALEY. FAMFOR SALE. TJIOB SALE, that VALUABLE FARM formerly owned JP try Benjamin 'Rtttyort decd.; lviD)r on the Ply mouth Road, adjacent to tbe town of Washington, W Beaufort county. It Contains nearly Plve Haadrcd Aeirea, about Tbiee Hundred of it cleared, and ready for cultivation., anitable, for Cotton. .Corn, and all eropa -grown in-that latitude. ' The property includes a Water power, wnion is nmy snppnea wun water an average ot six months' in the .year, sufficient to drive aSiw and Oris SIID." On the Tract Is foond large deposit of CLAY, of. the best quality for Brltk .pasting, so near the bank of the creek that bricks may be shipped direct tn nn mdnlrA-If nnt snld. dtt lie for rent. Jor further information annlv to i i. . J Tttg08WAK'GTJK OO.v Bankers. . oct, ata-wAwiy 'vy'iam bun w1. .AV" i3ACO!fv-rjiRD. POfUCaaSscltCHKjcSK,' ibr jLlsaleby 'TQ; eptl-lm"1, iVm PT5T?.FTTTtTE il "s "Far "Oie Handkerchief. :.. . ' A?v j r ; i A Most Exquisite, Delicate, and Fra t grant Peri, one, Distilled from the Bare and Zeautiful Plower from which. , it taJtee ' its name. l - Manufactured only by PITALON & SOI, . ' ', . ' NEW Y0E.K. j. " . .t ! -7 - BEWAEE OF COUHTEEFETIS. ' ask: fok phalonb take no other. ' . .. . BoWby rmisfWgeoerally. y' ., . T7ISEST STOCK OF . BOOTS, AND SHOES In Town at aept 2&-tf BAR & EPPUEH'S. iiiii r - fsliscellanecas. Marriagk exriDK."1'--.;' '"-.r: n TOTJNa8 GREAT PATSIOLOGiCaL WOKK. or Every On bis own Doctor being a Private Instructor for Married Persons or those about an wm sti, female. In everything ooneerninc the Dhrsiolney and r. vention of Offspring, including all the new diaoovertea never before given in th Uaruaee. k. ww. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a valuabtoandtoterMUng work. It is written tn plain languags for tha general reader, and is illustrated with npwarda of one hundred engravings,.' All yoong married people, or those eon tern, plating marriage, and. having the leat imped imsnt to married Ufa should read this book. It disclose secrete that (.very one should be acquainted wtth- Still it ia a book that ms be locked up, and not lie etxrat ths hovsa. It will be seat to any oae on ,the receipt of fifty cents. Address Da. WM. TOUNG, No. 16 Spruce streeC above Fourth. Philadelphia,, ; f .JfWlMly To Delinmi&d Subscriber to. and OsKjwramf .ail r holders in, fAe .Stock of the National Bomb sf - iiraiKrw, nurui vcimana. ; . , - ALL shareholders and subscribers ia and to the Stock of the above Bank Who .have failed to pay any Install, stent when th sane was required fayiaw.aaA sotioe National Currency Act of OongrMt, approved Jury sd. 1864, aaid auction to be held at the Boom of said Bank, in the city of Newbern, Craven county. North OoHf on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER let. UM, at 11 o'clock, A. M. -- By order of the President and Directora. ' A H. K Taoimoir, Cashier. ' ; SfwtMm, . tVjNtt. IM4 Pi ''rft.Tt'.;,ri:.' 1 VALUABLE PE01TOTT F03 SALE. ABAEGAIN win be offered to any a deairou of purchasing that valuable property, (BlUCKBUllDfGSa),; I: Bituatod on the East aid of Craven atreet, BOW OOOUpted by the Niwaian Tacia, The building la And is not only desirably located for the 'purposes now used, but can be qqb verted into a raaideao having am pte room for a large grocery er dry good store, offices, Ac. Apply to . 4 t. & STAXLY. maylo-tf , . -3 ,4 , , - "tEB steamer E. S. TEERY, and to arrive per foBowlai X. jPteamera,, w;; :.:.,.V4as'Hr -" - - '!:tv'.-. 100 Coils Manilla Bopef in 75 Coils HempRope.' Cl And 50 Balesf Gunny Cloth, For sale low by . P. MKRWIlf Ac CO.. sept4-tf Jl Sonth Front street Molasses, Sugar, Salt and Flour. EECErVTNG per schooner Delmar from West XasUea, and for sale on reasonable terms, v , ' FORTY PUNCHEON MOLASSES i j - -L ? " .tOrtt-fivb Boxits sualB 2,000 BUSHELS AI,TJM BAIT,', : .-. Also, per schooner Luck, ' , l 500 SACKS L17EBP00L GROTXtib SALT) And peV schooner llsdison Holmes, ; ;, 250 BARTtRLfl FLOTIlt ' ' " ? . , V. PATTER80 at CO., . , Middl stress, Hawbem. ' ep -In . MARBtE WOEKS, NEW Y CKi - yf? monuments, Tombs,- Head-Stones, Mantels", 4c. " , OtTR WORK, in Design and Tlnish, is unsnrpaased in this country. , ; .,, ,. . . . " Orders thronsh mail will ranlw when given in person. Address letter, - . , . , WATHAlf & COfflPAMT, . 1 n- , Meroer street. New Yorai XT Orawtnfrf and Estimates npon Appli. Ltioi ; , augan FRESH ARRIVALS. v TCiT ARRIVED Ex. Schooner MADISON HOLKXS, IPO Eighty Bbls. Barling,B Super Ptos- An excellent FEBTILIZEIt, which wiS bo void flbcap: alMV good quality ot . .3 lJif - BAGaiNf,Ct Very CWp.1 B HOPE, &c ;alway en kvand. lw Prices. ... GEO. L. IOOatTlL AmL - aept ll-10t ' Middle St., near gouth FronL FLO U E . aI SHIPPING, Baker's and Famfly Flour, of the fobowiaa brands: "Qneen Heart. "Gimeaee." MWararivT8 - Banner, " Rpringfiuld." Howard," "A," "Cltntoai" Grecian." .."Manhattan," rfrairia Flowtm- 'DamaeL'f 'llflen" and "Oregon," for sale low, by . j-ui ',. v ' , :. . BnmitM a m . . Julygl-tf .. v, .-. - AI and 3 Broad MreVt. w finTsCE n;& DRAN EY, WHOLESALE , AND u.BTAHr DZALZKS 3 ' 3W Paper Stock; ?t'J. 7 - Metals, n . . - i wu.;.anu ocrea iron, or wnicn uie nignest u&en raiCEB win d paid. WHEELER A OaUlBT, South Front strast. July Slm ' A'-X K t ' THE Tax Lita for the eltv and mnntr m mt trm wunuuuu- vau at we Bnenu a uxoce sua settle warn. aurSLif m U i - F. U. HABPZB. SharUr. gCOAR CtJH.lt D HABIS, ' WALSH'S BIBLICAL MONTHLY, A -; PEEIODIOAiof M pages, to relumes a rear, at JUL $1 per volume, or $2 per annum, in advance, i This ia a profoundly intemtinr work, devoted to original Christianity, the exnosiuoa and defense ot. tha Word of God. and an examination of the prophesies, relating, to The editorial fraternity will confer a favor by giving few insertiona-to 'the above.- ' V': -i.s Addrees julySl-tf .ftOlfjii .. .-.WHS T. "WA1SII. ' Sewbern, X.jC. GOOD FAMILY FLOUH. 1 0 V BABBEb "Geaeaee Floor tn sierra, and for mi 7 Afc-e. sale low br . BOBBINS COM jniy si.tr 61 and-63 Broad street,' OA EELS. Just received, in prime order, for sale krr ang24f BOBBINS OOw 61 a M Broad st MOLASSESr ;' -f "I Q PTTSCHEOSa Fret Quality West India Kolaasr A. JL tJ juat antved ex Bear. 8L CeoUa, for sale low by Aewbern, ang 11-tf ; , . TIDDx, FLEMING k CO. i '-' ' f -1 ' . . ' 1 i-fc c i " -: cheapelour;: r. 100 AKKETJi "Oregon", in store,- and for sale low - ..: -'; BOKB1N8 ft tXJ., . , 7, ;.?f 61 lad 62 Broad street. ' . 'CORN, Qfifi BABKELSfor saleby BOBBIBS at GO, : JulyM-tf ' -e '" 1 tad 63 Broad street, ..... . i . " dipping. ? Carrying the U. S. Mail, i-' Between - New York a3 Newbern .. Tn A So. 1 Steamship ?; ' 11 OB A R T, Master, : ti, wiiiUMuinirauuiiHiniorKCW ion " "All Goods directed to mv care will ba received and forwarded Free of Commission. ' For freight or passage, having unsurpassed aocommo- - Hon a. aly at WU. H. OWVEtt Co'8 Brick Store asp l U -j ' v. uuuvoriLbu, agens, . CTEAM COTTON PRESS; OOTTON'-rAOTORY BUILDING, J " BearofEVEESON&CO'S. Distilleries,, - -; EAST -Fit ONT ST., v Newbern. " North - Cafplina. . -n-n '--'f r:'- - ' ' W - . . r ' WITH the most approved Manufacture or OIMS ;soUCSS,havina!..wi,i;, ,-'' AMPLE ROOM FOR '8T0RAOE OF BALED .Ajn SEED. COTTONS ; We are ire prepared to ana riti uiestapi at ue , EST BATES, aad, OTJARANTEE - SATISFAC3TION, J . . ,. . y.'... "' Xo"aU who may favor us with their patronage.- f1 r J A.; HASKELL t &, 10. aeptaam ' '- v - FALL ABTO inNTEIl DIPOKTATION. IVlMneryt and s Straw J Goods; i r, 0'i 1 IHPQBTEBS AU JUiJUAtta yr . r Eibbons, 3onnet ; Silks? ctiid Satins,! 1 Vslreta, Rnchea, Flowers, Feathers, ;. Straw Bomneta, Xjanles Hats, Trimmed and f, . ' Vntrlnunadi ghafcet Hoods. v ' No. a3T & Loft 230 Baltiiuore St., Offer a Btook nn surpassed la the tTnltod States In Variety and Cheapness.' - . - Orders solicited, mnd prompt attention friwein. Terms CaeH.-' ' - sept 13-1 m FV V.: W- J -'.V' ; .C;. :. ' , X13 a R A AF.&.T AY L O II, T & 89' Bowery & 03 Christie street, Still eontinue to be the Largest Furniture Manufacturers in the city., ."y. . y. - . . P A R L O R , D I N I N G r ll 6 O M Chamber Furniinrt, :j CAKOPV ASD yiCTORll tEOSTKADS . FOB TBS SOVIHESX rfRADE. . At 20 lei'"Cent. deduction ifi lrice. sept lt-0m. '.''?.i..'v "; ii '-r't:;; -' .'.. - :... .. .' . JUST RECEIVED PKK SCHOOHBB. X RICK,f v" , '800 BBLS. ASSORTED GRADES FLOUft, ; ; ' ' riPTY BARRELS PORK, 100 COILS ROPE; Manilla; Jute and Hemp,r TWENTT-FIYB BALES' GUNNY CLOTH, KER 0SENE OIL,' VINE(J AR,: " ; - r , -soap, starch; candles-5 'x s w BTJTTER LARD SUCr AR r.J M.y.it,;i''J .lilj-i j r -,s;fi',W. ' Also; MACKEBJtZi 'in Vbls.; half VAs. and Mis, HIRBDrOS, 8PICE3, ' .r , ' '.- matches, Is alt; -t -,v ; ' ' i: rV It and CUBX'MOLASSES. Orders olleited and BrnmnHV'flll.A ai m. snail sdraaM on aost. , - -- .... ' 8. BLAG6E & CO., apt lMn ' . 30 Craven street, Newbern, K. a FOR SALE-IT A BARGAIN, v !i,)t, -. Hi . , i ' . j; --, -..- -. ... ' GJTl?l FlnK-PROOBi lttOX-CIiAO With aslvinr.nd fixtures .complete, niutm u " wwo oi maurort, m . c. riala Btore is ; UK r K feea-two stories hlan. sated trom, and is a fire-proof a a, brick buUding. - It w vm u .jw iu secuona, ana moved, rebuilt, and ' Vary Small Cxpenser ' " Thte opportunity to any one desirinff a utMtanual and handsome store, a the. building, oriat- aaByeosting4,000.wmU.olda. .ori r obkat oniFi o ic; In consequence of the owner having abandoned buainesa InthisSttta' Apply by letter to- v M ,- - ... 1 B. GOLPSTEI5, ," ? sept JMw - . - J---' -v.-. : ? 33t Broadway. N. T. ,V ,y pORBC, BXOTJR, LIME, CALCTNED4PL ASTER,' ' . SAY,' GUNNY BGdlNG,, ' " ' ' --;::j! AND B0PE,',""! SPADES Am.MQVELSt ' - i JROfl AXD 8'REL, -.( : - V ; " ' -"ii,r'' 7J jrAhiWAR ; A(ffiICTJLTUEA; BLEMENTS, "r - - :'.ifi pEBIJTIAN - .. : -, Vr..f. . rs GUANO, And other FEETTLIZEES for er.le at lowest prio, by l,. Kewbem. geptX-Ut iiu-iajL ii. UIIVEK, ..-,- OldConntyWharf. .Jll'il HW. - JONES Wj: 0AVB BEMOVEU' TBEIB BT0CK Ft QOOBS TO - -' tvtya.il.5r:yh, orlrT ht!and,; ::' On, Craven atrewtv where they wfll be pleased to see ' ' their old friends and patrons, and sell them guods i ' ' - i""'" AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. ,,' " ' .' Kef p eo-ntantly on hand' - -;'.' mil CLOTHS, DOESKIN CASSlSlERES, '"''"r ' LADIES' DRESS GOODS, CALICOS: . - . SHIRTING, ALPACCAS, ' ' . : " ''7 f ALL WOOL DELALVES.l '--r . . r - - - CORSETS, HOOP SKIRTS, &c., ; And Two Piece ,SuptrIor Opern-;i?i a n nel " 1 tot CKtldrens' Sacks, . , " . JJU f mlne' fo yPolW'aud--'Ta'y.'ln yonr-" winter soppfy. ,; js-im ... - - VFor ;Sa!3-:lcw;farTCash s' TWO, BRlCKvBUiLDINCS.v . rvs CKAVES 8T.,KE'H'BEB5VN. : c, yr" Vicu-'; - , E. K. SrANLY, . Or at 1U13 Cr'FiCJa is . X; t. rf "4 - aP.- - ' jr '

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