L.IBKRTV V1STI ;UNION. NOW AND. FORBVEB, ONE JUiiy lfKFARHIK-rTiiilr "Wttlv VOLUME XI NEW BERNE, N..&. TUESDAY cMfiRNING,1 OCTOBER 22r 18. 6.QO PER ANNUM Xcuj Dcmc Dculu Suncs. John S. Manii, Local Editor. The Editor of this paper it in no way re tponsille for the ticwt or tiattmenlt of Corres pondent ; no communications of anranory mout character toiS be published, tie re&inatM of (he writer mutt accompany aU commxmica f'ons. Any one usho may feel ogrieyed at ildtements made by correspondents can obtain Ike name on tpUcntlon to the Editor. Arrival And peimrture of Mails. Post-Offiqe, New-Berne. N. C. I Jane 17lb, 1872. f Mail tyloses for he Xorth", West and South at 7 45 A M. Mail Closes for Beaufort and the East, at 4 15 P M- I , ' Mail Closes fori Washington, Swift Oreek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties, every flay at 5.30 AM. : Mail closes for Trenton. Pollockville, fd Swanshoro, Wednesdays and Saturdays t .30 A M. ! Mail closes for Datteras (. Beaufort) at 415 P.M. . Mail closes for Grantsboro, Bay River-and Vanrtemerc. Tuesday Thursdays and Satu'r days at 6 A M. MAIL ARRIVES. From the Nortty Weft and South at 4.45 ,P. M. ana opened j for delivery at 5 4fiPM.) From Beaufort and the East at 8.35 A M. - From Washington,. Swift Creek, N C, &c daf!y,at4PM i Frm Trenton. Pollockville and Swanboro Tuesdays and Fridays at 4.30 P M. " From Grantsboro. Bay River and Vande mpre, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4PM , - . . Office hours from 8 A M. to 5 P M, and 8.45 to 7 00 PM. Sundays from 12-30 to 1 P M. GEO. W. SA SON. Jr.. Postmaster. , Only forty -eight Indians in Iowa. 3 Go and see that your hame is registered. Use Meadows & Co'b Ess Jamaica Ginger. Elm City Counjcil, No. 34, F. of T., meet to-night Try Meadows & Co's Eau de Cologne and Ex"t, Jockey Cluh. Vegetation begins to show signs of approach ing winter. Colombus Cigars the finest in the City at 'wholesale and retail at Zixxakds. The Zodiac sailaj from Morehead City for New York on the 25th ihst. Net Twine of all sizes.' Seins of any size and weight knit to order. Mitchell, Allen & Co. - i : Sabbath was aj most del'ghtful day, the churches were well! attended- German Study, or office Lamps, at Meadows & Co's. A baby show is spoken of at the WeldOn Fair, to take place! on the 29th inst. Finest Scotch "Whiskey, French Brandy and Wines at Zixkands. - '.'..''," '. Oysters are getting .better every day, and a full supply always to be found in market. .1 Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes, at Meadows A (Vs. -.. . - Remember, yoa can get the latest market reports in the Times. See t legraphic column. Lager Beer of the best quality at wholesale and retail at ZmKANDs. - lie-member, the Presidential election takes place two weeks from to-day; see that your Mime is regis 'ered. Tike yonr prescriptions to Meadows A Cob day or night j " Extending youi shop front into the news paper," is the latest definition for advertis ment Merchants fxtend in the Trans. The finest ChewiDg Tobacco and Cigars at Meadows & Co's. A lady fainted oni seeing Small Talk's nose at the Louisville exposition Thursday. She was from Sierras, anid it reminded -. her so strongly of one ot. her' native peaks that she was overcome. St.L6uis Globe. Subscriptions to the New Bebnz Dailt Times are constantly increasing. Let every merchant subscribe and advertise. The Times will publish full telegraphic reports, the morn ing edition conbvni ig the night dispatches. Having gained thirteen Congressmen on the elections for the orty-third Congress, thus far held, tha Republican party can indorse Jir iireeley s Sentiment thai all - questions of public policy should be referred to the people through Congress," ihe Enquirer, speaking of an earthquake, says : ' A low mntterirur nnnTirt HVa distant thnndfir Mthe rumbling ofjan earthquake, was heard W parts of the county last Saturday. This shows td frhai straits' Democracy is "Wen, when they cmnOt distingriish between 'h returns from Pennsylvania and an earth quake. However,; we suppose they were looked just as bad as though it were an earth 5uaie, and it U in fact but the rumbling sound preceding the eruption on the 5th of November Foe; . j A very large f0g preVanect here yesferday morning. j . TT Appropriate. . - -'' . ae heading of Pipers: "Words them.-. " T- " ... editorials in Democratic of Cheer." -.They ed ery steamer that leaves this port goes alea with full freight; which is an evidence themereastffcusinaes,, . 5 .. . , f C,rwted. j . . - . - ' ' have corrected &e ticket at the head of Jr papw in aocqrdartce wifh request at && ijet U hfT- fmm fi vof v 'S i R-gl!ltr. T . n compliance with our request everybody 7 een to see that the name of J. Mumford, ,7 ' was down on the books of the tth Vfard, everybody ace Ie8ister.d. that their name? are There was to have been A niass-meetin of Republicans to-dav at Statesville. Honl Thomas Settle, . Gan Rtrf us Barringer, ,Col. Marcus Erwin and other distinguished speakers are advertised.. . f A Card. H I'UZa luA.AXA. I take this method of returning my thanks to the Tire PeparttAent and citizen generally! for their timely assistance in rescuing a portion of my property from the flames Saturday night the 19th inst Respectfully, F. Mahtj.b. An F.it.nlrr Work. x'iJt The New York City mission is seeking to sustain fotrjr cify. missionaries; and mission chapels, four mission churches ftild five mission Sunday schools ; also' a number of the helping hands and sewing schools and reading and lodging houses, aud asks from the public $5,000 per month to carry on these beneficial operations. 1 Mayer' Court, . v , , Mayor Kilbura presiding. ; " - Monday, Oct. 2. Yesterday was decidedly a dull day at this reformatory institution in fact, business was so dull that after disposing of one case we have not the pleasure of excliii jaing in tonsoral par lance. next !" . .... ', ; NowK Johnson was the yonngman who found himself arraigned before t je bar, tho latter of a different caste from the one at which he had been" practicing, and which accounts for his presence here. Now, Johnson ias a- bibnlons habit, and though he has never been an Alder man in his native villag", ye he possesses in a$i 'eminent degree all tha convivial qualifica tions. The name of Johnson is familiar to evey reader of Shakespeare's time, as 'well as Intimately connected ,' with the history jbf the U. S-, and we doubt not that old Ben will arise, like Banquo's ghost, and haunt Samuel for degrading the historic name of Johnson, and petition the Legislature to change it to Jones. Now, this Johnson that is, our John son got drunk, and when drank, he ' fought, " and when he " 'fought " a Kinght of the DDcust took this low-cuss and brought him np for temperance lecture, whiei His Honor de livf red with telling effect, and Samuel Johnson will long remembra it. ?; 8TATELIXGS. " CJ t Magnolia wants a bank. - The Tarto'bro Bank is now in operation. The State Fair, which has just closed at Ral eigh, was a grand success." An exchange says, iron grave stones are very popul.it in Texas. Thomas M. Holt, Esq., of Alamance, has been elected President of the N. C, Agricultural Society. E? A. Wright, of Goldsboro, has a right smart idea of being Reading Clerk in the House of Repraaentativs, - .: . The Annual Conference of the M. E. Z. Church convened at Hertford on Wednesday, Oct, 16th. Bishop Hood pretiiing. The Brig Cormorant, with railroad iron, has .arrived at WitatingKmN C. ' ' i C'i The garrison at Fort Johnson will be relieved by a detachment from California. ' A. A, Shrgebn Skrine,tlT.i5. A., has reported for dnty at Fort" Jobhson, " vice Kinman re signed.". " ', " ;, ) ,. Rileigh papers complain of the apathy ijiahi fested by the merchants in relation to tbe Fair. Sanderson Paine, aged 73, of Dare county. was married recently to his grand daughter, Rebecca, Stowe, vged 16.-, - . - T -s i A woman stabbed a man in the neck at a dance-house in Wilmington, Thursday night lasty. Qmchas likely prose fatak B t ' Mr. Sirby and family, from Canada, have located in Greensboro and brought with them ' some ? splendid stock, horses, sheep, eows, hogs,! Ac. . ; " : '"f . Graball is the name of a platie in tldgeeombe county, and from all accounts it is appiopri ately named.' The Commissioners of Halifax county have bought a good law library for tha Bounty, and it will be placed in the Court House, says the Roanoke Newt. The ten dollars premium for the besf fdt ot jewelry at the Henderson Fair was awarded to A. C. Freeman, of Norfolk, Va. Hon. Kemp P. Battle will deliver the annual address before the Roanoke and tat River Ag ricultural Association,' on the 31st inst. The Roanoke News' Local mourns over the fact that while the circus waS in Wsldoa he didn't have a'chaoce to chronicle one fight A negro woman, in this plxce, gave birth to twins on Thursday night She had witnessed the Ku Klax scene, at the circus, which fright ened her, so that it led to a premature birth. Roanoke News. w ,-,-, , A colored boy ntftiieVl Walkr fell from tbe third story of the Methodist College now build ing in Greensboro, on .Tuesday' last, and had his back broken, from the effects of whioh he has since diecL ; . A Franklin county undertaker who was not used to conducting funeral, recently arose at the conclusion': of a funeral address and said that the corpse would now go round and take last look at the mourner. It Is said" that the " branch railroad from 'Vv'il son, to Greenville, Pitt county, will soon be put under contract The Tarboro branch road pays well. When the branch road from Enfield or Halifax to Scotland! NecE is bililt, which we hope to see very soon, the W. & W. R- li. will be well supported with good branch roads. "JChe height of Imagination, is' the title of a little wipe give by tUe Horih Carolinian to the Etonomut. ' ' ' The Rt Rev. Thomas Atkinson, Bishop of North CardBus will visity officially, Beaufort, November 8th ; New Berne November 10th ; Durham's Creek, November 13th; Kins ton, Novemberitti. IV - - - ' '. " Keglster t Reffiater 1 1 Rrglster tit . . . ' Do not forget that the election for President occurs on Tuesday the 6th of November. - " A Worn t4 Wie," a . j ; Richardson's Job Office is a r irl bee hive, as to industry, consequent upon the ' niiaierbus orders constantly tedeiving for pfintiiig of aU kinds.. ; --'. :i;'; " ;' it He is Just in ireceipt of a .fine lot tl Piper, Cards, Tags, &e., per old dominidd Uife", from New York and Philadelphia, and is prepared to furnish JOB WORK of every description at Northern prices, with expedition and ; in a workmanlike manner. Give him l a trial. Sblnjclea and 8roioB8. Ministerial remuneration in the early days of th8 great West was on the wcridy basis of al other matters. As an illustr.Uiyn, we give the case of Rev. Jacob Patch, years ago of Northern Indiana. No purer, simpler-minded man than he. Thoroughly educated in literary and theo logical colleges under New England influences he soon adapted himself to his' new work of aiding In viliristianiziog the Wsst After a few years' residence in the land of prurie and forest he began the building of a house for himself. His way of paying for shingles might be new to Mr. Beecher, but was tio true with our pioneer clergy. The good people near the Hog Creek school-house (a true name) having a shi igle machine, and using its products for t leir legal currency, and desiring the services of Mr. P contracted with him to have hiin deliver them a certain number ot sermons at the prioi of a bunch (1000) of shingle for a sermorv The preachiDg and shingles were respectively fur nished to the mutual fatisfaction of the high contracting parties In completing the house half a bunch extra was required. In delivering his farewell sermon, alter relating the good that had been done, and speaking of their pleasant relations as pastor and peojl ', he alluded to their contract, and gave an account which showed the balance of one half-brn ;h in their favor unpaid for. And now, my dear brothers and sisters," said he, ' I am not owing yon for mngh shingles to come to a sermon, but Providence permitting, I will o me over to you at an early day and hold a prayer meet ing !" And he did. Th currency lOr chinge was satisfactory. Editors Drawer, iu H-trpsrs Magaeine fuir November. Undeveloped Vigor, ; The feeble and debilitated usually fancy they are in a more hopeless condition than they really are. The resources of nature are not easily exhausted. Even when strength and appetite iaiL when the eyes are heavy and lustreless, the compiexidti pailid, the nerv s tremulous, the body attenuated, and the mind depressed, there is generally a reserve of latent power behind such palpable evidences of weak- ss. Various modes of tr atment are resorted to by physicians in the hope of developing and rendering availiable this store of sleeping vitality, but the surest, and indeed the ouly thoroughly safe and reliable means of awken- ing the dormant energies of the system is a course of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Elec tricity,; shower ba' ha, the.: flesh brush, sea bathing, c , may be well, enough in their way, as the auxiliaries, but they do not reach the source of the eviLi AH physical debility proceeds either from a derangement . of the functions of the assimilating, secfetive and vital organs, or from a sluggish constitution. In either case, and also in case's where both causes exist, the Bitters will invariably produce an" immediate and salutary change in the condition of the patient, and eventually effect a edmplete cure. None of the dangerous alkaloids, too often administrate "ed as tonics, ' can be otherwise than delecterious under auch circumstances, and to give mercury is positively priminaV The direct effect of the crfeat vegetable specific1 will be manifested in an improved appetite, a more cheerful frame of mind, a gradual return of Strength, : an increase of -flesh, and a healthier complexion. Meanwhile,' however, the constitution, if inert and feeble,-will have been roused and renovated by the subtile ele ments of invigoration contained in the Bitters. 'in Scrappiana. Pere Hyacinthe and. his new wife are going to start a newspaper... , ; Laura Fair finds it pretty warm in California, and talks of settling in Chicago. Pet snakes are becoming fashionable with society of young ladies in England. . y One of the German papers has attained the great age of 242. ........ CharlesF. Benjamin, of the Southern Claim s Commission, is bnrn.ng to lead an army into Mexico. ....... " ;-"; : 1 '" ; " , Y J - , ' - A new article of feminine adornment is a solid metal ring opening on hinges, to be worn as a girdle.'- - - - i ' The proof reader at J. It Osgood & Co's is a great traveller ; he goes ever 'the Atlantic, monthly. 1 ' ; -"' 5 4 -;i a Pratt's Astral Oil, 50 cents per gallon, at Meadows Si Va: "- ATTENTION. ' I desire to call the attention of the public to the fact that I have now on hand, and will continue to keep, the best, as well as the cheapest ctgaf s to be found in this city; the finest brands of chewing tobacco, vi: May Flower Solace, Century aud Chesapeake. The finest brands of smoking tobacco, airong which will be found Durham.. Virginia and Turkish. Snufts of aU kinds, and a large variety of pipes and smokers articles of every description In addition to the foregoing, every article usually kept in a first-class Cigar Store, can be purchased at wholesale and retail at New-Bern s Tobacco Emporium, South , Frotrt 8t; two doors above the Gaston House. II. GOLDSMITH-- Proprietor. Dec. 9-tf. ' .ETNA ; INSURANCE CO. : Hattfdrd, ConiL I N CO U PORATED 1819. Capital - - - S3, 000,000 Assets, - - - $6,400,503 PITT BARROWS, Agent, AyEW BERNE, N. . a J BY TELEGRAPH -.- TO THE NEW BERNE DAILY 7 IMES. i" ifrpm ;WasWngtonv i ;' . ; ' '" ;t7ttdbitSir. Oct. 2ll ... xne riiU8yiiie oenteaQDer imt rn compat-ert yitli the AnsrQ . ro$i show a ctauj aecrease ot o.u barrels, iue decrease of stoftk during 'i. e.iuoer is 52,721 barrels. - From New York-. ;New.Tokk, Oct. 21. The Clothing Gutters of this city hare resolvfid to supportjth'ergltimora stiik ers. $1,000 with more, is promised. The Georgia and Livingston have arrived. From Pennsylvania i PlIILADELPIIIA, Oct. Si. A meeting of the business men of this city was held at the Commercial Ex change to-day to discuss the proposed re-issuance of $44,000,000 in legal ten ders. The only business done was the submission of resolutions by Geo. Fox. to the effect that the business . men of this city Trould endorse the continuance of Secretary Boutwell's former policy. viz : the purchase of bonds from time to time to relieve1 the marker. The re- sdltttions were referred to a committee, The next meeting will bi at the call of fhe chairman of the committee on reso lutions. . i From Georgia. " " Savannah, Oct. 21. . The Steamship Hnntsvillo hence from New York, towed the Tybee, with a broken shaft into this por. The bark Eaergy, from Cardiff, is astiora off Hunting Island, dismantled. The Sira g'Ossa took off the captain's wife and a part of the crew. From Kentucky. LorisViLLK, Oct. 21. N. G. Wright, a medical student, who was susp ended, has committed suicide. His body was found in the woods and will be sent to his friends in Arkansas. Insanity i3 thoug'it ' to hav3 been the cause of his death, ; Foreign New. London-, O ji. 21. Admiral Coijhrane, of the Royal. Navy is dead. Evarts departed in t!e J;va. " Advance rate discounts ia probable to "day. I ' FOREIGN MARKE TS. v". Londow, Oofc. 2 1 N"(on Consuls 923 Fi4 'fwentiesT. f T L.Web. Consuls'Dll 'American se curities flit. - t Fkakkoet, Oct 2.1. 'r Bonds 96 f ' 1 "v A;' Rentes S292. " ; . " ,.; : ; LifERfooi, Oct 21 Noon Cotton opened quiet and steady ; Up lands 99 1 ; Orleans 10J10. BreaJ 8tuQ8 quiet and steady. ; MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. From Washington. The President has departed;' he C re turns "Wednesday, . : WeahEb pRORAirLmES, From Mich igan to Lake Ontario, and thence to the Ohio -Valley, brisk to fresh Southwest winds; cloudy weather and rain belts in the New England and Middle States. Southerly winds, warm, and threaten ing weather in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. Easterly and Southerly winds in the former; cloudy weather andrain in the Gulf -States, in -"the Northwest and thenee extending on Tuesday over Lakes Michigan, and Su perior and to the lower! Ohio Valley, Northwest winds, cool, cloudy and threatening weather. : : " North Carolina. Charlotte, Oct 21. .....The ! fair of the Carol inas begins to morrow," sixteen . fast , race horses have been entered. The fair promises to be a grand success, the best ever held io North Carolina.' "' From New York.: ". ".) Nbw York, Oct. 21. A bond fire burned a sit year o'd girl to death. , ; - Two- dwellings- were burned by the eireless handling of kroseae " Tweed is still nan eat: Tbe National Inooraace Conventioif met to-flay ; four delegate wre pteaerit. It adjourned till to-morrow. 7 n . The Pteaoier St Louis has arrived. : M few Yor k M ar kots. -.ml. f ;;'-' 6if; f;&NEw toRX,te 2L ? ' Mott; 45;;I' cent, "Sterng'f 8J Gold IlS.' Govern jrfeutB dull and steady. State; bonds- very strong.-' Tehn. isae" firm. S. C'a not so firm. Ala. 8's strong, " Cotton stpady-fsales of 4,130 bales; Uplands 19; Orleans 20. lour quiet and unchanged., Whiskey. 92 j. Wheat firmer export limif ed; millers holding it eff; Winter red Western 5865 cts. Corn heavy and a shade lower. J Rice steady. Pork quiet and firm. Lard firm. - Turpentine firm." Rosin steady. Tallow firm. Freights unchanged. Cotton.-Net recei pts, 406,000 bales ; gross 8,712 bales, sa'es for future: 7,950 bales for October at 1&19 1-16, for Novem ber 18 1-16; for December 18l81-16; for January 18 19 1-16; for March 20; for April 20 ; for May 20 13-1620$. Foreign News. Madrid, Oct. 21. The Insurgents have fled Ferroll, in all directions. 200 were captured. FOREIGN MARKETS. LoNttojr, Oct. 21. Turpentine 4146. Liverpool, Oct. 2l. Common Rsiu, lls(gila 6J. Ffty Guns jutt received and for sale at old prices, also Powd. r, Shot &., &c Mitchell, Allen & Co. Georgia Cotton Gins, Dn Bjjs Gins, Emery Gins, Ingersoll Cotton Presses, are being sold fcj Mitchell, Allen & Co. A new supply of the cni.eWrated Lightning Saws just received by Mitchell. Allen & Co. The manufacturers off r $500 rewird for a aster cutting 9a. PriCM of .Vt1 Stores. Ac. Turpentine. Virgin Dip.. $5 10 $5 10 3 75 68 cts $2 00 $4 00 ft 00 1717f cts Yellow Dip " - Scrape...... " Spirits, per gallon:: Tar Rosin, common strained. . Corn, from h ats. Cotton, Baled Seed 4 c's Ezgs.... 1.V3120 New Advertisements. Good rooms and all the popuiir papers of the day at tbe Bateman H3use, Soath Frdnt street, A full line ' of Colgate & Co's Toilet Soaps, among which are the justly celebrated Cashmere Bbuquet, as" weli as Honey and Glycerine at Meadows & Co's. .- - , r Shawls, Dress Goods, Velveteens, Boots, Shoes, Hats, and all style of Woolen goods, at Agostines, on Pollock Street, fiext to the Na tional Bank. oct9tf Just received f rdm New York, a fine lot of Lard, Fish, Irish Potatoes, Onions, Breakfast Bacon, Hams, Corned Beef. Pickles, Cheese. Crackers, Butter, &&, &c., which" are offered lov by Walker &, Guion. . Oct 8-tfJ South Ftont 8tr..-et, opposite the Gaston House, oysters ? ih. all styles ; private rooms ; meals at all hours j the best of liquors. '' - Oct. tO-tf. : '.- 'rM.-.i. -Mil.,; T. A. Green, ' Wholesale - and Betafl Grocer, and liquor Dealer, Middle street, opposite ' the iiiaiiet Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guar ranteed. Oct 2o-tf. thNAs McCarthy. -WHOLE8A1.B AND KZTAII XJKAI.CR XV GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &c. Jonction Pollock aod Queen Streets. The hlshest price oald for crnntrr nnvlnr. r- commodauons for travelers. all and see mc. o33 Pratt's Astral Oil, 50 cents per gallon, at Meadows & Co. Liebig'sEx't Beef at MEADOWS & CO's. Fresh Groceries Received, including Everything Suitable for Housekeepers. Good 8ittte, Roasted Coffee, Offered for sale Cbeap Every family should Remember I Espect to sen at Small profits. C. E, SLOVER. b i, rAtiii CARPENTER AND BUILDER Hfddl 8reft aear Braad. AH kindw of Carpenter Work done at ffaa low CASH PKfCfU. Ctmumusaaea4 gnruiu ttov.U-ly ... r. .. ...... . FO II NEW YORK D I ft E c t; Ellpn S; Tcfrfi gailyer Mflstci The Steamship Zodiac Will sail for Ssi? York from Morehead City veaue8i;ay, Uct 25. Freight taken same as per. steamer airect for e wbern. " '-' ThiOugh Bills of Lading given to and from all points ou the N. C. Rail Road Insurance efffebted thr&agh us at per ceni- Freights Will be taken for Phila delphia and Baltimore, GEO. W. DtkL. Regular Inland Freight Line ! BETWEEN NEW dERNE AND BALTIMORE. The Steamer Commerce will continue to mafce regular trips between the above plaeea, leaving Raltimore for New Berne direct on Thursday, July 18, and every other x aarsaay inereniter at s If. llk New Berne Agent, B. L. PEKET. Baltimore Agents. Messrs. WHEDBEE & DICKINSON. Ap30-tf WALKERj Master. STEAMSHIP LINE BETWKEK New-Bern and Baltimitf e. TUK StKAMKK Jas. a. drAtnr, CAPT; lTAliL. Master, REDUCED RATESi1 ' rplciTJ.X' 3Qc: -ei3s. Ocx REDUCED BATES ON COTTON To Baltimore $2 00 M Philadelphia 2 30 " New York 2 76 " Boston . 4 00 per hale M (I For rates land engagements apply to B. L. PERRY, at the Wharf in New Bern, and ANDREWS & CO., Balti more., ; ; - . . . 1 Dec 15th-tfr ' . ' - B ATELIAN. HOUSE, ' , - . BRICK BITILDISO, South Front St.. near Craven! (FOR3IERLT THB IlAR VEt HOUSK.JS THE UNDERSIGNED HAYING RECENTLY opened the above named House, would call attention td the fact that desiring td meet the wants oi ine people for a first olasa Bar and Billiard Rooms, has fitted up in a style thathe feels assured will aeet the approbation the pubhc, ' A BAS fHAT IS BTtf CitBD WITH THJI BBsf Ales, Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. connected with which is a first class Billiard Room, with'a modern Nonpariel Table and every im. provement and accomodation. The READING Rd(5M if supplied with sll the leading Htate and profiiinent news and illustrated papers. . J. BATEMAN, Pbopbietcb. I IST S U Pl J 1ST O El 1 Continental Insurance . Company ', OP NEW TOBl f 1EGINIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. ftoberts it Henderson, Agfts . Orfictr SotrrHXBX E :pbess Buiintwo CxArbs Stbzet. ' Asriiffi.-ASy vedletiie? Wtb wftf 'alWAa" th ParoZ) Kins ot this dreadttfT 3Icji fTt bt linlled WllS joy by UiunSanda of snlferera. Thg cenlflcate whfca accompany Jonas Whitoumb" RiIiIit n from thA . rtoct reliable annretwrMrirattosU ti wonflrtttlpoet Ten in the most nevera case. Joseph Duraeu Co., proprietor, Boston. Tir-.'.i; : j3 moi FBABftaTrsSi8'.Tfrod! fafnuf to fiifltTy, tMm. vity u titr..frvn ium to ataras tha fan' of v fTib- iu'i Vt4La Vurteut Brrran! pvffc lor ir. ti . conUnaally axteodtac. ita volantary mlaiionarte ira tnnaverobla, and pvUte aatkaaiasBa lit hi tarOr apraafiataatarttiaaaprartaflr, . ..., . . Doftf SuetT Tona TRa.-tRaeiW tkat. ttMT thctr Uhor. the huattti of the ptomaoh dapa4a. r KeeA Mem trtfrfWri, ant (o oVaur to 4t x. wjaB4aiat4fcaa with a brash nipped 'a tha traKraat Soaodoat, uhoa of twitfc ady. . j , trniirnrQraMti'n I- mi .t T. fob! Vaiittian LiniH ot was pat before tne pnblle spa : Kh Wf Ch as; it to rare Cetoalc KhaaanatiaamfleMIacha, urns. Bruises. 111 Nam P.ln. In tha l.lmK. Back tpi Chest, sad Ivh-w tterar Uln&J Bald by ail lirESxiiit. Depot, 10 Par Waco, New foTfc tfd lisi-itil, indigestion. dnTettn of aptrita, and genena debilitu in their vartoas foraia: also aa a. pnTentiT against Fever and Ague, and other Inter mittent fevea. OHsaTS." maila Ferr-i.hiohniated Ktixtr at mane or casvrall. Uaaurd at .o.. New Tare. ana sola Dy all Ur i prists Is the best tonic, aad aa a tonic for pstf lenu recovering frvsa fevar or other sick neas it tUa ho eqtiil, TinrrJToit'i iVont Pa Ant toortt "f"owtom TM best article known for cleansing ana treserfitj the teeth and ;omi. Sold by all Druggist. PtHqk iB and CO Cent par iatUio. F. 0. Wella A Co., New fork. CBOBTAKpa. 's Him Dva atattoa narifallea in tb worm, no lady or gentleman of diKiiminatiUn nsea any other, li fa the moM perfect, reliable arid , eftev tive flair Dre iq the world. Mttfiutactory, (td Jtaldea ane, Mew Tork. CAB01.1t! 9ltv. reeothtner trpfl nv i'llyaidana. aa the errat liealiuc Compooi d. frice in Centa ber box. John P. Henry, bole Proprietor, 8 Collece Place, Mew York. Hisprr'i. BtHU is s reliable DJuretlc iSA f oHlfc for 1 Ueranireuienju of the nrinarr and r, niral nnm. all derangeiuenia of the The een'-ine aa form.l The cpn-ine as formeMy so,d ay Havfiand, Haraal i ni. ley at a weir Dntncnes. Is now pr Kisley. tBe originator and Prooriirt Klfley and their branches, is now prepared by li, w. iey. .no orifrinator ana rTvprtmor: aua tbe trad applied by his successors, Morgan . tt JClaley, IS aw York. Srii-ntA, br opinm pHrifled. tha thoat nstfcfct an odyoe In.the market, mart by proems of Dr. I. M. Blgelow. Detroit Medical Ckillege. Ia always nnifbrnt in strsngth. which U rarely the base la other prepara tiona of Opium. Pratt's As thai. Oli. has a world wide reputation al the sorest and best lllaminatinK oil. Over two million pallons have .been sold tor tbe past two rear, front which ho accidents of any description haVe occurred. Send for Circular. . oil Hooae of Chaa. Pratt. Jtatao Ushed 1770, New Tork. .. a v WaltAVB FEjrMTi.t Hiard mothers aair they Would not be without Mrs. Win-low's Boothiof hyratt from the birth of the child nntil It haa Bnished with the teething siege, ehdefahy conalderation wnateVer. tttaSscKirr o .flleTt. What l llf no tbflgef BK.eu. or me wonu oi lasnion ana an toe inoics kd iW that isprodnwi By tisini; a de!lhtf1 s.9 narariead toilet preparation Kuwn as Q. W. baird'a "Bloom ot Tooth.' Its beaotifyibg eSeeta are trdly Wohaeifui input o wuiu dl, n. I. JOHN Coot and Shoe Makeri Pollock: StBKtr, Ns Aft MlHntfe.1 The very beet quality " of French Calfskin Boots and Shdta mdde to orders and warranted equal, if not anperior; to any lu the State, ...f T H E BEST WO RK Al EJ,.... to be found in the ooaBtry iri EMPLOYED IN THIS: B HOP and perfect fits and : satisfaction ' in every . ttaao . .,: giiarranteed. , , .,, t.., t Always on hand and for sale. JiM'BOOTS, ANli;;SH()B ' b ". P10" warranted to fait -1 ftepaiiTiig . a Bpetnsuty and done in tbe best possible manner, ntfaif pnew apq at ine BDorwn notice. t jevy nyMigtfnd, Cobb & Oo : ; ' ! f . ; ; i t r r,r ,: . : ', ;) -,J f ;';jv! ff vi Awetloaietw, Vm. a) it b fitrMin ftreei Baltlinajrot . '. . ' We will sea, on Tneaday fnornlflg nttt ;Bod eases of Boots,' Shoes, Brogans; Ao,t kbi TbM sales afa held only on Tneaday of each weakj Imd comprise a special and general aaaortinfjn of : Eastern and City fhadb gtxrtla direct frtm the mannfactnrera, and warranted as rftpi often ted Catalogues on the morning of sale, and tha) goods ready tot fawpection. ' " i i 1 moGiNs, coi?i aVfO., H 6 4 8 Oennan Bt Baltimore; Atig 14-tf. BERRY'S fcUDCfct. I : insure in the NV York Iifa Ihlthraifeaf Company; ' ". Biaftti Agent. Select Drugs and Purs bbemicala, at Berry's. Bargaina in Paper, Envelbpea, Fei, Ini, ka-t at Berry's. . ; ri ... . i Paints, O'ds ahd tarhisn of 'reliable quo!i Alao, Uruahea; Pntty, Ac, Aa- Ac.-, at . Window and Picture Oka tat io anyaiza or shape. (JoiereuV engraved and ground Glaeaj order, at Berry . ; J- j7 Only 75 cent tbt a gallon "of PraU'i Xatral Oil, and m Can t kec it ih, bt 0 eeaU for theoil.atBerry'a. ' Bbi&t a warranted garden aeedi at Berry ', in the mariet, at Berry . i , , , r Berry'a Etba IftTsi-Bosi ottilastii anw other extract for the Ifandkerchief. ' - -' - - , Extraet Beef Win and IrWf warrant p) ,v- ' UButn'aw "Eliaif CaKsayav . :'. (Caliaaya and Iron, "and other modern urerwras CioBs on hand, or to order, at tUrt nOtieel U Berry'a. . , - f '. . ,.. Organ or Pianofortes rof anf ' cryi M mannfacteirej to order, at Berry'a. -t ,,.'-, j fcientiflc Books, of ianertcarr orEnropetA publication, furnished to order, at Berry'i. The beet of everything for. fait trite!- Berry's. r?. jroghfyCaabOnatea fafusion W Smeinein.t it

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