.A s X "V. s .s ..,,., . , 's T " ..'?. TUT . : 0 J LIBERTY er. VOL VI NO. 2. Y ; NEW BERNE. N. C. FRIDAY AIOHNING, JULY 2. PRICE 3 CESTS. Jj' j v! ' " .'.. -'..' f . croc amnw, ltrtI.ISIIKI AND EDITED i BY , ' . -''V"-:, - W. Nason. Jr., and F. II. Sterns. : GBO. rr-C-" : RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION T( rms Cash in. Aduan ct. Months : , v W v- S RATES OF ADVERTISING: Ten line or onff ncn Pnce con?tltnte a pqnare. One qa;rc-onc int,crt5on , ' ' $1.0f E,flj pnh?eqnent insertion - - - 1- . 50 Liberal dednctionf made to larire advertlpera. - Special Ncjes charged 5 per cent, higher than dinary advertisement. : for advcrtipcments inrrrtcd irrejnlarly, 25 percen lber than usual rates will be charged. ' ; All letters should be addressed, Daily Times, jlcw lknie, N. C. . ".-."' - i NEW-BERNE, N. C. mansion House, Charlotte, N. C. These two Hotels hav6 heeii thoroughly Uenovatcd and Ile-furhished. The patronage, of the Traveling PubliG , " is solicited. WMI. P. HIOOKE, Proprietor. febl'Jfim "Merchants' Club House, i CI! A VEX STREET. r Near the Post Office, NE W BERNE, N. C. o PERSONS comin? to New Berne, will find thi a neat nrt comfortable place t etop at. Every attention aid to guests. BAJi AKrayt-supplied with the best of Wines, Liquor?, . Ck'nrs, . TABLES, With all the market will supply. LODGINGS, Unfiirpaespfi WM. L. PALMER. Mav2-l-tf. Proprietor. New Berne Hall ! I l ivinvr rt-ni'ivcd niyt i'ilishnifT.. mid fitted 'up the I I hd'.i'-t tot in -i lv occupied by S-hiHinirT & Co.. or MiVUFtre?'t. in a manner which I hope will meet the ipprobarioit of 31 V FRIES US AX I) PATKOXS. 1 (v. ncv a well supplied Bar. A ull stock of AVin, Liquors and Lager Beer, MiHt.'imlJ- m '.hand. I will also furnish BOARDING and LOimiN-a.rtiul i. uxcu a v a i l no uns o rsrj-: in tn k via n r s r vj, e AG Ell ' BEEti BY THE KEG ! rj:UI)IiA.M) tTI.UIGIl, i of the "BIG INDIAN,' Dec. 12 tf ! ! Middle street. SOMETHING NEW!! We auain call the attention of our friends and the Viit.lic to our arrangements for the Spring and Sum mer, ' ! 1 Our House t l now thoroughly refitted, ani in first rate ordtr foi I In- reception of guests. Comfortable roo and first- Um table. Our Bar ! if tniHurpassed for the qitatty of its liquors and the su iicnontv of its bererages. U'LRPS, i. SMASHES. " COCKTAILS. PUNCHES t CREAM ALFS, SCOTCH ALES. ! CIGARS, &c, &c. IN McALPIN'S UNSURPASSED STYLE. Our Lunch Counter vMllbe found replete with all the delicacies of the sea- 1 A. MB S TONGUE. PIGS" FEET, J SARDINES. CHOWDERS. SALADS, &c, &c, til hours. Our Stables open for the accommodation of our city and coun " friends.- Attentie and civil hostlers and every I'tvilful renm'siip Our ronntrv frieuds will now know Ihtc to pnt up their horses, wagons, &c, on the most ixoiianic terms, and quite contiruousio me niart-ie. 1 in the heart of the city. Call at JOHN O'CONNOR'S, Middle street, between Broad and Pollok. 5 -M tf ; PURCELL HOUSE, . . WILMINGTON, N. C, j i tirely new, the largest and best furnished 1 "tel in North Carolina. 'I lie Proprietor, CoL J. R. Davis (formerly f the Mills House, Charleston), is always 1 ttidy to welcome its guests. , UllBOROUGII HOUSE, Fayetteville Street, l A LEIGH, N. First Class Hotel, C. Vn rpassed by any in thie feJtate. STAGES AT THE DEPOT 0Jtf THE AEEIVAL wall passengeu trains. She 1 6(0 r 8 00 ! IS When you go to Raleigh top at the Yarborouglu ITY ORDINANCES. It i i Ordained ly the Mayor and Board of AMer of the City of Xew-licriie, That from and after dates al! Barber Shops or o'clock, a. in., oil Sunnavs. " aioons shall close at 10 Be il further Ordained, That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances conflicting herewith be, and theanie are hereby repealed. ' --..;- 7 close at i o'clock, a. in. Be it. further OrdiUexl That all Ordmans or parts of Ordinances conflicting herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. - - - il kJn&' r,dal?fd That from and after June 1st, iSWi. all easels. Boats, and other crafts, brin-dn" jrrain to this port, shall be allowed to retail' the same foi two days, and if desirfnp: to retail for a longer pe riod, the person or persons so desiring shall aimlv for and tako out a retail licence. ! i 11 J It is further Ordained, That a tax of One Dollar per head npon each and every Doer within the city limits, be, and the same is hereby levied for the year endin" December SOth, I8' 9. Each dor shall wear a collar with a number attached, said number to be furnished by the City Clerk npon the payment of ten cents and the tax. Be it furtitr Ordained. That anv and all within theci.y limits without such number after July 1st, shall be taken in charge by tho City Marsimll axd ma assistants ana Kept tor tnree '-days, subject to re demption by the owner thereof upon payment of tax and one dollar for keeping. If not redeemed within the time specified, then -sal doirs to be killed. It is f urther Ordained, That from and after date no cart, wagon, or ether vehicle be allowed to s!a;dnpon any of the streets of the city, and sell jroods or merchan dise thref rom. after U o'clock, a. r. : Provided. That this Ordinance shall not apply to vehicles coming from without the city limits. i It in further Ordained, That the Ordinance in rela tion to the sale of grain by weight be, and the same is hereby repealed. r It t further Ordained, That section seventeen of the City License Tax Ordinance be, and same is hereby repealed. It is further ordained, That from and after date, any and' all persons (except Policemen, while in the dis charge of their duty) who shall discharge firearms with in the city limits shall be deemed guilty, of a niisde mauor, and shall pay i fine of Two dollars for each and every offence. i Resolved, That the'Mcat and Fisli stands at the Peo ple's Market be allowed to remain open until 9 o'clock a. m. Sundays. I Passed by the Board of Aldermen. Mondavi 5fav 17, ISM- ' R.T. BERRY, "Mayor. Jno. S. Manix, City Clerk. ; mayl-tf. i An Ordinance in Eelajtion to Velocipedes! Citt Clekk's Office, June 15th, MM. JT IS ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND ALDER MEN of the City of New-Berne, That frc-m and after, date, no person or persons be allowed to Ride or Drive Velocipedes nion any of the sidewalks of the city, under a penalty of two dollars for each and every offence. ! June 15-10d. JOHN S MANIX, City Clerk. NOTICE. N E W EL E GTIOtf PEEOI KOTSV THE COUNTY" OF CRAVEN, ew-Berne, jt. C, June 14th, ) flTIIE FOLLOWING places have been designated X by the Board of County .Commissioners .of Oiaveu County as the Pr'.ciutt 4or i betcSlng elections, to he hold in the respective Townships of Craven Cpnntjy for Township purposes, on the first Thursday in Au g;i.t. i v.) : ' ! . In Towiitflii'p JVo. 1. Swift Creek Village. I JV'o. 'A. Arthur (jaskhis's. -Yo. 3 Bay Itivei. orMilh-r's Mill. - u --- d-.r.is:- t-xctMiiu,.. 44 .v.. n.-.I.w'f Oinn. - jYo. 7. - (abrel llardison's. jo. S. Couiitv Jail. y ..'o '.. Biddies Cross Roads. TU- order of the Boiird. JAS. C. IIAKKI0, .June 17-lni. Clerk Bo- rd C n.'is. OKU1 ObALS FOR SUi'l'LlKS a. OF RATIONS AND SHIP CHANDLI K7, Ntti'ce is hereby given that scaled proposals lor fnr- r.ishing Rations and Shij) Chandlery for the use of the United States Revenue Cutters in the Distiitt or Pam lico. N, C, will be received by the undersigned at his oflice at the Custom-llonsc, in New-Berne,1 until 12 o'clock, noon, the. 2Cth day of June, 1869. Contracts to be for the fiscal year ending Jane SO, 1870. i A list of articles to be furnished can be seen at the Cnstom-House. R. W. KIAG, Collector of Customs. A'ew-Berns, X. C, June 12, lbG9. j je 13-2w. ' i . ! '; . PATENT POCKET GORN-SHELLER PROFITS OVEft 200 PER CENT. Southern, State and County- Rights for sale. Great novdty. .Send for circular... Address - " . Manufacurers, Pittsburg, Pa. sr- PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE. A New Coukse of Lectures, as delivered at tne, new-n'o. Museun of Anatomy, embracing the subjects : How to Live and What to Live for ; Youtb. Maruruy anu viu . M.nhnnH i..Tl.rll v VPVU'WM : 1 lie UUUfe Ui UI- di esiion; Flatulence and Nervous Diseases accounted for ; M arriage Philosophically Considered, &c. I hese lectures will be forwarded on receipt f four stamps ry addressing Sjxketaky Baltimouk Museiji of An at omy. No. 74 West Baltimore street, isaiumoie, Ji". , . Ap7-ly ' F. boksss:u, Manufacturer and Dealer IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, , Corner of ! BROAD AND MIDDLE STREETS, New-Berne, ! Refers to the citizens of New -Berne gener n a ii,p nnalitv and cheaoness of his wares. Everything in his line, from the best to the cheapest, furnished at short notice. ApU-tf ' ! i fRS. MARY rKlALJS, JSiiJL.L.i.r., I VI Craven ; street, opposite the Court ; -i .. -..-w-T- -r T1TT1T1 House, New-Berne, INI u., respecuuuy i' forms the ladies that she attends to all orders in her line at short notice. Bridal and mourning bonnets macte to or der. ... . ' ' .... . Ladies' bonnets dyed, mcacnea, ami shaped, in the latest and most fashionable stie. , SStamping tor Draiumg uuu emuiumvij. Gentlemen's Summer hats bleached and re PaOrders from the country respectfully so licited and promptly attended to. j Maylltf - LIST YOUR TAXES 1 ! LIST YOUR TAXES !! Owners of Real Estate within the City lim ii j uriner vrauinea, i a&t irom and after, date, the sale of bread on Sunday shall be con lined to the recular places, of buuiness. and that nu nUri.atiai. . - uMvrK9 CUtill its are notified to come forward and list the same -with the subscriber during the first twenty days of June, at his office on Broad street. , - .. Citizens of NeW'Beme will also come for ward and list their Polls. Office Hours from 9 to 11 a. m., and from 3 to 5 p. m. JOSEPH NELSON, Alderman. Iyer's Sarsaparilia Acompound remedy, designed to be the most effectual Alterative that can be made. It is concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, bo combiaeiiy itithestace ftyfifll' greater alterative p4safioJ-an SeW. tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is teputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one '-which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense I service to Uiis large class bTout afflicted fellow Icitizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be fQund of the following .complaints: Scuofulaj an -Scrofulous - ConptAixTs, . EttUPTlONS ANU.EauVTiVEDlskASE3, mCEU-S, -ESf otcues, Tumous, Salt Rueum, ecxLij nAnr Stphilts Aim StphiliticAf rECTioxs, STekcurial Disease, Dropsy, Neu ralgia ou Tic Doclocrecx, Debility, Dys pepsia AND lNDIGESTION,lEtt.Y8IPELAS, ROSE or Sr. Anthony's Fire, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Impurity op the Blood. ' This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring to ! fTO fculiwswB blood afcthat seasoji of the-yeariBy thetime v ; ly expulsioli of them mtfiyranklirlg disdrders -are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from .the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through wliich the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do - this through the natural channels of the body by an ; alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptrons, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and, luggjsl in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it isr four,nd UrfeelingVwUI telll) you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt,; people enjoy better health, and live longer,! for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disorder there can be no lasting j health. Sooner J or later ; something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing ftheseends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed , for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, cor jain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, ojPfiiy thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart ' of Extract ot Ssaparil Wfor piie dollar Most f of these JkVe beeiii frauds Jpcfeijthe.skj: for j they not only contain' little, if any, Sarsapa- rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has follo;,l the use of the various extracts of "Sarsaparii;Avhic8i flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And wejtliiijk wejiave ground for by the ordinary'run of llietuscuse3 it is intend ed to cilre. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. J PREPARED BY U; J. C. AYEI6 & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price,; $1 per Dottle j Six Bottles for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ' has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that iC?fs entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best , it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR THE CUKE 03? .. . . Vostiveness,. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, inaigesuon, dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, .... Hies, Rheumatism, Eruptions mul Shin Diseases, iner iirminutint. - uroiisv. jeuer. jl iuiivih wu Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Pwifying the Blood. ; They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box ; Five boxes for $1.00. Greatnumbers of ClergymenVPhysicians, States- ' men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify theunparsilleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will no permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints,. and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. , Do not be put off by unprincipled, dealers with, other preparations they ' make more profit on. ' Demand Ayer's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. ' All our remedies are for sale by R.S. Primrose & Co., New Berne, N C. and at Druggists generally. - taccli ljtt Found at Last!. Found at Last ! ! i A SOUTHERN DIAESHCBA MEDICINE. ." t ' , I , t T , T ' '';.: X HE MOST PERFECT MEDICINE EVER COM BINED for Diarrhceal Diseases. why? It creates no fever fa the most violent cases. ' It produces a healthy action of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, thereby relieving many complaints arising from Diarrhoea.-; . ' t . ' " : It is a sure cure for Diarrhoea in I d" Its. ' It is a sure cure for Diarrhoea in unildren. It is a sure cure fpr Diarrhoea caused from Colds. , t It is a sure cure for Chronic Diarrhoea. , It is a sure cure for Cholera Morbus. It is a sure enre for Cholera Infantum. It is a sure cure for Consumption of the Bowels. -It 8 what every Traveller should be supplied with. It is what every Plantation should bo supplied with. It is what every Household should be supplied with. t. o rhfirm with Children teething. . : ; - It is what Children like 1 It is perfectly harmless It should be kept in every Nursery. It is Safe, Sur and Speedy. It will save you a mg Doctor's bilL : v , f .Y r It is a Muicine long sought for South. . It is here i Found at last ! I Found at last in ttia nnr rlutv tn riwnlatrt it ! Price, 60 cents per Jtwttle. For sale by Watkins. & Con r. s. Primrose & Co:, and K. Berry, oontryoraers filled by John L. Heritage, Broad St., New Berne. Sept 19 , . ... ... . , Purifies the Blood. For Sale ly Druggrists Every where. Db.: E.- F. Small wood, ; A"; :. - Physician and Surgeon i0flicc Craven Street, near New Street Dr. P. I Rice, . Physician and Surgeon. (COUNTY PIIYSIOJ AN) Office Tollok fcltreet, second door cast of Hancbck Street. , -? QR. H. C- BATES, Physician and Surgeon. " CITY AND PORT PHYSICIAN). Office and reside r.ce r Ciiittn plirct, le low Pollok jstreet. JWIIALEY, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, Craven etreet, New-Berne, N. C Dealer In Fine Watches. Clocks, Jewelry pectahles, Pistols, &c, &c. .Watches and Clocks repaired at reasonable rates, and Warranted one year. J. MeSorley, Practical EOOT and SHOE MaW.r. f lil rOLZblC STREET, 3 doors lest of Middle. to the calf stock,)for gentiemen, Custom made boots always on. nancLfitid. for sale. jan 28-tt i lresli Lot of Gold Pens, ' CHEATER THAN EVER. WARRENTED FIRST 'LASS man ufa tured by 1 . : M niE, Todd & Co., and Joitn Foley. J. E. NASH'S.- at 1 : ' - ., . r. ' - ! j 34 P LLOK STREET, NEW BETiN, N. C. This Bjtery is still carried on in the best of mannc wneie yoi can always una the BEST QUALITY of Bibad, Cakes, Pies, &c. Partie8lnd Weddincs furnished with nil t?n!c f n. namentalind Fancy Cakes at th- htil test notirt. M. HANN, Proprietor Jan ltl. 868tf roll 4-. Trenwitli's. BlacltsKiitli, , ,' M A CHI N E S HOI, Audi Brass- Fonndrv. Horsc Shoeinsr. 1 i Yrenxvitti. CJIAU:' & TREET, New Berne, N. C. Highestfcasli Price paid for old Iron, Copper &c All kinis Of above named work done with dispatch at the loi:st C8II PRlCli oct 27 tf" A.m ! - 20 PoUok Street, New Berne, N. C. : - : : -:o:- .-"! - .'. Watches. Clocks, and Jewelry neatly repaired and oct 27-tf. From 4 to -350 IIokse Power, incudin'T the U celebrated Cor Hms Cut-off 1 Engines, Slide Valve Stationary Engines, KS&.,BK iSrZ. so, circular Mnlav and - Saw Mills, Sugar Cane Mills. Shaftin?, Pulleys, &c. Lath and Shingle Mills, Wheat and Corn Mills, Circular Saws, BJlt ing, &c. Send for descriptive Circular and Price List. , WOOD & MAOT, STEAM EKG. CO., . febi26m . ' Utt ca, New York. Ferdinand Ulricli, iAi thi "uBia Indian" on 'Middle Street. MAKUPACTUBEB AND DKALKR IN ' AT WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL. All kinds of SMOKING CHEWING, nd SNUF 10BACCO. i ! , . . ALSO j - , . Meerschaum, Briar Wood and Rubber Pipe i , and tSegar uotaers, utay sripes ujul Tobacco Pouches. Orders punctually attended to. ! June 6 16-tf. ' I "; JUST OPENED. ; LOECH BEOS. & MILLS, DEALERS IN; : ' ' , GROCERIES, ! PROVISIONS, . ' . ... . ! ! PRODUCE, ! si." GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AT THE FOOT OFJi ' ALSO ONI i Broai Street - IN THIS CITY.!' I A Ii "!! rvi I We desire tQ UMU U M warn the deal- ers in, and consumers of snuff generally, that since the war, certain tobacco manufacturers beinsr unable to find a market for their snuffs f elf themselves obliged to counterfeit the genv efal appearance of our packages, and immij late our Trade Marks. iso that a close inspect. tion is necessary to detect the spurious article from the genuine, and others going so far as to assert that "Lorillard's snufE is no longer made. ' 'i : !' ' 1: ':' .. In makinsr this publication, we desire to warn the public against tne impositions prac ticed uDon them, as they are the loosers there by: It will be found upon comparison that Lorillard's Snuff is 4far ahead? of all others, being made of the best stock, after an original and secret process, known only to ourselves, besides possessing great age,; strength aril Dunerencv. and is warranted not to contain anv dancerous 5 or deleterious . substances, which cannot be said of the many -worthless articles Dtit on sale by bthers. The best is the r.hPRTiest in the end.1 A circular will always Ka Tnailftd on Honlication . In ordeiiiur..nleJ8 specify if Salt Snufl (H'h Toast), or .Vresb Snuff (Extra Scotch) is desired. WTjiui clone promptly, in the best manner, and i by competent worki((n. Partienlur ntf..r.ti. .,i . , - t- - M.VVUIIVUUtUU miuii, ui : m iiusl r rf urn P. LOR ILL AF? P, Now York.; HisTtllaarreiss. TliK New Berne Times- THE ONLY Republican Paper rtBLISHED IIVJ EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ISSUED FROM 22 CRA TEN STREET, W li ERNE, JV A : rjjllE TIMES U issued aa an s hlch shair-ttjie pentiment8 and opinions of th ilnmlstakeable loyal poptntion ef Eastern North Caro Una, by an uncomprsmising opposition to tbe doctrines of Secession, and by a fearless advocacy f the eterna principles of ; 2 Union, Liberty and. Eanality j . : , . J , , before the Law. The Times will fce devoted to thecommou inter- ; ests of our people, with " malice toward none and charlt for all;" it will plead for the maintenance inviolatecl the National Government and its credit ; the education .by all available means of the peeple : the encouragemea . of immigration and the" developoment of our agricul tural, mineral and commercial resources. ' - '- - - . While the Tikes will b pre-eminently a news paper, the departments of ! r- ! -i . - . COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE, will receive such attention by Reports, Essays, Re views and Summaries as. space will permit. Full reports on all matters of Local Interest will form a prominent feature, and as there appears as yet no other UNCONDITIONAL UNION PAPER I Ea st ern North Carolina, the advantages which th Tixes will offer as an advertising medium are ap parent. Rates of Subscription TIUU CASH IK ADVANCE. One Year ;.....?6.0O 3.00 2.00 .75 Six Months Three Months.. One Month . . . . . Rates of Advertising Ten lines prone inch space to constitute square. Our square onc insertion t1- ISach subsequent insertion , Liberal deductions isad to law drertiscrB- ,. mxr THE REWARD. IiT JonN O. WfHTTIER. Who, looking backward from bis manhood's prime, : v ' ' : , 4 Sees not ihc spectre of his misspent timer . And, ihningh the shade, t Cf funeral cypress planted thick bebiDdv Hears no reproachful whisper on the wind Prom his loved dead? C Who bears no trace of passion's evil force? Who shuns.thy sting, O terrible remorse f ! ' Who docs not cast "', Ou the thronged page of bis memory's book, -At times, a sad and half reluctant look, ' Regretful of tbe Past ? i Alas !the evil which wc fain would shun We do, and leave the wished for good undone; ' Our strength to-day Is but to morrow's weakness, prone to fall; Poor, blind, uprofitablo servants all Are we alway. Yet who, thus looking backward o'er his years, Feels not his eyelids wet with; grateful tears, It he bath been ; Permitted, weak and sinful as he was. To cheer and aid, in some ennobling cause, ;: His fellow-men ? If he hath hidden the outcast, or let m : A ray of sunshine to the cell of sin, If he hath lent j Strength to the' weak, and, in an hour of need. Over the suffering, mindlesss of his creed Of home, hath bent. Helialh not lived in vaiii, and while he gives a The praise to Him, in whom he moves and ; lives, : i , : ' With, thankful heart; He gazes backward, and with hope before, Knowing that from his works he nevermore Can henceforih part. ' . Fat TakcsDeccit of Sang WriJers. BY THE ' ' FAT COXTMBUTOB The man who wrote "Home, S-veet Homo" Dever tad a liome. Exchange. No, of course not. All his folks at home say that he didn't. Nobody who writes about anything ever has it. If a man in out of any thing he immediately goes and writes about No one ever writes so many " headings' UU ul'lliilll""l.muu mupunu 'hpliAvft thrv ever will die. His health was never better. His mother is nothing but a mother-in-law, and she is dead anyhow. J There is the author of Old Oaken liuckel," too ; there wasn't a bucket on the whole farm,' ' water being drawn with a tin pail and a cis tern pole. ' I If I had but a Thoncand a Year," stated " privately to his friends that he would be perfectly contented with just half that sum, as he was doinir. chores for .his board arid three months' Schooling in the winter. H The author of 4 Champagne Charley". ncy- CT drkanylh,i"gbut,te!:f,enlWhi!JeyVuL The mhn who wroteMary bad a Little Lamb" knew very well It was nothing but a little lamb fry. : " - Shells of tbe Ocean,'.' is a humbug. The plaintive poet who represents himself las wandering, one summer's eve; with a sea board thought, on a pensive shoro, was raised in the interior of Pennsylvania, and never was ten miles away from , home in all -his life.' ".Gathered shells,'' did he? All the- shells he ever gathered were some egg shells back of his mother's kitchenl ; s xj : V Hark, I helr the Angel's Singing," spent all bis evenings in a : concert beer saloon. ' Angels, indeed ! ; ' . ' ' " '.i ' ; The man .who wrote the "Song of the. Shirt" hadn't a shirt to his back, wearing a waraus for the most part. ' ' ' Oft In a Stilly Kight". used to get on a spree and make the stilly night howl till davbreak.- -;'.;!.,.,..,;-.;: . The author of 41 We Met by Chance,n. knew very well it Was all arranged before hand. He had been weeks in t contriving it and she admired his contrivance! r - Tbe author of " I " knew a Bank,1 &c. didn't know one where he could get his note discounted. The only check he ever held was a white 44 check" on a faro 'bank. He never bad a red check in all his life. 44 What are the Wild Waves sayinsf t" -knew very well they were reproaching him for running away from Long Branch with out paying his hotel bill. . . t . I " Tlho will Care for Mother Now F Who indeed ; I ' You took i the old woman to the pworbouse just before writing the song, and there is nobody but the poor-master to care for her now. : , - ' 44 Hear Me Norma," was deaf arid dumb. He could't make his pa hear, nor ma. "My Mother Dear," used to thrash : the old woman within an inch of her life. The author of 44 Rain on the Roof always slept in the basement, except when he slept out of doors. .- v.. ; '-A 44 Let me kiss Him for his Mother" got mad because his mother wouldn't have him, and whipped her little boy within on inch of bis lifC. L ' r ,J- .,. 44 1 Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls" used to cheat at marbles when a V. boy, "and his dream was a, horrid nightmare, brought on. by remorse at the recollections of fraudulent marble hauls. 44 I'm Saddest when I Sing," was tickled almost to death if invited to. r y . 44 Happy be Thy Dreams" sold benzine whiskej'. You can ; fancy what kindf of dreams" were produced. . , . , - No one To Love" having - just --killed, off his fifth wife, naturally felt like the devil about it. Cincinnati Times. ' . " H AKLES I1IBPARD, COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS for the States of : . f- 'S ' NORTH CAROLINA, OHIO, NEW YORK TENNESSEE, CONNECTICUT, ALA- BAM A and PENNSYLVANIA. OFFIC E NEW-BERNF, N. C. July 21, lStiS-lv.

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