iii r . m u mi i i i ii mmm i.ihiii iim imam ' "' -X '"' ""U."' r ii iii ii rra hit 'ti mimim rrr f JT ! cHHE-vHJ. 3HII I3 3I1IT iui. . s i w mm mr m-,m (Ml mtspiSs Mi s 0 .CM AI303 ,OCS1 LIBEHTY. AND UNION. XOW ANU VOL. Vin, NO. 54. i r , 'Ttti 2Cccj-Bcrnc JDatln 2Timc E. IIUBBS i CO., Proprietors. OneTr . Six M'.ntb v f arc Month On Month no 1 75 ROADYfiilTISING; Ten Hn or one inch of ipace cocstitttta a qnans. (me nre. one insertioa aeh mbequent insertion 5flf Liberal dednctions made to lame adverttsera. j ipecll Notira charged 25 pr at. highor than. or dinary afivertiMuienta. !; I Kor advertissmenu iDwrted Irregularly, K per can higher than asaal ratea will be charjred. , ' I ATTENTION!!! fireatrBargains.f ci I i tt o. t ii -n n T TT l V T? ; T? t2 U 11 & A i Li IV 1 U A n Iii We take ploauru in announc'.ng'to oor frii-nds ami patrors, and the ) ulilic in general, that vc have on ikiikJ an t rVzmvA :j:t ot caw? ;t t IMMENSE SUPPLY , .DioTr .Jon? :;;x 10 1 !BQ1 3?ry Goods, Clothing; Boots andSioes, Hats anc I - . i- - .. .;. -, - - ---- ; Furnishing Goods, Carpets 1. 1 &s.; and ara daily receiving " r-'l additions to th3 sama. We would tatfljtothe LADIES that wu have a greaVquatitityof j DrQSS Goods, Cloaks. Shawls and Furs of all descriptions. I and Dealers to onr Dcpurtipent, as we are enabled to furnish them at very low figures. In fact we are determined in jonds as CIIEAItTrilETmE)-APK1 very HOUSE IN THE STATE- ComE .OnE4ComE All WBINStEilTBHO:; . T. Oomers or Nrii,TP'.m?r?v "nt n CARPENTER & BUILDER, Pollock St NawBerno, N. C. IS NOW PREPARED TO CONTEACT for Buildings of &H dimensions ; also hot houses, of all stvWtf. hot-bed-boxes, and doors, sashes .and binns. K.?pt,on hand, ojpuida to oHci fittik-QiJorfei botice. 2itAigr auteed. 1 Ju!j20'.h tf. BATEMAN'S BITjLIARD SAliOOK Merchants' Club House ' ' -TT? JK - CKAVEN ST., near POST OFFICE. 1 opportunity ing in the game on a Uble equal to any in the Stale, and amy aaQtapjjojnttnents and regulations superior to any in the city. TJns roonvJiavin? been reacntlflTifVed JBtlTv or biliiarda. offers the opportunity of indnlg- James L. Davis .fit Co.V. Wholesale Grocers 3. r,.. '.I ' : t ""' "r 'PHIGII CUHRBNT. .FiH)ftilCO.;..s..'..-fc. '! tA, fi;ai:-Aed W Crushed s. 11. Yellow..;'. ... ... ..o-dered C. Granulated... Extra C ....Cut .Lout i 4- t 'I S jiaiicaDo ....ot. isoimugu .WCI j , "TEAS... ... a . j Oolons ......I.. .."Jnrifc-fler?.."."........ -Katlfatbr Brvakfaat. .iOid -U jwiar 4apaa.Co)-reLw. Imperial Viaillr Hv iD , 1 JIOXiASSES.. .71. . .Barftadoei . . , New Or lean.. Cuba.' St . 'roil Porto Kico. Vvxaa . . Demur ara . . 4,. .4; i.-X-5 B3"' i. SYBIP8. Amber .. ........ .. .Bee HI ' SOAPS. "! Toilet..,. ...v Family . . . . 1. . No: r. . ft . . .V',;.;i.ii . -.:"rl ; . . j . . Laundry ..salt Waters-. Tfast Powder .Pickled LolMtere'.vvr.D... Batiu-; do 0n.iips....l. Crertm Tartar. J-llie i.. Pepper Vnaevrvt Allspice. .,...-. ... Pie bruits.. Olovea.:.. .......Brandy ruita....; Nutmega ...... - li - . . . . Cnggia :xtMctr for 6 i-orin?. .i.. hnco Ginutr lloi wiiticaily Sealed Meats G!-iMk:id do .... ...Concentrated Ly- j.. CutrmanVKnglis'. ilnstard do 1 PoUU Vandyke's d . Factory Sail ., Darid's Ink, Alitonsj" . Alum.... Batrs "-'".. 4.. Salt Petre . Pocket" . . .. .5 ;.. Coppraa.... Matches. Byrama: !.. Roll Biirasrone...-. Telegraph... .... Salphur Parjofr.... - ISaeomilts.. ....ider Vinegrfr...... ,.. Q.tigo ((' Brooms Blue Stone v.;..l)ioJ,s Stove Polish...... 8-etChocolte; 4,.Jt Wrappiug Paper Plain do sVWritins do t'oco.i i Wrapping Twine ru .--iloxea Powder v , bUot ;.. llu.n nelu Ej. toltue. OTOTa:::::::Bdorbdptp:r . ... ....()U.Wi C..1 Oab- Buryee. .. S.-i-A.'i.V ('n Stare Ye Podding Kinsfsfords... Maweiia, Babb!tt.. ............ e-gx!rtiw.v:.f.... Durbee's..-.,. .oJ, Seat.-;'. Baker'a. vt-vrS-.sr. . Adamantine. 2o and IUJhTallow8a and 8s.. boxes 1-i,-,,t tiootoumslied af lowest Prices . forCasii. BUTTER. - - . , , . .,. Wa.tri Peserve... tata.... Dairy.... , .. Tm '.. ...... Bbla. ......... CHEESE, i-' -..Factory.. ... ' Firkins.; Tubs PORK. ..... .RuinW" .. . .. .i Flauk . a. .... .4 ,.,.,.Nq 9 Shore. . . ... ..Hams '. . Smoked Bei.... '. ri.oi:n. , Family., . Mss.. Prime ... .. FriHie Mess. Pit No Bit No, 1 Shore Snnerflne Extra Jane 6th-lyar KfS -fc ESTABLISHED. 1833. JAMES L.DAVIS . -J''. --- 1 ' "'go-' . . -, ; , . . i - . . T."" Importer and Wholesale Dealer m . v BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, ... BOTJUBON, EYE AND HALT W H1SRIES,; 134 South Street, New York. PRICE CURRENT. B0UR30N WHISKIES. J .ahawhan,, rt f it . . . . Do Reynolds, Do ....1866 , . . .1868.:.. . ....1806... ....1864:.. J Crowe. . Dedniiins,... ... .,.;..-..- .lob ......... . ilenbbbn.v. Ti-Z . .1867... . . i Old Kentucky Seal. ..... ;1867.j. v.v h. .. . . . Tasciuoosa, ; ; . ........... J A;, Miller,". . .vl867s . .C . . g. . r RECTIFIED .Stedmana. ...... Valley Spring... V. . .. . ! 3-H0T3 Z'T& ;Va. Mountain Dew, ...... Of .1864. ........t.. .1866.. I inl iOltickenheimer, . . . . .Theo. Moorea, . . r S3t .'C.U867. . . . Silver "Leaf, own Importiition, Grape Leaf, , i;ioveT ljcai Medar Swaq v.; '. .". , U ...',-, WolfeSchupps , . . . i ' ": MISCELUAP4EO US. Cider Brandy.- N E Rtt'.a . . l.i..'. American Gin-j .. jwild Cherry Brandy, , . , . . Klackberry do .'.". ;t : . . - ".r:T - - I Paspberry I :.l - Wine....... ..... ."--", da ...i.,....."....v. iladeria do $cnpprnong do . Muscat i A ido ................. (fatawbav " . do ............... .. Bbia'-' do . Claret ! do-..;;...:.:...7.' , Heidseick Champagne Jamaica: 8nmi.. St. Croix do-'v.v-...i..i..i..i...V.'. Soofch Wbjskey.vt Irisli Whiskey i .'. FRENCH BRANDIES Jules; Bob in & CS t A- Soignette. .. MftT'fcfc Juno7th-ly. Vee State of fJorth Carolina. C-. . n V vnAE.ii voiiBii, j USTrCB 8 U'lUST, f; .New-Jcrn.Jv-tii y For all tha Tnmn.a T...K..I Hecacane. r-; '- -s cine is no uai versalty : required by eveiy-1 body u a cathartic ; r waajpverBy be v'Xore so uuir,ally j adopted id to-we, in every country and : 'a amon au classes, aa ; v pnrgaoye fill. The , that it is a utm-e rel: t-! hk aud far more at-1 fectuat remedy than any other. Those who have 1 -tried it, know that it cured them : those who have 1 t not.taiowtaayt cares theiraerghbwi-s and friuuttsi; , iaad.4kfl knMUhat what-it doe o.ico at loe iU-' 1 ways that it never t'aiU through any fault or neg. , leet of its composition. We have thousands upon 1 lousanilo of certidcatcs of theii' remarkable cures : or tne lollowuisr coranlamta. but anon cures are v I- .knoyn m-very-rjeijrh'joraood, ana we need not J J pirULgh thm,i Adapted to all aga and condition . 1 111 an climates cunuuums neituerciuoinei ntn nny deletorions-dmff, they miiy be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever tresh, and makes them plsosant to take, while beinv nurelv vB2-nt,ahlBnn harm Ban aj-ise from xney operate oy tneir powernu innnence on me Internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate lthv ac of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other oreunp of ! the body, restoring their in-egolar action to health, and by orreetin)r, whore r they exist, amh d raiifremonts as are the first origin of disease. Jlinute directions are sriven m the wrapper on : . the box, for the following complaints, which these "WHatabldrv'cnre: ' " . For ya?Mi or InIlfrrs1iiH IiintlrM. ' am, Iauziior and JLoait of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stoia- : ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. lolrivT Complaint and its various symp- . tom. Jtilioa Jleailcbe, -Sick .Jlcini. , achr, .TiiuudiCF or (irrra SickarM, Bit. , ion Colic and miloua 'ever, they should be judiciously taken for each ease, to eorrect the : ' diseased-action or remove the obstructions which cansot.-i ' n ; r. , -. , ; ,:; . . ,--t ForyiyeattT' or Ttlarrboe, 1mt! one ' mild dose is generally required. For Rheumatism, Croat, w ravel, Pal. pttiition of tli Heart, Pain in tlia Siitle, Boi and -Loiaa, thev should be contin- uously'i !. .equu'ed, to change the diseased ; action tn'"-M-i,- With such change those ; compl.i.ii 1. 1 I For Irtu - ropaical Swelllacra , they I - . - large and frequent doses ' to uroJ .re t . - drastio pnrge. j ---For . v larfe doe rhoald ' be taken' as n . . . Jf . ?8ired, effect byr eym- j pathy. 1 1 ' " r' 1 - As a Diner trU . sne fur two fillM to . t nromote digestion aziu reve the stomach. . . t ts t UUi occasional dose .stimulates the stamacV and' howel into healthy nctirm, -restores than ppetite, j qbtR(reoHii 'here no serloris deranfrement exists. i unewno ieei -vwaraDiy wen, orteo fuMM.tnat a. i dose of thesefHK nmkes-him feel decidedly be tor, from their cleansing and renovating efl'oct on j the digestive apparatus. ' t Dr. J. C. A. TEJi Jt CO., Practical Chemist, ' Cognasi; L1 Paris Exhibition 1867. Purify t h a5f lo'b arTSridT3 strengthens th eivystem, eradicating the v effect. of dissipation, maintain tho rjrasa frarno condition of healthful ribss, dSopel thd Biues and all mental dis tempers, and relievo those whoso cedentary habits lay them open to depression. Theytrevonf snd euro Ji- ous and nther JTeynrs? jFleyerTtt'vitS jigue, Chils, Diarrhoea, 7ystn-l Vi lery,3y.pcpsia, Sea - Stciiness,. Colic, Cholera, Cholera Jorotts, and evdry 'cdmp3ainti-:fhci-dental to idiet.iOtratmog- . pherptitadses;ccWiU;find themrtsoyereign boon, as-. , they eradicate , ail traces I of Debility, Nervbusnpss, . inertness, and . diseases peculiar7tOKthesex-imr Thousands of Testimo nials can be seen at the oWiaTbf p. n T a I f Ul M. JAC0BS0N, Sole Proprietor, 61 & ec Water Street, N. Y. Agrnt fur the State of North Carol na. Jan. 18t'i-ly l - ,...;. . Sifn of the Big Indian.' i May 2t:hit .i ZriSCATJD'S SALOON iwn)9"i IS THE PLACETO GET A GOOD CIGAR, r- fc'INE TORACCO, " 5 VJ-'-" -a s feet Cw tirffkii Is rsaTsi asf rft illpDLE STREET, eab POLLOClw "TTTOAXD UL11ICIT, . . .... -r; . . . Ais t near Pollpck Street Mit'. I OFFER AT THJS.LOVESTTIARRKrPSIJItS Rye, Bonrhon. aniTN. C. Com Whiskey, . -- r ' ( l audand Kosu Oin. - - v ' Tam.tioHaudj.Vew Kuland Knm, . ' French -Brandy - , . , - . Nff Ae-Brartd. " ' - - , - ' Bhrrfetxffry B andy.- - :t " ' Td iiirr gnndy. '-,' j f .-hVrry vV inc. Port Wine, r , , i Peppermint, cordial. 5 - V c.... 1 u . . tirr Keer and onronsnrpafsediVly.VAi Wholesale and Retail.? ? '.." TJavinr always on hand a dieice -etoek ot "Sfca r from the lowest to the biebmt Brands. Suoff. Tobacco and all kinds of Pipes and fancy ArUcka. , V??" 'inesa coming, within the ic t F fSVf1 "if iaven'K.n arcfrto wished for ly CivircHsea not exceeding two - handi M'tF'S ?iti' l1' IJlii, lJ!FM. lui' nt I ' Wm 1 tp&H, jt9lMt4MM narMilMi aad )astl dol ar in controversy. j f )R;lfiraS' X t. L tfT.: A1 . cW, arKHe in VW. J on, o 1l'Hrs. or one month imprisonm ,8vL Wfyitd.XlP J w lfl8V-6rCLi0t Ot uB T OOPlwiW"'0 dUdlAral lAdtea ! iTgTniiY1 "f v,t j" -I -irZt HiU5SygSgty il W o land r.-ftur...nl. andis now, A tGRET ?irU A Portfolio of fi- c.ii-s w t aiirtlirmor o.in-.n5ngt iptih-s vv-- pii!)li:d. luteri! .-ti with 1 nr'011. I JMii-t nud ovfrijl 'Ti' irr'cthsrfr V. litliv rttsit rttjf- u nnv ;ti t A. . fABt(jBiB Proprietor of Pennsylvania XarleuItairaT 1 jis3fiKsBaBPfflKi i , 1 41 I.., -PA R, !,..R KBt , A5 iSI.jMT. Jt '"X. Made by 1 U. WusTTfeaoaa. IKov. tf. -Vtss i'. t r..v..w.k ..i.T-itf Mli.iil 1 4 ri 1 I . . 1. t T TV ' 1 musbrjaiea ana uescriDtive r .... . ... , :i :iop i wt (Hr-'.)VAAi-3niis "t eib j ' - , i wr . . '. , -. Tt t ' - Jro ti . j - ti:- vj i .. i i'I h- r. ,U fur.n.,1 ,n lf th, mid ft -8 -I , vr an arc SMJi JB Ot: O jci-ni i .Vit7?.T",T dev tin T-T- --j. ,j . .. . . ,1 .rtlfMrfsnNii. HRMM : J na two nnwi.f expi.u.jta.ji'l'Hn rt , flT.wtineus for all of which wre 't'rurf hyoojrvea ' tl.c p.-i u.uits, -xe:n 1011 una tx;; tot tnu encr'vinrii. it is , -T . .. ijT , WJ j--'3 r.T,.T,i':i .r 4Ulilci! atH I'liiinuJjy nijj'Aiuno hut; tbtjatplpfjic:. "or " finrsil Giiidt!"" x ant " " . ,: j by luati tlicdapt feawart'&n.tBeraalcfeMteCiri I l. cturs per cony wili 6 mado. "which is not the Valu of the Colored PUtti-s. We aeor nr trieudltlUMblhe luuuc.iiuuiiiB wo tni'.T to purcnMSoni ot sefait;, a 19 int ni"nKo. - i iei.ee scna ultlert tor . at;:Iocuc$ cekye&M for isTi I , i b.r Flow-era. tie .natural izn.iudi culuri vCjwin in. i vn t iiiii-Lirp i;i .ifi t mill iinitii: rAkiT'?IieWrVlftaierVeveftaVATS? ' EUREKA,., CuYhlNUTl COLD f . - watch copay; r T . . Ii ?ulv tro!Tfui ifi 1- 91 J 1 Li V: D afo'rest &'Cd;',VeW,63ers:, it n rr:-d twii .j;ifHlu V- t M)tU AGSfSFJE THE U. ., t afc:W-itr'hwi(nt'fcTfertile?r'af luaki to warrnut eacii Kid every out- 6 Vivp-'c.ifr' ct um- for "ue IV IT.UXK3 Watch pyc roat antto tMtrHud hapt irtlmtj1ti e- nfiat in m.wn usr in any part t Mi. clone.-, .iiu-v.orkfrt! in ,l)kr;tVt-;4..ii 6enis,fouu. arc ifcauut-.rty cliiied. The -a? aic maiie oi the m-tal mm- awiij fci (rwniinitrtjp'" Ainmin in Gold. It hn' lharxatt-cokir of OuUl U alien i&ili-e;il f iiwtii.ibii i i-ttMni;t ;icid: iiOoiu-ra i i'ii it . r in Jold onlv br wislt t'ju Aluaiiu(iiu.U Idiixl .rVUhtiii.- T.iio'rtotk KitaiiwiJ : !v mnct.ii!ry. rain: tlie wi;ll-kno'.va .Amitri'.-m .ail ntt ira tu wli tlie Wjitch for .i: and make a sin HI ;ront: .We packthe Auiuh kKbIv luam.!ii)i tend' scud it by maii to any p it T. of rli V. S. ,yu r-iwipt t. y 5u: 00 ctfiHB , lor tackui au: 'purt.lt'o.- iiWivusall orders to . , , j . . ., -: -..'4ft.tM"iS..-J " fiJ 1.." V. BSPOBF.ST fc rOj.JrweicrH..-,.; " S i ' 'i fc i B.atJrt ay.Xew Tork ' M.. Indepandant a ian he made in a quiet vrajtltyilncrJ rhitfivbrtftflWftW: e;p!tit: tne sucret.. ii :ru-s AUfA UOuU iVl., C7 PJiiM'Sf IlSt'IWTofeT P('fJARrrAovc J MHMMliiioiis h.iir iu. nw-miniitos, wituout injur; to the rk 11. bent by mail lor SI 25. - " Vim a'Ms 'As-rii ha . ure lli'lieves most'-'liifi'nt par ixiir.s in ji,ce mm ute. aiul Lilceld tf st-v;d3'!ourfc.1''i. rfcer.2'JKy THE JAPANESE ilAIH STAI. .;,i . r . - - - - - - 1 Ciiiors, the, :hijskers,,and -.hiir Unisviiu j BLAcic or b3owh. ' Ii consists ,of only oiu pre jutraiiok.- 15 ottUsl' v naif" AAUh-t 'Si ' C UL'UAM. XoJ?il Jay'ne 5tfeeti, Klri,adelih A.rrtcalars' si nt Tree. Soid by all Dntgui'. I - iT ""'a'. ;' I j ii irri N i. i' ii" T'i; 1 ruTHB WOltSISfl CJ.4S We ara .Tif pre pari-d farfuTOTMi-ail Oues Wthontaifeiirjilojtneut nt h iue tne whole, ui , the tune oc or the drb.nii, .nifBt. Ji:iidiit Jiewi life?' irhd prblilahfc. 1 PsrSoKS of ciilifr . e fily irarn lruio Sit o 5 par evenjiui. , nuil a proportional n:n by dv.-tin- their whole Unie to the uHiuevs JSuj i and. ptin eaa earn nearly as" liliK U a men. Tnat.a!l ho tee tUj,s pytieu ma) Si-tid thwr :ddin- jaJlOM1! CW.kinjiie weflrlfetri-lhe on parallcled .otfer: '1 o Mi'-U-iieiii- not well satin-d we will s nd $1 to pay 1 c troiibln of writing Fuii p irl oni.irik ii.Taiu. ule ;Uiiir JWBua ,t i tin 10 du-mt-ncit wor-v nil. an. a copy uf '1 Ii Pccgik'ti LUtt Ht ff i.o;npamour--)itii)l t:lu mr4.-t''ied Wnt- fminly new. pap'r evei pabilrlie i ail -nt tree by mail , iteadete' if yon wauii- mnerv. iirotitabli-work" addr'.s ' Agents 1 lleadv'Kiis i f;.&rt Siii ji IdS jfcf-j'T WwZ ;WIM.A"raAGE3TT IrttAKf of 8.t0"ipr 'ww and- i?xpense.-oif allow a fcujfe comuiis!-ion, to fci! i.'fnhew' and- wonderful in tcu ions. Audrees WTBBVfetTi Col. Marshall, Mich -- : t C'JIOys.itlPW: STt?ANCEJ ilarrUd Zadij frirate CorAvaftUiit xiitais J the aesmd "imoemaiiiiu. rn-ut free for faro ftituyB AddRius Mrs U. ML'JZU&lfe UinpT,Pi."i ' . ... . r j.-,?"i9..h rg w ' t5-V I 'TOIS QrACKS A vieiijn of c.v i'w. .r "k. 1 Uoit. causiiij-Brfciud-MMr prerj. ''-- ic having tried " v '0 evty advcrtmifd: S.K.K.Jli . . . ' ' .. . i 311 BltJi V" wjv.i"." Ifs ' : I " - . s ii STrrsml --Wf awHis u aiui-Auas, , ftfl , -.5 fxsl 4 e.ivj,u.rf oif.-pit n a Pn-mium .pJU HXi!. fitfty-.! J,e. j V . , f DBYG.D0DS? .STORE, 'hfijldtaiid'rd i.Alir 'y lf .r l Du.;l!. it:il"CiinVrrnip' ch; . r .. .i ... -rhg ' Tlfta pj pfM -orlTSw t. t..,.i yothwp ti,rr.i. wcv-JUos Bt' HidWf.'Hrt-WAKv VA 't-ABY aid" Xs-; .,. ... MW4 livJ9PP!tJlleaiV ,.: - '-1 -.rWiiWCIII V W it ii,f- . . ffc..J:."U. tu ttni1.'W,' -Ji.. " a'J a simple means jf self core, which ha wvi 1.; r,. j.a -his leUow-sufferer. Addr J. 11. iUTTl7'rs . f 7 .au street, i!W jfl)Ik.: t . ..- t,m iu v- 4 : TrtcWI tTmi1VTVr3iiifsl womkx. viu quv iiiU v.it' Bjysjr.Hi. t Lo rn-.itrc in onr now bnsfnes mnke front ti fo?tO pr iiuy ia their own localiaoa, Fuit particulat and iBstrnctiona sent free by mail. - Thuve ia need of per QauiTt. profitable work. honld mlifrese at once. UEOUGfi STLK oOM A CO, FortUnd, JUiBc ' " llf1 " pLJT, CI K J I , , III , t I Oil iX.wAwif G. V. GaiirOx s 'd-d -Oi 3- 3SM;vll 51 Ol JS'r V 'iOI AU i SCOTCH;, SNdP, , I .u4 ftJ i ir' h i '1 '" .. ... : ! ii-rn u ARE IRi 0UCEij! i" 1 ! t the Woncffsi the m-,rvcet infcttHlif hTe. rommonU' used in iIkt wmnufnc ,u'e "f other SnuS.. . , iid iu ive.tii;ra .W.iUker, JpnjB& Jke., , , t , TLomas ,WiliLtai . , 4 .1 VVWfefedeii John E XmyetV1 ' "A'ru H Oliver, - Gatea & Green, " X . ..... , 4'". 1 filter, in V Kfs, w . v f 1' t n U-aa ' a mtti nji a 4 .Rowland aroayholawle Grocew, AeentAiot JNorioiK. Va. ...t;j . u la i.tiun .p.K.l Uost K)wrhosale-Oonfeetioner An (i; W . V iiian;s i Co-, i Agents for Charles ton, s. c. " ' , - - i - - f VfTtf r-f f 1 '? r i "I T ' Tj' f U'h AJXtit li.tli A L' li ' V-dl 'i-u 1 V" " ....-. - - t4S3A'YS' "t'FOIl 'YOUNG MH i....n s, u itk f . .( y : : .; .i . t j. . i i r ... v. a i,l.su , ,ti.t i-'- f - - v&iOakA let si t i 4 -'J r f .1 , C, J L )o V -4! r 1 j ' Cravens Street, next door to ' iVlrcfrirat'3 Club H ause;,': . HAS OX 11AM) A FULL ' STOCK 'OT"1' ' " 1 f if 5 1 "nt 1 ' and 'Silk ;Veritings, of all de-cnvi'J. wi.ic4r.ha wtH sell at the ,-a3iSItS t Siliilllld : ..j.L'.;! . CaKji Price. y a ''aTi(tifC?'r!'T'H-'iar.tc,ed to all ndrsciven,1 11 jjlw 1 vi, tvt. J Ft l. W-kf.1 ... .,., . v i .n -Wtl! ii eYOUriC QRO i VlJJ7cpo o5:JMcica.le .31 Keep rftfct.iiir!;ii Jm3iii Crht r!a8 rrAriv iiroo 'ti . .Cri:k?riVv.4toswarc, ; liryi txoudj. as ":,,. t . : AV) olerl rAtve prompt attention, and gooda. dfluvrred. . toe r-gfiiiti? c at ti intra "ia the ltvlieeot crmrjfe ,j ' 1 - - G V. T.;aN'G, . ; , t ! ,8.r.-Y0UXG. : reo. zi-ti. 1 t - Hi . b rr "er"i 7 U kit rwbbwwa oinuwtt IMew-3ern, N. C. Not. lOth-tf I . . . -...i k PX fi- ji ;L! 1 ,J"iJ rif -? - , ' 4." ' l t J X. . . f ' i 1 1",;'!!-'! 1 , A Ifl fr' " AM) lmrVE5rTS',CXTCHrXG COLD ; I-r,.4iA.,'1VrAi', ' t ' . . --. . ... -. . a... w Endorsed a od' .recommended by all eminent .,"ia it" 'V v. PHYSICIANS ASn 1 ' -r " iirt'fjrtoi.' ! '51,,i xr"-w"" ; -f jro 'U so KeOIBI'H ad wiUrehase,.., j .-mifJtTv) o jja0l "SI'1! ioicuirai ipiwraiusta i " " ,itilfl'ti ih.i!iw1 w i ' t 'VC LAN j D,n?fst4.'Vn'iinneri rK.m5SSis who keenufaiiV,jtaivesw4irflin1 ii yivi-nt invettiHtB..rtve tmfJ'itiiMtcrimj i- lid' agents an. i Healers, ' Town and country muts ..; j :iiri .'lia. ' i : : I !. .. jirc.i jrt 10 hi i v im h.-ki e ciiiiii'Hijf m an honorable, feMpk&abU'fiml ptvjltabUr hus'tnes , and at the shiu- 4lfiidortig j6n t to these auf fenng c 'mpaDKxjs auioh'a. f 3 sent free? Iiy mail on reCi-ipf f prjee. Send for w holesalc. chco1ifr.rr"AddrWss,' ' ' . , VicTt j ktA -Al aVi nr Act tmror Co ' v ? ra MJiarkFlaee,:New Yor. . Dec. f OiU GnytJa.M h ti .;r, , n 4, ., , Tx,, v jUwCt'orW Sale. . it.ntoa'cintws ' ,(. s B"K VHtXUE? OTASrjkDBT-TfXTCTTtOIl's IS snort from fhe Probatu t'oart of, av-ii ooMt tii:itshn 'rday. Mm eh 6th. 1A7I. at tlx t'o-irt Unusp rtiwir. th followimstraota jf land, loat ISfyitlit 4ueherU.t, lrtOt: yea 1870. c " ; Aetea; !X-t5l to, - rtitvation.' r, -am'tof tax JWO- yatinstawy TOwnshlp N-.l - $9.64- I .1 So OlhSrJ h?,r r' 1 es r 1W tUi L.OV1C.K. I uncot KB CrtWK, I - - tuTTimidren, i owesnm ya. 5 ( 6 88 - i Ffcxtf rev's tTyrk ri Timothy, Xbtcatt owiesiiip No. 5 f .Sfl T10 .Tohuwin lIBrvau Ad'r Nil. !) . -17 AH " a wn llBiiii v a 0,1. , i'i 05 t.mlU Bff'if - V I " .! v u ui.ai-o f in 11.111 1 p 1" . U 1 T. ml K?5W'ihh Ti P fi n an 1 Tow.BKfiip No. 8f JI.76 il i n Tix Collector Craven County ti'n a ii to rt'-'idfT liioat) iri i iir- r-u i Hatnipenj :new"iMor' wi i ir.'fc -toiiibtere tito t'tit'nu t' 1n T-i- '". . -' u ji tr"Kitt:ii';' ': 11- . .-' . -i:fte "tfor indtjrcmr-ftt to- CA8II- BO TLBS whicld"t nx anrtlasfd -by mny llotiw in Jsew-Hern-'liWe invite :n iuitpocuon by out uiciiuB miu iuc iiuy 11. , . 4. ; t -. j,J si Sepf-2lJtf i 1 aOPAHTNERSHlP. NOTICE. tJlif . uiylersiai-'Ubil?. eniifwl Jntrfc iwrtn. fsinp "thin, it idiir ot. Ffl'rurtO 137r. under the name i!ii' iide'of ""Ed Want CHeve & Broilu-r. fnmiepi'rpi7tt.T catrvint,' .n a .eneial mfrfttel'jA l&Wi at Sw.fl Crei k, N. C. AT! prudute ftMiught and paid toTpudrai U biifhtaf iiwk!Upf '. tl ,. ,:y. i F.DWAMD CLEVE, ' I-hrlyi; . h:mk -ibe :reiry1 Klnn-al pai nni.trcx tended iouf Uirjt.wcjiljf-sevru ,am that' f LMye; dir.n; iLt 'j ui Swift bWiTTjfiMtrj;! Fi.leii7tfc 187 Li v.'r fen 20-1 ntf iMwwrtnv fvt oti T "f. Kiyittigi twl:v-i w t Will Lirt f:Ij-i--',r " ?' I '-tutJ IJII'OKTAXT SOTIClf. - - . n ei5ittveiiea any part ol .r, ,fcwffl)e-ronnfrvA, Mf M-M-'Ui Ml t ft.-' U3f .- FREE-OF EXPITES' CHARGES 4 ' riAMlT.tpX ' EASTKR ic Tsbx 4 i;6FBALTlMOIlrCVT;.','!V.'"'" 1 If. . s - . 1 In e tblettTto mtt Umi wn- f their Setafl f- - r . i. l ; 7. t.it .. aso iiivwn Kvpiici m 'promptly mem rmau tan ' KB i of mplw ot thp New.-st and wt Kashiobsi.te t L,-2.l,CU' GfASM Md, lOJHWrt.T l. CFACTt, Iff;, imaraiiteeinic at i!l.inio H sell I at .7rl, tnaa anv: "bouse in ' Hi Bavin? oar poods from the UrfanMamvltM - bnitmimanufacioreTKltBth jditrereiJ u f tsn, and AmpiFrtiBf? tfe-aMr by 6H-.-.H.J, , dircp t ti, Ha ti- more, our acocfet at all flm. i.r.Ftuptty afi'Vf-'ih doviih oar pooa. irom the larpevt roamraxlu - tb.aovlii.lk L-i.m,-t Jrj. irs.1 jis we oay sou elt itr.rjLh. ttiiftlji Arf VM'WAere abte lutyftilng i,, tl 'oarfaMNW at rmm Tmm Arnn feM ticT. i . Pitiwv r. .. . ..... credit 0-rt 4dtH ;H ws"U;mt i tending fur W e Keep tlie h t itrie. of -v clarf Of aoods, 1 from thw lowest to P&yjFJVf tHiiuktALE HL1KR ate i:t-it..i9psttnirtockUiW1rJubbiai ta4 Pt- tnv aze Deuurtaieat.- Aiareaa UAMM.TON EASTZR BOSS. 194. 8-Jt eel M Went fv-llim ,. f. t Oct Sd -crdflr. JljW ' f if il fJiH) 1- In.shml, evervihmg,torbe foundln'a FIRST vtwxi-wujjuur, vs. jltj U V V 1 O j mom &. ,; A, il-l-Sl UATtD CATALM( -u ft .'v "t T-i.afe if.i slejrant lllnsirationa from' photograph ar'.f W r - ft- kiiOOe t';'.!.',VJ W,-rj vtt " matjor. ftsat, free., Addres MAKOfT lijn4' ill Oi.rriartii ii .-i; -r'iJi; 3? i-, OP.CANCU.;tue headway, Kw Ywa.ur JL ?.t. ft r uviBiivruert amotiniin'j lojfclSJ atul 4 trt. stou. j r u4 si j uzam f iiniM HURAYS Hrt 'STEABSH1P LIKE " J'TJt s l.UiwUtf X. 4 '''f," iiI EVEilV " FIVE . ii 1 ....; i" -8 . f-.t;i j s j'.u w .rKav ...,,11.1 irllyt'f r;a 4ft Silj 1 5iiiri vri tKMdo-Jj ulr Jvuti Ellen1 STemvearse;5nstcr. x . Friday 'ilarcUkl at '4 OtM'k.' 531 i r.-n i-l'rv T . !H 4 if- in ol Vli. Preigtt received' at al times alw ct, r"T, ..:;t 1 i-1.- "a ; -i i w luii-wiw ! .'f . V-- 'f ft "r" ,"'''', 1t',1' - ill ouj;ti lill il La. 1 1 ntt S.'ftl M from all .MiitN tJdt!ie N. C. KM?. t ; Indutancu ell''clel tliriruh Us at - vl v cent, . v , , t - in ( it- Freights , will be taken for Boston.1 1, U delpbia and li;iltiiinr- ' ' . ' 1 . . i CEO. W. DILI,. .air, y igpr, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. 'A .drestnorfXliivh y ' is at once a7 nti viils ngiciiUt healthy, and effect tf al for preserving ftb3 . liair, Fadtd or grv - " ' f);4:i . ' " to il$ originci color. o i.M fsAniu of yotith. ffx-'-. rThjn.hairf 3$ thick-, ened, fallinir t hair checked . and. JW- " " ness often, though ' not always, cured 1 : by its J use. l' Nothing can restore the .up hair, where tha '-follicles Bre destrojed, . l S or ,Jh9 elands , atrophied and decayed. ' . '.But such as remain , can , be cared, for 'usefulnea by this application" rn?teai " " ' of fouIinV the hair witn 'a poity sedir . meat, k will keep it clean and Vigortoni. ; Its occasional us will prevent -the bi!r c . : n . n. , flY worp furning gray;or.iaiUHg;f pa, sa conseq uently present . baldness. F-rea ' ' from' those deleterious, enbsUnces mh'i cinjnriaaa o' tM' hair, the Vigor trfti (; orjiy benefit but not harm it. If wxaatod'y HAIR DRESSING J nothjne else can be found W desiralla. i Containing neither oil nor dye, it f'o?s '"'not soil wbito cambric, and yet Ins's long en tho hair, giving it a' rich, glo?y lustra and a grateful perfume. ,i rw ' , Prepared by Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co,,. i ! -' PlACTICAIi AKD AirAITTTCAL CHZXf LOWELL, HASSw j li. 7BIGX tLOat " ' ' ' t ' It For Parlors. D awtiismm,' LthrarlKa, Ctrk UBday Send Is. litres. Arc , .1.r ,; uiranu ma-rta tu'"u:; not ruHtnug iwtntQ ,u: i:-i..t FiFTY gT.yi.ES jit 850, 6S, fit, fiss, i : ( i rVTn.t,MA0?I Jfc HAMLIJf ORCA nrl' rt'a' ArKNV'.vLEnET HTAMIARD8 r XX T'f-' l.lit-t'K arsons insirnwcBU ( the class, aavitiK.ivv' awarded " ' "' . - " V X'. 75 MEDALS " M oV en'1iV!rhfit remlnaal'for DUMcStSf' SUFfvPlOiaTV in laroye and A'ii. ii 4 ttB the first-c'ass medal at the - , yK i PARIS EXPOS!TiQNM , NEAELY ,00a XMUSIt-Mv JoVliiilini i iiisjorlfy .f THE ' MOST fc'li 'l? AJF.K1(;A. awi oiaiiy, la JCa. ojw. havt fcm-" vpiniona that tliry EXCEL'ALL1' OTHEttS. ' -mi 'jft ii ---! ! ,.:f w t aa Oil JE M. HAHN'8 OAKE iKer;,4 (3 Iollocli. 1 StT t ni UAJ4 BEEN . BEFITTED . ; E.l , If i niw Veparfd to rnrnUlb'evv';:-A I . . t: . l .. .... . ... ... .....I . -ii-im soon iMNtce.;; rurutB satfuvn in i . . i. , . . . . i rMiit tH U8UU. JIUAAA. T JaJaf. lvi i r. ... t ... - . . . i ... .e i it 0 R E A D ' , ' "' A V V St . R O LJL, i , , , I T ,':t t f;i 1 , r..t! t, ri :a.vd all tabieties or . . :tl ' . i. ' . " . - m ! " 7 T rm i a . i Tl a wriir At i w - hA 3nn r A 111 ii lA K .! .c ,. . 1 p V ' ;!'.v,h,"i"' '" "7 JliWiriH hts l-'tiiMi' V tici for the aarne.