- J r ' a-'vsM JrU -1, 1 i 1 mi O1 'tit Si w 4 . INSKPA RAHL.E.' -Daniel Vebt. J- fl Hi M . V tFW I 1 J It' " I ' - " - - VOli. I.-r.NO. 26. ir. NEW BERNE, N. C, -S ATUHD AT ZONQTGTO0'9.l2,1371; PHICE FIVE cEiirn e Jon?; Masis, Local EtUtof , y CITY AND STATEITEM3. There are fifl7iTS'ertra. The Fayetleviile: Braes Jiani. JUas f beea cn gAetl by Mr. -Taylor, FrcTrietor of tW'A.tltiiUc Hofel?;JJeaafort,for-fiie iHtLince tIU&e Beasc(a, Ths baud consists of 4i:pwces, iiBi is coasader ed ioaa of tba' beet iajlEo St?.-sjtrV S."' Mayor's Court. T . , , As if ta make tip for tiie dihiess of the pre Uibahal yesterday moramg, . ? The firslkT?i Shalfi ivyouQ? man dismissed;. -'Vj ?" !'f:-:':V,v;:r?-;- : :'; ; k$6m$ man wasreportef 6r ' -af$rfbtgfcsr fire' wrmsithin tha cify liiHvrga sdiu4 ; andjfno tf $1.00 pposcd.' f'- - -f. The nest caso introdaced, brouglit "to Ebtia bust of HarpxJDfB-1-' ' ",':.''-:" ' George WaMnacn;.i gahllgiwehrw :;r-itTOtoiSM Sergeant ofPoUce felled a mad. charged iyR'JfA'fil do'" iu that city, on TVedfttsday. 4, - by .thrqwii" stiolia, & rn the market to bail iu the sam of $203 for his ppeuraace S tho next term of the Superior Cdurt i As we before observ.td the greatest feeling exists hmopg tho colored peopla j$ ho profess to be teraibly shocla ""'ioji ?tfiJujg that one whom they bo highly esteemed' should full so low from grace. . "i: ' ; .' afTun "i - - How la tli for.ov fr Cepartnr Tho following dispnccU was received by the Tribune, on the 8th:Helena,' Aug. 8. ciag? ett,Eepafcl&m,Ti eltcted Dttlccate lo Congress by l.DOd W"j44ly. a gain of over 2,500. The left wing of Price'a army is utterly defeated. i '-.weBiatbeU themj)lenty".-- -r' tl?Vi ' MV TS. S. Marshal, . $5 Eewaed. The premises of the subscriber having been entered on Saturday and Sunday night last, and one large tfiVpJikeat"ht-it am, iqgeuir ynin otnar uungsw ien Uiereirom, tne aboye rsward. w;ll be.j)aid ,51ft th,'detection - . OFFICIAt. Return nftTie Tote for Attorney ttener'al i ' Election held on the 4th day of id uy iist 1870," and of tlie Vole polled ofl. 0m 31 da qf-Mi-gut, 1871, on tlie question-tfCoitvehiipn,' or 'lfo Convention," t z us r ?1 sf! " J Counties. -4 . : Hi Aliitpance, A'exandcr, Alh'ghanyj Auson,1 - ARhe, ' Ueaufort, Ber'iie, BladenT Buncombe. U 1043 SHfe 98B,4l05rjT ' 9t9"" 10,3 ..: 13i$ 1506.J ; V?)l- 867 iSrJfi3-"ill5i a o a 2 i o 902 -J. 178 X&eiiel?riai evidehco Bufaclent to convict., Bnrke, , . C3o ,80.. Mustapha -were found guilty, and fined $1 CO ,;t , a,.tw1 therefrom last his conmry ill fciic .uuuawwiw yrr' . . i Tuesday. f; i- We have' saca. tho most elegant llthograph- mamage certificate that ever was gotten up. Dr. Jofia T. Walsh has tuenj for sale. Tha Steamship Jas., A Gary will sail frou: Baltimore .Wednesday, lCth inst, instead of Thursday, as heretofore pnnounccd. "The -Tarboro . Southerner corapirments' the each. -:;..;:. vlft-7; Fred Jonss made complaint that Ilsniy Jonas had ! taken Ms shoos arid disposed of ihcmChe case not being ready was continued. : ; ; A case that created much merriment, was that of Shade Eussel, who was arraigned, charged, with the onra-yily act of bot'yig lya wifp, The evidanjoe 4150108611 the fact that ho had whipped hi wife preity Iwdly, and in additioa'to Ibis,- " 7X lADVEETisEkiirr J - New Bera, Ang. JO, 1S71. I -will inform "C: W. Braj that h'o let BIr. Kinsey have my coat, and sold-' my pistol to Mr. Smifcn, of Jones. deDtitv Sffienffi r iTheToard of -N.' Bray I will not reply to. " Tie is lite Ephrlam; I will, let him alone. . ; ' Ia." D. WrLKIE. "Eadical" of Edgecombe upon the peaeable e jjaVcrf r?Ub" afcnoyed lh rcighborhod. andlaw abiding way they have of doing things, jjeing asked whether lie. dt-sired to examine The Presbyfcriaus of Goshenfcongregaaqn the witnesses, he Marled out No Sir, bat ,nL -nta mre the semces of a gen'tlenfei I want to aij-futhcn, on bting voubk minister who will devote his whole time ww m au "-ZZ , , . 1 "HWt"1 t J ' 1 V. he addressed the crowd witb GyariEenaall I got' tor say; is I flgg33 eoP.oaian; yas I -flogged -her goodly as.-"i cuqana l " M. :ftli ra jticky- and der ole' .iomanV she was aassy. lind foogged her'cood,1 yes I Hid; may be Iburt luUfJaeJaftCP oas tQe, saa-was -o hitf charge. fC'J C-' i The Mender says, thf-lhi lare residence of Sir. A. B. Thompson, about five mi!3 from 43oldsboro,-was dtrpysd by cn oiidy 000. " . 4 of Gas. Bryan, the colored polio J assy, and I flowed her a;.' thai's all I've got ,4 Vithf killing- fce colored' mania -to say- The Mayor observed, thai for this . v.The trial . WAw,5of tha Iftte'traabbi anias'tment; Shade wonHFt ;alowe4 lh; p: there, is progr'essing, butnot yet concluded. . lim bf paying f 10,00 or go k. jail for- thirty .:.::?.,Vnr:--sy - - ;-V days. Shado very indignantly announced A"colored sharper of Wilmington, enticed a Hjiat he. "won d take it out inj vil, colorad girl about fourtsen years old, into an to which place he was accordingly sent .out of the way. place, beat, choked and robbed her of $3.75. . The man has been, arrested. . A V The Wi!miuglon Star . claima' that Mr." James Haatqn, the recently elected member "of the Leg islature from New 'Hanover, is ineliigible to the position, not haxinsTesidediji thecoanty one var: a-is wmiifed bv law.- c --tfc . , . . - morning. V oJ 1 -t ftu;i i .I -kr. I connected with his arrest: ;T Tb accusc4 is known as 1W, tSBade- Moore. Senate. aa to'Wuiihuitrton City, D. C, a few I f fw-v . . ' -.-- ' -1- .-i . -v-ti . -.. '.- rr.-r?r--T T;-i.it ikvitnne nsaaM'-iit'' dames.. v:t. tesmvin? Djiora tae 1 --r ' - . .--.. - CwlsUetjlls feelin -was excited among the ;lored people of James City and New-Bern by ihe surest of ft .popular (colored) presiding cider, of the aisthodifct Church, , as ha - was about to leave this cify on the" train yesterday The following are the circumstances d-iys ago for da purposo ft .testify! qu'rage ComaLttoer , , - . r ' t Mt Sanndcra 'ir said to bs one of - the chiefs .of tii Invisible Empire. His testimony will be Camdeut Carteret, . Caswell," Catawba, Chithemhl t;hcrokw, Chowan, ' flay, Cleavcland, Colnrnbna;-, Ilonae for Sjle or Rent. - , . v To sell or rent one of the most convenient and pleasantly, located houses in New-Bern- Terms made known on application to Aug. 10-1 w. : Mrs. EDWAED HILL. ' liii8alnl.iGn AfConfli-tBrnln. The firm of WadeTiulaithuaJdoaii business as Hotel keepers, at Morehead City, is this day dissolved by mutual consents All claims against the firm will be presented to A. D. Wade, who assume tho same. Mr-Wade alone is allowed ta sign in liquidation. Aug. 5rtf. ... ? WADB & DUNAHU3 he isa xcntprA-xLer, jinl wai opnseruer iy leTulizetl by the 'female, imd highly tespectod by tho male. members of hi? flock Latterly, however, .one ol theliUer, class nstmcd James Snarrbw'had lpsV-Confidenea 5n the preacher for .J "The Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Stock- the very excellent reason, that "hp believed the holders of .Western -North "Carolina .Railroad rweroud gent, was too juiimato with his (Spar Company wiD'tako plaoe in Marion, -on Thurs- row's) wifs. For someffrne h-ui B rr6w' (Who is day. Aucust 31st. 1871.' 1 - a fiherm.3 bccipaiioe tharrased with Budness of imporfanca will be triVisacted and such thoughts and doubts, and he at lst made fach Stockholder is requested: - to be present up his mind that he , wpuld forever settle the - either in iwsoH or by proxy. . ' i matter by laying a trap.. This thought hehug- , 1 y . ,.-. x .. --r ' I ged forsomedmbut circu3astance3 were slow ... vwswntiwk., . n. ms- .... to allow mm an opportunity 01 putuug it, iliiu tt According Jo a hto writer, sunrokei duo pactical Thursday nighty; howevefj' offered a to the action of light upon the brain-verted flnfl opportunity to carry ouithe long cherished . . - 1 .- - ,- . . - Hirouga me- eye, sua, ,nos, as generauy joeuevco, plan- , rpjj afternoon Elder Moore caUed and 1 . to an elejation of temp2raturer s and it is assert- Btated that ho had an invitation to preach in ed that," if eye1M'prppblir shaded from the jfew-Bern, at Andrew ' Chape I, that night, and glare of te'saV'aQy r unusual precaution thatifMfs. Sparrow would accompany him he '.in'the way of protacting thffjloV-andback of wonia escort her to New-Bern and back..-At the neck may 4ispease4 with. J2 f: . tais." MrX'ISparroW.tw'Tminch; pieweas her ''-2-'jr'-'it'':: 'Vv :-' v'-i'x.''' : husband cpr.dially assented, .and remarked at On Wednesday of lasS jveekife lvssey.Pee- tme heW going fishing, and . derebleoM kdy aged 72years, re- Vould noraeach! tonhe-nntil the fbl- - Pl5iag.w5? BSPi4.Jnsj?gcQOni- had d At night-fall consequently, ' thS her jerOTtoaey ndgro fiend named preacJiei. $parr vm started from their Jtack Swi-he particulars ,as waliaTareatti- dbml-toward the -sNeskSaW bridge, where )Bd them art ftWbffi to a the husband ftft'M the -pieaplicr and Woman jieighbrr touseaad ATeaing wason her went on fmd arrived iQ New.Bern. 1 Instead, , way home.wdkjngoii , the railroad. VTien only noweTCrj-of g0iag-oa a pkcatotial excnrsion that a little distanoeirom the rjsidenos of Mr.,Cbas. husbanol returned to his home and . Msey the negro man, whom she positively ftWHy Womeu arttele8l,OTaay.witS. . reeosmized as Mack Swan, iumoed udtu her f . 'j,l;L n,;';. X . . k 1 lxilll till uts " uji aiiu tuuu w and oommitted the fiendish outrage. The negro hfollow his wifa and her reverend escort- Ho THE MOSQUITOES. Ixot after roes ''Eaven but after being raven mad with 'em; and ; who would'nt- at TntE3 Office. J .v t fT . " " While we in our sanctum sitting, -Sitting, sttting, writing up Buzzing 'round us come mosquitoes " 'i Buzzing they have come to "cup,'' 'And they leach uSj and thty teach us; Oar writing nojv we mast give up ' And take a.snioko which we wilL And while we at our pipe are puffing, Pufuag, puffing, clouds of smoke, Thinliinj what thee-things are good for. While their bills they at u poke, ' And. they buz'us.; and they "cos! us, " As tho they frulywere our folk Which they are not no, sir. . And while thus, we try to reason, ' Reason, reason, out the cause For the light of mankiad mainly; And for use in natural laws, Y;t they leach us, and they teach ns That they have us in their'elffc'B Which we don't like hanged if we do, r Hi , 132&: . ,1203 1 f ffj: IA4 . 1 irtO: . OUi .H2a.-Jio "J , E-XCTJ-il'SrONS T:'Mduritams1 or tlio Sea Shore ! ib.-.:, . .... ' ' ARItAWGKMKNTS HAVE BEKN AIADE lSY'TIIE RAtDROAD'' COJIPA I KIES lOli UUNNING A WEEKLY EXCUliSIOM XltAlN FIIOAI U J . ,,:.a::rA;TO'iiabitiV:X:';' v: v. '.; THESEASHORETO THE -'MOUNTAINS 1 WP'XWjMAJ oejhe. season, : no re:ftfrn. 11!); 1043 Comrocrtcing P8ftncayf August 7th,: 187 1 ,;andforv eacfh Mon day foliowing tor six weeKS, An t a i if a titain, consist- ; . m , a. . . f t iw-.,iins ot a snuicsent numasri eieKuri coacnes, win ... . - t -:w bo ; runfrom end'W N. C. Railrrad to More- - i t- iu. i-. hogd, returning on .following Thursdays. , ' . 'I ' !! ! ! ?-t'-y H1!". . - ' ' ' " 1 '.' ,,r "" " ' 1 ' " 1 " "tieG-" 639- 130G '768 ' Bo " 1013 154f ' ' 314 ' 121-4 ' 487 0'17' Craven. ' ,v K " 270 ISOr Cutuberland, -! ?" l(571i "1741! Currituck, J V 3271 8t.i Davidson, - ' H5ft s I2lf,i Dvvi& ' G83' 76? Dunlin. J 9T.2 15051 O ' . ' . ' ' .1 Forsythe, -' " ! ; 1314 FranBThn,' ."v 143T"-1379 Gaston."" '-C96 95 OranviUc;'' -2$R& fW Greene""- . 100G- 7tW Gailfortl; '"- 1717" 179 Halifax, .' ic '8230' 1347 Harnett J . v. . 6ffi- CfiHH Haywood.1 : - ? 4(-i 728 Hertfbrd, ? 273 Hyde, "r.i 2tft75 IrelV'-i, -i v J -,40 '1263 fohntinj.U.J iH-j.l21-i.'.170ii,t.. Jmos, rt -r .ku ' !- ,i I 559- 51t) Lenoir, l i o d s-1224: 91 1 s LmcohV- ii'W. .: Hi 610: . .SiS; Macon, 24(i 631 915 4126. ItEAH CITY ANBilETUIlN-WimaUT CHANGE iO.RvDEIJV.IV ' Specialisrotlces. TTHfibAlfcTciirNrif Across1 the AUautie ftots not ynele UanineL . Ha attends to his toilet as nsnaL Npyig a iavr grey hairs on his venerable caput, what doos h" do? R3 resorts at once to thonly nrtitda of Jt kind la. tho wide world, which is at th lainir time safs and PEarFCT, in other words, to - OHEKTATJOKO S'ISOELSloa EAIB DTP, jruarrautoed harmlcKs by Professor CkiuPos And ' other a tingaishl chemists, and tha most pop ular dye in laiorica, because it impairs the most natural shades "of color with the grea,tos wrmmcy auu in uie snorust S-C3 or tund. spiked Tins a curs' - of a!T its wiuld be rivals, iud is now master of mo siiua-aon. As a dreKsmg after dyeing, nse J " . CURiaTADOKO'3 UAtR ntEStRVATIVB ' -,: FOR TH"!nTYYEAhs ! Perry;, Davis' VcgctaWa Tairi . Killer; HAS JlEEX TESTtl) IN EVE.EY4VAIUli TV Of CUttA'TH AKi RY ALMOST , JSyEKT NATION ICNTa,;-N TO - --n . w n. 4 " n. . j i .i. . i. m'. ijt '" 1"...' -! ? rH? I .. . . i . . i ... , . a- 00"llt7 a' ?.Xe, ; !T, V.; T V: V ' t-v co our Lukes or Pivcr. whhou, 'iSriS tr,d tnvl, -t has-bn-heforc tbe pubW o'ihirty f1- wi ' - m,laia W Wig thu fS, Shore'andoVjoO,, tr4!iUul,- - ZZnT. I ' it-,' - -T . - ; . ',- .JZ!-i, . i .. iii..v..:.Ln i . v. r . oil he present day, Atlhis pei uk! tj er are bnl ,- ;-t . ; .f. t ... irii.;; i; m .mv a i, . . , .. f r : ' 1029i "1412 8331 1233 1T414 825 3 1901 174U.D45 85lt 165G 4i l:.4t-1t J t j " til 11 l4t 1 r c . , ! BATES 1 PORJESTUHIT, TICKETS . 3i Madison. Martin, , . l 'McDowell, . . Mecklsnburg, v : Mitchell, , , Montgomery, - ' ' Mfora, .r ! Na. :,"! New Hanover, - I. Northampton, -Onslow, Tf Ki fs Orange, : : rasqnotanli,' ' P PerquimaBS, i- ritt. Folk; ' Kandolphy -EichiiiouiV B.ibeson, Itockingham, ltbwnn, Eutlifordf . SiUupKon, 4S'J 1107 C51. 19L. 471' 45- 7D1: "7S8- 510. lllf.i 99 2161 280, 481 ma! 9SO 2914 ,2027 lttOO- 959 S31. 170S "920- 837 ': .1754-' 1 rrriT1! . CD 'Tnto-iS.rt'HdchiKUit ISa J 5W 810 ,.5 J3 , Giiliuliora to " . . . . :u i LjST,n,it:,Kof.a sfU at the n3)ovet)ricea rejro.n.cl on Excursion Train onlv. and will I part of h. world, and ihatjlsaki Ucoa winy tiiuiiVKoprauYe agiit oat b(1 such widespread sale or jtivea iucn universal satisfaction.' it is a purely vegetable com pound, and peiftctly'safe tven in tinakiliraj klnaf. v 1 " :,t-vh::-r' Afiej- thirty year (rial, ia ijlll receiving lh nmst unqualified. testimonials- to its virtue, from pei sous of the highest chaiacter and ra-sponsibihty.- Pbyslciuas-of the first respct alility, rccomaiend it ns a most effectual pre paration for the cttiiiclioiiof pain. It is net oily Urn bfst rrmedV ever known for Bi'iWs, Cua, Burus, &c.K hot for Dysentery or Choi-. ?ra,. or any 901 1 of bowl coniplaiut. I; !' r-meiy ansuc imsstnt for- efflciency and rapidi ty ofct)oa.rfIiT Iba pr-at citictol Jndia, and other hot climatffl. ttliasti come the StAhrtarrr MdiciM! ft aTJ snch complaidta, as well a " ror,ijsfipia jjytr (join plaints, and other kindird .disonlera. For Coughs and Colds, Vinken.-Astljma, and Rheomattc adirHcaltJei, .it lta beoi) pmyed by. -the ovmt abundant ano) omivmcing ii;snmby 10 00 anjnvaluable mad- . 8fi0 .901) -JlKft. l(r 1140 1170! . 800 . RS ' MS. 'n 1UU0 .1(160 fewrtmarquttlhted witfr tho merits of the'Parn Kille'-; but while mmc xtul it a liidment, they know but Utile of ils power fn casing pain when taken iuternatly, while oilim use it in terrfat'y ( h'grent sucoeSs;'uat nv eqnally. Ig norant of ilsncHljn tirtuos when applied -ternally. , Wc tbcreforc wish to sSy to All thai U i equally suewfuj whcllicmed internallr or externally find it stands to-dny, unrivalled byiji Wgrrat ataVgne of faroilyrncdidnea It ia ufficicnt evidence hts virtues a liaa- dwi Tnccwrs idrknovihat it isnww iised in , iSt;8" -w. j,i,rn "-p.VMtl UiJaLljJb'ti . ; ,t t-O ; 1 17(1 I30 GOING EAVf-(M41.NOA?s )' ' 'v'" ' ' ' GOISG WERT-(TirunrtATs ; 1243-1031 : TTT"' '"STATIOWSe- t' ' ; 4S3 570 '-&MUVE. i- IJAtVK .--'.-4 ,; f. w. AltUIVB. ; j.. jIiEi..TKs,i ; COfV . PMi? - t ... x. a . - . , 1 597 , &3"": TIM 3702' 1993i .412 4(19 83!) nsi 212S I 88H C60 1735 -84 92:i Finding smoke will not avail us, has been lodged in jail atTBarithfield and wehope .will earn his raward .en the galla ws. Me sen yer. ; ... tTkoTerrrAgrooai V .''V.;r'-'. . Yesterday afttsnioon, as the steamship E. S. ... Terry left her wharf, the grounded. 1 For sev 1 ; . -era! hours, ineffectual effort; vjere "made to get - s .her afliwt wi h her own engi mj9, and -such o?aer aid as could be procured by .running ines &c- - KoUiing,' howeter. "wa &&om ! Phshed until the Rev. Cutter, E. A.. 8teven8i - firedlp anI,"atfachiDg a fine, had Uhe Terry ' 3ot twenty minutes from the. first attempt, ... . and the vessel proceeded on her way to Ne ;YorfcQTOf little incident evidences one of J the many benefits the Cutter isin our waters. accordingly also reached New-Bern, visited , An dre Chapel, and i'ith feelings better imagined than described, l'tened to an excellent aermon delivered by Bev. Mrl Moore. It Is perhaps due the Elder to say, that it was, the generally expressed opinion that he preached a very good Sermon LOatmgUL, auu auf.uie buiuuiiu wn correspoudingly congratulated. After the services at church wera concluded, Mrs, Sparrow and her escort wended their perilous way over the Trent Eiver bridge, reached her 'home and the .two entered. This, however, was not unobserved hy the jealous husband, who Lad tracked them from New-Bern like a sraeth-hountL V On enter ing, the' twjfo . fiistensd gate "and j; door; the husband's suspicions were now. confirmed, he waited anxiously, at last the light in the house was extinguished. SteitLhily the dishonored hur- . Availus naught. pr giveuus rest, ' l(4uitHT(ffrlhe 'mfrfrprsJ J Somewhere elsetq take a rest, 4 r From their buzzing, and their " coz "ing; Concluding truly they're a pest Which they are sure as you're bora." And to tell the truth,-they are a little s The meanest thing ia tbe.world. , ' WEARY. StanU'i Stokes," 1 Surry, Transvlvania, Tyrrell, Union, Wake; Warren,.. t, Washington, Watauga. Warn," ' 'Wilkes,, . 1 Wilson,, Yadkin, Yahcey; 1 y 1242: - ll(w : 1623 V 1143! '973 - 113 i -9i.'h i-452: I' 5C9 ' 502 1- 149 ! 328 ! 6Si! !: 35043112! .220G ,87'J, j 798 Efil i 26T " STld 189' 12SO 8:iC; 1590; 1459 893) i89" 1007i 78? .4 l"1: 1209! 545 - 17781 ,1721 13-10; 42 -it iu ro 10 H 1283 1322 1122 1003- 1399 litf-.-i.-.rafl 1210: 129 483: 027 11:30 A- M. J.3.-01 ; 4:1 . 5fOD At "SI.- 6:.10' A. . Weary, weary I am weary Of this life of toil and snares . For how dreary oh, how drejary. f" Are its many daily care&J J if If, perehanca, it gives us pleasure, It is only for a day; -- ' Storms of sorrow without measure . " Chase its brightest beams away. Pf hnrHf f rv 7i " f- 4 1 n . Wvl kkkrnia in.l lnlvs U . Since tho.y will hot, cannot last; And we're left to ponder only : p er the sunbeams of the Past Wae?. New Bern, N.' C August 11, 1S71. S vSlltV 913 948! 1191 11 S79fl 215 598" iS5,427:87,Glfi; 6:0 A. M. ..Kko.W. N. C'K.'W - -5:30 ' . CIIAULIJT IE,- 1?:00 , nL: HALISIiUltY, , r n; fn.- x:.-i4, 12:5 4 r.'M..' LEXINGTQy. . - 1 ft sift 4:29 .COMt,ANY,-SlOrS;7 J fft"7:ir f .liALEIGil,- li loojir.N. JOO P. M. 8:50 " e:37" B. H, " STANLY-" srprATJTffiWSAfc MeX. TATE. PWrsidest A & G-li tt. v Uen 1 Ticket Ag t NCR H.-.v ; l'rceideijt V C li R. - . 1cic- til - C&T?'5 773 3647: 3103 915i 458 "1824-' 1615 117. i872 no- 627 24 v - v t i 4,221,1 New "Advertisements. if Notice to-the -Tax -Payers of ;-r;avori;V(!Ti!ity; TiJOTICK LI THE UNIVEnSITY Of VA: Tha FoIIowjngj Departments: y 1. Sehoalof Latin. S .Jchoot of Greek.. & BchooJ of M04ler'i Lansiinspn: 4. joi 01 nucern niuuwj pliy. 6; Schtnil ttrf Iifetry f nnd fin?ll hityratttfu. 6. Soh4)ol ofChen.ii.try. 7. 'bchojjl 4f Naturul Phitt. notilir. 8. School f Mathcmsticrt.' fl 'SnhtJol of Conv- and Civil Law a:i.l Eqnflv. 11. Pchoul of PbjBio!ipy ., SheiMirr.-a Hclionl i4 Ast4inX ! Atat4)na Mfrrtltja. -13 - PciMjrl 4t iledicllie and Obstctno, 14-4 S4-hA'l of AMiiied WatiiniiiatiCB: lb, fnooi 01 Anaiy tical, lartHBtiial Slut: ACTtcnltundi :tiemistty. 18. icbPOl of Natural llistory m.U Agncjiiorer-irweBr tohe-flwtedl - "ProviMoa aism'tor eiasMS in l'mtical f lijaic's, iioUical Jurisurudonc aud San-J Dinliimas and Ce.rUacates or. rroncienci are givpu is 1,111. Wfparn.B i44.ii.ivjb- . The fol'.ociuc IiUCcrMr coBfunrrcd : 1. Bachelor of Utters 2 B.icxilor of btiences. . Master l Arw. 4 DjMrtor' of Sh!licllie. ' 5 wacneior oi -ua Civil EEiyncwr. 1. anaiDtf BUKlautr. , .. ,.. t j Tho csp-nces of .tho studfut.. exclusive of text- Moka. lotiiT andt pociei'mansir. smooat tofroia ir.6ii tb :-JV per utrtsionot nlae montua; m vuicu sum fJ2(Ho g-50arepatab!conaiimiMtoB. - . i Sesstoatiens t)4tii.-r; ltU.iF4r CaUilnguca, -address, .; " ' " i. J. T1 . T . (. F 1 . . . i. I . 4jL.,i ijnvrrii4 wi. .ii DISTRICT COURT Ol? TUB UNITEO STATED . 4MI1'-U 04BLCB J 'July t'rA''- tiio. .tlt tr , VUTSl-nCER!St IS IIERKBY GIVEN. THAT TUB Listed-ana AanemeA'raxee foe Ihe wT WT1 inrc I will attrfnH ftt mv nfll in tliA f'rtii nf W .1 n 1 1 fr44fc mm Biter Auuab iuiu ion, iu. ujudc, ul -iiciir p i rniC Her if 4JjJ M" tf I O Vlftrh.Tfc'J antil 3 o'clock Pi Offl:ehoms from 9 o'clock A.M. M.'dWty. :Yo,"re'ftirth'BoiSflpl tn'tali'' JdrM giveo tor Taxes under Schedule B. Itevcnne Act known m rierchanw aim Licence Tax. are not T:uia until thev have betin eountuj-sisoed br the. Jtwziitcr , of d4ds. The penalty for not cumplying withjthe1 Same, as rtir!d: by Law, Is $ J I CO -1 ia j which line. win oe toipoeca. Ang. 10th 1871.S ., Aug. 11-tf. " OI?T, -NTJO HITEB5S. Bherilf of CriVCDi County, " ' Asether Jo. Turner, Jr. f : Sometime ago, while the police emissaries : .r1rere P" d0Ss- one' very "good-looking t band approached the house, forced b'pi?n a, shut- fWra43RP1tPrW'-na pledia. the found, ter. from which he could view his marital couch, f I WJlMW.MitteP?Il- Jhpolice aad-hls worst suspicions were confirmedT ?In- i oroe have aa 1 one has been stanayrsting fr jnUittfrail festnlngs t the retoincvl at the police station by the City Mar- dooT-the injured husband seized a stick and ghaLandis digmfied by the well knowu name befor9 the alarmed and astonished preacher -: of Jo Turner.By this name does the little could don his attire, Sparrow went for him, and pup go, and by this he is called by the . entire the-Way he trailed him around that house, into -police force, with whom he is quite a pet. ; - - the yard, out on the road for some thirty yards; -.- There ? Wtle iueonsjstencies, how- B feaation, - No man probably received such v. . Tct between the pup and the name; first, bo-1 a beattng as the feck wasa of Rood size and www uib jup is jet uwctv, aua eecusu, no is a i Jaid on with a will. rr-: r Vy gojd pa with no revolutionary or Ku h- Alas! for, the: ij liumiiatnTe: Jvlux proelivitiei ? Trd.hi he is a Eepublican Elder Moore was grac pc. longer would - '. y1? by ownership, and he is an orphan; a very I he bo the idol of the - fSr4nl? Tin tltvnnav f tli founaiinR;bornla the pound of a'cominon police J respected associate of the iales,ohis congre fitatioa. With all this, i however'he is aa iade.' satioa.'-' "He was dissraced. th&re an imvr pendent purp, and will no doubt under proper J existed any allurements or inducements to r( . training make Rood dog."" For these reasons, maih -laames Citv.'Tho libht of his trior v and particularly the last, ia justice to the dog I bad dtjparted, ami he would leave by 'tho ;next wa would suggest a change of name, as should 1 tra'n. But. "alas: the -rindictiveness of: the it be retained, there no knowing whatf ''harm "injurid husband still followed him, for on at-! H may do Xvio, when removed from the fostering tempting to get upon the ' train lie was tore of the police force, and left to shift forjhim. arrested by an ofiiccr on 'a warraat issued by - sou ror as the old sayingsays -"ive a doga -Justi aa, Harris, :ofi th& 'ttii .Township, ba a IV- name, ka. -Yes, by all moaas, ekuiga : the charge 'preferred by the husband (to ui not fiup s ni . ,- .i .- i t nownl, taken be:o-e "the Justice, who held hka. THE t StQXlt "1$ MrtfUIUM , OF South; Front Strekt, between J. J, Wolfknden S and the Gaston IIouskv Constantlv on hand, a full stock of all kinds of Seffars at reasonable prices., i Also, plugiobacco and the celebrated Durham smoking, of the best quality. Solace and Century brands ot chewing tobacco. - All kinds of pipes and snuff always on hand at wholesale and retail. '31. liUJjUftJJ.ii xi, iropriewr, March 15-tf. - , ' ' ' Notice to Wnmirr MAT Concekn. Will be sold on Tuesday, the 22nd day of Angnst 1871, opposite the Gai-toa House, in the city of New Berne, a lot of Merchandise consisting of -various articles of value; for Cash, to close a mort gage for certain parties. .t ; . . . 4 A. U. liVMMlB, Aug. 10 1871. Auctioneer." A-ttntiirjanb! equid to 4i,Bijie-Tljire. nreparwl from the fruii'x. and will, Wfounrt ntuc better than ttinm tat mtna-tins um.i nrtt .oj.i- . r r Ask war lirocer or Jirvagiuror nuaerger a : RnvirtWrt inrJisrcr Blue Is. -rilhout daubt. th bo-t aiticJe,. in the market for Wneifts cluthes." It wtllc4i!ir ir.or:-clothe than four times the same weight of indio.-andmiieli mure man any oth.jr wash hj.uc julUe-markct The ouly cenuine latnac put np ar '- - v - - a I ,J. If w II. 1 lili.K1rKl A IIKI U P I liroNiJ STREET, rillAUS- Pronosnls : for Buildlns Covin Ko. 23a aoitvn ; s W harfVat VOrZ, JORPSIyiX W. y. r ThtfiABXT haive both WiiTBsnoTBt'sand Babww' nmiMnli in Annttmi adtllm rafedved for thirty ffi9l 1 liame oa lliMii. dV other are CTMiUrfiit. For sale bf da. s from thia date by the -A. A. Q. T&i Fort Joliu- fcton N U. for onllflws an jlwiaiiioaK tne mot Wharf 50xlH feet and f.ir thoroneblf repairicsr thd old wharf "which ia SMHU13 fect,-a.iSd-fjri!horeii:f; Bpfrc?CB stoic house. HpgdHc-ttioDs nncl -plan may be eeen at thefJfficeof the A. A. Q.M.Tort Johnstnn N. C Any farther iuioiioatloii wUl be ioo on duplication id person or in writing. Proposals to be given in dnu Hcate, to be accompanied 3y the names of twosaretw wbo will give bona in 10!)U if thecnuiracirbe twa ded, to theii print ipal. -- Envelopes to be addressed to A. A. V. F. ilUMI'ilKI.Y : ' . 1st Lieut. 4th Artillery: ; Office. A. A. Q. JT. . . A: A. Q. iU Foi t Johnson N. C. Ang. 5, 1S71. Aug. lfMit. Two Barrels of Wkiekey.onc 1 Libel of Infomation a tne propvrty-or MaOei I v 8iuon, t h other aa. the pro- oeitv of WB. Stipe. 5 - ' i . i o Mlrl C. tpoon an d W. B ffttpe, and to all whom It may concern: OiccHni'. "' a . rvnti' is kcrcbr riven. 1'liat the nbove nwnt ioned pro perry wa Hejged by W. U -Wchardron on the 32a(l day of inly871, as forfeited to the ntr oi thirlini tsd SMtcs. for violation of the Ir.ternal Kewnirc Law nod the sam U JiDellcd and iiciiscntt;d in tho ii.4trir( Court of tl United Stated for condemnation for IbtcJ onuses in lli al L.t0ui ot luformwhtiya forth: nd that th tnid tas will MB(1 for trin' at the Court - iioom ot sfcia t;oHrt atalilMiry the Second If on- day- of Angast nexL-df Hint be a jurif c"lction day. and ii .uvn 4us uu4Mif ui juriFiiici ion .iierK.iii'.r. wnuii. and where -all psriMiiis are warned irt nbef tat show cana why coadcinnatiou should not be decreed, anh to tnterveno for their tm'rc-t. ': " - ' Olrea undui my hand at olHce. in Haleisrhi this 13th day of July, 1-71. S T. tiARKOW. - iiw ' - J- : United SUteeare' rl. BISTftrOT COURT O? THUVrTFD HTAT3?.' j . or4t)MOiiit ffcar i)itrit.t X tyith Carojina. Uiitert Bute r b - i,r .r , . ... 10b-ica sum facta red LlbcLof Information, J ... ft-i ....... , mil lew ai;d han-. w f . l.fri" 5 --r T,rookbnk, anru all whom, it may conecra : I Notice Is hereby rrrn h the above -mentioned property was selwd'by O S. VVinete.-nl. of Gr.-eiwboro, N. oo or about the st dnv of Jnlv. Ai I. 1K71. aa iforfoilud to the nf of jhe Uu'iied Stiuca. for violatloii . ot the internal Kevctine Loww, and the mme t libellrl und prosecuted in tbe said District Court of the United oiaies, ior coDnnjni(iion for tne cauee in tne saia Li bel of Information strt forth: and tbat the raid canses will stand for trial at tho Cenrt Room of said (.'cart at Mallshnry. on the 2nd Monday ia Aognst uezt, if that be a day of jurisdiction, and if not the next day of ju risdiction thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show roaae why condemnation should not be decreed, &m1 to intervene for their inter est, v- -" Oiven ncder my hand, at office. In Ualehrh. this 27th day of July, l7L i . B. T. CAEROW, , t. U. d MarstuiU - T FRAMES ' a U 4 Picture CpU andTsspls; : can be had BelHMaIe:Acadeniy, Tiepai-c9 Yoiuhl for College"; tlniversity. p fbrBusinesa.u i.3-fr- :r-f-it i t Boir.rt asd : v tT'ioar , i ' ner swsioirof 3 0 monliis-r n extras, it-Locality unsurpassed ...fr : lav!tlr,an. iiuJialw .For irther infwrmati'm, Vataiogua, sc, aaaiceav 1 T WPtJTTl'srfrrtT 4 4 i. i " M: Wi rtMTTH,' A'. M?T flncipala. .- JBrCKWELL8MlTH.s?,i'I vis t 1 ... O 4 ..... 1! '. iflKV Af the Sdencof hi husbaad,'near "Enmley Marshy in B saufort county; of consumption, on the 7th inst-la the 31st year of her age, Mrs. August E. Gay lord. . -Tbii lady wasa ttwsce of Mri Trime, of, this city.' John Patterson . I ; - . Bamttel S, ilrinson."f Foreclosure of Mortgage. l Sarah -SBrlBMUl.4 (.',"! ft f 1 i ' f SnnMl..iv(A'ifn nr.lVr of 4b SnD'ri'or 'Conrt tn tho ab ve named cases, the snbscnocr in expoeu PnhliSol.i itlli. fnn rt Hon4i door, in the CUT 4f New Bern, en Satnrdv the 2nd day September, 187tr at li o'clock, It., the following described property, to Wlf - - - f i . s , A i . . - v . fi BraaAacd Fleet StrHftit. in th rJr. nf xw Ttm. known and desitrBa- tediBthepUaof aidciryaa Ltrt H22. tteibt wiid sit tne improvement appunenaaccs, suu cges tnereio neioiiBir.. ; - - . . -. Terms of salQ Ciusb, - ' '. ;.. W. O. WEST, . - Depot v Ckrk. 6. C. Bp. t:-. Hw4w s: : Hs - t , 'By1 "the fTrfext Steamer a foir'feupidy'oi1 ,r, v i. - n.- -i.fi -i.i 1 til styles MouldiD8. lor, - - , j .-n. 4 rs 1i i er. Sixty-five lbs of Mn FEAMES, n j.iS GLASS for 'all Bizes of framest, can ,V a 44v bad at wVi..i,-tfAJSlTB: J3 : I. Blaclrsmith Sfiop :!t, rrHK TJNBEES1GWED-BF.Q I.EAV INFOTtM A the nubile that tnry are Jiowwuragw ime facture of first class - ' -. - . t - - V. l- - WBOUGHT -IRON PLOWS,- , r a . as well as allathcr wrought AGEICCLTCIUL IMPLE- alE"TS ' " ' . In addition to this; thtry are engajed" in thd manu- - f .. .BLACKSMITH WORBL. . ' HORSKSHOllNQ ! made a speciality and sotiav . SUGGIKJi, Iron work ata -WAGONS, Bd other VEHlCfcH3.BeatirdooeBtid "promptly t attended to.' "We have tft emrcmploy Cba M hiuhy.-a weil known flrst class workman, wno nun is tmnocin m situ- ' Our sboil H o MI0DL1? 8TRE ET emrth Front aad the 2nd dtoj from-tHUtKellwe H1U1 and tr JACKSOj ti tl. . 131 DISTRICT COFRT OFfl,irB1TNrei 5TAT3. JJlBlRltT F BOBIH 4-jlr.,i.is. United States i : ,. ..-,:.r -v.i-..v '..Jf-i is"- T I :: -- ' 44ii.( '' Six Boxe.Miioui)ctureiJ i Wbel Of Iuformathin. I- ?: r-iug a otmcco property i . . of - Delanv. .1 - "' :'-;; wH ' 5 " . Tr - . i.i Delaux, and to all whom it may concern: ret'ting: : USE ONLY - T-,- . . -I''ii '". . 1 : 4. Iff PHASE GREAt p 1 . . . . . . - GERM AN "BITTERS TKESTA!(DARO BlTTtRS OF BEBSfiANY.tSEJ IT VKf ' . . i -: r 4 : BEST FUTSlCiAKS Bl TKE1R OAItT PRACTICtv ' " 1'"- .lt)H",f t ' Lippman'B Grant German titter - treftbet tbr -debilitated. ,t . - . , Llporaan's Great Gcnaalf Bitters caret KUnry Cta- -pliuuts. , f ., ... i , . Lippman's Great Grest Cetman Bitters enres fea1v UompiniBtn.J ) -. : ;, i ,t t -. , Llppman's Great German Bitters the most deltrht fnl and effective in- the wwld. 7 . , Lipptaaji'ii Great German Bitter carca "ever -. well" people. -. '. Ltppman'a Great Girrman Eltters gives aa appetlle. , Uppman'a . Great Gennaa.JBiU.eri carea Liver Ccpr -plaint. - .-- ' ' ' ) Dppman's Great Gcnaan BlttiTS gWes ten t 4P- T . jeelire organs. v - . Lippman's Oreat German BUters gives enernr. Lippman's Great Genrut Bitters. cures K crroat ne 1 Lippman's Great German Bittrrs, tn" best-Fa LlnDman's Great German Sittesa. rcrnlatea ha- Bowuls. ' ' .-' . ' ; . Lrnnman's Great Genaaa 1 liters - icfte tk Toraldt). Liver. .r . . f- ... .- . - " Lippman's Groat German Eittert win (iva ToatLfa" . Vifor. . . - - . -. Lfppraan's Great German Bitter prevents Chilli aait Fevers n f -. A '.rc; r..i'.'.., Sold by ADEIAIT A VPLLER3. ? . V , , Wnminojon, ft. v. ijtatfs. for vkflalton of the Internal Hrrvuue Lw. and the ' same is libelled and prosecuted in thu Pbtr.it Court of Ilie-United Suites iir eoiKlemmulon for tlie causes ia tha said Libel ot. Information set forth: and that the said Cannes wiil stand for-trial at , the Cenrt . Room vf said Coart , -afr Satiabarv. ob ' tae Second Monday of Aagnrt next, if that be jtiri Urtieir oar. ana ir not. at ine next any t )uriiiciiin tncre afiaiwb4aMnd where a'.i persons are wuraed.tu appear to show cans why condtnnatlon should not be decreed BDdtnrvBeirtheijrihir'et- -v- "- . Given umor ius baud- at oaicc in Raleigh, thlsJMtb flayotJuly; ' '- 1 B. T. CAKhOW, . Jwi p3t e?l i.U. . Marshal, . V vr t Has tonj been regardM aa the best and cuoast" . Bakiaf' Powder hi nse. Pertectlv mre and he ihy,. It makes, a4tioTt noioe, iWuciods IiisctuM, 2um4S sea. . more noea DC bo warns ot jwj nrepoixu wnw- lt. as it is always of the best aaaiity ws srooia j DltSTRtCT COURT OF THE OflTEO STATIST, . z, Cnlted .-tales " . t . fUbAofl Lwapoa. horses and harocss. ami 1 kc if b 1 eattuidi of epTrKa. urop y 1 Xrt.ntfJ 1lj.u,: i r Information. ii . Uastnec B for tbi" DISTRICT COURT- tF Til TJPTITEtt STATES, T4.!.:4at.4.4' 4 ' - . ... 4 of Arnnfsrtrr I . . -r ? trti ed Tobacco OLe W cm wo t" Libd o rnforjBation, II DunaanUBrt i acaxarajBo )-- TiTk. Fi Jobhtjou; and to tfi'whorn It mj"llbcrn: .jcetuia.! w. n iii- ? vb-. .----, "". Kotif! isheret civen. Tbat the abrrvqinentlone proBeKV.WBeeit nyr; . wiieyow 4ie 44141 01 01 July A. 0,,i!7t .is iuii filed to tossed. of the Ututtsd. T;1T T T rVTO.TITlUTl OI riw 1HH3BH1 TOTeirar ..v. niihn mim is li xjllcd and tirosicentt-d in the Dialrlrt Court . Uie,4iait4tJ Plates for corocmKatioB tbasame islibelloB and rotcaci iu l tha r-aiiivs4a lhasaid Libel oriwoinuilieB set lorth. I i.:nit. A hi.4- 4-,.. ,!,...,....;, Bjyt4ir... "." - T-"irasiBine tpm uoei m tniormaiion ,t fortn s sou 110111 cftKid Conrt at RaliKbnrv bn the Second Mon- t ,u...ij m -SUJi i k r...... fkry f AttgWMMXt: if aortsdIet4ay. LJSf'i i"K"a of said Court af aHshcry. .n the 2nd 'Monday 11 u4ii U4. wt ire4wij w r,"""-j'" j or Amutt U4!Xt. ir tbat nri janvluttim flay, arm if not eanee B by cowlcBi'sption rhould itui ibe-kcreed, and to Hileneue lor tfceir iiiteref t - iiivcu nndta-my hand at cilice, fn Raleigh tbi S4th" day of Jut.-,?!;- . w b. T. CAKROW. , 2w. -''; .-. - U. S.Jiarahal.' x ' - - HAS FLSS BEJ0EIK.;OaiatPAlGJ!iE. WINES . -ROSiNSOJi COOJiTlf WUlriKKT, A3iTA.' C0S KUwD.-SCOTCli . WHISKZy Tf i.- wTiaS PES? MADIiV,. trp .to w bar Hirer ased it fart a very Jew art - --vrti v jji'iif n i - i- j.-.' ? fy-i. 'i'1 wwe. I- a 4..n, ,V4wrUl -J-4 . '. r. j;4 ! ta?r i h nffrxrvn -, 44Va4lVVAr.'ii4 . , fl'lfC V5,- S! JLWSrriY tSATIJ AT i--rHK A V .4tV . .iy of. j-. UJtK. j , 1 j I e- - '-.- ? p. once is ncreuy citcb inat tne anova moniirmeu , . - . ,, .t ' , v -.. - ' - -v. . 4 --"-".. -' fl MM LARGE an COWnomova iwrwjt w JL Uen thpreupL rs-ausd sod mahstMjtr w i U directly la front of the Ut'EAM i4 jalf Pj?; imit? to jorcb4jdiViiy, Foil Jtacua, tape Lvk Wtl,iWwSM "VVha Ith everv taxsjef tbfs t theuii day pf jarisdlctio tbereaf tcr, when, and 1 Lji.ifiUB marsett kltord. I-'dite Jd Uit;i. where ail peraons t; wamcd to ajiptr tn srow caawt ,'" ZrZLaitit8taU2jJace., . whv condemnation aWmld not be 4ereed. ac& to In-1 bar iTsnwXd wiin bow WftVOM 4 terveue for their itciet. . Given ander iry band, at flTrnt. In ! I?!lWt:h the Jfcth 4ratyitotJ 1 . ,tC4&lUW,.tS. t SyV MARV'S SCHOOL, ' ! Riant Ext. THUS. ATK1X--OS. D. Vkltef. , . Erv. ALBERT BM EDEf . D. P., EcKir, - m. - . a..., j. k. UU UVW. - ..... a:-. - IVll - .1 AtmA ik. ft-.... 4n!c wui vl ukim"" r-- ' ail Bui id oUie. conneeijBxwua trsin if the A. ti K At SR- WM0 Wj vl Ansufct J- It Rn 1 GqOVAltOSTn."-tfr.rsS andcarri fnr f Mttmb. t fSOJr Upcasts aid. H.bliaw; AJired,-a. The ftftv-aintb tnu f Uus-ruOKi lU ooeBJnly ' 4 J9th. )-;t. and continue SO rck. ' . . - " : faniirbci.1 -ifor acixcalarjCOLUinia.tall particttlars ai'P1 I" " .TV.. .4.: r7XW W harl. . ' ; iS ToeloTaim. wake this Hte ETOX "l'KOVK (n't fiat. ai:d eerj Cjrt U1 b jnauai to.UkVwtitoT-tW4Vbl;. , The strt4criN:r would reepectr.r.y aotrH ti- )nrf n.-e.tir J mor:4lXbis u4 Uf Wi.;"feiin, , . S. i STREET. Prp.Vr, ' Ocean jlcr? .: .t -