?' .If- ' . 7J -HI r Mil , - V I.I i, JuiwW twJ V J IJ I ' tJ f I t U-i: ,.l Lli r l II 4 I,' v-i r.l J.1I ITT. r ? 'I l 1 U I ''It ri.4 L'-j i-ijsi fi-n .GiOmit.ff2 ins rift 9tU vJ4-:A P'3tl HWQiAUllof H)T Liiooe cacJi rrxotnu Jitiiia yr! 1 . ''oil 1 ifrw.-v 1-fifi .jt' :a '.-.' tfJ firf" kvs VOL. Ii NO, 69. ' XNuT h "Xlv I LV X - 4, "T r-Nfc... Jf . JonK S. MjlUIcM -,Jiter. . COT STATE ITEJfS ' Mil Clow forllie Nor.;; Wf Sooth Clo fr Beaafort in thg East, it '?fJl C1om for WsbintOD, Swift Creekf Hyde and Beaafort (antiw.eyerjTuesday ' ' Thursday and Satnrday. at MO A "M. ; Mail cloBes for Trpnton,' I'riUockilIa, and - 8wansb..ro, Wednesdiyan ,,gatardajra at A A. M rr" l Mail riosea for Ratteras, New York, stuff d' " at 12Vlock. M. "J ' 1 ' 1 ! jf.il rlows for Graritboro, Bay River and Vandeiflpre. Tuesdays TbnrsdaVB and, fator- - ' days at 8 A M.' - V h MAIL ARRIVES. From tbeNorihrWe?t and South at 6 F M. opened for delivery at 7 P M.)' From Beaufort and JhEat- at,70 A M. From Washington 8ift Creek, N C&fr Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 4 P M. From Trenton, and Pollockville, Tuesdays n.l Friday at UO P M. .-.!. From Orantsboro. Bay River and vande ; mrrp, Mondays, .;Wednesdays . Fridays at 4PM Office hours from 8 AM. to 6 P M, and 7 to - 7 30 P M. Hundavs from 12-30 to 1 P M. ; GEO. W. NASON. Jr.. Postmaster. Graensboro' is to have a market house, j The yellow fever still wntinne in; JHirton. This is the best season of the year to paint a hoosei . . Warm clothing and -fires have nowfcecoma , permanent. ' . , - - -'..N Frost has visited the greater partofJEastern North Carolina. I; The Henderson Fair is from the IDih to the 43th of October- p Sunday was a very fine day, and the" churehes were well atteniled. Hon. Gso. W. Brooks has returned to his - home at Elizabeth City.' The Era Is publishing a fall stenographic report of the Shotwell trial. ; Head the Weekli Times, now ready. r Sub " aeription price, $2.00 a year.J 1 t ' The colored Slethoiists, of Greensboro', are b aiding a fias Methodist Chorch. ' Yesterday was a, very; fine day f the thi' mometer indicating 68 degrees. ;.,:,v ' Mnj. John Hughes of this city, was in Wil mington on Friday. So says the Starj1 Several fine opportunities were offered the poV.ec yesterday for the capture of porkers. ; The steamer Ellen S. Terry sailed w New York yesterday afternoon with' fnlleargo. There will ba more Agricultural Fairs held in this Stato this yenr thnn any preceeding year The Masons of Batileboro are talking of in stituting a Lodge of the Order in that place. . , Wilmington has had several attempt , for a ' fire recently, hut has not succeeded -ta anv ex- fire reoenil; tent as yet Court week in Brunswick county commences Ictober -9tb? Thpgampsba Ka Kltti? eases -October -9tb Thgampsbh will be tried during the week. The body of a colored man, supposed to have' died "from exposure, was found in the woods near Salem, a short lime since. : 3 The siiaCoffiear atL WasSiAgtoa sa: No - jyiuy ui muu, c?ao Sftmday gb aVembankroeci' fSrty or l- neetini aJidaJF wae, nor is any such wave m feet high wa9 precipifated on the track of 1 ' 1 1 , 11 ' rrt anticipated. ( The "defaulting Sherifli of Bladen coun. as the Democratic papers were pleased.. call him, hai, very unexpectedly to his accusers, returned. . . - . A Bcftonnar" m7l ntrfmArem Friday . from a Central American port, the officers of which had bronght with them monkeys, parT rots, gazelles, &c. ?, ;j m dCh l a The Asheville Pioneer doesn't think high'y pt the Cherokee Indians and .are glad they are 7 1 ' ''removed from the State. It also thinks I 'they area poor,' To 'soL' V Olegeot; Phv-ioiana nd S&rgeoas. of "Wilmington, have purchased lot on 'which they propose to erect a three story brick build in?, to be used as a Disnensarv. Infirmary and Nocture Boom and Mua um.?- . n h r-T-f ' X Some of the Calfornw farmers are cultivating , fhe lbtlian sun-flower, for the sake of its root, . v j- i wch ii a bulb, and.ery nntrrtioas. " A ; crop yields 1,500 bushels to the acre. ; The colored men oi the First rongressional - DistrH hold a - Conventioy which meets rat Kfeatda on the'CtK lust. 'for tiia 'purpose Bf se.ectin:? a delegate to represent them in the Columbia, S. C, Convention. ; ' i zrr. .. A Saturday night as one of - our, fishermen J-V sailing'up the river,' a stiff breeze'blowing;" nT when above 'Wiikinscms Point, thej boat "pset, consigning his finny cargo to their na tive element and th IfiwDertaau to an. nniiatural one. The unfortunate man would have drowned had not persona in a .boat, who forrnnately were m the vicinity, come to his assistance. The demand for' labor in thia vicinity is greater than the supply For several daya large n umbers of colored people, hare been going to Jones eounty,' whither ttiey a?to induced tgo hy the offer of unusual good wages. We learn ihera are sentlemnn will have to plow part of their pea flelds. under, not having the help to pick the pew from. vines. i from Hillsboro', was drowned in a branch two inches deep' and twelve inches wide laat week. He had been to a neighbors house, and on his return was taken with a fit at the branch, and fell lace ioremost in it. ! A desceil waSISalai 3b3 days since, upon the' stai-honse of Mr. "Wm. Martin, in which seven barrels of brandy and whisky www; captured, 'together with two stills and fixtures, at fina. mule team, a lot or hogs, besides Mr. Martin himself .and. distiller, the last named being shot at while trying to elude the offloers. Selmb Prtu. nrof the Old North Male, pig its first issue announced that if v Conservative and Indenendent paper, iVhaa hdner7 hletaWaClseek or two iuxisfehcehenwe np& iVhtbifing its Con- Wvatiimi 'by publishing everymg from what-. ewrsonrce, that reflects upon the Eepubljcan J Another horrible murder is reported from Sampson county. On the night of the 15th Septear Little Coharie Swamp, a Mr. Archie ihoii iria fytml vurdered. His body was discovered in fhe swamp, where he had been waylaid and shot while engaged in g ttin shingles. We learn that suspicion rests upon a Wm.. Peterson and his nephew James Peter son, and the last mentioned has already been arrested and is now lodged in ail at Clinidirl Wm. Peterson has thus far evadedirrest. The rgrounds fOT-su'spicicifaiV that La'wtaorii,' the deceased, was expected to be a very important witness, before' the next Grind Jmy of Samp son Court, against 1 be man Peterson, who, (in ' .- - t . - . 1 i 1 1 " connection wiux aw niej; Biami coargea wisu the crime of infanticide. Messenger. 1 To reufcJ,Te,1.rnUSCTitr'oWv clothing, take a handful 4f salt, haV 'i qupfuli.of soft soap, ru$ j oh the elotb ad v expose :to the snn. ItwiM come out with the or two bl'eachings. j "t iv I v, Our Senior left on the steamship Terry yea-; terday afb raoon for a two orthree weeks' jtrip North. During-his absence we will be id charge, and will feel obliged if persons indebted to tbe Tfjprjll cof9jo3Tr:r laiidp"dy up!.' In the iAVofnheVKniibl'we llsjVecofeart of running tko machine if-we are but provided j with the nscessary whore with il dollars and .i4p.il L-tiiljy JjUl.. :j 1 A Family PoiNoucd. V r The family of C. E. Parib, alaycr of Uills. bo;o', was recently poisoned by drinking milk Mr. Pirish hud rowntly bought a One cow that some ooiiVfmr weed gi o tig tiiere? 1 '"nights shade or something ot the kind. Himself,! bis wife, his cook, and 11 his children save two that don't Ai.milE?-WBrthan . i :k ness, and hoc burning fevtsra, - All are re covering. tttM'Jr.l r r r rl W leTirn ihiif al a wpeting' of the Director: 'til of the North Ciwaliua Ilailroad on Tuesday, aj; Company Shovw," the r.nxd, with all its rolling 6tock and effects, was formally turned over to the management of the Richmond and Danville : Road in pursuance of the terms ot the feis! ' eooeittded a lew weekiafio.T" Johii Hitrrisonr- Esq., was appointed by the Board to make i.ii- inventory of the effects of the road' turned over Tuke a desert spooniul of common sodai such as is used in making bread, and dissolve it thorough! in a quart of cold water. With this thoroughly abatapoon the head for about wWfeteefjtS bead and the back of the neck weu with the finger nails. Then rinse the head with clean, cold water. A gentleman says that he has used) this remedy ia. .perhap ?atj &asandases, and it never once failed to give relief in five or ton minutes. This remedy is for nervous he - tlcBs'SnOUiiotO i fSosa Afflictions of the head arising from deranged stomachs. i 111 ed . ji.i - , we . mm . . - - . . aboat fourmile8 below Marion. Fortunately tb . . " ere was no train on this side of it, and travellers are not thereby' much incommoded. The Directors of ths road were en roufe to attend a meeting of the Board at Statesvdle last Tuesday,, evening, and it will be gratifying to fh'e"phil& $ kiiow that thiB land-slide did not prevent them from reaching there Antime to whereas and resolve. AtJietUle Pioneer. . . . Size v. Leg.' j An amusing sight was witnessed on Middle street Saturday. A diminutive specimen jqfj rAdolfJinjap;tr.65dejjli3hCPie act of purloining some articles from the auction house of L. N. Baer St Co., , by the genial John, the auctioneer. .Upon being detected, the small boy ran. pursued by John, and though the pururf feaiitima John and a pouceman,who ha'Joinediji the"! ehase. Leg-ally speaking, Jthn should have beat the boy every time, and it is a matter cf the greatest surprise to all who witnessed tbe race that iSdiatX -OiMi 1 ; . Harrow Escape (ion Datb. - ' . ; On last Saturday Mr. Geo. W. Potter wi J.. kijbwninhi ctjhait syprjriirrow escape from a horrible death, at the plantation ot his father, some five or six miles from this city. While in the gin house, he undertook to shift a belt while the machinery was In operation and in-dag B01tiri!snflbe and he was immedhitelyIw&fed with igteat'iv'eiocity around the wheel, the b.dy performing alcdrfi plete involuntary sumersault. The accident was witnessed by an employee on the premises .who wjfh gyear, presence e mind.stopped &e: action of the engine on the ..part of ithjatnachi nery by . which Mr. Potter was caught Had .not this prompt action been taken Mr. Potter would have been carried thronohan anerture , ySf floar, fJugiriiei5)beft passed, and - would have been almost instantly killed. As. it is, the only injury received was m the hand, the kin of which was entirely taken off; and the ae somewhat hraseal, nei f)W!r, frlgiifrjiO aj i either - which" ajtal tohlsj dsties. under the leas?, with a statement of the t . -ibsU KAie'i i, ,: cpn,Vtwn,or,ne-snme..-rff. j-rj r. ..,;i;:e,, "V CdU&i L' iJUi i f . Spinsters should totihe Neidles,gov ,,,;-, Judge. Clarke left yesterday morning te open cour 4n Wajme scmntT.-Tlie present is an important session fthe court, "ca before at,'iwill pa alt pmbahtlrty cpne the Ijok Kj K.lux cases. Jt was currently rumored . on our Streets yesterday' lxaV'l Monroe, one of tb i tccused,: had i expressed bis jntejtios ot totn- lug oww b ctiucuw, nuu maung nmo impu-. Ltant dlsdosares. uK9X 9Sf7!?aeae' cases more than was elicited before; Judge .Thornaa some , two years, agov and at the time! puousnea: dui irom wnat we tnen learnea we. are1 of the cpmiori vthiV aboold Monroe tarn -Sblt'aeTidtlthelre )pnfb arattting of dry -bones' in Lenior v and ad i o ibiae -eesa ties. W live mtod cnutementa. by xhieh ws itilt receive bifarnxtiooQ relative .to ;anything, of importance that may rome before the court; as soon thereafter as possible. ' u ': TLA - 1 " JCOMMEKICATED. 1 " ? -. MkEDrreBrl-aioiamuBicatio the Tncs of theSOth Sept, over the aignflturtiit of ' Hslaw lo .reach: J4aiiebjeQ ; Jhxqu ,thjf pcess the writer complains about the, t'jmails," and proposes to agHate the, subject JtilVCongresS ihaD. employ and . monopolise all ; the Express' .Companies! and Telegraph Jiaes tq duke charge I di lafenoauaerviceji;'' j-:5r; iii j -All right so &r?hnt y Hsiaarrys that some thing is ) wrongs somewhere, f but ; be has no doubt hat all our post office officials are honest and upright; and he has' always found them gentlemanly .and .obliging; hut he has not the Same confidence in officials' of all other places; something is certainly wrong between' this and NeYxk ornn tacty; f dee-Hdyed poiitl' 'cat p1rostirntl0n.VNoVlmlyr1iiM inform. J'ELCaw, that if he imaile4 twonbooks in i the pMr'cBfebip New Bern, to"g to New York, and theywere jwadad fiyni That "Office, tiipy "cer tAinx must-have gone j beyond ,th.-4imi(s of oy-iAa T1 'teAiJ buMf fcoa NeV Btri B. 0 r io any place ,JJmui ot' West K)f Nor .oj''e)t4L.ir S. poUehee wbieh a not opened ' by route agents iaaxtiaij otJbei iageati' tiH ibxy re$ich e Poto-- maeppstalCarJ"wf ,a , - ': As to 'HsUwa idea. f . sendirnr ithe mails by. llxpGasa fori grsajter'secrhy, only OTyj'that'rrhftps-nf Bern, who sent a ' valuable wakh troin) Baltimore to ottwifj:tJ8ina'4lffe widSfta.J : 4 '"wjflsiR not only distrusts mail ae tata, 1 but ' ,r "!' ir-''''' fc'313 '',' !!.. .... mi uavs 111.119 ooiqno in jmTiHi'.iy ; dui tho'ie calhdtiripfflela! tiha perhaps him-. t-l V La.1.-1 - - . i. - iV 1 BiplMlE they 'ouht to havea leyj . i Biiau oppose nai onij . tiu .iac jrounu t ha f I be'l on g a ' ertaih orj zat; ip n j and aomfinJei wafltb vn niumoat wita my bre- Ihi'eo; on'deP: '.the' sesi'f:iefiryn""JtntoMe&" i.imniaf nnnnv -I"; x ue prewrs snouia k axiro go, 7 3The!boi.hIeS 'all t Sefllv.' ml .V j Thetarriers to Ch' lla lliabsd t si The little, snarling, caroling "babea," Moul4'1e packed off to Bab;jr-1oii ( iuuiuau vriu resu : ; -ipU $iti)ead' ccfcS?' go bferjto prSee Gourmands should lunch at tha Sahdwlch Isles. ivagsat ue Jay oi runay. s ,f,n -.iH y,l BachelortQ.tieph ! Males to the IsL "of Man;' " ' "-'"".i.-i i i , Let gafdheVsgo 4o-BXixryBsy, '; j A4shoeb1ncV,tdJapatt;,rtf,.A ;' -'; .....3. mim its -r-S-ja f Tllus 5mrRTate,"aml mlaeed'm'rnr- .. WiU-nete iao-ionger vex j , .S.eaJttBpUer and. Engine jtrenly-, horse poweryin good-' repaid, for -MhvW-eiehange f or.peal estate in:tthisjciry. . j Enquire at I this Officew-v K fil 7 8ep22-tf Ctoav OI'ai 'ri-IeT ,aoiJa3-: 5- 7 .li .' iT Apply at this office for a bargain in a tO saw Brown's Cotton Gint as good as hew. j It must be sold.'.' Call at aieiV.dwoci1raji-r-aJtt jfew-: (w-Ba AeaMlqWyVtV... T fT-l.- .. ; l7dloj6n okfhtr-fsii ondahrOutoW, 1871, Geo. 2W, HeaLA..M., Principal - Assis taj male teacher in Latin, ' Greek .and High Eniah,lf...Swafin, A. Miss B. a Brook field, in 'Higher and4 Primary English. Mrs. Esther tanly in Primary Department. -.:'' Q The epursej ofinction, ,wiH be graded in a Primary Department, -and four schools, em bracing the Lowest' and Highest Branches of an English education, including therein fhf privilege of the most . advanced - studies ' of Mathematics; the Natural Sciences with Ex- .Ancient anAMqd gf88? thus affording students "arnpha ern Lan- prepara- tion for the practical pursuits of life, or for entering any of the difforent classes in Collegiate TnstitntionR. -r-. -i - f : . - I :- j set : Pupils should be present, if possible, at the I opening of the scholastic year, to enter fully uyasystw onuuiua ya . wo ouyviH-4.r Parent in entering-their - children -aremnder-stood to subscribe to the rules of the Academy, and not to '-withdraw them before the close of the session, ' except in case of necessity to be stated to the Princiriah as this Is one of the great safeguards to, a., high standard of scholar abjprV --'." W '? . ''certificate of proficiency can be granted to students in any one of the- four1 schools, when properly earned hyilUddstry. . j .? These BchoohV are free of charge to all white ktudenta in the County of Craven, betweeoThe aires of six and twenty-one years. - J ages oi six and twenty-one years. , . ) Apply. ; for. certificatos of admission at the office of the undersigned, on the 'corner of Hancock and Pollock ' streets, j.befort the coin-, meneement of the school. As the school ia expected ; to 4 be full the .next session it Is 'de sired that students shaU ' procure, eeztifieates' of a amission someaay oerore tbe scnool opens ?u i of the Trustees New-Bern Acadasry. ' IT III. ill n.V., -(.... aaa . . .fib "t-iA0aUl3rtfv' !: J. .tUri eS STiO 1 "''"" ' . -' - ' 1 ,r Vstlea t Wiiliwtoi jhtt.ftyt j ; . To all delinqueat itfcbacrllwra "notice is given that a cross .maVk win fAdicKte thai their smb- TJe Fall tenia .o-tlus, S'ioaw Konsay? ioitt)b,'iiF-rrtiplrM adr --.V i 1 ' m m m - r " 1 a"'' I jo&&& mb; ored'glM -'toifve fns'fiunily in NwiJwiir-iVrto leave for thr Torllj. on tlttea next Mondayr , ApptyHthia'afiloe. i rD: T. Gtaty nerl-LlfsV arid Pire Ini luranoe agent Sout Fjpnt srfeeVNew-Bern, - pil26-tfv v, n. 1 f- BEBJiY, a Juatic oTihe Pcaee, will find him when not otherwise' engaged, At h bffioe, in the to Ttsras; ,ofiUerpa On yen street. . May-9-tf. ,, i .1. , 1.. ."i.l.T v." -1. -m r e. . ; --,. .- .J , jrrt.BP YOrm.MOlEYj AT HOME, j Total Arr?ount IrtsjCirerJ to May I st, 1871 52iP0d,i0Op. To tal J Amount" lnbomlto; Way. !- lo 1 8tV i 87 1 ,8S,OOOtOdCf.i )u Great , secret . of success is that it estahlishea department in the various States,! in which'it is at work, and puts the .- management m. the hands bf the citizens of th State; and iavjests all te reserve fund in the department where . the premiums are received, thereby building up and improving - the communities in which it operates, instead of impoverishing Xhem ns, all the.. companies do that carry the mony "away. ' ' ; TX T. CAEK.lW'AY; Agent ,t SepilmoJ .v-:r.'-tir ili-r I a Without any disrejpe ,to ..(he members ef the' medical profession.' profusion 'bohored. by all chlnking.men. it b onlyj'usf to say "Wat. .they'are too ibivkftn tbe srout.d. Theorinsej' quenceia that tbe cm-Vunity Uxjrtciord: Oyer iiucbf WUen Bsturt; Bieds only th gerrtle' stimulant and- alterative, whndi bar beoHae" famous throughout the country sy a. tdiabie encdiciefe, under tbe name of HoBtettr'S "Stom ach Bitters, she is not U'lfrcoueuttY ilosed wMf' a dozen prescriptions, all. experimental, from:' .hat the practice of medicine, is far from btin at all times a'hpafibir' art1 'JAt -'tills period of htcypar wbeo the fall .pf.tbe.lKftf, ine caUs teal oecay uas seizea upon me vcgjiauie kiiik dom, many harassing diseases are . prevalent, Cliicf among thiese nuy be n entioued inter mittent fever ard bilious remittent. """Tlitf f x halations risins from d"ComD"s:ne veec tation. and, "be heavy and" fog, are yerv apt. tit generate tnese complaints, 1 lie lsi p"i't-y i-to protect the .syst 4ft' bi acoorae of1 nav tetter' Slomsel Iirt ter- at-ttia -mmrtic(ttpat bSZ theallJ5 Jlacol ufter t may- thereby be avoided.., .But i f. tbe disease has already bfgujv its periodical vhitatro smky reatly-bS ch- k edand broken up by this aetlvci yet harmless, ,yeeeia able tjnic. 21' 11 Bdrbe oi yoor eaard aealTist the charlatans who are ai tempting -to pulm off, und various -names; unwholesome componivki, which they pretcud to corufiarslayoiably.wiib. tbe. great iiaiipual ihxii,. which has lorg since swept morfe, form ilablenWfeon; 'foin the fl -Id. Bra in mind that pverv'botlle of ccnuine foa'Ctt'efa Stomach Bin era is au'hentirate , aflefilKMy engy label, said 4 mfffi , Vj tth&sU;&ianuaUf ASl T1 ?11 -?J Dottles oniy, ano cannot ie oMinca in ouin. . ia a bi c?r as COBBECTKD DAILT Br J ,.Comnjlsftin MercUant. . ' SOUTH FR O NT ST. R ME ft Ti-,illi'J.-..).ll.'.irv-.''' 1 Cott68alea75iiah38'aft1 If alt J cta.1 Turpentine, Dip 4 ?L20 .; hv .jBn g(;i.aH6jif..ii jitL 5i.:.f Ms 8.-15 Uorn, from store, . 't - .i J..V0 3fiNpiaireitini - fefy r)lJ--,E- NASH'S. ; S CHO O.L S IA I I ONE B Y . -I : - x , -at I'TUEBEST f E1YING 3UGH1NE Z-T&3 AMEilGAy-, BUT-TOST not & orSliSEA'Mtm'mni empls HE WIS Q ggLYr--;; t-Jr; EN ASH' Agt Chiing of Uates bV Murray'. U .fl-C.-8eam StllO'LlQ 5n and "aftorthis daXevsn until furihr no tice. Tl a freights on Naval Stdrea wi.l be as SpitdiarpenSne?Hi V? irOask Bosin and Tar, 70ts per Bbl ,. vt sfj::i -i;r-ir(Jw--.Wi' DILL A3t.ii Oc. 3-fc " ' . " THE, EUROPE A N QUESTION., - ojV hat w'be European question to 0 f . li-t the crowned beaos figbt it oat while we supply lbir.arjilte,wUhprDyUionC . . J - TUB ABIBBICAS cVKTIUXil j a. to tbe bgt rflethod of loihliig gury heads Tthlcsfy)rown 6iirvenXlack ii, However. a mattirrjof yast;imporunceto millions of both sexes lthtt country.' It k J i M " tm;t .EEM3 TO;BE .DECIDED' j 1L if popaUrity r a fak testia the case, la faTOT Vbemriek-at whrcb have hies ad vsi;elnt duriarf the past ta,aiioih itl raplii'tjj am- JSbins- " As a dressinjp aflct . Cfl KiS TAIK)KO" 8 HA IK r GRAND FALL OPENING I a Hi.' i ttaitoW-hM rii- I - I i Gentlemen Furnishisi GcitX: i :-?:lt.T0' &'Mo ,nt :tf.3 .11 aLfcitL fintasSi Tl ,' m. ..i ..A f'.i i.-,l;s.'-Hli j r" fV'-ljfi fcli W .' 'iCf'-51 t'j0:i... j JjiTV3J i -III ' '(i.-j-i.v'-J anb-it-5 wta 4a9'o'ol S;f s "2IJ TS, l h-tl lO-.U ti'c t if (;': Vi Lf-YiYti: i? SHIRTS. f ' v.- jP-f;.. i ITJSCK IM l -iu 2 la f'sjl'jd i t ia-..V'J C'J .Li .1 "I'D hi 1.(111.5 sJt rIHO'1 .t---f S.-!7I- FINE SlLrCHATS, " imMn, ' 57 Ktrtsoii'it (fjrtjt Jfrirrlhf. '','-y '' o BOOTS, of the best make and finest n-Wial, i. .;:c,i!H..)t.:s '':0-cr.fo -'i, ; r . 4 nt,aA , fr. MUX. YQ UTI13 1 s'! ' aid IiOY ' and l iM bepriees. " 1 -I intend to' 690 " wft;afltbei fashion able novelties TrVirreiitlenieri's 'wear. 1 ana esxaousn permanently, in ue I ail ess sense ot the word, a Gentlemen's Cio If . - J m 4 ana li'i'";"? "' .:anH?"fnrfij:?). finiri'i. H;;-- f. FTJHIJISHiNG IIOTJSE . , ii,li,f; 'Tlia nnrrmageoC-the bublic3is,;,r 'VitoJJ iaP lavii lirnnl ' nniil dinJ, !' nnlr BRICK STORE,; .'. fl3 miosis o aigMilBalL.srri I li " ' Uj) ' "n "li u H i .t .W,I.H1 -r . i. iT3 tr.-u' .''i1 .iauili .&a wT.n fw.;-., j f-r;'" i -iH ir,'T'f.t f.i''Mfi' I??, --:i I. -: iij-L- ,Lj. -. j-'f'; Jiirl n-. j'jif-i '( f-: l.' I o u .'m-fVISi tat' m ' Xfi i'-.-ftr-! , T Veinsteiit &fBro's fir ti;T to :fft'J-!HiJ h'T, .r :v' t. FOii THE NEXT M . "'fl V" '7 ' - - ' m " -J V fihi.'. j .f i y ! vi;vv!.1iw al ".; rti-;;:i ; Y.wi A :ifi f ' preparatory .to , rtmoriBg to jr ., u tne new store, r tiiti t T ' rv.: greatly xedncied ' ? ! ... ? ; t In. ,'r i- .'... '..! . ' '""' ;l : i ? V;;-i .i..,:.. j:.- ! ,v'..i ;;!. ; '-' ; '' ' SELECTEt) S5T0CK OF m' ' ; n " .'''. . 1 i.-r i 1 ( 1 3 " a 1. 1' ( . II ! f Boots and Shoes J "1 .V.--i?.r!r-Uf! l5 :1 m,-j s I, . .' h t i'r. ,i r Ready ;made; Clothing, iatesttyleHats; wtii.oiiu bvh uir nuu vsauiiiio tiwaujCK, .: 1 i fi weat Reductioii Carpets; Oil Cloths; &c.i; 1 t' -.of" : Rimarff p . ." "'. " " ' ' ' .Y t -.' I . LADIES' DOWSj Tnrf JPdTi t?rl"?ry4 wloon at Tar dyeing; use I nrr, ,1 . - ; - . 1 puhlle. Tberovaa laalMuautiBSjZ'Lt r.i- raEyaT ,vi;jtUUUKl!;MVUJ31S;iJUJlvllli5U;' all for . with.. .Ker air. Give wmVcfl! .,"rtf SjStr': - "-..Hfi ,f 1 - S JT a. r.-" ft o 0f i? if Mi s isfl rti --. Jul . ftniJSvs Dealer, la" ' 9-U?,':i;-; , 1 Willow War 1 i5 Jjapi, a Great Variety, CWxnaeyp,, Wicks, -af ' i I'rrft !,,fHiGlasS. Putty- sndatullstk4f .. . , HOUSHtUENISinXG.GOOBS. , " ""T" spwar. w woeld be re tdAkiag 6rchaa. , D. L. CHURCHILL & Co ; ? JIT 18, KidiS Btd-JfetBrni:S.XJ. li iJ-Ii Blacksmith - Shoo.' WK-CNpKRSlGNSDmO XBUVE TO INF0BJI tno DtthllC thAf thrT are now nnnJ In rfc m.nn- faetars f first . , . , , f a wdl at atlather trroitsat AGRICDLTUKAI. XaTPLX-i jiaa 10. r i In attdifioB t tW. thoy are eiqrssadtlnt the mana lactara al all kludn of i . r.r rx;'i' "BLACKSMITH WOTlK.'--, nOKSGSnOlElNQ ia. aud a aDedaJitv. aad aatia CaetloB etjanurted. j f-.li.. V.:,f iJ.-li. - , . BUOGtRS, Iron. work if WAGON3. and other VSH1CLSS, TatlyHoue and promptly atumdad to. tye in our employ Cha, Whittley , wall ImewH i n aara wwmnan, waow; nunc ! eniBclent to irnar-antee-satikf action, t f .i" - .:: or abop ii on MTDff.H 8tE 6T near Sootn Front and the 2nd dcor fnjm.Udd.F fliuvws ritU t nil him) race & . . Eaa urn. bma xaarardnd m tha ha.t mnd rhMMwf - ftaking Pawdar iaaaa.3 Bdrftctly pare and atthjf f Hi, u anon noaoe, aquoioaa isiaeutta, jcaua, It UM It ia alvan oftha.heat nnalitr Wn wonld eo. ' j.mjr neaa oa no waaca or aoon at eparaa wittri - trtala will saaUa them ao ia it. notonir Mtk antira aaltifaulioa, hot yrith tinom.j' j'J3'--S. j Llxi; ; OrooeraaodDealWaBllit. 4of- -. J -m ij bun riir;-;-?jJ9wr)Stroot,r .i f 3,n 'NEWi DERNE DAKERY.J 8 B?A M "C.lt'T'i rtSKamrrBREADr ANI 1 PIES; OBNA.,-- V" Jm I AL. Cakes nl all kinds of baking for weddings and parties at the sbbrtest notice. a Jurk22-tf. : 7 fi:i.ji;,jta ga-.-iilxj. . , BOOTS SHOES, Jt.ti'ft'iO n ri'tltmo ono i wnf !f "' . " . . ' ' . : U ; MEVS "W0ME3T 'f AND ' CHTLDBEN'S, rr. 'f.--?t -.ii ;:.TfHsr v .;! . rt ,;fp -r.r ,rr ..-,,,.... r ', t'f'v . . r : r,!lJl f lilt- ii ' Superior vto'.i'aU':. Others 1rT-i? ti Vi now fturod for sale in this market, can bo ( bought a( -i,. a , - . i to r; , .- - 1 , c jr-i.-Viii ; Mo ses Patters on IVI I DDLS 8TR CT, tut r0 ST 01' f where will also be found a'full and bhoieo sVck f for - 1 (If. CROCERIFS. r ' I, . 9 5.. li tJ..7.l jLy,:;. r - DRY GOODS, f ' rr NOTIOWS, ; j .,v II i' DLANKETS, i-it ! ' 1 woolen goods; and every frariety "of - i , r 1 : r'i, 1 r . - - . w rnnrifirirffv go i i i kU'" ... . 1 i r .- - ' . (aJ - s - - I ft!? 3 Jc5 97 v. ' t '-. ifj I -.-. .i i. . 1 - , U' ijv "V J ' iT '.'- , , i:.i. s.l-ij -l, . ? ; I --. J . r ' ,:t ...' .m I PciiOiC r.. Maui Hart. H 1 :; , hats tt vats; 4 -w..,.a,wM 4'i.lvi , .y. pivm -l.fi Ji ff' i1' ,'SKPABE0jTO,tX31TBAOT i'O "!. itesaftfuh clothing r n'o.n: ratCfwr af "l? abuaea. wbica htcrforo wfili iipdol th v bapfdMo tkoMamukVrWiilrT tnr, SUEis aVwlK? '':' for the Brrmr and Uurortnnata, QlMad anrt d-hiu -.. lbKf( ,nt'ln aVd V iter ropSTrrM o4ltrri . ljeiA tWPaphipVT4is-! Q Ar?1: ctcBflrdBllcijiapletei f 4 ta4iopyoi the iwtlefj whobavs jbeen;ettinf ub-alPo Crfstadoro's ftra$1orp&K TO W ' StilOllowera over allrlyal. a-a aa.u; :n rstaaiuW'tVe stand- " ARD: H kfK'DYE f tP tTBTB tJdttRT. 8 111 ' Ions? of tBatttidiliid a&l'oii'c aap :e4 lb wfcitoJUo 4 miur 7, -. .-' - an4,th eotMof the aW e i4' is no-" Nalnre'a tlnU. fAO dressin after' fains.? - CRITfDQRCIPSEgyAT lio , r-v 'i: ii. 1. li ..i-.i . a ribJiiit'i'i .- LIPPMAN S ! GREAT : ' mTJnAB0 rrttRtor cfimaity) mib ,t mf -rt aniTfTV.P.tirKii-VMii wawe ' LipPa' 6wat Cwataa Elttersv etrcpVtwstf tae . Pnian'rOreat O'ernua BIttora care.Llincf Cei-cIWJ-n Graat Great GtnaaaBitters 'carta female f 'JSutf'SIf GtUt Q Bitters enrea "never Uppiaa'afflraat OarmawBrttersptYea Jffi'r attr act iBUte cures tWit Cow run .v wrnu oicrera civea tone to di sstlyo.mvaaa. - r.,.i-, , .'j,.,.,,, l' ' X!u3inau-B Sreat Otrman Bitters xivareitetc UwifcMtS ?riv Oermai Brttetrenrea arvdaaaea JS2M.4rt. AsraiaB Ittara, tn bftf FaUiny Llpptnan'a 'Ctrea'trf Gernlaa ltfefSreffairtea .. 'lanman' RrirrSma v.,. T v. . . ---." nc 1 up i ornio F"ema, Gr0t CvtmM Bftl' pratea t 0)(Ur aad r ucia by- it! 'a'dia-n- Triltirrt9f J...-: : :r .;!! 7.41 4'Vti-Biwloinc al. C. WITHIN THREE M0XTIIS. TQiJJilLPUJSLic; r , TliJ? tojiWic Are inft fined tiiai 1 1 v ruti trr pern anenrl st-tWid kr 'iny plac ot. busiues f pm Be,i Aitw ftom-'flie corner I nari unv .cAi f..a:i. ., . CAKES, ornamented ' and nlirt . allflf WhBhiea4bVririunredrMkI.Ll I .day- Prr'wwiiodatahmtot f,n...-Tj. wu,puy nuea ana care' (ally attended to towltetffliryraolieit a cohtuwncee of their hberaJ patrpnaee. .1 . .. .... r- irnimi All RefaTl 'aDJoiiblinr$2ll ana over delivered In anv part' oh rtre-TSBnwtry4 FREE OIMXPBEtJa CHARGES. CUitoiaera at a diatanchave eaubltabad a :n fr- ir -SAltPLE (f ETTR'F.a fr t"t' I eanatiT.'10 ' f-fi.a, at. bona,, 11 mm. vT. .l.'-7 HT:, ' ' 'vn nrrci l. lain- . ' an nmca orrimni i .finn 1 protnjjtjj aitja --- " - wen mw (? fcredit In mm PH Craa MMtam K. - IA r tampttt tpeeift tt Mad dHrd wa seap- Mi Mfctrn, .''? laa or jcoda, irom ia iowet to the moat eoatU. wafl, ... ROM PT-P . vrNOu-fifiTvaTii! w7!tn- ivitJ a laart ."J". V T aes DenartmeLtdftreeT . T1 fl.rU aaJn. . aMlit QlAM - Oct-nd-eodflr, a. vSSSSiCrCfir6Wrf' . vbavbm UOcarr, crrrca s tuusr i,;rw ts;j;5jwinJi fetJIsw-Bsri.iJ. c. f rfe'it f iha.Peace. furfedicUonof HiM3otfrfc ;" . r l!r'!?MV ;ot'ewJdin .wo.:lrandr'd Jolflfainconttpversr. , , r . OrlmftJardMee whi rBi aili'-- -, ' a SJ tV Will BUt CA "Up: TownGrocery ; Store 1 V a lmjm V laa JAUES BOYLE, Carpenterarid Builclcr. ' .u.-r.-ii vi; .0 j! 9fnsS woK : !'.d,TEiri.A. -i-i -0

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