-hh - - - . . J!. - - ... , .... ... ;. ?T FT??, r-'J' - - . - 'L . 1 .' " -'. .' ' ' : v y.m ' ' 7 JiJ' T i' n - - . r w - - - - :-- - . - - I HI! XX 1 V .:J-4?iJ five cents pew ddpy i " '.'J, l, , 1 ,i l", i . r , rnr -i i ' t,, j rr f cr - ; i ' : .... -J iSiJ NtrMBEH747t mo?( forrtcr "villi be 'ptMisKStihe real name ' tf (U writer must afcompavy all 'communjca- tltttemoit made hyleorresponents ettft tytdf the name on ' appHcatpb & ) ilie Editor. j VrriTa 1 pud BpTwirture of 'Mails. TbsT-OFMcBNTr-'niTiH. N fc;l - " ;" Jone lTth, 1872. '-J - 1 Mi! Closes for the 'North, tfst,and South 1-45 A M ' ' " ' ' '-" ' ' Mail Closes for Beaufort anfl.tlie E.at,-yt j is p M. :.-!-' - t :- sfnil ClwP for-Wshin?lon, SwiXtOeek, Uy,1e ,Buf?rt.,, CoUeyeryday "'mI riosw for TF rrnteiu Pollockvttle.'knd Swnnstro, Wednesdays and Saturdays at M'il rinses for Ilatteraa (tttr.,. Beaufort) at TflU OIOSPS Tor uminw""",, naj i.ii.. ....v. Vamli'merr. Toesdays Thursdays and Satur d-.yaat 6 AM.- j - MA!LARRIVES.T A ' From the North, Wert.nd Sntri "4 45 p M anil oppned tor delivery at 5 4.) P M.) From Beaufort and the East at 85 A ll. From Washington, Sift Creek, N C, &c dRFr''n f renton. PullocliviTie and SwaiiPboro d Friday!" at 4. SO P M. From Grantshnro. Bay River and Vande-nien-, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at !)!Tic liours rromi 9 A M. to T M. and 5 45 to7 00 P M Snndavs from 12-30 to 1 P M. G EO. W. N A SON . Jr.,, Post master. Tchu'rch DIRECTORY. . Methodist Ciiurck, New Street Rev. L. L. rip-dre-. Set vices at 11 o'clock A. M, and 7 oVlock P. M. j - - ; Pnptist VTiurrli. Twiddle Street, Hey. Mr. Tliorne. Services i 11 o'clock A. M , and 7 'olock P. :I ' - ' ' -! fit. Fault CatJtdic CJiurcli. Middle St.. "Rev. Fa'hw Tiwhh-imL Hieh Mass at 11 o'clock ; A, M., Benediction at 7 o'clock Y. M. rreshyteritii, Church. New Street. Rev. L C. Vftss. Services at 11 o'clock,' A. M., and 44o'chKk. P. M., except the first Sunday in the month, when services will be held at 7 f. M. : '.' ' ;. : ; . ; ' Ephcopnl CJiurelt. services will be held at the iilemoiial Cliarel. on Georire Sireet, at 11 o'clock, AIM., and 7 o'clock, P. M. A. M. -E. Zion CJivrch. (coloredV' Tlancork f Street. Rev Jno. I iwrw. . Services .11 ! o'clock A. M., and 7 o'clock P. 51. , -i , African tMeilwftiat JZpucopai: UhurcK (col t)rcrl, CypfttfrStriertr littv.. Win. H. V altera pai'ir. Services at 11. o'filock A. jr.,',bnd 7 o'cliK-k P.fJU.. ! . ..j", .;"t " : . ... j First Bopthl ClmrtJi. Cedar Grove Chapel "Kev. B. B. SpicerJ Services Sabbath morning 11 A. M. : I ChrMiar. Cliur'ch. (colored) cofner of John nr.n and Metcalf -streets. Rev: SAmnel oy Pastor. Servicts at 11 o'clock. A. M. ar.c ' 7 P. M. Every Sabbath-. Let every body eo to r.liur-h to-day. Groundpsas are Ve5inmng to look up. ' ' - - Chinquapins are plentiful in oiir market. TTiie Meadows & CoV Ess Jamaica Ginger. '". Head' Pittj Barrows' insur :nce advertisement. Try Meadows & Go's Eau do Cologne and Ex't Jockey Club. i -Be sure you are.j registered, ond then see if your neighbor is reg:stered. . Columbus Cigais the finest in live city at wholesale and retail at ZisKAims. 7 , Lot every vnter; fee that his name is regis tered in the Ward; Precinct, or Town-hip, whore he resides. "1 Net Twine of all sizes. Seins of any size and weight knit to order. Mitchell, Al en & Coj Titusville reports, a -farmer who hangs his scythe over his ample ear when he t ikes his noon-day lunch'. ! - " ; German Study, or office Lamps, at Meadows iCo'a. j A ' ' ' . Tastas havs rhanged -withinr the pai 3,0D years. -Once extreme criminabT dreaded! the river Styx ; now iheir greatest fear is,of the Aeuse. Finest Sco'ch Whiskey, .FteiiCu BtP&$ and Wines at Zinkand. - - - . L : : ,. An example of j the "civil service ruled:" Eureka Jones, widow .bf the late'ikw has been elected jailor of ' the Hudson county, New Xork, jail, to fill the unexpjredj;erm. - v" ' j . i . t-? . i J Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes, at Meadows I Go's. - ' - Hv. Li C. Vassi Pastfer f thq PishgrUrinn Cl urcV. has retnrn(f from "the AfinnliFmeetipg of the Synod of North Carolina, and vill con eon.'uet the si rviees as Usual in the Presby terLm Church'on 5abba& at U o'clock, audi PI I ! Lrg-r Beet of the best quality at who'esale Ban ritail at ZncKADS.' M. i" " . .-' ' - The Typographical Adcertfter, published qnartely, Is upon bur table for the pastcjuartar, as its n ime indic.ita's it is a journal of interest, not only to printers but to all who advertised Its subscription .tricC is.'teotv3ye!iinta a yea', Mackellar, Smith & Jordan, GOft Sansom street, Philadelphia, printers and publishers. T ;e your, prescriptions to Meadows & Cos or uiabt.; . j .s ".' . - .! 0. Ma'-lca, E-q., the dry goods nier fhynt . of Polcick s'reet, h-is a ra st m!?niGceiit trck offrooflA jjusl re ceived'' by aVefttiffef B. ?-T'rryi i The finest Chewing .Tobacco and Cigars at M'adows & Co's. " : - ' Mill ' ? nerrespohdetiyi u ie pacify f the different saw nulls? We would likto : laow the aggreg ite-jmmbcr f fee o umier Uiit Kn W ' " ''- .Qw 13-M , Our friends will please notice that from and after Momtfe fM publish full Oie Press dispatches. 3 e wish it itifv;'; that all who are in arrears with the .mi-yiffjtjpiiyuri, or be dropped. Caih ami no la'voi s Vro'tn liencfort'U is our rule. Fire ! Lst nicht aboat 71 o'clock onr yfy vr,a& I by the cry of fire, whiehiit&tel ifa I alarmed Uy the cry the B-.ke Shop of Fred Mihler, on South Front treetjXPidJtri?!1 was 60on on the ground, and extinguished tLe flames. Uefiislfr : Itcilster 1 1 R rgitter 1 ! ! Do not forget that the eleeti -n for President occurs on Tuesday tfyeySth of November. : T. A. Crepn, ! Uik rfsl aiail Xlrooer. s4 Liquor De.-1dfetoyiita &8 market.r Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guar- rantek, A Uf'l n ii Oct. 2o-tf. Notice. .TH4 Kt--KY., Themas, Atkinson, Bishciof; North Carolina will visit, 4fficiallyt Beaufort NoYrflberl4th.- " ' J" j Messb. Iitoes: My attention was attract ed by tie follow ijfftteinfiMitjrper to-day: " The registration books of tha 7th Ward are re4ettAttufi" btJxe3 f J mnh if wmf . r ii.pifl , on Qaeen street. Lsl every one see tliat his name is down." i f ' Thofigh IroniIme atypur? great anxiety ;to hive his n:une down, and that you should call on everyb' 3y to' a tend tor it, T hara'for one at tended to it, and I learn that J. M.'u name is down, that he always .inteuU4,Ushould be down, 'find that he will " ycti foriawt and Wso... , - ' " - ,Oliyeb. New'Bsbsb. N. C, Oct, 19th, 1872. -We ftcknowledge the coru. ' Gome and see us. TIN Srw World. ,- ;.j We bv received two nmnbrs of ,Jhe above named d uly paper, and placed the tnie on our exchange list " Iu? poHtn-it" is strijlit-out DcmoHtC hoisiirig; the namrs of Ntfharles O'Comur tor Preadtnand John Q. Adams for Vice PrtsideufTt is neatly print, d on f bSolPliai-tfttd has one iliustratioa er the title p.ige. The heading is gotteiijn gooa aij'ie, with a spread e;i,le.in' the rpf'ormd,' the eithc r tdon cluUhinV tKe' Hi hftVNew and tlf Aw' in Wldtld; tbe N itiqnid Capitol in the backgrourd; and ou iWybtlt, p ziier Columbus, J: is teen ontbe.'National Bnk noies,an'a on the lefCis'tne "he itben Chiaee,' 'i'y telowfon the right is a picture of Egypt, d OQ the le)t JpirffcteDt 8om2ang ilpr-EWj.-jthiQJgthe East River, in iieear-niiiiBt lis tlie'.Qldcl 'Couit House in f&lia&4tea. theSi$iig' was executed Cy HyssKisbtrsfeby' firitrigUEolvti-mo-r.t:c Assoaiatioa in Puilad lpiiia. Price t.iree cehts ptT copyflt Mayor-, CparU t ? v , i Mayor Kil-urn presiding.; 1 jot V J ' Satceday, October ID. 'Thtlr Say right must have hetn'sr a-and time for bacchanalian sport, if we are to judge Jit JM- gSSMjUtng , of . the disciples of in spiring Johns .Barleycorn ".- at ths . reception given by His Honor yesterday. ; '- m w F.verv individual has a certain amount of inlfuetic for. fcooiA t r h ,r, sr' ii anaeooaei aaye a larger amount for evil. Now it need not Be sup posed that we intimate in . the slightest degree that the grand banquet given by the Geneva Boai of Aiiitratiwi .ad:.a:yl u&Qnee upon the young gentleman who w e are about to in troduce, o thepublic in the order of the'r beality. 4 The first Ca "was that 5f John Wetherington, the charge ajainst him was that tie amount of ballast taken aboard ' was too great 'for the, cubical capacity of his, cuticle, an4 the" Winds becoming boy-frterotis. John was unable to wewhrr the gale, aa i was compalled to make a harbor by the assistance of aiolice man. for which, he wa charged $"i.Q0, wharf-' age which he - pd; and ataia sailed out on the Wa "of life. and'will in the future b-more careful how he loads" his vesseLwitli txplosive material. -C The next is a sad case, a youn? man the anWasoiBofrhis jnother, -respond ag 0 a, name famitarfo all our readers, and one that is in separable connected with the history of piracy, and made more famous recently by the Jersey clam flt digera who claimed to have. 6teredT 'jhel treaar4!oI GUbb'esr 5iat'i the young man's'name but it wasn'tour Gibbes' trea sure they discovered in Jersey oh no ! for he had his pocket book, and was found guilty of being diunk anJ' a niisance,1 thd latter being a vio-. lation of the city ordina-vce. The Mayor re quested Gi'nhes to produce ducats equal to a Bum m 'Altfel ican- currency bf f 2.00. 1 This he did. but alas ! with a sigh, he could'nt hold on to even ten c nta by which he lttighfc-'clirflb outside of one drink of benzine to revive his drooping spirits. , The next case was that of a young nian Of 1 noble bloody . As his name was announced he , came forward with agile step and onoMvere his classic toyr. He appealed to His Honor to sup press his name, he was travelling in cog. but would say by way of parenthes s, that he was not soliciting subscriptions for the Golled Age. He paid .$2.00 notor the Golden Age, but fr being drunk. -Therero two pther cases. aisposecUjJjri a teresting Ledger story A full li ie of C lgaie & Go's Toilet Soaps, among'whrch are tb justly celebrated Cashmere Bjuquet, as" Well as . lioneyftnd. GJjceru'e at Meadows tt'Si .. .;,- . . ; y TNA -INSURANCE CO, t i.?,S 1 H Jl . I INCOllPOUATED 1819. Assets, - - - 5o,tw.ouu PITT B ARROWS, Agent ,S! it . JTisjif la Fpw XhiVffixQ- fPf -onfounued t.arihe 3., f Instiaet of self-preservatioia jaud. ta fear .-Qi t&ei&t? BeMise' a mii'gilesf v 'or HgR m, ti does not' follow' BttJV trea deat&.a iirrauqnaaiWMW v vcu IheJ antioodea of condcioriB tefjrrtr. ti Every jppe hi?4 WnM'iriid motive id CciirnUe'in Igaiw&iwgfe he' fcasjheal ieagib. I afldl'work la.dou put iqt omij.of una , rrtrmsie reason tor apprehension tn:goig out 'f iiltinVej '"Life' vbrirtls'1 with pnrpoeea. aetiyitW res .onsibflitif.,', oar.elves jfrom7; thesn if ;wet yould; they will ftsten pon and absorbus in: our own desp'te. prtfrQa ' instinct.8 life has its aims: its interests.' "and aCacUoiisjthat cannot "be di vorced jwithaat. a ; destierate'.stiuggie and exceeding- pain'". I Is he refiex of ti a solicitude that makes in a.mPa-ure the shadows of death.; We ai-e fpnwilling to surrender .'nat ufS ebfl taixis. though-we. anay not Jiave jni ,lil)t ' rear of ! vfrt ;death" mirf -yield-;; an yet rnaay pi. T48 ara ?o; urae j incuiicu .w , y" " " mental -ppr4ions; JK31 distinc ion clearly, ..The majority of men pre fer their own country d would not willingly leave it. It is to-be 'coikteded- theTefoix Jthat they a-e afraid of nnothet-land? r. la strong in- linclintition to one to be interpreted as a dread '6f1' another Because we want to., liva is it any proof that we fear to die ! Life is a r lity, "a certhfy.' sornething fexpefieicd ad tteted over and again;' ' Death la fen- ide -ani image, a mystery1 from - which " W skrink ; became it Is a mystery forever impenetrable. The shrink- f iii is inherent, bvt gives" way to indifferent or faith as n&rness" and 'nature-make their reve lations He who can 'deliver up the goods and charms of this worlds being can Jurn to death andrrftile at its; approach c Tie eye that is bent upon tnis life cannot seeruly what lies beyond. The .axis of vision .is deiyange.d . by the duplex effort ; but the " secular objects.re moved. thej spiritual sight becomes clear. "7 it 1 King of Terrors Discrowned,' in JVtf -tembor'G&iaTyl-1 f 4; ' - Diptheiia in Wa"!esboro.' . The Prm gang are in E deign. '',i . ' i ! I -i-r. Eggs 50 cents' a dozen i Grol lsboro. . ; - - .- - . ' ! New Hanover . Superior. Court convenes to morrow. ' : ' ' ? T-' : Britt & Whitoker' Goldsloro Fair will ap pear on Tuesday morning." ' "- .The nw hotel at Elizeth City will accom mxlate two hundred people. . -Three thousand people were in attendance at the Raleigh Fair Wdsesday. t'.Ladies exhibiting firtich s of their, pwn make atthe.Golsbpr JPairpay no entry fee. . Gov. 'Vvtalk'er,,rof Vitgibi' is be the ipnest of President Kornegayi at the Gbllsboro Fait. Hon. Horace Greey will pot be present at Jthe Fairof .the Carolinaain, conssqnence of the illness of his wife. , . . "Mr. WillTJ. Steiner, of Greenboro, broke his arm by an unexpected jolt while driving Out a few ertnin3 since. " t -; John A. Jones; Lillington, New Hmdver c"unty, made two hundred bushels of corn on three acres of ground. The -'Friend" of North Ca-olina will hold t':eir annual meeting at Nw Garden,. Guilford caunty, on the 28th inst.i ; ; . . :J. ' " At a meeting, in'Wifmtngtot,Mf the Directors of th-a W:, C. & R. R; R". Silas N. Martin Esq , was reflected President. ' ' ' '''" 5 The Farmers and Mechanics Journal, pub lished at Golds'-oro, has become a necssity to the tradesin whose interests il is published. '" The ball given by the Jewish citizens of Wil mington, commeraorative bf Jlhe ," Suecoth " lestival, on Thursday night, was a grand aff.iir. Jamrs Clons, nn eterprisine German, living nar O vk Eidge, in Guilford connty, has made this yeir from his own Vineyard, 1,781 gallons of wine. Wilson connty now produces a cow that ba been sucked by a uig for sometime. We ex--pected the - Wilmington item t-would provoke "similar cases." ' ' ' 1 .' ; ;' John Daniel Taylor; of Barefoot's MilK in W ikon connty, killed another b"y a few dys ago, named Thad -Powell, by striking him on the head with a sticks Both colored. . 7'l :-Wm.Len,: of Lenbnrg,- formerly Sheriff of Canwiill county,' is 93 years old. He rides horseback walks to the p st ' offlrje for his mail, and followed th sport of squirrel shboU'. ing up to 83 jzx. Economist. J ''"' ' - Rogne Shot. Oa Monday night a negrd, : nimed Green. Gay, while in the act of carrying off some goods from the store of Mr. .' H. Gntchin, which he had stolen, was shot at by Mesr?., Turner Daniel and George Johnston as he ran A The goo Is were dropped by the thief in Lis flight dud thus restored. It is not known Whether the rogue ras h i "r not, as he has not been beard frorii sincj the occurrence. Battle- bow Advance. j We had the pleasure of exainining, afewdayR since, speciraeus of nativa1 woods coljacted by IJenry Fries, Jr., and intended forlhe State and Charlotte. Fairs. We bave been kindly furnished witn a list, and will publiKh it next week as an answer to many inquiries as to the vaaetj and valua.tof jbative woods. The col lection embr es 108 specimens of native and 22 esotie woods. -SrtZi PrtssJ , : f .... ' : ATTENTION, ' I "desire to call the attention' of the public to the' fact that I have inorw on band,' and -will continue to keep, the ; best, f as Well as the cheapest cisar to be fotmd irl this city the finest brands ot cheWiKg tobaccri, ' vi2 Mnv4 Flnwer,' Solace; Century and . UhesapeakaiThe finest brands of smoking tobacco, ai-on(? which Will be found Durham. Virelnia and Turkish. , a ahnfts of all kindsv and a large; variety of pipes and smokers articlas of every .description' In addition to "the foregoing;, eery article usually'kept iii "ar first-cfass Clear Store, caw be pure4Ase4 at. wholes,: andretail aiJSf w-Bern s ScacoIiSrkmy Swfih-ffrOotf Su, two dqprs above the Gast-.n Hins. .e'S 3 1 n Jl; GOLDSMITH Proprietor , Life u rteatll , Pec, 9 tt. -j-!) Prim tff'Nvl'8tww,'4re. '"JripeHine: - Virgin TJipl 't' .':. rl ' " ... 't Yellow Dip.L." tr, to Senpe r. k: f civ r. i LSpirits.'-pt aTlou"! ' VC "Ws L Kofim, eotairirtn stMiaen.'.;. ; .-.-'.;.'. " w , Got o 1 Riled ' s f .i; i7(Jfil74 ih EjA neea. 1 . ;: .. .'. . . i - 4C H " 13' 2t et ,,AAi"-raT-MAGGlfi ALtEN, 'wife of Thos H.'Aen. E3q., of Charlotte, foi-merl v. of LNew Berha' K.' C.i'died.et the resideace of ,her IUKery Hm ljiyj.Jsq , la iujs juacs.uu ahuih- day morning rnorninij' lasV 17 instant., ; old-V09 r'.Mes e np r . ' ' ' " ; ;T ' New ' Advertisements.. Good rooms and all the popnl ir papers of the f Ba&inan' 'I8ase;: Sbnth. Front sireet. 6Mwls, r Dess 'etot&t VeH$$am, -Boo, 'sVsit87'd:,ity.Iei of AVpolen gods,'at ,Ago9tines,;,on Pollock Street, nextrt to ith ,Na- lional Banfa-i ilr.fa ;:M.-,q j.;rfv ,oct9;tf, GnitnrlUrK Saloon , r ,f ;, . - ?" South ;;Front . sir, 'et ; opposite-f. the Gaston House,-jioys'ers ; in all styles : private rooms ; meals at all .hours ' the be3t of liquors,1 1 pEOP.OSALS FOR STATIONERY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, .. : . .. Office of ths ecbetau"x of Statk. . ..j.; ,Rii.sijH, October 6tU, 1872.' Notice is her?bv civsn, That iu pursuance of theseve-al aots of the Gn.x J Assembly, scaled pr.ipos da will ba received at this flioe until me 1st day 01 govern o. r lor inrniBiuug the Miowing amounts and kinds of Stationery, t'J.'VUt ij . . . . : 600f ream (more or l-.w) of book 'paper, sized and calendered 26v4't 50 1V. - : '200 reams book paper, quality as above, 21x 5845 lb. ' ; ' ' 6.2 reams noti paper. ' : ' 8 ' ' ' ' Lithographed head, 2 cha-g-r; J 42 leaur letter paper, 10 lb. "14" . " '10 lb, Lithogrnp'aed beadV '3 8hati'g K.f ' ' ; - 1 V- '10 reains fools' cao. ' '7iw ' legit dip.'' '' 15 "'' flittetter. '' ': . . . "34 ' li.it cap. . '- " 5 ' ' Ift-my iz-d. ' - ! -' M-opcf-h-' ' ; : 3 ' Enrolling paper, according to pat t'eriK'" . .' " '.' " : --' 37 ream 8 tax paper sized 60 lb, 22x34. ; -1 :ac3DCjt pper. - - - 3 cover paper colors. I- i I . blotting paper, blvy. 10 . , wrapping parer,, brown, he ivy. . (- 18 sheets oil paper fox copying press, . 12x18. : uf !-'. .. . ,.f .', 600 sheets blotter pad . x . ; , . - . . 25 boxas envelopes white, No. 5. 1 , ,.. g . , , . . ' 6. ,: -.. 24. "- ' " ., buff " 5.. ', . ; "'2 ' . " , '. .' 6. . - . - 6 1 ' 1 white 8 ;i,9 cy'moi J,: ---,s-"- . 10.. , f , , , 14 ,--r'-, f'- ' buft " 10. ... . 1 Gross GillpH's Pens,; Nol. 303. . .r ' '. -1 -.., ... ;ir. JVr, ,-1:t.tH. '..., 12 " Washington Medallion Pins, 5" 'Vt Steel pennv,as-orted. , . , t , !, -3 ' V 1 Cohen and Son's. . .. , 10 " ;' Lead penail, Faber No 2, 3 doz-iii " ; .-;'4 . red and bin - 18 quuits bluck ink, D.tvi l's. .35 ; .', ' . . V4 Garter's.- ' 3Gross2oz. Inki,-Xav:dJ. , 5 " . p u hold rs. : . j . . . 5 doz. Cirmiue Ink- 2 oz. . - 6 quarts Arnold' Ink. 1 doz.. Pounce... . s. ... ; 5 gross Congress qui 1 pens. -r, : 2 do?., steel erasers. . 20 " India rubber squares. 5 'gross g!m bands, assorted. ' ' 2 ."', inut-iiage' flat botiles. - .1, 'j , Mb Gill's paper faStenors. ' " ' ' '4 fldz. Congress tie envelopes ' ' ' " 10 ' '-' cloth envelopes No. 10.' 1 " bill ti'es iron. ' A ; I copying press, cap siz"j ' 1 copying press, 18x24. - - - 3 copv-press books, cap. 6 ' letter. 4 . -; 14x20. 1 doz paper folders, ivory. 10. ( 000 News Wrappers. 2.000 Notarial Seals, size State seali 2.000 ' Wafers 180 pieces f sd tape !-i ' ; ' f 4 cork screws. -' 1 ,. 8 dozi pencil sharpeners. ; - 2J i " 81 inch rules. ; scissors, sm;dl round endi k baakrs shears. 2 paper clamps. - : ; 'J- 1 rloa. ci pying pl-ess brashes. ' 25 lbs. wrtipping twine. ! 1 Set drawing instruments. 18 bible. - 1 39 blank books, 4 qr, ruled. Vi casti be oks . 99 Jnstict's dockets, 4 qr, flat, full printed and ruled. ; ? - .. - ' $3 General index 8 qr. dsmy oap, bounil. ' lfl License books( half bouni'i printed form. 28 M'U-rtage recor Js, 8 qr, demy, priiite I, full bound. ' .-. -v - ; r. 10 ?dinute bo k, Co Com'rs 8 qr, demy, full bo nd. k-.-i: -fr ,-.. ( .- ;. . 16 Money-order books, 4 qr flat cap, printed and ruled. .- -i -; . - t 30 Begistratidn books, 2 qr fl it cap, printed and n.leil. . ; - ... , i 68 Poll books, 2"dr flat cap, printe-1 and ruled. . SilJU-eord of itedi, 8 qr. demy, printeJ, full bound. . .;. - - - . 4 Administrator bond books, 4 qr flat Cp, printed form., . - . - . ' ' , Apprentice bond books, 4 qr flit cap,' printed lortu- 10 Bastardy bond books, 4 qr flat !ap; printed form. -f. , : 2 Guardian bond books, 4 qr flat cap, print ed toim. . . S3 Summons docket, 8 qr deroy, full bonnl. 6b Jndgmeut dockU, 8 qr deinyt fail Uouud: -, 63 I sue uoctets, 8 qr demy, full bouud. 6 Miunte dockets, 8 qr demy, full bouud. ' 5 Alphabetical index docketflj 8 qr demy; fell b mud. . , j 61 B -cord of wills, S qr demy, full bound. , dr.s ancj decrees, records of, 8 qr demy, fulibounl. , ;. Vj, , .-, , ,' v.. .... All writing paper and paper used iu blank books to be perfect, animal sied and lotis yrit-d . to weigu,not loss than ten pouud? to the letter renra in proportion thereto. ,' .AH bid must contain samples of the severar kinds of paper proposed lo be furnished, and and state distinctly the price per pound1 or rettm Of each kind. " ' Books an 1 dockets marked , to 'be in half bindinjrleatber b ick'ntid papei1 Bides; those marked to ba in full binding EnSoia and and bands. '' ' "' ' - - ' Further itjfoTnition In relation to books can he obtained at the office of ''the Secretary -of Btate.' where samples can also beseen. "4 "5 i; A li articles to be delivered before the ' 1st day January, ' at the Capi'ol' buildi?. ' unless otherwise agreed hy h Secretary of Stated v ' :- Contracts will tie - award id to Ihe lowest bid der for ach clns oflvrii-g iroffiinentTTt y. -; - , ' HENRY J. MENNINGEK. - Of i20tL i lJ ' ! keoretayKf State. r Bead TMs ! w wl ct .id J-a-i.H.f. -v '3 Ann RfrtTTro TAT . I ! uuuuiiJCiviro' THfe Co'uri I ; J;t' CI " H f Wcinstein ; & Bro . v. 11 j o- , to;p 1- i- K ' ! have now received, beir ' , 1 t! i ,'.s . 1 : . .. ,!! ,: !, 1 J-'i' arid.VVinter V i i L Dry 'Goods, t ' .1 . Jl! . ,:i 1? . Clothing, - 3, Shoes,., r :. : , V Hats,: . Caps, ALZ, OF THE L AT ESI STYLES. Tliey afe deterpsiced.to eU , tH'm fit prices that anybody and everybody w.ll be able to buy. ' " ' Tliy shII cbeftper than any x house in North OanilifiH can,; arid wil' sell them either at wholesale or retail. LADIE 5 AND GETLEIEN; go to WEINSTEIN & BRO'S Cor. Pollock and Middle Sts. New Berne, N. C. 4 and be delighted with good bargains. Pratt's Astral Oil, 50 cents per gallon, at . Meadows & Co. - 'l-T ' ' In addition, I have: U4.ii ia etore. , , . ILf i I have inst re til ceived and Rin now efferin? to th trade SI o n he following Ales. , Portrr. "V r , choice brands of II Foreisrn and Do- lnentic I.ionom. at .- B'andy Peatfhs fl B prices which defy 2. Wheat Whiskey, H Competituu ; Cock Tail Rirrera, ' r-l 2 Rose Cordial. , , M iXJ , . p. ltasiih -rry Syrnp. ' ' U -wrtisKtKs. ' L0 Jelliea. &Cj &c H 5 .' Oldttoritor'sMoim- . DtmijuHns, . . . . . mem ...... 11 tiin five. liw. ' VJ ua. Tr H Donchnfty & Sons n . . . Bottles. (JJ Fnre live, ism Qj Zeislefa Ky. -1HB. P , in hbla. and. half, 9 Glass Ware. re.- J of ra 2 andBarF;xrnrep! Old-Nertif. . ..- ,- ' i - .. - i Old Kcutncltv . O ' My tfarls stocked: 0 y IVmrrion, M with the - beat Li-; Uj North farrdma - Q-qinrs- and Hears m m Corn Wniaky.t w-, the market affords. (U i ami my nn.ii'j ih to aim my nn.ii'j miu 31 please ajl who favor UJ .W. us wlta their pa- LJ anASbtlsS. tronase. J. & K Martell's " ". TmpoTfrd r-(l T l aiso Tteq niy rmvJBCe's $5 " Choioest Brands. of . . , : IV. f- V.lnvA . 4 . - ir ..4 rj mannrsi-inrfo: ro t hacco's and Cigars, fe. artions which are Otard Pnpoy & Co'S I nnrliiH '.I Q the following : ach'. Gi"irrr. BlackherrT .aaiCAerfty O TonAcco. (riiij.) 2 Gravfj-ly' best. B ; Pan rake. O finlden fis r unA Xnw lbs. H tt H WtKXS. O. ' ll tobacco. (Sol.-ice.) U W Mi'hipsn DeWDrcp O , Morninz Glory - H and Century. L S3 4 Old Sherry, Port: ;. . ; ..; . Macoria. -I Claret, i I i Bhinfe,' Cr.lifomia - '. and SctippernoDg.; ' CTGABS. o PRIDE 3 OF r RW; . B BR NR, 2 m nn n f act n red to of - dr from choice . y Bnvaaa tebacto, , (JJ O Brilliant. v H . Old Plantation, ij orxs. ' () Fine Imrortod w Pal ai Tree, Fine Impnrtpd . . Schiedam, ( i Fine Imnrt-rl W XXX rish, r Old Pose. W ; - Old Anchor. . ' and Old Swan 3 ' KtM. . Fine ' ; (P Imported Jaraaca, N Sarta ruz, , Tore New Pncl ind, O Portland Distillery. 53 Parteos 1 J and Flop j, ES He member . . tiie place : BttJE StdRE, L O W Minni-x Sraxir, St PioHr') MAnkxf. opnoslte iAS s. Latimer rj Proprietor. Liebig'sEx't Beeftfti MEADOWS & CO's. Piresii Groceries Received, including Everything Suitable for" Housekeeper (3-ood ButteJf, Roasted CoiFee Offered for sale Cheap. IlVery fantlly Bhoilld Remember - I :::r';7''::;v';:. A'Va; Expect to sell at , Small praiitSf Yt ' Ci stover.-; R; NEW ; YORK .'Sii,t ..' .'.-it, t'jo lani r;:i ..: 'i ; EUeii S ? Terrf Salyer, Master Thtouijri Bilb-.of i liadinf sven to and from all iMi'uitK ou tire N. O. Iail Kuad :.Inerapce et;;ctel through us at J per ceii. Freifi1it?f ivin be taken for IWla- GEO. W. DILL. Regular Inland Freight Line nrTUerU MCUf nCDMC BETWEEN NEW BERNE .- AMD DAI TlMnRr? AND BAL T ItnOKE. The Steamer CottLmercfc will continue to make refi-ular trips between the above places, baying Baltimore for New Berrie direct on Thursday, July iS, and every other Thursday thereafter at e ir. al. New Berne Agent. , . ; . B. L. PEBET. Baltimore Agents. . ... ' . Messrs. W tLWKElti UlUKliNSOJN. Ap30-tf WALKER, Mater. .... -4 - STEAMSHIP LINE " : I BETWEEN- - ; New-Bern and Baltimore. '"' : Tim Stkamrr ' '. J AS AG ART, CAPT. f HALL. Master, s REDUCED RATES. mouir 3Qc- porli 50c. REDUCED BATES ON COTtON To Baltimore 2 00 . Philadelphia 2 50 " New York 2 To ' " Boston 4 00 prr bale c i?or rates and engagements apply to li. L. FEHUY, at the Wharf in New lierriV and ANDREWS fc CO., Dalli- more. ' ' ' - :"'- Dec. lSth-tf i . ; BATEMAN, HOtf SE, BRICK CtTlLoiXG, South Front St;, near Craven ! (FORMERLY TOE nAltVEY HdUSK.); THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BE GENTLY opened the above named House, wbuld cull attentiou to the fact that, desiring to meet the wants of tht! pedple for a first Class Bar and Billiard Rooms, has fitted up in s style thatjtte feels assured will 3eet tile approbatiouvof the public, A BAUTJ1AT IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST Ales, Wines, rs, arid Cigars. connected with which is a first Class Billiard Room, with a modern Nonpariel Table and every itfl provement and accomodation. The HEADING rtOOM ie Applied with all the leading State and prominent news and illustrated papers. J. BATEMAN, " Prprietob. IsT Stf R A JJO B Continental Insurance Company, O F, N E W ; Y OB I, VIBG1NIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY ..... ,i i- - - " - 7 - , . ,L t Roberts (k Mertdersori Ag'ts. ; Oma SornfiBx xpses Bcii.,iisoi , - U-. .. CuaVES S-fBUT; :----'i,- f i ' ' at Jt. riTlEi CARPEMTER AND dUlLDER )f lf Ji grCet ater BroadU , , Aft kinds of Carpenter Work done at the lore CisH PKICft.2 CVaacUauOeand cmsTaateed ' Tll-1i.,-. . - -. .-,.: a - Parox im of thi dre idtul disease Will l. h.iihrd with joy hy Umnssinrifc of putlcrern. The centficate whtch accompany jonas vv mxoam kbm'kDt re from the "Wit rulinble onrce. nd atti-su lm wonrtennl powrf , ven in the most verere case. dOnvDh Brntt A Co., proprwtate, if;s tTase Ai vbtino. Fro tanjlly t t&IHlV.Mint fUy to cfty. frrnn owtejio tu.e tSiefaaft- f Dl WAl. HB S EdKTtlM.t VlCMll HTT arf tlBreiWTor Ml deranimracnu of the stomach. boWel and MVer. Ii ruminuitlly fztcndinir - Its Tolanuiry mitonrtr are innuttcruiiev apd puiilic cptttantaaiaf , to . it furor spread fitter taan i pmrie fire, i ' fhir wbor.tb tealth ot th rtnit-Wbwfi. jLecp tiem pcrlecc iind in ord.-r to do o. mantKatare then with a brnh dipped 'a the tragrau SoCudoiit, oAce or twice a day. Who Writ Stirrlt r rw ml ... injt. nr Tobus' YnitiB Liuimeat wi pnt tWortt j.iihlict warrsnunp ft to cure ( htonic hheuroaiigm. Hcanacha, Oot. U irfr. Hruisee. Old Soi il'ln An tM LimtM. I.,.,. viicak. hiiu il hub never miif n dolil oy ail Drus-jist. Depot, 10 Park Hacc. New Tork. and (snierai dehiliu iu their virions forms: ahoaa 4 prcventfr sjainst FeVtr and Ae. n other inter railiei.t fevers, ibe "Ferru-vbtlurHU4 fcilrlr Cliay." made hy Caswelt. rlnurd A i:o New York, and sold by all f)r Ftfvtr is tae Nw-tJonti, i ft a "i f o ThcbsVoN's IVory Pkahi. tooth thv n.A bci"! article known for tieai smi; ana prescftins tna tctfth nnd fruiu4. Mutiii hv .11 ii.ii.,i. iu ...j 50 Cents per oottle. t . C. Well A Co., Nr Torlr, .- ' ' - A ( Bim-TiDoR 'gnAtn Dte stands ttnHfflllert tn tb worid No lady or "entieman of ni. rimlntf.,n nm any other Ii is the moft jerf.:ct. reliiible anfl efttx. tiVc dair Dye in the World Manufactory, Xaldoa Lane, New York. . ? . . , r f'ABDoi.ic Salvk. recnmm..r fl.a hv Ti,rtn. the irrc at liealinc Commiin H 1 ri. V. i ... iL.. John t. lleury,- bole Fropnvtor, 8 CoUcpe Pla&s, acr .. ' . . i' . - . .'t ,iJSLET 8 U,CHC reliable Dinrctic and Tonic f . r all derarircintnts of th iirliaryand e.niial ptni; 1 be gcn-ine as forraeily so.d jy Haviland. Haraal 7 weir gniiii. 11 m urjUhd by U W hisley. the originator ai.d prourUtor: iut4 Ibe trad. npptssa by hit aucceBsor; Korgua 4 Jilalfcy, Jiktw SyAPKIA. or ouium timiSorf llii uuiuwi..i I odyne in the mtukct. inadv hi brocers of Ur I ii. Bilew- ptroH Medcal yslei;e. It . alrtys Uniform m oi Opinra! S 8 111 """WW i I 1 katt s as -hal orb. has a werld wide reputation at f,fjrt"di 'Llunrf,iL,a,i"?oU' .Uvvr w0 million i huic puiu ii r i ii k nn ht rvn voara rr..t l wUichnoacdduntaof uy driMio v-iwi ena tor Circular. OilUouseot Cha. Pratt, 6Ub WicIlAyB FtlEiatrtilTLt FtAnn mot here sar fh.. wonl.1 not be wirhont Mrs. M in-low-. Sn.thlmr Kr.. fnn the binh of ibe child mitil It has finisher wit a the teething siege, under any consideration whatever. Tue Pbciikt cr BrirTT. Whnt I. it asked, fur the world of fashion and alt the iadh-s kn M '"' " I'toquci-o oy nsini; a deliirlittnl and lisrmlesa fillet preparation known as . W. Laird -Bltiohl of Yonth.' Its beantifyinj; effects ate trttly Wotiuo.fnl ml'm, W UU1U mJ X ! , , -. : .: tt JOHN MOSORLEY, soet arid 1 Shoe Maker Pollock. StRiccr, Nfcan Middle. tiEW KERNE, N. U. ." The very best Quality of French CnlffeMn Boots and Shoes made lo order, and wnrrauted equal, if not superior, to any In the State, THE BEST WO It KUE tl , ' to be (bund ill the conntry are 1 EMPLO Y ij D IN THIS S II 0 1 and perfect fits and BntisfacHon in pfery taae . gunrranteea. . . t Always on hand and for sale.' . , -- FINE BOOTS AND SHOES at prices warranted to suit .f Repairing & Specialty I and done in the best possible, inanref, at fair prices ana at me snortest notice. , jtwtl - ' .. . . . : t ByJEIiggihs, CcblTfifCoA Atafctiobefct-s; Jrlk. ii s Octinek Ritl-eel Baltlmor ' .-.., Ve will sell on Tuesday iuornihg netl &O0 ckses of Boots, Shoes, Brbgans, Ac, Jtc; rfhea Bales ire held only bh Tuesday of feach $eek and coin prise a special and general assbrtmen of Eastern and City made goods direct from the manufacturers, and warranted" as represented Catalogues On the morning bf sale, and! the goods ready for inJecUdh.J 1HGG1NS, rjDBBi co.- 0 ft 8 Geriaian St, UaltimOre. ' Aug 14-tf. r - berrV's BU&cEt. Insure in the New Yoflt lifa Intiranci Company ' II. Baar, Agent. Select Drags and Pure Chemicals, at Berry's. Bargains in Papefj Envel-Jfcea; Pens, Ink, tc.i at Berry's. Paints, Oils and Vanrish of reliable qtudity. Also, Brushes, Putty, Ac., &c., Lo,, at Berry e. Window and Picture Glass, cut to any size of shapCi UOioreU; engraved nd- rtbUnd Glasai ' to order, at Berry n. Qnly 75 mts for a gallon of Pratt's Astral Oil, and a can to keep it in. bt uO cents for the oiL at Berry's. Bnisf's watranMfl glrflen uefcdf at feertyV. Bhy " CAsoLtxA TVattr;" the hkkt cologr.e in the market, at Berry's. . '; - - - , Berry's Extbact -Mt-satubfj tmUasht any other extract for the Iiandketthicf. Extract Beef Wine and' iron: 'V.mnl.J t kefeP) At Bebxt's. "Elir Califiaya " Catisaya and Iron. "and other modern . tions in hind j or to order, at short notice, at Organ or Pumo-lortesi of ahy style e mannfarJttire, to bidet, atByB. - J . ' Srtentiflc Booki of AhVSHftan ot Eafoneaii publication, furniahed to Order, mJt BefrJ'a. Tfa best of ettryOdng for fat, price, at 'gUy Cbontcd infnaion of Wincinal ' Pittre Ffames and THmmiog at Brrry'a, mflZ&!F'?'i ;i. i -v s

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