jfVMfc CHUWJ5, PirULISIIED AND EDITED BY Geo. W. Nason,Ju., and F. II. Stekns. HATES O 7Vr. v SUBSCKIPTION .Cutitt in Advance. OneVcir - $6.0 3.00 2 00 75 tstauouis AT .'. c. The ' mi !IV" HOUSE, situated on ,i,Jrionth siU- of tlu- Depot, is now open lor p accomniodatlu.vof the Traveling public. All lUilrojul Train 3 stop - half an hour at The Table is suppleil with the best the rnar ipt afforfi?. Give the abovo NEW House a Mil 'and you shall ho satisfied. lie .sure that i"aro to ihffEaiKYV House. . 30Uo 'THOMAS L.-EMRY, Proprietor. 'gASTON X-3COXJ3IZ!, MANSION HOUSE, Charlotte, N. C. These two Hotels have hcen thoroughly. IJcncvated and He-furnished rl he patronage 6f the Traveling Public is solicited. IflOOKE, Proxiietor. Merchants' Club House, CRA YEN STREET . "Near the Post Office,' NE W BERNE, N. C. PERSONS com-inq; tf New '.Berne, will find this a neat ifliid ulnfortable place t stop at. Every attention aid to guests. BAR lvay mipplied with the best of Wines, Liquors, CVii!'s' . tables: J i ;-:t With all Mi' market will supply. LODGINGS, Unsurpassed. WM. L. PALMER, May 2-1 tf. Proprietor. New Berne Hall ! fl'avin." removed tny estabiishmetiV,. and fitted up the is i, bouse formerly occupied by Schillinger & Co., or Middle street, in a manner which 1 hope will meet the approbation of 51 Y FBI ENDS AjS I) PATRON S, j h.-ivu new a well supplied Bar, A full stock of Wines, Liquors and Lager Beer, vrtit.antlvon hand. I will slm furnish. BOARDING iiu LODUING. and - LUNCH AT ALL HOURS! OYSTERS IN EVERY SlrYLE ! xjAGER beer by the keg FEUOINANt) USAUCll, SUa of the 'BIG INDIAN,1 .. o SOMETHING- NE W! ! We a train e:ill the attei.tion of our friends .and the piMic to our arrangements for the Spring and Sum- im r, a - Our louse i new tbor .r.uhly refitted. m:;1 in fn st rate t.!i. icci"r.tion of quests. ' Co lafoi table roo ..a vi Ms table. order for and lirst- Our Bar i- imourpasrfert fof the quality of its liquors and the su i, rioi itv of its boverayes. .11 Licr SilASIlR. COCKTAILS, TUNCIIES. CREAM ALFS, SCOTCH ALES. C CIGARS. &c, &c. IN McALriN'S UNSURPASSED STYLE. Our Luncli Counter as j 11 Ue found replete with all the delicacies of the sea- . LAMB'S TONGUE, - TIGS- FRET..--, SARDINES, CHOWDERS. ' . " SALADS, &CM &C, a mII hours. - Our Stables air open for the accommodation of our city ana coun t's friends. Attentive and civil hstlers and every i ilf til requisite. Our country friends will now know -m L-re to nnt un their horses, wasrons, fec., on the most l nonable terms, and quite contiguous to the markets, a. ilin the heart of the city. Call at JOHN O'CONNOR'S, Middle street, between Broad and Pollok. p URCELL HOUSE, i entirely new, the largest and best furnished 1 otel in North Carolina. 'Ihe Proprietor, Cob J. R. Davis (formerly i - ' - f the 31 ills House, Charleston), is always 1 "Hvly to welcome its guests. (FORMERLY GRIS WOLD'S) UOLDSllORO', 1ST. C A. GRANGER & Co., PROPRIETORS. . T. A!i Railroads centering at and passing this point Ms their Ticket Offices in this Hotel. : isengers going South, East and West dine at this . i lei. - " : - a. 'gage taken to and from the House Free of li i i;e, and checked to any desired pen it. XAliBOSOUGU HOUSE, Fayettcville Street, MA C First Class Hotel, AND IP (!siiri-n,ssed. by unyiri the Stn.te. AGES AT THE DEPOT. OH THE AERIVAL . A II PA SSEFGER TRAINS. When you go to Raleigh Stop at the Yarborough. ib Ju " 2 utCU), V mm C7a . . .. t . ; . ... ' a , : . -- m LIBERTY AND VOL. Y X0. 132. BTisrcIhtuotis. z -PUBLIC NOTICE. WE, the undersigned, Assessors for Town ship No. 8, will attend at the office of the Ciry Clerk, in the City of New-Berne, from May 24, lor the purpose of receiving the Tax Lists for fiaid Township No. 8. 4 ' j f --:. " All persons nre hereby notified to come for ward and list their Taxes without further no tice. , . , i ; Office hours from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. KOBT. G. MOSELX, - II KN J, JACOBS. - - Myl5 lm Assessors. .TOllJN- AIIMSTROXO. B O 'O-JZ'- BINDER ' , ; .;'. AND ' V ' '' ; , : '?,: r BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, OVKB THK N. C. BOOKSTORE. i E A L E I G H , H . 0 . TriaL Execution, Minute and Rocordin Dockets made to oi-der." "r, ; ? ' , , - North Carolina Reports and othci Law Books, bound in hupvrior Law JUnaing, i Mist-ing numbers of the Reports supplied and odd numbers taken in exchaurre for bindinr. Feb l:-tf. ' - i ' . ' - R3. MARY TRIME, MILLINER, Craven street, opposite the Court House, New-Berne, -IN. C., respectfully in forms the ladica that she attends to all orders in her line at short notice. i Bridal and mourning bonnets made to or der. ' I'-;' 1 ' V ' ' , ' ! ' Ladies bonnets . d3red, bleached, and shaped in the latest and most fashionable style. ; - t Stamping for braiding and embroidery, .-i Gentlemen's Summer Lats bleached and re paired. Orders from the country respectfully so licited and promptly attended to. ! Mayll tf ! JONES COUNTY, i Office of County Commissioners, j ; ! Th en ton, JJay 17, 1809., ) All persous holding any claims against the County of Jones, North Carolina, nre hereby notified to file the same, or a description thereof; if orders issued by the County Court, with Caswell Askew, Esq., Clerk of the Board of Commissioners, "PREVIOUS TO THE THIRD DAY OF JUNE, 18G9, in c r ler that action may be taken to provide for their iqnidation. ' ' r - ' v ; . i All claims and descriptions of County or ders must be sworn to. before some ollicer competent to administer an oalh. J I ' J. A. HASKELL, Chairman Board Commissioners, ; f My2014t Jones County, N. C. LIST YOUR TAXES!! f 1 If; LIST YOUR TAXES !! Owners of Real Estate within the 'ity lim its are notified to come forward and list the same with the subscriber during the first twenty days of June, at his office on Broad street. ' : - ,.'': - J" Citizens Qf New-Berne will also come for ward and list their Polls. - Oflice Hours from 9 to 11 a. m., and from 3 to O p. m. JORE7-H NFLSfW, CJLTIP- CUD INA.XCES. i Orinnr? Iry fhe Mayor and Board -of Aide) -men of the City of-New-Jh-rtji.- That from land a'ki dnts all .-Barber "Ijoj.s or aluons shall tlo.se at lu o'clock, a. -in.. ou'?K''lavt..' jl .Be i! furVur Vr-luifUil. That all. Ordinances or parts of Ordinances ctnidictiiig- herewith be, and; the fame arc I'-' ichy repealed. It. in f'triter Or-iaincd.'Vhat fronvand liHor date. the K.-ile'of Bre'id on .Sunday f hall bo conlii'j. d to the nula'r pl.ies of business, and that said Waves shall cli-jii nr'M i'c fick. a, ft. Be if farther. Ordained, That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances conflicting herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. S - 1 It i further Ordalmd.. That frfim and after Jamr 1st, all Vessels. Bnats. and other crafts, bnnjjinf. crain to this port, shall be allowed to retaiii the tame foi two days, and if desiring to retail for a ! longer pe riod." the person or persons o dcehing shall apply for and take put a retail licence. 1 i It is f urther .Ordained, That a tax of One: Dollar per head upon each and every Dog within the City liirtits. be, and the same is hereby levied for the year ending December SOth, TS'tf). Each dog shall wear a'collar with a number attach' d. said number to be furnished by the Cit v Clerk noon the payment of ten cents sincf the rax. Be it-further Ordained, That any and all dogs found within the ciy limits without such number after July 1st, shall bo taken in charge bv the City Mart-hall u d Ins assistants and kept for three days, subject to re demption by the owner thereof upon payment of tax and one dollar for keeuintr. If not redeemed within tho time specified, then sai dotrs to be killed. It is further Ordained, That from and after date no cart, wairon, or other vehicle be allowed to stand upon any of the streets of the citv, and sell goods or merchan dise threfrom. after 9 o'clock, a. re. : Provided, That this Ordinance shall not apply to vehicles coming from without the city limits. i . ,. It is further Ordained, That the Ordinance m rela tion to the sale of graiii by weight be, and the sanio is hereby repealed. f It i further Ordained, That section seventeen of the City License Tax Ordinance be, and same is hereby repealed. i : It is further ordained. That from and after date, any and all persons (except Policemen, while in the-discharge of their duty) who shall discharge fmiarms with in the city limits shall be deemed guilty of-a-misdemeanor, and phall pay flue of Two doUars for each and every offence. ' ' llf molted. That the Meat and Fish stands at the Peo ple's Market be allowed to remain open until 9 o'clock ,. m. bundays. , i Passed by" the Board of Aldermen. Monday, May 17, SOD. It. T. BERRY, Mayor. Jno. S. Man ix, City Clerk. may 21 -tf. F. iioi:sscu, Manufacturer and Dealer. IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, Corner of BROAD AND MIDDLE STREETB, Refers to the citizens of New-Berne gener ally as to: the quality and cheapness of his wares. Everything in his line, from the best to thecheapest, furnished at short notice, i Apl4-tt 1 r J0-PARTN ERSUIP NOTICE. We, the under signed, have this day entered into an equal partnership for carrying on theGrocery business in this city under the style and firm name of LQRCII BROTHERS & mills. ;v i - . 7; . :." 1' -' EOSWELL MILLS. E. P. LORCH. WM. LORCH. : NiSw-BEKNEyMay 1, 1SG0.. ;:' '-a-'", ', . . f ';; L A S 1) W ANTED. Ej ERSONs Owning Land; and would like to (f"T exchange it for Fancy Dky Goods," can rind a customer by applv'mg to, or addressing the subscriber. CHAS. IIIBBAHD, i New-Berne, N C. t? PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE. A New Course op Lectures, as delivered at the New-York Museuvi or Anatomy, embracing the subjects ; How to Live and What to Live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age ; Manhood Generally Reviewed ; The Cause of In di -csi ion: Flatulence and Nervous Diseases accounted for; Marriage Philosophically Considered, &c These lectures will be forwarded on receipt of four stamps by addressing Secretary Baltimore Museum of Anat omy, No. 74 Wtet Baltimore -street, Baltimore, Md. Ap7-ly ' f' If f UNIW AND FOEi'ER . .NEW BERNE, N; C.; F?jlA.y Scrofula, or King's Evi is a constitutional disease, a corruption of 4e blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor- Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst C'jt -in disease on any part of it. No organ' is free -from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con- ; stitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, ,will , visit ithe.-iniquities of the fathers upon their children." - , j Its effects commence bv deDositlon fmm . blood of corrupt or ulcerous lUAtfcavMcUn ia helungsliTerf TJtexirarorgaJis, is termed tubercles ; in the glands, swellings and on the surface; eruptions or sores, ,1ms foul cor ruption, which genders in the bfood, depresses" the energies of life, so that scrofulous constira-: tions not only suiTer from scrofulous com- plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the j attacks of other diseases ; conse quently r vast numbers- perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption wliich de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. : One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise.' Such a medicine we supply in v V': AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequence. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions wliich arise from it, such as Eruptive . and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustules, j Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tumors, Tetter i and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Dis- , eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Debility, and, indeed, all Complaints arising from Vitia ted or Impure Blood. The popular belief in impurity of the blood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without: which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Cxi FOR THE SPEEDY URE OF Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Acne Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumli Ague, 'Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headache, and. Bilious Fevers, indeed for the whole claps of diseases originat ing in Hillary derangement, caused hy the Malaria of Miasmatic Countries. "We are enabled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectjy harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting disorders prevail. This "Cure" expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Ague from the system, and prevents the de veloyment of . the disease, if taken on th fst ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large : quantity 'we supply for a dollar brings ityithin the reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where Fever and Ague prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure and protec tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certaji cure of Intermittents is that it contains no Quhv ie or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects w-hatever upon the constitu tion. Ihbse cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had Ihe disease. . . '. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, among which are Neurahjia, ''Rheumatism, Gotd, Headache, Blind-, ness, Toothache, Jiarache, Catarrh, Asthma, PaU fitation, PamfiAffection of the Spleen, Hyster ics, Pain in the Bbwels, Colic, Paralysis and De rangement of the bto)nach, all of wine", wnen originating in this cause, put on the inzermittent type, or become periodical,. This Cure " expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to'. immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the if"tion, that wih be excreted from the system, cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis- - r ... i vi r X ease, lience It is even more vaiua-uie lor protec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO , Lowell, Mass. li.es. Pr irose & Co., New Bern:. N. C. a rt at Druggists generally. - . dec 17 lyd Found at Last! Found at Last ! ! A S0TJTHES1T DIAEEHCEA MEDICINE. TnE MOST PERFECT MEDICINE T2VER COM BINED for Diarrheal Diseases. WHY 'I Tr. 'creates no fever in the most violent cases. ' It produces a health? action of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, thereby relieving many complaints arising from Diarrhoea. It is a sure cure f or Diarrhoea In i d' Us. It is a sure cure for Diarrhoea in ctnldrcn. . . It is a sure cure for Diarrhoea caused from Colds. It is a sure cure for Chronic Diarrhoea. It is a sure cure for Cholera MorOus. - It is a sure cure for Cholera Infantum. It is a sure cure for Consumption ot the Bowels. It ?s whut everv Traveller should be supplied with. ' it:! whateverv Plantaticri should be supplied with. It is what every Household should be snpplied with, ' It acts like a charm with Children teething. It is what Childrtin like 1 It is perfectly harmless It should be kept in every Nursery. . It is Safe. Sure and Speedy. : It will save you a oig Doctor's bill. , ' - ' -: v It is aMiuicine Iobsj sought for South. . v ; It is here ! Found at last ! ! Found at last ! ! t It is our duty to circulate it ! Price. 50 cents per bottle. For sale by Watkins Co. R. S. Primrose & Co.. and R. Berry. Country orders fill d by John L Heritage. Broad St., New Berne. Sfpt 19 i ' , ' . : Purifies the Blood. For Sale br Iruyg-ists Everywhere July 21, WS-2y. --'JMjlBteJcifca2BTOKMt.at.. - , Ague 4 mr.WBJLfJeWiHH IHi n ' i I ii. i ..'MPJIJU Jj(2vU ll i; -V' .": .':.--x:' j, . . -., -. . .... .. , ' ...... ; , . o. " OXE AND iMPAlhimVDMici TTelS MORNING, JUNE 4. 1869? UH. E. 1 tM A1.T.r:..nn J hysician and Sorcon Office Craycn treet, near New .Slrcct liici:. f ; l'hysician: and Surgeon ! (COUNTY PilYSlOlAN) ! , Office Pollok Street, second door vt nf mco ncock Streef." ; ... H. G. DA' iiyc-can and Surceoni (CITY AND FORT PHYSICIAN).- J i nice ana residencp on rr-,vm Km- '. ' -v- . - .... .j .... . ', ... " iSiitClj b6 Pollok 'stTftf-t. f a Susbicss lloticrs. J. WII AJJiY. WATCH AND CLOCK HAKKr! r . , - ... . "1 Craven 1 street, Ncw-Bcrae, rN." C Dealer in Fiue Watchesw Clocks, Jewelry Spectablcs, IMstolp 4c, &c. Watches aiid Clocks repaired at reasonable . ...... - ....... 4 .' ; rites, and warranted one year. , - A13-Sm 1 - " T. 3IcSovlcy, nj POLLOK STREET, 3 doors west of Middle., j k LL WORK done promptly, in the beet manner, and J. by competent workmen. Particular attention pnid to the making of custoni boot?, of the best Fitnch ca stock, for senticnien. Custom made boots always on hand, and for sale. , j'an 2H-tf Fresli Lot of Gold rens,: CHEAPER ... THAN EVER. WARRENTED FIRST CLASS manufactured by Mabijs, Todd Co., and JonN; Fole J. E. NASIPS. i at STew York - ISaiLcry; 34 POLLOK STREET, NEW BERIT, N. C. Tliis Bakery is still carried on In the beet of manne-. where you can always find the BEST QUALITY of Bread, Cakes, Pies, &c. Parties and Weddimrs furnished with all kinds of Oi namental and Fancy Cakes at th? . hoi test notice. i M, HANN, Proprietor i Jan 10, l&8-tf MACHINE SIIOI; 'i And Brass Foundry; Horse S33ooizigr. P, Trehwith GRAVEN kTREE'i New Berne, N. G. ; Highest Cash Price paid for old Iron, Copper &c All kinflg nf --hi"" iaaa the lowest CASH PK1CES. - oct 27 tf SAM. K. EATON, WATCH MAKER : ' -1 - - AND ' - ' .. 1 20 Pollok Street, New Berne; N. C. : 1 " .'';. ' :-'; :o:" ' l- " Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry neatly repaired and ' .. OCt 27-tf. , From 4 to 0 ITohse Poweb, incuding the celebrated Oor liss Cat-off Engines Slide "Valve Stationary Engines, Porta Vle Engines, Al so, Circular Malay and Saw Mills, Sugar Cane Mills. Shafting, Pulleys. &c, Lath and bliingkvMiflp, Wheat and Corn Mills. Circular Saws, Blt fJT ing, &c- Send for descriptive circular ana Price JLibt. : WOOD & MAUST, STEAM ENG." CO., ' ' febi2 6m t- - Utica, New York, i- Ferdinand Ulricli, i At the " Big Indian,11 on Middle Street XANUFACTUKEH AND DEALER V& j SEGARS, . AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ! All kinds of SMOKING, CHEWING, nd SNUPj f DBACCO.- , : ., " . ALSO .: . i . . Meerschaum; Briar Wood and Rubber Pip t and Segar Holders, Glay Pipes and j Tobacco Poaches. I Orders punctually attended to." . . June i lft-tf. f JUST OPENED. " . LORCH BROS. & MILLS, DEALEKS IN ! GPiOCERiES, i .iQvioiOio, t nUUULL, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, j AT THE FOOT OF . .'- '..- . .' -'; :,- '' 'r-- ;:' '' Micicile street, ALSO ON !'' .. Broad Street, if -;- f ' IN THIS CITY. . s f A I'lTIMI. WEdesircto VfUi BVlMIwarn the deal erd in, and consumers of snuff generally, .that since the war, certain tobacco manufacturers, being unable to find a market for their snuffs' felf themselves obliged to counterfeit the gen eral appearance of our packages, and imuil Late our Trade Marks, so that" a close inspect tioo is necessary to detect the spurious article from the genuine, and others going so far as to assert that "Lionllard s snuil is no longer made. . , , .1 j In making this publication, we desire to warn the public against the impositions prac ticed upon them: as they arc the loosers there by. It will be found upon ; comparison that iJorillard's Snuff is "'far ahead" of all others, being made of the best stock, after an original and secret process, known only to ourselves. which cannot be said of the many worthless articles put on sale by otbers. .The best is the . . T 1 ft l. 111 1 i cneapest in ine ena. A circmar wui aiwicys be mailed on Application Inordenij;rt nleaje Snuff (Extra Scotch) is desired.. r P. LOniLLARD, new YorkJ fares. ( 1 a V PRICE 3 CESTS. tiii: j! H7-- fci THE ONLY" -Z33L : .A -1 L er PUBLISHED 1IY EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. , ISS UED FROM 22 CRA YEN STRZE 7 rVE VV B-E II N E , In . c Inifipesisiil :ani Progressiye Jonrnal ' which shall reflect the sentiments and Opinions of th unmlstakeable leyal population ef Eastern North Caro Una, by, an uncompromising oppwsitioa to the doctrine of Secession, and by a fearless advocacy f the eterna principles of ! Unioii, Liberty and Equality before the Law. ' The Times will be devoted to the common Inter est of our people, with " malice toward noue arid charit for all it will plead for the maintenance inviolate ol the National Government and its credit ; the education by all available means of the peple : the encouragenieB of immigration and'the developemeni of our agricnl. tural, mineral and commercial reRoarces. ' w hue the Tixes will bo pre-emineatly a news paper, the departraeata of ' COMMERCE, A GRIC UL TV RE, ART. SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE, -t t . j. l . will receive such attention by Reports, Essays, Rei views and Summaries as space trill permit. Full .reports on all matters of Local Interest will form prominent feature, and as there appears as yet no othei U1VCONDITIOIVAI.U1VIO PAPEH Eastern North Carolina, the ad ran tare 8 which th Times will offer as an parent. - advertising! medium, are ap- 4t ' 'L - -m - KatCS Of --Subscription ' TEBJU CASH III ADVANCE. I One Year....... Six Months.... Three Months. One Month.... ........ 3. (VI .... 2.00 Kates ol ' Advertising Ten lines or on inch space to constitute square. One square one insertion Each sulnsequent insertion Liberal deductions raad to laretj adrertiicia. i r Eepumican Eap HATES OF ALVEliTJSiMG: Ten lines or one inch of rpHi constitute h43te. 1 il.-n i-.Cl 6 JL:,crui Utfdtidior i-pecj;,! Nc?io. CJ". .ryalvoit;- -i'or adven: - t ' - ni:id to er 'j i i.i:.., v letters ihouIJ II- ; N. C. V.; j' uts journrj- ( Holy Land will t I j to I her 41 Bill,- sa "I'm on t: the brake." Barcn B fm! francs ctipts for tl; dj-ivpr, t reach - can " rcven thou :::J'tul;nary re- a yu.r 1 . A Wluiivcr -V. i :;t Jo II., on and left the IGth. buiiol - hC. vtd. a ' I'tw-uMic i;i!uj I C Tl l;.ss! w icprrtc.l ij ..-,e said that Napoleon Kie bestocfcivo pi.ino plaver in the world. ' lo the j u-a!;:ir form of his hand is ow Vic'-PrcsMent Colfax's protrait l.as gone tbc ..rounds of t m' Pi-0n.i, ;n -b A monument is to bo erected to the late . Bishop Uesule of ."Virginia,, one of the. leaders ' of the 4 Low , Church - party, in ..the United States. ' - . ... .-- - Only, one man In St.' Louis returns a very big income. , It Is Francis" Wlittaker, and he goes up to $130,000. There arc two t;f .50; 000 and three of $40,CC0. r The expected number of deaths from tnpt accidents in London is seventy four in nine- . , teen weeks, and the estimate for the present year has proved correct to a fraction. ; The American correspondent of KaikofTs -famous Hussian journal, MosJcica, is said ly the editor to be one rf the most illustrious statesmen and authors of the United States." : The Coliseum, in which the Boston peace jubilee is to be celebrated, is rapidly approach ing completion, and is now closed to visitors. The decorators take hold of it this week. - Boston is meditating a great pubjic monu mentj viz. : a gigantic bronze vfnig, to be erected on the margin of that class-ic shet. known as the Fro; ornament of the world renowned Boston Common. , .. The author of "The. Gates Ajar" having mentioned that there are pianos as well as harps in heaven, a Chicago paper suggests that she will kindly ! add which instrument is in most favor there, the Checkering or tho Steinway. ' : " ' '; James Grant, the assassin of Mr. Toljard in i2ichmond, has accepted a professloral en gagemcnt with the AVchings-Bcmard opera troupe, lie is said to be an cxcellenf basso;5 He will sing in a New York church choir un- . , til fall,' when the new opera season begins.' .The Hon. Ben "Wade, of Ohio, writing to a friend on the 30th uli., said : 1 see by the papers that I have been appointed a Govern- -ment Director of the Pacific Railroad. I have received no official notification ' of , the up . poiutment, and believe the story is all "bosh." : "' A youth of , 18 in New Bedford who de . termined to marry against h!s father's will was complained of on Thursday as a disobedi ent child, and the case continued for sentence ? 1 so that he could be shut up tor want of b;dl gtt itmli lUivO U11D OU ft whaling Yoage. Prince 1 Napoleop tvhd is tlo Wandering' -Jew of the. Bonaparte family, has been lately . visiting the'ehateau at Briramar, hear Tii ate -but as on the same evening he gave a jolly dinner on board of his yach"hejwas evident- -ly not overcome by the tra..i?ieal reminiscences of Maximillin's and Carlotta's career. - Shamyl, the vanquishcd!hero of the Cau casus, is making a pilgrimage to Mecca where ho is likely to meet Abd el-iiader, whoe daughter, by the way,' has become a convert to Christianity, to the sincere chagrin of the Arab Chief. ' However, he h.-id the good sense ) to let the youngs girl follow JIanilet'sr advice - j toOphelia and go toa nunnery. , , Theybuhgest brother of Frances Joseph-. the Archduke Louis VictOrv is much admired in Paris...?: He is a young man of highly 1 dis 1 tinguished appearance, of;. pleasant, pociable nature, and with the same melancholy cast of countenance which fascinated the ladies so - much ih'-Maximilian of Mexico, There is no danger; however,; of Louis Victor giving any: trou ble to J uarez and Grant. : The Duke de Chartres, the second son of . , the Duke of Orleans, and McClellan's volun teer aide-decamp during the Peninsular cam paign, has gone to J3russela to revisa the ; proof sheets 01 a mititary worK, entitled "The Battle Fields 011 the Banks of the Ilbinc," in which he tries to prove that it is impossible..'' for France, in her present condition, to; un dertake a campaign. in that direction. - Gen.. Rolyert E. Lee wa3 a delegate to th ? Protestant Episcopal Con vention-of Virginiit. which met last weett in Jb redencksburg, ana was of course the recipient of marked at ten- tions from the natives. One daya ankee carpet-bagger drove up to the house in which he. was staying, ana sent, in a request that : Gen. Lee -would come out and see him." The 'General, with his usual affabilliy" consented, and the"-inquisitive stranger de parted highly pleased with the interview. , A countryman expdsed his Avatch on the corner of a street in New Haven on Wednes day, when a bystander offered to bet $3 that it was not gold. Countryman accepted the. bet, and it wa taken to a jeweller's and pro nounced a gold one. The; stranger har.ded , tLe countryman the money saying. You bave won;-here b your money and watch,' and then left. After , he had disappeared the countryman found himself in posspfston of a gaivanizeu waieu insteau 0x711s goia one. . It is believed that if Sir Frederick had lived the controversy "with England would have , been settled long ago, as he was a man of great force of character and diplomatic genius and a genuine friend of Americans. Consid cr.ng that 8ir Frederick is believed to have died from an overdose of a compound - of ar-4 senic which he, used to take for the improve ment of' his complexion, two great nations may be said to hive been deprived of the ser vices of one of their ni rst skillful pediarsin ' consequence of Sir 'Fmlerick's execi lire re gard ,ior hi personal appearance. - t A Man ofNerye. A Washington letter- writter remarks of Mr. Greeley tluit ,k control he has of his couRtcnarxels rc: thc carer what ;isf related of Talleyrand than-any man -we wot of it being said l of the latter that if any man were to kick him ybehind, a man in front could ,, net tell from ' ihe expression of his face that anything unusual wasoceuring." TI113 reminds a orrtspoudent of an incident that occurred in Omaha : A gcnlieman who had" received .ah. insulting missive deter intd lb resent it promptly. 'Next day, thiuking he, saw his, man; ahead, be hastily overtook f him, and adminis.tereiT several pedal saluta tions. The kicker remaining wpassre the kicker went round in front to see the effect and discovered" to his regret that he had kicked the wrong man. lie apolv'gizc-d.and Was answered.; -tt,,: ;;:t" " ',' v ,')-l-h.-'. ;;lf ",:- Don't mcntion' it. From the frequency of such little epi-o les in my experftnte 1 was sensible of yodr demonstration, but w da not awate you had made any mistake.' , 1 At which little M 7-, of IhefOmaha Herald admiringly remaikcd : "Ob, hasnt heyjt iha na ve " -De atyer, Harper 9 Magaziu e. 10