! LIBERTY AND " UNION. NOW ANI FOKSTK. ONJEE AiND 1NHB( Jt,B.ui -Xa.nel WelwUr. VOL. Vin, XT O. 129. ITEW-BEIUTB, N. C, S ATTJHD AY XJOIINING, .TUNE 10, 1071; FIUCE FIVE CEITTO -" w I ;-, -j Kcbrfimtc. Oailni Sinus. ,.V . Jf sTV ..3s ArrlVal ant! DepaTtnre of Mails. .ij.w'-- Dec. 16tb, T879. - Mail Closes for We NcrtfhTWearaDSoTi' nMU Closes tot rBeaBfort and the- East, at' S"30 P M' ' ,!-' " ; '" vjreea n o.jt r M. . " v s Hyde and Beaufort Cwntieerery Taesaay Thursday and Saturday, at 5.30 A M. ! Mail closes for Trenton,. Pollok ville, and -: wansboro, Wednesday and Saturdays at S.30A ML' '. Mail closes f or Ilatteras, New York.atmr days at 12 o'clock, M. , ' .. Mail closes for Bay Kiver and Pamliwv , Saturday a.t iui'j i 'i U Af'. MAIL ARRIVES. j From the North, West and South at U II. (opened for delivery at.7 f il--t ' - From Beaufort And Uis East at 9.30 A. M. From Washington, Swift Creek N C &fi Monday, Wednesday and Friday at ,4PM. From Trenton, Tuesday and Friday at A OA T."XT til - .? u .. I Srrn0 -J' '"From' Bay River and Pamlico,, Triday at 5 PM. - j Letters advertised every Saturday, and il not.dclivered in one: month are sent to the i'.hw arno Thn law reauires that, all ' iofira v.n nrpna tti fall: when not f nljy paid the law urovides for sending , them to the dead Jetter office. 5 "t - -1- v.. u For tafety, monpy orders can be ontainea upon all the principle offices In the United Rtf - Alt ffittera containine Moneyor other niwMi.i oi mo vi hA rpiriatp.red.- without T HUaUiCS B"1'"'" ' " " Y O which, there is little safety. ? f-.t hni fMirt 8 A. M.-to 9 P M, and7 to 7.30 P M. Sundays front 12-30 to 1 P ii. -GEO. W. NA SON. Jr.. P)stmaster. CITT AND STATE ITEMS. Local news is very scarce. Few boats in," at the, market 51 Be sure to list yonr taxables; The general cry is dull trade. Bead the advertisement of President Stanly. PeacheB sold yesterday for 23 cents per quart Yesterday was Warm, the about 88. ' thermometer being There. , was no Mayor's Court yesterday. Cause, no cases.- The brick work on the Baer & Eppler store is about completed. r This is the season for stomach ache and cholera morbus, lots of green fruit in market Tbe Democracy of Edgecombe meet Saturday, July 1st to make nominations for Convention. The market for f he past few days has not been very'well supplied witbi meat, vegetables or fish. ' r . ' 1 " 1 ' Carfret Superior Court" will 'convene next MonSay'at Be'aulort Tlis Honor, Judge Clarke presiding, r rz f Don't forget to procure your "tickets for the lectare and entertainment next Wendnesday evening, - - In tbe greater part of the State the agricul tural prospects look -better than they did some time since. ; - License taxes are being paid slowly, merchants should remember that a failure to pay at the proper time, increases penalty. ,. r I A"onileg9d iapostex is gofng abpuy.Wil mmgtonimposingupbja lUe people. . The IStar warns the citizens against him. '.''' The lumber for the new Marks brick store has -been procured- and the bailding will soon commence, ftlTtotte fwostdrles;", 1 The Bevenae Cutter & A. Stevens arrived at the wharf yesterday afternoon a't'frVclock, after a trip to Elizabeth City and Edenton. - The body of a white ,man was found floating in the Cape Fear rbfer". on Wednesday. :" It was too much decomposed to be recognizable. ? ? , . ' , ... 1 ... i. 4 A colored man," named "Matt "Hrggins, was drowned while intoxicated qnTuesday by falling " from a "boat oa a" trip" fromr WUminglon to1 Fayetteville. - - -.' j The rain of Thursday has given the growing crops,' i an ' impetui, ! anc 'under the Igenial sun of TesterdaV:ve5etati6n ' appeared be almost jumping. ' (- " V . - The brick and other material are being conveyed to and deposited at tha site of the proposed new buildings to be creefgd by Dr, Hughs on Middle street ; . ' 1 a, , a, -.1 ... , , j ' ; .v ' " Messrs. "Weinsteiri Bros. "have removed to the" store in the Court House Building. Now is the time to get bargains In Dry Goods? by calling at the Weinstein Bros, at their new stand. The best evidence of dullness in New Ben and viomity is the nunber of persons leaving. ' it on-every-fcteamer, instead of benefiting byim migration we are snftering from emigration. A . young, negro ma named Thaddeus F lemmings was drowned "In Neuse river, near Tar Landing, in this county, n Sunday las' , while endeavoring t to swim r to a boat Mes tfnger. The present membey of. Congress from, the first Alabama District is a "colored man, named Sterling Turner, a native of Halifax countyin - this State, and nee belonged to a gentleman living near Weldo . , - ' We wonld suggest that the chain gang s be employed ttt cutting down, the weeds that are ' growing in such quantities in soma ' of out lead ing streets, besides being nnhealthful they are displeasing to "the eye being anything but an prnament to our leading ; thoroughfares. -; ' The Grand Lodge (Colored) A. v Y. F. A,; f.' of North Carolina, will meet in this city on, the 24th of this month.' -' t : . , The Lodge m this city, are makingf every exertion to meet and entertain their brethren in a suitable Btyle- 9 i'-f. .' 1 ' , We learn that some oc our young man, ore looking with .longing eyes to tha future metro polis of" oux.,: country. ; i, ' Duluth. j Fat ihe information of tne ignorant who desire to know more of this prospectively great , place, I we recommend that they procure - and read a copy . of the. great speech. ,of Mr., Knott, M. C, from Kentucky. It telb all about it ', ' The steamship Ellen S. Terry sailed for New York yesterday afternoon, at 5 o'olock. A large number of passengers sailed on the Terry, there being eleven white persons and twenty-five col ored; -Atoonsj the passengers were' Mr. l!.-3. Jones and wife, Mr. BeunetCP V..jobhiiia, J. Prince andJIr 'f!niattuelr.lIiB8 WilG ind others. A large crowd jot frieada, Ac were at the wharf at the departure of the steamer. ' ; ' His Honor,' Judge Clarke arrived in the city on lhursday night, having finished court in Jones 'county.'. Although the number . of days occupied in trial were fewer than heretofore, while a larger number of cases were on the docket than nsQ&L Tbe whole were diaposed'of, and the dockets completely cleared up; a fact that speaks well for the promptitude of Judge Clarke. The prompt and rapid manner in which Jones county business was transacted, affords the Judge a day or o for rest before opening, court in Carteret nest Monday. ' . . . - h ? The Tdlsgrdm learns that a man by the name or w. V. btaiiley, who, we believe, was once Deputy Sheriff of Johnson county,' was charged with the perpetration of murder and mail rob bery in last October, but before ha was arrested fled the State. s i It was ascertained a short time since that he was residing in Georgia, and he was arrested. ' liov. Ciildwell has lately issued a requisition for his. rendition, but he is charged with exj!-ii8 robbery, at Macon Georgia, and the Governor of that State rcfasea to return him io North Carolina until the courts of Georgia have done with him. ' , . . Fir at Swift Creek. ' , " : ' ' " ' ' We regret to learn that the Turpentine Disr tilleries of (he Messrs. 'Cleaves, -at . Swift Creek, were yesterday destroyed by fire. ; The loss has not been asceatained. . ! - ' 1 COMSniNICAlXD. . ' . i To the Editor of the "New Berne Ladljf Timet. Mb. JiDrroi: Tlie word Commentation is not to be found in the two Editions of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary revised and enlarged by Chauncy A, Goodrich, Professor in Yale ,'Col, lego, and published by George ."and Charles Merriam in 1&2 and 180V. ; I b-nppose it may beoond in Webster's Pictorial Dictionary of a later date. - j '-. ' BespectluPy; -' 4 : .- . . - . Comment -.-.y-w. - i ..ill' t. )i t .nJf frVJ.jtyrjt. ..'-i. The Bar Rooms. s The tax collector informs us tbat as yet no license "tax- has been paid by any :of the bar room keepers of the city, as provided for by an ordinance passed at the last meeting of the Board of Councilmen. . We learn that several have tendered vouchers, but they would not be received." We are informed that it is the pur pose of the bar room proprietors to petition the Board of Council to .amend their ordinance .by which the tax can be collected toon tnlyor" at least quarterly. ' Many of the poorer proprietors complain Jhat the workings of the new law are onerous, as having so many other iaxesl 'to pay. that if the entire city tax be collected at one time sit together with, thei othewvnll make the aggregate so large as to force them to sus pend business, that although. having paid the U.S. County , and State, they will have to. suspend business bacausff the ' city tax remains unpaid This they claim works us .airly. Upon this matter we have no comments to make, we simply "cite what is told'to ns, We believe it to be a matter between the City Government, -and the dealers, who alone should settle it -. If in the judgement of the . Board of Cooncilmen the dealers should pay the whole tax at once all right, if they grant the petition of the dealers we have no thins? to say. - We are neutral'- . Fnetbries. .---- . The need of .more .manufacturing enterpises in our midst is readily apparent With a fine cotton growing country all around ns," it ap pears somewhat remarkably that in New-Bern a place of several thousand - inhabitants that there.shouldnot ba a cotton fack. 5That the establishment -of an instiution of this kind would be to all interested; a success is apparent at a glance, the important and required ; feature for success f are; right with-ns; KThC material and cheap labor that miglit soon be made skilled f In view of till . thjsr -would it not Ije Well for our leading citiZjps to. take some steps ill this mattart If we Wv- not nare among' us the necessary surplus capital' to invest in an enterprise of this kind -would it not. be well to attract the- tu.ention of northern capitalists to the matter' , Many of our ' ' leading citizens have .good i monetery connections north, if the1 proper' representations be' made 'might be induced to invest. .. i.i no time since the wax has money, for investment been so plentyjit the north.as.it is jaowi it is. in iact seeking invest ment as -' the money -transactions of. " Wall street for. soma time back": fully demonstrate That it is not invested here and at other joints in the south is. not we feel assured of any jjm-- willingness to do so, . but is because the proper representations" are not made, or the - necessary indaeenYente "offered. Let" then our leading business men meet and ,giv3 the Important mat-" ter the consideration itjdemands, and put. them-. selves in communication with, northern capi talists, and the result we) believe would be. satis- fartory, It is ' worth at least a trial, by which nothing eanbe lostj but much gainedT "Whowill nLlii liluiAr;'! .1 THK - SEGAK- EMPOBIUM OP . .j ," b ..T Soma FboXt . Street ...bbtvtees " jT.,J. 'Woxfesdex's and the Gaston House. Constantly on hand, a full stock of all kinds of ' . ,. VI'. r- . II.. .Initintuinu Segars at reasonable prices. -.Also, plug tobacco t.;i einkra.twt Tin r ham smcsinc... tne hMt' mmli!v. :" Solace and Century brands of chewing tobacco. ' t All kinds of pipes and snuff always on hand at wholesale and retail. .- . y-Mr-XIOLDSMITH, -Proprietor,' March X-tf. Oar Sidewalks. ' -' ' Y"y'-- ' :0na bf our citizens, evidently mucb. disgusted with, the condition :of oar sidewalks, threatens to send for and import into our peaceful com munity k. lot of Digger Indiana. The Digger Indians, be it known, are about the lowest in the intellectual scale, and are best known for their utter, want of a knowledge- of the mechanical arts; but ' notwithstanding this, our friend con siders- tiiaia much . superior to Che people wh make sidewalks in New-Bern. : That' our side-' walks are poorly 'eonstrncted,' none will deny, that when it rains pools : and puddles of water remain standing' for a day or two, much to the annoyance of pedestrians. If it ;hasrrained during the day, and the night is dark; a person traversing the . streets is' sure to splash mud and water al lover one's-self .and this is all owing to tbe improper construction of our Bidowalks. The remedy for thm state affairs, as suggested .by the gentleman referred .to, Is forepersons "to fuf their;. sidewalks on a common sense, principle, that isv to cause a, gradual decline or slope from the houses to the gutters, sufficient -to allow the water to run off into the street .A few loads of dirt would accomplish this, fill up the' ine qualities in the sidewalk,1 and 'the sidewalks nuisenoe would be at once, abated. Let our citizens do it: . ; r ' ' ' J '' -" Cut Down the Weeds. . . - - - ,,j f - , - We again desire to call the attention of our citizens to the importance of cleaning from their lots and the streets in front of their premises, the noxious weeds that now abound in such profusion. That this is. an important sanitary measure, none will deny, and hence the necessity for its excution, is important. The city government as our citizens are. well aware, is unable to have the work done,' and hence the duty must devolve upon the individual exertions of Citizens. We would respectfully "suggest to tne city authorities, the appointment of a member - of the Police Force, as a Sanitary Inspector whose .speeial duty t shall be, to visit and inspect the lots and .premises ' and - cause the abatement or removal of all Sanitary nuisance. Let stringent sanitary ordinances be 'adopted,md . 6trictly enforced, ann as' an inducement for our cillzena. let ihe authorities furnish at ., least a horse and cart, for the removal to i beyond the city ' limits of all garbage, ' ' ?';-' - ; . '. ; ; ;. While citizens can be made to place their ga barge in a condition'for removal, we. doubt tbe power or right.to cause them to remove it to ne yond the limits o. the city. Expanses, of this kind are necessary and .though other, work : of Importance be neglected this '.should not -be. I WeAope' therefore the Board of Council will act upon our suggestions,-: and at 'once take . meas ures for a good sanatoiry condition. ' r. Senbeaced.. . ... ... ... ; :, ?. Jn the U.' S. -Cireuit5 Court;, at Baieigh, on Tuesday, W.: J. Green, of Montgomery cenuty, !. who was convicted' at the last November term of Illicit distilling,' arid iWhct made his" eciipe irohV enstody before, sentence was passed upon him, but who was subsequently 'arrested and brought t j this city on Saturday last from whence he was taken 'to ..Raleigh,' was sentenced by the Court to Six months imprisonment and $1,000 fine. WHminffloA Staf. f. .- MaaonJc Election or OIBeera. TheOranft Royal Ach Chapter of HSU C, in session in this city aunng tne past tureo days; elected and Installed Che following officers for the ensuing MasOnle yearr "," ;'"". " . 1 John Nichols, Raleigh, M, E. ,G. H. P. t , .III T... Monson, Wilmington,. E.D. G. H. P. B. H. Bduntree, New-Beni; E. G. JL '-''' -' Geo. W. Blount,' Wilson, H." G. S. ' ' ' Thos: B. Cany Wilmington E.,G. Secretary.' C. .M. , Van OrsdklL Wilmington, E. G. Treas. Wm. Robinson; GoldsborO.E. G MarshaL The M. E. GrandJPfigh Priest then made the following fippointments;,---). . ? Geo. Patterson, Qrand Chaplain. , 1 Wm. -Simpson, Raleigh,. Pb. Sqjournerj, G. L- Roundtree, Wilson, Royal Arch Capt A. S. Lee; Raleigh; G.' M. 3rd VeiL' f . W.'T. Battley, CHnton, G. M. 2nd do: ' , G. Je'wett,.Wilmingtoiw G M, 1st do,!, i " E. Turlington; Wilmington, Grand Tiler. ., j-;.,- r :'. -Wilmington Star. ., ? FOR THIRTY .YEARS ! : U !Perry DaYis': Vegetable . Pain , XA.AJ.XVJL . ,.7.' - HAS BEEN TESTED IN EVERY VARIE TTYOFCLlMATte, AN! B Y AL"M(5sT EVERY NATION' KNO V7N TO" r y:-rl ' .v americns.';;1,';, ; It is almost tbe constant companion and estimable friend of the . minsiohary . and the traveler, on .sea and land, and no one should travel on our Lakes or Pivfers without I 'It has'beeft before ther public over thirty years,.and probably has wiuer aod better re putation than -any other proprietary medicine of the present day-At this period titers are bit few unacquainted -with the merits' of the Pain Kliller; bnt while some extol tt as- n HKtment,' they know but little of its power in easing pain when- taken internally while others use it in ternally with great success, but are equally ig norant of irs healing yirtaes when applied ex ternally! .We therefore wish to Vy to all that it is equally successful whether used internally or externally and it stands to-day,' unri varied' by all thegrat catalogue of family medicines It is aufllcieB evidence ofjts. virtues a&a stan dard medicine, to know that it ia now used; in all parts of the workl and that -its' sale is-con-stantly increasing;-No curative agent has had sach wide-spread sale nrstm"Btioh vhrvfrasl satisfaction.- It is a purely ;v?getable com- 'pbund. and perfectly'''. Safe, even in unskillful bands., . y " v ' . After thirty years trial, is still recr; ing the most unqualified testimonials to Its virtues 1 , . - - llromperBonspf the nighcst character andre ability, recommend it. as a most euectuai pre paration for the extinction ot pain. it is Jiot only thebest remedy ever. known for Braises, sGuta, Burns, &c, but for Dysentery or. Choi era,-or any sort of , bowel complaiufc. U is a remedy, ansmpassed for' efficiency and rapidi ty of action, in the great cities or inuia, ana other hot climates,' it has bt come the Standard I Mrnio i -II )..'.r, nlt a . Medicine for all snch-complaiats, as well at for . Dyspepsia, Liyer Complaints, and .' Other kindred disorders. For Coughs and - Colds. Canker, Asthma, and. Rheumatic dilHculiies, it has been proved by the m-st abundant and ooavHKfmg testimony to be an-in valuable med icine. . - . . - . ' ' . Let Common iee Iecid. , .What is the rational mode of procedure in cases of general debility and nervous prostra tion t r Does not reason tell as that judicious siimnl-tRon ia required. '. .To tesbrt to,'violent pur jpition in such a case s as absurd as it would be to bleed starving; man. Yet it is done" every day. f esv ':' this stapid arid "nnpMlosopni oal practice, is continued .in. the teeth, of the great fact that physical weakness, with sU the nervous disturbances - that accompany it is more certainnr'and tapidhr' relieved b Hostet- tor's Stomach Bitters than byny other medicine at present known. :Jt is. trna that general de bility is often attended ith torpidity or irregn- wriry 01 tne ooweis, ana inat cms symptom must not be overlooked. Bat while the dis charge' of the waste matter of the system is ex pedited or regulated, its vigor must be recruited. The Bitters' do both. r.c They combine aperient and antibiiioas properties, with exlraordirmry ton'.e power. " ju ven wniie removing oostrncnons from, the bowels, tiiey feme aitd hwigorata those organs-;; rnrougatne stomaca, vpon-rnicn the great, vegetable specific acta directly, it Rives a healthy and permanea t impetus - to every "en feebled" function Digestion iS facilitated,-the faltering circulation regulated, the blood rein forced with a .new accession of the alimentary principle; the nerves braced, and all the dor mant powers .of the system roused into healthy action; not spasmodically,: as would be the ease if a mere stimulant were administered, but for a continuauca It is in .this way that such ex traordinary changes are - wrought in the condi tioa of tbe feeble, emaciated and nervous inva lids. by the use of this wonderful corrective, alterative and tonic. Let common sense decide between , such a preparation and a prostrating cathartic ; supplemented by a poisonous astrin- gen use strycnnine or qoimne. " ?. .The Undersigned, haviBg taken the ' Agency of the .dmej teas Life Iaaurance Company of I Philadelphia, would rtspectfully invite the at tention of the citizens of ; Craven and adjoiar.. i rig counties to the character and merits of this popular institution., . This company! is one of the eldest, and,- fn every respect, 5 one. of the most reliable 'in the United States. ' It is prompt and generous In the settlement of losses. It has paid nearly two millions of dollars to widows and orphan's.' Its officers and managers are leadiug and most influen tial businere men In Philadclphiai .-, l-' ; , The practice of "Life Insurance lis becoming general amen if the people. It is now consid. ercd a necessity and a duty by all good men- The undesigned, therefore, feels a iarge de. greff of satisfaction thathe is enablaJ t pre sent to the people a Company so worthy th eir confidence and trust . . i The Aroe'riran: grants policies in all desira ble plans of insurance, and upon the . most favorable terms.' and' vou are hereby '.nost cordially invited to cull upon the aoilersignedT for, circular aud books that will luiiy explain th(i conditioa and workings of this reUa,ble" and popular Life Insurance Company;- ', '; - , WALTER DUFFY, Sprcial Igent;. ' . ' ; wew-uern, n.u. Dr. C. Dtrrirr, JB.,'Mcd. Ex." . ay 21,-tf.,. , t i ; A large and full line of "all grades Hf sngarsr iust received and for sale at AmSybttIs.. '' 'V'tf, '"Aitn-otl'Btrayand'raf1iatsfast received per rail, at Hancocks, " ; ' . . & ' i . i-.j-. The Iinxarj-. . , , i . When you stroll through Middle street,' t . Miles Sheperd's plareyou are sure to meet;" , And, if what he keeps you have not seen, v You'll find by catling, it is Ice Cream p ; ; - , Which he disposes, to the throng, . ,vf ,. Be Sura you get some as you go along, , ' His place is always clean and neat, - . ' z-'j 1 And bis splendid Ice Cream Can't be beat ' 'May 20-tfr " , ' - '.'! A: rJcLAGKLAIT, ' HERCHAHT TAILOR, MIDDLE STREET. OPPOSITE BANCERT'S BAKERY. , ..v. ., ; THE.',. .h . i . - , 'j 'undersigned . , - -? t V . would respectfully . ; t '.' i;.,... : inform his friends and ..:.. i . .the. public that ho has-, t- ppened at the , above-named i "stand, with,, a fine assortment of CLOTHS,' , CASSIMERES, tc. ": :" ,'suitabfe for tiie. season, and is pre-; : pared to execute orders tor : 4 ! suits anl all wprk in his , , ' . .;- , , line. , I hereby ex-, . r .. . . " , " , press my grateful ,, . . ,, - acknowledge-, ,'. f. - . m e-n t ,"'-'- .'p ."" tor , "' ' . - assisUnce rendered me in' prescrviDg my pro rtv at the late: firo. and return thanks to the firemen and citizens generally; for their kind- , u.; . ness tome. . - , . Very respectfully, " -J ' . A. McLacklas. jlpril 19-lm. :. JOHN JJJcSORLEY, ; Boot. & Shoe Maker, Bboax Steezjv' 3d door from Hancock,' pHE VERY. BEST quality of French Calf A opkin iSoots and fchoes made to order ,and warranted equal, if not superior, to ny in the otate, , ;. ' The Best Workmen,: ' to be found in tbejcoantryjtre ; - - . ! .... . 5- V "? t TJ Zr ?i -t Inployed in this: SHOP and perfect fits and satisfaction in every case ' - -' - guaranteed. ; " - " ; " Always on hand and for sale ' jFIhe" Boots and Shoes 'a'-.- at prices waranted to suit' ; - ;i ; REPAIRING -A : SPECIALTT ? and done in the best possible manner, : at ' fair pnees'aad at the shortest notice. Thanking my friends and the public for past, patronage, . I respectfully solicit a con tinuance of the same in my new location . . . ,..-v- -JOHN McSORLEY. ApriJ 17-Iia. ' . Nontx. Persons having business with R. T, BERRY, as Justice of the Peace, will find Mm when not otherwise engaged, at his office, in the front room of the Times office, on . Cra ven street , I, , ' n;. . t ', . Maj ; p. T. Carraway1 general f Life and Fire In snrance agent, 8oathv Front street, New-Bern, " N. 0. - 'apaSStt, '.To ExcrrssioHnrrs akd-Psc Nro ParttXs-- For fresh, cakes and crackers, smoked beef tongues and pickles call at J. E. Amyett's April20-tf. . .' '.''.' OXynple Oarden. This popular and favorite Ice Cream Garden is again open for the accommodation of the l-nblic " In addition to first class Ice Cream, Soda Water, Berries,- and other luxuries of Ute season will be kept Hoping to receive the natrona?e of the nublic, .the proprietor will- yn.deavor to keep a place" wottby Oht Visits of those who. may favor jtioi wuh- a calC Itemember the place, Pollock street near Hancock, f ' - '- " ' A ' -if . f Richard Shepkrj), Proprietor, GEIS, OF THE LYRIC DRAMA ''- ' CONTAINING - TEXT, OVERTURE & PRINCIPAL MUSIO," - VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL. Baond : HaMmely ta. Clotfc smI Gilt. PRICE, 3 EACH., ! As presents, as -well as valuable acquisitions to a .musical library they are indispensable. Norma, ; - - -BellinL I Faust, - -1- ' Gonnod. MasUn,- . . j. ' .Von Hotow. j Fra Diavokx, 1 t Crown Diamonds. . ilaaaniellos -j . Anber. v. , : Anber. t . Anbet, . ;-;Tpr:;sale.by je-sasb,,. .. April 30th-tf.," ... . , iAw NEW - BOOKS. - ,s "J. i V; -Qe.orgo .Sgqd's Novalff. Manpratt " ' Translatod by Virginia" yaughan. M r-" - V Monsieur Sylyestre, " - 'Francis G. Shaw THo Stfow'SLVn,- w-'v v Virginia Vaughan. The'Miller'ef Angibatilt 'jpsi MA'ryE.'' Dewey. "CUOTK 8 ii 50.EACH. The N, Y. World particularly, and the public press generally, pronounce these' five volumes (T "3t 1 - ' '"" ' """ ' ' excellent' ana entertaining, and the translation admirable. " ' " . .... . .. -r: '.....v.: ..-. . ; '. For sale by J. E. NASH. Piedmont Jb-- Arlinctoav ,lile . Inaaranee This Company jit its, last -annual meeting makes a first rate showing ; has a surplus of 21 per cent above all liabilities, pays dividends at the end of first year, and. insures on most liberal SKcr -ScHoeiMfsa linens Ctistias has Urpead a fohool attna residence f Mrs. ,"Mnry A.UU JcrunrutKJ, uu vrnvcu otrcci,, iui mo inanima tion of young ladies in the higher Branches of English, Muaiot French, and Latin . Terms per session of ten weeks : . Higher Engnsh, ' ' " .'.' S :? Higher jsngusnaaa rrench orLatuv iu.v French or Latin alone, ; v., , i . -5.00 Mnsic on Piano or Guitar, 24 lessons,." ' ' 12.00 Use of instrument for practice, ' " 3.00 Board can be bad for young ladies in private families on moderate terms. - - Ap20-ti On Monday night between the new Engine House and Loroh, Bros & Mills store, pn Broad street, a blue scarf and gold hair pin. The finder will be handsomely rewarded by leaving the same at this office. - - jun?th-.rT err nrs Messrs, .Churchill Gol have rust received per steamer Terry a large invoice of - the' famnos Cu cumber pumps; - This pomp is now extensively used in this section,-and is admitted and found superior to any now in use.- Persons in need, of an excellent pump for farni and Iqt should by all means secure one.ef the celebrated cncumbrs. . CHURCHILL & CO., Middle j5Uf June7-tf. , i . j i LOST. At the fire, on Wednesday, .A verity vouchers, the property of Timothy Keeler, and of the followiug denominations: Two $20, one $10, one $5, and one $3.15. The finder will' con fer a favor on the owner, by returning them the Police Station, where a suitable reward will be given. : Syrups and" molases and for everything you want call at . ; . , AMYETT'S , - - . . at. -...I T. aaao tm n .- G O OD O O OBS, A T REASON ABLE PRICES. Ul i , . Jonn E. Amyett, Grocer and dealer in geaeral merchandise, . South Front street, New- 3ern, O. , keeps a very large and carefully selected stock of the best groceries; and goods needed by the merchant, farmer and every other man." Call andexamine the best stock ever offered in New-Bern before purchasing. ' Amyett's old stand South Front street ; ..' 7 April 23-tf. ; We have now commenced selling the stock we saved from the fire and offer great bargains. .H. jfc B.J2arANUSX v at McLean's Store. Court House Building. April 21-tf. .... . th--j - r. Fob"'Saxb. rA schooner of : 200 barrels capacity, isr good order, of Hj?ht draft and In good condition for inland navigation. Will be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to -- W, F. 8TYBON, at Bchwerin'a 1 Feb 10th tt - V J A THIRD EFFORT. TWO FIRES lYITlilN THREE JK0JJTUS; . TOTHEPUPLIC !: I would" respectfully inform my customers and the, public that I am still alive and kicking and have opened my bakery, on Craven street, one door below Pollock, and can now supply my rTustomers as usual with the best quality of ureao, uases, - ries, ffe. , ec. . I shall, also, in a short time open a shop on Middle street, one door north of Messrs. Gates & Green, for the purpose of supplying' custo mers at that point ' forties mrmshed at short notice with iced and ornamental cakes, pastry and cpnfactionary. All orders promptly filled. Thanking the publie and friends for past fa vors I respectfully solicit a eontinanAce of their liberal patronage.. V- M- HA UN. April lfc-lf. j . ' ITexr 'AdvsrtissEicnt.. , PHILADELPHIA; To: .New Bern, No..: Cai v Schooner J.: WHaigv f ' f?. CapCT. 'A. ' SHOES', '' i ' " XTOW LOADING AT VHlLATJELrHIAi nt Vill ill salt 1 taU port oa Tnird j, June 15th, V 71. Atlantic & N. G. E.-R. C0. ' Summer Arrangement For 1871. i IKOM AND AFTEH JUNR Wtn. 1871, nuHl w tsint from an v Tickt AEiit Hi the Atlantic B rto r.HiHi Vailrnul. Iran im tttattotl lo' Jftoriwaa City mod return for ono first claUare, or one J'ead First ctaM. Scc'd la. Tram Ooldshora to aorrhed City aod rtorn-....u..,. ; 9 w ;-. , t 4 HQ 40 , taw and return ' v t sa . From Kinston to Morehead . OitvuinJ return.... ........ .'-J tS Trom NtwBora to MonrKead City aod nrtnrn.... ........ - sw . Frm Nwport tit Mireh!4d ' Ohildrii over sre and nndr twelvn year of in. half the abor n.! "roB w 'H ortain auen ,;.but.ll k.. full ivnlar fra. Pltwiii get- tlasr on trafin 'btV:,takiiie w-re-c ticket and thPB be allowcti to narcttaa a return icsri, uu. u. thfyfail to purchase a tlcket will be oharjed fall fare both wave. - ' 4t: E. K. WTAMLJ, iwaa Now Bern, W "-.Jjiiim tw W71 tf ,r ,r.'i Claims Agency.!- ". . BY A 8ECE?ffrTiAt!TbF lXjN(iBE8Si,,1 FSSBD .Marrh.ard.lim. all uuraona In the State litly la renuilkis. Who rrar I03 ii to tbe United t ato Cov- ernment will be pain lr all l- s amstHinea oy prop, ertrlwine t'ikni for thiuM of the United Statue nrmy. I have "establisbnd an office la Washinctnn. JJ. 1;.. for the pnrpoM-of proseiaitlnff all acln claim, and respectfully ollcit whairvt-r rtuisinefa 01 mis caaractcc ReferVtot "'- '' ' ' v. .--:'' . Hon. H. McCnlloch. e Secretary of the Treasury 5 - , " Ron. O r Morton. VJ: 8. S..' IndmnapoUa. Inl ; , -" , lion. A. O. Thnrmaii.tr. 8., S-i, "Celurabii8Ohlo S , Hon. Armt'Mr.Di.tialdi'U . 8 ,Lltthock Ark.;1 IlotuC lColb. M,C North Carolina t i (t, i Hoh. J SI Bro llif-a . ucoho Comptroller f ' 1 2 ' ,:;Ho.J W.Tabois, Fourth Auditors " 7 i , Oen. OOnoward. WftBhinttton. D. ft.; ' "' I Ot-n, B W Bileit, Pavmtrr-Gieral 1 1 ,t 4 ; , , ' ! Hon! KLBCIarke RXAinineffn Chief Pitcnf office. 1 Jay Cooke & Co , Bauket, Wanbingtop. P- C ; ; . ' , t - . -TbSASUIIX DlCPAKTMP:!fT. :J . .: i i i BlCOlTN (.X)jnTROLL,BB' CrUKHS. Mr. J. W. Smith, iktu chief lrk of this oftlcd hav Ins luoigned. tnnsno the balns-of bis profes sion. I C'jrdiaily eoinmend him to the pnb'.lc He is a 'gentleiaaaof niranl a-qnireraents, prea Industry, and spotless tptcgrity. and intinia?!y acqoaiuted with the traduction of bnsineso -in-tho eseeiKire Oepirt meiits. I feel pleasnr In brlrv;, this- volu- nry te. tim uvto his chanscneh' after an effidal connection wita bim uf sevsral year. . 1 , , , 3. At: BRtnErSAt.-Comptrolllr.". . "' At! infornutlon etren, ad lxnk f nmUh1ir at . the office of 1 : HAS. HIBDARD, J ; i V 7 tTerk U. 8. Dirtiict Ouort. . Jqne9 tf Coart Coose Buildlna;, New U-rn,N. C. Petition to Sell Real Estate .,-T;fdr'Asset&: BTATff OI VOTrm CAROLINA," t'HAVES UOUSTT John Cf.'LoTlnier. Ei'tr of Karah J. Lovlnicr,- vi. on nerlor Coart. t Superioi yariih a. Loviuier, Ambrose 1. .-i; Loviuier. William 6. Loviuier iufants nndr , wtut-one yrars f aire ami f?hHft. (4. L4.viiiiiir Petition to ell Ecal Es " tilt for AeSClS. , ' ' ' It mmertiint; to the snUM aotlon of the Court, that Charles (i. Lovinier, one of tho (lisfuodants in the above named canse is a non-renident of this State. It is therefore ordered that service of tUo summons hereto annexed be made by publication In tho New Berne Daily Timbs, a newsp.iper publlsbrs in the city of New iUsrne once week "r- six ' weeki uotifjiug the add defendant of the alius: of this petition. . .... ' - ' - I. B. WKST. Clerk 8. C. New Berne, June 1st, lb7t. . tjl -t , 'John C. loviuier, as executor f r : J . Sarah Q. Loviuier, dccjasd, .3- ... -. against 1 '"' J- Sarah G. LoviDier, Ambross S. Lov-1 Summons, i luier and William J. .Lovlnier in f ' J X , fants v&dex SI years of frud , '. ' Cbarles O.' Lovlnier, devisee o; I " ' , ?. . the said Sarah 6. Loviiiler, dee'd. i ": - i ' " i fiTATB OF NORTH C.VROLIKA. i To the sheriff of Craven County Greeting: - You are hereby commanded to summon ifarah G.' Lovinhir. Ambiose d. LovinUii Wllliaia J. Loviuier and Churlcn G. Loviuier, tho defendants above named,' U they he touua witnin your eounty, to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court or the county of Craven, within twenty one days after tbe erviee of this summons on them, exclusive of ibe day ,of such service, and answer the complaint, a copy 'of wmcn win dc aeposuea in tneocicent tne C'ltritof the Baoerior Court for Craven County.-within tun days from the date of this summons: and let tann take nonce tuat it tne ran ti answer toe sate complaint within that time, tbe plaintiff will take judgment against them for the Relief dentaadud- hi the Com- puunt. - . , Hereof fan not,n of this summons stake due re turn. ..-,,!. . ; .- . -. ir Given under my baud aiid the seal of sit court this 21KB day of Slav, 1871. : t 1.. wbst, . .. ' f - Clerk of the Superior Court, JoneS 6w i i . , , Craven County, Aid for- tlie Fixo Department I LECTURE ' At the .New BerDjCheatre By J, F. Long,' 11. D. ' ' Subjects jEsthctfeaj sf HIiMry. , . . . JtckMU. ;". 4MMsewatlI ' The Bet proceeds of the iectnxe will be de voted to the aid of the Fire.Depcirtment . ' InJ addition to the lecture, " ' ' ' .';' . Fiiifj ltramciitai Music will form ment pleasing feature of the entertain- . Tickets, SO cmts, to be obtained members of the Fire Department ' ; ,, . from . ATLANTIC ft SOWtVi CAROLINA It B.CO, i - PnKsiDCNTi Orrics. I . -t f Bsw-Baan, H. U9 4mue 4, 1871. ' . ' . .''"'".'":" NOTICK. ' Tbs Interest due on th first day of July, ls7t,on the bonded debt of tha Atlantic & Kerth Carolina B. B. Company, will be paid at tha Puttnn KaUonab tunt, aew loric. on presentation ol m ttespoqa June4tb-td. .- - E. R- BTASLY, Preeldent. ; '' ATLAimO & BOBTH CABOU9IA K tVCA, X . PaisinEvr's Orrici, I , NcW-Bkbic, 3. C, Jano Sin, 18ft. Z ; J .;:.'- I HOTICBV . --;-, - v; 1 The evenU'enth anrnial meetiop; of tha stockhold ers of the Auaatic 4tt North Carotin KafliomlCoMi. pany, will Te held at Mwrebead City, on tba S9th 4ay of June, 1871. Jsna 4oafl. r H. B. 8TASLT, Jbe8iiet. A FIREMAN IN EVERY HOUSE. Buy a POCKET FIEB APPAElTtJS. ' Can , " . bensedto - ;;, -- - WASH WINDOWS, SPEINKLB THE GAR DEN. OR PUT OUT A FIRE. - Everybody should haw one when SHARKS FLY - GOTO nrnnvie rrtts r sr ..Hbltltl O lMWVI illVIIKl O N CRA V4i N . S T REE T, " - " r --and cfder'oiw, ' - ' - " A stitch in time saves nine, ' April !6tb-fcf, . , t . S-pQir'l. Notices. . r, THEWpriLD js irrAW.VsT Against the ue lt ir-colrinij preparatipns Science condemns them. ,They are virtually .flea d. ' Mean while! CHEIAIK)0-flJIXSI05 HUB SIS proved by time and1 sanctioned by pnetkal cbemistsx has becdraa Ihe andurd article of its class turoajhouiitbe length and tMteadth of the land,, It " is fjouioaless, rapid in jt opera . tion, certain to produce tur trqnired shade of color, and hat no Jotuaanv)ng bair ttyes, etih r in the United States or Europe. To beautify and soften tha bair after dyeing', use J ' CRISTADQRO'a UA1R PRESERVATIVE; aa a dressing. HEAD C A- RE FULLY' 'Ague and iFeyei:;, . The only preventstivs-knowh. for'-Chftli ant Fever is tbe use of Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps Wolfe's Sobiokm. Ecinapp,; ( la rotkI. f pr Dyspeps ja: r ,', ; , ' ; Wolfe'$ Schiedam &chnapp la a preventive of Cbijte.and ! Feverst ' "'-. Wolfe' ScfiUitdyi' $cfoitf$.' It good for all kidney and bladder complaint Wolfe's Schiedam Sclmnpps. IS used all over 'the world by physicjais In '. their practice' - -' - Wolfe Scbiedam Scbnhppa.. Is good for Goor,: .i y- ir Wolfe's Schiedam SchnappC :I ffood fur air Urinary complalota. VVolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. ' Is recommened Vy all the Medical Faculty. Wolfe'i Schieclam fyhixafye. I It good for Colic and pain in tht atotriach. " , , ..iluin.ril ,ij)iif,. i, y ij i ,ij ." WolJV Schiedam Sshnappasr Is imitated and counterfeited. And parckasera will hav to use caution Id purchasing. I beg leave to call the attention of ths- rea der to testimonials in favor of the Schnapps, I feel bound ' to - say .' that ' X regard your Schbapps as 4e1ng . in: every respect p re-em Inrnlly pure, nnd( deservinif of medical rmt ronage. At all events it ii the parest post,ill artlcle of Holland efn. beretoforoi Qnofctalnat Me. and as such may1 be safely ortscitbed lv physiclana.' ' ' 1f ' 'i -r -t DAY 111 JU AiLrrT,, at. jJ.i. fharmacent eat: Chemist, New York. , . - - LoriSTUxs,. Kt.. fepLj. , I feel that wav have now so article of gin suitable for sucl cases as that remedy ii sdapteo" to." - - Scllnapps,, la a remedy In chronic cat arrhal complaints; eta : : . , . . jn t I take great pleasure in bearing hie-hir crert- itaoie Testimony to Its etneacy as a remedial , agent in the diseases, for which 'yoa; recom mend it. Having a natural tendency to tha- mucous surfaces, with a slight degree of i'tiin- " uiuiiod, a rea;aru it aa use oe iao moat import ant remedies in chronic catarrhal affections, particularly those of tbe Renito-urinary ' ap paratus, wiib nnicn respect, your osedjeut servant, CHAS A. LEAS..M. J&., Jtew Xorkfc . 265 Plnk BthIxt. NBw Yoxxi Nor. 3L 18G7 Udolpho Wolf Esq.. Preeenw Djbak Sib : I bave made a chemical examination of a stfrnple of ymr "Scbleaa'tn Schnapps,' with Ihe Indent of determinlnr If anv form en or Injurious substance bad been added to tho simple distilled spirits. -' The examination' has resulted in the conclu- ttisil tht fTiA nmnlaw fit in to i naH Mn KnlMn...-. , or harmful admixture. I have been unable to BPBVU XUUW V VIS1HU1V WtltBllllbll 11U IHflaHJall 1 discovcraoy trace of ike deleterious substance wltich are sometimes employed in - the adul teration of liquor. I would not h(Uste 10 use myself, nor to recommend -to others, for medical purposes, tbe ,'Schiedara -JWonaps as an excellent and unobjectionable variety of gin. "- Very'respectfullT ycifi, (Signed) CHA8. A.SELY,CkemisLJ CnnncAL An Txcvkical Labosjitost, 1r Excbakob Placs xw Yobx,Kov. 23,1867 TJdolpho Worn, ,JEse ; JJbab . 6ik; The ' undersigned ' baye - carefully and thorough ly analyzed a sample of jropr Aromatio Schiedain Scboappa," cejected My 'oursolrea,. and have found the aim free ''from all 01 ganicor inorganic substsneetthore or less injurious to .lieallb. From . the result of ear examination we consider the article one of eupertor quality, Ixnlthful as a beverage, aod effectual id Its medicinal qualities., i' Itecpectfolly yours ' 1 s"1' !" ALKS- TKIPPLBiChcmUt , , . . s FRAJNCIS JE. ENQKLilABP, JX For sale by all respectable Gfocera apd Drc iista. UIX)LPnbw6LFE' EST' .. -u : " j. . . . .. . .. ;w; REivss iT. KXw TOXX. ... UDXj, UIXJUX ' t .v IiIPPMAH'S,; GREAT., & E E MA N; B I T T E E S TBESTAS2AR0 BITHSS CF CCBMABT. , ClVs ET Ul mmm Mnraima aaa am ssaswai . .. .. - . v ! m Bju ruAtt isi. dcblESIed! irr?."r?i rrr plSafS8' ?mt 0mmT WfW JMraa idsey Cass- " Lipoma's Gssat Creat Grmas BttteWenrc taaaia Complaints. . . . . - Ltpprna ost fjcrman BIttei; the west deltest ful ana eftective in the world. . , ' , 'Ltppmaa'a Creat Germs BitUrs tares svs wsIlYpeople., , - . j . .. .. .,.j.t " . Lippman's Great German Bitter give as appetite. - lipomas' Great Ceraua Bitters cures Liver Coat Lippman's Orrst Gr-aiaa Bitten rite teas festive ojgaiNV : .i . s i- Iippmaji' Great German BitUrs g.ves asarcr. . .; Lippman's Great German Bitters earea Rervonsnea Upttaaa Great nsaa Ottaxra, tba Wat Jav Hedicine. ,t . - Llppmaa Great ' tWraws Bf Men' refuIaU he Bowels., . . ; . f. ' . . '. - Lippnaa's Great Geratan HUten iciua tbe Torpid liycx. . -.. -t . : -- - ' - Lippman's Great German Hter trill xJvc Tenth a Vigor. - , , - ' LlDuroaa's Great Gonban BiUat tweveat CiSIs aad Fever. ' t .. . Sold by H. ADEIAJf ft TOtLEHS, ! Wilaiinton, N. O' Arams daixebt of-abt.-d. Jtppie-U-u Y Co.. Vrw York, will send to every new sah. scriher u Imitw'l Jatrkai nmittlntr Hfnroir year's subscription, TEN ISUKRKB KNGKA VlKtS oHaMte tnt fraatina:. from fiafwt Ire by n- most eoiU wjnt Ame i-ss srtiHla, so (bit Mm nw sohrcihrr re nHves GRATIS what would oo S10 it, tbr printsbot a. fall partimiara will be taiuiitudva appliuiUoB. - " . -' I '