-J - 1 iA. J a p- E. Hms. Editor - - fJsUow Ukorty sad Ea aad 1 ty before too Iaaw ----- FitlDAY, DECEifUEB 15, 1871." TIi0 IJ m a W00Y ffstn-r.nfsf rtm tf a rrv SrfV-n" ... wwJw ev " . .--'- vrvw ww. public printer and publishe the United CTm . F" .. .. . . ' . . F . -;a-e unci, t,y uuwuruy. " Mer GriffinT. th Hainan, Ncicspa- prr'Advertising Ageittf, N.'4 Soulh.St. Baltimore, llcL, are dtdy ' authorized to i' contract for advertisements at our lowest 'rate. . Advertiser in that city are reques- -ted to leave tlieir favor with this house. ! A ; I ilML : . Messrs 'George "P. Hoicell &. Cq i Park. Row Neic f Tort, are authorized to make cojitract for advertising in 'this papt r, to whom, and all Jb'St c an adver tising houses.corresnondents are referred r . f . . .- ,.--. .... f ; . ., '. . JTie cannot teithout much trouble anstcer ittll tetters of cnQuify, and take tins meth od to post all parties. ;: ' ' r The expediency of abolishing the in- h - - come , tax before the adjournment of ewngresa ior me nouaays, is urgea oj the President TTe believe that the sooner this is done the better, as the tax must, under the law, be collected in March.' 7 ; " ' " " ' i i Spain shows strong ' signs of great V.! Republican strength. The election for '' the Cortes, which took place on the . 11th inst, was 23 to 48. Smaller towns were carried by them. The result will j probablj be a Republican triumph. If so, we may expect to see a vigorous and ( able assembly in the capital of , that country once more. - .i The following petition has been cir ) oulated . in this city and signed by all classes of citizens:. C: '"' "l ,,JThe General Assembly of North Caro- :t' ;.ltna do enackf, , ';:;.y;t V-o 1 1. That all property owned by individ- uals or corporations, : and used far manufacturing or mining -purposes in jvthis btate and capital, employed shall be exempted from all andevery 1 species - of taxation Jor the period of ten years. . 2. This act shall take effect from and " after its ratification. To the Honorable ' General Assembly cfi " J ' the State of North Carolina ; - " The undersigned, citizens of North Carolina, respectfully represent to your ' honorable body that they have beheld with regret and alarm the tide of emi- gration wnicn is sweeping the citizens of North Carolina from her borders. and they believe that it is the duty of every good citizen to stem that tide - which : threatens to depopulate . . his State,' by "every means in his power. "To counteract this growing. and de- structive evil,5 your petitioners ie deepi V lyr impressed with the belief that if - such an Act as that hereto annexed, or - one somewhat correspjonding thereto, iphquld be passed by ' your honorable - body, offering facilities and inducements ?.;r capitalists abroad "to come into, the State, and those now here to-remain, and invest ' their money, "emigration from North Carolina would be checked "and immigration would follow? - " Your petitioners believe and so re present that ndamage would result to the Vevenue of Nortlx' Carolina by the passageof sucli an "act, roa. the contrary, that the. investment in inanufaclures, '-&c would so far ; enhance the value, of ... lands, give employmont to many who would become tax-payers instead of in- , solvent debtors, and stimulate and in crease the trade of, merchants and far ' "mefs; that 'a large increase would be 1 made - to the revenue of the State by r that which appears on its face to be a surrender of revenue." ; ' - n 2X1 The gentlemen who have the matter in hand are most earnest in their.- sup pbrt. of this , proposed bill ,: Ten vpn.ro " appears to be rather a long time to,.iegi- i-I5slate manufacturing and mining, jcapif tSl free from taxation, and we are not epsied to say that the thingls legal ly feasible, but we are prepared to say tms much, viz, that anything andevery ' thing , that' can be done to encourage - immigration ' should be done., and at jmce. Partizan ; madness and partizan foolishness has; well Aigh'Iruined - the State, and it is high time that prompt fcteps should be takea to secure the benefits certain to arise from a liberal and enlightened policy; pursued toward "ifcamigrants - and -eapiiaKsts,"whb will -capital in our great State. The field is - ve'i"" cjuuciji vpea -.w imaiiniac--4ares beyon description. The most important, howerver, bf these interests, is cotton ! manufacturing. 1 . There is no fc .good and the sufficient reason why every ;pytmd of : cotton made in : this State o .shpuld not be made intb'cloth before it is'shipped. In order to do this, capital D$ imrnigration must be invited and Beenrgdv ' .Wetnight enlarge'-Tipon this'lrabject, ? unnecessary. tbdo bo" because v iof the fact that each and every ihtelli--t gent 1 citizen knows : full well the im--, port nee or, securing immigration and preventing emigra'ion. - j - cria:j. ,- An EnjrlisS corresDondent ot ; li the London Spectator ventures ther follow- jngopuupn: - -r..iUUw: Dake of Edinbanr. Date of Sax- "men the truth; is known about a ah vtxju fcv 1UUUU that Ihey resulted from the passage of a Vir-nn Isles, on the 21st of Ausrui "the uahamas on.the-5J2nd, and theiS mored slowly to the northwest, . stnting Chi- cago and the forests." OHIO IT OF THE -LATE FIRES IN THE WEST. . -. . . 1 -The crcat , conflasrration t in .-.Chieco and the Isorthwest has sbmulated in- quiry as to whetE&r ther&not some unknown force ..connected with the" speed iof ilre, an understanding' of which would be of material. service in helping to overcome ' the flames. ; The Jicw York Iost sava that durinar the disastrous fire in that citv in 1845. buildings far beyond the line of the4' flame and in no way in- contact with it, w&utd"sudctenly burst into flames from the interior, . The same, was Txemarked in Chicago, brtt incendiarism was as- sitmed'as the causeJihefaS" It is bv no mearfe;c!ear, haweverj' that this 'fpla- nation is a correct .one, and there is a plenty of room left for speculation re- nardincr this supposed mvsterioua forctt- w v ax 1 1- A scicntinc. writer cas ; contenaea tat at a - certfdn period there1 is what' is called an " inflammable vacuum " in the air, which is self-igniting and irresisti ble i; It is . ppssible f that element, for and a safe-guard or preventative asrainst it oe diGCovered; H -3 H "J J Ihirt PitnroiJ M T A n..i.. 4 WtThfi dfcnatch whleh ,l.rinM i!.lmr T juK.u . . ..c . x-t - r- .--vrrr the condition of Albert Edward Prince of Walpa e'n..8t nXn of Annan V5i.5- vi w ales,e.ast son of Queen Victoria, the nai. Mn.nw..ft Aa. . I. T " T fTH 1 Jbeir appiixant to the British Throne, will be fonnaels .where. The jnalady ty j phoid ferer which canses his death, is believed to be of an analogous, nature to that whiclr brought about the, decease pf his fatlwr, (Prince Albert of Saxe-Oiburtj, while etilrDmparauvely ayooag tua?t. Albe-.t Jilward the second child of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert (their first-being- the wife -at the present yi-own Prince of Prussia - was, born November 9, 1841, and has consequently just finished bis thirtieth tear. II j married March 10,- 866, PrincesV- A!exandra v.u. v.it.jjm.vf v iuc any auu of Denmark bf whom he had Vr chili eldest danshter of the Kin? and Own dren. A'bert V ictor, born Jan. 8 1884, aiJFro2inore.Ja the lieir tof-tbal W , " ' " .. . l under such a regency as may be hereafter decided upon- by Parliament. -.- i in 183 he was gazetted for a coloaal- j ency in the army. The Prince was a J J n uwj was 4 liJlght ot tae liarter. and t en joyed, the titles of Duke of Cornwall, Duke of lloth- n " - - . T . - , say, liaron of lieofew and Lord of the Isles of Scotlaod, Asides those of thetiVw- Te.F- , duties, f then. l, ' . r - ' L -J if we areable, that clause of the Constitution Earl of Dublin, Chester and Cirriek, From the Duchy of Cornwall he had'an income of S 1.500.000 ir vear. . Tha patronage of twenty-nine livings were r also vested in him- --r - . Id ,1860 hev"tsited this country as Baron Tien'evr.accomDai.ied bv tha Dulca i . r ; oi va ttDiuiije and a numerous ret:nue. jii iooo me i ri.ice toot bis seat in T 1 O r at a a the House of Peers as Duke, of Corni wall. It is. worthy of note that Prince AUiert the Prince Consorfdied of typhoid fever. nearly exactly ten years ago on the 14th ol December 18GJ." . IT!.. ML G ' ' I ? ' '"-! ' " xna -neroe ns it tiiat tMt nnnn a thronfe astBdlyoxtenils to allthQ mem tx-rs of a royar family. The Prince of Waleshas been all his life in the ful yare of public scrutiny, and jhe principal inciaents ot bis rather uneventful life ard generally known to the worhL... ' i The l;fe of the Ptinc o Wales his giyen but faint promise of the great vir- tue or taieuu. wnicnjswouid .t.ave made him tn ornament to the British throne or a worthy descendant of an illustrious a.w.cii iapivor.x i . ' .nti,"4 ,9The memory of 1lisr father? newftnelesi stands-hign in all -Enzlish hearts, and his writings and essays, read before xna&v of the Bcientifio bodies in Great Britian have gone far4o make his memory vene4 rated, as that of a scientific' and farseeing man. THB BBGEXCT. - - The . death ;cf , the- Prince . of , Wales changes materially th'tf immediate pros pects of the British throne,- as the next heir, his eldest son, Albert TVo,' is less tharr eigliyears oldiThft1 rdmora'lhat the Queeq is failing in health and that she has desired to'aWneate nave'beerrSpeted so frequently - during te past five years that we? casnot suppose -th at shewSlfoci cupy the throne many years longer. '. Jf she dies or retiresefore the son'of Albert Edward becomes of age. a regency will of conrse, be necessary The choica of Regent would be between Victoria's sec-i end son and the Duke of Cambridge. I -U-Albert E-lward bad butrpne.son, his brother Alfred could sot be "leealfvmade Kegent, as belwonld be the next "BeirJ after3" the young king .whonV be Voald represent The Prince of Wales- leavrt. two J, however, and his bipther woolj be eligible as Itegcut Alfred is now I Annn, lsu ; -nr. s. r Tvrxu'n Wi ,.tf-- ony Connt of Ulster od Kent.. Princ 1 IaArr MVAniM IViITiMM.! ikA1M 'TlT.. L,r r K-r n i t: r--1 ,w" .-jL " i.iJ ntA..t ,Io -.; of QllcH.n vori,, whn 5s . f nea.ly the Mine a-e. and it is oroba- ble, on i c-jount of his greater experience, that he would be appointed liferent rather than Alfred." Ha ls" not a popu- I r-r- . lar m:in. It is trnn hnt vnnn Afrul haii I nnt hnM tiona of the English people since his visit to Australia and India. It is possible, of co irse, thai the -Queer? 'may; retain her throne until the young heir beco mea of age. hho has by no means reached old age, ' and may retain her faculties -and "energy many years longer.-Ex. ? ;k ! LEGISLATIVE 5UMM,ARY 1 ' , SENATE. , x-resiamii m ine cuair. - Jnariia! of Yesterday was read and a im proved. ; ' "' v;. . - . ' i Sonnln hilt t-nmA.ii1 tha nTiartur nf Hha W a. - - - .-'HW .4 W l v. . v. wuw - - IW- tern Railroad Company passed third reading. a uu iniui vuc buoviui uiucr ivuik Br- Sta'e for bonds with which sucb stocks were ohtnined, and for otb. r oarpoaes, being the bill introaacud by Mr. Worth, oF liando pn, i.Q(L all oicai bills reiatGe iu. thsSuteidebt, were taken nn ,: , Tim anWtin'A rnwmmanml Vitr IK T'lnantw oiaie ueui, oeinx unuer vtmsiurrBiiua. ur. Qrabara of Oranjfp,. offered several .amend- 0 1 . J 1 I ls- J ! J. . x a t t M ' I .nhman muiil that it wan nrnnpr hnfni tha discaion; jbif substitnte. proceeds furmcr, senate sa aia n'r from $be RefObhcan aide of the hoasft.;Tha debt, of the State, in round nutnbera ia $y,000,000v- i addiUon to this lare amoaht we inastadd .1 i . . ... " 1 . iub ueuioi our oues, towns anacoanues, ana we mast remember that the taxable oronprtr of the State is on?v 4131,000,000. These fisurea are appalling, IT the ootseW I ignore the, naAioa,6frdpadiaioa.i7,Tie people at this time are unaUe to pay this debt- .a ., ; clause of the Constitution which has reference to lewinfr a hi lni iu intAAdt nn thn Ktotn debt, was heralded all over the State as the alogan to frighten tar-payers into votinfr" for Convention. The question for us to decide is that n!sn!4nf tlm ntntitiiliiitv rnanrl i t.irv r Tf mandatory, then We tre compelled 1o lay be tax. If directorr. we arn not lew that tax until we fife 6 to do so. , The lime has cot yet aruved when we can Tjr .a tax ta pay interest on tlje State jiebt As) ff'tl'tktV Ota Vra nrvi avanlf 5r AKMMm . Hw v a vi II il 14 UUItl t Will I CoVJ ana rejurea tro.n ?:j4,0UJ,"yj to 9,000,003? The cnd dition of -our people is such this legislature in le'injj as not to i juani jr uia i'gisidiure in levying a tax TO fl f! i justify a tax to expiration of ten years. We are not now. s ?.ur debt 15 $34,000,090; oar amoubt of taxa- we property is only f US 1.000, 000. So it a p- pears tnat our debt is one-fourth of the tax- ble PropeMJ &t the Sta'e. The proposition to Orange; is libaral and just, but I cannot fee ,w aY t the sugeestiona-of ike Senator caa re leva tha iw.nh nl M..I. in.. . ftitution prescribes certain duties, W-wit: W ?rPt?vi,df J0:,104 and, ?f thp 1,waneIe deaf, the dumb and th? blin.l, and 'ha education of the chitdr n of the Lfitate. wweb says the Jegis'ature shall leyir a tx ti pay interest An th j Slate fleb , becomes Im perative, and we are compelled to levy the Mr. Jones. Mr M rrimnn iw t..kk:- vr-? Worth, and Mr. TNiSIii'h. v.: iv.: i . - " usiiuwiii, mr, virauam. of Unnirp rhuirm.n, nr n. - pi. OomnHttee, spoke upon the bill. - ? ;- , ; iu ,jmu aw amenamenu were postponed LantU Thursday next at 101 ftVWtr ' r . . ' I vu motion ot njinan, tbe Senate adjourned. HOUSE 01" EEPRESEJTATIYES., KINETESSTH DAT. ; TrKSDAT. Dee. 12. 1871. ( House met at 10 o'clock 8)eaker Jar via in the cuair. , 1 Pravfrbv the Mr n..in- iv-'rr- the Journal of vnatpnla .4 . nrn. ' j ".w.uir 'Sena'e rcsolnii committee to re-distnct the Stale, was taken no and laid on the toW . ' On motiw Mr. Sykea the resolution In re. f Bv.uuuiay wattasen no and. passed. v : , - laying off and establishing the COdnty lipe be --r "ornuvu vuunnei was taken up fcBdpa?ed itsteVeral reading " ; . ,. i .... .. v-j vmjvas. j An act to amend the chartx- th. Pt..ti..m' Eailroad and to change the name to the An l Bu.v. u.hs iiauroaa uompanv, was taken s.aThet bul then passed; its.fliW and flnai i The chair appointed the following' u thJ ..... u WB n vommiuee on re distnctinjr the State : . 4 tst-'-Measrs. Lucas and Buxton. Messrs. Dabham and Hardy. 3d X?u Messrs. Carrie and Ashe. Mesa .WomactandrLytHi. tl ' i Oln JJut AlAaara. . MoAlli.o. J r.i ? tete W "d:.f oavH IvuugAUU juurntr On motion the House adjourned, ,k a,. SEATJS.f C t-.MinAT,'Dec. li; I87LI ' 8enate met at 10 o'clock. -v -President in th fwiir 'It Praver bvXhe vipr Dr. AtHnAnnri.l jTbeOanrnal of jeaterdajr;arHr9wiand'?ap3 porcdXO "rtl vst text nil noiffjivit-it's ! -ri Mr. -Motebead, from tbe Committee onCrs porations; reported Senate bill to iooorporate ine Wilmineon Llbcarjr Association, mnd tt- commended ita passage. t ?a ft j t. - j 1 Tbe rales were suspended and the bill passed BPAItiH anil tlilr1 vaa.lia3yai ti4 t . tvi Might ses.'ious on Monday, Wednesday and CTioay nigms. Aaopiea. ; i-.-.i i . si The yeas and nays vera aalled,? and -the re solution was adopted by the followioz-ota ; Yeas 25. - Nays 7. .w; . n Senate resolution instructing the State Trea-1 Rnrrr. tn tlnw nnt tha fnn, una in tK. n " Siary, coIlfctcd In aid of tbe.Marion and' &ah- m a . 1 TTr.i ' . - . . ' - . Tint? auu iuc uicKory aavera ana ratrerson a FLCInrv 'I hrnnitp TLnncia. nnnii nmnawnnnt. r' - - , . . .vj. ...uvu . era. to be filed bv fii at ed tbird reading. , - - ... ,w ' benate bill to amend tli-act to crrate h Me-; cbanica.anl I.lw cial ordr, was taken up, 1 Clond. Jadze Saoerior CoarU oassed second t hefulei were enspended and te resotlw passed third readintr. Instrncts the State Treasurer to make no redaction of th a lrv nf Jitilm Oniid. tii- eanse said Jadee failed to reach Swain coaoty in wme to noia a term 01 tao aapenor uoctrt Clerk of the Fraud Commission, passed ae' Hpnntn hiil tr tmniit th durtui" nf Itn -Western Railroad Uompanyva as lo allow the enmpanr to iasoe. bonds : to anv amotrnc the directors may deidsnate, passed seconds, read- mg, and was postpooed until ' Wedneadar livht. at ft n'lrwV : r n - .--J ' senaie out to rrqnire. tue - registration ot deeds-ami tha indexing of the registration p5ii ercunu reaainsv . xeas is. nws sl. - i ' Stnt hill tn onihnrizi th farmilinl iJ"r railroad companies acd la regulate the same, iuuri9 mo iiiraiuoB Ol Um Ifk 1AtrnlnlJ ttlA amj.l ffaAHAAii fmnnnii rMHino t On motion of lfx. Frtaa. the S-nit "W( journeu. HOUSE OF EEPKESENTATIVES. r. XIOnZEBHTII DAT. f - ' II own at. npe. 11. 1S71. ii aiouie met at iu o clock, r , , .! . i LI . 1 . a . Praver hv llu Ttw. Xfr Attinmn IV.. "The Journal of SatnrriaT waa'read anA arv. r .... 1 . . j. i i Mr Jnsilce snbmUted the minority renort of ine if ct uommtuee.on Jjflargea against.tne trNFIMTSHBn BtJSrXE.Dl. The bill to" Bniri .fi fcir the 'ft.ijW.ftrtn. of e colWion of the adaption of tftPSed 113 second ; :;ru- . ... 1 . varioas amendment, the bill passed On motion of MtAsbe, th rules were sua-' vr iuurBu.y,ii ocioca. : ., . r . . uy.iu WHO W UUIlAai J VVIUUJlblCD IU lOKC into consideration the propriety of proprosing a usury iw, to operate against motes charg ing such ;exorbi taut jates of interest, was op ana aooptca, , f il. . 1 ! r . ... . . T 4 1. .5 . , Bbeeks te lhw S vaf em. V The first shock of winter tells tremendona ly upon enfeebled ay stems. ; Every one k&owr tliat irt nafn' tmm a-worm iMln fA a at1 one, Or te ejr4. the body requires aa a oro- lection , agatast epidemics, t an acdimattag medicine. " All tranllers and voyagers admit this Tt la nnnallr ' a ii1Sn.li fl.. system In nasdns the confiuesof one season and entering upon another. Autumn is gone and winter la here. -Prepare the frame an j I he constitmion to meet the chaaze bv a course of nostetier a stomach Bitten, i Thia iaesUma- mo tome mcrea333 mi sta'ninai srrenztn or those who take It, and renders them nroof to a great extent against tbe devitalising power or cud and damp.- Tnese two- aeents are as prolific of disease as tropical heat, and animai vigor such vigr as this healthful and iure tonic diffuses through the whole pr?anization i& a rcnellant winch thnnhnnt maVer a large prop-rtun of 'the colds.' catarrhs, and paimoxLirr oxnDaints which nrrvn.il in wintor mijui uruiueu - ny Birenctacn ins; anu reg Ulatine Ibe svstem in advance with this inviir. : i : i i . . . - orant and alterative Not that it la iipom- mended &a a-anroifift 4or lhflM .nmrUinl I illt no a. Tlrei.tiTA" nf tnsir lunuw . On tha other liard, it is not only a p eventive ot, ba Kinwinn mr r m inn ffMtum inioenn. twAinv larilies, malarTons fctei 8, bilions attacks, and nurvons aEFection.supenudactd by a chilly 'THE LIVlXfi Afifc has no equal in any f f it stands" at the nead of nineteenth century literature." Chicago Evening Journal. j "Thebest period ical in -irrittriftn jk. a nto. A, lyuyier. Littell's Living Age,-: sued every Saturday, elves ertv-tvro nnmberf Issued every Saturday, gives filtj-tvro numberr 'A 01 sixty- ronr nazea each, or more than 1 Tares Thousand Ihuble-Coiumn Octavo Pages of rpffinr-mn.ft(r Tpr!r tcnA ia iho mifrr sml pilntion that pn-aentV with a taXUf actorg com- 1 .1 . . . 11 1 i V . jjKicium ai wtuss irtTiniiera, ne oeii?;aVf Keviewa. ''.ritlninmn. Rr-f4aV-an Ghn.i Cm . 1 - - - u - 1 vy. ivct, Poetry,-Scientific, Sinerapbtcal. - Historical. and Political Informations from the entire body of ,Poreign Periodical Literature, and from tao penaof Uie , : ' r. ABLEST LIVING WRITEHS-r " I "ts therefore inditpensaUe to every oneVhb wishes tc keep pace with- the events or Intcl lectaal pYoreas of the time, or to cultivate in himself or his ftmily general inlelli-eaCQ and literary taste.; a. r' r- ; -r EXTBACTS FROM NOTICES. - 5" Were I, in view of all the competitors that arejtJQVjrJn tire fie d,. to choos. I should cer tainly rhoosa . .. i bck Lrvrso Aob, Revi i ilnno otber.sjngiennblicati(n can, thfre-he Tourid art much of starling literary ezce)fence.t "The til uc eclectic puWitations,'! ThsNalion.N.-T. ! I "The ablest easayavrther- moat' nterta:nnii afnrfpa fhff finpai nnptnr rf tha Vnwli.Vi I . - v . 1 - r - wmw miioii lain guttge, are here athered Aogbthet." lUinois U f RKorf fbifikiae. Deonhv the beat of all th -ecleolic publication vnd :MeAeapat It a. I IV . . V e Aa ia a mommy luai cornet every we'. . ine AO tance. Chicaoo. - -v. k. ; j ."It gives to Its readers more than three thousand double-column octavo pages a year, nf t Ti A mm! VATtiah'a'. InnlrnHiva anri anlaK. taining tvadingBaf the dayv''Jlistory,.l!ogta-phy.V- Actio n poetry, wit, science, prtlHicsj criiici8oa. arwhat isftothere?f -liia the only compilation that present with satis fae ory corjoDteteness, aa wrll as freshness, ths oesl literature or the almost lirnttmerable. and k generally inacceiaible. Europcaji quarterlies,' lna the -productions of tha ablest and -mose Av. 1 A - . , - - - . Va. - a a at - vui.ur.u wniers uving. js, tnererore. id dispensable to ' every brie; who ' desires a thOTOmjiK ' AmnMCum nf a.U that id ' anirat.l! f and noteworthy in tbe Uteiary world." Bos-t I ton P0.1L - - .. . v .,., , 'Published Wolklv at ifl A3 a vtr -fr? ' .. . . i , . av .. ' -w "V Addreaa LITTELL & CAY. Boston. IVS .', ..... ... - 77te J. ii&me omf Foreign Literature at CuJ Ja I Price: --': '''''. - f "F'oaaessed.of rrrrvT.T. r.rrr. ' X--V of one or other of our vivacious American montnuea. a auDacnberwjU find himaelf in command of the whole mtuation.T Phffa- : Fur. Tea DoUors, TiKLnrm Asa,' weekly, wiumiuio urecream oi f oreign i'eriodical Literature.' and ifhr nnanl ihu . - - w .Mw auiua; aanes of Home Litvrature named below, will oe aem w one aaaress tor one year : viz., Atlantic Monthly, LippineoWs Overhml Monthlu. or A-miebm J lv;).nr,for a$fji Thk Lmsn Am and oni a vii y iww. a.aure8a a a above. 1 s- ETHELEEET HTJEES and JOEH a JIAKIX. v This papery is regularfy I issued from f ,:; T J - -.rsv:i .-.).. : j this office every Thursday, and furnished . J" r t.i'' ' - ? 1 ' tO SUOSCTlbelfS at Mr Tear, in d- xs-s vance. It contains a large, amount of reading matter, and is' second , to. . no . -i, -.. s. .1." .... - - .. . . ..... ' : weeHy published in the Sfae.', ; In es- J,--.. v - ' -r-t" -,.,1 " J tablisriino' trii- TftTWf', 'tli nTVM-i-n'fr-ra rauipuuug WIS paper, ine proprietors - -. ' J. - i i- of the Tuna .have incurred a consider- r;i f rVSll- t. ii. : - ' able expense for . the purpose of . pre- , ... . . ;.,r.. .-. S .S-, rrVH f-.., ,. . . - , v f senting a first-class paper, and vre are '!.... ?;-' ? -.rK--V:--: l . ' i fl Jdi j'-L .v-i.r-' ' .; . . - 1 . 3 A ' j . ,i IpleasBd io say ;'it iatrreceived the encd I , .. . ; xis circulation is rapidly increasing1, and i . .r- - ,. : . JL. a uinns. our motto beinS- to mv. mmPV. - r o- - - - . I worth for money.' The TJaiyr beiw I F' WL-o - . J ISSTIGtl d in Connection With a llVO daily. .. . . has an advantage over anv wppVItt ninw 7". t V aUJ weekly paper - , . . issued in ISorth Carolina in point of reading maticr. . -We present usually not - less- than 22 columns of choice reading matter in every issu3. 5 Subsciibe for it at once. Sample copies will be sent to any ad- dress upon, application by mail or other- wise. Address, - - .... ' . .: V I : Dah.Tixes Ottice, if NewBern.. C. Ayer's Sarsaparilla' -.-'. , vXt, iob PCBxmjie ma blood. 'The rapntatioa thia ex eellent medicine enjoys, ' ia derived from its cares, many of which are trnlv 1 marvellous. , Iaveterata eaaes of 8crofulooa dia. . w the avatem seemed aatnratod with eorraptiofl; have been purified aad eared by it. Serofnhma iftvilm. mA Vdiaordera,whiehweieat 1 f araTated by tbe eerofo- - iuu wuiMuuuHHi unni they vrere painfally afflicting', hare been radically r.l nPfl In aunll a ii.t nnmliara In alnuu - . tioa of tbe eonntry, that the pablie seazeela to be Informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of tbe aaost destrne tive enemies of our race. Often, thia unseen and atitution, aad invites the attack of enfoeblinir or fa tal diseaaea, without exciting a snrpision of iu Sresenoe. . Again, it seeraa to breed tafeetion imtiHuuil tha hiidv MilriiM .a e ... .. . p vm nriuc im f ui aura occaaran, rapidly develop into one or other of Ha hideous forms, either on the surface or amour tho vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be suddenly deposited in tbe longs or heart, or tamora formed, in the hver, or it shows its presence by eruptions ' on tbe kin, or foul ulcerations oa some part of the body. Henee tbe occasional use of a bottle ' of thia Sarmofm-rlUm is advisable, even when ao ,. I! C.fi arc trmntrima a awLu. a v find immediate relief, and; at length, care, by the Jr or EryipeUu, Tetter, Salt . Jtheitm, Seald XTemd, Minoworm, tore T.ytsm, of cro-uIa diseaae.. Aliio in the more eon eealcd forms, aa Jumpepmta, Brepty, Heart &Uum Fit,. XtpOemmift Xnrmfoi, and the varioas Uieerta anectio&s of the muscular aad nervous systems. . . Syphilis or reMereatl and Itercmrlmt JH fVf cured by it. thoarh a long time ia re- ouired for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long-continued nae of this - --- ' ' " wu. .iiii wuipuunk javanraca tiui ma fiaeramana. iM j-n friariiara ai-a wwwantw a. Mit.i .. taoor AJmanac, anpplied graUs. XhenmmHam , ww, wim caaaca oy accamuuinona or ex traneons soattcra ia tbe blood, yield qalekly to it, Mir'r v""iiiisn( zvrmansa;, coweea-- HminF raaaam-a nftli- n .la t aYjia--VrlMlft arlain aa Iim a JS , -""-J vuvn wv, iron tiny rankling poisons in tbe Mood, This SAMS Am PAMIXImA Is a great restorer for tha stnartk and vigor of the ay stem. . Tboaewho areXM 9ld and XMInt, XfvaamiCTX, IImIm, ; wiu Hranm wiw jveraaxu imanifa,,. or --, or any of the affectknis symptomatic of VMlMftaSa Will laa4 t-l-.aali.. alaLa .al . V aaaaaj MMIUOI I U Mastavc, laiAt aVsnr TlnAinsr svfalawaafss. AsT ta a-aiA - - - - -- ot!.r- " r-".: . X. C. ARB ale DO BVowall. MTajan . Practttmt ttnd AlttUmt ttmUt. ou bt'Aixdktjggists ivmiwirm IS. HE uli Y, Agent CntTen Street. ' " poartant Notice. NQTICTS TO TAX PAYEES IN TOWNSHIP . No. a. . Vv the Stateind County TZ, r TjZrYsiT ana.asnaii proceed, to levy and- sell personal I aravuvt i w caMSPbti w Buu Ofl. r(fi 1 1 IT K ld I JfeW B0m We6MV TlDlCS, I PCOSPZCTU3 FOR 1 872. , P IF Til TEAS. a A Eeprttati4 andVhawtpvm ef America Art 1 . , -.-,- J AmlBvtraUd ITontk )y Jvm ai, tlaimed U I the handsofhest paper in the World. ' " Gire my lore to the artist workmen of TITS 4Ar.7 who are striving ton their proferalon worthy ot adminUion (or beaatr.. as it has always I h none of tb temDomrr or tunelr interrit 1 cterlitic of oUary perlodlcl.. Itisaaelacairtaais. uum mo wnpuiuj or suneiy lDterrn cunr I WllaiV Af MM If rK aa mmh! MaMt.H m kilt la black Md wt.it. - Altbor Mck ttoceeedinit le and hat of TUB ALOIS K will be awt - prodatod after it has been od d at the close of the year, ehea TIT alone aad nnapproached aoaolately withont eoaapett. ame jnat completed, eaanot doplicate the quantity ( uuc paper ana enjjrBTin in any oiaer anape or nam i no i .uor 01 pum J i nl Jllui 31 JC reMT on the press ia so treat that reprteriaytsont of the qaeMioa. W'ththeexceptloaof a soaall aaniberapeeially reserr. d for biodins. th. edition of im. Ualreatfr axhaaat- t tea. sa n u bow t ar as men as valuable book. KEWJEATUBESFOR 1872. The entbasSastto' saonort aoTeadflr vntnlnl t. I Uelr enterprise, whereTerlt pas been Introduced, bu nnndu. publishers of ths ali)inb th i soaattMae of theit theory that tha Americaa pobhe wooM reoogsJse and heartily mpport aat eertt elevate ElTfe ,T foraBythinebett -JWiirj' from tha With a nnniUtli aui wimim vne wne an aranaare iblicatioBA. That ao many jteaklv wicked aheeta x. 1 . . A 1 sacimra mat uoi no maraet oer iDQdea (Be gaceeM of THE Air tttTt la Hhnrt nMr Ik. .. - l mASSL tM." i eory. a a gnarrantee of th excellence of thia e- t --. ww paotuuien wonia nee toannooDce deriae Jam's Smfler, jt rata Beard. .ram imxobu T ZJ . " ThMW hMltM m kulu m.h1.uJ I.I - ' Wtr.Si I best fOrFIrn fsTrV It Klnav alAM..t . v nnblUhera that TTT1Z a mix .k.u k. . I cf of American taste In cospetiUoa with star a- . . mmm!MW HUI US SLLLf-Bl I LITERARY DEPARTMENT. ' Jiti1!!!?? k "i w isocBi urpenoexe oa appear- laaeeanaT en mtnnllr Iu. rnnMi T ..if aoeh BilfiTinpm. It la on efllfnrial mtllfllnnt nl aoeh BilciTinpm. it It only necessary to atate that tbe I tMBICHARDHKRTSTODDAKD,who has reeeiTed awnrancca of aaaiatanea from a hoatof coirorui manazement or THK ALDINK has been " upaiar wnicn bdo poet oi mt couatry. . TUB ln ilut rrrr t wiH ponUin nearly 80U paece, aad about 50 ftnaea. Rravliiira Commencire with the anmber for Jannarr, crery third anmber will contain a beaaUfol tinted pic- I - I 7 I 1 -"- " UUBUIUim,: I Tbe Cnntna nomher for lbTS; will be a spleadtd j Tolnme la Itaelf. eonutnlng fittr easraTiDxa, (fear In I tint) and, althoDKhrcUlled at tl will be seat without uua cuxkv io an yeany aaoaeriDcre. - : i A CIIB0M0 TO EVKRT STJBSC&ICXS r v i " waa a ttt DODnlar featnre for lut aar anil hii h. m. peated with the present rolnme. ibe pnbliabera har I , . 1 , " ' f. W Y- V . SUV lTaala - ....... luuiu, i m.. fac almile in aiae and appearaBce. of th orlrinai pie- ' no ABocruaw uramo wnien win at ail ooeapar with it. ha yet bera offered at retail for leaa thia tha pneeaaked for THS ALV1NB ana it together. It win hedrUTrdreev with the January anmbar, to every aubacribcr ho paya. for one year to advance. - TERMS FOR 1872. One Copy on year, with Oil. Chronjo, S5 C6 FirecoDiea. i t n in Any peraoo aeaina? lu names and 0 win reeeir aa j n mm ajytcm Mir un money. Any penon wiahin to wat-k for a premium, caa hare onrpieminm circular on application. We riTe many beaatttid and deairable. aiticlea offered by ao .other paper. - . . Any person wUhlnw to act. permanently, a onr innt aawlll aitvla T V t a. a a. -afaaa aaaaasj. w ivu iTJirrrKV. TTalCTVaSlI II ZOT OUlaC, , JAMES SUTTON & CO.. -; PUBUSHEBS. Nviotf 23 Liberty Street. N. Y. THE CENTBAL VAREBTY STOHE. ' V TtjU 91. TVATSOIC. MIDDLE STREET NEAR BROAD. i .-'-.-ii.' ; lirl KRSP" (inifSTlsmT naim nrm V V fresh additiuna bv tha arrival at xai-a iitmr. ttia fntlAin.. . . . : . . X . . i , . . ... CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISION. REPINED SUGARS FAVORITE SYRUPS. The choicest grades of COFFEE, i BOASTED. ' ' t . aiJTD OREEJ. Tne finest - BYsoir, - k - a t IMPERIAL v . vi tior.nnra !.-..- TBE BEST , , - . BUTTER A CHEESE. " ' PULTON MARKET BEE. - ' SUPERB SUGAR CURED . HAMS. & BREAKFAST BACON. ELEGANT BEEF T0KQUE8. "DUTCHES -Jos i COUNTY FAMIL T' it ESS PORK. A XT T TUT SfTTS Ftm nvamv.-. a i r u&ujuajIaj juuajj r . Vf fay . i-w -a I-- Ttirf rV TTDTT J T" r V ny wv ' " -J a j Mi , '.' . : ". ? . . . i. 7 ... . at 4 7trT?.i rr jvo - .. i' VARI B T T S T ORB i. r. :. . Incladinor FANCY AND STAPLE . Boots & Shoes! : Hate tt flaTis- SiiKi'Bood & Willotf : ; ' I respectfoJly ask the atteu- paDfiC, assuxui aU WXiO may JiiTiir JI1H WTn - t M I that thww I I)on'l .Ibrget the : Place. - .. w mte otner pntMicauons mar ejana aaaenot pnera as compared with rirala of a similar class. Kev-Bern, Oct. 6. tf. TERRIBIS iSLfUEB OF HICMniCZ3 SIWCE THr CHICAGO FIRE! E A THREE DA T 'B 'BA TTLE BETTTKf .r : , 0ZZ PRICES AXD HEW! - - , - - -dowlas; np- U JorUflcatiens Exorbitant JDcmai.4 ! STOEifiNG THE BAiTP4BTS OP TBADg Tho Enemy Evacuating, anri Driven at the point of d the Needle by vTnoAS JDST OPENED Uls LNEW BRICK STORE, WHICH 1.HE U AS'JCST STOCKED WITH THE CHOICEST '""I J ASSORTMENT OP FALL t wiim miss GOODS XTM orrian) to m rBorxa ov this ok x OTaxa BKCTIOX. fTHE STOCK POTt TTTR v a t t j, ,t-t,- X of 1371 embrace the flnr "" FRENCH MERINOS, ? , EMPRESS CLOTH. :. f O P L I N S , MOHAIR PLAin.fi BLACK and colored ALPACAS CORDED REPS, ; IMPERIAL REPS, PLAIN REPS, and all WOOL PLAIM. Ton will fiad a well Selected Stock ot White Goods, Jaconets, - . Swiss Striped and riaia Naiusooi, Bishop and Victoria Lawns; - Linens, Embroideries, ' . ... , - . : - : Linen and.Lace Handkerchief, Table CloO lpkiua; T ? ' - Linen and Lace Collars, hlh l.imit a:ii' -Velvets and Velveteens, Gimps a net Fringt ofTaH Colors and Widths. I. pride ttTsell In. keeping the. lttcst and -nioet "Nobby." -tvi-s of BOOTS a SHOES THE BEST MJLEKETS AFFORD. The above goods can b had at auch brwiW-r-ingly v priees that my endless hosti of - enstomers lean for support .upon tlia richly tedon counters and exclaim - - j , r ia tones of astoaishausntj, n, HOW CAN SUCH THINGS BE! Call and see'lhe bewilSerintr 'array of Chtap Dry Goods and Notions, and tbe new Brick Stora of oct8-tf P'OllOClS. 3t. BOOTS', and , SHOES, 1IEJTS WOMEN'S AND CIIILDBEN'S, .. .... of the celebrated State Prison make, ar- . . Superior to all Others -' now ofiered for sale in thia market, can ba bought at y Moses Patterson's, C MIDDLE STREET, where will also ba found a full and choice stock GROCERIES, 'r : DRY GOODS. ... ... . , . - NOTIONS. DLANKET3, - i ... .... a ...- '.', : . WOOLEN GOODS, t . ' and every variety of : ; mnrmNGs, FANCY ARTICLES, PERFUMER K . . '! SOAP. i CAPS, -Ifci tw 2?oy Ready-made Clothing f ; and the latest style, oi p 4 LADIES' DO W8. all for a song with a silver air. Give him a call! ' N OTI CI. DISSOLUTION OP COPABTNEKSHIT. THE PAETNEESHIP BEKETOFOItE EI-2-: v i n . -r 41 l. :il A a. imnn unwgrn xdij. ju. vuiiiauu Thomas Gates, B L Churchill haviof purchased the interest of Thomas Gate, trading under tha firm name of B L Churchill A Co., ia- this dy cuasoived Dy mutual agreement, ana au paruc. wunwiw .uc . m that B L- Churchill i authoriaed to sign In haoi dation. and requested to make immediate settle mmt r Mmiiii An- All norties bavis4lainui against said una. will P" "ir'II?T5r aettlement JBENJ L.CHUBCHILL, :- THOMAS GATEa. Kew Berh.W. C Nor.otlv 1871. " - . ' m . . . ' V infill. Tne business ox uw lata unoma u . ued by the underrigned, a tbe oM stand oi Hart A Lewis, on alutaie sireei past favors received. I would n- oontinnanee of -the same. - I will seU Stoff Tinware and House Furnishing goods E" mUy.cheamr than aver. ITr t jieapecuoiri- x. u. tniw

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