umu, VOLUME'S NtTZalB3ttl'7lJl S6.00 PER ANNUM J LVcw Berne -IDailn Simcs. JftHr S Makix.. Locat Ed'rtrtrvf TJu EilUor afJhi rUi a jB re tpontibl for the views or ilalementt of Corres vonde'v; no communication of an "anovy mov character mill be publieJied, the feal name of the writer must "accompany all communica tion. Any one who may feel agrieved at ttatementt made bp correspondent can obtain the name on application to the Editor. Arriyal pud Departure of Mails. Post-Opmcb, New-Berne. N. C, ) . . , Jon 17th, 1872. ) MU CloseB for the North, West and Sooth at 7.45 AM. Mail Closes for Beaufort and the East, at 4 15 P M. - '. - Mail Closes for Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties, every day at 5.30 A M. Mall closes for Trenton,: Pollockville and Swahslmro, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 6.30 AM. . ." ' ' Mail closes for Ilatteras (ewr. Beaufort) at 4 15 p- M- Mail closes for Grantsnoro, T.ay Hirer and Vandemere. Tuesdays Thursdays and Satur days at 6 A M. MAIL ARRIVES. From the North, West and South at 4 4'5 P. M. ami opened for delivery at .5 4!i P M.) From Beaufort and the East at 8.35 A M. From Washington, Swift Creefe, N C, &c dally, at 4PM Frm Trenton Pollockville and Swanboro Tuesdays wl Fridays at 1.30 P M. From Graotshoro. Bay River and Vande ir.Te, Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday at 4 P SI ' Ofnre hours from 8 A M. to 5 P M, and 5 45 to? 00 P M. Himdays from 12-30 to 1 PH. GEO. W. NA SON . Jr. . Postmaster. The Caswell arrived y sterday. " Use Meadows &Cos Ebb Jamaica Ginger. Be snre tt call at R. Berry's if you want sky , rockets, Baman candles, fire-cracker-J. Chinese Unterus, Ac., for to-night's ce'-ebrution, ,. i Tooth, Kail and Hair Brushes,' at Meadows , acoV; - . i There is a fine opening iu New Bern for some e lterprising individual to huiM a nnmber of , two st ry cpttaga houses plenty ot teoact German Stndy, or office Lamps, at Meadows Under the head of Aaaas 2l3t, the fature Al ' manac, will record that diy as beiug the anni versary of the celebration of the Grand Bspub lican victory in North Carolina. Try Mtwido ws & Co's Euu de Cologne and Ex't '. Jockey Club!" i John Mayo faio be found at his oil haunt on Middle Stet.l 'oking a pleasing as a b utK et of chips, John says: he is "all korrect, yeas Si all korrect.'' No lanacy bow not a bit of it. .'..; 7 ' - .- . j Take yonr prescriptions to Meadows k. Cos ; day or night." - -.. ' ' ' Oae of the best medicine lor this or any oth er fcrimate'is the Vinegar of Iridin, a purely vegetable preparation, , for sale by Dr. J. T " Walsh. tt is said lo be a specTfi; for R'leum -tisni, and waan tiken in t'ms avoids the neces sity for the use f calomel r mercurial agents.' ' Pratt's Astral Oil, 50 cents per gallon, at 'hi i T Meadows & Co. Mr, StanTi y, of Herald exjedinary fame, is just bow the lion of English sooiety. At the annual meeting of the Royal Geograghical So ci ty this week, he was the great attraction and addressed the association on the subj 'Ct'of his African travels. The ex-?mperor Napoleon audi th am'abla Eagenie and their son were present : to hear all about it. The doubts which ' some have entertained about this discovery.; of Liv ingstone sem to have been, fina ly set at rts and the Herald is well entitled to the honor of the enterprise Which it ha thus won in the nama of Amerion -Exdiange... ' . , A ,JI Xlatarn We Botie that Walker, Jonas & Co., are , bailding a splendid bw e s'ern in the yard im-mediitelyia- front Jof theic ' Tobacco j factory, It wdl supply tbeir employees with raiu-water for driuking purposes Wad be a prote. tion in case of flre, , Gpvernor Vaner in hist speech in this citypaid Son S: P. Phillips the his;1' emplime t ofad' M ll n . 1. . . A. I... i '. .11 1 VT 1 S v"K mm 1 1 uc uo huibsi, m in in nona wj v : .u mi. x ui, ups -l is co ls'jurea to accppi -l the invitationi ex'endert him by the RipSblican ExecitiTe Committee of Craven ITonntyi to be present at the illumination to-niht. and ever - body wi 1 . ava the o:porr'iuity of hairing t ii- gifted ion of of b Old North Srata ad lrs the " clri23ni of Njw Bern to nighty Come one and" Coats all! " v" ::: ' . Hl-per' Weekly. ; Comes to us at usual, his week laden with good things. It contains well-ieCrtted pro trdts of O rant and Greeley, with histiri a and biographical sketch by Eugene Lawrence. ' "Ths artist in the eoontry,M and; "Love on the Housetop," drawn by P4ul Freizny are capita al pioturis, but the engravings by our'', friead N iSt, is worth three timss the price of tie mag azine, "Carl is die ;ated with Am-rican poli tics" 1 on the title pagej and m ikes a good ma. .oat tne orawnutg piece represents Morica. Grueley and Charles Sumner in the .foreground : trying to penmjda ot f rci a colored m m to 7 r'etoajt th h inds of a ktt-klu and Ta nmi vnyite reeking with the blood of the" murdered, ovarthi blir-f tie victims of the riot in -New York of 1863. The colored man de clines while from Ids pockst pro'ru les a card bearing the inscripti n "E nancipition by A. LiucO'n,reeiioV by U A. Gr jtL" la the backer Mai i reprismtyd the ruitw of ths Or puan sylam, waila colored mu ara seea bus p ml -d by tae mck froin Imp yoti; aa 1 aft r g-iziug intent y upo i itj picture, I we arc froil Jt6 exjlrtJi' with tie Cuspiia ; critic; this is Dot acting, it is real. nr. unit .!. air.' f The Procession T-.Ightt PROGRAMME. . - Assemble at tle flig pole at4 P. M., move to ttie depot receive ouasti br train and -condn at tothepoie, ' ' ' ' i F!r;nffR,.ntA I rirJng,Sl'Qh Speeche, - i iU -UiPi The procession, directed by Chief Marshal' Hubbs and assisting Marshals, will be formed at the Grant and Wilson flag pole, on .the , cor- -ner of Broad and Middle -streets, at 8 o'clock, P. M., in the following order : -First Chief Marshal and his Aids. Second Grant Cavalcade. ' Third A band of Musia. Fourth ' 1st Ward Delegation. Fifth 2nd " " Sixth 3rd " " Seventh 4th " " Eighth 5th - - Ninth A band of music. Tenth Visitors. , , Eleventh, . s 6th I .Ward r Delegation. ; Twelfth, 7th " " j Thirteenth, 7th Township Delegation, j Fourteenth, . 8th " " j The line of mar h will commence at the cor ner of Broad and Middle- streets, and will, , pro ceed don Broad to East 'Front street down East Front to South.' Front street ; "-up South Front to Craven street ; up Craven to Pollock street; up Pollock to Fleet street: up Fleet to Broad street r rdown. Broad to Metcalf street ; down Metcalf to South Front street; down South Front to Craven street ; up Craven to New street ; down New to East Front street ; up East Front rto Qvl en stre t ; up Queen to the A. fc N. O. R, R. Depot ; from thence to Cypress street x upr Cypress tq Berne street ; down Berte W Cedar - street ; up Cedar to West 8iieei ;f down West to Queen street ;dva. Queen toCieorge street j down George to Broad Street ; down Broad to the Grant j and: Wilson flag pole, where the multitude will be addressed Iy the Hons S. F. pHttutPS, C. R. Thomas, R. W. Kfsa and; A. Seymotjb, and other disfin guished speakers, Let every one turn out ; to the grand jubilee, and hear these eminent speakers. 'Hurrah for Grant and Wilson ' 1 Notice R pubiicai s of the 1st and 2nd Wards are rwinested to meet at the Court Hdnse at 7 P. M, to form in procession.- i By order of the Cuef MarshaL c , Paying Bet. i streets yestar lay-by gentlemanwheelin an- . other in a wheelbarrow througa ae -streets in S--r i . Jrl- i s ai - , - payment 01 a Deymaneea tne election 01 uot. - Weu Jnite to and fio,ht Cwell. ( j ,vD9i,0lsoa3dirfGranit0 We would suggest here that if men must ;bet ? r psi.-, . , . , let it take a mo'e practical tnrn, for instan. 4 ill J'JM Ll,' '. Z," , . , . , . lne iJoys m uiue are always true, - the looser agree to saw a load of wood lor some . . , t,- . , . - .. And Grant has been their pride; uous or ids comet. ' 5r iieraaerat. - a ui .alv-crrTf A. i oome looivwuw signing BMwei(-Aemperac , writes a cqmrnnnkation tq tUeiir.aj. frcf, in wmcli he cans tne public s atten- ln to the flctdtout call of a meeting straight out dem crals (the italics are ours) is-- sued ft toefTiMES ofhe- !. r t When 'Democr,fAaysii was ftctitiouf , be siy8 wna' is Dalse. l be notice ior a m -eung at Long Wharf was written by a life-long Dem, critfwd handed to AbfteUor- of 4he,4Trsuc for d ib'li tlo,A. itt caata nai anvt'ith r pMon.L f -' 5 i ; Liberal Radu l, -an.) e woullyiheer fully furl Uy r fl -cting npbn 'D (he ifriows.'f"'" ' vri y ; h Tunniu wt(i.ciioii I nitfo the name of the writer, hut as it w is 8i'rTrth dishnrseiuent 1 tile Same ; a prompt plv a brnttef ot busitiass with us. We will I fcTgl'sytnent 9 ?YVJ neny Oi the nation pdmocF t s'-bn W bEsil ignoYanc, on- t d'luiion of Uin-s aa raMIy as the fe- lv to beawakenea, "IKp Vitf wTnktt Tike?" whenv quirements of the Country wilt admit J re-' Grant is elected that h- may sleep a-.ot lr auction of taxat o anUriflL la be W, fouryeir whtte-fif-, Grant editors cootm- . ,o . Z,, y I raw jmr iiiio (y , u ti.-r raiisieJ so as to affora the creates! reher ht TloTnrrof. a on anTini to a t . DnU at 'hearm ication,ot a?'boMomiss quart meas? STATEHSGS. rtT fl4!l tv V , r AdiankeiiMhSnarVyfng a bottle wwmskey was run over by a pas -ring train near Wiatoa and kSlletf, 1 petOi C t Democrat is soanxuns ,to g ,-t.a pullto the grftipt ;nnraherfjhoBft at.d tjdl ' & dO, : at Bertfn. ."L'; " ; " iheapn icatmn-ot a'bortoml'ss quart measi? deal in w th ft 1 of her Deopka. to the end V ' . f- ;" ', ri nrewefarfltoseenrdaas; uainocratjmaKes,!? ti,.,t war. with alT !Tlaiplightin!r eonae ,w r?r" v" w B.nnsine nwa, m . m ' ' im -m. . ra a w an ja .ami a..-- a-. irtna. mitowm , m ""0 ."I rfl'' f quet.Ces, may e aToidad, bnt without - ' I: t.- - Lad , a. "drapll out f DimJ-ToC, OjOS aglin Wlttts I J UniKt'a WftryantAd mrden amdit. al Tinrrw'a-' .ni..:, n.,! surrendering anv,.THbt or oblieaUort due UuiKt s warrantea garaen seeas, at Uerry a. eiw!-reJl'r"ia .oJlf itical4aiih "vUvr.MPF. ' BDlendaitfuaietof Atlfaliaa atring band f , Tj. S. GRANT., . ii l o : i. i j:..-. a '.'. ."WlW.S'l'.l y.x.' :. J kr . ,La x,irm. X-j 'niZ.hjxn.ii- i boro, says the Farmer and Methane The new Iron bridge oirth Petersburg Rail- . , . ia li rod two m les belo Wd' Ton is 46t feet long . Trains wdl pass ove eXi lusivj of a'mt ueuts. it in aloiit a mon h. I. ftyf Methodist pk' .x.T.ii.a1,otih. betot Wa'taBodof intermtegtfce pbb tbtb oest trade, bat U h.i been ahorse swp.insUlA ot etiuran a van, We wouia a ive j i our- piie on the M.ethoh4ts---ir915lAi O.y-ilu-4 xie Official Vote of Craven Conair foe County Officers. I - - fob the senate. ! - A S Seymour received 2G88 JanfA Bryao. " 1129 FOB THE HOUSE OF EEPBESENTATTVES. . I B AbKitt received J J : x E K Dudley .MDW Stevenson " J Henry Tolsou- " - - oa eegisteb of deeds. Jamts C Hnrr;s jn reci ived G Br-ran " ' : ' - 2680 ; 26 JO 1128 1 1126 2705' 1129 FOB COUNTY TREASURER. ' D N Kilbnrn , received . Geo A iltn ... 1 FOB COUNTY SUEVBVOB. H n-v J Lovic'.c received Win H Mirsball FOB COUNTY COMMISSIOirEBS. E R Stanly received John Patterson " E H Hi 1 Rob't V. K-hoe " - . J'se Brooks " Wui-F.,y: : ' ' , : ,' ,' T Cicer6-Green ' ' - lolm S Givskins " Simuel Rtdcliff " A J Chesenutt " JuhnS A skins " f FOB OdBOKB!B A J Mirsh11 - received ME Whiteharst. ! :.: , . . ?OH SHZBOT.' Orlando Habbs reoevei ' Jamas Osgood s . 2701; 1123 1130 2698 2708. 2633 2f96 2696 1130 1131 1006 1166 1169 125 2398 1129 2719 1114 W1LSOS AND BAT. 1 " - .... We meet to-night, prepard to fight For victory once more j 5 j We proudly oome, with torch and drum, And the loudTCiimion's roar ; -. Well raise note from every throat, And sing hearty chant liet's all unite to shout and fight wuson una ror urant I OaOBTJB-i-FqrWilsoniad for, Grant- -my boys i For Wilson and for Grant ; CIJ' Let's all unite to shout and fight For Wilson and for Grant! j i j , j I ; Let "soreheads" crowl and loudlv howl FOT"Greeley ahdt for Brown,- j A fo ft 7 That will their voices n. - let Horac teachj . aud Sumner preach a. , Let Schur and Davis rant, , We'll all unite to shout and fight .nr For WihfQ tul for Grant ! ! . ... For Wilson and for Grant 1 rom vgs.aigQ! iB.aimraasngMjWatefB: Matar'ttHitclcEj TTo'a Vcwn tVii v tr on onrl onita " " O- f . Then let'a ranite, all hands : to-nichfe - ? To s ng the people's chantj it 8haU b'e full three tunes three Vi por wjlso-n end for Grant f 1 4 JtT For ., , V ; 100,000 Brick now ready for delivery, 800 . Y7i "7 rr"9 WibotoflfotGfalit,inyboysr barrels , Rock "ne, 00 ( barrels JJe-ment,' JWt !. -J.-, IV -TT ;r j". tr Wilson and fotrant " lastarj t Mitchell, Allan A (Jo'si ' ' " ; orf ami prints of all kinds, which! offer to - For Wilson and fo Grant, v And it shall tie full' three times three For Wilsoni anq f or Ctrant I T . r-a-' -t I would sum . up the fioltcy f the A.l ministrat ion to-W. tltorOttj(lf dfoYce- l ... . -.. .r..i - k .i .i - ... ,ol. every- ta prvl.en lor esonomy 1Q p ljrrJU.Tii iminiirri irannii anu ijiir dealinas w th ft l ofhef DeooVs. to the emf ...W,,ajXJjreform -Jt the treatment of In- -diatianafiuallyrTfllecunnKaOTS nntrammi-led baliotj where every man .anRrr5Snat; axiteBao BO'inat X mc.f av eeh 'elfcolAt? iwithntH feaof moleatatSoi or proBcnptaom.on accoant of wv-v , ii,, i. aa. -. AotTlrt'lfnt'M ffit'Tmn o-iwvdit frfaJl.JTjS.. . - . .. , .'- PaiaU, Qd.- .Vamudies hd Brtfshea, ,i a Orgaaa ow Piano-Fortes mtttW atrle, or foT eAU flt Meadows A . Co-a.. .corner. PoUoct, h&m. to enter, at AerraT - . andj .Iiddle streets, ' , tf. , f.o .w- - !. -Pratt Astral UJ, oO cent- per gallon, at - ,,., .r- MaAWJije, .Cof .W-; bod of intormingtlM pbh hath best .UUht.. He returns bis thanks for past tsvars 'and asks a eonUnnancof tbe aamc.. tt' n v w y . '..iimJ 3..vf stom ' - v 1 -' TurpentiiSe. CYkSn Dip, . $3.50083.60 j" Yellow Dip. $3.50$3 6 ) ' " Wi C Scrape, n Spirits, per gallon. 4042 -mUOfi "A'S ifT! I $2.001:25 RosLn. common strained, $2.00 52.25 Cotn; fromJjoata. 7, . T ! s 65 ' centi. Eggs, 12ilo ceuta. : ATTENTION, I desire to call the attention of the pnblic'to the .fact that, I ha v pow. on hand,, aud will continue : to keep, tbe '.best, : as '.well the - cheajwst cisrr-i to be foundin-thiaeity; the finest brands ot chewing tobapoo, viwM;iv, .flower, Solace, Century an 1 ' Oheapoakei The finest brands of amokiaii-tobaic", aT-onaf which will be found Durham. Virginia and Turkish. j Sauns of all kind-i. and a l irge variety of pipes and smok rn articles of eyery .description. In addition Ai- he foresotog,' ewery article usually kept in a first-class Cistar Store, can be purchased at wholesa'e ami retiil at N--Bern iobaeeo JSmponum, tont,n jrtom two doors above the G-ut .n H mm. - if " - M. GOLDSMITH Proprietor, Dee. 9-tf. - Pratt's Astral Oil, 50 cents per gallon, at Meadows A Co. . . - A JJUeaae Wth a Thoasaod Symplomi. " Dyspepsia is the most perplexing of all he rn n ailmsnts. Its syptomi are almost infiaite iu thair variety, and the folorn and dasp indent victims of" ther disease-' f tea Jan "y themselves thaprey,"iil tiruT' of" ev"xy " -kadwam ilaiy. This is dua, in part, to the close sympathy which exists , between tiia -.stomach -nd the brain, and in part, also, to the fact that any disturbance of the digestive function neoes- sarOy "oUsordttiw rthe Ibrar the bowels and the nerrons sratem. and affects, to some extent. t-MTnwkPEr.CEa fSon-lSm-alllSina that. .. - - .k..ji,-3j3r-i7-, like Hostetter's Bitters, not only tones the stomach bntat the same- time controls- the liver, proIuce8 a regular habit ot oody, braces tha nerves, purifies- the . fluids and . " ministers to a mind diseased," if therefore the true an 1 only specifie for chronic indigestion.: Such is th operation of this famous vegetable restora- tive. It not only cures dyspepsia, but also all , . ponqoraitanta and- consequences. Moreover, iuvaluabl . as a preventive of indigestion, No one who chooses to taka half a wineglassful of this agreeable appetizer and stomachio habitually three tima a day will never be with oppression after eating, nausea, sour erncta- tions, or any iOther indications of. a y ant of .j ' -Mgpt in th disofestive and assimilating organs. 0oi'tle debility and languor superinduced by hot 'weather 'are immediately and " permanently relieved Myths'" iS!tters, and person who ai constitutionally inclined to look upon life "as,, I TlUironghii glasa, ..darkly, " 'wttl.jbe apt t take a brighter nn-i moie. hopeful vicw; of the sitna- ' tion under 1HI genial influence " of this whole- ; ' some medicinal stimulant. ; lee , Cream Fjeeaers i WaVrjCoolers, and othrr seasonable goods, at Mitchell, Allen & Salt Water SoaPi Bath Gleves and Sponges at MEADOWS ft CO S. Painted Toilet Ware. Foot Baths. SIod Pail --i. .11 :b ' If you Want a coot glass W Sodn Water, eo to ?fJS BERRY'S BUDGET. t T JsT i iFi . Selectyrul JU pSe bdLM, at b - , -, Berry'a, Bargains in Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, af Kmr'fir Paints. Oils and Varnish of .Paliable avillhvl ' Alsd, Brushes; ltty, iEc", Jbc Aa. at Berry W" Window and Picture Glass, out to any size or Bbap ' Glass, fo brde at Berry, ' i " " "IT' I J, LT, ' . Only 75 cents for Vgtfidk df pVaftV Astral n;i r - w vL;n . bh cm, at iJerryS. " - ' " . ": V ' rt Buy "Caboltna Wateb," the beat cologne Berry's Extract iltrsK-BosK ouUasts any her extract for the handkerchief, other extract for the handkerchief. ExtracfcBoaf.Wia a Iron, (warranted f sep)i j, .oi 9,i tu - AtBxaxa. Elixif . "Calisaya mad Ino.-apd otoer modern prv.para - ona on nana, or to oruer, at anors nouoe. at a tv. iMliik4 -iawl L ' ???0 P00- . Ama WEmopeaa TjmbneaoTernianea to era Jterrya, ; rTlTKaat of liij.. .CSH. BerjVSS 1 JfTs -! - . Bexryss l' firs !f If you want agoodBou, nse Berry's 9ok' tizioTrdera,Vi . " .'. ::x'-.- " .apTB! a -t si t.v--; ij " -.-j.f a Cool drinks and airr rooms at the Bateman 'jHouse, Siuth Front St. ' tf - - - , - v. ' - Pratt's Astral Oil, SO ceofe per gallon, at ; r. "' MeadowsACo, i : y " o ;."T'SLr s. ccu JiM2,:0fM f n tne thing i rapic ijic party. Try those fine imported Havaua Cigars at ,h-... ; . y t MEADOWS & CO'S. New- Advertisements. By Higgins, Cdbb & Oo, AaiHoaMW, No. 6, J- P"rm:E stret , , BaltimareJ . - i ' " " "n ' : ". Wa will 'sell on Tuesday morning next 800 ciws of-fiootay h-as, Brogans, &ct o. These sales are hel 1 only on Tuesday of each week, aid comprise a special and general assortment of Eastern and City made goods direct from the manufacturers, and warranted as represented Catalagiie. oa t'aa m wning of sale, and the goods ready for inspection. ' j HiaaiNs, cobb & co., 6 & 8 German St , Baltimore. ; Ani U-tfJ I The tna Insnrance Co., HARTFORD, CONN.:: is now - writing risks on Dwellings fc"-r-J,' Furniture and all first class mercantile stocks and buildmBB, at adequate rates. . " Li8 th kge8t Fir? . laswance Company ln th llmtnd Ntaten. and has been in successful operation for fifty-two yean. PITT BARROWS',7 Agent, - "Tbllock St, New Berne, N. C. Mav . t GRANPi OPENING. T HAVE JUST OPENED A LARGE AND A' attractive assortment of , , , WW GOOD S ; -.-.ft.- .- , .-. ..,,;, 'V: 1 . to which I invite the attention of purchasers. M Dress..Goods Department is the largest in tim ity. and supplied with all the desirable goods of the season. I have a large stock of 'Bldck and VeHored Dret Silka, ... ,,r , , Japanese Popiimk. - .i--'r' JHe out uoiorea (trenaatnet. - Tint.- Vitrdsn CfrrnniHmm. i, . , i " JDo Maria FrovFrami f.-"I .Btfjf Xsimm, rFAa4md Buff, Piqtuse, Alpaca, the trade ,,.,,Witi Oootw, tj .i , f. nam and SU ipea J Acowrfs and Jl armooxa, . tSort Ttzmn tjAirwaioaV :.. Aisnop apu v iciona m m, - ' ". ' Nainsook Hair Cord fttripea, f- r ' , SUM Hmxft Also a fall line of standard triaing y . Puttings, ' " ' ' " t-'aas Bias TrrCtTKaa, - r? ? :y JAas lrtAtraMaV rr.i'i H " ' rnWJnM Tr , ' " V .- . t Flct Fiooioioa, f f. v p 'r.rwwr. aytHa.aaanraa, umsnui tEmmmmmaJu., ate. ' ln 4ny arilliiaery Department will b fbasMls foil line of - ffATS, " BONNE r3, or TBniMTWQa, and Ifilliflery tfooda cf slf descriptiOBa, just 'lopenedi and embracing ' the - nweM Parisian XEd "fidrtit I va meet every iiganiMiB.,f d aait - ... . .... . .; : ' .'" r' stock of ... - . -. ,. wmJO rr , that J avax brought to the trade, bought direct from the manufacturer, and wiU bVaold tow..- . " Persona wismngaoytbing fa! tisBmlwe linaw ftnd mi stock eotoriete: and a efcao mm i ju, tm.Qe) ag tjs ettr I vn Vr aSr'r ? t3Wf le J IdftyfT jf T?T0 "s,fcjWao1d'BlVsSflSce; at. - a . V.-I r- . . w. -.- - - . . -s . i.;-, a Jt?,-t i O . L A II IX ' g s-.iJ,,.----J.4 f.:.- .-(.- j- j Bezular Inland Freight Line? it BETWEEN NEW DEimS and Baltimore:. The Steamer Hackensacil will continue to make regular trios between the above plaees, havine Iialtimore for New Bern direct on rhorsday, -Jaly 18, -and every oChef l Dursaay tnereiitter at a if. M. New Berne ARamt. . tl rj . B. L. PERRY. iialtimore Agents. - i. Messrs. WHiarBEE DICKINSON. Ap30-tf WM- JxPRICflETT. Master, ; FOR ; NEW YORK - til v- ---! DIRECT,"; Ellrm S, . Terry, ; Saly er .Master Trwougb Bills of Lading gifeTr t arid from a!i poneta- on the N. C. Rail Rond- Insaroe effected through us at per cent ; . Freigbfs will be taken" for Phila dclphia awJ BaJQnaore. - CEO. W. OfLL. STEAMSHIP IiTITE : I f. 1 ' BET W EE New-Bern and Baltimore. TfifK Stbtaxkb 1 u TAS. A. CrAJWr, CAPT. HALL. iMasteiv I REDUCED RATES. I!"--'- -. ..... f .,, : ' Pipur(3bct porK SOo REDUCED . RATES- OK COTTON To Baldmere -$3 00 -PJvilspldpiia' 2 50 " tfeV Yofk, , 2 75..' - Boston . i ' 4 .00 " per tiale . " M ar; M For rates anrj eneagement apply to K. L.-PEliUV, at the Wharf ia New Barn, and ANDREWS is CO., Balti- W J-,? i- .t.n-: . . Dec. 15th-tf. ' -- - . rl-:t'- "l','-' : i s f J ., BRICK Br ILDISO,' ; T- j,B (-.!- Jiiv Kli, j.-.-i !J- C Xi South, Pfont St., near Craven! :t ' ' (FOSQTCB1.T TBI RARVET"HWU.) ,.Vv THE TJNDEESIGNE D HAVING BECENTXT opened the above named House, would call attendee to tbe faet that, desiring so neet Aba want of the people for a first class. l&'ntfcfcfnp In5 a style that be taWaesnred iB taeet the approbation of th public,' j ,: . i A BAB THAT If STOCK Kx WXTB HJ JISt" - - it Wine& bis , f!r fab eySi q - vw ana Ligars. i a - ejected with which is a first Class BilUard Boom, lit with a Baodera Korrpariei Table and every ira-- proeaue ad aeeowedatMai. - TheREADIMC ROOM inrprHed witk - ,i aU tha teiding titote and promuaeat . vT'.: , awtn a illaatnaie r inV. 'I' O. UsAlpiae, so well and favorably known In this city baa ebarreof the Bnt. and eri.'l attend to the wants of friends and .pa tla-A--tti-mi H f. sr,;jf - " . '.i v, ? isATrnvTATriy" -1. i: iiTBkx-biiar WbltoMBl.'. 0Midy. rrenaretf CUf -"- ?" wdP )Hnje4 by ih Uta )mt WbitOttmba. Ak lUn p. It alVevflcurf Ata dlaonk-r In hi caM Whea aU other appliaawvof nMdtcaj fead heea abaadMed. JV.p! Banatt Ca,, fewfeat 8a in faa rtH'im DnhrAa-aAtKa-anaeMestiaMa- tharofoM. keep the attata trafb ooad'atid pnre wilfc ast oJbnaj vetaMa a)lMr Meamlaat. W talk, and ibar wiU last as ka a ta bra-ta ItMli-will mw " be lalated. - r To OwBiWa HoatBf axd a".' TbKJirf IWrtv' -Condition Fjwdsr ar warrautod saperlur to nf oUterm, or ntrpan for thoWire of-DItemp-A Wort. . OMUiraA rldaocta. CobWAeta ikmn aad Colds. Conebis Cum of Ilk. Blck TonirttS flora Dta teaiprr. Ac. la Cattle. lrica 6- Caata. IK pi 1 19 fat k Plata, Nw York. - ' Pasit.ftaufrr tT twaTOvb Bvmu ar wmsI oaca in aerwQ yaara- Tha jaaurial of whk-S fhey an . ' KCAMtrnctaey ,tkWood aiialBaa it ha fail cluirred with the elt-ntent ot vitality, the at aturtk r aed heaUhef the arnraai Una, Of all biHd daua- nmtm. BY Walker' Viuepmr Btttata to the aafw-t ut -moat infallible.; - Taare kta d a . tttaiag froat de- - , pravatiua ot the Uuod' waiea U wi not fmM)i cdra, WoaKTsrKtlA fcdltrMloa. eVarMafna as anlHlB. L and genetvi dVhllitj li tlirir Titrloaii fornra; alto a a . ItraveaciM aaiat reer an Brne; Utartln tutar Bmit IVvara; tha 'Taiw h.nhiratd Klfxfr f iliaaya made by Cacaall. UaSara a l .?VeW York. ' and aoid by all Y-iriatt I the beat tonte. and aa a tunic for ttatieat reeoverias frijalurer or attwc aha- tunic ror aauent reeoverias trjmnrm or a has no eqftall - - ' -i i , -. r. ffiroit' IVo Pbabs WrTpB.A,n- -beat article known fur- cleavMnic and Tpreserrinc tb -teeth arid-tnins. Sofco by all -PrW5d 60 Ceaw Acr boUbu. Fl C. Walla I C'a iew Pork CttirtiM ' Iau Jnm stand nnrlvalled In ka World. No lady or Kntleman of diwHnlnMio.- a era any eWvor. kit tha avt kvrfad, raHable and effiH. 4ir Ihre in Che World lllautaerory,' Whtaidea tMKew,hv-o . . u ,1,t ?r-)TM,i TAaaoLid Sjiava. rerocnaietdt-d hv Phrrtcinafc.aa the fen at Ucalit.jt Com pout d. Prion Cent per titt. York.'' H"nr t1" talete flhaar NfW : , . - ..fij.; -s -i (. - n. I?WLr. Ac-gbD fa a relUbK OfBretre d Tonirtoa alrderangemenuof tlu artrart ara w nital' aipna The ea"ine aa formvi ly so.d ay UaTiUind, Haraal hiak-y acd their hrl.che. ia to prrparad by 11 W. Rtxlvf . f hn ortftnator and PrupiUaunaa d As saadw Mippficd by his aeeesaaro, Uvrgm iOaley, Kaw PLtXik, er opnittf parlflod, the most ervfeef otlyne in tbe matket. tttdv by praeass of IMP-1, it. oijrt-iow. ueuovt meaicr.;ouei;e. if mHmjt nnlrsraf ia atreavth. whfca is rartly the ease ir other arrpara- Pajk-M-'a A -BJtav Oi, baa a worAT amrtatlna the aoreet and beet illiMimiai4U- Oor tamaaUHoa eaUofia hava, bec sold- tor the past two rears, area which ay acuidi-ftta of any dcscrmtioD have ocetlrreoV Send (w Circular. Oil Boum of Ckw PraW, Cilub li.hud ffrei New Torfc. -t, ,n y tlr-.i Wa Tf av Faor'siTi"f Hsjbmf wot her aay " fhey wouli not be wiihuttt Mra. Wliwlow'a boothlnir Kyraw Irm tbe birth of tfaechdd aaxJI.H baa eaiahei wita tbe teething siege, nuder any coaaiduratloa whataver, Tift SScaKt or Bimiv, Wnat fa Mf no Ion gar arked, fur tha worlf off hie as til tbs ladles kh r that hT' BTodaced4y oMuif a dalkjhiiai and- harmleaa toihet presaiatidh KiMwn'a 6. TV. Laird's -Blooni of Youth. It bealfyiac eocUafa tralp WOBaay tal Depot SCoMSt, N-T- . . .. Ale. MrrcHtti u- f fcf J Wa, F. Bocrrati.' Mitchell & Eoiintree,1 WholesAle and iUUU paWala , . Crocwles, ProvlslonJ T , Dry Goods,, Herflware, CrjtxEf, Stfrpf'auiroueKT. Winxr Samt o .Craven at Ret, betew heath Fraat. -. .- - i , tHeJaivIa Brick Store, , . It E W B K R K K , . . Will self Prorfflea'aiicT Merchandise ott eoaatgnneat.. - Orders are respect fnlly solicited, and shall receive pronvpt altoi-tion, tt lowest market prtcaa. ."HarSOlf JOHN MoSOELEY, Do at and Shoe Waher, Pollock Stresp, NkaH Middla Tbe very best quah'ty, of French CaUkkia Bool find tfooes made to order, arid Warranted eqttaltf not superior, to any in the State. . x H e In e s f :V o jitc uje ir to be found in the eoantry ate , EMPLOYED IN TII13 IIO P, and perfect fits and aatfefaetkw in everyt ease Always on hand and for aaje, , FINE BOOTS AKI) 4 ' : at priets warranted to suit Repairing a. . Specialty ! and done in tbe best possible' mftnrer, at fair prieeH and at the shortest wtiee, ; ; , j9 tf The Steamer Zodiac I - i The steamer Zodiac, Chapio master, will leave . - ; ; .J- " : -' - T i :'i Morebead, City, forNew. YoyXv Wd nesdaj Aug, 21. . j rj tljrt PasseDccera ffoino: ly fcer 1 iH :ler L Neie Berne try mail train m.; 6jOO P. Through bills of Lading gett ae- snd froea Till po nut on lbs K- C, Rail Road. - , Insursnee effected ihroflgh as at "! per eent. Fwighis will be Uik.n tofM hiladelplia a4 Baltrmore , . GEO. W. DILI. , n Jeaori . Goed sspralnjr, Cbaylif , why didat you oosse down on, the ice last nishtas to agreed t " t. -ti sT ' , Chablii. Well, John, wheal got koaefreas riding down niUmy feat Wera aw wet toy: moth aaaadavrae stay to to dry tlMm;;, , . fom WkVwtyowinethawbByToaaaew pairotBiote ? , , , , T jCauauAvUiae are new. only bo2bt them lant week. (and they Wk nke a serve), end she says aha eannoteAvd to boy use pair ef rab- 'Uonm.l I aa pair o rebbef InMaat beeae that I dpa't arnax any mrei they are- perf-etljr soead -Toff can bats thm. H' - Ca-Aaxifr Why, 3on'i jr arithsaf . Joenv PK no 1 1 have pa up for tbeas. siaee my naolber eormneneed bevmg'metbe " CAmM ccriiiv iviK2 LBpoU liars not hd srirJiwI ovwstti Fyonf mother about 4aeaa'' v rt i:.Mr fcfli Tyv- CTfi . Joanr,. ?mn eaa fti,0 iH:: L ' - SH J;Jr,vn--tfaiMfc.,,- TVi s)oti CMnaBeriees m uctohar 1st. Tha law-1 paraeau Lav. V.Jiir,. T 7T. ealtare, '-OaiatoaaatJw-av WarCT eecretary uf the Farnlti LrtaT ?a vaaa, p.. l-VsaaMe, Chainbaa of las Paeeli. r-w. t i 1 1. vim?' fi

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