IIRIOTtirV UNION. NOW AW U FOKKVKR. ONK AND lNNKPARAllLK-'-Wanirl WlwH VOL. IX. NO. 42, NEW BERNE, N. O, THURSDAY X50HNING. AUGUST 31, 1871. PIUCE FIVE CnTTC Jo7i?Ts. Manix, LowUlitpiv k . ...1 f. Jt " t.TTrv. clYANI) STATETTElS. Arriral nnl Departure of Mails, Mail Clones for the North, West and Sotl M-Jl oiSito Beaufort ifiTErtV B'MaH "loses" Washington," Swift Creek, Hv.le and Beaufort Counties, every Tuesday Thnrrfay and Saturday, at 5.30 A M. Mail close foe Teuton, Pollockvtlle, and SwmsUoro, Wednesday-; and , Saturdays at ' Mail rinses for n&tterae, Xew York, stm'r Mail close for Granboro, Bay River and Vandemrre. Tuesdays Thursdays aud Satur days at C AM. . . -., , " "'" '-' . MAIL ARRIVES, v From the North, Weet and Southat 6 P M. (opened for deli very at 7 PU . : FronVBeaufort and the East at 70 AM.. from .wasniriRKjD. own TV, i Slondav Wednesday and Friday at 4r.H. From Trenton, and PollockviHe, Tuesdays and Fridays at 4.30 P M. ; ,r . From Giantsboro. Bay River ami Var.de-. mm, Jlonday?, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 Offiw hours from 8 A M. to 6 P M, and 7 to 7 30 P if. Snndavs from 12-30 to 1 P M. GEO. W. NA SOX, Jr. Postmaster. LIo thieves are active in Charlotte. ' "There was no Mayor's Court yesterday. -The best thing to .clean the teeth; is tepid vator. ; v . ' ' ' ; Warm water is the c thing to water sickly plants with. T.-i v?- ; '; Five" drops of chloroform in a little water vi lli cure sea sicknoss. "-; ' " ' . ; -. .,"Waiher yesterday , pleasant; thennoaieter '83 degrees in, the shade. ' . ... , '. The Jtobesonian has much confidence in the new Adjutant General Gorman. : ' r T-r n -r, i I it -r i . r r mwet is on a bnef visit to J uupington T O.H35der;.cpun(y". Superior Court, Judge Mitchell presiding, is now in sessioif. j . . Tlie latest from Berlin by r eahle is Oiat Bis marck has not blo'wu his nose ion an hour. - ' Butchers claim' the right to keep open on Sundays because they keop meat-ing houses. The Sentinel sayg; Hoiu Xawis Hanea -will assame editorud. charge of the Iialaigh Era. Wilmington has had a moonlight excursion fl "id a delightful time was participated in by nany- , . . . ....... - 1 In Hobenon the corn crop is Tery pooriihe farmers wi 1 hardly realize the seed they planted. The Legislative acts of 1870-71, together with Legislative documents are'now being distributed. A big circus is to sail direct from -Boston to Eichmond, Va., and will probably soon be along this way. Fix the acqueduct, corner of Pollock and Berne streets. - Every rain makes it more dan gerous and more difficult to fix. - ' , Four copper head saakos were killed in one day at Lonisburg Cemetery in Franklin county, by a Baleigh man. . . The next total eclipse of the sun risible in the United States, is to be in June, 1954, and smoked glass should he eot ready. . -t --, In all the Wiliuington Churches on Sunday last," prayer was': made to the Almighty for protection from a visit of the yellow fever. We are constantly button " holed now-a-days, and compelled to listen to offal tales about the filthy condition -of certain-parts of the city. A rigid qnarantfne Is to be established at the port of Wilmington on all vessels arriving from Charleston and other yellow fever porta. The members of our crack boat club when at practice, remind us very much of Indian chiefs, thev feather IheirsenlURO handKomplir There was not a single white death in Char . Wte for the month ending, the 15th Inst There were, however, fourteen colored death3. There are tters held at the Goldsboro Tost Office for postage, addressed to Mitchell & Allen, and Miss Maria Butler, New-Bern N. C. . . . The Weekly Times is now ready. r Bub srription price only , two dollars per annum. The best weekly paper published in North Carolina. ' ' . .. ".. : . Dr. Walker L. Langdon, formerly of Wil mington, has been elected to the position of fecund assistant physician in the California lusane Asylu r. ... The showers of Tuesday culminated in a hoary rain that set in on Tuesday night, and Listed for several hours, completely wetting everything down. The " Independent " steam fixe Engine of Kinfoik, is to compete against the Wilmington st arn Fire Engines of Wilmington at the ap proaching State fitir. . The Superior Court Clerk's office contains an interesting old document, it being a roll of the ofHcers and soldiers of Craven county who Participated in the Revolutionary war. - . Two prominent peace officers were engaged ' a warm and auimatid discussiou yesterday, whicli came near, resulting scriousiy. For tunately, howcycr, it all ended ia talk. ; . John Hawal (colored) has been lodged in jail at Shelby for attempting t kill his wife. An old gentleman inquired at the office of the Superior Court yesrerdny lor the Clerk, Mr. James Stanly. Ho vas Informed that Clerk Stanly had been dead since 1858. ' Col. , Alden, special agent of the ' Treasury Department, who is now on a tour through the South Atlantic States has been on a visit to our city for a diy or two.' Oar magistrates should look well to the books upon which they swear witnesses ; several cases having'recently been discovered ; throughout the country where witnesses and juries have been sworn' on -dictionaries and other similar books. " - ' . . A miserable blunder occurred in our aceount of the proceedings of the .: Board of- Council yesterday." f .The- typasTiaada itcad in two instances that . a tax of -fifty 'per cent, was to be levied oc the dollar valuation, "when it should have read a tax of fifty per cent in each instance on the one hundred dollars valuation. A'- young woman 21 years of age attempted suicide in Wilmington. by taking hudanum on Monday. A physician was called in,1 in time and the proper remedies administered and her' life saved. ' The canse of the rash act as ex plained by herself was tliat she was tired of living. The latest from Charleston is: - "Diligent inquiry fails to disepver any new cases of fever in the last twenty-four hours. The whole num ber of persona afflicted with the disease now hardly exceeds a dozen. . The disease seems to yield readily to ' medical treatment., except in cases whiidi were neglected in the early stages. The apprehension of ah epidemic is gradually subsiding." ' :','? . ' i - -k;- - This is good news, but it should not prevent our authorities from carrying out sanitary meas ures. '. " ' ' " . . . i .: We learn from the , Wilmington Star that'the sterner Caswell, runniug between Wilmington and Point Caswell, was burnt on Saturday night while lying at the latter place. -; The entire npper works of the boat were destroyed; the hull slightly injured, but it is believed the machinery is not damaged; the loss is estimated at $1,200. The firo is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. ' , .' , We have received lrom Mr. Wm. G. Hall copies of some old papers which contain much interesting information of old times. Among them is a copy of the Federal RpuUican pub lished at Georgetown," P. C in 1813, and which contains an interesting correspondence between Judge Gaston and the Secretary of War in re lation to the defenceless condition of the North Carolina coast, and - in .which Judge Gaston urges the erection of proper defences. ,We would pnblish the. whola as an intprasting local relic of by gone days, but for its length. A printer is the most curious person living, he may have a bank, quoins,' and not be worth a cent; have . small caps, I and have neither wifo nor children; ho J may spread sheets without being a house wife; he may lay his form on a bed, and yet bo obliged to sleep on the floor; have his form lacked up, and' at the same time be free from jtH he may move ,ie lever that moves the world, . and be as far from moving tne globe as a hog under n moje hill; he may be of a rolling disposition, and yet never desire to travel -a queer being, the printer. " Hew Publications. "We have received a copy of that sterling juvenile monthly Our Young Folks for Sep tember; also Wood's Household Magazine, and Hpme and Ilearih for September. These peri odicals all maintain their excellent reputation. Qvarrantincd. There were quite a number of Charleston nians tinder quarran tine at the-Union Depot on Sunday, they having to lay over to wait for a train. They ; were supplied .with pro visions fiom the PurceU; Pouse.- Borne of them, we learn, were quite wrath y becaabe they were not allowed to visit the city. Mortuary. The return? at the city clerk's office of the number of interment in Cedar Grove Cemetery during the month of August are four.;. The following are the causes of death: Dropsy, 1 ; Delerium Tremens, 1 ; over dose of Morphine, 1; Ileadfall, L ; The record of interments in Greenwood Ceme tery (colored) are but two, both having Billions Fever. ':v;' " :' : .r?" " '. -. ' .': Good Sews for the Ysnagstcm. , : We caution parents particularly not to al low their children to be waked up in the morn ings; let nature wake them op; she will do it prematurely; but have a care that they go to bed at an early hour; let it be earlier and earlier, nntil it is found that. they wake up themselves in full time to dress for breakfast. Being waked up early and allowed to engage in difficult or any studies late, and just before retiring, has given many a beautiful aud prom ising child brain fever, or determined ordi nary ailments to the production of water on the brain. Dr. JIalL Good. We are pleased to know that the Mayor and city marshal have adopted our suggestion, and appointed officer Smith as sanitary inspector who is now engaged in notifying owners and occupants of lots " to clean up." This is as it should be and if the sanitary ordinance is but enforced on all who fail to pay heed to the notieeour word tor it in a short time New-Bern will be one of the cleanest little cities in the country. The propriety of this measure was forcibly illustrated by a remark made to ui yesterday by one of our citizens who observed that he would willingly clean up his lot but ha was" living between two lots still worse than his, and - that if ha cleaned his premises it would avail nothing unless his neighbors did the pame. If the, law was enforced and all re quired to comply, he would cheerfully perform his part -' ' - -" Notice. Persons having business with B T BEBBY; os Justice of the Peace, will find him when hot-otherwise engaged, at his office, in the front room of the Tiana olSce, on Craven street ' May 9-tf. More of the Stave Larceny t'M. - As we . stated in yesterday's issue the roAn, Bichard Shepard, who was . arraigned before Justice Berry, charged with perjnry-wa, owing to . insufficient evidence discharged, j but ' it afterward appring there was strong suspicion of his " guilt, a warrant was issued and ne was again arrrested, by Constable Hancock and taken before Justioe Berry on Tuesday after noon, when, upon the investigation, ' evidence was elicited which justified the Justice in com mitting Sheperd to jail to await a further inves tigation. ; f :;" vf i i'i ffiC k - Yesterday afternoon he was again brought before the Justioe, when further evidence of his' guilt being adduced, ne confessed his guilt and was placed under a bond of $200, for his appear ance' at the next term of the Superior i Court, in default of which he was sent to jaiL' ! - . Bectoafc the man charged in connection with Ward, ks bein guilty of larceny, and who, while in jail awaitingfujt his guilt, was also lr ujht before' the Justice and placed under a bond of $200,' for his ap pearance at the next term of the Superior Court, in default of which he was sent to jaiL Justice Berry issued another warrant in con nection with this case yesterday, for the arrest of Miles Holly, who, there was strong reason to believe, had been guilty of perjury, while testi fying as a witness in the case. The charge was investigated and there appearing strong suspi cion of Jiis guilt, be was required to give bond in the sum ot $100 for! his appearance at the next term of the Superior Court to answer a charge of perjury. . . . ' This has been a somewhat remarkable case; I the first instance it commenced in a charge of larceny against Alfred Ward, against wLoui there was at first no evidence,he, however, con cluded to confess his guilt, and Jn' doing so implicated the man, Becton, and also admitted that he had induced.- one -of the witnesses, Sheperd, "to swear falsely, , thereby committing perjury. Becton upon his arrest, after bitterly denying his connection with the matter, finally confessed, and in doing so, ! admits1 and after wards swears that Miles Holly,- one ot the witnesses in the case, had been induced by him to swear falsely- ' ; ? s. On. one charg?, one case has resulted in the imprisonment of four persons; Iho Sheriff furnished with four additional boarders; the S.iperior Court with f jut additional cases. .THAT KUUS. Tj y mulo st od on the steamboat deck, " "" The land he would not tread; - ; ' They pulled the baiter round his neck; And cracked him o'er the head; .But obstinate and braced he stood, I As born the scene to i ue, ' 4 . , , ; A creature of the hold-back brood, - A 8tubb rn, steadfast mule. They cursed and swore he would not go -Uulil he ft-lt inclined; .vi And though they thun Jered blow on Clow, He altered not his mind. The deck-hand to the shore complained . "The varmint's bound to stay 1 " And still upon the critter's hide The sounding lash made play. Dig master from the shore replied, The boat's about to sail; As other means in vain yo've tried, ' Suppose you twist his tail " It's likely that will make him land," , .The deck-hand, brave, though pale,' . The nearer drew with outatrclcUed hand, To make the twist avail. , - ? There came a kick of thunder-sound 1 The deck-hand where was lie? Ask of the waves that far around Behold him in the eea ! A moment not'a sound was heard ; ' j But winked the mule his eye, As though to ask him what occurred " Now how was thai for high ? ' "Just cut his throat t" tho captain roared, -f ' And end the cussed brute !"?. - But the noblest soul that" perished there -Was he who tried to do't ! Xew-Bni Academy ' ' : k Will open on the first Monday in October, 1871, Geo. W. Neal, A. , M., Principal. Assis tant male teacher in Xatin, Greek and High English to be supplied. Miss R. C. Brookfield in Higher and Primary" English. Mrs. Esther Stanly in Primary Department. j - r ;? The course of instruction will be graded in a Primary Department, 1 and four schools, em bracing the Lowest and Highest Branches of an English education, .!" including therein the privilege ot the ' most ; advanasd ; studies of Mathematics; the. Natural Sciences " with. Ex perimental Lectures; Ancient and Modern Lan guages, fhus affording students ample prepara tion for the practical pursuits of life, or. for entering- any of the different classes in Collegiate Institutions. 1 , Pupite-should be present, - if possible, at the opening of the scholastic year, . to enter fully upon the studies of the schools. - - Parents in entering their children are under stood to subscribe to the rules of the Academy, and not to withdraw them before the close of the session, . except in case of necessity to be stated to the Principal, as this is one of the great safeguards to a high standard of scholar ship. A certificate of proficiency can be granted to students in any one of the four schools, when properly earned by industry. - These schools are free of eharge to all white students in the Couniy of Craven, between the ages of six and l enty-one years. r ; ; Apply for certificates of admission at the. office of . the undersigned, --. on . the , corner of Hancock and Pollock streets, before the com mencement , of the school. As the school is expected to bo- full the next session, it is de sired that students shall procure certificates of admission some day before the school opens. -E E. STANLY, Treasurer, ; of the Trustees New-Bern Academy. ' Aug. 13-tf. . t . ' urnciAL - . .i Return of the Tete for Attorney Central at the Eleefon held on Vu day of August, 1870, - and of the Vote polled tfie 3rd day of Au gust, 1871, OA the qutxtion of Convention" ..r or "Jo Convention : : ! Sf f S-B - J ! . : ,3 - 't - ? a i W S..1 " COCNTIES. . 5 i vj g '-g -, . : ' i . . . U : . r 5 - g i o m- t p . a t Alamance, IM3: - 788 90 1178 I Alexander, " " I 847" 504 281; 30 AUegrauuy, . 158! 377.' 177: . 3H Aosun, i vm 10521 919: 11031 Ashe, 1 698! 791j 720j 589 Beaufort, ' i .1346! J505 ;1326i 1205 Berlie, ; - i - I39r. 8G7 1443! - 804 Bladen, v ; ! 1223: 11 15! 14291 S19 Brunswick, -' . i -719 72 -842j i 659 Buncombe,' M 9815- 143C' 11C6; 11306 Burke, - - . r ", - 803! '7 C39l 768 Cabarrus, , v ' - 1 83U ; 9631 " "8081 1013 Gddwell, - 251(- C38 40t: .:55I Camden, " i 526 623 -53; 5-10 Cnrteret, ' j 82l!-' 88lj 7371 915 Caswell, I to relturn. t 1541; j 126S Catawba, ' ' 1043; : 276! 1220 Chatl.-am, ' ' J 1124! 18G1. 1751480' Cherokee,' 'I 304l - 522 410j ? 44Q Chowan, ' j 692! 603 722; ; 588 Cluy, 5 174; 218 215! 213 Cleveland, j 814! 1212' - 309- 1117 folnmbu8, . 5 487! 937 ":i 642; 951 Craven, . . - 2764; 1500 3173; 1483 Cumberland, !" 167U 1741 1715! 1 1484 Currituck, 1 : i 327! 84P " " 40t: . 681 Dare, - - ! - 168! 265 236; f 194 Davidson, : I 1150 12161 1409! 1262 Davie, - I 683; 761 733! 704 Duplin, 1 952- 1505, 1029; 1121 Edgecombe, - i 2878: 7761 3321; 1236 Forsythe, " 1014; 954. 1133! ; 936 Franklin, , . 1437i 1379 15211 ; Uu Gaston, A ! 69C: 958 600; " 860 Gates,-- ; ! no return. I 420! 765 Granville, ! " 23681 2008' 282G5 1991 Greene, . ; . 1000! 794; f 9305 686 Guilford, . 5 1717; , 1793: 1741; 1745 Halifox, ; 3230- 1347! 35841 1556 Harnett. i 562: 8401 59! ' . 816 Haywood. , . 401! 723! 300; r 733 Henderson, ! 553 403i 737! i." 338 Hertford, 1 273;' 297 853! . 772 Hyde, i 629- - 7541 542; 703 IrddelV i 40l! 1263! 777! 1467 Jackson, 1 229! 587! 191! 719 Johnston, ..- ! 1212: ,1709! 1325! 1447 Jones, : 559j 619! 675; : 523 Lenoir, :- 1224; 91 lj 1178; 958 Lincoln, " ? 510! 822! 553; 843 Maron, I -t 246 530 176! :739 Madison, - I 4S9; . 5101 590; 502 Martin; f - j 1107! 1116! 1243!. 1031 McDowell, ; 1 551- 599! - "488! 676 Mecklenburg, - ; 1936! 216lh 20S9; 2026 Mitchell, ; 471; 280, ' 623; 84 Montgomery,' i 645; 481 i 5;7! 469 Moore, I 791'. 1113. 880! 839 Nash.- ! 788; 980i 1184; 1181 New Hanover, I 2914; 2027 3702! 2123 Northampton, I 1800; 959 1993! , 888 Onslow, v. - j 8G8J 788 ' 412; 660 Orange, . . V I . 991! 170S: 1299! 1752 Pasquotank, i 920; 837 1051! 638 Perquimansv ... , ,.. 795! - 656 v 855!" 584 Person, .? ' . " 7651 1092 645; ' 923 Pit. i 1754; 17521 1778; 1724 Polk,., i ' S6Q: 180! 335;; 208 Randolph, 1 1242 ' 12801 131f:!-i-l22R Richmond, 1164 836! 1144: 790 Robenon, 1623; 1685) 1561! -J 1288 Rockingham, - 1143! 1590j 1322; . 1422 Rowan, : 9731 1459i 1003j 1388 Rutherford, 1134! 898! "1207; J 596 Sampson, r - , , i 945! , 13971 12K! 1339 Stanley, ' . I 452! 59Sj S483; I. 627 Stokes, j 560; 989 747! i 853 Surry, 602; 1007 929' 826 Transvlvania, : 149! 367 115: '393 TyrreiL - s - 328j 429: 3671 . 291 Union,-" . v i. K14; 78l 664; 773 Wake,.,-. - -350i! 3112! 3C47: 3102 Warren, : 2206! 873' 2453; 988 Washington, . 798; 5611 5. 915; 458 Watauga. :.s . 268; 500i 237: 49 Wayne,, , j 178a! 1764 18245 1G15 Wilkes, j 91lj 913 : 1117; 872 Wilson, ! 948! 1191 1117! 1141 Yadkin, j 511! 8791 848; 627 Yancey, j 245! 590 341; "4G2 83, 427; 87,648 95,252:86,207 j 83,427 86,007; ! I 4.221 9.215: New . Advertisements. J. E. AHYETT, THE South Front St. GROCER, ha a very I LAEGE AND ATTBA0TTVE STOCK .'"..:, OF GENERAL BIEKCIIAKMSE, contlstinx t FLOUR, - ' . . . roitit, BACON, COFFEES. - . SUGARS, MEAL, lard; BUTTER, . j,, , CHEESE, MOLASSES, ' SYRUPS. . DOMESTICS, &a, &c and, in fact everything wanted by the people. - Consignments of cotton and other produce solicited. Liberal advances and prompt returns made. .. Give me a call. . I will insure satisfaction. tf , JT. Eil tA.E-S"33Ta?. . . Meat Business.. THE PUBLIC are TfcESPECTFTLLY INFORMED that Mr. Johnson, aided by the nndernigncri. will continue the moat bqiue at her husband's old stand, ,- :., . , at the People's Market ; i AND AT THE STAND OF MO MANLY, at the entrance of tne Market. A regular cupnly of r"reeh Meat )ys 00 hand. - Ordem punctually attended to. and coods delivered free of charge, - WM. ii. MANLY. Ang.Ulm -,.-.:::.... Bethel Hale Academy, Near Warrentoii, Fauquier County, Va., Prepares Youths for College, University, or for Business. ; ; " " -.'".' BOAIiO IfD TCmOJ $173 ; flO months norit ran. , Tiralilv unsurpassed for- health and nioials' For. . . 1 . . a M ..... . lurttier inlornjairiti, catalogue, a,v., auurcss. ALBERT G. SMITH, " WM. Vf. SMITH,-A. M V Princinala. ' J. RLACKWELL SillTIL ) August S-U. " - -EXCURSIONS To the Mountaiiis or the Sea Shore! ARRANGKMEN'l'S HAVE BEEN HADE BY THE It rLtlOAD COMPA NIES FOU RUNNING A WEEKLY KXCUliSION TRAIN FHOil , The Mountains to the Sea Shore ! - AND FRO II THE SEA SHORE TO ; ; DURING .THE BEHAINDEE. QFTHE SEASON. Commencing Monday, August 7th, 1871, and on each Mon day following for six weeks, AN EXTRA THAI M, consist ' ing of a sufficient number of elegant coaches, will - - - ? be run from end W. N. C. Railroad to More- i ; . head; returning on following Thursdays'. ; - , 1 COACHES WILL BE HUN .THOUGH l'T6iI END it?. CL JL iCTO MOUE . HEAD CITY AND RETURN' WITHOUT CHARGE OU DELAY, ROCJVD TRIP TICKETS ITOK SALE r Greatly Re due e d Bates! Offering to invalids, tourists and others CHEAP FACILITIES f r VisUin? tho va rious Minoral 8iingK,and viewing the beaiiliuil Mountain Kcetierj of Noiih - ' Carolin:, or of visiting tlie Sea Shore and epjoyiiiij the delightful . . . .j. Bt-a Lrteze, boating, fishing, and surf-Latin ig no wltcru . v ,- .to be siirpasst-d on tlie' Atlant'o oasl. - RATES FOR RETURN TICKETS : -- Si .5, FROM J3 SB 6 a From rnd to Morehead City, 575 050 636 700 090 Kfw llern to . , ' ' Ooldstjora' to. . ..... . ; ' - . Kaleiyh t . " - UilUboro' to ,: : , . E& Tictcts sold at tho above juices are N only De recogmzed.-wnen the passenger gets on the train at -. . . points of purchase and destination. SCHEDULE: GOING EAfT (Mondays) i'? STATIONS. Arkfve. J Leave. 5:00 9:30 12:00 12:54 3:05 i:29 5:34 8:15 11:00 A. M. i M." r.-M. 5 - - Exn W. N. C. II. II:. CHAHLOTTE, . . SALTSHUUY, . , LEXINGTON, GHEENSHOHO, COMPANY SHOPS, UILLSIXWOV - . HALEIGH, GOLDSnOHO', V ,MOHEIIEAD CITY, 11:30 12:52 3-01 4:14 5:32 7:38 10:45 - 5:00 A. M. u a . f. ' A.M. E. R. STANLY, S.E.ALLEN, SAM'LMcD. TATE. Prerfdei-t ASNCBR. Gcn'l Ticket Ag't N C R H. Preai.t.-nt 1TNRRK. Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Company. NewSeries T I M E TABLE NUMBER 3 Read Down. ARRIVE. LEAVE. STATIONS. 5.15 A. M-tMorehead City, T5.45 aio '6.31 7.15 8.03 8.22 8.48 9.17 9.42 10.01 10.18 10.45 A. M 5.46 6.10 6.31 7.30 8.04 8.23 8.49 9.24 9.43 JNewport. ' Havelock, Croatan, New-Berno, I Tuscarora, Core Creek, Dover, Kinston, ' Falling Creek, Jja-Grange, Best'8, .Goldsboro, it . W V a 10.03 110.18 Oitice A. & N. C. Raxlikjad Company, ) Neic-Rerne, N. CJuty 11, 187f. )' 1 3Ft TAJisrxr2 J. E. NASH.' New BenivN. C. " AGE XT FOR THE MOST COMPLETE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IN THE WORLD, at it doei every kind of work that nny other 8ewin Machine cm do. bld-jt raakliist BUTTON-IIOLEli md OVKhSE AMtNG which bo other Sewinj Machine can accomplioh. - , , MWEoery Machine Warranted to give Entire Satisfaction. - THIS AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE O VER SE AMINO ANJ COMPLETE i SEWING MGATIIinS. The first ini only bU TTON UOLK and SKWrNO MACHINK combined, thai tii! ninde it advent in thi or any other cooutry. . The telluwiiig reasons are given why this i the lxt - - . Family Machine to Purchase. 1. Because It will do itvuty thin? that any machine cab do, acwin : lrom the finest to the coarm.pt material hemming, fulling, cerdinc.. hraiiliu, binding, ruffling quiliic. etc., hetier than any other machine. S, Bocine the btnsiona, are more easily adjasted than anyother machine. 8. liecaune it can work a heaattfol button bole, ma kiDt; as fine a pearl as by the hand. 4: Because it will embroider oyer the ed?e, making aticst and Upsnti ol border on any eaimci.t. .. 5. Kecanse it wiU work a bcnotiful eyelet hole., ' . R. Beran.e it can do orer-hand seaming, by which pillow CMc-s, sheets and the liku are sewed over ai:d over. ! - - - ' . - 1. Because yon ean f) nick !y raise or lower the feed to adaut it t0 thick er thin cloth.: - 8. - Because ye- bare a short deep bobbin by weir h i tne thread is eonstintly drawn front the centre: the tension is consequently even, and does not break tbe tnreaa. - . - . i . Because the presser toottnrns back; that the ' cloth can ae easily removed alter being sewrd. - 10. Bceaase the best merhanics prononnro is the. nest nnmnea ana maae on me Deri principle ot iiny machine manufacta red. It has no tprtng U bicak; nothing to s;et out of order. Because it is two machines Ii one. A Bcttos iltLB Wokkiks and Sewiso MCHir combined. 13. Mo othe- Machine caa accomplish the kind of Srwine stated in Nos. S. 4, & bm 6. ; Parties nsinr family sewing marhine want ' a WHOLK MACHINK. one with all the tmprovementa. It Is to last a LIKKT1MK and therefore one is wanted that will do the most work and dtyt bttt : and this machine ran do several kinds of sen ins not done on ANY OTH Kit MAClliNK, besides doinjr every kind that any other can do, - trice, f 15.00 THE AMEKICAJN OB PLAIN SEWISQ MACIUSE. (Without the Bntton-Ilole rmrts), does all that ia dons on the Combination exo.pt button-holes and seaming Price $60,00. - City Referrences, -:: Newfcem. M. C.Feb. &, 187t, Messrs. CeeexjhtbAIIbkbt, GisTf : Mother directs me to sav that she contin ues to cse the Muchino on all manner of work with entire ease and success. - - Very respectfully. e . ' : , WALTEEDUFFT. -' Newhrnt.K. C, Jan. 23, ISTl. Alessrs. Crcrkmar aiid Uenrv : tienta. iira, C. say taut sh wouid sot sell ecu nw THE H0UHTAINS1 u . a . a o - - o s t s . o - - . 5 c CD-I : U BO. rn - m 800 810 823 9C0 900 HK J0G5 1140 1170 1-M , 8S5 W5 - ftlO . WW 10S5 106$. " nm tw nx aas loixt ioso 650 7T0 7-5 B95 815 &0 . II a JO COO 700 67 775 815 - fiOO - "0 good oiKExcursioii Train only, and will GOING WEST-(TmjBSDATi Akkivr. f j Leatk. ' 6:30 2:00 11:32 lft38 8:47 7:17 C:14 4:00 - 1:00 A. M. 1. M. - . "- . - tt 12:00 M.N. .10:40 P. M. 8:50 ,7:37 - 6:1 K M 4-V 4:10 30 30 A.M. - To take effect al 5.15 o'clock A. M., Wednesday, July 13, 1870. ss E is arriveJ LEAVK 1 8.15 P. M.1 .... , . .... MILES. MINTTCS. 7.44 ' 7.45 P M.10 so 7.20 7.20 " 8 121 6.59 " 6.59 , " 7 ' j21 600 " 6.15 " 111 44 5.2C " 5.27 " ,11 '33 ' 5.07 5.08 " I 6 . 1 . . 4.41 4.42 7 25 - 4.0G 4.13 " 9 28 3.47 " 3.48 " 6 !l8 ' 3.27 " 3.29 " 6 - , il8 3.12 " 3.12 " 5 jl5 , .-. 2.45 9 .27 . PRESIDENT chins for don Met be amount paid for it, provided shs could noteplace it. - Respectfully yours, ; ANDREW COAT. , Kew Berne, Sf, (X, Aug. 35 1871. Dear Sir :-r"The American Button Hole and Over seamins Sewing Machine" 1 porchasrd of yun I find to be all it was recommndod nsy to learn ttuoo ai:d stichinp beautirnlly. 1 prefer it to all others and would not part with it for double the price if -- could not procure another like it. : Very reauectfntly. J - v-.r-,r.:f - ' . - ANHAM rLAYPOOI.":. Unndrcds of other endorsements ft the American can besom at J. . NAftU'S Book Stor . - (.. laPOBTiSTT KOTICli. - ' OOHSUJC EES 01 D E Y G 00 D, All Hctail Oivlrre .amounting to $0 aim over tlc'.ivt-rwl in uy part ol ths country FREE OP EXPHE-SS CHAKGE3. . HAMILTON EASTKII & SONS,, OP RAI,T!MOUK. WD.. - 1 In order thrlwtt r tn nnwt (he waals of their Cctaii Cnctomers at a di-ntu:-. hatr established a - SAJefLrJ BU2EAU, r " and will, npon nppnmrl -m promptly nf by mnil fat lines of " :a:ti,!... f the Ntr.-t .in. I si st Ka.liiomirlr Un. f KitKNClI. ENGLISH and DOMESTIC WAsiiMirrriiR mnnfc,tn. .u i. not at Uti vrieet. tan auv boaiui in ih. cunnlry. . . - . - . f.iiTing onr goods from the laryest sndroe.tcJc bratcd manufacturers in thi different pai ts of -Eurous aad importing ths same by KLeamers direct tn Balti more, oar stock is at all times promptly supplied with the novelties ot the London and Paris markets. As we bny and sell only for eah, a4 make no kal 'If"- w" are able and willing to sell onr goods at rnoa TewTo WtrtEsx rea cxmt less room tuajif we save ereiltt.- ..' : - . . 1 sentinel far twrnpfs spieify the Hnd diir4 k.f p.the ""t prjulf f 7 lass of goods from the luwest to the most costly.. . Order wtaecompanieb by Me truth tfilibe tent HOD invito! to inspect the stock in our Jobbing and Pack ajje Department. Address II VMILTOM EASTER i FON8.'' - l'J6. l'J0,201 sadiiH West njtimre St Oct S3d -codr 1 r. . - 1 2jIIT33L: JSTTD HAS FIJJ2 IIEI DSEITTC CilAMPAIRNR,' WIVES - . EOBl.NSiON COUNTY raWKgY. - SA3.TA CCOII KM. and 8X)TCIf WJI1SKT - - TUB BEST MADK. " - Vov.Shh tt , ' D. T. Cdrr.tway geral Life sad Fire Iu surnucc ft.-nt, fckath Frout Oxcct, Kew-Bcru, N. C. . apil2C-tf." THE ROAR OF CANNOrTf Across the Atlantic aff.cts not Uriels SnjanaL Mil attends to faia toilet aa ukuaL apyine a few do? Ha rasorta at once to th vnly ntticla of its 1 ll V sw ... Kina vi ui9 via world, wutca uit th atwna iimo satb and rserfcr, in other irords. to CHBISTADOJJO'B EXOELSIOS HA 12 DYE. guaranteed ltnnulesa by ProfesaorCHrx.T05 and uther d'atipguished cttomisla, and the most pop. umr uj i .America, Deeaqite it lwpArta the motit nataral sJtadea. of color with tit greatest oerUinty hnd in the aliorteat cpaee of tine. Taia famoos article baa ; - - ' TUB QUITS of a!l fu -oold U rivals, and ia avartcr of the aitaatiOB. . ... ,-. Aji a arMing after drsing, s :. :. CHRHTAUQEO'a HA1U PB HMTAI'I YB FOR THIRTY YEAR'S I Perry, Davis' Vegetable Pain . : Killer.. ;v..v , TY Ofc'CLiaATE. ANO 01' ALKOST EYfilit NATION JKNOWN TO . . , AMEUICAHS. i . ; . . - - -It ia almost the constant cojujmnfjn.gitid " eatimable friend of the hitysiuiiary and ihe traveler, on aca nud land, and no on liould trnycl cn uurjjttkca or Pi vert without lt- . ' - It has bea before the pnUio over ihlrtj vrars, and probaDlvJus a wider and better re-" patatiart " 'thdfl any other proprietary medicine of the prescnlday. At lliia period tiwe are bat few unarquidnled wjltt the mcrita of the -Pain Killer; but while some extol it at a lihlmect, they know bat little of its power iuVuainf pain when taken internally, while olhera use it in ternally with grwtt success, but an rciwnlly ig-. norant of its tjcaling virtuet when applied ex ternally. - We therefor FIsn to ay to all that it ii eqoalfy successful whether nfced internally or exterbally and it standa to-day,, unrivalled by all thegrcat catalogue of family, medicines It is sufficient evidsnce of it virtues as a' sua dard ruedicine, to know that It is mow Med in all parts of the world and that lis sale; b son stautly Increasing No carativs agent has had such widespread sale or given such sniversal satisfaction. It is a purvly vegetable coat pound, and perfectly safe ren U unakiilXal bands. - -'.'..-!:? After thirty years trial. Is U11 recivbg Iht root unqualified testlioonMls to its virile?, from persoue of the highest chaiactcr and re sponaibtHty. i'hysictxus of the timrespevt- abiiity, recommend it as a moat effectual pre paration for the extinction of pain, it is net only the best remedy ever known for Braises. Cuts, Burns, Jfcc, hot for Dysentery or UaoN era, or any sort of bowel oonipUiaW H is a remedy ausmpasaed tor tfflckney and rapidi ty of action. In the grml cities ot India, and other hot cllntaUs, it has btcome the tiUudard M.cdicine tor all such complaints, as well as for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, and other kiudred. dtsordera. For (Jongha uand Colds. Canker, Asthma, and Rheumatic dirBculiies, " tt has been proved by the most abuudaul and convincing leatirnoby to be au Inraluabht med ieinc - - - USE ONLY ; I UPPMAlfS GREAT GERMAN BITTEES - . -ft-.'- " THI STANDARD B1TTTJ5I OF BESMAgT. BSt JTTJ3 , , BUT PHYSIC1AJI3 IX TKEIg CAILT fSASTtSf, 'Lippman's Oreat 6naaa Blttsrs tmtheas' ie dsbuitatsd. . . , . , . . Jppinan's Qrsat Gemaa Biltsrs cares Kldasy Csav plaiuts. .. , , . . Llppaisn's Orut Oreat fisneaa Blttars swaoXemale Coutplaiuls. .. .. ; Lippman'a Great Gsrraaa BlUsta, Us vest 4sHjht fnl ana eltecuvs in th world. - Lippuaji's Oreat 4ifiaaa Bitters ears juvm well" peopls. - LIppmao's Orsat Gsrmaa Bitters gtvse aa aopstlts), Llppmao's Grwt Genua. BUlsrs earas Utsr tVasa puunu .j . ...... .- Lippmaa's Great Ornaaa Bitten $Ate$ eeaw As gesu re organs. . ;., . Llppman's Great Garaua BUUrs givos saercy. ' ' Llppmaa's Great German Dinars carss KsrvoaaBM Li iP man's Great Gsnoaa UUra, las best Fa. aloiticino. ..,. . Lippnaaa's Great ' Gsnaaa Xittars rsgalstso he Bowels. UppautB's Great maa StUert xcttesiteTertet Liver. .... f 1 Llppman's Great Gemaa Sitters wil) -ir Yeatra Vigor. . ; Llppman's Great Gemaa Ultteis prstsaU Chills aad h Mold by II. ADEIAJf A VOLLEHS, . ATUtniaetea. V. C. o))M vfR ' ' Jiaji long beoa regarded as the boas and ehSM nsS . i Caking Powder ia us. Perfectly pors and benitv. : It makes, at snort aotico, dolieions Biseuila, Koiis, ice. Tbsre need be no waste of food propsred vita it, as U ia ol ways of ths best quality Wewoatdsoir , to those who hare never ased it that a vary dnr triola wmaable thmt omit, iwtsy with aotarf; Sutwfaotiim, but with saoMOtny. -- ' Put up rut, wifT veirht, ss vspreseoted. '. -- 4roeotaeDesM-sseUtt..., -, ... --.' '-'? xxx5ijrr&rjROTii2R,prop r-'-y - go flsryv Stroot, N r. -y ;.:i XZW TOEX CZTX. - '(U PLEASASTIT 1CCA?E9 h jtTT rilillS LARGE and COMVOt)lor fiorsx has X bum tboxonghr rs-aued aad latnMkttt. sm4 m -sow open for tlie r-ptlo of vUfSms. Its Joeatloe) is directly ia front of the OCEAN sad re eloss proa, unity to SJ orciwad City, Foit Maces, Cape Vomt Lij'ht House, Ac. - ; - Tho TABLK will he supitk1 trith every fazary tkie snd adjvii.iac; mark els aiford. Polite and SUxs4.no servants are iu oonstaot atteatdaitco. The BAB is sappiiMl wHh choice LICt'OXS east CtOAitK. A DHiuw rum n wot Mfvmuai mm, in, fi uppo Guvd Untie. viil be in attendsiKO for osoot Hoes Tbc V.'ai tin, sod otheis. coniwv-c si., tr a of the A- A K C Hi H- at Uorehcd City, a.. liv sod land at the Hotel hrf. " . ThsyToprlrto.- aims M make this Hrtsl f "C? T I'j st like GUESTS eom'ortoMe. ,- The a"bcrihe would rrivucifiiHr n,it he pst.' age of his nuniei'sf I n-nls and the puuiic tej4y. 3, n STREET, P.-iVr.. Jaael la. 1 iT