:i:.A'n.VT (i "omuIi israisi 3;!tid hia iMoraiiT jaii ifi ! loivini. on i imi,' .sx if tfTrf f-nsirvi twioSoi T.an-j '.toil ii to pfabfut l ad t .mai l imisu voJ ,sro r naiosi -nba-. wotol oliiiw li-iul V- '.' Bn-ts t 1 i 1 : ". .V i-r 't 3TAA3 Q QIV XK1 '11V& J" In .iiir- ii J H ill II . a V I w. -1 TIM. U I .. i -w 1 111 If hi . x -i i 4 iw BERNE; 'Ni''0.?.TITBSDA "MORNING nnTrtTiT!W T7 iriorrr- wqr i.v,,,:, 1 - -v 5. JonN S. !ilAS:ix,L Local Editor. CITY AIJD STATE HEI. Arriyal pnd Departure of Mails. Post-Office, New-Bern, N. C, . ' ' Aug. 18th; 18T1. ) MaU Clo'ses for the IToVth, VVest and South atMaU "'closes for, Beaafort and the East, at 5'm1JCIps foraTigtciniSiftnrce, TIvc Beaufort Conpti,es-eyexF Tuesdaj Tlmrsslay Satarday, at 6.30 A M. Mill eloses for Trenton,' Pollockyille, and Swa'nsboro, Wednesdays and Saturdays at j30 AM- t !"; y ' J.i' ! Mail closes for Hatteraa, New "York, etm'r daV? at 12 o'clock, M. ' j'r.i! closes for GrantshoroJ Bay"Riv"er and VaiKlcnvrt'. Tuesdays TLarsdays aad Satur-. daysat C AM., '. . .,,, I MAIL ARRIVES. . J From iheNorlh, West and South at 6 P.M opened for delivery at 7 P BLT ' '! . ' Pmm Beaufort and the East -at; 70 A! M.- ' From Wasliineton, Swift Creelc, N-CJ. &c Monday. Wed nesday and Friday at 4.P 31. I From Trenton, and Pollockrille, Tuesdays and Fridays at 4.30 P 31, r , , , , r e From Orantsboro, JJay River anVr Vandje- mere, Monday?, Wednesdays" and Tridays at 4PM Offlcp hours from 8 A M. to 6 P M, and 7 to 7 30 PM. Sundays from 13-30 to 1 P M. GEO. W. NASQNJr,. Pqstroater. The Editor oj this paper i in no way re tponsiblefor the tieixt 'vrjtattmentt pf.porres pondenli ; no communications of an anony mou character will be pullialiedj Oie redl najne f the writer muit accompany all communica tions. Any one who may feel agrieved at staiemenU mae oy correspondents can obtain thr name ori application to the Edifpr. The Board Qf Council met last night-x Tester day was a bright and pleasant, day---JiThe first of next year commences on Monday. Large, conspicnons gold jewelry isthfr' fash- : They Bayo got into a skating lcfulb at Salis bury. ' ' - ; ' - ' 1 : '' Good oysters are beginning to arrive here freely. The" tbermbmeter 'yesterday1 indicates ' 1 W degrees. ' ! " ' There xras no Mayor's Court "yesterday cause, no cases. TheTJ. S. Court rammenced its session at Elizabeth City yesterday. Checks and plaids for drsSses aid efbaks will be very fashionable this winter. , , , I .-xv. "t . - i. ; ;i,; ii'iil I Yesterday vhs the anniversary of'i'John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferryvia t858t"'5 i New Bern has about twenty temples evoted to the worship of Fa Sit the spirit of WteiKee. Clwph;n W. R. Cobb has been appointed Trofessor of Ethics in the Naval Academy aii. Annapolis, Md, ... "f i " -- Thero are tWenty-five prisonors' now in the county jail, twanty of whom wUl be tried at the cxt term of court ; ;(j ft; t.r-J' ',)''f Tlie Carolina Watchman is bnt a reprint of the Sentinel This is the paper that was to be " ladepapdent and-Cpnseiva&rei g ffOVBl d One of the colored women alluded to in Sanday's issne as the victim" of unusual excite ment at? Church; died on Sunday last. Mr. Thomas Toungr, ying ..kesr AeheviH fell from a tree on laWedne(jiyindJeciTeL iuai wm prooabiy cause his death. J-ne latest fasmonable wrinkle is for the tlemen at parucs to wearscatfsof the color of uiatajesses jrorn bylth'Lvdies whose escorts they are. This is just the weather far chills and fevers; cool moraiuc-s and evenings, and warm during tae diy. Persoas travelling in the sun should cury an umbrella. The police could ntoke 'aa extensite Jhaul f y.'.grant mules and horses, each Sunday, ' T-cmity of South Front aad s. ,ti& Cx it The Wilmin"ton-Xv-, -'ct 8,478 tbat acolorea Ji;tle,color3d girl who ;f - FraPnB r , saTb vinacritical conoitioji We learn from the Pioneer, that a freicht n and passenger train collided on the W N not nfesterday .JbBt&rtanatdy" 5 SjSUady m' -stained The county, o ... were Simthville, for . trial at Ate ternt of, Wirt Rn,J . - i A. J I 1 ,. theBrqn of ' : X r uourt'ut because of the absence "nuess, tne case was continued. HI'. Snn.fcy was " a April VJ. "nl shadow, smiles and showers. The churches were well attended, and noth- the holy Sabbath." ....... nittawPt at"e oVsaturday K! .m this city.iby taking mor Phwe. Owing to the insufficiency 'of thfdosl Maad- would-be victim is ofrZofthecity Goober ioir ftUU.illM IX fii an ' IS. """"my exnenso fn. Puses 0f are 71070 ""iary pur- hpleyeaAlL- ,t To such, niembes of thePitei'rDe)artmeiit who propose- attending the. State Fair we sng gest. thatthey VdO'.'.npCleaVtf nntSt-Tnttrsday JJAir, ftmpi hnw-to gee all it 'Contains, 'besides rpprififtngtem'; ffifXteffc 'ij&k .oa'sdiy Bight,; as tiiHV ' fsvahsvs Tiwi ni j ,?J'5emto. ,:Bto I & ;Pierspn;e;polir ;.fplpjsts;weil s known In this ;it 'giro one k on'.iht S&d insist n.i: .asi,c3rf-?5it aSiT'.--j ' JfP-jfigFrMj b ,e8tinaaonin : whkch these gentlejmen are held, this , city of which they are fully war. They will Tisit ' ns:. per fornlfoli ftw nights, commencing on the 2lsL We bespeak, for this excenent houEes. i! ! Bl .'"Mr. .West the iPoreoian of fthe'New-Berp ' Sfcamer.-Fire Engine nipany-;-ecdFea',bp .lJjBlbt last ji.leuer of invitation for hi9rf IMny .i'h -Apparatus to" f at tend the .Raleigh Fait Had ihe invitation, been sooner tenrft IghtiWabs ljaire beiecept64TTt is sntScieat hfiteWa rfoVgircn! WaslheTnV iyatJoB purposely delay&Va for fear our com pany 'would accept and, by visiting carry : off lhe4aufels?- "r 7 T t: h Aid for Chicago. K'.iin - iuww.i. .n f " Syairiction of the Triennial Convention of the Profctant Ejnscdpat Church,.now in ses Bioa as iwmmore, collections were taken up in all the Episcopal churches yesterday, in aid of the Chicago sufferers. ' :' ' , ! Aeqnltiett. ;'- "J ; , We-leara from , the Ashevi la Piwerr-that a1 the ' recent, form ' of the McDowell Superio Court. W.ii II.: Deavcr, who was arraigned for killing J . A.r, Thompson on the1. 15th of July last, and against whom an indictment for man shwghtex was found, was on trial acquitted. '1, ! Efow toTreat a tUy.- ' ;; ; ' ' ' , The stye is a small boil, protruding from the: eyelid: It will, usiia'ly pass, away of itself, tnt' its cure 'nuiy be hastened by applying ft warar ponltic f brsad and. -vrater in asmall unen bag. i Apply three; or fonr times a day, ' and each fktie foment the eye with wrrai milk a id fer. ; . . ... : nilltawy Optnln ' 'l caP attention to the notice ct lira Beasley, i J- this isrue, to her millenery, opening that takes pliveo to-dayl-TSV'a visitod. Mrs. Beasky's show room" yestiriy,;..d, wiOiontbeing posted on these articles of Indies' drss, we fcriv suffleent to lead us to believe that Mrs, riensley has one of the handsomest Stocks of millinery liave.;seen.ia"thia city,...We ad viee ladies to call and inspect ihe opds. .''.; '. ' Hardy Royal, Ry?or 1 Roynl, David C. Bays djqn CifcCCrujapkir and Lewis Hofeycutt,'H from Simpson .couiiry, wtre ' yesterday carried hofore TJ S. Commissioner McQnigg, ton awar '"jPl ed; shi ;i,b(nssa 'fiafthe alhiof Ga briel RynL colored," thailng them with; killing :Menus Herring' $fo&J,m ;nps'"n cfiunfr"' m the' 231 of September1"-platient hearing .-wa Lftdof tho enso, -wheo Ibere not appearing a particbi ipf evidence nga&vstJwem they were: all' honorably ischnredexcepttTisdon. whc"caie"was . con4hmed ua3U ths 19ili iaat.. that witnesses An both sides migh,t be projrecL WiL Journal. i, t NewIIiUlarryGmHlR. ; " -- r-.ei v.;' --.r Mrs. M. E. Ec w-ley having received a bear tiful stock of the latest styles ifof Preinch and Ameriofin Millinery Goods, Hats, - Bonnets; Flowers, Ac, Turban Hats, MadLlines, Sadies and various others; f - 1 -'-'" "'- ' JUL wQi be, sold 1 at the lowest pnees possible. ! The la4ros J are fnvfted to call at m y Store Ropmon, Pollock . street, and examine' my stock1. - ....- . - The. opening commences to-day and Trill con tinue during the season.. . . . New Bern. N O. '- 1, Oct. 17th 1871'. Itv, f ' , A ! - i Sew .Publications. ,-, .'.... . . ij.v f 1" .HfcA's Biblical Quarterly Ts on1 our tablel it jesears , vfery 3 ea f ypographical - appear- aacfc(andjje0pe crditupon thepublisher, Mr. a. o- iiicnard8on, -of this city..- . ! The Quarterly is edited by our townsmen Drl John T. Walsh, and is devoted ?to "New Testa- raenti jChristiaDity ; opposed to all secret and 'Jesuitical societies. The present' number eon- tains a biographical sketch of the editor by J. : Coatente.-t-Biographical, , Sermons, Food fdr Thought, Elder J. A., BatUa's Last Letter, The- Utinrcti Preaching Then and Now; Speak Thou tbe Truth, Interhneal Translation of theSrip- Cblnes Method or FreservXne 'Grweii!'"S Trayelers inform us that the n Chinese hae a' meOiod; ;of ' preerv?ng! Wpesl' so as to have. them at '-their v command 1 daring' the, enre: Jowing account of the !i methodadopted:'f It ' Jl. M avuuw MUUIUE.-tn iUWiUUlHH. consists of cutting a circular piece out of a ripe pumpkin,' or gourd, making an aperture' large enough to. admit the hand. The interior is then,, completely cleaned out, the ripe grapes hre placed inside, and the 'cover replaced and pressed in firmly. The .pumpkins ate then kept in a cool 'placeand the grapes will be found to retain their freshness for a long tiine.: We are told that a very careful selection must be made of the pumpkin, the common field pumpkins, however, being well adapted for the" purpose in question. V . 1 , . i t Sad Case of Drowning. - we are informed by a gentleman conversant with ; the circumstances, that two - brothers,' Ttamail .' rv-r - " 1 ' """ coiJcciaTeiy wince JSance and Everett Nance, both young married men, left home on me avux ultimo; in a small batteau, for the purpose, as they . stated, previous to starting, of going to Capt Willis fishery, about S j from Little " River village, South Carolina, wnere iney resided, bnbefoTe reaching tfceir destination the boat was capsized and both the young men were drowned.! 1 About : eighf or ten days thereafter their families in the meantime having heard nothing from, them, and being very naturally in great distress on OTmt of, their long ahaenoa-Uhe Soar.' low Capt Justice, now in this port, happened to be cruising in the neighborhood when the bodies of the unfortunate men were discovered and taken ..to-New Biyer village, , whera an in- J 4uca,waB ,neiapver them .and they were sub sequently. Jarned over to their fiimiliea for in termentlKft Starj!-'" -j-" J A specuirtrain, j will leave 'this -c: moining accommodate Fair. ' :- Veryf IiaiarBnt. JL ne ciazv colored Tmmrv "Panni n-V.r fA 1 sometime, W-b'owfafined i!Craven street jatf, is very indigqant athe noise' made by tha band at Its nfchlTr' nnutiM ' Sh- imt indisraatidn m ' thar Rhn.nn Jnf a. Tonnoet Ctial'. uucjau vuiwia, uiuiL vuu iiyiatj ue Ktoppea, as it materially afieeia the onit xnA mmu nf hart ,.- x . T natural indignation,- she has beensnred i7- the band werengrbntheoesen't: feem4b artrteiate'il. and wnfe" Uf, M - ' -i-.------ -i their noise. Bfo Indictment. S'r,.rMore4aSthifirandCffiryB waynsonnSuperior.XJpurk wnaessioirdur - teg the past twaWekif ytkX&& Hlnd'ict the two 5Srei men reildj 'if. v?iikiiBgton rometiml since on a charge ofAiaayn m aettiajrre to the Exchange' Hotel itoldsbora The alleged cause or a iaiinre to indiofr waV owing to the aosence of the only -witnesses"; :m deteltiies. ments that ,tbA colored .mm liftAoonfessed to them their1 guilt;" the arrest and binding over o-dpS;'ma(le. ithis-absenca jbf tBethlv important witnesse3fappeTir3 to ns significant; aad,we jdQubt,mp9h;, that-if the? conyiati()n of the accused rests-' npdif the testimony to be given by the detectives' thai" ft wffl ever take place. If the detectfcves.i hafejhc'fewards, wa leei sure the men will . peyer be .convicted. . ? noooerr7-xm , Perpetrators uroita-bt to Justice.' H'ivMiJin u i ..- ; On Saturday night ftc.Kpg.Constable"Grbver. of Township No. 5, arrived in this city, ha vine jn Tcustody four ooloreoV men named Chancy " u i """"u ii. i iiun, xxeurj xuiagei ana isuren Jones whom hejodgetlin jaiL , Ibess men are , charged with arson and robbery, committed nndel the mrjst aggravating circumstances' MrGrover informs ns that on the night of the 8th of August last, while Mr. Joseph. f Mason and -family,; of .adS HHK "it tne moutn or bouth River, were at church, and his residence entirely unoccupied it was visited by some scoundrels, a ho, breaking it open, robbed it of everything portable, even feather beds, and large artie'es of furniture; and then setting fire to the building, they de camped. The building was entirely consumed; and when'Mr. Mason returned he saw where his honj jhad- stood, nlyi a - blackened :rufaa All efforts to detect the authors of this a time proved unavailing, until a few daysi since, when some of the articles, stolen on ihe night of the fire, were discovered in the- nouse of one of the men nowflnder arrest A more earnest search resulted in finding other articles ptolen on the same night, and finally led to the arrest ot the men Wise, Williams, Midget and Jones, who were. taken before Justice Grover of Township No. 5. when such evidence wa addqe6d fca ; to j flbc "Jf ise guilfct ;fbK and" the others of being - concerned in the robbery of the goods. Among the goods stolen and recovered were ttwo feather beds, guns, tables tc :i j The evidence bemg.Qincl1nsive? Justice Grover in default of bai sentenced the accused to jail toawajtjtheir' trial at the next term of the Superior Court OFFICE CHIEF ENGINTF.ti 1 r.i '. rfiw-BSEii Fire Depabtmekt, j ' """New-Bern, N. C, Oct 14th 1871;. ! The Foremen of the Cdmpanies composing the I New-Bem 'Firtf 1 Department will as semble said Companies, in full uniform. withApparatusfc at th corner of Broad "arid Middle streets, at 3 o'clock, Wednesday 18th instKorha purpose of pirade and inspection! j Assistant Engineers are also notified to be in attendance, in full uniform. i JOHN S. MANTX ;;t1 inief Engineea.:-,') n GeoJE. Tinkeb,- ; Secretary. Out J'towgubscribers, on receipt of their , f9ftioiwpleMebpmpiJn responoQng " ' " D. T. Car raway general Life, and Fire In surance "agent, South' Front streeCNewrRerDL power;ish good Tepofrftinal& ttexchatog6 for real estate in this city. "'"Enquire at this CnrlstXnntch Parocblal School. -I The Fall term of this:8cdbl will commence Monday t 2nd . of Octqb r., , , Ftr pa5ticuaTi( ad dress, - ' REV. E. M. FORBES. Rector. i Sept 23-tf. "a "" ... . t Wotlee. to SDhsVsfbWr.1 t iCXIaA&a. To all delinquent sntecrib; -notice is 'given tnat a cross mark will indicate that jtheirc snbi A scription;hasi , expired, ) and if bbt renewed hy 'w'.wciooer uuac paper will be stopped.' For Sale. 1 o a I will sell' my fast sailing Yacht Boat Ladr Annie; a I hae my further use forj'hir.ij She would make aji excellent Market Boat.' Apply to JAMES W. GRAT,' : ' i -at Julius Ash's, " Oct 13-lw. r-rj "on Middle street -1 ; Remember that Mr.' Richard , JJancoct at his new rick storaon Pollock street,' has opened a magnifieent' stock of gents furnishing goods, ciotmng,. naw, caps, boots and shoes for" Fall and winter wear. Mr. ! Hancock' has, "with sensible good tastej' laid in a stock suited to all lenses 01 our puizens, ,xor wAom be nas goods to suit their pockets; and theirr tasteal' ' Tf you need anything in his line be. sure to. call i)ri? him; and remember the place, ' one door above tne matronal .Hank, on 1ollock street Oct 5-tf. ' II O .u MARKET REPORT. i . ' COHRECTED lJAILT BI , ;! ' ,1 .: J ii . ?. 1 ' P- - rCarraway, t ! Commission Merchant.' Z,: SO UTH ZFA O NTS TE EET. Cotton; sales 1 bales it "I . 17173 'kbc'i ' Seed,"" '"- ":- jBt-io.' A CJorn, f,om store 1 no TTTj ail ir jmentsj ?1 t jlEP "TTP T zXXTTPTZ "PWLfc! ' 1j i.sviiou k .- .Tf?ji ' ' i .- "LATEST. Ufcfinr?3lttl-iM - .... cattle ilc8om Mazurkay. - - SOetk.. f. "ir !:.;- fei"!; i ivew .Vienna Waltz. r r , An t f 'SSTcti V int.Bg,.vjwi-;v.j S'eta, ItEreEXCease to.JoveV"fvtiltJ ;f -30 ctei. Persons at a disfem 'ordenpg muaie can rely uponbeing suited. , J. E. HASH. '.3 4 ( J ...JOI.1 i I ,'. ... '. Mi-Mi' .41 I1J I 4-5 n 1 vw KT ATB OF ! NORTH MJAROLIlt AI ;,, .., noffK:a orTHSOBKTABrrOTa.-Jfi.: 'XI Wititi'M HfeREBT GlYJIN..Tbt In pfBanc JLV of Kie several acts of thu General Aasf.mhlv. juilal proposal will he receiTlatthiofflceTmtit the 1st day of November,, 1814 -for, f oraiBhioj? 4ta foUowtog i"?? . ." ot 85tiqnerx,,t wifg j,, " 600 Beams, (more -ar less) of Book Fspsr, sized and calendered, 26x40 60 B. ' 209 Hemg Bnok"Taper, qnalltr as above. ".SCtBemaa Sot Faper , ..,.f ... . i ! .. :,m a '' jjihographed Dead, ni .ntvsiil? ti changes, j " !.!.!' - T.ii'-so.T .4iRwXatter Paper, 10 Buv?" ! )iH ' i 1 . .'15 Reams FoolstW ' ;' ?.""" "--'2 4-Caa,C :.! . . .-, as.if Flat letter, )'') pt.f to -.'?: ! i :- .-..i ., :: l BU Folio Post." 3,11 ' " ' , i :10.! : KoKoUiag Paper,' according to ,.. vf- E,TPperruzcdpomsx34lr;a i , ... 1 i. Acconiit paper, , v..'J - - H it v'l ivorea pnpeiycohVrs p a.t-n.-o , inilctU.)paiea.lSiVyvs, ',l1i:i"t i J2 ov L -SjA.1 'S P"1' brown, heavy., la-eneets ow "paper, for copying press,! 300 Sheets blotter pads .r .;, i m;j f JE"Vdopes,MJ. 9trM 6 hu8iiv;H'B..i;) -28 i 18 ' .4 -c.J !s whfte -o' -r.ilq .,,9;-14- M" jr" 10 1 ',.,,,t . 4 Ahu. "! Ill 1 Tk . v. Ill k- 1 t 44 41 . . 10 1 i " Washington' MedalMon Pens ' " zn7 ju taa renews, Jfaber Mo S l fei adottmr n. ;. - :Redad Bine ' 13 quarts Black Ink Maynard fc Noyes i-u vi 65 u ... u. 'carta's . ' down Carmine tek .pa. !S quarts Arnold's Ink .iii ' in i a ... 51 a-,j I doara filed tnmH ti jrinilw ,4; 1 " India Rnbtxy Sjnarcs .ti, .': IOimiOiibR,. ..',"'" ,.uh3i boqfr! 8! jj jJ .Mpsilaee.flatoottl'iTi f; sfi ' J McGiirs Paper Fasteners, . , iCoBUTMS.'Tta'SrivblnfMM i.i Miit f. '5idPWCailTBTteBqvek)pes :i2 Papar.Jjfeighta.fc'oaiii ,nl mti i Mr, :: traKrs.''"''41 ''!; m'n' . 150 Vloees Red Tap : mii mo tl i : Bos. RihboB for seals, oolora jr.- , 1 flojfott PnMt Soarpeaera . ' '....., nii "-) Js".OBSBl8!lBilm''Aaiea il tnmt -n- Bl! MsJ "i--ije5ore,8ma round end i .") 1 : . i'4t. "xnkM Shears, ,, v, -'ii:-',! IV i n u iigiMUjjjiii. pFCSR DTUS&M v it -I P"chjelettfacMDa4 o! !i5 lo . i dross Drawttgl-acks ' " ... ; ... , 3 BlenkBooVi. 4 ni, nilsd 4 Crh Books. " 93 Jns titx-'n Dockets, 4 qrfldt, JdV priaed T... ' aad rnled.-i T. 17 General Index. '8 ot'&emx can' lvnnt . 4J uini, t - 1 5 License Books,' half boond, printed ; .. -form ' - .1.: .'. . II Marriase Recordu, 6 quire, demy, pHat- JflMtlll ' tun iuunu Minqto ; Book . Co.: Caid'rCi r quire ,.( . demy.,(ull bound ., ,,,t.k;V., ..i j.. Money Order Books, 4 , flat cap, printed and rtiled .' 1J 30 Roistt-ttioa B'ksjtqtaatcap.pWnt- :. wiuupilTOr. I :r i, i-T. .. .4... , W?oHBookf, g qr, flatqsp, ptiated nd tnlfcd ai- 111 Recor of Deetfs, 8T qT;''de3ly.,' prUted 4 Admiaistrator go ndT. Books. 4rqe; flat 'linn. DllnbMl fam p . 4-f , ! Apprenfee Bond Books, i qr, 'jjsi jcsp. 1 ui - 'printed form ' 'i- 1 1 o BisUrdy Bond' Books, .4 qr. flal cap -fill.Jlt S Q'-ardfan Bond Books, ,4 qr. flat cap i ''Printed form ' ii i . 1 Sammons Socket, "4 -qnnideiiiy; ;iull 9 Jadgment Dockets, ft q:daairfaU i . 13 Issue IWkets 8 qr demy fall bound 1 .fl Criminal Dockets. 8 or Hahit. fnliihinmt i ') ttmafe DjcteU 8qr domy.fall bound I ' ' 6 Alphabetical Index Dockets. 8 qr demy fall boand ry, i n d I - jiefortot Jills. 8qrdemy, full bo and ,...44. JtOrdn-s aar-Da'rBoa, Kjorda of, 95 o t demy. full bonnd - 1 -m' 3 Accounts Record of, 8 qrr demy full w ins anaca sana t ,,. . V paper 'used 'fn blank o6bk! to and iof tailrtMl tn w.fo nnl ue winici. animeit himI' less inan tei less than tn pounds t the lettey ream and in aropoiw tioni thereto. . "".. -,-.. , rf, 4,r,( .1!" AIT bids' mt1l-mn.lnnmr4lirt'Af "11,14 ,.V 1.1. j. p paper proposed, to-b 4ufalskd'and state dislinctly the price pc ; pound r reamof eh kind." 'i - t" Books and' anr.lccta DiarW4w4 a b, kw. ;n 1, .IrK.'.lTv... leather back aud psper sides ; thole matked I to bu in full binding Russia and ands. ' Tv! . Faitibr 1.fAM4a,wi4...i.iiM4iiL t . i -r- . ' , r Tt-.4..,-iwii44iii wisHrttmi 4-v wokb van oeoi 3.2If525f ot ta,'i.wer Hniuiea cannsa ne .seen. ,.-. ,ti . .' .an article to ixi delivered befdi thest day of Ja. usry, at the Cjpitol bntldinz unless otl bythe Sccretan. of SUte. l 1 j-' i,n : . otherwise agreed, t tracts win be swarded to tne lowest bidder tor each class ofifering sufficient snenriti'. ' , .iti.i Oct 17 Secretary of State, r'i v o Bzx?Tisr7 UNITED STATES Dr70RCE AGENCY, ; XSTaJBLilSHED 1855. DiTorces legally obtained in "every State where the laws are liberal on the subject and under the United States laws, for perrons from any State or country legal everywhere deser- .n,eruely non-supportr ' druWenesis, etc., sufficient case no publicity . required no fee Lfil'ji -' -' Aiii .4is - uuu, UIIUIV UUUtlUCUj ""i I ' " Cull on me, or address-' K la . wtZI.I'ii "CawMBnisUAtw, Broadway, aoor below' John; SV, : Zd--e. Octl4-6inosJ ; , lTew:Y6rkCity. 7.J - ,n -4 f'. t -4 .,,4' ."ir. Viia: ? ;. ; Irft.T ' f.' CARPENTER, AND 'BUILDER s ..ft.. .iiii4.Jv .i.--.. . 7 MMd'Snt'Bri ,l.s;j:'.:.'. . .... All kind's of Carpenter Work done at tW. Wmt "V .' "CASH PlilCK. CoatracU made anduaraiitccd SlOV.U-ir. I'M VT liirafflot TeaSonabte ibterest and enables theoi io.umov MEHAIf'lffith-l.- ii KEES theMONEY AT S0MEi and ai iwf 1 1 nninriMBi m ava . ' 'LAWTERSinstirwitli It Lu it irnfua fhe MONEY AT HOME and enables clieats to PJbCTal fees.1 ;'ZZr,Z.T;-Z: Z, .-....: i , x uuas, ana enables their Patients to pay promptly." - V i-p-. .n-i u. -i - .i.- , " . , CKPITAU&TS Iiwnre with It beeaase. besides Mat; tk inTetment it keeps the motiej at Iom bailda w.Umj sua ounKnces ue vaiue 01 otocr Inrcst STillf e J JW. Tfia JfONKY AT 'HOME and Vttmm'-'J ir.i Oi- - '..:.i--'i - " ' KftrrtodT sns-fthlaf ,4 fl .fc - j i -W a . . . v -wB,a sat ucwuicsria tj XL ST IB i T?Iije,iI, i5 mP" H?J term Pid taa laqe-it 2 i QuminiT mvorsDce at the the i?n?Se"l;BA PK 'NORAN CB aad KKEPS For fnjf firfpimaHlSispplj'toal' iri" ,0f,"A A-.w.a-ut., t. . - , d.T: -PARRA wAY A et. ..t' " ' 1 .i;.;fc OP ,HB C&NDtTIQN OFITHB (i 1 m i NATIONAL a BANK OP At the close of business on h 2nd day of in.i(f.7f.! tii ij October,' 1871. ?r j !' i . ', ... f ,,f ,,.-.BK3tKJaCHS.. toaas and DlscoBBta,.,1,.v.V.;-; Over Drafts.. . 109.0T4.! -tf" S: Bnd to iRecwre CIiCTlation' ZZ, Z jm Other toeki tov.i Al.iJ. ""' Currency, Jv.. Dnr frim bfher N b'ner Nitiiril Tt ,T.t S ai IT i "r" ?..- .088,74 vnin Hints Jincmo-a' lSinmiBii , ,: niii. . ". .' ....... - .......-....$. ... . . . ' fi9 ss TT i. '.-t,-..." ..i...4,"-..rtV4.'.'4 O ITCI I .::!! 5tv;!s h- f-r :l 'iw jseu,.;! 3d: t; 7jb.;.3r4iiiUiBr'.ITIE3-.' " &n""f -"' :..i.hm.W IS Kachmijre.... ... . 4 44B-44 """J iiK iiat.1onHt t.itidMg:r!ii! ' e00 00 ., .. t,... ,.,43.10081 uoe tociatinriu w-n.... -' - 1 t NoiiHi.M ihii. .. a,. ,r--.,i i -.i-r r" ; M.4. 444, UIUHIIMl .......... Jl J HSf ' - I,. .?.. i' ::: ' ' . . 4.- . . AirA 4C4 r:-: In ic iii:. . Sr-.it or'TorTfT-cir.r.V.iiti i. j. a. ouTotj, j.m .i,r ,..r, j . t. . . ao soiemniy swear that the above statement m u uh udbi. or my Knowiwlje and belief , ,.v.iii ; -n: '-.ni ... 4; A. wJION, Cashier. Swofa to and subscribed before me. ;.,;" MCAtAM .iP-0 Mps. Pattebsow, f .. Director -.t.Ifc-?B8Xv.'"H-M; aifvr .vfc,!! riJ ..Aj N'iO Y front his mannf actotyi' fcy ; i!i r :! : 'i i v.tilit?..o it; JjAts ! j.:)i jfi 4irei from ln'uo-, ara tyo'get i CHEAPEST; 'u '''. , r'-'-'r j -u - THE t EST;'''' v' ,;:! v T!! lo v!.wJ ! AND THE PUREST. ft C&l.'ui B AR uii i ii '; ( iTJ nnn Fn r 1 n i I j Oiil g(H;!nM lO Hll'-Viu i! jf! )u. T')-i JS )t; : lilt l 1) li l! " .( '''-'! - . 11 ' i.4." -44 ! tiext door to1 Post' Office?': "t.J ' --.' N E W BEENt I V ( , N t'i C .' c.t fl . ; 1 ; .! GEAWD. PALL 'OPENING! Wn3eTK)gned i pleased to Bono announce that helraajastpetiwl'his tlMLV f FALL, t STOCK. OF CLOTHING "1 , AND trfcuv. vvauti ;riiq-.o . !,,jjqntiistii)g of tho newest and A :1 LATEST STI LES OF VLOTHING, ,t -'"i',::; V . j' . ,i' ;. 'i ' IHATS.-1'' ' 1 i'i. f '. ( ; HlBOOlS, nil SHIRTS, : -i" . -.: ;; . v.. i ril ! I-,-, t if 4;T rr 4 i ,.-i?f-: ' - V J I ! eh'T 1 -ri.l fcnci'i.- 4 . Cottar $ and Cvff. FINE SILK HATS, in thilatiHtaii6nll .... r - 1 1 1 . . . 4 - .. -m Vti f - '.ii-.-, . , . - The Season's' (freai Novelty" ? su' "I v , BOOTS of the. best make and finest material. SiWT5 0 CLOTHES f ihe "XobbeymF, eu 'A ft ,'- . if 5 J. XV.'rVI 7 "t,if3'i s;Jft1 .-n.!,.if.'- .' vaad" jfaerf makeZfvf MEN? YOtfTtlS i ol FA aacf a tAe fofpesf priets.- . intend to keep ,ap fully, ; kith. , all he fashiocable noveUit?. irt gentlemen's wear, antl establish permanently, ' in the fullest seuse of tbeword, a f . iientlemeri "CIotMiig .and FURNISHING- ' .HOUSE :Tbe patronage of the public is i.ito'd, and jwhether yooK.want, anything or not, call and. ace me, aad examine the utock.' " - BRICK STORE, G XtxtDosr tsSaUoiuIBaak, .t tfi'ji'! wrasvvaan at -can oe -Doagnt in.. any i,lIrtihteraTjBity,-,i; stos - ? A,few.,,,thfe.adyantages gained by; havini LrtourfthVeeiebKited Sate Prison mai .1 1 f r . Superior-to r ail 1 Others 7-4; J; ); iH.ui ,m ' rr r '4.. bow offered for sale iii'ii , in Ihia mV.I t.. -...4. 44444..Ul ' w ! , V' 1. bought 'at . . -J . J- -''ii ' . ' 01 i MIDDLE' STREET. .111 .lc. .' , -M.i ''v. !..Au. ,V.oV .A , '.'"v. whers will also be found a full and choice t cl ! irt t .1-. 'i i r .II I. .' . I f 1 ' '' '' f GROCERIES, Hi DRY GOODS. 1 1 -..rr itfsxitit; . ; NOTIONS, i 1 nr : : i ' : ,l' l BLANKETS J.:hJ- ,i WOOLEN GOODS .f-or 1 r .i.Kij:Vi:'i:10 llOKfc i. t ,.ft.i.; i-tr.-j-i'. . and every variety of - ' .: ' ' " . . . . . i : :.. '. ,.' J.iu: ,Jil :(::'; .- ; J..n. IT; 'r.Xif. l-.;rffi 1 if ii4 j. Men: and Boys ReMn:" (dotting , Ji ' and the, latest style of ' 'I i':'D ''. Id ii-ii "f-Kfii,-oZ .,M;:;i-A Dl E S. h & O W8, J ;.7 r . . . .. . . .. . ' . v- ... ,,.f r: all for a'sonff with a sirver'air ' fi:iVt. v m " w aaaaaa m VWAA TIIK. OESTltAL , u i. too HI I 'STORE, iWilI'UI.. IffO mpDLESTREET NEAR BROAD. ! 1 JrfrcfaadditinalwtliaiiswMi - ab. frfl1X-!. I Wl owamsr. 1 . .. r 01H ni ,.sf ; tIKSii Ail GSOlCEyZFAMILYZaROCEMlES t('i wlA PMOYISIOILI bin; FAVORITE 'SYRUPS!1: ! ehoicost grades of1 '' f"t "'- "'" sn" 1 i.... ; 4 ., .! m a.'f: : hM;,ul "' AND XJEESfr. M. IIC II f I . ,' J. . HYSON, ' 1 - A VT fin T nvn .ntiZTHfcAEfiT BETTER H CHKKRE. . FUL.TQtf XARKXT BEEF. SUPERR,i8lOARf CURED ELEGANT BKBF TONGUES. DUTCHES vvunii FAMlLiX UEStPORK. AND Jftr1 fTWRT EVERY. . t 'THIN ff USUAL!, Y' FOUND a , : IN A, FIRST r.ffASSu hry.in iFANCT AND STAPLE DryGoor''i;::;.;r'Cv liifj-i .1 Sr 00tS .4:iV lftfta..' ': j-" '.t Hats & -'Cat)!,""''' '"t ;,,:;::.jri:.wiiiw.::.; '' To -wbicb Ire.srleuJ 'as. the atten tion, of the pub. ltwsTnxngr' ftB'who rnAy fayor me kith a calL; thai; tber "wfll h Buited both' in ' price pnd dtuditj.. 6f good' .i . zi'f'i ti-- ;; 4 .; .New-riOct. ru' w' THE NEW BERNE BAKERY, Established 1835, ,i? ' r rUIDDLE ST., NEAR BROAD, '.: V MKNTAJ, Cakes and all kind of bakins for -veMnnud parties at The ihortett noUctv CORNER OF- BROAD AND MIDDLE STS; 'MAIDFACT0BE1 8F All 9 EAtEf fi &taolir jnjm;yJ&g?Ueen: years in "r - ftST:' ill ' ii;U.'- .-iJJ5A". an ikSiizf,. I ? Iun,d "MnsAeteres W cider MaHosdnjr, .Walnut, Poplar rock Iargfe and eaapletev I SisteaVaiM promptly executed. 8epStr Cafl 6ekr frcasaias. '" yeumty cnnr imprd mtots tajuni o e AWFOL DEFEATI1 - ' " H-.nt 1 oompW !;Tfce- laU hopo W pulm Iwhwrtbceaf fettlni 04 ioi ew hed old. StiHr A remaitoi il pTAIMV ard hair pyE.or . TirE yspuwRT Siltl 1 tow of Hbunsandi ot lreld tha opca ho wed the whits ibigV '" j ci c " , ' ! i CARRY GBrTADfrIflrvrkij I wholesoraeness Arrtr a".! . j if Nail .2... a . ISTADdtlfc-tf riitmptiEgERviTiA. TTflTI ' A1TT - la UO : UlTLl ' 1 I.T JET rUrSICIAXS Rl THEIR DAILY mSi dehlKSS. UenM" Kmt '(aiM W puu'fr,'0et r.'feoaefr, oCTSaf tte5f.rte fr-i wr. furea-ec21- -oetdeHclrt wPpTp?e !Mttr c "ct fcPBat-aVJriaGma, Bitter KivV la Vpctite pMiu ' - r ""W fitters carer Uer OA H Eestife or, " w' "" pvea tone to 1 b'UpBmaaw Great trlfltt,i VtQJd0'- L Lippinan:. ere.. Qsmaa Bitter. crekVervo.tH F"PPn Gvest German bih, .. . -...k- action, lti jj.j'j; i,, -."7 -mn.ri" ppman'. Great Genlwa Bitter. rrjnUrle. t ' " 1 . ' iMlimglpiU JN. C3. . A, THIRO Ef FORTV -i ;.o niTWOovi-FIREH WITHIN HKEE 310X111?; Pun r- iuj pitted ui nartiea . 1 lve aojv' every,a'eility for i-WrlrnViny BREAD; ' Is r- -iJ.J f"f" ' BREAK FA3Tf?OLLSJ '" 'iM. nPAKES, ornamented and pMtU iL, tC cJ Jrenred fresh twice trim 1SSlt at shortest notice wi i Thanking the nablvn i.) If . HA IT V April lQ.-t 9n ft . .iiu iij.il ' ' ' .rr.iJf-jBn AH Retail OrdwrmoTlTOng tb aa j over delivered in any part o4 Sanufactbm0 un end wTiiii5 1 imoortia Tin TO rinin nit.. . . - oar good st rae credit. ,wvT,"TTn rriT fi"" wwr.j from the w.t t t?iX:.Tl?.?? ' cU of 1 t erul tiKAMiwoit A8T a tow. " C1rtt. " Baltlaor.- I, Mi" , . State or North CaroitM? Win. Lb.'I'iL.Mten- jt-..i,J. ..jw.. rf iurisaicoir"; ' rr , . . ' 4.4J4A. j t u r ru cm. - -rfe "lD,CTr vj;...-, r?,vr Unminar cnaAa h, -e. -. j . Jinc Will POI CI',,., Pii, ,2i W ,Uc dtow. weat of i wauw J Acp J-t t Up Town ' Grory Stbrel PtetvV?,B Fl i BepttVtt Grova Cai ,A for the .ccommItton of The ixVe USf !Ste,iofce5,,?h-ya"ift;-'' JA2UBS B OTIJEL ' ' , ' ' . ' iii! rioi worn wnv'!-.';. '. iTiKfii ' tarp enterandBti der, ; Polio St., New Bern; Cf. C IB HOW - PRETAKSXI TO TOW tRACT ", ''' '' Atiktinssof alldlm.lniy. -7 i'T . II rtyUs, hot bed bozo aad do! rs wbes Ind wLu 1 AlTwrrk .S ' Aplttff .Billiard Eoom: TctaHot?"!'!81 AT THB poMie, The room la all ita . ",... . ,,eB ie aad aU .ppaitcaaaee. btii,; ar" mV, 1 f

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