I "jTsTmanIx, Local Editor. CITY AND STATE ITEMS, Arrival and Departure of Mails. PosT-OrricE, New-Berk. N. C., ) ... Aug. 18tb,1871. -Mail Closes for the North, West and South atMiJ Closes for Beaufort and the East, at 0.3U r m Mail C Mail Closes for Washington, 8wif t Creek, vde and Beaufort Counties, every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, at 5.30 A M. Mail closes for Trenton, Pollockville, and Swansboro, VTreanesaays uu oaiuxuays at "flail closes for Hatteras, New York, stm'r cays ai is , . Mail closes for Grantsboro, Bay River and Vandemcre. Tuesdays mursaays ana aaiur days at 6 AM." r. -A Mail ARRIVES. - - - - - - From the North, West and South at 6 Jf M opened for deli very at 7 Phi.) , From Beaufort and the East at 750 A M. From Washington, Swift Creek, N C. Ac From Trenton, and Pollockville, Tuesdays and Fridays at 4.30 P M. From Grantsboro. Bay River and Vande mere, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at j n If Office hours from 8 AM. to 6 PM, and 7 to ,-- n . r i . l m .A nv . n . . 7.3U r W. ounaaya iroro la-ov m i c dl. GEO. W.NASON.Jr.. Postmaster. The Editor of ' this paper it in no may re sponsible for the rictrt or statements of Corres pondents ; no communications of an anony mov character will be published, the real name of the writer mutt accompany aU communica tion. Any one who may feel agrieved at statements made by correspondents can obtain the name on application to the Editor. The thermometer all day yesterday was below freezing point. r ".'""' Representative Dudley will accept out tVntntg for Pub. Docs. There was no Mayor's Court yesterday cause, no cases. The Grand Jnry of the Superior Court was discharged yciterdar. 'A''- An important interrogatory Have you se cured your Christmas turkey? The Board of Engineers and Officers of the Fire Department met last night Alfred Glimer, "to he hung In Greensboro', on the 15th is over 80 years of age. Mr. Wni. Woolcott, formerly of this city, is now doing business in Elizabeth City. The cold weather still continues, destroying every vestige of the id a of a " Sunny South, C. C ClftTk, of this city, has been- re-elected Grand Master of the Masonic order, in this State. The steamship Commerce, Walker master, arrivea irom .Baltimore yesterday, (o B. L. Prry, agent. " . Near has made full and ample orenarations to supply all Eastern North Carolina with toys ana coniectionaries for the holiday season. Wool sold yesterday at $1.50 per load, a price msner than at any time before, this winter. God help the poor, with wood at this price ! " Champion. " Our popular friend Zinkand claims Hm championship for ; bis , celebrated Columbus arr - igar, oyer any other sold in this city, and all who use them endorses his statement JasMec's Conrt,. A-,,-s , .- :A'Ar Bobert Moore was before Justice Eilburn yestPtday, charged with defrauding Stepney White out of an overcqat. The case was dis charged on payment of costs by defendant the Mall. '"( :j i-X Owing to cirenmstances beyond onr control we missed the mail yesterday morning. Our readers, out of town, will consequently receive two copies of the Times by this morning's mai'. -, , '. - - Skating;. The ponds and other maU sheets of water in this vicinity presented a lively appearance yesterday by means oi the presence of many of our young men who, taking advantage of the present eold snap, had donned their skates and a nrst rate good time. Personal. . , ,, We were pleased to meet our old friend, Dr. Arendall, of Morehead City, on yesterday. The Doctor is cultivating a moustache, a la Bit raarck, and looks aa well and hearty as if he ere jnst out of a well filled larder. He claims that his BepubKcanism is beyond question, and, judging from our conversation with tim, vre are inclined to say, that we think he is Bound. Wnwr WI, We are in possession of a letter from a gentle man in the county of Bladen, giving some startling developements in regard, to the Ku Klux organizalioa in that county. He sends the oaths, and some of their confessions but, we do not intend to prejudice the publie mind by the publication' thereof let them have a fair trial, and there can be no room left for grumblers, or apo'ogists. Era, - Elm Ciy Coaneil. V AAA'. This (WiL F of T, met on Tuesday night Wu,g and initiated several new members- with r61vcxi3tenco' 0118 Coaaca " "S8 wSt? O,th0 meBibe are connected with the aer sper business in this city ' Mcra a ad Ciutrade. On Friday night, 8th inst - at 7 1 o'clock, a ncn, rare and racy entertainment will be offered bur ci:zens by , a number of young ladies and g mtlemea of our city, at Memorial School Uouse, on Oeorge street. ,: We anUcipnte a rare tr.at, and advise all lovers oi pleasure to attenq. iTrioe of admission 2a cents for adnlta, and 15 cents for children. ' On the fol'owing day (Saturday), at the same place, the same, persons will cve a matinee Price of admiasiou to which . will be, adults 15 cents and 10 centn.' f T r - "' i Tbe Theater. We are pleased to learu that our suggestion, relative to the matter of seenerv in the theater. has been acted upon, onr Dramatic Association having made arrangements with tbe managers of the theater to give a aeries of entertainments, the receipts from which will go toward furnish ins additional seenerv. In pursuance "of this arrangement, the Dramatio Association will play during the next week, and will annonnce in due time the character of the pieces to be presented. We earnestly ' hope that our citi zens will recognize and properly appreciate the effort to provide proper appointments for the theater, and when tne time has been designated, wiU give a hearty support Death f BishB Itavlit. We recruited to Im Tester lav of the death of Rt Rev. Thomas Frederick Davis, Bishop of the Diocese of South Carolina, which took place a Camden, on last Satnrdav mornincr. r Bishop Davis was a native of Wilminirton. and was elder brother to our distinguished fellow citizen. Hon. George Davis.1; '. He had long been in feeble health and had latterlv had his sight very much impaired, and to such an extent that he was unable to read the services of his Church. ! He was present in this citv. in - r r r October; on his way to the - Episcopal Con-" vention m .Baltimore, but, - owing to indispo sition, did not appear in public. He had devoted his life to the cause of his Divine Master and now, at the ripe age of nearly 68 years, be has gone v to reap his . reward. Truly, a great man in Israel has fallen. Wilmington Journal. Zaiambetli City. -, " ' 1 ' We learn from a passenger on the steamer Commerce that while laying at Elizabeth City a colored . woman came aboard, : and 'while all were asleep entered the captain's stateroom and seizing upon his vest essuyed to leave. bhe was fortunately detected and detained until morning, when she was permitted to de part, as these interested did not care to go to the time and trouble of prosecution. ' . We learn from the same gentleman that a young man, a resident of Currituck Conrt House, went Tinning one day. the first of the week, and has not since been heard from. His doga, who accompanied him. ' have returned. covered with blood, and it is feared the young man has met with a tragic end. - Hnperlor Court. ". -This tribunal was in session yesterday, and during the morning session ' dinp sed of the Criminal Docket, taking up the Civil Docket in the afternoon. In the case of Jacob Pool and Axum Skinner, charged with Larceny, a ncl prot was entered as to Skinner, and Pool found guilty, and was sentenced to hard labor in the county jail for six months. " James Green, who was also tried on Tuesday for Larceny, was found guilty, and sentenced to hard labor in the county jail for four months. Anderson Godfrey was before the eonrt for Larceny, found guilty, and judgement sus pended.,1; ; His Honor yesterday passe 1 the followinff sentence on Chauneey Wis,, who was convicted at tms term of tne court of the crime of Arson: "It is considered and adjudged by the court, that Chauneey Wise, the prisoner at the bar, be taken to the common jail of Craven County, and there remain until the the 29th day of De cember, 1871. and on that day he be taken from thence to the place of common execution, be tween the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, and hung by the neck until he be dead," from which judgment the prisoner at the bar prayed an ap peal to the Supreme Court, which appeal was granted. '- i Aaatber Dodae. The present Legislature at its last session, in order to insure a Democratic city administra tion, gerrymandered the city of 'Wilmington,: in this they tailed: and at thin nerarinn thov have introduced the following bill in the hope that by its adoption they wiU be more suc cessfnl: ' .,' L- A X .AA A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AIT ACT TO VUMI'JSlt llitS J'ffJ VlLJEiilS Utr VU MUZATIVE SUFFRAGE ON THE VOTERS OF WILMINGTOy, IN ALL ELEC1IONSFOS ALDERMEN. ' R-rn. 1 Til A riondrol loBamr.lw a Vwrt rAaJtl lina do enact. That it shall be lawful for any voter in any election for Aldermen, to be here after held in the city of Wilmington, to cast as many ballots as there are Aldermen to be voted for by him for one candidnte, or to divide the balltfts. he may b Antithni to cast imnna annh candidates as he may prefer. , t - dec. 55. 1 nat so much of any law as is in con flict with this act, is hereby repealed.. Sxc. S. This act shall Kb after its ratification. ; i - ' - l This dodge is one of ereat significance to the people of "New-Bern and other cities and towns in the State containing a Republican majority, as the action in relation to changes in Wil mington s municipal affair is but the precursor of the action to be : taken in relation to other cities. We have no particular objection to general cumulative voting, bnt we do object to its application by a Democratic Legislature to cities with large Republican majorities., 8T1TEUS6S. ' They are no w prepared to hatch chickens bj steam in Baleigh, aa., Forty Ku KIuz, arrested in Sampson county, have been taken to Raleigh. -' ; .Dan Bice's Circus shows in Baleigh on the 11th. Wake Superior Court has fire divorce cases on its docket - - Raleigh's two theaters are occupied every night this week. " . T. Prisoners in (he Wilmington jail made an ef fort to escape but were frustrated. Kbhop Atkinson preached in ftoMfem' Tuesday. T ' ' ( - Wilmington has a, seventy-five pound Guinea pig, and brags about it 7 - - Over one hu&feed pieces of real estate were sold in Wilmington t satisfy city taxes. - Wyman is Rivins awav fnMii.w a 1- or things at his exhibitions in Wilmington. We erred .yesterday afhidina lrt - fi tv maines; they playel jn Baleigh last night and Dlav to-nmlit, oft . -. ? k" JMew xorc The Wilmington Jb raw.rS - The SUtesville American save' Tii llYn der county, about twelve years ago, a quiet citi. lea Without IIT tniiwn mca ' il - V vmf- :T ""6" uuuneu on a tree. A few days sinoa hia -wit -Uta . - . "w JierKUlIl her mnm Inirmi, . . i ' vi jjiian cxm- re . A' " ' - . .' THROUGH LIFE, We slight the giffa that every season beaii Ana let them tall unheeded from our trrasn. j.u our great eagerness to reach and dim The promised treasure of the coming years; Or else we mourn some great good passed away, And, in the shadow of our grief shut in. Refuse the lesser good we yet mieht win. The offered peace and gladness of to-day. - So thronga the chamN-r of our life we pass. And leave them one bv one. a:d never sLiv nv Knowing no mncn. plasanme-ft there was in each, until the closing of lh- tmj Has Bounded tlironjih the house, and died away,- :,- vf ' - j , :ti, . - ' , And in onr heats we H?gh, "For i veriaore.' For Children's Boots And Sho. co to Wat, son's, Mid..ile Street. New Bern. . U Ont nf town imliwnlwru ran nu.int nf tVai. . . . . - . Dills tor BubscnpU.iu, wiU please be prompt in responaing - Cotton . bagging and ties of superior' quality and ut low prices, can be iound at ' MITCHELL. ALLEN AGO. A Steam Boiler and Entrine. (twenty horse power,) in good repair, for sale or exchange lor real estate in this city. Enquire at this office. 8et)22-tf 100 barrels assorted Flour. 53 barrels Pork. 30 barrels Assorted Sugar, Svtuds. Molasses Feas, Coffees, rnd in fact a larse and comnlete stock just landed, ad for sale at tf ' J. E. AMYETT'S. Miles Shepard; Carpenter 'and Undertaker. respectfully eives noticcthat from this time for. ward he wut be found at his place of business. on Middle Street, between Pollock and South Front. All orders will receive prompt attention. Novl9-tf i i B. .... im Wanted. Fifty turpentine hands, to eo to Florida on the 1st of January. 1 or particulars apply to Ueo. O. Eixford. . , - Ohas K. Dottok. 30-lr. tfotie. : r.-t , v. : i X,, Ut,il..l Application wQI be made to the- present uenerai ASBemoiy oi Pi ortu uarolina for a w a i i a . . charter to incorporate St Peter's Lodge, Council or fiends Mo. 1, of the City New-Bern, N. a M Dec 3-lmo. - 1 V J . Notice. Persons having business with R T BERRY, as Justice of the Peace, will find him when not otherwise engaged, at his office, in the rront room of the Times office, on Craven street May 9-tf. RamemVier t,nt 1WV T?;1... rr t i , - . m.uku ubuuwa, it. iiia newbrick store on Pollock street, has opened a magnificent stock of gents ftirnishing goods, clntTlinor riota Anna lyun J -1 ... n c, vuo, uwu aau Buues ior i1 ail l uii wcw. mr. xiuaooc& nas, r -with I sble good taste, laid in a stock suited to all classes of our citizens for vbnm i -, I : mm uuuo you need anything in his line be sure to call on mm; ana remember the place, one door above the National Bank, on Pollock street tic has also on band, clothing manufactured ot tne nest material, tor large sized men. ' Oct 5-tf. . Whence comes that firm reliancevthat abso lutevundoubtiog faith in the efficacy of Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters ai a a remedy for in- digestion, bilious disorders. . intermittent and remittent fevers, which notoriously prevails in all parts of the United States t The ennB- dence has been growing for twenty yearj. ana u is sun extending. It is not the - result of credulity; it has not been engendered hv any human device, but Is t' e erjontaneons and natural consequence of experience. What people see daily going on under their own eyes they cannot question. When families in eyes mey cannot question, when families in I unhralthy districts, that resort to this whale- some vegetable tonic as a preventive, escane periodical fevers, and their immediate neigh- I Who Insures With the Life As bors, who neelect that nrecautlon. ara iro-1 sociation nf Amarlna - : r trated by the disease, how is It cossible that " . - - I the Dhenomenon should he wiihont it. ta,n . f '--.- - 77 I in like manner when it is seen that obstinate caes of dyspepsia, of Hvsr complaint, of con- . ". . , I stipation, of nervous weakness, and of general debility, yield to the operation of the famous remedy, how can even incredulity itself with hold its endorsement ? Eve witueesra of the salutary effects of the bitten:, Sre to be found in every civilized settlement on this continent. The thousands noon thousands who owe their restoration to health and strength, or their preservation from sickness to its extraordinary medicinaj properties," are enthusiastic in' its praise, xne multitudes who recammend it in a neighborly way to their friends and ae- quaintandea, as well as those who make public tneir estimate or its virtues, are always ready o state their reasons for I he fat Ih that is in them. They have all cither fell or witnessed its benificent operations. v . ' 5 THE WEBER; PIANO FORTE i . AND . i Mrs. Moultor. y SCTBeNew fork TCrt.ninti ITw'.. r: 11 nJ i mVTIm success whiclj ' Mrs'. Moults ob- j THREE DA T 8 BATTLE BETWKJCv mined in Nw Vrl- - i.'l! i : .hii. ...wi,,. . .v.- 1. , " Eastern artist says : lf wo thould sneat nf Urfc Moulton's'eipgineaa'wefoel. tLo public woM 'hinknsan enthusiast, ot a.criue. I Her yoke islik a i u - , " - v"" ici Lf . enry aiKcth,a. , The iuk iu uiora meycry airccth.n Ti. j 19 an encore, executed a fantasia fi r t the lefi haiid in a wonder I " w J UV WW trtSGW GraAi which vat itted, and ichich dceoinpinieA (Tr ' 1?fT fk 'W lilfrmm m .nlmrfiJ h.., ' IBB '. ' IHfl A " ' fta ' , I iu'tuuicnfc in tone and power." The Wwr rtrn, 1 . . mi . . 1HD- antm.eM iv . , t . . i vunoiMiitu w wist cuicicut instruments I la a Concrt-rooTn ' n wll on tv.a k..i t I parlor. This was - rich, evn and well sus- V VUV WBb 1UX LUU tained in tone throughout, and is a most . I Ctlleut specimen of the skill of this talented I maner, and cannot fail to creat'y enhance hi reputatio which is founded on the most sub stantial ground.1 We understand that the sale of the Weber Fiano is exceeding all rreced nt " anil f n wmII unaersiand why all tho grand artists invari- Certainly commendation can hardly eo fur tner taau this." AiidIv to. A AAX A" J. E. NASH. 1 MARKETREPORT. COBBECTXQ DAIH STi TO. P-: . ACci.y?-ra.w .-rr Commission Merchant. S 6UTH FRONT STREET, Cotton, -, sales bales at n cts. Seed. - 5i Tnment.infi TMn . . fr . tr - cc r - o ' $5.40 m "is-i 1 .4." I jloi. - r . 2.10 j.,gjn aco. I Spirits, s - -l:.r; Xiii 60 Corn, from boat, 7 60Q;65 DIED. On last Sunday evsning at the residence of A. u. Eubank, Jsq., on Broad street: Mrs. Sallie Beeves, aged about '. E5 years, a member iinsis unurcn. , Mrs. llaeves' death was as sudden as remarkable livintr in the vicinHv of Mr. Eubank's residence, she called there on Saturday tor the purpose of doins some work ior tne mmily, was then apparently in as aoaS udaiui ana spirits as at any time; and while engaged in sewing at the fireside, conversing i..i ..... - - " : cneenuiiy wun. tnose about her, dropped 'in sensible from her chair, from which condition she ; never rcoveraoV although ' every aid was given. A physician was called in. - but could do nothing, and after remaining insensible for two-days and a night she- 'dieidTlr. Eubank Was kindlv ttiipr? hv hi noitrhKfciT w . "J ..v.uw.o .u IU11UOW ing to the deceased lady; and to them wishes New Advertisements. 3sr o rr 5 r o ei - jo: Tbe Nation nl Bank or Hew Iter 'f lXOCXBCB 5TH, 1871. THR ANMJAl MEETING OV THE STOCK ELECTION ; OF DIRECTORS and the tranMctlon o nch business as maj come be- I AT THEIR AI Vniva nairiii? on the second Taeedar, beins tbe : DAY OF JANUAKY, 1871. Tbe PaDs Wtll 1u niuniil .f v. i v. .V :x ' - - i ' A t V W UUOCU as-td t- :! - is enma rM.- E. M, WIL.LIA3IS, NEW BERN, N . C - - (xfiTi'l T.lfp f!fl Qnaltir Pirn L AjU0 Uab Ua.1 lJ 6 - ' , ..- - f ' A!Np ; -.r , ,i S MciriI18 JllSUrailCB A ff't O . 1,11 i ; GEAND .T0URNAME1TT AND BALL! I Tuesday December 26th 1 87 1 A TOURNAMENT Wltl, TAKB PLACE IN uuautT iiiinir jjec.tiui 1S71. .A Fine Saddle and Bridle to ; us rr'.-. , i , wffl be awarded to the sacceasfnl Knight ' at Flijnre i KniphU from a dlstanee ara Invited to attend and Ht tb. lint fnr lh nri .k. I ti r I - - " f pi i i t,t: v cruwu- Rales of tbe Tonrnameiit will be made known in due " yuwuoea on toe gioaoo. . . The Coronation l' Ball will ill take place t 1 owtlropHal! tbe am ereuing Brorder of thg Committee ' W. H Buat. ' hm'n KnihU desiriDK to enter ihonM correpond witl v aesirini: to enter ihonM eo "i? aeM?.n..r,ief"tJ,e " ln8t correspond with . DecS-tf r-r--r.. . 7 - - . ftil" rAAA w lUl it because it ,T. . ' . uw KKKra hi U NKV IT HnUi? ..j ..1.1 1 FARMERS insure with it because it KEEPS the MONEY AT HOME and lends to them at n amone uieir customers, and lncreniuw buta reasonable interest and enables them to improve their lands and increase their products. . MECHANICS ftianm -witK .f t :i KEEPS the MONET AT HOME and improves LAWYERS insure with it because it KEEPS the MONEY AT HOME and enables clients to pay noerai rces. - . PHT8ICIASS Inrare with: It becaate it XT-VP THE MON ET AT HOME. nd enaWe. SJJ P.f.S to par promptly. . - . . . I tAPlTALiars fnnre with It becauae. beside, being a rood investment it keeps the monev at Hmhniw an the coaatrj and enhances the valoe of other invest I LABORISOMKK la eveivetnartt. ln.--tti. t becaaw it KEEPS THE MONEY AT flOHE and awe wnica iDimanea taem cmploj- 1 KTeryaody ataonld nwnre wtta It beomes it offers I Policiea oatbe mast liberal terma aa paid the imiml 1 xiTiaenas, inereoy anoraintr jnaaraDce at the tbe 1 THmTneyTt uo5XSCEASC'Ji.,,1 KSI'S I : j For fall tafoimaUwu amtl to ' " ' ' ' J I ,.; (Oct. 8-tf. . , , D. T. CAEEAWAY Art. 1 TERRIBLE, SLAUGHTER OF HIGH PRICES SINCE tup l'ft ;.;;, f . CHICAGO riRCi 'A -j OLD PRICES' ASD NEW J Blowing up the Fortiflcalfens of t " r Exfbilant , Demand. I , j 1 STORMING THE B AMP ARTS OF TRAPS J no. liuoiu cvacuacin&r. ' and I . Driven at the point of the Needle by '3 tr I Jr a 111 mn fi Hi Jswi ri i ' - ,AE rV WHO r HAS ; JUST OPENED ,HIS NEW BllICK STOUEf WHICH HE' HAS JDST STOCKED lo &, WITH THE CHOICEST; : 5ASSORTMEKT:OP-r A,i ; f ALL A,VVJTKR TlRFRVJ fiAAlia -.XTB 0PTBD TO THE VBOKdt'oV THUJ OR A1TT OTHE .Ft v SECTION. THE STOCK FOB THE FALL and WISTEB jl vi j.ju, cmi.i .ut's nia niiesi FRENCH MSRiNOS::' EMPRESS CLOTH, K POP LI N S , MOHAIR PLAIDS. BLACK and colored ALPACAS. corded rips, ra;ae1;!: IMPERIAL REPS, v P L A 1 fj' R EPS:v "' '' ud "1 WOOL-PLAID3. Ton will fiul 'a vJA SKl Stock "Lot b White Goods; Jiconet ' .'i:''""' Swiss Striped and PLiu NaJaiookj Bitihop and Victoria LvruaV"'5 : -J"ens,. iMnoroia nos, ,-, ,? , - T : rt - . ' ' "A A Liuenand Laoe Handkerchieft, Table Cloths, Napkins, 1 ' trt " Linen and LaceColIarv ., .. 'A A A, : AA Velvets and Velveteens, Gimp and Fringe of all Colon aid Widths I pride myself fu f keeping the7 litest and ii-,.,.;::, . -j . .... R 0 () T R atd R TT PI T Q I I A' '. -Pr.-- Vt:Jtl';0 i ' . . TBE BEST MARKETS AFFORD. The above goods can be had at suqh bewilder- " i" n iu.i mjr eiiuiUKH -linsis Ql nuKiiixre ihui ir BiDnnrc uion the . 1 richly laden counters and exclaim jn louea .01 atomshmantt ' ') V i HOW CAN SUCH THINGS Bgl Call iin.l Qtv Iha VtcTirTli1dtr. -.r m.. - nwiHn niLij vi isiirap Dry trOil3 nn:l Knt.io:i' n,1 tK.. - - , ..uu. . .jv. UC v, AJiia I btore of ,:- ; ; - i ,, , - BATE&IAN "HOUSE, South Front St., near Craven I (FORSI3ELT TnE IIARVET nOTTSE.) - THE TJNDEESmifED HAVING RECENTLY opened Jbe abpv liiinjetl House, would call attention to the -Pnt. timt. wants of the people far a first class Bar and -. Billiard Rooms, has fitted up in a styta that he feels assured will . wi tue appsopaaon oi me public, ? A BAB THAT 13 STACKED WITH TUB BEST Ales, ; Wines, 0',V ; Liquors, : ; and Cigars. i oonneptfl witv - a- 7. .V .tuoa vuh - T Billiard Room, -with every improvement and accomodation. The READING ROOM M supplied with ..... . .. " V 11 I' leading btate and promment news and inustrated papers. - a . : , ,j T V f' ir- ir ' 7 ' . -! t to ; MeAlpine, so well and favorably la city nas cnarge ot tne iiir and f11 ttend to tba of thuds and pa- r- v J. , BATrTrT A W BAPTISED; IN: FIRE I In ') :'J -. , - oFIienis! . J i.- A ; UNIVERSAL VKWSPAPEK. .7 REAP THE FOLLOWING : A rtonnlar trpplrTw bracing the leading features of thoee Jrornals uco.iujru njr iiie wrnoie connagratuin. and combining just such a corps of wrUefs as will give jbe public all ibe news of the wet, in a cjndenwd compilation of the leading "a mi ioc uHuun, ana me worJu. ri x a; tbuthfui. bxcobo.. The Fhkhtx will be the most truthful and rename recorner nr iiimhh t. . nri cerniDj the greaj fire, enr published.-r w . ';.'; AcsoointTs thk stub. ' ' j"7.Ti i . t , . ai n cuouuu oniy sucn accouts as are J . ..iv.o 'v.o, n;m will correct t he ' rrrthwu aud fabricated state voucnea ioi tiv rplihl.. Uni,!,., i .-n uu-8Moi wpsBJowu writers. , , , . ; ,. .r ' r - . ,: . -.. . . . ; " V CHTC.VO J ASD TOT KEWS. ' ' '" ' - ' A -' : : ..; ; 1 ;-.ir; ,: Xt wi!L fora IlinA hn Anrrt-A n . the past, present and 'future of Chicago, "l3 Eides.beinc the.niaat rvmmUtn . . . i - -........ .v ti j ucwa paper in the world; . r .. ; I riassiou coxpiinosfAKiV kewsfapeb. ? ' '"'! " " ' ' . '. 'iA: Its COlnmiltiare rtnmtaA tn V... r bcienre. Ll eratnre. Art, , Dramn, Mnslr, bu- imir, rutMue, rwirjr, f 'uK&ion, Such ty nc and enonch of Tinnf in ,n,. iru desirable iSresid e comnnmon at nx.ll no . w most reliable and complete newspaper for; the litisinosa man in Ih. .., : m.wm . . .u u wuuuui: Ul. ., ( 'It Will 1 illnotrotorl - ;t1. i t1 from Photographs of the OhScago Buihs, in stead , of ketches "By Our 8p rial iArti't" who was not "on the spot;" and thus give .a series of raapacr Vi ws,' not olrtairmWe else where.! and the first i. UmiM'r Will AAnlatn tl.. only correct map ol the buraed city. A .-v! n.iriT nouaa. .A :' ! . -.. r , .,i : - , . ": : .. : r . - ;i Thnl hpsniifiil l!.r.,. ; i .,tt ...... mmj jwuillBJ, ilAm Uoras, y. hose publisher was ihe first to ismp a-paer to uieei the public demand; afttr the awful fire, has he en iiurged into the lilerurr lleparttlient nf IIia Pnevrr hli. :ir . brace Ihe contn Wo tivus ot more thnn sixty of the tuot D-nular wriUraof Hip h.v . a special FEtTPaie The PHRisnr will mnf.tn as ........ .7 e . . tuie, a moreccinplcie rcord of in. iueuts and Tesulir of the lata terrible fire, than can be fOUnd in an V book. luni.r..il...n.l,l: . in the country. S. nuinprous and inaccurate nave been ih.- accounts sent forth. thatsime tbmg reliable and readable is ens ry aouakt at this Uiue and The Paiatir will fill the Will. . . .. . .:, . . ' . f.f-.K Si ii'C i n:3 ' - A FArES KOB . TnB PEOPUi; Tnz Pnzwnr t th r-h. ica, btinK an .eigbt age, fortyv column wkl at only two.d )liars a year; in fac t it thai be the rmDer for thenennlo n.1 iWa - " rT - - r n. wiuca. Tine rmST' ntjubm. :-ii-t- M -t a 2 flr' nnmber will be i.sued on Satur day Nov. lltb, and will be the paper wanted by every b idy, as a recur t w..nh preserving or ?o send away, and for its accurate illustra tions.'' . c" ' . ' - t'i i, J"fe'-- -s.'fJ-Lffij ,;K9ii.;'' : .: . -,!' i, itrs jusrs. i .j-''. I. It is a consolidation of other journals, and therefore .-n a soHd foucdatiou, contlu'uine their former circulation. :' i..-;.. .,. '"y ; '--u'::r. .' - ..- ; , KW 4rjB3CSinBBS. , , To any per eon who' gels us thrre new sub scnbeia, we will send The Fbehix for one year free, or one of our beanriful prize, at.'el plate engravinga worth 250. ,t 1 sr.- . itwis 'tnJ. - i . . y . : FRiancat.! pi ".'. v- r: ' " i , ,,""rt..,- . . ....'.. , 7 ' For the purpose" of rapidly Increasing o'ur subscription list before thec!ose of lb s pres nt ; year, we will frivsto every pcrsou wh; subscribes forthePbeniz dm ing Ilia month Of November, a beautiful steel plate engrav ing,; wortb $2.50, half a dollar more than the price of subscription. Ko Fuch opportunity was ever before given, and pn bably' never win be again.4 Avail yourself of it, ; Engrsrr ings will be romptly and salely tent by mail ord sliver.; bia office, as subtcriocrs may - A ' - Z - itm cams xjw. - - Send in vonr rams ami nkiinii.. - . " .HWb.IIUMB one-, and sustain this great, newspaper enter- K " "uoaonpiioB only z.W per year.; Binale conirax tvnta ; j trerywher-. - - Pncsrz PcBLtBimio Co., , fctfa tlT a Bar A Cliicao cUn-rdelv,! i.- . hen Prlyati ' tiz.. Cristadorors Excelslnr nA bke. and is in all rasprels th tiry Ust t REMEMBEft THE SWORD ! ?Ba??1tn the lead conv- V j w eonf-rJn, nolead. As a drying aA ! ' djretrg;tt.8ar.Vt4 v.i &?v'u i CniSTADORC-S HAIR PjR ESEKYATITB ' ' hrnreverrnerirandCb" ir?l -,"r ti1 iuj nJiieraaa Boaodoat rcn-. f. i2.Tti ch'H8. compoed of rarTintlVcnT ' trt k.. is Imparta w bileni -s o M, twta7adv Uciona J war like aromd to the breath, aaj presTca IiStiS ' from yoatluo w taeicctaiU- " oPf ",1 ,M MAaifl fir ritf Uitti.Hi . ' Ir limb bacb and chuft: and it baa sever failed RhW : rngsUU. Depot JOiNirk Wae-TY !f ,f J Jj1 ' "AIR, Bnranetfa foeoatne. a im- ' Jvi0 9oco2r,ot oll ete . i- nnriTalled aa ti irnSr ' forphe r,airfor salfl by .11 DraffgUt.. " 4 t s .JSRiinV?.ASTRJi!L Oli.-Not the cheapest, but safe . aad best lllumiratica Oil for lamllr n XJlI ;i- Burn, in the ordinary fcon.scne ln'J a "uta rr explode U the lamp is opaetendl broken ,1 ' acSaaK cers, flesh wounds, burns, braises? SOTalr.7 sfl - ... "wva ui nfiperz S Qld Suet, Sew Yok. ' I' P"' lonr'al hianf .I""J.P THE TiMELY DlSCSV'RYof irr..win . 1 . bto been m iaeefadhy witnesimr the ns.IT.7' UE BTrno. tho Lr.i.,i- Y.J PMie. Piee SS oents per box. Jbhn P HanrT alTi -I-roprictor, Oelleaw rfaaa,. Kew York. T' , " Dtiveirxiue ' .. ' ,, iviwimi ubtb prcscriord Nranaia or Puriaa Owm use no other form ot opium ij thoU pnSkT ' 'rWf TO STEtf all hiSi si S.,.TO5i,tJ?'eh0 cb ter th.W the world is naaard & 3 t , 7,?" ,ii f?" 1 ?wfrrVsl?5tted UTV hT Ca. -5i -i V4 Btf. aa Mfilfrl n-1noa i a. . swyra; rw " " H.w-m ctj aar m now; for Mia hv Dri. ;0NMARTAftK 7r?J5P.rnEL.,? F0? VPUN8",MEK, tbe effects of S'".'"0" '"Jy lt'. Aianhood resrMl i.tiwuiuciwujcumi impHiiBitita toDmU.: moved, n-w MnihM f " . i avviiajf r. ah1.remtdi;Bood.i;S iftT'0- Expense. rpaidMala V'16 AReuts-HoisJ and oulfit rurnwhed to sell onr Universal Cent - Corn, bination Tnnnt.1 T!,,t ni -... . . articles.' ireT " iil51iuf? Address. NoyitTv fir. A THIRD EFFORT;" " - TWO i VFRPM v r WITHIN THREE MONTHS, TO THE PUR! in " The rinblie a I AAA A tisaVT V DCCOlllB n'1' t!!"U d t y Placa of buaiuts. s of Poitoct. ' aoo'txom, tuecoraar,. t i haye now every facim. BREAD,'7 i" s 1 .-- BREAKFAST RCLLS. i t. Ti nVARtoi ornamented and plafa. , PIES. An .M.. . i . 9 4- f' ' WW ' all Of Which run li nrn.. r i. . , T, : . . . vUllu uriu twirs every lay.f- Paries ftroi,ned at shoitest notice with tionnrr. Allnrrfrt-a n.mnti. sii. i f ally attended Vj.'' . . Mfl W , Thanking the pubUc and rricos for past ' fa. . ... - .v-vujjj uucii, a continuance of their liberal patronage. - ; i u M. H . ttw J, , . - GET THE BEST. f' WEBSTES-S TOABEIDbED DIGTIOXATLY 10,08O irwvfjsiwaifoaaia B0 U0lher DUi:oarie '. WmXtf. '1 1R Pag. nartn. Price U. . Isadamriiioay liltaifayi r;r.-h . . ; 1 r a' if . tIwi,L pTco-tha niatnriaa. 'ictluaar, f h. t .'- j .,,ji,,..., T ts . 'j.;rs . j vux. vtiaaa. rph. best goWaW .tndenta of oar Lanffo,f e.' t"HBm.totbittPlrr-1 . lauorcre. lOaorj; Baacratt. f : Exce,rThc?r,a aeiaiDsHent,flc1m.B"'ritt- go far a. I know, beat cennlh? tptlce It altogether, the rpMMra w,1 1 , . v jsmart, the English OrthaspM. 7 ttjr Zj."rArer7 'ntelliuent familT. atdar.. teacher afHiprofesriouafmaa. What Librarv tTS V 'J w'tho"e )est Eagiish Vci&i , WEBSTEUS AOAfc PXCTBIAI, . 040 PACES OCTAVO OCHr7aTwilWa M,aa ' "j .. wtw.nTlwn. SEINE- BE ACM to ncwy mile of Kew rWTS? rt forX comu,S seon. Th- who d.ire to VmTwin please arolv to Tt W. e nD'iT-n . . " WI awiu i ?r v.r A I 1 It J I - it T7;..i - . y - "... :.;:!; ' ... CLicago' 111. i - .. . 7 . . ;; ; tA . Nut. 11 tf.

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