v (1 i i afciite f .flirt) IrLJSztUl-LU-U I - : , - "s " ' .r-r-T-T . . . ..... m--m-...n , r-i . ir v r-f-r, .- .5 T new; bssnb, n. cM iEgg:jp ST )'C - nYn W!; , .1,.' r .( - ' ' ?-"1 "'"ii. t ' T i "lift- ill ii it mm u-t- iii.fA HI ,- s iu is; - j Tlic Edilcr of ilda pager, is in ; no vag ri-9 lmw cliarocter'TS&lhe jmbUeJicd, the real namfi rt tfrtVr fffwijpffpy alt ccmmunic- lions.' Ary one iclio nviy feel agrieved 4fc i the nime on trn Ucaiicn w the Editor. i y' Arrival rnd Departtirc.ofsXIails.; Post-Office KW.BSOa ? ' at 6.30 A.Mr j o r , , ! " MsiF Closes for" Ueaufnrt and the East, ar Thursday and Sslimljn-itji.aftMroO Mail closes for .Trf'"V,ns I!)l'9Vi'' (5.30 A q S t iLJ , I Mail flosea for TT&tferaf, 3Tcw York, strn'r. , S'mjI cloets f.u- Grani:sbo!;o rvT5tyIitvcf and YandtnuTf. Tatsdays Thurgusiys and bawr- days at GA. M. 'teAii. ARRiVES. From the North, West find South at 6 I 31; opened for tJeUttiivnal C P, M.) ;a ' From Reaufort and the East at 7.30 A M. ! ' From TaBhirttWrtj4 Creek, N O. &p Ifn.-la v WortnpQflnv nnft Fritjiv Jit. .4 P. ! From Trenton. .ancJ'-pdHofekvhwTcVsaa and FridyaU.30 iVJL ,.j From GrsritshfTo." I5av River and Vand mre Moodwv -5VflSue8daya and Fridays ai 4 P M . ' 01BC4 hoaraXrtsa' VUi to-"ft B i&SKfiA V tb 7 30 P JI. Mondays frpii J2-30 to 1 P. M. ! ii Liiu-i'; 1 ." " ' 1 1 i . 1 Xim.i&faoriBy. , ri rp A A T Cr U It O nTl Cheap chromosnt null's. r ... ; i J . jr t e v-a r T I " lias 11 (aakotta'has'Ua-kinkeVroStf Free shotT3 sboTSNirM nrs. Ead the telfrariri 8ti -the fonfth 'tm& s . ?.--r . - -,;.-4- 7t;t knt f-i'Ji-ai Prinoer Albeit Jie4ntns yeaife-agnStaIiiy. Tuongbal'irliifoVidin fdi tha poor . j . . ( a'cK)Vl-: t.Jj Jus ; - tce:-.-'l V . 1" lr r 1, Gale's celcboted copper striStrtw Cntfer; ntinctej"by-Mitchl, "SSsn & Co-, i$ tljfeSreBtjBirfasi&iKCCaSor in use. "j Tj&TxihiZr, is t'le feis- of a ncfpl'r!)1'&irj stafiel in BoBieV'fch ths naes ot'Dri Dollinger and Fuths r Hvaeintho as editors. i .Z'tiA ' i. : i , j "Y.f. ": !VO U R'KXIi H.C Richardson, Es-i, has been ipvited anc has s&jeptert the'tiVitiitiSa!i9,rMieV1inte1oratior npon the occasion cf tha Tournament, to take fall of religious reading, nblished in BalUj more. " Terms," $i.G1 p year. The profits ob this paper are devoted to tie building oftbej erection mliallimore. Subscrio? for it -i The marriage of Mr. Charles E. Slovet tc " Mi:i niH.!E31S; toakljQedt llrSly tcrian church last night. Tho baopy .couple wpre n'niled by the "IleT. L. C. Yass, in lhei preenc of a-larga strmhet & Mends and. cit izens, -ilay- Ihr-y realize to the fulljthat, j "Domestic hanplr.csa, tho (Milj-fclie. i Of Paradise that has surf feil Hi f&i:,T- s ' ; Tne YpsAnita XX GpEiI2SiCi) tYiist o them all. Every Pon, warranted perfect. . Wej challenge thn world ptSJ&qeOWatter pen j Lawyers, Doctors, Ministers, -Merchants, Bank-j ers, Book Kef prssrjilsibiisaiDln and Teachersj consider this pen inclisponsible. - ' j CCH3PfcGWP3lIisAyS"1,6 wi'l supply a want long felt by all." This Pen cannot be corroded by any ink; itii)laptetl te nyjhaid that cani hold a pen. Writer smoother on any paper,! and is 500 per cent cheaper, to, nstajfclj peni. ' . . . . j . For SAle at iti)f&itoK)&ttek SL j Iftha foUpjng reiijions of the" Bnssian Emriire- weVeV-.garrfrc,ed-:rni this country, the many potent causes of the evils that flesh is heir; to, would be wjfcriO&n. People who feel a i little indisposed at times rush off for soma of. JfrK pirmbng's i'ttu all, and bring on diseases s many times that would be averted by rest and! 5-f &p 4.tV'iP tv 'X - V-- tyV. petition has to ba written on a (one ! rouble) stajpapea, piper,, to,b? sent fre to the! Manafiioiure and Foreisn Co'minereial Depart- ment of Jhef inance Ministry (not to the Medi-'i c J Deptnnty G V J I CI A 2. The .exact composition of the remedy must be s&tfct;4 HicM ! .., , 3. Ouly thosecjrejaeiej- qetp jpe approved cf! by tha Medical Council whicdA havbsegt exam- inied and found useful by a fof e'igii medical fac' r any c4fc3lentific mstUntionof etftlil .ffiw remedy 8tll?Ve8tatd''fcat; joarney or titae'Bhonld Jot lnterf are Vitn i p-properties .uc, -?-.a . p; ,.i ' 'S.'Itshould not 'cohtaln I'ide'Aybn-! Besides thfiS3.re.flati?idfriinti8t:reqTii Z? difficult' cBJaiaablrf'ijaJafaMr tea-'Wk s.ramente for .piition, "or paricukr ma- ia retcrance tv WiverHa;.. ,f a.j.;i. PPeri, WyrMsTrf; bota'rh'sa from IhWfws-1 Paper ee-asar. "4 "J-f-i dt v-5 w; acMuu'-'. i iy.u wai'i . ttt . . t r r -i t Tae chain gang was ftgun oa the stree yesterday, claaaipglTioin. iillS IT iff .,0tAfil4M)fi8sfc:a'hi.ti;.''i'nV''.VtA 'JiVV ! f: McCloPkv. has-been- choSentofiU thopewrfa -(e'fs bdifflistft'Wmf HlSnllsftwilJ-) i- jnst as theHlfi5f'.el6ttI TA . ' d $Gforpittim diifch-,eAripstS on mvMh tN rfWi nwt-!t;ij&o.e!t una. JarjfA a."6rt- ipent or.toyir in,.tlxe"5lty, AtBq..xiMaiaa pj;esi Hs inf aba& toaca for sher -oln or young? i tersin ebabce torttrxrofl th;Hr!UdiysftHWm&. J tecirfxq Table o.ihe' Bull niid-thdroA Wtlibi.?' vWilmiagtonians. ? i Real Estatf. .'-- arf at ioin.-.:,it'i imii , . .TT3 Malwe SSitblftSpljigfij Ji real oi ojrtcliri- .luetXne cood wars, cantinne.'m ri-ot ! TftStwefewTVrjejK.T'i a i,rt arf..! '--: :; ! , 'Ji, Um,WCr i$m&Ktf? 57ajs' Tnn , that they V'peaueffldi. 6f ' tlie t ift'fittr '4abiV)cb Watt i'enta posh pound on ill gresa at lAiaaipoI iS; MdS 'Bha'Kha'rgfcd with j.ofS of interest,- .s 4ha parities, eonoornei od- i fetMerfd-jl-i3 Jast! sndS i-Tin b'od: rf Tf is fp&HtitQ b9,aeapr; and- when 'yovihare' flfceni- siori t6wfPt3(ew bfl&km'i nd 'is' not tortnrebyhe feartht $?p:ir is "will fly ont add" set nre to yur premises t . !' , ' lheorem .fcjOAjOiir-tftjrjiaioros tlie Txen.'er a the point of marsbopppf-ite Vi&yrhxxt DiE.flncksi fare lnry Ta tnv- j,-jinfrf Had , We call tijtA'iiifloi Jf thltfcfc'tic to Vje di ger they pre exposed to in passing the brick roi on Craven sireet. The late saow sto.m having loosed the elates on the rjof. they occasionly r j i E. S. Warmell. ' - f E S Wortn -11, ths Photographer, hasreceive a splgnlid ssortm vaS of albarns suitable fori a ChTrC,if:ry. onj Craviiu street, i and have youf pictnre takenj insert it in an alburn, and present it to you girl, and if you hav.j no girl Wiiy give it toj (irsrffa. l A Ud ad'. It I lit TCOttgrgaU) tti cuaEunousiyjtteflRteVl ton'--taiu the Eev. Levi Taorne a thettf istor"vlii Tliorne contemplatuil leaviacr onr citv in hopai otiimipJ-fiiiig)his uoalsta, Vwi- haHag)sVn on the mond.oxjQetitna,t4h iireh decided to rotiiin Eifn, to waicoiieh's cousontsd. literary. We afilRd ftcelpof- -iToriy of the yJvgiSwl of yEdvejftio.- pabtishfcVJClJ Merwiff. -Es. , at St. .&is, lK1 "56 Tr year. As-its' name indicates it is devoted to the 8al5ci-f4 edacitian,-it jg-3jten pagre.i V: TV Ttetiit in t.vnVtnT.lTVMPftt '(inn lr.Vh ryi tk-n 1 i! i c . . w . , -- replete with happy selections. wt3 irnioiti tttVt JosrniiMMtlc... . r-4'7, 'iVis David Barnes exits'. $tq JVYiison Ledger, and E'iShfhd !SU.dyjier salutatories as follws: "We may anl do diffir from mny doiTin our political creed, bat whateervare.tho' sri3fs an-.l doctrines yPi.pHSHiV faith to, W6 will feifcet jovOaC.brlthran so long as you are true to truth, and honprAe ra Kein haajst." .AyA.'i ' Vi,. x VT 0 v Board . 5di frJrVr ? ' .py 'f vWeaUim of a an'hasoBii -cprincrpd jman, hadjrex- pctrated Bpx Uieifchaitt hce-ia )aakiog cot ton seed : wiihhev"cotT'6n.. STow-'if" e had a Board bdWja'.eW Berji,' ahd of this kind could alwnys be traced to the guilty party. We hope for the sake- f onr city and tka pro tection of our merchants that they will or,anize. Cronp. Tha following is said to be a very efficacious QRr.$)S (gpve-aga ireftigTyh season for cronp, it would be well to bear in miud the following simpla remedy: "Take the waifca of an egg, stir it,J;horonghly into a small quantity of well-sJveetanetf water, and give it i n repeated doses until a 'cure is effected. , If one egg is not snfiicient a second, or even a third onejjsb.pTld;be fKod YOIAI Our Market. . Coming e'vents cast their shadows betore," and if yoa do not believe Cnristraas comyig visit our merchants, or gj down to our' murset and.beho!d tha stocKa'af goods, ahd variety of ichandisoj'jjbiioilj'foiljsila, and while vou -ara behtMinarfiaatlfiiva down into the Villi.! I VriJv'., ii . , reiessea,- 6T your good nature and tten con- ectudd tr performing ft philantrophie deed " in -ordering a turscavsc swmsuiiv. g tie vuauj. uc totihtvibeCEJii tit-"tfsa.fal, 1"bar&iittiithe iTO'ii!I&liA' sant;r Jbeawi UJe Wi- " . va ..1 . 'ft sciousness taat at least one eooa aeaj aas owjp . . m a It 1 . i .1-1 1 J least one gioa ae3J . ' ... . ' .. t - .TmrtAT-W V. r.nttiw f..w ft :-rv;t,cmi'.T.vWJ L.u.t bi; .L.t-cv MiT i v jry"A .riBiHw.r:jj..!F...Kur--' t t ' r a oteam, our. axu iwufli'u iiwency . jjotso -.'! .t?rrJ fio- .-.xi 1 Qnort-jMe Kho.itl!i!T! Tis mnr.ttt t; e i:;tw ta ill, -. . ' rr i 'f . t partsfaeuslM. eV tlrferWHlf or Jer td JWfeB -rfiAdlJ CE vox.;. Rjal Ettala Tmnaaciians. Bel Estate transactions have been Fre'y fQr4illstfoT'1atib8ariptiii!will pleas 'lxt -prompt m. ta TAairKdekyHkitTofe.vilia okaBSeSrTtoTiwrl I'-fLv MJ Mfyrjii1?" bell ; John Patterson to S. Gvskill ; Cook & Co:, Sawyer; J. T. Sawyer to Robert Jones; A- Mil iar to F. B. Miller; Rich Jackicn to James V. Cvaj; LieHilLrta Bryan)Camraia3T j Tile Ilarclw,(irc House of Jfcw Hern. j MltAelL' Allen &Co., a-:d, becoming interested, todePvtmeilt' W8 9nUe. forSot tlat were this little city, 4ad " for "faw-hoWrciie 3ep to"th Wstafletf 61- the'SFari2CilUnine8 and pedigrees ot the plow tribe. This firm aijel ws1 their stock of castings on hand for tlas branch J pounds Feed--uters and other implements. are manufactured in ' variety, and ta the bet miAneiby ttea'iTh-faiiiiftf atidi-aeOeiia. of this and all other sections of the State can ob tain any variety, ind a full supply, of home nfannfaernreot1 rtrtfcle3,'of lh6 taost 8aptf oVed patents, from this house, by order or " personal of these gentleraen, ia tLcir own interests as. well as that of tU Stttev. - The immense, and: riccltnral in-ipleinents r.HraetotV oux attention ne::t n orvltr. and ve(to;l; f riV.BH;Ti.to.remarJt tnaf it 66(eniKi 'iriipwibi'liifli'sncK a. Sock coitM Vxjir. la to pnr; buf were jnicUy nnde cw'vdWjPjj. iiirijpil. i:y.,,th .frj$.pf Jho trade St.-s iu pnpn'vi: fv i-y rrvll nnd want pronipily. " Koth n;: i .waiitiusfin . t 'is . estarj- JinatjiaiJit ihe Ac!i!j lSanfd; Jt-ird'-w.-ire 11 ns.i of North Carolina,. which re pro nounce it t. in fucr. Thoe wh dispute. aiUivcttt V-h S rbota" J jit -tl'Li! auJ.J Vee' for thiiiisdvts. " TtnC tTGiiT-'OFTTWS., '" ViaiS AGO. BTiitLT.n:, y ciirr:?", j. .. . .j J&THt mmwitej? ir:!iRJfert-low-r';;:cI Xbo fevvl b.iai oi' soft b?no sea; - ' ; The Truly tWrlight 'color gloS. vjj., i isut br .ng no tiuqe o warnatu to me.t With feeble hanJs I stir the fire; , if) I,,tufa thefliek'mrrg lAmy-blazu.highir: 1 And tor on3 brief, bright moment, all 1 - The fruitless dreams of youth recall. , i ifiii ?nihs:-ri -re to ..: 'rii.;.M.T ' . Ah! what if now wfth wrinkling hand ,. I comb and braid my once fair hair,- , j Or. twist il ia th shhJai? batKlfe' t No lips are nig'i to speak in praise, I lo p my s'esves with studied grae; j lodftO A??1 hrinking: iu friendly 4uki-f i .. 1 lave my i.nr out lanea lace ..... " ; In scent of lwendar aad musk. " f I pull my rustling silks about; .Sc i" , ; I shake my mf3d laces ont ! Thep dowat'jjpg, djm, haunted room, flAg m" wUght 6f aAUque1gloom,.'" j Of olcl. and read his rousts to me: hiih, encluinting moou,' "Bipt"in a poet's es'sjay. y ' ' s cSPM5ll3 0f$AnA.jrweet; The mignioriette blooms l round our feet, ; .jrsXOJ threads; of gbtd werefiuelf spun. V iT W1MrTaf R,5 ftr.back- ,nAtte -nulJes naa stones lsilblaCifs. . Sir, 'fep VbirS Rd tj &r-S He talkad tr naitpjr fWfsto"p piaej1 i.e4 Jl-htovBdAmy.lips wirt dn-nb j :s;,Bns3 pvfc 5n-ljTred raartiaie'Tj ly -X "Was pat,'wan thinyfto falr"away'j"' ,'"JTSe fishingwata '5u'.VVT(it -iyi w'.'uJ -5.V.:-' jtivju8 was, avdwd.'d -fiifc'frV;,'l'-,v ,, ; -p( JWiosarfieafeniiiftwxT had.Bpnc. to die . . "i.THeidhJ9ed HfrTB,'Tr9d!,fiir-abi,ntJ- !'' i Whoiri tiatuByshefdsnvjn about. 8(..ner31.pa.ffieirccy,ftrmc-:yflk..: jJ j nnl w.. . ri-.i..l Itf ..tna ti,!n il . Wffght-flH!''9;Tt'f,e crwiie;'; i r TLei.waieroSWjied, upon ; the, atones -n,a i rriui.am tS lo ?d 'Aa r .)"- rs-rmi. ' The-fSrf na4elt tomi-V''. 0 " -c I .:,-.IEhe'poweiijofiemory to recaU-wuuf -inn , , -y;.N6.ofcstemli";r:fttmydJ9r, -' ; j '.t9i8aj;en pwjaConp J floor,; jv.,n ' ! ?iraWKViH ' ' ftytiikFvVdreiW i'" n.v : 4 Whose young enchantment failed to Ite'cp l.Thb lovSfBr lifcA Lw&it and weep? I ?.i4i- wSSvi .cuiJ'l loz&iA&ZXpols to-llifa niliue. - The'forfovrnVg cLallsnVa is o'ffcrei'"bT J. T.! birds each. IS yards rise, for gold'wiitches, wd"a 3rti-WlyHtir'tt'I cWlii"pen'f6til0drtVi,T. i Trim . ii- 1 . J . Jl-J .-'Kim.i-t.' 'L.i -rMiy lover used to thins so fiurr ; 5 i .i ito laughing eves.ara.hera tosef '. " No tcn.ltir f vc5 looks down at me; . X ! Antl iwa, ialkcd xai toolish lovfers.' talk, 3 f 1 'ft .1 I xiity lurpeuyu.s imuus, "u 10 norma, uu .:if I'J't.'.i' :..!) Lf.'B iS :,i ; it;cJ. T 4u Out ipi, toroi. ssexkberis, pa, rir.af .tUeur tasnohair5!?, i'" l .sO."-i. x-wr:- jooi 4. . For Ciildreu's Boots andSiiob,? toifjfet- ."eanf fedilsJ ,'and . fi)W3ej ctwenfTy" 'horde if.WP iej)W'f.-i;ale;or, -ehang- :fTil: estaitA'jia t2i;iaVi.t:Ennuirii Uiti41iis Ai office. . . . .r . --svA ;;wtcep22.tr 1 The Steamfir E. S. Terry will laava-ieWlYfrrk' for this port iSaturdayr.ther iQth insV ' ' Meij-'i chsffts bhitlrlu'oTtieTin time " for Christmas by- thia steamer, .ll . '. " td .Vfr HiK W'U : 100 barrels assorted-Flour, 5 J barrels Pork, 4 aai)ftCTal3.5A5sortje4i-giTgar, Syrups, Molasses; Teas, Coffees, andi'a flictilarga-nnd-ecdlete jjtoekjust knda,"and for salt at " ? k fma Ur t ..rr n.T-. 1., ',, tntA. rdT XHO Wlltr ut iiiuto appiiiiriuv3 yf"iWff-a pipe, and this article Mr. jGoldsinflli,' bh; Soritii Front street; 'Las fa O(hatldsome, varieties. At rus' Emporim''fe'a,i' "f6 -foun( e'rydonybls stylpf 8mog ';gT"!chwjga,lio and but read his advertisement iu thi iissna. - '''Dip TVAtsaibaffiaethat yoa5 warts'Siftfting and, Chewing Tobacco' the' Hjest'fand 'purest tpi- 'UheryjChartsihcr ' fictorea. TesfamcntHiajIIOTU an4 IJSete;; Uodks.v. His COMBINATION" SPICE combines the!fl(vor 'ajj-'fhspYc ana jou,wjy1ivnevcT.,.ies, witu(Tui,tmu jvjb?boib JLgent fur, thereni. rVmed-j. VINEGAB O R IR--DINi Jlf-yeu kr iek, try ir, anit yon ? will never EWy rff,r , . ,. , , - . . , Remember the place, Craven street, next door to - . --- r 1 J. Whaley s. , Kov.i6.tr, eoJi'rforjy-.i ?i; ATTEPJTION.1'3 ,,i'T ' ! o:I.es1rcfttovcalt the attention of the psbh'Jj tp the fact that I have? now ton Jttahdi ;andriill coutiaufrsta'pkepvc'tha'ibeat,"'-' aa'.'wall bb the 1 facapeyr'dgnra t beffbund in this-iity; the finest 4ranas:of chewing- tobawj Vi'z May ; Flower. Solaca, Ceutsvy ami Chesajpeaka; fTThe .finest brands of raokiug tobacco, a rT'ong : wiiolt; fill .fce.JduadCniAM' Yirgiaiaand'jiEkiwifirit ! i!: Snnns . jnfl aill : kindrfi and a target wttiAywf pipes and svteep artictea of evc3-y4jcxiptnl i-In additidn tothe fojfegpiog, every article nsnay kept' is a fiist-cVita .Cigw. Stora, mgX be ipurchsed.ftli wholesa-le.'and.rf tatl.flt(Nw-Bern' 3folceQ! .JtoporiWns.SttatikFraat . St.y - two (deera,aWY.e ii)i3ttt.iF Hjie-i'. 1 .-i. t ! - to ! u," " k M.,X)foDStilTH, Proprietor., j Tc 0 'f, . '. . . . i h;i.i, i."!i :, Scrape, - t-8.25 F.wivr.Kur; " r -1 ' ii ! ' ' iinliAijlr. Si , n. V jit -;6,;enbl3verybody;to possess 'ta' American Sew ing Mapliiue, : I , have'-pcy f fected ' arrangements iLby t ,i i . T. , . . j - . . - i IB- - i. jFttU y 'attidnlars , made known on 'lapplfcaticto - -ui-Sq-T'-fi nil !' ')''J" J liJiL' ,"l?li -! -i'J ' 0' - i' ,ooA,Il"DB;.A?'LL-"; Tuesday December 26th 187 1 XLtoCitrriiwdayiec.,2Ct 1871. -rVS will1Wsrdid1!b ihe'iJaeceBsfui'i'night it Ffgafe tend nd Kin?. f . Kniliw frra- diataee ere invited ttv attend- nd eater U"i. list iox trio prize, and the privileee ot crown lnrtDe,aen ana cnooetttgr ine Maias of uonor. . -: Rales of tke Tonraameut .trili he made known In doe rH? ififlfe tWc'fttfTV)wtSrot Hall rtett 'evenfatr. hd) Byoruor ptittjajUammiuee . wi u: BOAT.ni!D. i i ..1 . i-T lit 41 f Who instites with. tho.XIfel: AS' J . lUEItOHANTS-.wniUW with .ijbecaJise J PKEEPS the IpxEi'f AT HO.UE.and.circnlates l uatnonE tneir customers, andihereases tradeA' i L FARMERS insure.with jt because .HKESPS; j4he M0NEY At HOME and lends to'vthemti reasonaoii mwrobu uu euuuiea tueiu uj improve fthoiv IhndM inVnliselKfr'hddacUr:L. : MECllANlCS insure with it because ii KEEPS the MONETTAT HOME and improvea LA"vY E BS iiumre with it because lttUtEEPS to i 'ItKTt'PSV THE U.ON KT AT UUJfB, and enables their Patient tpr nay promptly.- - - j " ,t 1 i Cil'iTitiaTS innrc tnih it beennee. beeidei be)nr good investment It keeps the money at Home noliai a thecoaatrv andiettkaitcaBU he value ef other invest :-iB6EI Sff rKN7jB.eTejy capacity, iuaore with It bfciB'e' JtEEEP3'rHE MOMTf AT, nOSIB and i I .1 1 1 - folfciea on tbc ihriitt hT)friMKi.'' tlwv io'xTst CAM Wfers A KB - ldtJIiAHOS and" CXJTEPS L For roll into. mliou arP'J j-. ; 9 - ? .1 lLr:x tarma ha naid the UreenT rear.jSW!e,copics 5 cents. AgtirttS sfanted ffordine- Invarane at the the! ererrwhem' ' -'J.' 1 - ' ' Baptised : in: j'iJ-j it I 10j'i g il !"j.tf:i;n 9J i . 2i 4t:.ii il jifi'iV A 'iT!37 Ji;d j tii'ij si ji ,nc!;i' ii! jT!c ti'i j:t iKIifti; f Ji:ivi!- v.n Unl i--n t- 7 c: :.i xz-.'a :7iii io -,iS.:j r - .' i. I A il ftt Li1-- i:ii. .lifi',:. r- eOi: v 'd 'li'i? S!!li07 . iij1 irj.i; .i.flj o i vihti't fc; fcj::i on ?(; i f. r ..-;;; 1 ' h 1 -.t - - A UiTERSAIi," NEWSPAPER . f -i.rtf i ..,- . 'l-'t 1 1. 1- ' s'j T) iff r 1 lie! "'i i -H 1 ri .1 -j',,,:o .;.f r.. . . ; mF- -. ".!- ,'1 r -I'(Oli ''! . 1 u KLAU tn.lrULLUniNU: ifi ! A ' popular weekly pappr f fir ' t nS 1 imp?f,-' em bracing tlie leaitiiiic features f tliiieHournale destreyi-e hy'tlik ti-rriWe rb ''nagratfOju'' and co' lii!in)f'1ijst!j8utrfia Arus"nf 'l;writer9'-B Kiio jiic jiuni 11: Hi me rrrwB 01 vue weeiv, 5 11 ''a 'iii'dnsi-d!'cntill'fiorii:SF ''the' "tend! tiv j6urnal8 ef'ihe "uaiioil'aE'd tilt woiid. ' 1 in 0 ,! vjii :- -.Ids A TBDTHFDL BE0"S-t ign1: i v ' :T .000'.'' -t'r.-, "' '1 '--I r-tJ Vi J Ti rtrsrr will lm tb mrt ! MitnfuPaTid reliable 'rcfotd'-r 'of incide ts arnf 'ants' con- cirni-g the irteatilre.'evVr pubiished. 4 J ,1 hit--'. , M.'!' .--'r:fti-.j 0.!' : -..i.'-i , 1 Itruwil! ohiitaln' nny " soeh aciVniN as- nre iviiuched foil by reiiaWeiwilnesHea, and' will fco'rr;t ttte;rronrtu nd idabriealed state- fekrc.vob 'A't aii'' kews.; ;:' ""i " : !. l.WlJlVfSr.,tuiie. be dmted' '.anVcJaltr'to ,the .past, present and, .faiure of Chicago, tel- t :3fHs ttnnitwedevoted'loliMiajifjflijrimercej tsriw ;.li;eratwre,JaLrt,. OraioaJ Atnsic, liu- jiBot, Eastiine, Pm'try.Fashion,- Sucietytnewsi nndiBBOHeh of Jtlomsa-ee ta; amkef it a; most desa rable flresniei qimiparrion, a j - wt-lfc as the iii'ist reJml Je ind cotnpicie newspnp.r for ' the pttsiiKSS Hiaa'ia theeuuuti-.ij;fO m. c : 1:;- t-'-efjua !.!; -j'v--... v-- . -t n p" Tt will be" i'ilnBf rated;' ith 'nftrar.if'ia'k'en from Prjiririihlis of rhet (Jhit'agp RuTp&r m Mi Md 'of Ki'tcilLs 'Rvt Onr Rii: rta1 ' Aill.,t' ;wkv was nut 2H tli sjxr; and' thiia .give a scrips bf PEKPBCT views,' not nfctaituVfe...eIao wtier. an(.ihe first i.umocr wur c:u;aia the tnxf 'coriect tnap ot the bur 'ied cttj. ' . ' ! j .r 'Oil -t" '" ?f -y.,"--.ct"- !'. . .JiviCl ?tpP?rfl0s"V . .i'v.-7 j TIa,? brantifnliteraty'-'unlj-,"'HiiPi,t HoTfEav'whO" putiUKlier w Ji'b !ftrst Jo i?ai a paj.er to meel tlie ijufeHc demand, aft'the wfai fire, hae -been ? meTged-iwei'JHMSiiit-tary nrpurtineni or iiieu flRMi, wiiicu - will eiu brat,e.the,contrilintvin8.ot.jiiare Uianiity of tso-raoat1 poprular writers 'of the tiayi' t 'The rn-ES& wi1?rcontSinv as ai etnccial fca tuie, a uiore cemj Pwe riciJrii Vf itriTfr'nis ami resollri of His RW'teinliJi ' 11 it. thsW cn be in U'C country. iiiimpvjms sifif ifiaccurale liave bfto th.- accounts siit forttt, ihatAome tiling ndiahle anJ.nadab'e ! ea rly n.iu;lit hill;, w .j, I, ,;-;,,( M-s " 'j .;.,-..)., ' rt -r r- A rAeSftflfOB'.THB '-eortWi'''- '' ! -f. i;i ;'-. J i.W", .- H-W.'l'l t-..-,. - - Jmhm 'j . sTiie PnEH fX w tlus t Vnariest pape ia Amer ica, being ii fiightjiagliyii c jumn we. kly si, WMjdliara . a;yari fact w $ltaX be tlie paper jtfr inJJPf?P8le anjiaiaie..,.;.;; - -XTieutQ .tj.).?ra t The firf number will be issued on Sat art .day lttv.ril,tidfwtt .tha paper Warn ted, oy every ooay, as a recom worm preserving or seadwsy, and foe its accurate iiluatral tion.t",;Tinuj'-r?1 Juskil. ?a iSi" -, ; It t in :: I- . "Tr"!- .i - s- tW f . t .... I,.' .. . .:. .1 ' '. 'it It .is a iohsoJUIatlon of feather jornalf,:and r therefore U a solid fouudatidn eontinaiuir dheir fortrr?circulatioBl .i-. ;. - ; .V.ii;- u ii j'! -.'i t .iO ' KEW STJBSCSntXSS. . I .- .'3T'J("TK To any person' -Vh gets n three new sub scribers we will send" The Phcsix for one year free; 'or intarof iObt brsnttf ul prize, steel plBieryirga'!!'ortli$3.50. ' . '-- , 1 - ' '.'!'-- rr in lora ;''.i:fc3 V( idMo nosnirftA .ifl .v ;fl i vi tici'l i Ins Fer. tho.parpraTe-4 of. rapidl iaerBasl agl oa suosvripiton iisi oeiorc iub ciose 01 me pneB-j tnt rreerr we -will fi veto"; evry!' person ho sobsenbea foe tttetfihenix during Uin month of November; &&afeuttfutf steal opiate :eerav ing, wuj-th (3.50, halifchllarrnorejtban the f price of suoicriptaub;" fia trchr opportunity was ever betore givert. aBd pribably -neTtf j.willbag4iri,7 Avail yoareH fof it. i EngtavJ ings will be promptly and saiely sent bf mail vr deli veredJat Ihia ik&Of, aa sabscriberaf Ttoay -ft,1 : TJBCEIB2 JTOW. '- pnee, and sustain this great, newf papef enter j u. ... J ' iiimiv. v. u w ...... u v. . Phesis rBHsrrmo Co., ui.il -,ix:'. ",r prtae. rficeor subscription only. 2.0U per r OR E I C MANDD OMFSTlC ' ii 't : 4 --I 1 ! I : POLLOCK. STREET, 1 RJL . '- 'irr.'ir: I: i, f . I.TAKB PX,HASTTHR IN c vixino th attest Wots of the public to the f.ict that I h ive ni.w on hand, and , i4 , wntinai to keep, tt yUolceJo and" reuul, ' ' J- - ' ' !, -' j .j ill uLlJ . Fine; Cognac ftraridy.! - . FURE HOLLAND . CIM, Best Scotch1 and Irish iWhis&ies, u i wi i'O'S.J- ;r r.i..- Out! - -i . j t'i-. b ! '- "--; ' . Pitted gherry, .Fo.XlIiine. ClarandbtlierlfViiie ! M i-L.. ye--vs-i vi - t ; , :-'! THE FINEST BHADS OF '; 1 Domestic Liquors, -if- : ; t- '-. - r,j"rfi ASIWa WHICH ASESOJWSCF THE BcST 1.. . T ! Bourbon, , Eya ai s other ;--'J.WHisins,.: tf v- c-Oj: . 1 ,-f i aa nteH as iiqaori f ot the wirtlcsale trade', at the lowea IhTAVINO MDK SPECIAL" ARRVVGKMENTS I I tor tbuir nianotactoro, X am -w eniblodto offer to tnu trade, and luuiviauals, thn 5 Fiaost. cigars; T" i ''s'in'ttj'.-C: 11 . -i t-i.f fi-t'J JQ' i i p .n-,--! , - j. . i ,-i rltrw H ': i VlaSa ."rlift-i. &3 f; bill Is W -u ' .'Ri 1 (; i-il-iri.t. ; i., .'! 6dX.' 1 invite compnnson, ana s test, navmuconnaence IB toe asoeimuo ox we aracae 1 oaifri.. us i.4J RO-.'Ii-iL.' iKl -'1 " "r'i-o ra fTT 'A tr i'i ItTT ABRANGKMENTS ARICBrCH THAT,! AM XI M- enabled to otter to the tmd ry -tb kejf. -aaawij keep fresh on draft, at-jny place ot basiueaa, thAbaat i 'rj fed l-.'"-! ' - .. ' i.Ijl; ';h enabled to offer to the tmdii tiy -th kejf. -aidhnifi Balumorexaqer, Beer- jj:"'!- : ."v i'i':.!' - " i. -' i . 'v v ; rti ::'. IT CONTIECTIQN 'its' : '.'i lyCOTTNECTIQN WITH MY FXACE D7 BTJSI- NESS, will he found a seal where the TraMie'witl be enabled to prjifcnre ar good T.nnali ttf tBita hitltrjait wisnrlau. ' -i'i r I-ili .'L i-v j.Byipgiliaf lii.fej the reiweijicnis of the piibii. jt iSo liciti patronage .u " .-: ; . 1. ".' H.-. -j ' '.'! i'v"-' : LIQUORS TTGARS i--- PSmonv;- Li 1 , t tvv-..,. "t pourid? In uie marki'i.ar.d thai th j Exdsi.Vi rv ':, n. fntov j 1 ...TrM fl i:'"" ;j ."S5" TT . i- i i I . ' ' J . . ."I1"" T ,i . . ,! '-Special sroticesj"" : aJL uuajiiiloiv- v ...FACING TJ DAOJNIST, I, " When 8'ildiera f itff the hayomt they take QiUancaf 4f.Vr ycxihilAat .vimiltate cilizuinf, dcciivfd i y ty pretncrs of nrianrn imfcioe dvar. wpi PtVlSOSS TO YineiR HEAD lo cha?iseilT eoJM t their. , hair, thef ' have' r 6 idaa 4.tnVe terrbfe r'eks incy Uiniyic first -..vM'fif"" -'donjra oi h iir die ns "ftce from every IhtniE j,.i.,i...i.Brrrt trJtfirrrr'; i U'.HtlllUUl IU Ilf Tfr. v Crlstaorb's ttjtcvAlsfbFDVo ' "Let tUe'trish an.i prndcrtitirk tV thatTJ imports (ivadeabt suinMh are prrfeoUy ltie- . . j t.i- .ii . ii . r iiac, a'-M .is.in .i rcpcciBoe'.vyry, uesiN(i RElfRMnETl T!l K RWOTIT : io - teer dyLlgtu89 .-,v.V"-.t'SKr- t'RrsTApoRr'rf riAYn pjiesrVative. i ftfKTlMjnHSftotJie lontro pfcifaoaro nhjqVecrT Hons atd the ciroulatio?. reeulatlrfr every irn. nnd hracinr every flwyi. nd jlhre of 3 fee hnttj. 1X.. MSal jcGu'AiNKa3 QrrTaaa ar&itrrrtioittha moil ar-ton-iljiji)-'enre: pf 1naii:ii.n.' hitrttiawwee, fwvena weabneaa. rheniojitUauacrvlalaiiiordura andi htonlj anUi;atll)0,'titM the workl hna e ver vntnafet I -' W WUT Cr THE RfcrTi-Odlferw. nandoet nn der8,tiiewmith vnchniiiici.nif cwi-rl if mre ntiep tW hrh. tt lMrts hlUB, to tvtk.aiiH(iieiis fi.twer aronid to the breath, nl aicterrea iatact. from jUh to age thetvvtli. '-- - " V?Ki1 W"l SUJcya it ia now. S-l reara alree Rfru!iij' r6tn:un,lJi)imit ra put hcrore tie iob lr. warnMimait ViCretl ,hrii:te Ml nmotiKin. nad- . arte. (Jot, BiiriHi. i-Erm!. VMn An im , iimhs. h.ick nnl rhnxt: fl it has nt-vi r faileiU Moid br 4rag&t8. Depiik-W iPirli PCaeeTK;! YtiraV -'"' loiolneJ W rem pt.tt.id ot Covuirut oil.etc i9noriTalled.ft a, dressing for the 1 air. - Foj, soM t j1 all IiMigiilsi a; w "' mm'fiSTSl Cii:-?tot'tlie:chci.pMU Ualmtavt id lut lliiiouiintici' Oil (tir ihuiil, bh, ever mad. lliuuuiintiBK Oil ttr lhuiily.,iMs ever mad, tin cirdfnarv lceritsonu lim'' Di'ie not Oik f.uras In tli ordTnftrv lceritsonu lump Dues tot Ckk fine nut exulfidn ii the lamu ia nuM uifl hcukeit. Ut-i d for i;lrcnlr. OH lloutse of Chariaa Pratt, caubliahi JllU Hew X OIK. ..',- -Mlinr.) R'SU"-t-tnr.rX7-Of Aralot. H-mi CarVJte Arid - actaaaa uravi'Val rxu-rnul rure-nll. fiir.n tbe Ncnrnkrift PHina. eleanaf-a an i ctea old uinv and ul- eers, lkh wounds, biWDP. br-iitrt.- rprainc, .' Sold everywhere at GO cents Jlurjron & fjlujcT. 'h9leaale urnKRins. Hew rnra, ucneral AirenM.' -JJ r.iuuuiur utaoiii)io lira pmn, ana ooen asmnuanen over tn years; during that time' Over one mltflon la-dlea-hnre uaoo Jtiij uvary lustkure-it haa fftventntrre earisf action: it removetal! ihipurfertionH. tann, Yrorklea and runburna. civing the akin a yiinibfiU appearaace. Sold at an D-nsrsiefnnd Taney (Aida btores. Iikook THAKSSTfl TKLTHrTIlV ClSKuVtRY ef 3Tr rVTtai. low' Poothiag Syrnp. the henna of many pnrenM Baro been made (jlad by' -wSUeiei the henef iciai i'cf fectat which thin remedy hevur I nil to produce during tlperitfcalineaoa .ttunti 'li Uti 't;TM j : .-t53GUC8AlV.-iJollifnBln,-e U etorinown be- zore. initi ru:, mirns. oes. wonnra, sc. lias m.tic I hysieiana ptak of itim Utm of thehlgfceal praise. Price 85 cents per box. Jbhn V. llenrv. Sole Propriutor&jColleije ; l'wte, vwYprk. ,4; ;v . PHYP.ICIAHS whohsverirc'cdberl Rvasnkior Pn rifle Opium tie fcxi othtrforto o Opium ii thwlr prtollca. rtSTannRP.'EHilO nVSjM.lf.au hia hairWwnf fcllvra. Otiiello a.iid. "my great revenjro hath utomacli tor them mM' r But hair that's prey or ny,v biw or red. the iuiftes have no atotuach f-r nt aJP. tUiie Criatadmo'a 'Jlreiand the e tVI rffinbiteo. MaMUtM3toryk UkiA enLaue, New XfttJh , r , ... m' :o t? (oil ctttiW jfns 3rTrT TKE T CliTST nsI Swe?f est CcA Liver, Oil I 'the world -ti TlTaxard lb CorwellV aonIeoai Yki' aea lore, troin freab. eolucted ILwrs, by Car-a-oJ I. Hazard favJy'ewHTotit t i 4Iolutelv tmrwand aeeU Pntieuia v. hOjtave once take . it rM-eftsr it to-alliothcra. 'rhjaiciar have! docidea it UpWior t any -ike i:"v,M C3a,ijj rf's.ir-j.. i?rw5l .tj-rwT -rJOL'ViH'c? laottoron TTlil 0;orf Cleawtr jm ato ea soilefl loy! equal to Bw." "PfitVala hy 'Dmg- hottlei SVO, Well & Co., 'Mew York.'- ' T . HAPPY RELIEF FOR YOURS MEN, front the.effeell of Eirora end Atmaoa in arlv li'e. Manhood restored. NcTveus'ilubUity cured. lntHdiinf ntc to mnrrlnp re moved. Kew method of frcatmnit. Nw and remark' at rerafdioa., Jioohaand ekcnlari atat tree, la BeaJw4 enve1opee.:' ' i f . v Addrtaa HOWARD AHEQCIATION, Nallfc fioath SJSoata intn oi.. i uiisa.-ipnia. i-a. MS P l lr"' ' ';ilM' ;....f' di07XA MQXTa.Expenaea paid-AJale J7l7 I O or Feniftle Agents Horse and onffit famished to selllonr Ilmveranl Cement, Com binalion Tunnel Buttonhole Cuttu, nnd olhr ai-tldff.'"Circnlara frp..; " ". ni51si Aodress, Ntrvixrr CoV-Saoo, Trei. GET TMli'CEST. "WESSTEE'S TJSAES1DGED DlCTIOBTAET r,000'Wordians!3tianUi;t Met tnotJier DictionatiM :'FBbvi'nSt.','TiteTfi:CB dfttfrtoV' Trice aia toaddmy"tcatimenvin-itifiivrr' - 'J. . - , (Pr-t Walker of nrvard.l 1 T3very scholar know ltaiti3.-" ' "'j-' - .. W'.IJL'reeccM.thani'torian. rph moi't complete l'.ctiia(rrr of the lanyaape Ha will transmit hit nsa to the laWst poaUtrity, . ' ICb'riceTloi' Kent J TCJtymolopieal parte svrDasses aiv,thlng hyrearllaf O ...v lahorerv?i., Ir.i. (eeur.eliftscrolt.1 BeartB;rve1atia:,ftrX'kr'gnage Pi'lfi'rfUt eoei? to TCJscei aa others tn defining FCihntlftettrma.' ' 1 jgo'lar to i inow, Wt cIcflnlnlna?eary'.,1u' riifflfrt v J,T1-. tWTtW'M VrrtW'f-J A peceasuy ir every inteuipntit UaiHy, stnoenv, teacher and Drotwttotail'nail VWk.-rt l.tarMIir is mtm plete (ibout the beat Kriich Dictioi.arit 4 - fJ5 " f ' 'f 'J A1J XifU ,': il- ft iT 71 . WnSTSIa" lATK.AIi FICTOBIAt. .-'o nsci'io a it v. .? 1040 pArjFS DCTtV0iM4r.(8AViKC8.rnICf.. ' The worM n-ally -a c-m of -a Bid otwy. joat the thinp forthemlilion.AmeifeaD EdceatJocal otitkly. j'Mia9aeyA4. u.tri. eiiitt.-gicia Jaaaa, .Sold by all KotellH. ,r , A . - .V 1.1 I I, I I. . , .. , , 1j 1-.,. , Si T 1 ' 1 ' f ' . . q.i'.-i.f t-itii riw tfiJ ?i - i;.9 ,'tir.'. v'. ?;. It i'AKD" tir ttoraov I, TT' "-'ffVn.',.i iiii-tf)V.Tl (- niif m rrrhe. em BeMB1, Jfjjowp, toy- the sane ;of "X "Goose" Island, ln'Hense River, within four mileff -pi Kevr Berne, 4 to2red 1i Veht ! for Ibe coaingesca, Those who. desire to t rent will please apply to B.'TETTTPEER, atis reai dDceun the Nense' Uver, ' three mflW,aboVe Vtttiiiher's Ferr.. , ,,,,1 jt. porSiAjn . . ,y!".;)p . FTR1 ft .OTXrEPAWHOLESAlB AJTD Retxu Entabiishuifnt on. Math Front etreeiJ opposite I sefJaston-Bonse.i't)frr' Tht Goods; CrfOeerif,: Liquors f.ad vQeaeral Mer ehondise at V bo'e?al and Retail.' All rartiea dirinff 4e puFPhase ifi Livited to eaU and c-a amine our btotli. JV -vt -uii;der.H-.tI