iiiMft r 1 "TrfijWi hir 11 ii iiranBBTl m i niT' Vjarni i sirTi i n inm it m inrim mi n iinnim i iib mib-IIB, fflT IHSMACITa'-' ; . j silt Jlr "tut w'jiaj bift So TtiTB.ito adl J-vf.,t tuut .JC9T3 13 aol f -cii teont -o J.i-'hmtaiji A '. 1ftfcAK3 -mi -ie XfdfKl 9TJSj4 -fmilT !. SilUiiitb 1JJ8 0.-1(7311 awM flfTR, l1QT(ii i-k l'ift rwl ft i i r. " )croIsY9b tinitKf voir rxi! j:.isIlo .ssoTantsosi nfioilii (Kl in snibiieXf sfiuuT iaifsi-iiatnoiili ao7.d i d ln tnarn-bna -dtidJiioe; I 17UUiUl ilUIIIW li.9& Mill JSIITJ1I to oinarf . viirr ac lo y;-ot awoa i -nuT .: , - - - - - f ' - - " - ' -fiTrtA nil .A. HL jia r. FS."". I 1 Al 1 III IBI.U1-Z. j -It l..J III . . IS! ' I " -r- .-r-r-. r . , ; 4 . . r . - , : v i' : n in i : -iLi . : i; ; -fn s ti ir ir t-rr i. w - - m.,.r gt . i iv . j'iiiu , .... . - r-rr- "' ' . ! '. 7V.l'fliiV'i.lf7? I i : Thgga;Tiri aavn there are' Beveral ncwaiidl I Oroya fiawfa rrlW-jWTOtor la www iidl JjT3" VTaBg ll.krLT rj L k. jjaJ l,'r"Ajwc-JU, ' ' f.. . . ., . v. . i f fe L. r-. V " , WClUjli SftlM W I elent builngs recnUy; finished and golnj pgioiMhj ..-fiuBf ii4tttllM?,t .1 WMJ' i"tnJwWo tn8rWWi U , 55LSSn Jons S. Mamx, LocalEJ'tor. ArfiTalandDepartnre of MailsJ Vail Clow for the North, West and Boa imbm " - l"V.l . : 5 Mail C'"ses for 'SJp Thursday an(J Saturday, at5 A M.. rr--. J Mail cWfar "TreitWn?TalioCkVin, Mid fi-anslKrO, 5i'lnsday jindtStlirAtfIi 6.30 A M, M day; V.-vndetwre, Tucsaays i uursaayaaap oaigr- From tHmUh,wM f'6tMbfai- I'M opened for deliver jtef&M.'i- ttiif, fmST From IkauJort and the East at 750 AiM; From Washington, SwiftOreekf N. Ol &c Mnndav Wednesday and Friday at 4'P SL 1 From Trenton, and PpUockTille, TaeBdav " From Grnhtsboro. Hay IuYer ana VantTe ww, Monday", Wednesdays and Fridays 1 A P r . : . . 03ic hours from 8' M". toPM. and 7 li 7.33 f JL-unJays.f.ru laQ toP JL j GEO: W. NnflGrN fr.. u 1 , TAEdMr(f flfiftryin gWy,yj tponfible for fhe memh'atefMMthfoits- pondentS'no' cchrwunicaiioTQof ,an f! mm characiy.wlifbe pirWA, tttf-rtalnJnJi .- " .- i ! tte irr7er mt accompany au commnntca-, tlm. af one vho tHXf eel agrieved ai statmienavedyTOfrsenli can Hte'i . church omctpYC "3 ., - MMdiitVhwrchi New -Street. Rev T. L. IIendren.; iSerVices at 10 cloolt JMtT and JEntkcovai C&vreh aejhrir8'swiH be naltf the iiemormfChel.lh GeorTereetat 10 o'clock, A. M., and 8 o'clock, P. M. 8i it$:$tholie dhrtrck. MiAJnelfH.'.' tier. Fatfter Townsend Pij?h JJafl,",! 10 '(lack A. M.cDcdiction-ftt 8o'c)ock, P, j Pve&bteriin CJmrch. New Street, Rev. TL. C. Vns.rServicp's at 10 o'clock, A. M., .and 4 6'clock. P, fif.f'etcept Okf hrst'$nMfi.3n the month, when services will be held at 8 ,r: M..-j' - -'':: uniii7i ; , JiapHii Citreh', Miadle'-!'tre'el,';"ReT. Mr,1 Thome. Services 10 o'clock A. M , and 8 o'clock P.M. ' . ; A.M. E. Zion 'Church, (colored) Hancock Street. Rev. Jno. R. Brown. Services 10 o'clock A. M.,' and 84'clcK Pr'Sl tittciZ St Cyprian's Crttrcfir7eoloredQneen Street,: ' Rev: Bass, Tpastor.' Serrioai 10A.fM; id 8! P. M. . - wo rtj-.i.i j in, h nl African Methodint Epueopid 5tW.': col ored,) Cyprn? Street. Rev. Wn. H. WatUra pastor. Services at 18 'clock? A iLf ;and 8 o'clock P. M. v.MaUM hoe ilqtb FirH Bitptft Chur6k, Cedar Grove Chapel, Rev. B. B. Spicer. Services Sabbath morning 10 A. AI. U!? T" j ? Christian Cforc&ik&OTtG)nrrWttf$imn ; ;-vjd'MtJf Ev?JliiaM i0y Pastor. Services at 10 o'clock A. il., and 8 P.M. Every Sabbath. I ' ' ' ! I Payour tales. Yesterday was pleasant enough. The State Fair commence on Tuesday. Tfeey'r ltff stealing up about Battleboro". I The Mayor of Boston is named "Wm. Gaston,' Battlebaro' is 14dkinnit Iha0adbb-; lary. Cheap out-of-door breakfast A roll on thd grass. ElnstdnpoIX office 181 been made a Money; Order Office. There was no Mayor's Court yesterday j-j cause, no cases. - . . . All the indications are that the StateTaiii The Royal Japanese Troupe propose visiting W umington m November To-aay is the annversaTy of ther of Ridley;aadrjSimf. 55 -'-; w w ' 1 1 i j AVe are are pleased to know that the new! Green county Saperior Court, Judge Clarke presiding, commences at Snow Hill to-morrow J The Missionary Bsptists-of yiSamstoii.' lyrtJ purchased a lot, and'araDout to erecrabhurcn.! mother hWnoT'control over her children.! fireoSttuaWS'lrdl1 tool 1 was .cl'ine. , I p 0 W-t- f Y V W V !i e arem receipt oT a lot of fine sfabidardl ork 'they-cam be aWov. -caTliafc aLthia The Democratic-Conservative State Executive! Committee meets JWT4;TTdeHy; at. , i m.. - f -.r i,i i ue nuiKDoro- Recorder man is in receipt ft plueil from the tree in October. The market dock was well filled with boata yesterday, and the produce market, was well The number of deaths from yellow fever, a -wwion, are as many at present as at any during the aeasofaTodc aif , Aii-a uohommio ai j they are trying to get up a race between two it Wamington. The owner of onl ranging ;rora 11,000 to $5,000. i I .1 i"' j I ail r.loses ror ii altera. -cw ; l uTit.Diui b Patl2.'c1otlC, M. if l-.JHii'I ; J for fk-antehofo..Bar.1vtfr and ntfor diseasesj if yon aspireOTie& ess, you mastj allow the sunlight to come in your houses. I Judge Moore, of the Second Judicial District. continues to receive praise from all classes; parJ ticularly the' bat, without distinction of politics. The steuner Vesta, the new boat bnilt to run between Washingtoranl fefidUfritaflrfiTe hereJM a : day or Wok)4 measuxed Jy h Custom House authorities. .. . . . A faflor, WUmuhw Jfs len. bound over in m&Tpj$jQ jo pifyfllhe nextj term of the TJ. S. District Court to answer a of aasnnlt on the-high sea. .aacl time since pre-J ' entirely dij5e"rieEtve. iia tears now oi eaung pom try. rj Jftv&rptifcU JitXen of this conntyj pvtfJi.Mgtf if to gife VeiSioe o insanity fbme - - - ten tlays since, got ont of his bert.fon Mom day night last, and ran into a mill-pond neaJ by and iras, drowned. It is. said that he had! asserted for some days previous that he was td die about that time. Wilton Plaindexler. Tt is renorted tliatHnrenH. voniKroRt sum r I Z- i IT.-i" o T-'? hrMrtftrthwHfdV -will visit -CiJurlestoirPSfJ in a short time,, for the pnrpose of confermg with those Israelites who may wish to. remove to "Jerusalem, under the plan looking to the se4 lection of that site as a home of .the race, gen erally. k Mr. John-Wceotrlio-tlniTtopnHf foot and! shoe makwr.TrAi moved mto.lanilBow occupies,' his new building: cajLFplIqcS strecl. ; Mr. McSorJsy itfajHvf Joi , best wooden! buildings in the city;)a.ll4Ui store wiHbe, when fitted up, one of the neatest on the street. Such eLte prise aa Mr. McSotlcy Los . shown deserves encouragement. ; . - '; Ifwewonld establish the habit of drinking water freely ijj wOffiWfteaiSinY,: commenciiwinT-SOTxll :tJerlAeSi iijpsitlg! gradual y-to relish it, nn til. the chief portion; taken .during the da before breakfast, it will; me sy stem, ana necome a most decided luxury; in time. ' " ' " ' '. i An Importer. The Cliar Masons tc from rWhitesbar Lo-.le, . N. 295, Ljtchf-r county, KentHcky;s wlib . has-'" bej'nil-jecing the brethren of Greensboro,Saliab-Tw nd else-1 where. Keele. ffJt) si i " - . i. , .. . 3, tl;tckj hair VeiCr.i monstache, an 1 whiskers on. chin,! ic .k..nl l ..tifc ftlT Prtr liim m,Vk4 A culorad naan named Pickcey, a professed 'conjuror, who for sometiiua has been prao- j ticing on the cradality of his race, at Alexan dria, Va , was rocautly clia-ged before the courts with fraud, was found guilty and sentenced to fiyeyears in State's Prison. Thisl shuaTse a VaraGg toll'hiJmtii?aioat her, i who are making a living by imposing on the credulity of their more ignorant people. Painful Accident. uapt. X3. x. VjOwiiM, ui imu, uiuiinii.ii a piiui ful accident nnder the following circumstances On that day, Cay t; Collins and his fri .nd Robeit Twittv, Esq., also of Warren, were oat shoot-! line putriJije. '. They be&vjao separ.it Jd on ai fluslred, at which Mr. 1 witty fired and unfor tunately struck his frieud.. Collins, who hap pened to be inran e, though unseen, in the mouth, eyes aa Ua. fgtjbejp WW no serious injury was sustained, though CptJ Collins suffered intense pain. Sentinel, 32"?1 o o o i n Danger. We desire to call the earnest attention of the an ordinance prohibing the storage of large Quantities of Lav. fodder or combustible ma flSlVailiiWAJP'Viiickly setUed portions of the city. This practice is now permitted and carried on, and so long as it id there is constant danger from fires to be ap-j prehended. call attention to the fact that aronejvery thicklji fettled part pf the city, does this 'conditioii 'of amrrs eih and at which should a fire occur, before it could be checked, would probabljj destroy the-greater part of one of the mosl important blocks in the city. Room (for JiJpwjfflJI'rf'S a O A " I ft ; For someEiaie, "and paruculhrly during the season of excitement incident to the predicted coming of the tidal wave the services at some of the colored churches have been constant dsroBJreajaBObt so oi A.i&H cai JlO Las i This constant . attendance at church, and the active participation in the servicetf--shoutingJ ptayina '&e., is now having, n telling eftectj Many of thesffevffapiopiyftwomp.; whose Bystenur have become strung up to the highest point during the excitement are now! relaiina. and sexious uckness is the result. 1 Tr..rv7 iTTp7THtR.rrfiLrnirUf5.-J 1 -'A iNT mraiagS'Smeefn4er " j;auuu' at of one these meetings,, no less than four of; these colored women were found speechless is bed, and itwas only by the greatest exertion that There is greaT needjcmjverjejf jrW8! respect, and we hope it will receive the attention! it meets. Even in religious matters people can1 go to extremes. ; : . iv 1 ! ' 1 j. This measure which wasxjpsBlrJnTilh last two or three boards of city fathers, notwita-t Btanding its importance has never yet beenj acted upon. The kTsteStSd of Aldemr tTrd& that a Buitfijltx&ge1 be "Built r (& Hse and ae commodation of the sexton of Cedar Grovel Cemetery but owing to various causes the1 esolution was never pjacticaJly-carried out ; unOilih 5tia ihtrbrrkCfy), k J . J I J . liTLJUI If Government will find it a difficult matter toi use fun tof. any butabsolutelv necessary purrxMjbna9WJfCfiep a suitable Lodge should ba erected In" Cedai : Sunshine is 2V,pQyj uring the frecljpf 1jrtefi8l!OoT4beJ,aP-! lie4 tvith ItJtJ :49l be! plied) keptthe - Ce' iiid L , ', the winterJXl m ft iaef tlielad y . ngi Of; shelter and l,0''4 i The "attitj-M fi L -ob itbw presence a dstonflys43i. r ft elDemjterr.J ana U Ts a.aosf JBiflp poja :Jin.tt;; , without viri JlHlSEc issari' ahelteVI j : We hopej.aT' !ri. ': ;:topfiowiy: the .Boardbf IC- " ' lZ&rtaggJi?i The Foremen; of Je. ilGkMnpfinies composing mat., for the purpose ofparade and rnspecUatu AssilSBVMSeJ&Wed to be in attendance fa$ xtjl bjJotoq a " - UhiefEngimSerT8 :'3H TWiScto5,RA M MO t :- a a 7LL!ftSa o o w His Honor. JutftfeA C'arke. arrive.! in ITT j-, i ji - . r . uayue ujuniy ounerior voun. n reaves "lor ' Green" (Jountv"ih' Mor.dav morning CUbcr t iPBofdHcourt fur! two: weeka.;! hua smntK .fHtuwix .itnT , j ! f , i, . HOW TO JKAM&MttraL, J ; afrihdw-iii? viid.-jn fif ftriLr ifmui How shall : you-man&ge your hnsnann " ton. tirWledr.df r fssQrya'' woilutjl nil il ea ' That troublesjanie animal man. Yes, really a" wonderful creature, : In(ste3tVnMnAr; But youllsoonVuowine secret by learning The modus operandi, my dear. If he stays out too Lite i a the evening, Partaking of supper and wite, . Don't prove him a base fabricator ' When he comSIS nling the time. For he sujelj will tell you the town clock But a mpjnent before rang out one W hen it struck he had counted it over Just three-times before it had done. -30CT2 aVIXCAHlTA. (5vl& And then if his hat, in the morning, '' Is smaller by far than his hand, -, ; ' Don't hint by merest allusion - j That his lordship went tipsy to be 1, But rather regard the occurrence, j A phenomenon puzzling, queer, I With a strange Jook" of mystificafoi T 4" J Ijrour yca if he's watching, my dear.' J And don't fail to B3W on his buttons, xMn Mto fovmbney fhftpptrig lit Don't frown when he acts like a bear. Don't tell him 'fttti5,,Hy deary, That yoar head is aching with piinj-j(j Lest he whispers, way down; in bis bosom, " Oh, I wish I 'was .tarigls again V - Dcii'i'tell him that Mary, the housemaid, And Ann, the obstreperous cook, -Rafuse to reeeive yoar suggestions .ritfllWltl even as much as a look; Don't tell how very annoying ,-C('.J.JLtJK to De toia to " get out oi me Kitcnen, , And don't be bo ther in', me V . r But always be cheerful and happy, rAd alyi4olcpteaaht ahAgnyj'ifO , . Than a frown there is nothing more-po f-ri In driving ones hnsband away. - - rtrrsf6W irasl fever keep" striving?1'1 Youll find it an excellent plan; , -Bu!"wMVeeryoik'"dcyer, iemetobeT3T:o That yon husband is only a man. 1i Life - and Fire- In- snraOO.CStJfic4 sreVlNeernJ N.:-ai:-. apU26-tfU fra Ail r, n i i,Hi j, iti r iTihij j ; U A Steam Ifcoiksr. and Snge,-ctwenty horsej power,) in good repair, for eah,or .exchiyiga for real estate ia thUvSrry?1 aorBcdariaT rxmrtat cnnreli Paj'oc'KTart ScftOftt. " The Fall term drtiiMScuool will commence! i Sept. 23-tf. -.aaiaa. HHakM ; EHaombei thMr RiaWdvHaaeeeiyat his; new brick store onoJTock, street, has opened!, amanifieent stock of gents fujnuhinz goods, and winter .-wearvr r.'tjaapoock .Jjai,'- with sensible good taste, laid in a .pvpcic suited, 4 of or'cliilieMifoi wltpf to stMtstfteir nockotsvaod-i tneiia ta8asi.'fri you-'awfl anythi-ng'ia' MS liio be1 barer to oBalr ton) ' Oct 5-tf. .ia!'-!'i( eif 'baa tani .r . adl to B'RRiCuas Ju'Aice oiAhe PatcovsWill fianV ;him' whenjBgt otiiervrfse engaged, at hisoftlce, Hth' front TOomJofBaa TpMJwffifQon Cravi t'uTa-i.?""ti3J!(TJ ffi i'Ol -tw 00 J!6!!Hi2 a )( jtbHtsdat at .Yafbi Bi,. Iiaa; eoi wjiliaeUunj aaa.a3 IWudnaiem 4VxrlenMket Bt!!q 5 ill lOI B31 sal j.t'MAJITIJtS.W.fc atJuliuBABh;-, ; Gets J4.tbjnatc3-r .c3dldm street. pal ti.r.ned'ii! .-g Jl .1 - . ... ., . Ji m 1 "..!. , ' .n . ,(.H ' -Goi efjtpw.tm'beoribei.etre bibs ior.'giiirH resnondiiiir : toiihc A if rt no 4 .tt-JaT W fc Jioltf responding 3325a faff MARKET, REt?UUU JTF9HPI lfT-. tsi Lkiu :iii3i,:a at ni i uaitKi tv otogfli erf Deed, ' - .i) iit i iM ojiT Vrv. ITV ' ."WW ,m -i. -ii on li-Lr,T,a j-aauruiU-iS36U xiiR.3 W toi0'f Corn, ftouj store, 1.00 during HE CRives Coaritf . The NationxrHiank- -orrrr? : vd itftlh 'air85l 4)Mri(m sdi sanfJJ .nat ine aetendant m the apove stated nanse-is fidnrAVofth&atef -aooaanfaatu igatosl 9 ' defendant,' fiottee Is al SffMfS-fft A4awvn.,wp; Deenussied'dtnV of this Cpurt Jrainst! inT'Tir-w .MmiTi ay'bee o rif v -T .' . . t ,nIItog'attmmonBmadby paB44-j rwoa Wpece, jfethe! A tn'a' uf nt- rauI 9li D9BSW Slid WitOCH Vltfmft ifMfrK-JWtil InTefadoSAnk.IfmJrfa'iri otlt- l .Hv lo -iftewiBiwtfnivfe-io-o mtfin'attacmetl vTaUfaM Rh4 Ut J fXtetfetf t3niM tV-iiMelii kbiiYuni retifey? HWiBWaitdetf ognrnioW renairirue'itJtentfht tborcTHWiiew, ifc Ntii&Ho4io<1ttr wbilislfaridi Ca1lClwVear att'tUe 'Court HMrnSbrriW'tby mSndirj taft1rtie".lnMoayiiri goptembVrafSVnhen ai'awmwmweflM'cirnw hr-j tion, and lH-fairto-olo-rlre plaintiff wilM .wiiliindjit tt-Mt ei npBdyp f , 4hunHni makej aue return, uiven. under niy hand U seal of said Cort tBri'I3tith,,aay,itXf tJctttber 104 1. Clerkl'B.C. North Carolina, C'raren 7-nuf i Snmrinr Conrt. The Nation! Bank of New V - . - . on aawenee, INoUcln attachment, the dutendanU iu the above stated annm am nan residents of this Stat, and that a caoae f action ex ist a-ai'Jst said deraadaats. Jan Hatterle and JanMs A-Mtf VB&1 'NotlcHl1Serr.r trivea that a Warrant of Attachment haa Lhia oayDecB ISMr-d ont of tnla- C'uort. aminiit tbam. for tlie-Snperiar tToTirt of CrareD Coonty; to be held on ma aiuta monaty a tier tae toartDalondar of Soptemi bcr. 1871. It ia farther ordered that aerviaa. mf Jlu, following anminvDa be made by PMibliaiU6ak-df-tae aarae, logether with this notice, in the New Bern Tun, once a week fornix weeka. f r f i ; Oiven under my hand and the teal M said Conrt, at office in New Bern, taia October 18th 1 71. Ii. s-l KgWAT, Clerk S.C. The National Bank of NqwJSorn, I Ctt. Y. i;iUfil Bnminnni In John Satterlee, James M. Lyon. y Attachment. trSyATB"fi)F K3ltTH CAROLINA. To the Sheriff of Craven Connty. ereetins: Ton-'areverekvueoBHBanded to anmmoai John Sat. terlee and James If. Lyon, the defondanta abore the complaint in this action, and if they .fall to do so the plaintiff wiil,ake-indjnieBt againet, ttoemvtBr M.417 5S, with IaSoreetfroai isai diy'iaf Jtatorj?. Urn lOll.- . . .. ' Herein fait not, and of this ranimons make doe re- t s ) ' H WEST DISTRICT COUUT K THE UNITED STATES, si , " : ' tJioMataetBrBdtc-K' ' VO A" 'O .TVJ naceo. l iwo-aorae waj. i unci oi latormatioB. on. i motes and barneca I . . , . ',T MA peclll j!. 0RBt k f.t - V, . t. V ? n Jas J. Allen, and hial ' mretr. J, A-Cheek. ' 1 t . n . V , t To James t. Allen and his anrety. J. A, Cheek, and to 'all whom 4i: may ncrn;Greetlnar (,,i.i.: I ' 'Notice id herebr'iVen'that the abore. mentionofli sisiaay United States Laws. and the same is libelled aadNosecrilcd in ttaiFaaa lico Dist't Conn of the United Statee foreondemnationi for the faes io the aaid Libel of Information et jforA : and ffititMaBBAcanMa wmplh4 Jnfl trial at the Conrt Room of saidTJourt at New Barn, on the 25 h day of Oct. next, if that be a innsdictlon day. and War aBtaatarM'Vran'lt dimHaf aaatalMrtA Iffl "Ytlffll.nwlarCr "Hftn1l LnaiWaJUpera at fcafcWMUi tiep Wbw eanae wny ennaemnauon snoaia not be aeereea ana. MlfivSS tiff ml pey-oi-ucijmi Jim'W. dWT.MunwwijiK V41K-S , IT JLl.h.l :jIiUIaiioIiiii':i ltad ilf i I .AiroiloLY-HnaTaA fot.alMibyiHmj.'i .-. " :, .- J. E. NASH. m-.tiir. n-.-in ,4aTitrrtJ ivrw? S3Mxd OS is Belling C A N D frrs'mftrWf'by! the quantity, cheaittia' jiaifcliat JrO.oghf in any Northern city, fcior.ujti ly ,j-Hqi.j; . j A few of t the advantages gtvinod by 8 bftVing IVP&at'K htettw. rfa o fu. eonot A .bilTite oT uatenBbBtlFiSn'r nouOTtit-l .w,wiJ Maa riina Jo ni. J-i:TrTBr'RlrJR'r'i s-il-L..H I'.i'f tii uaimnii'M'Toi itorja.Tni-; i'uo f;.r urn in i -a-iaflciri'jaoo vnci vast -si tf.u, oi ("-Knew IcUet :it fTtffafI ii ,iao) Is .hasJl Tif r.fcao n-viO i i . - i1Ianuactvn?rp0lr,3 1Ar French andElaiii.Caiidies g H?N W b xM?e': octll-3m7 Notic1 ft ftSAAp thel !CA4 IN TION will be made at the next session- of the Bucket and Axe Fire Companr, No. 4 of the eity of tm Bea,e ri taniat-fo vi.;Qct. 7fchri8-ann. .TrifeUWaiG3aU:BEQ ITfVEiWl4 ! A the public that they are now engaged ia the manat tactars effat ew lir-i vifau'. Ttsirf vae WRO.UGHT I ROW PLOWS,' - I eiaaaRli(1U9iwro4'nLTJXBAXl IHP&E4 ?fa!Wiifato t1.oy'iaeaasa snHaBul f actore af all kindft of r i ! BLACKSlfe'wtrM. U) I Hoitsrano-iiNau m.wtyijatt taction smaranted. i BUfHHK4ran Wtrrk. On WAGONS, and other VEmcLBS, Sfeitlmmhaad promntly attended toi We iieva in oariiploT (2h"- Whittley. a well knows) aVaf classorkmaa, whoae aaate is aa Sklent to Knar "ok shop' uVoSlDl)I EtiTTTOarSonUlFroni Angoet 1-tf. ea-.fcMrfaWiffer.tiie ;-Monday of Sep-! eaBWTla on It4e' furffieVifitleieif itnat serviJH . -W- J -.r'V i5.:v-i--n'TTi ' lt i?iTJid aol3io; l.Ul.Ml It; , hoj-wi ?ir in-nA i kS ttt uril no .KfilftTa') KTOBSI "KEEPS fhe MOiflir AT HOME it amomfeaAjja MMaluhlufiioltK ' FARMERS insUT with it beennan H KICK fthe MOSETf'atT U03iS::9d ka t4! taao .jeasujjIteTe.aBjt tnvjmpsai, r- 1 m f . . . " i uieir wwa ana. increase uiexr. prrniacu,, , i... uftuaa xvvo insarv - . wiva u oecaafe tbeiilOiHEY AT HmfF.awji enitblea eSenta toi par liberal rfee,; . tft.irHii hliiow t'!T ! b"IVTirMfsale irtth it beeanke lk tX&l IStTiL aaJB'Mi''I : '"i!t 1 a good iaveeimArtf teefttfte Vantf It Hoaae Mid the eeaatrjand eahinc tea raise of other iareat-j m.tnui hua 'TivvTf T""r -nwm-.TOB IKMMMHS ( IivhI mm IT. V recn r . w t- .w. "? sIf,,3rtfa?iMr1'9rto EIPCl k'.w-ia edr X JCi WiOJLi HnZ7.T -soaua L tk close' br" 'WisTrr HH ttitPSM ,1BaaWU1Mi1.r..' fcr&lassra jBakiiK BVnwetviloiitJiaf .,:v.liiI..,af.i' Taxe laiit,. ............i.,;. ........ t 'BBff.Wi Trac'iT:nrKmf!V. lnWiaiitf lilck.-I . - m ev i Tender Nou.,......: am . i Pront ainrl,rt. ... ... i... , ,tjat Uiw "tiiii s tiVirr' n&i ifja la slie ttaLeat:n ' h"ie?ef ' he"S.nBank of j 'fri' ijiinaiiiia i mi anil i ii inn bm III eisl til 81 T? T I ' " r-r-TT I -J , "ll r WieatterMJt'AldaAkliiY. ' t 1 I I'H yl iaaMtedfanbatn Crelc the- 8to CkrtVtti satnrdav. the'-4th iMia a(wliBki-BNn. klMi. hi A tract of lidMCycTifehfy;Ui ie aSrtV'stle Brewer on the Pf thButtidtiltAtiffA -a; ittil .twHnTJ''"' 1 -U io VBp)BSWCKaM. the Coait. . I, t tn otaaro te aa: oraler WttSBBeTW'fctaBj ?f"LXS.- r Z' niV:- wm eap I JannCjkm, i w tne uoart lioow aoor. in ibe city of New Bern. 9 more ar lw being mart of a tract mnti'OB ard BlactfoJse the 14th orilarch 1775. aitnated at the Me f.,tterta Krrtar.Tati faflaoo4t T 3ort: Oreck, which aaid tract ol land waa deriacd toTboa. IX Vea; by hia fathr Jim'. Jekiei.'by hi a will datel 5tk oTSrt towvK ifin.nri i.u.MuiMMt,i.fiM.' a.,,wiiL, aX. ranceaif. PrentTsaVsheriif of Crarra Connty. by deed 4atedOeV2 ljn u.io f. '....ti.., i...d .'.I : i..r. ?! tif HeiaA beta fhelTrae rinTKHW a ftKlcTTtract Idej of Doatj 1 BKtr, anMS t 1 waa devised to Jaaenh Pittaau -Baatneaa Cieek-whl bvs ratleoot. VJaiMvM br ratenotCavaV.y w. (B 1St. 'who eonreyed ne lvtuBB iyonietaTa wa jaBawwaicn numnnai to Geo. 6. Smith bjTtkoa. McLU Ja -184T:, the ,arst tract beiBr-ttflK! BbpeT'tWeof rrartd'a Uot, ronaioc npjSpjtth WCjreektMn. lesa ; me aecona tract Deinz nartof bbjr (Tbontaaj MKMt I weal mo PftoitliVi L,bnllneit BoSrd.tJHiUV. nar. iejaaa BViOnUk feJflAlBJiacr.1bv btiii''Wat on tnn naatili late the Droneitr of Thoa. D. Jonea. dteeaad i. MrakveMter. VnnJHfl(rn feat Creek and Kliihas CrwkconiaaonljviaaVedBack: Jobitv aaotaiainar 100 crea, more or1et: beini the aadw which waa f ormerlr ; htfee Bropertj ad Jamtea JaaWa., banlon WMeviake aame to nis ton Jamea Jonea. wnoeonrryoo. the. Mine to Reuben Fnk-her and Wm. 8mith, la 18tS. "I" ! Also, all that tract epTrt ef laadi on vonth West Creek, a Brone of Sooth Rirar, compriwd in three patenta and eontatnUV&UoBeai BMe or Una. being all which Thomas Nelson owned on Sooth . West Cteek at the time of hia death: .., ..j. Ataoi aooUier pim o JanB ,WiOweanBtni3f . the aoath Ide of Neoe Birer.and oD thaBKaa. atae of 8ont VTeat Weefc tetfTnoInt ok t&e West aide ofl the mynth of Sonth, West Creek and hoanded oa the mttW maW.Creski abeT eatbe'Mwer aMca tor-that' L bvadsf oi; Cklvinaft -e4aaUtaliBXaa.aBoari riesa formertT called Hammoi'i land. .... i: vjjii; Also, another trart on the sotk Ida eSethstirt.! abore nth WrUCkjaiaiMUJtBiBds-l to the hctTB oTTnJl!. PiUmiui. OciTiaW, raaideaeef HlleeeaCOmrlH-we- MBtniiT ttniool0aeraoilo4eaB7iJia m, 50'; a mora detailed descnptloa of the awve Aareciai of land will be famished apes applicti at thd office of the Clerk of tkeSoprior Cowl for Ccarea! i'.W.PWiWfaaWiHlM eeflnlM New Bern, Ofe&JUhiaW, '4 a A rP 4 b4T .eobrtOil ai sfl-jjiaitl -Itiid'J tJ? k lrvHon eed JjuafliqoCI xT fT A N CW LACK SMITH 1 PrCTiaollifreeL next r 4JMd Felloii Hall, is now prepared . to do iloree abocinf wm -BCfcimBiig iw afl KB v-artow lrnDe l Th COStedl 0 1 Htl JSuUf I etniteCl f all netfi fffB if n iiWVj Bil.ia ; t ,n 111 1 ' ig-fQk-Tni1 iH fM .it'r Tgii 1-1 -! ',iii."ilBaimr oal sine ausi-u inji. Wi ti-d lis l0-.t-Vi jlJrllei.lNaaBTrt, pVtjsBBVi j-rWaHl M'T .ni. !; XM-f'J ar ?W8 ?,:3,rfi j'fliJi'ii tP Tlfraiv a jiR XM8tW WrpB WofTaW'sWllBVlb wct. rantainUix aMa..aatkww iesn I 'Tir0f Aleu-ilfrv doIUrt eluJi.-' TiaUiitoii edit i . aU aoBtha, v flUae ob With. aDrvUrtti'. i theJaiMl POrchaaxJ : f ir6ipJt 1UJ ai,-' lyiiii eft tfaaj- rjpHx cttttax t fo the TBAft-iwi IWTb . rtltf r,rne ' t-jivr..iiiicnoiffi iuittitMml . J.t IvDvrna 1 jn hl:u;jl Yi?! oi. . toy a lifh sii i frn sulJ ; arrt uani '. ha molnitrxo u TiPwTn iiu fwrrt") sni-wf ?'oii fi ri-jrdw norm i Ut-J:,llf 1 TO -i 3ii-JH eViiH.IIl--Jll J h'-mc fj. ,:! 3 ifj eLi' virtue J(nsli ii ifw Vi! f -1 ,tKt1wi.i.:frfVf 8it 1 l--oia l' 1 jdji di J.itv..I -itil flil ' nnrloitiD tin, ' ill f iK;.-.viiealo 1 !,!0 ifid MiWrt.i.i.' tedJ ?o sf-tff sifi t fcj-r.'y lmi mow ) . . a Maa ... ,. . . j I i!iJinnmcifKV,Tra" ' a o:jc noiioJii'-.mjO orf ni fotnaa taoiia iloi'f I mt oifivd ho-:uzirmmjlSiXT9iu J oU lo ,d.0 Ih.iA bovoi'iie .awnnol) lo Joe InrutLasrna tbiKWiloo'l oJJ ls L.j!7o-iq j wji!a iira iflrt-ai-ifw ! tkiR lo m.- f niidr r.i f.jmi.ff l-iij -rv linn -fif..nftnKffn'i:j .if inJB-JiJ ! -tit -!'Vf.f?fff bdji tik:d1aEr'i Afi. " fii'dfiiMi -tl '-yit.-t"!- ci c ,Vsfy l.'JinJ ?J lo too? InifttcaKr"W ffft-fwi. 4i6 j MeiirBrw o-ft nii?:'fi. ,!criAe ; jitxsiKwJ m Buvw air. uira nima cau 1 I ETY'STQHJ In rjnjjn'rr U-CJlli .'!2i"t' ' '"'' 1 (SB io 8v;b oAaifc aiaiO. lo 'vrifi .rHWJrW.IIWrt;;tf !L ,COY7JSJSi ' '-rfii w ,iti'i ljf?ii'J "fih -v.pui5Zfjsf;:u 'nil lio .ji iiy.i iol -riiutdoa ffj IMPERIAL ott ift:;!.v loi rrrLTOlOTATZKET UKEK 1 - XV&Ati'- VVRBD rtSw5lTiW2 ti.icua. mr: Harare v,rrr.ci nir V V-v v a -a" sM B.J cm AilllmW 4 VAaVn - fr 't si'-'wiaittf'l rfii .i, X j1irn.rri'rrf'Tiiii' tidl W to hw:if A Mil f.nfi 0iJl ftl aflt.tS aaV JCSpSJ-ti'- Vtff.f l-OIOif KS-ip Pill lol'bjS'iJ OilX .,"IIk arr!ame-wiin " &u, uuwiney mu b enutedr. botti mprii Am cjtatuitys the new DEnWE HAltttnY, . - .?tr 1 t v.O: AitiC K R T Jalfcs& ' 7 . . .TriilBffl riAKES. BREAD - AND PIES. OBa! V73tKnTA Cata fad ktllUaMM: of bakiai bot w tw wc aBBjrfMrtjej at pmamcm wmmov 01 afiuutri ..'J aU JjiJ ytondifl-rrq ' V. , -. . ' -. -.- ---- - O fit f rill Zalltfl Los aio etfj lb iKarfl rtiYfHrffc . .lov jeLnd i: . t -?'' '- diw fyifurOJv.no!8i7jiq Lne vjiioni ni riioj j unfit m dJKl i tU oi -Ittteifae 1 SepSO-lf - 9Mtaiion frchaaiai, s2P Boo ONrMAHOIAGE. arrVB aaa A bbbbb- ia tr )y 1 , 'MaUioo rlatlLl u avn rcaardJeat. Hatuka b4 !m.i... . . laeakn a1aSS lawful osrcArt &dr ; &fiWmfoinSatti J.fui s.M TrllS fc. S"(n rew,n- STAND- " T-ttnTtntTiliT m niirris fir wlJajliMiiw iDofte, Mitt rairVATi tf r.uoat-urtur--yd mis jjil-? ...geeat:; BITTEBfefe- .licil azra'JJ ia. ro-r vr tJyfiC sttu oi.im iMai.lw' f riBfirael faraWfjaiaia aT ' V''lMi U',-1 weJSe"0 t3ea,ia,a.Itw4. ;vnatan'aOtra)irBjaai wltta iMi.'aiJaM Ceatite orfafia. t rjgg0 atfttevaeitckoTead a. OfeetOerata. ttftffwlH frWrltral I-rppmai.'.Orejl GevaVaa'.rHen'inr. .Vf UmJnctoiv K.ft. foi '.n i hi if ; 1 WITlHir THIIER H0NTH8. pwwwy ioi,.r mrirtaoe ef btutiee oayeqtrfgt. ftnai dijtir frata the corner of r ol lock.' ' , " " - inare aowwvrynrrfiny'fo ronpTylng my cbe B?oaife-j (re.li rire pvtr notice with tid brrfec- a4.al- Mrni!ri rjrriCat. J u Afl UeUll OrweTS Vrrwtrnthi to- $31M 3 rJrri.Jvw-'h bitdw -itiff fua -jvii-! tiji. itx To c i;' iu UAIUJUTON' . EASTER i ARSONS, MerWtiBtterWsaeet-13 waBta'of nW lUu B .a Jl a. - ... . . and wffl, apoiBSHrfkcatkni pnmrUm WanU' fal ''"f ""PjS.i'J Nweet and aooat aseofts ' OAjRKJiCU, , NGL4b11 swd. IUM1 .0 NtACTfcKEi raaraateeitur at all tlttef to aet! n Bovtar cooda froM the 4eraat WBBtieaW ' rated aaaaafactnKra la th Mmi ... w l ifW ar Cbfa snd w1lTinl rotrwo'atrfoM , TTo.friTBi iwaCBxt aMtvaevvtfbarti wtav fr?"tt...lj ;..-t , .-o ui'-.. ; , .-.f-: . W W tl'B tri(f:tri ctaam M MaMa, Irom, the lowest to the tint eostlj, ; , .-, . 4 t J t. f tnte of MortftiCaronfia. '-r ! io-i CBJtvaOi (krtnwJtmejwif rWnvt.ALMEB, Ore Pee; .Transacts, aU: buairiesa .eotnina: Withia tbe JnadltoB of tbfaf . T?; CfVtt anwa'atrr exeaetUnar "I trn4irWAAWl dobara:in ttrtntray-' (J v-lw .'U'Ji'i Criminal: otaea, jaiaa Ian -find jrRI nHa . J., T , 111 " 1,-tn 1 n.:if.t .lYW BBBa tkAfi to AlOOt'lCsT tial ful fin niiiiaanl.llii. 1 1 11 1 - - - in the apper nart of Xka ,eilr.- ka kaa aaWa Jul eoaairane Jo fceea. a -- ' '- t-i tt VJ-rnr, r tfrfi- jrA f ; f f';t--.if't- otv frijf'nt Wfll aWBhtWter tdlMlWilB Btret,'t fUn tula aijii 1 rUTtt ,,,. i iU fn. 1TOW, fEEPAatXa TO CtfltTJaAOT) amK b rmTmina vi a Me e (aea, ftottee. I AuworKmtmMUe&. .': j Apanf r ' ro''" ol. li 4Md ia the acleaadaUaptmitcaeMee kwiaxacw. Kajttt : IbUkiag the-pablie km ;rrrt, )br past f e?peeullir solicit a tojaaBoe.of?Aflr liberal palronage, , . ' Jl. HAfiN. 10IaUT.PAYIWOMWHtaiAi,K ' M;l'fi' are tamal to irfapect thTitock biTrobWaV aasMa. BCeDaaMineat.Oddreas( "r"J5j5ff-M 1 cc., i rsajm sad! wi R.iri-aiV 5u aiY'i itj''f 1 MitBsMfiA rvaxai4MiiT. , . ... .... ; ' ' ! ii) ?? '-I!J ?TT