VOL.; lXi NO. 67. wKuKKtKKiKtmKWKKtiKutaaridiiitKittMimitKKHimamsiittii n 1 1 a m nBajaaaraaanaaaaeaaMB JotMfeS. MANixocalEditor. j j rriTand Departure of .Mails. MlOI(ftel fottlttftHK. e8t and SoQlh 55 Closes ioiBeitifoK ;aWithe32ast, at Hyde and' BfortOHratfe4rjr Tuesday The steamship Zodiac will leave Nevr York' for Jifew-Bern to-morrow, Saturday 30th. : Jrtfil Carolina, and travels about with the funds of BB,C? lu rePrese -uem " ihf. insllttltinn vlii.li iimmintl In 4ro innnl. I CHWir." .. ,' s a . ' 4 a-j0 rnia -n I -. ?. Ir-lOflsaJlitSffilS SiaftCthe pi-bpwi - ... - 1 - I ,1 ' - . ... . t , ,, . , : : ,i . ! .... p necessary action la being taken, ana rouen The streets of our city have for the last weeEV dt8V akfUft. M&XttKWti&V Vtf ' I v' ... J "t-v- are preparing to. BMderirtes, and we bare! xae OTmacnano ana no d,mbt the Convention Will" be well attfenO5 departuWof?0,-h the consequent f J SfiAi&QmSAS L3.0i.Uyi 4ffl.-Y h A - ii." '.i' l r :i ' (''- uijrrtg uuereou, uas given uu annunatea appearance. f i is to result, f rao-this- proposal Cod yentiopj ..--fbut tnPfwcl of fnh)cing caltedli"ng;coi-i , Mail closes for Trenn, .PoUockTill and Rnsboro. '. WednesdaVsand; Surdays at 6.30 A. M. . tt... xr vv Lim. MaJirCrOeS :OT.nHWM"Hl yiij" hx--. TSiava-TnurOTava-raiia-SatHT- MAIL ARRIVES. 1a J4ovlnoVof . m-WT . . o . . . tS If I "ryom the aorta," vreer ana tsoomn-n ' ' opened for Jefifefy VT pll j&IJ. w v rroarBeaufoVt and the Eastf"7.30'A!M. From Washington, 8wift Creek, N G. &c 3onday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 P M. From Trenton, and Pollock ville, Tnefrdays FriHuTti at 4.30 P M. i From GrantafceroT. Bay RiveY 7irfll Vandje--: 4PM L Office hours turn 8 AM. to 8 P and 7 to 7.30 PM. Sundays from 12-30 to 1 P M, GEO. Ny. NAftQN.,Jr .Pogtmasfer. Fires were pleasant yesterday. j Yesterday wa a bright, coo', pleasanti day ijCi f W t There waa' Ino Mayors Coiyesterday- canse, no cases. Wild 'geese are , nqw emigrating 1 Setta in large quantities. j Wilmington ain'lsorry that Kobinson's Circus wUl givethem tbe go by. ! : i y-? We5eday'njtwt decidedly cool, the ermoffieler indiingepgteea. ! "1 -r Attrenadin.g party jnthis are said to -pat on many more airs thaSTtheyeaa JRng-j col- We arc informed by a friend from Jones I ored men, should, if too. much tXDensa be not I county tliat the' difficulty between Mr. bi"4IlWama ' solek-ieasafcYoVj,liB&f nuu ait. dunes, puuitsucu recently, was ne i aiienuea Dy acegaiiea.xepresenung erery puiT,' result of a.seripua Jany,QnarreLand ithat trict in the South. Wo auirerest. thcrefctte Mr. Jon s is uAnieMill mil iehirel'th'ill'f be i'ie'mthlr at ahi- men. who is, and has always, been, wr.ere he early day, and with such county representa'-' could be served with process' We rtgrel tTrarf fifiorf as rflayrbe'ad, gef-aorafJ'iFnl tnaa', ww1 will 'reflect -credit upon lis race,1 ana any wrong information should Have appeared in tli publfs I1hei u os.-rrocjeu ri but ieyftiJe affair, ojeflviSi Tud currently resldiog ii i arm aa t cpuw.u. ,-w."liW f'S.i,ipfoIftIence and presen indication. IfaJl ng received frotttK4'! flLJUiihl I nuu umjui uk v ma uuu now -Jig riA BO JLZji'. 'Jil it."ri.i.rj i Lijcju -LJjiIl-L r . cu lie crii ja, tci j uuu 111 bin bt ui umuHtutllgj mi itr. Ha-a.c1iasett. The latest news received last night indicate neT fciis been nominated fA 4it:jsett9. I liia la' wed f "ra'f lTOihBtifebe bffereSfor tmvelh-ng compaTes'1 -oHrTiiy fftylsTawe!if rfdt' "better oflf with-; Examination br Teachers. nt. r . : I . i. ' " i j ,.t w a; a i odthfchh. as 7a?)iSy very5 fewtond fate the interesting .event has been puit)o.L.mPan.".?-S1'i Pff until sometime in December. i ,,f .,t tir' talont tootled 1 1 them to, or. thaaru we cooid afford; but we do J - J . -.J --J ! t.JkiioT tkDf thou. ,Timan 4.11, Himit.kAi. vuttu. "o: A..U5P tt 1 Arrlrcd. ai The aifMQiii A.nWa.TpCel-.aM' arjred t jn a bt i a a ,, this pftfV yVS(ery teMrW- frdfei WSw lYorfcT with lull cargoes of merchandise to our mejlthe'j'-pJamiMpto idrfc-d from' thtt sdurce, chunts. The Agile and Dclmar left New York I those enWfeaamBnts ooukl rbe, i&adej&e source -i Xondier sama-dArnaAboui. .thesama houE" r bf mricK cbSWaevdt t 'nefi: Proceeds to liis sam mat green siasrare.1. u A4MOkhMkfi46a t&ey WeH Vafever out of f charitable or OtUei' worthy uses; es-.li t r ,if floce incurable eruption! on tUe i hands. , rle- The Wilmington iSYari says the peannt crop ; -will, be short. Bad news for member f the Xegislatnre. . i: , , ,:. ... i ! If you don't pay your taxes soon yon will be published as delinquents, and have additional C3st3topay. , , . ,,.! r : i u t f.r.-t Jjtatlj .. A rattlesnake was kiTled in Brunswick county a few days sincewhich was six feet long and had twelve rattles. ; Professor iNealef the lAcademjr'js busi rranoiag Ma : classes tot 1 he j openings 'of the .-Academy next Monday. . The de3nition of the 1.wor4ift.?.';a'n1in3tument ,JJjfhuigaifjig small sonnds." j r-. The "VV'EEKLr.TitKS for this week, is now I Teady. Call to4sd)fibQ, fBftOX !2.00 f peryaar; ft'tty ceritlfoV tlrreemeiiCfes The steamship Ellen S. Terry will ileave Tew Bern tor New YoTk on next Monday, Instead of the time heretofore announced. It is predicted that next winter will fee the j severest thtjre hava. htetTor grift ld's'tory. " tl'is-MfttinKaobut' itory. " It' is' getting about ''played ontY The bridges on upper South Front Blreet the same street, were repaired by the jstreet nana yesieraay. idcsr repairs were raucn nee 'ed. , Sheriff Lee, of Wake calls the editor f,t& 'entind a spndWerU ndividnsi Kh tmaa'n njrf traits Ttbflt whe ciiuasaUwii U Wl sight, and arrived hr3 together yesterday ifiora- iafi about the same time. V7 3flJ &ln"i-iHf'rVoiir 91:1 ?i U.! ;totarAiorutit'iAfetr td May a a .a, a, a, a. sk. . is Wksant!, puno-W "i "P?fiK)3e.menJi ; u tne hands of th:bltuehab ihS;Statoand'('intesls send him to Columbia. TbeteWnAgood hasfeV;nbwever,,,why! thia stpurd: tie sol We'do'ntpYOtjtee that ixfrM The hangers-on about the market Ibaxvtiotiz.'niliBt from -which cad'JojDi!ea'4 Cratr recently taken to patronizing that enndblhig t dnss dramatic- -association. A. - slight original, sport, dorg fighting, more than usual lKtelAWtfai'to1?1 MifJfidr iftsrwarft Within the past few d vs there has beenisomeT out of the proceeds of their lentertainmtnis very sanguinary canine battles. ' ,Hro"5ei JnfflutSSrf:"Lexleces3yil b9 easiestarf ijpfaigyMLtidaiAo, and a performance v.. -nvXf-fwiW'If e:;nrentan that Eliot got antUtmfentwmake Ejer'on Chief Ta.??fc?fi.1t? ?." fy-i.T . 'WB from C5oI. Mr A Fee. find that - MeAVea r ti&l'.,r:7..r..wwL.r . . . .VTT "f" ' . O f -VW w. ,f-tti i"Wl ,irtrw W",! JJJ J1U. I trf paper. Jo. still denies being a Ku Klbx, HiULtfc! ?fiLJ Jitgi fcndwe, i ,nierjj 1 Aapt(W.!sgeiions will, .. i i Ai'i 111 '"laBTinnDnMDna 'na inmiinitnni Mr. II I I I ft 11 r K"-ar Ti r t i . n vi a . ., . - , . t .v . , ,t , JP t I think we have advanced sufflcet neasna why season, is eometrbat oiKisuai; He also f4tateo',rarT-rr,;' '.Hi t?ntwr ii i.-in.. Ma"'J . ..I i - .i j e-.flloiJ ,aw nc:'!T !-' l,g V'MTlSfru o3 , T tuat on Vmn'fvlila AWii13 uiuou . . ii i. tr i . r-i nr. . - were taiiew,refw aGgraa2 . peaciies,- f trsAribeaVneeetof ttwir in ,ivrrl -i.i'j. t na 'i;ijrjn ' -ru j ffraTd'tnT5W?SGt Tk,,rBowtady. Sub- Begister of Daeda, Hiirrison, is now engage i. a' JWiiV f&VT SWLJ&fZi -"W'Fire In- in preparing . for v publicatiorj a hat of the ifii"fffBilee "i(gelfc, SoatlJ i-Fra'treeti-Kew-Berr, solvent polls on the last year's list of counter tax-JC ..... ,; ,...lSsl r,tr. ,$Y& 2$-t 11 r . 1 f'"T " i'- ij. . jjuiij j ju i'n lUi ,iiui 1 f xrr ;ii.i 1 rr j ; u)uj. Ulitsi' reserve'4 rund'SS &eaepanntw'biireT i."i -L:iL,!-.'-tL!& l'arSitia.l '-tUius Wnand imnrovim? rthe-' communiiieB in which nt operatesV' instead lt ; imptrrevjfchkigi vtbetri aa,. aU tne,J8mp4res'If,ha't!tearryr the'tnOney uaifaiH 'j j i'jy.fij. 1 ft wil j -lirtjhoutanyidwreRittaf thej.members f i . j - 1 . - - - --- . 1 1 I bv all; UMnkiniTimsDi U is on!v msl to fiav'tbate 1 1 . 1. . 1 i- 1 1 ' rr t L 1 qnencejs thatJJCiimai unity. i doctord prof much, j When nature iced only the gentle stimulant., and "altera'tive. - which haa becrima mearcine. nnaertne rirtmA ot titfstcEter's Hiom- tch Bitters, she is not unf irquep'tly dosed witfc. a aor.en;prescriptiOns. alr experrinentai; trom the PhartnacopcEia ' jTjiU h an evil, and proves thkt. the practice bf medicine is fhr fom beink at "aU'tiibeB arheaHiie arf.'.'PAriliis bef odiof the yeaV,,Keh the Mi of t'h'leaf jnd catos: Ibat jleciiy' has seized njSone Vegetable; king- Chief 'aiBorig tbeSQ,' may be fr.jentfoned Mnteirr mittefit jte ver and bUtourremitJeiji. , i.T exs halations 'risi pg Jf rotft decom p isrtig vegt t at ion, and tire lieavy'dews and"fog, are verv apt to geh etatfe these cortpTaiuts".' ' Tne; w isest pol4cy: is to pWectt the system bv a x;onrrfef 116 tetter's Stomach -Bitter at the- commencetnent of the fall. Mnch siift!rin mav therebv.'-'be WX'.VA.-i',J V'.tJ!! tTit. Ti Tts tJtMonictif visHafMns may'feWily he'fcb k ed and broke? up by this active, ynt uacm iessrv J-r?V ? y t ) ,W J " i i 1 IS ',.' eoxici li il pill vn4 Jxrodr 4 -jrl k xne.unaersiimeu is p r4oa to announce. . t'tat he lias j usl .opqjiua, W9 . . 4 v , Ji:o u ij5:i" J ;3iiiii.'il'TitifT;T:; f!i J if-iiii oil" "jsrn 5 1 f iiD, f i' I GentlfiBiciiF&riiisliiiig Godds r-..vr ki.I vrifI - 8 W ,3 M consistfhg''8f the newest and -.11 SOr.O00.I$ a fe?d fiid no; i-na?"I o LATEST STTLm OFe&OTlIl&0l .f T' -:m.i,j)!.H V, t -ptnfn Ajft iuf lo"larV "p - fUiJpi.iii'i; V j; a iii" wl .yd'ir.'J -.wifn r-io;.'. l:i iO f n i n. I nfti)i4 iq ' BOOT. 3, 7 r? T.r,:rt n vidJr.nA SnOE&;& vt. rK-i ,th.' iif.'I, g;Cl .2 .i.ixiw i!;("J 'jTittt, i' SHIRTS, h .r.-n5ii7 gisiBaaio Jdyt 'jiU nl joj cJiirftbra.ji a BuUDe on your guard ngamst the charlbtanfr who are attempting to palhV rjff. undc'r varion SaineB,1 ii n w holeW rne" coin pou ndg; wh krhi tiiny pretend to. compare .favotabiy wjiji Hub great nalional.TtUxii, which- has lor' siuce.. swept more, formidable opposition. ffrni ,.t)ie !fi-vkL ferkr in niind - tiiat fvcry bottTe of gmioine F'r3W'ettef7St0ilrtaCh'f:BiH'ers is u'lirtiral!d iiyi a spieqaitnar enirraveaiautnariaiarc khuuc oi.i the sian., manual .ofe.firnj.Put urii iir. bptilei only, aud cannot be obtained iii bulk; - iiu.'i ,jt.; s .i . - : i- , vsii-K. I ' ! - O . O. , p il Iii'O. .- : r - in . t i--3nr:l J fj I;:ftii;'):!OOBEBCTED DAtEiSBXi fi-.t-'i 1 r , , ' Conimissioii Mercliant.' 'l "J"Jiuui3iu T.lI-r'J U-JriUliJ 1 jyp. f nItJbficir 'ad, gatter iJrork DS8Kle--spe-. Uaiarfiofjii;- ct eaiia Ii.. I.'jij- i nil 3i? -itta-I"1 i4Vrl ..... SSL-- : ' -l:r4 .1 1 rr-iT-fXf fwi.i(ft-: U, -HhiIt bar, o:-ff J t 5na reT y Gents Underwcai, cvrl -itr-f i aexes in "f f it porrtfy d mWt tiUtfnhercW! Hi favor a .. . t.. l ...uTT. - j;ii-' iilit a?!-; j;i ! ?o ?-o! fin froi90T'2b i" tii" 3 h-'-v.x'.o 7!iui'j.i'jj Bi Jnorri'jvoHi 9smltt.i i in a ii:i;!0.f rii-- j lr: x f .mnn f 1 ''t lo i)!qov'i iliJ li'lli ff iia il jitlw ,CJt! ,:i ) RIMS SILKiK ATSaii-, (ftM-fiuU-w Mi..i,j ccltiK-ii! Hit. .''jioHa-'ii s Ijifli Wftb If!HrtTr.t;''bTiJ..r-iT wIT 1 v is bffnataf tiPTSJt-Jtv.fTAT ot vTi-xe J)b - Wrr ai- Jitx.Tij'tr-ib i ,;bf. BO 0731? LSiumVff 3ht '-iiJ&t nfaierial. JSUIT3:a7 OLD Ztf.Tf? MVryf7;ett'4 dOtflBtFR 0 NT ST HE E " ot t'l :T VUTT 7 : 'J-!Xt i.-l ' " ' , Seed.; . '. - t .. ., ...r, .-M X36ftfceni store, f SbatxM . tukyigor. repairing,.- leave . yoiix, orders at myjtbr, Ssr9n.yaitf3d or no rfaarge I itite'rtd to kper? tv IvM? '",'HW' a$be and establish peraiWi,jr jn i'p5Bul!'8t sense )1 tne word, a i; i firii-.ituit.jy j i-iu vi: is !! ,d t,t;: :; tno 4vj a"' ' :i' - ' ..j.'. ' b i,'.-".. 'lit c..-ii ! .' !i yii-j i Ii i Sf. .1 .tir,-.-:;!.,V ihivi If '-nil nmO A i i?aiA:".r:-it--r.-K .(. .7 -i- i bo , 4 fll t)) jlt')iUX!l'Yt:t; ffTO Sift V( ahn "happtS' tot tho Brdajr an ,lTn fartow; Wjied .Arid dehil 1utct TSent fa aWed Vrter envltopea Weof cWaYira. EAiiOlw. W hat Is the European question to pi f Let ihti.fefruWiDg cheirmWlr&7iivm' . . :- - " Jo l-awtoABe Mtibo4tiatii'iJiteriv heada 'M Paaaja. M . a. i .V . . I ...111-,. a matter f aat fjnnorhrfrnf tt miltinna f lw.il. Ibl ennfttw. it . It :! iai- " i-: - ' ."ia. V Ml ana uommon una. r tfewuted. ppnurat eraat Great Gfcrtaau Bitten' catta f eaiale ii-.. v . j- - - ' J- i mi niwn pucuTui nrwviR.viM r .tariff Lamos 1 iri GrMt Vatf and atirfl stock of ' aeTar liA S We ,mr ,8Tnrca!Ih bMlinv'e drmMH ,-tI.KnBMaa,easatiMmanii-uitra L?lledt!,: iiin w' f oaf stock r. Lippman'. Great ,Gernan Bttter. caret ii.ler Co y ,rw.,r,T IIm VllUif JGHILIaiWjCO,,! tJWI Kters jlves, to dl- . I . iiffw weai. wraug puiera cuze ruerToaaaea ff rbp-tSrU'GiiPfct tfeftFamilj 'J if j Family :ea he TJ1. 1 ; j.v- - i TirtBfeSGD AVB TO mFOlt f tfpprdreaV Geriw BftterareCTl.t. A tne nffnTRTthM shj are fruw ;iraired in the mans- t TTtnina T,', f.nr 4...f7il, . j..,!- .f.." factara of flxat claaa-. v K i - I ,f, I,-Al':' .7--- . , WROUGHT IROM FLOWS,1- ; i.h iWi''W fffiQt VW'V' T -,)lTm awella8aJlatherwroughtAQHlCTLTtmaimPLrUS " " " -.11 MBKTS. ' T ! .idJJpinBaa'aGiCar Qsnaan Bitters prevents (Thills aad !, .aa4o,fctB1tMt.ihe3r areentrand iu the mini faeiura af all kindn of ( , , . -jl ifppjaalcTratteat . ITORSESHOfclNG is made a speciaUtv i andl sArSi- f "'.j1 TMtion'narai-iid. -u a.a.-i.jr. , i. to ooiu BUGGIKS, Iron, work o.l .WAGONS, .an other tyBlHCIiKS. neatlyrfone aad'fonlptiy atteh(ied,toT ?na 4 I'll it : Tfoiv,' ,;- .-J if by H' AMIIAX VOLtEnS, An : ;'.inrno '-Tflmibiffon',JN. C. ,f )tinii' '( xlliiiin ni V ; l v.7r'V ' it n M- nui'wn i ,an4-tUedG0rfivmOa4 KrfluWtlt-(U.i"l.nd w 1 j! i ,J c" 1 I O 1 'rlltKo U :U rb'CTJgrr WITHIN TUK.EE"M'0HS. tntjsi f .t8J hf MrmlmUm hayalKcome pern auently settled at my place of business is 4 Cndvatj sireelj' pnd dvfroulfi!! orntr lliaf e nw ' everyctlily. or'supplying my , iuas.ionf oeea re-cuaoa m bio sow. aaa caoantm 'i 1 1 CRiujinera. ancv tnemiuiie l'tfieralivj.-a itu tbo 14) .fin!, -i i ii il-ou i. 1,-wiU.i. i u Khtn fowaerm-naa. fermeui' iiamena healtnr. I ....t:. call and st;c meniTt xamjue. tha a4,oc., p MMvojai't . -CAkliSi'ortmttt-nted antfblam. OHURCltcESmSSUPPLIKD . with the latest Nute and Tune Bonks at ' ?7 ables. Among the listvetnmed u insolvent and lA'mm'AvMr hottilt':" ' T7 iffl?1 fTllTlf ff-tWfft 1 i F'1 Witlii'SM 'ft4alr;fial-irichange nUDAY SCHOOLS S tcuYeomeWflfcacom m S wife 3atecbisms at n tne people will Da surprise to se.. 1111 is V.fewvj .?ui 7oiit ! Ro22-tf m, tr c-rrT.a err-p-PTTB-r, young? SUPPLIED ' V NASH'S. Oii They Han Commenced. .laauc. nr&JArnDav jt - i .IK -l mar, . Vi1 rial with diit5stion Bookrjat --- ASBTS; s tr-ji imr.h mn tn sutirn. The alln-rftti.in mxfJs iiff1lCBoaairisaiseiJs Ikcmff. wlllg.i amvmbl9 mn hi APR-ioW 9W?S??rffi!Sn b"flw: OCSU 4 1 .S(JtWWWuruwi 1 ' , MWW.i.4tiii:i JV. i.4ywi.,i i. ri f l:,fWttiMiiiicioeiLiiiilto7.-ronstbe L5 with Libtancs ftt.J MAW. mail. T, ILL 11-1 Ii:!." i til 4 1 TL.l II LV I III! 1 1.11. X - 1 M V T " JTT- Y-TT 1 B . r " T - r W not a" pleasant one, and though he my 'eori't'86' .mOatt r-n5ftcti.twar, Sty1- n UND AY SCHOOLS .fim-ijm.mi m in aniium o y.i sr i r. --Tiij. -?wj..vn DunriLcv i i, ,..! . ,,..i ana uaruKBf .li.ioj-l . i Chjriritmsif'marlIt iASSlt8-'! ii5&1sft is; given i itJ!TrSCHOOLSJOTPtlED ;7 iajrer-eetem I V f A I a- -i . V tobrac-1 rae flKfl or U3tODeiixj)ywppea.i' O with" Class Books at iah 's. " nrtruntratirtn I lat-t-Ttcur stnaa.i i TiVkrifi "I iyrol-J-ri ri . r n ' ' i Vi.fj ii." i I1 ' . "'laj m - .. - . i . I - - m"-G "nce ne present administration has 1 this iitv at nnnl !hrnnrht ihnnL we hillPVP. been in, four months, is over $100 per mobttu- tlPeMmoubt of smair parcels of seJd cot- w muuuill will licemen or the same period ouni win fayj "ajarqf riee po- t0n purchased. At any time during the day ana mo exaeswpofcWstation mfljr be seen emplovees dodging in andbot of business places seeking "change." "Some of p"lored people most drr lin Afeflli nir raw rrnintr I on at JumD Tiir Run i 1 hnniM hora rait nn in Ihptr nfflcm nncard. IVIT..- I n . f , ! - I -T ' i V,U.WbsUt6yngto6Aeati '-Dont ask for change." Th:s ioj serenades still continue. - ' ti tAoawieta. very, well for liiOM that .can read, but vUI, icc uuvc numiii aur- in n rJmW:EmT W inquiry,, Ken. yer change er five; ' " Ji uioraiS KI I mn.inir Jha nc it no riiirnitJrv Ix W i, . . - I . Orpe Jelly. ..vx.uBu, tne irnoiograpner, we are pleased Take rioe. iuicv rrabes. nick them frim the Z, t ,f . V 'tP" (without anyatereover; them cIoael4, and V. Y ) r , . let them boil for a quarter of an hour; Airring t, .Flowers leach na the tendrna of Orl'a lhem UP occasionally from the bortonruj Then - ;Vi-cW itfc Mi noting rr1 and bad consisted of coarse and more sub- 8olve the 8T1ar m 8Pe Juice, TOieiJ pntfftH stantial creaMrU fcti fA&tAmAjSk tof the OTer mck fire,ui preserving kettle, and Di?ine character wniilrt ha foiVH if J boU and skiin it twenty minutes. WheiJ it is revelation U,BBW ri T i-ACleat thiak jelly..take it off. .pnt iijrarf3tfte4 Wh.ii..,.'.": : " L . ramblers, and coverjnjpMbli Ussue 'iSf da?" ?P..,Bord paper cutto fit the inside. In the same mariner thathei in a whisper they were indeed getting along' finel r... '1 i .,t 3 . ; i , J . . tne best prool ot wincn, was that au tup al inamansi vmn irfraaimess uhh lSTeaiiTTarresn- j,- .. , ...k... i O nrTi-trtsTth whole thing as groovy a.fWTT VWf Wj f C fVia.. .jLJ Ti tl b I move out It is seldom that a young offeani- . ! KUion meets with such flattcnnir success, at There has been at least double the qp8flUTltseSiali3A4VSlo doubt but thatfttfi my ot grapes brought to this markejt this the course of time, the Atlantic Band wilL year, than any previous year. - If fs rate a source 0f pride and admiration to Otirbn-J aPson mis section will soon become a; great tirc community, and especially the smalfiboys. grape mart ) ; I ' ; -. -. -i; - r - . r rm X3&Pm-.ix3S. jHaMkyor'a , ThMlM WltV'ortW thrir band members and commenced Uasucnone who know them cauf uiuuicun iitauD vzn&Ts iiia BrosipKb ling ering doubt,' one of the members, ftVt in "lilAr&IRa Mt-n.AlL-lU eA..!. . 1 'w""-" ' . "" .i tn yesieruay Bept. t'OT'R l l-r'QT'Tt K-N"fl Ntt v 4A J.- a .... .... -u uuuci, nag very materially mended nisi ways. gauery m good repair. . To otters wbd aveTor a poteto into J kceUe Tsta AUl, Bit wa'ti'Of-eYnerwis frojig rooft Will nnm V,!rii" ft'mfnWWW 'ftnfSnlvr 18a,".UOoii.tjHeaiv, Aj ' 4L, JrmoipaJj jAssis- z Ti'rft-irw'i'fffc.i. 1 . awv. it ti n vw vr -cj avjB i - ' ; B a L.r . '. aj i a. u .Ct " i70 'H li 1 - f all of whloh caj6or9reftfrefthj(Tjpe every notice with l-nnrjl TlOOtTT.aTtW.nT'TTTrW'-.'Prtin'a J.. TJ..i:. stj 1. T i. BRICK STORE, r Jnn4fTf( k-oiIWf-'WewiiSStrBBti.py i tcevumi rnnentM'm9.',pitirt WI conte- , ' -. - ' - - ' i i m : . - - -t r . n Hm.uuuu aVa " " ... f -.; ! i,n-.te IT Ia"j4'HE,. . NEW eERNCilBAKERY.'l1 Thftnkrny? the puWfcNrtit!-'ftfidsfof'TJast fa- W !f.J(.f .r.:r. ...r. w J W MfPwaiett.1 tneix -:jI! V J -mT I fcaWfcll0lw .WW. I ... .1 I " '""0i . i r v uami. - . . ... . . . . . . - . . : 1 f M . N V ...jb .Ml I 1 I - ..... '111.. . I . - Kin-aW. u ntoovt .loifrsl -..IT , It S . B A TJ,C't K T '"m.;;:,,,;,,! .,-1, V anioiao a I;J 01 '' X' Oir Mir. w.- , HtJPOBTAKT WOTICld. - r - , I rw-n 1-x - y-.r -anan W t-a JW' V 1 1 J I Pi T il!f V) lli-l I -. . AO h it ....... I. r... , r,. ...f,.w.. A.r rf a' iA7 1 J 1 tU A A .JNJ&A l, lH ALtJiJliLJi V I ""' t'J I 3. Will 11 wu .L3MMr.fefa r;mtail't5rdift?-ata(K ana iJ i r Cltil !!, ..., i-i fjw,! I tefft . lor wiu,nBl! uU nunc .uona Ny : fcVpFrWliWUrt ItV nJitthftirt - ,;.ii .,.... ..,-r.-ri:. .u . .. : i I ' otA t'J .tioqatWOiwrtt I na . 1 T i I I 1 I Jl 1 !i:.!-nsM 1 871 FALL antfWlNTRl874 V 6 ut .-tot fun a 'h iir n-ji. gKii vtiKifT ; -if irli oJ rrornov i.rra iiom v.m.ir vinr.'i I I BiUOTV ttTrDtin rTt 411111 itT .n'it!,;i.;. ...) -mi i . ir.t! ni ! - tWto 'vhmnKVOt fmatt fal .iisovJ tu : -ibc5 br 1 i'.tiuiw.f "fi f B-.d t-.r.i! Ji et 1 v l mtiMiiu in ajiii ja is i v!!(aTLiX1 kJ '' i . :i i7ii 7'ct jjij-jiiia. i unymz anr irooas rrotn- triejffeeiit irmBt eeia- :U,1J T-T . J X VAf -M "V'.!! tl A-.-i.rl. .t . i, iutj .la,,; af j - XTIT DT1 AP TA VT 1 1 I ITntYTOi-WtrMed aiaMfsMait-aaia tt-aareai-piirto,iC aaropv. iu.uuiuii,ieara, wl" uuu dlt mnnrl 3 TI LjA Hit f It U 1 1 !H f-TriT ''" ""jta "'Ilita iV'n'WWil? iv-.T I the aoreltiea of the London autf rVrii mlu'k.U. WiagWhfaofflce,!livthe S , ? "LT 't "54ffMS SBMT.tf?!.!-?? ofHteelon Craven ' - ..o;,: vo . OTJ o VoVM" tKta.-aam.H-to .ltrly I'1 K i Sf i,ti2"5 V.iv r.wiHnS6ill oiie I - f b0affhVat I -WVa4iaws r immaham .1.. . 2yVfV . T 4 i-,n,,..l ...t ..-..:- r.,.' t-,,i i lf tif.tll.-ri "I i:xsrij;-iKI3fa ill?: Jf i ) . We. keap the beat grades or e- class of ce ids. r. . . . ..:t..... j . 'jr i r t. t u ri .-frrfY4 im. I fir"r I : a:i:i' ri.'v I r I r. &ii:hui: i IMIOU I f . v- B ,i i 1 Wi'J w I FOR THE-KEXTTillfiTY I) AYS, o( anfffrf 1 a J i a i :iid. i. qn cvii-io 'i.Cii ifiaic. ii--ifi -.JmRao i . s.-lai!i.l i;i;i'ii.'y" 1 ttJ j :! 7 .i;;o. :JnjiT. 1o v!a-it fa-H 6:al i , . .n...":q::3iiftiiewi''iieW'Stref''S - 'nil Atvtr eomif j; v iqi5 -tnvi.Lnfit j or?, tBiDl,lI rT "V TDTi -rriu nts nnva 1 1 tTAHllfGir" A8TEie fUONS, Jw'ii : WtLtifeei HeUU 3 lo ioo.M jWii o,(t ia ! )yiua EmWBlS .ail Order. noccamvanU6 bv Uiteuihviube i tt.t C O. D i PhO M PTiFa.il J s Jtf UilUUiijtiLk! n HW EK8 sre Invited to iaapeet the steck tn war Jobbing and Pack- . L I ... i ..r...r j M ar' - "yiip. imn .-';ijni;u.i F-;tir;j. ji nnji,-r.jiriij i ci mrl luMn-V "i5w,.say-a- .fWao i IfOfll Illl JUI-:ivn T.. 111 r-Ki '- -mor v!tn r iV !.!.. u . . . L I J "J " " oown, ot our size, needs one use, of Lrioe grapes and the bestbrown JllUrf All I a a . . . i . . I SM BT -Tm aaT u . : neeaa w tnetniog -alifipaitbTthe 8?Wrt&AreJit goesfen the a i atregg; aBowJaj ;s W wfour-ur Wding Merchant to take hold and W-iriJ.i: 1.1,, ... -. . nuun uusiuc&a wiu ue accomplished in a short time. , j ifWP Mrith-fthe sfg are, aTThUareatetC two whites t two pounla of sugar, j Mist Leslies Cook Book. jvoaa ik;; riiiw nciJa-saiTos ai t AalO lUU'.TX 1 l3 JCVIii.'O 7(11 ji n"rrii." - J.ll ! .' i.j a-.u Ol ; L-ffI' la-i-V - t--1. JL- - - t'."" field, in SBglier and Primary Engliah. j Mrs. Esther Stanly in-Primary Department. ( " ' oapxaBce iastructien -anil be graded in a PriiiaBf fceMrfeient, Uipd. lour schoois, em- bracins the, Lowest, and - Highest Branches of an English education, including thereirfih' I i rfGFne-3 IBeOnTesrflUvAttcedntades of h..f , Mathematics; the Natural,: Sciences with Ex perimental Lectures; Ancient and Modern Lan guages, thuaiffoxdkig students, ample prepara- ''XirJsif 'xlW'W'J'iSa J mi- tion for the practical .pursuits of life, ior.for T HE N rSr-W E C V N T they bait id jor. the same, ana with th?tertf ,f .XTA (H1L H-AJ rTOiI;.L jo Ju m vJ 'iJ-'fflEmX'1 "" rupua uuouiu oe preseai, u puuaiutt, ,ui ui . i .rr -. -. , opening of the scholastic year, to enter fully jo7hetinafffhJ(a? eased teaaneahJc that ha$i"d-i-iii Xr,f -ihHifr'hrfi Atf Vitf I upon the studies of the schools. j tre&o- to tti - Parents in entering their children are hnde?-'fu NEw'BRICK STORE j Wf-J stood to subscribe to the rules of the AcaAemjiq nrMJ?(i'j?arf-ef, near Pollock, aad whr hei hai and not to withdraw them before' the cfrose f f&& ateaasgertgieat ,o ,-, j- ,-; -;v 1 ,v 4 .H vruainn srponl in-. Mrrf mim'h. ttwra-tTUBlirriASglMgBgB J& ' JJ '' - S ?, W w . T . fcTJ- V . . 1 i r m UU.B ivJt.vxviArt- vJ.jjij.r r . .. '.i t ea w me mncipai.- aa una oneioi.-u .trrio KAO Ollway A'JswMriI .lo't 3!dai:iam-MvRdwt-,-ivhif great safeguards i to a high standard of sebolsar4t? ret tainvt: n il.ii fv; p, h U- i ti'ljui, avit-uisA-b tiifl ! ,JtIi ft-n I j shin. a ec IFALtlflhd WlfjTERGLOTHINCJ -rii A certificate of proficiencv.iHtOcrrantKfllr'fl Lis.essw I,C3 vii i.'iw ,Javis3 j i bif to students m any when . properly earned by i -jKeSsenools are free. students in the County ages of six and twentvtlars. ace of the -on,! .on T-.iatpt:s RtrTWtsi ,T. , l!l'i)TIH' : r '!' tl IlflS ,til' -abV? jjsff J yn-jvol ir nfJuh -jiii 10 yi'i:L'! - ... .tlv.ili' Tlft K t fxl uiwslon H 9ftl no jUiUrr.KL -' ,f:r.,r I J f .1 .Jttlti Ral ( Ithe four schools. I and is prepared to exeraww!fo-r fa"r.sm l sat .a-'iitfjwfjf. .jaoain itw a: x1130' o(J ! fcharKe to all white .a. r r-rr. f r llindU V... II IHilBiXllOLn 1 11 11 1 ofCravebetween. the alriTerli oiWi I hope, ithaiby J ,;-, a?fV a f;luoo v-3ifrd?irtw-v J i 'f ' 'f e7ai nU'aftt.'a.r"-F" Hsbum minsl fAiu-m Jnsd f W nancocK ana r ouecxnstzeets, before the com- euccijnfltntabf the gchooL- As the schoo'fl i ; ri-.il expected to, be -full Ithe. next session, it isde- ;.red,thatsdentefal PfTHE;Wl5i XJOca.'TBn-i.rrSiiiilSS. SOpTtt i aiStmiafn'rm nm Kr tv. .vt A . "'de of Broad street S feet, 10 Inches frotit, .by J rau- ouiiwi uijom. nnsi lectin ileutb! wtlA i(-tlI'am?Te!aiif.k.n.Btli,i' 4r Jio ftn.; c... It STANLY, Treasurer, 1" Of the TrUiitnAa N'ow.Tlur-Ai'jn1r.TaE-. Jl nih!lr.niir.ti .n.&atiu-d"Snt aa..! ;TVr"fa 1 nr. t , r.. JFor fnrthirf uartailars. until ta-n. -call nn I 3iui tuiurn (uii f.'frr;vi!jj l.n'J'i.l ; I '.ditto i ! If) aes i , 4 - ... .... r;'l't 1 I r V,.ii.ViTT. m o s as Palt e rs o n .t: : - Wilt DL-Sfl; EE tf0" :r?iWearbtma. ir ; -I. . . ,-t i I nrm r. T . T irx'-o t Tf- J - - j ' -v . - ? . . i -1 j i j m ' - ' ... ... " i.. ... ..i. . hi. t-Hire. where will also be found a full and choide stock ' ' , Transacts" alT bdsf ness ' ctrminff VAuia tfa ooir Ln.'i y-n ,iC '. t hi ,cr oihr 1 -if rCivU case'a.npt' exceeding ''two Jmndred GROCERIES,"' ,flVJ ! -Sa-a. ' OrtrtisafetenA rwteaf.iWfJnfewTn i,ot ex it tau!a 1X3X11 iitjitcit'LtiT.? U:t4 ,jrj y ceed flfty-dollartt HLojie.moptb imnrUonmenL es -' ' . - i 71IT a'T:!( 9ilJ ii'V; orrrii emrA, tp. y.hli lo no! ui jjr -ixa vi . Ttt mm. MriAhr. of f .tJ;tfrr-rt.tE i.ItiTfr'jxOTinirjJ fli bat itt.rr Tr i j nil &i POTOCBry'-'Store ! 15 Vi 3BBOS LSrV ?TOOUNCB iOT'TOkJR5t2i orh,"t 13i TaSwand will OBOCEKIES, I WOOLER CODDS, ir-''' 'iStotmtpK1:":" '7" ail vl a .Tyfio laacwtd r, up. aiOl &(fi UkkIsi ,-ita oiq ' j , T f-n 52nr;j 3 P&tF &MBl$ri wisnttt ',Htli ifcJ''i4 55ai'Si;ii:i V' r f ! . a- rs fVJ- -1,i i rtt'lzrrtyjl . rl.rj;.r., i;.i"v..&' S.r- -xf7 . " 'lr'i Tf y T ;l'? (1 -r rr f -r r. .1. r . I . . . - xnsm -nxiu i-. ii hi I --Jim iuMi.t.jr -i-.u Jsv.-xu su. irf 1-1 uy ,': K, . - jVIIw. yoi -ia -off ) -i'f ft taw,! Odt Vtr C.t itfs3 :.rHl i W0T i .. - , L A D I E S ,,! BO WS 61 " ttrtsvetft-feJn-ttrW-H-A'ro-rt 'r -.a""-- .l . i:'jr''iiJ i .aoll UMtJAhA 5iilUIJOaa:.iAJlJljhaUf J- r .11 w;. -:- m v?,i . -.11 I if el (f!livHmi-Lfl b-,htfi.l nrf rd fine f r-- J ' " . " 1 " r"1 'r7V7Vryjrm.',rrTr i s,di e?i 'vd vi-m-s Lixoia-ii vosit-'' shiid ni izvnini lissims I -...-. -f i i-,.t-;-' ' " 'l T ; ' " sra i..T nntfr( I vuhA i .ri..T,'j . f ' r i . t r v - . t " v "iiXO! .Itjf ffi.T .. . . ,..,nu. juiiimi;ia--. Ill T-IfitiK. li'--r"'I t "r.-r-- i- I , ....TT f Kino's .w-gijifi? iu u5'?rti- a bne ji-KCiiiw:! --tnHta- n wis t-w?t 1, aii,r.ifa4hav.4 " , ai-iteav i:oa.'tff:liifi'Siiii:tj .itoteiird al!Ci i V rAf""fr ver. ' f .f. a.rfr - r . - f - ' ll . " 9,lellt ..ij-!:C 'f-'ll lUSfla'ttLaalfiiwUcL-rf;-'',,. r.. . - iTifi ii..J7I,w eWI',l,,BB,, oesuieea, imniiaJ.'Zi Btanly ri1flLXapOXIaB, Carjienfetand BuiWer, try )irforfqjj arAm-lr'r.-t. 1 . 1BW T,Y,,V -rWATC-n. TP CONTRACT POK BoiMJnpaof au,dInetitam;la,rTIaetBaiiea. of au Hm, mwaasa-iucH, easnes aui Mlada. kept on bawf or mada to order a the kaorttet BoUca. Aifirprlrw--ned.(f... ,T . ,.:.-AplSt It skVvfid, :ijfjO?var,i vhmhj . . - ;i vnir,. a . . ' rvnm wvxm awi ;im affarxjaW vr. ." r c-.. s,a,Ttsinfo.ifcWiii; auiJM;s Mr-l Jw J . '..-ftl "T' ir - " "i . 1 .!!-,:; f ;if 1 to a JMcrt tir-T-i'rirr f ; - ' w; "is

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