r?5M ! c ' M : RlfP i wmzv mill .iflT -r:a a-cnu rt. .s'm-j.'.Iu ik.-f-HW u'..K(i, ..: V: - ' - III - lllllll III' "' '" "I ' ' ' .-......,...,? , ' gri - ' 1 ' 1 ' ' - " "' " ' ' laBKRTY AND UNIONfNOW AND FORBVES.1 ONE AKD; IlVMEF A KABLK-"-D4nll :Webes-'.q "iiidl ,5 it 3 VOL. VIH, NO. 05 I VT!K tt. - ' V ' - i. ' " -V ' . ... a-, rr - . ' ' . : I -'-I-', .-.t:t , . .i- ',,.'.,, ; . ' "" v '' ; h" - n " ' ' ' " "' " 11 " r " " 1 T TH" ' i "' T"M-'I' -' w t" f ".'S .. 1 1 ... J - .i - . -,. HmtA rirtlln 0TimfL TAmc S. MANlxr liOcftt' Editor. 'V'' ... -...Wi.Jii iiJULe and mv ?Z,Z" , . , jLrrixai fm& Departure of Mails MiaomfortheNorthsnJonlh: l?30 A'M. Mall CtoMi for Beaufot t and the East,-at 5.30PM. ' '"!, ''' -.-A 'wtft 6"M.il CUhj.-Washington, , and Swjft fyid Beanfort Connties" evory Tuesday J?Ia5.. Saturday, at 5.30 A M.r ! MaM closes for Trenton. Potok'nne; it Mboro, i:.- Mail closes fr Hatleras,Mew Tork.Btm'r Kulow'Bay Hirer and Pamlico, - - : Saturday at . 6 A M.; MAIL AJRRlVES. ; jionaay, LT"-.-- ',, p-hh.v it FroVBaj ! Mm Friday'it I p a . r l'uttii dead letter office. The lawrTrequixes that all letters shall be prepaid in iigr ia .. .;Hh far senditiz them to the ded letter omce. '-.:V" Vn hrders can lie obtained upon au we. pnnoipre " " vilnables should alwaysbe registered, without which, there is little saf e- 'Man'd7 to 77m PL08undays from iaSo to 1 3? L , ; V GEO. W. NABUM, jr., iflWM" fjITY AND STATE ITEMS, .' .TVoather yesterday fine. :'Nq Mayor Coit yesterday. Cause-- no: ease'-' V!" ': " . ...... ... r; ' .m : ' Oysters for the season are about woodbined. ' '. ., -j ; ' w "-.1 f; Th nket ia at present poorly suppled, ' 1 "Wonders will never cease; a woman, Olive Xogao, admits being thirtjy-two yars old. - . Fruits of all kinds are rapidly growing, and In a short time plumsand peaches will be m ha Market - - -9 , ' ' s For one entire week the Rakish Mayor's ' : . f '. I lYiurt has nnt hart a sinirle caaa. - . ... i A store was broken Into and robbed in Bal- irh few niehts aeo." . " - ' I A horse thief escaped from the Penitentiary a few nlirhls aeo. but was recaptured. - I For the finest Wines and Liquors for Medical ' and table use call at Amyett's. ; Many neat and permanent improvements ale taking place in many portions of the city. Messw. Weinstein Bros, are fixing up the brick store on Broad street, and will soon be pre- pared to accommodate their patooaa. I " - ' , , . , ' . We are pleased to notice the enterpnze evidenced by the merchants burnt out at the lata fire. All are now already established in . . , . j. busujess or making active preparabdns to do so. Father McNamara ol Raleigh, ta about to commence a course of lectui es in that city. . Tha Raleigh Hook and Ladder5 Compa ny are to have a target excursion and bar- becae, next Thursday. , . . , . j We learn tQat a colored man named Samuel Jenkins, died in Trenton on Sun- , , , riA. day. at the advanced age of 104 years. f ,:."..,. : . ! Green peas are selling for 50 cts per . mmm w - a v' W. SaV-V . a W pecic iq Washington, ana 1 v an in ew- Bern. . , '"' ' ' " 1 Ther were two of Herrins's natent chammon safes in the late fira: and preserving books, papers . and other valuables, for Wiffiam Kos-. minaki. nnn silver vara Pamn Jkn. . Ifor II ' Marks. These safes are the best security against fire -now known.1 ! " '7 . 7 What do the members of the Fire "De palrtlinent think of the new Democratic . city charier, that comp'etely cuts; off. all assistance for the Fire Department ? The city of New-Berne was sued fpr nearly 500 before Justice Palmer, wea- terday, for :old Provisional claims. Judgement' against the city. A CrjBiostTT.-Revg E: M. Forbes bas exhibited to nf a ; specrmen of petrified cork with a petrified mnshroon attached. The cork ; was originally attached to a fish SSWSj Forbes has a splendid collection of min- rra! curiosities and precious gems, which ina noiiha vu:t.:i:. .t. - : fiHwi-WHiSNSB -r .5 members of thepepubUoan City Commit From tU2Ji;7P ?1 r State;penitentiary. -An appeal was taken FromBeaafort ITdlhe East at .70 A M, and granted, provided the defendant gave T?rom WsBlllneton. Swift Cjeek N C, &C Knd for Sl.QQfl for ''aunenranatk nnl 9J?r "w "e xjuBstea to meet at o cioca uwnorrow i evening, at the Bureau Building bn Broad st U April 13.-2t, T. M-Cowxbs, Cb'm. j . . ., A. , '" Elizabeth Grcn, ofKinston, . 3,. one wa ' mos ellent .lady? and belored : ."use... wui.u-i now mo Tame and' iiuportonce of cood Doors. .Saahes And Blinds, well' made, of good and tborongblj seasoned stock ': Vot many are uninformed of the best place to purchase at the lowest prices. For tha benefit of each, we woald refer them to Messrs. Wbltlock & Co.; 254 & 2515 Cknal "Street, New Tork. who have always on hand n extensive and well selected stock. " Their new Ciirolur and Price Lut i cent free;: on - '-John W Jones, wa hrooght to this City,' , by Deputy Sheriff Brown on the eventeeth tnt" from Township No. , and lodged; In "it is offense wig an nssffclt with Intent uau ioruia appearance to answer at me next terni of Court, foT hli conjugal attention lo wife, and he failing to find a party wjUiBg to inye8t , tDa, kd of ed a free boarding place. " t W ! , ;. . "At I.enoir Superior Court, J0age Clarkl presiding, on yesterday Dr. Sarautl A. Bartleston the "gentleman' (?) who was indicted in 1867 for steaing a mole from B.U Collie, colored, was found guilty, and aentenced to five-years lard labor in the nrm.t. UU !. (0!U m Jn fi"d, din and Jahor furnished where mules are rce.- It ia perhaps unnecessary to add that J3artlefion is not and never was a Re- publicaiiu f . . . Probate Judge West was yesterday en gagea ia receivane; uoposmons, on an ap- pointment fiom the Court of Common flea of the city of . New York, in 'the case of Messrs. Baer fc Eppler, taTecover from the London .Liverpool fc Globe Firo Insurance Company the amount of their insurance." We hope' that the facts eucirca on. mis occasion win nsve uie effect of causing ttua , Company to pay. to Messis. Baer & Eppler the full amount of insurance ; claimed and dua. Every day 'this amount is withheld is injurious to the city of New-Bern as we? have no doubt that on the. receipt of the amount due them these' gentlemen woald at "once build on the site of their late Btore. A Qaxd. 1 desire to say, as a token ot my aroreeiation and regard, that I shall ever feel grateful to the fireman and citizens of New-Bern as well as the officers and erew of the Bevende Cnttef E. A. Stevens, for their energies and un. rwmrtA VinlnocoAo wtwoWla mA in oebiafinn fsi "v - a . . i . . i . j save my property iront uie iate cusasnoos ore, and also will state that the remaining portion of mJ stock consisuag vi xooacco, vigara. Jriptw, 1 -r ; ttt: T T t :n V jjiquors, tuit, AJMrrr iwci, a.ff ac, wixt ue found in the store opposite the Gaston House where I shall be pleased to see ail my . old ens- tomers ana WJ9 people generally. It,' .- F. Uiaiob. THE SEGAR ' EMPORIUM OF 7 : TEW-BERN. SOUTH FeonT StEBET,' BETWTEW J. J. t Wolfexden's and the Gaston House. Constantly on hand, a full stock of all kinds of Segars at reasonable prices.' Also, plug tobacco an(j celebrated Durham smoking, of ,the best quality. ' Solace and Century brands of chewing tobacco. All kinds of pipes and snuff always on hand at wholesale and retail. M. GOLDSMITH, proprietor, ' March 1-tf. A THIRD EFFORT . V TWO FIRES WITHIN THREE MONTHS. 1 TO THE PUBLIC: X. ; ' I would resptftuly inform 'my ' customers and the public tnat L am sail anve ana aicmng and will be ready in a few days.to open my bak- ery on Middl(J Street, one 'door north of Messrs. Gates & Green and supply my customers as us- ualwiOi the best quality of Bread, Cakes, Pies, - - ? - , . , V L I have rented the (so-caled) Government Bak- cravpn steeet near Pollock, and will sup- I -r awm wa fWwn 4lAvA tL oT i-7onaH for bast fa- I vors I respectfully solicit a continuance of their f liberal natronaee. ' ' I .April 19. -tf. ,t M. UAHS, I JOHN llfcSORLE Y, I J - ' - - - Boot fc Shoe Maker Bboad Stbket, 3d door from Hancock, T1HE VEBY .BEST, quality of Vrench Calf 1 skin Moots and Uboes. mad to oraer ana warranted equal, if not superior, to any in the "Zl :r e - : ufl The! Best Workmen -j to be found In the country are Employed in this ' SHOP perfect fit 0; every case .:. guaranteed. I i i J" -h ways on hand andf for sale1 ,;! 5 Fine Boolshd Shoes t ; at prices waraated .to snit a n JpRINIGh A SPECIALTY, t . . . , ':'-ir WfaW 'mannerJatfair UU UVUO 1U WUU wow- pvw".-- - .v, ( v pneet) asd w p 8i,orte8i nouce. g - j pait patronag I respectfully solicit a con- at ' AC ML. I T -T - -rr. . tiauance of tne same in my new location. . ' JOHN McSOBLEY. April JT-lra. ' a . 'j , - . ,h... ' ,".-. V .k." Goldsmith has opened i temporarily .bis gegar and tobacco store at the store on South Front street between J.'J; Wolfenden's and the Gaston House. . V April 15-tf. ; 1 200,000 Hard Brick for sale . from the Kila at low ptices by . ? r ft..-.. 1 : MrrCIlELL, ALLEN & Co ' We learn that Messrs. Weinstein St Bro. wi I open business in a few days at the Miller baild- ing on Broad street, near. Hancock. ; iU; 15-tf ; i , A. TJcIiACEIiAN, : MERCHANT TAILOR, MIDDLfe STREET, OPPOSITE DANCEHT'S BAKERY. l? "'J ; ' " "-- f E " l" v " - undersigned - . . . . would respectfully inform his friends and the public that" he has f i opened at the above-named " : V stand, with a fine assortment of jk ... . i . .. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &c.f - suitable forthe season, and is pre- - ' ' i pared to execute orders for ' i "( snits and all work In his. - 1 line. I hereby ex- ; ' - - press my grateful - acknowledge- -' '' ; m e n t . - FOR' assistance rendered me in preserving my pro perty at the late fire, and return thanks to the firemen and citizens generally for their kind- .. ' ness to me; ... Very respectfully, A. MoXucsiak. Wdpril lillD, r ! xbaaUaai. . Invalids, broken down in health and spir its by Chronic pyspepsia,; or suffering from the terrible exhaustion which folio w,s the attacks of acute disease, the testimony of thou sands who have been raised as by a miracle from a similar state of prostration by Hostel lers Stomach, Bitter's, is a sure guarantee that by the same means you too may be restored. But to those who stand in peril of epidemics, to all who, by reason of exposure, priv alions and uncongenial climate or unhealthy pursuits, may at anyr moment be ' stricken down, this paragraph is most particularly and, emphat ically addressed. ' You, who are thus .situated are proffered as absolute safeguard agaicst the danger that menaces you. ' Tone and regulate the system with this harmless medicinal stim ulant and alterative, arrd you will before- armed againstthe maladies whose seeds float arounj you , in "the. air unseen. '" Hosteler's Stomach Bitters are not only a standard tonic and alterative throughout, the United Stales, but they are accredited by the certificates of the tnost J3tinsruished citieens of the Union to the people Of all other lands. , . In Caaada Australia, and the West Indies, they are grad ually taking the placo of all other stomachic, whether native or foreign, and as surely as truth is progressive and demonstration over throws doubt, they will, eventually supersede every other invigorant and restorative now empioyea in meuicai practice. ,t A Cabd. I desire to return my thanks to my friends and the public for their efforts to save my stocs and lor Kindness shown me in 1 my misfortune at the great fire and would re- I spectfully inform the public that I have taken I the store on Craven street, near Pollock, lately occupied by Messrs. Kellett & Churchill, where I J atter the balance of my stock, in a oamagea condition, at very low prices. I have a few I ratsi-a of rond. on tha wav. which, fortlinatel V. 1 were not here to be lost in the general wreck, T,Vt T iloDira Ia 1iaaru r t Lnvw wrtr naah Those persons who are indebted to me will do me the favor to call and settle as. I nSed money Daay- ' veryrespectiuiiy, April 12-tf. O.., Marks. ' 41,000 Eewaho is offered by the proprietor of Dr. i Pierce's Alt. Ext., or Golden Kedical Discovery for a medicine that will equal it in the core of all these dls- w0"0 ..M.vi. - severe, scute or linserins Ooachs, Consnmption in its , ... ikt.. Ti.n,.i,i..'ii!l. "'wv. r - eases and Skin - diseases, as Eruptions, Fimples. Blotches and Boils. It i sold by droggists. , " SOMETHING NEW. The undersigned has just returned home from New York with a new and se lected . stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Onrula and 'Krl v-hlmlA P,lothinr. and Cin furnish you with a complete suit from UCau IA lyy VI r VAa JUV V ... fvt, xa Ani4 pYimin til (TDAils. pvprvthin? new flnrl Anm Lb in era litiVeL A full ASSOrt- raent of he latest styles always on hand. . D. HANCUClv, No. 16 PollokSt. - New-Berpe, N. C, March 25,-1 mo A lot of splendid Cuba Molasses JUST RECEIVED from Charleston, by Schooner AGILE, and ' for Sale Low at T ' J. E. AMYETT'S. PHUNNY! r AUTOBIOGRAPHY, r ; - AND ' ' ' - PIBST E0MA5CE, ' " " ' ' . " 'at ' " , ' " April 4-tf.l J. E. WASH'S. BEST ENGLISH CUTLEKY. ' POCKET KNIVES, SCISSORS-Singly or in nice ,: r.lorroco Cases. v,..- PEM MAKERS OF RQUERS and WOSTENHOLMS . MANUFACTURE. NON? BUT THE BEST CUTLE8Y KEPT BY J. JC SASII. f r-v . V : ft JW .i narreis Jvorriiiaras diiiiii. RECEIVED this day, and for sale by i J. E. AilTETT. . A, BEAUTIFUL CHEOlf 0 AFTER ip& JAS. M, HAttT, BY L'rBANGhj'- "-y, "' ' 'pbicw $moa-'- a 1 'i i ia.jiM..ijnj t..i.uaJi v! "ew ; Advertisements. ; CIRCUIT COtfBT (5? TUIU M'l'liD STATES 05 - .Disnaes. ojt NobthCasouqu.' ; pnited States i' h C, h I iU'ac-H'l i'i ti '' flit ft vrrfi i nn I still and fixtures and 8 acres more' or leas of the Uafl ou which i Libel of Inlbnnfio.f said iistillerr tnr 1 J..-, ,a sj r,,0 , ated in the ronnty of Vjj j-.j w.,f t twtnanjanu&wteci i . . ,,- itS , North Carolina. JfULf.. - ,r ' t the property of EDshaV ', , . ', Bnrns. ...t,.- v ) .... ... : To Elisbiv Bnms, and to all whom it may con- cern: ureeung. i 1 ; XV. A IV. - Vn... Il -J :j 7- - -. I--3 T T ' 1 huucc is ucrcur oeu kuai tiieiuui'T, uiou- i Collector 4th Collection Utstnot of H U, on the 20th day of Mtrch, 1871, as forfeittd to the uses of the United States, for violation of tile Bevenne Laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted in the Cixonit Court Of the Uni ted States, for condemnation for the causes in tne said JLibel or Xniormation set lortn;- ana that the said causes will stand for trial at the Court Boom "of said court at RaVgh on the first Monday, of. Jane next, if that be a juris- diction day, and if not at the next day of jo- risdktios thereafter,: When and where allj)er- sops pre warued to appear to show canse why cofidemnation should be decreed ftnd to jnter- vene for their interest. " 1 '' ""' " Given under my hand at office, in Baleigh, 4 . j 1071 . - - this f urteenth day of Iprll, 1871. a!9iw S. T. CABKOW, U. . MarahaV BOOHS, i". , -..1 . xJt L SASHES, BLINDS , Wood Mouldings, Stair Bails, 2Tewels, &c. Enamelled Embossed ' Ground, and Cut Class,' A bu-ee and well assorted stock of the above1 oocl8 constantly on hand at the ooest rates., ur I ler work Dromntlv attendrd to. Bdildera and own- l ra will nna it t j their advantage to pet oar ewn-a natu rfin nnrrbastn?. SocAlat attention. siren Ilo Black Walnut and other Firnfa-da work ,. , Estiruatea and Price LUts furnished oil aDDlica- ton. IVHI I IWH A . ' " 23 230 Canal Street,' Apl9 3m NEW YORK: A PIBPBJI a BJ IBJ F-Wrnv uglier' Mrs itiinii saw k w bit rs w wf k Buy a POCXEK FLBE APPARATUS, Can ; ' I be used to wash WINDOWS. SPRINKLE THE GAR. ' ; DEN, OB PUT OUT A FIEE. Everybody shouldhave one when SPARKS FLY. ? . r. Tn - . ' BERRY'S DRUG STORE,' ION CRAVEN STREET, . and order one, stitch in time saves nine. April 13th-tf. i, : wnra arcivia i nunv, -- W AJ -U i I ' AND UT t ATF DnATT "If K VTTli1 K PTTTD1i,'D OVETt THE N. C. BOOK8TOBE. EALEIGH, 5.0. art t t n.uaiu tr: x j vt..Jt T v-t- i njaaetooraer. , . . j i 1 North Carolina Reports and other Law Books bound ia saDerior Law Bindin?- i nnmoers taKen in exchange for miuiine. The Verdict of tlxe ; .People The Verdict of the People. 'JfoQ erCllCt Ol tUQ people IS THAT G. W. Gail & Ax's G. W. Gail & Ax's G. W. Gail & Ax s CELEBRATED, ' , . SCOTCH SNUFFS SCOTCH ! SNUFFS : SCOTCH SNUFFS ABE PRONOUNCED To be the best SNUFFS in the market. Let all who have not tried it try it and they will use no oiuer, ior n-10 irec vi u iBjunuui Ingredients commonly used in the manqfac tare of , ether 8 nulls. bold in New-Bern, N. C. by . ' ; - Walker,' Jones Ac., Thqtnas Wflliaina, 1 J Wolfenden d Ce., John JS Amyett, . Jf"' uates & Ureen, J A Bell, ' HoUister Sc. Slover, Lorch Bro A Mills . .T., w 1-T 1 11. U i f. P Vv utchtor? .l F X' , j Wm Clare, , M Patterson. . I ttowiajiaijroa,,viaoieaaaevrrocers, Agents ioj rtonoia, t . . . , ' . . T. T Whnlili rnnlivtinTi.T A nrctif I wv""-. " for &chmont, j. G. W. Williama Jt Co- Agents for Ciirles. (on, S. C. . Nov. 21t .. .,,-7 &?.'bliAT6di!U,;iulOAt :entre&isj Cob Cbat andBKOij) Srera."i LI'S .C'j) M" ..1" i.r' f' ' W r :r,'? MoriurrientsV r.f t. i.'i f Ti.r.,..je ,Tomb8tones&:o. . . . . r , .. , JAMES BOYTVB. 'i. ; fli;ia i i,TZt.-r7.. T2. T.-jqA- ! .i v riM,.4 ft !'' Mir- i'-ft'ltOt lie ll JJ i Carpenter and Builder,' swot e .'j.wn' "f o! ,r; ?A f: I'K Pollok St., New Dern, n . Xs 3tOW'roOTATmx.TP"rOTNTRaCT fob Jttyl, h b4 hesc iDd duan. aaahea ao4 blind, kejrt on aana wr nuOe (a rd M abortaat tfottc. wyr iiiiw, , m i SM r4 IjiyOTACT BBHeilr - . , , T 0 T ; . -. Q 0 5 S XJ JJL E KB - 0 Z D E T , G 0 0 P S " 1 v- w-r . " , ; ' over delivered in any part of , . r , ;. ! tlie antry ' ; 1 1 FREE pE EXPEESS . , CH ARGES.j( ri niTTTr'M , V A TV"li , i jr. env? "A1L,lt,JS ' J . ,bVf ;' OP BALTIMOBE. JtD.. , , ; ,.; . Ja orte taebettarUineBt thii wanU of their Eetafl Customer at a dUUnce. have established a :i . , 1 ' ; o a trpT T TJTTR'PiTT ' :' SABtfLt., j&UKLAU, .; - - aniwlll, npon applioaUoW prmpti MNcT'to oi fall line of Samples f tha JJewt ana most Fnshlonshle S-fflSSiS MalSI7FACTUItKj;aranteelotall time ta sell oa tow u BOt at ori.Uau any bona in the coantry.' . . . . . ., jBnTlnjf onr irooaa rrom. tne irret ana mw ccie- brated nMonfaotorers tM ditttrODt narta f Enmiw, Land Importing tha sama by Steamer -direct to Balti more, aorstuca v a, ail times promptly au puea wun the tioVelttes of the London and Pari markets. ' Aa we boy and nil mku tor etuh. and make t bd Aehtt, yrr are able and willing to sell oar cootla at vrox T cn Ta fiSTtHWi Fail Ceht. Lis Profit taau we gava credit, . ' V3 sIti senilntj far temple $peeify the- Hnl defined. Wa keep the fceA Kradta. of ew v class Of goods from the lowest to tne most costly, Ordtr vitaecomvtinUb bv tfi-eeuenmillMUfttt V. O.U- uPROMPT-PYfNG WHOLESALE 3D TEE are invited to iaopect the stock in ou Jobbiujt and Pack ace Department. Addres t - "v: -f. ' . i -wi; r ! , , ." HAMILTON EASTER SQNS. y , 156, 1UC, 201 and?04 West Baltimore r ' . i--t i n ' , . . .. : ,i TT. ; ; Baltimore' OCtjadOdflV.. fViVi;.K? l-.y. ifini; in-m )" rii 64 jCJECtJIT COUBT C? THE UNITED STATES. ; f DI8TBICT OV OBTH CABOLQU. , United States .- 1 wsgon and yoke of oxen, snd V Libel sf InfomwitioaL 15 gallons of brandy, aa the : ,'.. tt jpTOferty of David Laws. , J ; , . . , To David Laws, and to all whom it nay Concerai Grsct- ag. - ' ' .- - Notice is hereby given that, the above mentioned pro--vsrty waa seized by 8.-H. Wiley. Collwtor th OoUeetiao Jitrict, Hortb Carolina, n tira STtb day of February. 1871, aa lorteuea co tne Ases or tne uniiea nuuea. ior violation of the Internal Bevenne Lsws, and the same is libelled and proaecoted in the rSrcait Coort of the United States' for. conileianaan for tha causes in the aaid Libol pf Information set -forth: and that ths said cause a will stand for trial at. the Court Boom of said Com at Haleigh; on 1 the nrst" Konda y of June next. If that be a tnrisdiction das. aad if not at tne next day ef jurisdiutiun thercaffor, wtieuand waera 'all persons ars warned to appear tq show canse wiry -wideniuatiow should not 1)6 ftecTJeil and to iiitervpna'fc the j Interest. f" ooaw my timiu uuguwnitiviiu! day ' of April. 1871. S,, T. CAEBOW, . . P. Marshal.. .April 11-lawiw, Largo Lot of Pork, Lard, Butter JUST RECEIVED. ! For anything you want -call at ' - ' vtt :? ; dt March 18 -tf,"" J. t E.: AMYETT'S- - - . YOUNCIt BRO.. ' - . . : - PootbfMidcilo St ' Keep constantly on hand first elans Family Groceries, Crockery i' Glass wafe, Dry Goods &c.,Ao, ' - " ' -J All 'orders receive prompt attention, and goods delivered to regular customers in the eity free of charge; ' " G. W. YOUNG, S. P. YOUNG. lil.'2-i-tn ' ' n ' , ' " . , .The- Cheapest; i - 1 "' PICTURE GALLERY ,! m ironTii carolwa : AT WORM ELL'S, At Ko. 35,' Cbavx, Sireev, near Berry's Drug Store, ' . ... - - ...... Now-Berno, N. C. PaiCE3 REDUCED ONE HALF. READ! ' READ! . READ!! One larje ptctnre an 8x10 oral Franca, anjy , f 3 00 ronr mrjre cara size net area - j w Nine Pietnres Album also - - r 1 00 ThirtT-aix LlUle Gems only ' - . i 0 t:hildrcn nnd-T tonr jcms oi ara. ou eenta extra. Ilarins f tted np te room in (rood style, and added tnrea canbe mad; at one sitting, we are itetermined to make FIS8 LaSS PICTfrnKS, notwithtandin(f thir KXTBElELi LOW PrtiCKS. flcture rrat of all kinds for less money than thev were ever offered hut ore ia ttala market. -Come and see. - - Copyine done in the best possible style, so ' matter how smrfU a pictare yon maj hare bring it and bare a. good one made rrom it, -' A laiye sMortmeiit of Albans and pletar frames en hand at low pnes. -tf r.t ; , . ' -. '.-tp STEAD MAN'S billiard; 'SALOON, Craven St., nearlSouth Front. Dilliards as a Pastime, and Exercise Tor fhetlTIillion. i. f. .'i s!' :-"- .9 -A JL HIS SALOON IS eSSTKALLT LOCATED 15P qalet The torers of ths Gam wUl Sad .'"-." Good. -Talolesr A . . ..7 i 1 afld polite attention Witbuat fjbtmstTeaess or aawry I Ina criUdani troa laokcrt at tais.BalMSk . itociatt i t. 4. : T"" ' . - . '. .........1 , ... .. . ' ( ... f.4 i.-'iZi ht t...!i.i. 4 ,ls .f is t t4TB ,.', .ijw (i.".l mil luvio THETS,XtnVT i DOLXiARS'. EACHvi0OU- (ftms to 'be AWAitDEDH nwij 1 Cash Gift. . . i. .-: .r.x .'.'.ClJlDtOOO I Cash Giffc,ii..Uwvv'....-vt.0lo 1 Cash Gift..,.., 10.000 1 Cash Gift. ?. .". .'.i : 'r. .'. . : .'. . : 5,000 1 Cnahi Gifti . u .. .., .-. . t'. - .3,000 1 Cash Gift..., 2.00Q 1 Cash Gift?.-.-.::.':.'.':.'.'.. 1 Cash .-Gift. j; . .. . , -.-...... 1.000 1 Cash Gift ; 1,000 1 Cash Gift.V..y.:i.i. ...... . . .S "1,000 1 Cash. Gift. i.i..v r..;. .-,, it c-'ilr hO 1 Cash Gift. :l. . .t. ........ ... 1,000 i caabiGift:v:.vir;:;.iii.u. 1 Cash "Cptr.TVw,'. ,.. . f,i. .0 l.Casli Gift,-i-1.00 1 Cash Gift..Vi. . : J 7. 7, i .... . ' 1,000 1 Gash Gi0 500 each,; ',.7,500 10 Cash Gifts. 2oU each z.ouu 20' Cash Gifts,5 100 each... '.. 50 CashGiftsi ,50 each...... 100 Cash Gifta, , 30 each 100 Cash Gifts, 25eaeh;i :i. A 1000 Cash Gifts, .vlO each. ..., . 1000 Cash Gifts, S each.., 2,000 v 2,500 3,000 s 800 ,10,000 .5,000 ? v- 2310 Gift amountinflr to, i ....: .$100. OOi Which will be distribntd py the Mcttjal Aid Association. 'r :! piwyJf ' ' -.This enterpriee will be condnotod ia a'pre cisely similar manner to that of the lato (Jrand Gift Concer? of the &ER0ANTILE LIBitARY ASSOGIATIOS, of n Francisco, which gave enp.Vi ITnirpraal Satisfaction. . . Good, responsible agents" 'wanted. liberal comrjoiasuma allowed, j f tu . i For full particulars &ddesa z - ' ; ' ? -LYEORP: & CQ., OmahaVNe"Jreska, Office, Caldwell Block: U 1 ' Business Managers. -? :Apjril l-lawteL,-'? ,-i' vss'JIt i. ' FOR NEW YORK " MURAY'S K?C. STEAMSHIP LIE SAILING KVEJIY" FIVE DATS - - - ' r-.e s-: ' " - Ellen S. ' Terry, , Chapin Master. Leaving New-Bern, N. C, fr New York Tuesday, April 18th at 5 o'clock. : i.-.-. : !j't it.' ' I''" 'i, i. j V .1 'J..I ' HHj 'reight ' received at all times Toiler cover. tThrougb i Biils of Lading riven to and rom all points on the N. 0. liail lload. ' ! Insurance effected through us at per cent.;. ;, .r ,1 . Freights will be taken for postern, Phila delphia and Baltimore. ,.; B. Ii. CHURCHILL & Co., i SUCCESSORS, TO C A. HABT, ' ' ft ,i : ' 1 ' )'). "ew-B erne; N, 0.' 4 Tin Waxe j Maaxifactory, HOUSK FUHN1SHING J8TOBE ,- i. . - ... ' , , - ( ' - , iSTloofirig and - gutter wrorlc, made a spe ciality.- - i Itenlentm , ... STOVES, Hard Ware," q " - i) Willow TWare - 1 l X X and Wooden Ware, Gmia, Pistols, . 5 5 '- Powder, Shot , and Cans.' Kerosene, Lard . . . 1 : ' and Common Oils, Xsamps in Great Variety, CHiimneys, "Wicks, , ... v : - "1 n Glass," - Pntty', aaaafallsteckftf ' " ' ' ' HOUSE FtJSISHING GOODS. AS-We saaiu' atTovBs snsriaKyj ws wonU be pleased to, have all ta wast, to examlae oar stock ; D.L.CHUnCHILLt Co. jaarealttVii '9-v w i5yM'i. , ? -t eivonccs. Absolute Divorces leeallv obulned in : Kew Torlr, Indiana, lHinoia,and other Slates for persons ' fiQm ' any State or coontrv,,iegai crcijsucic, unci uuu, . uw.-"n'-." support, etc., sufficient cause tjo publicity No charge qntll divorce U obtained. Advice free, - Address,' J: y . ""'. MOOKE A RICSARDSON;1 te ' . Counsellors at Law, 180 BaoABWAT, New York City. Dec 83-ly. v tfar- tMflirll'3 'p- i'i., tl(.i, :l . i'-ii S:----.. - j-7r-..' , . ,1 ". Hin.yH 4i S-pecid;V !NqqeJ7. a--awJssirrjaTs.iaw.sraT ,1 J J K . u f i Jija ,1, . r2 :t r ? i!1il ffflUaV O A R 1S P -U LL is a preventive oi and .Fevers, .1 .tT'JJwW $Mw 4AlrH,Wv i i If good for aU kidney and bjaddcr fmpUlat Ia; used, aUertl world by phjiipiana.i t . their practice. . V ol f e' a Schied am Sc h un pja ,5 Tr-(v is good for Gout. , Wolfe's Sciird-"a . Schnapps, rj Is good tor all, Urinary complaints, ft'-' " - ' ;- - ; " I ' 'f . ,, Wo'fc Scbicsiam Schnappa, ts j Is rcconimeced by all the Medical Faculty. '.. 1 ' 1. 1 . -i. i ' ... Is good, for Colic and pairtin, Jhe s lomac"va v Wolff Schiedain &Any 9 iJ Is imitated and counterfeited, and Tu rebate i . will have to use ration ia:purchasing. j ; I ix leave to carl the attention o 1b rra : der to lestimnnials in favor of. tii Kebotappk - I feel botind. to sy Hyit, J regard rov f ScmcAPPs 'as -being In every rwpept prw-rfi inenily -pure, aud 0serru4)f nedieidpa ronage. At all events it is th puresi rss6ilvk V article of Holland Rin.i heretofore i nnnbtaln ble. aad as such uav be safely presciibed -by . physicians, . ., ' . , ; 1) AVI 17 L. MOTT, M. D.;" PharmaccutUt Olse6ustMwVork. I Ujuf s.?S;ea.t has ' !ITjisvriiLB, Kr Sept. 1." t feel thatrw have now an article of u-io suiiabki for stwj cases as that rcpiedy is adapted to. , -o: r DB.JT W. B.3rlhtf 'iSi.l ;; I " f .-.? .-'-::1., "Schnapps' is a remedy In chrcnle c.al arrhal complaints, etc. t7" ' " ' : 1 take great pleasurejn bearing; hiishlycreU itabla tesiirr.ony to its efficacy as a.rcuied!i;r scent in the diseases for which rod recoin mend it. Having a-natural teaaency ta that mucous surfaces, with a slight degree of stlnv utation, I regard it as one ef ihe most Import' ant remedies in chronic catarrhal affect toni. i I . . e . i .... i . pamt'iuariy ui me n iuc Kcniw-tiriaary BJ parains. AVith much reapTt, your obediei servant, 1 CUAS A. LEAS, U. D., New Yk. : 2fl PisB S-rnEKlri It tw Yobk. Nov. iH&t Udoi.phO , VV4 vk. K.. rft; Daia Sib : 1 huve mnde a chemical examlpaicp of a snniple of ycnir "Schiedam Bchnappa,' witli the iuent of determining if any foiwia) or injurious suiislance iA hcn added to. ths Imple distilled ipirits. f t , ' - ; 4 ' The examination has resnltedla thecoacl. s Ion tbaMhe snmplo cootalot d no poisonoA . or harmful admixture. I have been unable n discover a ny ee of t he deleterious iubataorV which are sometimes employed iq Uje aduL teration of liquors. 5 I would not hesitate tK . uso myself, nor to recommend to titherafia medical purposes, the "Schiedam Scbnappt as an excellent and unobjectionable variety 6, gin..,-, f. , : . Very respectfully your, n o , (Signed) J CBA- A. SEELx, ChemisU, Chemical ak TkcVsiqal Labobatobt, lb Exchakob Place, New,YobkJov. 25,180?-. Udoi.pho .Wolfb, Kstj.; ' Ueab 8iB;-Tlit undersigned have careNHy , and thoroogb. ly analysed a. sample of your Ammath Schiedam Schnapas," teli-cted by ourselves, and have foud (b sam free from: aU ganic or inorganic su balances., more or lit, injurious to health.-' From the result of ou. exsmi nation we consider the article one of superior quality, healthful as a beverage, and effectual in its medicjnal Qualities. - i Refpectfully yours ' " - ' , ! t AIKX. TUIPPLE. Chemist 1 f FRANCIS ( E. E.NGLLUAB.D, M. I), For sale by all respectable Grocers and Dru j- jiists, . ;. . 2fJ PEAY7HB ST, , P TO55. Hareh 4-8m n f nt, "K ' - 1 ) ii fl'i ' 1 i.J-'V' "1 " I im . , ,'i)''iii i.i'-) .'ms il.i rmAflue and:Fever The only vtreveufatrve known for Chilis ani. Fever it thntwf Wol f Schiedam tstlmapfi i u : : a iKOMOEE- FOOWRAPS ! This is the cry of thousands who have M their heads poisoneda&d tbcil haJr mined by ti . .' leas and irnLPQZB abomjaatosa . with .whitft -speculators have songht to snpewedje a fyff vhole4ot(ie, qnd perfect Djff? ' ' " V. v , -ChiTStadoro'a elaiot:fiil. "Df: X ' has had its' sales doubted .by l these neforioan attempts at oompetion; Fromjr'iyeiw Slatv, A County, City, and Townahip in, the,TJniyi orders for this Standard. Dye are continually pouring in.' - 'y - . ,' IT WEYEH' BUSSES FinF, .' but al was produces thg shade dew red, atadf lramedi tte in lja eff jets. t The most dolighttu dressing to use after dyeing the hair, is , CHRIST ADOHO'8 HAJJt PBCSKRYATIYS. , j April l-lm,., , : ;, USE,,'. ; ... U?PMAN;S ; GREAT GEJIMAN'BITTEfi:? THE tTAXSASO tITTISS CF 8D5MAJL ClfJ ITT! f 1E8T MifSIClAllJI TUBl BAHV nkBTlCLi a : jgf9Wlis!7W.;WH!..f,,',. Llppaan'-s 6resA Qcnaaa Bitters earss Xl4sr C plaints. . 4 , . UppmaWw Orest Oreat DerwiABBJtteT wW toaV. Llppm-in-s Great Oermin BM.ikaj4i!s1 nl atui 9ctia in $1 ari4r .' j. 4 ..--vi 1 Linpmaa's Croat Oeratsa BttMr, ,!M?fr well ' poopki.. ..-.'- if- tJ.- v- . ' - Llppmsn's Qreat Qerraaa WttersotTe aa Appeti f Lippmaa's Great Gernaa; Bisn W Uwe CW . I,1jpaas Great permaa 8tnf foetive qeans. " . . t Ljppmaa's Great 00" BJprv iy'. A "Lippmao K Great German Bittrf eafSS ljsrvoasw C lJppmaaV'Orsa'OeTPaa Bittav,' Osr Uppman.' Oreat Uerasaf Kars , retwiaMa, IJOTmwi'0ltenaa TOUars . tdUs the Ten 1 IJooaua'a Qraai OeraaaaBUUra wtfl.xlve TW? V -TUpwnaia'aQr tGrnmss twttsrrpsrsa ajCMmi Fever. ' " Hold by IL ADBIAN A YOLLftV !. 1. t I. i 1 if