1' T ft ' "!.. .1 , . t . 11 - fa- 'I . i V, 1 1 t i ! b 15. Hcbbr, luuiar. T. A. IIksbt, Associate. nTTi miff fc "Ee51fe7nf a EEPUBIalCAN TICKET. FOR . PRESIDENT . ULYSSES S. . GRANT. FOR VICE PUKSIDEXT," :WILS0N. . . , Zuctob at Ltt : .- ; . r MABCT8 EBWIS, of BnnoniW J .VAlXCEX. P. FUILLIPS, of Yak. H 1 For Elwtor 1 t District, Estud EiMrai, of Tyrrell. , -.' -.s- - - - j .... ' : '. -.: . Foi Elector- 2nd District :. Wk. F, Lorro, of Lenoir. Tor, EleHn- 3rd D"f-"r"et.1 J. O- Abbott, of Kew Haanrer. Elector 4th District, Jakes H. Hxade, of Chatham. -, Tor Elector 5th District, Hxw C. Wauzr, of DaTidsoiu -Fori E'ectar 6ta District. triiiiAijiJS. "Unrrsi, "of Lincoln. Tor "Elector 7th PL-trie". G. ' EiisiT, of Bowan. - Far Elector- fftlDurtrict, Jaxxs iL Jv&ticz, 6t Eutherford. TUB EDUCATION OF MASXERS. r The great 'deficiency'' ot these t:raes, .ia the want of good breedicg amocg t all classes of our people. -, IV e see it in ' the intercourse of our legisIa'orS, in the u contests of j. poStical aspirants, in the sharp p'mcf :se "of prof, ssional leaders, ijr trtidr, po soxaal:-relationships,: and 'even in religious "association. 3Iea and .women eTtsrTwherjs eem to be under the impresoD, that the firsthand the last duty $1 life is, to go, ahead. It' matters noit whose, toes are crashed, whose hat J is ' knocked in, and whose t a -gown- is rent!, th e idolatry of self must be pTesenred.'. If persons conscientious ly diffl r'ini pdlitical' Or'i religions iopin ion, instead of assiduously cultivating I that -self-respect which is ahoTe mean jiesa, ruchf a . difference instantly be comes the signal for throwing mud, and gentlemen jof good" birth and, exalted Aleais'-condeeeEoT' io-'dJthe work of fish wdmeii: and'lbe" pfcrpg8 and sattel I ReVrm4hoaSes. saxxinqoJl j i -This state of thiBS has doubtless .teen bronght about, is a great rxieasure. bytl e demoralization consequent uppn eraPcfr!! arPMiceBouhiLroTv of the English nobility and masses, un der the reign of Charles the S cond, was the ineyit ble product of the strug gle between the cavaliers and round lieadswhicn brought Charles the Pirst to the block.". But still, we may trace such baleful consequences to our own neglect, in' the domestic and social ed- VnticatiDB of -pur fatailies;)aawell as tj tSy thin g sew; If a boy-is properly in- strutted inj his duties ; and ' obligations c as a gentleman, if he is shown, - that he .-can never,) whatever the provocation h snay be, lower his manhood to give eur tcreney Q coarse vitupeiation and abuse by noticing it, ; and if he surSciently informed in the strategy of a sound, manly ethics as 16 leara, that he, who preserves his temper and his decency, never fails td triumph over him who surrenders them, he can never fail to be an.ttgioplevof personal i refinement , in his, generation.- . . " j Money s. a'; Very desirable thing7 to . lave; but it costs too . much, . when a man has to make a hog of himself to 1 win it. Professional reputation and in vflnence are very tempting baits to the mtefiigent and toiling stnden t But if r eandMatB for sucb honors has to re '"peit the history of Aaron Borr, giving j Jjimself to cpnspiiacy and intrigue, sueU i career, hardly .pays ior th e midnight oil which it Burns. And even' political emoluments, ; however cbnspictfous and splendid Hey rnay bfe, ate but 'ropes of Rand to1 bind the weary voyager fo the harbor of vest and happiness, ; if they nrpurehased jaV .such .a sacrifice.,.. i A nuwho4,bandons himself to a vulgar, eoete m ptuous disregard 6f 'the right 1IWribpgi!.o oiheisr" rny not shatter anybodys else's statuary or deface-iherr paintings, jbut he will "set up the abom ination of desolation" in his own' tem rple, und defile, his own altars forever. However stainless may be his manhood, ''and however1, reputable 'his influence, the trail pf the serpent is,oyer ii all. f,rA man must be a. gentleman before he is a ehristain. A : Chuireh ?-ads ttp of lowbTed vuIgOT'cbhucUnt is ijnllnBg but -a-Hcabik y&&Z& t itsjlf to goisip, slander and fanatical oxtmretB of animal extiteineut. I Wi-ile church conipos&of gentleaan, is prepared to considejUhe noblest claims of human fellcrwsbtp. and thus to look upward to the greatest Author of char ity and kirdness. A child should "be taught to diink in the spirit of cour- tesv with his mother's milk. And then,f rr, let hnn study its tde by side i-jthhis h&kf ptiaciplet iide gtammar, his latin snd his algebra. Let him underitandy- at Jus lthe s table, tha the very servant Who hands him his coffee, is entitled to his respectful recognition; that no payment of wages ran defraud even a domestic of that chivalrous consideration, which is the soul ongojd-aiiiierSiAjtnd the orna- mwtDlShlMB. And he will begin to see, what ia expected of "hisi developed future. " T "We may depend upon it somei-hing must be done in this direction, or we may wake up some morning,! and find ourselves not only a nation of merchants but a nation of thievts and cut-throats. We are growing rapidly worse every da v. Unless a gentleman carries a pis tol in his pocket, and the ace of Clubs in his hand, he stands not'a ghost of a chance in an arjnimeat on any .Ques tion whatever. Lt us go back to the first p;inc:ples. Let us study the spir it of the old Continental times, or cross over the water, "snd learn from the Brit ish'eris'oeracy Hthe elements and the blessings of eitili?y. ON GOING SURETY. HE5BT AVAKD BEECH EE. Ou-ht a mnn ever to go surety for anothel ? I, Why not ? It is' a most friend ly act. If prodently Ione, it may le of th mofi Jin ?ncBt Tteoefito a neighbr;r. It c:ve Lio the fceatfit of-yoor cood rep- ntation when he s not known. It lends Ijtth your credit where bis own is mt suf ficient. It puts him m faniis which other wise he could not command. Such ser vice to a friend is eenencs, and - some times even r.&b'. Ko better use can be made of one's money than to help a true friend. We ara commanded to " remem ber those in bonds as bonnd with them." To helsure, this was originally appl ed to bonds of a different kind, but with not a whit more propriety than to peenniary boiid34A man who, by a few thousand dollars can save -his-friend, and perhaps his family, from bankruptcy and want, could haid y spend his money in a manner whichlTjjrii hia fife loitg, hewouTd remem ber with more satisfaction. ' ; But thew arei certain moal;and pru dential considerations wh:ch should always be borne in mind ingoing surety for a friend. Yoa should make np your mind how much property you have, and how much you are wi-'ling fo give avcay, abso lutely, for that friend whom yoa endorse; For no-Warder cab fee wone A an to in dorse. on the supposition that you will not have to pay. "Never indorse without sav ing to yoursel, This may come round ufen me. I may have to pay -it; and, if it. coma to that, I am aide ; and willing.1 Ninj Out of tlt ot the fatal mistakes made by5 bondsmen rie from taking the op po- site course to thla. They consider; the art'of jndorwnga fritd' paper hs a mere commercial fornu "There ia no risk. shall not have it to pay. t He, is nbun dantly ab!e to take care of his "paper... 8hJ!t wrkoCIwfmmlniyelf, and he is a Rthiv man who will nt do that." Thifiathe caleulafroti on which a roan binds himself to pay a friend's debts hYcase the friend can hot pay them him- oelf- - But how do these things tun ont? One need not co far to ascertain I Evei y village has an illustiation. The borrower was more' involved than you supposed, or prrnnps, tnan ne nimseu Knew, ana nis creditors closed on him and wound him npand werejsyfjpyed to find such a good name as your on his piper. Or, the san guine Feheme on which he had. ventured, which seemed sure of success, a-most with out "possibility of failure, suddenly, like a loaded wntron, sTpped on a wheel and up set into the dirt! ' Or, just as everything was' at ' the point of Kucceps, your friend s ckened and could not look afler- his. affairs, some critical matter was r.eglected, or come dishonest porson, -stepped ,inrAnd crooked .tatters: VborfrjeW dfeife esate went into ex ecutor's hand for settlement, was badly : managed, warped, and crooked, andaally tuoBewisolyent'e-' f fjr'i ' Xnh VfWt; bccsirrfe'of yoS t& Why, you were surety for the full amount of ;Vhat you are worth I - In an-hour you find your-. self confronted , with a debt that,sweeps away ypur. house, your farm, your utile sura in bank; and h-ayes yon 'jnst where yoIeglBTCiiiJiy-Sie yelrs ai;o, with thia.jdiflerenee, than then you had only yourself to provide forr and now you have wife and -eitrht ehildren. Then you we'rs twenty-five years old and life was all before yoo, and now you are fifty years old, and life pi etty much all behind yoo 1 Yon have given away your childreu's b'rfead. I lYou'hare no4 -saved your friend, but have ruined yourself? Perhaps your Rted"lir 53tTAt"i?ort -'n'i wTfe?ll8riTaIl propefiy. i. So much t ie foeiter for ber, if he had. 01 coarse she wiii divide with ' - J i . 1 t 1 . . T you, siuce u was w suve uer nuuanuriiiat yoa were ruined. But, if she will.no:. and hvman nature is made op ofjshaky stuff, and her children go to schoo!,-whi yours rtay at home; and if tby live ia a comfortable, lou8, pleasantly famished, wLne yoo -areTjiroj i'fcw rooms InrthV clieapt-st quarter of the town, then I sua-. pre niai yoe-wiir cnewtne ena oi a great many outer reflection, When it is too late you' wiBI be very wise, l oh will say to yoorsei. it may bAfflan tarn fool -who sirns for any larger earn tfuuThe'caa coaviently pay." Tr Bo 4re a roan pats his name down on another man a. paper, be-should ask- him- pd Jm I wiilint.ioye this pT8oo as raucu mocey as I sign, Jor 7 , . , Ama- say I! , .'-i i . . ..." at :," To, sign, a- bond on the sapposition that il is a mere form, and tbat yoa will have nothing to pay, is to put one's head into a fool's noose." Amen again, say I ! There is no harm in a:gtiing fur a neigh bor if yoa have got tL property ; if you are alA- to pay the axnouht wjUiout harm ing jour own hoosehoM ; and if y a love the man for whom yoa g enough to be willing" to, give him oalribt the snm covered .by your indora-meut. Otlser- wie,io go saWty for a utighbor is a fuliy, and tin and a sham .. Law GoTerninz . Presidential .. Elec tionsIf ead. and Circulate. The election fcrr Presiaent and Yice President, which occurs on Tuesday, the Kfth of November next, is to be held as near as may bo in comformity" with the election law of 1Si2; that is to say JiooEs oi liegistrauon must be imme diately re-opened by the Registrar, and persons quaiilled allowed to register, until the day of election excluding that dav. , .Persons mnst vote in the Township wnere they reside. Tickets mnst be printed on -while pa per and wiihout device. io' certificates of registration must be given. , Registration not allowed on the dav of election, except where a person has arrived at the age of twenty-one, or for otner good cause. e understand that 'JTessrs Barrln- ger, Mason and Phillips, as Chairman of the Executive Committees of the various parties, in accordance also with the views of Attorney-General Shipp, have agreed that the above constitute the proper rules for governing the approach ing Presidential election. " ' Joint Dlseoasiom Between Candidates for Elector. "Capt. Swift Galloway and Gen. X7. F. tcftin will , hold joint djscussi"oii8 on the political issues of the day . at ths . followiug times and places: ' :'-7- ; " "Tiremont, "Wayne County Tuesday ,Octo ber,8th. v. - - : v ;;, t TT- Stantonsburg, Wilson County, Thursday, Oetober Kith. . . : Tarboro', EdgecomW County, Saturday, October 12th. Kooky Mount, Monday, Oct her 14, ; Halifax, Taesday, October 15. Jackson, 'Wednesday October 16 Weldon, Thursday, October J7. Warrenton, Friday, Octolxj 18. ' WilaoD, Saturday, October 19. . ' Kinston, Monday,-October'Jl.--L ' '; - : .GoldBboroY "Wednesday, October 23. - ' Tienton, S -turdayr October 26. ; Snow Hill, Moaday, October 28. , . New Berne, Thursday, October 31. ,Cepublican and Cooserrative f papers please copy. , . . Sept. 15rtf. Pratt's Astral OH, 50 cents per gallon, at" ; t . ' ' ' , Meadows & Co. , : BrjaiX. BEArrrrES asd Citt Bzntes. Country (Tirls are not a whit behind their metropolitan sisters in tbe natural elements of loTeliness,1 buiit. must be conceded that the city belles best understand - the ' art of preserring and heightening their personal beauty. ; Th most perfect features lose half their attraction nnl'-gs the complexion is properly cared for, and if the pretty girl of the rural districts wish to com pete -vrith the ''Fairstars "yof tha fashionable world in refined attractions, they must piy doe attention to this important poiut. They ought to katrw,' for the (act Is Botorions", tbat Haoax's Magnolia Baui imparts to the skin a delicate, pearly appearance, nnpraduceab"e by any other preparation under the sun. No mat er how the cuticle aiay have been roughened by exposure or discolored by the sun, the Balm will render it soft and pliable, and removes every blemish. Pimples and crown spots on the face, Eruptions, Blotches, Scrofulous Diseases, and all sores arising from impure bl ol, are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Rally ! Ra.Il jr 1 1 Republican M meet- Hons C4 B. Thomas, B. F. Lehman, A. J?. Seymour, E. B. Dudley and X ; BJ, Abbott and John B. Good. Esqrs-, will address the voters of Craven County at the times- and places here inafter named, to wit: , Township No. 1, Swift Creek VUUee. October 6tft " 5. St niton's Steam Jiill, " lith 6. Let's Kimn, " 26th " 7. James fitT, 2th 9. RasfccH'e ilonee, " 30ti The spe&k:ng will commence at noon. Oklaxdo Hbbbs, Cairaan, Craven County Bepublican Executive Com mittee. tzsV:cO Es?pfe2Q-tti Wra. E. Wood &, Co-i Poprktorsof TGofd s Automatic Low Steam and Hot Water Heater and Lawsons' Celebrated Hot Air Fsraace; in ventors and patentees of the Parlor Srsa and Lightniug J'irlaoe Heaters SSd ParurEiines, dealers in all kinds of r ' rr HEAT and COOK STO".E KITCHEN WAKE, "GRATES, I Special care takeh withJkFlambingand alljkinds of Steam and Water Piping, repairs for: Steam Heaters, Furnaces, BAnge?,"Stove8, &c,- L W. Oori Belriaora and Eutaw Sta., i-2arfl7jjl nit',inxaoH.1UL M. Hahh, at his stables on MidJIu street offers a fioe lot of . Sluice and Horses at rea sonable prices. Call and see tbern for your salvta iUrcbl5-tf. - y- f ELECTION 0Js& te iintt F Pjmiation f eack C " cflS7f 2 OrJujUvZAuiud, 1870, d Vu YoU AMf. 1871, F.rmud -ifi g - ArwBKn -Co it i tyGoTnsoi. t-y , -rvo iiMYrnm r t Sit r f -Uisdu.; itios: Sot. 1872.-t - - . . SO 1 ' : - 'f I 5 1 7 jngsi ; ' " $; ; ; J . i I i i . 5- ' CB !-t O Alamance ' ' 1 ' 2593 78? 104a 117 90 127 j 1015 AlWhanv . .. 69lS 877 158 314) 177 339 184 'm --ir , , ... .-. ...... .,- Aae.....w... Beaufort... Bertie.. Bronsvick....... Bnncoiooe ., Burke...U, Cabarras . CaUwfc!!.. Camden. .. .........-... CJarteretw...i....--.-.. CasveD .. C-ttawta ... ... Chatham .... .............. Cherokee ChowsB.. . .......... Clay Oevebuid . Colambus .. CraTexi Cumberland-...... , Currituck Davidson..... Davie..' Duplin Edgecombe. ................ Franklin..... Gaston........ ... ... Gates............ .......... Graham (new county). ... Granville Greene... Gnilford Halifax. Harnett.,.......: Haywood...". ...... .. Henderson Hertford...... .. . IreleU. Jackson. . . ... Johnston . . . . . Jon'1. ...................... 1 iioir.. LincHn Macn. XlMlston Martin..; McDoi-e"! Merkfenborg . Mitchell M.-.ntgowery .... Mocre Ntsh i. . . ....::::. Xw Hitnnver. Xort'aniptn Orslow Orange. Pasquotank rerquimans Person.'.' Pitt poik... ...... Pamlico; (new County, J. HandoTph Eicbmond. .... .1 .... . ; '.V. Robsnn Ro-k!nghani ....... . Ilntherford. . ...I ........ ... .1 Sampson. .'. Stanlyi-.i.. .. .... A .. Stok Surrr. . Swaia, (n-w countv) a 1 1 U-lli iX . i . . . Tyrreii... ..:J Union. . Wake............ Warren Washington. . . . . . Watanga Wayne. Wilkes. Wilson Yadkin.... Yancey . TotaU.. Majority. - j f-n. m m i m isu I J ' 17531. JCf CSH 85: 683 ( " I S7l 86 85lf 101?4 ' ! 116 I 811 . j- . . . wti -o tzn OJ'y 1 J'"J .... .....i 8991 42Si 32-i 29ll 367i 391, 347 i .2291 781 '634! 773. 661 !- 1022 631 i.l 7G72 3112 3504 3102 3G47I 326-' 3S43 3572 873! 2206 9841 2453' 1107! 2380 1482 56lj 798J 45S 914J 492j 917 99f 5091 t 268) 489 2371 435j 353 ) 37651 1764J 1785 161S 1824! 17491, 1949 r. T. . ...... :r. ! 266ffi 913 911 87 iiTTl 1034 1234 L , : ;. I 840341 f 860071 Atlantic;& . North Carolina Railroad Company. JSTov7- Series TIMETABLE . tu Nil JIBISB. 6 To liEAJ DOWS. ., -r ARM I JB. 1 LEAVE. STATIONS. ..ir..1: :.'.. 6.15 A. M.Morehead SUt'n,1 6.18 A. M. 6.38 Morehead City, ; jNe-arport. iHavelock, (Croat an, 7.05". 7.30 7.50.' 8.35 9.17 9.36 0JJ2 lf30 10.55 11.14 11.31 1153 7.0G , 79 71 a45 9.18 9.37 10.03 10.37' 10.56 u M M - iNew-Berne, jTiiscarora, CJore Creek, Dover, , , , "Kinston Jailing Creek, ILa-G range !Best'8, Goldsboro, j ll.'16" 11.31 Oitigk A. A N. C. Kailroaj Ccmpaxt, ) New-Berne, N. June 15, 1872. ) E. R. STA - LY. Atlantic-& N. C. R. R. Co TxrriTRTnK a tit, a xiTPArFrvT JrOBTHE S U M M E R OF I 8 7 2! FEOM AND AFTEB JTJXE 20U1, 1872 uritil the 20th day of October 1872, . V " " Tickets may b obtained from any Tkket s Agent on the Atlantic fc No. Carolina Kailroad, frum eny Station, to Morehead City and Re turn, for One First Ulass r are or Oue Second Class Fare, as follows: ' From - flrstcUssee'd class Gold boi to 2f hed CftJ and ret an. S 00 . f4 00 LaGranW " '" 4 25 S 40 "? .f-r! " '" Ji fM New Berne" ' 2 00 1 60 Sewport; f 'i,-; jvi -5 SO - I 4 Children over five and under twelve years of age, half the above rates ; Persons who fail to obtain snob, tickets, will &e charged full regular fare ; Persnns getting oa the train, between sta tions where such tickets are sold, will be charged local fare to the first station, and then be allowed to purchase a return ticket, but if tbey fail to pnrchaae a ticket, will b charged full fare botk wavs. E. Ii. STANLY. President, New Berne, N. C., June 16th. 1872. "' DR..H.C. BATES, , lS TTAYING TAKEN AN OFFICE next otobr to AJL the Gaston. House, may be found there at all j hours except whea absent profej-sionnlTy. I, ttec,31-tf, TABLE XTTfT'T. 1 t7S 791 698T 58tt 720l 7521 7B1 29421 isod 13d 120.-J t32d 1331 1565 t..f X61 111: 12Z3J 143 " J ..lToinl ,i ?i -,.,nm em 44 7til 1019 i . "1 300JH 143d 98ll 1303 116t4 io3t t HU i 125.tI :-33,. oi 5k4 20S2I SSI 82li 91.. 73: lOfe 739 . .... o-.ll 12-y 15 UU 145G . 19n?" 104 14'.i .122IS - 271 -126l 422 ... 1 144V 521' 301; 4441 4U 48 433 14C71 Pfd 6!lr! rtj-i - 72if 57 742 ' ' i 495 21J 171 21"4 ltr 25i 142 223li mi 31 If 1117 30.. t09; 547 . 1C74. 9371 48 i 95 41 104i IJ33 4S1K l.VX-i 27G' lijc 317: H4i 270s 3452 1741! 16715 14M; 171-1 189tt 1S83 1 1119 fud 32 6S1! 40(i 76r 319 ...... ... 2G.-1 16.4 19 m 23 270 347li 12ir 115tj IJ6I4 140; 138 1516 I lST 761' G8.-j 704; 73: 82' C62 29-7 150.-' 9.:1 1411-f 102! 1751 1035 i 5212! 771 2S75- 123:! 332 f 14- 34o2 "'" f 9.VI! 10H 93i 113: 103: 1H5 I 277 137' i 1437i lit'; 1521 17- 1560 f. 217rt 5l 69?4 W 66f 92 C88 ' 1436" 74?! 35(! 76- 421' 7 512 ' ....) ...J -.-. .... 1 4S52J 20lj 230) 19911 2S2C 197. 2C55 ; I 1721j 794; lOOf-j 681 j s3t- 78- 944 J 44071 17!K'- 1717 174-; 1741 .. I 1S31 44551-1317 323 155fi! 35W 16. JOMJ "" ! 1737 84f S(?2 11 59 79 695 ' 14! -i 72: . 40! 73 S90 4rfj 420 133i 4(;vj 55" 3: 737 50 716 "" ' 1413 5:9., 27-1 77Cl 85- 87,' 9S3 " 3417? 75' 62: 7'3i 54? 81 610 3.J3J1 12T 40; 146 1 777 17 994 . . 126Sj - 587 22J- US; 191 55 166 3iu: kici. ms- .144:1 133.: lis 1374 115-! oil 55f 52f- 55ft &,: 639 .... 2981' 911 1224 95j 117 91- 120 179."' 821 5nl 84:-) 55s . 90 i 7tti ." . 126 j 53" 2 If! 731 171 65. 130 . 13Vte. sir 48! - 5-i 590 641 203- 11U J.107! 1631; 1243 1048 164.'- t9f 551. 57':! 4! 70 519 I- 526?t 216' 190ri 202:! 208!i 2511; 2261 827K 281 47!i 841 aOSi .-.19" j ... 628 13631 481 Sir-! 4691 597k 47o 653 233M Ul?. 79'.! 83!'! mi "105j 881 2181' mi 78i 1M 1184! 1384! li93 634:1 I02"i 2914. 2123 3702i 2361; 3614 2901 : 95'! 180 88- 1993! 1095; 1990 159! 78M 36sl 66( 41vi 89"? 492 33'H! 17ttf4 991 1752 12991 194.- 1321 ., 1807 - 83"j 920j 6 I051i 1053 l'J9i C5(. 78,-' 584 8551 645 : 910 .......... 2T9S! 1092 7nrj t2gt P4-! 1101: 819 369! 175ii 1754; 1714! 177 17-i 1775 81i' 18!H 361H 201 33 22 'I 342 j ....) .- I . 358 3518j 12Sf' 2245! 122fi: 1310- 13611 1389 2611! 836 116 790i 1144 llM 1304 . 3943; 168 162T I2i 156 f i&h 1583 3U3M 159-j .114..1422j 1322j- 1653 1301 .1 ;! 3361' 14591 97 139' lOCSi. ; 1653: 1118 : 238G! 1134' 59Cl 1207s 727r 1013 i 29861 1397 945- 1339i 121 Oi 1697; 1464 1471) 69fcj 452? . 627i 483J 646; 366 ...t.... 217C 989 501- aiSj. 747! 9-05 830 2258 1007 . 502 g26! 929' 9S9 838 ....h ...J 1 332 29 : 2299j 1191 it 948i-1141 l!l7i 131 1152 1980 879 511 627 839 7541 , 866 1056. 596) 245 462, 341 503i 382 214142 8902U. -4404. h&OWI: 95252. l !.....-! 499 .....I......r9245! !...... tdl-e effect at 6:15 o'clock A. IT, June 17th, 1872. ARRIVE LEAVE. ! 6 6 3 T. 7.00 P.M.:..-,.-.. 6.57 6.29 6.05 5.44 4.46 4.15 3.-56 3.30 2.57 2.3S 2.18 2 03 6.57 P. jtf. 1 ! 3 27 24 51 ! 6.30 rXOo I 5.44 ! 5.00 ! 4.16 1 7 j 3.31 i 3.02 ! 2.39 I 2.20 i 2.03 ! 1.36 9 ! 8 I 7' 11 11 6 il8 J22 28 18 18 15 27 7 9 6 6 S 9 PRPTDKNT. .'Passenger Tare Reduced A. & M. C. R; R. Kxw Bebsx, January 3, 1872. FIOM ICSTf AFTEB THE ABOVE DATE, nntil farther orders, the following will be the Fare charged to those who a purchase tick- j ete a0H to procure tickets, be- fore gemr-g n train, as additional sum of fifty J cents. . , . PASSENGER TARIFF, Mokcmead Citt, Kijft elan $4 00 3 Go 3 40 3 IJr 290 2 SO 2 25 3 00 "150 t 00 . 80 8ecM c1i $3 2G 2 00 2 70 2 50 .. 2 30 2 00 : 1 so 1 60 1 20 80 60 40 T UoMtiboro, Bests, ; 1 Orange, ! . , Falling Creek, "Kinston, Doves, r Gore Creek, f Tuscarora, i New Bernei i" Croatau. ' Havelock, 1 luewport. 50 To take effect January 33: 1871. E. R. Staxlt. President, Atlantic AN. C Railroad Company . D. T. CAHRAWAY,; Gtner$JLlEEFRE and MARINi ; Insurance AgenX, O-rncz, 8ooth Faoirr Sr Nnr B-tBirs. H. C Insuraoee effected. Dwellirgs, Stores, Mer chandise, Barns. Stables, Cotton Gin Houses. SfiTsf r at wjuitaLle rates, icSl-2zu GR 0 C ER I E SI Plotir, Pork, Sugars, kS-Sfc. - j-- -"Mr" - f Coffee, Sngar Cured Hams, Breakfast Strips, Boasted Coffee, ... .. - t .... . Crackers, Market Bee Best of Butter, Xe. f tc. AT W. HOL-LISTER'S, Sou h Front Street, Jel5tf tbrre doors fiom Gason Housie. B. It. CHURCHILL, SUCCESSOR TO B. L. CHCECHILL CO., At the old stand of Hart & Lewis New-Berne, N. C. Tin Ware Manufactory, AXD H O USX FDHNI8BINO BTORE Roofing and gatier work made a spe ciality. DealerMa STOVES, Hardware, Willow Ware and Wooden Ware, Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot and Caps, Kerosene, Lard v . and Common Oils, Lamps in Great -Variety, Chimneys, ."Wicks, Glass, Putty. and a toll slock ; - HO USE FUBMSHING (GOODS. AS I mat STovsa a tpecialry, I; would be plearrd to have all in want, te examine my stock befo mi ting pordiues. B. L.CHURCHILL, , So. 18, Middlt Street, Nevy Berne, if C. March 1 tf. CUTLER & GATES, 26 Middle Street, N EW BERNE, N. C. TIN ROOFERS and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of every description. We guarraaiee all Boo Slag for Twelve months f Dealers in V Woodek "Waxk, ' ' xstd Cojqios Oils, LAMPS IN GREAT YARTETY. CHLMKEYSr W1CK8, &C. and a full stock of House Furnishing Goods ! Stoves a specially. Particular attention In vited to the New Ancricn," the best andmost complete cooking stove ever patented. No. 26", Middle Street, New Rerne, N. C. May3 tf i . E. M. WIL.L1A3IS, NEW BERN, f . C., Genl Life, Casualty, Fire AJTD Marine Insurance Ag't .r ) i?. J ,f ,-.'- ? .-'ft . ' "A .PDORSED AKD I-KE5CE1BED Fr t, J JtX lead-Be paysjc-jMiUaatj ou)crutl;iori .j aiaut bow in a. TV" A SIRE VuEvrvriri. Far Tertr ml A- Inieraiiwwt. h i H disorder urii-iiur f-t.ai m,innri ,. high'y rerHr,T.i-f.rftJ i n ASTi-iY"i"l"ri ' ' in CMrt of IXDIGEfTlON are ixt. T .!' , APPETISER ml IPmKLSI. ,M ' f lKEll.tI. Trtllll.lTV ik i " . ' "H i: Wft.' 1 I 1 .'if T f . -. I' . ...... ... Hue l&iled in iina'.Erm.; k. . l " fJ'fu . . .1 . i r LCirr is , ... ml . ittb,L i.E- . . . . Thy arr pmrUriT "-a. BEJElIUtt TOrEStU. StreBglbei,u Uc w-ly. iori.-.tu e taf tl , griBtoue nl r.w:f.,i thnhoie e itm " HO-E BITIEK are BiS wt lb. T- of ere. a4 no tonic ttimcUnt a eter n iutf offerrd t the paW,t co i L h AS S r T . TU t 7 A'r' and at th fame tim- ewmtiBtie bit r-V senta endre5 tj the t'rat-n itT j. known t thtr Pharcoi.rU. it Cv9tbatl;u'rta i tr.-ra a fair inai. ard . EVER V riJllLYhBld m UOTTLE So prpparattuu in ti.e 01 ic can ir -,-l h) ..." nnqoalifiwl rrtinreme-k try j?LTri'r of tiit i,i hiL'het auiKlic in tfceir ,ri'ftT-f ..n 7 cn;r4. 't -r:; f. prai.ini ic coctneautg h. um- : etreegth. and an increaK .- -'. pt.t. "ere Bin; ; UsEts Uo . JBBeSS ism Peraon rea'Jj dtbiiiu.tii. 1 t-r tj require a lusic of iTintAXT. Ltc f- t betUTtban tb Heme Bitit-r. s. w. i,i PreuliBe tld--r Jt. E Ctareh. P'tc''lll..'i I'lITIUSTiTC! W .KIM ilinjll ", fct. i..,li.- Mo JaXXS A. jACKSO Cf I Bavi rt nsota ier maKiusr ine ncme M.ir...- wrcu mew ui tu. ucpUkl lav i.M lusr IHutthl 1 eoiuidered tbrm tie aivtl ti.wibi; lot c s.d i-.. last bow io ose. li Xt'iTul Kesidtdtt I'byfician in efcar-e U. S ; u j. ' Jim A." JacKsos in- jrLU-.ii.ca . ji,' , have ccmnianiraied tu the n.t-dUij ; v.i.i, i. i 'u. cipe oi the Home B:u 41 ium. : -. i considers! a a pateiii oaediHn. w. :,jt-- . . ,ra tten torit. t iare ri'niiKti tfti- tt.,! ;4Mk, lit Vfto licxr.e tliicrs." aiJ iii:.ts.-.' . 1 .... ; , combination it one of rare ootti(V, 1.. u.V t ned in it Cumountioii amr.r bnt ( 11.. -0 wbich ttey bei?. twinjr iiiijauj Tu; . i s...,.;; 6uimacbic Cam iCkl.Te. ai.d t,itL.x. Ui'.v, ;r" mode of preparing thrm i Ptriciij ir. :-..' j tbe ralec ol pbarwacT, lliviB? u r , . vate practice, we take pleascrein rcit...io;r r:.a to all pesrona deiraBt of takine Bitur. r.i,,. best Toaic and sunaiai.1 bn i4rm; t.j :ir ! FttAK :ul.7t.H. Pifcf. OdaU-trio aad IKeeaw of H t 1 ol.t-e u Piijaidaiia, and Dicmkr Board i.l V. - : ' ! L. C. BOIffLlXithhl'iM ( Obctctrica aad Dieaea vf Wonxn. M. i..-. ':n. Cotkce. i Drake lacltooe.i. M Late Prca t. Mo. M-d; . b. i E. A. Clxrk. M i. Prof . Sorcery. Mo. Vesical CoHere and iste Krr i Pbjsiaaa City Bocpital. &t. Loci Mioiiri. ! Ilrrberl PriBsm. Tvi. Practical Pbarmacj. St. Looia College of Pbaritsir J C. WbiUJuiLEd, Miiral .rr...va. Alf.Heacock.3l D. r Dr. C V P Lu' C. Gencke. 34. D. S. tif aia Nuki. m. D. C, A, W are, 34. D. f W. : ila,i. S. 1). E. C Franklin. M l. Prof. Snreerr, HomaEpatbic Medical Vse T VatiEe. M D T CodiUk t. II 3 Prof, of Midwifery and Diees of Wonx u, Cciittt - of HoistEopavbic 1-Uj ticiaaa and Sorefui. John T Temple. X P Prof. Materia aad TberaapeaticB, - Uomn Medical Cobt of Miasouri. 1 no. t'oczlemti. M DLef'urcr Oa Dieasec of Childrtn, Hotno-pathic '.V..i-e anori. ; Ctarlea Vaatn.e il D Prof, of PhjjiologT' llomojpatkie Mei:ii:a '- i i-.-.-r tit Mo. I Jol.n lirtiuu. M It i Clinical iledical Cel. EonKBopatbic PS'sit.ii ii 8n?'s- - 1 Tbey are Saperior all otber Stoia... !. ! -;t. .- ' Ktiin Saaccra. Aaaiftiuit er&iit. No Bittera in tbe Wori can excel tbeta. iimoS UirK-h. Anal-rt r' ';"' EmlBCBit Pbytrtam f I'hira-;. The f onnala for the Home Bitter baa hera toVirt ted to na acd we beHTe them to be tbe km tuim aui atimalent for gesenl aae now &em) to the j.n:.'.ic I H WtH.ihcrT.ll B O A Mariner, Aaalvtieal -' . Ja i Z Blase; M D Cbemiel Prof nm.f ;r. kotk Medicai CoV.etx B Walker. X D T t Uorne. M D Tho T kl:i. t D J A liahn. M 0 H 8 HataH. WT) 1 ' B MeVirar. M Sort 8 barnea. X D R Lodlam. M D Ja A Cotiina. M T Eniatat PbTalrlaai ia ( iaciBH. ffenir a'l of whom aia Prof eaaora lu one or Ibc ulkt of Uta Medica. Culleireaa J5o otber bitter bTe ever bevn offerrd to 'ht j t liarmbracini' w many valuable retneci aiir s'. J L Vattfer. M D L A Jame. M I) C T SimE. M i C MsiKrntt.M W T Taiu-ltra. M D J H Btirkner MO G A Derit. M I C Woodws.-d. li D W McCaribr. M D S P Bitcner. "i D G W B-s.-i.-r. K !) J J Q-1I2K. M I U R U 4K4 K V'a-.to. I biit ; K Tr!i. :! i P I? We. M i' e fa !:.!'. 1! 0 K II JohnfoD. M D Emiaeat Pbrtldana in MeawpbU. The Home Bittterv are an invateable remroi tut ir digestion and dieaaea artains from malarial C B Tborvon. M D A!ex. r"rkiiie. M D in rbanre of City Hospital. M R llwlrer. 11 B J M Bodtrws. M V Paul utey. ! D II W PornellM D "MA Edmnixi- Sand fori Bell. M D Jo K LTtwh. M D F.niaieBt PU-raieUaAa ia 1'iiL.Uura-a BPDake.MD W 1mf. J W R CbiM. M D I) 11 Wiiiari D O Wnth. Cnemiat. jn 1. .ia, M 1 And Handrd of Oihru ia all parta of tbe North. VtM abd, fo;:tt 8 S Garner. M D Miiwankee. . -CoUBcil Bi.:f!..Mirrh 'tin A Jacksox iCnHjvir.E tii!ii.L: is - i0' mnla" of tbe " liooe Meniarb l.ittcrf ." I 1 V aenbed thefn ia my practice fur fucr tim-. "'' f Donnee tbem ibe best Tunic Brttrr r 11. a- ... P U McMafcou. Ji D. BSF-Tot eale br sll drnriot. Jaiae A. Jatekaon & la.. I'rojiri''""' Labratory HB and Hit N. iin! at ft. lya:' X i.oari THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IX X0RTII CAK0LIXA-! WHOLESALE OR RETAIL ! Auctioa Sales Eyery Enin: BT THE OKIOIXAI. CHEAP JOHN! LOUIS N. BAER& CO. Jobbers and "Retailers of aj kioda ot Clothin?, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Yankee Motions, ic. CHEAP: JOH N, Tna Great LeTelfflrof High Prices ! - ' Conatry aejchant can Trp!enish theif here cbeaptr than at anv oUier Jioae ia c Berne. Louis N. Bacr & Co. , ,, . .,. at the aign ief CHEAP JOHN, Cor. So. Front and Middle Sts. New Berne. N.C. tctiu