W I 'I '"W T - " rr. "V l AW" Uv U V fN J I V " iV I I 1 1 I J I k f . 'I . V U, III 111 . J 1 1 I II , 4 III III :-.-"' IVV" I . 1. I HI . IE 1 SI 111 W III - " LIBERTY AND UNION. NOW AND POREVKR, ONtC AND lNHEPARABLK-'VIhiniel W,b.tr. NEW-BERNE, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 20, 1871. PRICE 3 CENTSj r John S.3Ianix, Local Editor.; t r Toiy i TMR8- it the official newspaper m euy of Sen Bernt, publishing aU lht taio and - A Postt-Offick, New-Berh. N.-O..': Mil Closes or tbe11" West and Biuth " (630 A. M. "T-- " Mail closes for Beaufort . and itae East,' at k 1(1 P M 1 Mail Closes for Washingtonr and Swift , . . OA 9 M ' -. J-''iw-? i Hvde and Beaufort Counties, every Tueidayj Mail closes for Trenton, PollokviMev ana -"wansboro, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8 SO A. M ::'"' '' '''' ' Mail closes .for Hatteras, Mew York, stm'r davs st 12 o'clock, M. ' i j , ' , Mail closes for Bay JUrer and Pamlico, . Batarduyat ... JAM. ; MAIL ARRIVES, "cl 5 ffc From lha North, West and South at, 6 i M (opened for Qeiiery ni . , ,.. : - ti.,,.f,.t and ihi "Eiist at I 7-35 A trmui)M" r - . r.!.r ' From Washington, bwih v.reea ,. ac. r wlnesdav and Friday at ' 4PM. - . Proii TrentoB,' Taeadaj .apd Pyjdajr at 4'From By River "and Pamlico, Friday at (1 jl.il.,i. 7 ; Letters sdveftised every Salnrday, and if not delivered in one month are." cnt to the ' ' dead letter office. Tte law requires that all letters shall be prepaid in full; when not fully paid the law nrovides for seading them to the .Ml letter Officer v h' f ".f-For tafety, mony orders tan be onfauiea jt apoo all the principle-oflSces in tbe-'tJnited Sutes. All letters containing Money or otjier 'VTilasbles should always be registeredi without , which, there is little safety. . - . . Office hours fron 8 A H,',ta 9 P M, and7; to 1.33 P M. Sundays from 1230 to 4 P3I- ; -' GEO.W.MSON.Jr., Postmaster. For groceries sea ajayeOf s locaj line-TSSI . ta ... ;4 ' r . - . - ' 'r& The Baleigh ladies are basy with memorial preparations, , j -; .. i - -7 .,. --i t - f The Wilmington Atar-'-ays a dibolical ': in, ;' c3nd"urj fire occurred in New Hanover Uoun ty last Satuiday night5 entailing a loss- of .$3,500. ' - ;- 'a Aj.t - .; The average annval Improvement, in WU 'a mingtoa U neasrly $300?00a'i; ''' ' ' .. a colored man naraea Jerry. ,rown was crushed betweec two carsr in Wilminjton on r,JIoaday, and probably . fatally iivjiued.' So lays the Bat.''-"' - 6' iff fi'The Wilpainton '5arj says haft , George 1 V Applewhite.'one of the most desperate of the 'Tobeson'outlaws was shot ancT killed in that coDtyf&Su&day last by : somo- person or r peraons as yet ,unknown. . . A - - ' g- s Persona who saw the body, stats that it was ' litteraly ehot to peices.f .'. ... ........ .,. . 8ntiNO Sickhbss. Here are two 5 excellent proles for avoiding Spring sickness: First,' peo- pie must eat a less proportion of carbonaceous " food at all times. " Second,", as the weather -grows warnfer trrthepttng; they-mnst"Bat a much less qnantity of it 1 than ; they do in cold weather, and substitute instead, , more vegetables and acid fruits. rn v . ' For ways that .are dark..and for tricks that are vain, " commend us to the originators of the late amendment to the city charter, and the Legislature that passed it i Toe Disciple Ghnroh of Kinston are holding a ? -i.- liur unit ihhIiI vhi. , o - . Hon.-L. J. Moore appeared as associate -counsel with Solicitor Sherrard in the case of the State v8arQston. 3Ir.!Mpore, welaarn,,dona full crldit to"himselt ' - Yesterday was bright, balmy and warm. Thermometer Probate Judge West .was. yesterday again engaged in receiving depositions in the 'case of Baer & Eppler vs. the insurance company. New-Bern' has undoubtedly ' some of the fiaastvagatabe gardens rn- the 0000137. Pew j9 taich pcMeand care in-the "cnlbvation of these, useful little farms as New Berajans. -pt- - ,- .-:r- ..jey ',.-'Z ' A man living in Charlotte is dangerously ill, and insurance agents are muchly exercised' as the life of the sick man is insured for- $120,000. To EXCTJBSIONISTS AinPjfCj NW 'PjABTIES. For fresh cakes anaijjpracersr smoked beef tongues an3 pickies-2all at1 J. E. Amyett's. lTl-ir,i- t -m ... " . ... 1 .-. wju ua ergantzett aTorass joana wnicn. is low being perfected by Professor Follman. &lready proficient .musicians, and the band fMm bids fair to fco6nie aa eieeljeni institution Much musical . interest is being manifested 1 the young men of -Kinston, in addition to 7 ?b band, already formed, an excellent Band ig beg formed. " : t& ' " " ',L , '" 1 fU'j We call the" attention of. on readera to the, usement of Mr. McLacklan, the popular whose energy in again, commencing busi 688 iooii-bj bSrjfiliilTrife-" otlt. ;is eom- tt-ndahle an d deserves eneouragement. ' '3 tit chUdren sing.; nr.-EuBh'said&attlie awhy Germans die - so seldom with con- : taion, is the fret of tteix Binding fiem the tchUdhooi ' " ' " ' teav '' ' i" - - ' "tJ P fresh.; wintergreen.cattered where "ongregate' --disperse1 th.ern:'as "y as eamphor, .- t 5 - - i - A J , t"boi7 says the ialMie.ehhH.5of,iff o,fwith raw proaucte ajone, attempt- to contest for f Uit PP?la:tip?in??,35 Eple elabora ung those products,' are sure to the xmrstA Tt is a pleasing indication thflt the ppoplaof the test" Wtr8&&te'M&jitin$ touappr!iate this truth. They not ovly have an abundance of wool, cott'nct)fiier essential raw materials at .hana,r but they, are fortunafe - 4a . having a swift crcatOT" 'of VealtE the most important i ejmand;ofaU acjljfe aviliaationi-iin unlimited water power. The true f course, then, is fosel this cheap ehimiell '"power at wortitp make the myriad water courses of the country con tiibute . p pwjaoarcel f weaMLf a, twett'aa oar The Gpldiioro? tfciBt wautor af . eonvantitm nf -aewapuper -editors-caned aid oonventton to consist of ' editorial Teprestmtatives ' of every political shade, for the purpose of agreeing to bredteSicaL nofmaQa bnd Jr 4t&4w to one" another. This is a very excellent Sdea.fi iuo uuiy oujequon ion Deuig its impractibuity. The Sentinelf the leading, journal. of, the. op poeti(t, wouil iacver' agtea4o-nytLiHg of the kind, for the reason that as soon as it subscribed topucb, conation Uje papea would be defunctv a its, entire: stock in trade consists of ineai, personal allusions, and c'entemptabl'a. t We xape&t genUemenlof the " New, the idea is a good one but impracticable references. ' " ESphisg Election Styles. -s-TheSDrinir election styles this year arc deci jedly Repub- orMorlday and Tuesday's work last week; Michigan elected the Republican judicial tieket.' . " . j Cincinnati elected the Republican candidate fur Mayor by 2,000 ma jority. ' I .. Annapolis ana Tomsontown, Maryland, both elected the Retuiliiinan tiVkett, , t ?yansille, lad., electsa Republican, Mayort The new amendment to the city charter, (re quires a new election for trustees of the New Bern Academy. This will require the holding of WTft?W etty tfpmfSaragTCopf enflonj for the pnfpoatf A raaMng rioBainatfons ft these posi tions. At the meetings of primaries let each ward select three ' delegates to the city convention. . R-smember Republicans, 'the opposition -are' s( . doing all they jean, do not let anything deter you from taking every interest in all that pertains to the approaching election, or from taking an active interest in attending the meetings and impressing upon your neighbors P&Q)?3taifi fofUndb.the polls' onelec- tion day and depositing their vote. "We want to see every Republican taking tlje same interest m the approaching .municipal election ' that he would feel - .called; j BP; to tftkeif a candidate for president was. running. la this way we feel sure of snccess and complete triumph. There fore, Republican rally. ' Our friend Hahn, is the. most cnteprising d5 EefPCI Us$i ATfeo tfjrhf feapletely burtit cut twice within .three months, be will in a short time be in full blast, by establish ing two bakeries instead of one, as heretofore. Success Id hiai. ' ' ' , . . . New Steamboat Lis e. We understand that the parties who. have secured the ' contract to carry the mails from Plymouth to Franklin De pot, are in town, endeavoring to negotiate for the purchase of a suitable steamer to put 'on the above route. Success to all new enterprises. ', The Truthful Hen. A youthfid hen found an egg, rand yieJ4in toj t4wjvernaT3nstinct, sa upon it till the process of incubation was com plete. Her mother, who had laid the egg, and had taken groat pains in shaping and coloring It, came along? 'seeing ,tndy thi-broken sheU, burst into tears and said: " Alas, my daughter, who has destroyed iny favorite egg ? " The fea&ered oSspring quickly responded, " I can not tell a lie. moliier; I 'cannot tell a lie; X did it with my little hatclt-it.' , ' New Mode of Addbess. -On an envelope postmarked some point in North Carolina re ceived a day or two since at the Columbus Post Office appeared the following: . . t To Coiumbns, Ga., I wish to go, -- s ' Please Postmaster send me so, ' And ' ' little Fred in the Post Office there v "yiU take me out and read with - . ' - 1 ' " Shoo Fly! Don't bodder me." j L To which ;v litae Fred ", responded , upon an. envelope received at the Post Office here, as follows: ' '-;'--- . I i I To -Ne vJB eyne Cnij jQ'er 'hiU, ttrough vajei ajijbridgea under, Te t. this letter go like thunder, Hurry it up, don't let itjumble " And deliver it quick to " Anuie WormelL" 1 Attend to this, friend Nason, jumor, Carry it, quick; jif. not sooner, 'J I To E. S. Gallery, there you'll And her, And of " Uttle Fred " it wiltremind her. . ; V : . f : Select School. Miss' Linens Custiss has opened a school, at the residence jof Mrs. iMary Ann Primrose,-pni Craven street, Jor the instruc tipoofyauB j ladies 4n4he bigher Brmofcea of Englisn.'Masic, French and JUatnj5J .Ternis per session of ten weeks: , , Higher English, vS;.j(i. Higher English and French or Ltktirv : Freneh-er Latin-alonerV" f,'- Music 'on Piano -or Guitar, 24 lessons, Use of instrUmeiit Tor" practice, ' $ 8.0& : 10,00 - 5.00 3 00 3.00 Board can be bAdtor'young ladies in private families on'modefate7 terms. -"" - Ap20-tf SCONDITION fFTETEN A"l i2f AL BAXKS f IN NORTH CAR0LINAH ;' !' WASHrNGTON, April 12.-An abstract of ye. ports'to the Contirdlfef of theCurrency 'show the -conditibB df the National Banks at the Close of busihi'ss March 18, as follows 1 : ;.. '' ' KOBTB CAKQI-lA--;IIGnT BAPK8. , . Loans and'dU'- i ni t1'6 United Statts bonds. . -fit 8pecie--., .,fw it -- fE't?,i Legal-tender notes.-.'wo-' hr f;f- Capitah - T -U 3 JLKO f ' t Individual deposiu;! H 1 Resources and liabilities Vi,ofli3i are each, MZETINO OF THE BOABO OT AlDEKMEH. The Board of Aldermen met yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Mayor Berry presiding. - Present : Aldermen Willis, York, McLacklan, Slachter. Fisher, and Crawford. T Mayor called attention to the" fact that "fat. accordance with a recent act of the Legislature amending the charter of the city of New-Bern, an election would be held on the first Monday in May, for seven Cbuncilmen and Trustees of the New-Bern" Academy ; ft was therefore necessary tba tke proper action for the hoiding pf said election be taken. , ; The amendment in question provides that the Mayor and Board of .dldermen appoint regis trars for the approaching eleetion, Whereupon on motion the following gentlemen were ap pointetLxcgistrara. - - 1st Ward, W. L. Palmer ; 2nd Ward, Geo. W. Nason, jr. ; 3rd Ward, Rich'd. Tucker ; 4th Ward, E. A, Richardson ; 5th Ward, C.1 "i. Nekoo'Ux. Ward, Geo. CvRixford ; Jtb. Wardt eeorgBj Witis. - ; r - " ' On motioa the 71erk was instructed to no tify the foregoing appointees, to -apply to him and receive the Registration Books, and pro ceed to register at once.. On motion the following nam d uenllemen were appointed Judges' of Election and the Clerk instructed to notify them of their ap pointment. ' ' ' 1st Ward E. C'Tunis and C. R Robbins 2d A Ward R. Hancock, Jr. . and Ed ward Havens.- '- , ' ; r . 3rd Ward j. A. Suydam, Jr. and Win. W. Lawejice,. r; ,' ..- s ;' J 4li LKT-Sydney ; Tuttle and George R." Green. , ; 5tb Ward Wm. H. Johnson and Geo. S Smith. ' v 6ih Ward Daniel Harris and I. B. Abbott , 7h TardT-Joaeph Mum ford and Geo. Physic Ob motion the 2ayor was, instructed to fill such vacancies as might, occur in the fore- JK,nS.. appointments.-., ... .. .. . .... . . iriThe report of Robert laucock, Jr. City Tax Collector. on the List of 1870, was read, sub mitted and on motion received and adopted. The Committee -on Cemeteries --were in structed to render at the next meeting a report in relation' to the fence around Greenwood Cemetery " t '.. ; - On motion the Board adjourned to meet next Monday night. , ; - . - . s For the Angst Wines and Liquors for Medicaj and table use call at Amyett's. . .-" i We learn.that Messrs.. Wcinstein Jb Bro. wiil Z i open business in a few days at the Miller build ing, on Broad street, near Hancock. 15-tf " 1 ' ' '' ' " M. Goldsmith has opened temporarDy his 8egar aud tobacco store at the store on South Front street " between J. J. Wolfenden's and the Gaston House. April 15-tf. -. f The members ol the'Republican' City Commit tee are requested meet at 7 o'clock tto-day evening, at the Bureau Building on Broad st t; April 19.-2t T. M. Cowles, Ch'm. : TKE : SEGAR EMPOEITJM- OF lite- -MW-BEM.i . . Sottth Front StREETy butween J. J. Wolfenden's and the Gaston House. Constantly on hand, a full stock of all kinds of Segars at reasonable prices. .Also, plug tobacco and the celebrated Durham smoking, of the b8tj quality. ; Solace and Century brands .of chewing tobacco. AH kinds of pipes and snuff always on hand at wholesale and retail. -'. 1: v ;. ..v M. GOLDSMITH, Proprietor, March 1-tf. ;v '' " . ' . THE ' " SQUEDUNK." "Cancerning a new toy that is making Spring hideous, a Brooklyn Teuton thus versifiss: Par schadas of night was falling down; pfer der roofi of Brooklyn town, Ven droo der sthreets you hear der noise -Of five, six hundred little boys Mit boxes. Dese boxes, vot dey stheel, I know, Dey ddes'nt buy dem any how; . ' Und round der sthreets dey goes in-" ring," Abullin' at dem curs'd dings, ..... X - ' Like hens! 1 dinks dere vas some shickens loose Says Ti " Mein Gott! I cooks your goose I qhneeks around dunder ! I svare Dere vas no hens, not any vare ,,-- Twas boys ! Xen Himmel !. I vas mighty mid, I vish itvae-dere-hets I had; Pd shake'der "lives out of dem boys, . Ijf dey 'doii'V s&op mid all dese noise, You bet! a .. ... . ... I Veil ? 'taint no use dot I do swear, .- I Ven now, youcan't go ny vare, . . t Vidin de 'ouss, vidout der door, ;.. ft Dey makes much drubbel as perfore, a L em boys ! I I dould you shust vat I shall do, I I'll ketch dese "boys; Und ab vood you, 1 TJnd den you see dot dey shall feel f Der vate of dis here Dutchman's heal, " .. . Be sure 1 r ... .1: ItShaw, Collegiate Institute. Wc learn tbat Kev. H. Tupper. of the 2nd Baptist (colored-bttrcll of l&i citvV has already con tracted tor the furnishing of 1,000,000 b.-icks, and will shortly commence tp erection of ihe ShawXllegiate Institute" for the education of colored teachers and ministers, of the Bap tig, denomination, on the premises east of th Go vernorV Mansion , recently purchased from GenDaniel. M. Barriuger. The College is named: in honor of Elijih Shaw, of Wales, Mass., an extensive woolen manufacturer, who" contributed largely 10 the endownment idnd of the College. JSot Telegram. ; t - ' . . - - . 1 . - r. ' -How to Keep ATown raoic Tniuviso.' Tf you- wieb to keep a town or city from thriving, don't put npnny more buildings 1 ban you can conveniently occupy yourself. If you should accidentally - have au empty dwelling, and anyone wants to rent .it, ask him about thn-e lima the-vaue ot it.- Demaad a Shy lock price for every spot of ground Gxl has given yon.siewardship"over. . rnrn a cold l'ldr to every mechanic or business man seeking a homc3ouneyaa.-3 Look otevery new . comer witfe a acowL - , Our Washington Letter. ' Washington, April 17. 1871 Hie bill for the suppression of disorders in the South, which; baa; passed "both Houses of Congress, and now awaits the action of a committee of conference, seems to ofifcr a .practical solution ; of onr South ern trouble, so far as congressional ' legis lation can accomplish an end so desirable, Tle prjncipal and onlj opposition which deserved a candid ; refutation, was eng n dered by the clause which ; places in the hands of the Pi esident certain extraordi nary powtrs such as authorizing him to suspend the writ of habeas eorpus when ever in his judgement he may deem it necessary. Extraordinary crimes demand-- extraop. di nary measures for their suppression. It is madness to parjey with an assassin, or to fight on strictly 'courteous terms witlf legal weapon alone, when the mur derotiB hand is at one's throat; The thing to : be ascertained is whether ; the state of society at the South, and the ina bility of local governments to properly administer the laws, is such as to demand this kind of legislation. " This point es tablished, as it has been to the sntisfao-"' tion of most reasonable men, the duty of Congress is plain. We cannot oppose the class of men with whom this bill has to deal by moral influences. Educated in ; tho school of violence, stern measures are the only ar gument they can comprehend. 15 general amnesty will, without- doubt, prove a beneficial measure, when conped with a determina tion on the part of the government that 1 ights, so conferred, shall not be nsed to the disadvantage of the generous dispen ser. . ... ' . THE DEFICIENCY DILL spems to give ours fkonsciipt fathers" a great deal of tronble especially the por tions which relates to ..the .improvement of public grounds in this city. There is, as you know, a proposition for a grand park in the southern portion of Wash ington City. - To this, there are many practical objections, other than the large expenditure, which in these days of econ omy, can hardly be spared for such a pur pose. The enchanting pictures-1 of it prospective beauties are" not enhanced"by t ie reflection that it y afford ; a fine view of tbat filthy, pestiferous and much hated nuisance, the canal -which passes through the proposed grounds. While dust and filth-abound in oar streets, and cattle and hops are allowed free range, while nnsightly huts surrounds the Capi tol :he least said about a grand peblic paik the better. . DISTRICT j, POLITICS are at a fever heat i The prospects of Gen. N, P. Chipman,' Republican candidate for delegate to Congress, are exceedingly good in fact, be yond question, safe. 1 An attempt was made by some thirty women last week to register their names on the voting lists of their respective dis tricts, which proposition was mildly rejected. The programme is said to be, anothJr attemi t at the polls, and if there denied the right oi ballot to enter suit in the Supreme Court; under the plea that they are debarred ftom privileges to which they are entitled by the recent amend ments of the constitution. ' Bobeas. The Scientific American says it is noWj im possible to construct a burglar-proof safe, for tne thief, with his cylinders of compressed hydrogen and oxygen,: can, in a few seconds, b irn holes of any size! in the hardest metal his fire drill enabling him in a few minutes to work bis way into the strongest safe that was ever constructed. : : ' BEST ENGLISH CUTLEEY. POCKET KNIVES, SCISSORS-Singly or in nice Morrooo Cases. PEN MAKERS OF ROUERS and WOSTEN HOLMS MANUFACTURE. J. K. NASH. New Advertisements. TJ S. ENGINEER OFFICE, . . ou uluui ajiww jjujuvMt Favette street, near Charles, ;. . Baltimobe, Mo., April 18 1871." . Proposals are invited for the removal of rocks, sunken vessels, piles, and a very large tree, in the Roanoke river, N. C. - Proposals, to be tealed, in duplicate, endorsed on ouitide, and accompanied by a copy of this advertisement, will be received until noon of May 18, 1871, and will be opened in ten minutes thereafter, in presence of such bidders as may wish to be present 1 . ' The rocks to be removed are immediately below Weldon, N. O., "and are estimated to contain 420 cubic yards. The depth of excava tion will not exceed eight feet at ordinary low water. - The locality is sheltered. The sunken vessels are the steamer " Southfleld," about three-fourths of a .mile below Plymouth, N. C, .seven (7) schooners loaded with stone, at the mouth of Broad creek, six mils above Plymouth, and the remains of a floating battery at Gray's fishery, nine miles, above Ploymouth. The piles are three (3) rows, one and a half miles above Plymouth,' and one (1) row one-fourth of a mile above, at a channel opposite Middle river. The large tree is in the middle ol the river, at Shad Island bend, about twenty-three miles above Plymouth.' x Separate bids will be considered for parts of the work, or a lump bid for the whole river, including the proceeds of the wrecks aa part compensation. Forms of proposals and any de-ired informa tion to be had oa application at this office. -,The right to reject' any bid m reserved. . WM. P. CBAIGHILLv Major ef Engineers O. S. A. April 20-6L 200.000 Hard Brick for sale from the Kiln at low ptices by '4 s; .E t ,i ! 9Vf-'' MITCHELL, ALLEN & Co." . -- ' , - . - '' .1 .?''''4 Fok Sale. A " schooner of 200 .barrels capacity, in good ordir, of light draft and In good condition for inland navigation. ' Will be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to 5...W. F, ST Y RON, at Schwerin'a Feb 10th If, .; ".,, . ..r..:.: ; i , . , A Cakd. I desire to say, as a ' token of my appreciation and regard, that I shall ever feel grateful to the fir u and citizens of New-Bern as well as the onic?., and crew of the . Revenue Cutter E. A Stevens, for their erergies and ua-s bounded kindnesses towards me in assisting to save my property frpm the " late disastrous fire, and also will state that the remaining portion of my stock consisting of Tobacco, Cigars. Pipes, Liquors, Wines, Lager Beer.'Ac, kc., will be jpund in the store opposite the Gaston,. House; where I shall be pleased to see all iny old "" cus tomers and the piple generally." . ' ;.; It . ' ' : ' F. TJlbich. A Cabd. I desire to return my tbunks, to ray friends and the public for their efforts to sa ve my stock and for kindness shown me in my mUfortunc at the great fire and would re spectfully inform the public that I have taken the store on Craven street, near Pollock, lately occupied by Messrs. Kellett& Churchill, wheie I offer the balance of my slock, in a damaged condition, at very low prices. : I have a few cases of goods on the way, which, fortunately, were not here to .be lost, in the general wreck, which I desire , to dispose of low for cash.' Those persons who are indebted to me will do me the favor to call and settle as I need money badly. Very respectfully, , - April 12-tf. ' , ;' '. .... Q. Marks. SOMETHING NEW.; The undersigned has " just returned home from New York with a new and se lected stock of . Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods and Read y-nmde Clothing, and can furnish you with a complete fenit from head to foot, or from Hat to Boot. Call and examine the goods, everything new and some lliincs novel. A full assort ment of the latest ft vies always on hand. K. D. HANCOCK, i No. 16 PollokSt. . New-Berne, N. C, March 25,1 Imo A. McLACKLAN, MERCHANT TAILOrl, MIDDLE STREET, OPPOSITE BANGERT'S BAKERY. THE : ' ' '' -'' i, undersiguect , ' , t j ". would reapectfaVy " Inform his friends and - ' v the public that he has opened at the above-named . ' stand, with a fine assortment of C LOT H S , CASS I M E R ES, &c, suitable for the season, 'and is prcs pared to execute orders for suits and all' work in his lina. I hereby fex - press my grateful . 4 - acknowledge- l . ment .. ' FOR , - " - assistance rendered me in preserving my property- at the . lite fire, and return thanks to the firemen, and. citizens generally for their kind ness, to me. Very respectfully, " ; v . A,. McLacelax. Ipril 19-1 m. 1 - A THIRD EFFORT. TWO FIRES WITHIN TIIREE MONTHS. - TO THE PUBLIC. I would respectfully- inform thy customers and the public that I am still alive and kicking and will be ready in a few days to open my bak ery, on Middle street, one door north of Messrs. Gitea & Green and supply my customers as us ual with the best quality of Bread, Cakes, Pies, &c., &c: ' j" I have rented the (so-callcd1 Government Bak ery on Craven street near Pollock, and will sup ply customers from there also. - - Thanking the public and friends for past fa vors I respectfully solicit a continuance of their liberal patronage. April ia.-tf. M- HAHN. , JOHN JJcSORLEY, Boot & Shoe Maker, Bboad Street, . 84 floor from Hancock , ' N E W li E2:iT, JV. c. THE VERY BEST quality of French Calf Skin Boots and Sbos, made to order and warranted equal, if not superior, to any fat the State, , 'r - . v - - The Best Workmen to be found in the country are Employed in this SHOP j : - ' ' ' . - ' and perfect fits and aatigiactioa in every case guaranteed.' . Always on hand and for sale Fine Boots and Shoes at prices waranted to suit. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, , and done iff the best poesible manner, at fa':r prices and at the shortest notice, r . Thanking my friends and ihe public for past patronage, I respectfully solicit a con tinuance of the same in my new location. . : . - . JOHN McSORLEr. April 17-lm. $1,000 Rbwabd is offered by the proprietor of Dr. Pierce' Alt. Ext, or Golden Hedloal JHooTerj for A medicine Uiat wiH equal ft In the cure of aU thoe dis ease for which it is recommended, among which are severe, acute or lingering Ooagba. Ceaspmntion In its earl j stages Bronchitis, Liver Ooaspl lint;" or M Bil ioeaaeia, Canatipatioa ef the Bowels. Sarofnfoas dis eaac aad Skin diceaaea, as Eruptions. Pimples, Blotches and Boila, It if svld hy druzxiata. ; t . H. ENGINEER OFFICE.: . , 3d Sroay Usios IIakk. Udildisq, ' Favettc t nir Charles. id - s;- Ualtimojse, aid., April 17, 1871. K 'PROPOc'ALft re -invitpd for rmrtv1n sunken vessels, remains of tidUfcu-y bridsca, and other; similar blr net ions in iheJauier, Rappahannock and :Botinoke rivers. - Proposals; to be sealed, in duplicate, en dorsed on ovUidebfui accompanlt-d ly a copy of this advertisement, wdl be received until noon of 1ay 17: h. ,1871, and will be opened in ten minutes 1 hereaf ter, in presence of such bidders as may wi-h; to be present. Separate proposals required for each river. Bids will be coi sidt-red for single vessels, or other obstractipns'cifls will state what vm, if any addition ia proceed of wreck, will be desired as compensation. v Forms of PTOfWMd and any desired infor mation tone had on application at this office. The right to reject any iid is reserved. Wm. t' I KAlUHlLvU. : J ..r tyt s . it o .Major of Engineers U. S. A April 20 8'. CIRCiJIT COURT OgTHEIUNITED STATES .65' k , - Distbicw or Nobth Cakolina- ;t United States ) - . I . -still snl Sxtures and ) . ': , 8 acres more pr ; less ) .-" ' , of the latfd on which j Libel-qt Informations, ' said distillery Is situ-1 '.i .; - atcd in the connty of I Chatham and State of ) . North i Carolina, all S i( . ; , - ; . the property of Elisha r . . '.':',. 'Bnrns.': r ). ''.,' ' -r ' '' '', .' Mi i To Elisha Burns, and to all whom it may con ; cern :-rGreeting. ;: f 1 s --V. - Notice is hereby given' ,thHt the above .men tioned property was seized by Isaac J. Young, Collector 4th Collection , District of N C' on, thd 20th day of Mnrchi 1871, as forfeited to the uses ot the United- States, for 'violation of the Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted in the Circuit Court of the Uni ted States; for condemnation for the causes in the said Libel "of . Information Bet forth ; arid that the said causes wilt stand for trial at the Court Room of said court at: Raleigh on the first Monday of June next, if that be a juris diction day, and if hot at the next day of ju risdiction thereafter, wLen and where nil per sons are warned to appear to snow cause why condemnation should be decreed and to inter vena for their interest. ; :. Given "under my hand at office, iutaleigli, this fourteenth day of vlpril, 1871. - al91w & T. C ARROW, U. S. Marshal. A FIREMAN IN EVERY HOUSE. Buy a POCKET FIRE APPARATUS. Caa WASH WINDOWS, SPRINKLE THE GAE v ; DEN," OR PUT OUT A FLUE. Everybody shouidhayeond when SPARKS FLY. s '....i . :.'v go to BERRY'S DRUG STORE, ON CRAVEN STREET, , s .. and order . " 4 stitch in tin- lavei aine.' April ICth-tf. A B. L. CHURCHILL & Co., ' SUCCESSOKS IOC A. HART,. y-:-i:vi! 1Y:.. ;:J, v :- New-Berne .1ST. O. Tin Ware Manufactory '. . ANlf HOUSE UltNISniNG USTORE -,- Roofing and gutter work made a spe ciality, j ! ' . Dealeriln ' ! arnfYrTTZq Hard Ware, I il v, Willow Ware and Wooden Ware, Guns, Pistols, ; j i Powder,; Shot V, j i-3 and Caps, Kerosene, Lard ' , '. and Common Oils,' Lamps in Great Variety, Chimney, Wicks, Glass, Putty, and a tail stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, .1 fsf- - V AB we mace' Stoves a ipeclalty, w, woo Id be pica red to have all in want, to examine oar stock ar soAKing parchm. 1 ' t ; ' B.L. CHURCHILL Co. No. 18, Middle Street, New-Berne, N. O. March 1 tf. j .- FOR NEW YORK HUBAY'S K. C. STEAMSHIP LINE -; ., ,-. I H SAILING KTEItV FIVE DATS EUen S; Terry Cjliapm Master. Leaving New-Bern, Nj C., for New Tort Tuesday, April :18tb ; at 5 o'clock. . JiAgW reoeiTed i st sD timel ttaW corer. - "Through Bills of Lading giren to and from all points ou the Nr Clieil Boad. - .uumiwid cucuw iuivulu urn ls Cent3 - 4 ; x ! i Freirtta will be taken for Boston, Tbila- . delphia and Baltimore. CEO. W. DILL. i Special Notlcea CAREF U LLY. Ague and Fever The only preventative known for Chills and Fever is the use of Wolfe's Schiedam Fchnappa v ... Wolfe' Schiedam Schnapps. -. v , . , Is good for Dyspepiia. 1 . I . JIVV Sctiedam iSchnappf. ; Is a preventive of Chills and Fevers. .,: 1 Wolfe's Muejdm 'Schnapps.' It good for all kidney and bladder complaint Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. - Is - nsed all over the world by physicians 14 their practice, .1: Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. i v f$wj . -. 4 le good for Gout. s - ' '"C ' Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps, Is ood for all Urinivry complaints. ' Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. -It recommened y all ihc JIedical Faculty ' WolJVs Schiedam Sciirappt. f ' r ;' Is good for Colic and pain in the stomach. Is imitated and counterfeited, and purchaser ' will have to ue caution in purchasing". . I. beg leave to rail the atientWin of lie r a der to testimonials In favor of ths Schnappx. . - I - feet bound to- Ray that 1 Tegard your ScnsArrs 11s being in etery respect pje-cni- inently pure, and deserving of medical pau' rousge. . At all events it ts ths purest posHhla article of Holland gin, .heretofore unobtuina ble, and as such mar be safely prcscilbcd by plivswianp. V DAVID L. MOTT, M, D., Pharmaceutical Chemist, New York. ' Itjisvtixk, Ky., Sept1. I feel that m have now aa article of gin suitable for-rtut U -cases as that remedy is adapted to. :,', ; " DR. J. W, B. Bright. Schnapps" Is a remedy In chronlo cat arrhai corapiaints.'ctc.: h :. ; ff I lake great pleasure in bearing highly freT itaule testimony 10 its efflcaey aa a remedial agen t in the diseases for which vou recom mend it.' IlavinR a natural tendency to llm mucous surfaces, with a slight degree of stiru ulalion, I regard it aa one of ttuunoet Import -ant remedies In chronic catarrhal affecliouf, pailirularlvffwe of4he Renito-urinary ai paratus. VVith much respect, your 0 Wed le ffl servant, ' CHAS A. LEAS, JI. D.Ncw York. 8 Pikc Strkbt, New Yobx. Xoy. 2l7 1807 Udolpho Wolfe. Eso. Vreienx; Deih ' Sra ; I have made a chemical examination of a sample of - your 'Schiedam 1 Schnapps," with the inent of determining if any foreiyt, or injurious substance had been added to tho imple Oisiillcd spirits,. v , , . J; : u . The examination has resulted in the conclr sion that the sample contained no poison.it or harmful adraijtture. I have been unable f. discover any trace of the deleterious sulisiaoci a ' which are sometimes employed In the adul teration of liquors. 1-would not hesitate ,1 Use myself, nor to recommend to others, f r medical purposes, the "Schiedam Scbnapp." as an excellent and unobjectionable variety of gin. Very repectfully yours, - (Signed) a CHAS. A. 8EELY, Chemist. "" Chemicai. and Tschmcai. Labosatoby, 18 Exchajcqb' Place, New Yobt,Nov. 25.18C7-, Udolpko Wolfs, Esq.; JJeab Sik; Tl ' undersigned, have carefully and thorougl:. ly analyzed a sample of your "Aromati--Schiedam Schnapps, selected by ourselvt. and have found tiia same fret from all o ganic or inorganic substances, more or let injurious to health. From the remll of our examination we' consider the article one t superior Quality, bealthfal as a beverage, and effectual in its medicinal qualities. , ltef pt ct f u 1 ly you rs - i ALEX. TRIPPLE. Cbcmlat. FRANCIS E. ENGELHARD. M. P. For sale by all respectable Grocers and Drag, ists. --r. UDOLPHO WOLFE'fc EST ' 22 BE A V KB 8T., KEW TOSE. Blarch 4-2m nrm. : KO MORE FOOI-TBAPS ! This is the cry of thousands who have hnrl their heads poisoned and their hair ruined by tlul lead and sulphzjt abominations with whi.t speculators have sought to supersede a trus uholetome, and perfect I)ye. -'. t : Ghristadoro'i Excelsior Hair Dy - has had its sales doubted by these ne&rioa ' attempts at eompetion. From every Stat , County, City, and Township iu the Unio-t orders for this Standard Dye are continually pouring in," ' ' ' ' ,; IT NEVER MISSES FIRE, but always produces the shade desired, and U immediate in its effects. The most delight:, i 1 ' 4 dressing to use after dyeing the hair, is . , CUmSTADOBO'S BAIK PBE8SKVATITB. April 1-tlmow - ' i USE ONY . : LIPPMAFS GREAT GERMAN' BITTERS THE STANDARD BITTERS OF CERMART. VSED IT tTi BEST HTSiciAM II THEIR BA1LT PRACTICL ! Lippnwn'a Great German pittsra itrt-abeoa tk " debditatad.. . .f Lippmaa'a Great GTaan Bitiers tare Kldaej Ca " plaiuts. . . . Ltppmn Great Great German Bitters cure feaaata ' Llppnum's Great German Bittcia, tba Mst dellfU : fal and effective to the world. Lippmaa'a Cheat Garmaai Bitten etpes "nrrr well" people. ... - . j . - Lippman'f Great German Bitters gives sa PPU . Llppman',s Great German B titers cores liver L. at Lippmaa'a Great Geneajs JUItcn gives tome to . goetive organs, j t Ltppmaa's Great Gemas Bitters flTes-energTr. Lippsua's Great Oerajua Bitters earea Hervosnr . Llppman's Great Genua Bitters, 'Xam, test Tali . Medicine, .:.' -,' ',-:;." 'i-: Lippmns Great German Blltors irjulates 1 Bowels. , . n : i , T.i 1 . t..:. Lippmss's Great Gsrataa Wtters fsHei lh Toril4 - Liver. i ' ,- '-- Lippmaa'a Great Oarmaa Bitter 18 Eire Jem 0 I a. - Yijor,, . .:t. r , - . . . " -s. j iLlppmaa's Great Germaa Bitters aweaUCliulsaia. ? . . 1 1 oli " H ADBIA & VOLLER, Wd.uiDf.lou, M.JO, i 4 . i 5 if !! it it : :i 1 1 1 n U