C KST't- " - " i ... r PUBl.IIIKD AND EXITED Tea Hoes er ae inch of tpaec const! tnt a sqnsre. Oae vqaave. obv iaivrtion - - - : 41Jt Each soliseaeaC insertion - . .: . .58 LSberai dedoittfons made to lhrxe adverelsess. Spceial Notieca charged 35 per eent. higher than dinary advertisements. ' -For advertisements iasrrted Irref alarly, 25 per ri-a higher thaaDBat rates will b charged. : All kttcrs should be addrcsedr Daily Tuits lew-SeratrK.C. , -: - .i-'r if AND -PNI0 (WlMDjPORrtI INSK Webster. i f PRICE 3 CE5TS. One :hn-Tin;... L.CrT -,: ' ::. .. r-W--':--;. i ItaiEiJ OP ADVERTISING:" ' J s 1 . i - r .ji i " v-'':Yv' .-. '" iron TSTII3W" ' J: i uutb siUe f tile D.cyot'; isiovt; ojwnffor ?.C wu? Tnuns Stop balf a hQUf ; M ANS I ON HO USE, ( Charlotte, N. C.:; Hotels have been thorotightv Uciiovated aua ne-iui insucu. The patronag .re o the Traveling iruuiic is solicited. VI. P. MOOBE, Proprietor. ""7MecllaIlts, Club House, i CUAVEN STREET, Near the Post Office, ? N EWBER K N . 0. DERSONS coming to $ew? Berne will And t PS comfortable place t stop at. Lvery will And this a neat attention. aid to Rucats. 1 ' Alw.rt .nppUeawith the best of Wines, Llqoors, ci, TABLES, Asntb nil the market wH BUpply. LODGINGS, V Wlf. L. PALMER. ,,r Proprietor. Mar 3-1 -tf. . , . N e w B erne Hall ! Ii,idl rt. in a Aannr which I hope will meet the mlirubatioli of , : . M FEIEXDS AXD PATRONS. ' j Ii tv no . a well supplied Bar. A full tock of Wines, Liquors and Lager Beer, r ni-f jntlv un h:md. I will, uleo furnish BOARDING tx! LO.r('tIN(. and iTTnrr t r A LL rmmnr - - . . - - T1 j j 1 ------ - , , r 4i no iJ.x-. ii 11 1 mum: !.-c. n-tf MMETiiiya xe n -mrnncwiniiiif 'tht V - ...... tS the Spring ana bum- I1C l Ol '"""'b' Hit r. Our House 1' ;.Mt- rfitfi-d. hu.l in first rate order foi t h,. rfTAntfou Zt -'iiests. CoiufoitaUe 100 and tret- Our Bar i minurpasd for the quality of Its liquors and the su pi rioritT of its beverages. ,J I LKPS, . SMASHED COCKTAILS, rUNCHF.S. , .TT,e . CRKAM ALFS, SCOTCU ALES, CIGARS, Ac, &C. IN HcALriN'S-UNSURPASSED 8TYLB... Onr-Lunch J.11 1.. rnnil rnnloln X'lth all t le fonnd replete with all the delicacies' Of the sea LAMB'S TONOl?K. " PIUS FKJiT. SARDINES.. r CHOWDERS. V v - - SALADS, AC a All hours. A' Our Stables sn r open for the accoramodatlo a bt oxxt city and conn i.v friM.H Attentive and civil hostlers and every ii.'-. .lful requisite. Our country friends i will now-feiltm Ucre to pot up their horses, wagon, &c, on.the most 1, '..mft.ihl tirms. and auite contPziioasto tne marKcis, a. in the heart of the dtyNNOR-H. Middle street, between-Broad and PoIIok. WILMINGTON, N. C, is entirely new, the largest and best f uruished t otel iri North" Carolina.' 'i bc Proprietor, Col. J . r R. DaVIS (formerly f Uie Mills House. Charleston), is always i i ady to welcome its guests. y fFORMFRLYj9RWWOLD"S5) COJ-.XJ5?iXJJiCt', xi. v. T, A. , GRANGER & Co., . PROPRIETORS. - " All RAllroads centerinr at and passia -this point t o their Ticket Oftces in this Hotel. - ' rasenscrs golas South, Fgist and Wet cine at this tel. ' . ' i , i la' 'em tak an ta and from th lloaac Free Ol h-irre, and checked to any desired pa it. f tfAUBOROUGH HOUSE, Fayctteville Street, Jt:4 LEIGH, N. First Class Hotel, " AKP IP r'(Hurpassed by any in the Htnte. AGES AT THE DEPOT ON THE ARIYAL ALL PA SSEKGElt : iVrri Give the above. r liouso a 'in ...... Couhxer mm, VVKcriybu 0O t6 nalqfGh. Hiop at the yrorcBh ' or KmgJSTriL it consfitutional dieVlicoiftption of tb perrtMjes., joXf pgdj. AnSl may, burst but in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its aftifeki, nor is there ohewhicb it 'may notTdeitroy. :The 8croftiloii3 taint is Tanoiisly caused by mercurial disease, ioir giving, dis . ordered or unhealthy, food,, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by5 the Tenereal " infection." AVhat - ever be iti bttgiA; it is bereditory in thd con r stitution,, descending " from parent to children. Yunto' $ie third and fourth generation ; V'.. indeed it seems to be'sthe rod of Him who says, "I -wuT visit the Iniquities of the fathers upon their children', v , nl-V ' v.r- ' x V. : Its effects commence by deposition fromhe t blood of corrupt or ulceoiis matter, -which; in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, Is Termed" tubercles; m the gbmds, wellutgs and oal ' UUi1aee'. eruptionfrioiresi llbis foul cpr xupuon, jymcfl geuaers, in tne pioo flepresse. tlenergie of life, so that scrofulous consjtitU t tions not only", suffer frbnt scrofulous "coin-1 plahitsV but they have far less power to with- atandU the r attacks of otlier diseases; conse quently vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are stUl rendered fatal by this taint in the r system.5 Most of the consumption which de. cimates the Jiuraan family has; its origin directly I bi thia .scrofulous contamination ; and many i destructive, diseases of, the liver, kidneys, brain, - and; indeed! of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all pur people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by ah alterative medicine, and in- vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in (ri'-; ; t AYER'S ' Cbnippuud Extractof Sarsaarilla, the most effeetual remedy which the medical skill of our limes can .devise for this every- , where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com ' bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul , disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the Sstem .from, its destructive consequence ence it should be employed for the cure of not only ScrdfuTa, but also those other affec tions wluch arise! from it, sucli as Ervptiyb and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's, Firb, Rose, pr Euysipela8, Pimpt.es, Pustules, Blotches, Ulains and 13oils,Tumoks, Tetter and Salt Rheuk, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mekcukial Dis eases, Duopsy, DxsPEP8iAi-I)EMLiTY, and, indeed, all Complaints AitisiNOitoirViTJA ted on Imp cue Blood. The popular belief in impurity of the blood " is founded in truthT" for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The -5 particular purpose and virtue of tu-.rTa -A rilla is to purify and reeT without wVufc-ouncl health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. t: FOU TUB j5PEEDY,PRLpr Keiulttent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Asriie. Periodical Heartache, or Iilllous Headaclie, and Bilious Fevers, Indeed for tlie wliole clad of diseases originat ing In biliary derangement, caused uy the Malaria of Sliasmatic Countries. We are enabled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting 1 disorders prevail. This "Curb" expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Ague from the system, and prevents the de vcloyment of the disease, if taken on thi rst ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only tne oest remeay ever, ye 1 usco,verea ior irns ciass of complaints, but also the cheapest, ihe large quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where v x ever and aque prevails, every ooay snouia . have it and useiJLfreely both for cure and prdtec- , . L 1 a - . - ' uon. a greai supenoriiy 01 mis remeay over ny other ever discovered for the speedy and cerUi . T x ? . , . 1 f i cure 01 Auiernuuenis is mai ic contains no vtai"- ie or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism Or other injurious eflects whatever upon the constitu- uuu, Aiiuac fcuicu uj it, ate icit aa ucauuy a 11 they had never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, among which are Neitralgta. Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blind- 'i- -ii-.t. 7? . 1. A .4 1, r new, iooinucrie, utip, v j , auwi a ut pitation. Painful Affection of the Spleen, Uyster tcs, Patn tn the Bowels, Ctihc, Paralyste kn& De rangement of the Stomach, all of whp, When originating in this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This Curk " expels the poison trom tne Diooa, ana consequennjr cure them all alike. . It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily lesiding m the malarious districts. 11 laxen occa sionally or, daily while exposed to the ""ction, that will be excreted from the system, cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. ; Prepared by Dr J. C. AYES & CO , Lowell, XXass. 1TY ORDINANCES. It iff OrdaineH by ihe Mayor and Board ofAlder- I mil of the City of New-Berne, That from and .after date all; Barber Shops or . aloons ehall close at 10 o'clock, a. in.. on bundaysj .r- Be. 11 furtlier Uruatnea, 'mat an uramancee or parts ,11 w jurtiitr uraaxnea, 1 nai irom ann aricr cate. thelaale of Drend on Sunday shall be confined to the regular places of business, ana that said places shall close at 9 o'clock, a. in. 'iir ': Be it further Ordaxned Tlmt all yrdinanres or part of Ordinances conflicting herewith be, and the same are hereby repeated r-wjvHii ; v- ",! it xs turt itr oraainea. Tna: trom ana auerjnne 1st, 18G8, all Vessels. Buats. and other crafts. rnnin irrain to this port, shalk be allowed to retail .the same. for two davs, and if desiring to retail for a longer pe riod; the person or persons so desiring shall apply for and take out a retail licence. ' It Is fnrtlier Ordained That a tax of One Dollar per 1 1 a - 1-w jii : . 1 1 Q8HU bpou encu niiu cujri' jjoi; wuuur io ciij umike be. a una the same is hereby levied for the year ending December SOth, 189. Each dos shall Wear a collar wit a number attached, said number to be furaiehed by the City Clerk nnori the payment of, ten cents and the tax. Be it further, Ordained, That any and all dogs fonnd mtniB tne ciy jjjpiMs wiinout sucn numoer aiier jui 1st. shall be taken t charge by the City Marsuall ar. his assistants and Kpt tor iarm nays, sunject to re demption by the owner thereof n pun payment of tax and one dollar for keeping. If not redeemed within the time specified, then sai dogs to be killed. It is further Ordained, That from and afterdate no chtx, wagon, or other vehicle be allowed to stand upon any of the streets of the city, and sell goods or merchan dise threfrom. after 9 o'clock: a. ro. : Provided, That this Ordinance shall not apply to vehicles cpming from I without the citv limits. . Hi is further. Ordained, That the Ordinance fn rela tion to the sale of grain by weight be, and the same Is hereby repealed. '" ' s V ' 1 . -! r" It is further Ordained, That section, seventeen of the City License Tax Ordinanca be, and same isJiereby repealed. ' 'if .. ...... .-;.. 'tx It is further, ordained. That from and after date, any and all persons (except Policemen, while in the dis charge of their duty) who shall discharge firearms with in the city limits, shall be deemed, gouty of a misde meanor, and shaft pay nne of rTwo dollars for each and every off ence, ; i , Resolved. That the Meat and Fish stands at the Peo ple's Market be allowed To remain open until 9 o'clock Scro mla, a. nuennaaye- n.- t. - . - .v ' Passed by the Board of Alderman. Monday, Mav 17, 1869. R. T. BERRY, Mayor. Jso. S. MiMi, City Clerk. may 21 if Iyer's Sarsaparflla A compound remedy, designed to be the most effectual Alterative that can be made. It is c concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, .so combined with . other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effec tive Antidote for thi diseases' Sarsaparllla is reputed to cure. It is believed thftt such a remedy fa, wanted iy- those who suffer from Strumous, complaints, and that one which will ' accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow' i citizena. Ho vf cometely this compound will , ,do it has been proven, by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints: V ScfcoruLA Inb Scrofulous Comphjunts, ; EiurrriONs Aifp.EuvPTivS Diseases Ulcers, PptfiES, llLOTCHES, TuRS,- SALT,BHECM, Scald Head, Stpbilis and SrrHiLiTic Af- ' ' rECTioNS, MEttcuarAfc Disease, Dropsy, Neu- RALdlA ..OaT.lld DJrJLOUltF.UX,iDEBILITT, DTS- pepsia and Indigestion, Erysipelas, Rosa , or St. Anthony's Fire, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Imp u kit r c the Blood. f This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to , expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the tine- ' ly expulsion of them many rankling disoalers are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can by: the aid of this remedy, spare themselvesfrom the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcirous i sores, through which the system will strve to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, errptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find Wis ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cybanse it ' whenever it is foul, and your feelingswili tell you when. Even where no particulardisorder is felt, people enjoy better health,and live longer, for cleansing the blood." Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; bvt with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great madunery ol life is disordered or overthrown. y Savsaparilia has, and deserves mich, the reputation of accomplishing these ens. But the world has been egregiously deceved by preparations of it, partly because tie drug t alone- has not all the virtue that is Maimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts pf it, contain but little of the vii tue of Sarsapilla, or any thing else. 1 . ' During late years the public have been inis led by large bottles, pretending to give a qiart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Mqst SVjHcrjfntHfhne Sarsapa rilla, but often 110 curative properties wliatev-! er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed tiie use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is .justly despised, and has become Rvnnnvmous with imnosition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend ; to supply such u. remedy as shall rescue the (nm k Itmd of ohlomiV wllich TCStS upon it. : And we think we have grwu-IW believiriK it virtues which are irresistible Dy the ordinary run of the di.seasea itU intend- ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions oil the bottle. - 1 trepared hv ! IR. J. C. AYJCR A: CO. u- LOWELL, f MASS. " Price $1 per Bottle 1 Six Bottles for $5. Ay erV Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown foe the cure of ... every variety of Throat, and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us lo recount the evidence of; its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this 'Keclion, we need notdo more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and .that it may be relied on to . do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, j! FOR TIIE CURB Off Costiueness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, 1 Headache, in Diseases, msy, letter, Jumors ana Salt Rhettmt : Worms t Gout, Nettratgia, as a Dinner PiU, and for Purifying the Blood. . . They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient iri the world for all the purposes of a family physic. . . Price 25 cents per .Box; Five boxes for $1.00. Great mimbersof Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and I eminent personages, have leu t their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness er these remedies, but oiir space here .will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given j i with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. . Do not be put off by unprincipled dealer with other .preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ayer's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. I All our remedies are for sale by l .s." pr-'-nrose & Co.. .New JBtone, N. C. and at Druggists generally. dec 17 ryd Found at Last! Found at Last !! A SOUTHERN DIARRHOEA MEDI0E5IL T HE MOST PERFECT MEDICINE EVER COM BINED for Diarrheal Diseases. r .' WHY? . Tt rrpntn tin inwT in the most violent cases.' i It. nmrtnees a healthv action of the Liver. Stomach and Dowels, thereby relieving many complaints aris.j fronl Diarrhoea. i It is a sure cure for Diarrhcea in i dlts. . .. . It is sure care for Diarrhoea in vmldreri. It i s a! sure cure for Diarrhoea caused from Colds... It is aj sure cure for Chronic Diarrhoea. Itls a! sure cure for Cholera Morbus. It is a sure Cure for Cholera Infantum. , It is a! sure cure for Consumption of the Bowels. It s what every Traveller should be supplied with. It is what every Plantation should bo supplied with. It is what eyery Household should be supplied with. X y o,Ka1.c n-i v. . m. It is what Children like f It is perfectly harmless It should be kept in every Nursery. r- r i , It is Safe, Sure and Speedy. ! It will save yqji a nig Doctor's bill. ' It isaMsaicine loan sought for South. It Is here Sji Fonnd lasil! Pound at last!!! Itis our datv to circulate It! ' Price. 50 cehta Der bottle. For sale by Watkins 4 Co. R. 8. Primrose & Co. and R. Berry. Connti y order filled by John L. Heritage, Broad St., New. Berne, j Sept Id - W ' ; , - Purifies the Blood, For Sale "by Xragrffist .Everyrrliere Dysentery, Foul Stomach, , Ery.upelas, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Sfi Ltvir Complaint, Dri xrr- ' f ' 1 Physician "aid Surgeon' Jiace Lave Street , n ea New j Sti tt t Physician an Surjjetm. Office 4IIok Street, 5 second dootiemsi ol Hancock Sct. D H. IjrCi DATES, ljiysician and Surgeon CITXAN D PORT PHYSICIAN). ... . ; 1 . . . . Office an residence c;n Ciatin Hrcct. le )qvr Polio! trect. 1 usmtss ilotkr i tSLci f J.tCiALT. tTATCir A2TD CLOCK H AKEE, CravA street, Kcw-Berne, N. C.Pealer in 2 Fine Watchs. Clocks, Jewelry Spectablcsi Pistols: &c, &c. Wjtches and Clocks repaired at reasonable rates, an4 vmranted one year, McSorlev, Pradical EOOT and SHOE Maiei POLLCK STREET, 'doorsestof Middle. -' A LL wpEK done promptly, in the best manner, and iCA. ny conpeieni worsmen. J Particular attestii.nuaid to the maHng of custoni boots, of the best French calf stock. for gentiemen. on hand, aid for sale. Cu6tom niade boosts always jnS-tt Fresh Lot of Gold Pens, CHEAPER THAN EVER. j ' ! 1 WARRENTED FIRST V LASS manufactured by I jSIabie, Todd & Co., and John I Foley at , J. E. NASH'S. 4 4 VOT.LOK STREET. NEW BERN, N C. This Bakery is still carried on in the best of manne where yva can always find the BEST QUALITY of Bread, Cakes, Pies, &c. Parties and Weddings furnished with all kinds of Or namentatand Fancy (Jakes attht hor test notice. 31. IliNN, ' JanlO.tSCS-tf Proprietor Manwel! Treinyitlfs Aiicl Brass Foii Ilorf c Ssioeiiigr. P. Tretiwitli. OjlAVEN STREET. New Berne, N. G. Highest Cash Price paid for old Iron, Cipper &c Alt kins of .abov namiKi work done with difpatrU t -7 U at tlMMOweft CASH- KUIUKSi. ' oi SAM, EATON, W ATCH 1 A HER AND JE3 Ift 20 Polio fc Street, New Heme, n. a -:o:- Watchi-s, Clocks, and Jewelry ncajtly repaihed and WAKUAXTKD. oft 27 tf. From 4 to 350 Ilonsa Power. incudinsr the liss Cnt-off celebrated Cor Engines, i Slide Valve Stationary Engines, Portable Engines, &C Al- so, Circular Mnlay and Saw Mills, Sujrar Cane Mills. Shafting, Pulleys, &c. Lath and Shlnslei Milis, Wheat and Corn Mills, Circular Saw. TV.lt -4r inj;, Jfcc Send for decriptlv Xvl Circular and, rnccuet. , wood MAirn", steam; egfg. C0.4 fehi2 6m - Utlcal New York. It Ferdinand Ulrlcla, At the A1 JSig Indian," on Middle Street. l - . XANOTACriJKBB AD DEiLKB IN SEGARS, AT WHOLESALE AND RET AIT kinds of SMOKING, CUE WIN G ad IOBAOCO. also ; 1 """! . ii ' MeerscJtaum, Briar Wood and Rubber and Segar Holders, Clay Pipes and Tobacco Pouches, i I S3T Order? punctually attended to. , j Jnne U-16-tf. j j , ' - ' JUS T OPENED. I S L0E0H BEOS. &. MILLS, ; PEALEKS IN : GROCERIES, i; rriuvioiuno 'PRODUCE, AND i GENERAL" MERCHANnTSE. AT TIIE FOOT OF . ALSO ON EBroad IStreet J W. in this cityJ. We desire to warn the deal ers iu, and consumers of snuff generally, that since the war. certain tobacco manufacturers, beih unable to find a market for;their snuffs. felf themselves obliged to conntegieit tnt gen eral appearance of our packages,'; andf immi- tate our, Trade Marks, so thai a close inspec tion is necessary to detect the spijfious article from the irenuine. and otliersijroiris: so tan as to assert that " Lorillard's sauffj s nOjlonger made. r I In making thisj" publicatidn, $e defire to Warn the public asamst the impositions pntc- ticed upon them, as they are the loosersi there by. It riil be found upon bunf pari son that Lorillard's Snuff is "far aheald" of all others. being made of the best stock,! after an original and secret process, known only to ourselves. besides possessing great age, strength .tuJ pungency, and Is warranted, not to contain anv dangerous or deleteripus'ii substances. which cannot be said of the 1 many worthless articles put on sale by others' The best Is the cheapest in the end. A circular-will always be mailed on application ; Iri brdciib nleaue specify if Salt Snuff (lilh tasp, or Fit'sb C.nff fvUu tiMAtft im A j cite A i?S - - -v ... -- a f- z m CIUTO P. UORItLAnD, Npvv York. gjlsallsnicr. THE Ke,w Berne Times, THE ONXY D.-. A ILY B epublican Paper " EASTERN. NORTH CAROLINA. tSS UZD jr&OMtt CRA YEN S TRUST. ijrE W B E R IV E , N . C . rjllIJ TIMES is issued as an Mepejdeat ani rTOgTBSSlTe JfluTTial i which shall reflect the sentiments aa oplnlens of th I . ' ... :..';.. unmxttakea'.le kyal population ef Eastern Nc rth Caro Una, by an uicomprmIsing oppesition to the doctrines of Secession, and by a fearless advocacy if the eterna principles of Union, Liberty and Eauality 1 : J ' j before the Law. i - . i ;v..- -, ..: :t... 7 J The-Times will fce devoted to the common inlcr- sts of oar people, with " mafice toward noie and charity for aU' it will plead for the tnaiatenance inviolate of the National Ooverumcnt and Its credit : the education by all available means of theppleTtheenmaraftemeii of irardlprration and the deveIonmnt' fl? AVIV TV"4ril- , I m - -mwmt, VMS SltlVUr tnrat, mineral and commercial renoorcea. Whie the Tims will b pre-eminently a news X : - r - . . ... ...... , - PP the departments of COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIENCE; AND LITERATURE, wui receive snca attentlnn h T?rr- t. . .. "j .wj'uu., cigaajB, views and Summaries as space will permit; Fall -eportB on aH matters of Local Interest will form . prominent featare, and as there appears as yet ne other VNCOJmi TlOrt A L THY I ON PAPER Eaet ern North Carolina, the advantaxes which th tw wiu oner u u aaveruaine nealnm mr an. r v sw aL . . m parents Ilaies or Subscription; tWUtt CASH lit ADVAHCTk One Year. ...$6.00 .... 8.00 .... 3.00 . . . .75 Sit Months.... Three Months One Month...' 1 ' Bales ol AdTcrtisinfj. Ten hues Mote iaeh eae ta constitute square. One eqosre 4ne tnscrtton -JSach fabseqnent buerticm Liberal deductions nsd loo . so to tare 4tfrtitT. IX THE COTTAOI1. At fght. in the fisherman's cottr .The driftwowd fire burned red ; - The children had finished their supper,. Their bowls of milk nnd bread ; And round the health they were gaikcredr There was uaidly room for them allr And watched the ctrrioas pictures The firelight made on the wall. Their roothcr sat at the window With her bauds crossed on her Knee r She looked ot into the t3arnis.r , Aug lxatrtt uie mouning sea. The children were telling stories Uf what they were gome to do: They dldurt see the whit-caps. Jsor bow the norther bkw. They told the most marvellous stories.- . . . . . j , ado, uvjievi a mem every one, Of what was tare to happen Waea a few more years had run ; Of tho countries tbey meant to-sail to,?- r ' a ne tilings iney meant to see; u Look n said ohn, "this log that's blaxinff Was part of some good ship's knee. wonder what she was lwiund for When she went under, a w.ierk t mean to be the best sailor That ever trod a deck 1 " Their mother sat at the window, Tue norther rattled the rvane: She saw the scud, and she shivered As she beared the lash of the rain. Fot a star shone in all the heavens. JUiack clouds crtpl over the moon. Somewhei e out of the distance . ' Rang the faint laugh of a loon. . ' " ' 1-."' 1 And still the children prattled, ' s And the driftwood fire burned red. And the merry, mocking shadows Danced on the wall overhead. Lilt Kelfojt. A cook on an Ohio river steamboat kicked a man ovtr board to drown in revencc for refusal to eat his viands. An tinhappv husband in New York, after being stabbed by hisjwife's paramour, sat down and ate all the strawberries and cream on t he table, set fire to the house and then went to tne ponce station and preferred a complaint. ) ... i - - . A load of 1500 eggs was recently smashed in front of the Post Office, at Batavia, New York, and as they couldn't be picked up again a barrel of coal tar was poured over the street and set on fire, as the only means of prevent ing a very Dad smell. A big bonfire was kindled an the summit of Mount Snowden, two nwisyda -horse were coming of Mr. A ccVintrn VntVt rnn.... of Caernarvonshire. Wa' es. . An incredible story is told in New York LPaDera-- Jt-Wtlful voting vnman .ni.J day 01 toilv': politely1 offered her a seat. "Please keep yonrseat, sir," was the response, "you are no doubt tired." J - BOESSEK, n , ; t .r,: Manufacturer and Dealer -IS ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, . - Corner of ': ; " t :- ' . BROAD AND MIDDLE STREETS, lr New-Bernk, - Refers to the citizens of NewBeroe gener ally as to f the quality and cheapness of Ms, wares, iVerytninc in his line, from the bext . -. .. v. . ! v . ": M? - .... to the cheapest, furnished at short notice. ApU-tf ' :' ' RS. MARY PRIME, MILLINER, Craven street, opposite : the Court House, New-Berne, N. -?C.V respectfully, forms the ladies that she attends to all orders in her line at short notice. Bridal and mourning bonnets made to or der. -i v Ladies bonnets dyed, bleached. and shaped in the latest and most fashionable StylC . . .. r, :: . ,:V btamping for braiding and embroidery. Gentlemen's Summer hats bleached and re paired. Orders from the country respectfully 0- licited and promptly attended to.. 4 Maylltf - . ".. .; JONES COUNTY, -Office of County Comuissionebs. ) , Tiienton, May 17, 1809. f All persons holding any claims against the County of Jones, -.North .Carolina, are hereby notineu o nie tne same, or a description thereof, if orders issued by the County Court, with Caswell Askew, Esq.. Clerk of the? Board of Commissioners. PREVIOUS TO THE THIRD. PAY OF JUNE, 18C9, tn order that action may be taken to provide for their iquidation. Ail claims and descriptions of County or ders must be sworn to before some oacef competent to administer an oath. J. A. HASKELL, , 7 Chairman Board Commissioners, My20 14t Jones County, N. C, LIST YOUH TAXES 1 1 : LIST YOUR TAXES 1 ! Owners of Real Estate within the City lim its are notified to come forward and list the same with the subscriber durinir the first twenty days of June, at his office on Broad street. . . . .- Citizens of New-Berne will also come for ward and list their Polls. Office Hours from 9 to 11 a. m.. and frora 3 to 5 p.m. J OSEPH NELSON. . Alderman. , V3T PHILOSOPHY OF MARftlAGT- Wb Cocrsk or Lectcres, as delivered at the New-York Museum of Anatomy, embracing the subjects : How U Liveara vvnai to i4ve for; youth. Matnrttraaa via ; Aee : Manhood Generally Rvifwfl : The CaiiM tJ Ib- di eeiion: Flatulence and Nervous Diseases accouutnj tor; carriage Fnliosopnicaily Considered. &c Taes lectures will be forwarded on receipt t-.t tout stamps by addressing Secbxtabt Baltuobx Mircx ot Aat out. No. 74 West Baltimore rtrvet, Baltimore, 2Id. Ap7-lj MEAL, RICE, CRACKERS SUGARS, COPFEES, MOliACCZ' arid SYRUPS of all grades, rjoto AMYETT0 July 21, 1SC81 7 r t 4 ' : - - -i - ; - . r - - - . - .

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