ii w 01 ; ..4- " fc 5 Is' f is: V. . . . ,-wfc 5 P.! 5 i 2v Si Si . Li-. -V I; - f: 11 f.i, I' tn 1! : ft! V ' fh hi -I' 5 : 3: v if: : 1 3 ! M i5 Si Si 6t r ? 4 i ? ij j I IV- li SI fr 1ST i ' .1 ' E. IIinsBS, Editor; i, irj'l''jtfiiirtrflii7ifl to I tigate and deiia. upon all the claims mntrnrt forrvdcertb&ncpliLatMvr-Joic iC rof Xdveriuert MUa$cdyore rcjnt- 14 liQute. . - 7 TrW (fhafiUrtoiiiefs'llouM tin,: ing of,iU.eUasgerwilS .jitsjooii- ..(7. i ccerion on Jhe. ; part of: vTrnerirbb has beretofota found scarcely words 'jenptJgUj TIZ&ha&ns&Zn1 5f.;TTt8 nbfV: Wi otrtMisJ leads I -''iii'ZV in half wat deceuj- le'jaoSce tharis aken l theaiMaey-inadS apoVi tbe redoubtable thotrchJ , , -'A if la mke pp forttbe past Vick.)t V Jitdrk 'the jDtettttAroii Xassdavwi t h" Iwd. - Col. Bfark Erwiir0 f?J?ftipJSy 'rd to tie!En' tbene two ceutletntn will mat want tneir "7"" " ajwfanee!' 1 "We" can say t jtfiq stockhpld-j Trs and office lfoMers:cf thiffconewnj thai ' " mr rxTaitlob with the people i--b&2Jorth 'lin fMn v RtfHien' theptl'iw5t"0ie4leisOiakh0 preserrition r-ttMro weakened by their vile assatflts apbn " 1 i hort omffjfp. bribed corruption of pi , . e nave sumnuy oorae iue oaiumniea '"f.;. ivi'1 of the without even replying to thenu. fmmMiaf.rv " KSuch aoase diJ not, an wtnlBot, prereni t!-' -p ' rr "J. A, ' f.asu ..Theirepuyieaa paHJi .wfaicb has phmJe'red . . it i 1 .1 ' iVt Jl sjy ajiil tlestroyed the,cr ofKoiib Carulina.' .r 'j -Jl: y 5.7A.: A lit i-lws " In another matter we will h-t one John J "W; TboiipBefl, 'witness i the Biger Ftaff easfj peak for Bins," as crpied ifrotn 1 MVES..Jerfon said the obj of fhe order was to put down oppressive put down oppressive '!"0"''laws to prohibit 'the blacks' and whites y :: .:. from tnixtpf, to rut-down, the revenoe laws, and to have a wbite?marifTf goverM" a: menu i-l as ai anoiner meeung n nuiu erfoKdton, near Egerton's storeTiff a stilt bouse on. fhe. branch ; ,1 0 tol 5. h ere pre? &,.' tmWiamed'hjnL"- At this ,.cS meeting Eliq$ apd, Egerton spoke of the : ! ? objects -of the order'f ! 'this injecting ."WW.Wrrjt-SW ! t wid U got Li. aU.ty orj "partr- and put down the radical party, and that they Atee. ana tuaygct u jrom ;uoe iorne iy z: tneotinw paper 5 opjecx 01 xne dre.ho .dhl.tnowr order was sa.d at th.s meeUuao pe to UhV'theyUrithV" esiaonsn ine conservative pariy aqu pu 1 & SrkeIgbinsWea'iwhiteniany8 parv, nd going on jur4esi;tb,ryraiJ, was ridrc UIOCB Biiu.iiraBt'UC biui'ucu, uj lutve w t Jl J K f .lOjnaiM vprneBt aV.Titt bawydsE jJUhot win' of these ftifcetings wf-rehehl ii three days iUroiher iaewjn jElliot the oath he bad tiAe8d.smethinJ vr.-,b dJffefebt in it: ?-Hropaied' his oath . in whtcw n swore- w oey f au jaws anu ' inltiiBna. of the ordLHVo.'fi . Tlie qnestion ;-.uow'.naturally ? arises 1 "twhether Uiis.be truth or ; falsehood, re " mast confess that it.JooiTery,mucH' like .jjjhVcac could 5 ,ik have.; Bo object; irj8ta,pgja falsehood? i '-"Elliot shonhlbe brousht forward and made have Turners poBiUv&oeaiai uia&;ne ever seiongeaiu aMifwsy'rJTr- J" feWdaAn The peoplf.reveryjo;urious -z iort Je'arnrs assertion throngh.tas Winning 1 ssKeapi iu s:ui7n.r oai t. rfc, ihof Vtrnain Klux, whoever JW akPgW found ehouhlbe, hjnUTf ..heAlbany .Tei4ten;'(ble xjiz nejtnd etpyaiWs'rjf ffiajfitatioif - fit -subjects xorium.Xjassa ciate-wifh, i- 'wonld object. yicked- r ...KAt'inTV tl T'JUII!l-( 111 --' m.. co mntission appointed under the T - i '"I ! II f 2 w ini asseinblfed-hV tfi ntionaL capi- o-M'Ictlbi Hon. ' "IlusseTbuTneyra:fc of London, commLssioner on the part oi Great Britain, with. Henry Howard, Esq., attache of the British legation at Carlisle, Esq., formerly advisory coun sel fb ihe-Iesid'as-"otransel for-the Britis!i clainiaiit&;: the JHoiTimies G. Frazer of Indiana, commissioner on tbe part of the United States frith the Hon. and .the Coaiit LyigfcDortic the Italian cuosen oy mo two governmerits oinuy, lbrbgtit Wfoi UcF tiB$ nch kaasb jrfo JnoneyJBfty-JbdiiAInd due, and all sums so awarded are to bo paid by the one goTernment to the other -irithjn fvYBroepir after tle final irS. -. I i 1 - KeiimanrcBsejim of the a- jtimptmmjrot dirareBcgbe- tweeej&nie4Se I&itaan jatjld of.i 7?- j11"5 rjeaceablSluUQni one of tie tiiumphs of thejEe- publican party. redounds to tb& jcre3it of thelbst-wise, temperatejand eTer ras lavorca .WW. j v Uttfjfl set- I tlementgofthsejandlftg Alabama mfcn,hostihty between the two greatest -aj .aiM psjtenlight- cned ,jiatiorui viU cejisc, and. the; two I "rill tie Tjath each other in advanciDg I the cause oftipMdribani- 5le of theTwo coontiies, vill. be advan ageoljby tleh'iment of a perfect ly peaeefui feeling and cordial se Atiment of unity of aims and objects,; ttntl-armong 1 6fthe"?pacS of the orid;. which we be- jDear Srar It is, indeed gratifying to notice t;the tntcrt'St taken in organizinj; f Sabba'.u "SchooTs in f be lower section of ' Craven County, ;. I had , .the pleasure of .T&lQriit le little ch'apef'lnowV 'Gdn- cord ChurehrvlflstSatbith J ;'I found the little Church crowded with teachers' 'and fulin1r.4 anil tlirA iiwmo(t'-fn Ka ,53,, ijLVLjf. U WiH I. SinalL'tfie sentkTnari?y Snermtehdent 4i-serveswgreaCitk'jNriIie' part licCEas iajtet Hotrwiiy .ioriofl aurascemem 01 society but the religwos cxomplf hd set', T.T Pcrwhojacheitho, day 'schboV 'acls as fChaplin when . there is no ' regular" pteacher'flreseuV. Mr. Parker has csDles.and niakmsQ&Iiool a permanent SSSit. Mr. Parker and Mr. Small p ambers of the chif- the Alphabet Sabbath School, and now they can spell ani rend ! well PTbe superintendent states tliSt he hia.re-J ( 1 lcciv(ti but few donatiaas from any source; U:to t.., f. :-fc i'lfH eeeifrbnas nelhbi,who kindly came to his asdisancQ end helped t r. . 1 - r 1 11" ) to-sj., lur uu; uurai jr. -Mtrctu- rary. lore 11 uas . oeen very aitncuit IO ge r ... . . - 1 - ' r teachejs, buj Mr. SmalJias, encouraged many younj men anJ women to ehgage in inslrnctinar the children. The folfrrW1 ing are the natnes Of the officers and teach ers of the Sabbath School of Cotncord LCkurclvat Bay Iver.lr MSupeentlent Bcn?4k' Esq. " ' Chaphn S. N. W. Parker. j ! 0 'Tlcaur4r tticbard Cary "Esq. Clerk a&d'f,brarian Francis! Gat- lin. - vv''--- J. Utly Cary, " Francis JD. Cary, ' ' S. rs. Itarriet BmalT, j Miss Mary E. SmaU, VIA jTeacixersI 2 fijBTJariBiaSwflidiev.. Mjmyof the children deserve; men tion for their strict attendanc4 Jind oav5r:Amfifw theiH aTe thr At who merit the praise and encourage ment of the wlci'iRCTgpj-ljpod. I will here mention their names, Richard Lewis, Francis IiAiM'fcusan Jones. These threechdrnjiave' learned io spell and reha very wea indeedj -kad have-not ttiied ny other schooL oome time last year tne parents and ranah3lldren-of this Sabbath verv.nicemcnii and Some time last year the parents and School made a very nice pic nic; and the ,chitdrennai 'if'5 regular jubilee; their joy was indescribable,' and il has naa a uenenciai enecx. xney nave suc- co iauLsiy'LC gratifying as "feIVaL amu&?-ng 866 ne preparations f rfer little iiL'feai6 making for the expected festival No set of city children can pcla-WlL Mndness of their fjiends jn maMii fwicli arrangements for their Tea'sureCai the livtonfejt of thissection do; neither do .children who are used.t nic nici'enTOT it so much. " Tbe conasiig-' wO bethe second pig nioj&at has ever been givenJ in this section. I believe the peopi,-I n.glad tto sayatetakiB unusual interest in erecting school houses and in establishing Sunday Schools, and in many other ways -XXltkVA lLtJlfllA AAmMif AMTA "S f V n ober pic nic, about 4 the 10th pf Oc- I country back was almost wilderness, the awakening from the old way of doing j things; they see that religion and ruor - tainea m this ItfeVanasnonld the presrl enjpijit continue, ere long theyonng farmera wul'be theTuibsf religious,1" f- will write to yon about the pic J nic when it comes,' and let you know j all about how the little onesenjoyed thc4 selves, r Please . .publish- this,-, in , the Weeklt TrsrES, and" send .six, copies jx) thef Superintendant,' Concord Sabbath School, Bay River, C J ; - , y I. shall.sen you a y large listof sub scribe ra to the "Weekly Ttmes, as' soqn as I can see lr$ more p rs ms who want to secure your valuable paper. - ,oi. Llin5mLXpursjrasr,i3iiavj , Pnrr Ponrr '! r N EW S .. -:-.-i fiitS .'Of? o:fj -too - i San Francisco baa bad a $1,000,000 fire.' Tbeie were 83 new cases of sm.Ul-p x ; in 1. ; XWl The Inspector of customs at Austin Texas, has been- murdered. , Tbe trial of Darden for the mnrd-r of Mc Carthy, has commenced at Washington IX. C. ' Sitting Bail's tribe of Sioux have driven back tbe surveyors on the North Pacific Bail- road. .- . Another murder In Nev Ybrk,V one printer 1 struck another, on tbe hrad with a water pitcher, causing deaAb". " , -' - Jartge Underwood, D. S. District Jodgn for Virginia dccidesAh4 the Consti uiionalt Amendments confer the right of suffrage on women-"'J ''.. ''. i Tbe Tnasory Department annonnces that: the Government bas saved $220,184 by the destruction and loss of fractional currency : i Ob v Logan say s that in Europe the women suffrage movement is generally classed with Moriionism, Oneida communism and free-: JoYi-Um, which shows that tbe people of : Ea- rope are good at classifying. A f 20,000 raceborsewas killed at IJactne, tTbscoasiif, thal"biaerTday by backing : off a p'stfonn. Aftrr a months practice the colt bad made a mile ia. S-SStand great things were expected from him ' :.- '" ' The Treasury department decides that when iefpeerors 'of steamboats condemn a vessel, the department bas not authority to grant tbem permission toruuT .. The Treasury department decid-s that 'tbe commission of one percent, heretofore allow ed t on disbursements of hospital and other funds by Collectors, is contrary tor law and must not be continued. - ' j rt,i CALrmoa kv : 8f liv "S3. The Commercial Convention was organi&d io-dy, with Hon.- R Jl. Bttbop, of Ohio, Jf n siilen', and one vice-president fr in eaca State repn-seut- d. A committee on business' and resolutions was appointed and tbe Convention adjourned. V The Convention was 'called to ord-r at 12 I M.r by John W ttrrrtt, President of the Bal- l tiinore and Oiiio KaHroid ' Wh teua: tided the T members of thti'gond ns ilu of the laM; con vention, anu enieruiiBeu bm(i. lusi ihu pre sent one would be characterized oy ihs 'same broad and liberal views, , , , Ev.'JJDrr Bliccr nwtde' a prajy, and ITa'yor Banks then welcomed 1 ne oelegutes on beha'f of the city. lion. William Pinkncy replied iii ,-!- bt-au'.iful specs U. , c - . , t'i :' . 1 mi ' . - . . ; . ' . 1 . 1 - iiwmipiwMi gauuemcn. were oo me piai form : Hon. R-jverdy Johnson, i. M. Parr, and Mj ir V. J. McDonald. Among tbe delezat'S are Gveri.or Dcnnison, of Ohio, II.. r,tle.qr VibKa, f .,.lassnchn3itt9s C'harlea f.j aulkner, Vf . Virgihia, Genial P. sl i. loang, rr Georgia, ana Uenerat jot-pn & 8 medley, of Pennsylvania. -' ! ' r-f- On motion of R. R. Kiikland. Esq., a cosn millet ef one" from each Sluts vtm iipiHint"d LauxriidejU:Jstand s pecmin nt"3o-gnu.a;tUa . lUe.t,aaiipn,thi!uo k a rece.s. The. Portuguese Cortes has been pror.ijjnl, . The stt-airibliip Lafayette has been burned it Havre m f V . ..f f,'; ;,f ; .'. :. tMori rnfbwementt have be.:a sent to the Spanish earrion in Morocco. r The French troops in a Algeria are putting a quietus on the insurrection or tne natives JHzmapantosnniiiuion is tbep-jjanized Franco loWiiHte dating the recwa of tb-s The news from Caba is tliat the ttbellin irt that Ielnnd is completely eruliMl, this is the one thousand and fourth time we have hua.'d this. Mar.-bal Uc?.Iahon is explaining tha ciuie f the defeat of the bat'le of Sedan, ass noe. alt Jto?tlaintftild rtkeTcjtfapbr.ou from any shafn in it. " w '" - . Tbe new treaty between France and Ger many has been rent to Berlin for ratincaUyn... tl UTfre Sjnarj rcpresSiatie t Jlaria'fprotvii Kigbilast tho.pecaiian ot Jtfrju;t, jesidynLr at Lyons. ; "s'-: , ,.; j P. , A correspondeit Fays that Pio Notlotx presikesnQs fA.tiln2e ti Tlie !Firius rers'ous bwb&offer Jrn' a JbPinJa diSrent parts'of j tVe woild, but declares be mtends to ie ia Borne, and that his successors for thousands oCears will also br a tbe their last inh Kfet-t iialCity: Heib4, aha alMhf eardiiii?s "agree wiill uim in'c-ffionrfbatlliat ui- Cath olic UhorcU cnnuia survive the permanent ab sence filkIkmtir Jifm who is its poi)tifical head and Christ's only Vicegerent on Karth. Cl Wffii&Qty$tetoQj h Citho itcs, in their fecenrsesfoni.'have airived at a definite programme nnd drawn np a declara tion of religious belief. v h, A1 questions involved ia, tbe recent clerical 8iflV?ult4e is touched pjKin and 'dtcldcd, up hold tbe treaty of TrentrT .entire ly repudiate the, nft$& 0$ ififftllrbibty and supreme Papal jurisdiction; hope for a union with the Greek Oriental and Bu&sian Churches, and expect a gradual agreement or reunicu with j other creeds, eFpcciallythe Protestant Episcopal in Kng1Bibd Anftncrt anuadyocates the abo IWmi'ov'tnewdcfM fesitX"? i - The declarations is signed by DalHnger, Huberti!Ffedtrrdki"Hfidr"piany others.! It is undetooAJha fxejlyjcintlie adheres also to this declaration. , v Jtrpet-Bgger. rr A gwnw'WMinrtPTitiof htt orlhfliiT-rr-mnrTa- c tic pnperj v the k!6fftlrrH' rnbocentlv peV-B JyW .a..fe energetic, 'carpet-baggers" txansioraeddJeemstD&linfo'Samesville. He writes : " - - - , . 4 Jameston, on the Roanoke; will be remem bered by ante-bellum acquaintances as a snail dirtr, shabby little town-on a blaff otrthe R v anokn riveriajibfit AwentylniJes rfrew Xla n outb. "JeemsbTfi. asrt wa catted by "the natives, was chiefly remarkable for it beeswax lrad-reefl!;hto, a-d the destructive quality l lapd bejne chiefly owed by a.few weal t by men wnAWOia'nqtSihrna Mrtaipa, iiKe larWbMrmctKrWv Vturn ap I by which tbey could get tlteir price. 1 " ' A lsurwg uie war mi isnses uiaue.a rniu oa i Jeemston, and, in conseqnence of. being 9jibackeE)-byp skulking grey back, rthtgsler.Hierh waspt'Md to the town Aimniitkl r, .1 Ka n.1 1 mnminafa l,td lf,Hf saw no town on ' Jeemston Bluff " A ftfw - blackened chimneys n aked the place iwbHr tbe wisdoavbeaufy and tcbfralry of the dis- Hulge in rifle whiskey, and tbe pleasing, but fluctuating game called poker, and an' ocea4 sional free fight to vary tbe monotony of 4.4hjnfts.-, Qhewritei wenttun the Roanoke re- -aeauy oy-sxeamer 1 or-me im time since laon ana wnen tne boat landed a' Jamesville (as it is now railed) be ould scarcely believe the tvidence of his own senses. There was a rail road depot and train of ears, millions of feet of lumber and a n ountain of shingles, steam nulls buzzing, planing mil's buuiDiiug, vessels 1 loading at the wbfcrf, while on tbe bluff was me twenty stores all in toll tlait,and appAi-- rnuy come; a gooo dusi imss. a nev notei, cb arches, schoollirtases, sd attbe Burroimd tfigs'of Vrwpaouewreflcctflirvited peopW. bd belaid, to biiBseUrio4ha4aasace ol Ibe frnmorta! Artemus, "AVy is this tbps 7" ' 600a after the war1 aHTew- Nortbem knen came fn tbe placetbopiebf-hufd. -weto Work,' infosed their.anergy into lUe old busioes9mA of the nlac whd had rcfarnd after tbe war to gf itf&l iavtitotioiv and very aa acjkiw.aarf more pleaiins tows took tbapbtce. of ?ld "Jii--ton.' and yoiinjf fanesViiretIdsfare to fival., it ewbera La tiiae;. Tl eCpkce . liisJ moi e : e)e mtutapf prosperity than any otber soctiortof country "10 Eastern North' Carolina. r fTtit land back of Jamwvil! Is high, dry, and fer- tile; the timber is very llae; the'r;cr is very . good; ibe climate ia- IieaUhy,'? wbife tbe; im meoso fonsts of cypress and jaoiper timber give employment to thousands of uhingk-TS and " lumber "get ei s. "TueJani.eaville and Washinrfoa Kiilroad -and Lumber Company own sixty thou Rand acre oi land ; covered , with valuable janiper, and; cypress timbtT. commencing & uilcs from Jamesville and running within tbrea miles of AV asuington, ia iBeaafort county. The company are putting down a railroad to serve as a means of devel oping their properly and to open a new com-r n u Dicati'-n w i b t be North from ' Vfv h i n etoa. The roa(J is hiid t ttbin sis miles of TTash ington, and cars' will probably 9 thruuh by tbe first r Jannaro-'-r ' 4i' ' ' -," w' . The nearest approach to perfection, in arti- ries aesignea ,ior khcucu use, is vua oi iot lzy's Yeast Powdeb, . now generally recog nized aa tlie tnoet economical and reliable Ba king Powder ia tbe country ; J?o bousekeepcr 6hou d be without it. To accomplish, the same results, it rcqnbres butr,onbalf.or:two-'tbirds the qnantily tnatUv jiecessary to use of other Baking 'Powder?,!; whiW uniform ''-success in making rolls, brt ad, biscnvls. pastry, .is guaranteed. ReeonimeBdL-a solely' -on its merit a Dooiet & BkotbBb,. Manufacturers, 69 ew SUNov York. . For al by all Qroeersy ,, -, Old Tblnjrs Ht Paksced Awajr. ; e ? This is at least true of the old method. of. treating the lorg abofsed and much' abused human body. .. It U nb. longer considered wise to pat a patient to tbe torUire in order, io cure him of a diseasa In wnich pain ta ah-cady tifl dcrmining the energies of his system." Ttoe science ranees itself on the side of nature, an endeavors tQ .assist her in her ibt j,ag&hst dise-ise--- This is tbe province ol D wtetSer Stomach Bitter, the most approved tonici ever advertised in this country, ,.It may be reco'ui'r mendod as -.a fall mediclae, par excellence; tor it is ih tbcfall that bilhwsness, bsrKpsia and malarioui fevers are especiatly prevalent. Tbe Frame, exhausted by ' Ibe beats "or" summer," is relaxed and f eble at its c'o?e, and requires, we may say -fm34feartiScUl s,isistance.' 'Af ford it' that assistinre in occasional doses of Hosteller's Stomach Ditters, and th t vih fe- furred t may be escaped. Throughout the far west, and on the s' earning alinvial of thii southern rivers, alT the Varieties of1 periodical fcvei are probably rife to day. Had co'qrseof Hostetter's Bitters beU eommenet d by the sufferers a morjjb jgo, i e., before "the unhealthy ora-nn set in,'JsevenielrlrtUs "of tbem woi H in all prntiability be in their usual health at the present time.- tk mnc-b for want of fori caste. S i much for not keeping in tbe house, and using dxily. tlte beat sategnard against epidemic arid eudetnicfevrs. - ? riAs-fl'xka" of rsters and -imitators are "trying to follow" in tee wake" of the ercat 4Aimrica reavedyvtbcfetu hc.ture ibat the article yon ouy is genome anuyeriuet oy tne propT tra;;e marus. Tur tme article can onryi oe ontatned in bottles, lieware of the e puri- vas tuttcrs Bold by the gallon or in keg. New Bern Weekly Times, EDI T E D 'B T ETESLBEET HUBS3 aa3 S. KA3LX. . . ; - j ., This paper is : rcghltrly ' issued from this ofiiee every Thursday, and furnished to subscribers at $2-00 per year, ih ad vance. ;; It; contain? ! large - amojinti ol Ireadinir matteffand is second-'tb'n6 weekly published prl the State.1 p IajeJ tabHshing-this paper, ther-roprfetors of th'4.TjrjE3. ''uiver.incurre.d''0aidtBr- able expensefor the jjuiyose 1 of I preT Renting a,"fixat-cla33- Tjaper rand -we are pieasoa to say it nas received Uie cut J nuumsla ilcomkefhefartaJrs and ; others in all sections where mtroducedZr Its circulatiqns rapidly increasing, and we shall vjcp4tinuer fmprove its col umns, .our motto beihg'to give motfeys worth for v money,- k The paper being issufHl in connection with a live daif' has anad vantage qver $ny weekly paper issued An North Carolina in point : bf : reaTmgnitattex.-:.'J-: ; , 'Ua We present usually j not less 'than 22 cblTimns-of choice reading mattel? ihH -tri? 1 -trj;T Jiscribfbr it atonce. .Smpiepiej.ifbe Btao any d dress upon- npcplieation by mail or Other wise. Address, i. HI RlITJBBS,L&rCO.,-' z . : otc s c ; r: JP ucTimes omci,, A m tf i -ii. fln-i .1 -New Bnt ,N. C ANEWHO CAN COME WELL r&ROtm' J mended and with no business, no nieasuinaf reUgbrAlncoinruvein OCX duties, as a servant, will receive good wages and find per-r mnnentmployment-T7c t'.nni-n k bnn t y-,,. Sept. 23-Jf,.,, , J. E. NAS IT. . , ?I .SyFi AT)TsT A1T3 .- 1 Ji.r BILLIARD SALOON, fvr1 Iraven St near Soutrv Front., 1 ' " Billiards ns a Pastime .and 'xlerciire for;thc Million. ; i mms 8.trJro ts cetttrallt Locatkd aito I X , 0 nlet. . , Tha lo vers of the game will And j Good. Ta"bles and polite attentica withoat obtroctveneM or annoy- in criticism Irora loosen oa at this Salon. Dee. 18 , Jonra A. T-yT CASTOR. ;HD.USE,.; . PEOPEIET0ES, TS OPEN iFQaie JprrjON of QUESTS, I JL and, soScits uie patxpnage of the public. 1 able 'rooms Udtteflfive ta-,,---ltJ j HP ft f C MO DER 'TE,!:, it H ij u-,-.i f t aie - fjrvf TffriVf f ?r " t.aw 5-i itytr !!.: '1. jv-'o J sal lor'i't ra i "! 99B;MX-1 USttOt OC tl .!!lM,ti ff -..,1 f.510 i o.-n. Kerp? roTnUU.lr oa Ikan. sad nutaotaetares to order aM kinds oi - J - ' , - Mahogony.,,; Walnirt, Poplar a;anda Pin if. Mf nijfwr,. f tw Stock large and wmptcle. i Bcpalring neatly and pram ptlr exvea ted 8ept9.tr m e-iXCar5-eaB betere pirch KEW; WATCHES ud J E rt'ELR V, 1 ne euUscribei otters fv sale ctrge assortment of Gold "aniilVer Watches, ;. jj Uola and silver npectacles for.i ,3 ; all ages GoSd and Silver TUim- jCj hies, J-rlJingiand iireast pins lio ti4 Setand Singe,a L.ari5e yis- sort men t of ,COcKS fd1Va- ; ' " riomKiudamong whi-qh. , .',R May be . fosnd . the , PERFETCBL -CAI-ETSDAB Plated ware. Perkn. Epoons. Batter . Kiutc. Catoc. etc-,ic. i ? WATCHS3,3UTK nd 4EWBLBT; vepafrea In J. WOALKT. J CiSTcn Street.' ; - , i. Oyer's Cherry PectoraL 3Tor Plaeaaea f ths Throat and IamcKj' sacbr as Couchs, Colds, Whooplna; " ? - Cooitbv Bronebitl Aattnna, - "! .-.I .'. iiiij .'and iffMiiigtlmii p- c-J ; J -Piboryever before in Qt whole ktsCorror medicine, has aay thing won so widely and so ... ' deeply trpen the eonfidesc of maafcHid, aa this excellent remedy for.Tpnhnonary .compbuaU. - ' Threogh a lour seriea of years, and amonr most ,, -ftke races of meat it has risen higher sad Ugbet . . in their estimation, as it has become better known. 1 " Its uniform character and power to core the rx- . u-rioaa affections of tba lanes and UirosV bava ' ' made it known as a reliable protector riTt - tbem.- while adapted to milder forms of ducue " . and to yonng chUdren.it ia at the came time the most effectual remedy that can be given for ineip. test oasom pCion, and the dangerous affections f of the throat and longs. As a provision againat - sndden attacks otCrvmp. it should be kept oa c hand in every uaily, and indeed as all are some. , , tunes snbject to .colas and coogfas, all should M provKtea wren cus anoaoie tor tnem.- . , .,AltaongB settled Cmrajiqrfim is. fbongbt in- , curable, still great nmriber of cases where to ' disease seemed settled, have been completely cared, and the patient restored to sound health by th ?i i y PveUrrtU. 8 completa is Ha mastery over the disorders of the AAnga and ' Throat, that th most obstinate of then yield to it. r 'Vhea nothing-, else could rsaeh them.andcr tha Cherry Ptetoral they subaida and disappear. ' ' BiM9.r ami' fwMio Sptmhtrt find great . protection froaa it. - ;r .' jLsthwta is always relieved and often whoDy I -curod by it. - --a -jO(i.--.-ai.a -jV--. , . BromeMtU 4s generally eured by: taking tha ' ' Cherry Sectoral in small and frequent dosos. . ; So generally are its virtues known, mat we need not aubuah the certificates of theavaere, e'': do more than assure tha public that its. qualities are fully maintained. - ' - - - - Ay er Ague pure, Jor l"ever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill JPevex, . Kemittent FeTer, 1 Dumb -t .Ague, JPeriodical or Bilious S"evr, &c., ' and indeed all the affectiona which arise " from , znabuiousv , giarab, .- or g.niaajnatio . PObwna. - c . As its nameJmpUes, it does Cure, and does not " . fail. Containing, neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bia - mnth, Zinc, nor any Other mineral -or poisonous xsubstance whatever, it in nowise injures any pa- tient. The number and importance of its cares ' in the apae disttiets, are literally beyond aceoant, " .and we believe without a parallel ia the-history hi 1 of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the acknowledjrmeatrwa leceive of the radical cures J: effected in obstinate ceaeajdiWteriOthrenr edies had wholly Jailed.. ., t,. .i - t TJnaceltmated persons, either reement in. vt-v-c travelling Ahrougb. .miaamatie loealitieai- will be . protected by taking the JL6ZB CUSE daily. - for JAver OoMsotetoc arising from torpid- r ity of the Ltvj it sa aa eaeaUent remedy, stimn- jaonsr eim t jvpr nus nstaiuv senvov i . -- For ions- naoraera ana urer cvmpiamav, m is an remedy, pcodocing maay trul; ruly bad la an itmiw tne world. ' ' -J . A liiw l( r.J.,o riJ Vj m,t (T 1 a ill: 4!HTmJftUMflaRMfiTRONC' i AND- ' , -, ! ia , - Trial. Execution, Minute and Bocofdfnf Docket made ro orden " " " i " Monk .Carolina TtupuiU d 'other ta Beoka Kmadaraaperior Law Binding- . rc"; ; Xtsaing numbers of the Repdrtasnppiied aadMpud aaaaoeraiaKen in ezenaes-xos oi aaine. i k'-i j -oo L ii i j .bil. ' Altl'i .11 J' !o' 7 jJl JtiS'fl.'X--" fiiiffWfcs' difniff ;i ; - r 3" , TH E South Front St. CROCEn, taboIS. f, 5ut iiia,.' ;..tj-.jj Lnwsivxi j tb-rea.. -i--2na ir-Iri p.-amis'rKii -jt;isr ; srtlT- .-ij 'to Ht'ms'zq Lauiunq eat x-ji a.' it i Ld LARGE AUD ATTBAGTrYE' ' ST0fJKc uf l fi osdli, tC'jdi wofe&iw c iotr bca j tf ft4 - 1? l.itauU ilui ! -'.,'-n.rTi W vt; consisting ef ra . nt Jjtll , v A i " j i - "Sfra.M UEATj,' LABD, ::.BUTTEB,-cA' ' fw ..j o -CHEESE, I" - - - - aJ JL JLa u A 11. .'r . .i .r!-. DOMESTICS. t- 'Ji 'nt --. fi f si.-yfT' J r'nr. and, ia fact everything' wanted by the people.'r' I - "i'li -t r.ri (-.' 2-iiya ,J '-"r!J r Cottsignmente "ol "cotton and other produce soUcited. . ';: y...i ... 'j ; ., - - ' li li .! i Liberal advances and prompt returns nade. Give ms a call, I will insure satisfaction. Jtna A- EjrttXRDSOH, Young & Bro J c Ir . . n r-J uki-vjL A .4$ i 1-Ti ' 1?; A,I11W .-j: i7: if ak'tact rjv. 'fr .t-i ! ,di.,'iti.i . r-K GROCERmS; fcr -:ol. 5lJ '1 '"' . 1 J atlw i. -cysajHi ;L.'i. -. ;PKP VISIONS, jitiii.fe.n -mts ai Ivs3 bna l "mi CROCKERY, GLASSWARE .i:cnn in, 1 HVBfj dfco. dbo. vt : o T i .-ill We won'd- revpeet-i i folly inv"-;i the pob- . lie to call atd exam- in our . mammoth ' .' Stock of goods i cob- ' sisting ot i lis City,! Hess: Pork, ' ! .Sugar-Cured Hams? . - if -.',n-w Breakfast Bacon, ..i tj i,. --,." ,i,'..f:, ..-! . !. Side Bacon, ; i"' ? "; . f r ' . ; .';"?- ' . ' -i? Shoulder Bacon, fill a? 1 ,, TIERCE liyXD, TTJB LARD, '4iOtt c- ; J 1 -;fU flC :noxir:,pf; jall Grades, .b .-.till V? f j Si - t n -1 Fiixe AssortixlQii' ar; s h'janiiii.-iaoa . 'bs;r sxmntn tfil : d: AO t ,T'!ni9t,': )o'5UO .fcitfOkVfMih'Jjri: j -a- f-v;-.it.' a ?: aw-swfVi nAvrrv - ava ss aW w 'war at as- a. .Ij iia if ili tJBV .to'ulv lo ootj t?jf o ' j afeisr wAHV Awr flwf' anor-aif,;j ti -ff'.fis if;w kt0ia iroiJ.-1 I yLASBbl, STRUP8, aJr7!;eiS'figiI)ji..';ii:urn1'f0-lf riii : 3 r Mad X Bi 'TomVim.-L 'lArSSi tr'ndi' .'lord -1 ow Jnt(e ;ei;t'(iuL-na!T!o ia vfii'feitfl-l rz& ' 3i hob ;airt CAjA .efiijiriq nol ni s-'t ;5M.t e99vt'qiij9 uae ui aoiJ Mr sne savv a. wi wnit'nNafi1. wtuf sw..f a 'i'pzHlo.- oi qu sxkj i.-- (1 EiL-rod j ..i--vJ ,'.4.- i V-X.1l SI 1 .jap, I . . , rr 1 - JlBd OIAB3 WARIV V6 be fotiad la ths city. v 1 JKt Ui liLj -j.J oi .It ri-x A. tvoil UWUO MJ CICi J - j rl r'i is :'j . T"H sjUT i. i :j9 ft'fd s.oiii diiw tasdl lif jscJaJs .j ??.w Rteatnir 'fiTtfl ilir.trfVAsT' used 334 -.&!ixi 4atoi i, i '4iu Wu'o - maul ij3 aw as .ufKtrj -f i ,unif jralo nUiVp a toi Lrl ti iii jf i ....r.f f . .i -f . - -. t . - j Ai' gooas oJ4 as itpwsauUd, and ,U quan- itiea tA uit' ssrihfluM .. ... : .Viif i:.-'Tti!i- c ai .-iii i'ii.'p a tvo --5i :cji Ttaff Jd'iircji.1 Tt;t!wj it ii-i;.! rrw lii.i'. l, ... . .fr aolidt call from alt11 vTi dsfy com TXtitJonlnonrllne: l t 1 k ,".iai 5i.'i i 1 oK ' rr t Sffo ni.Jt ;vt lit J i ?J.A Foot of Lliddle Street, New Berne, N. C. STllAUSmP LINE 5ewrEmandBaJtimore. I U JJ f if IJ 31 17 1 CI - (13 Hwil '.Jfil itrcb. lmtT,,fi) Jii v Jkr dm. on Safitrday tnorniiig epi J& t j IIEDUCED RATES. AfI)JJCED( lVTESO;fcgL'T0N. aTTo-BaitmnW) w..$i.i0a?il7g ' in'-'r tale fern H JJosturt 4 00 . r. " 'ForteO'ennanti, -4pnlv to I more. ,M A f .iliif if irr;.', U. fi?oi'I I' ii flirt- I'' ' 1 v f.'J;-C ? To-"i r A I U3.C CVrHY Zodiac, ..Cliapiiu Master. EJIah S. Terry, .SilycrM i.hr. AVir Iwrecfr'-Berri, N. C, for N-w Y.rk M Mi.lay, Okjt. 2, at 3 o 'dock. Freiglit received at -all times ualer csTer 'Through A Cnis ' fiLiuliiip;.5iT(in to and from U puitts Ami tlie'NC-iJnil Itoad. f In-v.ira jce cfTc'crBvl vhrtatib ss at per ; cenf. - ' 5 T'refglittr will' beUKerf Vof'Bostan. ri.ila-1 dMialuM iliii U.Urinxaru noiiinr'ff. , "-.-. CEp.. WaiDILL. Jame&rSaiiwell, ,r -.'-,.7 T.t B5 ti v iii lo b ni'-ifj'vr ; i. 3 - i IV. f CraVfeH ' fer4' rioSrSdilth Front. i aiisQ-'s OieocT ."efrw-iv "fnwii makes anclepiir i An ff !o J 'hirotSft FN n I'N P-C JMbA-lai U A .AW iJaJI Jffr;i 25 Til?. BO'L-t'ER S sdi s'dsi ! ; Jr na'jd ffd turiT jIiwii aid' o; jdpu-f mnj V- m . r pet .Tiri'f ?'.-. MVi-irj v-n f-.at .T atnoat'tf aoo iliw a.i' jg tfrij fjSall Kinds of nMachiaery. fi;i:nwub . irsiii ft,' 'jo":- - '"' I n!q (K1 vjvo k? ,"u ,rin iohi .i." " 1 !:f'- irii-.. tr h t 'iii I'll: ' .1 tkj;q -r.iifl !? qjiti;1 rl(T V-f n'fjwl'l I Ma;,to :6rd; .Sfi?iacati tV;V Xftt; t-i" ' j . 'at snort notice. f J oin ev ,i-r'fMiI iJ Jiff " "WbrASj Warranted. ---i. . Ol .Li I jl . Oil .J ,'' a" ---i. ol .i.i i jl . 04 "fiiijsiq lioifl lo Jao-fi oi bhv Jay i' 4 r . ON-Lr shop si urn bszn s.t.- l.iriMooa fcioi L.-. CLACK8MITHINC tj u,i .... . - ia ail ncBes,nd 1 v HORSESHOEING, ci9LT ia io. .dice sr!i -oi v' rfj ft.' Done1 btEx'periiiQf Wfirkmeii. ia eonnectioa with tbe above. JAS. MANWELI r29tf P.. X JL - 1 ..I , tirrrt jrad J ames al.

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