RATEJ5- OF. ADVERTISINQ : f..O 2 00 T5 ' ' AT . The - r.M x Vrt UOUSK. situated on All Vi'.nKul TmiMS stop lmlf nn hour, at .WclJnn M A N S I O N H O U S E, Chartotte, N. C.' - These two Hotels have been thorbu , ncnovatCMl and Ue-furnisbed. thorbu'jfiily ublic lhc natronasje 01 ine xmvciu.3. 1 is solicited. , P. MOOUE, Fropi ictor. feb'lSGia Mercliants' Club House, ' cb.i vsy s teeet , ; Near the Post Office, NEW H E U N . 0 . aid to guest. J) l i ' '' , ,lied with the best ot w mce. i.niu, TABLES, With ull thn m;rkt. will supply. LODGINGS, -VVJI.-L PALMER. Mat -i-tf rropnetor. jfor Berne Hall ! '.m-.v mv establishment. fitted up the H TnnSW upled by Sr.hlllli.per A Co.. or Itei" ?2aun efwMch I hope will meetth. approhatiou 01 MY FlilKXDS AND PATRONS. j hv! ncv -t well upilid Br. A lull stock of AViues, Liquors -and- Lager Beer, ,,,-fjntlv on hand. I will also fnrr.Wi BOARU1KG jiii.i LODGING. aw ' ,rrtT,Tr, , tfAW "A7? -l.rv 110 IRS .' 0 VST E US -IN. E Villi Y SVTi.EI A GEll BEER B Y TEE KEG ! 5iiin ot the "liiG INDIAN,' W-'.li-tf MKhUuMrt-, 3" ' 7 rttrrttmi -nrwif til rn tT. ';hrKrannieiu foi tho lrn. HUT, lit! bum- Oar ii .V SJLCK I-now Mior.Hihlyrffitt'il. m:.1 t first rntr t Ii. rcfi'piion ot t,'itc?t-;. (.ouifoitallo too ..s rltr foi and iirst Our Bar N inistjrpaHed for the qualitj- of its liquors and thu eu- i p riority of its bcvcniges. i-L'LKPS, " ' SMASHES. COCKTAILS, CUE AM ALFS, SCOTCH ALES. - ' - Cltl A IiS. Av... &c. IN MuALPIN'S. UNSURPASSED STYLE. Onr Tiiincli Gourite w ill lie found roplote with all the delicacies of the sea iIamb-stonuur. pigs" feet. sardines. chowders, 4 . . ,-. SALADS, &c, &c, a ill hours. " Our Stables i t for t.h fivrmmodatio J of our nt.y and conn- , tt Iricnds. Attenthe ar,d civil hostlers and every ,.....!fnl r..nnlRit. Our conntrv friends will now know !H h..rn t nnt nn tht-ir horse?, wrtsrons, &c, on the most Jr iv.-isoiiahle terms, irna quire conu-.'noun iu umicw. ;u d in the heart of the city, i :au at yvent3 JOHN O'CONNOR S, Middle street, between Droad and Pollok. Ap2 2ai . - .. . ' p URCiLtTlHIOUSE, WIL31INGT0N, N. C, . is cntUely'ncw, the largest and best furnished I ftel in North Carolina. - Jhc ProDrictor. Col. J. R. Davis (formerly ! f the Mills House, Charleston), is always ; i rady to welcome its guests. j ' . . . i .i i.r-st the mnr- TheTahie iasu puu - - ; i (FORMERLY GRISWOLD'S) h r ' GOLDSHORO?, N. C. ! T. A. GRANGER & Co,. t ; , PROPRIETORS. :' , All Raifroads centering aVaud passing this point vo their Ticket Offlces in this Hotel. Passengers going South, East and West dine at this t.iken to and from the House Free of UtrSe, "ud checked to any desirf d pa 1 1. YAltBOROUGH HOUSE, Fayetteville Street, Ji A LEIGH, K. V . : First Class Hotel, ; " AND If unr passed by any in the, Htute. MJES AT THE DEPOT OH THE AEET7AL H A Lli PASSENGER TR AINS. When you go to Raleigh Stop at the Tt'arborongh. ' . " LlBEllTY AND vol y Lin FT! iiMII II I1 1' J--V7gaygy . Scrofula or King's Evil, ; is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by -which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the jfirculation. it pervades the whole body, and may burst out I in disease pa any part of i. No organ is free from U 'attack? nof ls there one which it may t not destroy. -The scrofulous taint -ist variously ! caused by mercurial disease. kfw.'livin?. dia- i ordered or unhealthy food, - impure air, filth ".wjr iia-uu, me ucpressuig vtce, HTUI4 above all, by the venereal ; infection. What-i ever be its origin; it; is hereditary, in the con -i stitution, descending from parents to children i iinto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, : it seems to be. the rod of Ilim. who says, I will visit the iniquities of the , fathers upon I their children." ,. Its effects commence , by deposition from the f blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in ; the lungf, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles ; ih the glands, swellings ; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor l ruptiop, which genders in the blood, depressed v' the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu- ' tions not only suffer from scrofalous com plaints, but they have j far "less power to with- stand the attacks . of other diseases ; conse- quently Tast numbers perish by disorders 'which; although not scrofulous in their naturf., are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human familv has its orisin directlv in this scrofulous contamination ; ami marlyJ destructive diseases of the livery fciuney orn,y and, indeed, of all the organ,- arise from &ir are aggravated by the same cause. -.' One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health? is -undermined by it. To cleanse it front the system we must renovate , the blood by an alterative medicine, and in-: vigorate it by healthy food ? and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in j j Compound Extract of Sarsaparllla, r the most effectual remedy which ' the medical skill of our times can devise for this! ever--where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com-! , bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequence Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Eruptive and - Skin Diseases; i Sr. Anthony's Fire,; Rose, or Erysipelas, Pimpi.es, Tustules, Blotches, Blains and Boh.s, Tumors, Tettek and Salt Rheum, .Scalp Heap, Ringworm,' Rheumatism, Svpiulitic and Mercurial Dis-j eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Deuility, and,! indeed, all Complaints arising prom Vitia ted or Impure Blood. The popular belief in " impurity of the Hood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blooa. 1 AliO; ; particular purpose and virtue of this barsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without" which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. ! 5 FOa THE SPCEOY CURK OF nemitleut Fever, Cl ill - Pever, Duml) Ague, Period icnl Headache, or Bilious lleadaclie, and llilious Fevers, indeed ' for the whole claps of diseases originat ing In hlllary derangement, caused by the Malaria of Miasmatic Countries. We are enalded here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any t quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting -j disorders ..prevail. "This 'Cure" expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Ague from the system, and prevents the de . veloyment of the disease, if taken on thif'st ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest, lhe large quantity Ave supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where . rEVEii and Ague prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure and protec tion. A great superiority of this remedy over, ny other ever discovered for the speedy and cert .a ; cure of lntermittents is that it contains no Uui'r ie or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or otner injurious enects wnatever upon tne constixu- tion. '1 hose cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. j . j Fever , and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation," among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blind ne$3"l oothacfye,Eara6he." Catarrh, Asthma, Pal pitation. Paniful Affection of the Spleen, Hyster ics, Pain tn the Botoels, Cohct Paralysis and De tangement ofjthe Stomach, all of whicH, when originating iri this cause, put on the intermittent t type, or become periodical. . This Cuke" expels the poison from the blood, and consequently' cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily lesiding in the malarious districts. If taken -occa:j sionally or daily while exposed to the ''cuon, that will be excreted from the system, an- .annot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis- ' ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. " 7p Prepared by Dr J C. AYES &, CO , Lowell. Mass. : CITY ORDINASl it Ordained by the Mayor and Board of Alcfh- mm of the Uity of JTtw-JJerne, That from and a;tcr date all uaroer tnops or aioons suau close at iu o'clock, a. m.. ou Sundays.. i , lie it fartur OriJalma That all Orainancer or parts of Ordinances conflicting herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed-v - It is turtlur vraaineti, i aat trom ana after date. the sale of Bread ou Sunday shall be confined f to, ; (ho, regular . places' of business, and that said mcu8 laall' close at U o'clock, a. in. ! Be it further Ordained, That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances conflicting herewith be, and the same aie hereby repealed. ; -It i further Orduintd, That from and after June Ifit, 1808, all Vessels. Buats, and other crafts. lrinsing "Tain to this Dort. shall he allowed to retail the same for two days, and if desiring to retail for-"a lOBpeHpe nod, the person or persons so desiring enaii apply ior and take out a retail licence. It is further Ordained. That a tax of One Dollar per head upon each and everv Dog within the city limits, be, and the same is hereby levied lor the year ending December SOth, 18r9. Each dos shall wear a collar with a number attached, said number to be furnished by the. ,e it f urther Ordained, That any and all dogs found within the city limits without such number after Julv 1st, shall be taken in charge by the City Marshall ar.d his assistants and kept for three days, subject to r demption by the, owner thereof npon payment of tax and one dollar for keeping. If not redeemed within the time specinea, men sai aogs 10 oe Kiwea..; r o t - It is further Ordained, That from and after date no cart, wagon, or other vehicle be allowed to stand npon airr of the streets of lhe citv, and sell goods or merchan dise thref rom, after 9 o'clock, a. to. : Provided, That . . , - . . it a. . v : ..l ... ' : .' e 1 inis urainauce buuii noi appij fco vcaiuca wiuiu iium without the city limits. : i It Is further Ordained. That the Ordinance in rela tlon to the Bale of grain by weight be, and th samci hereby repealed. . v. a 'vV 1 1 -v It is furtier Ordained, That: section seventeen of the City License Tax Ordinance be, and same Is hereby repealed. v " r!' It is further ordained That from and after date, anv and all persons (excoDt Policemen, while in the dis charge of their duty) who shall discharge firearms with in the city limits shall be deemed rruiltv of a mlsde mpanor, and shall pay y fine of Two dollars for. each and every ottence. Resolved, That the Moat and Fish stands at the Peo pie's Market be allowed to. remain open until 9 o'clock a. m. Sundays. ' s.t. . ,v i . 4 ,y ' rassea Dy tne csoara?oz- Aiaernvw. Manaay, Aiav 17, 1HV3. R. T. BERRY, Mayor. J50. S. MAiax, City Clerk. maySltf. Ague UTire , : ; , , , 1 , j , .1 .. , sh : , : .x :-. 1 " . ' ' ' h UNION, SOW AND FOREYMKlND M N; "tuESD A Y un.ffHt" er's Sarsa A compound remedy, designed to be th'fnot,fi effectual Alterative that can be made. -. It is a concentrated extract of Tara Sarsaparilla, ,,. cu cujuuuieu. wuu uuier suosiances 1 .pi, sm JH.W41wk'Ww T m f 2tll tllni gicoici aunauTe puYM it auoia an ruec- uuuicu vujc. xfc is utiitvcu xnac sucn a remedv is wanted hv those vchn mffpr- from : Strumous complaints, and that one whici xvlXY" ,1-.1. v: . . - fjl . auuuuipiiau ineir tuie musi prove OI .immense o ecrvice to this large class of our alflicted&Hflwi; citizens. Ho w completely this compound will do it has fcee4 proven by experiment onpaiiy of the worst cases to be found of the following 4 complaints:. . I JVP-' CROFUt AX SCROFULOUS COMPtJlTNTS.'Ji Eruptions and Eruitive Diseases, Ulceus, Timples, Blotches, I Tumors, SaltRheum, A SCAtpr IBAPi grfHIHVISIAKp ypuihtic Af i'ECTioNsr Mercuhial Disease, DropsvJ Neu 11ALGIA. or Tic Douloureux; TEuiLiT.f J)Ys- pfiP8i.v Xtn Inmtgeion, Erysipelas a!oS " or ot. Anthony a Fire, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising fiom ' ImpubItT the Blood. i t ;T a? This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in tfie spring,"to expel the foul humors which fester in - the bqod atliat season oQhe yeax.JJy thetime- the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will &triy& to ' rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to "do this through tlie natural channels of the body hXi.anaUeratiYeitlifdicuie. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, I ot sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob- f ; structed and slusish in the veins : cleanse it heocvcritisoulaojel ybuHvlierr. AEvnMrieThbpartSci ings will tell particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, andf Tive longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the.! blood healthy, and - all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting ' liedtth. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machineryff of- life is disordered or overthrown. -1 , t;ti ? Savsaparilla has, and deserves much, thq . reputation of accomplishing these endss" Bat3 thfl? wofki haf:?hecnjregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because ' the drug ,; alone has not till the virtue that is caimedt , for it, but more becaus many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, r co!ntair tjtit-lue of the virtue of Sarsapanlla, or anv thing oi.se. - During late years the public have been mis- le 1 by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla! for one dollar Most t. Qtthesarim"V!?hcii ""Wl uqns)the sick, for Uiet lKAlolily ijitauijaflel ifj CnySarsapa- ' rijla, but often. no curative properties whaler-" eij. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of tlie various extracts of Sarsaparilla which Hood the market, until the, r nune .aelfis.y.ulvf despised, and has become Isynony'motis wit1i!iinposUion and cheati Still j wje call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the nime from the load of obloquy whieli rests upon it. And wc think jive hit vcr ground 'for believing ?it, has virtues which are irresrstibla by the ordiii"!y rtm-of tloj Sinenses Itis intenvl- ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradicaiorfrlom the system, the remedy should bp judiciously taken according to dii ee tions oii the bottle. 1 ' f I'UErAIlER BIT . I i LOWELL, i MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle; Six Bottles for $5 ' Ayer's Cherry" Pectoral-?5: has wot fof itself such a, renovu for the cure of every variety of Thrortt and Lung Complaint, that,? it i.s entirely unnecessary for us to recount thej4, evidence of its virtues, vhcrever it has been era- 1 ployed. As it" lias ' "fo'iig ,? been5-'lli -'cotistant use : throughout assure the if. ever lias do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer 's- Cathartic Pills,, . . for' the cunn op '?' Ccstlvcncsx, Jaundifrf1' Dyspepsia,1 Indigestion Dysentery, Foul Stomach, ttrysipefa, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Shin Diseases, jv&'Colityhtth?! Ttwuvs Bnd Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Xeiiratp'iOyas Dinner Pill, and for Ptwifying the Blooil r: , j They are sugar-coated; ko. thaVlffe inosserisli7 tive can take them pleasantly, and they are lhe j bast aperient in the world for all the pin-poses of a family physic. j .. . :. itl -Jfivti Price 25 cents per Boj Fivo hoxeifor ; i Great numbers of Clergy ujen.rhvsicijuis; States! n, men. and eminent personages, hava.lent their, - names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but .qup space her,e ,wjU not -pertnii tlte'S insertion ot tliem. xtie Agents ntiow namrn uir nisli gratis our Amrhican Almanac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of .tht alwve ofnpMrttS ahd the? treatment sthaA should b fol lowed for their cure. ( ' ' J Do not be put off bv unprincipled dealers wltJi r Dther prepanttionsr rthey ,juika moraj jirofft on,,, want the best aid there is for them, and they should'ii have it. h??? sr " ,f. i AH our remedies are for sale by R. S. Primrose & Co., New Berne, N.; Cu an4aW i 1 "i - i i - Found at Last ! Found at'Lf A SOUTHEEH DIAEEHCEA MEDIOIUE, 'in n E Masi, ERFECr MEDICINE EVSIt COM BINED for Diarrhmal Diseases. .7 - WHY 7 - .hs it It creates no fever in the most violent cisesi t t 1 It is a sure cure for Diarrhoea in unildre fi Uii h .1. M It is a surecajre for Diirr.oea caused from Colds. It is a snre curffof Chronic Diarrhoea. ; It is a sure cure for Cholera Morbus. : . - , . It is a sure cure for Cholera Infantum. ilKS r f i it is asms fare turn p!Bamitipn.4fr tha Bf wels. t.Tf s, It s whut every Traveller should be snppn6Wltn. It ia what evenr Plantation should be supplied witai & It is what everv Household should be supplied with. ' It is what Children like I It Is perfectly josrfliless. It should be kept in every Nursery. ; Tt iaste. Sure and Sneedv. ' - w :i It wni save yoa a uif' uzurrm : It is a Msuicine Ions sought for South. It is here ! Found at laxt ! ! Found at last J ! t Itisotirdutv to circulate it! - V'?,t-V3t vfr ' IMSOiJentspar.bottJN Foreiby watkins & Co. K. s. rnmrose & uo.. ana it. eerry t.oiiiu7 oruers filled bv John L. Heritage. Broad St., Ne- ?rn, , :u,.v. :iv 7.,vyA'- iitji-o : riTpurifies the Blood 1 - t 1! 1. For Sale ly Drug-fflst Vfiteryw'&ert Julv parillC 41 guMoh;ofAhiirfV rauklllg disorders ViriipGd, V&tiMjtrdes can, by : this section, we need not do more ihan people its quality is kept up to tlie hest' t been. Vho: that it hiAv'e rbliccl n to -A-., It produces a healthy action of the Laver, Stomac i and r Bowtds, thereby relieve A? many., com 'plaints ar . st I from Diarrhoea., J M",ni ,j , , It is a sure cure for Diarrhoea In I dlts. , . s ! I AIORft INGUNKhJO " ' 9 . - - , - ,i.a ' Physician and Surgen : ' y?.i CCice Craven Slrce,f near Kew-Street Dk.P; r,B. ; RiCE.u; : y t - .c" I , - - Physic ian and Surgeon.! :UTiL..!l (COUKTY PU.YS101AN) sdfne2Pollok atrceli swond rdor cast ofpTlv -n', : - i,Z r PHysfcldh and' Surgeon. (CITY AND PORT PHYSICIAN). ; .f j OEceand- resider.jc. Ln, C hvtiji tlie. 1, le , .I...: . f. j , it. I.' . low Pollok street. -T Will T.W WATHT ft T, OT tm? Jt A Yrxr 1 1 fif rvfTi fltTwt - rV f v ltoriin TvJ Fin..Vvratclics.-r.Cloct8, Jcwclrj' Pptjcablefi, J'iftol?, &cJ Watches sfi.'d GlotVe. repaired Jit ri-pftuwMo 'rates, and irarrantedf one year.: Al3-am I-. . Practical BOOT and SHOE M .tcr, as 'PULTOM STREET, S fcr west of Middle." A L'LOltK'tfeaa promptly, in the be t msi.tivr. and fx3L.,by cojHiete.uf wyrky-KyiParticula att.ciiti.np;iid to the makilig ot cu&UMi' hoots, Of 't su bctt Kn-m h caif stock, for eiHirtnen. ;Caftora m&d-i bot! ahvajp on hand, and for sale. ' , . juu:s-tf . Kto of Gold Peris, 1 i: CHEAPER THAN EVER. ' ,v WAftnENTEI) FIRST VtASS r . 'Maeie, Todd ct'Co' and John- Foley. at . . v.' ' . J. E. NAKlt'S. j&t it 34 POLLOK STREET, NiiW BJillN, K Ci 1 JThis Bakery.isstill carrvil on tn the bestof rnanne where you can always find theBEST ClrALiTVi of t Pa?tie,and Wedding? j$rniilud' witlvr.il kinds of Oi namental aiid Fancy Cakes at h. ' h( i tefct notice. ' : . : J - '.Tanio.lSGS-tl- -nCl Proprietor,; Manwcll & . TreiiTVith's; . Illaeksvusit!!. I M. A C Ii i s n s sz o i. And Brass Foundry. Horse JSliocing P. I'reniviift. CltAVEh STREET, JVew Berne, iV. rm Hig'iiest Cash Price paid for eld Iron, Copper &c i All..Mvds of rflbove.nam-jd, work. done with dispatch at the lowest CASH PKICSS: - " 1 tT tl SAM. k! EATON, . ' SVATCH: , 1 -A K Ell . ' . ' 1 . : '. - '- j ' . ."" A?, . ..."-; ' ' ' tE3 TW 3H Hi Hj IH3 1R. 7 . ' '' ' i 20 iPoUok Street; Keto Jbcrne, Hi. C. i -.-JO:- ; I Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry neatly repaired and I .WABUANTEU. ,';Cft27 tf. From 4 to 850 Ilonsic Power, incudinsr the celebrated Cor liss Cut-off Engines, j' Slide Valve, ,.Sttionary Engines, Portable 'Enyine;' &c. Al so, i Circnlar ,:"Mulay and ' Saw Mills, Siiarar Caae, Mills. ?Shaftiur, .-'Pulleys, I &d Lath and Shinre Mills,' -jw befit and Corn Mills-Circular" Saws, Blt N"inr, -c. Send for descriptiv JTTl Circular and JPrice List. , wooir n mm, steam e:g: co;, 1 tip fcli 2 2 Cm ? 4 iii Utica, Mew York. Ferdinand Ulrich, ; AV tHe rl Big t Indian ' on Middle Street. AT WnOLESA L E AND R E T A, I L '- I Utl VcindP of lOKINr.CilFVING, d NUF A PUACC(). . , " . ! .' ' ' :leer.4c7ifMim; B-ri(Cr Wood mdk- Rubber .Pipe r'm t'ahdttiegnrilloldfirfr filkyiPipes. and ; -' j?5r OrUr minctually attended to. . ,Tnn- fi 16-tfj i' I'M - .is ii? ff .aft 'iJI'Sr OPfSNKD. ;;;,l6ech :'bbo3.54 . mills, t i tf ',' PEALEKS IN ; r . GROCERIES,! t-tu', i: . i - PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, if .AND GENEBAji , 31 ERCHAN DISE, i ' . . AT TIIE FOOT OFi1 itt': ' AtSO ON ,,,-;,-::;:B'roaUtre8t: 1 I It. ,s '.' IN THIS CITYt": r"' i - $KO T ONl A? era irt, and consumers of snuff generally, that jsipce the wrar, certain' tobacco manufacturers, tein unable to find tt? market for tliejrjsnuffs, felfiiKemselves obliged to counterfeit the gen ,4 - eral Appearance of our packages; and Immt- to'ftssert that . Iiorillard'ssnaff is no longer In making this publication, wo desire to iWaiii theipablic;agi!st life impositions j prac ftjqecl upojUhejn,Atbey arethe lopssrs there bj : It lll be fomid upon compatison , that Lrfrt!lards SHuff fs'f at ahead" o flail others" HethTOadef the' lst stock; m f teran original nd cre.pmcejukoKtt,iorty to ourselves. i i.beskles ptssessipg great. "trength pangencvana is stranic rjoi, iq contain a'rivr daneroal ddQefifJiislYiuVitttlites. Whichcannt be mid .of. thei riving j (worthless iiTtiele tat on sale by lothcrfi. ijit best is the cJbeapest 19' 6peci nufrt Uti ra 'SAdctiirdsiredrf ? U P. LOm Ut?ARD, New York. ttte dur Trade iiarks, so .that a close in spec ,tjon is nece?sary,to 'detect Uie 'spurious article from the Seiiiifne' and othersjinu so far as irf -the end j eiriaij, wsji always ailrtd onjipplicAtion in ornenn nieaje fvtfSal't Sriuft fjftlslTbast). or nb PIUCE'3 CKSTS;' lirciIaior.s.', Km' Berne - -Tintesi THE ONLY 'A::--L...Y ' ' - tf . . ; v - Eepiiblican Paper rs-BLisnED IN i EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ISSVm FROM 22 CRAVEN STREET; : i: w u r r n i: ,r n . c rplE TIMEb is issueil as an IMessMeiit and Pragressire Journal which shall reflect the sentiments asd opinions of th unmUtakeable loyal population of Eastern North Car lina, hy an uncompromising opposition to the do jtnnc? of Recession. nd by a fearless advocacy f the etenia principles of Union, Liberty and - Equality f before the , Law. Tl "he Trans will lie devoted to th f . 7 ists of onrptoplc, with "malice toward none and charit fo all ;", it will plead for the maintenance iuvidlate c l th National Government nd its credit ; the education by; all available means of thepceplc : the enconraireme ' i ' ' . ' " ' ' ' '' i, - . .- - . . . - oOmmigration and the developement of our ajjricul t a al. mineral a;d commercial reftonrces. Thilc the TniE8 will b pre-eminently a neurit, patptr, the departments of COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE, wlh receive such attention by Reports, Essays, Rt- viwsand Sammarles as epace will permit. jFnll rc?orts on all matters of Local Interest will form a prominent feature, and as there appears as yet nothr UCOrVDITIOIVAI, UNION PAPER -.Eastern North Carolina, .the advactapes mbichtl TME8 will offer as an advertising jetlinra are parent. j Rales of Subscription ' TXSXS CASH IN JlOTAKcr. One Yrnr Six Month 3.00 . . .no . 5 I, Thrw. Mumhs . . . t One Month . . . . . . . . . . . Hates ot Advertising. Ten lines or one "inch Fpacie to constitnte ' square. it One ssuare ne insertion 'Bach suhcnunt insertion - t M j ... r Liberal de-1 actions Md to latkt adrertirt f Ten thitor one inch GTrfazm cwtUnt qur. One squsr. noi- lert1oii ' -. flXt Each subsequent lcseithiQ - - 69 Liberal UMlurrin8 made W lart dvr-rvir9. !?ix-cial Nofiers chnrged 2 pvt cent. htj;ber tha dlnary aslvcrtisMTatvts. J For :tlvirtiwnuiit! icfrrtcd Irrrprolsrlj. S5 r u m ' blgltcr thaa wusl rates will be cliarccfl. t All letters rfcouki-.be ddicsCf 'DaiiT Tixr New-Bcrne, ?J. C. . ..' . , THEEEEOSm" Just . w hen the red June rosea blow he gave me one a 3ear ngo A rwse wljose crimson breath reveaktl The secret that its heart concealed. A.nd whose half shy, half tender grace Blushed back upon the giver's, face. A year ago a year ago ; To hopetvaauot to-kuow-. Jtist vfhciT the red Jnne roses bloir I plucked Lcr.uncK n nionthagf); lis half-blown .crimson to eclipse, -' I laid it to frer fhiilihg lip ; The iKihny fragiancc of the outh Drew sweetness from her sweeter mouth. " s Swiftly do golden moment creep ; ' -1'Lf.i To bold is cot to keep.:, The red June roses now are past, : v t This very day I broke the last ; And now its .perfumed breath is laid ; With her beneath a'coffinlid There its petals fall apart, . And willicr on her icy heart' 1 . , And so, at three, red roses enst, " lyiworhi.waa gained and Pst.' . .Dangerou.s RscciaUs-'ThoFi who are dressed to kUL.yr -lH'U-- Whnt did Adam phtit tirsi ii: the gar den? s His foot." Tlie life preservers oftenest used in the battlefield legs. Why afei teeth like verbs? They nre rtgnlar, irregular and defective. Portraits of Seeretarv FisVj .children are said to be sardiiies little lishes done in o v, ... I A critic says of a certain singer, "that she sinks' a few airs and puts' on a great many.' . . .t -'.'. ; One of the Paris papers,' in the lack of important news of the kind which it is permit tud to .publish, gives a list of prom inent Frenchmen wlio are bald-headed. .A, peacock would be. a pretty bircLif It would keep Jts mouth shut. Just so with, some pretty people. ; A foppish fellow: advised a friend not to marry a ? poor girl, if he would find .mmony with 'povertyj' " up hill work." ma " Good," said his friend, I would rath er go up hill than down any time." A Boston auctioneer thus extolled the j merits of a carpet : " Gentlemen and la- Iies, some folks sell carpets for Brussels; but I 'can most positively assure you that this elegant article was made by Mr. Brussels himself." n, ; . A person wTho had some smattering of zoological lore said one day to a novice that crocodiles were often seen in tears. "Oh, that in nothing," rejoined the nov ice. I s have often -seen whales blubber!" F. BOESSEIt Manufacturer and Dealer IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, :( Corner of 1 BROAD AND MIDDLE STREETS, New-Berne, ' Refers to the citizens of New-Berne gener ally as to ; the quality and J cheapness of his wares. Everything in his Iine from the best to the cheapest,' furnished at short notice. ApU-tf , ' ' RS. MAllY HUME, MILLINER, 'Craven street, opposite the ICourt House. New-Berne, N. C,.-respectfully in forms the ladie. that she attends to all order in her line at short notica. Bridal aud mourning boD nets made to or der. - ., . ;. Ladies a bonnets dycd,? blrocbed,- ard shaped in the latest and most fashionable style, v .' ''" . v Stamping for braiding and embroide-y. Gentlemen's Summer hats bleached and re-' paired. Orders from it he country respectfully bc licitcd and promptly attended to. Mayll tf :jv . .'' ';'".' ; ' : '; . JONES COUNTY, Office ov County Commissioners, ) Tiiknton, May 17, 1869. f All persons holding any claims against the County of Jones, North Carolina, are hereby notified to file the same, or a description thereof. If orders 'issued by the County Court, with Caswell Askew, Esq.. Clerk of the Board of. Commissioners. -PREVIOUS TO THE THIRD DAY OF JUNE, 1809, in order ibat action? may be' triken to provide for their iquidation. . - '--', . ' All claims and descriptions" of County or ders must. bo' 8 worn to before some officer competent to administer an oalh. " J. A. HASKELL, Chairman Board Comtnissioner?, 3Iy2014t Jones County, N. C. JJSTYOUU TAXES!! V; V LIST YOUR TAXES!! Owneisof Real Estate within the Cit v lim its arc. notified to me f orwnrd and list I ho sume with the subscriber during the first twenty days of June, at his ofllce on Broad street. -.Cisizcns of New-Berne will also come for ward and list 1 heir Polli. Ofilce Hours from t) to 11 a. m., arid from 3 to 5 p. m., JOSEPH NELSON, - Alderman. Vf PHILOSOPIIT OF MARRIAGE. A Ne Course of Lkcttjkes, as delivered at the New-Yor Mnsenyt f Anatomy, embraclmr the subjecti : How tc Live and What to Live for; Ytath Natnrit? and Old A?e ; JVIaohood Oentrallv Reviewed : The Canse of In-dl- crt ion: Flatulence an'd Nervous Diseases accounted for? IHarriajre Philosophically Considered, &a Theo lectnreswili be forwarded on receipt f four stamps by : addressing Stcbstabt Baithobe M rsirM or Akat osit. No. 74 West Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. Ap7-ly , . . - . MEAL,' RICE, CHACKEHS JW3 AllS. COFFEES, MOLABRPB and S Yl CPS of all grafted to ! - ' AMTETT'M