UVert4 EnWimjbfilUr . 77 Times has been designated a jiuVic printer and Jblis7te the United ' iState JMicsoy aumoruy. IfefiktHfr tHewsva- kts) ifott'SSvth ..im . rrTiT.n "".TiifTT" .'io7fcmTri'y"fVT nmtract foradceitisefnente rafc- Advertisers in that city me reques- ItdJoheai theif fq&fS$(hMffe Z 1 n '!i " ' ' fi: ' &'-jt ' GUBERNATORIAL CAAlflDATES- Sdtae'nime" sincel we alladed ft? the ingtop, : rfernofniiii candi date ror (5oyerr .iViD,., A.jSrakh5 ana 9 JW. jry SSTIJSWrfcVHtV iwrnwpoiiuBmuj tl.and present' ineraber of.Congress, jTrpm w . - TV" . A JIUil to Vemade thus earjy.in the aeasony-we mj u reasonably ;look; : fori :a I complete shoal of them, between no wand ih& time iot omioation. y, . We can sec no objection toindtyidnals .Buggestnig -the-"name8 of their friends forthis high, 7 position, hut we hope " lhaf letween nbwy and the Iunefor comtnatiotti , fif4ifferncea! of opinion wiU, be-,brmononaly settled, aiid the piiiyi lday Minite on Sotner Sr man wliviif trunSp"hMtr cany IhS- U-pbi lican banner to victory. ;;. r -, j i-j frjj,aye perhaps onr preference, bnt ; bifeylng ; an sonouncenient ; tt-'thhi early day, soEpevhat preraatunv,-: re awit the " proper time. jind see what the , progress 'SrWents may bring forth, Z.''?- r .,..- CVBAS SOCIETY. T . We . fully, agree with: the N. Y. Sun -in the opinion that the subjoined adver tiscment, taken f rom Diariodd lit Marina; should be copied over the civilized world.1 Xn the Jkirio it appears under the head' oftB Animals" for al " and in English rcadsrt v-r. " 1 " ' ' "'Z'ls . JBarnains-rJFer' want of use. a bay Qsa-' aJian horse,. frora . 9 to 10 years -bid, ' broken to single and double harness. TTill be" sofd 'for twelve ounces, ($20 f.) Apply at No. 2 Chscorr Street, at which p'ace'a purchaser can be found fbr a wet . nnrse, lately -cdlifined. without her chiLl." We commenJ the above "to the consid . eroio9 -jof f onr reader!! 'Pt .fihowsT Ihaft V;e Vdvertiser had aneye.ta business, and that the horse was of niolre value than ihe'Twompn r. in .his estimation.' 'Is: "It aivjr longer a matter3 of surprise that there iare volution in Cuba, and that there', al ways Will be." J Where Is there a country " upon the face of the gfobe, whose porti arc open tfk th -xppmrnerce'. of the Wrld, and ' whose people are brought -m daily coclict wUaS liberty Wring and. liberty possessing- .people,', . who,; ;wll ,not learn ' from them, the value of fredbtn? w.iJl,it J ndt le "S la mustard seed? sowiy and, when thel aacred fires of 'liberty have fteu. Kg.hted'ii: the hearts, it will furious- . .-r7i: -,- . ..." '...? ' ly culminate in a name, tnat wiil 8WfeepJ away all oppositionaad - secure theirj despotism. i CIIAIiA UTERlaTW. 1 J " The a'lusiqns of the Journal of Com mereeTflitxithvr day.to' the Chicago fire, in rwhieb, a jtontarlkii.was'TO',b-- ' tween it. an.ih burutng ot Coiumbia j during the late war,, as allegedly GenL Sherman' troops, is characteristic of that :. I , Aue-DnrrHBg oi vjnicago was a divip-Paishment for the ,sih8 theol it luia-irui uj j Ufa ty r Duutb Vtc pisrdSjToverV'-'that'etiterpr b Wevno"t "finirne but' or proven "bti anvl fafct WhateVer: "With as much propriety imgBt'th'p 'erjdus.-acidents'ithat' have recentt j .occurred at. Richmond, the lrp;- J noincjspoiswpoft uotei, me iing"o.' ine noor pi. juie jour: Mouse; ine fires that Rtve; occurred in this and " other ci ties of the South ; and. in fact the J many miafoitnjperf'tiiBtlSccbd "mdrviduils "bo aitribiite ;hr'we'amnity as paisbnjpnta i Jor 4the; sins df the re specliTO comraonities :or mdividuaU. ' V Iftiiis idea of the Journals were true, we have in oar minds eye .many individ-r uafe Vhq j must 1 have, sinned . most grie vloiuly against God, were Ve1 to judge by. thwrwant of worldly -success, and amount of misfjrtanev but: wflenteriain .no suuu doctrine, and believe that many excellent communities, .and worthy indi viduals, suffer grievious'y in Uiisjrorld, simp1yr;isf tlier; result of the merest acci denlsynd not the resnlt of Divine inter posionij bin fudging led iQL ;the idestroctio of Chii5ago,lour. Ointeihporary should, bave borne inMiynd the foIlowiKg little passage from Scripture ,inpoirwhoto tfi3Wer f, and slewlthem, think ye they were sinnerabove all men that dwell in Jerusale&jf, you nay; but except Je repvJit yalhall fjtfl.- likewise . perish . Ityj s,t:i Th' intentions and motive of the jr ntf, . are '.. . however - annareni. " to a try ordinarbBexva-f tkeylirrc btctH flat) v-ir-'Tyr r"rT -"i i ded to cast odiom'on the people of the iiorth; who because Northern, must in mind : of the Editor, be necessarily bad, and their great affliction eonsequent- tlie least, the aiticlo was unV charitable, evidently the prodnction tf a prejujictl mi ml, which- can never-riew the people of the North but Ja the light of enemies npon whom every ' misfortune that falls is a merited punish nunC V.T ITertlt CroIlnm Democrat (Xtmfeamlmg their tThe'ieffect at the'-mirse of1 Judge Boml, TviiO baa just concluded holding the. Circoit-Qoinri at Baleighj where so many of the Ku Klux E3an were convicT ted, has been to arouse the fears of the geirirTr-foeDemcticnnnst of iheState whx), finding that hii com prehensiye system of investigation and. judgment was about to reach, perhaps,4 some of their own members, addressed; him a letter, which, with hi reply, is Stibjoinedl u!The Damocrats have bold ly denied the existence of the Ku Klux conspiracy, and some Republicans have been weak enough to join them; but hire is their confession of, it made; toI- Junturiiy y t he leaders ot tiier iomocra- tic party of North Carolina: j LETTER (JF JU$ OBTH SOLIKJk BEltOCK-VTS. ' "Raleigh, N. CL, SeptTsO, 1871. i Hon. II. L. Bond, Judge of the Untied . u JStstet CircuUir' -;" ' Star "We have the honor, in the in terest of the peace of the people of North Carolina, to address -you - this note. The fact that a ,9Qr$t2 .tcnlawfnl or ganization, called the Ku Klux or Invis ible Empire exists Cn-ieertain3 parts of the State, has been manifested in the I t t m r - t i 1 1 . recent triahS'Wefofe thecourt over which yojjresida-3 W condemn, without reservaioiC alfsuch organizations. We denounce them as dangerous to good government, and we regard it as the em inent duty of all good citizens' to sup press them. No right-minded s men in North CavoEna can palliate of deny the crimes committed by .these organiza tions, but we think if Hhe further pro secution of Jte parsons charged with these offences were continued until the Novpmber term, it would enable us to enlist all law-loving citizens of the State to. make am energetic and effects ual effort for the restoration of good or der. "We assure ; you that before the November term of the Circuit Court we believe' that this unlawful 6raniza tion will be effectuaUy suppressed. Tfi ;i.s litt-'presenting these considerations to your Honoi,fwe I declare that it is our doty and puTposa to exert" all he inflof nce we pbssessjrand dse all the means in our rwwerio .absolutejy suppress -, the organization and to secure a lasting and permaijent peace to -the'State. ; The ,laws of the country must and , shall b vxnaicauBu, t sxo : bausutxi anu give the assurance that the people 'of North Carolina will unite, iir arresting, and for ever obliterating an evil which brings berthing but calamity io the State. In the name of a iust and honorable peo ple, and by. aUthjoBsiderations wch appeal oocc?menw scsemmy pro test thatA heserTioltionB ofj law and public justice must and. shall : cease; We have the honor to be, &a,. yours, ! Signed; Thomas Bragg, ! ' " George V. Strong?"1 sT j Daniel G..Fowle, I . James .B-t Batchelor, I . -f r, frv t. IV Moore, - .vtOWO, ':wm ifc.fibipp, A-,V, AM.'1 W. Ransom; VWffl.'-H.tie,", vrV- H.lBattle; jr.Vt 'suaan ,N. X, -Oct 1871. I GEXTLEMMi I navc -the honor to ac- 'kncffiledgeLvl haads-pf ffis Exciel-sj deB?ey,!tovwnrHWdwelIi, the receipt of I yonr letter asking- me to- postpone the xL " 1 f 11 . . . , F . Mt trial of tlw jeaseBBnOwT pendingv!ui the act. : I have eiven vonr letter the lonV . . . " . . Tn i . - . o and carciui conadvBration tot wnich; your eminent posiuon.mviorpivtJarpiina ana the imp3rlMc"o,4he,.tsuhject to which it entitles it1, fcuS 1 nih1 unable to com ply.Xvithf your request. These cases are very numerous, and if "?idt" tried" nbw .w"! at nr, next .term so encumber the docket as to' obstruct all civil busi ness Tlie' city , is full , of t witnesses,' summoned from long distances, who have remained here for several weeks, at large cost, and it would be a great hardship to make them return' again, and iwould be uyust for meo eetttl therd unf I "know they could" return with the same., feeling, of personal se curity that I" myself should have on my own return home. jTbis I do not know; and. though 4 you gfve"me" assurances that beforo the next term of the circuit "court " the invisible empire," shall be e&ectnally suppressed, it: is . not .sup?, pressed now, and :I; feel'fhat t!the en forcement ttf' the "tiw'should continue, hi: I have come to this conclusion with less reluctance, becauseXam sure gentl men who are sbsinccrV in their desire to relieve. JJorfh- CafeKria of this dis graceful and infamous .association, will not remit " their labors 'to' ' suppress $ as they aasufe ttoe" 01103? tave the power to do, beeanrthponTtBitSa, weekw 'two "fohger toassisttEeni jun their undertaking.' I am glad tp hear from you that theXreceht triaht have manifested that this secret,, unlawful organization exists in - some parts of North' Ctaoliha. " It cannot bat aid you itL Vour effort to suppress it. to point out by ihsse trials' to yon who ar& tho guilty person whedompose it. I tope, 1 v ..... .- ':-. . ' , gentlemen, you will agreffwltjuTine that it is best to do eo. , . j " vN' With great respect, 1 teg Itr. remain Vours. verv resrefctmllv t i 4-c! r ! a r . . . tr HtTOB Jjr BoSTD. V r,tM VI nrrit (Vnrt. To Thomas Bragg, George V. Strong, . Daniel G. Fowle and others. Washing ton Cironiele. - ' .r .-,.,-.i,ti u i,yi-x ' - - Mord Territory." " " ' " r- n-T'; . TTT-OTi Stbcac Ibr the Attarpdra of the Bntan irr 7 J Z, It will profcatly tea great surprise to the ma jority of newspaper 'fearers especially rin the North and West, to be fold that there exists a widespread organization, chiefly confinedi .it is true, to ex-Confederate onfeeni.' soldiers and politicians, though inchiding also many persona who served ia the Fedmlannv aadareaotiTely ;l identified with the .national -or tTnion, wbo p f pose to bring about the annexation the Br- public or Men co to t bat or the United btatea peaceably if they can, forcibly if theyaiust ; 8ome information which" has .recently sonja into yonr correspondent's possession -natifies. him. m expressing his conTiction 1ht' 'sneh' an organization exists, and is about to enter Into aa aetivd propaganda in suppor t of it designs, How these facts came into rat possession is im material. - Suffice it to say that my original in-J fbrmant is a leading psrticrpant ' in the move ment ; that he was Colonel in the Confederate army, is a brother' of one of its best-known Southwestern Generals, now dd, and that Ji ia a man of marked ability and . high, chame ter. " jfo bs coNsxrjauTKD wirffiar-FrrK -piusX j According to the statements made by the gen--tlema tHe organization of which ha' acknowl edged himself to le a membererpectartflrBei core the annetitlont'jpf Mexico, within five years at the ntmosfc "They .hope to bring itiiboat be fore and wifl strive earnestly to do so. J ' tq t-j;.'7osb x. j'oxasmi XtT JkT 1 j "the famtw GWeorte-geneml;Tis named as chief of the oiganization." " GreneTal Eosecrans, of the Union array in, it ia affirmed, in. sympiv. thy, if not direct relations,' with the movement John A. Logan is also mentioned in the same way. Eosecrana, It will be remembered, .been, set up as an especial -champion of Mexican inter esta, development and character. He is in pos4 Kssion of grants, railroad and Banking from Mexico, w'-ich if America- xuld be induced to give stability to Mexican efforts, woold quick ly net him an enormous fortune. Many othia of note, north or eou'h of the Potomac, have been named as identified, with the association referred to of whose substantial existence I have no douhL In Mexico itself, it is claimed there are those amorg her trusted public mm who favor and are afffliaterf with it , At the head of these, H is said, stands one of her prominent statesmen, who formerly resided here as Mexican M'wlst r, and who baa an American wife. It is also su gees ted thai Joan 2 himself is not at all unfriendly to the objects songht . .,-., THK AGITATION TO COJCXBKCE NKXT WlSTKR. 'r 80 far as I have been ab?e to ascertain, the plans now proposed are entirely pence fpl.-' A demand for annexation is to begin in Mexico. This ensuing winter will, it is said, see that agitation set in motion. It is to be fostered by . every legitimate means. My. informant speaks of a projected newspaper; also of pro jects for steamship and railroad routes, bank ing, mining and trading companies, all ask irg, ; and probably obtaining, subsidies acd grants. A well-known American is nowin the city of Mexico, seeking a subventioa for m mail line between New Orleans and (he vaioas Mexican Golf ports. "r He . will probable suc ceed, and may then be expected b're to ask) a subsidy f torn r Congress. This he has tried before, r If, however, he be Jn affiliation, as is likely, with the organize-ion under considera tion, he wQ pipbable have better lack for himself next-lime.""" '. - ... v Following the surrender tf ; the C4nfederr acy, there was a prevalent belief (hat we should move into Mexico, MaxmimiJian being then : alive and still playing 'Emperor. ' The writer of this traveled extensively, on inspec tion duty. In st'Veralofr the Son! hern States, and recalls several conversations he bad with prominent ex. rebel officers on the probability of this. Inmost cases these gentlemen indi cated their belief that snch a move, or a war with Great Britain would canse the rgrreat body of tie rebel soldiery . io rally to the na tional army. i'lYf'" ' j WHAT GENEBAt. SatBSlA TBISKS OF IT. ! I think JkwiisGete.- IJodly, of Afabama, Who told me that Gen. Sherman, whom he bad just left in tU Louis, expressed ahope.of some snch movement as a means of reuni ting the two sections w?d direct the disbanding . solV iery against i commnn foe. j Roddy 8ai4i3bet- : man mad no concealment of such opinions. I mtntion this now as a proof ihat even with fbe won nds.of. war bleeding freshly, there we re men from the Confederate armies who dream ed of effecting some service by which they might show themsclyes acceptors of their de feat, and ready in service to "pluck the flows salety, from the n trie, danger.'" It willhc: well to Watch the i indications on tfi line here marked out. r '-There are othtxrroveraents Of the same character which are aKo ike'y .Xfi develop rdnrtng the ensuing sess'mfK bnt- the details of which I mast reaarya.fr-a future letter. ! ' ' ' ' ' ' x ! ; ..." QYAHfftoTPa TTiwid.kLIA':l I It is good seamanship, when there is re.ison to expect heavy weather, to drop an anchor to Windward. - i- We, are in e are in the midd of t'oa season of chJUs KJ feveri) The saret preventive of 'this1 aft-r and tiieasin? malady is H istetter's Sto-nach Bit ters. A. c4urstliat.wi!eso:ne vegi?Ub'e tonic will render an attack impo3arolo. T ike the hiot and drop fiiaiichor to tetdip trJ,"?T Weak stomachs are most liable to be disor dered late in the autumn, when tbechaagescj ' temperature are marked and frcq'i-nL Lfoa tetter's Bitters fortifies the stomach ajraihsfr'tbe effects of these variations. Lot dysp-nticj make a note of the fact, and drop an an ehor .to trindtoard. Tae liver is more sensitive when the weath er ia continually - alternating between the warmth of summer and the cold of winter, than at any other period of the year. This is pecu liarly the season of such alterations. Let the bilious remember that II rtetter'sj Stenaach ! JBitters Is essentially an anti-biiioas med.cine, and drop an anchor to wlndtnard "t t,. ;v', r The wisest plan is to' feres ail evil. The next best thing is, to arrest it. . For disorders of the stomach irregularities of the bowels, and all periodical ferers, take, as soon as the complaint developes itself Ilosteters Stomach Bitters. ' Q Capacity of t h Keflex. "iThe editor of the Leisure Hovr Loadon publication, has recently visited America, and gives the following with regard to tbe capacity of tbe negro for acquiring education : As the intellectoral capacity of colored children, I prefer quoting testimonies of more Weight thai my own. fev. 'Mr,' Zincke says-. "I m nit confess ray astonisbment' at the intel lectual acuteness displayed by a class of color- ed pupiB. . They had acquired, in a ' short space of time, an amount of knowledge truly remarkable. Never in any school m Eur land and' I; have visited many, have I fonnd the pupils able to comprehend so readily tbe sense ..r ,;. u... i.M r t.-.i nmn, ..v I r ZZTtL irL,H. u'" "-Ji:urV questions which showed a Clearer comprehen- hensior. of the subject they wtae studying." Nor is this intelligence mere "quickness at the uptake," as tbe Botch call ft, or - precocious acuteness ia acquiring knowledge, aoon tii be forgotten. M. liippeau visited ,Oberlin Col lege, and what he saw entirely ccafirmtd tte opinions formed ia the schools of the ' acruUi A dsqendunt 01 Baron, if Jncpunscn writes the -foiowinff from WtLsilngton to'thNew Yur "The colored girls of the highest classes. he says,- "appeared in no Way inferior Utheir white companions of the same ajte,". loHSCS the degree of BL A. was coriferred npon fif teen younjj colored men and ten young colored women. The Principle of tbcnUege. in his address to the students, stated ibat in literary taste and ability thea colored pupils were un excelled by any cf their white fellow gradu ates. . The Professors all a ve the same teati- rpony. as tq thipapusajEMl, with regard to moral character M tljppeau w as assured that tie negro race formed a fifth of the pop u'atioB of OberHaratld thHheo4tce? able, "well behaVed and studious cttzens of ihjcplace belonged loHbe cokwreJ' ;I 1:3 rw fRsrr . . , . - . . . 1 - j r ; . t ' Doomt'sTxastTowdkii stands pre-eminent in market as beirff ' the only Baking Powder 4ht isfree from injttriods snbstarces. Not pnly this. but ach package contains the rci.1. o,tUBTiTT ssSRxsxsTKDr wbilnlM-raHy is far superior ta ill others. , Doqjct "a r Y east fOwnxawillprodooe tronvfwt-ntyfiveto fifty rer cenf. . more eood - bread, -colls, biscuits.' I pacby. Ac-Ttbap those oTfoTher fnannfacjiiire t-while it Iriatways convenient to have in tlie DqHse,- mm n xetntbie mns eco noma 1C4 ixfj l yon have'rottrh'd If. asirfor it at your Grocer's.' and take no other. l i aT.'-J ' ' xVSrLedbetter, Senator from the 23th D'rtrict, "composed 'of ".,the! counties Vol Richmorrd "and Moore, J has resigned. 'Glov.Ca1dwell has or'dered a special elcO t'on to fill the vacancy on Thursday the 16th of JTovemUer. With :a proper ef fort the .Republicans can carry the Dis trict, and they are urged to' make such effort -ffra. ... - r. , ; ... ' , ,-r- Wotlce toCoasamers. The Increasing popularity ot Doolit's Txast Pow bib bs. indaced a xertaf a (Inn ho . Bmufctnrc a Baxiag Powder to copy Teroatlm, onr advertisements, imply sabstitating their name hi place of ours. While this proves tie standard excellence aad'Worth of onr Teait Powder it is eatculatcd to deceiTe the consamcn and reflects the character of the partis, as well as' th goods walch they are eadeavoring to force opon th anwaryi Baaar that von call for Doolei' Ysast Powdkb. and" take ' no other. Doolxt 4 Bbothsb Propiiotors, 69 New Street, Hew Tort ALA Ki. Whereon this globe can we eo beyond the omnipresent Yankee . Landing at Sitka, we bad walked but a short disUnce in to the town' when -we reached Mthe northern depot of Dr. Ayer's medicines in ''full display -among the huts, shanties anL courts of these boreal tribes. There the familiar, homelike names of his Cb rry Pectoral. Pills, &c sa lute us from the exterior of a store which shows more business than its neighbors, and proves that these simple bnt sureremedit-r are even more1 necessary to, savage Bfe than to ourselves where thi-y visit every fireside Cor retpojukrtiAUzand. Journal - Tke 'WairBlmg has been- Heeded. Since themposure of the attempts mrd e by certain uhscrupulous local dealers,' to palm off their coarse astringents, made from cheap and impure materials,, jn the place of the great na tional tonic',' Hoatetter's Stomach BItte,s, pub lic opinion has s-t strongly against these em -piric aad their preparations. Their ocenpn tioa if gone, or soon will be. , .When the light is let into dece: tton it soon wilts down. Per sons who trifle with thiir wri health; by using unknown preparations, with J no guarantee to sustain thim, when' an establish specific, proven by twenty ryeam experience to be ex actly what it is claimed to -be, is within their reach, are Stro. to repent their temerity. Many have don so in this instauce, but it is hoped that the iruth plainly spoken has arrested the evil. In tb meantime the demand for tbe ' leading ptotec.ti.ve and restoraiiFemedicine of i America was never so great as it has been this season. From the fever and ague districts of the west south west, and south, U is literal! v overwhelming, and it may.be said of tbe ad vices from all parts of the country of the jcures :t is effecting in dispepsia, bilious corns plaint?, and chronic constipation, that "their name is legion." , Every whera the sick and feeble seem to have realized the importance of ("holding fast that which is good," and of avoiding what is spurious and dangerous. ii ii ' i' ' ! -North CarOntr 1 Craven County. The National Bonk of ! yfaiB Twi va SuprriorCourt. f ;; Notice in Attachment John" fiatterlee? J It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant in the above stated, cause is a non-re -"ident of this Stale, and that a cause of action exists aga'mst .said, defendant, notice is hereby given to John Satterlee,6 the defendant above named, that a warrant of 'Attachment has this day been iittned. opt of this , Court against for ' the sum '. of three thousand one hun- tdred and' thii!dbllars and twenty-six cents (,iu.xu) retnrnaDie to raa term ot tne su perior Court cf Craven County, to . be held on the 9: , Monday after the 4th Monday of Sep tember, 1871 It is further ordered that service 'of the following summons, be Miula by publica tion of the same together with this notice, in the New-Bern Trsixs once a weekf r'sii weeks. ; GiVwi under my hand and the seal of said Court t office in STew Beruthia Oct. 13. 1871. ; ! lu jC .,, .,m-,! .-h E. WEST. t.i-..,ri smjKv f s - ; vierav S. U. The Nabbnal Bank of dr. of ,t! f::'. . ' Summons in at tachment New Bern - va; John Satterlee. To the Sheriff of Craven Connty-Ureeting ! I You are btreby commanded to summon Johii , Baiter lee : h Dc fendan t above n anted, l f to be i' found la-your County, to " appear before the Honorable the Judge uf our Snperior Court tu be held , for the County ef. Craven t 'the Cpart House in Newbern oa the 8th' Monday after the 4 h Mo-day rn!' September 1871 then and there to answer the cornplaiotin ithis to tidn,; and. if he fail todo soitbe plaintiff will take , judgment ' against him f at f 3, 130.2(5 with interest iroin, 23'h. day. of ',, (January A D. 1871. a-r,',o ?ti- 1 -''Hia-i feJ?13 -li1 ' Herein fail not,' and of this sammrrns rnake due return:.1 'Given under my hand, and the seal of said Court, this 13th, day of October 1871. . -M: l. i LE. West. I - Clerk, 8. a r ." "' ' 1 " " - North Carolina. V fci ' V f -W ' t Craven C-noty. ( Snperior Court. The National Bank of New r Bern, t. John SsOerlee, t Notice In attachment . Jantef-M. Ljen. - f ; It appear! ng to the satisfaction ef the Court that the- defendants In the bo-vo stated cause are noa resident of this State, and that a caaae of action ex ists against said defendants, John gattertee and James, Jt. Lroa notice -ta hcrthy 'given that a Warrant , of Attachment has. this day bees latasd ent of this- Coart. against them, for the sum of S4.447 62 retLnuble to the. Fall Term of .the ninth Jlondc j after the fonrtiiptonday of 8cptea ir, 1871. It is further ordered that service of the following samraooe he .made by pabliatioa of the ame,, together with this aotice. la the New Bern Times, once a week, for six weeks. -. Given under my hand and the seal of said Coast, at office ia New Bern, this October 13th 1871. -, f. la-l 1, K. 1VOT, Clerk S. C The Nstional Bank of New Bern, - ' i - -- ' ,1a jcs',t,t uff-'.t EDBDOUla Attachment. Joha Satterlee, JameaJC. Lyon. , 's STATE OP KOBTH CAEOIJNA. To the Sheriff of Craven Coanty, greeting; . ' .Ton are herebv eoramanrfHri to snmraon JtOiii R't. teriee and Jamee M. Lyoa, the defbodanta above uamco, uuk zonna in yonr coanty, to appear before the Honorahle th J.fj.r. n Mr ..wi r... the Honorahle, the Jade of onr enpeiiur Coart. to neia tor tae Conntv of c'rarcn. at ue art Hons heiield for the County of Craven, at the Coert House bth Monday after the 4th slondav IB sentemlier. 1871. next, tlm end there to aim the complaint in this action, and if they fail to do so, the plaiatif wiU take? judgment against, them fbr ft.4U.5x, with Interest from sSUday of Janoary, A. D. 1871.; . . Herein fail not, and of this sammons. aVa we 7e tnra. Given ander my band and the seal of laid cooit, this 13th day of Octobe". If- I.B WrSTy , Oai9-laww , a r. eisr If, fT; Jon Ju BicButanSfarfTT f. . Jojsra A. Bux GASTON HOUSE it Cl BEIsIs. FEIETOE 8, IS OPEN FOB the fiECEPTIO of GUESTS, and SoScits the paUoUage of the pcblic , , f v 7nests' of this House will always find comfort able rooms and attentive servants. -- ----.- nPRICES MODERATE ep is-tf :. .. - -r. '!! : ' . " v Z-i' I'' j1 r 1 'il &Cm- MITGHELL; ALLEN & CO., COTTON C1RS AND PRESSES, HORSE POWERS, BELTINC, COTTON B ACC I N C , Tl ES , PAINT, OIL, CLASS, &C, &C &C, 1.- ' AT REDUCED PRICES! JOHN ARMSTRONG B O OK - BIJT&i; B . - : and '' ' ",' BLAOT BOOK MANUFACTURER - - . OVER THE 9. C BOOKSTORB. - n RALEIGH', 5. 0. Triil. Execa-tion. Kinnte and Becordinj Docket made to order.. North "jiroHna' Reports and other,. Law Books bound in snperior La JBindit,. Ktssins- numbers .of : tbe Reports sapplied aad odd Bombers tafcen in exr.hsn?e furhindlne . FALL TRADE OPENED. J; E. AMYETTf THE South Front St. GROCER, has a very ,. LAEGE ASD ATTRACTIVE STOCK at GENERAL MERCHANDISE, :: !.. ' .. ' ' - '. ' '.'''' consisting of FLOUK, TORE, BACON COFFEES. SCQAES, MEAL, LAJKDi -. f r'- CHEESE, ..5 . ,.'.... MOLASSES, SYBUPS. --.' ' v ,pOMESTICS, - 4c,- Arc and, in fact everything wanted by the people. ' - - ' ' ' -: '-"''' - Consignments of cotton- and other produce solicited, . -, ; ;. . . i. Liberal advances and prompt re tarns made. .;.-(,- .: "'.V .,: , Give nva a call.' t will insure satisfaction. 3. j&ZMXZESTPT g. w. claypoolb; ; Cobsxa Cbaven and Broad Stuksts rf, , : 0 7 ,'n'e it b e R2r' jr. 6. Marble Worker, s a . ' 'TotTtbstones.' c. THE NEXT, General Convention T, i'i. or TEI, Pkotestakt EriscorAi! CnuEca i - vunnu. v. . At Baltimore, Oct 4 1871. ! ASH THil KNSTIKd JTHBEB WEEKS. Z Olfaccoant of tbe very frreat interest attached'to the. Debates of the House of Oerical ' and Lty Deputies, Tas Chcchjiah will pnbliah. during, the Corvention, a DALLY KDITION. at Baltimore, It w B contains phon. graphic-Mport, xrrtalim. of tbe Debates. Committee Resorts, bermona, etc, made by D.Y. Ifuarav, Chief of Official Coaps of -Beporters of the U. 8. JSeaate, and his assistants. Th CaoBCHxaa, Daiij JMirtoa, wiltbe mailed each day, to any subscriber, eti vrtyayniit of $1.60. MS BboADWAT. KW yOBJt--;"; ii...; . Sept. ao-tf . i - .-' v 4 I Claim AgencyJ ' : '' TT A BECENT "ACT OF OOMeKJtaS,' PASSED JL March Srd, ltSTl. all persona ia the States lately in rebelaoo. who were loyal to the United States tiov ercmot will be paid for all loese snstatnea by prop erty being taken for the use of the United States army. I have established an office ia Washineten. D. C lor the purpose of prosecuting all such claims, sad respectfully solicit whatever business of this ebwrertrr tbe reader may have ia Washington. '. t ... . , .JW. SMITH, Att'y. Bsferstor 1 -' - .-- Uon. U. SfcCnlloeh, ex Secretary of the Treasury; ir- Boa. O. r. Morton, U. 8. 8., Indianapolis, I ml ; , Hon. A.1, Tharmaa.U. 8. 8., Cslambas, Ohio t ' ! Hoa Alex McDonald. U. 8. 8 , Little Boek, Arku; Hoa.. U Cobb, M. Cv North Carolina ; . , s . - Ilea. 3 U Brodbead, 8eeod Comptroller; ' : Bon. 8 i W Tabor. Foarth Auditor; Gea. O O Howard. Washington. D. C X -Geii. B W Rice, Paymaster Ueaeral firv - Hon. BLB CUrke . .Examiner in Chief Patent Office, Jay Cooke A Co., Bankers,. Washington, D. C; " TBBAStrat DsvaaVarairT, " " Z ) ' 8ai Coitr-rmoij,Ka'e Orrica. . 4 Mr. J. W. Smith, late chief clerk of this office .hav ing resigned, to engage in the bostaess of few profes sion. I cordially commend him to the public lie is a geatlemanof auacaal axsquiremeats, great lodoatry. and spotless integrity, and intimately acquainted with .the transaction of bnainesji in the executive epart BMnts. I feel pleasure ia bearing this volaatary tea. timoayto his eharacver, after an official coanectioa with hint of several years. . . . - . M.BmaaAD,ComptroUer. All hrfonaatios given, and blanks famished, at the Acs of- ; CHA8.B1BBAKD, - . Ocrk U.S. District Cowrt. Vue9U Coart Bamw buMing, tw Bera, K. C North Carolina; i 1 Snperior Court, - CorneuaT. Estes ' s-'-s . Chelsea L. EsJm. Craven Coanty.- Petition for Eft voice. V It aripearinji lroni"the aiSdavit filed in tbe above named case, that he defendant is a non resident of the State, and cannot after doe di ligence, be fonnd therein, it ia ordered that ser vice of the following Summons upon said de fendant be read by publication of tbe same in tbe New-Bern Tuns, once a week for six weeks; Given under my hand and official sea this 12th day of October; 1871. Clerkof8,C Cn :'' Snmmoa.- ,! 1 : Chelse?wktee. fPeUo divorce. , STATE Of WORTH CAROLINA To the Sheriff of Craven Count j Greeting : ;K ! Toa are hereby commanded to summon Chelsea L. Stea, the defendant above-Damed.il heberonadwith. in yonr Conuty, to appear at the office of. the Clerk of the Snperior Court for "be Coanty of Craven, with in forty-fire days after the service of this snamoaa on him, exclusive of the dav of snch service, and answer the complaint, a copy of wbieh will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Snperior Court for Cra ven County, within ten days from thedatt) of thitanm mons ; and let him take notice that if he fails to an swer (he said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will take Judgment against him tor the relief demanded ia the complaint T i Hereof fail not, and of this sammons make ffue re tarn. - .; ,: tPf Given ander my band sxd the seal of said Court, this ISthday of October. 187J. . L K. WEST. Sw . Clerk cf the Superior Coart, Craven County. Ia ths matter of II. A. Gaskioa, f Snperior Ccivrt, I Crayes Co Ji. C. et ii ct sis. To th.. rVinrtT the above case, the Clerk will expose to public sale at the Coart House door, in the City of New Bern, on Saturday, the 4lh day of November, 1871, the fol lowing property, to wit: . - , ,.,,.y . A tractor land in Craven County, 6a the north sUe of the Neose River, adjoining tbe lands ef George Bright on the northJames Vincent, on tbe east Neuse River, on tht south, and the lands of William Brewer on the west, containing 300 acrea, more or less. Terms of sale '-fifty dollars cash," balance on credit of six months, by filing bond with approved ecenritr. . LE- WE3T,c.s,c New Bern. Oct. 6-1 aw4w. NORTH CAROLINA. Caavas CorsTT. In the matter of Letitia Reel 4 others! - ' ' . to V Snperior Coart. the Court. t In obediruce to an order of the Superior Court in the above case, the Clerk will expose to public sale, at fhe Conrt House door, in the city of New Bern, on Saturday, the 4th day of November, 1871, the follow ing property, to wit: One tract of land containing one hundred acres, more or less being a part of a tract granted to Rich ard Blackledse the 11th of March 1775, situated at tbe side of Sonth River, at the mouth of Buck Creek, which said tract oi land was devised to Thos. D. Jones, by his father Jas. Jonss, by his will date! 5ta of Sep tember, I83 and Was convered to Geo. . Smith, by Frances J. Prentiss, Sheriff of Craven County, by deed dated Oct. 22 1845. Also one other tract containing 100 acres more or less, being the undivided half part of a seoOacre tract which is on the east side of South IQv rr, and en Eastncsa Cieek. which was devised to Joseph Pittman by Patienct Carraway. by will, in 1817, who conveyed the same to Council Wood in 1853, who oonveyed the tame to Geo, G. Smith. ... , also two other tracu of land, which were conveved to- Geo. G. Smith by Thos. McT.in in 1847; the frt tract being on the upper side of David's Gut, rni.niog np South West Creek, containing SOJ acres, more or less ; the second tract belli i; part of the land purchased by Thomas Martin from Joseph Rotal, lying on tie west side of South River and on the narth side of South West Creek contaiuins 50 acres more or less, beginning at Richard Hill's corner, joining William Miirsland. - Also, another tract being the lime which was conveyed to George S. Smith by Reuben Fnlcher and Win. Smith, by deed, dated July 89th, 1815. lying on the east side of South River, adjoining lands, late the property of Thos. D, Jones, deceasd L. Sarah Salter, bordering en Buck Creek and . Elisbas Creek, commonly called Buck Point, containing 100 acres, more or less, bein? the same which was formerly the property of James Jones, Senior, who devised the same to his son James J ones, who conveyed the same to Reuben fnlcher and Wm. Smith, in 145. . 'Also, all that trad or pa. eel of lands on South West Creek, a p-ong of Sooth River, comprised in three patents and containing 300 acres, moic or less, being all which Thomas-Nelson owned on South West Cieek at the time of his death. Also another piece of land Li Craven County, on the south side of Ncae River, and op tha west side of Sooth West Creek, beginning on the west side of the month of South West Creek and bounded on the front by said Creek, and on tbe lower side by the lands of Calvin fluff, containing 60 acres, more or lees formerly called Sammon'a land. . - ,; - Also, another trait on thesontii fide of South River, above Sooih Won Creek. ad joininp the foods belonging to the heirs of Tboe. Pittm-iu. d. c'd. lata residence of Charles Jones a d Comfort, bis wife, containing by estimation 100 acres, more or less. i . 1 A more detailed description of the ahovs parcels of land will be furnished npon application at tbe offlcc of the Clerk of tae Superior ikmrt for Craven County.-1- - 1 ha said parcels of land will be sold separately. Terms, one-fourth cash, balance on credit of six months. LE. WEsT, C. 8. C, New Bern, Oct. S-law4w, . ;- . ' DISTRICT COURT OF THK UNITED STATES, t Pamlico Distbkt. Ji United States 400 acres land mere or . less, sad tbe mules aad other stock and proper tv on which tbe distil Libel of Information. lery of Jalia Daniels i was Niuaicu, iu unxa County, N. C-, Julia Daniels, Willie D Roun tree. Joseoh Bvnnni To Julia Daniels, Willie D. Rountiee, Joseph J. By- num and to all whom it may concern: Greeting. Notice is hereby given that, the above mentioned property was seised by 8. P,.Wriglt Deputy Col lector of 9nd District North Carolina, on the 35th. day of Jalr, 1871. as forfeited to the uses of tbe United States, for violation of the Internal Rev enue Laws, and the same is libelled and prose cuted in tbs District Coart Pamlico District ef the United States for condemnation for the causes ia the said Libel of Information set forth ; and that the said causes will stand for trial at the Court Room of said Court at New Berne, the 37th day of October next, if that be a iurisdiction dav. and if not at the next dav of jurisdiction thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should sot be Jecreed aad . to intervene for their Interest. Gives aader my hand at Office, In Ralclgb, this the bu aay ot vrciooer, ltd. i , . octlS-aw. . 8 T. CAKBOW, TJ. 8. Marshal DISTRICT COURT Or THE UNITED STATES, it - ; tf . Pamlico District. i - United States t. I iva - v.: ' " ' XI. : ....... 30 boxes. 10 quarter 1 boxes j , - Libel of Information. and 8 caddies of manufae ; tared tobacco, containiag . Z.50U lhs, more or leva, tan Property ef Satterfleld A I ones. J To Battcrfiefd. A Jones and to all whom It may con r era.r-Greetinr. - , . . Notice is hereby riven that tbe above mentioned1 property ws seized bv 8.- I. Wright. r Deputy Col lector of the; 2nd Coilectioa District of North. Carolina.'-, on : tbe 4tb -day 1 of Angust, 1871, as forfeited to the cses of tbe tiiiited States, for violation of the Internal Revrane Laws, and the same Is libelled and prosecuted in tbe Dia't Coart Pamlico Dit't of tas United States, for condemnation for the causes in tbs said Libel of Informatioa set forth; and that tbe said causes will stand for trial at the Conrt Boom of said Coart at Newbern on tbe S7ta day of Oct. next, if that be a iurisdiction day, and If not at the next day of ju risdiction thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear -to show eaase why condemnation should not he decreed, and to Intervene fee their inter est. ' - Gives ander my hand, at office, in Raletew. this 12th day of Oct., 1871. j 8. T. CARSO W. : oetl3-w vi,,., ',:, r. ..3 U. 8- Marshal. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, Fos tbs Pajtuoo Distsict ttr Boaaw Cajtouxa. "5 United States 1 , ; ... ': lr- : ' ' ' ' t boxes manufactured to-1 bacco. 1 two-horse wag. i Libel of Information. : , .,, on. a makes and harness 1 and especially against a -s .-'n fii" Jas. J. Allen, and uisl. surety. J. A- Cheek. 1 -f"'-' p -"'" To James J. Allen and his surety. J. A, Cheek, and to all whom it saay concern i Greeting.' Notice ia hereby given that the above aasntiooesl property was seized by t. F. Wright, on the Slat day of Sept., 1871. as forfeited tothenseaof tbe United States, for violation oi tbe Internal Bevenne Laws.and the same is libelled and pioeeested thePam Ueo Dist't Conrt of the United States for condemnation for tha eaaes in the said Libel of Information set forth ; and that tbe said causes will stand far trial at tbe Court Room of said Court at New Bern, on the X5 h day of Oct. next, if that be a jurisdiction day, and if not at tbe next day of jnri edict ion thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear . to show cause why condemnation s Bon Id not he decreed and to intervene for their interest. - - ' --. Given under roy hand at office la Raleigh this 12th dsy of Oct, 187L B.T. CABBOW, OctlStw . U. 8. Marabal. 0?ILE13SI VVU.Jb3: JWATIKQ ERECTED aKD OPENED A NEW CLACKS MITH SHOP on Middle street, next door to Odd Fellow's 11 all, is now prepared to do Horse shoeing and Blaksmithi og in all its various btancbr-. Tbe cualom of citizens respeclf uUj tolicited. - STEAMSHIP LINE New-Bern and Baltimore. Steamer Commerce, leaves Newbern for Baltimore, via Canal, TLnrs day, Oct." 12, 1871. Cottdn taken for Norfolk. Baltimore,- r'hijodelphis'anil New ,- T.M t.l r- v.f..iu ..i v i.. For freight or passage, apply to .f - 1JEXJ.-L lElillY, Agom. rr : - ;TlIK STEAMER JAS. A. GARY, CAPT. IIALL, Master, Will sail from Baltimore, ftr New Ptm. on Friday morning, Oct. 13. REDUCED RATES. Plonr30c: ro rlx. doc . KEDLTCED KATES ON COTTON. To Haiti more .2 00 p.-r b:i'c " Phila.Ielphia 2 50 " New York 2 75 . " Boston 4 00 " " For rates and cngficruents apply to !.' U I'KKUY, at tbe Wharf in New Bern, and .ANDUEWS fc CO., lialti morp. - Dec.'15th-tf. FOR NEW YOlui SAlLtXfa , ETEJIY FIVE BAYS Zodiac, Chapin Master. EIIphS. Terry, Salycr Mastor. SteamsWp Zodiac. Capt. CUapiir, will leave New lJcni,N. C.,lrN'W York. TutsJ.iy, Oct. 17, at 4 o'c'o:k. Ellen S. . Terry, Salyer 3Iiister. Wil - leave New York for New-Hern, N. C, Tin ntlay, Oct. 17, ai 4 o'cloik. Freight received at all times nn lcr cover Through Bills of. Laling pi yen to and from all oiUs on the N. C. l'ail l?o:td. Insurance effectel through us at per cent. Freights will be taken for Boston, Phila delphia and Baltimore. ' CEO. W. DILL. James Manwell. EXGINEEH and MACHINIST, Craven St., near South Front, xaakea and repair EN G I N E S , BOILERS and All Kinds of Machinery. . ! .. - :' . ' . if '''' Brass and : Iron Foundry- ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS Made to order at short notice. All Work Warranted. TUB OKI. T silOP IN -NEW-BERN WHERE SUCH WORK IS DONE. DLACKSMITHINC in all branches, and HORSESHOEING, i)one by Experienced Workmen, ia connection with the.aboTC JAS. HARWELL a-'"