v?-' ; ..... ,rnr-2..- - ML'mUj .3 .IV 1 a I , 1- J' 'Hi . ht ' 'mm. J I ', HI -t ' if.ll K V4 "'V ,v.v - j .w i i.i a. vw i v i . vi i l uwn rsr r r t . rYi mm ,rftnta) m .iiniUM fiwd mad ati ri?oiU; ojsjf waitq iilamli 250fHrfct;t btfA i-iUrw w4-o&J oi saiwo 'j'-eJ jvsd inoli-; dJ ,Y?qqB. b-i;l?fai.uil asohq ho ".wamirf' isfio.n. (UiSiIftfsol old lOiJt9-t9 . o!l. ijHOW ii 5 .9tK. iUli W3 n HUHI Xiuiu m',a 'ayart -Hi) LIBB oilJuq 9flJ ins v nO wort L . . . 1 11 e Tr-m- jm.jnm 1 Aw I n - - " . - 5 VOL.- IX;NO .68. j SBPxIJI.liJEll H ..f mm jfc jw i . 9 dtb - a rw i fyrcte and ' ffAuort Counli.wy Toeadkiy Mail closes for.nattra, Sew YovkatmiTf dnvsntl3o'clocK,- M. - ".1 j-jUC I .oyU - . m m- 1 i . I M JTsil closes for Granb-hoto, ' Uay KTer a U MAIL ARRIVES. yer ahd 4 From fhsNorih1WeiU and South at 6 V pi. opened forrtcliyery at 7 P'M.) From Beaufort and the "East at 70 A M. From Trenton, a-nt- Pollockville, Tuesdays, and Fridays at t.au r. M. t 1 From Grantsboro; Bay River and Vande- ttitp, Moiidftys, Wednesdays and Fridays at OOlce hours from 8 A M. to G.P Jr. and 7to 7 30 PM. Hundavs from 12-30 to I P M. GKQ. VV.'NSOX.Jr . PostmaeterJ . iM iVthe 1 Jt'-iig6fjptona' An interesting revival is yha Protractedmeetings are being held all oyer t le To-ow'ri- first pttnii y SiUAa4la waefesoital-u t'isi aj4ar ince qf a bear in the vicinity Last week. " j v The Eevno'ds Bionde Lidy Minstrels, and TSTo-bitbflDldiiwra' t6OThW , iiisll -The-sfcIls ia-the-WalSja nijrist house hae ?'a5a? W??-?rW?!.?r ' llsn an adrcrtisiDtriaper, idriring fiir,week. t- nlj iQoUftersilwAvoI tbiwtftteoiiB nneijf tlje " 'Hee Presidents of the Baltimore MertSUttile agi.rtii;,!! baa aiAii.b .Jk'fJ v5Vvbe.(jJ5:n:irrt'on frm "V7eldon to lhraond-Sthtaftlay, Oot. 7th. Fare for ronn'J Hiwerton has beec appointad U. S. Commis sioner at Salisbury. - The Mtnenger is glad to learn that Jud e Clarke is to hold the regular term of Wayne county Superior Court r'rrf"-'i ' W4yjoofyere,-tnlk SnScAe forcori -pUint, as snow has fallen at several plact 3 North during the week. ' - ; : Tae Fair at Weldoa in November will close with a tournament with hanisom3 prizes to the successful knight and best rider. :t-: an iajm j i The Kehufee Association meet to-morrow fr the church at LiSrerjie ttifcg Jjon twjlV. miles from TJrbWo'fti BdgeC7)mD5 coiAty. I n rr i t ft ft - C Tl9 JSoni ladjflQstrels have been pet- formins ob the Kne of the Wilmington & Wtl- don R. R., and gave very general satisfaction Three women weTa discharged from j.-iiF "to day, having served out their respective terms if imprisonment Two are white and one colored. ia Greene couity have confessed' to having .11 Wl I w car.se, no cases. .10 te&Td&tiAm&!&&&t lSikighIJ3 jo fired the barn of Mr. Jna 1L Cox ot t!it33WVllera' ?ntering pnblic house, sMe county. The Era is publishing a series of articles cn " Constitutionnl Beform," said to be from tne AfTffrffieableii'iltristsin North Car n icsday. " lficrh wind and imnsnal heavy rain led the people of lhat villajte y rain led the people of lhat villa; vj ejieve laat th. 1 1- .. . .. . . - I t the " bi; wave " was upon, thenju nty ietkQa04mint6iS4u "The s3rer theKn Klax sympithizinq; journals have to ' - ' AH twt rrrAibm'ns'" ft the HghtnMS of the p:mis!im3nt; bat b Jieving the Jadge was righi we have nothins to ssv. - ' i - o J - ibeasteiWt f-r rr t -mimigW.apers . i th;t Sunday be observed as a day of Thanks tnviasj in that city. - Thankai should be returned f the ejteing'ion frojn seriickitwaduTin the pnsl season. i ?i 'A V- r - n rX ' V. Ainanttemptinfl escape from a veFsel mtWkrd bound' lm1 Wilmington. jumped over-b-f.rd and swam for the shore, and would have drowned but for Q IrUMeT iq&r? steamer Waccomaw. . l ne narlotto Democrat says, after a fair and ome six or seven co men haveMd committed to jail to await a trial for forming a scheme to burn certain houses in the city of Charlotte. , ! .e nre rpqnestod to rfate that trains1 will "- i" t'le ("epot to-morrow morniD s at 8 o'clock o. Tascarora,jKeafaeshiaobaswJaipfag - ve Tuscarora at 6 o'clock' P. M. ar- .cu- una a cit uue iui ui sua. i firtr ma i mornlne.' If yon want fine cnt (L row's dinner . .n T " , r : i I Goldsboro-ifn!;., says that it is rnmorta " w y - r that Presidani Gluh Jiuwaia 'NTtv. ' purpose of maklll? arjansnmnntn in 1. asa fiin I IV n t n i-ai t, . ' . . . . .1 I This Terr silly storr has no foundation 9 j. xk. loioeireiinsvivaniaiieiitrai.! I whatever, and no cause exists for it nnlesa'it be the rery natural one Mr. Stanly.: coib1 North as he freonently does.' The onlv tronil about the matterfa. thattf J, tri.edwa.fr Mr: BtonlyTOniattlAlrdhtiJjyc . ! a ae could. . " Messrs. B. Chnrchai & dred Otioy Ofes pf wmea tney ara offering at vefry Tea - i A good smart colored girl to live in a family New York State, and who will be ready to rtv.forjtoferEhe steamer Terry, nixt The Cry in S1U Tbey Come. : : Dr. G. 15. Poulsoa' a highly respectable crti- z?n of Salisbury, is out in a card in the Italeit Era, in which he announces his determination to hereafter act with ihe Republican party. j tmEEKsBOBo , Sept 27. The Pennsylvania Uentnil Biulroad to-day secured controlling f interest in the. Northwestern road, and vAll I comnjeuce, putting up superstructure im mediately. The road is to be completed trdm Greensboro' to Salem by Jaly Ut- JUehmokd VKiitf. .)!ts?t ib' now 9"v7 SirlineM.-duq dl J:V2t The vr&JM cfe3f .Mh?fr is considerid nnseasono.rjje aqftQWas slight sickness. Mofco very bnsv. anfl in ceraim sections of t'.ie city few, if any,- families are entirely free frojn sicknesi incidental to the cllmute and season. un ootn siaes ot tne squara ibere ia not f.inil that is : and ftt whi f0H n,226lf As fnTt'jer vileuc3 of chills and fever, n ? rn.! on Thursday old one hundred 1 j nnan.Ued. - - . Paatshin? Wltnefsta Another Oatrase. It wo dd seem" tint t the raempliiry punishme'lt inflictediby. the .U3d'StateA Circuit Cantt upon ShoHQ0hej2fiT!BlI118 ind no' Cu'dt to deter bU Klan, In other parts, jnf the Stte, from perpetrating iaiai!Lir oSTances. We are inform! ib j m trrpon jsjni tiift, oh ntVonQJgJJSoMvWTl, ih- Jhfham. ccwinty a pnrfr of c5sOTT3a men prd- &e4ik Ihei liuuse'lof Mrs"4ij Tergnfio4- and too's her oat and.leat ha-eyerel.r, lheae tie OTfraffe: buTtliry luTormell nr that the ,1iy luformed wera about seven tv-fiva near at hand. Thede men were di-'gnLsed in red, and called them selves 'K?d Men." They were seen at sorqe two or three' different points -on their way fa the resi.lfincji.TQ FirTjand were tek-rnerd-'toWorn in tl e direction ' of Alamance county. This outraf e occurred in a community proverbial for its hig i moral character, to wit in -; the- vicinityl .f "tT. Iff; .:iTTf,T Suppos'a Tr xianor- uitr ccmiaiissiua ui mub crime is the fact, that quite recently Mr-i. Fet guson was in Eftleigli in attendance as a wit ness,' and had just a day or two previous r4 turned. ' . - - . - ' ''? I TnTirsdnigtwelKnrn Nymphju Pav havin Indulged in more Bine Bain than usual, got iflto an altercation with the proprie tor of an up feaftrooRawjrtFf' ad li.hi.im wer exchanged. .-, '!. ; , ;i - J I The ire of the damsel betnat aroused !to an n mm mmim SAM. IJI. ' ;l, dire threats to, extinguish her male antagonis n-roA tTiron BirtK at him. Fortunately. ' none eould be dona she was restrained. LtfitoaUHiptipill was, of coursfc, Co. my-: ana iaeaiinr St iVJftni13 considerate LunViraoa Tjftaouiim iui xb-jgrat imAliox -j anient physicians are rtoiAfcMr u.X kToydT ud. fiictioBiereat excitementTmany persons in the yicimty being anused. The sanguinary female being in this instantfe thwarted mher desire to shed blood, determineii to seek some one else, in another part oLlhje city uponSfficMrRiST tfitvSSk 'wottMbe' more saccessfaL and, she accordingly starteji creatediv miniature pandemonium- by-threats- and horrible language. Her language was made up of the most terribla threats, expressing iA- ,. ' j ' :u v. I more taan speamng uojiluiiuiucc uu ' JFortanately, she was here prevented from carrying her threats into exscution, the sought for target for ber pistol practice very sensibly lait male gen ler cowering about in cornera, and as suming the dignity af an lEmpress. she took onje survey of the surroundings and then shookfopfi hrfeet the .XMSb crowded with men, not one was willing to lje shot ati-rt-5".'"-:" ' '' w y i t IaI-. or hinderanoe she returned to Vr r .nTAiiUi.. -J. T A i)Brda3 IWtU lrf)eirttMJi aue l3;t , i . i vM.:M nn v.t amusing saca as were in uer uciuiu8 Vu homeward journey, with, a choice selection ot the peculiar elegant terms used by such females when laboriw? under intense excitement,' aril tne eoniempuDie cowaruice oi men. i Strangely enough, noae of the victims of her anger " have complained of her amusing and gentle conduct, but the neighbors living in ttje her for disorderly fA, . - - - . A fe daincloiracaI on tlje BefieSJ -ilALdsaroJ-aMaUcens., . .... r ---S Tl. T : J i as he stated, lor a irieau me nrgisier re membered that some tiine before he had granted this same man a marriage license tor, himsel conducUtaduifc WAmu vj-rrCiKl rat ft ftiiort txmcJttnea, &a!n:e&sGif Belief - . - . sea . . . . x i 1 . . inaLinn iiuit nn nni Mnnnuwi hori TnTrmsri tha .n,-....- lC?.; ZHl ua UU8U.UU, uu m.?. 1S3OTZJfr.fl,f W'N. ertT o sdi Tjfl6i f ... ! nil eTer, to Know tMn nesa OI HIS DPllPf. and in nrrlpr thnt. sha n ' i?-r?..,yy-; her 3&PV&blBLMU.U, ttmn apicion8. As he expected, his t!her yaf MUSstteP of het eqnai? . foF Fpm she had a mu, genueman vnen in- v- 1 J . Sept. 8-t A lai lift L w mm sne wonia use ner nusDana to agree Mi ber new ai&nity. JSeeing no other course f lift action ' left, the dLsoonkTOafiMafidaalr( M"wW miWieng1oife,!iKer of De Via - - CsJ 1 . ' - - ' i ' lrafeWPafinK . ,4im,Vrta.i?9t SOTftifflradlVMir Virfr vT.-Wf?'?rlcor- fJHflI WWi PrantrTBH? I iSSttPhffiBfriim BThed.aeverely lli. ff fe??!!! wwbad,,bjr.hirife .-aad toetl prttpotfad new " "v, iuu b Fi-uvauii. wibuciu mi UllUUUlb I.Ul u ,,T3iai.iTiuj'.fr7.rfr,y.Tj''S( awroTOnvey to tne expectant orrpie.Tne saa 1 result or bis mission. . t U0e9iiQaSo?OfZ jnit: ynTt of his yigsjon- jr t a j tvawaOfitom w8teifetlnd th,( dmiwP,AiisHfel -1 1 palSi fWWCJIoSx PVVeWfV.0!'! a .mroni rf ebsin i3tuiiu 31 Miosii tuan itsiu i i nil thA frnnmnicn no inai carry mo uiuuey j.tnn .f h-l. i j..-. i oawaica we live nmueUf mi tl ,mblui? ni$o-rxt ba j .B.yw VfoinwAT Afrpnti 'Tr"""" T "7 "wn4It U iTUjnVPiJSlTCaBD?fTPMWJ. ,UOB 1 i-W"yiMwiwwfiiiw iwaiiM the orevfrlensa of fJIil mreiM-flataiMe f 1 . I t- "prvj waiUl .tor. in this cir . W-ISttbSS fco.uIoKSl Joq 3nU -"M'J -11 JS Ut .l,. 91J1!nq "lmofr . . ,1 V .rtU ad-i rr aW, wwrwrT.-.r und eiajit boxk Uhtlxifehi MtifctiAkio baikBIKHw4 twi-eii. ntJ rf.irqJfrirtff rntwld h .U l-oa .wfV flWJ iilffi lfi,j nSuG&ssTK; work on wao?81.-!'-1' "'llS,7r7r"i VMS MFiSliWi rt a 9iWW a?Tr. if&uia fcu sk! ndi sitiawdiiatA..- noitfii SmaUL : wih wwmwiw. in I is eartiiinljtwrona batween this and New York,, tution, what J? to be d,tnet JHow Vy,l"D1kryL bers of which are sworn to prot-c1Iftothe;r. 1 JxniMBiKdid(.'HejiJidoway.ati the &mLWSmtt "-."a- fifeAxSwOheMewiiij rhfeffifl rtf,f fft"!3f the; be no cause of "c3m; i - . . i ' peopwi . . .X' rSSSJlirS neiaWMfaAW.aiew,tproperry9ifl the saved. .0. .1 H0I!TJAS Shall wa have all too anil Avtioiif i A. TT I . t. open on the first Alonday m Tj n October, 1871. Geo. W.Neal.l, M Principal Assi tant Tnola wTipt in Jatin.Greek and Hi; Knffliarl V. 4. YtiA- B. Misi pA. b. liss ia fieldJS Hher and Primary English. Mrs. Esther Stanly in Primary Department. T T i :t r v.i a Primary Department and four schools, env4 bracing- the Lowest and Highest Branches an English educncluding therein the privilege of ; the i miost advanced studies f IfathfiTimtics: the Natural Sciences with i.x ,n- ige$ 4ffdKng aradehla-araple prepare- ohitrtatihTna.&B S'elJtrSS';- ttcera-M r OTegrjtpgignyealUA gug XT SrjlQSWKPMED- " aonriIynproviJ oOTcR4jSMS'r x i i 'J-.f- 1 TOo- 1. 9ir. fi . ;,n ,T t'l,4 iinritr m vim r m . , iUltMddiiEti'-feaSa AsnVl. AWldJ.irtLiM i iwnuN ASH'S-J .nmucJUiDdnd diuuk IiBtomd trouble I -..-J ... . n li t lnnnil illlH lB 1 1 tionfor the practical pursuits of life, or f0r-Tr! 'ff li.T entering any of the diiforent classes in Collegiate J.,)fro -j j Institations. s-YT1T,'d""' j." -'t t" H : 1 r Pupils should be present if possible, at the- opening of tha scholastic year, to enter fulry I L stood and not to witWrow'fhenl before Ihe close of, tne session, eiucpi. ui hum ui iicujasuijrjM I. - L i .f..Ji.ll,n stated to the ra&:x&2ttOM rt' AfAmftriLi tha-h .tandard scholar - AAlTi'WO. i: t ; fi - x , A. certificate of . proficiency can be-graatea f arenta m eaterm? xneir Trmarerx Tiro xiuutr- - to subscribe to the rules of the Academy,-1. aM r t tA E R to sraaenis in any uue uiqmmi puui wuwu,jk 3mrwf -"jn wlU" -t; r. - - t!UW. when properly arnrf by industry. wuBUiirujxjsu-wf1? J offiojf Mvkw .jaheoek'ani foUock iitxeeta,' before the coni jsde-' sired that students shall procure certiiicates E. B. STANLY, Treasurer, - -. -Aug. iu-tf- -.. - - , ITdmhi onhAnla ero frAA rf CtlArorA n oil will . . r . . . . . i r.. . . . . j . ' f 'tcWifiP'Wiottrroeia, oft. ' waujmwi&eiLf4.U.A W ;IlhJJ.A 1 .fi . 1 1 i-.iiia tr-r crtrAtJiTirvr.ifra- v; tiipaca nmrnnr. iti .a' U'S ? . 7 WWJUJ.IBA.I Wft Til.- Tl IHMHIIIWLVUW' , P JftffWf t WwPy tT 3-j3,, bn4 r ,3CT51:W-1UAt?ieft n-Jl!nHaii af'tiia'tOTJaauai &JJ Dn il 1 mi? nl wife ib. j fm& 3dT? tiihw;?lwi-t x,PiMi'STOoirt,7Eryri Brown's C6tton GiwgocasmvftBWW W4;o ico a -1 oJ? - m i ;r switw J!i;tftBff JiimJ:rfV jiU K'gfven i.iin 1 1 j ., 1 s-ub- ..yiaqonBU iiiiunnr rr if i; vt r.i j i: -j j. j u ,oiir;u J - i 1 J i I Monday,, 2nd .otVRl1! t :XQ ail qeiinmieni snoBurioera ijoupo I ITT e.it Wji'kl 5V11 X? MS.'l"-ft0 3 iaft u j, ' (front r0om 6t.'M qimWirti CUrfeW . . Ii . ... . . - 1 . .. . .... , i. lOtai 4J'StWiJ6J?i t.4' !n :nfiisttw SfiS Sfl. W If; ifA-HJ '.J U. IW'I - ' ii Bl .V-l tte-pertuwre)fxeiy,erpyf,BVAipg, L iiun ,r',"" i n i if :- i i iili i ' ' rfUK JtKXf -Srir einnxrw . ,,?0;(ii ni I.-b -? . ,n;.,tflrn.iH3 oij? c-'vol fjjo'-irEi K i,lf.iJM. MAL1AIKI SlxUiUii LBHflmM1tRr?&-, ni ir. 1 Setit.80. - ... ,. sow rnaili ( i I . ii miii l i . . . . aUKJ 'Ol lO l'iWW?-. :a.d e??J?oaa g10,;,linj ,,nmi -ct -rr .K " 1 TJNDAY SCI PLIED ii rri SUNDAY SCHOOJjS bUJf fioJW with Sijgig BiJokati a 3 J a i-MtM y . - - hc ai 11 W.! U wSiiyxiu ot j , ) innoinr. orxJ . Rf Oi of.tg 0I I r JJJ ' ' 'xl 4 J S - tivhLdiVii Oitia - j . , FTAJMeifit ' W-? .. ffi-io-zr illiTt m?;? p. Ala ' Oft&YKtStOO III h''lW. 1 RRii Ann nnn Ta. j;Fnghcts1of fliirtitizeiis'br tel Stafe; and-"invents n...ti f khwUoRSfi of-t-imiciJi. n4l!Irty t 'mm. ; . 'iiai ivr -.at ii-:m Vi.'nr;'! 21 iixiiib 1 T The nBderrfsaed to aleatea to anaoane. that bhM4lobt9. on Middfe street, near Pollock, and where he baa J I hint! HiMUurtnwit of . ."ISjisni f.'fllWJl'I M . , CLOTHS U CAaailWJf etC.tnhJi'.iY annl phj hJ Jecm Tiriqaa nuitj FALL and WINTER CITIIMCjfTO - ' , iaJii 'Sna&dsti ' ' '-nxailjYr' bat ttbaoAt & fo jLeu$auu h w i . . , ... . ... . . ,3 - . Of. 1 Middle Street continuance of the Bam f a mKsd tdaiJ-1t!4 Iwa taada.-b i wk. . ma mi m i : 7 " - . t -,f V?A et.io ti fcfi .VtUiifrS W l?Tim, Vo t V.'' ' i ' t aTOlhdrfltfllMiUi m m . I I 97C.I Wt 91bI YTJV to YfJjIST till: JO Bf?7Cop n LWPMWVtfPl ii U14U9JiUiU 4JJUM1XB !-&!9t4.r.d nohe Mip nn!i vooO id! -no jn Biu-ior Kijuz-jiaaioa lint, aaiu iByuisu'i 1 . 1. " .. . ! 1 "iWX u?XmI jvHAWwrt T" j iWry m rtm t y-i jt t- n -ww w fl'l f irg6il- X-qnoo Y.fno ion nkoiWiKrI J J tnvt 63 fflsdl 8980J Jod TOW 1o S??!" LS nicto j. r i . tr. i i 8 W 3.VOII m ci 3i B if a A ,Tf JqtiariajmviCvifa. di , ipiiioifi sitd in iwoa adl jnolis jai -d ot eLoo bfoiSaxuod -iiedl suiviari axn 13 WwrVWf''i'-iV..-' a Dorib lj! -en 4l3w V"1 trmar no snr cai nj.ociin'npfTjsD atJip niig ii31T boir-'Xioa sH ' .bouis ySI'wt air? sJJ 1 vTf.. 'v. c r'jEir f rr t.t I ': 1 qp.j.w-E: CHJi'.f!(4irjtll 'ftll Jl ndeT K ;T2 ,in-a .t5ii.HvjieAH w .... r- c . . insula mbhI VKnti" trT 'JT i .i..i. .; .. .i.'r 1 .4 ffw, iff' pif j'JtVair rnna wiwwraRik, iirt: pat ent!? ,: efioHrniirniuFi (o.jxiort iii!iq .lid id 81 -f: itn'J siii . io 'nan nfli aoijtb;uwiuaj: wono l Ull 1 a m AT kid Iu;i. eill mI--S -ItoP rjl -T ; !'ii!oii-r i-oi o!qn: q UruAra lo tiwlxrav AttQ noiiiJsti o .fwn-ilaTDn basroboitfrlsriw II - rjn ' Ii IMI fi3!iiiiUflu i jj r-m. w -r i tI'MIVftlt C-Ha: Wf NTCRf W . .hiq, ) dh O ir,,:Tf 171 C tli- A m m-m . i " I i I I Li If n W UkM UZiHti rr 'aa 7 " 1.1 . . . V . . . . I -. . . I Hi DB 7,1tnnfclt IO L n jiiiiiii:ium I ii -tlioiilrw fisnitw f!:i. -.Yfut JO ll'l ,.X tU10 1 -t.yrpO. b-JToioO tAjst! ix.t& dki 33J)iai.'i:oD sill' .eon botoius ffi jo I is.i fncoi "fiffioriIisirV.! m lstwidt tzatiiarfl .t'iSB-siiHbcjvttJ ill SECIjSTOCK Oi? fcuT io ertwi3 pt zavUMjMitl iivmaiq out ' Jjri ioouSa i,:3 d iJ J v J'Jjid dl ei nyrutiS.-iB B'! oJiitid cat 1 0 dw irK 5?iti i'j. R t nHMIlV illHIlH' I -1 T .... .;. , i : i. ai . . ' . :,a mi ni j 1 . t . v.iii ,a? r . a- j Jf i . - 5 i A . mtM ' 1 r 1 lit r J Ml f j ny uh. r.u KrtisuiHO STOKE t t fi i u : j. if 1 inter My3,li ft?? t?H yr.'y'j iWr !r4u-'Ti veO tftt.l OU.J L11IK i i:,r JF!TrAKlAJ iO v4BTUa. . .r fllll.it mm m utm . 1 . , f Willow .WareiwZoK -Powder." ShiirTxrivLiD JS.erosene, LaStflK?lc '"t Coimneva Wicks. wi. yv . . 1 T A pieasefl ta wiVe all Ifl want, to examine ou stock . , r U. Bk. n UHK-IH J r-A March! I lteMr44ert toM fh ,vuut wui mmb tneai fi bnkaereaiidllealsistUitv. .u.i.llir, .it L3 ndoL ciotQ atnw tfaUJ;oCT riAKES. BREAD-AND PIES. ORNA. ; J MifiXTAL ChW aJMlrJl kiHtJi of bakipg J for weddings and paties at the shortest notice. Juncitf: ..- j - Tt ifejg .fji'.n'u.,'-j ,11 uu'nT, tiniii."! vnMi-. 1 . eJ 4cnodT etftiBtliniBs a-TT -rti lT Jitafl Liyi-CI vWsO ii3 E txi'VI wHoil Ji-Tjli dX ,11 MTW.H t --.' .4 . .mm! r - now otfoie-jihikV be jliQ xa.V naini'rs,.'i .riovivT .'tbtflsS tiviI t1vji nV. BliiSgSSa:Sif i .T.'.riMl I-?io-el 4v', Vjj.1 - j g jrbft JI alw iaoaad.'a ffliaad cbviejftoci .y9l H .flhed'-Vwm) if -.- r.Li TO! ! O jti''I O ? -rf-0 l 11 .nitfrfsfio-t! Ii?r .ooj It m.rfir-;ydri nMiijli jlao miAaiiiaiA r5T H an1W. Vl ,KfX W DLANKETSy : i i iVT .Tjlnniiri') aifti'irtf' iKiiv?! 1,1 t?!rSisii i MMiruJO .sttoasK Jd IWstoiiyatWf M njiilSW fLsrfsiyili Rv'itt ,n?;i il"t'f .uiia t?iaJ3 ill ttisrmil r.wttUz'mJ?ji,&- Q M . r ttAT8SVAP, vii?o54i d3 to aaoirr?a nsuooi coa ;93a' 4b wohlaft Q&Jb&fi&SrkdBi soDasTHO Ud- ytavn red fUuw IKK.rT OHTTTTCTTTTkTVVr! J Tin ii!iKT mtWlthv' 'Esaii urn yr""i rtiTU";MeM evfieej. Anew weien, lKuauor. ami tk Mfrjaal i eima tk i j- oritk auu Itated Bent ift eeaied lttr eJc freeearye.- S. 4eddrwr HoWlH asciAvaioiiv'aovi a, aaot- Hiatk St., PBiladrlphU, f TKCvcunnnajr "irnnM I':"""' I'n":" u popuiarty ir a fair tekrin tfiiT ctfvv ia fayof fij aayfPrtktWad Airt(rrfiria V Urol t.JHdJtoIwlJirii.tnA r3 tim irwiciaj HTHHMMir tmm I ,'PPII?n Qrttt QtMt Germs. Bitten obtm feaal. cN"emtm nr c pause tou-. ukki J. Liniiman' it Aoau uttit. i h.tA ilMIHI Mil ! m mm 1111 n.n in UA... at- i. 1 Llo.VWt"' fi!HliWvrirVytli.e I Li pp man' Great Garmaa BIttm. taa rmii rpi4 lame I5T1IS. J ijipxieTiiryp ttkd a vwyjptaoiiwf JWaeW. Crayeo teU on. dWr fxom thaporncr 1 ; , J. mam iTMaeajAAii a.AT : rjiiiwoarl CAKESrinyeA!. I ff rf iM.j, .n w.,. .i.. (iJfcd .pdprhAvqMbd cakwi pA&kry mwSraitttsa- yora I respectfijlly solicit a continuance of theix mApriVJ9,--tjro ax fcarrfiifici 1c iiTiiia' X 1. ' UV f.tfi r..r. 4nfT.' I , ft i 1 All ReUil OrtltimotAl(o' ana la MHesxheaeWr toaaeAk Ue-WiHe ioerf lUtaQ M if aunt jaip .-.T- r .or- :rrilAhnjwa!apptetiM ijjrof Wiwl r m fal line of baninles f the Newert ini moet. VaabionaUe hOtwe' f .tRKNCHi i EHiUSJ0AMlB(MMT10 MAStTFACTIjRlL.ehanntrlnrat all time to. Kile r"SiteiOlfr oJVkfVbW ilfheilJ !Waieele ituted manofactarera laths diAmut patu ef Emrope. more. our stoc ia aa an jrmea BromnMr anppueaji ke idyMHaeiMnMIt'Ma aAe-Uerlta."J ;av from ttieJoweKta " Ordtrt tntteionrpt bint-VS are in oar Jubblui and Pack . V" -Tits'" . w m lh I B I DOflcH f JW I '"Trl m un itf of nrifiBT:i-tr ;Vm. fc; pii5,nBtlc dftiie Peace. " rrTiinsactilalD tefsWi oobibVt(hr(lh. i.'i .1 wy ' el'illiaiifcxJiJlWrf qf 1 3 -'Aim ., t jfjmina Ifiupf ca.-thAnfllUdi;-CCed flftt dotlarf, ok on jporith impriwnment, r jWae.Sti'blaijk et. shtei weat of rYWBtB3CBBiBJlrfAVlWA.5tOR xaknaSfftarSK ytfat'prte. taiiiwtn cMbpei. iaM lttK rfienW ether 2ei pta roerf'ea Aflfatslr 8lreeta..oppoeiU Cdar Grove Cenartery , 'siBpmw'iii.!r wk i e iOB0 pifriiac jlxtq Vtjl fciJ ,Jtiiivi- 7" jnT a in faaa ,ea4 8? j?- ijs. fa iMODVl i:a AlrAiilV iAM(Aaaiafia0 y" VOiiWaWc3iyW'lVH4" rviiwn vu.nvn wviif awvwe .- wir - in : i btmeea. ot 4 au fek ..' i u-ui." jrjW 'J-,tn' '-'Hi ? , , 1 t jboj "arjjsstot m ; tj- fv ml it. aoa I