S6.CO PER ANNUM AND ,UION. NOW aND FOREVKU. ONK ANDj 1NHKPARABLE.,,-Danil Wfbii, FTVE CENTS PEff COPY- volume! XI 3 51.2 J NEW BERNE,; N. ' WEDNESDAY 1 MORNING, f NOVEMBER 6. 1872. NUMBER 60. ..'. ' ' !- v ' ' John -"S.V Manu. Local Editor. ! Arrival sncl Ijeiwture of Mailf. Post-Officr, Nw-Bertje. N. CC. .j;: 'June 17th, 1872.-- f 4, ynil Closes for tlie North, West and Sooth lMftM Mioses for Bcaafort and the East, at 4 15 P M. " . . j ' j " ' ; Mail Closes for jWashineton, Swift 0rek. Hyde and Beaufort j Counties, every day lM)iil closes for Trenton. Pollookville, and Erans!iro, Wednesdays and Saturdays at B.:S0 A M. s . ' , x , Miil rinses for Daturas via. Beaufort) at 415 P. M. 1 ! ' . JTaU closes for Grantshoro, Hay River and Vnndemerr. Tuesdays Thursdays and Satur diyaat6 AM. i- j MAIL ARRIVES. From the North, West and Ronth at 4.46 p M. ana opened for db'i very at 5 45 P M.) , From Beaufort and tUe East at 855 A M. 1 From Washington, iwift Creek, N C, fcc daily, at 4 P M ! ' I Frm Trenton. Pollofkyille and Swanboro Tuesday" d Fridays t 1.80 P M. from Orantsb'ri. f&v River and Vande uicre, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4P M "'1 1 Office hours from! 8 AiM. to 5 P M. and 5.45 to? CO P M. Srrndavs from 12-30 to 1 P M. --' GKO. W. NA8C)S. Jr.. Postmaster. CITY AND STATE ITEMS; "We cannot cora-nerat on Jbaa gloriou3 which wa jjabljsh this morning. G.ant is electa Pea'.dant-. Every Northern Siato, aal i na ijarity of the Soitharn, have, voiel for hint. We have met tlia L berali and the States Etg'atera, tb.3 Feac s D moorata and Dimosrats, the Protectionists and -j i - Free Traders, tliultra Djjnocrats and ultra Rjpublicaas! ; all who are dissat isfied. -r-the whole body of Soreheads, afid have beaten -them. - The people hare spoken ! Oace more it has been proved that plain, common ense cariies thei day when the people vote. A thonsamd slan dors were no; sufficient to obscure the brilliant record of the adminis'ration which has reduced both the public Idebt and the public burdens ; has preserved peace at the same time that il has upheld the di?- nity of the nation ia its foreign rela . . '- i ; tuns, a id that ha3 given four years of unexampled prosperity. All hail IT. 3. Grant conqueror both in war and peace A second time the choice of the American people. JTItW BSRSE AJfO.VICIJflTT. 1st Ward, whole nuniber of votes cast in tl Ward 1ST of whic h ' - . TJ. S.- Grant received 51 Horace Greeleiy ' " 85 ; Charles O'Connor " 1 This is an inerfiase of twenty eight Republican votes over the August election. 2nd Ward IT. S. Grant, " 51 v jf Horace G eeley, 62 3rd Ward , J , U. 8. Grant,' , - 90 Horace Greeley, 67 th Ward ' U.i S. Grant, " ' 47 ' ' i HoraLC Greeley, ; J ;:33 6th Ward . U S. Grant, 262 ; Horace Greeley, && t--6th Ward J iS..0rant, J. -J j ;20 ; Horace Greeley, 10 7th Ward S Grant. 113 . Horac! Gree'ey, . - 11 8th Township-" U. S. Grant, - 383 Horace Greeley, 33 James City X5. S- Grant, ' 448 H02 ace Greeley, 5 Total vote of New; Betne, includifsg James y. ;f Repobjioan, ., y 1,767 Liber:ii, 866 Total, 2.1SS SPECIAL TO fUG TISIKSi .-' j . j Raleiqh, Nov. 5. Wake County givetf dne t iousartd majority for Grant. 1 ! C. L. HabbIs. j ;, Kisston, Nov. 5. Lenoir County go&rjSepnblican by over Fiv hundred. i W. i Loftis. Spf oial telegrams from Baleigh last night, ay Grant's m tjoriry in Raleigh Township is 621, a gam-of 83. iH il ,f ' . . I t ' ' ' la coasideration i of i the glorious " victory achieved bv. the Republican party yestaf day. Tuas offije was brilliantly illuminated last lught 'Hurrab-fOif Grant V ' - 'Miff Escaprl mc Qallowa. , We informed and, sa , p ablishad a f eMf,4ys . ago, that Martin B iyn'ardwas hangei" ai HhdSr soaville on the lth, for the mard rfof Si as Weston and thwe'oC h's childranl'DThe publi catLm was premitura We have positive in formation thit Biyaar l escape I oa the d iy sat apart for'h's execution. Biyaard's wife had been permitted to visit her husband during hi3 imprisonment. Sh3 wai granted the privilege of remaining with him daring the night of tb.9 17th. The j li or visited the c 11 about sunrise, -aidBiyaaJd dressed p in th9 clothe3 of his wife, with a handker -fiief to hi3 face and sobbing ,as if his heart won d break, passed out and made his escape.' 1 Some two hoars or more after this occur rence, the j vilor carried Byaarl his breakfast, and discover d that the oa.-upant of the e -!1 was Mrs. Biynirl. She had oa oa her nigh-clothing,- The Sheriff raised hae-and ry and started in pursuit, bat to latest acsiuat the condemned ha not been feea or heard of. How true the old saying 41 There's many a -lip between the cup aai lip." Bayaari's wife clung , to - him from the time he was a rested, and now enjoys the satisfaction of saving biai from an ignoroirioup death. - v There were five thousand people in "Hender Konville to wites the haag'ng. Great wii their coi!ternation when learned they that the bird had flown. Em. 1 " " ' - ; - SlATEUXGi. Mr. John W. Kant, ot Xaw Y rk, hs qnali fiel as Commissioner cf Deeds for North Car olina. The Trbnro Enqvirer Pays: . The rains in our section last week were of unusual severity and Tar riTwas farc;d out of its banks In many places." Gwetnir Ca'dwt-ll,- 't is said. wilT, in view of the prevle ioe of the horse malady, issue a proclamation in r.ird to the-importation of horses into the State. Tl:e Tarboro Enquirer says: "The frost is sai l to have dhe considerable damage to the cotton cnp of our county. Late crops huve been greatly cnt short." f . - - The Rilelgh iirs tells of a terrible tnffpdy which occurred at Frankliuton. on Friday. Two men by fie name of Br.a aad Vaaha qnarrole i abont a bar bill due by the former to the latter, which resn't'd in Br.ig'a shooting and kid'ng V.inghn with a gnn. - ; - Yt -rday bids to, supply the State with f-t-'ionsrry f r theeasn'ng year, were oTned at th Secretary of State's office, and the f ollowing, awards were nvvle: : Contract for book paper, to the. Falls of Nuse Mannf icturing; Company; blank -books. "toJoha Annitnnr, Rileigh, N C ; m's e'laneous stationery, to J. W. Cole m ia, New York. " ' ' ." A Somfinmbul'st Drowned. k colored bott hind, by 'lu name d Jamos Gillespie, w s drwued Aram on bairb flit in tow of the steamer Cumberl md. fnvn Fayetteville for this place, on Friday nig'it last, about midn'ht. The decease"!, -vho wan qaite a yonn"? man be. langins; ia PavetteviUe h 1 been in the habit of wridkin" in h;s sleep, and on a p-evsoas oc casion had walk jd overbo ir 1 an! beau rescued. O i last Friday night, when abont half a mile bulow D ep Watnr Point, ai d about f rty-five miles above this city, G U'spie arose and walk, fd to the side f the fl.it and deliberately step pert overboard before an j oe conld reach him. The ho. wa? haile and , stopped, and Cipt Phillips went bask in a small b vat 4-irt searched fgr up'irds of an hoar in the hops that hi miy haves vara ashore, bit coal I neither sje nor hear anything of him, and therefor? concluded that he must certainly have beea drowned. Wil. Journal. . rs . - ; ' 11 .. ' ' ' " ' -;i 0 e of the most' distressing affairs we have ever be m called upon to notice took pla -e in Tallahassee a fe v day- ago. Mrs. A- v , Face, wife of a popular and sucs'ssful Jioksoavil'e merchant, and daughter of Mr. Gaora D im n. a prominent merchant in Tallahassee, seem -d to be suffeiiag from sonle mental derangsnvrnt, and t iiaking a daaage of snene an . sarroua 1- ight cure her indi .ieut malady, her hus band Jook bef to hr parents and frieads in TalUha-see on Wedaesday hut Tint night, soon after her arrival at-her father's hoae, slie call, d ! he family aronni her and prayed and exhorted theSa; .t preparer -for a grrfat ant sad calainitv. Kone hid any idea that she was contemplating anything lik? self destrnoa -m. The next morning early her fath-r went out to procure a b ttle o- .ine for her, and s jon after hU departure she took a kerosene lamp.;d- can, and s iturating herself from head to foot, pnt a matJh to it, and m a moma it w i devel- ooed iu t ie fl imes. . Her husband and otaers hearing' her shrieks,'" raa td 'Tiar reicue, and throwing a bucket of watr ovar hir, endeav ored to extingaish the fUmes. This proved uaavadin.7, aud her hasbmd, seizing a blanket, threw it aroan 1 her, and fiail'y s icceede 1 in putting oat the flames, but not uatil the poor victim was barnad to, saah ane x'-ent tnat she MpA in a fa hoars, after tie most intense suffering. Mrs. Pace was quite young, and had been married only about ttira or f jur years, x vo vearn ajosae was the happy wife of a devoted r . . . i - 1 J )...., h'iNband, wn)se success in uunums un-i yiwc.., him in comfortable ciran nslan-es. We haye not learned t ie cans' s which le I to this ais- tressiag calamity- Slatetile American, Wanted A go jd who can come well recom mended. J E. NASH. S . T" : - ri 1,11 i ; ' . , . H,v?- It tr to Tmi Pmyr. ' :- ' V. All pe sons owing State and county taxes for the year, 1872, a e he eby notified that payment most be made without delay. Further indulgence tannot be given. ; ' Orlanik HoBBSf . ay i .-Sheriff Craven County. EWk . INSURANCE CO. -Hartford, Conn IN COB. PO U AT ED .18 19. Capital; - - - S3,00O,COO Assets, - - - $6,004,503 I PITT BARROWS, Agent- li If J ASM 4. 1 - w Try Bateman's nyf cigars. , ' ' , w ; . . "J: " : -A , Use Meadows & Co's Fs JamaicS Ginger., " Fresh Teas, RoasM CvffUe, at C. E. Sivovb's( Lager Beer of tue oest Quality at wholesale and 'retail at Zinkanps. ; ; ;f Mi;-r Buckwheat, Flour and Meal at C B Sloveb's. i Tooth, Nail and Hair Brashes,'' a Meadows ACo's. ' - ' ? " i Columbus Cigars the -fiaest in the city at who'ejaU and retail at ZSKa.Nni ' " , There was a jo'lifiaatioa ot the tallest kind at the HepubUein C "irier offi ;a last niht. Horace Greeley appearel to his friend j an 1 was well received. Crackers of all kinds end-Macaroni at C E Sloveb'h. . German Study, or office Lamps, at Meadows A Co's. ' -i'- ' " ' -'. -.rt'-J Finest Scotch Whiskey, French Brandy and Wines at Zikkaxds. , Mr. F. W. Kerehner has r ecently purchased and will cause to be exhibited at oar approach i 'g Fair, a fiae blooded Perseheron draft mare. This animal was importe 1 by Mr. W. T. Walters, of Baltimore, from Normandy, France, is nine years old, and "weighs t,ft00 pounds. In addition to superior -strength, this breed f horses possesses the extra advantage of being easily kspt. dud is also exaeedingly kind and gentle. It is of he Class of horses usual'y kept for drafting purposes in Liverpool . We hid an opportunity of seeing th ani m' a fine gray, and very stont and heavily built, about the heaviest hor39 for itj height we have ever se m. Ex :h mge. Mincn Meat. Riisius. at C E Sloveb's. Carfarits and Citrons Try Meadows fc Co's Euu do Cologne and Ex't Jockey Club. We have been f.hown, by J. H Stedman Esq . a pair of the sa'ire fish, or silver eel which were caught by Mr. Thomas Daniels. They were caught at Morehead Ci y and are a curiosity, beiag in shape not unlike a sabre without the guard. They appear to be a com bination of Spanish mackerel and eel. and are transparent when held to the light. This is the second specimen we ever saw of this rare fish, and we are of the opinion that they are not to be found north of H atteras. The finpst Chewing Tooacco and Cigars at Meadows & Co's. Hams, Breakfast Bac n. Corn Beef, Cod Fish, Pork, at C E Si.ove3's. Best quality of Baiter and C'.eese at C E SLOVEBV". ' " Hoa -ekvpers consult your interest, and ex amine Meado .vs & Co's stoek of L imp goods. A Good Jake. ; r . O a of the most ardent aai deeidad R3pab-: licans ia tho First. Ward oa yesterdiy want to the p .lliag plasa . without a ticket. He was handed a 8'righ'oil)j aa iuspeator, who is a jokist, to look at. He looked, haaie I it back to the receiver of b tllotj who is no jokist, and voted very inueh agiiast Us will for O' Jonnor and Adams. Rapo;- says that he -aa aniio is to kick the ballot box to pieoes bat thought better of it, and concluded to stand treat to champaign and oys era instead. Ssrapplana. Gen. Sherman, who was confined by a recent attack of sickuess, is improving. Col. Alvah Crocker, Republican condidate for Congress in tae Tenth MajsaehtuetU DU triet, is seventy years of age. , Cd. Gfo'rga N. Lester has added his name to the lo g list of those gentlemen anxious to serve Georgia iu the United States Seute. Poor N.isby is disc mrag e 1. Ii a recent let ter ha s lys: Tha prosp :k of ever gittia i .to that posjf&W grows diiom r and dimmer." 1'he totil registry of New Y rk City this year is 143.810 against lat yair 152.532. So much forthebraiking up of theTamaaauy Ring. A club of Bost m ladies are hard at work en deavoring to obtain the passiga of a city ordi nance providing th it all tobacco che wars shall be muzzled when on the street. TModore Tilton has been addressiag Demo cratic miss m3tins in Rio le Islaucl. - The Ust time that d'heoiore distinguished himself d i the stiinp he was advocating the election of Woodhnll to the Presidency' s1'' ; . Governor Smith, of Georgia, will shortly isnna ihviutions to the Gove nors ot the We-tern and So Uhera SUtes to meet at Atlaati on toe 19th of November, lor the purpose of deliberiitiag npon the s abject of a canal to connect the Ten nessee R ver with the Atlantic Ooeau at or near Savannah. . E l "rl E. Hendricks, curbstone broker in New York, was a rested Thursday, charged with having sold $4 830 United Sttes bonds which had beea s'o'en frotn the offi ;e of the to vn clerk of Mid Ueborongh. M iss., D camber 15. 1S71. Kendrickt was locked up for exami nation. ' - Presineat A'l-n, of the Maine Agricultural College, stated at the Far ai era Convention at Sk .wtiegan, hen speaking of the pr fit of sm dl i n-t culture, that one ot the student at the Agricultural College was maintained at the instiiution from the proceeds of strawberries gr wn aud sold by his widowed mother from one acre of land, Texas lias an area of 239.000 square miWy nearly four times as large as New England,- and Cont iued ia 1870 a population of 81S.00"J; and if Bettled as compa -tly as Elnd would have more than 80.0 0 i00" people twice the present population of o&r whole country. f , s . A gentleman, on one occasion, was expatia ting eloquently to a yoang ladV on the merits of a pbetically inclined acquaintance, who, he said, had Burns at bis tongue's nd. O". la," said she. " I've had barns at my tongue's end many a time." . . ; .... . . r An ti-tobae eoist s are nrach perrlexed as to the mftoMf in whirh they may suoceasfuDy refute the arguments their opprjnenta- draw from' the life of Ch ef Justice Tney. , That gen leman began to puff early in life, and kept it to the end, dying almost with cigar in" his mouth, and yet his system snoeees fully contended against this, frightful -destroyer for nearly ninety years. THE TWO STREAMS. -s i ' BT 'p. W.' : HOLMliS. " V. " U I , 1 ' Behold the rooky w iH ; f ' ' ' .) . - That down its slopinz sides Poors the swift raia drops, blending as they fall, In rushing river tides. Yon stream whose sources run Turned by. a pebble's edge. Is Athaljaci rolling toward the sua ' - , TurcJfigh' the cleft moutain ledge. The slender rill had strayed, . But for the slanting stone, To evening's ocean, i ith tangled braid Of foam-flecked Oiegon. So'from the heights of wil Life's p irtJng stream descends, And, as a mountain turns its slender rill, ; Each widening torrent beads, From the same cradle's side,. . . . From the same m ther's knee, One to long darkness nnd the frozen zone, . On to the peaceful sea ! Price of Naval Stores, &e. Turpentine. Virgin Dip $5 50 . Ye 'low Dip t5 50 - Scrape $3 75 ' " Spirits, per gallon.. 59 cts Tar... $2 00 Rosin, common straiued, -3 50 Corn, from t ats. rew, ....... . . 50cts " old,... 6065 cts Cotton, Baled.... . .... 17J cts Seed... L. ....... 5 cs Essrs.... 15fa-2U cts BY TELEGRAPH TO THE j NEW BER IE DAILY TIMES. Noon Di$isitc2iC5. FROM WASHINGTON.. ' ; '-. " , Washinotoh, Nov. 5. No street cars ara running here to-day, i Four thoasan 1 h raes ttre sick in Cleavelan 1, 0. No s'reet card ara raaniag. No sigas 6f abatement. A cold rain is f tiling at Chicago A number of d eat is are reported, oxen are doing the haul ng. ; - j ; -j The statement that the Treasury Department had decided that the discriminatiou.s agaiust French bottoms appl el to vesse'.s iifloat, was premature. The matter is still uud;r aiviae- ment, but such decisions are probable. NORTH CAROLINA. Raleigh, Not. 5 The election is progressing quietly.;. But little interest is manifested by either pnrty. It is es timated that there will be a fulliug off of 35 per cent, of the August vote in this city. j The horse malady appeared at Wynn, Yancey & Co' stables this morning. Hyiood's fine trotting mare, Fannfe Haywood, and Loafer and Pomer-oy, are down with the disease. , It ia spreading rapidly,' The wholesale merchants and cattle factors have ordered oxen from the counry. ! Two stores on Hillsboro Street were burned this morning. It was he work of an incen diary. Loss, over lasutaa-e, $5,000. FROil LOUISIANA. ; N ew OarxAirs, Norl 5. The election is quiet. Warmouth thinks the State has gone for Greeley by 15,000, and claims 3 and probably 4 Conservative Congressmen. I It is the general opinion that the city has srone for Graeley and the fusion ticket by from 10,030 to 11030. IaMinden Greeley had 300 majority of 930 votes. The Liberals claim 500 majority in Webster Parish. Franklin Parish gives Grant 309 majority, but elects the fusion ticket Collagen Parish gives Greeley and the fusion ticket about 600 majority. FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE. - ' A Mancbestbb, Ncv. . 5. ; The Democra's claim that they will reduce the Republican . majority 100. Both parties claim the State. ;' Lounos, Nov. 5. The election is a sharply contested one. Keene, Nov. 5. The election is progressing quietly. Liberals and straight-outs voting strongly for Greeley. Nashua. Nov. 5. j--" Greeley is not polling a full Democratic vote. ' FROM MAINE, j Lewiston, Nov, 5. j The' election resulted in the I return of Mr. Eessey, Liberal; by 30 majority. FROM ALABAMA." . ; MOSTSOMEBT, NOV. 5. Election is progressing. quietly. FROM NE W YORK. New Yobx. Not. 5. Clear pleasant weather. " The city presents holiday appearance. j The police and Federal ofEesrs are stationed at fie different voting places. 1 j The' Tribune aud Herald say Greeley carried Louisiana by 12,000 to 15,030 majority I Niinerous arrests have beau male at the polls here; if . Rochestxt Nov. 5, Susaa B. Aathny and 8 other wo.uen Toted to-day, there were 13 women registe ed in the same District. '! 1 FOREIGN MARKETS. i London, Not. 5 Noon, i' ConoUr92i; fiveftwenties 89Jy y ; v T Z. " ' ." " """ Pakis, "Not. 5 Noon . Rentes ' 52 awd 87. " ' ' . i i' -. " Lives poo Ls N it.- 5 Noor .- Cotton qniet and steady J Uplands 10 ; . Or lesas 10J; sales of 10.000 bales : speeul ition and xpott, ?,r 0 baler , ,AL ,j - Uvi'v MIDNIGHT DISPATfillES. EIiEGTION RKTDTtNS. f ; J north Carolina; J , Raleigh, Nov. 5 .Grant gets 620 majority, a gain of 82 on Caldwell's vote.' ' j . Partial returns from ' about 25 counties in dicate that the State has gone for Grant by between 5 and 8,000, with a largely decreased vote.' The ; elect on passed off quietly, and but little interest manifested. " ' j - ': Salisbukt, Nov. 5. Grant has 77 majority, a gain on Caldwell's vote. ' - . ; WrLatraarosV Nov. 5. Grant's majority shows a gain of 46. J i GoiaosBoao, Nov. 5. Republican gain 83. One hundred whites who were registered failed to vote In Nahunta To nship. Wayne countv. the Republican gain is 32. J . NEW YOBK. Nxw Yobk, Nov. 5.-Up to 1 o'clock the election pio-eeeded quietly, and in down town district-i more than half of the registered votes were polled, at 11 A 31. in the 1st, Sod, 3rd, 4th and 5th Wards, O'Brien was .doing well, and many Greeley tickets wefe dropped. In the negro Ward, the 8th, O'Brien Is a favoritS and scarce any one else was voted for iS. the! 17th District' Greeley ' is ahead, being run put of O'Brien boxes. In1 the 15th District O'Brien, has beaten Lawrence out of the field and ! Hav. eirieyer has no chance. In the 7th District Lawrence is beating O Br en, and Havemeyer gets tut few votes, and Greeley is the favorite oa the Presidential ticket Ia the 18ihi Dis trict O'Brien is a nhead and running Grant and Greeley tickets. Lawrence developed "j great ftrength in '.he 17th Ward; counterfeit tickets, scratching and selling" out is the ofdtrpfthe day. Iu one District in the 17th Ward O'Brien tickets are run fr m Tariimany b'oxes. The Commercial a Republican paper, con cedes tha election of Havemeyer, .though O'Brien's friends are still confident. Scratch ing lias been grneral except on the .Fresideu tinl ti.-ket. . " 102 Di-tricts in this city' give Greeley! 4,000 majority. It now looks as if Graeley's majori ty in t"iis city will not exceed 25,030. Kernan runs largely ahead of Greeley. . Earliest returns show heavy gains for Grant, and indicate that be will carry the State by 25,000 Greeley is running behind his ticket in t-'ie State as w 11 as the city, Robi-rts. Republican, is re-elected to Con gress by 2,500 mnj irity. Iu Oneida county. Graft's majority is 3 000. The Republicans carry Richmond county; 304 election Distf cts in this city give Gree ley 15,633 majority, with 204 Districts to hear from. . . j, .. . I Rochester city gives 1,233 Republican gain. Greeley's majority in this eity is 22,92a. Dix is elected Governor by about 2,03).. The World estimates, at midnight, that all the old Northern S ates, with South Carolina and Mississi-pi, in all 2.3 e eetoral votec have declared for Grant, leaving 113 electoral jvotes, all from the Southern States, for Greeley, tyrant will have at least 40,000 majority in this State. Greeley is running behind Kernan and the State ticket by atleeast 15,000 votes. Lib eral gain ia the Rural districts of Republican counties are more than com nen? atcd by j Grant ga:ns in tha towns of the State. . 4 Havemeyer at the time of writing seems to be elected Mayor. The local officers elected, excepting the Mayor are generally Tammany Democrats. The Republicnns have th Legislature of this State by a working majority.' j SrBACtrsBj Nov. 5.-A heaTy vote is teing polled: Democrats . have sained. - Hiseock's majority in the cify is about 800. Laeb. Repribiic'aii gain 311. Lockpobt, Not, 5. Grants majority in Niagara connty is about i,00d. j Albany, Nov. 5 Indications are that tiee Democrats have carried the city by a reduced majority. ; i Bdtfalo, Not. 5. A heaTy. Tote J is polled. The appearance indicate 1,200 Republican majority in this city. . . , . Sixteen women, headed by Susan B. An thony, Toted to-day, there were fifteen for Grant and one for Greeley. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Not. 5. R; tares from n Wards but one, up to ten o'clock, sh'iw Grant's Majority to be 21,613. It is estimated that Greeley will receive 20,000 less than Buckalew ia October." " ' - j i - Twenty WabrSs give Grant 30,000 majority. Nine wards to tear from. : , , Republicans claim Delaware by 1.500 to 2000 majority. Scattering returns from Pennsylva nia show gains over Governor's vote for Grant. In Delaware county Grant gains 950, in Alle ghany county 700, Lycoming county 350 and Chester county 2,500. Cumberland county gives Grant 800 m jority, 771 gain. Lancast r connty Grant 7,50Q ma jority, gain 221. Lycoming county Grant 500 majority, gain 72S.S Berks county and Read ing city for Grant 1,067 majority, gain j 1192 over October election, Greeley.s majority in the Connty '2,500, -Republican gain 3,500. Washington coun'y for Grant 1,500 majority, gain 1. 326. Daloware for Grant 2,503, ! gain 1,000. ' ) Republican gain in Chester maty 2,522. Grant's majority in t'ais State is from 90,000 to ioo,ooav -'i.fi : Vv'i . Pittsbubo, Not. 5. At ten o'clock the vote m ten wards stood, Grant 1.584, Greeley 49,". VIRIGNI. : -S i AlexaitdrxaNot. 5.4-Tbtre in a tie toW in this eity between Greeley and Graat. - Hinton in elected to Congress by 28 majority." j ' Harris, in' the 7th and Hiuton ia the 8th Districtr, are elected t Congress. The latest dispatches indicate' the election of II in ton and Harris, Conserrativep, to Con frress. Smithy Radical probnt 1 t lected in Richmond District. Ariose contest exuts in Fredericksburg District.' now represented by Braxton, Conservative. The contest U close betwes Johnson, Indepeffdent,' and Whitehead, Conservative, 'ia Linchburg District I Richxokb, Sot. 5. It i!l rt quire an official count to . decide betwm Wise and Smith of C-onprsfc;, Stowe;i and .Pla i undoubtedly elected I to 36ogrJsV The 5tb.' District is in doubt .The remaining 5 Distriois elect Demo crats. ,The Slate j ia .conceded , to. Greeley by ooo.',. , .1 s, .. ' '; ' - ';' " ) Both parties claim the State' " In ninety, eight precmcofjjhirty if Demo crat made but few, end the Republican many gains. The chances favor Smith in this districts - 'ij"4' hv r. . MVSSACHUSEtfSV Boston, Not. 5.' The majority will be larger than ever before-' At noon,' Grant had 2,262 majocHy in the I'iiy." ; -: Banka defeated and the entire R publican delegation el-ctedl ... .. j 169 towns give Gant 68,736; Greeley 32, 128. The same frowns in 1869 gaT Grant 95,059; Seymour 27,023. Banks is defeated for Congress 'by 4,000. : - Grant's majority in this Start' !s abont 65,0fJ0, .;.! ; . .. . . ALBMA. . Mobile. Nov. 5 J C;ty and about 7 counties gives 1,000 f ir Greeley. The rote is much ini creased. ' " Mobile, Nov. 5. In the 3rd Congressional District the Democrat gain in Bluffton, Cham bers county, 221, at Wochampaka 190. and at Talledga a reported gain of 50, but the Repub licans at Calio, in the 4th District have a gain of 200, Iu Marengo coun'y the Democrats gain largely. At Selma. in the' 1st District, the Democrats gain 200. Iu Mobile county they gain abont 1,000. Ia this city, iu the 2nd Dis trict, the vcte is about 6,200, aud indicates a Democratic gain COO and probablf 800 in the County. Returns are meagre, but indicate the State for G.-eeley and Libeial State ticket RHODE ISLAND. . j Pbovtdence, Nov. 5. Gives Grant increased majority and elects both Republican Congress men.:- j The Democrats are p l'ing alight vote. ' TENNESSEE, It is raining. But little interest is manifested in the election. The vote will be light; j Mirjnard, for Congressman at large, carries the connty. Contest close for Congre smen in this District. j Nashville, Not. 5. Returns from the State are meagre, but show Greeley ahead of1 the State ticket : Ind cations are that Andrew Johnson is defeated for Congress, with aha .ces in lavor of Maynard. . NEW HAMPSHIRE. Nashua, Not, 5. Republicans claim this State by 1500 to 2, C00. Doveb, Nov. 5.-i-The Republicau gain is 125 in this city. Coxcoarx Nov. 5. Eighty towns give Grant 17,066 Greeley 14.380. Scattering 167 The same towns gave in 186a Grant 17,301 ; Sey mour 13,702. Concobd, Nov. 5. Ti.e Slate g'oefc f r Grant by over 4,000. CALIFORNIA San Fbancisco, Nov- 5. Both parties claim , KENTUCKY. HopxrasviLiJ, , ov. 5 Partial returns itt- oucate j rant s majority in jnx.suan county to be about 800. CONNECTICUT". New" Havex, Nov. 5. The Reprilo'licanl hav a gain in this city j.,626, over 1868, ' VERMONT. Mohtpe-jb, S T. J5 3ixly-Vn towns give Grant 18,165 and Greeley 4,028. . The O'Connor vote isj very light The three Re; publican nominees were elected by the usual majority. Grant's majority in the State is 3,1 CO. iiOtTli CAROLINA. Crablestow, Nov. 5. ...Grant has earned the State by a Tery light heavy majority, while the vote is INDIANA. j Indianapolis Nov. 5. Thirty-two town ships a"d wards show a net Republican gain Over Hendrick's vote of 608. Republicans claim the fefrflStr 20 000. 126 Tow nships, jWard, and prei i acts heard from; give a Repu' lican gain of 8 488. The Democratic Central Committee concede the State by 5,000. j WEST VIRGINIA. Wheeling. Not. 5. Retails are meag but indicate that the State has gone for Grant FLORIDA. " . Tallaiassa, Not. 5. Partial returns lidl Cate the election of; Bloxhan, the Liberal candi date for GoTernoTi j , MISSISSIPPI. Jackson, Nov. 5. Thirty towns in eighteen counties give Grant 6,421 majority. Cassidy, in the 6ui District is running ahead of his ticket. In other districts there ie but little scratching done. Jackson gives a majority for Grant of 333. . , Forty-three towns gave Grant 8,656 majority Thirty towns in eighteen counties give Grant over 6,030 majority. WISCONSIN. Milwattxee, Nov. 5. Partial returns from four conties give 3,000 majority for Greeley H Democratic gain of 842. MAINE. z oRTLANDy Not. Hi The State it carried for Grant by about the same majority as m 186fj when it was 28,033. NEBRACKA. Omaha, Not. 5.- i ant's majority is prot- ably 10,000. 0"HI0. CiaoiiWATrx, Nov. 5. The GattUe teleJ graphs that OMo opens rip well Scattering re- turns show Republican g-i'nu. One preeinct in ea h of the 21 and 4th wards giTes 48 Republican gain. - I Returns throughout fie Stale indicate Grant's majority at 40 to 4.o,000. 278 township and preeinta giTe net Bepabll can gain of 5,50o. - " GEORGfA. AtrotrsTA, Not. Greeley's nwioritT ia th city w 303, and m the county 500. Tie elec tion is iniet The probable m'ajo. ity for Grte-l ley in the 8th d strict is 4,oO& ' Gen vWriit,! Democrat, is elected to Congress by a large ma jority. - - - - V " ! i ArLArr Not. 5; Ocele" carries Georgia elected. Satawwah, Not. 5. Rawls, Deowcrat prob-ablyelectedgrMr:- nal : iLAlWARBw jr " ? f publicans claim the State by a small in ijorlty. I0WJL Desmoixes; Not. 5. -GrantS majorily in to,. 000 and a fnll Republican Cougrasdloafff dele-' " giUiou. --. A -. ' j- till ... j Dubuqk, Not. 5 R pnbJreans- claim tha State by 50,000 majorities, all the Republican CongfesrtaeB areeWcted. NEW JERSEY. ' u- T New abk, Not. 5.. Dimocrata oonced''th State by 5,000 majority. Returns from the State are incomplete, bat indicate from 5,000 to 6,000 for Grant, and a Republican majority in both branches of the Legislature. For Congress the Republicans elect five out of Beven members. '"' MARYLAND: Baltimobe, Nov. 5. The-3rd Congressional District, comprising the first nine Wards of the city, gives O'Brien, Democratic, 1.330 majority over Turner, Independent Republican. The South Congressional Distrkt, compris ing oth r wards in this city, excepting th 17th. gives Swan 1,272 majority over Griswol Inde pendent. - Lowe-ids, Republican, is elected from the 6th Congressional District The 5th and 7th districts are close, dispatches from all parts of the State iadicate heavy Republican gains. FROM 'WASHINGTON, W'iSHistmw, Nov. 5 Returns from Maine show heavy Republican gains. Grant gains 964 in Portland, 272 iu Lewiston and 601 in Bangor. j.t ' Returns from Indiana are coming in Blomly. Largo Republican gains are reported ftoiu all sections' of the State. . Connecticut has gone Republic in by 2,500. Hawley, Republican, is ekcted to Congress ia , Hartford District. " ? North Carolina is conceded to the Repnbli-' cansby5,000. i ' ' The Gazette telegraphs tl at Ohio has gone Republican ky 25,000, and that Indiana is sura for Grant In Philadelphia, Grant's majority is 43,000. Grant carries every WariL " Delaware giTes 1,500 for Grant. i New Jersey giTes 5,000 for Oraat TheDem- ocrata luse two Congressmen. In Maryland, as far as heard from, no Con- . servative Congressmen has been elected. It is claimed at the White House, where they ' have oiRryatches from t-very Bute, that Grant T will gt 270 electoral T-ites. ?. New Orleans dispatches report the Texas elec tion progressing qaiaiy. It continues throe days. A London dispatch states that the commer cial treaty which has been for a long time in" ? negotiation between Great Britain1 aAr FrahMfe, was signed lo-day. , . ATTENTION, I desire to caU the attention of the public to 1 the fact that I have now on hand, and will r Continue to keep, the best, as werTaathe cheapest cigars to be found jn this cify; the finest brands ot chewing tobaccpi, yi: tfay Flower Bolace, Century and Chesapeake The finest brands of smoking tobacco, arr on Which Will ' be found Durham. Virginia ana Turkish.- :. - Shuns of all kinds, and a forge Tariety of pipes and smokers articles of every description In addition to the foregoing, every article I Usually kept in a first-class Cipar Store, can be purchased at wholesale and f etnll nt New-Bern Tobacco Emporium, South Front St, two' doors above the Oastn House. t, M. GOLDSMITH. Proprietor. iec. 9-tf. , . j , New Advertisements. , . Good rooms and all ine popuLoraSs flay at the Bkteinan House, Soatb Frm4 strcrX " FJty Guns just receiTed and for sale at old " prices, also Powder, Shot &o. MitchelL Alien & Co. M. jAHN, at his stables on Middle street- offers a fine lot of Mules and Horses at n. sonable prices. Call and see them for vouiw . selves. , Mfcbl5-tf. Georgia Cotton Gins, Da Bois Gins, Emery Gins, Ingersoll Cotton Presses are being sold ty Mitchell, Allett A Co. ' ' - " ' ' ' i "i" A fnU line of Colgate A Co's Toilet Soaps, 1 among which are the justly celebrated CaThmcre Booqtfet,- as well as" Honey rfnd" dlycerins at' Meadows & Go's. y-.:: Shawls, Dress Goods, Veveieens, Boots Shoes, Hats, and all styles of Woofen goods, at ' Agostines, on Pollock Street, next to' the K-" tiorjalBank. j , . otftfl tf Just received tfotix Jfew foil, a fine lot of iArd, Fisn, Irish Potatoes. Onions, Breakfast Bacon, llarris, Corned Beef, Pickles. Cheese. ' Crackers, Batter, c., wh41f ,re offered low by Walker A Guion. . Oct 8-tf . t FOR SALS," ; Valuable Land, , and Steam Mill. , IF NOT, DISFOSrU Of AT PH1TATP ntv ; bv theith ,,f Dumber wxt. wtUbJ Zm,, V IT Prt'"i : arid lnd U Aluo. a first rate SAW MILL, wttb 80boru iw Steam eupe. and ew frftU tt& Sh eT ' IVroad'l'.iC1" a eWP" Term moderate. - - : ' Fir further inf.. rinttion tvlT to 4w? . 'AwKLLHAfXK(C,r7rwFertN C D MVTiim. el" "e moulh' Dd Mil to Administrators Notice. DarTiUftnii, . n .... BUK--iuAni iu an OxULU t'K THP mfD 1 of Frobat f.,r Cr4a Caa,. rSPt for ale. on (be Olh dav r"' a boae nd lot at the mmw,,.? "i . Berne (treeto. bebmcinr to th. Mtlt. iJlilS 114-1 & rars v.: tlwwmM .,-.. On, hundred Mo'. .fi rchae moor, wJl eouir"dluk? ,h ' , UDg, AiHi'r.4

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