voh vi-xo. 29.: iinT. . . . i !r . . i j j . ctuc.iiitmfji. I i KI.ISIIED AND; EDITED y. Nason, Jr., and F. II. Sterns. rrn date Gso. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION TfrmtCaK in Advance. 1.(10 8.00 5 00 75 tit "'" " . - of " ' .. .. : j'.. . ... tonth . . - : 1st, 'jTES OF ADVERTISING: erain for nr nne Inch of space constitute a aqtiare. one Insertion $1.01 50 on . .u.henncnt Insertion - - ,j- mi1 tn 1tw advertisers. , bl Notices chan;ed 25 per cent, higher than hfrthan usual rate wMbe clMf-l-'-..- 4H Hterf should be addressee, jjailt - iniw, w.Bemc.y.c., ,:,; vv , , -,: ., ,- Vjottls, gesfcrcranfs fa. GASTON flOUSB, XKW-BEUNE, N. C. MANSION HOUSE, Charlotte, N. C. Those two Hotels nave neeu Miuiuugui; Ucnovalcu ana ite-iurmsneu. ' he patronage 01 ino a IS .POIICIUJU. P. MOORE, Proprietor. a Merchants' Club House, CRA VEN STREET. Near the Post Office, " 111 4.4 4ttto A tlAAl tft?sON cumins to New li-jrae, wiuuuu mi- PKnforta.lG vlace Ustop at. Every attenn BAH . . . ,l'rit 'nunr'no With all the markot will supply. LODGINGS, Unsurpassed. WM. L. PALMER. May U-tf Proprietor. Fresh Lot of OoM Pens, 'UF.AVKR THAN, EVER. WARUEXTED FIRST V I Minn f irt nW'fl 1V LASS it lit ttll ' v w , - - J M.vniK. Tonn it .J. E. NASH'S. 31P0I.L0K STREET. SEW BERN. N. C. Tr V.iV-rv i still (virri.Ml on in the bet' of manne autc yu c.ui nlwuys nil i iiu' i to a -dvi-i Urenil, Cakes, Pics, &c. I'.irti -s ami Wuildiii.'s fnrnislu-d w.Tb all kinds of Or . i n ; ln.i roof riAtf nrt in noutai .ma t.uici vacs an,u -.iivt v UUk.v. M. IIANN, j Proprietor. SOMETHING NEW!! mc.. .filn r.di the attention of our friends and the mHkil our arrangements for the Spring and Sum- iu r, -' ' Our ouso i. ii, nv tlKir.in.rhlc rufit.tnd, M'l in first rate orocr toi I ln ri'i--itinn nf irnnKt. Crflllf ort.lbic -I'tJO iVlld fil-Jt- m taMc. - Our Bar It nrj.!od for the quality of its liquors and the sn ii.in'v ot its beverage. , Jt i.KI'S. ; ' SMASHES. COCKTAILS. , RUNCHES. 1 . CREAM ALFS, SCOTCH ALES. CIGARS. fcc, &C. IS McALPIN'S UNSURPASSED STYLE. Our Lunch Counter wtlllv fniiiul renlete"wtth all the delicacies of the sea- Mi. - I I A. Mll'S TONGUE. i PIUS- F EKT. i " SAlliJliNr. CHOWDERS. SALADS, &c, &c, nil hours. , ! Our ip .n.n f..r thrt Afpnmmod.itio.i of our city and conn- t, . t j. .. hostlers and every i if.,i tint- Muntrr friends will now Know wli. .v,., hArix's. wairons. S,c, on ine nioi i iahlc terms, and quite contiguous to the marfcets, -I iu .he heart of the cooR'S, Middle street, between Broad and Pollok. pURCELL HOUSE, WILMINGTON, N. C, nitiiely new, the largest and best furnished 1 "lei in North Caroli na. i ' I he Proprietor, Col. J. R. Davis (formerly 1 the Mills House. Charleston), is always ' rly to welcome its guests. J VAltHOROUGII HOUSE, ; Fayettoville Street, J' -1 LEIGH, N. C First Class Hotel, AKD If Surpassed by any in. tlxe State. RTln-nn. ! . .1 1 . i " AT THE DEPOT OH THE AiUilVAlj in w - ' ' . ' . . ... Y PASSKiSTGKR TMAIJS . " " hen you go to Raleigh t H Stables - LIHEKTY AND CITY OI5IMAIVCI3S. Jt U om 'aincd hy the Mayor and Hoard of Aider- of It - City of A (W-lferie. That from and after nil li.irbcr bhopa or . aloons shall close at 10 o'clock, a. in., uu SniHiays. Ur it fttttier Ordained That all Ordinances: or parts of Ordinances conflicting herewith be, and the same are he why repealed. It u jurvier tJraainea, That from and after date, the sole of Bread on bandar shall be ronfinpH tn tv. regular places of business, and that said places shall close at U o'clock, a. m, Be it further Ordained. That all Ordinanraa Ordinances conflicting herewith be, and the same are nereoy repcaiea. i . It U further Ordaintd. That fmm Mid fti Jnno J866, all Vessels. Boats, and rithpr emit hrJnrrino- to this port, shall be allowed to retail th.. sump two days, and if desiring to retail for a longer pe- rion, me person or persons so desiring snail apply for and take ont a retail licence. f It it further Ordained. That it tax of On nniiar rr head upon each and every Dog within the city limits, be, and the same is hereby levied for the Tear endim? December 80tb, 18;9. Each doir shall wear a collar with a number attached, said number to be furnished by the City Clerk upon the payment of ten cents and the tax. Be it further Ordained. That anv and all docs fonnd within the city limits without such number after July 1st, shall be taken in charge by the City Mart nail ai.d his assistants and kept for three days, subject to re demption by the owner thereof upon payment of tax and one dollar for keeping. If not redeemed within tnc time specined, then eai clogs to be killed. It 19 further Ordained. That from and after date no cart, wagon, or other vehicle lie allowed to stand npon any of the streets of the city, and sell goods or merchan dise threfrom, after 9 o'clock, a. ro. : Provided. That this Ordinance shall not apply to vehicles cominir from without the city limits. It u furtnsr Ordained, That the Ordinance in rela tion to the sale of grain by weight be, and the same is hereby repealed.: - , It ts furtfier Ordained, That section seventecn'of the City License Tax Ordinance be, and same is hereby repealed. - ,-" j - v.:. It is further ordained. That from and after date, any and all persons (exeept Pol icemen, while in the dis charge of their duty) who shall discharge firearms with in the city limits shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and shall pay fine of Two dollars for each and -Cvery offence. Resolved, That the Meat and Fish stands at the Peo ple's Market be allowed to remain, open until 9 o'clock a. m. Sundays. '- ' ' Passed by the Board of Aldermen. Monday, May 17, 1 I II. T. BERRY, Mayor. Jno. S: Man rx. City Clerk. may21-tf. Ail Ordinance in Eelation to Velocipedes. City Clerk's Office, - June 15th, 1869. i "JT IS ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND ALDER MEN of the City of New-Berne, That frcm and after date, no person or persons be allowed to Kidc or Drive Velocipedes upon any of the sidewalks of the city, under a penalty of two dollars for each and every offence.. ! June 15-1 Od. JOHN S MANIX, City Clerk. NOTICE. NEW ELECTION PEE 01 K0T S i THE COUNTY OF CRAVEN, ) Office Boakd of County Commissioners, New-Berne, N. C, June 1 1th, 16C9. ) rilTIlE FOLLOWING places have- been! desicnafed JL by the Board of County Commissioners of 'Cravej County as the Precincts for holding elections, to le held in the resjeetive Townships of Craven County, ror i ownsnip pnrposcs, on the nrst rnursday in Au gust, 1869 : i In Township ATo. 1 Swift Creek Village. " A"o. 2, Arthur Gatskins's. ' ; " " A'o.-3B:iy Itiver. or Miller's Mill. JVTo. A. Brown's Creek Mill, j ATo. 5. A dnms's Creek (former place.) A o. b, Iah.' s farm. Aro. 7 Gabriel ll;irdispnis..i- A'o !!. BMdhi's Cross Roads. : P.v order of the Board. JAS. C. HARRISON. June IT-lni.i Clerk Bo-ad Com'rs. (FORMERLY. GRISWOLD'S) G OTA) SB QUO, N. C. j T. A. GRANGER & Co., PROPRIETORS. 4.11 "Railroads centcs'tn at siid pnssiua t!;is point r.K..n.'vn 'oiD" LSHit i. East-ana w ebKi cunc at mis II -!.! - CD i Ua-arre taker, to aifi trom tnc Mouse rree m c lO-rARTNERSniP NOTICE. We, (the under- signed, havthis day entered into an equal j partnerpnip for carrying on the Grocery business in this city under ... . 1 9 the style and firm name of LORCU BROTHERS & MILLS. ROSWELL MILLS. P. LORCH. W'M. LORCH. New-Beunk, May 1, 18( 0. i PATENT POOKET CORN-SHELLER PROFITS OVER 200 PER CENT. Southern, State and County Rights for sale. Great novtlty. Send for ci.cular. .e?s Mamif dcurerr. Pittsburg, Pa. pHILOSOrilY OF MARRIAGE. A Nev CounsE of Lkctuues, as delivered at the Wew-ork Museum of Anatomy, embracing the subjects How to Live and What, to Live tor: iouin..wu uy m.u uiu A"e ; Manhood Generally Reviewed ; 1 he Cause of In df est ion: Flatuleuce and Nervous Diseases accounted for- Marriage Philosophically Considered, &-C: 1ht;se lectures will be forwarded on receipt; f four stamps hy addressing Secretakt Baltimoue Museum or aiai omt. No. 74 West Baltimore street, Baltimore, Jld. ApVly . . " - .. ; ' . i ManAvell & Trenwitli's. Blacksmith, MACHINE SHOI. And Brass Foundry, Horse SlioeiiiST. 'rreuwiin. CRA VEN STREET, New Berne, N. C. Hiffbest OasQ Price paid for old Iron, Copper &c All kinds of aiove named work done with dispatcn. at the lowest CASH PRICES. oct a-u. From 4 to 350 Horsb Power, inending the celebrated Cor Has Cut-off Engines, Slide vlv Stationary Engines. Portable Engines, &c. Al so, Circular. Mulay and Saw Mills, Sugar Cane Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, &c. Lath and Shingle Mills, Wheat and Corn Mills. Circular Saws, Belt Ing, &c Send for descriptive Circular and Price List. WOOD & MAM, STEAM ENG. CO., febi2 6ra Utica, New York. NOTICE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Snperior Court. i CBAVEH C'OCKTT. J 1 - Li'.. - i.,Jn.it f th Snnprior Court Of Craven County, at the last term tdcrent. tne the 6aid Court win expose w duuhcnuc, .. z jtrZ nn the Bret Monday in September, 1860, I v, iirtWim vnlnahle nrooerty, to wit : fc nV n- of land s tnated on the i . nil i.ii.il u'.iiiiiu vw " f . -. . ":L -j r TtmaA strfifit. near the coiner 01 iroaa . v.l"t oart of the lot distinguished I MUll U " -1 n TkT T n. n nlml nf theCttV.OI JNeW-Uerne Biio. gether with the improvements thereon, and known as the Cooper property. . Terms madeuownonday df wl . , mmm mm x. r.. , " - - - -T 1 UXION, NOW AND ITOXiErVIMI. ONE1 AND INSEPARABLE."-id NEW BERNEJ:'N.?'C TUESDAY AIORHING. AUGUST 3. 5 1869. Ayers Sarsaparilia A compound remedy, designed to be the most effectual Alterative that can be made. It i .a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilia, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effec tire antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilia is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will , accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens How completely this compound will ' do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the fallowing complaints: .' . SCKOFOXA, ANB .SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, ErUPTIQUS AND EttUPTlSR DISEASES, ULCEUS, Pimples, Blotches, Tumors, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, SrpniLis and" Syphilitic Af TEcnoNS, Mehcurial Disease, Dropsy, Neu ralgia or Tic Douloureux, Debility D ys- PEPsiAtAND .Indigestion, Erysipelas, Rose oe St. Anthony's Fire, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Impurity of the Blood. ' - Tliis I compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the v blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through.; the' natural channels of the body by an I alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities burstirig through the skin in pimples, eruptions, ! or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is feltj people enjoy better health, and live longer; i for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this Iiabuliim of life disordered, there can be no asting health. Sooner 'or later something must go wrongi and the great machinery ox life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilia has, i and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it,! but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilia, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led byj large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Exiract of Sarsaparilia for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they nbt only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilia, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilia which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still to supply sucn a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of ."obloquy ''wlircirTeaw upon it. And. we think we have ground for believing it ha3 virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In .order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. i PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYEB & CO. Hi LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle j Six Bottles for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every! variety of -Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOB. THE CURE OP Cosiivcness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions, and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Tumors and Salt RJieum, Worms f Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. TJiey are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. - f Price 25 cents per Box; Tiva boxes for $1.00. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States-; men, land eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our 6pace here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the alove complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. . . Do not be put ofF bv unprincipled dealers witn other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ayeh's, aud take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. V All our remedies are for sale by RJS. PWmmw o.n.. "New Berne. N. C ana at Druggists generally. dec 17-lyd Purifies the Blood. Fir- Sale ly Drugrffist Kveryrrlierc. July 21, ibot-ly. Prtiincl at Last t Pound at Last I I !a southern diaeehcea mediolue. 1 HE MOST PERFECT MEDICINE EVER COM BINED for Di:irrhoeal Diseases. :H ;"(;:" v"v', why 1 n tmr in ho innst. vinleht cases. lttiuiiiro -,i:- ,r: a Bowels thereby relieving many complaints aris.ag fromDiarrhopa. It is a sure cure for Diarrhrea In I d-Us. It is a sure cure for Diarrhoea in cnilaren. It is a sure cure for Diarrhoea caused from Colds. It i s a sure cure for Chronic Diarrhoea, it ia sure cure for Cholera Morbus. It is a sure cure for Cholera Infantum. It is a snre cure for Consumption of the Bowels. It s what every Traveller should be supplied with. : Tt is what every Plantation should be supplied with. It is what every Household should be supplied with. It act like a charm with Children teething. . It hf what Children llkel rlt la perfectly harmless. 1 1 should be kept in every Nursery. , ItisS.iIe, screar.a pec-u,. - rri mnr DoCtOT 8 Dill. It is aM Jtocine long sought for South. f . . It Is here ! Found at last 1 ! Found at last ! ! ! S. Primrose & so., aua i. ocoj- .V""" - filled by John L' Heritage. Uroaci ot., cw dci- DR. E.F. SHALL VOOD, t 1 Physician and Surgeon ,J Office Craven Street, near Kew Street Db. P. B. Rice, ; ' Y- Physician - and Stirgcon. ,t (COUNTY PIITSICIAK) OfHce Change Street, . near Craven. T D n.; H. C. BATES, Physician and Surgeon. (CrTY AND PORT PHYSICIAN): O0rtAnd residence on Ciavtn -f lrtitt Lc J. WUALEY, WATCH ANDCT.OCK MAKER. Craven .street, New-Bcrnei N. C Dealer In Fine Watches. Clocks, Jewelry Spectables, Pistols, &c.,&c. -Watches and Clocks repaired at reasonable rates, and warranted one year. i A13-3m ' - .(.!; -. ' ."-. t- LIST YOUH TAXES!! I j LIST YOUR 1AXES ! ! Owners of Real Estate within the Citv lim its are notified to come forward and ! list the same with the subscriber durinsr Ihe first twenty days of June, at his office ot Broad street. ! ' . Citizens of New-Berne will also coiae for ward and lis ieir Polls. ! ! ; Office Hours from 9 to 11 a. tn.. and lfrom 3 to 5 p.m. JOSEPH NELSON. V j Alderman. WELDON, N.i C. W The UEMRY" HOUSE, sitnated on the south side of the;Depot, is pow dpen for the accommodation of the Traveling public. All Railroad Trains stop half an hour at VVeldon. : (: : ' . . The Table is suppled with the best the mar ket affords. Give the above NJEW House a trial, and you shall be satisfied. ; Be sure that jou go to the "EMRY" House. - THOMAS L. EMRY, Proprietor. ; Plioocnix disinfectant, i Best and cheapest t)codizr in existence, v! ! For Out-houses, Water-closets, Stables, &c. ! Instantly stops bad' smell? and noxious gasses. Prottcti? Horsea and Cattle from Rinderpest. - Drives Vermin from Poultry and young plants. Prevents contagion and infection. j - Cheapest and most convenient Carbolic powder in use. Meets cliief requirements Metropolitan Board Health. First preini ,im awarded by American Institute. r Circular with testimonials mailed on application: IIOLL1AS, K1R&UP & CO., 12 Dcy St., iTew York. RICHAU'S , . Aak foMVUMM. am1 tW.K ra sive time, .health aim money. i ? I $1,0()0 REWARD for any case of disease in any stage which they fail to ''cure. j i ' Dr. Richau's Goi.t)SN Balsam No. 1 cures Ulcers, Ul cerated Sore Thront and mouth, Sore Eyes, Cutareoiif Skin Eruption. Copper Colored Ulotches, boreness of the Scalp, Scrofula, ko : is the greatest Kenovator, Al terative and Blood Piuilier know n, rumoves all disease from the system, and leaves the blood pure aud healthy. Dr. Richau's GonKN Balsam "So, 2 cures Mercurial Affections, Rhnematism in all its forms, whether from mercury or other causes; gives immediate relief in all cases. No dieting necessary. I have thousands of Certificates proving the miraculous cures effected by these Remedies. Prick of either No!. 1 or N04 2 $5.0 per bottle, or two bottles for $0.00. ! I I I ' " f.Dr, Richau's Golden A.ntibotk a safcl speedy, pleasant and radical cure for all Urinary Derangements, accompanied with full directions. Pnicp, $3.00 per bottle. I Dr. Ricnjttr's Golden Elixik Ajioci:, a radical cure for Nervous or General Debility, in old or young: im partinir energy with wonderful effect-. Peice $5,00 per bottle or two bottles for $9.00 r Ou receipt of price, these .Remedies' will lip shipped to aiij- place. Prompt attention paid to ail fcrrespea dents. None 'srenuiue without the namcf of Dr. RICHAU S GOLDEN REMEDIES, D.i B. RICII ARDS. sole proprietors,' blown in glass bottles. ; ; Address DR. D. B. KICIIARDS, s No. 228 Varick Street, New York. Office hours from J a, m. to 9 p. 31. Circulars sent, July 3-ly. : " f JUST OPENED. LOBCII BEOS. & MILLS, DEALEIiS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, AND fiHVFIM IIKRI H A niSIV at the foot of; i ' I vciaa.le33 tr eet,. ALSO ON Broad S tree r t-m TU1S CITY. O A I I "2" H ll I We desire to A U I i O lM I warn the deal , ers in. and consumers of snuff generally, thati since the war, ccrtam tobacco i manufacturer?, beinff unable to ftnd a marKet tor iueirsnun$,j felf themselves obiiged to counterfeit the gen-j p.ral annpjirance of our packages, and lnitm-: late our Trade Marks, so jinat a ciose iwicw !-.,, ia aneoQ-v tr rlufppt tli Rrinrious article n 1 1. jio 'in ? " i . fmm fhATTPnmno n.ni otiiera troinir su inr to assert that 4 Lorillard's snuff is no longed maae. . ! ' ;'.".! In making this ublication, we acsire to warn the public against the impositions prac tirfl nrwm them, as thev arc the loossrs there by It will be found upon comparison that jjorlllarq s anntt is iar unciui ui wi uvu being made of the best stock, alter an original and secret process, known only) to ourselves. besides possessing great age, sirengin aim Dunsrcncy, ana is warrameu uuh anv nangerous. or ueieieriu Buuw-no, which cannot -be isaid of the many wortniess rt?plp nnt on sale bv others, lhc best lsiiif cheapest in the end. ' A circular will always be mailed on application in oruenug, umx specify if Salt Snuff (Htgh Toast), or Fresh Snuff (Extra Scotch) is desired, i 'j j P.LORILLARD, New York- NORTH CAROLINA Real and Personal Estate Agency. T HAVE BEEN APPOINTED AS ONE OF I a TAnt for this vicinity for the sale of ticket it-- n. i iiriun. anv Tnt.tjr mediate Drawing Yon caimot do better to invest a smaU amount ot money in this way. JiSRAEL B. ABOTT. - - " ' . Agent,'.- July 13-n.d EXCURSIONISTS CAN PROVIDE THEMSELVES WITH CIGARS, Smokingvuid Chewing Tobacco by callinjr at ,,, " Carraway's.i I K , - -: . .: - : ... Hew Berne Times, THE ONLY DA I l y Republican Paper PUBLlSflLED IIV EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ISSUED FROM& CRA VEN STREET, IV E W B E R N E N UK TIMES is tMuea as air. Iniepenient and Progressiye Journal 4 ' - ' " ? which shall refect the sentiments; and opinions of the unmi8takeable Wyal population ef Eastern North Caro Una, by an uncompremlsing oppesition to the doctrines of Secession, and by a fearless advocacy ef the eterna principles of Union, Liberty and Eqnality before tlio Law. The Tars will be devoted to the common Inter- ests of our people, with " malice toward none and charit r for an it will plead for the maintenance inviolate ol the National Government and Its credit ; the education by all available means of the peeple : the enconragemea of immigration and the dcvelopement of our agricnl tnral, mineral and commercial resources. vr nne tne times wui o pre-eminently a news P,thedepartme.ti of COMMERCE, AGRICULtuii SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE, will receive such attention by Reports, Essays, Re views and Summaries as space win permit. Full rejorts on all matters of Local Interest will form a prominent feature, and as there appears as yet no other UNCONDITIONAL UNION PAPER Eastern North Carolina, the advantages which th Times will offer as an advertising medium are ap parent. , Rates of Subscription Tinas cash tx advaxck. One Year Six Months...... . Three Months.... One Month... . ... THE for Rates ol Advertising. or that Ten line or one inch epac to constat e square. One square one Insertion Each suhsequent insertion : HbeTSt dlucuuu i bus ad rert iters. PRICE 3 CENTS. Post Office, New-Bkbxe. n. C., P Vi i vinvr riuiuanu corner. 1 will close and arrive as follow J New-York, Phila altimore. Norfolk, r all noints North anA ITn.t cm 1 t Arrlte. ' 1.10 A. COOP. M, ead and Bcanfort. "N 'n R9ot if Roanoke Island. ...... 6i45 Alii Goldsboro', Raleiirh. Wilminc. - tcraf N. C, and idl points . West and South ... c nn 1 v Bay River and PasaUco, eTerj Uatteraa, Wednesday and Sat- 10.80 A. M r nrnay - no i r. Trenton. Swanboro. and Pol. loksville every Tuesday and Friday.....-. . . omt w Swift Creek, Washington (N.C) ' u iivue uuuiy, every won , day, Wednesday and Friday .. 9.80 P. 3f 4.00 p. m; Office open from 7.S0 A.W tnp x a t ,wj M. Sundays, open from 12.S0 to 1 p. . All letters to he dfJivenxl 1 clncdng drop letters, must tnt pPl, or- thcr will sent to toe dead letter office,' unless addressed to lleada of Bureaus at Washington, D-C. ADsoiute saxcty inieentuns money hy mall is seen tea by obtaining money orders at the Post Office. 20 of less, iu cents ; over $2U to SO, 13 cents ; over -ft SO to iMX.ao M tn sa OB -cents. "When a' money order cannot be procured be sure to Register the letter, as under the new system it Is perfectly safe. A not send money in a letter withoot reglsterlm?. UEU. W. JiASON JK., P. M. THE CHANGELING. BY JAMES RUSSEL LOWELL I had a little daughter, And she was given id me ' To lead me gently backward To the Heavenly Father's knee", That I, by the force of ndture, Might in some wise (Jjrvine The depth of his infinite patience To this wayward soul of mine. I know not how others saw lief, But to rae she was wholly fair, And the light of the heaven she came iron? Still lingered and gleamed in her hair For it was as wavy and gold cn, ' And as many changes took, 1 " . As the shadows of sun-gilt ripples' On the yellow bed of a brook. To what can I liken her smiling' T Upon me, her kneeling lover tt How it leaped from her lips to lief eyelicfsV And dimpled her wholly over. Till her outstretched hands smiled also, 1 And I almost seemed to see C V The very heart of her mother Sending sun through her veins to me f She had been tvith us scarce a twelvemonth, And it hardly seemed u day, When a troop of wandering angefa Stole my little daugTttcr away ; - Or perhaps those htvVuyjatu. . - ..-' . And when they hadlopened her cage-doo My little bird used her wings. But they left in her stead cr changeling. A little angel child, That seems like her bud in full blossom, And smiles as she never smiled. ; When I wake in the morning I see it, ' Where she always used to lier' And I feel as weak as a violet Alone 'neath the awful sky. As we-ik, yet as trustful, alsa, For the whole year long I see All the wonders of faithful Nature Still worked for the love of me. Winds wander, and dews drip earthwari Rain falls, suns rises and set, Earth whirls, and all but to prosper A poor little violet. This child is not mine as the first was, 4 I cannot sine it to rest. I cannot lift it up fatherly s And bless it upon my breast, Yet it lies in my little one's cradle And sits in my littlellne's chair, And the light of the heaVen she's gone to Transfigures its golden hair. ALL CBOSSTP. itoo bafrMedagaia. UW YdOng, ladies wno play croquet aro known as "maids all for lawn." 'Josh BHlings saysr "One of thefas syest serenes I ever listened to was two old maids waiting on one sick bachelor." Daniel Webster nsed to say that , the word " would " in Krifus Choate's hand writing resembled a small gridiron struck by lightning. w - I Koskoo, the great Liver Invigorator, Blood Purifier and Renovator, prepared by Dr J. J. Lawrence, the celebrated Physician and Chemist, isa safe, plxasant, and RELIABLE lemed f, for tne pievention ana cure ot an diseases by a Torpid Liver, Impure Blood. Disorders of the Kidneys, or Debility of the Nervous System. It itEGULATES the secretions, eradicates all nuMons or taints, restores lost or wasted nervous power, and at the same time hvild . M . J " J J Jt 1 T - up ana imparts lone awt viyur w vie wttoto tyttem. : ' " '" -' ' ' " Platform and other scales repaired, adjusted ii ii t rr 'i f nrV iTr 11 JlTiPTTOirT'TTI $1.00 50 to l lHf D ttt tUe V'urbprougU.- JJsw-BtBXE, July aTtarls69. Jaly 26 tf - -5