Nou Scnie'Doiln . "dimes.- . E4JIItrBits, Editor. r ru 'UestgY, AssowAte: Villon Lltriyant Eq sail ty before the I-aw ! ! : -WEDNESDAY; NCjVEMBER 6, 1872. 7 he Turned ' has .fyeen design US the ra(ficial Xtaie.' i" Cnited REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT; ULYSSES S. GRANT. ...i FOR, VICE l?UESl DEtf Ty " HENRY WILSON. Electobs at Law ob : AlARCTJS EKWIIf, of , Buncombe. SAilUEL F. FHILLIPS, of Wake. . t For EIector-41st District, " Edwabd Eaksm, of Tyrrell. I. For Elector-Snd District Wm. F. JjorrjK, of Lenoir Fey Erecter 3rd District. i. 3. Abbott, : oj New Hanover. i 7 For Elecor-r4th District, . James H. Heas&.v, of Chatham. i ' : . For Elector 5th District, r - Henux C. WiLSKS, of Davidson. ' ' --! 7" ' For E'eclor (Cth District. William S. Bvirp, of Lincoln. K !-4 . ? For Elector 7th District. P1:; James G. RAMAi.of Kowan. For Elector 4Sth District, : James M. Jusncri of Rutherford. . THE LATES RACES. An impetuousj fieiy nature is valua ble, on occasions to both nations and individuals. Thie poetic r element is in herent in it, and iwe naturally look to its manifesta' ions for (he grandest' and most enduring creations of - the fine nrts But it is a misfortune, to those nationalities, that aile possessed of this tropical energy and (heat, that they are forever plunging forward into political disintegration and disorder. And when these paroxysms; of revolution come on, there seems to be ndj effec ive resistance to headlong disastf either in the intel ligence or patriotism of the people. The great intellects which usually rise to the Bnrface in tie exigences of the Northern nations, and exercise a con trolling influence, rildingthe storm, and directing the vehemence of the tempest, are generally swept jaway by assassina tion or the most , murderous persecu tion. , The lust of pwer, spoliation or revenge monopolized the talents of the people arid the resources of the State. .And, every citizen! seems to be fur nished with . a firejrand, to, consume and destroy whatever is noblest and best in the inheritance and treasury of the pas1, v ; j . I : Take Spain and Italy as illustrations. lVthe first they! LaiTe a King; who per sonally seems to If e everything that could be desired fie is derived, from a. faroily, which s'ands as high for. char acter 'and principle ts any in Europe. He-has exhibited, foom the first, an en lightened and liberal policy infinitely, superior to that of jany other Spanish dynasty. He has faithfully tried tore commend himself tf his subjects by his profound sympathy iwith their interests, and his earnest j participation in every effort to elevate and jimprove their social and political condition. And yet, there are a thousand daggers in Spain to-day, ready to drink his blood, if the - oppor tunity should offer. In Italy, now flrat th-e temporal pow'ejr.'of the Pope .has vanished, there seerps to be a lull on the public mindi But we have no con fidence in its genuineness or durability. ft is something new for Italians to rule Italy, The degradation of the Papacy is a novelty to the Roman mind. To stand on the Pincian Hill, and-to know th it the great Empress City has passed out of the hands of cardinals and bishops, and is the ijree home and p- op crty of her own chfldren, is a refreshing and invigorating tbjought. , Bat wait until this riovelty wears' off, and this knowledge becomestame, and the his toric waters of the jrioer will witness unother struggle. The fact is, neither paly nor Spain can keep quiet long. Tiiey are filled with a nervous, exeita We population. And like their own fi ery mountains they nust cast out burn ing lava. . ' I. , "We candidly be-liete, that none of the Lain races are fit foi: self-government. The very corner-stoie of the politics of a free people is, that'all power ia lodged iu the.hands of the governed. fr If ttev public servan' s are iot faithful to the trttt imposed in thejm, th,e ballot is the .y'-yMcU th'ejr ' are cut down. But ij; takes a large measure of intelli gence, an enlightened conscience, and-nn- independent character au3i: educa tion, to exercise this power wi h wisdom, a.nd discretion., jThc. Anglo-Saxon raqe is the only one, which has, as yet, shown f themselves fit for a republic JjjTit 3s no argument against this prop osition to say, that the population of our own country is largely composed of foreigners and immigrants. The truth is, this element has been educated in republican doctrines by its contact with our native population, and has thus be- CTmre-fitted-for-tbe-blewiagS ".which- we enjoy, f Bufc the; genuine Latin.' races' never will have stable, free governments, until they "are lifted fdt above their present sopar.and educational condi tion. ; . . ,: A CURIOUS COIWEDY. One Hundred and Fifty Women Searched The- Detroit Free Press of , the 23d prints the following history: , -, :; It is a fact probsMy better known to the custom house officials than to out siders that at least every tenth woman wlio crosfes the Detroit river carries smuggled . coorls, : Thepe goods may be tea, coffte, socks, threa1, ribbons, or something else of no great value; but the intent to smng!e is there, and the SUCOP58 In bringing over a small lot is nearly always an inducement for , the smuggler to try the gamo on a large scale. ' Men may and do smuggle clothes now and then, but it is the fenvile Bex which carries the burden of guilt. Tlie custom-house officials at the ferry dock in tftis city are as vigilant as officers can be, but what chances have they agiinat monstrous hoopskirt"! and gigantic bus tles? Th.y cannot stop to peep under shawisj examine pockets, look into baby carts and hold a crowd -on the boat, and so they must continue their work with the kno vlede that goods arc being smug gled, and that only one grand and 3u l den haul of the;r nets can trap the guilty and frighten the innocent so that they shall never dare to pursue thiit business. The nt-t wus drawn yesterday. The officers commenced about two o'clock walked fifteen or twenty woman up stairs into the custom rooms and handed t'lem over to a woman to be searched. Every boat-ioad which fandul for about two hoars, was tn ated in the ainie manur -that is, all the female portion. Some were indignant, and appealed to their husbands, who vainly appea'ed to the enstom officers. Othcis wan'ed to faint away, but after looking at the planks and dust concluded not to. Others wept, laughed or turned pale, but none of them were permitted to esc'pa, D.irinc; the afternoon about one hundred and fi ty women were confronted by TJ tote Sa n, and the old man had a g"d deil of fun and made some wonderful discoveries, j For insanci a modest little wo nan, who was in a great hurry to go home to her sii-k child, nulled out a few pi is, and ten yards of Eigl sh flannel fell" to the fljor. A tall woman, wit'i tears in her eyes, who asserted that she would .sooner chop her head of than to think of smug gling, unfastened a pound of tea from her skeleton, and asserted that it must have been placed there by some designing person. . Another one ind;gnantly denied "the right of search," but after remain ing a piisoner for an hour or two, told the searcher to take it and go to grass, throwing a package of riWbons and laces on the floor. A litofea'ico was found on another, some velvet on another, and at least ten per cent, of the wholj num ber were found to be engaged in smug gling. The officials were satisfied with confiscating the goods, i Net Twine 'of all sizes. , Seins of any sise and weight knit to order. Mitchell, Alk-n & Co. A PROCLAMATION: By His Excellency, the Governor of , , , North Caro'ina. Wheueas, It is, meet and eminently proper that the people of & great s' ould return heartfelt thanks to Al mighty God f r the many privileges and blessings vouchsafed unto them through His infinite mercy nnd goodness, and by devoijt prayer and supplication, to ask for a continuance. of the same: Nojw Therefore, I; Tod Tl. Cat-dwell, Governor of North Carolina, in obedience to law, and in conformity with an hon ored custom; do appoint and set apart TIIUR.SDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1S72. as a day of solemn and public Thanks giving and Prayer in this State; and I do earnestly invite the Clergy of all de nominations in the State to open their respect ve houses of worship, on said day, and call upon their congregations to hum ble themselves at the throne of the Great Jehovah, and render unto Ilira praises which are justly due, and to invoke ioi Ihemselvee, their State, and their whole country, , His divince guidance and pro tection through all future time. " Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks : for that thy name is near, thy wondrous works dec-are." l -., .,. Done in. the City of Ualeigh, on this the Twenty-Eight of, Oct jber A. D., (.ie ...Thousand Eight L. S.I Hundred and Seventy-.Two, and ht tr-.' Ninety Seventh, year, of Amer'caa Indeppnlencp ' , - .TOD ll. CAtDWEhW Dy the Governor;. -. , . . 'Jons. B." XEAriiERT, . 3-t., .. . M , Private S:crcUry .... T . . ... Seasonable Sajrireftlong. ' ' The heavy mists and. cold nigbt dews which characterize the present reason are very trying to delicate organizations, and in low-lying and, swampy localities they produce an enormous crop of intermittent fevers of various types and degrees of intensity. At this very time there are probably half a million of people in the United States suffering frcim ! periodica fevers by miasmatic fogs and exhalations. What imuieB prevalence, OI LAIS evil - plorabl. -4hw fact that it might in all case be easily ' ore van ted.- . Malaria and damn pro duce" little dr hd Effect 'uponlhe "system ' pre--fortified by a c .nrse" of Hostetter's Stomach letters are Teceived from persons residing in fever and nguestrictg, who state-that while their neighbors, are incapacitated . for ibor by that debilitating disease, they have been hap pily exempted from attack by the regular . us6 of the great vegetable antidote t" miasma. , As a ch'olopic or specific for intermitteutent and remittent fevers the Bittars may be justly ac counted infallible. They eradicate the com plaints in their most obstinate forms, but the wiser course is to forestall attack by taking the preparation as a preventive. The amount of productive labor withdrawn irom active service during several months in the year by malarious maladies is immense, and the pecuniary losses to individuals,, families, and the nation from this cause is incalculable. Bear in mind tht by toning and rguliting the system with Hos- tett'r's Bitters before the calamity ; comes, it may alwa S be escaped; and let it also be re membered that; indigestion, general debility. biliousness, constipation, nevvous complaints, and indited almo-1 all disturbances and de rangements of the physical system are con trollable by this genial restorative. Memted DrTiNcnoN. The well-known Groton Junction, on the great thoroughfare of the Northern Lihesto Boston, has ceased to be. With a large aud increasing popula tion, proud as well as prosperous, its citizens, in mass meeting assembled, have voted to change the name of their town to "Atek" after one of the best known men in America, Dr. J. C. Ayeb, of Lowell and the Legisla ture of Massachusetts has enacted that de cision into law. We eomraisnd th-jir choice, for not only is the name short and distinctive but Dr. Ayeb's Medicines Lave made it gra'e- ful'y known to the end of the ear:h. Pioba bly no living man has carried relief to such countless multitudes of the sick as he, and this high honor, fiom hia neighbor?, tells the estimation ii which he is- held by those who know him. Bristi-1 Times. If you feel dull,, drowsy, debilitated, have frequent headache, mouth tastes bad, poor appetite and tongue coated, you are suffering from Torpid Liver or "Biliousness,'' and nothing will cure you so speedily aud perma nently as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. Sold by all druggists. A DEiJGHTrrrL Suepeise. Ladies whose faces ore clouded by superficial discolors tions, and who have resolved to try Hagan's Mag nolia Balm as a remedy have no i.lea of the welcome surprise they will receive from their mirrors alter a few applications of that health ful purifier of the complexion. - If at all ex citable, they will scream with rapture on be holding the change: whether the blemish it is desired to remove be Ballowness, blotches, pimples, freckles, roughness, or an unnatural pallor, it is bound to disappear under the tonic operation of this wonderful agent To say that the blemish disappears, does not, however, convey any idea of the effect produced by this celebrated beautifier. The unsightly tinge, whether diffused over the wh le countenance or in spots, or patches, is replaced by a uniJ form, pearly bloom, to which no description can do justice. . . THOMAS GATES, The Middle St. Grocer, OFFERS FIRST-CLASS GRO CERIES AT PRICES THAT x DEFY COMPETITION. Wholesale and Eetail Dealer in GROCERIES, ETC. Full discounts allowed for CASH and the largest price paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE. THOMAS GATES, Opposite Peoples Market, Middle St. tf. " : ! THOMAS MCCARTHY. ' WHOLESALE AND RET A1J- DEAI.EB IN . GEOCEEIES, LIQUORS, &c. Junction Pollock and Qoeen Streets. The highest price pirid for conntry produce. Ac commodations fur trawler. all and e me. o?-2 A NATIONAL SAVING'S BANK. THE FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Chaetebed hx the United States, Mabch 3, 1SG5. Assets more than $4,250,000 NEWBERN BRANCH, Corner South , Front and Middle - Streets' Total Deposits. $1,167148.01 Total Drafts, 1,095,275.21 Due Depositors Oct. 23, $S 1,872.80 Increase sinca Sept. 30, : - $6,747.41. This Bakk Pays Srx Pes Ciest Lstbrest on Savings deposits . compounded iu January and July of each year, to be drawn by Pais-Books uly. ; . . ? SpEaAX Abbatojhmems made for receiving hasinens accoums payable by chucks and bear ish & per cent interest. - - . ' -j lNV.BaTMXTS If A1B PS GoVERNTifKST BOXI S ano Real Estatk SEcustrrEs onuc. . W. ALVORDvPres. New. Berne Markets. CORRECTED DAILY. Apples, fV pc. ............. - 3oO$bO Beef, choic ! 10n)15 Beef, whole, dressed,, , otSJo Bacon,...-...- VAfflfJiaj Bagging, - 182t Batter,.... 204O Brick, 13M...... i $10$U Beeswax,;:.. '-.;: 1 A! 30e Bbl Staves, Whiteoakj $12$18 OBndlSjVT'.v.V" ; r. a .4 r ' 1 20 Coflee; Bio, . .'. " ' 2025 Java,. .-. . - - 37(3a CoaL .... $7.50$9 50 Cypress Staves,. $10S12 Cabbages, Dressed Hogs, . . Egg".--- Fish Barrels,... Field Peas,.,... .... 1U5J0 .... 74 1515 .... . 5060 ' . ' 6lX$75 .... $5.5012 50 Flour, Fodder,..-.'...;. Hide, dry, 901 00 15 8 " green, Hay hundred, Heading, Ash, $1.6i5l-75 10 m 10c 1 501 7a 40(o),;Q 1.75 52,50 $5.25S6.50 IroaTies. "33 lb, Irish Potatoes bushel . . . . Sweet Potatoes Lime, . -. . . . I Lard, Mullets,...: Herrings, m Drums 53 bbL.... Meal Mblasses, syrup, .. .-. ; . . ... . thiba, " Eng. Island,.... Nails Oats,..;...............:.. $C.008O0 ... $5.01 $1 001 10 .' 223t 3035 30 $6.50$7.50 : 4546ti Pork, Bump. Pork, Fresh, ...... Pork, City mess Peanuts, new. . .. . Rope, Rags, Snuff, Lorrilard's, . . . " Gail & Ax Shingles, Cypress, . . , $14 00 7WU ...'.$16 0016.50 $1.5051.75 . ; 68 , 3a3i 68a70 60a65 6 inch, $6; 7 inch. $8 Sugar, white, brown, : ' Salt, "sack, " alum jJ bushel, Spun Cotton, ( , .: Spirit Casks Tobacco Wheat Wood, ( oak or ash), "j cord, " Pine, Yellow Pine Lumber. MOSEY MARKET. Gold American Silver .......... Mexican. 12Jal4 '10M12J J1.50 . 50 $1.70a$1.85 $2aS2.50 45a7.'i 1 25a$1.50 S3.40aS4.20 $2.40nS2.(iO $12a$20 lllall2 10Cal05 lOGallO Baltimore Lock Hospital - D R . JOHNSTON !' Physician of thi celebrated Institution, discovered! when in the ('reat HQpita's of Europe, viz: England, France and et-ewhere. the moct certain, speedy. Jiieas-f ant a-d ettctnal remedy in 'He worm lor all fc-xcesses; or Abuses of the Svsiem Weaknens cf the Bark or Lim'w S ricmres. A if action of theEidny or Bladder Involuntary Discharges. Imp -tency Gerirml Debility Nervousm-so. Dsix-p-ia Languor. Lew Spirits ( oh- lufi.m of ideas. Palatation cif the Heart. Dimness of Sisrht or Oidrtiness. Uise.ise of tht! Heart t hroat Nse or SUin. Affections of the I.iver Lnnes Stoma'h or Rowels those terrinle disorders arisius from Solitary Hah ts of Y oth secret and solitarT practices more fatal to their victims than tne sou? of the Svrens to the Mariners of l lvsses blrhtin; their mutt b'-ilnaitt hopes or anticipations, renderinir marriage, ' tc, im poasible, destroying both lody and mind. YOUNG MEN Espci ally, who have hecome the victim" of Solitary Vi ve. that dreadful and destructive habit which annH ally sweep- to an antimely -rrave thonsands of younst men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect who miht otherwise hav entranced listening Senates wltn tue tnun'iers ot eieqnence or wama to testacy tne living lyre, may can witu tun connuence MARRIAGE Married persons. orVonnsr Men contemplatin? mar ring, awrnre of Physical Weakness. Losb of Pr-creaiive fowenlmp ISen-oiis r.xcitahility. fnlpatafiou. Oriranic Weakness. Nervous Debility, orany other Dis qu iliflcation. speedily relieved. Me wh ) place" himself under the care of Dr J. may relieriwsly confide in his honor as a c-eiitlemaa, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. 0 RGAN1C WEAKNESS Immediately Cured and full Visor Restored. This distressing Affection which renders life mis erable and marriaee impos-lldj Is the penult paid hr the victims of improper indulgences. Youns persons are too apt to commit excesses from not I'eins; aware of th dreadful conssqiiences that may ensne. Now. who that undt-rstonds this subject will pretend to deny that the power oi procreation is lost sooner by those falline into improper namts tnau ny the prudent? Be sides beinz deprived of the p'easure of heal t hi v off. spirriif. the most enoos and desmctive symptoms of txnn Doay ana mina arise. 1 ne sysiein oecomcs ae- erade Lss of Prticreative ITjwer. Nervous Irritability. Dys pepsia, falpitation ot tne Heart. Indigestion. Confti tuiional Debilitv and Wastine of the Frame,' Cough! cousumpiioD, jjecay anu ueatn. A GORES EEDIIY WARRANTED. Persons ruin in health by nmearned pretenders who keep them tnfline mon alter month, taking nois- onous and lnjuriuus corapuunds, should apply imme diately. . OR. JOHNS TON; Member of the Roval Co lleee ot Surseons, London iradnata of one of the most exiinent Colleges in the. United States, and the best, part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of. London. Paris Philadel phia and elsewhere has effected some of the most as t'lnishinz cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in theead and ears when asleep, treat nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bash fullness, with freijuent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr'. J. addresses all those who have injured them selves by improper Indulgence and i solitary habits, which rain botu body aud mind, unfitting them for either bn-iness, study society or marriage. Theat.-are some or the sad and melancholy effects produced by the early hahitt of youth, viz : Weakness of the back and limns, pains in tn head, dimness of sight loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritability, derangement of the digestive functions, general debility, symptoms of consumption,&c j MustALiT The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded. Loss of Memory. Confusion of Ideas. Depression or Spirits. Evil Forebodings. Aver sion to Socitty Serf Distrust. Love of Solitude. Timid: ity &cife some of t&e vils produced. . . i Thousands of persoas of all ages can now jndge hat is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous ana emaciated".! having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough; and symptoms ot Consumption. j YOUNG MENi Who have Injured themselves by a ce-tain practice indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions or at school, the effects of wnich are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not enred ren dor marriage impossible, aud destroys both miud an I bodv. should apply imraediat ;ly. What a pity that yonng man. the hope of bis countrv the pride of his parents, should be snatched from all prospectsand enjoyment 01 life by the eonseqneuceof deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such per&ous must, bef ore con. templatiBg. : MARRIAGE. Reflect that a sound mind and body are the most neces 1 sarv requisites to promote connubial happiness. In ; deed, witnout these the journey through lite becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view, the inind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another is blighted with oar own. A CERTAIN DISEASE When thi" misguided and imprndeut votary of pleas are finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful dis ease, it too often happens that an ill timed sense of sname or dread of discovery deters him from applying ; to those who. from education and respectability, can alone befriend him. . lie tails into tne hands of igno rant and designing pretenders, who. Incapable of cur ing, filch hi. pecuniary substance, keep him trifling month after month, or as long an the smallest tee can be obtained, and in despari leave him with ruined health to sigh over his galling diappointmeBt: or, by the use of that d. adly poikon. Merenrv. cause the con. stitntional symptoms of this horrid (Utwase to make their appearance, such as u lew rated sore throat, din cased nose, noctmal pnins in the head and limbs, dimness of sialic deaf n ss.lod.-s on the shin bones and aims, blotches on the bead, face and extrcmetie. progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last tb palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall and the victim of this awfnl disease necoraes a horrid object o commiseration till death puts a period to his dreadful suffering, by sending bira to that undiscov. ered country --from whose bourne no traveller returns." To such, theref ore. Dr. Johnson offers he most certain, speedy, pleasant ani effectual remedy ia te world. , . OPFI CE. ISOTJTH FREDERICK ST ' BWTIMOBE. MARYLAND. ' Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner, Fail not to observe name and number. fc Notettew raceWed unless postpaid nd con I taininga sump to be used on the reply. Persons writing should state age, and seul a portioa of ad vertisement desert ring rymptoms I The Doctor s DiPLOMA hangs fn bis office. . . . EHDORSEMC5T OF THE PRESS. The man' ny thousand cured at this esrabhshmect ! last twenty years and the nomeroao iirr- within the portant surgical operation wrfonm d bv on. witnessed by the KepreSiDta rives of the Pre and. many others, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his stands tag aa a man. of honor uui responsibility, ia a aajXicieM guarantee to Lhe af&icted. In addition. I havo i celTM ana am nw fl, fieringto the trade H the follow tag Otchoire branda of 'Foreign and ; Do T tnnora-at .tne tore. - vi AiesVKr f Portr. ! schnapps. i Brandy Peachs Wh-at Whiskey, i Cock Tail Hitters, Rose Cordial, i Itasoh. rrr stiup. I o m o z a 03 A prices which defr competiton : WHISKIES. . . Jellies, &C.. fcc Demijohns, ' '" Jugs, I Bottles. tain Rye. ISOfi. LLl poncbeity Son i J PnmKtu.lSKl D m, 2 PI O O w m c! o - d w O r C O w Decanters, r 1T". Zeigler's Kye. If 6S. H In bbim. and hiUf Glas Ware and Bar Fix' area of aU kirda. j 0 bbls. Old Kectr. Old Kentncky , Bourbon, Korth Carotin Corn Wnisky. My Bar Is stocked V with the bst Li quors and -cigars M the market affords. ar.d mj motto is to please all who favor W us with thtir pa! lJ Pi BKASDIXS. . , tronaye. i. A K- MartelTs Jmpoi ted J. Fitune.y &t Co's Importi A Otard I npnyiCo'a it ported. Apple I'rach. Ci'-g" r. BlRckbrrr aud theiry I also keen the choicest Br::nds of manatactun d To bacco's and Cigar;. among mrich ai the following : tobacco, (l'lng.) Graverly'i bent. Pan Cake. Golden fis H b 0 t: t! H and fcavy )4 lbs. tobacco. (Solrtce.1 4 Old Sherry, Michigan Dew Dr p Port. Madcris. Claret, r.hine, Cali fomia and Scuppernong. Aiorning ll..ry and Century cigabs. P E ID E OF N EW B E R NK o B o K o l-l o ti S3 & &- H O W O manufactured to or CTKS. der from choice Havana tobacco, Biilliant. Old Plantation, ParUgos 03 3 (1 Fine Init ortcd Fine Impoi'ed Srhiodam, Fine ImT"rt- d - -XSX Fish, Old Rose. Old Anchor, and Old Swan tud Flop U?- XJcmember the place BLVE STORE. BUM. HtDDLl Street, opposite , rine sr Imported Jsmaca. Peoplb"s Makkkt. ' Pnre New Engl md, Portland Ditillery. Q JAS s. LaTIME? P . Proprietor. "T PROSPECTUS FORI$72.MXTII TEAR THE ALDINE, An ninstrntecl Month y Journal, universally admitted to be the H .iirlsoiiie-it Peiioiiiyil iu the world. A Representative und; Champion of Araernan lnst. N-ifor Sale in Book or News Stores. THE A l.i DINE, while issnerl with aI5 the rgulanty, his none of tbe temporary or tiose y interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It i an flegaut miscellany of pure, lig taud grai.-elul httratnie; aud a col t ction of j ictores, the rar st tpaciuiensof artistic skil', iu ai d white. Althong i cuch succ edmg nuiiiber affords a fresh phasure to its fijiid, thqreid value iicd I eiuty of tlie ALDINE will be ino-t npj rcc'aied after it has butu bouu'.t rp :-t the c'oe of the year. While other publications n ay el im suprior fhcupnesw, as ci.niiu-e.i with rival" t a siinl.'ar cl.iss-, TIIK ALDI E is a unique aiid original concvptiou alone ;tt;d ni-.: ppioai-hed al so nHy without competition iu . rice or chamct. r. t ii poes-sor of a com plete volume cai.not cla;lii-ute the quaijtity of fine paper and engraving- io any omer shipe or nuniiier f'f v ltiDiescr ten tunes lis cost j and then, there are Ulaomos, btmdes! AET DEPABTMEXT. Notwithstanding the increase in the priie of subscription last Full, when THE ALpINE assumed its presest, noble pr portions and representative character, the edition vasmo$t than doub ed during the pa t year; prpving that the Ainer can public appreciate, and will support' a sincere eff . -rt in he caiiFe of Art The" publishers, anxious to justif the ready confidenc thus demonstrated, have exerted themselves to the utmost to deve op and im prove the work ; and the plans for the coming year, as unfolded bv the monthly issues, will astonish and delight even the motet sanguine friends of THE ALDINE. The puljsheis are authorized to announce designs from many of the most em nent artiste of Aine ica - In addition, THE ALDLNE will r p odnce examples of the best for ign masters, selected with a view to the highest artistic success, and greatest general interest; avoiding such as have become f am liar, through photographs, or copies of any kind The quarterly tinted plates, for 1873 wil reproduce tour of John S. Davis' iniu.itable chi d-sketches, ap; ropriate to the four seasons. These plat 8, appearing in the issues for -i anu ary, A pril. and July, and October, would be alone worth the price of a year's subscription, i The popular feature of a copiously illnstrated " Christmas " number wil. be continued. To possess such a valuable epit me of! the art world at a cost so trifling, will command the subscriptions in every section of the coun try : but us the usefulness and attrac ions of THE ALDINE can be enhanced in proportion to the numerical increase of it supporters,! he publishers propose to make "assurance dohble sure," by the following nnparallel d offer of PKEMItMS CEROMOS FOR 1873. j Every subscriber to THE ALDINE, to pays in advance for the year. 1873 wil receive, wi hou ' additional charge, a pidr of beauti ul oil chromos, after J. J. Hill the eminent Eng lish piuiiter. The pictures, ent tied . " fThe Village Be le," and " Crossing tlie Moot." are lx'JO inches are printed from 25 different plates, requiri g 23 impressions and tints to perfect each picture. The same chromos are sold for $30 per pair, in the art stores. As it is th- deter nination of its conductors to keep THE ALDINE out of the reach of conip tit ton in every department, the chromos will be found correspondingly ahead of any tha can be offered by other peri dicahi Every sub scriber will receive a cert flcate, over the siguatnre of the publishers, tvaranteeinjf feat the chromos delivered shall be equ 1 to the samples fumi hed the agent, or the money will be refunded The distribution of pictures of the grade, free to the subscribers to a five dol ar periodical, w 11 mark an epoch in the history of Art ; and, considering the unprece dented cheapness of the price for THE ALDINE itse f, the marvel falls little short of a miraple, even to those best acquainted with the achieve ments tf inventive ge ins and improved mechanical appliances. (For i lustrations ot ihese chromos, see Nov mber issue of THE ALDINE ) - j TH UTBKABT DEPARTMENT j will continue., under the care of Mr. Eichard Henry Btoddar.l, assisted by the best writers and poets of the day. who will strive to I ave the literature ofj THE ALDINE always in keep ing witn its arusuc attractions. TEEMS. $5 PEB AXNCM,"rS AVA!TCE, WITH OIL. CBBOMOS FEETi. j THE ALDINE will, hereafter, be obtainable only by Mibscription. There will be no re duced or clu'i artes ; cash for sub - cri ptkjtm mnst be se-1 to the publkhers direct, or handed to t!.c local agent, v.iJiout respomriSilitu in (he whliskers, except in cases where the certificate is given, bearing the fae-snmle signature of James Sutton & Co. - ; AGEKTS WASTED Any person, wishing to act permanently as a local agent, wili rect ive fall information by applying to j JAMES SUTTON A Ce ,. Publishers, j 08 Maiden Lane, New York. Kov. Ist-tf. N O T I C E . CittMfha's Ottick. ewBern. Oct. 19. 1T?. ON SUXDAT OCTOBER TII . A WHITE HOG wei?hifr about 80 Pi.tinrt w fn r-dnnine at larre. hi viohit on of a "ity Orrtfnsnee. and was Im pounded. Notice ia bT-by given, that if the rnrd iff is n t reeenK-d on r before Saturday. Novemlier .4d. it will be sold at the Police tali on Honae, to the high est biddec at ii o d ck A. M. yr. O.TURNER, C hj MarebiS. t have jnst .re- GR OGvER IESI :. 4 Flour, Pork Sugars, Coffe e Sugar, Cured Earns, Breakfast Strips, Coasted Coffee, Crackers, Market Beef, Best of Butter, Ac. Xc. AT W. HOLLISTER'S, !rou:h Front Street, Jel5tf three doors ft om Gaston ITouRe B. L. CHURCHILL, i BTJCCKSSOR TO B. L. CHUKCIIILL Sl CO., Attho old stand of Hart & Lewis New-jderne, N. C. Tin Ware Manufactory, AND i FURNISHING LTOUS1C STORE Roofing and gutter work made a spe ciainy. Dealers to STOVES, Hard Ware, Wilkrwj Ware and Wooden Ware, Gruns, Pistols, Powder, Shot I ajd Caps, Kerosene, Lard and Common Oils, Lamps in Great Variety, Chimneys, Wicks, G-lass, Putty, and a full stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. i i i - A 8 I make Stovm . a specialty. I would be pleased to have all in want, to examine my stock betorj making purchases. Bj L. CHURCHILL, Ho. W, MiddU Street, New-Berne, Jf. C. March 1 tf. j CUTLER. & GATES, 26 Middle Street, NEW BERNE, N. C. TIN ROOFERS and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of everj description. We gnarrantee all IlaoffiBg for Twelve months Dealers In Hard Wabe, nxow Wabi and YVoodex Wabje, KeBOBEKZ, IiABD LAMPS IN GREAT aito Common Oils, VARIETY. CHIilNEVS, WICKS, &C. and a full stock of House Furnishing Goods ! Stoves a specialty. Fnrticnlnr ftftpntir.n in. vited to the "New Americsin.' the best and most complete cooking stov tr t prtiente t. No. 2ft. Middle1 Street. New Rom. H. n. aiay u , E. M. 1V1LL1A31S, NEWBERN. K. C. Genl Life, Jasualty, Fire aud - ' : . ,. . Marine Insurance At lj j AM ENDORSED AND 1-RESCR1BFH BV MOR leading physicians thau auy otker'tonic or utim nlaut now in ute. Th. v re A SURE 1KEVEXTIVE For Fever and Aitne Intennitwiits. Biliousness ,d all disorders ariviug from malm ions cause T'iv hish'y recommended as an ANTI-wYSl'KPTi'r .73 In cases of INDIGESTION are isvah ab'h APPETISER and h Ri'CPEKKXT. and i GSNEttAl. DEBILITY they have never in ainjit h? st-ince tailed in producinj; the most hapuy reiuli." They are particulsrlv 3 'nulls. BENEFICIAL TO FEMALES. Strengthening the body, invioratinj; the ni'nd givin '. tone and elasticity to the whole s'vstcm -Tb. HO"E BITTEKS are compounded wilt the r.n"t of cre. and no toiiic stimulnnt bas ever iiefoip tWi offered to the public so I'LKAS A N 1 TO THE TAVTK and at the same time conihinuiiuL' to many n-nunui aeents endorsed by the medicl f v as ibe he known to the PharcopL-ia. it cost but little to nir them a fair trial, and EVERY FAMILY Mhonld have n BOTTLE. No preparation In the woi id can produce so maiiv nnqualified endorsemems hy pl.vsiciaiis ot the vr highest stnding in their prifesi-sion 'v - - ' A'udorttd alto ly tht tUrgy and tl.t Uading dtitomi nationat paper r. Rev. Vi m. R Babcotk. the oldest Methodist minis, ter in St. Louis, says the Home liuters were most prat-.ful in contributing ii, tlie lebtoialiou ot niT strength, and an increase of apprt;te. OhhoKS Mo. ..June 25. 1ST1 Person greatly debilitated, ar 1 Lave hi en. Bud who require a tumc or stihulakt, ut-ed sei-k t r iwihiLe better than the Home Bitters. S. W.tOPE. Pre'idins.' Kld-r M. E Church. Platiphure Dieiiit-t. Ukitsii States M akink Hospital St. Louis Mo.. ct. S. lSTft i James A. Jackson fcCo. 1 have, exmnined the for mula for makint; the" Home Stomach bitters." aud used them in this hospital the Inst four months. 1 considered them the most valuable tonc nnd' M'mn. lain now in use. S. 11. MEI.CIlhK. Kesidetit Physician in charge U. S. Marine Hospital. Jam Kg A. Jackson & Co.- UentleiiH-n . As von have communicated to the medical profession th' re. cipe ot the " Home Uttte s " it cnniiol, ihereioie Im considered as a patent medicine, no patent huvit r K-eu taken for it. We have ezniined the torniula Jormsk. injr the Home Litters." and unhesitatiutriy fa ti;e comhinntion is one of rare excellence, nil I he artich-a used in its composition are the best tif the ehrss iu which ti ey belong, being iiijjht ly Tonic, hliuiuli i.t Stomachic. Cr" initive, and shthtly Laxative. '1 ho mode of preprinc thwni fs strictly iu accordaui e with the rul. s of pbarmacy. ' llavinj; used tb m in our pri vate practice, we tufce ph-asutein revtimniendirc ihrm to all pesroiis desirous of taking Bitters, ax i-ii!ir ths best Tonic aud t-timulai.t now i. fiend tothenulic. FKANK G. l UhTl H. Piof. Obstetrics and Diseasen of Worn. ti. O'lllege of Physicians, and ate member Boint of H.-ahh. L. V. U 'lsLI ML lit. Prof . of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women. M. Louis Mtii. Col'c-Ke. Diake" McDowell. M. 1)., j Late Pres't. Mo. Jii d al lOllefe. K. A. Clark. M. I) , Prof . Surpery. Mo. Medical Collet-e and lute llvsidea- Phjsician City Hospital. St. Louis Missouri. Herbert Ptinim. Pnf.' Practical Phormacy. St. Louis Colleee of i'lurinaty. J C. Whiteuill.Ed. Melical Airiiita -Alf. neacock.M D Dr. C V V. Luiiwir, C. Gcncke. M. D. S. fit at a Moses. M. D. C, A, Waie. 51. D. W. . Wilcox. M. D. E. C Frmiklin. M. U. Prof. Surgery, Homwpathic Medical College T J Vanillic. M L ; TO ConisUH-k M D Prof, of Midwifery and Diseases of -Womeu, Colii(;a of HomtEopai hie Physiciaus and Snrtr'-ons. John T Temple M I) Prof. Materia and Theiaupeutica, Iiuinirpat'.iic Jledical College of Missouri. Jno. M D Lecturer On Diseases' of Children, Uomo-psthic Colli ce ot Mis souri. Cl:arles Vastine. M 1 Prof, of Physiology. Uomcepathic Medical Co letre of M". -John Hartmau. M D l'tof. Clinical Medical Col. lluiuccopathic pplijsici .ii .aid Surd's. They are Superior t-all other Stomach Bitters Kutio Sanders Analytical Cheuiist. No Bitters in the oi I c an excel them. Simon 11 irt-ch. Annlyt cnl Clinnist. F.mlnsnt Fliysicf uiih wl Chira t;o. The formula for the Home Bitters bas lieen submit ten to us Hi.d we believe them to tic the bi st tunii aud stimaleni for Keueral use now effereri to the pulilic. H Woodbury. M I) O A Mariner. Analytical Jus j Z blimey M D Chemist Prof liemislry. ltua II S Hahn. M D - Medical Colb-ee 'B McVicur. M D J B Walker. M U N. r'n S Barnes. HD T S llo;i:e, M D B Ludlam. M D Thos T hllis. M D Jhs A Collins. M D J A ilal.n. M D - Eminent Physicians in Cincinnati. Ne.irly a'l of whom are Profetsors iu oue ot 'the other of tlie Medicai Colleges. No other bitters have ever been offered to the pnb lia rmhracini.' so many valuable remerii alaeiits. J L Vattier. M D LA James. M D C T bimson. M D S P AI D C M uscratt. M D O W B'ler. M D W T TallUeio. M D J J Quinn. M D J II Buckner M D W K Woodward. M D G A Duherty. M D K S Wavne, Chemist O Woodward. Ml) ti K Tarlor. M 1) D W M.Canhy. M D p K Muley. M D K U Jtihtmon MI) 8 B iOmlinsoii. M D Kminriil FhylrlanH in M-niiliU. The Home Bittters are an invaluable remedy for in digestion and diseases arising from material causes. C B Tborton. M D " Alex, tr-kine. M D in "hareeof City Hospital. M K Hin cere. M ii J M RodL'.is. M D Pal tn - " ' Ii W Puinell M D MA Edmund. X Sandfoid Bell. M D Jos E Lynch. M D Eminriit Physician in PlfUlura:h B F lake. M I) Win Cloves. M I) W KCbilds. M D D 11 Willatd M I O Wuth. Chemist, f , J II JicClelland, Jl D And IlnmlrrrlH tl Otln-is. in all parts ot the North. West aud South S K Garner. M D Milwaukee. Countil Bliffs. Bnrch ST. 1f7l. Jakes A Jackson ACo. Having examined the lor mula of the - Hunt Stomach Bitters." 1 t.a'e pre scribed them in my practice for some time, and pro nouuee them the best Tonic Bitters now m use. P U HcMahon. St D. "For sale by all druzirista. Jsiuica A. Jirkaon C i .. Ppoprtrtor. Lahrauiry HKxthi Iir7 N. Sieeond Met. Louis Misonrl LOUIS H. UAEB THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN NOItTII CAROLINA ! WHOLESALE OR RETAIL! Auction Sales Every ETening BY THE OKIGIXAL CHE AP J O H N ! LOUIS N. BAER & CO. Jobbers and Retailers of all kinds of 41qtliing. Boots, "Shoes, Hats, Caps, Yankee Motions, le. CHEAP JOHN, SSrTlia Great Leveler of High Prics f-t Conntry mfrcbanU can rrp.'eDh Heir stock" here cheaper than at any other ilotta in Nc Berne. - LouisKBaer&Co.! at the sign ef i CHEAP JOHN, Cor. So. Front and Middle Sts., New Berne, N.C. ctil t U r - j