i 0 L-- . j .,'itii A .u ti '' 'J'-1-, .2 JOT a I 5 1 o S ! , -unra lo'3iJrf :69nt 7ni fs t-a i I ; ' -rt i- iim.rrl i rrri ' f ! ! ft n ' TJ " -"'!'' O-TT.jri AO rajOTyjC If VOL. IX.NO. 70. 111 w m.j i, mi mi . , mi , JMam, ..... o H - B" raO f OL V? M R! 'M'Stf will- ill WKji dV9vS4te4to in? 3.: J Kill i l i? -'iri.- n m II It I vt A - III WKJ H ' H ' in - . C I ir Hi HJ if fait I I 1 mKI . li's llll Ili? 3t3i5OPtCV srr vi -Jl.tAi. tfi iU. IL" Jilt atw lf?'HIiilllU', Lr v n - i pi t r- a a m - ---- - 1 i or m i 1 l a 4 n m r '-mas i a i e a ira i m a m m m r " i i 'i . n,,i I i , . ... . . , Xcuj-jScnie5 Joris SMxwsJLtdcal-Etor, CITY AM STATE ITEMS Arrival and Bgpartnro-STails. A nz. 18tb..l871. " Wail 01?fl for tlieNartli, West and South Mail Closes for Beaufort and the East, at 5.30PM.'- i- ? , Mail Closes for, Washington, SwiTt Creek. HyB and-BinfoTt Coontie. eyery Jpesday Tlmrstlay ana satnraay,-i o,au a m Mni I close f 6r : .Twtftori, Pollocksille, and Swansboro, Wednesdays and SaUdayr $f 6.30 A M. - ,V ' i klt Mail closes for Hatteras, aeir iork,8tm r dars nt 12 o'clock, M. Mail closea ft.f Gfatsbor.i Bftn'Hier and Vandemere. Tusda5' Thnfedajami Satur days at 6 A SI. I MAIL ARRIVES. From ths North, Wept and South at 6 JP M. opened for delivery nk7P.lVL)-,rT. i ; From Beaufoit and the. East Hal JlO A -W: From Washinpton, Swift Creek, N C. &c Mfindny, Wednesday and Friday at 4 P. M. From Trenton, "and Pollockville, Tuesdays and Fridays at 1.80 P M. Front Qrantsbrp;By Hirer janrt Vande mpre, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4PM ; Office hours from 8AM. to 6 P M, and 7 to 7.30 P M. Sundays from 12-30 i-M. GEO. rwrJTA SONriiEofcJirtoster. The Editor, ef this paper is in n,0Ty re sponsible for the vieics or latem;nti rf tJor 'res pondents ; no communications of an anor.y- vwris cJiaracler wULte'pulU7iaJ, the real name of the wrilerjmmt ac4sarrtpany all cemmunica tioni. "Any j vho'tiiay 'feel agrievfd at statements made by effrre?pmftenis obtain the name on application to the EditorT Dr. B'chard P. Ashe, an old resident rsTSn Joqnin county, died in San Francisco last week. Deceased was a native of North1 Caw ... eu Known tnronhout the Stae., A gentleman who has been on a tour lof ob serHt tfeftrgaJSjQintiea along the line of the V. & W, E. ii. sajs there w a Scarcity of labor. Fine fields of cotton are seen Without a single picker at work. This condition pf a3airs in that section is so doubt the rlsult of a mistaken policy in allowing planters and agents from Southern States to carry off lare Seven mdre U kt&kv'H&lJA fllv guilt This makes the number of Ku Klux who have either been found cuiltv or amitt of Democracy, Plato Durham, and fort- oth were chlledoa Friday tonswer the cliar-e W hands."": -' j n-nl.-A l;MuuS: narfloiay to say, that.iie Pf of mo " postal Srsteih . "sT"" WW- Jf lWjWJI "secrecy" n communicating VitEbUBren," as ijt WoId.' be Borroundad by other safeguards and 'repair'; Bixuiiy, KnaHy; in:pulj bags would be inhargeKf l.res ony to be deHreraJ WWJdw' other lrigh,- i; wffwa nwtt jio-BeyCfo lock or 'bhIocI the ii-ri-i: i Agenis: ao soiMtiine no doubt bk. . -"""tt.T;u . as- mail Agents and SW by wrqpar lesifiVition oa flia-mihit' ?hi: . " ' vuvvoo. JlfcUlIV rate, in that case, "felonious hanrta " mtnu v, t ii'rnh ",'( ef'j i'i .uriil -nil lot . fnW oftft &fAt'lRgMa-iat k CO saw Biavn'u Cotton Gib j s'good im bew: -It ni nst b lilaUW hiin 'iyl. ;.t i)h-woy t PHIOE PIVE'CBNTS GRAND FALL OPENING! BOOTS and'l": H0ES ;?rTd K9 flelSEiquear 'snblcrfBera'ln.ydcB is given i, fifoss mari.wiLL Jaate,tha6.. their sub- the fifth of Octohtrr thrH-paper will be stopped. .I ifrU.iie:SWlteMB.-of thSQol:?wiamutin4 r onnay," ancr or CKKotM-r.'- FoirptUalras"al. - irr rr? tifli-Ti J? , i I ... ')r '1 T..U Lift . iiiivhi' ivn r . . , . i i;II ri f-Ill 'i section W' einied. 'ika tlk "i,wJb .-V'M' Wrws pn sa,9aihie,- - . r .wmjmw,, .... r .r:... ,.-...r. ..Ii., , r f .- I , detected and pnnlshed. And that the JeUarkvk Ku Kiuxjng mBo8tponed. T - YWd-ba-teade a prl-6f flrf Joltal Systeni' of nfJ1-!.- "'IT ' ; ii. , ,rr'-ri:ensaj.liie TLna Acarte7nvrfoioa An if... a - ru-tinlo fl4 ii.v - . ; -i'' f. moRt ferorable anspic On.tbo fifct dayi3L3fiith there were Eoiae two hnntlred and thirf n!c Oomoiiniea is. that tlTMn tbs... it-n-ii-Ui A tha'tSbfVtnelii -of the nr.t. .-O will be over thra Imninu4 'i5 h sr.r :-. .. ,. awnuef a 'V- i4r i Jf '" than ever betore known. This 'are attenaancTT tttMMUUlAXKDL)-l4 ; 1v.Ji ! -'JK !i Hsiw j is easily accounts for, by the excellence of OdlCU7! If ffD teachers, an.l the interest taken, work JSfl in, lormea and inducements offered by the trusted Wotiee to Shipprri). for New TCorU -iv. ; i"ti .. -j uu-ai, utlUUff UU1. j o !: J.ee Aliens. T. r.-y will leave New Y.irlr 4 uiI fi,injj wcroruer litii. io i Ifri -AT t All the rage r.mong woman-suffrage.; Ripe bananas ia Wrtmingtoa-pfly conTs per dozen. ,.The Blonde Mkistrels perform at Ealeigh this" week. ' ' '. ' There will be no meeting of the Board of County CommisKionors this month. Monday, thirty-eight years ago, the first rilroad was built in the United States. Mr. J. E. Briers, of Eileigu. had his hand had y injured by a cotton gin on Saturday.; m ni?ht. . :. ti;i Hayor-g Conrf. Mayor Eilbum presiding. The:ie weie tb ses beforo tb Tr.ni ofwtMawera posfprtnedfnd the other, a ' Tuko g;,od ghto Wfcoil with wate:' t ear thin liquid, llix with the t i.f. r tuo "auJB ooa, or ota r wood of the1 sain4 i your co!- f .flWWB W Wl9tiat -amconstanUy, ,":F,tW conduct of J9.mff9iW,attena hBlSMs of dlvfn f ft Till JTl'VTX. Xt 1rvni 4. iV- TT'L.. JJl' - i - ' 1" :miAwty;4t8iooW'riiilre;'feiiii4 it nece-" Barnes to tie :pubb, gai sunless tiey desisted !.For; jii' hUe, for -oftntemtvwia,, UnpdMkirtohip merit, tas :rtr.rv r-m4iWu&MW1F$hv'' "it's hard !or of (he furniture to a paste. Wliiiei lQ. v-'r thc ronSh ood or holts with tl,;; ntiHi when tl-r scr.ww and i-.ni; , r '"P The narrow t scape of a color d i Peter Churchill should ha rtvorJed ii . "VV iiinu nameu rcicr l inrn ii imM k,. i .r r rt . . n h t7 V "IllS2 ns or -ri-wereonclddeditfbntfbfmrcLes and .. v.o....jr oua oi the afreet enTRi. n Inrl ph nfl i !.!.. .,-.. .;. , . .rt i ...... mm'm&mmm ana. Min that ever tame un&r his obaewTlter fi,-... 1 ?w,.i!0Rfc3batfi ftnd.!wh,wilb-lbreaaY to j' lTefortheNcirtlyb hfeteame Terry.iKff i ersna having business wittTlt' T BBBRX,.jKs Justice of Ahaeace; wdil.flnd him when not orwisepgngL tethis.ffiee, in the 'it i . i- i: : j car h.,ra, Mm 4 . ... . , - . ' . . - e frag oat . UU II i'lPJl Knnctinrp OI trifiJ- ITllvh vl, la f t. . . W . n u.l I n U 1 1 LIinHfl -.ir- eHne-M-M-p.-eJ-aSnt' oveiLAmpng. peopbYo blessed as rAift the prostrate -man. i- utiTli!-li7'fr2A - ?T-v piupr iu time to prevent beheading! WJmin'ji wit a lS L. f MOtlce loConsnutn. The Increasing popularity pf Doolet's Yeast Pow Abr has fedttcea ieertferm mannfacin a BiiWng Powefti1 to'eifsr' Veii)ktlni.-ioiif'avt.rtti.m .t. tbiii flroves the' teridar4Hi'feUean!i worth of our Tea A fowaerfrts eafciilato'iley Vehe'congamA' ana reflectrf the character of tte vaster, as wbli na th gooda .which thejr, arendaavofiiis. to force pponlfhM 61nw- BP 0r fhstvou call far. D0nT.V- Tbast Powder, apd. take no othar. 'DQOLET A fennivi.: ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA I sty 1 87 1 , 352,000,000. To tal Amount income to tftay J Tl 87 1 ,.SSOOO,OO0. Greife"jSfiaret of isuccesais'that it estalkrslipi' departments in tW Iraripnstates, in which it is at ijrorkadd .'tngCh Management in the handiolKth aitile: ol iSiifetate; and infers all mffim department where the premiunvi arUece&redi thereby bniWinV np andtmprtjving; thelnponnunifies in whild ui'wi, usieaa; oi. poverishim? tliom an me .'ni 1. .i;oi.;-j;: if :i I'i -rt",'; if; .t..,l..!r,.. 3. . : t.-.. : n i I i ' ' ' ,11 it , . , : . , . . . ' ' now offered for'sala In thik Warlet.'can' be ' : .V Yi.l, Hilt?. j r5;i!j jljIiV I -v.J l ol 'TOn5hPef;est,.fiqd; yifJ f.'ftr.-rno!.;; s AO:.' ;7 .J'lt,'!t' i' " 'bought' at" ! i :' -' t t,. i L-t;:.T.-j lt!i ')-f ;4I 'iV vi .1 it u mi lih-i;-, it i MI D DLE STfl EitT'.p, i. ii Iff '.)!.: r:K.v hi 'Oil ;( lift: r I1 1. I !.!.-.'. .1 it': .! . tii' . . r-i t MlVJ'jF, ' f M ' uuiu a iuii. and-choice nt dt . H ' .crrrr - i '' A !'' T 11 J of' ertl st ON 3IARAGE jraica intcrfcrknrrh aoardan ,nj " Rintn St., l'hiladalphia. Pa. , ! !, Wh6 bayW been uettVng Bp ScAxPor si?5 to compete with CrlsfiacJoro's Excelsior .lifeiMKWFare, aliriralr ...u u oi.,, u remans the STAND A'RD H AIR &)fB& ' Tlifi! CoilVTn v 3 H1. tona thusadsof beiii'0iat oneo and; the pqurs? Mthnt'nfifar.lM ferer nrw wholesomenesa, .and, a true ."reproduction o f U8 : . , .. . ; - '!.fr .if CRISTAP(3BC'8 JtlAlgEERVATIYE. Gents' Undenccafl'd'iA '' v;vL-. I' an tttescompamea;do ;tfiat"i!arrv th tA4 "'""" t J . '-Va-VAAWAX, Agent. ,1 Bfliciuor! St7-lmn.- s: .s s.-z ' '' the sun : ' ". m'mLu ' I MaRKTtREPORT. COBIIECTED DAILY BT g Tafc,?t .nuu-utait witn' 1 1 ' ' fJ!l rk-H-o -orrV, W.. - I WOOLEN COODSf i-s: !,MS,.ft, .i ... . ; ' . i... !.i .V .(li, EOOri Gf Sitae. 3estMrie ayd nt'iitteriaL ' ' ' ; '? h zvi'"' Iji-in;,; and fsnM'WHVWrlS' io r.r:;i,'. i. .,iIT .Ii i ' .J G E B-M A K B I TT E E S THE STANDABD BITTKJ OF CEKMAN CSfD gy m ; ' KSTroreiCiSSW JHEIR OAlLTPAfTICE deblfi,Wted' 'alt 6orm3M Wr iresMiei.a- t ptatiS1 re?- ?.er,f?.?,t! pW Plaej Cear. C"kiDU.G,,rt,rC't htnBaB ,Bitto1'; fedelt Iilpptanti Orcat OorWan Batel i. the 'most dallrfrt ful aod effoctrre in the world. T -r . " f w!Pf,"?frma . Wtteweiirejr mer Uppman a Qreat German Bitten glvea an- appertte- . Lippman'a.Great Gerraih Bitw.wV. Llppmao'a 6reat German Bitten anrei Keroiiiie "Upptaaa'a 'ti'tor,BrB:nrait Jltxlieiue. r . " i , -' I i t- 1 ' - r-"' . v r. fasliiocable novekl.w.tfiitleiaeii's wear ,i tfff; v-,rr - . ,r oiKl est!ft)lish rtnfliiit'y.' Ih ' ine fullest - :aaJliiett style of ,f r,F.'iKS?t,i; HdT '! I -hi' .'y DIES ' i B O.VV SV, t i lor:ed pro-' gross. : iN. v routtWa were to r..i:-; FTfliirw i? t:...... I -t i . ' "ijau aim ii. os. IJ.iwaiU m Monday last was. Wilmington's great moving rtiy; th-y have a regular New York first of Mayday. at 'yi fit- 4.:-.- i ... ; . .The store trade Is'imi.1 Kn.l tiW n'Arnrte. eit? 111 180 and.1861. Oa motion! iU ?hj;wmerchants Churchill &Ci. are ioiu the '' Vl$T Juslttt.-e'jJTiJ' comalet"" .- most of it. exchange for.old vor.chers issued bv tl?o!J;Pn '.. , Tbe yonng raen cf JTdnn'gtonareyetgng up a couple of clubs to pliy base ball during Fair week. The steamship Zodiac, Chapin master, arrived nt her wharf, from New York at 7 o'clock yes terday morning. The Cape. Fear Eiver j& so low that they l'ove to station guards all along to keep tfief cows from drinking it completely dry. ! KmitZGfthS.SreiseitgvQ M'petmsts in his determination to publish a daily, and it will be shortly issued. We are glad to hear it j " OiFitday; 22d ult, the Cherokee- Indians played a game of,baU,oq tlj bankafithS Tuckasege river, nlar psbter, Jacisbn Cfeunty. -;Thare were five fwhite and twenty-seven colorpj marriageaJnSew Hanover last month,' nityi nn onght't fee plaeett where they cannot ; - "'' ' ' ' iS .agersrtttayhasoaie to fi CMiS Zl tV 3 Vi H ' Tfe Pronoge of the pnUlc " iVvitcJ, .laar-abxdiogr aaaBIWe-ldwIngMtiiena.- Tlwk ., , ,, w 40 .a,w!iaJhlt yoo. -want ; anything.. or!- not, 1-i-atfW.tibA.otefTBaeaf- our city, asd fronf store 1.0 ; may Mi' npwlien 'they "'. .1 . ' ... feeyl 50 00 1 Jif t.s l . i .t '-(! Vi. l! rn 1, . x c-niwii m t en Mnn.JfT I ia-ohe nrinciiilea1,6f-naTi,lJ. rvi 1"""""" wnani. I DTTTiTiTTntTTM . , nir!. ?.r..vr r:t... . . .V "V -z , , ,,t: .Vr-r on rrmayi T m " - UUMii3ai It' JdOUSB ng wtlj;?ilYer,, GiTe,hjtu call 'it'll. 'if. inmiA iU.- .K r i . -. r . .. J.ir-rn rno usaai moiuhiv tills we.-., i,!ls0,i!oii'f ta flfiti: j Ad-v-extisexneats. pu n wiey&oi and thirteen intercents in Oakdale Cemetery ior the same period. Tim crime or jarking the hair out fof your wife's heid is not so sinful as it formerly was. 11 is jiut as ungentlennnly as ever, bHi it doesn't hurtas it "need to. - - . - ,' - ii.- r6 jfiltk il ii. Jur enterprising merchant tailor, Mr. !Mc- Ixicklan, gives notice to the people of Golds- &oro that he will visit them for the pursese or measuring them for nfew; elhep&vi H ' We learn from the Sentin I that the saw mill bu cotton gin of Henry Mordecai, Esq., abont two milesJncrH";0f iHaleigh, were totatly 1 he reqnested by Ker. ; Mr. Sher wood, editor of the Presbyterian, to say that nnexreeted non-arrival of a lot of printing. pu.TCiTT:ijr BKTut-crrnaT tne uuerokee Indians will pLiy their gama of ha w Call 8t li.aiei2u some time rlnrm ir.;- rn: . o ticcju jii j oeiiiiwrt say3 taat the ful owing Iadians will participate m the gr.me: jDd-ije-iWh, w TVaiykeV 1 'v-yeh, ''fee'qneh;: yan-aw-mnh-cha, T.i-ia-ske' Chew-ne-chew keh, Taw-goo-yah, A-maa-nae-tih, J:-son jieo. Da-wah, Taolar. Ii:n,mnA .T.ii;i.a. t i'iv ta-g.h S'548n?aaKf S 1 . T fir 1 piiijerd, rta-cee, -ice, Ua-ii-nee. Es-tahiand Sa-ojjthrQ othr Indian ladies wiU grace tne oecxsion Witu their prssonce, and durm their stay ia' the city wUl give us an oppor- dances, performed according to the most! afil Tne next eclipse o the snn wiU occur on the thofLDec8mber nex6 As it is to be risible m tae vicinity of Arabia, persons who intend go to see it should begin to think of getting re.idy for the trip . uuuiucr ui P. S. Court I lie "Ku Ulnx" Trials Sixteenth Day. i The court met at 10 a. m., 'Judge tiond presiding. ; In the -aseT,f.th'SUtfe ya.l ihndap from Jlecklenburg, an order was issued to tbp J,,tte Superior Conrt of that county for a transcript of the record. No; further pro ceedings for the present " i In the case of the United States vs. Peter "Z. Baxter and twelve others, from Lincoln, charged C0s,PiratfHUMlM-e isio of the aat7t MSylMthrfoIoefendants submitted: Daniel McCowan, H. E. Baxter, J. A. Lingerfelt, John Stamey, Jacob Wilson, P. Z. Baxter and T. O. Lackey. Judge Bond examined. fcHjibese rdefendanta fsererallv and ;.tnjen! remanded- them i& toe cnslddy-'bf khe marshal pending his decision. I The case of the ; United vs. Plato Durham and others was not closed. I At about tfrjm tlrajfe jr lUsSieady for the jury, the court adjourned till 10 o'ejtek Monday. . . , n .f".!W?u;naianfing," TM" 7" TT 'd X ipermsSthey will.iuerftablyre- ll Hi JrViU3 ?i I 1,1' UMi!?Wflw Been- ' -i.t ..I srX ST'i I - ' . i C . .An Obseevie. - j t.i.'i. T t VVH-aiEEP UPON THE IJ5TEI,. i I V-j t ig V9 V9 -i ;:'T ii n mm J. E. NASH'S"" Wc meet upon the L'evel and wa partup-nihe " L :i J 0 9. K Sx ; , -What words of precious maaning-fnosa words n TT-jfS i rt t' i ncsiwr T T U' Come-)et nonnj.lj.te: tlleju Obey aro woVI Jt,1.'! ... I ; 5 " KfWtfMmtf : ' In the very soul of Masonry-, these predoiS " " ' 1 1 XI Jji'' J3 liO : ""Words are wrought':.1: ' ;i7' : .H -ff.r-M.s iitc.- .fi A -,!. e i.-m-:i i Words are .wrought.',.' , i , lna hr' l'':-fc.'H ..i; ti; jn .:. a. ii'iv'.i nM R.D. :! ' t A ln-f- i-ft I q, BHICK STORE, ." tyl'llm Dsor to NntlaMial Eauk. iair v i gor, .ruJor jlonag Cray Hair to; 'its natural Vitality and Color. .;.!fji . ! ) i. i til:'1. l-Ui. i .ii' c. ; r .rt:-. ..1 -ni ii- J rMK! r.ii xir iu ,- flu ' ci i;4J IWemeet upon the Level, though from eve ? J W nunnno nunl im .' 1 - -r . r-A. 1 "-n the special t, ZlO Rlj t$WJl'Hf5fft?:a 5 mnpinor Tf n o j , " - uniiuajf. a. very large crowd were in at-inA.n:r V--i vvv .wuuuuvc u.- luc camp grouna and much interest manifested, -t i , - " vV fi. ' A rumor obtained mmnm4. n:. . :i i - . 7 j ah viiij- uiLv uume- "w ays ago that small-pox existed at Hatteras. "eniVormeAUy.Mr.vHnmer Storon that the rumor rs-nnfoual nbraBingmase navins Mmnui mg occurred at that place. Sunday Morning's Wilmington Post c'ontainB' Ait 8 ledictory. Mr. Grady intimates taathe will soon connect -himself with some etaer paper. Mr. Grady's successor as editor or the Pain, not announced. In. the mean bme thepape, wlftbe rfitffiy . cinipanU JVe learn fronTthT Hestenger that a Uttle Joy. son of Mr. -las. G. Smith,, of Goldsboro', "1 V ?!. 't Thflrsday 'and - """"S omer injuries. The bracking The Mall Once More. Editor Times: - . I In your issue of this morning, 3d Oct) I see "Carolina" has noticed my remarks on the aborefaKgafetraUd l-etilji SrisJV-'to'lay'a yery few words as a finalitr so 'larMittm conced-; First My remarks were general, no one fee ing personally implicated, I Secondly. Our New Bern officials were spe-4: Third y. Officials, beyond. the yriters. knpwl edge, and scattered over the country from North5 to South, and from East to West were not ex empted fr Wallnsure, as ' meEhThg is cer- fciifintfherellGiijinat: himself, being judge. J ', - Fourthly. The books mailed were directed South instead of North. - r Q2oiSS6ioMt?5feblote to a certain organization, and sometimes w.int mansion the noo7 man " "a , nuuo. UUOLE fmm his home; YUVfiRSEAiilNG ani co.nvlttSA &EWItCt jjoiooa musthav his waltWd state 6ul- MACHINE . . J.' E NASH Agt. AnVl I-' . i. 5 . 1 1 lA .u, uuxer U11US HIS true chequered floor. EOCno .C inotf rfiuoC 2HT Cnaneo ofrRatQS. .by Murray's We meet upon the Square, for the world must "fi. "C SteaYfi '6hTp Lino. : have its due; l. Wl !Wo alter th "l7 We mingle with the multitude a cold, on- Lice- The freights onN.iyja fibres wiJLbe : as iriedly creVf .oHW ft .Uii U lIHU ' i 5i6Up?r0ask; ' .70 ct? per Bbl' wj ,JJt a?on ins jL.3vel to renew the Oct. 3-t narpy scene. ; CJ00T2 SVITjASTTA GZA . i TTqTvrrxrF-i-rr ' xaere s a world where all are equal we are nurrjing towrad it fast ; ; tm-U.c2L ' '"aisrtcirfitM I f ; We'U all meet upon the Level there, when the llSltijIn et tM 'VV gates ot veaxh are paat ; huoubu. ueiuumeunent, and oar mas- A NrW IS I ArvCMiTti cun ter shall be there lB2r:Sjm.M . To try tbe blocks we offer by His own nnerrir. . ,nijBlfirl wa oiti .v.'t:.:.h... , . ! mecus 7 "Vi. 'nri A . dressing wbtchv , w at once agreeable,, . .healthy, and effectual 1 ' presemri the'-'; jffv; tair. u Faded or gratf -. ; jrtow- w soon restored :ns? itOits original color, ' triih.tiie glosi'cuid -' jresrmetg' of yotOh.' '. ned, falling; hair checked, and bald- Dess . often,- thoufrb. not alwava. rnrod "li".-,v7iV-,;i"::' i, 'siy -"i:, ! ,f w j y ita-so, ! Nothing can restore ' thj T ..ii! '. us! I hair where fhe follicles are'-desfroved - ' r 1 the' ' felands atrophied and decayed: Bat. enca as remain can be saved 4 for ! ''" usefulneas by this application,;. Instead -of fopling the ,hair .with a pasty sediV:!: mP ia'A'a4 ''f-T 'Z'Jr'll 'l 'j.me ' " wfllkeep'it clean and vigorous.. XXYVilli IPvflPltinn HI Its occasional nse wilf nrpmnt. th l.; ;,f. i7-., -T m-ip v.w .if " r "" .., I -vu. uiung-gni w railing on, ana B1tterff,MS-06.tFn.iiy i r..-.; t,!t)T)lhHU's OhoJlt Cldrmin TUttlL. Cl:..... . . pniroh, . j f""1"; -Euiaiea ne LinDmati's Crint (!nn l lki. .... . . Uver. ( I'm" " ;'T'r"''c".,a lorpia I'inDm.-lQ .Gi-p-it nann.H Till...; in -i. .. - Vi"uf -r n ff;'iurw loainror Lf5nmaE'a Gi.-it Ferer. ? .VA'.TnT; p cnl,voll,,ai, jHold by II. ADRIAN OLifeRS, j a th i Rb 'effort! WITIIiNoiTHIlEE 1 MONTHS. W7 alb ruiklloV The pnbJiorare4ttrioMnetl tnat I liiivfe becom r,Y. Bireei 9,n aorfrota the corner OfiPwlioCk.Ti.lTiiiU, I . ! . -7 I bare now every facility fer nipplring customers, and the public fcencrallr, witn the test quality or BREA'- r OEAKFASf ROttfeV , - t,i t CAK ES,'orbatneHted Cand'plafh. I'rfi.L .T ii- P:l E SjI JWtiu An- - all of which can be procured fresb'lwtee erery day. Parties furaisbed at ehortest jjvtfce with iced 4hd ornarncniiei eaketR pastry and coulcc-' ' 'l'"Bku8 thepublic and 'frnas for pact fov rLl. iFwuuf wucit a oonunuftnce f their Reeftil pafrbnage.1- ' t tflmi A :i in ...i. ii.! a 0 it.- t-rd uviii- . . , . .-r. .'i:j",-- vr.q ; einsteiii-feBro's f i o h.ii i.'r 'v-t 'V iB All ii-:; (., .5.i2 'il l'.. J J ft U 3s .-j;riri 1 on JalddTe street,. next lor to Od 1 FpIIow'o ejng lies. J'f '?). JMtsJrutj4nj ranHi We shall meet upon the Lsrel there, bat never ''uat"ul"t tlc8 re.-pecnutiy soucii fi ihen dexwfrt: :i Ii . v I . 1 i li .it? TSXTT. rT a T3rr-r-k--i- -r-. i There's a mansion-'tis all ready for each trust- V W,!, ing, faitMulieartaW ' i,.J iPPM111 .nd-J?ft?A SmsBTs. ' ." There's a mansion and a welcome-and a mnl- IMM O'- titude is there iZJQJ'l I ... ' " I ' M' r We have met nnon tha Lsr-iS ma 4MahlA( Wrrrlri Uiic.iJUliiv' V ' t .vu - . ... , . . Tombstones. toJ Ut4 .- . ' v m a ni' a.1 as u a ui uii wart a a ; Dricht fraternal ehain- ! n T.V"H- ' " j jPVt ttptm tte 'Siaare below to meet in I V " . . " - NASlM pn.toe prpparatprjr- to rmo,tiD . to ; in-..! ii' Tj'.fl , '-' l ii. .-. .... :- : i . Hands round,! ye fdthfnl Masons,iroai I3i Heaven again. Oh 1 what words tordVMasoM ry'j vs. I I 1 eare-n ' . -.' ; - - ... . . ... We meet upon the Lavgl anl wa part upon the GOAtiBCHOOLS SUPPLIED '. 7i i oi 'oSqaa;f JbJnw yaiam-j7a vi ut ; , P;??"-I?0.800 'i V' ASirs. ...OUIDAYCLS fiTJPPtirS'.n'I i " 1 Qutjof -town'isabaCribeTB, on' receipt of their O' with WUiatf ea'at.:"-j:; x-moo' ;;; NASH'5k: rSonL? P CDYSCHWLaSUPPLfED'--;; i aoK. uauuer ana Engine, Itwenty horse U StllA x SCHOOLS SUPPLIED f f1 ower, in. g;opd,,r( pair,;for;i tale' o f tchanga t111 f NIk; for rtl Acfiita ii ";,; . . I - . to coaimuHi-aV. Gy 4ireja under fee LofW ! M 11118 QHbATSCHWLESeflEW SUPPLIES Kf.,n $tt!8Wrjr JJil jr." SeP2JHf j O with Class Books at r ?, U NASLt il u:-!:t r i f JJ.J u4!r:i ?an I t? -. tu.,it:r it ss;.?i .' j THEIIi LARriK ,ASD .,WLI.L iJ'B '.ft .J-'ilWIt-HiXTM.-i! !tf stjujm Si's lnjurii ' c, f!'.li:Ttf"..ii-' tt b:;"!! ,i-ii&!qi- isnif.. I . .... ; .- i ; Readj-made Clothing, uif: -?ec3 til . AiuLtsvt ' i I ,i U t ''I'? t---.!' Q ''XlQ.tSy.' u . . T .1','1,',?'f'3 ! f'. Cafpgls; Oil GrbthsfMc; ; r'"; ". - ' ; ",3--Jfj3 ; f. " COURT JIR)USI? 1 1 h consequently) prevent,' -baldness. i Pre"'1 from . those deleterioaa anbstancoa wbiVk . make sqnie preparations dangerous, i aBd -s : injurious io ine nair, the Vigor can -only benefit but not harm it If wanted" ' ' merely for a . ... '. .--j ; HAIR DRESSING,5 T nothing elsol lean be fnrrrvd n 'r.M , l)ntaining neither. oil nor dre. it does not soil white cambric, and, yet lasts.fi' '""o nair, giving it a rich, glossy iustre and a grateful perfume. ' i . .! -.; i -.... . , . . -. by Dr J. C. Ayer dt Co.r Psacticai. mn ) AALTtaoAii Cinanaw ''.r.' IX) vv 'ull,. mass. ' 'r ;- '. ' - DIM BTA KT HOtlCK. i ' T ; All itaH'-iCdW-amonijMng.U) $20 ana t v.' . oVet'deHv'ei'in ay'pari'ol : ! ti"!:rir; . thei -country ' n ni i ?E .pJSJXiraSSS -CHARGES. HAMILTON ' EASTElt' 'ONS. ffl WIcttTie bctt-r lo mt tbe waiua of their Detail dnd mail fal THE NE W; ESERME BAKERY, ., ; ( Establfshed 1835, : ', - B Af N C E R T:t -;; mDBt.EStSEAJtBROAIT. ' 0" AND PIES,' ORUA' V MifiSTAl Ck atid all tinds of takin tnrwed.i. egg and parUe aithc shortest notice! J unc S3 tft ,- . -irrt r-nS- Blacksmith Shoo. THE TJND'EBSIG'VSET) nun ' t virtr nv. t-.t, , n WBOCOHT IROH PLOWft Jn addition ttf thia.-they 'are' engaged la tbe manir-' BLACKSMITH -WORK. . ' HORSESHOfclKail ZZZi'A lA... faction cnnraiited. ' -...j- ttmH'pS' ilru!f Tk',:l ' 'wActosaTiW other .llll,l.ts, neatlyaoDe and promptlr attended to. . . . - . . J " " mmmisj, m WI hllVWB """P" JUIDDLK STREET near Sonth Fronf an Uieaaadoorfcom Odd Fellows Halt. 11 anfl i. Intmri 1 . AW r : r--. - r." rr-"""1''. Wanted-A House Servant. ' 0"jT& wilfyj C AN'COliE Jf' ELLfeECOM-mended-and with no business, tin t.lwiir . religion incompatUjle,, with her duties, as a aerTant, will receive coJd warea and find manentemnlomicnt u jt fc SAMPLE. .BUEEATJ,, . lituka of wani :r Ti. v " yy mM 101 - . If ilc ., 77. - W tll !l S-nntrV, . f' tuan ,nf h00M .io lh i , i; uura me larpen ana mest cele d llS?."" ,B parta ol Enrol and l lmporttng tro eame by Bttin.erii direct to Boftl- J; w r a,le no wllilDB to jell our good at raox credit n wax i-we raariT uiajlTW gar vie aep tua beit aradea of ev r cUu of rood from thelbweatto the moot eofejl f r . 00w' Invite f. iCf pert tiie .tock tu ourobbinff ana Pack, age epamripnt. Addfeaa 8 raca HA.MJLTOK JTASTJirU A tOTf 8. 106, lao, JOi and xu4 Wau Balilmira St - tKAYS COCKTT, J UKTJCK tiUMt. '' " "" '' Kc-rJtnt.lf.-C- f Wm. L. PALMta'JttMiceof thePente. iransacts.all bnfijnws oominff , wiihin the iunsdictfonof ihlsCoffrt - m,. mm r trivil7asc not exceedidg'''Uo iSnbdrcd dollars In., con trorersy.. -t TITA. f?Se- the' fine trill not ex rost Office. - ..fiept. 7-tt Up- Town Grocery Store . ,v. fll for tboaccwiumodatiu,, f ih ixt-ol. livil gepta-tt '- - OKO.fHTSICK Vllhi !T:TT V,',' Jfirf GarpenterarirfBuilder, 4 Lir5',V j?fcl l! ( u f' All work Kuaranteed. . rry" aytlee. ,AjMtoU New Billiard Room; THB BATEMAN BIIXUkD Aifin aUkadaU.p,,e,tt:V. te Jl ''i f en I I 1 1 I If i. If i St. '1 m 5 ! i, 5'J 2. ft w w if ti' il, ii' w I 5.

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