1 3ifT n"T-Tc1 TfVMiJ 4h 5 f ii i Liu ,oori am r . .".(if ; ( Ixor ..' i' in v ,i u'h' .it V(;i v moa-it lln tit bnif .bviitrv6 'if . ,r 1 . u .:. :-.t ' -' .3:js .: I -fi!X NEW BEBNE, "f IT OJ: C ATUILDA ZIOniTIlTG, IdeOI: VOL. IX lUEuj i- t. J; BP A1& a nil S I. i 1 L I mm -n.-di o-,rM ; J . v A V -' ... i. . n;. 1 - i : ' . . ... ' ' - 1 . L ' V -I .' i-. - , ... . : Jofls S. Manix, Local EJUoy.... state rrms.. Arrival jmd Departure pi Mail9. MH Close, for the North. Wtan4 South Mu jvjw?" irntii everv Tuesday T?5f.aSnr TWrm. P6UokTi!le, and 6' .n for HaUSas, New Torfc, 8tm ctoae. &.r GraDtShof3 Br and ' - MAIL ARRIVES ; I7 - rrromtheKrnh, WtadSoQtba M. KnfTntod PollockyHle, ?ueday and Friday .W ' ' tr.- From fcrantsboro. Bay-RTer and vVartde nifre, Jlondaxs Wednesdays and ( Fridays i 4 p it . " ; - - T ' Offic! boars trpra o a r,." , U i 7, 30 PM. Hundays from 13-30 to 1 P - J w 7.30 GEO. VV, HAtiUa. Jr.. rosimifawr. The Editor of 'tith pair.iu:,jiovay r- pendent fi itommuAitalfont o, an ttnemy mout ctoradcriM 6 ptthUihedr Hit real namf , ef ih6 uraer&trttifu:einpt! ''communica tion. Any? matfsfcel nneved ai ttadmtnl txU by.-eofresponderiU can eBtat the name on, ttppfic4.o tw ihe Editor. ' - -..H;....... I'll i t. : '.- Gold is now .1.10. . .. .- -: i . .: ! sn..'. Next Monday two weeks is Christmas. ! - v Bishop Atkinson otliciated in Battleboro ,yes teay. - . 1 1 'i ... ..i v ; ' - Manly, at the market0.has a .flue lot" of poultry. i . 't-- s" ft a; Pay yonr, taxes to : the , Sheriff - ario?v City Collectcr. tv - i tJl Bead Hagel ahUJJhaX'Bro'H aaetjtsemffl in this issue. n t"-- i ' t t m H i l ii. - ii i " Him. I." S.-f There was no ' Mayor's Court yesterday - Ii K n cause, no case. -!'. --: t The steamship Zodiac has been . Bomjewhat: delayed on. her .tup, ; : h.a v v.-t-.y.i The young men of Kinston haye a touma ment.on the 20th inst.t--.i -j;:! -,.,! v.. vvii . "Q'.in the corner, advances " a Tery pe- oooliar idea." Bead it. To-morrowis fce anniversary of the bombard- mot of Fort Samler, 1861. French Window Glass of every size, or cut to order at Mitchell, Allen k s. Vri ? - .-' ..:,iH fl,, . ,,r , !T,J;V)TI efK'iji The train from .Goldshoro to " Baleigh . now leaves Goldsboro at 11 :15,A.; Mi- t tm- ! BtJnjt forge the 'matinee at' fiie Chapel,"ou Gaorge street: tcHiay--time, 3 o'clock. . . i,? Ihe Tarboro'. 'StUhertUr.-. wa- forty-eight years old last Thursday; nierable;' ' :lr-n.ii(i u ' y : & -.t '' The Superior Court' will convene.. this inorn-j.. rag at 10 o clock, to finisa the business ; of the term. Owing to recent etld .weathet' but little cot-' ton has arrival renUy. 8 Cotton sold yester- day at 134. j:vt.'r 2 ;k !iiB:,?;f r ! ff ;. . -i 4 v lTnf .Hi t...ni nf i' The Steamship IE. SJ Terry,' wHl sail for New Tork, at 4 6 clrckne'xt'Monday alteHioon jiec 11. th, 1871. "' "Hi inflt'jin-? r6T'rf!vJi4.K : - " .a i';- M.v..w-tvvT ; The: Messrs. DaiJU 4 zo xsjiil adding to their already handsome. large 1 warehouse. on. South Front street. '-,'-ri"-vi :.'t-,'ri"SA!- . . " ij'i iirjui-: .t i-int -Jl a. The new brick dry house;1 .ectojeetign witljt Messrs. Walker. Jones & CA's tobiweoj manu facteryhas Wn coapletecL ' 5iT . ihe estimates submitted to Congress forth next ascaTyear-are ,'bt0()f;ti jjrupriairons tor ae present fiscal year. : '' .tetrognte lag finely. nd a large number of knights are expected from a distance, amohg-thers Several SfM9.oa Pitt nty.;;;iftfV g ' ' i'i-tiit xvAMifi'i We v fi are pleased to annosnee ttM-iti Totis u meeting with mucesi.t.i subscript tmtf 11st being constantly added to, aud ji.ad-' frtisiag rwtronaga exceTdeat. tAU- ;clwse-f Kte lpartmerntas do inot aooear to- iiir election1 'foFW TaeW Tfiief "Eiipirieer 'flottVAt1 take plaee .unta , the first AVednevadayii after the'. No o-$it$ff P,esant can-gireu rto the man who enjoys VftV&eLV Ppe, ad this article Mr. OolrtaWi'rt Jannth Ffout.steMtjhasrJU.ndsoinB. varietiesv HAtJ uisr.mpor.un, can bej found every ?&ceivaH s .yla of smoking an chewing tob-wyp tat'md t-s'advertisemenriW Visfe . . "f8 irp Tiaes'ir ever saw. 1 ... y 'essfsheati frooi fl,rii:.ii..,nni,i ed. eih t.,J 'of hU oxWiinMatsi'-it- ..4 iU It proper for Blonds haired yontig ea to starch it, ud render it scrubby like Alsxisy.l Indiana'. JJf etdst. ;ltf- V -"-- '.: !;- i There are one -ihoTisand viaDTe-'IucIiaiia! at. tached to the Methodist Episcopal Church this year than has erer, heeaknoeforV ,f j ; Not HO f.M)n! i.!t ,,1 m IV.. The tovn-of Kew Bern .has a .slaughter pert and nothing to kill xcepi ier jBlaefish-1. and Sand f4irtler?,-i?al. Carolinian. ' TVe deny the arfegation anddogpise the al- Ctod w. .f .. . , .... ,. j We take pleatmre in anaotntefalg w pnt read ers that the eelebjratei Wisardyrflar arrived in onr Hty lost tight, and -rfdrni ..at i the Theatrs1 Mbndtty,!'1 ! Tnesday tod Wednesday iifKhta. Old, a yeljas jonng,tjsinr be: pleased nl J i ivil hi 1' .... x: ... I .For the past several eTennes,-, ,S MW ' had thS ftaestJ- 6taTiignt nignts wnav Ter seen, i . .1 ....... . r - It The sky presents the appearahee-of a beautiful 'I Vide dome, 'spancted; with, glittlerinR , silver stars. As the ieldwnmaB eaid. . it looks near I aboutas goqq as arbaoial i pt-' ' I j , We learn from ..he Tarboro Souiherner ' h&l ,J Fin n saBuuwv. . f - - I . tire, 'on Saturday iaominr last and three stores j JaimveA wirt, ofl.o ten tWattd ' dol'ars. 1 ! JHWO ' V . " H . . . . i . , l . l l tbefLra vaaa. it is supposed, ince&diry.. H r t j wftft mileiiciid Rnrin-1 L i 4tv " j rf i i r- Vegfetatioit seemed almost to recuperate from the recent killing frosts, and assume newe - andjemerei4 buosf. ; ; : ' - l , The thermometer in th shads remained at CO detrrees durinff the sreater . rart of the day U Fires and pveoasKwert' discarded,1 ana peo-J jpt&Dsolutely' got Ut,iuter;..lu.d,on.l,. We now call to mini the "Sunny South.'? i '7 I. .11 Congressional Committees,. The follini are the committee appointments of Worth Carolina s delegation m uongresa: ; : iioa. u. n. i nomas, uomnuiiieon jieeuons. i Hon. C B. Cobb, C Gunman of the Uommitteo. . ' . ?. ( ... xi. . i pa rreeamen s Ars, - ana nrcmoer i w ! IV - : YS.L..;iL': uomimive. on .lievoiimounry jreusvJMa. uuu i war of ;1812.. ' Hon.Franoi8 E. 8hob r, mem- berof the Gtnittees 4oiv'M)Bas and Mining andxpenditures of thePoSfpfllce Department. Hon. A.1VL Waddttll, member cX theommlttee ten the Insuirsctionary States. : i !, I ' The1 two most import xt of the foregoing Joromittee are those upon , whichTMeslrB- . f . .1. 1. . jit.... all W4eatB trom me a irooro- bouuictmt . a ourgiar eneciea an emranca xun jewj BlOTeoi air. Xkawis. 01 ia: wu, '-. t it. . I l. !aV, n.i nf I the time occupied only by a fifteen year old boy. ;The burglar tUre.traedt tnd boy . wilh " "n,, Vuw wu: - r waspreparing 3tha plunJjr fori transportation the boy manage! o secure a pistol and made I a holfe in the burglar some where, for he at once ,MUt fiat,?.. leaving. a, jtaaqk of Voodaa'to went The burglar "WiVs ' not recogniz id nor has he been apprehended. tUtpr.. c.Brtj, , .. 7 , , ; - f --- r r The Supreme Court meets in Kueigh the first ' f"5"? v. . -1. ... .. .... Monday in! Jnuary 73,' the Hon. Bichmondi iJStS! ui.:t i. '.mitl u-.:. .ut. w t jjjtcoiuiu. , mo v wail 1 coo w uaa -w v r January term W!U be; taken up in the louqwing routine: j va-wMi x irst weeK lixst ann seconu aucrictB. . Second week fourth and fifth Districts. :'s vrtTtv, 1 .Third week third and seventh Districts,;,',;.., Fourth week eighth and ninth Districts 'Fllla'wwk'teirith nd eleVexttti I)rsTfcl'.,,. Sixth week t wel flh and sixthDjstricts. ". " I regpectf ally gives notice that from this time for Applicants for license tol practice law will be te foupd hie placef business, examined on. .Monday;?; the .nm wees..-J.ne order of exanatipn will jrun as follows: Bights of property, Practice and Pleading, and the Code of Civil Proceednre. Raleigh I Carolinian, To7.-.-. ,.J?iv-Vi.":;-CT ! r-... JU.,:..tl t t ir-TTnv.'v'J .T,0i ts,? IBiwiu w. a.umiii buu.jiii)iiu44a 1 : ' STilminfTtott .eomnlikitia of too manv colored I idlers. -i H - v .. v.ni ; ;.4 i! -. ."";--.i", t- Tu--vf. ,i ; tt ? 7 Vid-t- ;;N' I 4, Dan Rice exhibits Wmself in, Baleigh,; xiexfe Monday, w f- it l v ,1 ". v:.--1 :. Bingham School Cadets had target shooting ,' Goldaboro talks about its NationlvlBaiik richt. along no,s's '- "f. lb'A f ! W J.i ;-W'I I'ii i J'j TIT"'.. .'t-B.,-fjj; ; --The young people of Tarboro lave a grand ball on the 28th inst' J It i?!M i ' .trflmington has. 130. pound f pumpkin. J iafl;punkint,8ure LOIia nW;-.Tr iter vivM; Butchers: ,Wihiungto Jhaya i50-n. nf is V ... , . u f, M-wwww vfA, -y". fVr.--,) 4V , The farmers of Wayne meet at: Goldsboro. to-. (i.r fnr ft nnrrwa nf fnrmina fvn A r7-rirnlf n rol j r r r1 Ti i&jjjjdX UotK Jo ipiii . The BaleigbT t7irtiW!:andBaligh: Era ;put)Usn The Tarboro 8du0Letner Tariiioiis! that the . , . v i i tyhne.between Edgecombe f and Nash powijes be restored but when ite xlored EepT yasentadve, Johnson, introduces a ito'thafend. it deprecates 'itTegrete' inJict. WiK'i.'!.- tl'ii.i; -ir vl 'T" 1 - thaiuejgiitraaa dona. aw en rra.i.-i..n7- . . W,"T the reTOaimendation. of a colored -mart. .h.i last Jttpnaays proeeeamgs as tnose of : vt...huS "-"i " 'ember; the ffii sAiht. iKor-'iK" h 'a?,,??! ,(?ftoua,,0 WWII7.'fOt ber Ttotce ........ v.- -v. liav.nl trilla am Irnlw woi-dorfoL .fen., Wih Ufcinai auj ; b.!Wfvi ..i.i .u.i.l;W'',wsW'Wu Mn oe f-.. ;..f.-..7 -i j i 44:15 'city lt&osii eflt riw: Urn-iTK n o iia yr cipu ff" ) j oHiwvfliiiaq,, a inioi ifpe receipts anov usoorsement of Tjgtotement, lainacU crat, in rtKnth4y sheets, showing the amoantu receivedi and 1 expended jeaeb tao&ffi,ind''td lf6nt neViaedit"'. ,lf !wr: ' JJnder the present municipal lawit is necessary to moae out seven otc. tu me aiaKntent one I for cock Ward, ti be postal Hi -some prominent the City Jaseiament for the seven months of reputatioi, which b founded on tbeinoBtsuV tlUf senr' yBiiiiinenciBb MsyI';lst td i aUai'irroabd.'' -J- . ' Deiber;l8t , ;, LfJ. 4. -.- j.,., , 3)iVe understand that thesale of tba,,.Weber place. ..Trom iha. statement before-Iii itAp-, per .fiiat i daring ths period pgoi Sad "there has beea seceired for currant expenses:-' " From License Tax,,( 1 1,287.99, ioar r mes, J - T - -t,-!- p , Reai JSatate, A - --V-h ;40lt57. i Ik' 04. onnt disbursed "J; " ! 'bensest JEw-L.u. 3,280.49. balance,; - - r - - - W V - 2 -t V. " j Thers are yet sotte bills 'nnpaid,'" amonating prVps Jo four or five aa3e4 dollars, but da the, whole the bote iVayery pteditabe ex&ibifi denonstiating as it Ham . that, jthe Brd-have Mode effort ta bee'. Within the paltrr bounds prescribed ' bVl?he" Legislature,; -and theylatr opm a Aear dcunfi it as Any,. tbet aat of sasn. New-Bent pottTJU- AlVfl nilTA Bf fiTArl MIHTMIMVll.tf ' & nM&l IAA statement Of dislmrsements,randebntoinmit the iname 0f every iadi?idiud that has drawn absent ... - .;- : -- 1 - tj the Treasury for, thrpast seven months win be posted, one in each Wrd, G-da.K when every citizen-will ' haye an opportunity of ex- amining the matter fbt himself. rvru'iD f bitr nettles apd unwholesome, weeds. . Dy v4 nigavaews, trom maugnant seeds - , t T u Ill-fortune sowed wbett'Tall the heavens did r t.-4 Its lontbsotne Vrwnd'I trmpl!fpij down In mixe and dust, to burn mv btuiii tw uiorei r - ' T 1 ' From off my bro I wipe tbVikliogorei While 'all bou't m , hlkeAtAinihj hr v,va ' rem or zy cutis ana iai ueiuts ai:ir. Thtir steru: rcvetlui , ; 1 1 , M .rein winds s: : '.W'rX' j .Thossv.Wiika, an ,Vnisw,t:idu "'paiwina.iA my S ,.rvoi,l, r,i., ... ., ir."v5f. J. i.'.. WheA e ta irs' wiled, as stipig wanijirHr dng ground i For no- l:st jfotxlKJC freed-'froiii' 4etifit or Brave too it;hU npr aiug front HoteN moraing , i r ' ' '' , , ; ' , : ,: ... ; t ; . rs w p . n. i... . . ' f !L .. T. ... : ff,rm n, n A mhrt nttmh. r uf Unr.Lif, .v. -T,. . -- v -k fatiazinax ' ' i L r ATTENTION t desire" to call the attention of the public to t3 fact that I have now outi harfd, . and "will continue to keep, the best, as well as the cheapest cigars to be found in rity;v the finest brands of chewing tobacco, vixu MayFlower, .oiaoe, cmury 0114, . Ajnesapcajs. ; oe nnest brands of smoking tobaco'V among which will ., . .- .. n . . - . ., -, ., L , . . . . . descrintion T' - T . ,v f,s 0?U fimv,,iatM Rf Wn k ,.:.. A f -i it itf jWara Tobacco Emporium,; South; ; Front : two , . , ; J; ; &. firvT.r,sfTTTT Vrvrto. . - . 9j,. a. . n , . .1 : i , ' ' '' " ' " For Children's Boots and Shoes,, go to 'Wat- son's. Middle Street, New Bern. .! : 1. -j; A Steam Boher and Engine, twenty horse ; 1 . .: ;. , . . .. ,. , .. . . pOWer good repair, far, eale, or, exchange ,f . 'T1.? '" . iT:1 iior real estato in this,ty., rEnqTj;;at,,this office. ? ' ' . . ' Sep22-tf tt-ir ii-'. -y,-,' fH 1 t-iwfcmls'assorted Hour." 50 barrels Pork, barrels Assorted Sugar; Syrups,'. Molasses ;j Peas, Coffees,, rnd in fact a large and, complete I 1 i - . . M W Htock- inst jondea. ana ior saxe at , . , j- . j - j. gj L'Ji'yETTS. j " -V" "-?m , " -. m xniU1. a tirf-imAnnftk. and South ; Front. . ' 1 - -jj, rttention. . Mnv WtfJ 's - ,m.j. 1 i . s ; 1 1 V - ? ' Fifty turpentine hands to go to tFlorida" on the 1st 01, January. .3 9rj psrticuiars appiy to fjfflO.jlJwVtal01XL.f J r Ohas JS. Dxrrrox. - ;3Ol-0 t. Di 1 ?otie. . I , , " ' .J ' V r .1 f I. ..... . - U ti.r-r.r'ij ! ,APPucau?u mauo , uo . General 'Assemblv of North ..Uarouna. .far. a , obarttw to iaeoroocate St Petor'a Lodiie.Council tfMAa 1A .:iHf RtV NfiW-BernJi "tTi O. lec. 3-lmcv,, , , r ,-.Ff..t , , , r , I . .....i-.i - . t -'-ntt- t' ANJ4i . J 1: . . tKM ' .4 T . ' l'.'frVv nVt-tl.1'i 1 -fi;s hnos v. Mrs. rvrbultorr. 11 i. i f " ti r f Theew Vork 'jSvetii vening EmpretM ot Nor. 11 y "Th success which Mrs. Moulton ob- . taiBea in new iore a lew weeas since nas Eastern1 artist says iT"If we should speak if Ii . . 1 4 . 1 -. it. li 4iai e. uuuiiuu a biukiuiz we kkj, iuc .ubuuc Ii would lhink S enthusiast noY a "critic. Her. yoice is like a stream of crystal: .wateri : ..'ji.i iisponse to au cuuuro, mvuku a lantaaia ior 5- -iU-.J4x.-v-i. w h . ' " i'T i "1 xi' j 1- x" . 2i!!,f I r.r."rT1","r and1power,f Th Weber Grande-are at" p 1 u. ...... o -Lv' . vl? ' :sxiuosidereltbeiimtefflcMit iMtauacnts 5 -""' . ... i 4" . . ,; . 1 1 prki;This was rich.avesi and .well isas- f tafneci in WheHlrr6oghou,L tttul if atnosk' ex- i ttieu. apecipeB oi ins skiu oi tmr, jajeniea I maKer, and cannot fail to grealjjr ep,hsncs bit Piano is exceeding ail.pretia.nnd caa.well I und erst and why all the' s;raod artists InTari I sblj cairylt' kltirijr wita tbem. ", ' I " Certainly commendation can harrJlT got fur- i tner inao lata. -u PP!y tov . - i..X.'J J. E. NASIL i suhwra on, receipt of tbeirJ" bills for subscription resrOTUnax. . . . m v 1 i".i tvnv - I 1 I 1 .m ..... rlnv)ftnrrnTF.. I- 1 Casnmlasian Ulerchmnr' &O WTH J-Ifi. QITT STREET. Cotton, 1 uealta,, bales t.'Cyi 17 cts. i i'So3 8eecLt3 l-na-.-v:3i;i;u:'..v.i.54.-.'; , rr. 1 Tiutntine;3 Dftf f - ' 1 $5.40 Corn, from boat. ''. r ,c0fl5 OOK 1 rTIHB AKNUAfc KBBTmO OF TEU5 STOCK- HOIDSllS rfMkBiikIortr-' " ? r and thetraanrtloa of aacfe ftailneai u mt Bc k I i AVIV VaaCSH, Will ijss UCcU - - I r " fnu xi 1 a.u 4 V tiT H A B n v K r H O 1 H O r H . V. . s ' ' .... i ' " - V --M the Mcontt ttaevdavr betas the I Ths-Poll win Tt OTxned at IS Irj to tMs clotted. !? - s . .... .t 1 . . -.a... . at 4 P.M. 6-td JL CDlCNi Caaliteti. New''BernerTHeatreI.; l'.IHilfl O'M I- . 1 f v . .:!,,,-.. . . . . jr-iil POSmVELT THSEE HI3HTS 05LT1 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. Hth, 13th andasth. PI? OFi rWTlT ATVi Wizard dVenM , aladiesCOLD WATCH EiTeu awif h um civw oi eaca penuruuuee 1 S3SS SJSaJIa ANDr HANDSOME "PRESENTS. . . ) ........ 1 , Matinee on Wednesday, at 9 o'clock, at which everybody will receire a present ,. , -vv . - Admission ' :. .. - 1 ; 25 eonts. Beserved Seats . - 1 . .. . COceavta.- encfa.4 7 'd'00lli p0"'0 O. . MC PiXC ; .! -! vJ,W."HATWOOD DAIXi, t I BAUj BtLOTHKllS TTAVING OPEJvTEO A WHOLESALE AND XI Betail Estrtbliahment on . ftoath Front street, opposite the Gaston House, off r Dry Goods. Groceries.,: Liquors and General Wer- ndVlStaiL- ATtwrtias re invited to call and ex- cbondise at W ho'eaala desiring- to purchase are amine our stocK. ' ;. . ; . ; aoc. i . . r im Notice to Bondholders. OVITCBVTLAXTICfc N. C.AIXllOAOCj., Ii3 I .. . Nsw Bbbh. K. Dec. s, 1871?; f .; I TCK5Vi)UE0TO4rB50'TPl4liKASlc will be rvnld Dn.mntlT when doe. t the Fnlton Na-I There are conush DMtdtvo that hate net ben pre sented HuMnrs of them are Informed ' hat the money baa ben on deposit for them ever aince duo, and if they do net collect. It, it i their own f anlt. K. it. i ail. x , rresiaenk t , ,j iAUantle MTU. C. K. K. Comaanv. Era and Carolinian copy , . BATEM AN .HOUSE, :- , 'brick Brixiraro." ' f;n South Front St., near Craven ! , . . .it. .... ".-; .'.. . -.. . THE TJNDEBSIONED HAVING RECENTLY opened the above namd House, - would call attention to the fact that deatring t !xoeet the wants of the people for a first eloas - 1 Bar and , Billiard Rooms, nas fitted np in a style that he feels assured will " '.' ' meet the approbatfou'ot the public ' ' ' . . ,twvii ... i .t til' ' ' i I Ales, ..j i. . '1. Il . t 4-7 41.K 4 "I fl ."t!l4:. Hi ... m n " ' -4 TIB 4.! r X W J' -It" . ' ' .'.4 'W tl 44 .:- " " f.C"V4 Wines, "U ' i" i "4 . : .i.-:Xv..JS' e''LiflOors?; SUliajcd Room, x; ' 'I S'-'T ;7r vii rij, r a with every isaproveiuent-aad accomodation. v .- Cl.-l.j.Xi tJj. jwl VJu 1 li The READING ROOM is tmppiied with ?iiiy!! . I 44.f..kfk:.-S a44.. , jJif.rxfo. McAlpijje so WtSliland favorably Out of town 1 - a ,a-4- l 3"5 " - 1 '"?.k t a. IC.J , rrriU ' '-iV-fprrs. anrf)riWor,C; TITri48AwaitM!AKKatrc3EI THAT l. AX bl-l 1- r v'xhlSC allU-V.tlUa.10a JA enblBd toofler to the trade bv the kef . and Will ...jr'ivV V. . 3 ke-p trwh oa drttit, at mj place of butlneM tba bef t rmI.i' ri,r.v risot .ro x " 'rl vruii lo -o .v 1 i-t tSZat "Si r7nd requirements of ihe piiWic, I so xorou T. BATHTTATT; , licit patrbiTiigea dj-u -"TT .1? Af'iftf TH WKSUSAII A9 KETAlt CLVLE3 (3 (if. A ... i": ! : Sr J , - .1 : ,1'0 iro- :i i i 1 i! I'" . . -1 ; fSTmam Waiaatafln.' TV Dax G00W Bran) V . I . t. ..... .. i . V II XJAllD) - ;k ;rid i ,' ,., it; ft?, .;- f.- 4:ji'f i.xn ,J 61: tWi. ,ai'l. a -nV.i. ;T TAsti PtaUSTJwi. Hf ciilllf O TITit iTTEfc." X Tioa or in pnrine to ta fact that 1 aive mi band, and wtlt' txaUawW' fcesa. at -wkjlaaal X tio. of th public to th fact that I ktv ow oft aaaa, ana wi mail, t - :. i 'D. .1 . T A. I.JO I ifl' ' . ... - ... . 1 t ,njs-. - - , Fine Cognac Brandy, -4," rt 3 1) .Jlli'iOll "u 5 - ; li-'f 3 1) - l l.'Li Oil , .'' ' PUR& HOLLAND CIM,' " i hi t '! i i n 1 j Best Scotch aua Wffi-kiei ;-";". t'0?;7" fine Shsrrjv -Rhine, .... 1 ...... .- ...,. -.. . .. . .Claret; and other Wines, -'" -: j J j! :I .? ii'! .'r a' 1 v;:p n. v I; THE FINEST DRAND3 OF - ; 1 V' II. ' l " Domestic Xicpibrs. 3 1 i). j 1.- - - - , ,i 1UR0X3 Winra'A.liTiiBlf.1 UP tUt BTXT v it'-" i ''.- : ' 1:.4: -f) -sa BOlllbOIl, R78 &XM!l 6tUBV ::: -j 'v , ;.j ; j ; whiskies; I J tv , . , -l n1 . , li .;,",T,t i.;-5 fifIR1ta .a ..; NT"; -V-.f-,:i-r?i9-lir: f-fi'tt i; .. f: u well a Ugarrr tur tke wholesale tradti. at the lowest , .. . ."-'"if ' HaVING MDf fPECIAI. ARRASOeilKNTS ior their maaiifactare. 1 am n. w cnablad to fHtfr to the trade, aad individoaia, the -- . . - ' .1 -! :' 1 m-n i! - l 1 Finest CIGARS' 'sold in the City. 1 1 4ii.r . .j : W '". J v a-' i-i. T H,?,E';": V-' f t ! t 4i -l.s ") "- J' ! f t fro'.Vt :.' '. . i: - l;i. r! 1 v V ... i '..'..Cl'G.AE i' . .;.. - -u i -t : i:- ...... . j. .. i-j :pV i , I invite coroparlioTv,and avk tet. having eoaAdenee In the excellvuce of tHe article titter. . ..-4 i . : i. . y . 4,5 't 'L 71 ii i " -,. i ., -. . . Lay. ," t. O fl v " ' 1 a, . 4.' AG BEEB S9 . ;;i40fl j'B.w 1 J uu 4jsu?.j(:i , ' 4. C - -' - J '; 4"iv " " Baltimore Lage Bfeeh Ih roTntximoK jnmm fuctc? busi. KSSS, will ha foaad a swat - -' " 4J A "!. t -fl I r . -r ST-rVIwXrEl mooM:, ' I- -..; r . fi ... ..y', . . . Whr.1h. I " I ' H.VlfJ r.-iMi)! I.,!,',,". ,! 1 vt 'vf -f.nX 1 .1 v - ' J line of toin,meet fully; .the -i .. rit i , lj, ,... 4i :.t. 4.ii?. I --.'r-- " BAPTISED 1H FIRE I ... t ' uv os; J JnAt j.niviUo ?i:j.ifVHui:i - r i- -l i;;1 s. rp.ohh -laciLti 1 '.v'- us. ii oi ixei oi i-. ivt) .YilViJ r iuO vi;r-ti O Mf : ' 1 Gmcasfo fhenm! u Ai4-'aaj uut, .kk 1 no sortnioo sn f"ciil ,-frift! .-At "io Elou.'S 6ilJ JO :C :":- ' ' : .i.vf jtvmnq o,f rsh li- ! f-'ir r; f.-. ' 1 READ THE FOLLOWING AtuiijN .r. i I LOWING: ' 4j' 1 I W IjIU &lt l.na i jT ..iiiiO Wi I T -ilVx r - t "-if ,!Ti I . . ' ' .1?i!T TP.'i I destro by the trtbfe ronflagrathln. and I ' rrM.ivnd i-V -Ai-'Tmii Is Ttft..iwjJl cottaja.oalr 'auch 8adssje voucueu ioi oy rename witnttw4s, anq.. wui corrret the efron.ous and (fbricataie- m-nUofkePsaMonal Writer a,. " , " I r CHICAGO XHTJ THK WKWB. - I ' Tt will fnr a tiim ' Tm ifvrrtn.i ii4niani. fr the present and nlure of Cuicago.. be-. situ-s oein in most, complete wecaiy - newa-r paper li tbe world; - - V 7 . i Wv. iJ ymT.M yd--iatii ' S rinEsiDK coieruuam xkH w4it7' I fl'n'' ..e'if.-.-HffKf'ifS.;:r. . : IUcolnmnsaredevctoNewTi.Co-tjmew .Science, Lwwrv iff! Music mor, jraiim, roeiry, r amnion, cjocitiy news, andenont-h of Bomance to make, It a tuost desirable fireside ;-rtnjpanioa,-a3 Well as the ! most reliable and comDlete newsnaDcr for the business man lutbtf coaming rom.,. cu , . ' B'SArrrrrtii. iT.i.T'RTr.ATTrv.wk , . . i -'wtobeillustritea WitaniIr, irom j -trad series Of pkbpkct Yiawa, ,not obtainable elae4 where, and the first vUmtr will cqntalb the. only correct inapol ibe baraeaiMy.' . ; -l ,;' .S.- vr.-l R-f,-4-f5lo-'lrtf- i'.njj .'Tt' j W4U7. W1HI llUk. UU'IBCJ .4144 .. r 44444 kllua -KlU .1 .!" 'Ji:i ' - ,J r.irj,? or That boantiful Hteraty journal, , HapIi Houas," who?e piibliKhijr wastbefirst loir sue a psjr-to meet tbe public, demand. aftr .tat, awf oi f!n,-has lieeri nn-rged, ipto the literaryj teparttiie.it hi the rnKMXwhrCb will euvl brace tbe.contriiMitioiis of mora than sixty ot the most, popular writers of .the day, - t - pwTL.,,V-.-ti i 'Q ; -fa--. f ; The Phekiz will contain, as an ttnerial I pa-. resnltw of Ike late terrible fire, tbarr rati be foaad in tny book, paprr or other publication have been the accouuts sent forth, tbatsome thing reliable and readable Is ' ' tfrfrrtf tfyufhi at this time andlbo Pstainx-wwV4b4 ta FAfsrs itii.w;vl , . .' . . C v . i K- ihiY . j Tot Potkix i the clrapcet Mpwin Arneri ica; belaie an eight psgXorty lutn-.w-kly; day JNovlllh. antP wi.'l' oe the uet wauled by every'b y.as a reAird wtb'preserTiDit or a senaawsy, aua tor its accurate uiastra-4 uons. .y -Mil ;:s h r." ' ;i V r ITS IU8IS. ' , f..."r i' If It I a-oonrVidatloa of .o.herjw ml therefore. -n mi aoltd JoinrdatioB.; Jteiutiiainir their former circulation. .-' . i Tft A,rt f i : Forthe.BTi-"w .ubrtptioa Ust Worae pice pf ,be ;Prf - i-nt year, we will gire to eTcry person rwh s ar tvi. nt-4flJj-Li -: 1 I . sobaenbes -for tbe Pherrix7 ddilntr the ; mon I hi of November. a'beauOftrl steel 'f)ar -enitra v- tt jrtb $2m baW a dollarsie .t rjriceoT nasnipwB,r4lis sacn, opppr ten ity was ever Deiore given, ana TWM- tlrTr wfll.be again.. AvnU-yoorspJ of ;t. ,fenirry- Inaww-ilfbe promptly and aatel stii tr mall; 8t,tB?-jfjaVs,i once, at. atutstfrth.fr kreat, oe wspapr enter- prisevl Prfoe; of subtcripUotr , ionlyt AMk,bwr yearf Steele copies ceatt;.; Agentp wanted eveiywhert. will gixe lt public all the news of Utt Werki SSi'iliS -,."t deania I cares old Mm aad al in .condenaj.d mpilaUon of ,be Jeadin w1Tk.A jonroahi of the nation, and the World. W ragj.Bl.yrtfk, oeraVAs fin"- !' ... . l til'- EIm.v ,.. Tl't. .- 55w- Twits, 4tcrincaattiaw over oaw tMintoa ta. reliable recorder of, i.,cidenw(andfacUion- IxStiJ! . - ACOOUKTSO THK riMt. ! 'l 11f"F teSSff VP' ? k-rts'of m-nr r-rt. w B4 viiruia . i lami . utn m- im ua aa . mm m a wrrn h b - w- ikjvmi w risa -a aa sawiai - a p iii-iii i i a " - "kMa. t4i avvw. -ft i a at : nnte anani n r amf hi Ala I lwit i'noingrapnoiine vioicaguutiinsini I lt rttt"trr.,7,JtrTt esPatta at ;- rotfketcbe. . -By Our 8pil , AniiH llyrSSiEiLS at it . .. J a i i F i u T. . asssaaiw rsj -W.UlvPlllMaraa.f? at only two altars .Ter;XctjM i,vbei nto.ttl - vFJxI?.?rynm tt,e paper for the people and the tUBesT. " ' i l&&2' iii ' 7. r .i . i . TilTtf ft..T ;i,T77 ..ti 1 -';Tjxangputlk aad 1tidtmSsorBsw( ta - - ' - H,fl a Jncw 1 ItWctfbllyaxHf S - Jl " . r ( T . i, r i j " - " ; : , - - W"a?"fg"W'ssai .The flrrf xtumberwHF be Issued on ,Sator ; . ) AioX' y1 'iTjMr. ' rit'iSai'J ' Htw svBscxijtaaj Vt .'juyCi ij-it: WiWilenlImiiti ;i 1, i : mi:xtir. vtii1 &5 CfTd a'wyrao wlwetaa.tbte new rtH Th..jft&vSWJ rrilw.ia. w- will iunl Th Prrwrr f.r . ' 1 Va. of tlta.J yeariree, orone of ourbwntifol pri, ttrt-l TtfwkrTio , plater eugxaving worth f 2 50.' ' f ' , j 1. V2 .1 tJ a.-WTilttfaa J . - Tfciffn Uisl i 5j"v"TZ'i jf'or J '&! lOarnateiwsswi.i avmni - ijistiii wcTiojfAitT. " 77? : iTBi.isinwi tjo - I Pieasw apply jo iU IfJSTTiPHJER at hitr- fai. Vot. 11 tf. .5Us -?JCbicgo,'.IlL .i iJPpbesjre?yvg4f iiabtl? lai ! the cl.ance of bfeor denth; but Wh ptitat citiatn, deceived by the pretenecw of uiierm-; ,Wldea- of thf terrible riaki tbey j rn5Tt, tV'v Vt aaaw:. vt the wise and pradent stick latw - tmpiswida.coS? hk na is in all MpstlM Tery' t -tow RItBMTHBBW0Rrji Is not more danreroua fbaw ib,WkL.. t' wa.Kei.itndthatttwgrcaiJKo :r.;e.- iHHTtikTna t tKa aoarea of dta tiu. fA"!.. c're1to- nweUtirr every nma. aa4 asa sTiNaa'aa BrrrTaa aarTE;-.!."' taMhiafc biUluaraMa. ttarvMM I .i . ' TV. . ..-wuiWVrvs BMia --. m ninBiiiiiB. rmin isi nn wis i . a. andtthiwi, ama.-1 f : t tie harba. it l.rt..u ".T". r " 71. , , " eoBaoaeti at rara- antlacp B'lwcr like iroBkd to the brrath, aal preaarvsa Lotact troat yoatli to ( the teat; VfTvT, It ta Mtr mm ii ..fl.rwV?.'.? d'Z IK OAI IU.TUialV(ailiiki. PnP? cc.-cnt oil, etc.. 1 nrtrall.d (, , irria; lwtblWjtK'lr &rm&J5 .,:llIT.T..r OH.-5" sapest hot and L" !'"" .m JJU lor t ml It aa erer aaada. P" in tneareii B the ordinary Vuruauit) lamp.- Doe aat tak 'SLFJr1 9HUoaa f CaarlasraU. catabluhttt 'lTf. rXiyrajrJ??1- ttss!t4slt- to9tMmc-.u3 ff., ciWfllM eatus ww " rte. Ibrtrfriar4aptiikH?atrBw P.;fis4totrs Plirk Nw Xotk.' U nrttalltS wboa;WrteHitla virfa ar FBrta otfYr.?, ? f " V-J-'"' ll'T. alL" Rnt h.W it.-. "V ",'rw: una tSrvJuS Dye.aod the evil leresaeXeV luLaaSSorVssiiwa! ealtana New York. aaakf, . t f -r k - V 'tJf,-mm$k,si ttltwew' Ott ia llo5trlw5 S"..., SSS r tr"0" . w . once tri. it prafer it to all others, V,a,r?iT"J?f!l1? PHr -fr ta fVJlS!? eqtjai to W4 Foraiia, b, dtb. ClivU ud yancy Goods Dealers. Pdca. 3S CMti Mr 1 SJ11-' I niTO. HCW P4CIDM Of tfMtm.iit XJ 1 ltTli,," k ""d circalari aeat f rtseaSd " '"mSEZ HUWASD AsbiiAariei-kLii " Utaust. mi5eiph. faJ', Sewili - r'':"l"r '."Vl ' ' " ? y ''' p-'? .'' m rw a1 A crvTT.4ii . . hmsiiihedto bination Tunae Button Hole Cutter and alhar ' wticles. Cirtutars :freo. "v ' .nlSisnJ r.44MiJre8a.!jroiii.r Co f.Saeb:-HW -' . sf ? J ' T A' THIIlDi EFTORTl. , a tirp s." ' .TtlVO -rI?TWl,iI " ;'i f!''I'.. YITHINi XMEE MOjjiTjc. ! TOTHE PlillLie: j ''-'Tbeboe-ata lbftDied tatt'l'b. tteweatti I .n.i . 4i .. . ". "J, ""p of Pollock. ' i "?- rol "T . , , I bare a'ow rr-erT faeintw '4kHJ2LZi . tbesl tmtlltT of " nnjrVan ! '(rh&&H3't'' CREAD,1 " Jru" ' i vh.:'t Jf-3f- oiA. frriAd. .X-. ''MPvredfrw '22, L1 aboitest noUcs wk 7?fXfl"J& t fl:nv, , r - v rr -? 1 W 'GET. THr-ni?tT.-,'t'2i7 .TOS;JTfiJL 1 .10,019 tVordtewajIeaiUndt'ktt ikm n'rtttikm i .;'..4i'j.t -W4.4un. 44. v- J - i ' yr. SOW FnsrarJni -Bl,2J!fe to.?'ttiW ' Exlfhw'ia, mBlW I fl as f kaww. iaait aVsitfaa- Ulettomrr. . IFrrteat UUiAak. wakalfcait4iW' v. . Plone Onawplst , K' ' A tacMtttj fcr evei.ltUWrewt fcwiitr. atadawt. ecner ol pro,eton4l aju. What Ubrarx Ja cssa. f'iitt y Mmmum WAmonAncmMi-tl frrid kyail BkKritaaltwa. TO REirf. " Tlhei J&aae: iJeaeb.- koowa bye, Oar aaaaa af 1 ' Goose Ialaad, . Nen, mZm wkhra fo, miien OtVeirVeitP',f(atixKii' iHJoflbt, f BaaTV Dtl ItTV rfvt imffwaesB TtTai - . . . . " . . wta'" aa. arui2'r' - iii r i i . y I v in ia adii mv iMticnAawi.. c. .- 7 : 1 . - . naa will V -;0 V' si i ll it f 1 1 1 tf" i-

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