, jfct..l.. lr"Tn' " "" C J 11 111 " Ti hi f'M! mini , ""P""! fl i. - , .- v - . ' . ;" -"M' i, -. j""""TfMM,v . . "" " ?n r :. ?'- A - r a-dini. i,ad, .s.ud vi-u i"1""?? " ' E. HU33S & CO. Proprietors. ( , "TT. -.v t R VTES OF SUBSCRIPTION " ' " ,; r& : : : - ;: - " "ATESOF ADVERTISING: 0q"e,onoJii8crtton ;! ' --t ' 9lM " fch loJueat Insertion , v ;. , . ,v " ' Lihcrsl delactioiis ml to laree adver1,lsfcra.. , . . special Notices Charged W per cent, higher than or: ' diaary advertiiement. i ( 5 '.. .,. j. jr Kor mdti.'-ment inwrted lrregnlarly, 5 pi'Ti.t Uglier than usual rate will be charsrod. ,. r UU tcttera ' should bfe adroissed, 1a.ilt Tan, Kew-JJrne. N. C. ... ., , ' ! ' JLJ-J( -- - -A- - I ATTENTION., ATT E NTI.ON! ! i. 1 ATTENTION!!! .8j Great Bargains: c CHE A PERT II AN EVER5 r 1 t .r"T n " -! no1 We take pleasure in announcing tQ oun ' frivnas ana p.itroiis, and -the ulic in vcencral, that we have on hand an' " - loiilMMENSE .uSUPPLYkl OP .1, Dry Gaods, Clothing, ----- - - r Boots apilSlio8s,Hat and Capi) 'Ladies !"i and; G-ents Furnishing Good3, Carpsts, andareidaily reosiviug ' , - ' " ' 1 .-...I .... i : .. . additions .tofthb same. " ti'. np!'7i! V'i !"! 91! J !;. I '' ""WffVauldj state? to he LADIES that wu have a great quantity of . ' Viv i U.-;l I ...i .. ' Dres Goods, f Cloaks,1 -1 -Shawls; and, .Furs !-- '" -" descriptions.".."" . i w - I ", 1: ,' t i , -I 1 li ' v t ' i 'J We would res5pectfully invite Merchants," and Dealers to our Department,' as we are enabled to famish them at very low figures. In fact we are determined to sell srooda its CHEAP 'AS THE -CHEAPEST,' . VEftV cheap; UlEAPE!i THAN ANT HOUSE IN THE STATE- - r ComE' OnE ! ComE All A.D BE COX V IXCED." WETNSTEIN & BRO, Corners of SpttoCK and MIDDLE STS Ct 4 i .NE"W.BEIIN,"N. C. :-...: . - v i ' - i I 22 & 24 POLLOCK . STREET, w New-Berny ti. C. Nov.ioth-tf " , 0i 3. i. James L. Davis & Co.,-i7 -"i')-i i a 1ii -ijnro it 5 Wliolesiile Orpcers; -184 SOUTH STREET; IC'T: y" t ;:: price ctrnaiENT." -r'-l-n'l t I Cia : ' . A uracil -yt. o... i .. ,... .v rusuoa . . , . S. JI. XeHow , .'.f-Orfdcred.., - O. .:. ; ....Oranulated.V.. Extra C... .... . ..; l.oat.viv'.u ' - COfFEES. .''! vV-f-KT.ka Xi Lasfira.i.v .1 ..i.I ... I... .11 V.... VJ t .... . , . Oolong i :.. g.; ..J. .-. i. . ..iqnp-r't4.tf.4.'j.-. .. Jnpau Cljr)d......rrtv ..lijc:i;J f .,.,. ;.i dj I'n colored... , 7. .. .Tw'aukuj-.,... Young llys.m.. j.. i ' I - ..r,,t ':' "'yt ; '. ' mi..is.se:v ?v'"5'' :!r.1' Cuba...". ..Uarbadoef ... .' Si Croix:... Sew Orleans. ...: urto RieoWa....:;-. Tesaa..ij.'.J..;i'.tiA. ..i. luuurara.. .......... Sugar Uou ,..i... ........ . . syai'rs. - - !!.'. Ambrr iii.TIcc Hire..... Trr Uoldeu.i ; .,a. .;, j v.' -i ' ' ' - ' ' SOAPS. " '' '. ' Toilet .':.... Family.-: ..'.W.. .1 1 .'i .i. w.j, .t.-.k-4u. si: JSrasi v . . t u i . tL 1 1. w . ; . ; l.auiKlry, .....ball Water. .v. ...i i.i. Mc ,, ,,4 , 1 , ')'!.,, . ' Sl'SOBIES. ,' . : '..J Yeast fpwftet .j. ... Pickled LolterB.jj,k u. 4 - - linking do Catsups.,.. Cream Tartar. . .:...,..; . . ..T-lltes . . . . . ... . .'. .. Peopep. :. ii. :.. ....Prew.rves.. .; .4...j... v.. j. Allsp'co Pie Fruits ...4.t.i..;t;.. -Clorea...... -..r- Brandy iruits.,.., j v ftuttneip-.: .... ... "... Olives. Cassia ......i.'.;Extacts for fln"oring.... Knee yincr.i.i...ij.i.-.HerniiticuUy Sealed Jloats Or nnd do " Concentrated Lyo.. u Culemaips Euglis- llustard do I'utaah Van Itvkc s - da Vartory Salt .-...,.....,..: David's Ink. .... Asatona " .. Alaai.iv...... i ........Bdt'8 ...ii..-;,... .. Salt Petre Pocket , . C'jpppraa.:..." . . ........ .. Matches. Byrams.. . .'..,.. Hull Bi-imarone Trlegrapk. ..-.... Siilphati' ......... i.. . ' r .Parior......;... . Epabiii bilta., j ,..;rf.i.4Mdcr Vjlucgarit.v...., Ia Ugo. ... ... ... . . ...Brooms! ... Blu Stone. ..IMxoj's Stove Polish.,....; S vroe'.Chocirfato;. ... . .. . . VVrappiug Paper . i . . . J I'Uir . . d . -m ..Writing ,- do t'ocoa" Wrapping Twine. I Rdtillis iioxc-....' .....Powder...... "... $ 4 ; :..!sliot.. I ,-'n ' - i Ali& noli iO'Colteei....: Sardines ' IJi Carb Sod. KeK8.- PJ. t Ul) ...... uu uo - ialr....; Pickles in Jar... .V..XhSal Soda.. .1 ." starcw. :r" 1 Duryec . Crora Starch for Podding Kingsfords. ............ Maizeiia.,, :; Magnolia. -.;- ' ' -v-' SA1ERATCS, ,f Babbitts.. .V.-". .s ExceWor Darkee'a i . . "... . .'old Seal Baker's . CANDLES. ' T ... ..TT boxes oods furnished at lowest Prices , . for Cash. t ESITTEit, 5 - , . .1. . i . . . Woatera Peserve . . . . . ..J Factory.. ....I,.. I.AR. ... .. .. Firkins. ...i... ... ....Tubs PORK, r ....... -.Pump ,...-rt..:ruBk -.. , HACKKREI. TCo. 3 8Uorc... .: .... . ......Bams...... ...... . . ........ Smoked Beef.......... FLOCK- ...Family.... . State. . Dairy. Tbs .. ... Bills. ..... Mess l'nmd .j.... Prime Mus. Vo. 1 Bay....... No S Bj No, 1 bhore... Superfine.... . Kxtxa.... " June 5th-lyear ESTABLISHED, 1SSS. JAMES L. DAVIS: Importer and Wholesale Dealer in -,', BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, YoUHBOir, EYE AND MALT . . WHISKIES, 184 South Street, New York , PRICE CURRENT. BOURBON WHISKIES. J Li S'aawUan,'. . :iv!x,'""""'V 'Do ..?. Keynolis,'. J Crowe. -f Dedmniis, i UiimlilmnlL .:. .... . . 1867. .. . ... . . OUfKeutucky Saal, . .1867. . . .it QUI 1 tMCrtloosa, : J A Miller, Okoloma,". . .'. .". . . .T. .". .' 18uu RECTIFIED K. B. W..... ....... Stedmans. . . .. . . ... Valley Spring. . . . . , . .... .. RYE. Va. Mountain Dew, 18G4 Glackenheiiner .1866. B iiiagardner, . -" ; 1865 .......... , , Theo. Moocfts,1. . . j.. .-y.v1867..'... .!..- CIN.i Silver Leaf, own Importation, . . . . s . t . . Grape Leaf, ........... i . .;.... Clover Leaf ,.....,.... Medar Swan "Wolfe . Schnapps i j MISCELLANEOUS. Cider Brandy ...,.. N ii Hum : . ' American Gin . Wild Cherry Brandy Blackberry do Raspberry Port ?! , Wine Sherry' " do Jlalaca do ....i. ..:.".;.. Madena ? - do ... Scappamong do . . . Muscat do - . . Catawba' . do ... Rhine ;.. CUret do ... Heidaeick Champagne.. Jamaica Bam . . . . . . . .to ...... St. .Croix do . . ; i 4. ... . . , . . Scotch whiskey. Irish Whiskey. ............................. FRENCH BRANDIES. Bisquet,IS58.i . 1 Tales. Rohm & Co A. Seignette. : . .'. . '. ; . i . . . . ,'. ." . .V AXaret .... ... w .'i,.. ,i : June7th- ly. state err Nortfi 'CtifblfftsV i i Ji-d! yj'.-io Pt fi?sf(nio, Sill K!iq:v'.'0 i!jViis4ctiBv14h;i!Myi)i!3t st.tJ triJitni aoirni's in controvtrsiy. , f -,'l:CCa fiftrfoHT'i ViriSi1rtrttV. lWH.-t(W?rt-i,i eet& flftTirftlHaT'i rfVrliiiarl'K JMtfribrftor&iiT L I Ayeifs; CSherryi Pectoral; yor-Diae-aaea' irakffift i'i u.udli aa Cmip 'CX)lcla,iWTioopto I :i t jCgugb. f JBroachitia, , Astrto W inb j ProbaDly never before in the wpole history or . medicioa ha ay Xfcins ron ; e -idelr and td , deeply, ppon the, coanUonoe of ;inaAkiud a&.tUs v- excellent remedy 'fori- nlfnoiiary ' complaintaj ; , Xhiywjh along aerieatof ea8iidaBHmf most ef the races of men it has risen higher wid higher. . lta aat&rm character and pow-ttr core toe.ya.j 1 rioua affectkma f tni tnnga"ibidf throat; havaj ' u uiuussuuinuvuu nua income DCEier njoini! mnue. Known aa 'iTmainei yrncctor-Btfm8t i IX , themv Whiie adapted to inil,der forpis o djeasei bad tonngjhlldrenjtris-at tfce1 Famei rime'thet 1 lO' , . ; most eJfcctaalfemedy-tha can be gj;eD'forihei-! of the throkt and lunjrs.ti As aproTisitm agaUst 5 J provided with this antidote for them. i 'Although settld'uwmpt am 4 bcnjrbt H curable, still great numbers of cases -Ukc e- tbe i disease ' seemed settled, hate been" completely cu reck And. thf natient rHtrtV In. sonnil fap.Uh "by the Cterrjr feetoraf. Sp . complete is its f V Tnaateryiftrerthe nflsorfleraf of-tUd Lnnrs and j Throat, that the most obstinate of tliem yield ta it When nothing else'conld? reae them, under the ! . erry Ftctoiit they subside atui disappeac t ."" Singers " and Public Sneaker find meat " proteethMk.ftom Uii n i vm. ft MtdT? I r 4itAMi ; is alwaya relieved unit oiten. whyJJjs ! 1 tured-by it.1' " 1 HrvHettttta is firenerall-r Daredl hvr tftllnip:th( Cfierry .Pectoral in small and frequent doses. jl " So generally are1 Its1 vi!tnesitirowri,; that -vre i e than assure the pubUc (Jiat its qiuililies j y majntainwd, :ntii i ! .wtWTavn. ; Averts Ague Gure a: ui f ovci oiiu Ague, Lt;i jjiiliajiil x ever. :., t; Cbill rTever Beiitjtteiit. 'Iever, Tjtmnb- ' Ague, Periodical or -Bilious, Fever, &Q.,, 1" and indeed all the ttffectiont which arise ' v. from, malarioua, .jpargh, ijarTwaaTOfitiflt : poiaoba. . ; Aa Its name iinnlleif .t doe'f bt.'anct'aoesno't1 !l jtifaU.-; Containing aeither-iAiaanioiQainiBe, Bisi : muth, Zinc, nor anj other mineral r loitonoua , : T . rrh. v .) ; i r : . .C. . in the ague districts, are literallv beyond account, and we believe without a parallel mf the ietryi of Atrue medicine. Our. pride U Kratifiedbviba. " 'acknorwledirmentsVe receive ofthe radfeaf chres I-,.-effeoted m-obstinftte eaaea, and where othes jrcati t p - Unaccllhiateir persenr, (Htner resident' In'Ii', I ... travelling through, miasmatic localities, wilP be . For Xrf Comploinf, arismg,:iom.:orpid- ity of 4he Liver, it is an excellent remedy, gtana latmgthe Liver into healthy activity. "' " .... For Biliona Dwordere and Livr Ctnjplalnfst if, is an excellent remedy,- producing many truly j: remarkable cures'where 'ether medieinea 'bad ' .failed. r . . . . :. . , -. , , ' J ' Prepared by Dk. J. C. Ateb 4 Co., Practical , , and Analytical ' Chemists, Lowell, Dlaaa and'? aold all round the world. ... ., . , , T&XCE, $1.00 PBS BOTTZJE. ' f l v! "I . - . 'I I- 1 .it '!'- Il , VV, jrr: -Ti f? -f ' Keep GrocneB;Cr.j:J eryj CUsaajret, Dry, Gtiod" . All orrt-'nr Y,-ceWe promnt xtte i n and goods it.iveTed 'to"regiilari CdstoWers' the' city fre.bf ohiirgei; ?n '.rn t n-trr?n ?tf G W. YOUSG,.,,,,.! i, , .p.PTOUXG.j Feb. 24-tf. " f,f,( JOHNARMSTRONC," 1 ;i:'W Ji ll 'J vli .''Jm-irtlM -dt tllTi!t -tfi BOOR- B I Nn.Ett& .Oi ."Ttoj t f., cui'il BUM BOOK-MANUFACTURER OVKR TlTISWAi'feoeratSToBB?' X,,,i .JI A L'E I G H ;' Hj." 0 J -Vl,i 1 Trial. Execution, Minute and Recording Docket made to order. tf- iK Jtnr.ll fiorth (.'arolina Reports and other Law Books boand im sntwrioraw Bindine-: & t-yff!jt;H"m'i Missmz uumhrs of the iteoorts supplied and put I anmhei'S'itln1a f-Kit'inire futnhireiind I h-j 'I -. t J it ; 'j iii;' ? .i j...i 1 j i ff 0-.: " PEOPLE'S MARKET, ' -is. -r- -i. ; - . . Tv-r . 1 - f Wholesale And ilef'ail Dealer In'1 l-'if- DHUCS, t k MEDICINES,: .u:i,. ..r. ... : ! v J CHE5fflCAL3'"iu:i..r DYE BTOFFS; FINE TOILST SOAPS',!1'1"' l' A BFiySrfSsXpEflFUMEaY. PURE WINES -AND LIQUORS ,u FOR 'MEt)l6lAL U&E. ' Gardens Seeds. Tarnin, and. ptb.errSeeds 0Q hand at the regular aeaRon; Prescriptions carefully prepared. Orders from. the country and solicited punctually SlIcJ. : "I fl,J'-" i ; ' .(,.! ) . Jniy31st-" tf "TTTT: TORMS I, To -AHMS ! 1 Against wtiat f asks the'' reader.' Wby aainst tb8 &UIS0NS, vHa inaddening', and jfleadJy, qidverfsejl aai ?' fiuperioy to all iiur Dyes. ' But, on second , thouhta IbecaU ' to arms!" is unnecessary. The wietched trash is already iw jng dyf& out fte mar ket 1 1,&43 received lh9 jcaJJjh. tAjextrom. Clm3tadoro'& Exoelsi&f Hair Dye, 'a'i t :i ii --.n;: v -'t;jo' ' The popularity of this tmetried article in-J creases erery" liour.'" Every 'hour. 'Every- body fa talk'rrtg -bf tire natural ' Shades If imparts, and there is 110 ftoacervable ' reaort why it should not be used, being (as PrdfCs-j sor CHILTON BUtes .in hia certificate)! rECTLY Hakmless. As a dressing after dyf-i jng. use. i MOST POPULAU HAIR' iYE2 ' ilarch 2-lmo, .j j M to taose vaa uare never nseu it that a,verr k biirua Wlil mum tuc.'i w uao.t. uub VU1J Wlf UUUi j-ui op ruL.ut BKi' weijtiiE. tu roresoaKKi. ! i.uin..i....:... v DOOLEY &-BS,OTHEU. rrc-3, , er; s barsaparilla, tJtorcnarrYiietf xixs blood. .(i 1 . - cedent iduicine enjoys, la aoriied fi-om Us caivs, inanv of , which areftixily raarveUous.' Irtveteit cases, pf -(tfc-rofulonsi dig ease, Vbtol the sj-stenf aeenjed.,uritetj,wisn, purified jtndkciued bjr.iu ScvofiildTis aucctioiis ana . di9Qiera,rlch were agf . A-avateS by "Uie scrofu- IhfijAwlphifmilt icgj'liave tieen radically j nntoTf rnnant Ai' f A1.;nL... .f.wL.m. -l : j s tj tutiony an4 jiivifpsitlie a ttt ck of eaifevbliiigor fivO L t occnua, paiiidiy tievelopjuto bufcior otharof tuo on tne sKin, or rout ulcerations n eome, part of iKjtha jtody Heaca tkeeeiwoalAis;df iotUe-' i oi iius anrsaparMtn la sdrisab.e,.even.when pa I iiaitive syiapUwasW dfielsellfpl1ln'.l, To.-oiW (it ! JJicted ivjtli-the- JtheumjtScalfl Hood, Jilttmcar-ii,f,orrf,fciis , Y iBoreBrtr, and' Otlior emi)twliif brivtsibleforms'a of Scrofulous disease. ;Ala. in tli,niere can-,. -efile forni4 as 'Jtyxpepria Iiipsrf',y'HearP9 nisertse, Fits, Epilepsy.. iirlffta, . and -ie vaiiows Aw' affeotldua vt the musCula?" r and nervous systems., r,. .5 -.--" sj-o'"'ii l" Svphm or renrtffi" arid1 Mhrckirtal Itts- oere cured,' bxit, UwugU, long tuiie isjeT 'qnined foT'aubUnin these obstiuate inaladles T)y any mediuiiie,. But Jong-contiAUfd nc ief thi. "tnedrcme Will cure the complaint. Leucorrliaea t or IT hitea L tevitM &7ienaw.aj)d-ai'r!(J Diseases', ai-ejcommonly soon relieved una lilU-' .: mately eyved by. 49. pruifyiflgi and iaksitoiavtuifcHj effectf JJmhte airectiohs tor each case are found s,la OiirAlhianatt,Bjjiielr;tti(JfjfiirtB - and Gout, when caused bynccrimulatlons of e K traaeeas autttra,ai tlie blofK yields idc Wjr taibwl as also liiver Comnlaints, iorrtidltu , Coities- iyr Inflammation- of theXTirertahid JniinKV dice, when arising, as thev -otlen do. from tlie en do, ,j rankling; bojaens; in the bloodv flkwt SABSAAh PASLLZiA is a great restorer for the strength fc ni! vjjof pf the.systera. wbo-are lxm ffmd and Xistless,' Respondent. Sleepless, aml)tronl)led wdthi 'arvotM'inifeltiat('ois 1 fears, or any of the affections symptomatic pf t . iff Willi And, immediate relief atioV. eca. tu vincing evidence 01 ita,restoi-aave BOwer.upon tjJ , Sftm'cHcat bd Analytical C4mistsJi:'!)i -8QLQ1BT; ALU (PEUGKSISTS BVERYWltEILB- Ik! '!ijft aiXiilui Wi&DiSTjJii -Jit tfci ;- ! '.. " .JilllVMli Oil i i d ' j ! HI NTSi TO PAR,a NTS VANO aiU t! I'i-nOTHERS;'"1 ,k.jj!;.hi 'Csf'rKWenr-rTaV'ifrtf-l-VVfted ror'tne'ardy' j-.v.jres ot tln-ir pijiuia- Puyils r trnently.. .. f V-io be-wiiin(rtTaii fasfti' oVtalcHt" oiId-f'ashioned p.ia.np.s.j . .iii i.) vs -. ni .'i. at -uai.i .111.. liS9-x i "'""iTwifiTwfntt ntPttir tu TfiWff.1 I I UiiiUU01LaU Alii A J l lb U a-1 A i V11JU t ... I 1 ft h ft TSf W 'frn-"'n (!W ' lrH I I'l JlfObIS6' IN T'tf&!MI"'1' 1 O t fc I CP t' U,Ei-J -.,'i.'f Iaseadfef Welng attorded'all tbe fAtJIllTllflJ toa'ATr-' TjiACf 1 OS , tyhSqb. h flooJ 1 piane-wuW afford t homi i 'TueWebsr-Fidna'T1.11 Is nnni-alled in cifrtlleneq. 'RvM,.T.iBrtpnic'T. iwtJjor, a oncrMy ex liiined by : iii:inufct r l.tins.-lf. before th 'rtcio-yT aii Af arraiitil tor tt. t t3) ifvtrBii oeiiu i(i e:ii.uia:s iu 5iarebliii!':: tr mitt 1 9-.it tu i s?Cl.a-ff partHCf Sbip' liretTorw-j,;n! e 'wuepjiKeUtti A tjbUTChili. is ttiiliay;.(bVU;i OS IlV ili.Qn veil-liu . iTiiiUCil. ntuie.nt . tTliM buress oL-'ihe-firm f'wlil(bu scilil Vl lXl. l1dt-i:hMt.'frt vh'ii!T.l "nCCOUniS1 wtll tu tm'id. J wivt" her.'-wm JJ ity 'ttir'trniin'R'itin.t' tlie laid linn, t rtii-n tf J l" 1 ov u . ., ,WILJ.IA KF.Lf.EU jr-41 J 1 , b.4l. rauuoiit.u - , . e. : I'J'.I 1? -I L tlu MEllGirANT-flPAILOR. u.vinE! recently reiuxaed from NewlTork-wiih. a cirrerallj seieccea siacs oi guocis con:;isuny ui Xsnrr:o'1m'akeTfoMor?l' Rlocirf 'S'aitFof ... j ,t ,'..L,.i.M.i.j;.i..i.nll..,.lu.... V lotmn. t OI Uie- Lieafr' iuiusiuw, , u w um. O N 'MI D D'LE-'-S TB E ET; t ii r 'C i " i - 'T -i I j f i. "i , . . . FOR--FIVK- ...... ,.f i; ... . mwu vt uic cuuut.Q', uiiil. Uio puuuu eClUCcljr Heed Scrofulous poison Is one of the most Gestruc Jfivdenueet'otrfc Oflu.UB ansecb mdl iiiiieuus lurms, eitner on tne suriace or among trie I ,y'kala.t la the ltt tfcr; talife vela aay 1)4 Mdeu'fytl 4 deposited in the huiss or heart, or ttnnors formed t tilimtka lit eiH or it slid we its inesetleti by: eriHiMi'- ! nioteu ivjtn-tne- tollowmg roinplmiits generally 1 -f tMKtumneVlIate' tjeHead) Jeugth,' crrve,by thwJ i use ffliiia SABSAFARH.LJ.: St, AnthoT' 1 styje, a&4 attae Vwst prjeas.; frrvtr m r Or Jlt solicited; .an,d,wjll ropei.ye prompt i y . t r&;TTT O - RR A"VTYYe -i L Are. Bonrhoa. and C. CornWlJkey J -, lo ("jr." D.s UAlliAJ UUAiMI Y. s f HolUnd.aadBoaa1Oin- v, t,Ainv..At-i-dT 1 ilASi: J7IS2S HT3D!JEIf,,JC C&lttr AIONB. fWlKBS SASTA-CEdlXfft andXSCOTCHi "WDKCSY f " i .-f: ti LTBaBE8TLlP5;ii.i if i.;;e -j 3 Jff"i Toi.vnVs3" neSfiT,fft;l 'P'TriTl'-ri OP ALL GRADED, for Sale !.owat J. E. AMYETTb. IS . TnAT-t",ltl w 1 I t. , '.Fji. 'triii hTT i i 4tSttT.., !rv 1?1 9. fJ-.r.f. ,;f ni!, I .--,.. : . .B. .!i i.'. . ; '-i- . itrs je lv; .t'fir't ai I r.-. be the,b.t SNUFFS iiUfee m-irkeV.'" i,ei .jtJ,JftllettiiAt.U4',r.Hoi.ii Amynrtttr-.-t-i-t. xrJu ii(4v,tf ,KUtaa?e.Vnrveu, a. l-nl 71 Cllllk. J A Bill, irlff I Huddlesum, . C E Foy, , j.iKj . It(ivlaud Hro).,WlioleAue Grocers, Agents fpj 9ff?i;H?ii tmii nw at "- ,aceaia7 V Tlji9l .n .,. i diiw sUtea 01 ,lt?t .vlS o -tli '-'! 'M iY'iftK oXdua Men Sn-!Ji- -rfl -rd flwihno v-iv f o.I reat Soeitjl "EYilrftmU:; ihttserf.' ,ai iTu all tiijjq iiJ" iKtiTv , ... .1" , I' Which inte-ffefftrwitbt U AHniA&B9 with rare atmiaii gi -wimf fai' the Muiiitj and UutUltUtBCtg ii.flaiu dfhditataaa MfP Y Si Seat loa. 4JaluA fekr- envelopes, freeof oharfje. - - SOUIA U.jjVt ji Sp.nU KiuthsStA l'HLLA- B. L. CHURCHILL Co., .noJsnirtsBV moil scccjiisbitsi tV)'4i.OaTWaiit,j ,6 liVfiV KcfTilV. Jit -' Tia Wate Maitoactox' B 0 U 8 It iFTj U NI 8 H 1 5S G' S TO RE ?oii as& aod. vgtter i j kTaade ft. aAe 4 Iciality. .j..ifk oj I-.ii ' . .r.i I .5 IhqA ,7K.Aii.i ,('IS "y'l rt tat jo. Ii'.tr' .:t ' ' t Tlf'.xnoY w.llSTOVES, !rf ,uP6Wder rSliot a KerossneT-Lard- - ' Lamps in Threat variety, Chimdeys.' Wicks, and a full atock of Jm -A- t-t ii v-1 f : : . ." "JG.J50QJD8. I jiri't ii M..f..V " .2' 'i 4 S we mas jiTovw a apeciaity. we won in o iV pleafwl to have aiftn want, to examine aaratuek -.ole jBlAKina pnivhnee,. r i 1 ' DCCWtmCHILL& Co., . . rfl-4 IvJ '.'.'- I .' - ! -i-.-s . t Match ltf. 'fir. -rrf f I dFFXB 'XT XTOWjUMAKEI PBICjfS jx - erry Wine; Port Wine, frppenaiat 'eoralal; biirivG YOnl-W nj;S1 .?IT Knsonerry Tmpf . . Laser -eee and onrwnanpawrt VI K JfA,' V -s iU :,'.. ...,( J WbixOf i-etaH.-f 4- a bavinp nkrar on hand areboto .tack of Sfara , rfrnM tl.rtcwctoth'tiietMf .Brand. 4 !' r , finnff. Tobacco and ail kind of Pipes and facer Article. -J Sign of the Dig Indian. 1 P; SIR'. 1. . ! rif p.-if ifiTt0ct W?.8T JjtJ everywhere-, male Kuat&a.iwrvprp-e 1 .C" riii . if L'i . LI! .n 1 V ,fc 1 Mirenia a Jjikr.,;'. a' tfT'lJRnJl' i .: .":. u - ... ..nf ... 1. . . .i : ....... tVrinp c uniui'iMin. S:tm.li 4i mwil fnSetiv nwil on rjini i'LjirJuu-SiuiiLliir wholesale; " Dec, 10. Ii-fi'ii. e , i I'ir.- .iL.i.fJl X -'l " or!urnn : '('j' f Vl 1 5J-2Tfi 777X7 f?.ll '9 , i' t ovi d txjijd 'uo f ai I'tiji u riii w ; .trh'ri L.'.i --i Jr.ll n rsiit'.-j ui t4 : pRY'-GOQDSr'.STpRE;! ot Jrr oil rofiri!Hr dt tt-f ' 'rtfilt ii;fl 'All (s'suo isl vllff!if 4 i "0 iJrii V i'M iwff U lo r-jhvhmsi tjl.nl ,lu ,U li ll'i G A &U Q IU S iE; Tri:j' ftrrtrsja 3ii eiioiJw? :"witT ,. A. :3l M.; EAHHw?I' v-f'i ; .r ..ri f:o fi?.'fr on wff j(t!tntiTy'5 tjar: opened, a ew.)(r iTi b)Loplelu itock ot lreeh aooua.. coiibisilni; o , ' ,. U.'- if ;'") o! in .Ji'"ji,o -.fovi;rnstn x,'M In'ahort; cVefyihi'iig fo b'efoulii in 'FjfRW' ; --V offw! i(ldttciiiiiitei40AfeB?-EKrPkB! USt (ir,jnirt f atetwfrri. y aSrrys HouaB di 'ew-liern. .We.inwte au iiiprKCtipu,.by,onr New friends' 1 ,. ,..t '.T " .i-Ti-i'.-i ih -ft TV-tTh n : oo&su k s s o r:DS t a b o8 j tnC'-I Ol l.SW t)h4-. h-ji WITIA l4 ? .1f pr?ivr5 A!jTMi 4fft lt Sfi'fftSfXK- All Jvtail Orders niountjiq to .$2Q,-fM ' -rjcojoTef 'ddiTf-i-ed itt-anyijaH 'W tf!er . istf (f.;.tnbl irihtrv l . V-" j. FREff OF EXPBESS CtiATiGES. HAMILTON i EAtsTKI'0 & I tS0NB, -O'tirBvi.TnffjRB.'Jiii.l ,i:, fi:' 1 ,. .?. ; '.. d - Jrfv. tin ft f.n"y Tn ordeVdifhitt if to mrt tUe'w.its Vf their Ketall CuKtomeraat a ditaiiavhava.iUiilusa a tfi(!l"U-' ; ,;jC"i - . 'l.r.Ll l iiti'MSII JfI0'I9M and will, Dpoo apalKia'i promjiiif-stw by tutii. tiacr of niaphts t ftie ?f .w ft tk1 m 'ml! riishtnii.-il!- floods, of FitKNCiU E.NGIJ.Sli aod? WttMfTIi 5tA N I1 F ACT C KK. ' rnHrsh tet ini: nt alt llnietf to well low .if. mot ijtjJWiaujfi oapeilin.'jlWJ Buyin!r onr iroodx from thn inrecrt aniiairht io-. l c . . . i . , i ir . . ' ' i . Dniieii llinniiiwiiireiR in ia 3 uiliereui pint, ui x.uri,w. more, ojir ockJ at.ailjbcijirom'itly mi H'U'd.l'iLh ' An we buy ami --ll ?jjfir. tutti. a'i mat no bad rlebts v lire itbh: .ind wuiinz to mill onr foods at riu T'-wtu KtrrBBM Feb Cunt.-LairKKoPiT thaj we gave win. ' sriufl.? T"T samples, tpitlfy the llnd desired. VTe kep th N- t lT3 tr of pyj v vlasa of jfooda. 1 rRoSrT'F' YlN WIlCrLESALE KIT KIT- are Htubral MMack tn oHrVubhk.i$ and 7acK' 1 oiirriV 1 1 'Baltt oW dl r j Oct MdJeodflTi i'li , i 11 ,". .ii)rii:.r!rtf . , :i r.) y ; DIVORCES. i Utwrtwi Ulvorwleaallf l)1jTa!iIe6, iA'tfew Yrk, ind'HtMi; IlilnoW rthifolher 'States; ft persona'' f i nnf uny- 8inM fir lwidr)trf", fegsl evcrv lurei'- driJon:'-'drirn'knrirtiif '""tioij SHpfwtrt,! 5te..' mifttcient'!fatlse' J rirfpTitfclry NWchargt'iiTJiil divorce i-obfatntd. 1 Adrift r.- l.M.Ja. i," !. 'bS Till.. J b'le.i i. Moore TiiCfIAiTDsroN;l,f'if,K 1 f .u' iftn niniv n'i T.ii iii"' - i'uiiii.ifiin rt Aan, .if tint: i r 1 I I Scyenfy-five to two bun rspsnintJB Sl.bO iTorntrr tivicliifle 'that 'rtfDaa rajmot, be pitied apnr$ ."withoat 'toariii'ii.t'e' "pay Stjfenta $75 to )0 penuonh npd epetisetC a oommiwdou from which "tvtice that amount' tami undo'' , "i"".i--' ja3 Cireufara and Terras,' apprt ii dr addres, i a c J43fi Bpwicr8tr4 XikkleMai'ra.H parties paiminf; off worUrtew rtnj-raanie " under the Bame name or otberwiiie. Oura ia tba only gftanine and rny pBK'tica! cheap raachiae manulaetured . ,. u iiarcJi lS-Stup i K)idoreu WrKl fvcomAit-I afti:iwiuent in is'i Soijinii w slit ov JI rKuUM fiw-i) f. fo .aU vhi ( 'sm ''ii'sJtj" ',0, fi"! Jrufrite l"Jn-pttrjtcliitii mr rfubhfa.ij and facl- age C-partmrn!.. . A&iVSj fc iiyi'J .TO i ni'iny'i ttr..m. aatiu wn ttrftilmir i ''- fell, tucbind, brttd eoiqrtya,cLfitthroidet iB"w:"fetdat Buje!Tir':nianaer, I'nca onlrild. IWRV wnrrafitM for fle Ve5ra , W. trirf iV lacrs urauijitu i uu'rv VUL-11 1 asii 4XukiA tiii It mnkea the-'"Ett-rfic :l&Jffi&rt $.xw ore. AgD sAs'tijuMM .r: ?4 1 st amioA.iHi:VS & lXVlHi- L. J. KlftOH? '1'' ATT0SUET AND CCUKSELLOB AT ju.ftfl'Jfll v,lil"tfZjip-ri ;'."! fi Oi?lc in.Ceuft Hb4Jie DuUcJIns. ,iHwrti;i'... itJji(4Hl,:i.j w -j ) - . .wiri,7u;lRfj.,lvnKr,,,r Pr, .RVHil'vMMwir. "?reiM.' OualrvCarttret aa I -y-Ia-H' t--!:i-.n.'' S. i. .. -.' "(lrrrmp ':tttt-miouf'p:tid to 1hciD4tiom of. euftt7'c wJj ?'!i?'j .''! t' ff "' rr ; i-lt fr - 1 " , . ' j 1 . t , -MlESIrtaLIiiBLr SALOOIT" ' luoitfi'w fes-ns or ;T""f .?5 l-'; rtn 'a,i. -i,vfif" j Wfii-yJ 1 T;ili'lfi ,"t pjqIi.a ..Clubo.Houaa; Tfi8 rdom, Jhatip heea receny fittl p.. - v"!"!-" u ccry n-upcci, ana 10 ine Kivera St- - . , ., ;, v y ,7,1lt'n rephWlonlaMHor to,at y'la te tiirir . -Oft V Ulii iK : . -- (. . 71J1 i PrtoT,n w,fl w jTtUaient Cb WbanMr I ulaalflrtrf:nulWraf'1JJ;lBi aiitiWrthhtt! cqrit". 4, m !... s-.rt!.( dt-L st.iisn ' j&rjwfycr?je'foT for it will. 'alu.maU,. ter VrVrt atihoi ff niff f lsewhcra. . , fa.tWrejBUs IKOjiTOMLfffW WALSH v"' Hvft tfl ia.lt ,b-j?.itia vbij-Mat-vi Us Great tMedicalr Plscorcry .Ityo TJr WAT.JTRTVS ClATXVaRJtTA. IpMfifrinTiV l. Ihpv wandorxulJ E t: r a 'IggS'fJt yi'.i .fM.i.firiUp via urn! yiy 1 1!j r' R4 IT i ? t wtjp v -r y.Mf e j. .-M i.. j ! j od. itOla Laqaora, omuml, aiauaa, v." if ! jkauawcutcini.! WiJpti) tmitaata, (ailed fTooKS , t i t K.i.n)iieri,'AM ltaator.ra;" tbfct leHtli"' 1 i .l.'.finlWarnnliConuwaaudaaia, butartra i(j w ! j!t-.1in'Bfle'nora'th Katira EoU anil rof4fafrwaroialIAloohol. -Ai;J i CIF.iiE. jiajkctlieawratoa n4 laiioiwatorf 'i , ? i j cliuBviiticiuTyinfcljUlpaionouttnattw,. . a hdtortona? ba MooaUa a k.-aiair eMiditkm.. " ' ( Ko pcrmjocan, tcke tli-.I5itUT.aoooinliatr ta, . , 4 (f4Wrt.. MlfWiuialoiiTWirta. - i i y, SIUW wiabagitJJocaiMianrfeakiaj '. ui:i? foe bon a are Bot.d?iro;c4. by ininitil i 1 Silnmtinr o:bcr tmsain,.aa4 tha rital loivana t f-'a f W.'fli d lrond htvqht of irmir- ,,'' ..; ... i - 3' -FoTlaflamtn-jrryaad CbronloEhea , r mtwm, -OJijt.. rjrpepi. or Znai.';" i: t . -4. . t "J : 1 I 1). !a.a. a. M If a . . l Livers Kiaa7. tu I 1 tera l.avu l:iV i i ')jLiea.ai-a oairl Vitiatod Btood, wbk V" 1'' ' 1 -'ttaiawfoKana. -r:--' ii 1 i c' aft ui ta-rafiua. tba eloniaclv ho atimnlata f i f i. lua torpid ' Hvr and liofeU, which rmnlntteni I -f ni:i.rtl-eiew7 H -leotiI tb b'4if W ' i T;riw,i.-ijuAa idimpartjMwtoaod Tlraff . f, " '.Mwhnl9fryteiB,' ' - ' i rl ilj5apetE :of Iodett, r&aAat 1 " l I -n in t io fjlMju-dCTn, Coueb.. Tw ntne" of tint, ; " . ., 3 ? CWi BisV' aaruBai!h, HbaA TmH ti' -' ' s n-iMi. t!i VitiJBloo4whw!rro"flli,J ii hjrirmnUeburUitbKM:hthoVini.'riin 1.. V.u..f il mil 4 lian It If - ' J ,lq d, and ywfiwwult yon when. .Jfj-j .f Wood pare aod uba beaili al tie tytaai wfll Hy!efaitoaaanrt,ajadiaagX f ifIei iJ'ZZ.K4LLrS- ,X-rt i jtOTlU.t c.nsciwiw, i v , - 5 Kiur'.i. Ocromi.french, ar,1 CpsRwh. , . ft i X-V?AI-KEVS MCTOmrTi;eTwt,-rT;X-,''r; Propriilrm JtJL tclVJ IAU ft C(X f , I ! XWOVn aMUon-eriJl"''-' ' 1 -flan raac.-ailifnnla, ad Ji ami."! UiKi- " - It t tfjLXiiiiT'Attr'XKCcarns 'axti .,!f a A41Ja,:f.v f-t 1 H l r b i r f iT. . . . JUST RECEIVED, an4 for sa'.e In p'.H l 1 0-1 pun bascrg, at J. JEL AMYXS tuiHiHann nuu .iiiiiv lMf, HIKI upuoarg lOaih S?ret V.r jMtffilic SAifHtifef.1 J Fifty pMva jtu cacb' nrtwfti,itJp4dg carer. Price 1 o oU( i.Sill tTtiET iAllB KOT A VTLX St i f A-.f Aijy.'n, ai.uana Auarta, i'alpitauon l tna f i,- -j J lt-aw V-'pt-Kit-'lHwharse cf Unna, Paia li I rrirmrf tiliimr,Mnundf4oUirrf--'-H T xi-iMidl cmptcima wliicli aw th eOafiriasf 1? ,T, , 0. -t 1 S. t. 1' I? i.: r i-K

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