' --IS -.4 If. . - f ' 1 , : . V. 1 . .1"-. J:- ; V - rf-T rr- , . ' E; IIiJTms, Editor.- & F.f"Ar HmrBy,- Associate - ,,. 17 .ilon Liberty anl Equality brrtl Law ' ... 1 " ' r- i r "iUDAT, SEiTEMBEE 27. 1372. -7 'Jhe Times has " been denigrated ' a the official . organ of- tiie United . eW .' i .. . " FOR: PRESIDENT, V ULYSSES S. GRANT. 4 FOR: VICE PRESIDENT, HENRY WILSON. TOE PKBSIDESTiiLJEXIXTOE-IXD BIS'1". :.Cu?Wm!:F:LOFTIN.' ,fT -t-T-.EtECTOM atLabse: ,3lATtCT7S ERWIN. of ; Bncorob. - JSAMUEL. U PHILL IPS, "of Wka,.ti'.j:j i I ij.Arwr-''-:' --T --, : :.. h-.- irXIecfoi-lft District, , r ; Dr E. Kakbom, (of Tyrell; 4 a - -'mat ;1"T J-iti:!-. -i. vi-.:, .-.-.i w .1 '-For Elector 2nd District. fc W. F. Lorrni, of Lenoi?, 5" ,aFor Elacter 3rd District; i WM.' Ai, GCTHSitL- of Cumberland.. ... . r. .... - ; ;F6 Elector 4th istrtcV . iw iiin . THQiiAait. Xbckv of Ofangiii"'J',;:.:' , t, tefS-JW M0!1 ..r..:,-, .; it '..-I . .l.j . " " - '. --For- Elector 5ti District ;., si.- v -:-r.n i. -t Pr For E'ector 6th District- ;'H Wiixiam18. Btkum, of Lincoln-, ; , - .:- '-L r . .v.--4- a.- . ' ..! ji. -- .!,.-.,. ' i . . . -j ' - ' -"-;.. "i V .For Elet tor 7fh Dwtnet. r ''.Dr'. Jfjckii IffiltAMaBr; of Rownn. i- t i For Elector th District, ' 1 J axes 8. Justice, of Entberford. f I - T25 CAMPAIGN TIMES. Z 1 "We are desirous of affording all Ee Yubliftiiri8 the "privilege of : reading the Tiiies from now until after the? election anf -will send our Weekly to any I ad 1 dress until December 1st, for 30 cents, kn& the Daily totil that time for 1.00. Thiais as low. as it is possible for ns to t ffrnrnieh;a 6linipaign paper, and - our z : friends ehclald bestir themselye and f et ,pp clubs in eyery neighborhood, -;. and 'send in the names at once. All 'brder3 should be accompanied by the cash and. addressed Kew Berne Smes - 'ZjZ.HT'V f '"' the ConBocUeut Conrat.l I ' TEXlJQQtrSAND AT 8TARBL I The following has been seiit to this 1dScefI'iii . " :j-.i;cH ! ! I will bet five thousand dollars , th&i jGencral Gi ant will be our next Presi- denj if he, lives. wiE also ; bet . Jive thousand dollars that he " carries v the - Stte of New Tork,bolh bets td.be tak en together, or I will substitute Con- .eeticut,forNewiXrkx The money to be deposited in. a bank i in Hartford. ; . JThe above is from a responsible source and parties who may desire to take up the offer will have no trouble in finding their man. j , ,' " - 11 .wrA- j dr - From the New York Tlmeg. T5? T$TJi:ST FRIEND TO THE SO UTH. In response to tte reckless suggestion f tbe World, that "there are not lack - Tng some indications ' that it" is one of "ilr7 Grail's first purposes," if re-elected id remodel the State Governments of North Carolina and Georgi to suit his owpk views.". . Alex. H, j Stephens says jin l "Vfl r n rTxr Tin- the Atlanta (GaZ) Sun: "We know no rthing of .the - indications' of Gen, Grant's .purppses here refeired to by the New . Torkj Wprldi put we: do oknow that ' ' when Gov Bullock wished a "remodel ngof th Pifth Congressfpnal District J. ' of. tlis State, and represented it as' ie - YPS n a.'stati of insurrection,' after ihe electionbf 1870, he was backed by ilr. Yr.iGrecley, .who then refused , the la w-abid-,ji"tfirfg' people of ...the district; a heariBg in t (Khi8 colamB3 against the- aspersions- and -tatamnies cast trpon. them.' The New York World itself refused this J he ing Usloiumna? We know, furtherthat , ; Gen, Giant at that time, refused..tp in- ''tsrrfereany further 'in? the internal j af eslfaasijoi Georeria, .thouffh- the result, ot- ,the elections just held had been the es oratSanr of the State Administration to ' . the' hands of the Demoeraey, ' We are, .therefore, inclined to- look "Upon- thi. note of alarm as3 only tne pt the, tricks ?rit fhe WJrtd to favor the cause' of 1 the r. . man,, who did as much, if not me, in; 'rtecfe 8 H remodeling otth e" Govern .. . lnentselallithQikwthern, Staiea firs! 8"wf"tt"tfd lastj than any man livingjand "who ',1. ."Sow holds that It is the 'duty of the tm s5entraViiera to remodel as foftn as it niay deem it necessary to do' so,'1 to ac- ', JohnJTobr "is the apparition, ' the nrguimare, ao'jgooiin,tiQe v9rgon s bead, which ' is ; constantly -putting in jterrofoeTuiner- rand all the other . Bcoundfela ia the State; " Thev watch his footsteps by day in terror, .-. lest his shaft may strike their; rotten bodies; - and they dream of him at night as Eichaid dreamed of Clarence. Tbey hate him as conspirators hate patriot., and they fear him as fiends fear saints. The horrid frenzy of Macbeth -was mere complacency compared with Joe Cor ner's terror at the mere mention of the name of John Pool, and if the murder ed Stephens rironld- some day appear to the vile wteteh arful reveal all he knew, it would not make Joe's hair stand on end more rigidly than it does when he sees Pool welt aloDg the streets jf Ral eigh. . t Juet now the Greeley press of the State are terribly agitated lest John Pool ra'ay after all be - elected Senator instead bf Vance, and with; chattering teeth they are" reiterating their male dictions upon him. Why is this ? No Republican has suggested that Sir. Pool exnld be elected. Who invented the story t - Was I tramped up by thesejy ing viUians so that they could et an fresh opportunity to degrade themselves by insulting the ablest and - most dfsr Unguished" living North fCaroliniaa ? Who cari.tell ns the origin of this ca nard? Possibly we can suggest an an swer., The masses of the people of the State have more "confidence in John Pool than they hare in as many Joe Turners as can stand, touching elbows, between Baleign and WashingtoriJAnd. it my be that f omebody has dropped word which did- not strite pleasanUy on the infamous Turner's scrofulous tvmpaniim. . It may be that some Gree- eytte or Merrimonite; as you please, as suggested, to somebody haV Pool could render the State more service in thi "Senate than -Vance. . Thia" wouW be a quite natural reflection, even to a Greeleyite, and if it has. actually been uttered may. recount for the present prevalent trepidation 'on the part' 'of our dearly beloved and severely terrifi trethrenKm .i(T . .v.r!. .r However it is, we syttrpatnie pro foundly with these afflicted fellows, who it appeafsPcan'f sleep o' nights for Jear of John Pool. We .therefore .recom mend to them a cfoseof "Site. Winlow's Soothing Syrup, the sedatiye qualities of which will be good for their disor ed nerves. Wilmington PosL " ' OUR WASHINGTON LE173R. Washtnoton, D. C, Sepi 22, 1872. t"f HO ONE TO PITT M" ; j. By the speech of Mr. Greeley at Ijoa isv tile, we are besought to pity the sor rows of a poof old man' who earnestly de sires to be Pn sidf nt of the United SUtes, but who is being rapid'y' though Acau tiounly, convinceil that he can't. At Cin cinnatt hiS refrain w as to the effect that,; thongh a life editor and a 'diffuse writer, he was generatfy naisunderrtood and pro-1 oounced to be Inconsistent and wanting in principle whereas be claimed to be m ither. At TjOif'sville he told a lachrymoni-e tale of woe as to his chances of Securing the Negro yotf, by insisting b at the colored people did not "Understand1 him," and ip tlvs case he , attributed , their failing to anderstand him to ignorance. It may be jndUcable that h first -admitted that : he was generally misunderstood 6y frhite as well as black people art over the eoarttry, and that; ih irr waiTot j4 alleged to hae arisen from ignorance, hence the inference is fair that" he. my net have been mis understood by the coloied pi ople tlirongti ignora'nee because without ignorance he is .generally misunderstood by white and black alike. Kat Nasby in his Kentncky bailiwick was badly needted wt Mf. "Gree ley's elbow during his" tear shedding o keep him fronf-coiBmittirrg: to ftie., Con federate corners, lie made a sad mis take in claim kg thq negro aS a man and a brother on the poil of old Iw mucky, - ' - . -: ,.!' .... it ............. . and a much worse .miataka. in admitting Chat w there in no other cliffs so genera'ly and so bttterly 6ppShig hifrr as the col ored people of the South." JEfatrworse thin all this, and more p&iqlfe, -is .his lamontauon over 4,he f aott that he, tht Presidential candidate, t lied about. AH good mea and, women everywhere ire v xhorted by hir? to'MiocouRtenance and refatreteliireo tnadey' aome irt-id ti- t i ..t. i.vt i wagiuau nr, ine gai uiuus, was o tea negra. radVr,rt TW Uwa of . subscribers ' to the New York Tribune which he j so JiJjeraHy ofiarged- trpon Presfdent - Grnt , durnJiia Jcjfo jthe wfrij I speech in f ennsptvania is not more" fmnoyinsr Jo the phjoaber than this terrible charge of being a negro ndr,. and your "cor rtsponnent agrees with him that fall gor inen ami lyrotamkfk ored tt see to it that neither. of theae.vabels should e reagan piaed on the old white coat whjeh is ,on'y sVr strong enougn m t sustsiu that of Grata Brown. j --X'iX'5T" jjt nxyK pb'ac& 1 .fr The award of I5,500,OO(J as damng s ror the" want of good" faith ef the Brit ish nation towards the United States jjaringj- hertbeUior seems.- already ; tb have almost gone out of the popular mind. Tet ; it distJnctrvely marks n pwn a. tBa .H.-u.j .s, nawona, pro- j gress in wmcrr worto- 38 sever oe f fore aIrildandmakeS If iBore'tfcrt' at least the sevend nations- of the civilized world that are associated with . thejde cittion at Geneva will jconsider the pre cedent ewtaUUhed by that tiibunaJ, be-: fore any nation will be jnbtificd by ally brmorally jn drawing the sword, how ever and ., unable .to sustain a warlike contest either ot the belligerents may be. Well was Jt said in the recent speech of J udge Hoar in Massachusetts there cannot be found on- history's pages- -ease in whic 9 great nation has ever before deliberately submitted to" fudginent and arbitration, tbe: question r wJiethersheJiad I commirted- a grest natior.al wi n.- -ilis grand tntrmph of civilzatiDn is found in one of the great measures of Geul Grant's administration ! "CAPTTAX1TEMSi V . sj President Grant. will return permanently to the Wl.ite Heuse Wednesday nex. when it is expected the work on very ex tensive repairs to that dilapidated official dweTing Which has canned luna to remain out of Washington longer than he de sired, will be completed. !' The election of Delegates to Congress from th:8 District is making quite a stir. Genl N. P. Chipman has proved gen erally acceptable and verv able, yet a few disappointed Republicans have been in duced to-run1 an o'd stager against him in the interest of L. G. Iline, the Demo cratic candidate. ; ' .. ,. The general term: of, the Supreme Court of this District commences to-day. To-morrow the Criminal Court will re open. Besides some hundred other cases there are ten cases of homicide to be disposed of. ' ' " ' ; CM. ; Followingr Father Ilf acfatbefs : - ' Example. ... Father Ilyacinihe's iexaraple will , be followed, it would appear, by a large num ber of French priBu, who, the Patrie statec, are going to renounce publicly their vows of eeUbscy. The publicity of the renunciation is the chief novelty coiinec ted with the marriage of priests in France." The Paris Journal is a supporter of the .throne and alter, and held in favor at the Archiep'iFcopal palace behind Notre Dame. And it says .that, in the ,d ''km-so -". pfJPji is alone the average i. nraber of priests who marry 1s from twenty to thirty in the year. Itrjnemrons .tlnit when the Abbe Michaitd announced to the Archbishop his intention to lake a wife he met no op- p isi ?ioo, ,AtU that was said Jo him .wasf jr? y you rnnst, but make no -noMie about it." The French prints aspirin 10 matnmonv have ereat diffiou'tv in ter- ruadinr wumen of respectable rank to es pouse them. f There is fiats a Paris corres pondent) both a strong pnjudice aga:ns churchman who break their vows -of ce'i bacyi nd a legal hindrance to their get ting married. ; The nulity of a piiesi's marriage was established a few years ago in fP celebrated suit in :vhichMadame Clan le Vigon, ' the accompl shed " Paiiia nientary correspondent of the Indepen dence Beige, was plaintiff. - 'Ibis lady, who haa lust become the wife of &L Rouvier, a Marseilles depu ty, had not much trouble in f putting away heiffirsitlhusbanft beeaase he had been in holy orders before she married him. The child en bore of the mar riage fwent to the mother, for the.father was incompetent to'give them so much as the quasi legal status of enfant re connus. Jules Favre exerted all his el oquence on I behalf of .; the repudiated husband; but the tribunal before which the case was brought ruled "that mar riage with the Church precludes civil matrimony This jurisprudence is a disgrace to French society But it is a fact which should not be overlooked .by ladies whe fancy French priests. 40FFfCIAL.J. United States LAWS TREATIES PASSED AT TUB SECOND SESSION er th 42ND CONGEESS . Published by Authority, f " " ' PGkmebai. satobb No. 115. AfT AOT to amend an aet ntilled "An act to,, regulait ike-diplomatic and consular sysu-m of the United 8iaTes, approved Auenst eigl teen h. eijth'een hundred and fifiy.uix.rr f Be it enacted bp ihe Fenate, an d Iloute bf Representative of the. United Stale of Amer ica. Congress assembled, That Schedule U f sect.on tUree of an act entiifed " An act to regulate toe dipomatic and consular sysienn of the tJntied Stat f," approved August eigh teenth, eighteen ' hundred aod tifiy-six; he amended so as V add to the cousula ia Bi axil a consul at antarem. Approved, June 8, 1872 , GBSKBA-OilAftBBXNo. 116 r AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An ot - legolaUng proe eding in criminal cases, an d for other pturposes," at proved Maxch third ? eighteen huudrvd and sixtyfive. ; ;T Beitenaet&byart'jgeiiateana' TTouhecfRe. presentalines of the United ttates of America in Congress afsembUd,Th&t section two of the set entitled "An act regulating proceeding in criminal cases, mid for other purposes, be, and the same ia hereby, amended to- read as fob- loWS J aj ;-- , .j .,:'H.Si ' ; - 'sBflPk 9.lThat when i the offence ohareed ! be treaa aott capital offence, the (lefesDant Bhall be entitled to twenty and the United States to fi ve peremptory chal enires On the trial of any lothea felony.' the defendant haUbe-eu1atle't to ten ana tn umtea btaves- ta um peRstpiory challeniieaj'antf in all other rases,' civil an I crimioal. each party sha'l be entitle ! to thieflf I -pecenyitorx challenges; and in all eases where .mera are several oeienaai ta or several plants tifla, the parties on ea h siile shall be' deemed aldngle artv for the i nrposes of aQ rhellen.es under this sectio . A 1 challenges, whether tor the array er pa el or to individual . Jurors, for ranse or , favor, shall be tried byj the; comt w thout the aid of triers. ff . .1, f,,?,v, " t Apvrovea, une ,s lBJa,,,, , . ; ; j : Mi hut. fGENXEAi. Natub No. Ill f ivT AN "AGT to. provide for boldlnc a circuit coirt of the United States in end fur the ilrestero district o IMusoa i. Be it enacted bp th Senate and Ham ' of i t'ttir ot tks United 8U tt ArZ. ea tn.'Voitirest -assemble, ma a circuit- coort of the Uitel a Ln tea in ami for the wea tei n district of Missoari ben after be held at the city of JtSerson, at ihe piaceof h'dding the district coort of tbe United States for tbe said western district ot Missooriron tbe third Monday of April and November In every year. - -.. 8ac- 3. That the said circuit court of the United States ki and for the western district of Missouri Bhall in all tbiur s have and retain jurisdiction of all matters ai ising therein; that a circuit comt of the UnHed biates fa and for the astern district of Missouri fhall : be b-1 at tb 8Kne time and pfnO (at the -rity of Saint Ijouig) as now provldS-d by ' f o holding the chcuU court of the United States in ad for both the dUrricfs f Miwuri; that thetald cirru.fcoart of the United S'airti in atid or the eastern dlstrKtt of Kissourt sbalf In a t things have and reiaii jurisdiction of all matters arising tberHi);, and that the said circuit courts of the United 8tate hereb? establisbtfd iffand' f'tr the eastern and western dis ri t of Missouri shall, reap f t'ivelt. have aud exmse the same original J ji bdetion in the said dia rlcts, respectively, as is vested in the several cirrm't eoarts of Ihe Uaiu-d 8tat-s as organised Smder rxuting and sbail alro resDectively have and i xrerciae the same appellate iwisdirikin over the dinrict eoarts of :the United Slate lor sid eastern and western districts, repectivtfv, as by existing laws is vested in the said several circuit courts of the United S'aies over the district cou.ts nf the United States in ibeir rerpc tive circuits.. Said circuit courts sha'.l be called, respectively,- the e rcuit ctmrt of the Untied Slate in and for the western district of f Missouri, ami thr circuit court of the United States in and for the eastern district of Missouri, and shall be composed, rtp -c-tivelv, of the justice of the Supreme Court of the United S ates allotted to Ihe eighth judi cial circ uit, the judge of the eiehtb judicial circuit, and the j-idge of ihe dicitict c.iurt for the western (list net of M souri, in the said western district, and ot the said two firl named judires, and the judge ot he dist-icl court f.r tt e easier IJJiati i-f of Missouri n the said t-asierii district, but mv be lirhi by any one of said tlnree judges in th absence of the the remainder, ihe clerk of the circuit court for ; present district of Mi-s uri shall remain the c erk of the circuit court the United States In and for the eastern diHrict of " Mis souri; and the district ancrney and marshal for said eastern district of Missouri shall to as such district attorney and marshal in said circuit court in ar.d for the eastern district of Missouri as now provided by law. ? The circuit court in and tor the wesiern district of (Missouri shall appoint a clerk of said dun, who sha'l keep Uia nfS-e in the city of jeire-Bon atoresaid, perform its duties, and receive its fees and 'emoluments, sutd-ct and in conformity to existing laws regulating the duties, fees, and emoluments of other clerks ot circuit courts of the United States. -: And the dilrici attorney and marshal for said wes tern district of Mis-wmri shall act as such dis trict attorney and marr-hs' tn-sairf circuit court in and for tae western district of Mis souri., ? Sec. 8. That the United States circuit Court for a-iid eastern and western districts of Mis souri shall bsve power at any time j order aclj turned terms of said ciicuil courts, re spectively, at which adj turned term 3 any business may be transacted which Could be transuded at any regular ttrma breof. A epy pf said ord r, in th" eastern' district of Uissiiuri. sba I be posted on ibe door of the court-room, and advertised in some newsna per printed in.lheci'y of Saint Lcm is and a copy oi saia order, in ine western aistnct or 'Miwotri, shall be posted on the court-room doir.. and advertised n some' newspaper pripipdiu the city of J ffrrson, twenty days at kasl b.fure said aij turned terms shall be boiuen. - "':-,- ' A Approved, June 8, 1873. ; V . y : fGasiRAL Katore No. 118-1 AS ACT to revis-, consolidate:' and amend the Stafntet relating to the Post Office De partment. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representauvee of the United estates -of Ameri ca in Congress assemotea, 1 .hat tuere snail be es'abiiaht d, at the seat of government of the Untied of America, a Department to . be kn wn as the Post Office D par meat. Sxo '2. That the principal officers of the Post Office Department shad be one Poitmatr -ter General aud three Assistant Postmasters General, who shall be appointed: b the Pre sident, by aud with the advtre and conent of the SeQLte, 8nd who my be removed in the same manner; and tbe terra of office of the Postmaster Geotral sjiall be for and dn rics tbe term of the President by 'whom he is appointed, and for one uunth thereat tbr, nn les-t sooner removed. - ; Sza 3. That tbe Postmaster Weneral may appoint the fo l .wine employees tne Pt Umce Department : One cbtet tiers or the Pot master General and one for each of the As-istant PtMtinaftters G nera V one sup rin tendenl ot PosL Office 1. ai ding and disliunU iuz clerk, one suoerinteudent and one ' chief clerk of the money-order system, ope aupei intenuent and one chief clerk of foreign -nails out topographr lor, Post Oil e Department, one assistant attorney general for the Posi Office Deeartment. one chief of 4i visioe tor the iiffice of mail d predHn8- one chtef of division of dead-let er s. one sopenntendanl of the b'at fe-ageney. one assistant aupeno tesdent and four assistant, foi rteen clerks f das four. 8ix'v-ne clerksof class three. fifty cl rksof - class two, seventy-one cierks of class one. fl rty-seven female Clerks one lr eeseng-r for the Pcwtnwstr General and one tor each nf the At-sUtunt p.istmas'er uenerats. four asMtant messenger, ten wtcnmcD, twenty five laborers, one engineer pt,e assis- ini engineer, nan c"penter. one M-minm carpenter, one fireman and biaclssmiin, two ureinen, tnree female lattorers, a .a u'-u ttiBiber of lc cImIiil female clerks. folder", watchmen, and laborers as may be required. - , i , ; To be Continued and published in full a a ' I Would" sum " up the policy ' of . the Administration to lie a thorough enforce merit-of every lw a-fauhul. collection of every tax provided for; economy in the disbursement of the'eame; a prompt payment of every debt of the nation ; a redaction of.taies as rapidly as the re quirements f the country will admit 're duction of taxation and tariff to be ar ranged so as to allord the greatest relief to the greatest hornier j honest and fair dealing with a 1 other peoples, to tbe end that war, with all its blighting Con Re sequences, may be avoided,' bnt withoat surretulering' any right or oftllgation dne jo us; a reform in the treatment of In- ian, ana, nnaity, in securing ' a pure, lint raTrrvioA Kollrvf - vhah acwvL ....V. ......U U.. . ' u . . u . y " V J lllfllT entUJedto. ca8t a vofe may do no mat bn at3 -each 'election' without fear ot molestation, or proscription on aceotm ol U'l pUlttKOt lUVBf HMHlir,Ut VUr.' ! - U. S. GliAXT. 'ft L. VV( alter AOnkm have just received from Bal timore ov barrel or Flour. lU'sacks -of Ooffee. And t arrive bv Ellen S.1 Terry 10 tuba ot Butter; 30 barrels of Pork; VJ Tabot LariU . Also a nice tot of sngar-enred bams, iirealdast hocoa Miul ( haiM of T.mnrwL "- s ' - i '-''IiraxNe nx mm epidemic of last month. the stock ot AyerAgne Cure in the Old North State became exhaust m1, and before a supply eonld be reeeiyed from Lowell, the sttffering from'ebia and fever became fearfat. A few parties wer so Corimaate as to have it on hand and in Iredell County the druggists eked 6ui tlieir a'euder stocks by seilng doses a spoonful eachwfqx a dollar." Many paid U a i, Uars 6 v a bottle, when tbe reyukr price is but oaej atd thought t'lemsehres favored at that, so valuab'e hare the cur itiva propel tea of this prep; r Oiop, whirh not caly txpels the poison from ths sy tern, bnt bavea the patient w th nnimpaiicd hea'th and Tior Jiajeigh (N C ) SUndaid TBE NEW-BERN DAILY times: A NKWSrAFEU IS EYEIM SKWE OF TUE1V0BD. ( Li,.- J KepubliGan inr. Politics- L Reflector of the Senti- xnents of the Republi- - "'.::v :-; vv-;..;..r-;E 'f..'-. can Party. XT N X O IT T O T H E BACKBONE.. EEVOTED TO THE IKTEStSIS OF THE WHOLE PEOPLE. Progressive 1n ; art, SCIENCE, COMMERCE, . EDUCATION, AND AGRICULTURE. ' - "J-' v . t TERMS, $6 PER -YEAR IN ADVANCE. , ; ... Adrcrtieenmits ot a qtrestionbfe charac ter, not admitted to its columns em any terms. . Legkknatu advertising done at LIVING KATES. THE PAPER SPEAKS FOR ITSELF PUBLISHED JDAIXY 'T J! v ' 1 t . ' ' i. f-, - n 1 i E. Hiibbs Co., T .1 v NoO, Graven Slreeli '1,tM"' ORIiPW tfOPFHAK, Kaw. OJto om, TkU (ra Ui ieeNl luiiiLi h. D. CAinUWAY. Uenerol LIFE, FIRE and MA.RI&Z ' f , Insurance Agent, ; 4 , Omen, Soon Fmoirr St., 2Tiw Bnot W. C Inanraaee effected on DweCinga Stores, Her ?fdl". lWna, Stables. Cotton Gin Houses, AUIla, Ac, at equitabls rates dee-Zl-a WALKER, JONES & CO., Tobacco Manufacturers, Cavzk Strkxt, acrr to TiMaa Orneav- offer flue, ping ; ' ' r Chewing and moKiiig Tohaccos at prices uxeqUalled. Have on hand a large aild fine stock,. Pwo from 52 to 85 cent;' .: Skoxtuo. in Iba., 65 eenta. SitoaxNO, in ) lbs., 60 cents. - Sxoxxko, in 1 lbs., 65 cents Correspondence invited from the trade, as we feel assured we can please all as to pnee and quality. Samples sent free. LIBERAL D18C0UNT8 ALLOWED ON LARGE ORDERS. FebM tf - GR 0C ERIESI Flour, -.. . i Pork, Sugars, ' Coffee, .V . ' r a,-.s . Sugar Cnred Hams, n v Breakfast Strips, . Boasted Coffeei Crackers, .. . ? . , . . , . . ... Market Bee " ' J - - i, "' r. '' ": ' - .... Best ef Bitter, Ac, tc. '.. hollister;s, f -l Sonih Front Street; - i ' - , , .. - .... .( .;u Jel5tf three doors fiom Gaston House. Attention ! i T In order to make room for OUR FALL STOCK, ,ve will f jr the lilll. ...... ul Jj " :t - t NEXT THIRTY DAYS sell our entire Suawmer Stock, eonsisK , rag of ' " ' ' ' ' Dry Goods, ; ; - ; - Clothing ' .Shoes,.;. v Hats.. ' J i - FilMsliing Goods, &c, i) AtCost! AtCost AtCostHI DRESS GO ODS of a SACRIFICE I Come and Secure Bargains . - - 1 at onoe I - - i - -,rw. ,e, ,0 ' ' 'sr jlitt ixi ! ;f a; .- ;t Us t V. Cor. Pollock and Middle Sts. .4 1, " AVT. ITNDOH8KDAND PEESCE1EBD BT HOP! teadins; pbj.ictau. than aoj otUcr i jtic or snai niant aew to iw. Tj re - , A 81RK PRKTCXTlTt ' For Fever and Ag laicroiitutbta. Bikoatan nt all dtaordera arilng frua malariooa rau.ra. Thv? . hitrfa'y recommenrt. aa n ANTI-UYSPKPT1C. .i. in caaea ot INDlGkT10N rw inyalCab! I. Ana APPETISER aod 1-F.CCPERf NT. and ia cmc at GBNERAf, DEBILITY thy have oarer is a sinplr i. vt-mce tailed ia ptdnclBj tka aaost feappv ruaulu. Thy are MrttraUrly ., BKSEfU IAL TO FEMALES. - ' StTcBihoi.ing tae boi v, invigorating the mind, M giviD'UD and eiaitiaty t tba bol avuum. Th UOMEBlTTiSare compoonded Hh the Rhaul of care, aad a tM(e atimuUntaa evrr tx-forr htt offered Ot U pjWic ao PLKA8 N 1" TO THK TASTK and at the nut time ewmbltiiitine on many TmStl asenta endurwl by the medical t rat en It y at lae Ix-it kaowa to the Pharaeopcia. it cuatabat Uttla to g thrm a fair trial, and KV tU 1 J AMlUTKhaald hare a BOTTLE. No preparation tn the wot hi caa produce w muy onqaaltSnei endoraemenva hy piyalriiuia ot the very hit; neat atandine in their prufceaiou dortti alto bf tk Clergy and tkt leading dtiumtv national paperr. .- , Hav. Wi. R Bibcock, the oldest Methodirt mlnii ter in 8t. Louis. aya the iiuma Bitters were mor frrautnl ia eoctribaticg it. the lestoratioo of aif streogtb, and aa increase of appetite. - Osaoaa Mo.. Jan 55. Iff!'.. Pereoaa jrratly debilitad. ai- I bare beeD,nd k. require a tumic or aruirvaKT, itwd aeek f -r notMt; better than tbe Home feitu ra. 8. W. OPK. ; PreridiDirKld;rH. K Chereb. Flatiabar Dtauirt. CaiTEUbTaTU Maama UoariTai. I ' ' - . St. Lonia Jlo., 'XX. a. 1870 f Javss A. Jackson ACo 1 bare examiai the for. mnla for makjnir the Home 8taiaca BiUera." aa4 sed them in this boacital tho last fear months. I considcrrd them the saost ' valeahle tonic and tims lant bow in nae. , , 8. H. MKIHkR. Keeident Phyician In charge 17. 9. V ariae UotpttaL James A. Jacasoa Co.- Qentlenwa . A yna bare communicated to tbe saedlrsl rofa!Sslun ths re cipe of the " Home Bitte s." it cannot, theretore I considerrd as a patent medicine, no patent havli r bcea taken tor it. - We haveexamlned ike foramla foraiak injr the Home Bittcra." sad anhesitatinirly ra ths' cumbinatfoa Is one of rare excellence, all the article used in iu composition are tbe best of the class to whirh l.v hnluasL taino "nivhtlv Tonic HIlmulfliL StoBaaehic, Cam iDitlve, and slightly Laxative. Ths mode of preparing them is strictly la accordance wna the rnlrs of pharmacy. Having; ased them io oar pri vate practice, we take pleasnrein recommendtra toVa to all pesrona deairooa of taking Bitten, as beiua ths beat Tonic and btimolaitt Bow ofl ervd to tbe iiholic FRANK O. PORT h. Pof. OhetPtrics and Dlseaaraof Wimn. College nf Physioiana, and int member Board of Health. L. C. BU18L1MKKK Prof, ot Obstetrics and Diseases of Women. M. Lonit Mnt. College. Drake McPonell. H. Late Prea't- Mo. Mitral -oiler. E. A. Clark. M. D , Prof. Sorcery, Mo. If edteal College and late Mesiaea Physician City HospitaL bU Looia Miaauuri. Herbert Primm. Prof. Practical Pharmacy, St. Lnais Cttllefre of pbarmaty. J C. WhitehULKd Medical Archives, Alf.Heacock.X D. Dr. C V F.Lodie, C.Gericke M. D. - 8. til at I Moses. U. D. C, A, Ware. M. . W, A.. Wilcox. M. 0. , S K.C Franklin. M. D. . Prof. 8argery, Homcpathie Mvdical Collere T Yastide. It t ' T Comstock M D Prof, of Midwilery and Diseases of Women, Collegs of Homoeopathic Physicians and HtlrroDa. r John T Temple. M D Prof. Materia and Tberanpeatica, iiomotpathlt Medical CoUoce of Missouri. Jno. rnslemfiB.M DLecrerer Oa Diseases of ChildrenrHoBxi pathic College of i lt- snort. - - t uar-i vastina. m u Prof, of Physiology, Qomeapatbic Medical College of - Mo. " . John Hanman. M D Prof. Clinical Medical Cot. Homcsopathie Pphyaiclan and1 Sorg'a. . . . They are Snperlor tt all other Stomach Bitters. - - noo Banders. Anairtical Cbemiat. Vo Bitters la the Worl can excel tbi-m. Simon Hirach. Analyt esl Chemist. ' Kmlasat Fkyatrlana ( Clileago. The formula for the Home Bitters has been submit ted to us and we believe them to be tbe brat topic sad aliaaalent for general tiss UuW stirred to the pnWie. O A Mariner, Analytical - Jas i Z Blaaey MI) Prof Oieniistry. Rort Medical Collar . 3 B Walker, M 1) TsHoyne, M D Tboa T bUlis. M O a Woodrtnry. M u cnemist . - H 8 Hahn, M D B McVicar. M D Nor'n 8 Barnes. XD B Ludlam. M D " I JasA Collins. M D ) A Hahn. M D Eminent PbT-sleians in Cincinnati ITeariv a'l whom ate Prof essora iaoaeot ths otbcf of tha Medicai Colleges. ' s' No other bitters bave ever beua 'Offered itatfaa paV uarmbraciBs so masj valuabM remedl alaeenta. C T Simaonv M Oi B P Booner. M D l. vainer, at v jl, a dames, at u C M Mnscratt. M D W T TallLfero. M D ti W Rlirl-r. M D i i Qatnn. M D J H Bockner. M T O A Dohrrty. M 0 atif C Woodward. M D D W McCarthy. M D H H Johnson. M D W H Woodward. M D K M Wavne, Chemist ii K Tavlor, M l PI Maley, M D 8 B Tomlinson. st II . Eminent Phirslcf nnai tat If enautila ' The Uornt Bit tiers are an iavalnable rrmedT fer if digestion aud diseases arisiur from maLirial eaaset. C B Thorton. M D - - - - Akrx. aXkiaa. K 9 la charge of City HosplUL M K Hodgers. II 11 j at uoagura. a ir H W Parnell M BW i, hand ford Bell. M D t - ' T.ii (Hn. Si O . M A Sdmands. X 9 Jos K Lynch. H it Emlnaat Pk-vaf elnasa in llf fabnrsrli BFUake. MJ : r6 f - WraCr.iwes.Ml W R Cbilds. M D - , - 1 D U Willan! 0 O Wuth, Chemist. 1 J J n eCteibthd, M B ... . . . And Hamlrreae Others ia all parts ot the North. West sad Ikiirth "' 8 It Uaroer; M D Mil wankee. ' " ' - i - r- Coaneil Bluffs. March tT. IW- Jams A jACasoa AOo. Havtna: oxamiaed ths for mula of the " Home stomach ititters." 1 hsvs ff scribed them ia my practice for tome time, aad r Bounce them tint beat Toaie Bitters now in nee. : ,... ..... P H McMahon, At D. mwTor sale hy n drapgirta. - 4 ' ' " ' ' Jamea A. Jnekvaon 1 Proprietor- . Laoratorr 106 and t N. Second at el. Loats MiMen V ; t READ TraS ! f CHEAPEST BOARDING HOUS- ' '' in -Ti? i o iTir , t ' - - I 1 - - rJlOB I.2perday, Mrs. Smith oa Middle Street ' next door to the - i i ' .... - : AMERlCAIf HOUSE, ' : -i".:-.rfi , iS; - . JiNTIRTAINS jj ft ,- s T R ANS I EN T-i-0 VESTS ' with LODGING, and the best that ths Blurket Afforda. ... Aev. J t : . f . ,, -, ...... - i -. . ; si. E.j. WILLIAMS, 4 "J'U E W O E It ff f K .Ci - Marine Iiisiiraice i gft . a. w. h,dauv, jia ". w. b. jw 'iDJtt BRO'S. "f,ti i fw.) - ,4 4yjr- ft, .,.;- , : ppUe Oast Pass eaih jrneaB ' ' '"' i .i -ibi n4 a-ii, - "r t .Wholesalew : -m r Wh6tesale Liquor Dealer X iii. tad - tV'-r. t's'tir fl-t S' i? " BCALISt Dl ILL CXSS Of CASS AND CANNED GOOD. - AND DOMESTIC DRY Tbe nabfie are Invited to call sad examine be paxchaainr detwkt. "

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