1, 4f 2 ;.!iAaif3.iA"i c? 3.'t lit? hcris i'3- iifr.ri-t'i i II Id; jjiJ-.r ,ts3qfO .tun 1 lf IH III l( i7ifyi .nitons ru3 (fo3) ,.t' .lli - : JC1 t,l:j BJtHrtt fill Of nrrTs llf wlioZ i VOL - . - - . - k imitii . T,ni- n Tln - Htiim if iti. -in iii - J. U.XL . ., b.r. r w -i t .1 r i j i r iii -.. - t"oi.r. ii. c' T .Ivxrr. gj ' j "..''.u.i ! ffi.ii y trying I -sm.. ,.-?."J"'' . nrs- Mtwt-K; wii suit- iri wwsd iiinii b t tj l ixii i.'! ivmi. m.h n v , TnTJTnA.v-,ni!rji riiij.iiiKnnn mini. iti. incii.;., ; sm gti w sihtoj . sux .yiinmra w i unmx! . Tnrm mritifr CITY AND' STATE MS. law. Hf.n Closes for WaafciBEtoB, Swift Creek. T&M ri ggSiSnto; and 6-i?an fornaUeras.New Yotkf' ainii . . . . j.,,,,.. Vandemcre. xueswijr ,uu.- -T- j .... . ft A M- li ARRIVES. - Mo Wedy and Friday at 4PM i -FronfTrenton, and ToUQckaj and FrMays at r- a .;( . '"r From ftJantebwo. Bay Biwr, ni Vande-: imrrp, Mondays, Wednesdays ana i-naaja ne 4 Office hours from 8 A M. to 6 P Mj and 7 to 7 SO P M. Sundays fiMn430 to 1 ?., GEO. W . MA SUjN , J.r, rosimasier. The Editor o) k paptr it i. W- vpy r $voniblefor the viwt or tfalemehtj of Corrcs- mout character utUltM ef tie KrGerm'Uit 'acampavjf atf ecmtaEg lions. - Any on icho may fed agrieted at. statements made tg carfepcmdettUtan obM tt name on apjilicdfion iothelZ4itor,' 'it 1 i! Tsterday was very finA..idel!anPa tr m t.Vi fpni rtreceedins data. antac iA . -- - ji l-.1: V I 9IMTT VTe learn that Assistai Assessor 'Hassd Jws'. seized some unstamped tobacco. "VTe rnblish to-d;iy the LeRisIatiYe proceed iass of Monday and Tuesday last Head the new Kma ,mle;of the Atlantie nd North C ir jliai Eailroa-l.iii thl issue, u u,tt- ; The Land and Bniiding A880ciatiott"iHieet at office of the President, pn , Pollock street, next .Tuesday night. tZ't-X The election of officers 'of the N Uional Bank, et Keir Bern, tikes place on tCuaday, this 9th. day o? -January. Sea advertisement itf this 13SUe. -- e The Wilmington ; Star, with commendable pertinacity, is urging npoa tis'-business 'imen of Wilniingto'a ,to advertis& .VThe toerchani "that does not advertise, is well he is. . ' -1 I .1 !' . ! '1 J T: ' -1.1 Mr. B. A. Colonnii,' of thteamcr Hitch cock, U. S. Const Surrey bas arrived in this -city, and is busily. enfjagMf.to'' arranging. for intnre work. Capt Faiifield. is expected in a few days ;;R Vs L. ?1 KKapcrior Court. .:.t ... . . ,-. . -a ..-.i .,. YWc learn that there ar3 apwards of fite-lm dried ca'os en the civil docket ef this court..-..;- e A Cood Thins-. Ve Kaye received froil thfgenalsii a copy "of 'the-. National "Eneyelepedia, an ''en- tileat compea'diuni , ,of, nsofol-i urforxaaticv . nd3cmcij innsttefedjand altogclher it, snperior, "work. We wod.snggeat "that oar readers call Splendid. f .--im-" -' 1 Iff D unrig the; exietenoei : of the "present cold weather, sunset when viewed from any of our afreets, looking toward the Trent "IMver,- and the opposite shore, have been simply splendwjj) producing the finest bits' bf Imdscape '' ptoetqeff it nas ever been - "Numbers Lave "two or three dr.yi Holiday AdTerUaUks.. trt J.j '-. ii-ic S --..it 's N No is the time foY"oar frietwho wish" "to" maka known the inducements they, -can-offer, to advertise in our colntnns,; Sveryhody" - fs ,on the lookout t see what is beiag presimtea' and u" uuiet atiasuii is xne newsnaner. raarn.aoii..l our oood fortune' ten witneesX County, and the) one alonr-which Sheriff- Hun- wihessd.)L''idaring th.j,J(a5tT,1l ter was expected to',Tfefnrn, a'nS wtenM'',fiie ted than now. Advertise timTtBaH PW'TOT tbe countryfolks mar h anadT mmteofcjMr, fWngtflor th doing ia. the city, so, that if tkey eahibt eome A nvn in person they will know exactly to whom w wru wr sncn articles as they neacL'and may be suggested to them. A word to the wiseia- sufficient 11 ' -re wm .. Mjasr or the Bar. - -it.vmeatiQg oftbfs Bar, heJdJTeJnesday ev;amg, It was resolved, in c in sequence of the gen T.d belief and exMUdYthaS'llChiiaf. ,eket voal I occupy the whole; fiine flfV-tfe". Caait, durinz jaia present &?ik'&2r .! the faet that forte are, not prepare! to" try any " . Miwouium fuin ma aagAbe te-f quoted to ,i5ntiane all tha cases ea: fhe'jiyil li3ket, and that he be farther requested to pe titi n the Governor for a special term of thik Cwrt, to be held in Fe'jraory next Pi : l Tin foreg.iing having been m ule- kao wn to ' J 1 lS Cbrk-oa! Tiiradjy.' in rating, he dis "miit'je'jiirpn aawitaessaliiadjoarned the w. uaUl to-morrosr Satarday) morning at u clock. sMS rt; ,i''tr i Acf idtnt . - . - . i ... .baten Ae learn that during th.;Tfe..oiC i.- nt.Py ksf,a bcy named Herbert PavjifgcW "urteea years, hvhS the vicing wa, sent by his mother 'on an elrand covert a J MMg'-ui impropWly ?d 1 BS J8 UUakla to trieato . bimelff he fe, 0?6 and eitheiWied his! ' mjUre1 M t ndhV tO'help and the horse were both dead. -' ' ' anece vera tQfc.twrcaatel.!rs tfaai eowrt nance la flisehnrsing, firai afin witluahe.ciljF 1 cosed filled $l.'00i: ,nb Eai i,;i- sj isd1 'In w6?tlJnat(liaa, was W6r9'tliar'c6tirt'8a.i bodily liarm aV Jiu hattda, and Bha chamdr thatJ lie be lbed: oftdwf bedd ror Jrereiit feimj'-fiy J vuy y ctjuw ui tuts jiia jor, uie uiar jigrecing parties greed to agree, and made an HOT. '. rr "i.. : Or aijfy!Vio4 $ren .5 lsa jloJi . - Is wUt alTdsire 'T.;' f $ - This body met j Rale4tod.-retoained ini session Tuesday ana: Wednsaar."' f - e'Ukel fblldwiDg -ynobsuoflu' proceednJ Te bdffe'wtVfe&3?tt-r'tt-raft at T VVTfti On fc call of Lodges, a'very large representa tion was:foundfeberter(entr u K? t-Kia.-u ; The Grand Master deuvred. tua annnal ' adT dresa,jV Jt waa a masiei; eQar aboaoding in beautifal ideas: and pletewith-"aoand and iwholesome counsels to the Craft The dcvery Wak:bnry 4oqoen,Vtn8 66l'wHtteii(.,'in, aneicei..be a'jitisf4ud to surpass any thing erer -before delivered -in North Caro lina t4Ffy&ltf md jccatftetief knd 'evert eto hueiJof Ifa-aiciiontt -will prove when bublished, a .'most valaable' acqnistition to I Jgianepretary, Ponnld Ff Bin, isresented and read bis annual n report Ths-' Order Tis in a highly prcsperona condition in the Jjiaie,. ia ujutiujj jrapiiujf uuwxa. Ulga i -Grind uTreasnref. SOoL "Wl E.' Atidferson, read nis annuaTl PBort 'showint? Jthe' financial 4cdidionj JTfeaiqayii'. ind.BflaJijtpaA- valuable euggwtioriv Ji TheTeperts werer;H eeived and tbe'efneerB laghly eompTimeed lor toe yt'f eiacjaui maunor ia(wi4C u.8iriqpu.e3). 4?:e jnTperfoTmed.' -iioi j'floulsuruiial 1 t fTuere .'irere one hBndradiaha'i ehtyfiy reTrtntatarrvea 'bf the difiiltiIlogesJ?riAis' $tate?, present . ;' Salenv Winsi'noV traksboeoj, KfewrejrBr.-GUsbjoBrfStiitMvaiai 4 tniminctori; Fnk!in,' Hendeiraon?:HUlsbtt6rr Oxford, and -t 'grcat many! others were ifepre-1 entea1, fi ui jv.ff- U land rm vthao emit . C. C. Clark, of: Newer.W-eleeted.Grtad J Master;.. U. & .S OiUIAO- .T A j John Nichols, of Raleigh, "re-elected" GranS I Tlie ieiittori of MrrclartaSjGrand Uaster was againabis expressed wishes, and for many ballots the contest was .- between . himself and I We are indebted to Sheriff Hnnter',!of Emol for'" tie3 follovdilg nforiria'tioni On Tneaday . aftemo n ,twp priaopers in v the -rKineton j-xHr-named TindrelL theciiena -aervinz""' sen' tenee fbr Msanlt'antf batteryl "and the other tdt.l liirceuj, incite Hieix oc(w. f f i( yjii.-BnI:uu4 being nnable to effect a a. eseaps frosa the room, in which - they were conflnied, it being' in fthe seojna bioij "ey cai a ooie mrongn ine noor of their call ana'onyerting some blankets into a rope, drew. up from-, the ro )m below five men tibere confined' as ttrieonerst With : the XctimJ bined efforts of the gang a"h?e snQsient b'a' mii the body of a man was made, and the entire prty were ubont to escape When discovered by. jailor "Dafii? Aw jseotelJwas' oMy faae3li timehoweyer. tarevenixveaeanroT thefive' r "ti.I.T .V .5 prieoners fromthe lower fljwJ-eIindjeils kaving ; jit takn eirjeave, IiWafj ) Sheriff HoaJBet rOraa j at :th i time absent in Jones County but was expected. o -re tarn that ' i 1 . t,-. - Was riding alon.fheastd leading dGranr Jh at,,i the ball passing ' ia mcofiaotabl close proximity to his head; an'proraeiliaM W feet innner jae nearq. a cap soap, inpnga .anocner effort was beipg made to hoetjbam. .Ifiabe. Keyed thai , the parties' wJso u. attempted this shooting were the escaped Tthdrela who; hav i'a)gain6t .Slierifjr $bi&Jrjti)e iag dark, misteokoMr. iWbst 'lor thai SberiftV and songhttokill him. r t-'u ii tail , SheiifJT Hunter, -on. lerrning of, the escape of these men, instituted '. vigerens :. Bneasives for re-capture, end is confident that ' he will be able i A man named Watson who was arrested some time- 'since in Onslow ountyon a charge of none stealing, -bat whom nhoxtly after escaped from jail and for who reward of fifty dollars was offered by the Sheriff ,ol Onslow, waauoap tared a fevt days Bbee byA-eitizen of Lenoir in that county, and is now confined in J jail at Einston.' " -. ."-" . .i - ' ! : f S f "ni.in "to : -.1 .to lodLT fTA.IuaDa.S3 Vi esxod I' 1 s The Orphans sang in "Raleigh p JJonday i The Sawpson"Connty Fair commenced WecC-' nesaayf tiA; , !. ,,,5,1 TTrM A htfAvUIe ..... .jy di,,JU i.i.i,, t lrtterar bt CairTsstq Wo 'wini The, aficutkgav ;aid to be ial posesaioa of the Secretary of State turn oat US beenl-f 'some lialf-dezati limbs at the Sttte bipartment, which. ai?9;bi3gi irti puj and returned by.vai-j rioo portias, Aq4:"are"luw! ot n value to any. on, iii- .j. -f woi.-w t Tisvppt "i "iw , , -j ' j , , 3-f ". li. Lt I iO'l t li (; Jf f , SubscJI your land and j increase Qie.r yield, Marfee's Sob8dQ pow, nwnbuv"re4 by Mitch ell, Allen & Co--, j what yaa:eed.-. ' - if. - nigui, b iaci a.mwa iua escaped prisoners. On (he same evening,' and &Vf$t?i$ escape pCtherptif one'while , Mrt; ("L&.VWest i L. - . r ' t r fn1tit .".-nv -,""'' I l vicinfty oTthanncey Gren'aiplcewaa fired JW..W.-t'fcw. days tWi t tafoed lne;ttrWg)fooffd V most LoV Hct t3q3 vrmiri .v--tq For egga jritile.(lBng1; rLsifogf .tfejcannotyy until they hatched, ll once yon qreaK, inenenaqf scei..fq ta The wrde on(at redresstif .7 ftl The yolk- and wfitewtifafiOPOnt, j! ejcvfi .v?U did arfl nl eD;jsvfa i.Ttrlt iftiiulU D ttdS rTibltl little while M bee noii5rffoT! 9fH ''ThaiWbaferfdTtfy T IO ijTJWffWWtAr.f.nafnV let thetotifah be very -light- fwlfntfeJ: H JxG raendrojkenjggs! ft r dxhlM I dr to ion tt ' ui 8 4 J3i( h t;t e d isdr bills for subscHptiun,"wilr pISis bepHWipta) I Tn cents per daj wjJl insure jour life for two ihoosand doUar9 in. a,tafe and relb'je Cooapany Caliwi MobeH Alien A Co., and obtain a pol f y,: while you are in health. : ' & JiTJ x ,-. ASteenaergtWM power,) in. gooa repair, jo,, o lor real : aetata 2i Uiia-city Enquftt :ttjs office. - ,) y.trid-'eta3'fif I ! Waril "PJwti'0FejiinlSu faia fcrnraand 'i.-wnplete ill Wniii .t. . 4.U lu nvak lIi"tShTfc'rdi rarir'nA Cral14r,Aknr, d for bn-Mi tdle Sttwi,PgUt?lWi! thelntitii Jjuibw5. iiRi plftraEW beo. C, JJixprd 'ftiaAs IDtrrrear-' 38-lm x - noxice AMlicatiyillbe .made, t, JhAapsesent GeneraJcAssemblyl bf jNertfci Carolina .for a charter toincorporale St PeterAi iVidgMJouncil tf Friends No. 1, of tiie City New-Bern, N. C, Nones. Persons- having bjidoB:witttE;. J BEEET. as Justice of Peace,'wn find i Mm wnen. DOl opnexwjae enga a vujnnce, m iue nxint .room "of 1he tit'iffL Pa 4i:hnjfha yon want; Booking and Chewing.S'obaeco; Abe best ivaad-' purest Spices, ' Stationery, Chart aiwd fEcr Picture MtCfS .lTOiah.?iUyw: ofaFthaiBiMces knowti touCommerce.-i Tr aiVmneVt:bdlwithoultrti ..2klsVv;ole1 Igentf grrfemedy mEG 0 DpiL If yo.rf;Jaick 'iCtfta- iothjmib never regrdt ati) imiiuitiifihnrXj i A asiut rif!J Remember the place, Craven street, next dooi1 td -v-i la -.-.r HiWfF. F?""..nffl .Tab -!-. .Warn cloth liigioaa.will. t.noiprotoct; tie body against the eonsnqnences tof t lesuddt n der,resioa brferflDeratnre'hteh 1H'cbhttni-' tant, of tf rly winbfr. preserves lue iuiuii -Hwnii yi."lni iWJWt Krt aaitaa Tijr. That property is the spe tl -pyftgaiife of Hostetters Stomach Bit era which a Iherefoejaecapotectiion agynst it nurjB fibowptain which aiV most ommoa at this season, t FetS exatupl", a onrse of the great vegetable invtrorant, cora aenced now. will bcaXcKOM aoe to preclirde bills aaJ frer. biabaIic).dhawrleeef Ue stomach. constipatloy-rnt wiaiylntlien na- Kami. a wnicu are nun imv witxn ur iuuiriu en ct oi.aa anaospnere snrcRarges wjin-coiq, unwholesome vapors MohiovCT, tbe ay stem oned and regulated-by tfcisqienps-.ia mecb tnore likely to refift nurmionart disease than itSW)ttJdT-athe,rwise be; forjbeiiafluehceV afu eearcbkig mtdicine pervadea; all' tDrjrws and -ereinr fiber sad 'tissue of the fraai: i. Per- soisiwhoje vital pwer -are weskv eapeially invalid lad iesmid-tbe fcffcd. aiearhesarrvrlr cemmended' ucd'toa facs rhewmtw' TUror wilhoqt havlnfrkdarse to this Wf espad "kafgUA cient meiWbf re-enforciBenfetW miifmt Maob snfferinffmay be -escaped. mBolidaBjrer averted by following Ui council. . Betier tale than nevr, is -a good provtrb, bat U better: tod be early than late, -s emj.mmai it jura i; i v.ssc i 4t ? 4 t i i'i3 IHw ;it3 bia int j i .inlbshol K twTY1 i91 -' ,crf i 1 BlWil'tq tf 3-rh; ii3 fltfv h-.t-jJ. I 'The lfeir.5Yo)i.!W ofNo'T. says : 4. 'The success which' MrsatouIUib ob- italnsdain Kew York a few weeks since hat fairly calminated-ln"the-Eistern 8tatef.-An- EasreTh aft&iVays If 'we shool I sptek of would think us an nthusils'nof a ' critic. Her voice is like B.sjtream ef crystal, WAtef, blared in his nsnal mastafliri wav. aadint.iee sponse to an enceetectited afatffa;far. tfaielf hahja lift i wVdckof stVlrvThJ Wir Graruxhick icp$ed,ii fc&pyxmpaniet and iajCwcert-rrjoair pwloni.Tbia : was a-iceien-aual jcU-8tH- &a1aod cannot fail to greas.'y enhance hit repataSsjfl, Jwirioh is founded un tberaoSVSjV we anaerhtana ui&t tne sale 01 toe . vveoex.!, Rioa is exceediiix aUpceieAiiti and can vaeU wLiSiiU.fit...' -.'-Hiiai o J eeVtafnlyiiM ilUer tQJlBlTnlS.7. T jppply to. t r j r ' , ...T.r... . -, ..a..i.-. . J. . J. E. NASH. jn'aaie'ttewai' I'a 9tT ce aud;'rencjhantin&eiVttdt f trills "are "truly a1nUyb jieji esvaassnJ vnkmriid 'uilarmmnt rslmMi f ... - . iMxr i- . uoM or i namuuxr lot. oi u rrr- tcrinVidpfefl'th'f isiflwuwifflfH," mM and Tistltn 5 OvI? T&$'&0 WitzScTii E'J2--ttn r v -A'-U iieaOij -so? 4o ii:Jk.taoa: C . 1 . . r saw s.Mi.tM j.jbwn v3;,r &0 EKKbT DyjSUf( JU9 OTUDitajlUCAffr will w n!d rnnntlr arKta !n- fh TTnltrtli Ha. OS 7 aere are coupons tented - IIoMert of t: :119s been on qrposit for them ever since thiv ni oBeatiU if ifltflrtvll flull. iuneRllMmA , F K. ST L5v RrMt. Era 61 i-uonpqisauBri! OA Hsvlnr ov!rSCI0 ACRKS dsvoted to Seed Growln-. jaH waaUa Pare Seeds Jirujt,Tjatt' -vv:fv t j!; -. ss; Deft -odJmo.'; 10 ,;i f M.-.rrq liti bll l.'"t il 1 r a Vlfill.li i Vl i '' ! A UOLDBBS of this Bank fW4Bv" Jt V.' ; ' - J ELECTICN ii OF .DIRECTORS knd thetranrartion of such bttslnesfiaa.iT conie,e- tw4 tbesa, win be keKI : ' -i ' A.k;1f W.f-I B A H K I . ftf fliP 17 BJ E i V iv'mJ ,rilif'.'.- naxaiaa --.() yta 0I OTII DAY OF J AJX V A UYj I87L." a . . v . 4'-..tr o.a. .aaniaaai lea . - WN6 Injure vth th3 Ufb-A UtEBOHANTtj; fasfttd wHth - it' because1 it KEEPS the'MONEY AT'EOME and tsircMlaitea h4ryni "their 'cnsnrertL afadlaereases rrade.-J AItMFiinre?witbrtbeicarrei1Jt the MONEY' AT HOME fcrit tend; 't61 ihem'at teasonabid in tef est ind enables lEhem'td Impxcwe5 r-MECHASICS'' ihsn wHh It'becanse 1 it KEEPS the MONEY AT'SOME and f'aproves thelinsiness in every hinneh.".11' ' .3u! : mwi EKS insare witn-j necanse it - k. KKfd the MONEY AT HOME and' enables eU ate to THE MON ET AT UOME, and enables thtir fatifenta to pT promptly. - n- t -j : a food inyeatment it keeps the money at Homefurtlds kapitai.is i m inaiire wnn 11 oecanse. ocsiaei oem BP 1H ceouurT Tlifimril nr ia mmrinira anenta. LABORING MEN In evenreapaclty insnra with It VecM'e t .KEKPS THK .tOrJKX. AT flOMK.aad Uinalates business waicn lomtsncs mem empioy- 'etjcies on jtbe asoatolibosnl risns paid, tbn taixcat trie t aDalv I ...s J-vr snrt-wi s?nUri sow r.J ia: i n vs ar,ajjtf,Aara!ji 'Jtsaac 01000,1 aTl ! MV .UiH(tts.l ll?-'!illent medicine enkrt-a. u OCTireK tram lut cnie s, mnx whicti are trulyt cases of Scrotnjons dis- T Vfa'r.MirnDtion. have lieen ( purilled aad owed by it. Kcroiuious n nocuous ana fllswietrsyaehwewsagw T rvatad liyHne serofo - loas-eontMaiitation'tnitU thf!TWP7-TiaJnfhnv afffitrtla sr. liavs iieea radical) r enred in snch ereat nnmbers-ia almost every sees j ftkmot the WBtrr, tlmt?the pUlc scaxeely need ' f- to be informed of Its virtues r nsesj j-..' i I 6orofa)ona poison is one of - the raot desti'uo (ive neanies of Mr merit Oftet. Shts-snfeen-aBd i ririiiianto'tlte orrnnianiirndernlinptiie stitotionfaatl invites the attack wetrJeeblinf ev ra i 'tai diseases, witbont excisinfr a sospktlon, Itgp- i )reaDosi'. Agsin. it aeesas to breed infeetlow I -hroBgfteattlie body, and then, oa somefavoiisble ' t oseasiea rapidly develop into one or other ef its ' I iairfebas fonas; either oa the arfaceoraim)BgOie' j "vitals.- -la the latter, tubercles' majr be' nddearv ' i deposited ia Oia lanssov heart, or tumors formed- . in the liver, er it sboars sts pro sen by eruptions' ip t : -en ma sam, or ioiu sucevaoons oar aome pan er , tle bodv. Ueece the occasional e of a itotCe- aetl re symptoms of disease appear.-' Persons at- ot wis aarMapartua is aavisauie, even wnea no "J- nietea wiu. tno loiiovioa; corapisincs ircnsraiiy . and uamedtato relief, nt, at lenirth, en re, by the-" nse of this. L1A: St. Anlho- ' JFlro Mslat, TrHer, Salt alesTforniSras Pwjefl9, HrMg, IIert. ia,c, fiti5&&Zv Kcrk'l 4jvU e various dernma anections of the tu oscular fSi 0 1 rid nanniio avaf-nma Syphilis or TenereSf inO-Merettrtml Dis eaues are cured by it, thongh a long time is re. qniivjaV fo 8iildiMr41isaa siiaatejaladies ! metlicFmt will ram the coniDlaint. XeMeorrAarot I ' or irAie, Vtrrlne TJlccnttions, and I'emtrle j tt7tswsearacoaanlf (VeuevMa efient. Minntp rfiivnlinns for each case are (mad on iidKn fcftoBVtheutt 8AR8A- I a la.t ts, Jtesnonaent, Merpltss, viiwina evidence of.ita restorative newer upon , Ir. AiCUTEB aa ; J 1 5?jAIX. PKOGGIOTSr vjaati WHUi ii:ju xx s - J wuui'.'y .. s ,s IM DTI C Kl NS i owen uooa ana soacr vonipanj..ffo4 wia.Jnas I ' ppncBuenior an ameaaic en wuiuuuux. I , Nov.Wmo. . ' uidaads. thrrbjrffor(Uue lasuiaccitat.tDc . lowat cost offers SAKbT 1N5V8ASC'J Ana, fi-Eia-: THB'MWK-lfl,10IBi,'u' " ," -'; Fkr full information aDalv to v-i t jiteMm, scattt ilMt,tii(rtrorjM,iore xjrs, I BorEart, etbereruptioas'or visible toraaa 1 of Scrofulous disease. ' Also in the mere con. I ccaJeatTornia-aa DvnMMia. H&9. Heart t I l sin ftliB 77!Ta--a aPKtas -.' l:fSfieaa. I . ,T .- . r . -.. COs Ismill, Ks)sbvb all the leading State an prominent . OF HIGH PnidES SINCfe THTT CHICACOdRE! "STOSMING THE EArAJiTS-'DF TIUBR! rsif-Bfi bii'Ji Ji t-onq (..is -"KJf ..1J '"(i.jRtftrji itoi3i;looi firn'vK MtLi)A V Jaw c ?bo &uei c4 Isianst) y. FitinfiaMCs1sTk;afiteis i . .Analtf'r'-r"mr FALL W1KTKS 1BBS& (500DS j .lt2 -,h6:!. :.i ? s j!;v;-.I no esJliusitidOJ sdl as- feu , t,a ia. wi9V-6dT rpHE STOCK FOBHEFAfclAiid: WI!?TEBi !1 bf 1S71, eiatr,cia'fiiieBlf eeX i'S-: FRENCH MERINOS. r9. adi c.. EMPRESS CLOTH; : ;f PO-PLIN SV-.;r.V! SLACK and colored ALPACAS. CtOftJPCO REPS. tMrtfia . IMPERIAL. REPS. . VV :aiT- PlalA4.r..'R-.iE.P S , i ts-:i f .xon, wtiantjii a ;:w-sicap,-5toca. pt. White Gooicoueia, " Sw:ss 'r-l:'1n PI -in Nainsook, Bishop and Victoria Lawns. . Linef'Einbrcldvrl ! . 1 ; ITr S Ks.f? viifnT " - : f -' r : t Lmen .andLaca Han4erphie, Table Cloths. Naokiua. ' ; Jt InefilaOT. -as Ian iKLinenandlujeQ dlara"-!!' '' 9.1T sonrtiil n:nV ' aaWVi 4JWiretep, 1 I rtridwiaiHatlAtfeweif and f I IUTHB JJESTr .MARKETS AFFORD. --U. .vjiotiGii el) Jhi'.o-fiiJf i-n'rs i,vtI i,i'iiaa''g.- ,. ,i, , -tai-neipji niivf Wil.ijitiA -:.J ''MH-u-fMa Oi tiia Cu-ei-ff..": The above gobthficarrb had- atfTaacli ffcteWiMer- inty krw priatti timet rny flftTbiWa of cut9inera leau: at !siqroj-tr roa."Ut j 1 ricaiofil.tTtt'n edahlMp anil antekihai sT taitktoorsji 6-ansiuAnViltl;rti .W-- .".U"rE.;.i4i- ,TBi-TltfO J.-rsI;4vIii!fiai? j HOV CAM SUCH frHltfC9l-. 1 Store of i P.. ctsrf-' 'ii HfiSaST R A T F. A N H fill a. a. JMintt-futiw W.taaala l -u erf stSbi .-iiJ Jj.iSt rbti. sriiju-utari .fl I -Li.-i In ii Mif no Jyq oJ &iit b" bboft Aa.'"r.iwras.fM.. ti.'oMT Pf " .'woiio'iX iturcvoO ti!: ifj.-.-t f.'iv tv -W"eW ft f South FrorvtiStrtear .Craven I -iii,0, jp Bf!1HKMt;-l ..fllMH .!". Jlit It 1 i iii aril' fa fttfiiSl ?iW l.t aWd ad timuf 1 ''t ' : T5rt!'?rH" iwv(t:ri9-f!vf. THE CNDBSIGNSJ1 H AYiKG &ECENTLY t9awtn tbanbove usmetl, IionseJ.jWonM call attention to the fict that, deairing toi bieet the F5ants of the peophj-fee a firWt clua vtm-tH n I' i ' yitATZsaaa-iaa'-'io asicu - Bar and Billiard Ilooms, has fitted np in a style that he feel assured will ff meet the approbation of the ptibiie, r'n' t f li '3'(t '.i - . ; Ali i ill vm" virail j vrt t " i s!' i.'fl"'. "(! -Tjjjf.y ir;wi'. ' J.i.iti ;:.-.(..-. il iil.fi - i-i ttrWi:;!'Ni! !'! 5 i 1!rid rum isimrcrnTTm ravvmi 'J il L - .Vk'iil'tkeA iliieusij 5i!l lo tli AleSa JAM.V...S1C 1 1 til . II 1 ' wb y ' .. -.' -l l -VjS osit riilinoc- ! -Jr i ' i.f-v j - -i at?i-i3 f,;.i t-u jr.'' ( Vr VJ J ..-..t t iii X-Jlii" 1 and Ciqars. i n ,!.. 1 .. .. r . .-?ii.J'f 1"'. r 1 F .-- -ri I th twMC'Jija 2. - 2hiw -i-f-uii.!-! . . ...... .. . l . n bb b b aaa.j bi a. .b bbbbbb.- i'-' -' TfrT full j. , - ! I ; i..i-i;.r-.-i mifiiioni e. IK 1 t -- -- .sba' .yapat&Bsa. 1 -r- U- jiiMj-iHi-l g?4ifsrst-'i atsq- . Mat E. G. JttcAlpinei ao waft and favwmbly. knwn in thiaeiry has charge icf the iSary and wilt attend to; lhta. waxsta, friends, and par troosvi . iif 'la vx!tuixi i'.j'- '-f S ?'i:rro,j ifti ou J, BATELZAN.ai v.. -t 1 " . t a ava a auaw aaw 'sm spsaaaw mm. ' ilsw akassaa Baavava. saaiaBaaaaaaaa m .. .o?sn edi wo-3ir.f'?i ,.ntj lo notiom nO s r i ,r ' , . . , . : oojiiiriruoO enj of- btrmvi - wm noUnt !-.- . - f; ! wxJra iinv309oa esl.ra4evt 'ttaA ill vntr r,1 ' ;i The-READIFiC ROOM i snppL'ed with BAPtlSEDlMIftE I ari lo eJnsiiilf;J8 sritinsqaito Tel f5 AyHAMMUS 3VITA JeiD2-s (T .tii"0 s:fj r.i ,;(. lonii.i:i.) .tit. .vio enl) snliasui oJ evi-a'et tiKwnt'. ! &if sin 9tl JunirE ,0T9I ot r?8 Lm: Sd'il it JV T71.SaHO 't!i .. ':t 4!, ljS -.1! 'f '' .ii'Ovl .'TO liohudnJ-ib bee pr.t'ii-iM ni ni-ii-; evn.s ri dtrq erf? OJ HEAD9 )TOE0FOLioWlflC r-,"' A popular weekly paper for the times, em- ibrfcingUieleing teitu,ea oUIwp jonrhals dettWvlpd t9vJeriittib1eJ cbtiftairration: ' aSid oo tftfitJtiriusrfiSBenh Wfm f wKteri M- Win give the poojic M-tl!ifws of the wkp fnJ ilji'ff :VthiViiwr'i wvrt ! ait Titi1" ; ...... ..'. t A.TKTKPT.IJ1V BSOOBDv. ... .. .u . j jt. f!-N?, 0n Jj' -.tCr-1a 7 ? 'ft l:'fiTe ! TDe4 HESiX Wfti De tue moat . irothl ol ancl reliable, 'recorder' of incidents and facts con iptiruirrg'tbe gteaf 'firi ett-r puWishtd. u ' ; ' j -L- tidEsicRiiH' 8iiU ti !jj?-Jrn"irl .veil nji'A.-tt.i. uaOiiO't t,r .1 I It will contain onJr-ra(ftacMbtrwafl are; vu.achad r fov by -rdjabW , wit nesae, and i Mill jrorcji.ythe erronepnaamlr fabrlcatoil.-sbite-tai nbibf acnsaJioual writers. . , . ,1" I Xlfl'Jifiai Vi iiitl intHUt ;Jtl "iTSi . I . ."' ! Jt.wiU. for-atimav be devoted eperiialilo be past, present and i futte of Chicago te-s: rcaEsn comfakioii asd irawsvAkf' ! Jcoomnare;devotd toMearai CoTrntrwil Bcienre, Li erature. Art, Drama, Music, faQ,j mor.raatune. ftietry, f aantont eoctety .u 4wa, and enoneh 'of Bomafce to make It a' jiAst desirable fireside 'ronipamon, a-well' 8 th masreltale and oompite iiewspapcr for 'the Duaiaw inan in tiie C9U8Ung rom. r,y ' ifirtf,:.'- ! It will be illustrated, with rngraviogt tak,en i ram jrooiograpna or me juieago Bmna, tn sttwtt Idf sketches; "ByicOor Bpceial Artist' who was not ,jyi.U. $io?m& , tboa. ive a eries of riaracrr yisws, pat obtainable .else where. Vtd the first bntmbrf will contain the orrf correct tnap bi the burned cHy.f qui.v TiarrT noma. : 'i r.l t.!-! !ri;j-J:r-r nil tot tu.-i -wiT That oranHfnl , literal y jonrnal,!i,,HA'PT tioyaa," sii)0c puoiiKker was ine &rtt U Isiae a paper iQ meet tup puixtc oemand, atu r the awful fire, haa iert merged Into the UUrary depnrtmeiTt of the PifKhix,' which ' wilPem- b-aaw the eanrnunonv of nor than sixty of me most p-puiar writiraol.tpe dayr?1,,,.f,,- I I,h,-A ?Kr.ATt,.'2t ?r;; L - . .-- - -j , ;- - - , ...i. r...r CTfeePHBirix wiH contain, "as an eapcfatfea tutV,' more complete record of incidents and results of the late t.-rriWe flre.'tharf ttart Jt)e rnaant-jn an.wbook, papr-r or mher publication "iVrlfoW&y t j-jSf AMrt,''(os .anilnapciira'e dgftr th bill. l si,j " j!i ni pi: i.!fi .i, '.v .vtllip i -v u a PAJTtnroa the 'YsoPULtoTr-rtrt : f'9S ni.l nl b-i v c ifaT;. i i-hi TlTaFnKJtTXta tbe ebarfis t paper bi Aroer tca.beUi an wehtrjaer. fortv column weklv at.only twodl rs fear; iii fact itiia,'(,be wie ipcr tor me people and the times. fw-..u;ii vntumtv" ivmllviy wcJifK) The nrt fiamherwill be Issued on .Ratur. day Nov. lit b, and wiil be the paper wanted by eVryy body, as a recnrl'wrtth preserving orfo aendaway, and for it accurate illastra- uor4aK1i(IJi,.-;j., rhi ,iii.i u'utMin 5ii 'j '-4-a-. t'4o0 ilClu ot'.iw'.ui ' .so tihi.zi J- its Basis. .i-'.srt: T"It Is ft eotolklatton rf . other Jonjnala, and therefore n a soini fouedalion, continuing their former circulation. , bxw susscbiukju. p. To any per.on who gels us three new ub- senbets, we will, send Tbe FneHix for arte year f r e, or one esf r iv-aatlf at prize, atvci piae ecnpwvigs worm.saAW.:; ; y,j :-. . . . . ' . , . lo Lin : j For tbe purpose' of rapidly increasing' bar aosenpnon nsi neiore ine ciose ox ine - pres ent, year, we, will give ton every . persoa w5 sob-cribes for. the Phenix .daring the month of November, a beautiful slecl plate . engrav ing, worth $2.50, half a dollar more' tfan the priceaf auhacriptUin. J KoMch' epporiBDrty was ever before given, ar d.-pr ba'ly nevet will be again: Avail yourself of ic Ens: rav in ir 4 arill h Tomr.tlv and aafelT ant l.T snnfl ot d;TI ver'ei n -'hit office aa tabocrioers may wish.1'5'-'4 3t'ji-.4 Juii' MiJMafi 1 uvt ffTel'llt)- Hjal btl rl '.-.- i oii !-v-,trA itTBCBlB iw. r:I is . .. ; - - - ,t ,-.,; juatiua . rei- j uli:t. k-' ilil fit , . Send; la your name- and rabbcrlptions at cnec, afid aastain this treat. new-anMr enter prise. Price of sebscrrptiovi only . 2. GO per year. ' Bitif re copies a ta.Mgent wanted ever vrnere. i-j rs"4 ! m t :i.. .j"i a j. rr ' s,jJsUtflXlCBI.IsnoCo-,,rf ,J7, . dZwelHaaisn ti., . -' . v OT.ll-t'. trw Vi -"aw aaa 1 1 wen iiiu seufc (ortiv sna some thing reliable and readable, fs fa.-rly at tnis rune ana xuaJra,!!rtX -will flil ibe Chicago'.UL' FACINft tub navrffirev r tTfieh ildiera fce the haybnt the? J taav" th chance ol Ufa or death; tau.wenvtttirato, CMixeno, deceived by the pretences of nicro-.. pxMnna dtalertt "; apps PDI SOJfa TO.Ttlftlltf HE.VD3. to change the color, nf their, hr, thewthaerayideaMof the terTlbterieltahMy1 ran. Th first analytiwd cheroie bare en cCristatfpro'8EWW6 fc Xet ifie fieana radent aJlU'llkaVtt irapaJrta shades ot ctdor that ar peetly iifw 1 and.ia in alryspecH the very best. is ,nt . more dangerooa tha- the Jcad? eos. pound" In the market, ar thtVt tbeKXCXsroa 11 V dying. ClUSTATXAECHArarRlSalRTATIV 'HKETfiTlifi'ioWewu flans and she cisentatioat ti soprce of dtseasejn the secrs- Mfti ' l aa ii lalhrggBBii i i n mat bracing every .nerva and flHro of the bodl . Da. Wi aaw'avnneAaBtvTBBae sro rCeetlna; the atnat email 'Mining cares of indijresriun. hiUioasaera. narross weakneaa. rhetimtism.serofutaaUaaMWa.aivr eKHmAm ?nsupauon, that I Us wprw aaesr witnessed. , i main tcc ainnva - a-. u v,- in, iq,iHiw."..ii. wmi ii flora the month-encbanflne; eoBtoaedofrare anttsep. MAS10 TBI M0DT1ibto- 8oao4ot r-sv. rrnc, eoatpc ittsataattnJ tiabvUiMrtswbtsa.i4aMh.aateoa . BiiatT liar a r like arumi ts th breath, aal nraar rvi a tntaet- fwat Toot k to ye the teeth. "-J ' J J W r-nWjUw ll'vsaie 'aVacw Tobias' Veocfijin Unlmeat wai pal hrovih pbb ,r.Wte.?4ftiif TlSt KDMAN ..wURBma-tt'kilTbMaW. aean' phnod of Cocoa-nut orl, etai. I anrivallff a 4 tUTssiaaT and beet iUaaaiaaUag OlT tM; MmOV tfV eVef nssaWJ Darns in the ordinary kerorcne luann C Ttkxr mm. tm. fire nor npltKie if the lanro IS unset and fatikan. SriuT for Circtilnr. Oil Uoaer ot Ckaeias Pratt. Mahttstttit ISUrS llalltlFifT-qf Artiosj ffw. CaVfwe A14 actsasa nniycrasl rxurnal euro-all, acting en the nerves connecue with the sfctn. It prompt) Vrnr, Nmraliria Paina. iaaas vl mai old -aorea and ai cers, flesh wounds, burns, braises. sprainsAe. Sold eacrrwheKatMlesnts ' Honrsn it MMey. A'aalvSale urnstuir. sew ywa. General Ageto,T . , . IftlfiU'S BLOOM Of Vrtimi A most dclVr.htfBl ra. ration for bcsatlfiloc the stttto, nos Iteesf'.esyDskW: over wn years; daring that -tinie .aver one million la dies hare Used it : in everv iasb.ne it kaa trtvei nftra satisfaction; It removes all imperf cetions. tana, f rcrklea and .unburns, rivfaa the skia s-yoathJsl appearaBa; satisfaction; it lYmovesall lmperfcetjons. tail, frcrkle and nnhnrns. rfnathe skkk a rnathfal anaiMuai Sold at all D'uircist- aad Vancr uu rdi Sturea. iiiMl 6 Geld Street, Kw York. 'Z . Tr . T-J mm to THt inHRtiiVscafrgYoa Vr. ow s hvtbVe Syrup, the hearts of jrvanr Prota mvebeen malrtad hy wftnrmimr tW nenef Rial of e . Which thla reasedy never his to asodalBS riag hcerirfeii perron of tcttkinp, j " . iflffSAtVV.thlnHlrs ft PlsidB fore. Cures rata, barn, aonss. onnrav o- Haw mssie 1 hysteiana speak of it Itt fi-nns of the hfiei prai!. Prica S ecats per, .., . JUn E. aarT Mosa Proprietor, 8 dolleie nace,'K Jw VortT m7' PHYSICIAN? who have prescribed Pytpnisor'pnrtne Oyuia.us hopUrforaotfipianta theitpracUca. CmSTinun'O's MAW BYt-tl all his ntr WrWUvasi Othello nid. -my preat revenftf rHk stomach for taaat H- Bat hair that's erey or sandy, whit or red. the ladies have mratoiaaen tat al ait. Use- CrtsfsiToro'tf Dy;,and theejilUrBaJed,: Kanwf actorv, JU147 t TKI reBEsJ a S wefeat tod uver CH la the orid is Hazard tt Osswetl'a marfo o thv sea sbofj lsont (rerh . selectsd' if t era. by CaasTfat ijfaaana Cb..Bee York: It (s absolutely para and ee-t. PatmnitK who have oneatalu 1 it nrafar IkarannlSM-Mj jPiysieisiis have decided it soparlor. te.awy of taw, other oils in the market . "i J " p ; ' ICOVllf'S InodToroaii KM Gterre CleaSfV rH sto. es soiled plovca sonal to n. - PHr ftahr by Drtf j .uu I.HWUB xfcaierv. rnce -.so caats waar bottla.. F. V. WfcUa Co.. Sew YoriT , - , : u RaVtY KEIJIF FOR Y0UH3 KEM. from the aCettaaf Kuors Nerrons dehUftn-enicd. , rnriinaBts to asaiilsia tS ronred. ' ReW method of treatment. N ..H uors aaa soastt in eatij nie. 'Manhood rest tUS aiieremtdjca. 'Books and drcalars sebf free, fm aeaJed MAddSbss tltytrAitll aSs0C1ATX03, ICoV if foath 'lsSwPhUadhhia.Fa.i ..: - " '4117 MONTH - Expenses" pal-JlJa PJ Jlxnr Female Afreobs Hofne and outfit1 furnished to sell 0r ; Uasversal Cement, Coaa binatii n Tunn-!,; Button Hoie Catter, aad otheat nrucies. circulars free. nlSlm' Address; NoTaxsrV' Co' ,.&co K.',U ; 1 ?'lf. ." ' 'Ii in . i . M- ,, ; v - AoTrllRQ EFFORT : .' ! T TWO- FIRES zt- WITHIN THltEE HdSTirSol i inns ktruixp-vr iuu. i.TCT!" I'-rr . iT&.THE-UOl.lC ,ht!.Wl -! -The pnblicjvre infoitned tnat I havebtranial periKajiently aettlnl at ray place of- huiacaav n Graven street, one door from tka corner. pPntldctri n u u;ii v.4w;.- a t I have w every faailiiy fortpprylnrmyv fcustomers, and lja public gtperaUyi wiba thee rlSa 1? ? lunut od; .rarv " -RJ! APt iaJ rk Ji-' ' i-uio BREAKFAST ROLLtT. lf!U,w t s i CAKES, ornamented, antfplaln i i,1-,i5r Acsr-bse. all of 'whtchUe be procured fresh twice every day. Parties furnished at shortest attica what iced and Ornamented cakes. pastry.ai;d confec tionary. Ail orders promptly filled and care; fnlly attended to, ; ... . ; lfr Thanking the public and friends for past fa. vera I reHatfuily SolMt a eotitintiirnee of their1 ptr8-'"1 vjr l-nM'SMW WEB3TEE-S UNaEEIDGED DICTI03aBT,) fff!l f .-i iFafrravlacrio JHO Pcrt Qttarto A prtcs ftt. ;ii f to add ntxtcatanouy In Its fa v. . f f " I -ii ts UTy su.i-lsr kUoars ftii v-iihr. rm Uoat coBiptcte lllcflobarv f tb Laaesas. IDr. Dick, of cH.tbMNt ) rrfte best gnfds of .stodents or oar iTcws? t; Te will twssmn his Bataa to tbe itt posterity. . ..... 1 i. u.uwiui jwni a tyiiHleaJ .trAse by avtWir f - laborers. . . Geores Baacreft.1 4 'lift U1J fij lilif;, .-f:''s l:fyj . Sesnriz retntlnn to l,)roa; PrlBelpta o to.-t pptccia an others in oeBaTng seteatlfls tatsaa , " "new. kir. t rtSaka U altogetW, tne sarpasatn rk. iv. iwrbminv VI jnvI.J " ! :A-aeessity,fov; every iateOfpei fcaiiry. atadst. x teacher and protersional nan. M b't Library is ceas i. plete without tbe beat CagHs DictJotsry t ' .t WEBTTER'S WATIOJCAt. PICTOBlAl. i' . . ircTi0XAsv.Y." . n t ,kjTc 'orthKmi)hon..Asericaa KoacatioBal Stortajry. 1 I PnbU.iwd by O. A CMKMHIAM. Bpriasasld Mass. I" : J - gote by all Btwkselisrs: - 5il SCINE'DEACH' to Trerrr- :j iphe rMcelitcbJkfeiTwi-by the namebf - , unci, wiiiuu BOUT milenofew Bajnec iV.of&red for' rent foe raalt ooffiiag oeaaoa. I Thme who fea,re.,to mat wal f pleaea apply to B. itTTlPHEB, 1 Lie, W dence on the Neuse liver, tlrrce 'fatties above Petfaph,' Petty;' ii '-i j' boa 29 kac; 8: i 1 1 ; i I 1

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