i ""7 1 - ' fV n """ Ar - Slew. i-' Mr r . ,rr ' 1NHKPA KABL1C Dnniel Wtff.' '' FIVE CENTS, PER CQPY iefi.OQ PER ANNUM e - a - . " V . d-L i - t li i , - i . ' 1 NEW BERNE, N. C, gRIP AT, ; MORNINO;.. SEPTEMBER !t 2,7' 1872. NUMBER 27 VOL XT MB XI ICcw'Ccmc pailn vEtmcs. Jv S. Manix, Local Editor The Editor ot paper it tn no way Ve-. I mmm fir ttatdmtnt of Clorre. ffonnotcj ----- . xtndet i; communications of rn anmy- tf Ou wriler tntfif accompany all communica- ,(afmeftte made hy eorrespondenU can obtttin the nime on apfiiealion to the Editor. Arrival ?nd Departure of Mails. Post-Office, New-Bhfhb. N. C. i ,nne 17th, 1872. J " Mail Closes for the North, West and South .1745 AM. ... Mail Closes for Beaufort and the East, at Mall tJOSeS llr ilBUIUKHni, irnivncrk, Hvrle and Beaufort Counties, every day t'B 30 A M. . ' " - Mnil closes ior i renion. i-oiiockviiiu,- biiu SwnnslMro, Weduesoaja ana oaiuraays at bo a m. ; ... rloses tot iiaiieras (via. oeauiori; ai 4 H P..M. . - . . . ..... . i . ' : X y, closes for (lranttOTo, uaj imer ana V indenipre, Tuesdays 'lbursdaya ana Hatur d ,ya at 6 A ftU- , , , r. MAIL ARH IVES. a From tlie North.' Wept and South at 4.48 P M ami opened for delivery at S 43 P M.)- " J it... Ei.. O OK A From Ifeauiori ana ins rMm . o.ik a. i. From Washington, Swift Creek, N C, &c dally, a 4PM '- V Prm Trenton. Pollockvtlle and Swunfboro Tnpsdays "d Frirtays at i.30 P M. i From GranUbro. Bay River and Vande me re, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4PM ' - - " ..... . Office hours from 8 A'M. to o r Bi , ana o 40 to 7.00 P M. Hnndays fmra 1230 to 1 V M. Q EO. WvN A SO N J r. postmaster. CITY AND STATE ITEMS. A .damal' of the " soiled crow M firaternity. ' went for " a lellow on Middle street last night' It is said that she got the best of him, aa he ould not strike a woman. No ! : .-s Use Meadows & Co'a Exs Jamaica Ginger. took place, w;u the first witness called. Thorp's testimony bore th evidence of, truth and hon esty' throughout, " aught se down in malice.' Heury Benpett, another one of the gunri, testifle in ooroboratibn of TborpV JestimOajri ... i .u! - r o ounce crown, toe dranuiuug magunrBitj, was put upon the stand, bat hi3 testimony wa chiefly abont the primary points in the cristf and 1 was not of as vitl impor'apce as the .preced ing! witnesses. Dr Daffy, the anrgeon wto hid Miller's case in charge, detailed the full part'culars of iha condition of the wound from the time he first saw it, which was the day after the shootingnp to the time of the death of the murdered man. jv-it is , .' - The Sheriff; 0 Hnbbsy test ned' asto his, recept'on of the. priaoneri and the wounded guard at the county jail, from the custody of Thorn and Bennett"' the ""condition- of - the wdunid ,manat (hat-Jtime, &i tfiiis eTosedj iu ine lesumony on uie pari oi oour uwraiaw and the defence. X The counel for the prisoner, Mr. Haughton, -was able and eloquent, and he did fall justice to his client ; the court house was crawdedjf and he was listened to with great attention." The Solicitor with his usual" ability did the prosecution full justice. The jury, after an Tabsence of about two hours, returned with - a verdict of guil y of mnr'der.--w ' .This case virtually closes the criminal docket, and the civil d cket will be taken up next week, and aa there are 400 eases on it there is little probability that all of hem will be disposed of, and , a special term of the court will be necessary daring tne winter. . THETIIREE C1UWS. There were thren crows s :t is in a tree Charlei 8idCarlhnrz;a4Hrfcce' -A Tltese erw that'sa'l np H) lH'f.tfy were as black as any crows conia oe. Says Ciiarles unto each other mate. What shall we do for grab to eat ?" Try Grant,' says Cart; I know he could Provide us witu aaaia IrhoRspinf jfooi j t--j -f ; - i " He has refused. says Horace G., And that's why we ara in this tree." Then nil exchvmed ia solemn tone. We'JtWk )ua ejea outoao by oao. Then Carl S. smile l on Horace G.. And Horace jwa&red, his B. Gratjs B. Siys one o! these old cHnning crows, - What I know abutGrautl'll now disclose. 'And should any oae doubt that my words j. are trne, : . . '. L-He's a villian, traitoraad seonnlrel too,-' , Pratt's Astral Oil, SO cents per gallon, at Mkadows & Co. STATKL1SGS. The Directors of the A. &N. C. E. B met on yesterday and apjointed " Hon.- C. R. Thomas' President pro tern, during the illness of E R Stany. Esq.... . ' ?" .The Board adjourned to meet on Wednes day the 2nd of October. . . . , ,.: , ' Rermiui Stndv. or office Lamna. at Meadows Co'8. ; " -"'' . ' o f .;-..T i Chcp Saale. - . ' " f ' On receipt of a three cent stamp Paul Tir 3 CCR DAnn .iwutt ' TAann Pann. ylvania, will send you" the " Leanone Waltz. ' Nobody can grumble at the price. Tke yonr prescriptions to Meadows & Cojs day or night. "wT ' ' '' -: - ). t'-x Cheerful TJnder DlfBalti. -Iw J i : i At Canterbury, N. H., lives Lyman B. Foster, who was brought home at the close of the war on a lounge fr-m which he has not risen since. Ha i was wounded in the left thigh; the ball r mains there still ; and he can neither sit np or lie down, but reclines, as .he has done through all these years, at an angle midway between the horizontal and perpendicular. He Bow busies himself by teaching classes who ome "to " his roo n, ami by this means and his pension sa port ' himself well . -. He has also organised, a literary . society in the town that is flemishing " finely. He is continual! w cheerful, - and says he doesn't regret going to the war. What is more, he will be carried on his conch election day, three miles away, to the Town Hall to vote for Grant! vi j Wilson wants a fire police, Presbyteiim billiards amuses the Hickory Tavernites. . The Wilson Ledger presents a neat and hand some appearance. i Sweet .potatoes t are selling at fifiy cents per I S-me lands in Rjidsville are worth $447 50 per acre. The Banner of TemperHnce will hereafter be called the "Spmfoi ihe Aga Pa'rick MoOonrtney.of, W laaington,ied of congestive chill Tuesday evening saystne Star. Th County Commissioners, .says the Dan bury Reporter, are to have a poor house built. Judge Cloud has appointed Mr. Venable Clerk of Stokes Superior Court, lee James Martini resigned. fTT),? . , ff irI, W. FAlston accj letally killed West Conn, woile out nuntutg, pays t&e war ronton uatcne. &vys Charles to Carl, " We'll join the dance, With the old flint-locks' h? s ld to France; - " Anl if that's not enough to win the day, We'lL carry tfiVaintoTkfrica, q -j- So to accomplish all these ends Charles writes unto his s.ible friends. l'7 CM! .1'a Y He gave them all his vMwa qnaa freely;: 1 Denouncing Grant aud landing Greeley. Now, fr am the sequel you may know That Pompey was no triend to crow, G'lqng, Chrl'y, honey, git away; What I care .fM(jbippwq.y )T (JVJ. y Greeley witfc his tttla Jiafcshet I 'i ! J Could never cut the si ivery latchet, ? Away down here in Norf Caroliny De soft-shell crab am not so plenty. M We all goes ior General Grant, In spite ot all your silly rant" And Pompey laughed, it was no go; A j Dis child, " says he, " can't stand the crow. 1 , :.-.! Svf StorM i"--i.x.& - n . -a A ?. Torpentine. iTirein' Dip, 3 T ' ,'4 '5CW84.7& . TalWTMn. 'T?--t t.4(KA4 1 Spirits, ,per gaMrm,"- 60 Tar r ,. I. fw?'W! Rosin, common stramed, , , s.c.5k Cora, from boats,' . ''- aenbt. EirM. : ' t rvk ia; la ceuia. Pratt's Astral Oil, 50 oente per, gallon, at , . I L.A I; -.: ntllUSOTS tCo,, I; Si ( i'V. STEAMSKIPLINE .r. trtn bxtjv;eex.,j t:. j. ara , and' iBaltimore. 1 ..... . i w- ' ' J '1 " MISS K UK fc aUi til, f . Teacher Vocal and Instramehtal Mbsln. T rbmW tter a oni t r.-i-Ty cal Lessons,. $20. 00: Instraiuntal Lessons. 20.00. ;4 j -,sjs.r . , For fdrlh-r rnformat-on, Mis Smith em Kf found at the residtuceof Mrs. Ivey, on Bnnid Streefc-if' f ; - . B12 2w It is sad thing to pass through life only hlf alive. Yat there are5 Uwusaud whose habitnal condition is one, of Imguor and debil ity, nTney complain of no specific disease'; they soff r no positive pais, but they have novelist forarlj'thiBg'wfcwjh" affords ra0ai or sensuon plisura'to their 'more robust and energetic fellow beings. ,j . : .. , " , In nine cases'out ot ten this state oi 1 issitude and tJ.por arises from a merbid BtO'iiacv -"In digestion destroys the eaergy of both mind and body. When the waste of na.ture. is not sup-, plied by a due and regular assnnulaUon ot the food,' every organ is starved," every function in- terrupteo. , 2iiw," what does common ; sense snggast un der' these circum-.tanees 1 ol depreasion ? The system needs rousing and tren?th3niagt not merelv fr an hour or two. to sink, afterwards into a- mo'e pitiable conditio a than ever (as it ftlisuredy would do if an ordinary alcoholic stimulant were resorted to), but radically and permanently. . , i f How is this desirable object to be accom-. plished ? The answ to this question,- found ed on the nnvarying experience of a-qnirter of a century, is easily given. - Infuse new vigor ino the digestive, ergausly a course of Hos teter's Stomach Bitters.'. Do not waste, time in administering temporary- remedies; but wale tha srstm up hy .recnperat.ug the fouatiiin- head of physical ntc n?lh and rniergv, tlie great rogan upon, which all the other oigans aepena ! -By. the time that a d zen dosrs of the1 'great vetaeth'e tunia andinvigorant bavbeen taken. ithe feeble frame ot ...the. drspect c will begiV to Ifeel it benign, influence. Appetjte "wilftbe created, gud with app -tit the cja iy to disl what it craves. Perevire unt l tlie curt is comnlete-nntil healthtul b'ood, fit to be the material ot nesn and imiscie. D'ine "ana new and brain, flows tSrood1! th8 channels ot cirteoV ilation, instead of the watery pabnihm i with whuh they have heretofore been imperfectly nounshed... ."'.- ",( !..', j. f r-i")' ! Try Meadows & Co's Eau do Cologne and Ex't Jockey Club. - I Mrs Susan P. Sffiify"8 .$ hool, established m 1865, will be res ;mecf on Mondav, 30th of Septembe , in'tfe foonl 6fl Middle) street next i door to Mf Jvie's woiksnoj. --. ; Septtd. 1 ' . f. ,' 7 (V - ; PrftU Astral bii50 cents perT galk fttf Meadows1& Cb iii i .'i A i t-, r I JAS. A. GAHT, f .CAPL-tHALL, ilaster, 7 , -REDUCED RATES. REDUCED j BATES ON. COTTON FO a NEW Y ORE ESSiSSSESS: DIRECT, - Tb Gjxxs o Abt am Botrplcler tba thearoiMk wLkJi ib frafrrant Hoaodont imparts to the brasta. Nor ia the heart of th Ivor t whluirtau thi.L tbat ara cleaaaed daUy with Uuu avch'im Ouid. To Ovum or Hoiwxa No oh who has arar nrit Dr. Tobiaa' Uorae VanetUn Kiniraent, will am b wllhootit; It Ua ertaia enro forCollc, Sura Taroaa, unta, Brnioea an4 CMd titarea. 'Warranted aaprrtor ta anv otharr In nlat hoti Iha. at Oiia Dollar. - M1 b u Ellen S. Terry, Sal er Master I f WPrk,,faNow r v wrasiTT a BTAxvaas FULTonnia nraacMt m .' neatly pat np in uniuuiDelled lot lot. and 10 oa. koa, Ua. aud are foraaW hv tio tract MneralJa ia evarv pnudpal citr aid toww tat the tnitoa 8taaM. Caaaia an4 Btuiaivf rtmace&.M wull ta In biict othet foielrm St I 0 : - i . r r- - e To Baltimore " Plulailelphia , . New. York n " Boston ,. . $2 00 2 50 2 75 . 4 00. per bale ' t cc For rates and ensraOTmenti apply, to B. L. EKRY, at the Yhajf.io New- Bern,; and ANDREWS & CO., Balti- more. r -r- -I Dec" OSik-tf ;i s n ; Regular Inland Freight Liner! PL . f is-. t. . BETWEEN NEW BERNE . j i . - , . - AND BALTIMORE.' Ellen ; Terry;" Salyer Master. . . - ... ! . : . will leave New Bern,N. C, for New York ' I Tliui-sday, Sept. 26, at 5 o'clock. - ' " " ' .v ' ..' ' 1 .... . r . Through Bills, of Lading given to and from alt K)lts on the N. C. Kail Road- Insurance eueuted through us at per cenv 1 ; ? :. i - r. t Freights will be taken for Phila delphia and Baltimore. 1 CEO. W. DILL. : ; f- , B. L. CHURCHILL, 6UCCKSSOS TO B. L. CIIL'ECIIIIX A COM At the old stand of Hart & Lewis New-Berae, N. C. ' . Tin ' War o Manufactory, , . AND HOUSK F U R N I SH IK O STORE Roofing and gatter work made a ape cidity. ' ' ' ' i . ' ' ' " ma. lQdl(TCTtton, drpremfoa of aaMta, debilltj in tlietr vanoaa f oruta; ahw aa a igaiaat fever and lea. aM other later- : Thb Steamer 'Hackensack Cool drinks and airy rooms at the Bateman House, South Front St. If Liebig's Ex't Beef at fr TMEADOWS & CO's. .u o MARINE. IHTELLlBEKqE.V' vaahlnafcrJ ht.mnntftaawftitinp A new supply of the celebrated Lightning thfir trial on the charge of murdar in the first 1 Saws just received by MltchelU AUen A Co. Th manulacturers OH.r JUU wiu mi mi J"r3temers "Terry and Ohve,sthe former' for New -York and 'the latter forNoifolk, via Washington. '-"6 ' . s ; .; ' t will continue to make regular trios between the above plaeea, leaving Baltimore for New Berne 1 d:rect on Thursday,' July 18.' and every other Thursday thereafter at 5 P. M. i ,- ? . I New Berne Agent, . ? , . . B. L. PERRY, t Baltimore Azents. lessr. WHEUV?i5IS Lli;rLlSU. AT?30-tf WM. J. PRICHETT. Master. Tooth, Nail and Hair Brashes, at Meadows & Co's. ' 111 Will r. . A .: : A story is told of two prominent ministers . of Newport, the favorite New England simmer rssort, wuioh i too good to be lost, . Rev Dr ' T. , of tha Tri itarian Congregational Church, ancLRev Mr B., of the Unitarian,' beincr on . the best terms, were one day invited to dine at the house of a mutual friend. Mr B., for some reason, .'failed lto eonil fand some one at .- the table . took occasion - to . remark upon his -l eioel'ent qualities. .'.VYes," said.. t'-e Doctor,, .. "ne ia a fine man ; but isn't it a uy ne wui swear Mr B. swear. t What do you mean f was the general , exclamation . from all sidee. . 'Mr':' B'.ls a ! very fini;nan," persisted the Doctor, " but I am sorry io say that he some times syears",BngQeS8ed for an explana- ' tion, he finally yielded. Sometime before the wo had eei ontl nshlng logether add M the Doctor stood on one rock, he beard some con- ... version . between Mr B. and a fisherman, who were at a little distance on 'another ijThe fisherman said, Pve got a d good bite." "hnvel," answered Mr B. .-"-Yon see,'' persisted the Doctor, " that, though Mr B j is a very . fine man, he will swear." Boulon n SUntai 'JourTal , , ' V The finest .Chewing Tobacco and Cigars at Georgia Cotton Gins, Du Bjis' Olni Emery GinsInKersolt Cotton Presses, are being sold Sj Sl.tohell, Allen & Co. , t degree.. The editor of the Washington Expreni has been confined to his house since the 16th inst., jou account of sickness- .: The Roanoke Newt says: ' The new Baptist Church of Wt-ldou will be completed about the first of December. ' - ' . : "' The N. C. R. R. schedule has changed,, and' the E istern bound mail arrives at R ileigh at 5,55; A. M and the Western at 8 P. M. " 1. TJ. 1I . I I bl 1 t loan w&iiw pre-f ere are oorcarf it il cases to try, and the civil docket is very smalL faster euttlBg tw. (B.. ' Pratt's Astral Oil, 50 cento per, gallon, at Six thousand jards of heavy Cotton Bagging and Kixteen thousand pounds of Cotton Tits are ' offered lor sale by Mitchell, Allen & Co. ATSOjfv!Tr,thi ttr - m . ther 2Gth ins t . of .Cholera .Infantum;' d&XffiJES DTJFlfY, infant son of i William M, and Naney E. Wateon. ' The funeral will take - place from the M. E. Church to-day ' at 11 o'clock. Friends ; of the family and citizens generally are - invited to -attend. t .:,.. ., , , .i. .. .. ,Neal. In . this city on ' the ( 2Gth tost, Johntteif Superior CoarU Jni naing, is now in session, -lite Astral Oil, Kerosene Oil, Lamp goods; -of all 1 T..:.n i:i VavniuhAo o nri KriiuhAtt) Wlfltatow.W' RICHMOND .FBANKUN, soi of. Rev Geo, handMiddle street t3UJfeim . W..and Fanny KeaL aged 2, years, 11 months and 2 days. E ' ' (The funeral services will take place from the residence of th Rev. Geo. W. Neal at 3 Salt WateHSoap, BiithOkve8 -aad Sponges at , MEADOWS & CO S. M offers The very ficetious Local of the Patersburg I sonable prices. Call and see tberu for your- j, . m. li' i ' ;. " 3 ' -. , - . . . I ..Wm Marf.hl.'S-tf: I nil rr from nrt in. in Avinir' ri roacA-ina i . ...... HAHw.athis stables on Middle street F-M; t-d'y-' Thai friends of jthe, familyare a fine lot of Mules and Horses at n-a- I requested to attend. ' ' ' ITanted'- Conk. ,A Cook who th ronehly 'nnd3Tstan3 ner bns mess can find permanent employment ny h'pr pijriu at ims omce. ugoa uo ui jcuk. j killing bugs that infest t.eds." That is a very good i-f (idea.) "Slim Attendance. Where was the Greeley and Br.wn Club Monday nigUt? The attendj aoeaA 3Ietr poii:anlH.dl wak rtlir' meag"' a. We saw on the speikers' stand, the pleasant I the thing fr a pie nic party, countenance of President Busbee. But where . July 14 tf. was tne club itselt ? The Era has been adver tising for it, but it seems not yet found. It ouglit to have been banners, transparencies, Ex-Republicaus and, Confederates i meeting in Greeley and Brown Clubs, is shaking hands over the bloody chasm with as much success as you can mix oil and water. C ! . ; ' 1 New " Advertisements. tWm; EJWood & Co Proprietor of Golds "Aut6m'itic Low Steam and Hot .Water Heater Wd Lawsons Celebrated Hot Atr Furnace, in- Texas Canned Roast Beef at Berry a just I seniors and patentees of the P rlot Sun and Lightning Fireplace Heaters and iaroi iaiigoi, dealers in all kinds of ;. . , . ,i , , A full line of O dgaie & Co's Toilet Soaps; ,,.. ' , ' among which are the justly celebrated Cashmere out in full numbers, with 6 " j. w a 'im: t - . n Bouquet, as well as Honey "and ?GceriLe at lies, & 3. Da y hews, a . " IvZ and COOK STOVES, CUTLER & .GATES, Dcalerria " J ' ' eoiuitnts.' - HiLr- von tbb Bor,xsa tarn a?. va.vtM4aA. mlaerahle. and Dottainfr duca yoa anr rotMl yoa aaf. Dun't dapair. Thta ia bah Ut iiiiax-K Hat ro tried VnK-tcar Bitters I Ho I Tbea why t ywat v betlu r yaar auatplaint he 4ypepftia r'lVrnan-Tt. nervoaa weaknaas. eooatltatioaaldabiUiT.'oraay othar trouble. Vint-gat- BitMia will rolra and raaovate ar abattured sfatcn. aa a KWiai ala niMahaa la wUka- T redaowera.- ..4 j. . .-, .y.. . .v f . , - Poa Dtsptia. ladle antl general prevenuvn atptmat Cever and Ague. aM othor later Okitteut fevera. the "Ferre-ehfiaDltainlaA ilitvlr uff i.'aliaaTa." aaarte ttv CaawalL UasacdA i o K.w Y. " land auld by hllDrinriata i Ua boat Mate, ajtJ. aa a :' tonic tor patients reewvenug frua fever or oiaer aica aeaa U haa no equal, 7 Tbckstox' Ivobt. PkVri. vanvw ir.n -beat ariid kuowa tor cleanvuig ana rjruiiiirTino tea vrciu BuuHuuia. Mm or an urufgiau. rneesaaua SO Ceau por ootUe. If. tL iVaiU k Co., New TurJa. ' - Christ ABoa 'a ITira Dts, standa anriralled ia ta world. ISo lady or gentleman of diacriminatioa aare iy other, li ia the mot p jrf, reliable and eftVv tive n&ir Dye in the world. Manufactory, (0 Maidaa Laue, Now Y.otk. . Cabbolic Salvb. recommended by Tliyaldaas. ra the great llealiug Compuui d. irice S Cents per bea. ' , John P. Ueury. Sole Proprietor, Collets Ptaoe, IStW Biaurr's Urcnti is a relink) rinnri .tut " all Ueraugeiaenta of the urinary and a;nitaj onraaa. hisley atd their brunchca. ia now prepared by U W. Kialey. the orUinalor and ProDrftttirr aad thm, trmAm npplied by his aucceaaors, Morgan A ttlsley, iiaW Tork. Stapkia, or opium pnrlflud. the moat perfect odyne in the maiket. mart., by process of Dr. I. M. Blselow. Detroit Medical College, ia always nnlfona in strength, wbich ia rarely the case la wthor pre para- tlona 01 Upinm. Pbatt's A s thai Otl. has a worM-wid reputation at the earest and beet ltliimiuaUuK oil Over two millk-a Kuuu nave noen aoia tor tne pan two years, fro as which nj accidents of any description have occurred. -Send for iHrcalnr Oil lioase of Chaa. Pratt. ICatab lishod 1770, Mew York. . - W ITav Fbboukti.t Hkabd mothers say thry woulj not be wuhont Mrs. Wluslow's Boothinc Byrtia Irom the birth of the child nntil It haa finished wiia the teething siege, nnduxtny conaideratio whatever. Thb SacaRT of Bbavtt. What U It na longrr asked, fur the wut-ld of faahlonand all the lad lea kn .w that is produced by usins; a dellfjhUnl and baraoleee) toilet preparation known as G. -W. Laird's -BIoohi ot Youth.' Its beautifying eilucta are Unly wondaifnl Depot 5 Gold St., N. Y. JOHN McSORLEYr Boot and Shoe Maker; ; 2 Middle 1 Street, N EW BERN E , N. C. . 1 t - - ' 1.' -.1 Pollock Stbctet, Near Middlk. HEW BERNE, , N. V. The very best: quality of French Calrkkla Boots and Shoes made to order, and warranted STOVES, 1 elual'.if not superior, to any in the Stat. Hard Ware, . the be ST v O R K M KSfJ K .a. .f.,.TATilloW !JVare ' , to be found in the country ara r ; . ,- t j ..and Wooiden jWare, employed in this siion VarUIlS, JTlSXOiS . -. f : . i ; . . , and perfect fits and satisfaction in avert . PnTTrH Rhnt I , i cuarranieed. 5 -. . and CaOS.' Always on lnd and foiaata. Kerosene, Lard , , E BOOTS AND SHOES :'i and Common Oils, " t at prices warranted to suit . - Lamps in Great 1?Variety, Repairing a Specialty, t vnixoneyo, vv iu&h, . Grlass, Fatty, By Higgins,Cobb t Co.. and done in the best possible manner, at fair prices ana at tne snortest notice. Je9 tt 1 ' r f t'TkT " ' ! v JBOQPJEBS and a tall stock of HOUSE FUBKISHING' GOODS. .181 make Stoves ; a 'specialty, I would ' be pleased to have all in want, m examine my stock beto loaning purchase. G.L.CHURCHILL, ' if. 18, 2iddU Street, New-Berne, N. C. March lttf ,. ,gii .j-...,;,,, ,-n ... .... . BATEMAN HOUSE, Amctloaeers, Ha. 4 S Btltlaaeir. fand" manufacturers of t ' w. til C H ' J ! Tin and Sheet Iron Warf3 Meadows & Co's, A Word to the Wiae," die. KITCHEN WARE, GRATES, ', SLATE' MANTELS2 &cv &e. CAMPAIGN SOIES, H. o. Richa'dson's Job Office is a real bee hive, as. . Spocsd oare taken with PJumbing and all kinds to industry, consequent upon tne 1 numerous of Steam nU(j Water Piping, repairs for Steam orders constantly receiving ior printing 01 au ;Heatera Farnaoes, Ranges, Stoves, &c, Kin us. In White House window bright and warm, He dreams he sees Ulysses' form, '" t Then yanks his .trousers high and higher. Rips fiercely omand soreama in ire : f "rnx going. West!" J . .r ". . i Greeley has taken to novel reading. He is now perusing " Under Two Flags. O "fie ialist-inl raeaipt Cf.i fbrtlot ef .Paper, Cards, Tags, &Cjwar-oWj dominion line, from New York and Philadelphia, and is prepared to furnish JOB WORK of every description pit ' Northern prices, with expedition and inja workmanlike manner. Give him a trial. Wm. E.sWood & Co., y 1. K? 1 M B. W" Oor. Baldmora aad. Eutaw Sts., 2m Sep7 721 Baltimore rMd , ATTENTION. -I desira. to Call .the Attention of the public'tO I and, affeciions of any person they : the feet that t ha n dwill j M oT "LaT frOSYCnOMASCY. OR SOUL CHARMING." . I How either Sex Biy faaclnateaad rata the ) frn ' :noose. Instantly, can posses, free. tiy marrlspe eutde. Solace. Cnturv and Chesapeake. The finest brands of smoking tobacco, arong which will be found DurharaTVirainia and Turkish. r"FV) TltB WORKING CLASS, mate or fetnaW $00 ra a wet-K L-narsnreeaj. neepec'aoie employment at home. dy or evening : no capital reqnired t-fnf! In- The TrlaTof. Rardy Joaea farthe Hardier of Robert' stiller. " ' . ... The court room was crowd jcLyesterday morn ing at the nsWtnour, 10jcjockj witness the trial of the old man, Harly Jon ei J cnarged with thamarder of Robert Mi ler, One Pt the guard deputisedjby Jtistioe Brown' to conmit Jones'to iPon tha'charg p?rceny. The prisoner is an old man, apparently abont fifty years of ager"When arraigned before the hr ho manifested the utmost Indifference, land throughout theltjrtal bore; himaelf like into one of the II Stoics; his countenance was as bn movable frem aigna of eeootion of fear as that of Socrates when he took the Citnl bowl of hm- lock and put.the , poisoned.rhdi' e to,,bis lipsrff sentfdamore toUd app-axance. There) was Wt on hourJchKrrrAnjBrJrlVmpanelipg a r7. The Judge's charge waa'eonciaa - Hole, -oon M. ThoVpVfnS of the guard-Vh -was fa Marge of Jcns with. Miller when the kOlingJ Wi tiiAnnmrl f.Aor,lfl wata at RsnnMiMn continue to keep, tne 068. as , well as toe fttrpf.Ua Oracle, breams. Ilin a to Ladies' e. A . x- - r -- che-nesl cisrars to be found in this city; the finest I qncur, exciting book, KKUKM aold. Address T. WIL meetmsat itocaester tne otnar mgnttonear k-h .ui inhu-m. viz: Mv Flower. 1 was a uo. i-nu s, r-ntis. Senator Conkhng. j cThe SDrinfield ,RepubVcm calla-npon Doo- f fii'laistop lyinrWouU, it have him let Kb .Snofts of all kinds, anda large anetroi only talent He unused ? pipes a "asmoicera articles ox erery aescriiiwu , . ptAmp M: Y0U2iQ Co.X4. Conrtlaadt .t, My 1 I xn aauuura w me iureKuiugt cvC1J i tv ior. ; , v 1 rrrt j-1 1 " it i ikA I novtallw Vont in nrot.lorHi f 'l fTaT SfntrL PftTl IX? r 1 r' " I flfl VTreclCT CU.Al.UirO 1UI VrUUtreaO 1U UIO I uduhuj avcJ "A o uioiriu. "-- ' 0 I 1 j t. i , s a.;1 Vaw-TlnMi aa Seventeenth District oj H faois saM thaihe ',01, "wanted to see Jeff Davis back in the Unito tjaoorg above the'Gafctna H Snsef I'f: 1 States Senate " v M. GOLDSM1T1L frdpTletor. i rrtnManw if atrnrlfnrrt wnvrtatj i-nf r ..4-laAirinf'h I ZVJ,iZ! 7' x. , i rt ! f 'Jtrr Joint DlsensaloB Between Caadldatei for Kleetora. m - I and DUTY::? OFF! liTEAS . XXTSAlllJlisCEraTS rp:;C3LtiBS I Ohio District to help elect Mo-gan. He lost one of the rheecks the other day, and the little game was exposed. 1 1b a eomfort ng fact , that every one slanders heaped Ufon tie P esidenf" Tribune, this yea, are triumphantly in the columns of the Tribune last year. Frank H. Hurd. who is the Democratic SEND FOB J NEW .CLURlpULAR , , P.ftnf Sn-ift fiallnwav anrl Oati. W F. Loftin I 1 .& , i I . wfll hold joint discussions on the political I Which contain. JoJ jaation. of rremloma, o&tliifjouit troops of every description. . , --v We guarrantee all Rooffing for Twelve months t Dealers in ' '' !t -- - Hard Wars, ' Wrttow Wars . . and Woodem Wabk, rli.l if. t iKxBOfiENE, IiABD . t fi 4 a d Common Oils, LAMPS TN. GREAT VARIETY. . U i , ;,, ... : . t CHLilNEl'S, WICKS, &C. - .L . . .... ,n,, ,- and a lull stock of . i ! f'' ; : .... , ' ' r ! -i '- .,!- S - . 1 1 - , "- 'i'..1'" .'i j.l;.. ! ( ' House Fnrnisliing Goods ! . ... ... . .,. , , , , - .V. . . .-ji. ..i. .. .3 ...... ! .'!. 'j i ... , k '',. . b a- J-r . - , , f . rHoves a specialty. WParticnlax attention iav yjted to the - New AtBericanv" the best and mos com pi- te cooking stove ever patented. -'v-f NcaT 28, Middle Street lTTB Maj-3 tr ; - Street lTww Berne, N. C t r X' V ?ZB'.WJLTT0 reiUtea I ruuwiuiYuie, duaes iaiiuu;, iuc-j i , U' PersorH I llvinir a fVlAfflne fmm "Ktnm "Vrtlr mm ber lt . r -1 t einb toretber. and eet them at the sm? price aa wo La Orange, TjenOU County, .Thursday, tic to- n-n them at onr Warehonsea in Now Turk- Ia ordr to V,- -i-A ' 1 pet up a elnn.ter each pennn wishineto jnineay how candidatafor Congress in the Sixth Ohio Dis- - , ? , . J.'...V. TJ i i 1 5 rnce " '"e P ,"8nea ,,D "reniara. arts . ranuiuaii". : " . . I ber 4th. . ' ' ; '. .' ; . A 1 '! J'l the names, kinds aBdnaMMiiita pbu-iir w- M IHtJ and trieIinrf waifahi n anjontruopprbead Brihts Cross Roads, Lenoir Coantj Sator? h tl elbU T during the war, is now pretendi g he was a day, October fith. :. . - - . . I llVV.c T ie Pittsburg CwnrctZ has sworn proof that Backalew. like Hendn ks, was a membei of the treasonable orders during the war; and rfoXTClO TaT XL in collusion with Jeff.' Davis, for whom the I Kepublican and Conservative papers please copy; - ' WJa. X '.fiepa, 1-tf- ' ' itli Ik. iTBiBont,- Wayne t-oantyi iuescay wcto- i seed hn o cunfo-um in nistrlnnttoii each party a?4- I. ber 8th r. Stantonsburg, Wilson County, . ; Thursday,' October 10th. "! fr . . Tarboro', , Edgecombe. County, Saturday, ... ... ... .2 ...... . . .. membera cheered loudly at they- mesting tine exacnlv what he or ler. and no rnore.. be fanis ftrt pay 4or t 'da oUlered can he sent hy drafts on New , Y. ors- rost- Office money oraera. or ny erprera. Ur we win. deir.4, eead the gaoda hy Ez'psuaa, to 'colUct Jlie Great American Tea Co."'; , . . SI at 33 -ViLSKT trKKBT-' ' , W Box 563. . v l t ffm Tart City. 1 Tot the accommodation of nAraona visitiruz -the M -.nntatTM or sea Shore of North Carolina,, retnrn Ut keta will be on sale. Jn be 1st, 1872, nntil further notice at tb following )ow rate. . We will sell on Tnesday 'morning next tt9 cases of Boot, Shoes, Brogana, tc,4. Thaa South Front St., hear Craven ! sales are held only on Tuesday of each week. and comprise a special and general assortment , 'i-a, , J "4 AaHusra ana wry maae gooaa direct zroa rrAHE tTNDETtSTfl'N'En H A VTWfl TiF.fTF.NTT.Y I the manufacturers, and waranUd aa renreseaU4 , A opened the above named House, would coll j Catalogues on the morning of sale, and the attention to the fact that'deainng to meet the I , ... " - . , , gooaa reaay ior inspection. HiGarNs,;coBB no., ' f i t . ' a 6 4 8 German St, Baltimore. - Angl-tf. ( , ; . BERRY'S DUDCET. V Insure in the New York Lifo Inraraaea) Company." . . , p' B- Bkebt, Agent. , Select Drugs and Pure Chemicals, at Berry'a. Bargains in Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, fta.. at Berry's. ' " -. . . Paints, Oils and Tarnish of reliable qnalHy. Also, Brnshes, Putty, k&, 4c, Ac., at Berry a. Window and Picture Glass, cut to anr'afxe er shape. Colored, engraved and groond Glaaa. to order, at Berry's. . . Only 75 ccnls for a gallon of Pratt' Astra Oil, and a can to keep it in, or 60 cent, for the oil, at Berry'a. . . , . .. . Biist'a warranted garden aeeds, ai Berry'a, Biy "Cabouwa With," the beat eologn in the market, at Berry's. Berry'a Extbaot- Mtrsx-aon outlast any othar extract for the handkerchief. Extract Beef Wine and Iron, warranted im le?P) -" AtBzaaT'a. 1 " Elixir Calisaya,' - " ' : "Calisaya and Iron,"and other modeni trrepanu tions on hand, or to order, at abort nctioc. at Berry's. . . . Orgnna or Piano-Fortes of any ' atyle, or mannfaetore, to order, at Berry'a, . BRICK BC1LDIHG, wants of the people for a first class, - . Bar and Billiard Rooms, t 3 1 ;v,-?' has fitted up in a style that he feels assttredjwill meet the approbation of the pubhe, . BAR THAT IS 8TOCKED WITH TUE BEST ' : Wines, ' : Liquors, ; and Cigars. r .1 ' lit connected with which ia a first class ft- Billiard Room, with a modern NonrHrip! TaISIa Mid vtptt im CALL AT THE CAPTAIN'S OFFICE . , T v 7 . ! J The READING ROOM if supplied with j .-r ( ? ; . -u all the leading .rotate and prominent " C ILE A P vTI'C-K;E T SI ! ' ' ; 2 r ' PB'iPRIETOB. -fig ; J i c 5 ' Vnreea01t . TH 17 nlflS-wUsSlf 17J5 $:.00 ear Berae '.li et l.-OOi 17-11H ai.TO 15 80 , TREKTWITI-I AVISO ERECTED aSD OPEKB J "l rf j4i . t- ii E. R. STANLY, President, AtlanUo K. C. Railroad, A NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP tti , l nr.--. ........... .' on Middle street, eest door to Odd Feflow's Hal:,- is' now prepared to do . florstr abueireT and Bkvckamitbinx in all its rarioa bniochea The custom of citiztnaropvcUally aolieivad 1 Scienfa'fle Book, of Ameriean lOrEaropeaai publication, furnished to order, at Berry'a- J.The best of everything tor a fair price, at Berry'.. , 4 , . ; rJr . Highly Carbonated mruaiori of tnedfreinal roots, and herbs a. a beverage, popularly termed Root Brut, at Berry'a. 6- - 7 ,"e , Picture Frame, and Trinunintrii. tB, rry"., Tf tot. want a good 'Bxix,-' ntBry'a Bai. lag Powders." - ' ma !r. a r ff o 'c : t '-an . - 'j,v tm 1 ?ir ft- r. rviJ- --1 t : . ' 1 . - ft C.7.V. 7. 5 n Cv f.. z. 1 :) 1 ft- stdl i.- j, tq e.'tT!a.I t ; - K f.i f.-.si'S sis- j- .'-I t v . .. r .2)2 slbtilf (as vToirol .t;D ae ed; wv I . ft Je.ii iA 'L, '1 . ' :-'-'?' b.:s'J ' r7a v-J 1 V - H V D - .f f -' - j