! "riVC CEffTS: feti xopr NEW : i-L BBHTTEj IT TUESDAY1 : TStt&W ITITlIBSn'59 - KHin --r'. i m , - m - ia - --.ri.j T.r? i - - - r. - - 7 ' " . . : - - . - - ? -4 - - - - - r. . t 4 1 " ' - - . ; D - T i & '- - "1 -t i - - - 1 L ta. ' . . . . t -'if j ; s I f ' I mi l 1 rfjjorr- mow ekari r(iMtoj(iifi(iiBtv( -,,4,,,;, ..lii fiir 111 I'tjlJ, .'liL w I'-lUamrrr.-.. v.! .t i?fr. 4 Vail ranse. lot Tihifthif arMttU. . ..f 1$ A Mr" ;-.-.. .,, ...... Nrif Closes fot !Biinn and the East.-si SwVtelxfQ, Wednesday axL Saiv4aya IC ay at ft AM.' ;t.j?,f n-i-iacft t If mmmt Lnpn41r(ir Creek, N C,&c d .PA fyt?' y-" WjWr?':i Ttmnm .iiw)(Jin).v .... S3 75 tV.'.ij 'CawAiKtHtirt; 4tt-a ?ri i"a .aoiaj -to- .rttflbtj reN;! think. "Ebe-ypu CAT?rtUR'oTE FOK Hn'RA ;ifEP, t(tTftEnRST''jmiR SISHJRSAN.iTGUBr ?tWt-o ' eaa.-t iiiu vliw!. f. V, V ,1 WIVES. J i-w:x44 3iJt..3iii5.H u "T T i there T be tein of EJm City Council.' F3. Pv-eia.vtblal.,8Kc ..-r iiarMa H?- MatCE Slotsb's. TVTNarfeni flair Brine8,'Af Jleaaows & Co'e. GoMimb-wi Ci-wr ! fiariu the city at Gwe', i F'!ngs Lni?t-et.- witt'B l traae?iiawi.g 3&'?iiliAt7!?m. .t,.;Wl er.i! S'toS-iiTi1t nf Loniirt.nd bis r- luroea ,r en li p onmn pnr j tf r : Vineftt' kiufls and IsWrbnt' a?0fc jt'pb' nt ZiKa.nr Ci . . n , I 4 ,,(. aijtiiftri Vote ea-ry votefor Grant anftIisofi ; yoe ioe '& See" that yonr jneighb f: v6tes the ig t once ticket, atfd hVe 'ciey onaieaoe. wheti yo'a ,Tea4 the ews of aiwIiUiB'eat'ef Greeley and Srdwn. 1 ' "H-r-WWefltv' R .tsi-le. Cuxranta and'CUrons aKCESLovtaK it teB Vkev Club. 1 T " -vIJ .I . t - " Weiave' 1 eenhoW, by J. B. Steadma-', silver eel Dmfif IfiSon i-.dare aietiiyj IW'mV ! without the gtuffd. . They appear to be a oom tramspareEt when held To beGgM " This is the second specimen we ever saw of this rare 'Uj-el aifeif Mlttfaiof lfal not to be frjryd japrttj pt. tteras. -L4 pp m xf ti"iTA",0f, Cigw ? 1 1I adoa s & Go's llessra. Cutler Gates. 2C Middle st eat-' keep nonnfamtlj aii hand a complete assortment of &Ute$&f!Amii JtfB, &c." Their " New Ameri an " cooking stove s the. best and mM t6urAete :cooking stove ever patented 1 hey I seli cheap and a person who ism isiness for them and J will j welcome his old friends , tfhncA rr tt r "! ,ne.t i Uitr,pt rfli t r a.i l C e -se at OE Sloveb" 1 THoTsekfD c c-ui jilt jro,i interest, and m -ail. : ' . j . rJ) ivi.l K ltn E iq-. ar ived K lttt; iq., r ived in town M . I . ' : f hevdin j to d..) -ii. th"' Book B iidne- " in Nsw UeraH, Cliffihaeniir: stock for tile att'O-vr. Purchaafra will fiidmaiy anii h Ioer fi :.ir- s than the same lna.'eml ean now !.,l,l i.ir,'!- i(.!j. .. . ... GeAl4yvoBjBBB Wbkyy French tka&d j and Wius ht ZOkastj. - ., tr t'i ,', rfffCL. a jir of the sa' re fish, or Thev were eaucbt at Morehead t a call' Hr Jolui WWtt d6i 1 ' Ve saw yesterday two colored men, brothers, that had six fingers, on echftand. and they also had two other brothers "Bat 1ad six nngei making fonr in the family. The sixth finger gr , w next to thp- ssiiialj 'Hnigee.1 was onqletely formed, and was about half the size of the iie voters of tin Thir l Ward are hereby no- e 1 o'ling place 'U th 5th day of KOTember next will be at the Belian, e JEngim? House, on George Street. ster. tti ta Tak Payrra ; AU pb sons ta-ing State Md efiinty taxes 'o (& 'yw, 171' '' he eby notified that jayment mnst be made without delay. Farther indulgence cannot be given. . - , , OmaHDO HtTBBS, -If . . Sheriff Cray b Cunty. Judge Clarke presiduig. : V hole nprnber of ; j Jury Triai-s' J " ' 1 Convictions, 'AcniCtLir',,!"'4 on Sate Docket, 87. 11. 5. . 82. ! iKd&MS2J&& HO .J a-4. i The jhnsuf of tb4si coivrt s w is finished on Friday evening last, having began ou Monday.' posed or. y& shpnld say that this was good work for bdA 4dgs wf jMFle " W9 iu Jones Superior Court convenes Wednesday, I is tvFiCt3 5tsi rr n B 11 DxijW niT Remember, Horace Greeley says he does not wiahjto be Presidentj , and yote fox Grant and j Wilson, v ho the loral people want for Presi- f deat and Vice Prewdent..; a e-j.k.M THX WBTTB HOUSX SI8X1.8X. . MC "Mr. Webster was not onlya gentleman, but he hadtbe eiementaif. nKiral tatn , and he had "juiisalt aaVelHstaOad only in one leepeo $ in hia respect I diffe u Mi Jiim -tiii' wsritrd'tr ba Pieside&t, and I "ct obxaxjst'kaw-' - , " We have'seen Oar greateet man, lit. Chase, making baaam--. blnndfer-4 1 Jiare seea men ho had .disease eaily and died of ft at a very ..Id age?' Homely re UfJn 1868. i iGenXeWjia, Cass died at about 82, nd up j tatBeMfiy M iBsMeatn ne wanted to be fresi dent No one ever escwpedrsBjir.taes t&SJ :dlsease; he livef J, ttw-dej'ision. Beinaeqsf4erand an obarvf rat an early age, f sawbow it pofeofie kid Paralyzed the best of onr public men. and eWrfufryJavtoidelllCr t Horace GreS, IJ8(J1.0 C WOi rSCistSl qajSEfSE of om.. obaitt. "We, at least, in onrrdayr' eaPri A e a. eletlho did not ta fe'T'e' Treaideftt1"!! ,lCf:J';,,f,!"rri0i ty w ci!l-d upn todi'C de bf'ween il'ait an' myeli.I ..knW, th-t thir r inl tor what 'hy iia.teill to vo?e MCtmit me. Why? I hii d tuW Hg f that p"', n t' its m rcpoct- aUi arp-cis. Utraeurreijf,ptiQii. ahup yoa.-afl yo,ir p.rt7,fr'n t w l ol H 'rioe Greeley, an 1 ask voirselv- as m 'UyO- honrca rrtii votj for trim.- - S -wther-i Dam nO,j37?a?airrT as K dqBi yf u.rtvdrvttiefr ! VifrA)!ei-Adi rai aocipasoe4geotle- tht m io, Gener .1 Gr . t: DEMOCRATIC ESSENTIA!. . Tharjfa-uiBtnl artioM et. the I)eoioc-atir creed far- oVe ratiT. 'an't iiate ni jgers ' The less one 1 -arns an 1 know, the m -r cert in be is tq $te V -tf icke& fom"V 9 iard." Utrac Qre.'lry. .gj WHO ARB DKMOCBAT3. -thfirenion asked nr cont-mponry t s'atJ fcaakf? 'wbetiMLik- pugilists, bla'-kleRs, thtetes. bnrg.ar ' keeper of dsns of prostitn-tionli-ti ete V- ? . were ot almost unan imottsly Ifem-iwals." Horace Greeley. I JSxm.,c1tic virttbs ' " . 'To"sjnoke is" iy-mocratic virtue; to chew ifni.t virtne 1t.teraified: drink mm is that virtue in th. Rnoeilitivr.'' IJtrfiee Orefley. j THIDAKGKteOTJSCLA8E3 ALL DKSIOCBATS A onn Iv sellis'. iut rt attaches tte lewd, fffiIil.IriUi4l: atl $&ng rojfS rtiattl to thft Democratic pur y. Horace Greeley. H HATTOIt At. MMOCaATS. - "Point wherever yon 1 1 ase t an election vl distfT wlrtrh yoh will p nonnceT mora:l-ror-I fen, efvennp InSrV a. pfttt in fcwck Jr and v"c-; were voters anbKit mirly bykeer in-j po'ie ffii'es. g iro' lir-g hotu-es-, fro( shop-.. a d d,lrker.tikjna fJL. famy , atd thit district wil be found a nearly or quite every ele"tifw Rivinflt a m-jor ty for tha which s'yl. s itstlf 4j!e.re-ocmtiis p rty, ,T'k all he bsnnta of debancW' in the land," and ;on ailt find i ie-tA- ths i f lh"ir m tft r spirits active prti sano of that sani Deinocr -y. , Wh it tj the in stinct, the symt-athefjc crn. whwh attA-bes eir wlf- wly to thin part ? Will . ou v n sid- r?" Horace Greeley. Q. r' k "Ererv owe who -t'Voe t 1 vr by pnriMsm of 7himl iM$r of hMry. win nearly eTery ' pohttc-.r avt kee;M-r of a H.plii g t onse, ia Dimocmt." Horace Greet y. IGSOSAICCX 1 KOCBATIO ALLT. i "It th- re were not a Hew-pnp r or a f romcn scho 1 in; th fonittry, the De. ocr itic purty L-Ru'il-'V Ji-L.pt routwr th:u- it is." Hjretce THI BATOXET OP 1870. ' I' is urged by ttie D -mot r t:C riina that :ltl,j.te--be.rc-iu. th stete :,nd n- af iUt pWit'oaa. ;TTbia Uvtine,o m k- it more bnribx'oti1. if that b : f ossiWK -b theft prHr',lnBfrtM'j t is an error. L Ti!law api;i only to Pr-i i;til 'and 'CiH-- itres wt f,iYtv,h?rViEh.,ie heirt 'y WRb it tT l-l ' J -V "W'- J aa i'mmii B Ht&ce.qtfeuyfr n 3 O W 3 M THE XU ILCXLW ;rj.i hl pur orenji mutri nvund bv ta dntv mUA ijweora iE-navitriiBBdaWentI rights, lo ;wh and enf laws for tbe ext;- f.ati-m r.f the t xe'-Wle K t K nx cotisptra'; Landgif it haa not tue pawer to.do it th healaay . " a i- oo GoTeroment is bo govefpment, but a sham. L theref ire." on tr-rt proper occtioii. advora- 1 t$A and justified the K Ktox Act. I bold i: espenatiy oewiraoie lor ia oonm; ana, h. u does hot prove strong enovgh to ffect it-pur-poseI hop it will be ttnde stronger aud strbner."- Horace QrceitH. 1871." TTii would amount to six in bed.' exclu sive of any o'h verajiti, fbr rafy toeinocwtie concH in the Stite of New Vork, iiKsIuding tiiose at Sing Sing and: Aabofd." Zfortfe OreeUjf.'' f;;; -I f';V:-: i fi AH EABNGST PI ATX.,, , 'May it be written, ou my gr.ve that I was nevet its follower namely, ff the Democratic party, and 1 vwi and died in nothing its debU or." Horace Orettr. y . I XEBEI. DEJfrtCBACT. 5 be br in, Uu Lesrt. tie eoul of the present DmocrtMS'pof'y in the rebel element at fhe S nth, with its Nortterh allies ond synipa thixrs. It is rebel t the core - todny. It would coma paay ; with tv.a hate, the chagrin, the wrath, the mort-fieation of tea bitb r years o impel and gui le its steos. , It would devote itaelf to taking oft or reducing tax alter tax un'il the Trewrary was deprived of the means rrf pfylng interest on tha natioml debt. and Would bail . the tidings of nr tional bank rtiptcy, with ' naJloyed gliduesH and uncon cealed exultation. Whatever chast isement may be deserved br our national sins, we mut hope thaTTliS85"tW-'td-hiimilintiuB will-ba i- sptrd ni'-. foww Greeley. . . v-, THE " rXBOCIOXTS PSOTKCTIOyiST. Tou only erj &tfl tjej proyrj eaudidat. I am not tbe man you neeo, , nur party, is mostly Free tr de. and I am a ferocious Pro tect'onist . I have bo' doubl that I mtgl t be nominated and elected by y6ur help; bat it would pi'ce ns all in a fal position J Horace Greelej jLo P Donan, in l8ll. mTKUXQU. The hog cholera U prevailing in "Wayne. Tbe'barnt district at Salisbury ia being re- built, ,, . v . Hickory Tavern has had two or three fires recently. r-.-'-,- , There is to be a new paper started at Ashe villa, . to be called the 'aspoilort edited by T. D. Carter. ; :-;,,..-. .. ,,, i; Elizabeth CHy . has a curiosity ia the shape of anEqnimaux dog. Enquirer.- . So has New Berne. - '' - Dr. F. A. Telfair, an aged - and eminent phyeioiam of 1 Smithfield, , K. C, died at that place on Wedhesd.iy night last . -The ' W nston ,sayi .thU a firm in Salem has received an order from England foe a thousand pair of partridges. i i ' a'', man in Greensboro! raised two and twenty five pumpkins on one vine. i" qvirer.: . . ; V.'- ) ' He is some pumpkins.' ,. The B led gh.'Jrews says Jsaac P,Dortch, Esq.1, of Goldsboro, wi 1 receive subscriptions to purchase a handsome gold watch for Una H C. , of Wayne, the ,youn lady who made the carpet bag heck tie for Nason at the Goldsboro Fair. C trwpoaienceCtA. Hanet Doff the " Old White H" ' - " . . Jo the KUitoroftke Kr:: - ; , r- Sib. in Mr. Bailey a letter, regarding the status of ( oL Hanes upon the P-esidentiai question, which a peared in Thursday's Era-, he "omitted"; to state one v ry important fact connec ed therewith, which has since come to the know edge o' your eorrepond. nt It is this: So complete a revolution has 'aken place in CoL Hanes sentiments and feelings t "ward Gen. Grant, that he has doffed the : ' old white hat n which haa for somet me afSicted the visuals of his friends, and has presented it to Mr. B iley in token of surrender, and the same old hat will be burned on the pa' lie square, in Lexington,' at 12 o'clock, on Sata -day the 2nd of November, 1872, immediate y a ter which the multitude wi 1 le addressed by the Hon ; S F. Phil ps. It is eonfldetly ex peefrd that this spectacle will have a sufficiently salutary effect . upon Gen. Leach, as to indnce him to add his "Greeley tile" to the funeral py e, and show himself to the world in his true place, amongst the once much abnsed but now appreciated Republicans of hia native State " r.s-i : , ...... B. f Lexington, N.! C, Oct. 31, 187. .... .. ;!,;;;' -naiefgh Km. - - Just received from New York, a fine lot of Lar Fish, Irish Potatoes, Onions, Breakfast Bacon, Hams, ! Corned Beef. Pickles Cbees Crackers, Butter, to.,' which are; - offered io by .Walker & Guion. , t, Oct 8-tf - T ere will I e a pni 1 c meeting at the Gree'ev itnd B oa-u Cla Koom tuts evening, to which MEttTTED Or tixcn The well-known Grtnn J auction, n the; great tlnrongh'sre u tbe,N rth.rn Lines to Iifftm, has ceastd t W.tb a 'lar'tcp and lnrraing poi ota- kin, prniMf aa well as rrp ona, it ei'ns, it ass BM eting annbltd, hVf T- ted fci chai g-tlie i-amf ! tntr towi t ,.TBB' a''r one of the l st kiown men in America, tf MJ C. Xteb. of i.w. l-nd 4 L-claU- iir o Masa h tsvtt haa ena-tel iba' de c':on into Jaw. P W" c,nnitnl 'rti efcolpe. fat rwt only is the t ame short and !i.tin--tiT mj1 ir. Atkb's Mi die n hav made it ft. v t" 1 y It -own u tin nt of the er b. Pslav- nu liTitiar man has rarti a it irei to rocb c fl itw niultiiudvs of tbe altk ashf. and lra hig'i bo-ior, fiom his'n icbbnr, tell ih a; in. at.i'n if wlii b h- ia- held by tooBe wbo kw.w bfe'-QriaiITliiiea i s.,!,!, ' . t TNA , INSURANCE CO.' . j Hartford, Conn. I iNccntTunaTKD isio. Capital, i - - 03,000,000 ASSet,1''-;, '"TJ t50t004.p03 PITT 'It' 1 lll?nV ' i teATif m "-r " " -SEW BERNE. 3 Y TEEiEGllAPH ' ":To- ii:":;;;;;, - :; NEW DER Jilt'" bAJiLY : T IME8. 7 m I . ".''WisHntoToiri Jfov-.S.'' The eorner-stone of ' PalHcTfs Church was L laid to i day, ArchbiahopBeJey. cpndacting the ceremoniea; 4 .-.-... J. vsi-sxuit, f .J No atreet cars running to-day " ' ' , ?'? - A New Yd; k fliB-w' lm--i'-P$ Thomas Kcanvel, whom Thoi&as Doaohue killed aasi shot Donohue deai. " . - -. , 'J he Government sell a million dollarfl fiold each 1 hunday and boys, a nilioB dolla s ot bonds each Wednesday of November. V raiiii' UToon Dispatches. FKOM WASHINGTON-. In Baltimore 11 out of 800 Sfeet railr ad bones i t welL Fatal eases .are rare: Nearly all the horses in New York are stibled on aC count of the cold rainstorm. " ' 'V . , The inly horses used is. .Boston yesterday,, were those needed for hotel guesta. The Common Cotfncil of t hieago meets to day,and will ; ass an ordinance allowing dummy engines on street roads. . -; The i oted ' trottinsr horse Springfield Boy. died in Springfield, Mass. " Theme sengers in the Signal office deliver tbe probabilities afoot as their horses and mules are too mueb affected with disease. A Horse valued at 500.- the .p-'ope-ty of Col Boanele, of Arlington, had its leg broken by a kick. . r-.- "-:-:-,; No cars are running andbut few hacks com- paTaturtly lew deaths have occurred. FT PH ' FBOM MABYLAND. i i T a- n t . n 3 i r-.rv:-,- -f, CPMBXBTitKP. Nov. 4L . ' Two fr-ifjh't trainiJ collided on the Hunting ton fcnd Broad Top Road to-day, killing Con ductor Bowser and three others, and mortally wounding the fiftKJ'1' ' 'l ;, ' : , FROM NEW YOBK. ' : ' --:u7 New Yobk. Nov. 4. Some excitement" exists in Went Chester ConutyovHr the reported discovery of gold bearing qnartz.uV ' -.' ' ' ' -, Wm. Smith, pnU'aher of Woodhull's Weekly, found bnlHo $3,900, and has been released from Laolow jail - - r V, ,.' ' The Ter y has arrlv.d. '. .' ' ; , FBOM VIRGINIA. ..; i.' ' ." :' Norwlk; nov- ' Laborfog borses here ara' nearly all si 'k aaay in the surrouudiug counties are dlsablecL The cars have stope-t; Onward, b mnd mail and Express matb r failed, to make twin and boats for want ef liorseaix-f:, , .. , . FOREIGN MARKETS. ; ;,-' . '!' Losooff. Nov. 4 Noon. . ;, Consols 021; five-twenties 89J. ":'K"" 'l , $ "., Pabis, Nov. 4 Noon..' -. K ntes 53 and 55. 1 1 LrvEBPOOL, N v. 4 Noon.V Cotton qniet and steady ; TJoland 10J ;,0r leanK lOii'sal a of 10.000 bales ; speculation and .etpoftrfi 1,000 frOrw j i g ? 1 ?. sag 1 MIDNIGHT DISPATCUESa '. T- g ; "i n ' -, FROM WASHINGTON. T , ., . '."';'-' :j ' - V-lS ' Washkotos. Nov. 4. 1 " A letter was received att e Treasury De partment this tno-i ing from the Collector at Stonington, Conn.', announcing the arrival off that port of the Schooner Crews Point on 'be 28th, with two cases A yellow fever on Tboard. She is from St Domingo, with cargo of sugar, iye woods 3cc, for Boston The ve sel was quarantined. Since then none bat health offi cers haa been allowed to visit her One of he patients has died, the oth r is convalescent No new eases were reported f ter bei g quarantined and properl fumigited. She will probably p-o eed to l-er destiuHtion. I'bobabilities In the .North West .and thence over ,thennp er Lakes and Michigan, brisk North Eact rly to South Easterly wind--, With threatening weather and fain, extending, with Sontre r'y winds, to Tennessee and the I wer Mississippi Valley.1 Ia the Gulf Stiles, I risk South Eastoily winds, with threatening weather and rain. For the South Atlantic Stit-s. itereinflt , c'ou linear and oecaakm il rain, with prwai ly brisk North Easterly wj.ndR. O.i t' e lower Inke Eterly to South Easterly winds and 4oa-ly weathr will prevait'.In New E tzland an I tbe 4otier Middle ' States, light N arth t, wMi wlnd!and pur Ir cloudy weather, i Warnina signals are ordered ft New Orleah', Mo ile, Dalath, Milwaukee, Cu.cago and Crtaaid Havca. '"'--.'.-, . 'lJjl", . FROM NEW YORK. . 8 NeV Yobe. Not 4. 8tephra Pearl Andrews was arreate i to-day l-T eomplieiry in tbe Woodhnll A Qafiia inde. eenctes - ' T e horse m ilady I abating. It is believed tSe Vm ha aot been gr 'er than I utt Wek. At 12 o'clock to day, tha United States Oran J try tonnd indietmnt ag inst Viciria Wood- hH A Tennie C flin, who wra arrested on Saturday charge! withjmailing indecent prin. ted muter mrowzn tne post. .. i tie prisoners were Ween fr m Ludl-w Jail at 1 o'ct-ek and bronght bet re C mm ww 0bne, who aid the In lie'int-its r lier-4 him ofthe n c. sity of roliint an ex imination. arensed were visibly afi.-cted on heading of the iivlict nienty Woodhu't ra,m0t tW tekrA. -'C! iflia looked some bat d. fi mt. The oonnsel for toe prisoners empl dneil of the mndnct oi the Grtver-jmjnt in prising th Indl. f tetrt vemfi ing the exHwica'ion aa a most arbitrary prr. eerJiniv The awsd pme Torward pranared fore the ixainipT-ituTha.Comaiia- ratonrnvleei wwrrantn f lwi th- I-.diH,. l i" 10 "erTM nrot the aecused, snd.tb.y ; 1 wereremcTd toi-41 'ia default ef f 8.000 bail i. Three men were suffoted to dentb in a new mineral well opened fct A.von. - . . (No stock m prodon will be in the markets to-morrow, a irwiU be a geueralbel:day. At. the Conference of the BtJplergjr of Boston and vicinity to day, the committee ou rioe Coamunio. reported ir7ini that tbri' Mu bapttnm 1a temeraf on Is a belief in water, ia the same of the Father, 0 and Hely Ghost,: And ispxoMeti, cl, faJn ; Chr ., Second,; A na unnsoan eburcbes apght to be exmposea of such regenerate persons only as have: been baptised on 'the professiofi of their : faith fat a'esus. Third, That the Lord's Supper ought to be rAservedrby christian' caurches; enly.j Foirrthu'Thai invitations of eoartesy to prtake of the emblems should be.. 'given to .bob but orderly members or a ebareh properlyi oo&iati tated, i rti.tsv ri y ? . . - a ; . X i f .NORTH CAROLINA. Ooutsanun. Nov. I?! M : J f5 The home aatady iahexBJls .3! YuM, S .-.- aa.ea . j 1 FBOM. SOUTH AJBtOLINA. ' - 4. CfltCKMA, NOV. 5. - The S-iuth Carolina) Agricultural aad, Me chanical Boraeties-fair opens to-m. now. A JirR nnmbev ef articles bave been entered. It is believed it will be the finest displty yet made. Tbe weather is splendid, and tte crowd is enor mous. ; Tbe premium list ia very extensive. , . -;k t.; f; ri:j i .Cxabxbxwr Not., ,4,,. .. The horse malady ia here. .. The m joity of horse3 and nmles are. more or leaa afflicted. . , .NEW YOBK MARKETS, M e ' ' - : n.: ).; V . . - .- J . Money' fi7 v'cent " Sterling 108J. Gold fluctuated between , I'uf'and lt5.t& ' Govern ments closed Hrteady. State Bonds Very dnlj aBd'nomiii " "; Cotton dull sales 1 01 bales Uplands 19$ cents ;' O rleans Wcentti.' FIou k little active and nnchingWniskey' firmer? it 9$:'eeM.' Wheat osed heavy owing to advancing-f reights Winter Red WesfeerhJ60g68 cents. Corn in active and unchanged., . Rice, quiet ,at 7iflJ cemta. Pork duJl,.atj5$l5.5 y Lard steady. '.Sp'ri's Turpentine 62 J cental Rosin $4.85, ' Tallow steady. , Freigh a firmer. f ; Cotton report, Net receipts. 700 bales; gross receipts, 10,772 bales; Future sales, 18,1. r0 bales for November, at .I'tyglSj;,, for De cember at 18 7-l618 ; for January at 18 7-1C 18; Februrary 18j18 15-16. . 'I I FOREIGN MARKETS, i i ) ' " " t ' "' '" ff Ltvebpool. Nov. 4. ; - Common Rosin I la 3iJ ' Turpentine' 3242. Cotton closed unchanged. -di ' 't-i ' ' -u -:.;,, t. -jXowobE, Nov. 4. - ' Trirpwt?ne'40l,u',J'f -nii -.ui,s 'ATTCMTIOW. : ryi I desire to call the attention of the poblio to the' fact that I hate bow mi band and will continue to keejfc .the besty as . well as tbe Cheapest cisar-f to he found in this city; the finest rirandsot chewmg' tobacco, fizi "Mav'Tlower,' Solace. Onturv an 1 Cbesapeake. The finest brands of smoking tobacco, , atona which will be found Durhaav-Virtrinia and Tnrkkh. , r . .. ,; Snnfis of 11 kinds, and a large variety of pipes ad smokers articles of every 'description Inaddition to the foregoing; ery article usually kept in a first-class OlSaf 1 Rture, ran be nnrchaae-t af wotesa aBdretail at,N,"?r-Bern a Tobwra-IntpemnW. South I ttnat $U, two doors above the Oi.at n H..na. M. GOLDSMITH. Proprietor. Dec9-f. Adve 4a: en Net Twine of all sizes. Seins of any size and weight kmt tq order.- v Mitebell. AHen A Co. Good moms and all the poputr papers of the day at te Bateman Honss Ronth' rroni Street. Ffty Gnus just received sad foi safe at oM prices, also Powd. r. Shot &c Mitchell, MaI'abk. at his. mble8 pn. Middle, street nffferaarffne 1601 HuWstrd Horaee. ar rea sonable irices. Call and see tbem for voor- live. ! j-:-ir. March IS-tf. Georgia Cotton 'Gins, Dn Bale Gins. Emery Gios, InKersoU Cotton Presses, are being sold I y Mitchell, Allen & Co. - ArlllV fit pr-ty 1' et Soaps, aogiiibWeiiev f itlf eeraRmere tsnquet, as wen aa xioney ana Ulyeenue at Meadows A Co'a. SlalOGo ITIIIsrBoots Shoes, Hats, and all styles of Woolen goods, at .gostinea. -on PollockStreet, next to the Na. nil. :'!- J'- ' ' ''l:iol iiuiuu Mmi wk. v& T. A. da4v, ; Y wWeaWad Cebtil Gjroeprr.md Aiqnor Dealer. Middle at set opposite the niaxket Orders - promptly 1 filled and! aatisfaetiea guar ranteed. " " ;;- '- - fOct 0-tt - : ' ' ' ' Till poll J A H O I T A H A IF wot rosposjtu o at: PBrvAne IAlk l7 tl Sth n Peeember aHct. wis be oM at Kew txrt. - artoTFt O-ntntT. . C. 4B aeiwa of VALUABLE t'i NET SWAXf l.Altn. i tasted in tbt f rk of Swrptirt mvtv Maw Ben'a Ulna. OaaaM laay tare ate 9 000 hze4 Pines. Jt. small portioa o said la ad Is ,M. aiwl aas all ! eeepaarv aeiMtnsa. StvtM aAWrB u.iwlttLJaaora anwer steata emriaa. and WW fefirf. kttaehetri -wta hkn. wafn aciiwa and al nee- stirv anpend urea to a mv vMIIHt The taao4 aWBo(AJttteratear the T- naa modima. F-ar (artlw lot maflm aanli Mint t: SWKLLHASJiEKS. Newport. W.G m Wtlmineton Star eouv oae month, and send bill to Daily Tints. .liHOV.OQ Uff T t' f T I jAehit sEx'tBeefat AfKADOWfta; CQ"s. mmkmHoak? PXSVH,mf TO AM OKU1K Olf TUE COURT nt- P i-M fat Craea. Cuaacv. I aaall . Car t sale A hnra lota ttae pnaril MUtt ad fBietteaaaraviNislac to the tattata of JoaapaiB A. rtaiwy. mna uu. aow ia ua occipan uf Nia. xAna.atoi.aaanLL anew and lot. baHmfj techa sane i stat- m Potl-vk trt. aerond door esat of tbe 'nirr rar. la riw ereaif' a 1 amis Tm lav. I Tkia n-ipurty la aoid ia order e aaka aanti f av the aayat-ajf dehv 4 Oa wbaadrett Aolliv of tha narcbaar SMiaey will hs leqalred in esab : the reoMse" may Ni aneared Wjr at tecs n rrinna st six bm cvaT'i awMcaa aw ztna win taittiw iltj miihe dHPV BaTtOw ' at AV frCBBILAdaiV. FOR NEW- YORK i t) I R E C T , :; EJIaii 8. Terry; 8al bt Master I; v -2tUlV Ut 'f ilir-v-n ........ i . . i ,Th tough Bill of LaJinj? pren tat and from all ixiicta ou in i'N. C; HaSI Hosl r Jtu'uranoe effeotad chrough ifcl at !??? FreichU will adafllhiaamt Rultienura Eeffular Inlaiid Freight Line , BETWEEN NEW DERNE AND BALTIMORE. The Steamer ; Cloiiiixierce win oontiBue to make regular trips between tbe above plaeea, staving Baltimore far Naw Berne direct on Tharaday, Jnlv 18, and every other Thursday thereafter at 5 P.M. ' ' -New BmM Airant , j;, i B. L. PERRY. Baltimore Agents. Messrs. WHEDBEE It DICKINSON, Ap804f !JIU . ; WALKER, Master. , QTEAU3TTTP XaXITZl it 1 ;i ; BCtWCIW 5ti, 'ft New-Bern and ora JTASr A. 6AX17, CAPT. 'HALL, Master, , REDUCED RATE8.; , Ploixi: QOaz iporJa. 5Qpi REDUCED ? iATftS OK COTTON To Baltlmorw, $2 00 j , 44 Philallphi-t2r50 " Hew York 2, 75 Boston - ' J 4 00 per hale . u 1 :' in ! For rates and engajprrnenta apply to H...L, PERftV, at the Wharf in New. Bern, and ANDREW'S & CO., Balti more. . ' " : ; ; Dec I5th-tf u ! ' ' ' i BATTiTTiATf HOUSE, rick Br iLia, 7. South Front St., near Craven ! . ; (FORM ERbT THE HAKVKY HOUSE.) THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RECENTLY 1 opened the above named House, would call attention to the bet that desiring to meet tbe wants oi me people lor a first class Bar and Billiard r Booms, has fitted up In a style thatjbr feels assured will ,. aeet tbe approbeuon.ol tbe pubhc, A BAH THAT If STOCKED WITH TBE BEST Ales, Wines, Liquors, 7 ; ;- and Cigars. eoBBeeted with which is a first eUaa Billiard Room, With a moo em Nonpariel Table and everv ia. t . proventent and accomodation. The nCAOlMC ROOM U supplied with -- autBeieadutgrnauaadpromincBi . i . ' f Bewa and illustrated papers. , it J. BATEL1AIT, ! 1 Continental Intwwx 'Company. - tii i .i.!Jifpi it-i i.tv!- , . , i J e L'O ViH K W .Y ARK. . . . ' VIBGISIA HOME ' f 1X8UBAXCE COMPANY. Roberts 4t Henderson, Ag'ts. CTylc-4awrlaa KTvaasa Bcnaivot r , f& ' If Ceavee Steeet. Pratt's Astral Oil, SO cents per gallon, at I ' '' ' Meadows k Co. 1 Th a-Hectar rtn A VatK Bl.CAi TF.A vjvw taa Uraea Tea Flavor. War. tt Flavor. HTT fjawta to eait all, taauw., For aa'a f J ei wears ta t J ' ! cter, whan "(geSSg half newat for sfe wboleaal. aly aiwaiicaaa rm m a Chareh as Htv v a. Speoial K otlc '.f n :- t-S Balttanart We will sell on Tuesday , morning . next 800 caaea of Boots, Shoes, Bkbbe, 4c., Ao, Then ... aales are held only" on Tuesday oi each weekj and comprise a special and general asaortme '" o EMtern4andu'ci Bide "goo6 airaet from , ' themanufactuiandwted aawpmented v Catalogues on the morning of sale,'' and tha jWtWlBaaoB-' ' V " HIOGINS, COBB 4 CO., ( 4 German St, Baltimore. Aug 14-tf. BERRY'S OUDCCT. Insure ia the New York LOT Dauranca Company. , B. BxEBt. Agent Select Drugs and Pure Chemicals, at Berry's. Baraaina ia Paper. Envelopes. Tens. Ink. o. at Berry'a. . ...... : v.- , Paints, Oils and Varnish- of reliable quality. Also, Brushes, Putty, ., Ac, Ac , at Berry a. Window and Picture Glass, cut to anv size or shape. Xtoioreu, engraved and grouna Glass, o order, at tferry a. ; Only 75 cents for a gallon ef ; Pratt's Astral OiL and a oan to keep it in. ar id eenta for the oil, at Berry'a. Buist's warranted garden aeeda, at Berry's. Buy "CAEouKA jWaTEB," the beat colofftie irAatJtterry'a, Barry's 'Kxtbaot Mttsx-sosk Outlasts any other extract for the handkerchief . Extract Beef -Wine and -boBrwarranted to kep) r... ; , , , At Baaxx's. "Elixir Calisaya, . "Calisaya aod Iron," and other modern prepara tions on hand, or to order, at short notice, at Berry's. Organs or Piano-Fortes of atoy style, or manafacture, to order, at Berry's. '." ' ' . t f - Scientific Books, of American or European pubticationjfarnuhed to order, at Berry'a. ' Tbe beat of eierytAing for a fair price, at Berry's. . Highly C arbonatod infnaioB- of medincinal roots, end barbs as a beverage, popularly termed Boor Beee, at Berry'a. , , ; , . i . ;.,!.. -f ...... .... Picture Frames and Trimmings, at Berrj'e. Tf ybn want a good-! 'Roll" use Berry's "Bak. tne Powders." , , , , GOOD NEWS FOR ALL ! The Country. is Safe! eiiistdii-&b9s. have now received their i Fall and Winter Slock eonsistisgof .- Diy Goods. " ..GIotliiDg." ":-- Boots. ' : Shoes, . ' ; It ' t,f , ; -J , V ... V Caps, -4JtX 0 TEE LATEST STYLES: . ... . , . . , Tber are dtermlped to ell them at E rices thai anybody and everybody w.U e able to buy. - . They sell cheaper than idt hotus in North Carolina can, and will aell them either at wholesale or retaiL ' r ' .' ; .-,;-. .; LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, go to WEinSTEIN 6 BRO'S Cor. Pollock and Jliddle Sts. - i '.-. j . i r r r '"''' " i. Hew Bexne XT. O. ' and be del ghted with good barpins. ; A rev et pply of tha ce'ebrated Lightning Sews iurt received by- MiteVIt Aflen 4 Co. T a asasnleeteme ofier 3D0 regard fur a faster cutting saw " - '"rrR "jx st wlIU P vi Afloat epiriutim SoreeriiN DeraoBOloirjr. antt s ibon-and f-L V) S!..v. h, doth : paper Read v ire. tn avext on ry. at 000M.tb- SU5 aataTS: W "S' : A 'Jl.'lw,i:r i I 1 1 ,v I iMtlar. . 'J tell-

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