ii M W w.A.wn.,,. ' , m ' ..J j... : , , iVn- . .Vlti.Tft-')!, . ;u miiij s;lT . pisjlLrTxjrs lis! svfld ei'.Ufjl ilT fumiln 8 molar nsovQ V-" " .Tw tao 3i p-k.L umJ? ju Lii f v 1 1 1 li i . 1 f '"T , - I 7 ' ' ' - i " LHUJJTMWv ANJ? iUNIO if r 1 ' '" l I I I linn-, fiii i " i f-.. ... .If . ... -i I I ;-3TA n&mH ratTftSDAY. MORNING SMnp i-ianq .ou . wj-a '- -.-j-, , v-j-fV, JiaaJOick: pyea, and heavy, I owrUteei.iii!'' IWJOU t W 1 ' 111 '. i t . i gMMiiM3.MjMM iiuuimmuiiT aronnn KhaoAn nn.iM u j .1-; , . ,.1 .e -rc-Tfi-"j- jwm wihy iiihk j - . v.--- 1 . j ; i : -wyiwya j,v a 11 art. i - 1 . "m"r . r k sa - I I - t -i (!30A M. . ' ' . .if-itAI .' il 'Mail close for HatterasNew Yorkj8tm'r Mall clftses ChjttifiMro, JRPrj and Vandemrre. Tuesdays Thursdays and Satur days at 6 A M. j MAIL ARRIVES. j From fbe. North, West and South at 6 6 M. opened Mtitilirety at 7 H.y J U I H ' . : Frobi Beaufort art the East -iVT A M From Washington, Swift Creek, N Ci &c Monday. Wednasday and Friday at 4P Si. From Trenton, and Pollockville, Tuesdays anl Fridays at l' . f From Gra'nt8bfr.'6ay RiVW nrt Vahdc mrre, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4PM 1 Office hours from 8 A if. to P M, and 7 to rf 7.30 PBI. Hnaffoir12-3at(tfi- 1 rookr1 fes'rbutla'ws. an Itltev poses of their owa;lmd it is possible that "taff HUee ( Hnbaeriben. To all delinquent subscribers notice is giren' that a cross mark will indicate that their fenb. m-puiwa una expireo, and if not renewed bv D iiiui ox uewper toeir paper will be stopped. Mows THipiCiAAwA. jj We learn from the Wilmihstton arlthat rwenty-four soldiers hare 'cr:i no ra;n.,tmnT amcrjj ? j i -r-r--rt I r j i iwuesm. Anose mey may attempt to diseuise teiri men muse De a nard lot; land we suggest that GanT Sherman be called Into lead a campaign against them. w ?V."ff I J If V I f yv t . Wm. BarfHDefbWiAttrrTUtai. day, charged by Mr. Job4i Kinsey with stealhl uae di -me wjtnesses swore rxjsitiTrty-ttat-i. h, 'fceen jBefbffatrike a hog in tliejaatixMbat Oe lokwyLrfc all aoi iear- J ances, onejof .fci-Key;Vijiaiot lost-aW,Crffe dha9 P7pie.ia at dead of night, 2 'irriTandrtTjtQfpf Us. ' r,: PosTririea,Ew-BteN. t.1l Au?. 18tb, 1671. j - ' mil Closes folhe Nqi.Wttt nd S uth Mail CleWyfcr .BealiTon ApcTU) East, at '5 30 PM v'a j . ' Mail - Close" "0? aaktngtor 8 wTf t Ceek, JTyild -and -Beaufort Countiesvevery TjqeWay ' Thursday-and Saiqr4,yjat 5.30 A'3l.T 1 SwanVboro; Wednesdays and Saltfrdaya VtCP fflnce J iu the Sup rib, i w i j.-.i--L"T r'- 'ixii.:"!!! v dt in tne name.M the people of the St,te of North Caroling the reiaUon of Charles C. Clark. H. aSf nalations nsipg from deOTropns:rr vetfrtati.au, toieM1: his lde9e,pVHOs.rft9 wKt,ocV Xi,tt now have moonlightrnighta. t t .1 ts r . r 11 'lU The street hands are usetully employed daily. Fires and overcoats were much in .use yes- terda: , to ciee ime of iear to lean oat Thfe-jsjjoad time of cisterns. v-'- A tloWWTiaia-f Tliyp died suddenly in .."VTllmingfbo on andiy. ,e "''. It "W. Best, of Eflei iiair, bead Htppomted J . A TJ. S- CommUsioner 'rij TEe Banner bt Temperance makes its first appearance on Saturday. , J-.- t x-gj. .-vi .i. ' ;T ', nM ' Yesterday was .cooK damp and disagreeal la; s 7 Thermometer 65 dferes. "' i i Arrangements (tre miking tor a grand ball in Baleigh during Fair week. " - : . 1. Kenben Stalltags, of Franklin county has 10 i ivented a superior coftonjpressc5 " , . , Wood, delivered at residences or places of business, sold yesterilay for $3.10 per cord. I The regular term of, Wayne county ,"5aperk' Court commences uext JJEonday at Godsbojtl'.' There is a drought in Greene coTintyi'tfnd the wolls are dry. Our friends' don't take' any "water in fhetn 'now5. Jii v'.T.""0'' V ) . ' ' .if 'i; , ii . :: ,t;j is; 4 .JPwfiBg W tha viSldace of the s!orm Tuesday - night many ot the timid thtraght-the Tidal t -ive yo seen them -yeW "-fWefl,Oj'at once and see McLacklan's new cloths and c ssimeres for Fall suits. i &J"J&$&j. jVigilanae f ithftlaw. Wit- Weinsteiri Bro. liave a magnifloent sto4k"t?? fnA flM TTAnnA T t j; a ... ; xxuuaa xuiiainfZ. ' A fair witch crept to, joungTman's i.sida to- b prWe' tha KJYa&Ahe one Mr. KifcsBjf t And he nn-ar Tbnnr.;n T,;a 11 -3 fcxH lost, the esse was dismissed. ' T ' A thin, 3 r Important Scit. ; - And h rpsem taste and foJJAwed,thfl ehan.1" A fi?4 ROTS tWl fmagsfi- Tie gfred.mmselrftnd followet! sti n simet-poiiS3 to H& weiteril hil tnoofiirf g ndT thVahihg, " cRfnj to his 93 P -fit "u,u "piumu py me i-esiaent 01 the I iV.X ,v Ki't'i .i,7,'i, of the A. & N. C. E. B.. against E. 11. tSli.nl'J..- .. - . "Ungtnm'. bt?"1118 .i5!?b P.--D tdocketcw0tq Su penor Court is brot the Diretore. who usurpation of office. ..:- ,."Jo .K-iO-l. T. .'it;H perior Court is brought, nndersmnd, agiinsf K ; tne JJ:rectors. who now control the roadJ fo4rtJ 'J : v.;i,. j -iAi 1 a cicraTrwcradlediiear tha setting snn, 1 nekriy 1 . ! t w i i Luc fci i 1 ruunnna at rita i.t im 1 1 The Ku Klrtx.' Wc are pleased to know and liarn that every democratic Uonssrvativo of promi-ence n"fsr B!T30tlXlX tJ"'' in this c?Mmx that Ue SS5fM.dW Bvii-WWT?li-T7rn''bK, v.. ' . " - "-TaTnroaon ibot as rest: 1 tea wc&TlM to Loth, as manv wer. to LJllffPact ! Jf. py xiepui.iiftins, mat the a Elax orniza-rk- U 1 Lli wjsww-mw , tionwasno myth, but a Lloody rcVity? HeJSl SfWl pemccrat every particle of roo.fornbt, ind?" e j lorces them td tha t,vT(fnl ,m:.. Ju.iaf-ijtti 1 . WIUIUOOIUU. b lll L 1 D th6 KKlx was a ' veritjihla rin;,o;L Jil is a veritaVJa orsanizatibn. crimes. This is I ut another Hividenm nf lh4 , . ... r"i irmniuioess ot the old saying "Time woiksSiR1 won !-. rs. - ..... - Rell We ago a large convocation, or meeting, of a pkr ticul it class of erilor j.l BapU-ta met on the Trint .1 4a The lightning flashed; the wind blew a gaje, and the rain fell in torrents awhile on Tues day night, i -' There -was- no Mayors'' Court-' yesterday cause, no cases. ' , . consideration whatever; tliat all other sects and denominations werj infidel and unb lievers, and they w.mld all certainly go to helL After the exprassi.m of those and other like elegant eiriftisiftisCtpjy wine in glasses, and atonement for the sins of all the rest of misir- rf1" wiey are lOO Illicit On the (rroai.H "Tk famous UjrpahouL tha coniUxv a" a7 Ihduli t T -rHgnea is p eased t annoimcej " -. k -Ttr - "Clary i qorfa oli R-,oi will -aaitl T IIbhoJZ "oilier amons these ou l n .i;.,nA,i 1 . . - , Im lL- - ""CI oilier? ar the coipmehceitient r , - iiiic.111 may inereoy w ft-f (Hded.ti ;Bat4f the disease haklrcmy.lieg'in.'l TaWe-Sc" I But be on voor e6kTXMn&tWrtfdJtLi Hld.-l?onyave ,favprablr,with the great naTiohifl -clixiiw whicn 'tia. aflh iteQTOsfoTmidablfroppositjonf rohia' trw-fl Id. Of the si!?n VtanhW! Vi4h.'f4f WtuflJ i battles OEjy, and oamjPbrobtDd iilobulk ,il Ihe-rjparfiBt approeljj, peefefcIioTTinr aBiL. cTcs designed ,for.kiicUen pse, i.ibt ofDao ? ? Y?AST PowDKn,Dowreenerailv lecci feil ,n7iR',!,v'Xl.-?j!i'J' gf!7fl.,'j sir- !(") t contiistSng of the Bdwest &a )'j11-M.1' hid) 8HTlfJjC8 ti tIf5Kl H'iT-j I;.icw wvrj i wniriro Jliw -fTonon. na 77 ,f Tcr ... " ifuom-- ."st t - - shou d bewithout it.ifiVriinftmniJoi, luX'm'it r.fsnlts it requires but on.erhalf or two-tbJr4 tlv quality that itJii necessary to use of ot'ier T . ' """""i -TTirne uiuiorm success to n3kig- rnlli bts-wla bisciriis. 'rir-! $J TllHKnnlAivl . . a ,u- . y 1 "."1 h69 i(few.fat,k!Ncw Yprk iFor 4-aleWallGrooirs. toramissinnHWih!, r ra auAeV-Berr. Corn, from store, : . Y;9oa 1.00 iflwV-csflo bo fisTsilai R7wia aJ 'ftfai)ii5-fcf. ! 11 1 ' 1 fetes If Irwoma !" Tjr i di rrd wottsi tew 1 - ON 1 fDlT VattNl'iSrjKY-aUii.. bmna. m-hli-h lnti-fj l h iiki ml .1. .w- Adrt. Hlhr ARD A3HOpUTIOfL Hp. V 5t UjwCiWTjedbeiBtotttwkile'WwBDlw r,fP:F WW; r-' . to'tbb'b4at rnelbodW doihra ra9'h4 n?,M&vwifra both '0bif,Jaiili Lrc3 mod eonsu feilT CSKTSTADO&TS x3ib2LSI0(R Him DYE tkesaWbf WWch1iaTebyHdTmtrlnranrinr CHfUSTAlKJRtf-S HAIH PRESKETATI VTC in i - t -i ,i i i -i t " 1 re V 1 IrfWifllit ItlET.'C- -T- 7- .- "T f I I 3!. n-iir awvw T rfoiriv,- ..l?.ai i viftf-J ci 5arn ' rf Kit' 'LflHW "iV.t,l t UTMDte'jrfclTnaS CF SERMAMT. USED JTTRI Jif7ppl,B Qre" GWnAa tKr CBwt'KldMy Cam. ;7;:,-v vi-tni .. r. .Fni,ps! in Great Varifttw ;vPier!(ttBft iwaHtwoty)horse ' "t" too-: sect from Tor 5T(inri ni ur . r:A- i.-i; i' . .. - -"i ' - " g.-'aBrroundipg f -.BOOTivimiirmekiMhrKfifiesFteiitl, j I intend tItf.epta.pt-.fuHy vithc;ii4B tri.e fashiocable novelties, in seiiilemeu's wiarl and establish perinaneiit'v. in' the. fullest ! . toaa'i Great QenaMi BUtws fclvM energy. t.lnniMnl. Hiw.1 II.m... III.. ' March'fTtt. TT 4?4CKSUta . ahOt3. ; ! 1 a enn Bitters, tne bet Family irtiAftna fkih"ii?LUlIwi' Great Oe-aaa BItt- i.... factaniof flret cU', rBoweJa. u .' .i. ;m , 1.4 tirT.'r: tafnl ad this and fMryWdjn.M4RDandifas M .win thiwt.-r Enuh-a at Uas't''-'''''-'' 1 counties; and ain "attmaaiic.i -Vera dressed f offica" ' -'"T f epSS-tf u '- OUT THE CENUIKE nV.Voiw Tk 1- 5i-,j ;.- r : a !1V : MM finj Ii li; . SMCDailoa and k nmlir F 7 " ?iieJtke statement lhat lyiPM&ia 60 saw i t:i.i - ' j 1 t . cm.iiji-ivocioufm.:as OOOd-Biy ii-Tt knot K.i BxMnotlonJQmv as coodTearafer .tit must be bjJaaiMtia n .''..i.t.-tt -".i-.7jirr. raoxt riH.Wie.ai trt Uu8;Behooi .willcomnifinrtA taW-of feo5i)artldtilrJs ad- milil Jtfefnul to thJm W ?a HtaStf'- 8 parueairi)s ail- tm t- , to thdm Ciri ao.wjBB.vT RsM..!FORfeES, itector iSSsdsSi ad big hunks of cake, with EfJg2i '- --iJ-,a-..vr .ji ailToi j ,' Tf.S",j .. .sU ' The bad weather of yesterday materially interfered with &e ' eesafbl 4peraK)5 0? the fishermen. I There was considerable seed cotton in the market yesterday. This article is now rapidjy coming in. - I , " Turner's GioJVis fvetisj 4'lnany pf me country gapers lis no doubt principally iaiposea 01 ne pacjr aai hilh of the JSentineF. editoriaE. " 1 . ' St. James Benevolent Society of Raleigh, of wuicu Dr. Wenninger is President, have passed a resolutions welcoming him on his return from Germany. - laesuccesstheriend3fGalerJen8 fr.ends of Mingo Croom, a very old man at present in the penitentiary for manslaughte, 10 get up and ciraulateJOTtaCT-japwjStjn for him. An error occurred in the Timbs of yesterday. D gating ;-3Ur-.iel deaths in Kinstoti anemia have read OfiA Bef. Mr. Womble had die,Und not his child; and that Mr. Alfthini herit ns suliiect in i ... , . . I oat tle types, white grave fellows, will ocr casioaal.'y got wrong. r . ,J . rewasarowaTSiSit M.iJ hror broke his hand against a countryman', I f 'i rym;mbrolt into a run with th. 1 uiier him: after a whil hn.v ai br, j ' TV UllO ti uaci 1 . lae Mayor; broker , fined $10.00j u S .J'18 dead b?; Mayoruldn help 't: terwoalitol&Wd ffifhera unless ho broke out; broker couldn't 'bw it j "Ppeiled for decision; put nnder $200 bond 'f for0aondsmn; jofcpd; Wy miu'semea tie maie everytfting aDj floiaia rjkdkexcep wlia-was1 mended uctryman gone home. v - reference to his advertisement in another! "n i JbfctoaHnitW tlxe enterprising ntaefumerchant' Mo3es Patte' an! exi-W-i. MIT Prepared snioi xaH tra-1e. He dosies to call y.v.T? CllSS of gods that for M- p..V iaePenitentiary boots and shoes."! and ZZr0U ma stock of Kood the advar,urv.sule88 house, which Irfwk Oat for the Omiavi Carolina, may singly or in a body, attempt to )erso ns .havLng i'l!'7S. i - , - 1 rt'i u-a sb jui io .ivijifi . j .Urt-vjji 1 '$ S ill! K7 BEBEYMasr Justice of tn Peace? irfrt Uacr him VW-U...U.- WtflUia wke nbtiaiWwBMRL atbofiiorfn thn 1 tii!-iot .-.jj, ni inm .t- ; Gentlemen's ;- 'Grothing a !hatd ' ...... . i .,; rt ?t ' -v h;ou0e .1 yvt.-.w. j vu, nuub BiiyLIIng OP'riOT, call'irnd -Sfe riie, n i-xa'mHiethe stoclk &" atSTa rii t-J-t .Iftlmlfta waiicSndd u'OJsinaniie for two or three davs. and our informnii snVa I M&W Vt&rX "trU.' -jiJiWvf .wtmiw that he never heard a greater amount of what Grt&efc biaW5'm;S!; ' uTTA J ' f A"NW best M-mT Havo. is generally understood as blawhemv. as nnkn L ... .-t vai,rf ?i3J -rij ertj artfta" t . I . r. .... JL1" ' lnt in is occasion. Wo oiv7u.hj wairiouuus w me rerormauon or I tam maia teacher uiraMrtav iQreek-'taelHi!?h these people? Is it not probable that there is EnglWi,-OToXL &aD9Ail. JCe K5-C. Brobk- greaur H2e i ot miseries amon thy S3ct-fafild m Higher and -Primary- English, Mrs, than among BPSiAhw rJdeMm&8i is, Esthjj StgylrcSrylifcry eparttdent. j ana commena the matter to all who are in i. Jjwwifair9"" ' : ';' FAIRBANKS & CO., .h-it-xi t-7flropen on Che first 'Monday laOetober, fM -"-J asa EEOiiViiY, JfE TOKK, &imM'm FAIRBANKS. BROWra & CO.. u IS MILE STREBT, B03TON4 v-1 i - - ,o .i, r. For sale by Iiadlng Hardwars Dealers. Til ?eifUS f inruction .wmwbe xraded in 1 f TTimftW IMTtfTVfTfliVnt H v - m J - t 1 LI . . t I . . i o - - v uigucob xJiauuucs Ul We have been furnished with the followihi'4Pi A11 dueapft JWoTudn, aereini the T TmiTAAn I T tt o ) dHBftrtttfiiSH 'ST n.v. -isaiaJ pnvileee of the most ftdvnnftnl ofT,; ' I i I I 11 t fit Ik a I I I outlaws. It would be. well for our readeb Mathematics; &e Katuml, fecipces with ExrW' ,S fir XSl' .It-JZaTI IgeneraUy to preserve a copy of this descrip- Penmenl Jaectures; Aricierit aftld Modern Lan- ! Asit ia possible that the Lowrev cans bf ti-Ptical, pursuits pf lifeCrVVoi.L :;.,, r.-. ,..r . - ' ., i . - . v Antflnniv anv .f fV. 4!IV --,. , , '.I J' ' - '' -.-.i.; . ... . t , u.uwh, now lniesang Jlobeson county, Nortki h C CSf." -l'?ue8lll,e W. VfJli.fjq . Vila IjJ IitoV 18 1 lALL and WJrJJ J - i 'r- - -U escane from Hot conti : a ' cription of 'tbe'gaigJisgI indruthe. 8fe(jrSik( public mav be Dosted in rpmnl t t,rv, Thi. upon the studies ol the schoc aereYada:. offered, both by ' the State add county authorities, for their apprehension, amounting, in the aggregate, to $8,500 for the gang inches high, wefgha about 14o or 150 lbs, fe straight and square built, has straight darj hair, dull blue eyes, and is so nearly white, he might readily pass for a white man. He presentjhe wears full beard and moustache (o; i his face, of a dark color, not very thick, H i is about 27 years of age and is slow in 'speech , btephen JoTfTS 7 3T(yeatJ idsilWZ fL-l . u - r seven or eight inches high, deep black hai and eyes, is of a swarthy, dark brown complex ion, thin visaged, rather Btooping habit, and is OMKWSSce. Al present, he wears a moustache and goatee, verv black but thin. : ... V ' ' j Thomas Lowrey is about six feet high, tolerJ ably heavy built, weighs about 200 lbs, has a! npWttabahtraSpleMAifebifmnrl. d nearlv white arin-SMAZUiA n! AViH - " .' -viiijr oaa as sucn; nei has a full face, dark Lair and beard and il rather quick spoken, with a low and pleasanS voice. He has been wounded by gunshot in! "P? Jd back. He abpattwentTUlvJ years'bf age!' M 3S ,: Andrew Strong is a tall slim man, over -six! feet high, bright mulatto complexion, b'ackl eyes and dark .' 'straight hair, and iajouick tf - "gu. I B 83 Strong is about 5 feet 7 inches hich. thick set, full face and will weigh about 170 lbs. I ia.6 18 only 'M yi WeUSSrSMkt Important Announcement Pupils should be present, il schooLs. e l, i .,'" S rura.'ii.wjsu A J.WT KKCEENTIT IN ' . T T.l Cp.. "faMe to6ffRrtKn half thV.l .-..l F ftlgatrmuy. .. , T"v j are i I IT.. .-7.... . . T-... . sr - . Barents in eBtering-ttieir-ehildren are nnd4 i - r:I .yjXiJrt -jiu xu j ,J x 7 i , "I . . 1 , A . . . - ' I the session, except in mm of nuxir ti-- i.,h:vii. " ? ' -a --' ;.Ht ? , i .V.J, , . VJ (JQ I - " ..... i. ''I V.l' i -I i .. ' - i p ui f . . J Ll li.lll.i.l 1 ! tp 7,7 i rye the advnta ."DUJeKa aouse, whi section and IZr wnd suited to 4 116 nearly white, and will readily pasa as Wpat au4gif him afn his atlvertise- j s ich. He is no disposed to.be talkative, His It Olfijs ship. ,. . . ', ifus &ir :.u to .toS" JT.ffl?...teWJ,5lI)- j j . ""j oj. me iour schools, J ' when properly ea&eVby industry. i ft;, -fjtv 1 - - i , owia re ixee oi cnarge to aU white r , yj Lo: jf stuuenis m ue uonnty of Craven, between the J agSJfifisIx TOiffiBTtoiAi "fi-Ti:, Apply for certificates of admission at tte4L3 cAi 07 omce of the undersigned, on the corner ojFi. Hancock and .Pollock.. straeta. a- - T -tu. ' mencement of the schooL As the school is i i'Jq expected to-be full ; the next session, it is d4 ,',iith vi sired that students shall procure certificates nf J ii. BiAJXL.r, Treasurer, r i lo Avion of the "Cnijateoe New-Bern Academy, i Aug. 13-tf ' KEEP TOUeMGY At HOME. j T HJE - W W M r l CHANT . LmiCMo. Jijli 1 "':! -.''': "'WENT ''i.rioT, jfeSfcj8 lTS52f000,000. ToJVf tal Amount liu?ometdlvravJ-rnur ! Great secret, of 'success is' tlaii it establishes' CLOs'' IMCBe'V- is at work, and puts th ftnawmmt .. r0"0 i''--".,x - wa.pi naeoEitizens of -'the)Stsrieaia ;!-faVets aula reserve fund in denM4mew1!W& tie premiuma- are received, thereby budding ijuprovrag- timmumJieaM"wMch, t operates, instead of impoverishing them as aUshJifemestJial carry the Inb'ney way. ;D. T.GABIiAWAT, Agent. f 1 D.!"riANeOClv i 5fxt Door tsKaUnii.i nni, i li'lblliT) ..ill ..ir-. ! .'I -. ; iJ'i-j fr; AJl ."? r wool hell l.WWaernrf.itKlter.reeittu hTOV1WKHkVflUl(i;Mll.IAf.rA . i. ii . rlu c. . . . , . ftUareaf eHktaai. iiy.!t To -ffrrTfr .TT i-fd vSILa .vaJLvA'-'-t s J-f - fr-in ,-i..-lA'Kscn,ii work., f ZJSZZ!?' aadef .poctaHrr-and aatti- 1 'BtrtKIt it: -It.,n;VfirtPH,i'i liAW 0 th I' ' Fevet. .'. -.i'-jii-:' :-'..r.- i.,, U.-wuiw.n,AWiAH VULJf Ii3r known , TO THE PUBLICS ' Si f pteranenlrv5 4ettcU,fUl.xy t' bu?ieas a J Qtk9B?mm 'WrfromLc d .rncr r ccKLQioers, - : . .. . i . i-r f ' I ..!.! r-.---- --o- ---.ra.wnicnoijBH I CDSlomers. an The national nfiT.n n.,V.TT- : :..:iJJl3r? 0k, MoWtifeeHoliM Btafi T qniiliWor aV5 1 a,ir.'iI?.?-r,!',',V7fU -rS?TSte7-HeiwiS BREAD. " vet' aw ivu Btwnra urms' im jii. eiiarrrv - -wa. in i l - - - . . . . - - - .T raWtoiiit,aotonrr'enUr f'I u"Xw2STriL" .7T'.".1 ffofj .fS&.i,1?! ; 51 " "day.' ttKiAfuelAiJkIZl i-. u - i . fa- ?1 Great Hetetion iii 1 ..-."..ra!?.t lo sJni.H -j-ffltn - K bT iTSoaand''-f SHOESij n becai vuio it'.tu aii-izi'i J iii; ,poii j rrvmrnT . : Wei .:JJ"!f&-0 fir llvfil 1)3 vvisu :w t'tWTTT' on ii;ioir si.idi at iK)Mborii-oi)j!Twnt'jil i '' 1 MANUFi I .-.. I I tdam it 81 . will Wttt'T3iiT no FOE THE XEXPTfilBTY' DAY?,' .'fi 3f;iK tiioa 9fil ef.ufT .. f.t- : it-. . pfeparataigr'ta ?iamoiii .rctohiioi.i.ieQ. i I v"r""1J wnonnancror their jfiis iiTw?!ff'T,f,THwf.4i! i-il: j at lAoeMipattoiiagevom.t. ta tC'SlHN !, dB.vA(.-t :lC.rfcTfi TjfW-d?; ...rA-t&vir:ri33a,l orii irlAVflTTVV Da, nn.i pAKES, BREAD AND PIES, OBNi ? ' 7 " .?M iViAfoCakrfcwidiisJoflbaklDff' ''a'h't. :viJl lTt,l? ,ioi:p f ?4&MW?frt Mfhe hptet;npaicei-' Aft wU4Pnlep-5BWBtiaflfl0 320j ana jtibc; tr. - 3 i I " ..evec dcUvorad m uinMi Castonen at dlUne. have eaublfebea a Bamn esuf the Kewt-rt and moafVuhlnuil. Aaomi:cHtol jouria fou. ropt; f. ?tke J r'it'M) --m' fH75 .i,T Iti -i-r:T..X!t'. in ! -'. ;.A wq bar a Mil oaiw rav.i.-kit.. VO i'IliiH M .aULtf'WU r , I from thJowpt tn ....... -.l- , " 1 : I tvil L..V. i. '-'It-' !l M'jfod3 -f'.Uf7. li;'ltJ JVKfJlstfT j a ei.u wrl tv.tlaA dMl ia b j .greatly .jreanlea su,1 Ja fJtf JUA VJDaijaJ boa iiirg iintoi ie ,efcnar oiKJi,q 5f?!TX,Kifi -. f-. .'.cij-iiiii Ltm I ib nvtid not l&! too ow;-itx;? PisTmS'i '. sk:', rt wiamn i r rat?il InT 1 BALL arid WINTER CLOTHING and IrpreparTaTo execul ordere fb ' " contimia ol the iajria. ' . - ",77'7 JClolBfrigJ ALEX ItctCtCT?, .w. .Xnvi-J8 saiuocuzloK .n-wo-3 bn.i ni'daooO j-tea&M Jiofttfi: un jr. ti Jtu lit "ti-jii'fei ooro a iid i- :o9Q Oil ,-!9i woq lo fcllJi Sff M t ItllS j .' - ... . - " .tyivini Raw .aiarnsiq aTroiial Eyjt dKf .fibiidT .il'a WZkan tba bu from the Jowest to I ilttna A " mtwj mses&kter son ?-sJr' J as-ji.Tr .t.T75n lata .,fciri J... ul oi .no ! " I 'Clril eases' Bar-MinnB11 doHarsln euotrewta-: ' p A mttl iV - v woa Jm-e ,7lf"inrT fr v.ljinJ ?,aoii oVrrOOLEN uQObOsL .-7vfyl8y ".TUrrly OpT0Wtt-rr008FV StDPfl ! UL via sia i -.;nui aja of Ti'Tarfitir)i M l i 'at f1 esrtj uilflfir. 5 kAef alnCiM. eai aki -i n bozeai Wdats all for a song with . silver air." CiveMm . eaD 1 1 in Ii pi' to li ll'l l I : m Mia 1 Pi i 1! flail? 111" I Ml: f, If 1- It9 rf-i . fci- 14 I V" f'? : .' f . Jrr i . .. ,V-.

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